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Angol szintfelmero teszt-1

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  • 7/28/2019 Angol szintfelmero teszt-1


    1. You walk in the middle of the road. Its dangerous.

    a) mustnt b) arent allowed c) oughtnt d) dont have to

    2. I am afraid I tell you.

    a) cannot b) am not in a position c) am unlikely d) am unable

    3. We leave early in order to catch the plane.

    a) must have b) had to c) were obliged d) needed

    4. You that whole bar of Bounty on your own.

    a) mustnt have eaten c) arent allowed eating

    b) werent supposed to eat d) werent to have eaten

    5. wear a uniform?

    a) Do I have to b) Need I to c) Ought I d) Have I do

    6. My father said I to bed at once.a) should to go b) had to go c) have had to go d) must have gone

    7. Dont worry. You put on your smartest dress for the party.

    a) mustnt b) neednt c) are not allowed d) ought not

    8. I use your pen?

    a) May b) Do I have to c) Must I d) Am I allowed

    9. Certainly, you

    a) might b) may c) must d) are allowed

    10. Of course you are all well aware that during the exam.

    a) you arent allowed cheating c) no cheating

    b) you arent let to cheat d) cheating is not permitted

    11. I to Pepsi Island since I became 18.

    a) could go c) could have gone

    b) have been allowed to go d) am able to go

    12. I remember to get some food, there is nothing at home.

    a) neednt b) dont have to c) must d) shouldnt

    13. Everyone wear a safety belt in the car.

    a) is required b) is supposed to c) is allowed d) is said to

    14. I get you a cup of coffee? No thanks, Ive already had seven this morning.

    a) will b) would c) shall d) need

    15. I had a day off, so I early.

    a) didnt need to get up c) shouldnt have got up

    b) neednt have got up d) wouldnt have liked to get up

    16. Look! The theatre is half empty. We seats for the show.

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    a) didnt need to book c) neednt have booked

    b) could have booked d) should have booked

    17. I to the party last night. Im sorry I didnt.

    a) should have gone c) must have gone

    b) should to have gone d) would have gone

    18. Although Gary me at seven oclock he didnt arrive.

    a) should meet b) ought to have met c) has had to meet d) ought to meet

    19. Ive cleaned your shoes. Oh, you really !

    a) didnt need to c) shouldnt have to

    b) mustnt have to d) wouldnt have needed to

    20. You look so happy. You a good day.

    a) need to have b) can have c) had to have d) must have had

    21. That Jack that you saw. He is in Malaga now.

    a) cant have been b) shouldnt have been c) wouldnt be d) may not be

    22. I ask her to lend me any more money.

    a) darent b) cant dare to c) oughtnt d) may not

    23. How to me like than.

    a) may you speak c) do you dare speaking

    b) dare you speak d) would you speak

    24. The letter I sent you by now.

    a) could arrive c) should have arrived

    b) should arrive d) has had to arrive

    25. Whats wrong with your Trabant? It simply start.

    a) shouldnt b) refuses c) wont d) cant

    26. It seems that nobody is going to turn up for this party so we put every thing away.

    a) could b) might as well c) might all right d) may as soon as possible

    27. When we were young we snooker together.a) would often play c) often did play

    b) used often to play d) have often played

    28. If you meet her, tell her to give me a ring.

    a) could b) should c) may d) will

    29. you live forever!

    a) Should b) Will c) - d) May

    30. I be most grateful is you could send me some information.

    a) could b) may c) should d) dare

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    31. Jack likes well.

    a) if Jill dresses c) Jill to dress

    b) if Jill is dressed d) Jill dressed

    32. You said wedbetter talk this over again, ?

    a) hadnt you b) hadnt we c) wouldnt we d) didnt you

    33. your friend has invented the whole story himself.

    a) According to me c) According to my opinion

    b) In my opinion d) I think so that

    34. Theres been another TV programme about the problems of

    a) the poors b) poors c) the poor people d) the poor

    35. I wont leave youve told me about the accident.

    a) as far as b) till c) unless d) while

    36. is somebody on the phone for you. I think is yourwife.

    a) There, it b) There, that c) There, - d) It, it

    37. Jack is going out with

    a) one of his sisters friends c) one of his sisters friend

    b) one of his sisters friends d) his sisters friend

    38. The boss since he was in hospital.

    a) didnt smoke c) doesnt smoke

    b) isnt smoking d) hasnt smoked

    39. I will go to Britain this summer.

    a) likely b) probably c) probable d) be likely to

    40. You see, we that much. Nobody else is here yet.

    a) neednt have hurried c) mustnt have hurried

    b) didnt have hurried d) neednt have to hurry

    41. If they up earlier, they would have caught the train.

    a) were getting b) had got c) would have got d) did get

    42. Carol a bath when the telephone

    a) had, rang c) was having, was ringing

    b) was having, rang d) had, was ringing

    43. Jim told us another of his jokes, made us all laugh.

    a) which b) that c) what d)

    44. I to my former girlfriend ever since she left me.

    a) am not talking c) havent talked

    b) dont talk d) didnt talked

    45. The customs officer asked open our suitcases.

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    a) that we opened c) that we would

    b) that we have to d) us to

    46. As soon as we the disco the lights out.

    a) entered, had gone c) entered, have gone

    b) have entered, went d) had entered, went

    47. I went to cinema after work.

    a) -, - b) -, the c) the, the d) the, -

    48. She says shed be if you didnt go there at all.

    a) very happier c) more happier

    b) much more happier d) much happier

    49. Let me take you to the station my car.

    a) by b) with c) in d) on

    50. It took more than hour till we got through customs.

    a) half b) a half c) half an d) half of an

    51. The instructor suggested the driving test again.

    a) Jim to take c) that Jim should take

    b) to Jim to take d) Jim taking

    52. I couldnt refuse request.

    a) such polite b) so polite c) such a polite d) such polite a

    53. My daughter is learning to play piano.

    a) on the b) the c) - d) with the

    54. Let me give you

    a) a good advice b) an advice c) some good advices d) some good advice

    55. Jack is five years Tom.

    a) elder than b) so old as c) older than d) as old as

    56. Its an awfully long time since they each other.

    a) have met b) met d) havent met d) didnt meet

    57. Though I havent visited places in this area, I already know pubs.

    a) many, a few c) lot of, some

    b) few, lots of d) many, a few

    58. He wants to go out, but I think he stay home.

    a) had better b) should better to c) would better d) had better to

    59. Our neighbour always gets up at six and he goes for a run.

    a) after b) than c) then d) after it

    60. I this awful cold since a week ago today.

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    a) have been having b) have had c) have d) am having

    61. I you wherever you go.

    a) am following, - b) follow, - c) follow, will d) will follow, will

    62. When home at last, we quickly got rid of our wet clothes.a) getting b) we have got c) we got d) having got

    63. This house looks rather old, it built in the last century.

    a) had to be b) must have been c) might be d) could be

    64. My secretary says she six messages since she in this morning.

    a) has been faxing, came c) has faxed, came

    b) has faxed, has come d) faxed, has come

    65. I talked for a long time, but I couldnt me.

    a) make her to believe c) make her believeb) make her believing d) make her believed

    66. Janets got a daughter called Rhonda.

    a) two-year-old b) two years old c) two years old d) two years

    67. See you next week, then. Bye!

    a) Take care! b) Youre welcome! c) Hello! d) You too!

    68. would be a pity up trying to get in touch with them.

    a) It, giving b) There, giving c) There, to give d) It, to give

    69. Must I do the cleaning all by myself?

    a) No, you neednt. c) No, you mustnt.

    b) Yes, you need it. d) Yes, you must do.

    70. I tried to explain , but it was all in vain.

    a) her the situation c) the situation to her

    b) to her the situation d) the situation her

    71. The hikers made an early start to the cottage before dark.

    a) so as to get c) that they getb) so that getting d) so to get

    72. Be honest you have done that in my place?

    a) would b) might c) must d) should

    73. Fortunately, the policeman let us with a small fine.

    a) get out b) go on c) carry on d) get away

    74. Jimmy often has

    a) fish and chips for lunch c) for lunch fish and chips

    b) for lunch chips and fish d) chips and fish for lunch

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    75. I apologized to her, she didnt forgive me.

    a) -, although b) Although, but c) Although, - d) When, but

    76. my girlfriend I am fond of classical music.

    a) Either, or b) Both, and c) Neither, neither d) Both, and also

    77. Theres no point the door in. It isnt locked.

    a) to try to break c) in trying to break

    b) trying breaking d) to try breaking

    78. I wish I involved in that conflict. I only made things worse.

    a) didnt get b) hadnt got c) wouldnt have got d) wasnt

    79. On the way home we saw a rabbit across the road.

    a) to run b) to be running c) was running d) run

    80. Because of the bad weather the outdoor event had to be put to a later date.a) off b) forward c) away d) aside

    81. He in England for five years before he came to Hungary.

    a) worked b) has worked c) spent d) had spent

    82. Id like to know coming to see us tonight.

    a) whether who is b) if who is c) is who d) who is

    83. Are there are any Greek restaurants near here? Yes, there is opposite the bus station.

    a) any one b) a lot c) some d) a good one

    84. He went on holiday with the friends

    a) that he lives with them c) with those he lives

    b) with who he lives d) he lives with

    85. Good news

    a) is always cheering me up c) always cheer me up

    b) always cheers me up d) are always cheering me up

    86. If you are cold here is my coat.

    a) Put on it. b) Take on it. c) Put it on. d) Take it on.

    87. people sit in front of a computer all day long, which is bad for their eyes.

    a) All of b) Every c) Each d) Some

    88. Shall we go for a ride on my new motorbike?

    a) No, Id rather not. c) No, Id rather not to.

    b) No, Id not rather. d) No, Id better not to.

    89. You had to clean the car again, ?

    a) havent you b) neednt you c) mustnt you d) didnt you

    90. I thought you were a relative of

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    a) hers b) hers c) hers d) her

    91. I his music since I first him play the guitar last year.

    a) have been liking, heard c) have liked, heard

    b) like, have heard d) have liked, have heard

    92. Have you received about them?

    a) any informations c) any information

    b) a piece of information d) any pieces of informations

    93. She has always wanted to have a room

    a) of ones own b) of her own c) of her d) of hers

    94. a long time since I last played basketball.

    a) Its b) Theres c) It had been d) There has been

    95. Well, finding way in a huge metropolis can be quite difficult.a) any b) your c) somebodys d) his

    96. he scored three goals, they lost the match.

    a) However b) Even c) Although d) Despite

    97. The teacher made them the test again.

    a) be writing b) to write c) write d) to be writing

    98. I this computer game since you lent it to me tree days ago.

    a) had been playing c) have been playing

    b) was playing d) played

    99. I wish their band playing last night.

    a) I had heard b) I would hear c) I was hearing d) I heard

    100. We couldnt talk when we met in the street because he had time.

    a) any b) some c) little d) a little

    101. The film was long that I fell asleep by the end.

    a) such b) this c) much d) so

    102. I heard some noise but I not see anything.

    a) could b) can c) do d) may

    103. Theres some soup left from lunch, you can eat it.

    a) up b) of c) over d) by

    104. Please, let me know as soon as you the results.

    a) will have got b) get c) will get d) shall get

    105. did you go into the forest?

    a) How many b) How long c) How far d) How much

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    106. I home through the park when I found this dog.

    a) walked c) have been walking

    b) have walked d) was walking

    107. Im afraid, I forgot the door when I left home.

    a) to have closed b) closing c) to close d) having closed

    108. He jumped at the competition.

    a) the higher b) a higher c) the highest d) highest

    109. It wasnt very kind there in the pouring rain.

    a) of you to lave me c) that you leaving

    b) that you leave me d) of your leaving

    110. She is only three years old but she already knows letters of the alphabet.

    a) few b) any c) a few d) not many

    111. Visitors cannot enter this room.

    a) in b) - c) into d) to

    112. Id like the chance to look at that new software again.

    a) be given b) to have given c) to be given d) to having been given

    113. My mother cooking dinner.

    a) just has finished c) just had finished

    b) has just finished d) just finishing

    114. She was only a girl when she learnt to swim.

    a) 5 year old b) aged 5 years c) of 5 d) age 5

    115. Everybody was sleeping the loud noise.

    a) because b) although c) in spite of d) while

    116. Thats all I can say about it.

    a) whose b) that c) what d) which

    117. Lets not cut the cake until all the guests

    a) wont arrive b) have arrive c) dont arrive d) will arrive

    118. If only we our camera at home.

    a) hadnt left b) wouldnt leave c) shouldnt have left d) couldnt leave

    119. As the nearest filling station was already closed, we went to

    a) the another b) an other c) an another d) another

    120. Danube is the longest river in Central Europe.

    a) The, the b) -, - c) The, - d) -, the

    121. If the weather fine, well go to the beach.a) would be b) was c) will be d) is

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    122. It was worth going to the theatre yesterday, it was a performance.

    a) faitly good b) so better c) such d) quiet some

    123. They said their son before they came to live in this village.

    a) had born b) were borned c) had been born d) borned

    124. The town looks the same as it did 30 years ago.

    a) most b) much c) most of d) very

    125. The shops are all closed here Sundays.

    a) in b) on c) the d) at

    126. I the paper by the time the train arrived.

    a) have read b) reading c) read d) had read

    127. One of the guests asked if she use my phone.a) may b) might c) can d) would

    128. I looked for some milk in the fridge but there was

    a) no b) some c) nt any d) fewer

    129. Which of the following sentences is correct?

    a) Where you think they are hiding?

    b) What do you think where are they hiding?

    c) Do you think where are they hiding?

    d) Where do you think they are hiding?

    130. The soldiers could hardly hear anything.

    a) neither see nor b) see or c) or see or d) neither see or

    131. She is self-willed her mother.

    a) so, as b) not as, than c) as, as d) so, than

    132. Ive been trying to telephone her but I simply cant get

    a) through b) across c) over d) in

    133. microwave oven makes cooking a lot faster.a) The, a b) A, the c) The, - d) -,-

    134. Both of her sons were footballers but of them made a success out of it.

    a) neither b) each c) none d) all

    135. Ive never been really good mathematics.

    a) in b) about c) with d) at

    136. Its because shes perfect woman that I love her so much.

    a) such b) a so c) so d) such a

    137. Shears Tower, is one of the tallest buildings in the world, can be found in Chicago.

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    a) that b) - c) what d) which

    138. I can never relax when I get home because I always have to some work.

    a) do b) take c) make d) carry

    139. Due to the fog all the trains are running a) lately b) late c) hardly d) delayed

    140. news for me?

    a) Are there any b) Is there a c) Is there any d) Are these some

    141. If I her I her how I feel.

    a) find, ll tell b) ll find, ll tell c) find, m telling d) ll find, tell

    142. I wont believe a word till I to him personally.

    a) havent spoken b) wont have spoken c) will speak d) have spoken

    143. I know where I this time tomorrow.

    a) dont, will be c) wont, will be

    b) dont, will have been d) dont, am

    144. In a small provincial town there arent many opportunities for young people out.

    a) for going b) go c) to go d) that they can go

    145. Can you remember the post office was?

    a) what did they say where c) where they said

    b) where did they say d) what they said where

    146. They cut trees so that they can cut them

    a) down, up b) away, in c) out, up d) off, through

    147. The cashier pressed the alarm button when he out a gun.

    a) saw that the man pull c) saw the man pull

    b) saw the man to pull d) was seeing the man pull

    148. Dont take Jill. She long distances.

    a) doesnt use to walk c) isnt used to walk

    b) isnt used to walking d) never uses to walk

    149. Can you explain me whats wrong this essay?

    a) -, about b) for, about c) to, with d) -, with

    150. If you dont feel well, its possible that you are run

    a) up b) down c) in d) out

    151. Children under 14 wont be allowed into the cinema unless they accompanied by an


    a) are not b) wont be c) are d) will be

    152. Id to see her face when she the news.

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    a) have liked, told c) like, was told

    b) have liked, was told d) liked, told

    153. Say when you finished.

    a) have b) - c) will have d) had

    154. Ladies and gentleman, Hungary. I hope youve had a pleasant journey.

    a) welcome in b) I greet you c) welcome to d) let me greet you in

    155. It was the first time we my uncle in Switzerland.

    a) visit b) were visiting c) have visited d) had visited

    156. Jack saw his visitor the airport.

    a) off to b) out at c) out to d) off at

    157. The forecast says it during the week-end.

    a) can rain b) will likely rain c) may rain d) rains

    158. Honestly, I would never have brought this matter up if I how strongly she felt about it.

    a) had known c) have known

    b) would have known d) knew

    159. Who the dog for a walk in the morning?

    a) takes usually c) does usually take

    b) usually takes d) does take usually

    160. The police still looking for money.

    a) are, - b) are, the c) is, the d) is, -

    161. Ive got no idea me like a hot potato.

    a) that why she dropped c) why has she dropped

    b) why she has dropped d) why did she drop

    162. The detective showed the photo to those who the criminal.

    a) might have seen b) can have seen c) could see d) would have seen

    163. Didnt I tease my Alsatian?

    a) tell you not to c) tell you to notb) tell to you not to d) tell to you to not

    164. I at the shopwindow when somebody into me.

    a) was looking, was bumping c) looked, had bumped

    b) was looking, bumped d) was looking, has bumped

    165. I that all they had said was true.

    a) was made to believe c) made her believing

    b) was made believing d) made her to believe

    166. Is this they call first class service?a) - b) which c) what d) that

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    167. If you up a little, we able to hear you.

    a) were to speak, would be c) speak, would be

    b) spoke, could be d) had spoken, could have been

    168. Do you think should be taken seriously?a) those promises of Jack c) Jacks those promises

    b) those promises of him d) those promises of Jacks

    169. By the end of November I my sweetheart for six years.

    a) will know b) have known c) know d) will have known

    170. The oldest woman in our street lives 11, Barnington.

    a) under b) in c) on d) at

    171. The news on at 6. Did you watch ?

    a) was, them b) were, it c) was, it d) were, them

    172. understand it?

    a) Does she not b) Does not she c) She does not d) Not does she

    173. Shall give you a lift to the theatre?

    a) No, thank you. Id rather walk. c) No, you cant. The lift is out of order.

    b) No, thank you. Ill use the staircase. d) Yes, youre very kind. Its too heavy.

    174. help you wash up? No, thank you. There are only a few plates!

    a) Will I b) Am I c) Shall I d) Am I going to

    175. The scarf on his face gave him a frightful

    a) outlook b) appearance c) sight d) looking

    176. He told us all the jokes he heard at the party.

    a) what b) which c) who d)

    177. We for a new flat for years when the estate agency came up with an extraordinary


    a) looked b) were looking c) have looked d) had been looking

    178. Did you come to Hungary air?

    a) by b) on c) with d)

    179. The bad weather out mood.

    a) affected b) effected c) admitted d) depended on

    180. I bought two tickets for the football match! You have bought them. Its free under

    16. a) must b) couldnt c) neednt d) might not

    181. Driving a huge lorry was very strange , but later I got used to it.

    a) first b) at first c) firstly d) first of all

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    182. He governe two , both of them were useless.

    a) advice b) advices c) pieces of advice d) pieces of advices

    183. The soldier muttered something, but it was totally

    a) comprehensible c) comprehensive

    b) incomprehensible d) incomprehensive

    184. Youre drinking your third cup of coffee. How many cups a day?

    a) are you drinking c) do you drink

    b) did you drink d) have you drunk

    185. the last match, all the matches were won by them.

    a) Except b) Except for c) Expect d) Besides

    186. I am afraid you cant talk to the boss now. Would you like to message for him?

    a) give b) take c) tell d) leave

    187. was burning.

    a) The whole city c) All London

    b) Whole London d) The all city

    188. Have you received any letter from the firm? No, if I had got one it to you.

    a) Ill give b) I give c) Id give d) I would have given

    189. We have a weekend house at Balaton.

    a) - b) the c) Lake d) the Lake

    190. Lets try this one, ?

    a) shall we b) dont we c) dont you d) hasnt it

    191. They are strange people.

    a) such b) such an c) so d) too

    192. What do you do?

    a) Im listening to music. c) Im a butcher.

    b) What do you do? d) Im all right.

    193. By June next year I for twenty years as a researcher for this company.a) will work b) will be working c) will have worked d) will have been working

    194. I had known my wife for only 2 months when I to her.

    a) engaged b) married c) offered d) proposed

    195. They failed their exams.

    a) So failed I. b) So did I. c) Too did I. d) Neither did I.

    196. his opinion, the Socialists are going to win.

    a) According to c) As far as c) In d) By

    197. Last year I home from school, but this year I take the bus.

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    a) was walking b) walked c) have walked d) have been walking

    198. Matha will be thirty next week. ? Then Ill send her some flowers!

    a) Sutely b) In fact c) Really d) Indeed

    199. football lately?a) Were you playing c) Have you been playing

    b) Did you play d) Do you play

    200. I dont think that old wooden bridge yet.

    a) has repaired b) was repaired c) has been repaired d) repaired

    201. I couldnt help when I saw her fancy dress.

    a) to laugh b) laughing c) that I laugh d) to be laughed

    202. I cant sleep. Your dog at night.

    a) is always barking c) has just barkedb) always barks d) has always barking

    203. The judge paid no attention she had lost her job.

    a) on b) to that c) to the fact that d)

    204. My teacher asked me what do next year.

    a) I b) Id c) would I d) I will

    205. I heard a gun shot the street midnight.

    a) is, in b) at, in c) in, at d) on, at

    206. Well the artist paint a portrait of us.

    a) ask b) make c) allow d) have

    207. The customs officer searched everybodys luggage.

    a) for b) is c) off d)

    208. Will we get our salary tomorrow?

    a) I hope. b) I hope so. c) Lets hope. d) I hope we get.

    209. you cat you will be.a) as much, fat c) the more, the fatter

    b) the more, the more fat d) so much, the fattest

    210. At last weve moved into

    a) an own house b) a house our own c) own house d) our own house

    211. Its going to rain. Lets go into the pub for a drink.

    a) near b) closest c) nearest d) nearly

    212. If I were you I wouldnt go out in weather.

    a) such a bad b) so bad a c) so bad d) such bad

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    213. Jack announced his engagement to Jill, stunned his patents.

    a) what b) that c) which d)

    214. is rather cold and is a strong wind.

    a) It, it b) It, there c) There, it d) There, there

    215. We look forward to you soon.

    a) see b) be seen c) seeing d) have seen

    216. children like chocolate theirfather gave them.

    a) The, the b) The, - c) -, - d) -, the

    217. My car runs than yours.

    a) much faster c) much more fast

    b) much more faster d) more fast

    218. As we were late we had to go to the station taxi.a) by b) with a c) by a d) with

    219. She didnt forgive me till I apologized.

    a) hadnt b) didnt c) had d) have

    220. Did you say theres no bread? Then I get some.

    a) - b)m going to c) ill d) need

    221. Jill said it was the best film she

    a) has ever seen c) was ever seeing

    b) had ever seen d) could ever have seen

    222. A new supermarket near my place.

    a) is build b) has built c) has being built d) is being built

    223. A cousin of my is a famous footballer.

    a) girlfriends b) girlfriends c) girlfriend d) girlfriends

    224. I of you when I on the beach next week.

    a) ll think, m lying c) think, lie

    b) think, ll be lying d) ll think, ll be lying

    225. Jack up yesterday. The doctor had told him to stay in bed.

    a) shouldnt have got c) neednt have got

    b) didnt need to get d) mustnt have got

    226. Wed better take an earlier train, we?

    a) wouldnt b) hadnt c) didnt d) shouldnt

    227. (telephone) Is that Mr. Jones? Yes,

    a) I am b) speaking c) Im speaking d) me speaking

    228. Before the astronauts their spacecraft, they their final briefing.

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    a) had boarded, received c) have boarded, received

    b) boarded, have received d) boarded, received

    229. If you the Inter-City rain, you have to reserve a seat.

    a) had taken, would c) took, would

    b) take, would d) took, will

    230. This cake , but its too sweet for my taste.

    a) looks nice b) is looking nicely c) is looking nice d) looks nicely

    231. My friend Jack electrical engineer.

    a) is b) on c) - d) is an

    232. I tried to make it clear but she didnt seem to understand. Do you think I have been

    more open?

    a) should b) would c) might d) must

    233. Smith was sent off arguing with the referee.

    a) because b) since c) for d) about

    234. Ill go if you want me to ,Id rather stay.

    a) beside b) all the same c) in addition d) otherwise

    235. As soon as my flight , I give you a ring.

    a) has landed, will b) lands, would c) landed, - d) will land, will

    236. She asked her with the word processor.

    a) me that I help c) me to help

    b) me for help to d) me for helping

    237. However , you wont be able to open it.

    a) hard you push that door c) pus you that door hard

    b) hard youll push that door d) hardly you push that door

    238. She was so beautiful that I couldnt take my eyes her.

    a) off b) from c) off from d) down from

    239. This was the third time I her.a) have seen b) had seen c) was seen d) am seeing

    240. I have to put on warm clothes if I out now?

    a) Do, go b) Will, am going c) Shall, am going d)Shall, will go

    241. I wish I speak Spanish.

    a) could b) - c) would d) can

    242. Jack to work until his car repaired.

    a) walks, will be c) has walked, was

    b) is walking, has been d) walks, will have been

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    243. Theres been a lot of rain recently, ?

    a) has it b) isnt it c) hasnt there d) isnt there

    244. The policeman suggested an alternative route.

    a) us to take b) that we take c) to us taking d) to take

    245. If he to cooperate, wed have to find someone else for the job.

    a) were to refuse b) has to refuse c) would refuse d) refuses

    246. Jack says he hates

    a) making fun by we b) being made fun of c) being made fun d) making fun of

    247. I walked in on tiptoe make the children.

    a) not to b) so that not to c) so as not to d) so that I dont

    248. missed the last train to York.

    a) Both Jack, both Jill have c) Both Jack and Jill hasb) Both Jack and both Jill has d) Both Jack and Jill have

    249. Could I borrow your pen?

    a) Yes, you could borrow. c) Not at all.

    b) By all means. d) You had better not to.

    250. How long that car?

    a) have you had b) do you have c) have you been having d) have you got

    251. You dont have to lower your voice. The

    a) kids are fast asleep c) kids are fast sleeping

    b) kids are sleeping so wont hear d) asleep kids wont make up

    252. The to please a woman, the less seriously she will take you.

    a) more eager are you c) more eager you are

    b) more eager you will be d) more eager will you be

    253. Ill follow you to place you go.

    a) some b) a few c) any d) a lot of

    254. I to discos, but now I think Im too old for that.a) used to go b) got used to go c)m used to go d) was using to go

    255. That man the jewels.

    a) thinks to have stolen c) is thought to steal

    b) is thought to have stolen d) is thinking to steal

    256. Jacks polite his girlfriend, but unfriendly his sister.

    a) to, to b) with, to c) with, with d) to, with

    257. The woman over there is my ex-wife.

    a) dancing b) is dancing c) who dancing d) she is dancing

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    258. When I her she glasses.

    a) met, was wearing c) met, had worn

    b) had met, was wearing d) have met, wore

    259. I feel like a glass of beer.

    a) I have b) have c) to have d) having

    260. He asked me what I if I had been him.

    a) would buy b) would have bought c) had bought d) bought

    261. Somebodys knocking on the door! OK!

    a) Ill answer it. b) I open it. c) I am opening it. d) Ill want to open it.

    262. She was knocked down by a car while the street.

    a) she crossed b) crossed c) was crossed d) she was crossing

    263. I cant help love with her.a) to fall in b) fell in c) falling in d) to

    264. How long did your friend wait?

    a) Since 5 oclock. c) For 5 oclock.

    b) Until 5 oclock. d) Before the school started.

    265. I learn how to make typical Chinese food.

    a) suggested my wife to c) asked my wife

    b) made my wife to d) got my wife to

    266. its not raining, Ill go to the library.

    a) As b) Though c) Because of d) As if

    267. Dont be angry with me when you the phone bill.

    a) got b) are getting c) get d) will get

    268. Shes got fair hair and blue eyes.

    a) What is she like? c) How is she?

    b) What does she look like? d) What does she like?

    269. Who saw him the money?a) that he hid b) to hide c) that he was hiding d) hide

    270. You enter the country without a valid passport.

    a) neednt b) wouldnt c) mustnt d) dont have to

    271. We hurry, we have plenty of time.

    a) neednt b) dont need c) must d) are allowed to

    272. What the news? Nothing special.

    a) are b) is c) have been d) were

    273. Does he like your new hairstyle?

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    a) I wish he did! c) I wish he would like it!

    b) I wish he liked! d) I wish he likes it!

    274. Id like to borrow

    a) one of your book c) a book of your

    b) from you a book d) one of your books

    275. you are to him, hell like you.

    a) The friendliest, the best c) Friendly, better

    b) The friendlier, the better d) Friendlier, the better

    276. No sonner arrived home, than the phone started to ring.

    a) he had b) had he c) he has d) he

    277. Ill have finished cleaning by the time

    a) you are coming back c) you come back

    b) youll have come back d) youll come back

    278. She working hard.

    a) used to b) is used to c) is using d) is used

    279. The sun in the east.

    a) rises b) roses c) raises d) is rising

    280. I think you

    a) have true b) have right c) are right d) are true

    281. The police dont worry.

    a) is coming b) come c) comes d) are coming

    282. Would you like cake?

    a) any b) get on c) still one more d) some more

    283. money is spent on here every year.

    a) Lots of b) Many c) Much d) A lot

    284. I like these two cars.

    a) all b) the both c) both d) every of

    285. Neither of the sentences correct.

    a) nor b) is c) isnt d) arent

    286. is a big animal.

    a) Horses b) The horses c) Horse d) A horse

    287. I get up at 7 morning.

    a) in b) at the c) in the d)

    288. I wish I you, but I wasnt there.a) help b) could have helped c) helped d) could help

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    289. Come with me, ?

    a) shall you b) dont you c) do you d) will you

    290. I would rather you a fuss.

    a) not to make b) that dont make c) didnt make d) make

    291. You look as if you for weeks.

    a) hadnt eaten b) havent eaten c) didnt eat d) werent eating

    292. do you think he likes coffee with milk?

    a) What b) - c) How d) With what

    293. Shall I telephone your Mum? means

    a) Must I telephone your Mum?

    b) Would you like me to telephone your Mum?

    c) It is allowed for me to telephone your Mum?

    d) Am I able to telephone your Mum?

    294. Its high time home now.

    a) that you go b) you to go c) you are going d) you went

    295. I was out to meet my friends last night and my wife.

    a) was too b) also did c) so was d) so did

    296. I dont like Tony.

    a) So do I. b) So I am. c) Neither do I. d) Nor am I.

    297. I believe you your wife.

    a) either, nor b) neither, nor c) neither, and d) both, either

    298. Im tired. Ive been working all day.

    a) hard b) hardly c) more hard d) hardliest

    299. He inherit some millions.

    a) had lucky b) happened to c) was lucky d) is having luck

    300. Can you come the forest at night?

    a) across b) through c) over d) along

    301. They were home last Saturday.

    a) come b) to come c) at the d) for coming

    302. All my plates are mads wood.

    a) of b) from c) out of d)

    303. The cause our being late was the traffic jam.

    a) for b) why c) of d) from

    304. There are some films on TY fora) the deaf b) deaf c) the deafs d) deaves

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    305. Keep going the church.

    a) until b) till c) as far as d) for

    306. How about this afternoon?

    a) a swimming b) for a swim c) swimming d) to swim

    307. There is no need

    a) to be unfriendly b) being rude c) that you are rude d) for you being unfriendly

    308. Foreign currencies are bought and sold like

    a) any else b) any c) anything else d) something else

    309. Basketball is second only football in the league of the worlds most popular sports.

    a) with b) of c) to d) for

    310. He is always making jokes, so nobody him seriously.

    a) takes b) gets c) talks d) listens

    311. guitar is instrument of our time.

    a) -, the b) The, the c) The, - d) -, -

    312. The solution this problem is very difficult to find.

    a) on b) about c) for d) to

    313. In the 1920s, the guitar began in popular dance music in Europe and America.

    a) to use b) to be used c) using d) being to use

    314. Can you run upstairs without breath?

    a) get out from b) get out of c) getting out from d) getting out for

    315. In Burma, it is possible to see something beautiful you look.

    a) what b) that c) wherever d) whatever

    316. Icy roads are dangerous

    a) to drive on b) for driving on c) that you drive on d) for you driving on

    317. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton are unemployed. , they have a large house and two cars.

    a) Although b) Even c) However d) Thats why

    318. His is to become rich and famous.

    a) want b) motive c) luck d) ambition

    319. the dangers, sand sailing has become very popular.

    a) Because b) Despite c) In spite d) Although

    320. Heavy clothing to protect you from the wind and cold.

    a) needs b) you need c) is needed d) needing

    321. knows the origins or original meaning of the word: jazz.a) None b) No c) No one d) Nothing

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    322. The guitarist played and improvised a lot.

    a) from memory b) of memory c) of heart d) from heart

    323. Instead of for a walk, she read a book.

    a) going b) to go c) she went d) she goes

    324. This film is of interest to people who to India.

    a) attract b) attracted c) has attracted d) are attracted

    325. They spent all their time relative.

    a) with visiting b) visiting c) to visit d) that they visited

    326. his return to the states, John had travelled a lot.

    a) By b) When c) On d) From

    327. The child fell into the river and drowned.a) near b) next c) almost d) mostly

    328. All vehicles use lights, day and night; it would be safer.

    a) can b) may c) should d) would

    329. The boxer is said two teeth knocked out yesterday.

    a) that he had b) to have had c) to have d) to get

    330. do you think he earns?

    a) How much, - b) -, how much c) What, how much d) How much, does

    331. Who was the first person today?

    a) with you spoke b) you spoke to c) whom you spoke d) you spoke

    332. He wanted to give me but I refused.

    a) some advices b) any advice c) some advice d) any advices

    333. I my doctor this afternoon.

    a) see b) visit c) am looking d) am seeing

    334. We the car and went for a drive.a) got on b) took c) got into d) caught

    335. Almost all the stars we can see at night belong to the Milky Way.

    a) that b) what c) those d) where

    336. They solved the problem by the microchip.

    a) that they invented c) to have invented

    b) inventing d) having invented of

    337. The nuclear power station is one of and way to produce electricity.

    a) the cheaper, the efficient c) the most cheap, the most efficientb) the cheapest, the most efficient d) the cheapest, the more efficient

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    338. There are plenty of very good restaurants

    a) thoosing among c) to choose from

    b) to choose among d) choosing from

    339. I dont feel at hungry.a) once b) all c) last d) least

    340. The other players were not blameless

    a) bo b) neither c) as well d) either

    341. The fight against pollution is not over.

    a) since b) yet c) over d) for

    342. Some pupils are good their work throughout the year, but bad at exams.

    a) to do b) in doing c) at doing d) with doing

    343. believed him.

    a) No b) Any people c) Nobody d) Nobody didnt

    344. In 1978, the Americans said they take part in the 1980 Olympics.

    a) wont b) arent going to c) dont d) wouldnt

    345. Please, let if youve decided where to go in the summer.

    a) me know b) to know c) that I know d) me to know

    346. I saw him the car.

    a) as he cleaned b) to be cleaning c) cleaning d) to clean

    347. I wouldnt dream offending them.

    a) with b) for c) about d) of

    348. Each picture of a carbon has by hand.

    a) drawn b) to be drawn c) been draw d) got a draw

    349. The ball was originally made leather.

    a) of b) from c) for d) out of

    350. The main things I liked the most were the restaurants.

    a) - b) what c) where d) whom

    351. Would you like to watch the film on TV tonight?

    No, Im not interested in horror.

    a) I think. b) I dont think. c) I think not. d) I dont think so.

    352. My parents prefer staying at home in the evenings going out.

    a) then b) for c) than d) to

    353. do you think can change peoples attitude to air pollution?a) What, what b) What, - c) -, what d) How, what

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    354. He gave up his personal comfort to serve the poor.

    a) as b) so as c) so that d) in order that

    355. Twenty years , in the 1960s, a new law was introduced.

    a) ago b) before c) early d) after

    356. How often your fence repainted?

    a) have you b) do you have c) have you got d) you got

    357. He didnt regret the crimes he

    a) committed b) has committed c) commits d) had committed

    358. I am in my family.

    a) the younger b) the most young c) much younger d) the youngest

    359. Have you bought the plans tickets?Yes, I to the travel agency on Friday.

    a) have been b) have gone c) went d) am going

    360. Janes heart missed a when she saw the dead body on the floor.

    a) heat b) strike c) hit d) secced

    361. My friend Steven can never return to his county

    a) back b) again c) off d) in

    362. He didnt me pay the bill.

    a) got b) let c) allow d) have

    363. The murderer tried to escape from the county an assumed name.

    a) on b) by c) under d) with

    364. Some children more toys and beard games than they can play with.

    a) give b) have given c) are given d) are get

    365. You me up. I dont have to go to work today.

    a) neednt have woken c) couldnt have woken

    b) must have woken d) mightnt have woken

    366. The scientist published the result of his research in issue.a) a twenty-page b) a twenty pages c) twenty pages d) a twenty pages

    367. You light your cigarettethe ground is covered with petrol.

    a) neednt b) may not c) mustnt d) dont have to

    368. Jack and Tom came home late them were at the disco.

    a) both b) either of c) all of d) both of

    369. Although he had no money to invest he could stand in business life.

    a) his ground b) his feet c) his leg d) his position

    370. He drank of whisky.

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    a) half bottle b) half a bottle c) a half bottle d) a half of bottle

    371. Good heavens. How ?

    a) hes grown b) has be grown c) he is grown d) grown he is

    372. I Lisa at a party and I fell in love with her at once.a) got to know b) was acquainted with c) met d) recognised

    373. I have passed the English test!

    a) I am happy! b) Gratulation! c) I gratulate you! d) Congratulations!

    374. Who ?Mary did!

    a) telephoned you b) did you telephone c) did you telephone to d) telephone you

    375. We havent met each other

    a) since ages b) long time ago c) for ages d) for long times

    376. I for a pair of leather shoes. Could you show me a nice pair, please?

    a) look b) have looked c) am looking d) am going to look

    377. How her This question was in my mind all the way home.

    a) shall I tell b) to tell c) not to tell d) telling

    378. Thirteen people died when the bomb went

    a) off b) up c) apart d) by

    379. The village has changed a lot I was a child.

    a) since b) for c) after d) when

    380. to your flat yet?No, the walls still need to be painted!

    a) Are you moving b) Did you move c) Have you moved d) Will you move

    381. He told me about what my boss had told me.

    a) not to worry b) didnt worry c) that I dont worry d) not worried

    382. What of TV have you bought?

    a) brand b) make c) mark d) set

    383. David may have tomorrow and

    a) I may too b) I may either c) to may I d) either may I

    384. The little boy could have reached the book if the self so high.

    a) couldnt have been c) hadnt been

    b) wasnt d) wouldnt be

    385. Guess ! My neighbour won 100 million Ft on the lottery.

    a) it b) this c) what d) so

    386. Youre drunk. Youd better now.a) leave b) not to leave c) to leave d) left

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    387. He had written 80 pages by ten in the evening but he decided to write ten pages.

    a) farther b) further c) more d) farthest

    388. Did you remember the gate?No, I am sorry. Ill go back and look it.

    a) locking b) to lock c) locked d) lock

    389. Come what Ill take the job.

    a) will b) must c) does d) may

    390. The taxi driver for the death of the girl.

    a) ought to blame b) blamed c) was to blame d) is blaming

    391. half a bottle of whisky, he drank two gins and some wine.

    a) Beside b) Except c) Except for d) Besides

    392. The vast majority of the is on strike today, because of the managers decision.

    a) employees b) employers c) employments d) employs

    393. Where did you learn to play violin?

    a) a b) an a c) the d)

    394. She asked me politely if she use my dictionary.

    a) may b) might c) was allowed d) will

    395. He drinks coffee.

    a) much b) many c) too much d) a lot

    396. Rock-climbing is not an activity I am good at.

    a) what b) at which c) that d) where

    397. Galileo was by means the first person to use a telescope.

    a) no b) all c) any d)

    398. How do you know that Mr. Thompson is in London?I saw him in Oxford street


    a) to drive b) drive c) driving d) driven

    399. You said youd nothing to declare, you?a) hadnt b) wouldnt c) dont d) didnt

    400. Could you wait until I my lunch?

    a) finished b) dont finish c) finish d) wont finish


    1A 2A 3B 4B 5A 6B 7B 8A 9B 10D 11B 12C 13B

    14C 15A 16C 17A 18B 19C 20D 21A 22D 23B 24C 25D 26B

    27A 28B 29A 30C 31C 32D 33B 34D 35B 36A 37B 38D 39B40A 41B 42B 43A 44C 45D 46D 47D 48D 49C 50C 51C 52C

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    53B 54D 55C 56B 57D 58A 59C 60B 61B 62C 63B 64C 65C

    66A 67A 68D 69A 70C 71A 72A 73D 74A 75C 76B 77C 78B

    79D 80A 81A 82D 83D 84D 85B 86C 87D 88A 89D 90B 91C

    92C 93B 94A 95B 96C 97C 98C 99A 100C

    101D 102A 103C 104B 105C 106D 107C 108C 109A 110C 111B 112C 113B114C 115C 116B 117B 118A 119D 120C 121D 122A 123C 124B 125B 126D

    127B 128C 129D 130B 131C 132A 133C 134A 135D 136D 137D 138A 139B

    140C 141A 142D 143C 144C 145C 146A 147C 148B 149C 150B 151C 152B

    153A 154C 155D 156D 157C 158A 159B 160B 161B 162A 163A 164B 165A

    166C 167A 168D 169D 170D 171C 172A 173A 174C 175B 176D 177D 178A

    179A 180C 181B 182A 183B 184C 185C 186D 187A 188D 189C 190A 191A

    192C 193D 194D 195B 196C 197B 198C 199C 200C

    201B 202A 203C 204B 205C 206B 207D 208B 209C 210D 211C 212D 213C

    214B 215C 216A 217A 218A 219C 220C 221B 222D 223A 224A 225A 226B

    227B 228D 229C 230A 231D 232A 233C 234B 235A 236C 237A 238A 239B240A 241A 242B 243C 244B 245A 246B 247C 248D 249B 250A 251A 252C

    253C 254A 255B 256D 257A 258A 259D 260B 261A 262D 263C 264B 265D

    266A 267C 268B 269D 270C 271A 272B 273A 274D 275B 276B 277C 278B

    279A 280C 281D 282D 283A 284C 285B 286D 287C 288B 289D 290C 291A

    292B 293B 294D 295C 296C 297B 298A 299B 300B

    301B 302A 303C 304A 305C 306C 307A 308C 309C 310A 311B 312D 313B

    314D 315C 316A 317C 318D 319B 320C 321C 322A 323A 324D 325B 326A

    327C 328C 329B 330A 331B 332C 333D 334C 335A 336B 337B 338C 339B

    340D 341B 342C 343C 344D 345D 346C 347D 348B 349A 350A 351D 352D

    353B 354A 355A 356B 357D 358D 359C 360A 361B 362B 363C 364C 365A

    366A 367C 368D 369A 370B 371A 372C 373D 374A 375C 376C 377A 378A

    379A 380C 381A 382B 383A 384C 385C 386A 387B 388B 389D 390C 391D

    392A 393C 394B 395C 396C 397A 398C 399D 400C
