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Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volume fractions Giovanni E. Comi (SNS) work in collaboration with L. Ambrosio XXVII Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni Levico Terme Febraury, 6-10, 2017 L. Ambrosio, G. E. Comi, Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volume fractions, preprint. G. E. Comi (SNS) Limits of volume fractions Febraury, 6-10, 2017 1 / 21
Page 1: Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volume fractions€¦ · Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volume fractions Giovanni E. Comi (SNS) work in collaboration with L.

Anisotropic surface measures aslimits of volume fractions

Giovanni E. Comi (SNS)

work in collaboration with

L. Ambrosio

XXVII Convegno Nazionale di Calcolo delle Variazioni

Levico Terme

Febraury, 6-10, 2017

L. Ambrosio, G. E. Comi, Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volumefractions, preprint.

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Page 2: Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volume fractions€¦ · Anisotropic surface measures as limits of volume fractions Giovanni E. Comi (SNS) work in collaboration with L.


1 Motivations and main result

2 Proof of the theorem

3 Variants and examples

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Ambrosio, Bourgain, Brezis and Figalli’s paper

Ambrosio, Bourgain, Brezis and Figalli recently studied a newcharacterization of the perimeter of a set in Rn by considering thefollowing functionals originating from a BMO-type seminorm

Iε(f ) = εn−1 supGε



Q′|f (x)− −


f | dx , (1)

where Gε is any disjoint collection of ε-cubes Q′ with arbitraryorientation and cardinality not exceeding ε1−n.In particular, they studied the case f = 1A; that is, the characteristicfunction of a measurable set A, and proved that


Iε(1A) = 12 min1,P(A). (2)

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Ambrosio, Bourgain, Brezis and Figalli’s paper

In particular, removing the cardinality bound, the scaling invarianceeasily implies that


Iε(1A) =

12P(A) if 1A ∈ BV+∞ if othewise


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New approach

Our research consisted in looking for general covering sets.Let C be a bounded connected open set with Lipschitz boundary,0 ∈ C . We define

HCε (A) := εn−1 sup

∑C ′∈Hε


C ′|1A(x)− −

∫C ′

1A| dx (3)

= εn−1 supHε

∑C ′∈Hε

2 |C′ ∩ A||C ′ \ A||C ′|2 ,

where Hε is any disjoint family of translations C ′ of the set εC withno bounds on cardinality.

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Main result


There exists ϕC : Sn−1 → (0,+∞), bounded and lowersemicontinuous, such that, for any set of finite perimeter A, one has


HCε (A) =


ϕC (νA(x)) dH n−1(x), (4)

where FA and νA are respectively the reduced boundary of A and themeasure theoretic unit interior normal to FA. Moreover, if A ismeasurable and P(A) =∞, one has


HCε (A) = +∞. (5)

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The case A is not a set of finite perimeter

There exists a constant k(C , n) such that

HBε (A) ≤ k(C , n)HC

ε (A) (6)

where B = B(0, 1) is the unit ball. In addition, there exists a constantcn such that

HBε (A) ≥ cnIε(1A) (7)

and we recall that, if P(A) =∞,


Iε(1A) = +∞. (8)

Hence, the result follows from (6), (7) and (8).

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Properties of H±We fix a set A of finite perimeter and we localize Hε to an open set Ω,in order to define the following increasing set functions on open sets

HC+(A,Ω) := lim sup

ε→0HCε (A,Ω), (9)

HC−(A,Ω) := lim inf

ε→0HCε (A,Ω). (10)

Such functions are clearly translation invariant: for any τ ∈ Rn,H±(A + τ,Ω + τ) = H±(A,Ω).Since C is an open bounded connected set with Lipschitz boundary,we have the following relative isoperimetric inequality: there exists aconstant γ = γ(C) such that

|C ∩ A||C \ A||C |2 ≤ γP(A,C). (11)

By scaling, we get an upper bound for H+:H+(A,Ω) ≤ 2γP(A,Ω). (12)

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Properties of H±

1 Homogeneity: for any t > 0, Htε(tA, tΩ) = tn−1Hε(A,Ω) andH±(tA, tΩ) = tn−1H±(A,Ω).

2 Superadditivity of H−: Hε(A,Ω1 ∪ Ω2) = Hε(A,Ω1) + Hε(A,Ω2) wheneverΩ1 ∩ Ω2 = ∅ implies

H−(A,Ω1 ∪ Ω2) ≥ H−(A,Ω1) + H−(A,Ω2). (13)

3 Almost subadditivity of H+ (WLOG diam(C) = 1):

Hε(A,Ω1 ∪ Ω2) ≤ Hε(A, Iε(Ω1)) + Hε(A, Iε(Ω2)), (14)

for any open set Ω1,Ω2, where It(Ω) := x ∈ Rn : dist(x ,Ω) < t. Hence,for any open sets Wi ⊃ Iδ(Ωi ), i = 1, 2, for some δ > 0, we get

H+(A,Ω1 ∪ Ω2) ≤ H+(A,W1) + H+(A,W2). (15)

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Definition of ϕ±

We set

ϕ+(ν) := H+(Sν ,Qν),ϕ−(ν) := H−(Sν ,Qν),

where ν ∈ Sn−1, Sν := x ∈ Rn : x · ν ≥ 0 and Qν a unit cubecentered in the origin having one face orthogonal to ν and bisected bythe hyperplane ∂Sν .

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First properties of ϕ±

Using the relative isoperimetric inequality, it is easy to find the upperbound ϕ+ ≤ 2γ. On the other hand, using comparison arguments, itis also possible to show that ϕ− ≥ c(n,C) > 0.In addition, using the homogeneity and the additivity of Hε and ascaling argument with cubes it is possible to show that

ϕ−(ν) = supε>0

Hε(Sν ,Qν).

From this it follows easily that ϕ− is lower semicontinuous and that

ϕ−(ν) ≤ ϕ+(ν) = lim supε→0

Hε(Sν ,Qν) ≤ supε>0

Hε(Sν ,Qν) = ϕ−(ν).

Hence, ϕ− = ϕ+ and we can define

ϕ(ν) := limε→0

Hε(Sν ,Qν).

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Derivation theorems

TheoremLet E be a set of finite perimeter and νE be its measure theoreticinterior normal. Then, for H n−1-a.e. x ∈ FE , we have

D−P H−(x) := lim infr→0

H−(E ,QνE (x)(x , r))P(E ,QνE (x)(x , r)) ≥ ϕ(νE (x)), (16)

D+P H+(x) := lim sup


H+(E ,QνE (x)(x , r))P(E ,QνE (x)(x , r)) ≤ ϕ(νE (x)). (17)

In particular, it follows that

D−P H−(x) = D+P H+(x) = ϕ(νE (x)) for H n−1-a.e. x ∈ FE .

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Inner regular envelope

To proceed, we apply an argument similar to the classical densitytheorems for measures to the nondecreasing set functions H±, forwhich we need Vitali covering theorem for cubes and properties whichreplace the additivity.Indeed, H− is superadditive, but H+(E , ·) is not a subadditive setfunction on the family of open sets, so we consider

H∗+(E ,Ω) := supH+(E ,Ω′) : Ω′ b Ω,

the inner regular envelope, which is actually σ-subadditive.

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Density theorems

TheoremFor any Borel set B ⊂ FE and t > 0, we have that

lim infr→0

H−(E ,QνE (x)(x , r))P(E ,QνE (x)(x , r)) ≥ t (18)

for all x ∈ B implies H−(E ,U) ≥ tH n−1(B) for any open set U ⊃ B.On the other hand, we have that

lim supr→0

H+(E ,QνE (x)(x , r))P(E ,QνE (x)(x , r)) ≤ t (19)

for all x ∈ B implies H∗+(E ,U) ≤ tP(E ,U) + 2γP(E ,U \ B) for anyopen set U ⊃ B.

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Proof of the main theorem in the rectifiablecase

We use the previous results to adapt the classical proofs of thedifferentiation theorem for Radon measures to the nondecreasing setfunctions H±(E , ·).The key idea is to partition FE in a suitable way and then use thedensity theorems. The superadditivity of H−(E , ·) ensures a lowerestimate and the σ-superadditivity of H∗+(E , ·) an upper estimate, sothat we obtain∫

FEϕ(νE ) dH n−1 ≤ H−(E ,Rn) ≤ H∗+(E ,Rn) ≤


ϕ(νE ) dH n−1.

It is easy to show that H∗+(E ,Rn) = H+(E ,Rn), and so we conclude.

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The case C is the unit ball

Let C to be the unit ball B(0, 1), then

ϕ ≡ ξn,

a constant depending only on the space dimension. Indeed, thefunctionals Hε and H± are rotationally invariant. We obtain an upperestimate using the relative isoperimetric inequality in the ball withsharp constant. For the lower estimate, we choose a covering ofdisjoint ε-balls which can stay inside Qν and are bisected by ∂Sν .Thus, this problem is related to the Kepler’s problem, which consistsin looking for the optimal fraction ρn ∈ (0, 1] of the volume of then-dimensional unit cube covered by finite unions of disjoint balls withthe same radius ε, as ε→ 0. Hence, we get


2ωn−1≤ ξn ≤


. (20)

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The isotropic case

If we redefine Hε in an isotropic way; that is, allowing for anyorientation of the sets C ′ in the covering, we clearly get the rotationalinvariance for the modified functionals H iso

ε and so the associatedfunction ϕiso is a constant ξ(C). In these cases the main result forsets of finite perimeter follows directly from the density theorems withB = FE .In particular, if C = Q and we allow for arbitrary orientation, we have

ϕQ ≡ 12 ,

which implies the result of Ambrosio, Brezis, Bourgain and Figalli.

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A 2-dimensional anisotropic case

Since the anisotropic perimeter∫FA ϕ(νA) dH n−1 is lower

semicontinuous w.r.t. the convergence in measure if and only if ϕ isthe restriction to the unit sphere of a positively 1-homogeneous andconvex function, it would be desirable to find conditions on C (weakerthan the isotropy of the ball) for which this happens. The problem isnontrivial since even the unit square in R2 gives rise to a function ϕnot satisfying this condition.Indeed, if C is the unit cube Q = (0, 1)2, then

ϕQ(ν) =


√23 |ν1||ν2| if 27

32 |ν2| ≤ |ν1| ≤ 3227 |ν2|

‖ν‖∞2 if |ν1| ≤ 27

32 |ν2| or |ν1| ≥ 3227 |ν2|


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A 2-dimensional anisotropic case

The function Φ(x) := |x |ϕQ(

x|x |

)is not convex, indeed, the

upper-right corner to the set Φ(x) ≤ 2 is

(courtesy of A. Nikishova)

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A variant

One may define a family of functionals similar to Hε allowing fordifferent dilations of the set C under a fixed level ε > 0:

Hε(A,Ω) := supGε

∑C ′∈Gε

2(ε(C ′))n−1 |C ′ ∩ A||C ′ \ A||C ′|2 , (21)

where C ′ = ε(C ′)(C + a), for some translation vector a, and Gε is adisjoint family inside Ω of translations of the set ηC , for anyη ∈ (0, ε]. Since these functionals satisfy the same properties of Hε

and H±, we can define the functions ϕ±(ν) := H±(Sν ,Qν) and showan analogous version of the main theorem for them.If we take C to be the unit ball, then ϕ is a constant, since Hε isrotation invariant, and

ϕ ≡ 12ωn−1


since arbitrarily small radii are allowed.G. E. Comi (SNS) Limits of volume fractions Febraury, 6-10, 2017 20 / 21

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Thank you for your attention!

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