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Animal diseases 4

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Animal Diseases
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Animal Diseases

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DiseaseBroad definition – not being at ease or uncomfortable

Producers have a vested interest to keep their animals healthy

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Healthy AnimalsGrow faster and produce more profit for their owners

Some diseases are mild, others may be severe and cause rapid death

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Sick animalsUsually display outward signs of illness

Animal may be droopy, go off feed and water, be restless, have a dull haircoat

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Infectious diseasesCaused by microorganisms that invade the animal’s body

Usually contagious diseases that the animal can pass to another animal

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BacteriaLive in a wide range of conditionsLive on and in the bodies of all animalsMore numerous than the cells of the body

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BacteriaMany are beneficial

Those living in the stomachs of ruminant animals aid in digestion

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BacteriaUseful in production of foods such as cheese and sauerkraut

Many can be harmful

Invade the cells of an animal’s body

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Parasitic bacteriaMay harm the animal by feeding off the body cells or secreting a material known as a toxin

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ToxinSubstance that causes harm to an organism

A poison

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Harmful bacteriaWhen large numbers invade, the animal becomes ill

Type and form of the illness depends on the type of bacteria that invades the animal

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CocciRound spherical shaped bacteria

Some forms of pneumonia and strep are caused by this bacteria

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BacillusRod shaped

Single, pairs, or arranged in chains

Cause some serious diseases in animals

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BacillusAnthraxTetanusBlacklegIntestinal coliformSalmonella and tuberculosis

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SpirillaShaped like spirals or corkscrews

Very motile

Require moist atmosphere to live

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SpirillaLive very well in the reproductive tracts of animals


Vibrosis and spirochetosis

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Most bacteriaCan be controlled by the use of antibiotics

Penicillin was one of the first

Produced from extracts of molds

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PenicillinMany forms are now produced

Very effective against bacterial infection.

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VirusesVery tiny particle of matter composed of a core of nucleic acid and a covering of protein that protects the virus

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VirusesHave characteristics of both living and nonliving material

Are on the borderline between living and non living

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VirusesMade up of some of the material found in cells but are not cells because they do not have a nucleus or other cell parts.

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VirusesDo not grow and cannot reproduce outside a living cell

Once inside a living cell, virus reproduces using energy and materials in the invaded cell

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VirusesHarm cells by causing them to burst during reproduction

And by using material that the cell needs to function properly

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VirusViral diseases cause the animal to be sick by preventing certain cells in the body from functioning properly

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VirusMore difficult to treat than bacterial diseases

Antibiotics are not effective against viral infections

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Viral diseasesFoot and mouth disease


Hog cholera


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Viral diseasesBest means of dealing with them is prevention

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ProtozoaMicroorganism that causes disease

Single celled organisms that are often parasitic

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ProtozoaCause harm by feeding on cells or producing toxins

African sleeping sickness


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One of the most costly poultry diseases

Caused diarrhea and weight loss

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ProtozoaMost can be controlled by drugs

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The immune systemSeveral lines of defense in fighting disease

Physical barriers that keep pathogens out

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The immune systemNostrils are lined with hairs that attract particles that harbor germs before they can enter the body

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The immune systemMucous membranes secrete viscous water substance that traps and destroys bacteria and viruses

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The immune systemDigestive and respiratory systems – greatest avenue for entry

Some disease germs can live in the soil for many years

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Soil borne diseaseAnimals come into contact with the ground when they graze

Many pathogens are breathed in by livestock

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GermsSwallowed by animals are destroyed by digestive enzymes

Inhaled germs are trapped in mucous membranes of respiratory tract

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2nd line of defenseBlood cells

White and Red

Red – carry oxygen and other nutrients to other body cells

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White Blood CellsAre produced in the bone marrow

Circulate throughout the body to get rid of worn out cells

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PhagocytesWhite blood cells that intercept and destroy pathogens

Also migrate to certain organs and remain there to intercept pathogens

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White Blood CellsCirculate through other body fluids and the mucous membranes

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PhagocytesRelease chemicals that can induce the production of more white blood cells to help fight disease

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PhagocytesAn elevated WBC count indicated that there are disease organisms present in the animal’s body and a large number of phagocytes have been produced to combat them

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LymphocytesLymph glands that produce certain WBC’s

These cells react to foreign substances by releasing chemicals that kill the pathogen or inactivate the foreign substance

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AntigensSubstances that cause the release of chemicals

May be viruses, bacteria, toxins, or other substances

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AntibodiesThe chemicals released by the lymphocytes

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2nd Immune ResponseLymphocytes become memory cell and are ready to release the antibody if the antigen enters the body at a later time

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2nd Immune ResponseResponse occurs much more quickly

Lasts longer than primary response

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ImmunityMeans than an animal is protected from catching a certain disease

Animal’s body is capable of producing enough antibodies fast enough to neutralize the disease

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ImmunityActive or passive

Active –animal is more or less permanently immune

Passive – animal is only temporarily immune

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ImmunityAnimals are born with some immunityColostrum is rich in antibodiesServe the new animal until its own immune system can take over

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ImmunityAs the animal is exposed to more antigens, antibodies build up within the animal.Naturally acquired active immunity results from the animal actually contracting the disease and recovering

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Artificial ActiveInduced by injecting antigens into the animal

Causes phagocytes to react without making the animal seriously ill

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Edward JennerLate 1700’s

Began vaccination process

Smallpox and cow pox

Collected material from sores of people with cowpox

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Edward JennerInjected healthy people with material

Became mildly ill with cow pox

Then were immune

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Louis PasteurDeveloped several vaccines following Jenner’s lead

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VaccinesLive Killed or weakened strainBoth stimulate production of antibodiesKilled – less dangerous when compared to live vaccine

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Noninfectious DiseaseNot contagious

Genetic diseases

Caused by defects in the genes

Problem or disease can be passed from parent to offspring

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Genetic DiseasesCannot be spread through contact with other animalsControl of genetic diseases, using good selection practicesAvoid breeding animals that are known to have genetic defects in their line

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Nutritional DiseasesMilk fever in dairy cattle

Cows lie down and are unable to stand

Insufficient amount of Ca in the bloodstream

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Milk feverUsually cured by injection of Ca salts

Effects are immediate and dramatic

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OvereatingFounder – horses, cattle and sheepEat too much grainCauses feet to become inflamed and hooves to grow upward and outward

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PoisoningMoldy feed can contain toxins

Aflatoxins and ergot – fungi that grow on grains

Grazing on poisonous plants

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Disease preventionVaccinationHumans can carry disease from one farm to anotherMany farms require plastic boots be worn over the shoes of visitors

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QuarantineIsolation of newly purchased animals

Government regulates quarantine for animals coming into the US

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QuarantineMany states have quarantine periods or require health papers for animals crossing state linesAnimals tested positive for Brucellosis (Bangs) are branded and sent to slaughter.
