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AngularJS in 60ish Minutes - Dan Wahlin | FalafelCON 2014

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Single Page Applications (SPAs) are all the rage now days but if you've built a true SPA you know that they can be fairly involved to create. There are typically a lot of moving parts and scripts ranging from history, to navigation, to data access. Have you thought through maintenance of the application down the road and how simple or complex it will be to make modifications as scripts change? In this session Dan Wahlin will introduce a solid introduction to the AngularJS SPA framework and demonstrate many of the built-in SPA features it provides. If you like to work with views, controllers, modules, plus tie into existing framework features without having to focus on all of the scripts under the cover then this is definitely a framework to check out!
AngularJS in 60ish Minutes Dan Wahlin
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AngularJS  in    60ish  Minutes

Dan  Wahlin  

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Dan  Wahlin  

Blog h8p://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin Twi8er


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• AngularJS  Features  • Ge4ng  Started  • Direc7ves,  Filters  and  Data  Binding  • Modules  and  Controllers  • Routes  and  Factories  

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Single  Page  ApplicaDons SPAs  allow  different  views  to  be  loaded  into  a  shell  page

SPA Demo http://www.myspa.com

<div>                </div>   View1

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SPA Demo http://www.myspa.com

Single  Page  ApplicaDon  Views Views  can  be  replaced  with  other  views  

<div>                  </div>  View1 View2

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Single  Page  ApplicaDon  History SPAs  maintain  a  history  of  views  that  have  been  displayed  

SPA Demo http://www.myspa.com

<div>                  </div>  View1 View2

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The  Challenge  with  SPAs •  SPAs  rely  on  many  different  technologies:  

•  DOM  manipula7on  •  History  •  Rou7ng  •  Ajax  •  Data  Binding  •  More…  

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• AngularJS  Features  • Ge#ng  Started  • Direc7ves,  Filters  and  Data  Binding  • Modules  and  Controllers  • Routes  and  Factories  

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ngularJS is a full-featured SPA framework

Data Binding MVC Routing


ViewModel Views

Services Dependency Injection






Factories History

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View Controller

Factory Directives




Service Filters

Key Players in AngularJS

UI Logic/Data

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View Controller $scope

$scope is the "glue" (ViewModel) between a controller and a view

What is Scope?

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The Big Picture

View Controller





*Factory Directives

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• AngularJS  Features  • Ge4ng  Started  • Direc/ves,  Filters  and  Data  Binding  • Modules  and  Controllers  • Routes  and  Factories  

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<!DOCTYPE  html>  

<html  ng-­‐app>  





       <div  class="container">  

               Name:  <input  type="text"  ng-­‐model="name"  />  {{  name  }}  



       <script  src="js/angular.js"></script>  





Data Binding Expression

Using Directives

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 <ul>          <li  data-­‐ng-­‐repeat="cust  in  customers  |  orderBy:'name'">                  {{  cust.name  |  uppercase  }}          </li>  </ul>      

Order customers by name property

<input  type="text"  data-­‐ng-­‐model="nameText"  />  <ul>          <li  data-­‐ng-­‐repeat="cust  in  customers  |  filter:nameText  |                                                    orderBy:'name'">              {{  cust.name  }}    {{  cust.city  }}</li>  </ul>  

Filter customers by model value

Using Filters

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• AngularJS  Features  • Ge4ng  Started  • Direc7ves,  Filters  and  Data  Binding  • Modules  and  Controllers  • Routes  and  Factories  

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Factory Directive






<html  ng-­‐app="moduleName">  

Modules are Containers


Filter Controller

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 var  demoApp  =  angular.module('demoApp',  []);    var  demoApp  =  angular.module('demoApp',        ['helperModule']);    

What's the Array for?

Module that demoApp depends on

Creating a Module

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var  demoApp  =  angular.module('demoApp',  []);            demoApp.controller('SimpleController',  function  ($scope)  {          $scope.customers  =  [                {  name:  'Dave  Jones',  city:  'Phoenix'  },                {  name:  'Jamie  Riley',  city:  'Atlanta'  },                {  name:  'Heedy  Wahlin',  city:  'Chandler'  },                {  name:  'Thomas  Winter',  city:  'Seattle'  }          ];    });  

Define a Module

Define a Controller

Creating a Controller in a Module

Page 20: AngularJS in 60ish Minutes - Dan Wahlin | FalafelCON 2014


• AngularJS  Features  • Ge4ng  Started  • Direc7ves,  Filters  and  Data  Binding  • Modules  and  Controllers  • Routes  and  Factories  

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The Role of Routes SPA Demo


View1 View2

View4 View3





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Defining Routes var  demoApp  =  angular.module('demoApp',  ['ngRoute']);    demoApp.config(function  ($routeProvider)  {          $routeProvider                  .when('/',                          {                                  controller:  'CustomersController',                                  templateUrl:'customers.html'                          })                  .when('/orders',                          {                                  controller:  'OrdersController',                                  templateUrl:'orders.html'                          })                  .otherwise({  redirectTo:  '/'  });  });  

Define Module Routes

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SPA Demo http://www.myspa.com

Where do Views Go in a Page? Dynamically loaded views are injected into the shell page as a module loads:

<div  ng-­‐view></div>  


OR View1

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The Role of Factories  var  demoApp  =  angular.module('demoApp',  [])  

 .factory('simpleFactory',  function  ($http)  {  

       var  factory  =  {};  

       factory.getCustomers  =  function  ()  {  

               return  $http.get(…);  


       return  factory;  


 .controller('SimpleController',  function  ($scope,            simpleFactory)  {  

=        simpleFactory.getCustomers().success(…);  


Factory Injected

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The Big Picture

View Controller





*Factory Directives

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Find  more              ngularJS  content  at:  

Blog h8p://weblogs.asp.net/dwahlin Twi8er


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 More  details  at:  


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