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ANIM 219 Sept 17

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  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    ANIM 219

    Bob McAfee

    September 17, 2013

    Bob: What we are going to o toa! i" te#t$ring% I

    on&t 'now how man! of !o$ 'now abo$t ()"% *+er!one

    hate" them, b$t I o+e them% -he! are ea"!% B$t I ha+e

    to ta'e !o$ thro$gh the bab! "tep" fir"t%

    -hi" i" .$"t "ome genera information% It&" ba"ic


    /et" go into the - "ite "t$ent" p$bic in"tr$ctor

    BMcAfee 45IA219 4a"" 3 -e#t$ring

    I am going to o a ot of 6"how an o6 toa!% Mo+e thi"

    4a"" 3 -e#t$ring foer o+er%

    If I&m oo'ing at thi" foer in the S ri+e an I open

    4a"" 3 -e#t$ring, I ha+e "ome te#t$re"% I want to ma'e"$re that !o$ ha+e thi" piece of information ear!% When

    !o$ are "etting $p a pro.ect, it goe" "ome pace magica%

    Iea!, !o$ want to create a pro.ect foer% If I go

    $ner fie" to ro.ect Winow, it&" rea! hepf$ when

    !o$&+e been ma'ing te#t$re"%

    -he c$rrent pro.ect i" the efa$t% I want to ma'e a newone% it New an ca it te#t$reca""% I&m going to p$t it

    in the S ri+e, which i" be"t for when !o$ are at "choo%

    It ha" create a "erie" of foer" for me% -here i" one

    cae a""et"% Ma!be !o$ want to 'eep "ome "eparate

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    foer"% -here i" one in Ma!a% 4ache i" for partic$ar"%

    Image" i" an important foer% Whene+er !o$ rener a

    "erie" of image", it wi go into thi" foer% 8o$ on&t $"e

    Mo+ie" m$ch% enere ata% Scene" i" rea! important%-hat&" where a of !o$r Ma!a "cene" go% Script", "o$n

    an "o$rceimage"% -ho"e are the three important one"%

    /et" ta'e te#t$re" o$t of 4a"" 3 te#t$ring an "tic'

    them in "o$rce image"% I ha+e .$"t mo+e a of tho"e

    te#t$re fie"%

    ie ro.ect Winow New ro.ect p$t in S ri+e hitaccept

    4reate o!gon pane

    I&m going to ta'e the pane an a""ign a a+orite


    emae St$ent: ow o !o$ bring $p the too bar;

    Bob: i"pa! (I *ement" "how a

    I am going to right cic' on the pane an a""ign a new

    materia, Binn% What I&m intere"te in i" !o$ "ee a gre!

    "witch ne#t to coo$r% -hi" i" the map b$tton% 8o$ can

    hoo' $p te#t$re map"% It bring" $p the create renernoe, which ha" man! option"% -he fo$rth one own i"

    cae fie te#t$re% -hat i" what I am intere"te in%

    5o to image name < "ee the foer b$tton; It i" a brow"e

    b$tton% it that% I wi "eect foor tie% -hat i" beca$"e

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    !o$ "et $p the profie% Now, i'e magic, it i" on= If !o$

    on&t "ee the te#t$re right awa!, pre"" >% -hen !o$

    "ho$ "ee it%

    -hat i" the fir"t part% Now, what i" going on i" we ha+e a

    te#t$re, a 2 image on a 3 ob.ect% -hi" i" a 3 ob.ect,

    e+en tho$gh it i" a fat pane% So go to winow()

    te#t$re eitor% () "tan" for $niatera an +ertica%

    In the te#t$re eitor, ?oom o$t% It wi "how !o$ a gri%

    In the centre, it "a!" ?ero% 5o $p, !o$ can "ee a 1 at the

    top an own !o$ "ee a

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    -here are "ome other thing"% -he mo+e too aow" me to

    mo+e it aro$n% When !o$ "ee it in the 3 +iew, it i"

    tiing in a irection"% If I p$t it bac' in an grab the

    rotate too, !o$ can "pin it aro$n% An to tie it, !o$

    grab the "cae too an !o$ ma'e it big% It tie" fore+er

    an e+er in a irection"%

    emae St$ent: I can&t $no%

    Bob: -he b$tton to $no i" ?% Ma'e "$re it i" not in


    Scae in an o$t to ma'e it tie%

    A the"e ()", the! ha+e a ot of geometr! on here% I

    co$ grab a the ege" an o a tric', if I go to po!gon"

    "eect then I wi "hrin' "eection% I go to eit me"h

    eete +erte#e", now I ha+e thi" one po!gon face%

    emae St$ent: o that again%

    Bob: I grabbe a the ege" of the whoe thing in

    component moe% -hen Seect "hrin' "eection% -hat

    ea+e" the o$t"ie ege"% -hen eit me"h eete ege

    +erte#% -hat get" ri of e#tra +erte#e"%

    -hi" i" "$per ea"!% /et" get more iffic$t% Sti not toohar tho$gh% I i a bit of moeing with thi" c$be%

    Ma'e it a rectange%

    emae St$ent: ow o !o$ get the +iewing c$be on the

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17



    Bob: -hat i" in i"pa! hea" $p i"pa! (I eement"

    +iew c$be i" "econ from bottom%

    So et" p$t a te#t$re on thi" rectange% /et" p$t a Binn

    on it% I wi brow"e for it% I am p$tting on the 4hear

    B$nnie" crac'er" bo# abe%

    So if I go in here, I wi i"oate thi"% 8o$ can "ee the

    "t$ff on the rectange, it oo'" me""!% In the () te#t$re

    eitor, et" ?oom in, in the ?ero one area, !o$ can "ee theo$tine of the c$be 'in of% It i" $ner winow ()

    te#t$re eitor%

    8o$ "ee thi" b$tton that oo'" i'e a "@$are heae bo!

    with b$e hair; -hat one "how" the te#t$re% 8o$ can

    t$rn it off or on% Sometime", I t$rn it off to "ee how the

    ()" are ai o$t% Beow that, there i" the bo! again, witha "ma hea, an then one be"ie that with a gre! hea%

    -hat e"at$rate"% It im" the image%

    im image can hep !o$ to "ee how !o$r ()" are ai o$t%

    I want to "how !o$ "ome fa"t tric'"%

    4reate ()" anar Mapping4reate ()" % 4!inrica Mapping

    4reate ()" 4reate ()" ba"e on camera

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    I rare! $"e a""ign "haer%

    I co$ ha+e a ifferent for ()" for ifferent map"%

    -hi" i" pro.ecting from > "ie", b$t !o$ can pro.ect from$p to 32% > i" rea! goo tho$gh%

    -he "@$are heae bo! ma'e" the bo#e" compete!


    What o !o$ thin' i" wrong; -here are 2 thing" that are

    the bigge"t probem" with !o$r moe"% It&" i'e 90 of

    !o$r probem"% eeting !o$r hi"tor! an free?ing !o$r


    Moif! ree?e -ran"formation"

    When a probem come" $p, eete the hi"tor! an free?e

    the tran"formation to "ee if it get" ri of it%

    If !o$ aren&t oing it on a reg$ar ba"i", it might be

    "omething e"e%

    I am going to cic' on the "@$are heae bo! again% I&m

    going to go thro$gh thi" once% $"t watch% -hen I wi o

    it again an !o$ can "tart tr!ing it%

    Cnce I ha+e one "ome 'in of weir pro.ect", I mo+ethem o$t of the 0

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    I ha+e "hortc$t" for thi", b$t I&m not going to "how them

    to !o$ $nti !o$ $ner"tan the ong wa! of oing it%

    -here are "ome b$tton" at the top of the ()"% -he itte

    re arrow rotate" it DE egree" at a time%

    Seect Seect She grab" a of the ()" on the "he%

    -e#t$ring i" abo$t 7E of !o$r moeing% It goe" "o far

    to ma'ing it oo' i'e "omething ama?ing%

    /oo' what I moee% It&" ama?ing= 4hear b$nnie"=

    -he! mae it "o !o$ ba"ica! ha+e to eete the hi"tor!%

    A" "oon a" !o$ o thi" abo$t E time", !o$ get rea! @$ic'%

    I& .$"t fini"h off m! 4hear B$nnie"% ic' the corner

    an "tretch it o$t%

    -here i" a tric'% When !o$ are o+er here, if !o$ grab a(), !o$ can go "eect, "eect "he% o own contro, at

    2 C&4oc', "eect "he% -hen .$"t a.$"t an rotate "o it

    i" ine $p proper!%

    -hi" goe" prett! @$ic', .$"t rotate% -here i" the bo#% I

    p$t on i"oate, "eect to get to the bottom of the bo#%

    Now, !o$ go an free?e tran"formation"% 8o$ can hoown an b an grab on the ! a#i" to change the pi+ot

    point"% Now !o$ can mo+e it aro$n that wa!, !o$ can a"o

    "cae it, !o$ can ma'e $picate", $"e "hift F % 8o$ can

    grab an o contro F to repicate that% Now I ha+e a

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    "tac' of crac'er bo#e"%

    8o$ can ma'e a "$permar'et crime% I am going to o a bit

    more moeing% ea!; ere it come"% I mae a

    c!iner% o !o$ nee to "ee that again; anta"tic%

    I wi a""ign a fre"h Binn to thi" one% In coor, map it%

    ie te#t$re% -hi" time I wi $"e "o$p can% -here% Now

    I ha+e a "o$p can te#t$re on there% Wofgang $c'% -hi"

    I wi approach "ight! ifferent% I wi tr! to ine $p the

    ()" witho$t opening the te#t$re eitor% I notice that

    man! peope on&t o what I am abo$t to "how !o$% -hi"i" not a pop$ar metho% B$t, I want !o$ to "ee thi"

    other wa! of oing thing" ca$"e it might wor' for !o$%

    Some peope rea! i'e thi" wa!% or me, I can ta'e it or

    ea+e it%

    So grab the can, eete hi"tor! an free?e

    tran"formation"% (ner create ()", there i" a theifferent t!pe" of mapping% A$tomatic i" "i# panar map"

    together% What one o I nee for thi"; 4!inrica% It

    ta'e" the te#t$re an trie" to wrap it aro$n the ob.ect%

    it E to t$rn the te#t$re off an "ee the weir

    manip$ator thing that i" on the ob.ect% -he"e bo#e",

    thi" i" another "cae bo#, !o$ can "ee what it i" oing

    with the te#t$re bac' on < it i" tiing% 8o$ "ee how ittie" aro$n the ob.ect"; If I ma'e it meet in the bac',

    now it ha" the "eam in the right pace% I am going to ta'e

    the top a" we% -hi" can be har to "ee% A tin! green

    ine < that i" a hane% 8o$ can p$ it $p i'e that% Now it

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    i" in pace% I fin thi" f$n'!, b$t it i" a bit int$iti+e,

    beca$"e !o$ are pa!ing with the ob.ect% Some peope

    i'e that% If !o$ oo"e the itte hane", the too i" 'in

    of hien% -he hot 'e! i" t an then $ner the inp$t" forc!inrica pro.ection", !o$ wi get it bac'%

    If I want to, I can bac' $p to a "ort" of pro.ection" I

    ha+e one if the! are in m! con"tr$ction hi"tor!% Ma'e

    "$re the channe bo# i" on% -he hot 'e! for that i"

    contro F a%

    So that "crew" $p the top% oing the"e pro.ection", !o$can o thi" on ini+i$a face"% I wi .$"t grab the face"

    on the top% 4reate ()"% What "ho$ I $"e% -here i"

    "omething here cae panar mapping, which pro.ect" in

    from ifferent ange"% If !o$ o the efa$t it i" "et to

    #% It wi oo' at thi" thing an pro.ect to the "ie%

    What i" that; -hat i" not right for thi" ob.ect% So go to

    ! which pro.ect" from the top own% I awa!" "et to !% I

    want to pro.ect own from the top% -hat i" m! fa+orite

    one% -here i" ? a#i" an camera% Now, "ee when I hit

    pro.ect; rom the top I can go in an mo+e aro$n% -hi"

    i" m! "cae on the +ertica an thi" i" on the $niatera%

    -he bo# in the corner wi "cae them e@$a!% Scae $p

    an mo+e it into pace%Now o the bottom, get the face", create (), panar

    mapping "et on the 8 a#i", an it oe" the "ame thing

    again% -he itte hane" are rea! har to "ee, b$t the!

    are the"e "ma ine" on the gri% It i" not 100 on%

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    Cnce thi" i" pro.ecte, if !o$ went into the () te#t$re

    eitor, !o$ can "ee it now% 8o$ can go in an twea' them

    in the eitor% -hing" are a bit more int$iti+e, thi" wa!%


    Bob: What e"e o I ha+e in m! bag of tric'";

    -he ne#t a""ignment i" ba"ica! to epict a "cene of a

    crime% I want the rener" to be i'e c$e" to what the

    crime i"% -o te a "tor!% Not @$ite i'e Brea'ing Ba% It

    oe"n&t ha+e to be a m$rer% 8o$ can ma'e $p !o$r own"tor!%

    Geaing from hano$tH

    If !o$ o the 5enera 4riteria, it&" a g$arantee pa""%

    Se"ame Street $"e to be rea! c$tting ege an the!

    p$"he the bo$narie"% It&" "o watere own now%

    Geaing criteriaH

    I want to "ee a range of ob.ect" in term" of compe#it!%

    Start with the ea"ier one"% A" !o$ o them, !o$ wi earn



    8o$ can&t free?e tran"formation" on In"tance%


  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    It "ho$ ma'e "en"e% /i'e if it&" a chair, the pi+ot point

    wi probab! be at the bottom in the mie%

    Not a ob.ect" wi ha+e a te#t$re%

    -o o+erap !o$r ()" $ne"" there i" a rea"on for it%


    ("e refection i" re$nant%

    It&" an ea"! pa"" if !o$ foow thi"% a+e f$n%

    -hi" i" $e Wee' 7%

    /et" o "ome more te#t$ring% I&m going to "how !o$ one

    of m! fa+orite "t$pi tric'"%

    5o to front +iew an hie e+er!thing%

    5o to 4reate o!gon too an ho own % Somethingrea! intere"ting that I .$"t i, if I hit enter, hit right

    cic' an a""ign a /ambert%

    ("e b$iing front% It ine $p perfect!% If !o$ go aong

    the $niatera fir"t, !o$r te#t$re ine" $p perfect!%

    If I grab the "cae too, i"oate, "eect% Mo+e it "o the

    peope on&t oo' weir% It oo'" i'e there i" a b$iinghere% I wi ta'e thi" an grab m! "pit po!gon too% I am

    going to grab thi", right cic' to fini"h it off, an o+er

    here a" we% $"t o$tine that awning "ection% I am going

    to grab the mo+e too an "tretch it tho$gh% Now, I am

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    moeing on the po!gon with the te#t$re% So now it"

    "tarting to ha+e imen"ion%

    In"ert ege oop, pace it in the top of the b$iing, an

    a"o aong the winow ege"% I am .$"t tr!ing to go

    fair! fa"t an frame thi" o$t%

    So one thing that i" intere"ting to note, i" that m! ()",

    or m! te#t$re, the wa! it hit" the "$rface i" not

    affecte b! "ome moeing thing"% If !o$ tr! to e#tr$e,

    for in"tance, !o$ ma! ha+e to fi# thing"% Now I am going

    to o thi"% I $"$a! o the $niatera fir"t, an then the+ertica% I am teaching !o$ a bit of a ba habit% It can

    ma'e "ome "tretche () action% A" I am oing thi" !o$

    can "ee it i" a bit "'ewe, right; I "ho$ a.$"t that,

    probab! wo$ be ea"ier to o that fir"t, b$t it oe"n&t

    matter beca$"e !o$ can "ti o it% I .$"t want to go fa"t,

    beca$"e I co$ "pen a a! ma'ing thi" perfect% So

    now I ha+e e+er!thing ine $p more or e""% /et" go

    ahea an go to the front +iew% -hat gri can be hien%

    I wi grab the top ege, an the ine" r$nning own the

    b$iing% 4hec' to "ee if !o$ got e+er!thing !o$ want% 5o

    into per"pecti+e with a the"e "eecte% 5o to e#tr$e%

    $ them o$t% See that "tretching; -hat i" what I mean

    b! ba habit"% B$t no one wi notice that% It i" CJ%Now, it "eem" to ha+e imen"ion%

    Cnce I ha+e e#tr$e that once, I can p$ the +er! top

    o$t a bit f$rther b! "eecting them% -he winow" oo' a

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    bit fat now% I can go an grab the centre of each


    it e#tr$e% $"h them in% /et" e"eect the one" at the

    top% I i contro right cic', to grow the "eection% I

    ha the face in the centre "eecte, which grew it o$t%

    5o to goba moe an p$ o$t to get the winow frame"%

    I i'e thi" tric', beca$"e !o$ can moe on the ob.ect%

    -hi" wor'" rea! we for b$iing front", an certain

    thing"% Some "t$ff i" not a" goo%

    What abo$t thi" t$nne t!pe thing, the oorwa! here;Spit po!gon too, an raw o$t the "hape of the t$nne


    With e#tr$e I p$"h it in%

    emae St$ent: Wh! can&t I hit mo+e;

    Bob: Witho$t e#tr$e, it oe" thi"% *#tr$e create"more geometr! for me% Cnce I "tart to oo' at it thi" i"

    better, there i" imen"ion to it% o !o$ want to tr! thi";

    I" it ea"! to fig$re o$t; /et me "how !o$ a magic tric'%

    I "aw thi" on "pier man% I am going to create a ine on

    top of the ro$ne winow here% I wi p$"h bac' in the

    winow"% -hen, I wi a""ign a fre"h Binn to them an

    ma'e it tran"parent% It ha" refection capabiit! b$t I

    can "ee thro$gh it% 8o$ can "ee the gri on the gro$n if

    I t$rn it on%

    What the! i in Spier Man wa" create a po!gon

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    c!iner% I wi ta'e it an mo+e it the pi+ot point, b!

    hoing own an + when !o$ mo+e it on the ! a#i" wi

    "nap the +ertice"% I am a"o going to remo+e "ome face"%

    5one% I am going to $"e a /ambert now, an te#t$re thi"with a fie te#t$re% I ha+e a room te#t$re% -hat oe"n&t

    oo' right= I wi a.$"t the room to fit in the c!iner I

    ha+e create% Now, watch% $"h it bac' behin m!

    tran"parent winow% Scae it to fit% Now, when !o$ oo'

    at thi", it oo'" i'e there i" a room in there= It i" rea!

    cheap an ea"!% -hi" i" what the! i for the Spier Man

    mo+ie, to ma'e room" oo' i'e the! ha imen"ion whenhe wo$ "wing b! thro$gh the cit!% It refect", too%

    When I rener thi", I "ho$ be abe to "ee m!

    refection" of the Annie&" bo#e" we mae before% -o "ee

    it, go to p$gin manager an at the bottom, !o$ wi "ee

    menta ra!% It i" a "ophi"ticate rener engine, b$t it

    rea! "$c'" to teach% It i" har% -here are "ome ea"!

    thing", b$t once !o$ want to get tric'!, it get" +er!compicate an har to e#pain% 8o$ want to be a

    compo"itor; -here i" "o m$ch to e#pain% B$t it wor'"

    rea! nice!% -hen I wi rener% -here i" the

    ifference, !o$ can "ee a bit of the bo#e" in there% If I

    wante it 100 refecti+e, !o$ can change the "etting"%

    -he mo"t common renerer in the in$"tr! right now i"

    Arno, it i" ta'ing o+er% I i'e )ra!, it i" +er! "impe an


    -here i" no ight on the bo#e", which wi a"o affect the

    refection"% If !o$ pace a ight !o$ wi change the

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    refection"% -hi" te#t$re that I wa" $"ing i" a 5% -he!

    on&t rener +er! we% -he! awa!" t$rn bac'% *+er!

    once in a whie the! o% -hi" oe"n&t happen a the time,

    b$t it happen" eno$gh that I te peope not to $"e 5"%("e -arga"% -he! are a bigger image, the! weigh a bit

    more on the "cene, b$t the! are awa!" reiabe% I ha+e

    ne+er ha one "crew $p% -iff" in menta ra! are a bit

    fa'!% -here i" a thing cae a N5, which i" goo too%

    It "eem" i'e it ha" got the fie "i?e of a 5 b$t a

    better @$ait!% -hat i" at the top of the "heet%

    Sometime", 5 wi wor' fine, b$t thi" one "$c'"% Ico$ con+ert it to a -arga fie an it wo$ wor' .$"t


    emae St$ent: If !o$ were to change the te#t$re on

    the b$iing wo$ the moe "ta!;

    Bob: 8e"% I can go in here an fi# it% In photo"hop, !o$

    can re"a+e !o$r 5" a" -5A% -hat i" a targa fie%

    Sometime", the! on&t open $p in winow +iewer"% B$t

    the! are wor'ing% 5o bac' into Ma!a, go to /ambert 2,

    which i" where m! b$iing i"% Switch from the 5 to

    the targa% Now when I rener, it "ho$ "how $p no


    Mae St$ent: If we ha+e te#t$re "tretching in o$rpro.ect % % %;

    Bob: A" ong a" it&" not rea! ba%

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    -here i" a new one that I ha+e ne+er one in a ca""% B$t

    et" o the traitiona one fir"t% I&m going to go in an

    "how !o$ how I wi a! the"e o$t in organic ob.ect"%

    Sphere% It&" a +er! goo organic ob.ect to p$t te#t$ringon% If I am going to a""ign a new materia, there i" a ()

    gri% It gi+e" !o$ n$mber"% -here i" a ot of noi"e in it%

    I fin that "ometime" !o$ can "ee it warping% It&" rea!

    ea"! to "pot "tretche te#t$re"% 8o$ want e+er!thing to

    be "@$are% If I oo' in the () te#t eitor, here i" the


    C+er the ne#t few wee'", I wi o a moe in ca"" an

    te#ter it "o !o$ "ee the whoe proce""% 8o$ ha+e to "ee

    it a few time" to get the hang of it%

    -here are the"e itte c$t too", the"e itte "ci""or"% 4$t

    an p$ it $p% It&" i'e c$tting $p a big piece of materia%

    -hi" too reation" !o$r ()"%

    -hen !o$ can cic' $nfo%

    -hi" too i" rea! coo% It wor'" rea! we% I wi o it

    again% GepeatH

    I can grab the"e ()", an hit a!o$t% I ha+e to e#pain

    thi" a few time" before it ma'e" "en"e%

    8o$ can "ee that a of the"e "@$are" are of e@$a +a$e%

    -here are "ome f$nn! "eam" that nee to be fi#e%

    What o !o$ g$!" thin';

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    It ta'e" a whie to $ner"tan what .$"t happene, b$t

    it&" act$a! rea! "impe% It&" i'e tr!ing to wrap a

    ba"'etba in wrapping paper%

    Winow genera eitor" "prea "heet

    If !o$ go into the () te#t eitor, !o$ can "ee the ()"%

    emae St$ent: ow wo$ !o$ moe that Gfemae


    Bob: I thin' I ha+e an e#ampe on the In"tr$ctor Bob


    8o$ can "ee how the ()" are ai o$t%

    -he itte fi"h i" "o that her e!e" oo' at the itte fi"h%

    Ne#t time I wi "how !o$ how to ma'e her ta'%

    If I go own f$rther there i" a norma "mie% -here&" a"neer% -here are itte contro" for their feet% -oe

    wigge"% oot ro"% -oe ro"%

    -hi" wa" one for "omeone e"e%

    -hi" i" "omething more i'e what I i'e to o Gragon

    g$!H% -here are a ot of controer" here% -here are feetcontroer"% oot ban'ing% -oe c$r"% inger"% /et" tr!

    one more thing here% I went off on thi" to "how !o$ ()"%

    5etting thi" to happen i" a bit of a tric'% I wi "how !o$

    ea"! wa!" to o it%

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    I&m going to tr! one more cra?! thing%

    I in&t "how !o$ how to ma'e an e#act proportion with

    the b$iing% When I want to get "omething e#act, I goto the front +iew% 5o to the po!gon too% o own %

    /oo' at the () te#t eitor% 8o$ wi "ee that thi" ()

    eitor corre"pon"% -he ne#t thing that I want to o,

    I&m going to $"e a /ambert% 4oo$r ie 4arbon*

    I ha+e thi" certain te#t$re% What I t!pica! o i" go to

    an image fie% I go to "o$rce image"% I go to propertie"%I oo' at the a#i"% Scae: 2>%D2 an hit enter% So it

    goe" 2>%D2 o$t% 29%10 for the 8 a#i"% -hat&" e#act! to


    I can hie it an bring it bac'%

    If I oo' there i" a thing cae renere "tat"% 8o$ can

    ma'e it "o it&" no onger o$be "ie% When !o$ aremoeing, !o$ nee to create a c$be% I con"tant! notice

    that if I t$rn off o$be "ie, I can awa!" "ee into the


    /et" ma'e thi" "ma% B! "caing it own $niform!, I

    awa!" ha+e the right "i?e for the image% 8o$ want to

    ha+e it "o !o$ on&t cra"h into wa" in the bo#% 8o$ canta'e one of the face" awa!, ma!be one !o$ on&t nee%

    -hin' abo$t it i'e a theatre pro$ction, i'e there i" a

    wa mi""ing%

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    I ha+en&t one thi" in front of peope before "o et" tr!


    So, to ea with thi", it ha" a conca+e effect a bit% So

    create po!gon too i" $ner me"h, an appen i+e" $ner

    eit me"h% So now I wi pre"" enter% Appen wi aow

    me to create that ip proper!% Now, I wi hit appen

    again an ta'e thi" itte top piece% It nee" a bit of

    girth% 8o$ can "ee !o$ can get more c$r+at$re o$t of it if

    !o$ a "ome ege"% 8o$ can e+en o thing" i'e, !o$ can

    in"ert ege oop, an pa! aro$n with thi"% 8o$ canma!be "$c' in the top one", an the bottom i" probab! a

    bit wier beca$"e of the weight of the f$i% -hat wor'",

    I thin'% -hat i" m! carton "hape% I can go $p the mie

    with the @$a", contro, right cic', ege ring, an "pit%

    Now I ha+e a ine $p the mie of the carton%

    So I ha+e the carton% I" that goo; K$e"tion";

    *+er!one i" angr! an want" to ea+e% CJ% Go'eL.o'ing%H

    it e#tr$e an p$ it o$t% ow o I get that inent;

    5rab the"e face" an o an e#tr$e% I wi o "ome

    off"et action to get the ege thic'ne"" right% I wi o

    an e#tr$e in goba moe% I might ma'e a +ieo o$t of

    thi"% -hi" ha" a ot of $"ef$ tric'"% In goba moe, I

    can rotate it in a bit% Now I ha+e a carton% I .$"t maehaf of it, the other haf ha" to be mae% So I wi ta'e

    the face" on the bac' "ie, eete it, ta'e the ob.ect,

    an go to me"h% -hen, there i" an option cae mirror

    geometr!% I want to go to negati+e ? in thi" ca"e% Me"h

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    mirror geometr!, e#pan it to the oppo"ite "ie of the


    Wa" that too m$ch information; I am abo$t to gi+e !o$ a

    te"t% Go'eL.o'ing%H -here% I got that% Now, thi" i"

    going to be coo% 4reate a Binn, coor fie te#t$re% Map

    it with the carton% I "canne a that% /oo' at that%

    erfect% one% -hat i" how the! oo'% Sometime", the

    create po!gon too ma'e" a me"" o+er here% See, it i"

    "howing me the ()"% In the a!o$t in the () te#t$re

    eitor% When I $"e appen, it a" the "ame whoe "hapeagain, an a!er" it $p% 8o$ might "ee thi", i'e a bit

    me""% What "ho$ I o with m! carton, it i" +er! bo#!%

    I hit a$tomatic mapping% -here% Ma'e "$re !o$ ha+e

    fro?en the tran"formation"%

    I wi mo+e it in one at a time% Mo+e thing" into pace%

    -hi" area oo'" "trange, b! the "po$t% -hi" i" going to be

    har on the fir"t a! of "howing thi"% I can&t e#pain it

    a a" I go right now% I am going to c$t the ()"% Ma!be I

    wi tr! .$"t "eecting the face"% I am .$"t hoing own

    to mo+e thing" where I want% I ha+e to grab thi" itte

    wege an mo+e it% -hi" i" wh! I nee to c$t the ege",

    to ma'e the image fit the ob.ect% I ha+e to grab the

    ege" of thi" an hit mo+e an "ew% -hi" i" where it get"a bit a+ance% I ha+e to mo+e the"e o+er thi" wa!, !o$

    ha+e to 'in of $nfo thi" whoe itte area%

    emae St$ent: or a the ob.ect" on the "cene, o !o$

    ha+e to "can it in;

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    Bob: No% 8o$ can ma'e "t$ff $p% I i'e to get rea

    image" when I "how thing", b$t !o$ on&t ha+e to% If !o$

    want to ma'e a emo ree for a .ob, ma'e "omething rea,

    that i" har to repicate, it "how" !o$ ha+e "'i% Mo"t

    .ob" want to "ee that% B$t here, at *mi! 4arr, !o$ are

    aowe to o whate+er !o$ want% 8o$ on&t ha+e to "tart

    from photo"% 8o$ can fin thing" i'e thi"% 8o$ can

    googe "earch te#t$re"% /oo' at the"e thing"% oor"%

    8o$ can ta'e the"e an m$tate them% If !o$ ha+e a "en"e

    of "omething !o$ want an !o$ want to ma'e it from"cratch an raw it or paint it an "can it, that ma'e"

    "ome coo "t$ff that other peope on&t ha+e% Sometime"

    when !o$ $"e the"e te#t$re", !o$ wi fin "omeone e"e

    ha" $"e them an !o$ can "pot it in their wor'%

    emae St$ent: I" there a wa! to $nwrap the ob.ect to

    paint te#t$re" an thing", "o !o$ can print it;

    Bob: 5oo @$e"tion% 8o$ can go po!gon", () "nap"hot%

    -hi" ta'e" an image, here% 8o$ can "a! what !o$ want%

    /et" ma'e it a 2 J te#t$re% Not an I% on&t o that%

    8o$ might want to $"e a 5, or a -arga% -arga" ha+e an

    apha channe% 8o$ wi notice that ma!be% B$t I wi ta'

    abo$t it ater% So o that% Now in m! pro.ect foer,

    there i" m! o$t ()"% It wi open it $p in photo"hop% Ico$ p$t an!thing I want on it%

    I can ta'e thi" pict$re from the internet of Martin, an

    ma'e it bigger% Now go fie, "a+e a"% Switch it to targa%

  • 8/13/2019 ANIM 219 Sept 17


    Sa+e it into !o$r "o$rce image"% Now I ha+e

    martinte#t$re% If !o$ ma'e it 32 bit it ha" an apha

    channe, "o "a+e a" 2D to a+oi that i""$e% I wi $"e a

    fre"h /ambert, map with a fie te#t$re, an where i" thatMartin te#t$re;

    I might ma'e thi" into a +ieo%

    G*n of ca""H
