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Animal Farm

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Animal Farm. Chapters 1-5 Review. Question. Who does Old Major parallel in Russian history?. Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin. Marx was the original revolutionist, like Old Major. Their ideas inspired others to rebel. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Animal Farm Chapters 1-5 Review
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Animal Farm Chapters 1-5 Review

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Who does Old Major parallel in Russian history?

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Karl Marx or Vladimir LeninMarx was the original revolutionist, like Old Major.

Their ideas inspired others to rebel.Lenin’s body was put on display in Red Square of Moscow like Old Major’s skull was displayed at the foot of the flagstaff next to the gun in Chapter 5.

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QuestionWho is Farmer Jones in the Russian Revolution?

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Czar Nicholas IIBoth were poor leaders, leaving for periods of time and treating their people (animals) poorly.

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QuestionIn Chapter 1, Mr. Jones takes his gun and shoots it 6 times into the darkness after Old Major incites the animals to rebel.

What is this like in Russian history?

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Bloody Sunday (Revolution of 1905)

Czar Nicholas II shot at the people who were petitioning for more food and rights on Jan. 22nd, 1905 at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg.

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Question Who is Napoleon in the Russian Revolution?

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Joseph StalinNapoleon and Stalin were ruthless dictators who became worse leaders than their predecessors, Farmer Jones and Czar Nicholas II.

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Question Who is Snowball in the Russian Revolution?

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Leon TrotskyBoth were original revolutionaries.

Trotsky was the leader and the hero of the Red Army, just like Snowball was the leader and the hero of the Battle of Cowshed.

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Also…Snowball gets kicked off of Animal Farm by Napoleon like Trotsky gets exiled from Russia by Stalin.

Both were more intelligent than Stalin and Napoleon.

Both were made out to be traitors.

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QuestionWho are the pigs in the Russian Revolution?

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The IntelligentsiaThey were the educated Russians.They encouraged others to rebel.

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Who does Boxer parallel in the Russian Revolution?

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The Proletariat or the Working ClassThe proletariat were the uneducated and easily manipulated people who only wanted more land and an end to the war.

Most of the animals were uneducated and wanted to be free from the clutches of Man.

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QuestionWhat is Animalism in the Russian Revolution?

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Marxism, Communism, and / or Socialism

All promoted an equal, classless society

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Also…The Beasts of England is like…

the song, The Communist Internationale.They are both the anthems that favored an equal and bright future for all.

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QuestionWhat do Sugarcandy Mountain and Moses parallel in the Russian Revolution?

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The Russian Orthodox ChurchAll provided hope for the people / animals.

Stalin and the pigs were threatened by these ideas.

The church was dejected, just like Sugarcandy Mountain and Moses were.

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QuestionWhat does the overthrow of Farmer Jones parallel in the Russian Revolution?

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The February RevolutionThe people and the animals were starving and decided to riot.

Czar Nicholas II and Farmer Jones were both overthrown.

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QuestionWho does Mollie represent in the Russian Revolution?

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The Bourgeoisie and possibly the White ArmyMollie was the upper middle working class.

Neither were in favor of the revolution because luxuries would be lost.

Mollie actually leaves the farm, but she is never heard from again.

Did she join the White Army?

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QuestionWho is Squealer in the Russian Revolution?

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The MediaHe represents Stalin’s ideas via the newspaper and media outlets.

Using propaganda, the media manipulated the Russian people and took advantage of their low intelligence.

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QuestionManor Farm, later Animal Farm, parallels which place?

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Russia and / or the USSR

USSR stands for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, aka the Soviet Union.

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QuestionWhat type of propaganda is used here? “ ‘Our sole object in taking these things (milk and apples) is to promote our health.’”

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Bad Logic Bad logic- An argument based on false premises

The pigs don’t really need milk and apples to promote their health.

They are just being selfish.

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QuestionWhat type of propaganda is being used here?

“ ‘ Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well being of a pig.’”

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Transference and / or Bad LogicSquealer is trying to transfer the authority of science to his argument that the pigs need the milk and apples.Bad logic because this just doesn’t really make sense.

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QuestionWhat kind of propaganda is being used here?“ ‘ We pigs are the brainworkers.’”

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Loaded Words or Stereotyping“Brainworkers” is a loaded word, creating a certain reaction in the animals.It is also stereotyping the pigs as the smartest of the animals.

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QuestionWhat kind of propaganda is being used here?

“ ‘ Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples.’”

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Bad logic It is not for the animals’ sakes that the pigs eat the apples and drink the milk.They do it because they are selfish.

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QuestionWhat kind of propaganda is used here?“ ‘Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back!’”

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FearSquealer is taking advantage of the animals’ fears that Jones will come back.Things will go back to the way they were before if they don’t listen to the pigs.

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QuestionWhat kind of propaganda is used here?“ ‘…surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?’”

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Fear and BandwagonFear about Jones coming backBandwagon because Squealer says they should all feel this way

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QuestionSnowball and Napoleon try to stir up ideas of rebellion to neighbouring farm animals.What is this like in the Russian Revolution?

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Lenin spreading his ideas before he and the Bolsheviks take over

Lenin told the people what they wanted to hear…he could get them land and stop the war

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QuestionWho is Pilkington and what is his farm, Foxwood, in the Russian Revolution?

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Winston Churchill of EnglandHe is a combination of all the leaders of England.

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QuestionWho is Mr. Frederick and his farm, Pinchfield?

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Adolf Hitler of GermanyHe, like Frederick, was a “tough, shrewd” man who didn’t get along with many.

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QuestionWhat kind of propaganda is being used here?Frederick and Pilkington “began to talk of the terrible wickedness that now flourished on Animal Farm.”

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Demonizing the EnemyAnimal Farm is being described as worthless and immoral because they are the enemy of these 2 men.

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QuestionWhen Jones and his men come back in Chapter 4 to try to retake their farm, what is this compared to in Russian history? (This is the Battle of the Cowshed.)

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The October RevolutionThis is when the Bolsheviks, and the pigs, solidify their presence and their status on the farm and in the country.Both were expected to occur.

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QuestionWhat is the symbol that is used to represent and remember the victory at the Battle of Cowshed?

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The gun at the foot of the flagstaff

It would be fired “twice a year, once on the anniversary of the Battle of the Cowshed, and once on Midsummer Day, the anniversary of the Rebellion.”

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QuestionWho are Clover, Benjamin, and Muriel most like in the Russian Revolution?

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The are most like the intelligentsia

They are smart enough to figure out what is going on, but they choose not to get involved.

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QuestionSnowball and Napoleon disagree about the building of the windmill. What is this similar to in history?

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The 5 year plansTrotsky wanted to develop Russia’s industry.

His 5 year plans were stolen by Stalin, like Napoleon stole Snowball’s plans for the windmill at the end of Chapter 5.

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QuestionWhat kind of propaganda is being used here?

“Snowball conjured up pictures of fantastic machines which would do their work for them while they grazed at their ease…”

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Glittering GeneralitiesCreating an illusion on no particular grounds

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QuestionNapoleon uses what kind of propaganda here?

“Napoleon argued that the great need of the moment was to increase food production, and that if they wasted time on the windmill they would all starve to death.”

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FearLike Stalin, Napoleon favored agriculture and wanted to scare the animals into believing they would die if they didn’t follow him.

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QuestionIn addition to fighting over the windmill, what were Snowball and Napoleon’s views on the defence of the farm?

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They disagreed about war.Napoleon wanted to get firearms and train all to use them.

Snowball said weapons would not be necessary if rebellions occurred everywhere. They would have no need to defend themselves with weapons.

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Didn’t the Russian people want the end to war?Yes. This is ironic because this is probably what Napoleon and Stalin both really wanted.

Yet they used a platform of peace to become a leader.

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QuestionWhy do you think Napoleon did not exile Snowball sooner?

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He wanted to steal his ideas for the windmill.

Just like Stalin, Napoleon wanted to use Trotsky until his brains were no longer necessary.

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QuestionWho are the puppies of Jessie and Bluebell that are being “educated” by Napoleon compared to in Russian society?

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The KGB, or secret policeThey were trained to carry out Stalin’s dirty work. As grown dogs, they force Snowball into exile, as the KGB had a role in Trotsky’s exile and assassination, too.

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QuestionHow is Napoleon becoming a dictator?

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Many things:No more Sunday meetingsA special committee of pigs, run by Napoleon, would make all decisions.

Animals would only receive orders and salute the flag on Sunday mornings.

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In the upcoming chapters, watch for these things:the problems the farm will encounter, especially with the windmill

the arrival of Mr. Whymperthe changes to the 7 commandments

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Also, watch for…the business arrangements between Napoleon, Frederick, and Pilkingtonhow Snowball is involvedthe hens rebellion

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And don’t forget to read…Chapter 7- the best (and most brutal) chapter of them all, in my opinion

The sale of the timberThe Battle of the WindmillMake sure you know what all of these are in history!

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And finally… Boxer’s declineThe return of Sugarcandy mountain

The meeting between Napoleon, Pilkington, and Frederick

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Chapters 5-10These chapters are post Russian Revolution, but they still parallel Russian history.Happy reading!
