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ŞANLIURFA · Şanliurfa the pioneer in agriculture and agriculture-based food industry with its...

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10 Reasons to Invest in Şanlıurfa

Şanlıurfa Agri-cultural Lands

Suitable Sectors for Agriculture and Agriculture-Based Industrial Invest-ments in Şanlıurfa

Irrigated Lands

Incentives and Subsidies

Plant Production

Incentives for Rural Develop-ment Invest-ments

Animal Husbandry

Incentives for Private Irrigation Investments












Milk Production

EU Grants under IPARD

Agriculture and Agriculture-Based Food Industry

Agricultural Loans

Number of Farmers, Agricultural Produc-tion Value

Incentives for Other Agricultural Investments

Organic Agriculture

Incentives for An-imal Husbandry Investments

Greenhouse Farming

Areas Incentiv-ized by Develop-ment Agencies


Population (2017) 1,985,753

Area of Şanlıurfa Province (Ha) 1,933,600

Number of Districts 13




Land Use Area (Ha) Ratio toTotal Area (%)

Agricultural Lands

Fruit, Beverage and Spice Plant Farming

143,440 12.95%

Fallow Lands 97,073 8.76%

Vegetable Farming 20,035 1.80%

Ornamental Plant Farming

2 0.03%

Grain and Other Plant Produce Farming

846,564 76.46%

Total Agricultural Land

1,107,114 100%

Our province possesses 4.9% of Turkey's total agricultural lands, making it the third largest after Konya and Ankara.

Source: Turkish Statistical Institute (2017)



Source: State Hydraulic Works 15th Regional Directorate – www.gap.gov.tr



Irrigable Land 941,083

EconomicallyIrrigable Land


Total Irrigated Land 390,803

Şanlıurfa is home to 11% of Turkey's economically irrigable land, and is the province to receive the biggest share from the Irrıgation Projects in-volved in the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). The current total of ir-rigated land in Şanlıurfa is 390 thou-sand Hectares. That being said, total irrigable area will increase to 940 thousand Hectares with the comple-tion of GAP.

Irrigable LandTotal Irrigated





Şanlıurfa is a center of attraction for investments in veg-etable, fruit and greenhouse farming, being the biggest producer of cotton and lentil, the second biggest pro-ducer of pistachios and corn, and one of the biggest pro-ducers of oilseed and grain in the country,

Item No Product Percentage in

Turkey Total (%)Production


1 Red Lentil 38% 129,732

2 Cottonseed 45% 916,000

3 Pistachio 33% 47,848

4 Sweet Corn 11% 687,000

5 Barley 7% 588,764

6 Wheat 5% 1,088,000

7 Pepper 4.91% 115,248

8 Eggplant 2.84% 24,287

9 Safflower 0.44% 256

Source: Şanlıurfa Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry (2017), Turkish Statistical Institute (2017)



Şanlıurfa is the biggest producer of livestock in the Southeastern Anatolia region. It is appealing for animal husbandry investments in terms of affordable day-to-day care and fodder costs. Atatürk Dam Lake and the Euphrates River provide many opportunities for aquaculture investments. Along with new and increasing ani-mal husbandry investments, Şanlıurfa is taking sure steps towards becoming the production center for Meat, Dairy and Aquaculture Products in our country.

Species Quantity Turkey TotalPercentage

in Turkey Total (%)

Cattle Domestic 55,862 1,733,292 3.22Hybrid 110,875 5,758,336 1.92

Cultured 41,993 6,588,527 0.63

Water Buffalo 231 142,073 0.16

Total Bovine Population 214,647 14,222,228 1.5

Ovine and Caprine

Sheep 1,562,820 30,983,933 5.04

Goat 222,000 10,345,299 2.14Total Ovine and Caprine Population

1,784,820 41,329,232 4.31

Poultry 726,730 333,541,262 0.21

Beehives 107,678 7,900,364 1.36

Source: Turkish Statistical Institute (2017)



Animal Species ŞanlıurfaProduction (Tons)



Ratio to Turkey Total (%)

Domestic Cattle 34,736 785,846 4.67%

Hybrid Cattle 106,403 6,620,540 1.60%

Cultured Cattle 76,661 11,355,933 0.67%

Water Buffalo 170 69,401 0.24%Total Bovine Popula-

tion 217,972 18,831,720 1.15%

Sheep 93,730 1,344,779 6.96%

Goat 11,091 523,395 2.11%Total Ovine and Cap-

rine Population 104,821 1,868,174 5.61%

Total 322,794 20,699,894 1.55%Source: Turkish Statistical Institute (2017)


AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURE-BASED FOOD INDUSTRYSubject TotalBakery Goods Production 195Baked Goods Production 180Bread Production 148Ready-to-Serve Food, Table d'Hote Menus 54

Milk and Dairy Products 40Fodder 38Meat and Meat Products 25Solid Vegetable Shortening and Vegetable Oil 25

Grain and Legume Production 19Other 18Spice Processing 15Egg Packaging 15Food Contact Materials 8

Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Directorate of Strategy Development

A consequence of the com-pleted irrigation projects of GAP, the rapidly rising ag-ricultural product quantity in Şanlıurfa has resulted in the quick development of Agriculture-Based Food In-dustry Sector. Şanlıurfa is becoming an important hub for Agriculture-Based Food Industry as the sector con-tinues to benefit from grants and the Incentive System.



AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION VALUE (TL)Şanlıurfa Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry (2017)

The number of farmers registered to the Farmer Registration System (ÇKS) is approximately 58.852

Our province is home to 2.1% of all registered farmers in Turkey.

Şanlıurfa has an agricultural production value of about 6.9 billion TL.

Şanlıurfa Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry (2017)

District Name Number of Farmers District Name Number of

FarmersAKÇAKALE 5,508 HİLVAN 3,591

BOZOVA 4,343 SURUÇ 5,563




HARRAN 4,774 TOTAL 58,852

Production 2002 2010 2016

Field Crop Production 1,243,930,410 3,078,362,587 4,673,796,689

Vegetable Production 178,539,120 294,314,286 648,963,796

Fruit Production 106,185,428 478,174,601 701,697,236

Animal Production 433,185,058 658,209,777 943,456,856

Aquaculture Production - 18,200 31,569

TOTAL 1,962,088,348 4,509,079,452 6,967,946,146


ORGANICAGRICULTUREŞanlıurfa offers the best conditions for organic agricultural farming available in Turkey, with more and more wide wilderness areas becoming irri-gable. As existing organic agriculture practices in the province rapidly grow in number, Şanlıurfa is taking firm steps towards becoming the organic agriculture center of our country.

23 products (Barley, Pistachios, Pepper, Al-mond, Wheat, Garbanzo Beans, Soy, Lentils, Corn, Mint, Pomegranate, Cumin, Corn Silage, Tarragon, Paddy, Apple, Safflower, Lemon Grass, Melon, Cotton and Olive etc.) are organically pro-duced in Şanlıurfa, on 89,330 decares of land. The total production is 41,530 tons.

Organic products are purchased by the estab-lishments from neighboring provinces. Factories of 15 commercial businesses (Cotton gin, Olives etc.) in our province purchase and process the or-ganic products.

The production area and total quantity of or-ganic agriculture products have been listed in the table shown, with the exception of data from the transitional period.

Production Area and Quantity of Organic Agriculture Products



AREA (De-care)



Cotton 25,085 14,924

Wheat 23,387 12,796

Corn 2,030 1,238

Lentil 29,841 6312

Barley 2183 737

Olive 742 966

Garbanzo Beans 722 216

Pomegranate 159 624

Almond 601 167

Mint 114 11

Pistachios 1798 635

Pepper 432 2074

Soy 814 186

Other 1414 636

TOTAL 89,330 41,530

Şanlıurfa Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry (2017)12

GREENHOUSE FARMINGConsidered to be the heart of the Southeastern Anatolia Project, Şan-lıurfa possesses many important advantages and a high potential for greenhouse farming by virtue of its suitable climate, fertile land, high sunlight duration, low humidity rate and geothermal water sources.

Greenhouse farming has quickly spread in the province, particularly af-ter the discovery of a geothermal wa-ter well in Karaali District in 2000, and the area of 31 greenhouses in the re-gion now approach 500 decares.

The total area in the province that is used for greenhouse farming is ap-proximately 700 decares. Additional-ly, there are 103 greenhouses and 86 related businesses in the province.

Products produced hydroponically in state-of-the-art greenhouses are then exported to many different Eu-ropean countries, including Russia and Germany. The area allocated for greenhouse farming is predicted to rise to 10 thousand decares by 2023 with the establishment of 16 new geothermal water wells.

Şanlıurfa Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry (2017)


10 REASONS TO INVEST IN ŞANLIURFA1. Has a young and dynamic population. (54% of the pop-ulation is between the ages of 15-65.)

2. Is located on the historic Silk Road and close to the Middle Eastern market.

3. Possesses an important potential with regards to agri-cultural production. (The biggest producer of cotton and lentils, and the second biggest producer of pistachios in Turkey.)

4. Has advantages in export thanks to its proximity to border gates and harbors and the presence of interna-tional cargo airport (The Railway Project, planned to con-nect Organized Industrial Sites to harbors and national main line is underway.) 5. Located right at the heart of GAP, Şanlıurfa can utilize the resources of the project, which is one of the rare large-scale regional development plans in the world.

6. Much of its agricultural lands are irrigable.

7. Has land suitable for organic agriculture (Biggest pro-ducer of organic cotton in Turkey).

8. Rich in renewable energy resources.

9. Suitable for greenhouse farming by virtue of having geothermal resources and high sunlight duration.

10. Can fully benefit from Regional Incentives and Grants as a developing province.



Cotton Processing Processed and Frozen Food Packaging Wool Production Fruit-Vegetable Production and Processing Facilities Dairy and Meat Processing Wool Production Fishery and Fish Processing Facilities Greenhouse Farming Animal Husbandry (Livestock and Milk Production) Pasta and Semolina Production Forage Crops Production Pistachio Processing Facility




"Legislation Regarding Government Incentives for Investments", published in The Official Gazette of Turkey Nr. 28328, dated 19.06.2012

"Communique on the Implementation of the Legislation Regarding Government Incen-tives in Investments (Communique Nr.: 2012/1)" published in The Official Gazette of Turkey Nr. 28329, dated 20.06.2012

The fixed investment rate required for investments to qualify for incentives is:

Five hundred thousand Turkish Liras. Investments must also fulfill the requirements re-garding minimum capacity, fixed investment rate and other terms.

Implementing Agency: Ministry of Economy, General Directorate of Incentive Implementa-tion and Foreign Investment

Related Regulations

Fixed Investment Rate and Minimum Capacity

Applications for Incentive Certificates must be made to the Ministry of Economy. However, investors can also choose to apply from the local units (Chamber of Industry, Development Agencies) for the investments to be determined by communique if the investment is within the scope of general incentive implementations, and its fixed investment amount does not exceed ten million Turkish Liras.

Application Authority


In order for an investment to benefit from incentive practices, the project must first be approved and an incentive certificate must be drawn up.

Investment expenditures benefiting from the incentives within the scope of these legis-lations cannot also benefit from the incentives provided by other state institutions and orga-nizations. However, investments that are only benefiting from the subsidized loan incentives of other state institutions and organizations can also benefit from incentive elements in the scope of this legislation, with the exception of interest incentives.

Investments in the agricultural sector can benefit from the "General Incentive System" and "Regional Incentives". Şanlıurfa is located in the 6th Region as dictated by the New Incentive System, which is the region whose investments most benefited from incentives thanks to the scale of the incentivized sectors, the decrease of labor costs and the development of financing opportunities.

Flour, semolina (excluding semolina investments integrated with pasta manufacturing and corn semolina investments), fodder (excluding fish meal, fish oil, fish fodder and fodder production in integrated animal husbandry), starch and starch based sugar. (excluding investments in crystalline fructose production exclusively from starch milk). Catering businesses (ready-to-serve). Sugar cubes. Greenhouse farming investments below 5 decares. Plant production (except greenhouse farming investments above 5 decares, mushroom cultivation, and fodder plant farming in integrated animal husbandry investments). All animal husbandry investments except investments in integrated animal husbandry that are incentivized by regional applications or conditionally incentivized animal husbandry investments. Milk processing investments below a production capacity of 5 tons/day.

Incentive Certificate

Benefiting from Other Incentives

Assessment of the Agricultural Sector

Investment Topics Unable to be Incentivized


A minimum of 150 animals in bovine integrated milk production investments, A minimum of 150 animals in bovine integrated meat production investments, A minimum of 150 animals/term in bovine integrated animal husbandry (milk/meat) in-vestments for breeding purposes, 100,000 animals/term in poultry integrated investments, and 1,000 ovine and caprine per term in integrated milk and meat production invest-ments are required for incentives.

(A minimum of 150 animals in bovine integrated dairy production investments, 150 animals in bovine integrated meat production investments, 150 animals/term in bovine integrated animal husbandry (milk/meat) investments for breeding purposes, 100,000 animals/term in poultry integrated investments and 1,000 ovine and caprine per term in integrated milk and meat production investments (including breeding animals) are required to qualify for incen-tives.

Investment Topics Subject to Specific Conditions for Incentives

Regional IncentivesAgricultural Sectors in Şanlıurfa Province Incentivized within the Scope of Regional Incentives


Integrated animal husbandry investments (including in-tegrated livestock farming for breeding purposes)*

500 Thousand TL

Food products and beverage manufacturing 500 Thousand TL

Aquaculture products (Including juvenile fish and fish eggs)

500 Thousand TL

Cold-storage warehouse services 500 square meters

Licensed warehousing 500 Thousand TL

Greenhouse Farming 5 Decares



(Şanlıurfa)VAT Exemption

Customs Duty Exemption

Tax Deductions (Outside of Organized Industrial Sites)

15 20 25 30 40 50

Investment Contribution Margin %(In Organized Industrial Sites)

20 25 30 40 50 55

Social Security Premium (Outside of Or-ganized Industrial Sites)

2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 6 Years 7 Years 10 Years

Incentives Regarding Employer's Share of Social Security Premiums (%)(In Organized Industrial Sites)

3 Years 5 Years 6 Years 7 Years 10 Years 12 Years

Investment Allotment

Financial Interest Incentives None None

Income Withholding Tax Incentives None None None None None 10 Years

Incentives Regarding the Employee's Share of Social Security Premiums (In-centive Duration)

None None None None None 10 Years

Implemented through the exemption of customs duty regarding machinery and equipment imported within the scope of the Investment Incentive Certificate.

Implemented through the exemption of value-added tax pertaining to domestic or imported machinery and equipment delivered within the scope of the Investment Incentive Certificate.

The discounted implementation of income or corporate tax until the stipulated contribution rate for the investment is reached.

Customs Duty Exemption

VAT Exemption

Tax Deduction


For a limited amount of time, the Ministry compensates for the employer's share of social se-curity premiums that correspond to the minimum wage required to be paid for the additional employment created within the scope of the Investment Incentive Certificate.

Investment allotments may be provided according to procedures and principles determined by the Ministry of Economy for investments with an incentive certificate benefiting from re-gional incentives.

These incentives are implemented as credit scores that can be provided from budgetary resources with the condition of payback in 5 years (depending on the region where the in-vestment will be made), for use in supplying the interest or dividend for term loans taken out of banks for investments. These credit scores can be used to pay for up to 70% of the fixed investment rate recorded in the incentive certificate of said loans, given that they have a term of at least one year.

The social security premiums of employees corresponding to the minimum wage required to be paid by the employer to the Social Security Institution (SGK) for the additional employ-ment created by the investment realized through incentive certification, may be allocated from the budget of the Ministry of Economy for 10 years following the completion visa, with the condition that it does not exceed the employment rate recorded in the incentive certifi-cate that the completion visa was drawn up for.

The income tax, calculated through the labor wage corresponding to the minimum wage, can be deduced from the accrued tax on the tax declaration form for 10 years starting from the date of full or partial implementation of the investment, with the condition that it does not exceed the employment rate recorded in the certificate.

Incentives Regarding the Employer's Share of Social Security Premiums

Investment Allotment

Financial Interest Incentives

Incentives Regarding Social Security Premiums (Only Applicable in 6th Region Provinces)

Incentives Regarding Income Withholding Tax (Only Applicable in 6th Region Provinces)


INCENTIVES FORRURAL DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENTSImplementing Agency: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Agriculture-Based Economic Investments

Scope of the Incentive

New investments regarding the processing, storage and packaging of agricultural products, and investments regarding the capacity increase and technology renewal of currently active or inactive facilities or the completion of partial investments.

Who can Apply Natural and legal persons

Investment Topics

• Processing, Storage and Packaging of Agricultural Products• Capacity increase and technology renewal of currently active or inacti-

ve facilities regarding processing, storage and packaging of agricultural products,

• Construction of new greenhouses that utilize renewable energy resour-ces

• Modern fixed investments in agricultural production• Processing, packaging and storage of animal and plant based fertilizer• Establishment of facilities that generate geothermal energy from

renewable energy sources; heat and/or electricity from biogas; and facilities that generate electricity from wind and solar energy.

• Processing, packaging and storage of aquaculture products

Investment Amount and Incentive Ratio

Net Investment Subject to Grant• Upper-Lower Limit of Project Amount Subject to

Grant: 1,500,000TL - 2,000,000 TL• Grant Ratio : 50%

NOTE: Details regarding this implementation can be found in the "Communique Regarding Agriculture-Based Investment Incentives within the Scope of Rural Development Incentives (Communique Nr: 2017/22)" published in The Official Gazette of Turkey Nr. 30179, dated 13.09.2017.



NOTE 1: Details regarding this implementation can be found in the "Communique Regarding Investment In-centives for Private Irrigation Schemes within the Scope of Rural Development Incentives (Communique Nr: 2017/48)" published in The Official Gazette of Turkey Nr. 30263, dated 07.12.2017.

NOTE 2: Applications within the scope of this communique must be done in the form of a single-copy dossier delivered to the provincial directorate within sixty days of January 1st of the year of implementation, before the end of the work day.

Scope of the Incentive

Between the dates of 1/1/2018 and 31/12/2020. Includes the pro-cedures and principles regarding the incentives for private irrigation schemes determined to contribute to the economic and social deve-lopment of rural areas.

Who can Apply Natural and Legal Persons

Investment Topics

• On-farm drip irrigation system setup• On-farm sprinkler irrigation system setup• On-farm micro-sprinkler irrigation system setup• On-farm subsurface drip irrigation system setup • Lineer or Center Pivot irrigation system setup • Hose reel irrigation system setup • Solar powered irrigation system setup

Investment Amount and Incentive Ratio

• For Natural and Legal persons : 1,000,000 TL• Grant Ratio : 50%


EU GRANTSUNDER IPARDImplementing Agency: Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution (TKDK)

Policy Name

Expense Limits Subject to Grant

(Least-Most) (Euro

Grant Ratio (%)

101-1 Investments in milk producing agricultural businesses

5,000 - 1,000,000 40-70

101-2 Investments in red meat producing agricultural businesses• Budget Item-1 (Red Meat) 5,000 - 1,000,000 40-60

• Budget Item-2 (Poultry Meat) 5,000 - 500,000 40-60103-1 Processing and Marketing of Milk and Dairy Products• Budget Item-1 (Milk processing facilities) 30,000 - 3,000,000 50• Budget Item-2 (Milk collecting producer organi-

zations) 30,000 - 1,000,000 50

103-2 Processing and marketing of meat and meat products• Budget Item-1 (Red meat processing and mar-

keting) 30,000 - 3,000,000 50

• Budget Item-2 (Poultry meat processing and marketing) 30,000 - 3,000,000 50

103-3 Processing and marketing of fruits and vege-tables 30,000 - 1,250,000 50

103-4 Processing and marketing of aquaculture products 30,000 - 1,500,000 50

302-1 Diversification of plant production and the processing and marketing of plant products 5,000 - 500,000 55

302-2 Beekeeping and the production, processing and marketing of bee products 5,000 - 500,000 55

302-3 Craftsmanship and local product businesses 5,000 - 500,000 55

302-4 Rural tourism and recreational activities 5,000 - 500,000 55


AGRICULTURALLOANSImplementing Agency Ziraat Bankası, Turkish Agricultural Credit Cooperatives

Low Interest Investment and Corporate Loan Implementations of 2018

Loan Topics (Animal Husbandry)

Discount Ratio (%) Loan UpperLimit (TL)Investment

TermOperation Term/Loan

Animal Production Topics

Cattle Farming for Milk, Meat, Com-bined production

Up to 100,000 TL 100 100

12,500,000100,001 - 750,000 TL 100 50

750,001 - 5,000,000 TL 75 50

5,000,001 - 12,500,000 TL

50 25

Prevalent animal production

Up to 100,000 TL 100 100250,000100,001 - 250,000 TL 75 50

Heifer Farming for Breeding Purposes 100 75 7,500,000

Bovine Animal Husbandry 50 50 5,000,000

Ovine and Caprine

100 75 5,000,000

Beekeeping 50 50 1,500,000

Poultry sector 50 25 3,000,000

Poultry farming for breeding purposes 100 100 7,500,000

Aquaculture pro-ducts

Up to 100,000 TL 100 100 5,000,000

101,000 - 5,000,000 TL 100 50 5,000,000


Low Interest Investment and Corporate Loan Implementations of 2018

Loan Topics (Plant Production)

Discount Ratio (%)Loan UpperLimit (TL)



Plant Production Topics

Controlled green-house farming

Up to 750,000 TL 75 50

10,000,000750,001 - 5,000,000 TL 50 25

5,000,001 - 10,000,000 TL 25 25

Prevalent Plant production

Up to 250,000 TL 50 50750,000250,001 - 750,000 TL 25 25

Fodder plant production 100 100 2,500,000Domestic certified seed, seedling, sapling production

100 100 10,000,000

Domestic certified seed, seedling, sapling use (Up to 100,000 TL)

100 100

5,000,000Domestic certified seed, seedling, sapling production (100,001TL - 5,000,000TL)

50 50

Good/Organic farming practices 50 50 5,000,000


Low Interest Investment and Corporate Loan Implementations of 2018

Loan TopicsDiscount Ratio (%)

Loan UpperLimit (TL)Investment

TermOperation Term/

LoanAgricultural Mechanization

(Tractors Separate) 75 - 1,500,000

Tractor (Up to 75,000 TL) 50 - 250,000Tractor (75,001 - 250,000

TL) 25 - 250,000

Modern pressurized irriga-tion 100 - 1,500,000

Land Acquisition 25 25 500,000


INCENTIVES FORANIMAL HUSBANDRY INVESTMENTSIncentive Program Regarding Heifer Farming for Breeding PurposesImplementing Agency : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Scope ofIncentive

Private or collaborative (partnerships of legal persons) projects reali-zed by natural and legal persons that own active cattle businesses that have been registered to the TÜRKVET system for at least 3 years and are members of the Cattle Breeders' Association; with the aim of cons-tructing new facilities of over 500 animals with health certificates to produce and sell purebred breeding heifers and pregnant heifers for milk, meat or combined purposes or with the aim of increasing the capacity of existing facilities to more than 500 animals, are within the scope of these incentives.

Whocan Apply

Natural and legal investors that own active cattle businesses which have been registered to the TÜRKVET system for at least 3 years and are members of the Cattle Breeders' Association.

Investment Topi-cs and Incentive Ratio

Construction 50%• New Building Construction, Rehabilitation and Capacity IncreaseAnimal Acquisition 50%• Heifer Calf Acquisition for Breeding PurposesMachine, Tool and Equipment Acquisition 50%• Feed Mixer Machines and Fertilizer Scrapers

NOTE: Details regarding this implementation can be found in the Project Implementation Guide dated 07.12.2017.


Incentives Regarding Ram-Billy Goat Acquisitions for Breeding PurposesImplementing Agency : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Scope of the Incentive

Projects by livestock farming members of Sheep and Goat Breeders' Center and Provincial Centers of Turkey that aim to construct new facilities of over 500 animals for producing breeding ram-billy goats or to increase the capacity of existing facilities to over 500 animals, rehabilitation investments and members who will be purchasing bre-eding rams-billy goats from these businesses are included within the scope of these incentives.

Who can Apply Sheep and Goat Breeders' Center of Turkey, Provincial Centers and Members

Investment Topics and Incentive Ratio

Construction 50%• New Building Construction, Rehabilitation and Capacity IncreaseAnimal Acquisition 50%• Breeding Ram-Billy Goat Acquisitions Machine, Tool and Equipment Acquisition 50%• Feed Grinder, Mixer and Distributor Machine, Fertilizer Scraper

NOTE: Details regarding this implementation can be found in the 2018 Project Implemen-tation Guide for Incentives Regarding Breeding Ram and Billy-Goat Farming Investments.














AREAS INCENTIVIZED BYDEVELOPMENT AGENCIESImplementing Agency Karacadağ Development Agency

Development Agencies can also incentivize agriculture-based in-dustry sectors within the scope of Financial Support Programs, which are prepared and fi-nanced in accordance with the Work Program and Budget de-termined by the Board of Direc-tors in the Development Agen-cy, and later approved by the Ministry of Development.

Areas of priority for incentives, exemplary project topics and application requirements within the scope of these programs are announced on the websites of the agencies and detailed infor-mation can be found in the ap-plication manuals.

Scope of the Incentive

Agriculture-based industry sector

Who can Apply

• Private Corporations (Micro and Small Businesses)

• Producer Cooperatives• Producer Unions• Other Natural and Legal Persons

Incentive Amount and Ratio per Pro-ject

• Minimum : 50,000 TL• Maximum : 500,000 TL• Grant Ratio : 50%



Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Agricultural Investors Guidance Center (TARYAT)Address: Eskișehir Yolu 9. Km Yeni Bina 14.Kat Lodumlu / ANKARA Tel: 0 (312) 258 84 52 0 (312) 258 84 09Fax: 0 (312) 258 85 16 Website: www.taryat.gov.tr E-mail: [email protected]

Ministry of Industry and Technology-General Directorate of Incentive Implementation and Foreign InvestmentAddress: Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi Dumlupınar Bulvarı (Eskişehir Yolu 7.Km) 2151.Cadde No:154/A 06510 Çankaya /ANKARA Tel: 0 (312) 444 63 63 Website: www.sanayi.gov.tr E-mail: [email protected]

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Şanlıurfa Provincial DirectorateAddress: İmam Bakır Mahallesi Veteriner Caddesi NO:19 – 63100 Merkez/ȘANLIURFA Tel: 0 (414) 313 27 11Fax: 0 (414) 313 10 15 Website: www.sanliurfa-tarim.gov.tr E-mail: [email protected]

Agriculture and Rural Development Support Institution - Şanlıurfa Provincial CoordinatorAddress: Șanlıurfa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası Yeni Hizmet Binası, Pașabağı Mah. Adalet Cad. No:7/A ȘANLIURFA Tel: 0414 314 15 39 Fax: 0 414 314 15 38

Şanlıurfa Governor's OfficeAddress: Government House ȘANLIURFA Tel: 0 (414) 313 18 43Fax: 0 (414) 313 17 31 Website: www.sanliurfa.gov.tr E-mail: [email protected]

