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ANIMAL GROSSOLOGY Exhibitions created

Date post: 17-Mar-2022
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A division of Advanced Animations, L.L.C. ANIMAL GROSSOLOGY Exhibitions created and produced by Advanced Animations LLC. ANIMAL GROSSOLOGY is a registered trademark of Penguin Group (USA) LLC.

A division of Advanced Animations, L.L.C.

ANIMAL GROSSOLOGY Exhibitions created and produced by Advanced Animations LLC.

ANIMAL GROSSOLOGY is a registered trademark of Penguin Group (USA) LLC.

1. 令人噁心的動物,非以下幾位莫屬。牠們外表奇怪噁心,並具有許多令人意想不到的特徵和生 活習性。請用線把與牠們對應的描述連接起來吧!(可有多過一個答案) The following animals must be the members of the uncanny ones. They look disgusting and have strange characteristics and life habits. Please draw lines to link the animals with the corresponding descriptions! (May have more than one answer)

皮膚上帶有厚厚的黏液層,以幫助移動。Thick layers of mucus cover the skin to help move around.

牠的頭部帶有勾或吸盤,會寄居於人體內,最長可逾18米。Their heads have hooks or suckers. They can live inside the human body and grow over 18 metres.

以淤泥為食物。They eat muck.

雌雄同體,身軀同時擁有兩性的性器官。They are hermaphrodites, having both male and female sexual organs in the body.

它們會吐出自己的腸臟來擾亂獵食者,藉此逃命。They shoot out their intestines to distract predators so as to escape.


怪形怪相的動物Uncanny Animals

絛蟲 Tapeworms

蛞蝓 Slugs

海參 Sea Cucumbers

2. 以下是一隻蒼蠅的自我介紹,你可以幫牠完成其內容嗎? A �y is introducing itself. Can you help it to complete the introduction?


噁心的食物Disgusting Food

大家好! 我是蒼蠅。Hello everybody! I am a �y.

我的腳上有超過千多條 細毛,

其作用就好像人類的舌頭,可用來感受 味道。

More than 1,000 little hairs on my legs and feet

act like human tongues for tasting .

每次進食時,我會先吐出 消化酸液,


I will vomit bar�ng digestive acids onto solid foods to

dissolve them into a liquid while I am eating.

我會用 一條長長的管道 來吸吮食物。

I will absorb food through a long feeding tube .

無論是 垃圾 、 糞便 和 生日蛋糕 ,我甚麽都吃。

I eat anything, from garbage to poops to

birthday cake .

令人作嘔的消化過程Revolting Digestion


3. 反芻動物會在進食一段時間後,把食物從胃吐出來,然後再咀嚼一番。你能 分辨以下哪些是反芻動物嗎?試把牠們圈出來。 A ruminant will regurgitate the cud and chew again. Can you circle the ruminant animals shown below?

4. 牛是反芻動物之一,並擁有四個胃室:瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃和皺胃。你對牠們的四個 胃室有多少認識呢?試在展覽中找尋相關資料,並在圓圈位置填上適當的英文字母。 Cow is one of the ruminant animals and has stomach with four chambers: rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. How much do you know about these four chambers? Let's �nd the information from the exhibition and put the English letters on appropriate circles.

A. 這胃室的作用就如一個大型的發酵箱。 It acts as a large fermenting tank.

B. 這是牛的第二個胃。 This is the second part of the stomach.

C. 這胃室充斥着能夠將草消化、轉化成美味醬菜的細菌和單細胞生物。 It is packed full of bacteria and protozoan which digest the grass into a yummy stew.

D. 這胃室有如海綿,可以吸收多達十公升的水。 It acts like a sponge and can absorb up to 10 litres of water.

E. 這胃室跟人類的胃部很相似,會分泌強酸和多種消化酶。 It is much like human stomach. It secretes a strong acid and many digestive enzymes.

F. 這胃室是讓食物顆粒進入或者離開瘤胃的分岔道。 It is the crossroad where food particles entering or leaving the rumen are sorted.

G. 這胃室讓水和礦物質通過唾液回流至瘤胃。 It allows the recycling of water and minerals back to the rumen though saliva.

H. 進入這胃室的東西主要是未經發酵的飼料顆粒和纖維,以及在瘤胃生長的微生物。 The material entering this chamber is made up primarily of unfermented feed particles and �bers, and microbes that grew inside the rumen.



皺胃AbomasumD G E H




5. 由於人類和許多動物的血液都呈紅色,因此人們大多 認為血液都是紅色的。但原來除了紅色外,自然界中 還有其他顏色的血液存在。你知道是甚麼顏色嗎?試 在展覽中找尋血液的資料,並回答以下問題。 Most people think of the colour red for blood because this is the colour of blood for humans and many animals. However, blood also comes in other colours. Do you know what they are? Let's �nd the information of blood from the exhibition and answer the following questions.

a. 哪些動物的血液是紅色的? What kind of animal has red blood? 脊椎動物 Vertebrates / Animals with backbones

b. 為甚麼靜脈看起來是藍色的? Why veins look blue?


c. 你能說出三種具有藍色血液的動物嗎? Can you name three animals which have blue blood?

龍蝦 / 蟹 / 蝦 / 章魚 / 扇貝 / 蝸牛 / 蛤 / 其他合理答案 (只需回答三種動物)

d. 藍色血液內含甚麼物質使其呈藍色? What makes blood in blue colour? 血青素 / 銅元素 Hemocyanin / Copper metal

e. 為甚麼大部分昆蟲的血液是透明的? Why do most insects have clear blood?

牠們的血液内沒有金屬元素 There is no metal in their blood

f. 一些昆蟲的血液呈黃色的。你能說出其中一種擁有黃色血液的昆蟲嗎? Some insects can have yellowish blood. Can you think of an insect which has yellow blood?

瓢蟲 Ladybugs


怪異的血液Weird Blood

It is because we see the veins through skin

Lobsters / crabs / shrimp / octopuses / scallops / snails / clams / any other reasonable answers (only three animals)

6. 所有生物,包括植物都會產生排泄物,由動物排出的糞便更可謂無處不在。大家可能以為糞 便都是大同小異,但其實不同動物的糞便都是「各具特色」的。原來在英文用詞中,不同質 地和形狀的糞便各有不同的名稱。你知道以下糞便的英文名稱嗎?你又可以分辨出它們是哪 種動物的排泄物嗎? All living things make excreta, even plants. Excreta made by animals are known as poops. You may think that all poops look similar. The fact is, di�erent animals make di�erent poops. In English, poops of di�erent texture and shape have di�erent names. Do you know the names of the following poops in English and what animals excrete them?

糞便的英文名稱Names of poops

鹿、駝鹿、兔、馬Deer, Elk, Rabbits, Horses

牛、駱駝、大象Cows, Camels, Elephants

山獅、狼Mountain lions, Wolves



不同「樣貌」的糞便Poops with Different “Appearance”





Taper-ended scat with hair

擠成球狀的糞便Round, slightly

squashed pellets


Small, even-sized, oval pellets

7. 科學界有專門研究糞便的,這門學問稱為糞石學。透過研究糞便,科學家可得知不同動物的 進食習慣,從而幫助了解不同動物在自然界中扮演的角色。你能正確分辨出以下動物的食性 和牠們的糞便嗎? The study of poops is called scatology. Through studying poops, scientists can �nd out the eating habits of di�erent animals, and therefore to understand their roles in the nature. Can you identify the eating habits and the associated poops of the following animals correctly?


骯髒的糞便Dirty Poops




以植物為主糧Plant eating

以肉為主糧Meat eating

以肉和植物為主糧Both meat and plant eating



