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Anlmportant E FOR RENT Real Estate Bargain; T … Cookman Avenue Yesterday tho. first installment of...

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SlfifSlilPl# : 1 " i •/'if'; ’ ." > '• .■.Vi : _ * ... _r .„ J. ...... Only paper is Monmouth ' County receividg regular-daily TelegraphNews Service. v -• .;. % S |$ : '* » . fit . V . ■-iil?. S ' I . A Daily.Record of th&Loeal : tript fron}:t? g ^ ;h F IE |p E N ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ;5 | ' ?\ . g - :;■■■ ' ■ . ASBIJEY PAKK, NEW JQERSEV, SATURDAY, MARpH 2, 1901. PRICJTOIjr.E CENT', Anlmportant Real Estate Bargain; One of the best buUt and mod- ern' ifisproved cottages at --.- 1 .deal ,:I : '. •••••- with 12 rooms and every mod- . y '■ era improvement, will be sacri- ' ficed to an immediate purchaser oa easy'Germs.' An fetceilent location and spleudid piot.lOO . N by 150 f«et. . Foir particulars see D. C. COVERT •208 Bond Street, Afibnry ftirfe. ASBURY PARK and OCEAN OEOVB (-HotelBroisawl^, .Omasa- Railroad Depot and. . - 11214 Bangs Awmue. , . Principal OSoe ...... 723 HATTBSOJS AVE. 0 oods stored *t reasonable irate. . Telephone connection. P. 0 . BOX667, i.3BDB? PAKIT THE' - SIGKLER ...PROPERTY... consisting of a good dwelling oh Main avenue and two lots running through from Main avenue to Heck avenue, Ocean Grove aiust be sold to close an estate. For particulars apply to ( T. Frank Appleby, 61 Maia Avenue, Ocean Grove, or Cor, ’■ Main St. and ISatdsoa Ave., , -Asbuiy Park, N. J. ;B|k A.llttloA.youseo - ’fftfe w$ one Ui twonty feet, - At half » foot tho mm. It nisi you m u st need . ■oU U E S that’s a cortalnty . Big'A, little A, con you see• Nea? eighth t*®ople con boo c-learly close l>y and often decide to get along without glasses, t howls? ootalilng endless misery, ami somotimes blindness Willard €* Wiseman, GRADUATE OPTICIAN fill! mi srnen mm, 603 Cookman Avenue -1^1 Cor.Emory St. Tel,' 138 TO LOAN - $50, 01)0 on lirat l>ond <snd raort- aaoo in largo or small amounts. §B<#, and upwards. MEN MAY COME , and-men may go, but life In gui&nce ata^.: sad pays to those who are left behind, anil cancels mortgages on tho homes of the men who insure. GOING TO EUROPE Fast line from New York to London,(Paris and Harcbarg. 3. 8. IJEUTSCHLAND of the Hamburg - American lino. Tickets anu sailings of GEO. W- HTTENGER Special Agent AETNA U ffa IHBUEANOK CO. of Hartford, Conn. ' Room 14, Appleby Building, A«bury Park. (Ulltil 150,001 -. W 153,080 Asbury Park and Ocean Grove BANK Corner flattlflon Ave. and Mato St., ASBURY PARK, N. J. Coricr Main Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway •■ ■■ OCBAN QROVB. HKSBT O. WJH80B, PrwMent, ' 0 , a CLAYTON, Vloe-President. BDOTND E. DA.YION, Cm UIot. JBS8 B MINOT, Assistant Ciuhlsr. . DJBBOTOB8 :. r. FRAJ** IVVULW- OB. 3. ’Sf. trermo* ' K. a, BUOEiXOH.W- / JOOH HDBBito, • C, O. OlATTOXi - . WWW ailsw is,. rti**,' - - oe6.'Wf.ra»fT,. '». «, fjnwuto, ■ T«aw»i: • ; lYf.iiodrn* O. >, ,lv; Aooo«nt«-fiWapBortuiiyJ9<»l»c>lteil Safe .. :-w i t*8U« F’eiwirf^Oraft* and L«t» • ri o* Or*«ilt. *•. ^ • ■! . V' '--V T E TICKET Orderly and Harmonious Primary Held This Afternoon in We'st Grove Engine House.* A GOOD TICKET IS CH0$EN <r. J. lu. T9i(Wnp»oa Nominated for Commit- teeman, and Joseph Uarris for Clerk. Appropriation Fixed at S3,500 anil iflftO Naineil for Uubnge ileraovul. Other Amountfi Same as Repablleans. Not a contest marrod the serenity of. tho Democratic primary hold tills afternoon In tho Unexcelled Engine Jiouse, West Qrovo. The meeting lasted oiaatly 32 minutes and not a ballot was taken on any of the candidates,' tho vote being unani- mous. Tho neetlng waa called to order by James h. Thompgpn and he was qlewted’ ohalrman and Paul Burkhardt, Eccretary. The nominees chosen are as fpllows: Clerk—Joseph Harris, West Park, Commifcfceenian—.Jamas L. Thompson, W est Grove,! Justicc of the Beaee—Edward X*ettfs, Ocean Qroyo. CDBimlsslone* of 4 ppeBl9-r'Wlllara A. H«^ 8Wafln,JW M 6 Part, • , Sarveyors of, Hlgways (2)—James W. IisvwloxyW est Grove, er.il Mlohnol Orosson, West Grove. Foundkeepers (8)—B'rank Pierce,Doisnls Whlfe nod ono to bo supplied by commit; too ou vacanclos. Tha appropriations named by the Ro- publlcans ,<bj motion of Josoph Harris •wer enttoreed . with the exception of the amounts nanied for garbage and lights, A motion by Mr. Harris that *6Q<! b e th e appropriation - for the former was carried unanimously. The question of less lights' or a 1greater appropriation was brougMjip-by Thomas Wyncoop. He said that^ccurding to tho figures of the township committee |3;4BG would Ik. iieadod for lights; that the Re- publican!; had named but 13,000 and that hS' would nidfts that SB,500 be the Demo- smtio appropflatlon. The motion was carried without a dissenting vote. Theremalnder of tno spproprlatlons fol- Jow: Roads, $4,000; ways and means, fl,- 800; poor, IS.OQft; to operate and maintain a polios A partm ent, $1,200; G. A. R.. 4IG0; Monmouth Memorial hospital, $100. Tho following wore appointed a commlt- tee on vacancies: LThpmijB Wyncoop, S. A. Hall ;md 1 'rank Butcher. A BOULEVARD DEBATE City High $ch.:jui Soclely Challenge* Occan Orave IPupils to Argue Ocean Driveway Project. : ' The Asbury Park High School Literary and Debating society has challenged the Debating society of the Noptune Township High school at Oooan Grove to a test of oratorlal powers oh the Ocean Boulevard bill now before the legislature. The -reso- lution is as follows: ‘ .‘Resolved, that the proposed ocean boulevard bili should not bo passed by tho legislature,” Tho.tlmo set is Friday, March 15, at 0 p. m. at a placo to be designated by the chal- lenged party, whtah is to tako the affirma- tive. The judges aro to be Miss L. A. Doron, principal of tho township school. Prof. Fred S. Shoptuird. VrloaUial of tho city school, and tho third to be chosen from a list of sis names of which three are submitted by each side. An answer to tho challenge Is anxiously awaited. No Onsi to UKten to the Mu.sk’ Councilman T. Frank Apploby received today a telegram from. Theodor® J. Vin centz, leader of last summdr ’8 beaqty band, announciug. that ho would serenade tho Asbuiy Park delegation at Washington' on Monday if Mr. Appleby would furnish the Washington address of tho local vis- itors. As Company II is not going thoro will bo no real delegation from this city and Mr. Vincontz was bo informed. Township School Election. The annual olootlon for school trustees and to name the appropriations in the Neptuno township district will take place Tuesday, March 19. Tho olcctlou wilt bo held in tho High School building at Ocoan Grove. Throe trustees will bo chosen to succeed Messrs, Tilton, Larralseo and Qarr^brant. . Spoon 8 o«labie*Frovgil Pleasing.* The spoon soclablo of Simonides Court* Tribe of Ben. Hur hold last night, wijs unique and enjoyable and largoly at- tended. A phonograph furnished much pleasure,' as did the storeopticon entertain ment of W. D. Beddll. A spoon race and potato race were run and many games playod. . _______ _ . Corman-Schnelder.. , Clarence li.-Carman, son of W. H. Car man of Ooaan Grove, was married oil1 Feb 1 2, nt Pittsburg, to Mlss lioulsb T.Schneldor of New York. Mr. Carman is omployoda8 draughtsman for tho American Bridge company at its Pittsburg branch.: . Short Meeting Township Committee. - . A short meeting of the townshlp'com- mlttee was held this afternoon ta pass tho monthly salary bills. No matters of im- portance will be considered until'after election. . _____ / Ex-Aldotinan Oharics Parks of New York, who'‘is still awaiting. trial on tho charge -of keeping a dlso^derl^ house In this city, la a visitor in Asbury Park todoy • j -- . 1 . / ■7' "" ‘ I" . T ~ J.'/ Fine Oyat«r».4 ,)• You can got tho in Itfrgo or small, for .frt-li i!, stoivlr.i,; or hn\t shell. Also-Jargc hard uUeVl ond little neck o^ms at F, E. Bennett’s, 70<> Ooakinon aveuuo, In baso mon t d v. 50-B5" .*• ( ' , . ; ■ : . . ' V> *' "■ I • dm 4 - ',r'' * Rennet-iao oures lndlgpation.'—Adv. tf - . x , * ‘ m ‘‘KING” THE FAMOUS ’POSSUM DOG, IS DEAD His Farao Has, We Hope, Precntled Him to the Happy Hunting Grounds, , Burled in Stato. "King," the cha;npion ’possriln dog of Monmouth county, died yesterday at the residence of his master, Thco<loro Grant, on Houth Main street, Asbury Park. Tho medical excuse for “King's" demise la old nge| ’ Tho Grants keep a barber shop on Main street and when nows, of “King’s ’1 (Jeceaso was poised around the neighbor- hood (furious sightseers gathered at the scone-friends of the famous huntcrwhosc friendly host 'lad poked their chins and hands; and gafced sorrowfully at tho bat- tered rem nantof canlno greatness. The Grants, who loved “King” like a brcthety ipimtidiately niado preparations for a stately funeral. Assisted by William Hill and Ed. Letts tho brothers prepored a Collin which was made to fit “King” lying In his favorite position. Tho outsldo cov- ering yas of planed wood anil the Interior was .lined with rich cloth. A handsome silk sofa cushion was also placodinthe coflln for a head rest.. This afternoon fol- lowed by a sinull but affectionate proces- Blcn !>f old friends arid compaiiions “King” was taken to his last resting place on the Arohle Applegate farm, near Avon. There a swall hcadston'o will mark the place'of biurial. “King” was a noted dog in Neptuno township! Ho ^vb'! brought up and edu- cated by James Oasner of Avon, who com- mittee! sulolde several .years ago. When Casner died “Kiog”. set tip a continuous howl. He moaned aud throw himself against the death chamber and St was fin. ally decided to taka hlnu away John Thomson brought tho dog to Theodore Grant, whose card and attention mnde hia long and evontful lifo a .comparatively happyone. “King’s” scent for the 'possum, was al- most uucannj:. Not often could thc' anl- m'ol o'scapo his vlglland nose,' For rabbit he possessed a Bimllar Jnstlneti althongh no training would ovarlnduco tha dog to trail for a rabbit at night. Tho night was especially set apart by “King” for tho Opos- sum. The rabbit wns distinctly day game nnd-this separation was maintained with wonderful sagacity by “King” until the day of his death. • Grant’:: customers were always greeted with affactlouate regard, by tho dog. For many he liad a wag of the tall. Others on more Intimate terms wero'salutod with a poke of the nose. “King’s" tmiulng was < 5 pnfined entirely to the ’poBsilm and rabbit. Ho was not a trick dog and to dogs of She “fancy'’ he no doubt appeared old fashioned and prosy. Tho Grants loved him, however, and they miss him as one of the family. “Neptuno township will never own such » ’possum dbg again,” said Mr. Grant this mornings !'Hls llko -was never -born; Aiid this la “King's’ Moving epitaph from hla master. , _V_ .... PUBLIC LIBRARY GROWING" Fir*?. Installment of Hurj'f-iY. ^iookf', Pvomlsed f y Col, Harvey, Arrives. Many New Members, , Now that a creditable home haB been ce- curad for the ASbury Park publio library those interested in the movement have turned their attention with renewed vigor toward securing an equally creditable ar- i-ayqf bobks. ” 1 Yesterday tho. first installment of the books of the,Harper 'Publishing bouse, promised by. Col. G. ,B.,M, Harvey, ar- rived, A number of books purchased with funds raised by the ladies were also added to the library, Evldinco of the growing publio interest !e tlio ii rrtry is shown .by the fact that about 8( 1 ,or 40 taombers were onrdllcd yes t irdiiy. A $1 oktranco fee is required more as a safeguard against tho non-return "of a volumo than as an entrance fee. Two bookH may be: taken out weakly, one a volume oMlctlon, the ,other of fact! The library Is open on Fridays only as yet. HAWXHURST RESISTS Has Employed Counsel to Beslsfc Order of City to Remove.Projoottjie Por- tion of Hotel. Tlio aotlon of ojoctmont brought by tho city against Rov. P. R. Hawxhurst will bo trlod next term of tho supremo court. Tho action' is brought to tiompol Mr. Hawkhursb to remove a portion, of tho Lyndhuret whloh the city claims is built over the street lino. This Is denied by Mr. Hawxhurst and he has requested his at- tornoy, Wesloy B. Stout, to vigorously de- fend tho action. It is also claimed that the city has no logal right to instltuto tho proceedings' in quostion and that Mr. Hawxhurst Is justified In building as he did. Hawkins & Durand represent tho olty. •_ ' Pleasant Party at Crowell Home. At tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Crowell, 1028 West Munroo avenue, a large party of young people wore delight- fully entertained last night. One of thp moat amusing of tho games played, was a peanut race. The prizo winners were: ladles’ first) Miss Bertha. Flemings oup and saucer; booby, MissPearlThompson, lemon and stick of aandy, Gontlomon's first, John Carpontor.box of candy; booby, P. Proctor, jaok-ln-bgxT': Orchestra Off on Annual Trip. A special oar was addeil to the 7.10 train to Now York this morning to accommo* date the members of the Township High Sohool orohestri’i who iisa/rewiird for bf- lltslorit aarvlees wont to' spond, the day li: 'the olty, Director Ij . vau Gllluvre was in ohargo of the party whiob tiumbarod about 80 T(>ey,will visit Granti’stom b and other places ot tr*taro,sc and wilt attend t. concert at Carnegie hall.. '. . Ntfwbnry’tftertrf'fttul roordlng fitabla. will bo *«pt opeu 'all %?int«ri. would Js« pleased to ,cave you oallou uefoi 1ljvory or boarding. Terms reasonable. 8 .W. NBWBDUV, <09 Munroe ave. [Adv.29ltf ;•< ,l V'v'.O; ■"‘ r'y /• ■; m Republicans'and Citizens-Nomi- nate Their Candidates for Municipal Honors., LARRABEE DEFEATS PRATT Mayor A. T. Hogrer«, However,"is denom - inated l»y tlie Cltlzciitt W ithout Opjiuiti- tlon'and* £xpcot» t(> IVIrt Out on the Iteeortl Mmlift During tho JUist Year.. Will be tlveiy Election. Despite the fact that usually olio pri- mary is sufficient to throw Bradley Bcacli into convulalous of uxoltcmcnt two wcrit held thoro last night, am!, although thoro was nn undercurrent of great determina- tion, there .was but llttlo,manifestation of ltand no disorder. • ' Both the Citizens’ and Republican par- ties named their candidates, the former In the Pioneer Fire company’s house, the latter In Woolley’s hail. While there was some fighting for thb CQuncilmanle nominations 911 both tiokets tho real contest was between William Lairabee *«d Harry \ C, Pratt, wlio each deslmt the Republican noinlnatiou for mayor to succeed A. 'f. Rogers. Larrabeo proved the Stronger Jand won by a large majority. Nominations 'Koro also mado forcouncll- meii to succeed ’William Larraboc, 15. . 0 . Bonner and.Gharlcs ijognrt, whose terms 'expire., V ; j Tho Citizens’ primary resulted as fol- lo w s: ■■ . y ' Mayor—A. T. Roger,'unopposed. Counpilmen ( 8 )—-Edward ,C. Lambert, B9; Btmer C. Benner, &i; Rev.II.J.Hayter, 87; Elias'Soiilthorpo, 81. Comiaissionor of Api>cal—Burdett Pol- and, unopposed. - 1 The Ropubllcan candidates are as fol- lows; ' Mayoir—-William Larrabee, 59; Harry .C. P r a t t , .21. Councllmen (8 ) —Joseph .Stewart, 'r>2; Frank Herbert, 40; A, J. Smith, 28; W.E. Macdonald, 22; Eimer C. Benner, 22; Ed- wa«l Lambert, 9. Commissioner of Appeals—Charles W il- kins, unopposed. Justice of.the. Peace—Samuel Layton, unopposed. Mr. Macdonald’s candidacy was a sur- prise both to; himself and MenUs. He had no political aspirations and had no idea that Mb name would be mentioned at the primary; ' . .- ,. Now tlmt ,the,tiokets. are jaado up both Bides will settls down to grim, determined efforts to "gain tho ■ mastery and the fight may be sjxpscted to grow hotter and hotter until it bursia into flame on election day! WIDDEMER’S FUNERAL Dying ok the Fifth Anniversary of His Blothcr‘8 JFuucirnl. iHe is Hurled ' by Her Side. The funeral services over the remains of the Rov. Howard T,' AViddomer wore held at tho residence of his father, 2031 North Nineteenth street, Philadelphia, on Thurs- day morning last at 10 o’clook, The houso was crowded with his former parishioners, from the Church of the Beloved Disciples, when in that city 13 years ago. Floral tributes were sent by many of them who had heard his wonderful words of lovo and kindnoss whllo listoning to his sermons, which had taken deep root in their hearts, many of them spoaklng of particular ser- mons which they had never forgotten. The services wero conducted by tho Rev. Henry M artinet tho ProtesUvnt Episcopal Church of the Advocate, who showod tho deceased clergyman every attention, assisted by the Rev. Thomas Taylor, an old friend of tho family. Mr. Widdemor was laid to rest in Pennypaclc cemetery, by the side of his mother, upon the fifth anniversary ot whoso burial the son died. Prof. Pear man to Sliiff at Freehold. Thoro will bo a special musical sorvlce In tho First Conytvgr.tlonal church toinor' row evening. It will bo Prof. T. Wlllianis- Pcarman's last service as prccentor of tiie church, ho having accn'pted the position of choir director and t euor soloist at tho First Ppesbytorlan 1 church of Freehold. Prof. Poarman will not sevor his connection With tho Congregational church, as ho is Beleoting and training a choir and will contlriuo as director of music and lcadorof singing at the Friday evening prayer mooting. He will continue to reside in Asbury Park at his.present address.,. Tiie Binging class will go on as usual and re- hearsals havo just startod with Mondels- sohn’s Forty-second Psalm as tho prtncl pal numbor. A saored concert about Eastor tlmo Is In contemplation. 'Ked Men's Grrat Connell. Tho Great Council o f tho Improved Ordor of Red Men of New Jersoy adjourn- ed yesterday aftennoon at Trenton after being In session sliico Thursday morning. Over 500 past sachems, tho national officers anil past officers of the Great Council of tho United States wero presont. Thera aro 178 tribes In this state, with 18,015 members. _______ ' ______ f . _ Basketball .Tonight. - Tho Aomy A. C. or. tho Prudential basketball team of Newark will bo the Oreos’- opponents In tonight’s gamo at Contral hall.» Notice of'llemoval. On April ! Dr, George B, Herbert will rbraovq nisdentalitarlorsfroni tho --.sbury Park and Ooean Grove Bank building to larger and more oommodlons rooms In tho now Parker building at 006 Cookman ave- nue,—Adv. 42 tf. ' ' (i ' .... »• Por Kent! ; , : Ohoap for tho winter,. 3 room >iouso Inlmedln» poBseBslbnioau V-<- had. ‘..M. M. Oroabio, faSMaia street.—Adv., tf. NEW JERSEY AT THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Princeton Students Will Havo Ciood I’ ohI- tlon In Inuitgiirnl Parade—Nlcholun Qttinn of PaterHon-llonurei), Washingtdn, D. C„ Mapch2,—'l’he mail la delivered at Montgomery, ji smiiirtown in Homerspt txmnty, afc 11 o'clock it\'tho morning at present. Kesldents of that town want the mail to' be delivered nt. Ji o’clock In fche^ afternoon as it was some months ngo. They havo accordingly drawn up a :petition >and forwarded it toCotj- gressman IIowoll, who hasUled.it with the postolTico departm ent with His rccommen'*' dation that the.retjuest he granted. ‘ •* Two miles froni South A^ihoyon tho lino of' tho Karitan Tllver railroad a thriv- ing town has been, founded.. It is tho sito of tho .plant of thb International Smoke- less Powder company, and numerous buildings and dwellings havo heon erected thoro. Lewis Nixon, who wus chnirman of tho Tammany hall vice purification commlttRO, is ono of thopromlnont stock* holders in tho concern. The corporation wishes tho advantiigoK of postal facilities and a petition ■ has thercftm* been for- warded requesting the establishment of a postoflico. Thu*bill which Senator Kuan had passed in Ihe sonate for tho roliof of William B. Riitivn, formerly collector of internal rev- onue at Nowdrk, has boon reported favor- ably by the houso committee on claims to which It was referred. Tlio bill authorizes the secretary of the ti-ensury to credit tho account of Mr. Rutan with the sum of $1,- 350, tho amount of internal revenue stamps lose in tho mails. On. account of the illness of the* princi- pal Congressman S towart has witiidrawn his nominations for the milltiiry acadomy at AVest Point and will send in tho names in time for tho Juno examination. The principal is Louis Schoonmakcr of Pater- son, and •tho alternato, George AVhlto.of Ridgewood, Congressman Stewart has recommended that a eortiilcate of merl t ho awarded to Nicholas Quinn, formerly of Paterson, who is now in tho regular army in the Philippines. Quinn has been awarded a medal of honor for nursing In the fever hospitals when he was ill himself, and if the war department awards him tho certi- ficate it will carry with it an increase In his pay allowance of $;j a month. The designation of the Merchants’ Na- tional Rank of Philadelphia as tha resorve agout for the First National Bank at Pen- nington has been approved by the comp- troller of tho currency. The students of Princeton college, will have the second position in the students’ division in the inaugural parade in com- mand of Gaylord R. Hawkins. MrsrM. -C. Mncgenn of .Trenton is reg - istered at tho Hotel Johnson, and I j . S. Bartlett of Princeton is at the Cooluwi. A PLEASANT PARTY ThoOcciuilonWaH the ve n tyrSfcvemt1 1 A n- nlvorsary of tlio ISJrtli of I{«v. i lSdwln-WaterS; Last night a number of frionds of Rev. Edwin Waters mot at his homo at (518 Sowell avenue and spent a most onjoyable ovening, It was tho occasion of tho seven- ty-seventh anniversary of his birth. A beautiful jardiniere and fern, a gift from those presont, was presented to lilni by Rev. Ell Gifford. Remarks appropri- ate to the occasion were made by Rov. Gifford,Rev. A. E,Ballard,Rov. Wm. Mar- goruin and others. Mr. Waters replied to them iii his usual pleasing manner. A social time was then had, followed by re- freshments/ Several pieces woro Sung,, prayer was offered by Rev. J. L. Roe, after which all departed for,thoir homes. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Lon an, and James H. Sexton, Rov. and Mrs. J. L, lioo, G. W . Treat,. Eli Gifford, Rev. A. E. Ballard., Mrs. tfranl^ Sooy, Rogers, Holmes and Wilberham; Misses Roo, Margorum, Lon an and Waters, FOOTUAIX FROWNED UPON. J ihIkcm in Dobutinf; Contest la City Sidiool Ileelde dume f» Itdiis:li*'' Football Is frowned upon . by tho schol- ars of tho city high school or at least the sport was discountenanced by the judges In a Uvoly debate hold yesterday. The subject was, *'Resolved, that it parent should forbid his son to play foot- ball.” Tho affirmative arguments were advance by XI? Polhemus, H. Miller and K. Pampman, while tho sport was upheld by X. Conover, S. Coffin nnd I). Black. Tho throe judges rondorcd a decision of S to 7 In favor of tho affirmative. Sui'prlsera Visit Mltfs Gra\'iitt. A party of about .'JO friends called unex- pectedly upon Miss Nora Gravatt, HH Em- bury avenue, Ocean Grovey Thursday night, and spont tho evening very onjoy- ably. Those prosont were:. Miss. Maud Smith, Miss Carrie Worth, Miss Cammoll, Miss Clayton, Miss Truux, Miss Mabel Gravatt, ISUss Belle Gravatt, Bon. Havens, Mr. Boll, Ludlow Smith, .Arthur Wills, Arthur Whito, John Clayton, Garfield Gravatt, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Gravatt, Walter Em- mons. ' TInnd Injured by Circular 8aw. Charles Sherman of Pearl street, near Elberon, whllo ongaged in taking wood from a circular saw, caught Ills hand in tho machine.' The middlo of his loft hand was horribly lacerated and It was thought he would blood to death before he reached tho Monmouth hospital, whero tho blood flow was llnally stopped. It will bo sev- cral weeks boforo'he can l'osumo ,work. • It, A. Moml)orslilp. Thore aro over 10,000 members of the Royal Arcanum In tho state of Now Jer- sey and ovor 800,000 In the United States. The protective taaturo of tho order is snra and stcadfaBt, its fraternal foaturea warm and ennobling, ahd its social features will surely Ksrangthoh tho charaoter of . any. man: Inquire of Wlnflold Soott, Regent, Coast City Council, No. B18, R. A. Adv. Ml . Renu§t-lne euros lndlgaBtlon.-?AilV. t? Revolutionary Plot Discovered and Many Arrests Made. Guflty"Wiil be Punisheid. BRUTAL MURDER IN NEWYORK Pope linn a Ulrtliilay for the .Ninety-Sec - ond Time,- ’But,, I* Hale and Ifearty. Lnlior TroubleH Threatened Jn.Prarfce., Great Preiiaratlons In Washington for McKinley's Inauguration. * CohstaiitlndpIoiSaUirday.--Papers seized iit Saldnica show that a revolution in Macedonia against the Sultan has been fully planned for spring. Since the cap- ture of tho papers, the Turkish authori- ties ,hasv'found quantities of Mauser rifles which wero hidden in a Bulgarian church at Salonica and In small stows, and other places-there. Arrests are being matlo en: masse throughout Maneedan, already five thousand persons have boen imprisoned. Tho most of them will lie exiled to un. hoaltliy Arabian provinces. The ling- leaders will bo executed. Tho situation in Macedonia is still full of danger. WASHINGTON IN_GALA ATTIRE Preiniratlons ft>r This- Year*?* Inaujfurii- tion Surpass Anytliinu: liver Hu- fore Attempted- " Washington,, Saturday.—Novor before has Washington been clothed with such artistic beauty ,as it is today in prepara- tion for President McKinley’s socond in- auguration. Tho flimsy reviewing stands of previous years ha Vo given place to solid and substantial structures of noat design, uniform in decoration. Many buildings are already hidden by blending vari-col- orcd bunting and Hags. Along the two milis rontx) of tho parade, from East Capi- tol street to Eighteenth street, N. W., the scenc is ono of unparalleled splendor. MURDER IN MISSION Hofiiftlnf? 'to I*ay Scoium to be a Capital Oft’enfle In tlie llowery—Four Men Arrested. Now York, Saturday.—Becauso he was unablo or unwilling to pay for a beefsteak and a cup of coffeo and rolls which ho or- dered, a man supposed to bo Goorgo Gale of Providonce, R. I., was beaten and kick- ed to death this morning in a bowery mission restaurant.' The body was thou dragged oift on tho sidewalk nnd flung ;down. In tho .restaurant the blood was mopped up ns though ono liad spilled a glass of water. Four mon omployed in tho restaurant have been arrested. • Protracted Lnbur Strike Threatened. , Marseilles, Sfiturday.—Tho sailors, stok- ers, conl trimmers and draymen havo de- cided to join tho longshoremon’s striko. The troublo threatens to develop into tho mo3t protracted labor struggle that France has over seen. __________ l’oj>e Celebrates Another Birtiiday. Romo, Saturday.—Pope Leo XIII is 91 years old today. His holiness is bolng in- undated with messages of congratulation from all over the world. Dr. Mazzonl, the popo’s physician, says his holiness is in good health. • _______________ ST. PAUL’S NEW PASTOR Will Probably he I>r, John Haudly of Cam- dfcn, Provided ltUhop Accedes to AVIsIies of Committee. If Bishop Mallal.lou, who is to preside over the annual New Jersey conference of tho Methodist Episcopal church at Camden ■next week, appoints tho preacher to take charge of St. Paul’s church, at Ocoan •Grove whom 11 members of the 20 consti- tuting tho official board prefer, ho, will onmo Rev. John Handley, now pastor of the First church of Camden. Dr. Handley wns pastor of the First church of this city some years ago. Four members of tho board refrained from vot- ing at tho meeting at whicli it was decided to express a preference for I)r, Handley nnd 11 mombors wore absent. The Cam- den jjreachor was in Ocean Grove this week and mot tho pastoral relations com- mittee. Ho oxpresscd willingness to come to St. Paul’s if appointed. Rov. Dr. Josoph G. Reed, the prosont pastor, will probably be transferred to a Catndon church. .Wk m il fur fleers. The civil suit of E. D. Flock against C. H. Beors for$il(), compensation for build- ing a piazza, was hoard today bofore Jus- tice Borden. Beors alleged that Flock agree I to do the work for his keep. This Floak- denied. As an offset to the hill Bears fllod a claim for 7tS buckets of water at ft cents a buokot. D vision was reserve^. Several Liberal Ue«iue3ts. Among other hipest* b»* the lati E. A. Hammond, who died at Long Branch,was $30,000 to tho American Soeloty for tho Prevention of Cruolty to animals. As previously stated, Mr. Hammond gavo $5,000' to tho Memorial hospital at Lorg Branch and $5,000 to his coachman. ~- To Adjust IJack Taxes. Samuel A. Cllver of this cityj Whitfield Smith of Neptuno City.and Charles Rogers of Bradley Beach .havo been appointed a commission to adjust the hack taxes of tho borough of Neptuno City.*. A meeting for that purpose will bo hold, Wednesday at Neptuno City.;, Notice. A.publio mooting will bo hold at the flro ^engine house, AVonj At; 8 o’clock In tho ovoning of Wednesday, .Bfnrch fl, .with vjoyr to take suoh‘aotlon ns may bo re- quired . for the organization of a flro dd • partment in tho borough of Avon. A full 'attondhnco of tho taxpayers is requested.' - Adv. X F rank Oasxtjr, Secrot^vry,: Why Not Boy a Lot for $40,D AT BRADLEY PARK Build a me,'( rate price houso, which In- vestment will cos* less than paying per month rent. Seo H. C. WINSOR or T. P. APPLEBY. FOR RENT from April 1st next, tiie new ^ building, 604 to 608 Cookman Avenue _ _ _ STORE 18x95 FEET ■;; STORE 27x95 FEET ^ Apartments of 5 roosbs acd bath, modern opec plumb-! :: ing, porcelain tubs,_- gas, gas., range,,, ,Rentals include steatw heat and janitor services. For terms apply to.... MILAN ROSS AGENCY 208 MAIN STREET. . Monmouth Trust -AND- Safe Deposit Company Monmouth Banding1 , Asbury Park, N. J. CAPITAL .... SURPLUS .$ 100,000 . 25,000 Kxecutea alltruHts known to thelftw, i Lonus money on bond nud mortgage. Receives deposit subject to check and allotrfl luterest on daily balances. Acts as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent Pays coupons. Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral. Safe deposit vaults. A. C. TWINING. President . G. B. M. IIARVRY, Vice President R. A. TUSTINQ, Secretary D. c CORNHM* Tieasurer DIRECTORS: O H. Brown, R. A. Tustlng, J 31. Buchanon, Henry Mitchell, M. D. n. C. Cornel!, John P O’Brien, \V. J. Harrison, Perry R. Smith, Col, G. B M. Harvey, 8. A. Patterson. George K. Kroehl, A. C Twining," ' Bruce S. Keator, M D , H. H. Vreeland, G. I>. W. Vroora. You Can’t.Keep . House Without It 1901 Farmer's Almanac NOVELS Wo havo 1,000 Papor Back Novels at lOo, WATERMAN’S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS A big help to all who write. BOOK LEASES RUBBER STAMPS LA.W BLANKS BLANK BOOKS HARRY A?BORDEN Stationer and Newsdealer Cor. Bond St. and Hattison kn. WHEN... you drop a PENNY into a BLIND man’s hat, do you consider how much care you should give your owp eyes ? Take no chances with then, STILES & CO. Philadelphia Bye Specialists At ass Main street j Asbury Park every Friday. Hours, 10 to 5. Freo examination and all worfe guaranteed. , First National lank OF ASBURY PARK Mattison Arenas and Bond (Street Between PostolHca and Depot. ORGANIZED FEBRUARY, 188< 5 . OFFICERS i ; , , \ GEORGE F. k R oe HB, President DR. SAMUEL JOHNKON,Vice-President M. H. BCOTT, Cashier. J-:. J. E; DAyiS, As»’t Cashier. Patrons" valuables reoeived (or safe kSep- IttB tree of ohargff Foreign ascfeangw bquj^it mfr sold, . Colleotonsproriiptlj.Mtoipwiadi^!,.'.'-.^-'-! T O B 3X3SrttBBB S’AVORS' RSSFiJCT fcjllyspw^mro.';: .

S l f i f S l i l P l # : 1 "i •/'if'; ’." >'•.■.Vi : ■ _ ■ * ..._r .„ J. ......

Only paper is Monmouth ' County receividg regular-daily TelegraphNews Service. v -•

. ; . % S|$ : ' * » . fit . ■ V. ■ - i i l ? . S ' I

. A Daily.Record of th&Loeal

: tript fron}:t?g ^

;h F I E | p E N ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ; 5 | ' ?\ . g- :;■■■' ■ . ASBIJEY PAKK, NEW JQERSEV, SATURDAY, M ARpH 2, 1901. PRICJTOIjr.E CENT',

Anlmportant Real Estate Bargain;

One of the best buUt and mod­ern' ifisproved cottages at

— - - . - 1 . d e a l ,:I : '. •••••-

with 12 rooms and every mod- . y '■ era improvement, will be sacri-

' ficed to an immediate purchaser oa easy'Germs.' An fetceilent location and spleudid piot.lOO

. N by 150 f«et. .Foir particulars see

D. C. COVERT•208 Bond Street, Afibnry ftirfe.


(-H otelBroisaw l^, .Omasa- Railroad Depot a n d .

. - 11214 Bangs Awmue. , .Principal O Soe......7 2 3 HATTBSOJS AVE.

■ 0 oods stored * t reasonable ira te . . Telephone connection.

P. 0 . BOX667, i.3BDB? PAKIT

T H E ' - S IG K L E R

...P R O P E R T Y ...consisting of a good dwelling oh Main avenue and two lots running through from Main avenue to Heck avenue, Ocean Grove aiust be sold to close an estate. For particulars apply to (

T. Frank Appleby,61 Maia Avenue, Ocean Grove, or Cor, ’■ Main St. and ISatdsoa Ave.,

, -Asbuiy Park, N. J . ■

;B |k A .l l t t lo A .y o u s e o - ’fftfe w $ one Ui tw onty feet,

- A t h a lf » fo o t tho mm.I t nisi you m u s t need .

■ o U U E S th a t’s a cortaln ty . B ig 'A , l i t t le A, con you se e •

Nea? e ig h th t*®ople con boo c-learly close l>y and often decide to g e t a long w ith o u t glasses, t howls? ootalilng endless m isery, am i somotimes blindness

Willard €* Wiseman,GRADUATE OPTICIAN

f ill! mi srnen mm,603 Cookman Avenue

-1 ^ 1Cor.Em ory St. Tel,' 138

TO LOAN- $50,01)0 on lirat l>ond <snd raort-

aaoo in largo or sm all am ounts. §B<#, an d upw ards.

MEN MAY COME, and-m en may go, but life In

gui&nce ata .: sa d pays to those who are left behind, anil cancels mortgages on tho homes of the men who insure.

GOING TO EUROPEFast line from N ew York to London,(Paris and Harcbarg.

3. 8 . IJEUTSCHLAND of the Hamburg - American lino. Tickets anu sailings of

GEO. W- HTTENGERSpecial Agent

AETNA U f fa IHBUEANOK CO. of H artford , Conn.

' Room 14, Appleby Building, A«bury Park.

(U ll t i l 150 ,001 -. W 1 5 3 ,0 8 0

Asbury Park and Ocean Grove

B A N KC o rn e r flattlflon Ave. a n d Mato S t .,


Coricr Main Avenue and Pilgrim Pathway •■ ■■ OCBAN QROVB.

HKSBT O. WJH80B, PrwMent, '0 , a CLAYTON, Vloe-President.

BDOTND E . DA.YION, Cm UIot. •JBS8B MINOT, Assistant Ciuhlsr. . DJBBOTOB8 : .

r. FRAJ** IVVULW- OB. 3. ’Sf. trermo*' K. a, BUOEiXOH.W- / JOOH HDBBito, •

C, O. OlATTOXi - . WWW ailsw is,.rti** ,' - - oe6.'W f.ra»fT,.

'» . «, fjnw uto , ■ T«aw»i : • ;lYf.iiodrn* O. >, ,lv;

■ Aooo«nt«-fiWapBortuiiyJ9<»l»c>lteilS a fe ..

: - w i t*8U« F’e iw irf^ O ra ft* a n d L «t» •ri o* Or*«ilt. *•. • ■ ! . V ' '--V


TICKETOrderly and Harmonious Primary

Held This Afternoon in We'st Grove Engine House.*

A G O O D T IC K E T IS C H 0 $ E N <r.

J . lu. T9i(Wnp»oa N om inated fo r C om m it­teem an , a n d Jo s e p h U a rr is fo r C lerk .

A p p ro p ria tio n F ixed a t S3,500 anil iflftO N aineil fo r U u b n g e ileraovul. O th e r A m ountfi Sam e as R epablleans.

N ot a contest m arrod the serenity of. tho D em ocratic p rim ary hold tills afternoon In tho Unexcelled E ngine Jiouse, W est Qrovo. T he m eeting lasted o iaa tly 32 m in u tes an d n o t a ballo t w as taken on any of the candidates,' tho vote being u n an i­mous.

Tho neetlng waa called to order by Ja m es h . Thompgpn an d he w as qlewted’ ohalrm an an d P a u l B u rk h ard t, Eccretary. T he nom inees chosen are as fpllows:

C lerk—Joseph H arris , W est P ark , Commifcfceenian—.Jamas L . Thompson,

W est Grove,! ■ ’Ju s ticc o f the Beaee—E dw ard X*ettfs,

Ocean Qroyo.CDBimlsslone* of 4 ppeBl9-r'W lllara A.

H«^8Wafln,JW M 6 P a r t , • ,Sarveyors of, H lgw ays (2)—Jam es W .

Iisvwloxy W est Grove, er.il Mlohnol Orosson, W est Grove.

Foundkeepers (8)—B'rank Pierce,Doisnls W hlfe nod ono to bo supplied by com m it; too ou vacanclos.

Tha appropriations nam ed by the Ro- publlcans ,<bj m otion of Josoph H arris •wer enttoreed . w ith the exception of the am oun ts nan ied fo r garbage an d lights, A m otion by M r. H arris th a t *6Q<! be the appropriation - fo r the fo rm er w as carried unanim ously.

The question of less lig h ts ' o r a 1 greater appropriation w as b rougM jip-by Thomas W yncoop. H e said th a t^ c c u rd in g to tho figures of th e tow nship com m ittee |3;4BG would Ik. iieadod fo r ligh ts; th a t the Re­publican!; had nam ed b u t 13,000 an d th a t hS' would nidfts th a t SB,500 be the Demo- sm tio appropflatlon . The m otion was carried w ith o u t a d issenting vote.

T h erem aln d er of tno spproprlatlons fol- Jow : Roads, $4,000; ways a n d means, f l,- 800; poor, IS.OQft; to operate an d m ain tain a polios A p a rtm e n t, $1,200; G. A . R.. 4IG0; M onm outh M em orial hospital, $100.

Tho follow ing wore appointed a commlt- tee on vacancies: LThpmijB W yncoop, S. A . H all ;md 1 'r a n k B utcher.

A B O U L EV A R D D E B A T EC ity H ig h $ch.:jui S oc le ly C hallenge* Occan

■ O rave IPupils to A rg u e OceanD rivew ay P ro je c t. : '

T he A sbury P a rk H igh School L iterary a n d D ebating society has challenged the D ebating society of th e N optune Tow nship H igh school a t Oooan Grove to a tes t of o ratorlal powers oh the Ocean Boulevard b ill now before th e legislature. T he -reso­lu tion is a s follows: ‘.‘Resolved, th a t the proposed ocean boulevard b ili should no t bo passed by tho leg islatu re ,”

Tho.tlmo se t is F riday, M arch 15, a t 0 p. m. a t a placo to be designated by th e chal­lenged party , whtah is to tako the affirm a­tive. The judges aro to be Miss L. A. Doron, p rincipal of tho tow nship school. P rof. F red S . Shoptuird. VrloaUial of tho city school, an d tho th ird to be chosen from a lis t of s is nam es of w hich three are subm itted by each side. A n answ er to tho challenge Is anxiously aw aited.

No Onsi to UKten to th e Mu.sk’ C ouncilm an T. F ra n k Apploby received

today a te legram fro m . Theodor® J . Vin centz, leader of la s t sum m dr’8 beaqty band, announciug. th a t ho would serenade tho A sbuiy P a rk delegation a t W ashington' on Monday if M r. A ppleby would fu rn ish the W ashington address of tho local vis­itors. A s Com pany I I is no t going thoro w ill bo no real delegation from th is city and Mr. V incontz w as bo informed.

Township School Election.T he a n n u a l olootlon for school trustees

and to nam e th e appropriations in the N eptuno tow nship d istric t w ill take place Tuesday, M arch 19. Tho olcctlou w ilt bo held in tho H ig h School build ing a t Ocoan Grove. Throe tru stees w ill bo chosen to succeed Messrs, T ilton , Larralseo and Q arr^brant. .

Spoon 8o«labie*Frovgil Pleasing.*T he spoon soclablo of S im onides Court*

T ribe of Ben. H u r hold la s t n igh t, wijs unique and enjoyable an d largoly a t ­tended. A phonograph fu rn ished m uch pleasure,' as d id th e storeopticon entertain m en t of W . D. Beddll. A spoon race and potato race were ru n an d m any gam esplayod. . _______ _

. C orm an-Schnelder.. , Clarence li.-C arm an, son of W . H . Car

m an of Ooaan Grove, was m arried oil1 Feb1 2, n t P ittsb u rg , to Mlss lioulsb T.Schneldor of New Y ork. Mr. C arm an is omployoda8 draughtsm an for tho A m erican Bridge com pany a t i ts P ittsb u rg b ra n c h .:

. Short M eeting Township Committee.- . A short m eeting of the townshlp'com- m lttee w as held th is afternoon ta pass tho m onth ly sa lary bills. No m atters of im ­portance w ill be considered u n t i l 'a f te relection. ._____ ’ /

E x-A ldotinan Oharics P a rk s of New Y ork, w ho'‘is s till a w a itin g . tr ia l on tho charge -of keeping a dlso^derl^ house In th is city, la a v isito r in A sbury P a rk todoy •

j -- . 1 . / ■ 7' "" ‘ I" . T ~ J.'/Fine Oyat«r» .4 ,)•

Y ou can got tho in Itfrgo o r sm a ll, fo r .frt-li i!, stoivlr.i,; o r hn\t shell. A lso-Jargc hard uUeVl ond little neck o ^ m s a t F , E. B en n e tt’s, 70<> Ooakinon aveuuo, In baso mon t dv. 50-B5" .*• ( ' , . ; ■ : .

. ' V> *' "■ I • dm4- ' , r ' ' *R ennet-iao oures lndlgpation.'—A dv. tf -

. x , * ‘ m

‘ ‘K IN G ” T H E FA M O U S ’ P O S S U M D O G , IS D E A D

H is F arao H as, W e H ope, P recn tled H im to t h e H appy H u n tin g G rounds,, B u rle d in S tato .

"K in g ," the cha;npion ’possriln dog of M onm outh county, died yesterday a t the residence of his m aster, Thco<loro G rant, on Houth M ain stree t, A sbury P ark . Tho m edical excuse fo r “ K in g 's" dem ise la old nge| ’ Tho G ran ts keep a barber shop on Main stree t and w hen nows, of “ K ing’s’1 (Jeceaso w as poised around th e neighbor­hood (furious sightseers gathered a t the sc one-friends of the fam ous huntcrw hosc friendly host 'lad poked th e ir ch ins and h a n d s ; an d gafced sorrow fully a t tho bat­tered re m n a n to f canlno greatness.

T h e G rants, who loved “ K ing” like a b rc th e ty ipimtidiately niado preparations fo r a sta te ly funeral. Assisted by W illiam H ill an d Ed. L e tts tho b rothers prepored a Collin w hich was m ade to fit “K in g ” lying In h is favorite position. Tho outsldo cov­ering y a s of planed wood anil the Interior w as .lined w ith rich cloth. A handsome silk sofa cushion w as also p laco d in th e coflln fo r a head rest.. This afternoon fol­lowed by a sinull b u t affectionate proces- Blcn !>f old friends arid compaiiions “K ing” w as taken to h is last resting place on the Arohle A pplegate farm , n ear Avon. There a sw all hcadston'o w ill m ark the place'of biurial. •

“K in g ” was a noted dog in Neptuno township! Ho vb'! b rought up and edu­cated by Jam es Oasner of Avon, w ho com­mittee! sulolde several .years ago. W hen Casner died “K iog” . set tip a continuous how l. He moaned aud throw him self agains t the death cham ber and St was fin. a lly decided to taka h ln u aw ay John Thom son b rought tho dog to Theodore G ran t, whose card an d a tten tio n mnde hia long an d evontful lifo a .comparatively happyone.

“ K in g ’s” scent fo r th e 'possum , was al­m ost uucannj:. N ot often could thc ' anl- m'ol o'scapo h is v lg lland nose,' F o r rabb it he possessed a Bimllar Jnstlne ti a lthongh no tra in in g w ould ovarlnduco tha dog to tra il for a rab b it a t n igh t. Tho n ig h t was especially se t a p a rt by “ K ing” fo r tho Opos­sum . The rab b it wns distinctly day game nnd-th is separation w as m ain tained w ith w onderfu l sagacity b y “ K ing” u n ti l theday of h is death. •

G ra n t’:: custom ers were alw ays greeted w ith affactlouate regard, by tho dog. F or m any he liad a w ag of the ta ll. O thers on m ore In tim ate te rm s w ero'salutod w ith a poke of th e nose. ■

“K in g ’s" tm iu ln g was <5pnfined entirely to th e ’poBsilm an d rabb it. Ho was no t a tr ic k dog an d to dogs of She “fancy '’ he no dou b t appeared o ld fashioned an d prosy. Tho G ran ts loved him , however, and they m iss h im as one of the fam ily.

“N eptuno tow nship w ill never own such » ’possum dbg again ,” said M r. G ran t th is m orn in g s !'H ls llko -w as never - born; A iid th is la “K in g 's’ Moving epitaph from hla m as te r. , _ V _ ....

P U B L IC L I B R A R Y G R O W IN G "Fir*?. In s ta llm e n t o f Hurj'f-iY. ^iookf',

Pvom lsed f y C ol, H arvey , A rrives .M any N ew M em bers, ,

Now th a t a creditable home h a B been ce- curad for the ASbury P a rk publio library those interested in th e m ovem ent have tu rned th e ir a tten tio n w ith renew ed vigor tow ard securing a n equally creditable ar- i-ayqf bobks. ” 1

Yesterday tho. firs t in sta llm en t of the books o f th e ,H a rp e r 'Publishing bouse, prom ised by. Col. G. ,B.,M , Harvey, a r ­rived,

A num ber of books purchased w ith fun d s raised by th e ladies were also added to th e library ,

E vldinco of the grow ing publio in terest !e tlio ii rrtry is show n .by th e fac t th a t ab o u t 8(1,o r 40 taom bers w ere onrdllcd yes t irdiiy. A $1 oktranco fee is required more a s a safeguard agains t tho non-retu rn "of a volum o th a n a s a n en trance fee. Two bookH m ay b e : tak en ou t weakly, one a volum e oM lctlon, th e ,other of fact! The lib ra ry Is open on F ridays only as yet.

H A W X H U R S T R E S IS T SH as E m p lo y ed C ounsel to Beslsfc O rd e r

o f C ity to R em o v e .P ro jo o ttjie P o r ­tio n o f H o te l.

Tlio aotlon of ojoctm ont b rough t by tho city against Rov. P . R . H aw x h u rst w ill bo trlod nex t te rm of tho suprem o court. Tho ac tio n ' is b ro u g h t to tiompol Mr. H aw khursb to rem ove a portion, of tho L yndhuret whloh the city claim s is bu ilt over th e stree t lino. T his Is denied by M r. H aw x h u rst and he h as requested h is a t- tornoy, W esloy B. S tou t, to vigorously de­fend tho action. I t is also claim ed th a t the city has no logal r ig h t to instltu to tho proceedings' in quostion and th a t Mr. H aw xhurst Is justified In bu ild ing as he did. H aw kins & D u ran d represent thoolty. •_ '

P le a sa n t P a r ty a t C row ell H om e.A t tho homo of M r. an d Mrs. Jo h n W .

Crowell, 1028 W est M unroo avenue, a large party of young people wore deligh t­fu lly en tertained las t n igh t. One of thp m oat am using of tho gam es played, w as a p eanu t race. The prizo w inners w ere: la d le s ’ first) Miss B ertha . F lem ings oup an d saucer; booby, M issPearlT hom pson, lemon and stick of aandy, Gontlomon's first, Jo h n Carpontor.box of candy; booby, P . P roctor, jaok-ln-bgxT':

O rch es tra Off on A n n u a l T r ip .A special oar was addeil to the 7.10 tra in

to Now Y ork th is m orn ing to accommo* date th e m em bers o f th e Tow nship H igh Sohool orohestri’i w ho i i s a /rew iird fo r bf- lltslorit aarvlees w ont to ' spond, th e day li: 'the olty, D irector Ij . vau Gllluvre w as in ohargo of the party whiob tium barod abo u t 80 T(>ey,will v isit Granti’s to m b an d o ther places o t tr*taro,sc a n d w ilt a tten d t. concert a t C arnegie hall.. '. .

Ntfwbnry’tf te rtrf 'fttu l roordlng fitabla. w ill bo *«pt opeu 'a l l %?int«ri. w ould Js« pleased to , cave you oallou u e fo i1 ljvory or boarding. Term s reasonable.8 .W . NBWBDUV, <09 M unroe ave. [Adv.29ltf ■ ;•<,l V'v'.O; ■"‘ r ' y /• ■;

mRepublicans'and Citizens-Nomi­

nate Their Candidates for Municipal Honors.,

L A R R A B E E D E F E A T S P R A T TMayor A . T . Hogrer«, However,"is denom ­

inated l»y tlie Cltlzciitt W ithout Opjiuiti- tlo n 'an d * £xpcot» t (> IVIrt Out on the Iteeortl Mm lift D uring tho JUist Year.. W ill be tlv e iy E lection.

D espite the fac t th a t usually olio pri­m ary is sufficient to throw Bradley Bcacli in to convulalous of uxoltcmcnt two wcrit held thoro la s t n igh t, am!, a lthough thoro was nn un d ercu rren t of great determ ina­tion, there .was b u t llttlo ,m anifestation of l ta n d no disorder. •' B oth th e C itizens’ and Republican par­

ties nam ed th e ir candidates, the form er In the P ioneer F ire com pany’s house, the la tte r In W oolley’s hail.

W hile there w as some fighting for thb CQuncilmanle nom inations 911 both tiokets tho real con test was between W illiam L airabee * « d H arry \ C, P ra t t , wlio each d es lm t th e R epublican noinlnatiou for m ayor to succeed A . ' f . Rogers. Larrabeo proved th e Stronger Jand won by a large m ajority .

N om inations 'Koro also mado forcouncll- meii to succeed ’W illiam Larraboc, 15. .0 . B onner and.G harlcs ijognrt, whose term s 'expire., V; j

Tho Citizens’ p rim ary resulted a s fol­lows: ■■ . y '

Mayor—A . T . Roger,'unopposed. Counpilm en (8 )—-E dw ard ,C. Lam bert,

B9; B tm er C. B enner, &i; R ev.II.J.H ayter, 87; E lias'Soiilthorpo, 81.

Com iaissionor of Api>cal—B u rd e tt P o l­and, unopposed. - 1

The R opubllcan candidates are as fol­lows; '

Mayoir—-W illiam Larrabee, 59; H arry .C. P r a t t , .21.

C ouncllm en (8 ) —Joseph .Stewart, 'r>2; F ra n k H erb ert, 40; A, J . Sm ith, 28; W .E . Macdonald, 22; E im er C. B enner, 22; Ed- w a« l L am bert, 9.

Com m issioner of Appeals—Charles W il­kins, unopposed.

Justice o f .th e . Peace—Sam uel Layton, unopposed.

M r. M acdonald’s candidacy w as a sur­prise bo th to; h im self and MenUs. H e had no po litical asp irations and had no idea th a t Mb nam e w ould be m entioned a t the prim ary; ' . .-,. Now tlm t ,the,tiokets. are ja a d o up both Bides w ill se ttls dow n to grim , determ ined efforts to "gain tho ■ m astery and the fight m ay be sjxpscted to grow ho tter and ho tter u n til i t b u rsia in to flame on election day!

W ID D E M E R ’ S F U N E R A LD y in g ok th e F if th A nn iv e rsary o f H is

B lo th c r‘8 JFuucirnl. iHe is H u rled ' by H e r Side.

T he funera l services over the rem ains of th e Rov. H ow ard T,' AViddomer wore held a t tho residence of his father, 2031 N orth N ineteen th street, Philadelphia, on T hu rs­day m orn ing last a t 10 o’clook, The houso w as crow ded w ith his form er parishioners, from the Church of the Beloved Disciples, w hen in th a t city 13 years ago. Floral tr ib u te s were sent by m any of them who h ad heard h is w onderful words of lovo and kindnoss whllo listoning to his sermons, w hich had taken deep root in th e ir hearts, m any of them spoaklng of p articu lar ser­m ons w hich they had never forgotten. The services wero conducted by tho Rev. H enry M a rtin e t tho ProtesUvnt Episcopal Church of the Advocate, who showod tho deceased clergym an every atten tion , assisted by the Rev. Thom as Taylor, an old friend of tho fam ily. M r. W iddemor was laid to rest in Pennypaclc cemetery, by the side of his m other, upon the fifth anniversary ot whoso burial the son died.

P ro f . P e a r m an to Sliiff a t F reeh o ld .Thoro w ill bo a special musical sorvlce

In tho F irs t Conytvgr.tlonal church toinor' row evening. I t w ill bo P rof. T. W lllianis- P carm an 's last service as prccentor of tiie church, ho having accn'pted the position of choir director and t euor soloist a t tho F irs t Ppesbytorlan1 church of Freehold. P rof. P oarm an will not sevor h is connection With tho Congregational church, as ho is Beleoting and tra in ing a choir and will contlriuo a s director of m usic and lcadorof sing ing a t the F riday evening prayer mooting. H e will continue to reside in A sbury P a rk a t his.present address.,. Tiie Binging class will go on as usua l and re­hearsa ls havo ju s t startod w ith Mondels- sohn’s Forty-second Psalm as tho p rtncl pal num bor. A saored concert ab o u t E astor tlmo Is In contem plation.

'K ed Men's G rra t C onnell.Tho G reat Council o f tho Im proved

Ordor of Red Men of New Jersoy ad jou rn ­ed yesterday aftennoon a t T ren ton after being In session sliico T hursday m orning. O ver 500 past sachems, tho national officers an il pas t officers of the G reat Council of tho U nited S tates wero presont. Thera aro 178 tribes In th is sta te , w ith 18,015mem bers. _______ ' ______ f

. _ B ask e tb a ll .T onight. - Tho Aomy A. C. or. tho P ruden tia l

basketball team of N ew ark w ill bo the Oreos’ - opponents In ton igh t’s gamo a t C ontral hall.»

N otice o f 'lle m o v a l.On A pril ! D r, George B, H erbert will

rbraovq n isd e n ta lita r lo rsfro n i tho --.sbury P a r k an d Ooean Grove B ank build ing to larger and more oommodlons room s In tho now P a rk e r building a t 006 Cookman ave­nue,—Adv. 42 tf. '

' ( i ' . . . . »•P o r K ent! ; , :

Ohoap for tho w in te r ,. 3 room >iouso Inlm edln» poBseBslbnioau V-<- had. ‘..M. M. Oroabio, faSM aia street.—Adv., tf.


P rin ce to n S tu d en ts W ill H avo Ciood I’ohI- tlon In In u itg iirn l P a ra d e —Nlcholun

Q ttinn o f P a terH on-llonure i), W ashingtdn, D. C „ M apch2,—'l’he mail

la delivered a t M ontgom ery, ji sm iiirtow n in Homerspt txm nty, afc 11 o'clock it\'tho m orning a t present. Kesldents of th a t town w an t the m ail to ' be delivered nt. Ji o’clock In fche afternoon a s it w as some m onths ngo. T hey havo accordingly draw n up a : petition > and forw arded i t toC otj- gressm an IIowoll, who hasU led.it w ith the postolTico d epartm en t w ith His rccommen'*' dation th a t the.retjuest he g ran ted . ‘ •*

Two miles froni South A ^ ih o y o n tho lino of' tho K aritan Tllver railroad a th riv ­ing tow n has been, founded.. I t is tho sito of tho .plant of thb In te rn a tio n a l Smoke­less Pow der com pany, an d num erous buildings a n d dw ellings havo heon erected thoro. Lewis Nixon, who wus chnirm an of tho Tam m any hall vice purification commlttRO, is ono of thop rom lnont stock* holders in tho concern. The corporation wishes tho advantiigoK of postal facilities and a petition ■ has thercftm* been for­w arded requesting the establishm ent of a postoflico.

Thu*bill which S enator Kuan had passed in Ihe sonate fo r tho roliof of W illiam B. Riitivn, form erly collector of in ternal rev- onue a t Nowdrk, has boon reported favor­ably by the houso com m ittee on claim s to which It w as referred. Tlio bill authorizes the secretary of the ti-ensury to credit tho account of Mr. R u ta n w ith the sum of $1,- 350, tho am ount of in te rn a l revenue stam ps lose in tho m ails.

On. account of the illness of the* princi­pal Congressman S to w art has w itiidraw n his nom inations fo r the m illtiiry acadomy a t AVest P o in t and will send in tho names in tim e fo r tho Ju n o exam ination. The principal is Louis Schoonm akcr of P a te r­son, and • tho alternato , George AVhlto.of Ridgewood,

Congressman S tew art has recommended th a t a eortiilcate of m erl t ho awarded to Nicholas Q uinn, form erly of Paterson, who is now in tho regu lar arm y in the Philippines. Q uinn has been awarded a m edal of honor fo r nursing In th e fever hospitals when he was ill himself, and if the w ar departm ent aw ards h im tho certi­ficate i t w ill carry w ith i t an increase In h is pay allowance of $;j a m onth.

The designation of th e M erchants’ N a­tional R ank of P hiladelphia as th a resorve agout fo r the F irs t N ational B ank a t P en ­n ington has been approved b y the comp­tro ller of tho currency.

The studen ts of P rinceton college, will have the second position in the students’ division in the inau g u ra l parade in com­m and of Gaylord R . H aw kins.

M rsrM . -C. Mncgenn of .Trenton is reg­istered a t tho H otel Johnson, and Ij. S. B a rtle tt of P rinceton is a t the Cooluwi.

A P L E A S A N T P A R T YT h o OcciuilonW aH th e ve n tyrSfcvemt 11 A n-

n lvo rsa ry o f tlio ISJrtli o f I{«v. i lSdwln-WaterS;

L ast n ig h t a n u m b er of frionds of Rev. Edwin W aters m ot a t his homo a t (518 Sowell avenue and spent a m ost onjoyable ovening, I t was tho occasion of tho seven­ty-seventh ann iversary of his birth .

A beautiful jard in iere and fern, a gift from those presont, was presented to lilni by Rev. E ll Gifford. R em arks appropri­ate to the occasion were made by Rov. Gifford,Rev. A. E ,B allard ,R ov . W m . Mar- goruin and others. M r. W aters replied to them iii his usual pleasing m anner. A social tim e was then had, followed by re­freshm ents/ Several pieces woro Sung,, prayer was offered by Rev. J . L . Roe, a f te r which all departed for,thoir homes.

Am ong those p resent were M r. an d Mrs. J . Lon an , an d Jam es H. Sexton, Rov. and Mrs. J . L, lioo, G. W . Treat,. E li Gifford, Rev. A. E. Ballard., Mrs. tf ra n l^ Sooy, Rogers, Holm es and W ilberham ; Misses Roo, M argorum, Lon an an d W aters,


J ihIkcm in D obutinf; C on test la C ity Sidiool Ilee lde d u m e f» Itdiis:li* ''

Football Is frow ned upon . by tho schol­ars of tho city high school or a t least the sport w as discountenanced by the judges In a Uvoly debate hold yesterday.

The sub ject was, *'Resolved, th a t it paren t should forbid his son to play foot­ball.” Tho affirm ative a rgum en ts were advance by XI? Polhem us, H . M iller and K. Pam pm an, while tho sport w as upheld by X. Conover, S. Coffin nnd I). Black. Tho throe judges rondorcd a decision of S to 7 In favor of tho affirm ative. •

Sui'prlsera V isit Mltfs G ra \'i itt.A party of about .'JO friends called unex­

pectedly upon Miss Nora G ravatt, HH Em­b u ry avenue, Ocean Grovey Thursday night, an d spont tho evening very onjoy- ably. Those prosont were:. Miss. Maud Sm ith , Miss C arrie W orth , Miss Cammoll, Miss Clayton, Miss T ruux, Miss Mabel G ravatt, ISUss Belle G ravatt, Bon. Havens, Mr. Boll, Ludlow S m ith , .A rth u r Wills, A rth u r W hito, Jo h n Clayton, Garfield G ravatt, Mr. and Mrs. A. P . W ebster, Mr. and Mrs. H enry E. G ravatt, W alter E m ­mons. '

TInnd In ju re d b y C irc u la r 8aw .Charles Sherm an of P earl street, near

Elberon, whllo ongaged in tak ing wood from a circular saw, cau g h t Ills hand in tho machine.' The m iddlo of h is loft hand was horribly lacerated and I t w as thought he would blood to death before he reached tho M onm outh hospital, whero tho blood flow was llnally stopped. I t w ill bo sev- cral weeks boforo'he can l'osumo ,work.

• I t , A . M om l)orslilp.Thore aro over 10,000 m em bers of the

Royal A rcanum In tho sta te of Now Je r ­sey and ovor 800,000 In the United States. The protective taa tu ro of tho order is snra and stcadfaBt, its fra ternal foaturea warm and ennobling, ahd its social featu res will surely Ksrangthoh tho charaoter of . any. m an: In q u ire of W lnflold Soott, R egent, Coast City C ouncil, No. B18, R. A. Adv. Ml

. Renu§t-lne euros lndlgaBtlon.-?AilV. t?

Revolutionary Plot Discovered and Many Arrests Made.

Guflty"Wiil be Punisheid.


Pope linn a U lrtliilay fo r th e .Ninety-Sec­ond Time,- ’But,, I* H ale an d I fea rty . L n lio r TroubleH T h rea te n e d Jn .P rarfce., G rea t P re iia ra tlo n s In W ash ing ton fo r M cK inley 's In a u g u ra tio n . *

CohstaiitlndpIoiSaUirday.--Papers seized iit Saldnica show th a t a revolution in Macedonia ag a in s t the S u ltan has been fully planned for spring. Since th e cap­tu re of tho papers, the T u rk ish au th o ri­ties ,hasv'found quan tities of M auser rifles which wero hidden in a B ulgarian church a t Salonica and In sm all s to w s , an d o ther places-there. A rrests are being matlo en: masse th roughout Maneedan, already five thousand persons have boen imprisoned. Tho m ost of them will lie exiled to un . hoaltliy A rab ian provinces. The ling- leaders w ill bo executed. Tho situation in Macedonia is s till fu ll of danger.

W A S H IN G T O N IN_GALA A T T IR EP re in ira tlo n s ft>r T his- Year*?* Inaujfurii-

tio n S urpass Anytliinu: l iv e r Hu-fore A ttem pted- "

W ashington,, S aturday .—Novor before has W ashington been clothed w ith such artistic beauty ,as it is today in prepara­tion for P residen t M cKinley’s socond in ­auguration. Tho flimsy review ing stands of previous years ha Vo given place to solid and substan tial s tru c tu res of noat design, uniform in decoration. M any buildings are already hidden by b lend ing vari-col- orcd bu n tin g and Hags. A long th e two milis rontx) of tho parade, from E a s t Capi­tol stree t to E igh teen th street, N . W ., the scenc is ono of unparalleled splendor.

M U R D E R IN M ISS IO NHofiiftlnf? 'to I*ay Scoium t o b e a C ap ita l

Oft’enfle In tlie llo w e ry —F o u r M en A rre s ted .

Now York, Saturday.—Becauso he w as unablo or unw illing to pay for a beefsteak and a cup of coffeo and rolls which ho or­dered, a m an supposed to bo Goorgo Gale of Providonce, R. I., was beaten an d kick­ed to death this m orning in a bowery mission re s ta u ra n t. ' The body was thou dragged oift on tho sidewalk nnd flung

; down. I n tho .re s ta u ra n t the blood was mopped up ns though ono liad spilled a glass of w ater. F o u r mon omployed in tho restau ran t have been arrested. •

P ro tra c ted L nbur S tr ik e T h rea ten ed . ,Marseilles, Sfiturday.—Tho sailors, stok­

ers, conl trim m ers and draym en havo de­cided to join tho longshorem on’s striko. The troublo th rea tens to develop in to tho mo3t protracted labor struggle th a t F rancehas over seen. ■__________

l ’oj>e C e leb ra te s A n o th e r B irtiid ay .Romo, S aturday .—Pope Leo X III is 91

years old today. H is holiness is bolng in ­undated w ith messages of congratu lation from all over the world. Dr. Mazzonl, the popo’s physician, says his holiness is in good health . •_______________

S T . P A U L ’ S NEW P A S T O RW ill P ro b ab ly he I>r, J o h n H au d ly o f C am -

dfcn, P rov ided ltU hop A ccedes to AVIsIies o f C om m ittee .

I f Bishop Mallal.lou, who is to preside over the a n n u a l New Jersey conference of tho M ethodist Episcopal church a t Camden ■next week, appoints tho preacher to take charge of St. P a u l’s church, a t Ocoan •Grove whom 11 m em bers of the 20 consti­tu tin g tho official board prefer, ho, w ill onmo Rev. Jo h n H andley, now pastor of the F irs t church of Camden.

Dr. Handley wns pastor of the F irst church of th is city some years ago. Four members of tho board refrained from vot­ing a t tho m eeting a t whicli it w as decided to express a preference for I)r, H andley nnd 11 mombors wore absent. The C am ­den jjreachor was in Ocean Grove this week and mot tho pastoral relations com ­m ittee. Ho oxpresscd w illingness to come to S t. P a u l’s if appointed.

Rov. D r. Josoph G. Reed, the prosont pastor, w ill probably be transferred to a Catndon church.

.Wk m i l fu r fleers .The civil su it of E . D. Flock against C.

H . Beors for$il(), com pensation for build­ing a piazza, w as hoard today bof ore J u s ­tice Borden. Beors alleged th a t Flock agree I to do the work for h is keep. This Floak- denied. As an offset to the hill Bears fllod a claim for 7tS buckets of w ater a t ft cents a buokot. D v ision was reserve^.

S everal L ib e ra l Ue«iue3ts.Among o ther h ip e s t* b»* the la t i E . A.

H am m ond, who died a t Long B ranch,w as $30,000 to tho A m erican Soeloty fo r tho Prevention of C ruolty to anim als. A s previously stated, Mr. H am m ond gavo $5,000' to tho M em orial hospital a t L o rg B ranch an d $5,000 to his coachman. ~-

To A d ju s t IJack Taxes.Sam uel A. Cllver of th is city j W hitfield

S m ith of Neptuno City.and Charles Rogers of Bradley Beach .havo been appointed a commission to ad ju s t the hack taxes of tho borough of N eptuno City.*. A m eeting for th a t purpose will bo hold, W ednesday a t Neptuno City.;,

N otice.A.publio mooting w ill bo hold a t th e flro

^engine house, AVonj At; 8 o’clock In tho ovoning of W ednesday, .Bfnrch fl, .with vjoyr to take su o h ‘aotlon ns m ay bo re ­quired . for the organization of a flro dd • p artm en t in tho borough of A von. A fu ll 'attondhnco of tho taxpayers is req u ested .' - Adv. X F r a n k Oasxtjr, Secrot^vry,:

Why Not Boy a Lot for $40,D AT BRADLEY PARK

B uild a me,'( ra te price houso, w hich In­vestm ent w ill cos* less th an paying per m onth ren t. Seo


F O R R E N Tfrom April 1st next, tiie new building, 604 to 608 Cookman

■ Avenue _ _ _

STORE 18x95 FEET■ ■;; STORE 27x95 FEET ^

Apartments of 5 roosbs acd bath , modern opec plumb-! :: ing, porcelain tubs,_- gas, gas., range,,, ,Rentals include steatw heat and janitor services.

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R. A. TUSTINQ, SecretaryD. c CORNHM* Tieasurer

DIRECTORS:O H. Brown, R. A. Tustlng,J 31. Buchanon, Henry Mitchell, M. D.n . C. Cornel!, John P O’Brien,\V. J. Harrison, Perry R. Smith,Col, G. B M. Harvey, 8. A. Patterson.George K. Kroehl, A. C T w ining," 'Bruce S. Keator, M D , H. H. Vreeland,

G. I>. W. Vroora.

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A big help to all who w rite.



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W H E N . . .you drop a PENNY into a BLIND man’s hat, do you consider how much care you should give your owp eyes ? Take no chances with then ,

STILES & CO.Philadelphia Bye Specialists

At ass Main street j Asbury Park every Friday.

Hours, 10 to 5. Freo examination and all worfe guaranteed. ,

First National lan kOF A SB U R Y PARK

Mattison Arenas and Bond (StreetBetween PostolHca and Depot.


OFFICERS i ; , , \GEORGE F. k R o e HB, P resident

DR. SAMUEL JOHNKON,Vice-President M. H. BCOTT, Cashier.

■ J-:. J . E; D A yiS, As»’t Cashier.

Patrons" valuables reoeived (or safe kSep- IttB tree of ohargff

Foreign ascfeangw bquj^it m fr sold,. Colleotonsproriiptlj.Mtoipwiadi !,.'.'-. -'-!

T O B 3X3SrttBBB S’AVORS' RSSFiJCTf c j l l y s p w ^ m r o . ' ; : .


A e t t o n o t D e le s ra te s a t H « r « n » o * Senate** A m e n d m e n t.

H av an a , M arch 2. — S enor Capote, p re s id en t o f th e C uban constitu tional convention , called upon G overnor G en­era l W ood y esterday m o rn in g an d In­form ed him th a t th e convention fe l t It­se lf In a i^ em b n rrassln g position ow ing tci the vote In th e U nited StntoB senate. H e said the delegates bnd'noiTdeclded w hether to 'co n tin u e th e sessions o r to dissolve.

G eneral Wood adv ised him to u rge the convention not to tak e an y ra sh ac­tion, bu t to com plete Its w ork a s origi­nally oiitlltiod.’draWliife' up tlie electoral law .

Y esterday- afternoon the delegates held an iiiforinnl m eeting and a f te r, some discussion agreed to w ait until congress hud acted on. the Cuban am endm ent.

W hen the ultenttoil o f, G eneral Oo- inez w as ciillcd to a s ta te m e u t cabled from Nmv York th a t lie w as very angry over the report c ircu lated in. th e i'n lted . S ta tes > Hint lie had expressed him self ag a in st th e w ith d raw al of th e I'n lted ' S ta tes troops a t.p re se n t from Culm , he Inform ed a fo n d e r xtalV otticer th a t h e 1 h a d ‘m ade the sta tem ent and .that any denials w ere qu ite Im m aterial,

As a m a tte r of fact m ost of the Cu­ban leaders p riva te ly express a desire ' for the prolongation o f A m erican Inter-

. vcntloji, b u t In public they give u tte r­ance to revo lu tionary view s In o rder to please th e m asses and to -re ta in th e ir popularity .

T h is Is th e keynote o f the p resen t situation , i t w as well illu stra ted a t the public m eeting o f the R epublican p a rty a t the Tacon th e a te r Sundny. w hen Senor Zayas. w ho is really conserva­tive In b is view s, m ade ii speech In .which he advocated the defend ing of th e independence of Culm w ith the n .achete,

• W o o d T a k e s H o p e fu l V iew , .W ashington. M arch 2.—T he • cab inet

discussed the. Cuban situation , aud Secretary Root read te legram s from G eneral Wood to the effect th a t In h is opinion the C ubans would soon become convinced th a t the a c tio n 'o f congress iu fixing the relations w hich shouid ex­is t betw een C uba au d the U nited S ta tes w as fo r th e ir in te rest and would accept the term s w ithou t serious objec­tion.


. .O F T H E , , ,

B o r o u g ] ^ ^ B e a c h , N # J/ * v


P E W E T A C R O S S O R A N G E . .

K i tc l i e n c r R e p o r t* S a c c e m a n d A l»o UlM aM er.

London, M arch 2.—T he w a r office has received tlie follow ing d ispatch from

- Lord K itchener, dated P re to ria , M arch 1:

" l ie W et lias been forced north over tlie O range riv e r and is now clear of Cape Colony. T w o hundred prisoners have been tnken.

"E ig h ty men of K itchener’s lighting scouts w ere a ttack ed by superior num ­b ers and ; a f te r a prolonged lig h t and su sta in in g 20 casualties, su rrendered .”

T h e D ally C hronicle say s i t u n d er­s ta n d s th a t , in view of th e expected su rre n d e r o f G eneral I.onls B otha, th e m ilita ry au th o ritie s hav e a lread y su s­pended co n trac ts w ith som e Hr m s fo rw a r sto res. __________ ____• Mr. BrodricV:, the w ar se c re ta ry ,'h a s issued a s ta tem en t o f the arm y es ti­m ates fo r 1001-2. T iie to ta l Is £87,915,- 000, o f w hich f 58,230,000 comes under th e heading o f w ar serv ices an d is based ou ilie assum ption th a t fo r the lirst four m onths o f the new linaneial y e a r the Held force In South A frica will lie m ain ta ined a t its full s tren g th and lh n t th e rea fte r a g rad u a l d im inution w ill occur.

T h is mini a lso provides fo r the tra n s ­port home o f troops, fo r w ar g ra tu ities , etc. T he num ber of men provided fo r is 450,000, b e in g 230,000 above the n o r­m al arm y es tab lishm en t an d due to the w ar iu S o u tli A frica am i th e operations in Clilua.

. ’ T" :-------- H—F o u r t h ClnNN P o H tn tn s tm .

W ashington, M arch 2.—The follow ­ing fourth class p o stm asters have been appointed:

C onnecticut—N orth W oodbury, W . H . M unson.

Ne,w Y ork—V nrkldll, E d w ard Gow- ing.

P en n sy lv a n ia—Babcock, G. K ing.R hode Is lan d —U avisvllle, It. IV. B u-


R E C E IPT S , Balanc'd on hand F ebruary 13,KWO:

Borough account .. ....... ...........' ■ ' C urbing accoun t......................... ...........

Taxds of 189:1 an d co s ts . , . i — •— ..............“ ' -18SM " “ :...........“ • i m .“•■ . . .> .....................................“ 1890 •• , t v ... .....................“ 1897 ' .................... ■*• . i8 » 8 .“ ■ ................................... :11 )8UU " “ ■....

1900 “ ................ .......Notes discounted .................................... ............A tlantic Coast E lectric K K franchise ta x ..............C ounty Collretor, S tate R R tax 18911.......................L icense ........................... .......... .............................H P G aut, Clerk, p e rm its ....................... ............. ..S. 7,. Earlo, “ . “ . . ................... ..............C u rb ............................. • — ............................------

D ISBU RSEM EN TS.S tre e ts ! '......... ...............Pollco .............. ............................................................L ig h ts ......................................... ...........................G arbage...................................................................................Board of H e a l th ............................ ................... ...........In te res t on bonds............................. .................. .M aintenance ......... . ...................Salary — . . . . . . ................................................................... >.Firo and W a te r .'............................ ..... ...................Special school tax, 1899nnd 19(11). . ...............................S tato an d C ounty ......................... : .............. .........Notes taken u p ............... .'..... ......................................D isc o u n t ................ ............................................ .............Curb

.*84811 lit

. 4(1 69-----$3535*75 r>i 78

Balance on hand February 13,1901: ,Borough a c c o u n t................C urb acco u n t ................

*1537 30 .. 402 34

*87039 73

S351S 12 422 00 548 98sar 00

14 65 1090 00 465 88 450 00 50 46

8160 84 :i800 40 0500 00

208 99 390 S3

1999 04

Borough note ou tstand ing F ebruary 13, 1901 C urb note 11 " 13,1901W arran ts 11 “ 13, 1901Borough note C urb note

13, 1900 ' 13, 1900

*27029 73

ISOOO 00 . TOOO 00

5 10

2500 00 7000 00

1900. Mar. 12, M ar. 17.


M ar. 19. Mor. 21. M ar. 22. A pr. 5. A pr. 9.

A pril 10. A pril li3,

A pril 24.

7~lTl2M IZED ~llEFIJK T~O T“B ISB tJB SEM EN TS.N ame. v A ccount

51fi A sbury P a rk Board of H ealth , se rv ices ........B o f H ....517 N J Larrabee, room ren t .........................................M tce........518 A tlan tic Coast E lectric L ig h t Co, bal. l ig h ts . . . .L ig h ts .. . .519 S A Patterson , borough attorney....!...................... Salary........520 H P G ant, c lerk............................... ...........................Salary.......520 H P Gant, sa lary and sta tionery . ......... ........M tce .....521 Joseph M cDermott, recording ta x e s M tce .... ..522 J E Y am all, stam ps ...................... ....................Mtce . . . . .52!t A T Jones, l ire police. !........ ........................F ire & W .524 C A B ennett, repairing stove .... ......................F ire W .525 H L Maddox, balance on sa lary .......... . .Police .52(J C H Morris, rem oving garbage ........................Garbage ..

A sbury P a rk & O . G. bank, dis. on $2,500 no te DiscountA sbury P a rk & O. G. bank, note taken u p N otes.......Asbury P a rk & O. G. bank, dis. on $7,000 note.....Curb .......

527 . Charles J Poland, m oving borough fu rn itu re Mtce .......528 W illiam P Furlong , repairing t r u n k s .........; S tre e ts .......529 C H Megill, w ork on Main s tr e e t . ......... ............S tre e ts .... .580 'W illiam .P Megill, w ork on Main stree t...................... S tre e ts ..6tfl C J Polandvw ork on Main stree t............................. .^...S treets..

,532- Archie Ballard, work on Main stree t S tree ts ....,533 A rth u r Rogers, work on M ain street.....;,.. . S t r e e t s ‘

" 034“ W illiam M urpnyrsr^ w ork on M ain Btroet.i...;.^.StrootB .t . .535 W illiam M urphy, jr ., w ork on M ain stree t........... S treets ....536 Charles M urpny, w ork on M ain street....,Mi. S tre e ts ....537 Jam es Johnson, work on Main s tre e t S treets .538 ’W illiam Johnson, w ork on Main stree t... ..;...S tree ts ....539. Jam es Riddle, w ork on Main stree t S treets ....540 H ow ard Dorsett, w ork on M ain stree t S tre e ts .....541 W illiam Boyce, work on Main street.................. ..S treets.....542 Naphey-Poland, work on Main s t r e e t ......S tree ts....543 B H Brower, w ork on M ain Btreet ..............S treets ....W4 David A nderson, w ork on Main stree t.....................S tre e ts ....545 Lew i*Em m ons, work on M ain Btreet.....................S tre e ts ....640 Eugene Furlong, w ork on M ain s tre e t...................S tre e ts .....547 W alter B ogart, w ork on Main stree t...................S treets ....548 George Donaldson, w ork on Main s tre e t..............S treets549 Garfield W ilkins, w ork on Main street..., ..... S tre e ts ....550 H arry Cook, w ork on M ain stree t.. ............... S treets.,...551 H arry Barkalow, w ork on M ain s tre e t .. . . .............S treets

. 552 Sam uel Borden, w ork on M ain street................... S treets ....553 David Jones, w ork on M ain stree t....................... ...S tree ts ....554 W esley Rogers, w ork on Main stree t S tre e ts ..... ,555 Jo h n F urlong w ork on Main stree t... S tre e ts ....558 E lias Schulthorp, w ork on Main stree t...................S tre e ts .....557 B H Brower, w ork on Main stree t........................... S tre e ts ....558 H ow ard Dorsett, w ork on M ain street.' ..S tre e ts ....559 W illiam Griftin, work on M ain stree t.. ..............S tre e ts .....560 S tew art Rogers, w ork on M ain stree t.................... S tre e ts ..... .

: 561 Jonsey Rogers, w ork on Main s t r e e t . . . . ....... S tre e ts .. . .. A P and O G B dnk, discount on $2000 note '.......... D iscoun t..T R Layton, inspeotor. ...... ............. .....................B of H . . .W m Furlong , cleaning g u tte rs . . ....... ..................... S treetsSam uel M urphy, cleaning g u tte rs ............... S treets . . .W alter Bogart, cleaning g u tte rs . ............................ .S treets . . .J a s Johnson, cleaning gu tters .............; ..;. .S treets . . .H arry M arriner, cleaning g u t te r s ................. . . . . . .S t r e e ts . . .Jonsey Rogers, cleaning g u tte r s . ................. . . .S tre e ts . . .H oward Dorsett, cleaning g u tte rs .................... S treets . . .David Anderson, w ork on M ain s tre e t .................* S treets . . .B H Brower, w ork on Main s treo t..........................S treets . . .W m Johnson, w ork on M ain streo t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S treets ....E lias Schulthorp, w ork on Main stree t.................S treets ....W m M urphy, w ork on Main s tre e t. ......................S treets . . .C J Poland, w ork on Main street .............S tre e ts ....Naphey Poland, w ork oh .Main s tre e t S treetsW m Furlong, w ork on Main s t r e e t .* . . . . . . . . . . . . .S tre e ts . . .P h il A llen, work on Main s tre e t...................... . . . . .S tre e ts . . .M ilton Poinsett, w ork on Main stree t...................S tre e ts .....Geo Donaldson, work on Main stree t S treets . . .W illiam Grifiin, sr., work on Main s tre e t..............S tre e ts .....How ard Dorsett, w ork on Main s tre e t . . . .S t r e e ts ....Jonsey Rogers, work on Main s tre e t S tre e ts .....F ra n k Poland, work on Main s tre e t .......... S treets . . . .Jam es A Poland, gravel t i c k e t s S treets . . .J A Wyekoff, gravel tickets ‘............... ; . . . . . .S treets v ..B B H Brower, gravel tick e ts ......................... S tre e ts ....H P e ttit, gravel tickets ................ ....................S tre e ts .....’

>la! - .................

w hen you are w ell, to rub and scrub, bu t w hen the hack aches and. th e head throbs, a w om an’s w ork is hourly torm ent.

No wom an can be strong and healthy o f body who is th e vie- ‘ tiiu of those womanly diseases w hich are often responsib le for fem in ine sufferings.

W om en w ho have used D r. P ierce 's Pa- • vorite Prescrip tion for th e cure of diseases of the wonjanly organs, say th a t w ork d o esn 't tire them any m o re .—"Favorite P resc rip tio n ” regulates th e periods, dries

_• enfeeb ling drains, heals inflam m ation and ulceration, and cures fem ale weakness. I t

. m akes w eak w om en strong a nd sick women well. '

T h e re ia no a lcohol jn*ttFavorite Prescrip- .tiori,” n e ith e r opium , cocaine o r any o ther narcotic . **-

« I had poor health for nine years (ever since Ihe birth o f my child)." writes Mrs. Annintie Watkins, o f Acme, Kanawha Co., W. Va. "Had ftraate weakness, was very irremilar and would suffer untold misery. Our family doctor did not

’ do me any good ana X concluded to.write to you., When I wrote 1 had no idea that I would ever get well, but when your letter reached me I beran to have hope. I commenced taking Dr. Pierre’**

'medicines as directed and began to improve in atreagth. X was soon able toao. the work for tty family o f ai*. I think there never were such raedldnea In i\\c.world. I took eight bottle*, three o f •*Favorite Prescription’ and five or •Golden Medical Discovery’ aud two vials of

• • Pellets.’ ** • •Hr, P ierce’s Pellets cure constipaUon.

May 7. -

562563564565 m567 •568 509570571572573574 575-576577578 .579580581582583584585586587588589590591592 093m595596.597



• 789

1011121314 15' 10

- IT 18

Jo03122233425202728 29

■ 3031 82

. 83 31

F ra n k Poland, gravel tickets.'........................... StreetBB urney & Co.; gravoj tickets ,...'.......................S troo ts.....C H B obbins, gravel tlokets.....................................S treets ....E J llogers, gravel tickets;................... ....S tre e ts ......G W Treat, gravel tlokets .......................... ..S tree ts-...S J Rogers, gravel tickets .............................Streets'....Charles B Poland , gravel tlokets............................ S tre e ts ....C A Rogers, gravel tlokets ...;...... ................S tre e ts .....W illiam G rinin, gravel tick e ts.................. ........ .S tre e ts ...:Thom as P Barkalow, election expense*............. ....M tce.......Sam uel Layton, election expenses ..M too........D F G ant, eieotlon expenses ..... .•....... ........Mtce ___F S H Moey, eleotion expenses ..... .M tce....... ;A Harvey, election ..................................... ; .......Mtce ......C H Robbins; gravel tickets Main s tr e e t . .............StreetB-:..W J P ay n te r, gravel tickets Main streo t..............S tre e ts ......S J Rogers, gravel tloketB Main stree t....................StreetB......W illiam Brower, gravel ticketB M ain stree t S treets .....R andolph C layton, gravel tickets Main stree t.....StreetB....H P e ttit, gravol tickets M ain Btreet............... S tre e ts ......Genung & Thompson; gravel tioketB Main street;.8 treets....Bnrney & Co., gravel tickets Main street.....\.. .'..Streets ....C B Poland, gravel tickets M ain s tr e e t . ___1...... S tre e ts ......J A W yckotf; gravel ticketB Main stree t Streets .....Charles W B ogart, repairing tools... S tre e ts ....D avid .Anderson, w ork on M ain s tre e t___ .'A... S tre e ts ......B H Brower, w ork on Main s tree t ......... \.....S tree ts .....W illiam Johnson, Work o n M ain s t r e e t . ., .'....'.....StreetsEllaB Schulthorp, w ork on M ain streo t S tre e ts ....W illiam M urphy, w ork on M ain stree t..............'.S tre e ts ......C 3 Poland, w ork on Main stroet..-........................S treets.,:..Naphey Poland, w ork on Main stree t ......S tree ts....M ilton Poinsett, work on Main stree t .../..S tree ts....

. A lb ert Layton, w ork.on M ain stree t...................... S treetsG arre tt Barkalow , w ork on M ain street...... . . . .S treets .....W illiam Griffin, w ork on Main stree t....,...,..,... S tre e ts .....George E Bogers, g ravol .................;,....... .S tre e ts ...... ” r lo r - ............

A ni’t. * 2 53

125 00 348 98 125 00 50 00 3 000 15 5 501 00 3 00

14 50 55 00 33 75

2500 00 107 83

3 001 75 8 00

. 0 00 7 502 254 50

10 003 753 75

, (I 00« 00

■ 3 75' 0 004 50 0 00 7 50 7 50 0 00 4 50 0.00 (i 753 75

75' 3 75

4 50 . 4 50

1 501 504 005 55

10 50 21 002 7d

6030 0011 12 5 484 735 483 75

981 50 9 90

11 25 11 25 11 2515 00 15 0011 25 11 26

45 1 500 75 3 00

30 75 75

3 001 50

14 25 45 75

. 8 7512 00 9 75

79 50 57 0020 2521 00

140 25. 91 60 , 84 00

Sirloin Steak Top I^ound Steak Loin Lamb Chops Rib Lamb Chops


.handle no inferior meats.

Legs of Lamb . :-.j ,Hind Quarter of Lamb Loin of Pork . ' v;~>. , „Loin Pork Chops


Chuck Steak ' ' . V .- . ' ; 8c lb Pork Shoulders . ,Chuck Roast . 8c lb Fresh Hams ' s jCross Rib . 10c lb Fore Quarter LambTop Sirloin7 . %.- . 12c lb Shoulder Lamb ChopsCorned Beef Sc to 10c lb Salt Pork ■

9c lb U c lb "8c lb

3 lbs 25c 10c lb

Prime Rib Roast Beef; Philadelphia Scrapple . Beef Liver, not Hogs’ Pickled p ig 's Feet' '* Honey Comb Tripe

12c lb 6c lb 7c lb 7c lb

10c lb

NO. 1 CH IC K EN S, D U C K S AND TU R K EY SLiver Wurst, Blood Pudding, Headchee e, Boneless Fig’s ^eet, Imported Cervelat Wurat, >Minced Ham, Pressed Harii,' Prepared 'Ham, Bacon, Frankfurters and everything appertaining to a firstclass Meat Market.- Everybody knows when we advertise we do just what we say and live up to it. x ^ • ’’ ' ' ■



Will have some interesting carriage news For you. Watch this space.


B a l l a n t i n e ’s export a ^ c t R _ . .- B o tt le d b y S to a m P ro o ea a a n d O u a r a h te e d t o k e e p In a n y C lim a te

WINES, UQUOli, AMO FOREIBN AND DOMESTIC ALE8 AND PORTERSQ o o d s d e l iv e r e d o n ly o n o r d e r —r reo o f c h a r s e .)

T e le p h o n e o a l l IT a . 8 P P 1 N O L A K E . N . J


W illiam Furlong, cleaning g u t te r s . . .. S tre e ts ......Sam uel M urphy, cleaning g u tte rs ..........................S tre e ts ......W alter B ogart, cleaning g u tte rs 1 . ...S tre e ts ......Tames Johnson, cleaning g u tte rs .....S tree ts ....Kngeno Jfurlong, cleaning gu tte rs ......................... .S tre e ts .....W»Wam Johnson, cleaning, g u tte rs ...................... S tre e ts ......

Continue,1 on Pag*.‘0.

70 5010 00 10 00 10 00 10 003 oo

• .51 00 48.75

; 43 50 73 50 17 26 3004 60

100 50 52 50 04 504 3U7 508 26 D 75

13 0014 (X) 6 26 9 00 9 00 4 604 50

48 00179 50

5 25 5 26 8 70 8 7o 1 20 3 Oo

C olonel to Be Ku IhcU toth e Pfpraprt-i

London, M nrcli 2.—T he lirs t b a tc h o f honors be9to'\yeU‘X|y K ing K ilw ard is likely t o 'b e publlslicil befo re th e d e ­p a r tu re o f th e D j i te o f Corn wall and York for AuRtnilla.

T hese include Itye recognition o f old fa ith fu l eervaritSj o f tlie lu te uueeu ’s household a s well ,VA"of h e r ‘perso n a l friends au d klritiretl.

Tho m ost Henf-ittioiial of nil Is likely to be in tho ro.vai bouse itself. T h is re ­fe rs to Colonel A u g u stu s C harles F re d ­erick T 'itz-G eorjie ' hoii o f the Uuke of C am bridge au d Airs. Kitz-Georgo.

I t w as long u sore poin t w ith th e la te (jueen how t« ov/ereqpie tlio ditJlciilty of p roper recognition 'o f,It^ 5 ;faniily o f her cousin, th e D uke iit’-C i\i\ibrldge.

A lthough accord ing to the old law h is m arriag e lo M rs. FitK-George w as n o t considered o th e r th a n nibrgauiitie, th e queen a lw a y s .recognized the lady a s h er cousin, an d to h e r child ren , .but n o t to her, W Juilsor. B a lm oral and B uckiughnm palace w ore w ide open.

T h e dulce fe lt keen ly th e im plied s lig h t on th e lady w ho w a s law fu lly bis w ife , b u t w ho w a s n ev e r ab le ' to take position a s th e duchess, z*'-'-- '

Colonel F ltz-G eorge.' th e th ird su r ­v iv ing son, has w on h is w ay by sheer ab ility . '

A fte r !(5 y ea rs o f se rv ice in tlie arm y , accom panying I;o rd : N ap ie r to M agdala an d th e P rin ce of W ales on h is In d ian tour, he now a c ts n s e q u e rry to h is f a ­ther. ' " '

T he k ing Is know n to ob jec t to th e perpetrn tlo n o f w h a t .' lie- considers a w rong d o n e ,to his im m ed ia te re la tiv e and w ill m ark one Qf th e firs t official: a c ts of h is reign b y ,'ap p ly in g the only rem edy in his pow er.

Colotiel F ltz-G eorge ■wlii prolm bly be c rea ted u p eer o f th e h ig h es t rank .

George, du k e of C am bridge, lirs t cou­sin o f th e lu te Q ueen V ic to ria a n d fo r­m er com m ander in clilef, w as born in M nrcli, 1811), tw o m o n th s befo re lier m a je s ty . H e m arrie 'd m organatica lly (the a c t of succeasiori exclud ing h in t ns a p rin ce o f th e blood roy a l from m ar­r ia g e ou tside a p rin ce ly house) th e la te M iss L ou ise F a lrb ro th e r , w ho died in 1890. T h e ir ch ild ren b e a r th c nniuc of F ltz-G eorge. . . '

V.etcran* 'Will E i'c o r t Prc.ldent W ashing ton , S ia r th *2.—T h e d ispu te

be tw een th e in au g u ra l com m ittee aud th e w a r v e te ran s over th e m a tte r of precedence In th e p a rad e M onday h as resu lted In a com prom ise u n d er w hich th e v e te ran s w ilt ta k e p a r t to a ce rta in e x te n t iu th e 'ce rem o n ies . A t a con fer­ence betw een K ecretnry Koot, G eneral F rancl* V. G reene, g rttn d m arsh a l of th e p arade , an d G enera l D aniel K. Sic­kles, It w as decided th u t tlie local nnd v isiting G rand A rm y ve ten iu s will form th e h o n o rary eHCort to Ihe presl-. d e n t from th e W hite ‘H o u se to th e t-iipl- tol on th e 4 th o f M arch. T h e fu rth e r conclusion w as reached th a t the veter­a n s w ill not p a r tic ip a te In the a f te r ­noon" p a ra d e on th e " re tu rn from the caplto l to t h e ‘W hite IJtiuse. b u t a f te r th e procession h a s p a f ie d th ro u g h the “court o f horidr" they .w iH lie ‘rev iew edby .the p res 'd e n t... . ,

• ; : .A Good Cough'M edicine for CblldrtD . “I have no hsajtaooy Jii.'reoomm^Bd.lug

Chamberlain^ C ouih Hotnedv.V aaya F . P. Moran, a wel1 known and popular bBkcr.of Petertburg, V a. “ « o h iv » given i t to our children when troub led .’' i fp bad ^cougtip, also whooplo? coo ah. ^nd i t baa o ivaya given perfect sa'lBft.otI''D. I t was. recom­mended to jna l>v » d rngglat as th e neat, oougb m edlclim for clilldren as l^conlained no opium o r harm ful ■ druff.'V tSoid a t S tew art’sdrugTJBtoie, cor,B ond s tree t-an d Cookman nvenne. -


For Sale Cheap.

New Models for 1901 Wheels Will Soon B t In.


None Snperior.1 \ • ————

Agent for Spalding’s Srcrtipg: Goods

JlsDury Park Rote's .Hsbury ParK fioicisO V B X A .I .I . T U B r jS A K ,.,.

Bun Parlor* and ot«am heated Special ratea for winter -

; f l O T B L M A R L B O R O U G H .

C o rn e r G ra n d a n d . M o n ro e A r a n n H

A S B U J Z F P A R K . N . J .

Hand.omtly P m b b r t

A . M . S B Z T O K

Haa All Mnlaro ImprevuMataT l . n A « > l o « t r l A corner Grand ttdMunroeaTennea. Open all th» y»*r. Hew I l l C I H , i O O n®wfurnlturf; modern Improvement. SpaeMI ttn n t

lor the winter month* MB8. QBOUOB M. dEyT ^ ^

T h e A d r i a n for u,rs!£r^i^ii■ _____________ montha, a ADBIAK.

Commercial Hotel (FormwiT Bt. Jam «). Oonwr Oookmaa a n nue and Webb (Ureet. Open all the year. Com manning rull view ot the aea. Broad porohei• . . • ■ ■ ■ . imwaing mu now ox wi« m l Broad'Afpi W t oomfort«bl« rooma. 8Uaqi boated tbTotsihont* Eknioe u d oulstoc excellent.


Grand Avenue Hotel ppeD'all the year.

Erovrvd. Electric ira. Buptolor tab.

Enlarged, and. lm* and^as. 6un par-


Ocean 6pwc Pokis Occan Grove froteU . . a aad iP ltm aa aveane, 4 .and 8 MoCitatook jtreet. This hotel IfT t , r t A I n n l r n open jll the;year HunpaHor. aod well heated rooms for the oold | ne t ia S K a ?. V1 ? ocean arore BuppUed -with sea waterbatha. The lociuuon la Ihe beat, 100 feet from boardwalk and _________________________ .olnae to anitltortam aad poatoBloa. N. H. KILMKB, Proprietor


Central Hall Salesrooms,714 H&ttlson ATenne.

M L. FEBRI', Proprietor.


611 Cookman AvenueWe cairy a large stcck of readymade


and JACKETSla tes t styles, all tailor made. We nn.ktfHultB and BklrU to order In a Btrlotly flratelnss m anner.., Styles and fitting guaranteed.

Bloom & Bdclsberg6U Cooknnn Ave.


trmjiHauk' ' v y Tp«(ii! »>«>”'W h at Is more Attractive than a hand

somo foot? 80110=113 will make yours so no m atter w hat slz» i on wear. •


M a m m o t hSteinbach Company

'THAT d ls tre iie d feeliogin tho head from the

congestion and tho atop* ping of tho nostrils ia quickly relieved by Crown Catarrh Pow der. Chronic C atarrh comes from no ' gloctod colds. Uso Orown O atorrh Po’wdor as soon ns a cold begins to ptop u p ttio nostrils nndyou ^11 ge’.^ a 8t<irat re lle r.an d - prevent grip,and pneumonia. ‘Mattijoo Ave. Pharmacy ,- Kimnpnth'e Pharmacy.

CJefc a P ree 'S i


. . H A R L A N H O T B L . .J L A I C B H B L B N , F L O R I D A

On the. A. and W. Branch o f , F. E . C. Ry., connections at New Smyrna. A modern hotel 'in every respect. Open Plumbing. Pcrcelain Baths,. Handsomely furnished rooms. Good beds. Liberal table. Northern meats. Moderate prices. FIN E BICYCLE PATHS. Billiards, Bowling, 5cc. , 7: .

MISS S. KEMPE, of Victoria Hotel, Asbtuy Park, N. J ., Proprietress.



TAILOR315 Bond St.

» ♦ ♦ ♦ o - -» ♦ ♦ ♦ - '»

: R o s s - F e n t o n F a r m i/



O P E N A LL T H E '

Y EA R .

A ST R IC T L Y K IR 8 T -C L 38


T B L G P B O N K a .


. . .U . s. i l O N D H O U S E . . . .

Pennsy lvan ia P earl Rye, mode In 1803,. per gal., es.ooj bottle, 8 0 c,

M ount V cruon Byo W hiskey, per gal. 8 8 .8 0 1 bottle, iBc.' Elkwood Rye. m ade in 1806. per gal.,

S2.HO; bO ttlq, 7BO. _____Mononprahela, n 'pu re Rye w hiskey , per

gal., *8.ooi bottle , noc.E u rek a Olub P ennsylvania Rye, per

gal., ®3.ooi hottle, 91.00.Monogram'i Bollo of Nelson, bottle, 61.

• Sherry , P o r t nnd Blaokberry, per gal., S l .a c i 8 Be. . ,

P u rita n Olaret, 4 fldo California Olaret, perdoz., 82.40| bottlo, soo.

Laubenhelm or. a type of California R hine W ine, p e rd o 2 . , * 3 .0 0 | bo ttle , 8Bo.

Koehlor & Co.’s Lager an d Fldello Boers, Alos and Porter. O rders dollyored free.

P. O. Box 128. BELMAR. N. J. U Street, tor. <6ih.Avens«f

SPEC IA L S ^ L E: . -To intrpduc© OBANDMOTHBB. .. (

A. & P. Wasliitig Powderin to every honsehold wo will sell i t from K

Non., Feiiqaip 85, oniii sat., m iot alm ost one-half price—0 cents Mb.’ carton. None be tto r fo r washing* cleaning, scrubbing, scouring, bleaching, ©to. ,Can be used in HOT or GOLD w ater. W e w ant every housekeeper In tho United States to t i j f o u r celebratod A. & P . WASHING POWDER, .

-•<*•»i t ’- L‘, V'»i- ;• •

626 COOKriAN' AVfiisiUB

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os i lentia jratp jaS }(irB3 'noX ’laA q nMo» a q x



* 5 il« d jS in q s v , - "s a n u s A y u c u j j i o b j p m s p u m t j

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ssgn isrtq a S re j B 'd n rm q aAjeq a ^ 'a rn e s a ip annt}B03 ijE 'qs •

' ' . ■' : •• AO PO dk . ; , ‘ ■' a 'O’ H w Sjuriildap '^ q v in o q B 'n o ^ f :M 'dqs'‘

Oj. p a s e a ^ . sXbm{g aiB.aAi pbB iq o p s tq j o ; : noX. iixf& aii.:.■*4 ^ » •MopniAi a tp jy ov apEtn J a ia q ano qQBa.'l6apBqs bmo ano lie ^jnibejriirerxi os|B' noseas qaBai sassamBcn pajptinq Xbboja j lB iu a ^ ' "si a B b X sn q t pne— doqs^io*i into e r sxqx, .

i i o o i a

•' ' ' Hx»nod1. ‘. ' • . y i - ■■'(■■■ 3 H J L

•porea? aitqM; io qoitq ‘XuBaoqBdi ‘aidBcq .'^BO nrS^jqV -XiaAa png Xbui noX a » H -*s»jns tnoo j-psq jo Xibuba }^dj3 ano aoj jnapg jns -XjpaBq si .'sinjaas ' }t qSnoq? ^& B [‘aoBds1 S sja iB te i' a q x •spoog apsqs 'pne 'ssap o ia js ‘sauadw p .‘snrtqirta and Xsjd -stp Xtjajd gj p 3 oBi% aiy.Btf'3f t ;qS ti sq jrB Q :'*04a ‘SMOHjd,' *s»

• -sssjjjBoi jo s¥pki3 leiaAas'inb Moqs'aM' ofitB' a iS H . ■spaq^sssaq poB v a n jo X eidsjp. a tp >joj 93Bds 3n jua >3 tp* jo q jino j ano ;jjo panopaod aABq a » is a i aq i re 3 aicni3ag ■woes-s^nis saipb jjjb pn® injraatjo !iq3aq e ;'<& jt^SuB qs poB sioog-aq j OjBte 'spoMpooM aqj jnred puB 3d ^ 0S;f'8[ i ^ \ a q i t j u p iO} ^aoM SiiaaAv Xoetn paainbaa ;;

j-.taooj-ajojs bsb pssn XisnojAsaj 'jo o g tnooa-paq atio si stqx

: : '■ V jjomd. ; . • . . . . . . . ; a a iH x

i; .« _ ’* 3 HI'ladad jibm. jo ’ smajjBd p a p s ..pnB aAisnpxa' in o aS^nBApB pooS

ov c(Mqqs pny ; iiias, fipX osjb ajajgj; ' •o p '' 'oja 's^iqei Xrejqij ‘‘ssseo ' -jjooq ‘sjanioD yfepq-j'saoaid ssbjS a u ra d pnE ^p |J!« '' ‘P,®-* 'rajjowt ‘ajniraanj aoiJBd . jo'XBldsip aq j jo j Jobg- pnpp^s aq ; uo aaeds inoaj aq j paAaasai ajvsq 3M ’pnjm oi'XptiBiSHQa aaraojsno ano jo aonamaAnos aqj p sq aABq sm jnaroaiaBJiJE siqi jp n j •Sotpitnq aq j jo H3Eq aajjas aq ; 3 aops Sm aotu saApqs.Saoj jo snesiu Xq paXB[ds;p p 34B 4 -.3p 'sq jo p - no ‘somaioiijf'. *s3 np}Boi ys3ta jpuis ■hiq ' ’aaaq/Aasp iriatnaSoBUB qans on aas noX pae jaa^sd o /ao

’ino si stqx ' XBM’stqj n; dn 3 anq (sane aSiei^usSiu paapnnq ano XjJBau aABq a ^ 'aitsapXBiujaiDojsnb aq? sb jqS is.jo jno ojoEq p ip ao Avau o p ; jqSnoiq aq treo Sni pnpjAipu; qor«» pus Snoj p i j Xpitp ao PAy-X)na/wj aiB sjpBaj assqx ‘sXaqnd Xq y(OEJ) 3 no[ b oj paqaB^B si qDtqAV a;od aapooM v o j panajsej aiB Xaqx •Suiii^a aq j uioaj, papnadsnt m ob^jb d ap p .p a j aripj io .’apaqj paj|d. aq oj casn qatqM s3m ano rfuBqo ;rai3 B apsto OABq'aM aaay ; "

'• vvv':1* • . i i o o i ^. , GN!t>D3£»

: V v ' : ' ; : - a H f ^

■saaSqassfd io j pajjy pBB.paprLjjsnppaj X pijjoa uaaq s e y . '... 1

a o x v A a ^ a :? . - V B m

••asnoq'Aian jn ijX JojajnijB jnj aqj poqB ^iB}ao i 3an3oiBjE3 Man ano w ao jjooj XBtn noX aaaqM aoEidaag • &aj.jno<jB Hooo .Xzoo -b 3 anpn 2 ‘aoaid snqB.pi.'aqj jo ’pBbq aq j >b paoojd^aaq-SBq iBHid j^D oioo-pio ub' poB 'pa’AoiBai iaaq SBq 'ap)°A0p aq j jnoqB.:nottijjBd a q x ’XjadBip n sa iS B X q'pauayos si s/yiopovA

. Xubui aq j uioaj jqgji-gncajs a q x .'pa^tiEriB-aa SmqiXiaAg 1

t ^ • ^opnd•. ■ ' , ■ ■ «L9Jjld ■

‘■ 'O ' . ; , ' ‘ ' l , \ ' $ a U l L,* iapq j jn ^ q p ^ X i p ^ s n ja r r^ •aajBjiiS up's a D n a w ^ ip .s iq j apEpi'-aAEq •iijnj/rt a ^ | 3 in in p apB ta.aA B q ’o.v. biittaqiaAOjdtDt a t j x 's p a p ^ w n j - p j n j . X ia n jp a o , r a « j p p p j j i p - X ^ . y n a a q sXbamb, SBfj['~V .. . •

■'J?. i


• « ' :

;{ V. .. ,» .. , . . *0?7% ■': ■ ■ .»■•«■..•■ •. 3,-tn KSKMONSH,:... .KDiTon'AKO raorairaoa.

- :.<’■' rC B L IC A T JO N O ETIC fS t 80? Mattison Avonno, Agbiiry, Park, N. J .

' TUtKPHOM* OAUJi;? £ fitto rf tiB o o in a ........» < . .• • . ............. £ J s .

."... ’,*EB!ttS OF SUBSCRIPTION t 1 • iSveillllff Edition.

O r ,e i i i i ‘ !*trlctl?- Inadtaaoe) . . ........ 13.00One week.. ......... t o«<tB(|Iecoplef............... .. . “J\ M omliis Edition (Juiie'ito September)

'i'eaw»efc»....... . . . . . ............ t 1-*®a f e n : " : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : : : . $~;f* ^ W e e k ly E d i t i o n (T h e S h o r e P r e s s )

O no y e a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... 41.00. Hix m o n th s ............. -w

B in g lo c o p y * . . . . . ......... -U2‘ A d v e r t i s i n g B a t e s A p p l i c a t i o n .

Persons leaving- th e c ity can, hnv<* th e X>AILY PRESS m ulled to thorn a t any uil- ilrcss, post paid , a t th e re g u la r subscrip ­tion ra te , ’.w ithout 'extra: ch arg e . T he ad -

-ilrcsajnay be clmng;ed as desired , . t \

Saturday * March 2-, !90l

THE anim al sta tem ent of the borough af Bradley Beaoh appears In th is issue. I t Is ono ot the clearest nnd m ost conciso sta te­m ents ever issued an d shows a very sads- fnotbry condition. This is also noticeable ill a ll tho neighboring, boroughs. They are. .evidently, ge tting down to business, l 'o r which condition both officials and tax ­payers are to'bo congratulated.

C O U N T Y A N D S T A T E _Ocean City has a now brass band.Conipan;- K, Second regim ent, X. (>. N.

J . , w as m ustered in a t Plainfield W ednes­day slight by Col. Gilniore.

’he 'river and harbor b ill has beon passed by the senate a t W ashington and tho New Jersey items appear therein as has been published several times.

The smallpox scaro a t iVoodbury is “subsiding. Tiioro havo beon 110 new cases to r .'several days. The 'churches will re­m ain closed over tomorrow.

Shad fishermen along the Delaware river shore havo tlio irn^ta and boats in readi- tiess fo r the flrsS ‘‘d rift,” which w ill prob-

■ ably be la te r th is year .than usual.A'friiotiMis colfownpd by John S tew art

of.JU unb's S tation became frightened, dashed over a fendo, smashed the buggy, an d then ran a distance of 15 miles before lioiijg captured:

The new lodge rooms of tho O. U. A. M. n t Monmouth Junc tion wore opened Thursday night, Included In the new (inti commodious build ing arc m eeting and an te rooms and a theatre.

D avid Ogden of Sew ark hits had h is bid fd r carrying th e m ails from the postoffico to tha sub-stations and the railroad depot accepted by tho postoffice departm ent. He w ill recoive $8,840 for the work.

T he p lan t and franchise of the F rank lin Electric L ight company a t Capo May has been sold for *40,100 to H o n r/ Robb of Philadelphia, nephew of Thom as Robb, whose estate holds'a m ortgage a j^ in t the property. • . . . . i.1,

R aritan , a sm all town in Som erset co u n ty ,. is greatly exercised about wh6 shall be itii nex t postm aster. There are two candidates—both good m en—and to determ ine which shall bo recommended a special election w ill be held March 18.

Congressman Salm on of New Jersey, in ta lk ing about the anti-spring election bill aud its effects said: " I believe partisan linos will bo more sharply defined as a re­su lt of the' enactm ent of tlio mEasure, and th is is not always to be desired in local m utters ." __________________ , '.

Dlf? Sail llocUpfellcr.Colum bus, 0 ., M arch H.—A suit in

wlth.-h Jo h n I), l!w!;i'lV |li,r i.« ijvfrwlnnt and the sum involved is Sli7.").fo:i lia - been /il*’d iu tin* snpreim* court l,v Jildge .Stevenson H nrke. uttonie.v fur Ja m es Corrlgai^, .fnriiierly a >ye«ljby vessel ow ner of i ’li'vi-ljmil. who in IS'.).*!, living in Qiinnelul en iban 'a^sniein . pletlgcd 2..TOO shares of S tandard Oil jdoek to r.oi k i'fe ller to secure a lomi of tlie above w in . Corrigan claim s that. R ockefeller has been try in g to squeeze him and force him to sell a t it' tignre m uch below the m a rk e t value of Ihe Khares. Juilfie. Htirko h as th e equity of C orrigan in tlie shares assigned to h im self.

■ A llp n ip t ta W re.-U a T c a ta .Atlanta. March J.- Speeinl otflcers of

f}w Son dietIi (•(illwfiv have arre.sted l.ew is A. Scott. a nemo, on the charge of attem pted l r . -m i-W i;o e k i» j : . A heavy sleeper 111 a trestle oven I.ittle 1’eileSt 'free oreejs, ten miles out of Atlanta on the W ashington line of the South-

.m il. w ns found saw ed nearly off. It is believed tbe work hud been done nt least one day lief (ire it .vas d iscov­ered. A saw and lm tchet wore found in the brush near the track.

D id n 't K n o w It AVm Iiom lril, H igh land Kails, X. V.. March Ar

Ihur VhiKelskirelier. agi'il 1” yeai-s shot and fa ta lly w ounded his cousin Joseph Kntrolskirchei'. ihe sam e age. iu t l io jew t\ir> '|store o f Ills fa th e r In this village. |A q lii!r w as hand ling his fa f lie r's sho tgun and. p layfu lly pointing; it a t Joseph, pulled the trigger. T he gun w o n t off. nnd Ihe en tire ehnrgo en tered th e boy 's neck. l ie died h a lf a n hour later. sA rtliiif say s he d idn’t, "kiwxr the g un w as loaded.

■ l.otiK VlnltD .VavnI A ehil?m r. A nuu|iolls. .March 2 .—S ecre ta ry .l.oug

n n d A ssis tan t SeereU ny H n ek c tt nr- r lv ed . here yestei'dny afternoon and w ere t a k e n 'a t once to the academ y, w lie rc i tlie j' - w ere recei ved \vitii tiie honors due th e ir ntttk . T he occasion of -tlielr y is lu wit's th e opening of tlie lec tu re co u rse to th e naval cad e ts la s t

.u igh t. -I -:v y •. .

T b e K in s R.ctDriiA' to L uudon.'Crbnbpt'g, •M a rth 12.^-lv.lng E dw ard

le ft C ronborg n t noda, go ing rfireet to London bjV 'v.ny'of Oologud an d F lu sh ­ing. H o h a s decora ted severn l m em bers o f (he household of the D ow ager Em - ini>s»' K ri^lerlck: ' '

THE WEATHES, . '^Vashlngton,' , Saturday. F a lr tonlsfit.

a ^ c ^ » l <1 or In-the n o r th e rn tion o f tho stateTw est to n o rth u ,c»t winds, frosh to h rlsk on eoast« , '■...V. • 7 .

This Bate'tn 'Sfs|ory"-MaroK2500—De WJM Clinton, statesm an, born a t Ncw-

'W itu lso r, K. Y'.\ d ied 1S2S. , . y .* ; •'1770_Louis CSabrlel Sueliet. (Uatinguisbed French'

soIcHcr, whom Xapofcon created Duke o t A b tm tc f^ fo r 'iglrvjfcfi in Spain, born in! I^ o n a ; died ?

1703—Sftfo'iloi^rotVToSro QtvToxas, liorn ric«r Lfex- ington,'. VK{ di^d a t_ llu n tsv tllc , t e x . , ’ J u ly

f?02—Gcncc:il •Frederick \V<?§t Lamlerr -nolcdrrctl*- era l s o ^ i P f dIctl- in • VlVginU; born in Salem ,

1S77—’Tbe . electoral commisaioA declared Hayes elcctcd president^ ..Tjift4 jomroli?sion refused-to go bebind tl»c election returns signed by tbe governors id I lie. states and. in erfeh.df tbe <lis-

, |»ited eases, dccidtnj for the ilcpubltcan boards ' .of^electors by a.vote.uniformly of 8 ‘to 7.‘ - 1895--rrofvssor .Tobn .Stuart Blackie of the Uni­

versity of Edinbiji'gb died in KdinburghJ 'boro • ■ liio. .*• . • ‘ - • :1897—Rev, P r. S eoville ' M allory, ed ito r of The

Churchman* d ied in New;York c ity ; aged M,

This.DaterJn •Historyr-Maro '3.it$5l—Tbonias Otwav; poet, born

T rdtto n , Sussex; died •. l(iS5. ‘ ' "

1750—W illiam Godwin, English <v novelist,* b o r p ;^ ic d 183jj. -

1793—W illiam Charles Sracrendv, tragedian , born in London; died 1873.

1847— Claude Perrin V ictor, duks of Bellu’no, created m arshal, of France by Napoleon on the field of Kyledlantl, d ied ; W illiam Godwin; bom 1764. .

ISG1—Emancipation of It us si an serfs by imperial decree of Qzar Alexander II.'. Serfdom was in­troduced into Russia at the close of the six­teenth century, and in a few years,all rura} populations f ivcre-'subjected • to it, excepting persons in-the free c'onmiunes on the-^rowh <iomaks. By grants of crown lands myriads of peasants becanic serfs .of the lowest gradp; Alexahdcj I and Kicholfts favored ' liberation of . the peasants. Alexander II accomnlisbod it in two years- '• . ;* .

1896-^Dr. W. P. Palm er, an tiquarian a n d W rite r , died in Richmond.

1S97—Nelson AVhcnteroft, well known ac to r and dram dtic teacher,;d ied in New York citi% .


, ; "i Vf ’' 'v'

v ' - • • • • i . . . . . . . r v; IRusBing “M ust” Legislation of■ s . Corigi^ssi'

* — -- 1 ■ " \ ,


M A N A S Q U AN MA T T E R S •-Georgo H urley of B ailey’s Corner has

purchased Freeholder Lctterson’s fiimous tro tte r “K itty .”

Tho Biackvillo band, M anasquan’s nSw uiusical < rg ailzation, w ill appear a t.tb o P resbyterian concert In March;

Miss fiiilu Emmons, who lindervvont an operation for appendicitis a t the Roosevelt hospital, New York, has re tu rned home, b u t is still seriously,111,

lipv. X. I). Hynson of the F irs t Prosby* terian.chui’ch and Rov. H enry Cross, pas­tor of the F irs t B ap tis t churoli, w ill ex. chango.pulpits tom orrow m orning.

Mr. and Mrs, Robort G riggs were the re­cipients of a genorous “ benefit” pound party from th e ir follow m em bers of tho M ethodist P ro te stan t church Wednesday n ight. Mrs. Griggs ’has been seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam P . T aylor cele­brated tho b irthday anniversary of Mss, T aylor Feb. 2(>. A num ber of friends.at-' tended the reception from Spring Lake,. Philadelphia and o ther points.

Seventy guests a ttended the supper given-, lii V olunteer IFire Co., Xq. 1. Speeches wore delivered by Chief Iioffor- san Mayor H oskins an d P residen t Samuel G arrison of M anasquan Hook an d Ladder Co., IXo. 1.

Candidates a re j ig o g over the.prim ary called for Moiidr.y n ight. Mayor Hoskins, as already stated, seeks renom ination. His only opponent is F. Borden W oolley. Both candidates are confident of success. V . T. M iller and F. T. Sprague are nam ed for councilmen. .

A m ong the week’s visitors wero F, J , Davison of New Y ork; Miss Georgiu B u t­cher of Farm ingdale; Mrs. J . W , Cannon of P h iladelph ia ; Jam es F . Riddle of Mo- ttichen; K dga^;H srbort of E ast Orange- Mrs. J . iJ. P i te r suit ot Long B ranch; Miss C lara M artin of P lain field find Prosecutor Robert Brow n of_Toms River.


Cluaning of ]tllc iakuas tcm ponirily bu. » pciHlotl 'pcfuling' fHo .atlvonl of w arm er w eather. *

I hore will be no suryico.s a t Ht.Amlruw's ohurtih tomurrow on account of tho ah* Siijiee uf tJ»o pastor.

Jan ies M. Palm er is [arrangin}? for ex­tensive iniprovumunts and a ltera tions to the Palm er'House.

'W illiam II. King is in V irginia supcrin- tendini? the removal of pound poles for ttso on the Jersey shore. '

W . Clayliind liatem an, the real estate u^cnt, will a ttend the inuugutaiioh a t W ashington on Monday.

A new.safe to he used in the tem porary bank building Spring Luke has been purchased by the olliccrs.

Chairm un K. T. Divine has called the borough prim ary for next WetlnestUty a t Ji p. m. I t will he held in the engine house.

Mrs. S. K. Uric, who, weighed dow n 'by a s /r ic s o f m isfortunes, sank into a\seriouH illm\ss, U slowly im proving under careful treatm ent. . -

.Jii/mes V. B runo has eloped the barbet simp f>n Third and Morris avenues. •• .Mr. Bruno is slowly recovering from u i>ara- lytie strode. ' t

II. P . Brown of Freehold lias t lie. con- traef, for Michael Ford’s new stores to be erected a t on te on T hird avenue, opposite the new J;ank building.

531 v <4-1)1 n n . n S t i i r f i i e .New York, Msn*c*li « .- Su|«'i(|p ihe

veiiliil riM itninl by n cor«m«k:,,s. ju ry ni*i*r «• viiliMiiy « f th<* ilru t h o f 1 a reel SllveniKin. <1 JeT.i-Jer. w ho ..w as found flying in 'I lls sim p on T blrtl nvemu* on Ki*b. 7* w ill: n bujloi w ound In h is betul. -Attorneys fo r U;A fjimli.v iMidijavot'ed tp prove iliai SU.viA;iuiiii hnif; bi'eti inur-

.ilereil. Tlie in sis ted I he m an eoin-in iiied sulerde. u*l«* ju ry su s ta in ed tlie fa tte r theory . M aii^u-itin:ssi‘s w ere etill- ■viI. Including...Mrs. f tilv e rn lu u ._ w ho <1e- clared ln;r liiuslmniiUeonld n o t jn sn ib ly have sho t ldm self and aeeused th e po­lice nnd boHj)ita! nutuoritieH 'br negleef;.

An- Iloaetft' M edicJno fo r JLaOHppe» George^W. W aitt. pf\ South Gardlper,

M e„ n » y ij j ' l h * v B h v ii . th e w ffrst do^gh cold, cbllts a rn grip an 1 iiave t#k«n lots ••». t-<>sh;.of np^qoount buk\\DroHt to the v«n- ddr, flhainoflrlaln’a Cou^li Remedy i» tho only thioif ttrnt baa .dono\ftny good what- ever. I bave.UBed one b»twe ot it nnrf tbe chil f', coK and grip have ail Seftrat. I'con- crat.-i'itc- l lie m annfneturejs of an booest mPdlclno.” ,.F or sale a t E tew art’s d rug store; \\

1)14 l t« W o rk In ■ '^ n r ly ?ar< o f Se»~ ■'Rlttjh AVliell 3enl|it- W a i t ' T a lk ing ;. O n w o o ra tlc * R e o rs n n is a i l f ia A r

^■\VA§iii'NCT(jN, •.M arch 2.—rS pccin l.l— r£lM:blazibg. e lec tric lig h t In th e ‘cupola o f th e dom e o v e r th e capitol.slilneS o u t ev e ry n ig h t now , a notice to a ll wild see It th a t n lg lit sessions a ro being held aud. th d t epngress is struggling;" w ith th e ‘•m ttst" leg isla tion o f th e d o sin g congress. • I t . w as w ith g rea t leisure th a t the se n a te proceeded fo r m ore th a n bali’ of; tlie p resen t s e s s io n ,, Sen- ,a j,o rs.ta lkcd .ou .triv ia l m a tte is o r naajlp long, speeches ia execu tive sessions th a t ^yere n ev er ptiblisliod, and , In fact, th e re w as m> ap p a re n t h a s te exh ib ited in th e ; se n a te ehnmliei;,' On th e o ther haud^ th e 'j io u s e ptfsbeS .an d crow ded tm der a fu ll head o f steam , os- If every­th in g m u st be <Iono ea rly i t a t all. T h e re su lt lias been th a t w hen th e n ig h t sessions begun it wits 'd ie '.,senate th a t w as w orking; 'w h ile .th e house p u rsued • its u su a l eustdtfi o f. ad jo u rn in g before 'fi: o 'clock each day, I t is m ore th an likely th a t m uch oif the o ra to ry heard iii t.lio sen a te d u r in g ,th e n ig h t sessions m igh t hav e been dispensed, w ith , b u t th e re , w ere sen a to rs w ho w an ted to ta lk , nuQ .th e re , w as n o th in g fo r ..the o th ers to do Dnt listen o r p re ten d to d o - so o r to a s s is t in m aking a quorum ,

D e n ^ c r a l lc . R e o rs n iiix a ilo tt ,W hile th e re has been l it t le o r no eSpo

c la l ta lk la te jy ab o u t th e reorgan iza tion o f She D em o cra tic 'p a rty in th e nation a t large th e r e ; 1b- sotno ta lk ab o u t a closer o rgau ization ' o f th e D em ocratic" p a r ty in th e n ex t congress to figlit th e R epublican m a jo rities iu bo th houses. T h e new sen a to rs o f th e opposition w ho )iavo. been ai'M yiug in W ash ing ton h a v e b een ^ lsjiu ssiu g am ong them selves anti w itli tW ac of th e ir p a rty a lready in the senate th e feasib ility o f begin­n ing im m ediately lipon th e reassem ­b ling o f th e n e x t congress to a tta c k th e R epublicans every p o in t A m ong those w ho a re ’depeu'ded upon to be ac tiv e in such a m ovem ent n re P a t te r ­son. o f Colorado, D ubois o f Idaho, C ar­m ack of Tennessee,. B ailey of T exas, Mcl-iiiurin o f M ississippi an d F o s te r o f L ouisiana. N early a ll these m en a rc In tiie prim e o f life nnd com e to W ash in g ­ton w ith a de te rm in a tio n to w isi' ;i place for. th em se lves an d to v ind ica te tlie ir p a rty beliefs. I t is understood th a t tlip se n a te n iu s t be th e rea l field o f th e p roposed m ovem ent, w here ev­e ry m ail can be h eard . T hose v,hc have ta lked it over say concerted a c ­tio n in accord w ith th e se n a to rs w ho have been h e re w ill be necessa ry to m ake tiie plan-successfu l.

A im nt tb e I)efcnti-t1.■“I t - i s a lm ost w orth g e ttin g d o f ta te d

to h ea r th e k indly th in g s th a t have, been sa id to m e and ab o u t m e,” rem ark ­ed S en a to r C handler. :

T h e senato r' from S outh D akota, w ho is ev er w a tch fu l reg a rd in g leg is­la tion .” sa id S en a to r Spooner, re fe r­r in g to P e ttig rew in n com m endatory w ay. . ' ‘ .

“ I suppose th e w orld w ill g e t along w ith o u t us,” sa id S enato r C a rte r of M ontana. ‘‘T he senate may. reg re t ofir loss; b u t w e w ill m iss th e se n a te m ore th an tho se n a te w ill m iss u s.”

I reg re t th e jo s s o f C hand le r m ore th a n I can te ll,” sa id S en a to r T illm an. ••There is no one to ta k e ills place,”

■ ‘T he D em ocratic 'p a r ty 'w ill go out o f the sen a te ou M arch 4,” sa id S ena­to r Lindsay. “You see, C affery aiiiS m yself re tire .” T hey cla im to be th e solo rep re sen ta tiv es o f th e p u re Je ffe r­son D em ocracy.

A n E o n y T a l l i c r .S en a to r M organ is n early 77 y ea rs

oltj, am i y e t lie is ab le lo ta lk holtr a f t ­e r hour w ith ease. H e d raw s-from Ills w onderfu l fund of in fo rm ation to d is­cuss alm ost a tiy 'su b jec t. “ I am an old m ail,'' he sa id tho o th er day , “b u t 1 keep'a-close? w a tch on a ll th e business o f the senate';” a fac t w hich w as dem ­o n stra ted w hen by a sh rew d p a r lia ­m en tary liiove lie W mtretl lo r the N ica­ragua can a l'lilll an ad v an tag eo u s posi­tion for ii few: liilnules before it w as disp laced by appropria tion bills.

1< W a n a “ P n n b e r .”Some one suggested to S en a to r C ar­

te r , w ho had ch arg e of th e a rm y ap­p ropria tion hill, t h a t th e re w as somo d an g e r th a t i t n f ic h tjic ta lk e d to d ea th w ith tlie P h ilippine an d C uban am end­m en ts upon it. ‘Wo. I th in k not,” he sa id . “T here tire no se n a to rs w ho w a n t an e x tra session. Besides, th e re is th e r iv e r a n d .h a rb o r hill behind it, and i t is a ‘pusher.’ T h e re a re top m an y .'D e m o c ra ts in th e se n a te w ho w ant tlio-bill to ge t th rough to ta lk th e arm y bill to dea th .”

I ! l£ ii Iii P n rly CorniellN.W hen th e re is a g a th e rin g of R ep u b ­

licans Unit a ru d iscussing deep ipiesv tions o f p a rty policy, i t . l s a lm o st c e r­ta in tliiit S enator Heolt o f W est V ir­ginia will be am ong th e num ber. H e iSio'no o f th e m en th a t do lint very lit- tTe ta lk in g iu th e senate , seldom say s an y th in g Tor ou tside consum ption , b u t Ills a ilv lce- is so u g h t by Ills p a r ty f rien d s w hen a k n o tty problem is to bn 'so lved. S enato r S co tt Is one of tho m en th e president' sem is-fo.r w hen he ^ i m t s to know w h a t tho people th in k O f som e adm in istra tio n act. past, o r proposed. H e a lso likes to hear S ena­to r S c s tt 's plain spoken a n d sound a d ­vice. S enator Scott lias been fo r m any y e a rs th e W est V irginia m em ber o f th e R epublican national com m ittee. D ur­ing th e la s t tw o cauipnlgns. be w as a m em ber of th e execu tive com m ittee, a n d la s t y ea r h e w a s In charge o f th e N ew Y ork h eadquarters.

. ■ • A im ti’n w . D o n s.13. O.*'W olcbtf' R esign* . ,

. W ash ing ton , M arcli 2.—S en ato r Efl w ard O. W olco tt lias resigned an a. n jeraber of. th e K epubllean national com m ittee from Colorado, an d Arehir ba ld M. S tephenson has been dcslguiit- ed a s hip successor, % •' - .-

Our Hot 'Bunks. Aj **t

%iS ^bught of our delicious IJot Driahs is; never danger-

bus. ' Ijdi-that way itis different from other, draugllts. y l i helpsr^ou to'keep well and avoid -colds. CofEte ana -('ch0G0- late ,^t||^eal'whipped' crrani; Beef TeajClain Broth, Ginger^ Lemon. 5 cents. :;;vj I.’;, 'a; , - / ; ' . , -

, ;<- f •• . . . .. .... , . . .;K ^e in b er the va’ue of Emulsion in the treatment of

alf Jwng.-froubles. It is unequalled for the diie > of deep s ^ c 4 “caughs, WeaK lung's, the first stage “of ;con?umptton; nigjit; weats and loss of fiesh or strength. Emulsion will

'".'beneifit and cure all these conditions if its use is peitevereB with. 5 .- ~ ■"_r..-Zr, I

(., i v , .Q-^Ejuuision |s always fresfa, always ’palatable'and.gives results'tif'the highest order. ' j- Begin, taking it now. (50'cents, regular dollar size. ■ - ' ■/- ‘.. ■ ■

M A T T I S O N P H A R M A C Y4/,^ 729*73/ Mattifon Jioenue f ' : ' 5" ;

Jlsbury Park, N.I*


T l t i r l > - l l l l r i l \ n n . l ’r h l r l j - f e u r l i Tti , ( a n t r y l^ e ffu iie n li i Sa II . -. 1 .

M anila , Maxell 2.—T h e T hirty-th ird- nud ■ Thirty;W U i'lli vo lun teer lut’n n try reg im en ts n^id M njor tie n e ra l S. M. IS. Y oung nm l'-.B rlgadier (Jenera l H are , fo rm erly colonel of th e T h lr ty .th lrd -iii- fa u try , Uavgr.fejliled fo r Sau FriihtiscO ou th e tran |l» n rt I.ogan.

T he T h ir ty - tm rd rcg iiuen t o rig ina lly consisted o f 50. ottieers nm l 1,300 m en. O f th is n u m b er 2(! ofllcers an d 765-nicn took passagb ' on the tran sp o rt. T w en ty ofticcra a n d 330 m en rem ain here. T he reg im en t h tu lv jn 'c a sm iltle s 2 officers and 27 ir.> r« ijtfle<l o r d ied o f th e ir w ounds. T)\t> b a lan ce o f th e w e n a re a b se n t on s i t ^ i m v c o r lm ve been d is ­charged .

T lie Thirty-fourth reg im en t o rig inally consisted of'4lS. officers H ud 1.28S men. O f th is num ber 21 officers an il 785 m en sailed fo r tfVMjlc. T w en ty -six officers an d 145 niQh R em ain here. T he reg i­m en t lo s t W jijeu In action . A num ber, n re on sick leliVc nnd o thers h av e been d ise liarged . ^ y ' ,

E l c v c u l t i V l^ & ii t f c r C n v n lry H o m e ..S an Franclf&j', M arch 2.—T he triuiR-

p o rt M eade ju f s arriv ed from M anila w ith tlie I ^ jM u th vo lun teer ' cavalry , u nder com m and of Colonel L ockcti.

■ *“l l l o d e >*. w iri> 1 nvcM ll/cA tlon .

San FrnuiSjgg, M arch 2.—Tlie fedejr- nl investlg.'icBijf into th e w reck o f the s team er R ig /i^ -Ia n e iro w a s con tinued yeste rd ay . TJHrd M ate C. G. H olland, Q u a ite r in a s t^ p F re d eric^ I.llidstro in anil D r. A rtg jt? O 'Neill, the sh ip ’s snr- geou,' >rcrcjtMdvp iln c lp a l w itn esses ex ­am ined. T lJi. q u estion ing of Officer. H olland- bi;$ji*|!t o u t the fac t th a t lo, tlie b o a t held on the s te am er i tw as custothi .t’j. fo r th e m en to go to tlie lr {i,ositlonp^iii't th e boa ts w ere nev­e r tak en o u t o f the chocks. H e said the coverings o fiJn A b o ats could he <juickly teiiloved ouly^)}- th e use o f a knife. Dr. O’Neill w a s 'c o n f id e n t th a t If the sh ip liad hold lli | flve m in u te s longer, till w ould t i a v g jg e n saved , a s th e re .was no coufU fiopvfnspoetor B u lger's line of Inquiry v a s K vnether th e re w as' sutli- cleiit stw .iu 'ifp to send th e sh ip against th o s tro n g tiife th a t w ns ruim lng.

Ee a a l notices- f -

•jiTO N iiO U TH COURT OP COMMON PI,EAH Firflfe N ational Bank of AHbury P a r k ] V |On *

Complainant, • IforoighElizabeth Ann'Mood ja tta c li-

,• , dcfondnnl; J m eiit.Notlcc is horoby jrfvon th a t a w rit o f nfctttdh*

w e n t a t tho unit of tho F irs t Nutionnl Bank of Anbury P ark , a body txirporoto, against tho righ ts and . crcdit^j-pibneys and effects, goods and chattels, lands and tenomcnta of liiUzob(\th Ann Mena, a non’ f-esidont, fo r tho sum or.'fivn thousand dollnrsi out of th e so ld-court on tho tw onty-flfth day of Septem ber,1 tdnc*' teen h un d red .. J?cturnabio nnd re tu rn ed .totO court diiiy executed by t];o Sheriff of- tlio County of M onmouth In tlio S ta te of NoW Je i- noy, on th,e tw en tie th day of October; nineteen hundred. •* ? • •. . . ’ < < ^

HAWIONB & DURAND, .. * A tto rney^ .'r

JOSEPH Me DERifOTTt * '“ . -OlorK ■ 63*59-0&:7l-77

Congregational Church

Cor.'Emory and First • r 3


Reception of members in the tflorfj- ing follQwed by the Lord’s Supper.

In *the Evening y .' , Rev, Dwight E. Marvin, D. p . <

Will Preach On ."The Kingdom’of H6aven’,?,: V


Adrertlsementa containing not more than twenty-flve -words Inserted under this heading for tirenty.flye cents first Insertfon and fifteen oeaW each' aabewiaent Insertion. -Nomoney re­funded ' under aby coudltlona - Errors will be tiu.de good by addltlonAl insertlona.

HELP WANTED• '.W o m an . •

C o -u p o to n t w o m a n tor g c a o r o l h o u s e w o r k . A p p ly 606 F o u r t h n v e m io . ■ 5 8 tf

DAVID Kennedy, si. d.Rondout, (City ot'K lD gstoa,) N. Y „

' ' . SA Y S:“ For over tv^onty-flve yean I have con­

s ta n tly been, engaged iu the active dis­charge of my profession its u physician and surgeon^ During th a t career I have per fected an alterative medicine, th e Favorite Remedy, upon tbe value of which - I am willing to, and do stake my [.‘orsoiml and profosflional r e p n ta t t jn .” -: v. ;. ••Favorite Hom ed/ Ii the,,greatest, dis­

covery Dr. Kenliody' has jdveifatittde.” ..I t is tod^y a standard medicine with th ir­

ty years of cures to.lw crodlt.. .AKownoone U> d’eoolve jrAW 'w i'h .th e ir

crowning effort®,' la te s t achievements or brilliant fruits, counterfeits, im itations or Just as good. Ttlr-ir‘a re ‘b u t experiments and ehdanger your health.

'Most pliyiiclans a re ready- enough to give tlioir s trv lcea . *yhen n Jam ily is ton poor to pay, but-‘R>occasiona'ly happens tlm tth a fe is a prpiiclBtary-)n«iioln9 which diios all or more^thftp^a pbysiclrtn C'Uld do

“ We know of-.only one .tuuii tneillclue— namely. -Dr. FavoriteIteniedy,’.! for .“suiiUtfejMfiies Kidney andB ladder1 ComplfclaUif''-lUieunltttlsm. Kyf popshu Liver. Complaint, Constipation and the slokne.8sp3 p^oullar to woolen;

• Suiferera frood tlie je difficulties often be come so discouraged-as to have no -heart to take any more medlcinr. To all such, p r Keor.edy lias’buly say th a t i f ha wero p o iso n ^ lly ca ljed u v fa 't* pro crlbo o t all, ho would presorlbeVavorite Itethedy.”

' l'hcro i.ro o ther.jvcprlo tarj Biedlcinca.in tlio unurkct, jriSffi-fty a .person with the same uarao ami initial as fuy ow.», and I have every raas6hJii'bcltevo ihat, tho (iwo are often cotifoilBfted iu‘peoplo’s minds and th a t the othor artictos.spQken of, hnvc iiban Buhstltutod. plilj^r t lw u p h acolilent or ;de sign, when tho le tte r havo been askod for or desired.. A a «.\oi.d thi-<, pieate ask for Dr.,D^vld Kennedy’;? .. ayorituBem edy, j.ro- liared in R mddut, N..Xm Hi!:I acjccpt noth log otee >»' its |>I)K»> v . ■ ;

■Tliere are tw o proprietors of similar »am e$ tho^ 'are^h^t ponnfeted o r as-

isoctatod’ln husluefls, or urtierwlHb.”•Thosi; who v^lsh cpbsultatiofi’ or advice

iu to tiiefr awn sDeciai oitfe, o ib .'bava .tlio m h w entirely . 'f re e - of oliirge., >31ti)piy direct: 'D f.'^D avld Kenusf’y, Bondout.City, o f Kingston. 'N. Y ..’ ” whew, a lb cp n r

munlcatlobs will be| ’tre a to d . wlj^h. ettioteat profesalonel coh&doiica,.

••jo avold 'mlstske*, Dr. Keriuffly would bag y ju .to remonlber that- tiie ifame <jf 3 is medicine is Favorit* Remedy; ttlu t i t Js manufaotured b t Rondout, N. V., and. es* -pei-Ully Aot^to forget, t b e . b je to r’a aatnf. niavlit' Kenneily. a ^ Wh|rt>8^ Itonrt-Wit, j r ..¥.-, h eh aa n o o th ir a d d le s .

FOR S A LE OR TO LET■ L o c o m o b i le s

T w o lo c o m o b ile s f o r fa lo, $650 e a c h ; b a rg a in s . G e o rg o W . C o n d o n , 01 S p r in g f lc td a v e n u e , N e w a rk . . . . .

l , o n d M o r s e . , tG o o d l io rs e , w n g o ri, h a rn e S a . -A d d re ss B o x

128, P r e s s olH ce. - 81-60*

T w e o t v - A d r e F a r p i .JO a o ro f a r m , m lle 3 wo-ifc o f A s b a r y P a r k .

F o r p a r t i c n ln r s a p p ly . to T08 F o a r t h a v i.n u o , in t l io r e a r . . ■ t f

- I ' ‘ M ■ I

ten of them^ ^eftj ank •go at cost. They are made jup" In;#

\ iS T ^ F and cannot | 'be told , from the regular Raglan X Overcoat.' -These coats afe m ade4 1

the^Americaa Rubber C oifip^ay-• * . whose .-nanie ; -is 0; guaraatee

each garment, jSizes 36 to 42‘. ■;

Colors Tan; Black and . Gray M ixedi

'r-$u '■ • 'Vt:1' >

Two at $7.50 Each IThree at $ t00 E k b i

M o at $12.50 Each : One at $15.00


» ♦ ♦ », » 4 -

D E A L C O U N T R Y C L U B(L ong B ra n c h T ro lle y p a s s e s ' th e d o o r.)

S p e c i a l , C l u b D i n n e r ®will again be served two oveolngs each'week during the winter months.

O n T U E S D A Y ’S , S t o . 8 , r e g u la r f u l l c o u r s e C lu b D i n n e r a t $ 1 .5 0 p e r p l a t e .

O n W E D N E S D A Y ’S , 6 t o 8 . a fu l l c o t i r s e F i s h D in n e r ( s o iv e th ln g n<;w ) a t $ x .?5 p e r p l a t e . 1

Telephone im -a , Asbory Park, and A . L . S E I G H O R T N E K ,' M a n a g e rhave table reserved for' yourself 'tad




MRS. E, DILTS-t- -----

$2.50 up SOc to 75c . . SOc.'


TO LOAN* M o n e y ; / - * ; .

?5()0 c a sh a n d ,*35 p e r m o n th w i l l b u y a )H*au* h o u s e o f 12 r o o m s a n d b a th . A l l im p ro v e*

m o n ts ; ftrstc loH s c o n d i t i ^ ; l in e lo c a t io n o r \v ili r e n t to .d e a ir a b le p a r t i e s f o r 1400 p o r y e a r . F o r p a r t i c u l a r s s e e M ila n R o as A g c n c y . | 61-56*

M ISC ELLANEOU S>. O f I n te r e s t t o Y o u ;

Bee my adv^ftWrtnont, page 1, column 1, this issue, i Goorgo.W.iFittcnger, 14 Appleby build­ing. ■ , ■ . .*: , . , . • 52tf

C a r p e n te r s , A t te n t io n .W e a r e H o llin g o u t o u r e n t i r e s t o c k o f m e ­

c h a n ic ’s t o o l s a b a b 3 o l i i t o ly c o a t p r ic o . ; W o a r c g o i n g o u t - o f b u H lh e s s , A p r i l 1 a n d th e * s t o c k m u H tl> c d i s p o s e d o f . ‘‘ *• 1

B Q U IR B ,t f • . 61U C o o k m a n A v e n u e .

D R C S S M A K IK O .B o tw o o n U je s e a s o n s s p n n g . j u ic l B u m m e r

w o r k w i l l b o d o n e a t y o r y r e a s o n a b le r a t e a T h o so d efc iring to! t a k p 'o d v a h tn '^ o o f t h i s op* p o r tu n t ty w o u ld d o w e ll b y c a l l in g t o s e o *

M B S .H .H . J O R D A N ,............................. 603 M a it ts b n a v e n u e .

A c c o rd io n p l a i t in g d o n e a t s h o r t n o t ic e .

IS YOURh o u s e


Send us full particulars at once and we will find a good tenant.' Owners who take advantage of this oppor­tunity at once will' secure an early rental as the demand for houses has begun. ’•

MONMOUTH REALTY CO.M o n m o u t h B u i l d i n g

Mattison Avenue and/Borid Street.

$ 1 00,000AT


U a * « s * .C W W E J « T B t l B ^ A V .Misd'Htafford hnn closedt Jior Vmployinenfc of­

fice and a to re at 542 Cookman avenuo until on about April 10,'when nho will rctrame btiidnosff.

28tf • ■ • .. r. , . .' ;E P W I N Jp . B E N 1 N C T T

8ucco«ior to W. I>1 Flood, carpet weaver, county road i botwoon Avon and HamiIton, N. J. P.«0 . address, Avon. .Work dono at short noticrand.Botlsfactlon guaranteed. Bags called for and carpetH delivered. 212-o8*

J . .L B B R 'r H B n s t R E B t iPENMAN A?n> DESld^njR.

RcKoIatlbna, Moniurialrt and TcrHrnottlalu En grossed. Album work a Bpooialty. O^umor- oialBtattoncrydoslpmotV. Fnhs Gottago; -Jshary Ftrk, cormor fiowaU tmd-Grand avoau*^.

M A .T T . A P P L E Q A T E

. C o n t r a c t i n g P a i n t e r a n d D e c o r a to rT08fc6flleeho*lf>M.- *. .'

jJA M E S BTROUDA rchitect, ’’ ' ,...

1504 W eb b S t , foetweca flib au d 7 th A v e A eirary P a rk , i 5 .--3 1 .1*

1 ' " .'A rcM tec t•■•'•'' -' "■iM'BygMuiww'

P E R C E N T ,.., 'i - - / . .

W e hnve the^ nbove eum to .p laoa In ante or snaali am oanta on first mortgage' loa&a ou Asbury Park , to c t Arbour, ilUeniiurst aU3 Dfal busloeea or d*el- lag property.

j ; W . H o t r i c k & S o n ,6 2 6 M a t t l e c n A v a n u e

K « o to r Blootc. ._______ . .


FB88W! 0 |ie tW ;8| | ; 0 p M l

•• 15? Main SlW.sV .‘.sltiliry'Pari.

theflossisjia best eqnlppea fo#(>rai pat lors ta tha stall!, si-

v.."B reach ' OtHc'e-*. - •> Celr^w, S p iis s U ikt

Opportunity Knocksbut seldom, and whon

it does you should-'hood it. Now Is tho time to tako advantage of the; opportuni­ty ' to got money at S ahd .fl por ctont. ^24,000 to loan .'

W ILLIAM G IFFA R DReal Estate; and Insurance

222 Main Street. . .Asbury Park

-Runs Lite a Clock”5 'W hit iocs? O ur delivery wagon, o! |> couirje, We call w ith goods at stated || times, and don't vary from the i d i e ' j | chile. You arc'.feound to receive ! , V o rd tr t st^lctlyoa time. - " j

S ” > BREAD |i - ■ GAKE jj.:::-', f;.FIESv .. ; - II an'd iU ifW ietleao f'pa ttryare baited !{ by u a io 'A f gtjrle, W e use tlie ie»t J j Iloiw-enly, and a rt eqijalWd ’only by V

• j ourtelve*. ' ... I ,

WiNGKLEi's B akery,7 1 7 M A T T ISO N A V E .

Porker* Ellers & Ker FUNERAL BiHECTOflS .

A N D ■ ': • I

E M B flL M E R S. v ' .8h4mi*iit»-»':8pwi*ibr, ■. 72 2 M a ^ ^ b n A v en u eBranch'o(^,;*08 'OranBoBtreot, Newark

^JW eplioiie’cM mnocilaii. ; ; '*• ; j ; ; •

O o a o h o s a n d e h a i te f o n ^ a h ^ l t o f a ll-. . .: ocpaaions. • •*;- r : ' .

S . S A T tT R O W . MAI1C11 2,.1'<KH;

r ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~



! nam es, h rc u o t in e r i -lt : lB h in ted . • th a t’ am ong l>retaM>s.. a>iii|>ei«iit.' wrtrkiii^n* Rnii- oaroful

( root ttwnfi-T' llrloraOiiilit. CAlI/nod see •jamplfH liutf n e t Ju r firu-eH. 1

B iU sheslqostore, corner

W fr- .rV p g

the sam e 1

GOLD DUSTd e a t h I h 6willet» t

d i r tD u s t-a r t ic let h e i n

context w i t h . F o r greatestla r t f e / i& c l t tk t f e .

The N K . Fairbank Company


A S B J3 R Y P A R K D

t"hr; a?


■jfiit o t tJ ss

¥ - 7 -

'x >€uyi^M

For Street LightingS e a lo d p ra p o s n la , 'o d d re s a c d t o G e o rg e

■ W . T r e a t , c h a i r m a n o f F i r o a n d W a to r C o m m itte e , A s b u r y P a r k , N . J . , w i l l l»;

jrecolvel up to e te h t o'clock p, ni. otT h u r s d a y , m a r c h 14,1001, forIng tho stroots of Aflbnry P a rk fo r a term of flvc yoars from Ju n o 1,11)01. P roposals

..-‘m ay tv« for any or oil a t tho follow ing plans, a t o s tn t« l price per lig h t per year:

1. TTorfnniSshlcgfioventyorm oroolectrio arc ligh ts of 1200 candle-pcwe.-eooh.to l>n tn from early dusk to 1 o olook a. in . of I'aofo liijtht from October : to Ju n e 1, nnd from Mijjly dusk u n til day ligh t of oaoh n ig h t from .Tune 1 to Ootobor 1. '

U. F o rfiirn ish ir.d seventy o rm oroolcc- ijrlo nro ligh ts of 1800 candle-power each,to Irani from early fliiBk u n til day ligh t of o nehn igh t a ll tho yoar., i>. For fu rn ish ing oil, gas o r o th e r form

pf stree t lights equ a l In aggregate Illum in­a tin g pow«r to seventy 1200 catvilo-power

■ u leo trlonrc ligh ts, to b u rn on schedule as in p lan 1.

4. F or ftirnlnhine oil, gas o r o th er fa<-<ti of street.ligh ts equ a l in o R g reg a t' Uumln u tln g power to ssventy 1S00 candlo-power electric are lights, to burn on sonodulo us In p!nn3,

0 .'F o r fu rn ish in g power sufllolent for ounrntlng tho requ isite n u m b er o f stree t Ilntats.

The commitcoa reserves. tho r ig h t [to rc- Jebfc nny o r a l l bids.

G e o rg b W . T r e a t , W il l ia m L . M kek s ,JA mes A . B kau 'lky,

F ire an d W ator C om m ittee.



W .K.GRESli & S O N S , m a k e r s .

:J^atciVAslmry P a rk , N. S., Fob 18,190’44-03

N O T I C E' Notlcoishoroby tfyon that upplicatlon will Iwwnado to tho legislature of tho Htate of Sow Jersey, ntitw prem*nt botwlon, for .the pitfiojo of a bill to extend tho territorial boundaries of tho city of Anbury Pork, in tho county of Mon- moath.by tho annexation of that portion of tho towiwhip of Neptune in said cuunty Ivoundod on tlio Bouth by a lino drawn ono hundred l’eet Notithof tho southern boundary of Mattison nvonue: on the v es t byUho > township Un«:^in

' tho north bv Doal lake and on tho ca«t by the prowont westerly boundaries of tho wddoity of Asbury Park.. Dat<*l F eb . SO. 1901.

.. .!■■ ■ iTLARLKajy b a k e r ,*0-M-■ • H.BtTFufeOOOFT,

I t lB 'fettied His liv es have been lost in n 'f l r e w hich d estroyed Hie Iienr.v Dye w orks la RoelieHter, n live story. luiiUI- Ing/ th e uiippr lloor o f w hich w us occu­p ie s by th e Seneen C’m nern (•om|iiuiy, w h ic h -.employer)' a-.(urgt* foi:ee.;dt iuiia' nnd w om en, fie vein 1 bodies h av e been remover! from th e IjuIUIIuk an d m any

.Injnrerl h av e been tiik^u to the hos- «»ltnlH. —

M is. C n irk v -N atio n h as re tu rn ed to T o p ek a from j ’eoria, !IIh„ w here slib w e n t to edit a n ew spaper fo r a day . U pon lie r a r r iv a l a t T opeka nhn w ent a t once to . d ie eiUint.v ja il, w h e re 'sh e j.«ive her.'tel; «>>••.'r to the custody of the county sheriff. T he $2,001) bond w hich M rs, N ation Avas requ ired to jtlve lie- fo re she le ft th i' i ‘i<y w as canceled . H er t r ia l conies up a : <111- A pril term o f the d is tr ic t court.

;q r a n d n e w l in b o p


Brushes, Paint. Varnish, Etc., 1 KOlJS\NOS OP PEBT OP

ROOM M 0 D L M H G SCall n n d o x am lnQ o u r fifcocflc n n d p rlco s. ICKtltnnftoR c h o e r f u l ly g iv o n f o r P A P K R H .lN f ilN O , H O U S E P A IN T iN O , K A L S O - M INING, K tc. * . , .

, C. A. BAKER, Proprietor,, 616 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park.

! iB ad K tro In 'iiu llK to n Spa.B nllston S pa. N. V., M arch 2.—t;ire

lo st m y ed .f 75.0<K) w orth o f p ro p erty In fills village. A n appeal w as s e n t , to SaratORO for help, a in l I his w as Inim f- diately se u t to Biillsloii. T he in su r­ance w ill n o t m eet ha lf the loss.



Cracko;> Wlieat anil Cream. Broiled Hain. Potato Cnkcj.

Toasted Mullins. Holts. Breakfast CliocolaJr.

PIX.VK1J.Oynlcrs oil tlie Half Shell.

*S|dced To mu to Soup.Itoast Duck, (.'urruiit Jetty .

.Stuffed Polutoi-s. Ki UmI KKBiilant. ( ’reanieil C'elery-

Mara&ciiiuo PmMing. Cheese. W ater Wafers.

J)eml Tasge,


■ ^D IA M O N D S , W « v rO H K S J E W -

, E X .R Y . C L O C H IN Q . E T C .

F . F l N K f e L S T E l N .Liconflod Pawnbroker!

105 I l r o iu iv iy , L n n * B ra n c h ,' N . J>All business utrMt.i? eonfldoatiid.

l\li«- C iiritcK le-SN irtrnu S te e l M eal. •. X ^ w Y o rk , M a r c h ■ 2 .— I t I s l e a r n e d

i - f r m i i 'n w e ll in f o r m e d s o u r c e t l m t d r n i l a r s s lff iie tl b y . t h e d i r e c t o r s o f e a c h o f t l i e c o m p a n ie s v . l i l c lL a r e to b o t a k e n

. I i i to th e ( ’l i l te d S t a t e s S te e l c o rp o r t i - : t lo i i i i a v e »W<;« i» j ie p « r e d " a n d -S v l l l b e

n e h t in i t :tf. o n c e ' t o t j i e s tq c l t l io id e r ^ ,; ■ t l i^ P iC i 'T c t i lg r s m a t i n g t h e t e r m s o f fe r -

• c t l 'l i j r .T. P ; X to rg fln & Cof. f o r o x c h a n g e iif ' ( i'h 'I i; in o c k , a d d i n s t h a t ‘t l i e s l g n lu g

.il lr« je to r» , h u r l a g r o e t l t o t u r n ii* . t i t e l r ■ . .ln rliilugB :Qjri iliOKe : t e r n iH :a n d ; .a |lv i s in g '

■: tlitr btlu!i' s to ckho lde rs n lso to consen tj f is igft i'| «li a«;M , stdek! o f

:.. i Koyei^l 'addltlonnt Rtcel-coiiLipanleS are‘..li'AiL'AUM : Aii Ifitiv lr»*r> +lin naw

1 , , tlDiicdi- b u t ,‘\fheiii "it r o : t ' e i i n p s s e e C oal h n a i r o u | |

. com pnny nnd th e iycris-Shefflold Iro p n p t l , . c o i n j i a i o .

9UPPKR.H ot Cotti Oyaters.

Scram bled and Bacon. Preserves. Tea’Cakes.


SPICED TOMATO SOUP.—It {3 well to know vai'U^w vvaya (or pfcpartni? a aouji thut I9 so coim nonly used. A rrange th e usual d e a r toir.iito b ro th , udd six whole t'hivet. th ree HraiUH t f olJs|)lee and u sm all stlek d t climumtiii a ttd holt w ith the s-JUp. Season ns lt-^hvre is no hjhcc used, aud when ready to ^orve s tra in clenr. ■ ,


Chance la the providence of adventurer*.— Napoleonr- 1 1 • •

nRKAKFAST. ,!Stewed Peara. | •

• "O at F lakes and (Cf«a>n- f o i l e d Steak. Buked Potatoes.

: , Stewed Toniatoca on Toast./ MutHiiB, Toasted.

Coffee; .

M a th , x t r l , ■■ ' p a r e d h r t h e R ev . b , HI, ItCcpyright, 1000, by J1-3; “A nd iu d a s® st> r wtileli lieti^jV.d

H im . tn b w the place, -for Jesits "ofttiliMS resorted th ith er w ith ' H is disciples.," i 'So’ ' - ’ - the Lord}aaii

of H is '.ways toJwolW to

T he. m any things -written — lv. lx is and others, eoi

ithout- a cause, lintfcd by mice been friends <> pro-

fcased. to be, p lo tte d :; ' ' 'whose .w ords.’-were hearts .wera full of hatred; g rea test fulflilment. in H im , but it Is privilege to have fellowship w ith " thing!!.. .W ith ,H is sufferirfjpi ‘for

our- slnsj^by which H e ' .{or them , we cannotihave fellowship,1,Tor th a t w as imiquely H is; but w ith H is inf..

. have continual-fellow ship and thus prove P h li; i, 20; Col. i, 24, etc.

4, 5, “J e s u s . therefore, kn th ings th a t should come upon 1 fo rth and said unto then?, W ye?” Thoy came w ith , lant torches, a s iC they m ight have difliculty in (lading H im , cud w ith weapons, tm If they m ight havo difliculty in taking Him, not knowing th a t H e would give H im self up to thom , because H is tim e had come.To H is question they answered, ‘Jesus o f N azareth ,” uwd Ho reblied, “ I nm.”H is question to them reminds us of H is question to the two who followed .Him at she beginning of his m inistry, “Wlmt seek y e ? ’ (John i, 38.) H is reply, “ 1 0 ™ /’ takes us back to Ex. iii, 14, whore- H e told Moses to tell Israel “1 Am hath sea t me unt<S yon.” H o io the sam e One who delivered Israei from Egypt, 'the same Ono who Merited alt things by, i l i s word, snd yet theso blinded men think (o take Him -by force.

0. "A s soon then as H e had said unto then). I am, they w ent backw ard and fell to tho ground.” Ps.--xxvii, 2„ seems to point to this. W h at w as it bu t the faint­est touch of H is power, the power th a t m ade tho worlds, for H e 'sp ak e , and ii w as done, aud H e commanded, and it stood fa s t? (Ps. xxxiii, 0.) They never would have risen from the ground if He had willed th a t they should not! Thijy would havo been like the hosts of Soil- nncherib ( II K ings xix, 35). All power is H is in heaven and on earth, b u t H e laid it n ii .-isiile and emptied Him self, hiiui bled H im self unto death, for us, th a t we who are redeemed by H is blood might learn to live a life ,o f emptiness nad,.hu­m ility fo r 'H is sake; uot claiming jloft er oyer every one and everything nijr. -;bht ra th er learning ind m anifesting subm is­sion fo r H is sake.'

7-9.-A gain the sam e conversation takes place. !Io ‘asks, "W hom seek ye?” , Tlu’y eay, “Jesu s of N a»areth." H e answ ers.“ i ijave told you th a t I am ." and now ilo Hdrls, “I f therefore ye seek Me. let the(*> go the ir w ay.” H e had .said to H is F a ­ther, “O f them which Tboi gavest Me havo T lost a one" (John xvii. 12), and th u s H o would fulfill H is word. H e .h as com uitted all" H is ’redecmcd to the.befep- ing of H is Father, and it is iinpossihia tha t, any .can got out of H is hand or H is F a th e r 's hand (John xvii, 11; >;. 27-30).

10, 11. " P u t lip thy sword into the- sheath ; the cup which My F a th er hath ;;iven Me, shall I .n o t drink it?” Jud as

:liad told his compcny th a t- lie woujd point 'oht Jesn s of Nasmrotb to them by . kissing H im . and th a t then they w ere id hold H im fast, take Him and lead Him aw ay safely. This they did, Je su s meek­ly saying to Judas, “Friend, wherefore a r t thou come? Bctrnyest thou the Sod of M an w ith a kiss?” (Matii. xxvi, 48 ii9; l ln rk xiv, 4*1-50; Luke xxii. 4T-51.) The disciples, seeing w hat w as about ,to, tnl<e place, sail . Lord,, shal! wo smite yitb the sw ord? And Simon Peter, without w aiting for advice, used his sw ord arid canie very near killing a mau fo r he ju s t missed his head.and, took off his ear. J e ­sus touched' the' m an's e a r -a n d healed him, and. tiitu said to • P ete r the-w ords- wo linvo quoted from verse 11. In Math, xxvi, 52. it is also, w ritten th a t Jbsus said, “ All, they th a t take the sw ord shall perish w iih tiie sw ord," so th a t it seeuts th a t Je su s In Luke xxii. 3G, did not meUn each to have a sword, for Ho said tha t tw o w ere enough for twelve, but H e seems ra ttie r-to have tried them by suggesting th a t if they could not try st Him unseen, they had bette r tiiko purse and • swoi^l and attem pt to c a re 'fo r themselves. H e Dow aays th a t tho time Ims come for Hinv to drink the cup which H is F a th er hiis prepared, and they must not seek to de­liver Him fro m 'if .' See how Hfe spealts of nil those tria ls, the betrayal and kiss of Ju d as, the-hatred o f ’the Jew s, the bo- iiiB forsaken by. H is own and . all o ther things. All these H e calls n cup pre­pared by H*s Father. W hen we a re ablo to look n t and accept all things in tiiAt Sigh we shall be happier and more o f a credit to Him than most of us now are (Itoni. vlii, 28. nnd II Cor. iv, 15).

12, 13. “Then the hand ind the eap- taiu and oQicers of the Jew s took Je su s . „ _ . und bo mid Him mid led Him away !ji4Tth>mA nnas hrat. - 1 ’ •— -------

" ' , ■ , ' r"’ ‘ . '■ '■ [4 '. .. ■ i ', We havo s-jen our'Wily clear to furnish through the co-operative; advantsige^ of

a c in b f if ty P ia n o s to f i f ty p e r s o n s w h o s h a l l b e .e n ro l le d aus m e m h e r s o f T h e T a s t in g


P ia n o C I u b , ,o h th t t e r r n s : ,

P i a n o f o r $ 2 2 5 — $ 1 .5 0 a . - W e e k

A $ 3 7 5 P i a n o f o r $ 3 9 0 — $ 3 .3 5 a W e e kA. member shall pay $10 as soon as accepted by and enrolled in the club - and

the Piano,is delivered a t once, the obligation of the member being to pay $ 1.50 or $2,25 a w etk nntil the purchase price is met. The pianos are guaranteed fully and they will be tuned one year free. Of course a stool is included with* each pi&no.

There is no chance; ho drawing; no delay beyond this, ten of the pianos are here, and they are to come in lots of ton. There may be a little delay between ship­ments, but ten pianos are,ready now. ' ‘ * '

The terms are certainly within the reach of any family or enterprising young man or woman. ;

We priimise that tbi: TLIST1NQ PIANO BUSINESS shall be helpful to the music lovers of New Jersey ; that with no price-cutting begotten of pique, we, by the very economies of our system, will sell pianos cheaper than they have ever been sold.

Our piiioo success has been won on a liigli plane. We haven’t ultempled to sell cheap gootl.s elieupfr, hut tlie best of gooils at fnir prices. And

• the king of pianos,

T l i e W e b e r ,lias headed our list, wi Ii the splendid

M c P h a . i l' ■... anti the • [

E m e r s x i i n{'or com pany .

Possibly uo one iitdivirliial could acceptably ■ state the ease (or cverybody—ojiitiions of musicians

and of great artists differ. I t remains, tlierefore, that the makers of .several pianos may fairly laycla im to suprem acy ., ' . . V,-

Weiglied in the balance, the prepoudeRtnee of opinii'ii seiiins to throw the scale in favor of the Weber, but never inind that. I t is .one of ihe world fhmcd instrnriic'iiis.by any fair standard.

But as everyone docs not care for a race horse, so the average musician—the great majority of people who sing and play—need not despair or worry, if their choice of a piano is to be from any one of a dozen good makes. The pianos chosen for

T h e T u s t i n £ £ C l u bare well made, beautifully cased and. are rich in die tone qualities that please the ear of a musician. The club opens today and is limited to a member­ship o f-50.

Each piano is not only fully warranted for eight year3 against any defect of material or work­manship, but we absolutely guarantee it and stand back of it. There are piano guarantees that read well, but the conditions as to usage, etc., make it only optional on the part of the manufacturer. There is nothing of that kind with us. We ialse the whole risk. Our standing rule is, therefore, EXCHANGE i f no t. s a t is f a c to ry . This guar­antee is unique in piano selling. There are no quibbles about it. I f you buy a piano of us and do not like it, the remedy is yours—come and select another. .

. Send us your name and addrfss on a postal and we will send you circulars, catalogues, etc., giving full 'particulars. You want a piano—you need one—then why wait any longer when you have such an opportunity as this ? Remember if you wish to be one of lhe»fifty you must act a t once.



LUNCHEON. .. ■ •Veal Steak Fried In Crumb?.

Lyonnalse Potatoes. Olivet. C ranberry Tiu ts. f' Orcen Tea,

p lS ’N Eft. ♦ • •Onion Soup w ith Clteese.

Broiled Lamb Chops. Mashed Potatoes.. . . ..CiuUflower uu d ra t lu . Pea«.

C h |c iry Salad w ith Ita lian Uressinff.. C hocolate leoC ream . . .

s . ■. Nute. Haldina. •f- ’ . Dend Tasae.

. ITALIAN SALAD* DRESSING.—This is es­pecially nice w ith endive, chicory o r e3*

•earole, and all these greens j»re good for dinner hu lads, : Com lug ih the w inter, they tak e the plai'e ot k t tu e e , . p u t itvto a^bowK

.h a lf a toispoohlu l of sa lt, ipw rter p t u te?*...................... .......r 'a n d n^teuspponful

•oil < c a n n o t1 g^.i ; t hespoonful o f w hits pepper' and o f tbtpa«b paatc/v If you cu paste,- »M<it teuspoonful of tom ato eatehup,trl;« • .. ‘.MiAtirftnAi* "" ta ' unVv*'nninli ui* 1

ragon' viVieguri b eu t‘. thoroughly ,, s tra in ,. flitU.!IM S rc»dy,.-to.;use., i ; ; V; .. - •• / ,


A nfbracite Coal Used hxciusivcly, In s - r - log Cteaolloess and Comfort.

T im e-tab le 1^ e ffe c t N ov . 25,1900.TRAILS LKAVK ASBURY PARK.

PVir N ew Y ork , Newh.rH a n d EUza***th v ia a ll r*ll ro u e •, 0 47, 8 00.12 10 a m , 4 0CI 0 2 0 p . m . - u u d a y f r j r a Interlftlc n stn«l )u, 7 :ir *% in , 2 1 8 in

F o r H faindelphia an d T ^ n to n v ia E lza»*U lr*ort,6 17,8 00 a m. 1210 100 p. m. Sunday* from • lnteriabeD station,737 h in. 4 18 p m j

^or Ralttmoreaad vTa»ihlntrtoa, 8 00 a ni- U Id, . •HO p m f-undaya from Iu orlaken atatlon, {

- - 1 18 p ra; . {. . . . . - , * v . lh*thteli*m, Al^ntown and 3Iau<*h

l i e m ight bnvo a.skiMl jnitl.j Chunt.O 17,800 a >nv 12 10, (•! 0j to Easton.) p ’ received th e special p ro tec tion o f Sundays fromlaterUUe!i Ktatloa. 4 I8n mi th a n 1^ legions o f qugols, a legion rp r j pr y ’,lhebbarre ttDd Scranton, 80J a m, l i 10

each o f H is followers; bu t th<^S cri|)tnr?8 F»»r Ih.ffnlo and Chicago via D . L. & W, R. R. i would uot thus have been .fulfilled. T h e l 8 » a iu . ■-■ * r . _ .

incident of the young man and the luica : ,j > n.io^.N, G e " ^ l f 4 g ® ’ Pelotli, told only by Mark, comes in about

j hero also, and it. is quite passible th a t- tlla | young mnu w as Mark liitnsslf (M ark xiv,

lil, !j2). No iv our Lord is seeminfely alone iu the hands of H is eusmios,- hut t o . m ust remember th a t H e gavo H im self to

D tne ia'D iei

pENSSYLYAKi^RAilROADT h o S ta n d a r d R a ilroad o f A^narlo^

On and aft«r liuveratwjr 25 tyoo,TRAINS LCAVK ASBUH-V PARI—V III DA VS.

For New ,Yora and- Newark, 710, B&K * tn 2 2 5 a n d .6 n J l r n 1.For ^lleabeth. 8 .V* a m 2 *26 a^d ou For Rah way, ft S'! a ni, 2 5 turn 6 tip in.For Matairao. 8 W a 225 *nd 65tt |i in.For L•«« Hniooh,1 7 1018 W), U <X) a tu, I l(»

2 25,6 5 4t» nnd 7 or n Vu.Far Rod Baok, 7 10. 850 a m. 2 * . and 68f

pm . .F o r P h ila d e lp h ia , B road an d T re n to n . 7-0.

9 06, a ; 12 t5, aud 4 m For Ca*'den, via Trenton and R*»rdontown, 7 2

and 8 0 ia ra, 12 l^iaud < 07 p m.For Cauiden and l^hlladdphta, via Toms River,

126 p m. *For Tows Rivrr, Wand nelchtaand lnterm»«liat*

statlo ia 1 ^6 p m.For Point Pleavint aud ‘ntennedlato utatloo

II 01 a ou 2 53 5 10 aud 6 18 n tn For New Rruaawlck, via Monmuath Junction 8 »

am , 1215 and 4 07 pmTRAINn LSAVV HIW TORI rOR IflBOStY PARS

BHADLtY BEACHT O N S O R I ^ L P A R L O R S From Weat Twenty.fhlrd Btreet 8tatloa, K56 a m

I utnI He .Y1UBt?,ov€ T°'°“e’ Those desiriogr' firstclass work in Sd’j« ^ ,5Jd 4® “ “ suoday , »a> • »j l a th e r w as with Him (John xvi; , TT . .* * • r*« ^ - From Deebro«*ea Rtreet 81 *tton at 9 00 a ra, 12 50.! They bourn! Him, but if Sam soa frolic' S h a v in g , n a irC u ttlf lg , r la iT o lO g C -| 3 40. and 510 p m. 9ift>days. 945 a m and

bis bonds,. how mnclj more easily could j j jg , S h a w p g o in ig i e tc . a re in v ite d to Pr..im&irtlBndt Htroet sw lon . at 8no, m, 12BO.our l.ovd, who a little latdr burst the n« l • n m II W/> : i ' . 10 . v is m. ad

I bonds o t death and came forth from the ” v c »»« u n o e lS lg c e a a Call. »*»- 6 l6nui. Oo Suod.y *111 stop «t Ii.tmrk.ieotomb whieh they lind senled! They led u se h o t to w els a n d a ll a p p o in tm e n ts ,Sr SSSSwotS " ' '

• H im , hut only because .H e allowed th e m .' a r e first!claSS l l^ ie y a y re sp e c t.Thiok of ; the haudK that were always . r !bles^lug and hiMlluir thus, cruelly houud j . PE T E R S A N D E R IL L O , by.theso mcu, to whom. Ho gave the life ' A r» jiOpd the strength that enabled them to do : Main Street . > pradlcy oeacnthis! See them leading Hitii'whore they I ' ^ *'?> "please, when Ho would gladly have'bro-1 ken all their bouris aad led thorn iu tho j way of llfo and pence,: bad they brn n willing. H ave you qver tied H ls bami^ in any sense.or thought, to leail H im in- I stead of ullowiug Him to lead youV Let Isai xli, 3; and xhTil, 17, lie true o f you. |

14. See on thifi verse: chapter xi. 40-5-*,1 and let th e :g rea t, tru th th a t . H e filed ^fot you so gras ii you tlia t you will lieWtUirii to hnye^Him use you: to 'belp g a tb e r to­gether In o n e H Is ellildren Hvlio, ara" st{L scattered alyoad, i ,

'flic pilslv'V however, la very ' m uch b e tte r. 'Add gra lually four toblespoorifulr of .olivtj oil,' m ixing all th? t tm e j ic u t lu to wnsllrileced o id clove of g a rl ic ; w ith the W ck!o f . . . . : ------- ---------a> flpooh ■, rub th e g a r) lc •«nd th e /p a s te well , , OOlie q o Weis \ Ajtlb-fl.01*‘t w o o f CliftmbeP- |n to the o il; add ono' lablespoonhd }of ta r - S T ^ lft ln ’g B r o m f lc h a n d T i t v » r W llI > d n K * •** *1 — I *- • IkAKl, .^.l.l 1/ . t M i l l . fl llfl ,'i. ^ 11 .11 _ _ _ -% ^ 1 ^ _ ■

lh ^ ;^ in t Stop |Y o K ^ n ; hny liiiiee t'p a !b t' j uiid y^'iiinJi. eiipfolHlly p u t ,f

' . nuin.PEi ill eair ’for btu>e- » hold usei- Ouruiiiimntfrecir « Kiiudjif iwltty stands BijVk 6f #

-v every writ. , ■ • '» 'H sidaohe irte tfrestiH B from a disordered

ronditlm t tb6atpm nbh nnd o<it/s(ipni Ion‘ fir'ilia Vnnrala' A' tln.o nf'fm o Af - t 'KnmluiK


a»R2f* l ira am 8 30 and 4 00 p m, week-day» Market Street’ '.^liarf, via Camden and Tiwiton. ? 28 10 30 n m 2W and 3 £0 p m t »ave Market Btreet Wharf via Janieatmrg, 7 2fc a in. 4 00 p m w«6jt^layn.r

.W A S H IN G T O N ’A N D T U B S O U T H ,

t.KAVS RKOAD BTRfKT. PHILAIIItLPBIA. ' *itattiiooi^- aod Waxhlrurton 3 60 j 20.8 32,9 IVF o r Uattlio

. lOW ) |2 » .1 1 3 } |a m (1236 l im ite d D ining C ar), i 1 3 ( tu n in g O a r ) . R IS f m o i n c C a ,) i U 5 5 'D in in g ' C a r) f lifi 0 20 (D fn lng C a r,

; 731 ( ly n in ^ .f^ ir ) . i* m. an d 1* 20 nl^h» weekd a y a . ; H undays, 3 50;7 20 9 12. U 23 ,1 1 3 8 a m I l» (D in in g C a r ) , 3 IX. 8 59 (t> n lo g • a r)„ 4 4«

‘ 5^5 IDln^hsf V p r \ 0 56 lIMmWg CJari, 73V(l ii.iD S P a r ) p m , 12 2 0 -night. •> x ' n

- ? i.lmV t iH e * o f a l l o th e r t ra in s o f She *ynteit inaV <djt^ iw ^l.a t tlie tloke.t nf!t<-w> o r ptntlonii * ; ^j'-v r ' j • Ft. vvOf»i),.Oi'U. Paaii. Ag*.J IV . <Vn ■ Mmmp^r, * v;.;■ -

J k Ii | i r i i i t | i< u 'o i i \ w ,v O i«M ir||iflofi i i t t i l l s nffleo. •• A Ollil»•«' O *?4K1A, U»*W lyi» , !

ieot thepa dlnorrtera dnd R 1<1 >t Rtewnrt’tf * Cookman avenue and

r.v- - Svr-

a.fSTR O U Dn ew


A thrifty housekeeper is always looking ahead-and in fact we are all .trying to make our money buy full values...This matter of buying meats possibly is the largest item of your expense account, therefore a wise per­son gets the best values for the least money...Below you will find our C A S H P R IC E S and we claim they entitle us to call them g r e a t b a r g a i n s . Remember these prices are for

PRIME MEATS ONLY •••That means the very best...Give us a call and inspect our line and we £«elsafe in asserting ihat we will make a new customer. R E L IA B L E .”

‘T H E O L D

Spare’ Ribs - Pork Chops Chuck Steak - Shoulder Chop Lamb Sausage - Frankfurters. - Boneless Pig’s Feet Fresh Hams •Round Steak - Rib'f^oast, choice Sirloin Steak Porterhouse Steak

Sc lb- 10c lb

3 lbs for 25c 3 lbs for 25c 3, lbs for 25c 3 lbs for 25c 3 lbs for 2Sc

- l i e 16 2 lbs for 25c

- 12c lb- 16c lb- 18c lb

Leg Lamb Hind Quarter Lamb Fore Quarter Lamb Pot Roast Beef - Cross Rib of Beef.Rump Corn Beef - - -Plate and Brisket, coraed «Bologna ; - . .-Scrapple, * our own make - Headcheese Liverwurscht

' Blood Pudding > Turkeys Chickens - - ,-10 ii|nd 11c lb

. — i 10c. lb- 1 2 c lb- 9c lb

S, 6 ' and 8c lb/ - 10c lb

10c lb 5c lb 9c lb 6c lb

; ; 1 - c 6^; W M STREET AND LAKE AVENUE, '

ASBURY PARK, ^ 4.4 •;'TWeat'" WEarket and. MEATS of the. fieSt.- QiialSty

l-.i . •



a • VA S B U R Y P A R K D A T L Y S , S A T U R D A Y ,’. M A R C H 2, 1901.

■■■“ l~ “ ’ • '■** ' - '*■ 1

i l l 11 l l l l l l I H m II l-HM >»>♦;!

We have gleaned from our stock of Cloth— :: ing thft folldwing articles which will be :: placed on sale..

: - and sacrificed for the sake of making room :: for contemplated upstairs improvements:

35 Men’s - Wool Suits, were $5.00 ;; Will go at . • . •

S3 Men’s Wool Saits, were $6.50 *2 QA;; Will go at .. . . . . .-

28 Men’s Wool Overcoats, were $6.00 1 CA:: Will go at • . . . . . . . . .

1' 18 Men’s Wool Overcoats" were. $7.50 1 Q C:: win go at '. . • y y * / 'J.• • A lot of Boys’ Overcoats and Reefers which were •; $3, $4 and $5 will go a t from $1.50 to $3,50 each.’ f 22 Men’s Box Coats a t only 2.50. :.:: A special drive in Men’s Working Pants will:: go at $1.69

It would be cheaper to buy and lay| : them away for future use than to miss this


:: Cor. Main St. and Cookman Ave.; ;


Wow Going on for the NEXT 30 BAYS

Previous to Our Annual Stock Taking We Will Otter Special Bargains in All Departments

Table Linens, Napkins, Toweis and Toweling, Handkerchiefs, 'Laces, Embroideries and White Goods, Hosiery, Corsets and Winter Underwear.

CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL OUR Nottingham and Ruffled Curtains, one, two and three pairs |of a pattern. These we will sell regardless of cost. Bric-a-Brac, Dolls and Sterling Silver Novelties wq will sell at a great re­duction.

VIOLET AMflONIA, SPECIAL at 8 and ioc;|


i r - . ' - • ' VN>.

Borough of Bradley .Beach


M ay 21.

Ju n e 4.

Ju ly 10.

We Are In WantTO MAKE

C ontinued fro m P age

Ju n e 18.

Ju n e S3.

. Those having no experience will be taught how to operate. Here is the . opportunity to have steady work and good wages can ■, be earned. APPLY AT ONCE

ID YOUR SMOKESTACK STAND THE HIGH WINDS ?We put them up so they will stay. Now is the time to have your gutters and leaders fixed before the heavy rains. . >


85 SBar38 8ft 40

.41'. 43 ' 4,'S

4445 40 47. 48 4»no m

• 035354»r. fifi• r>7 08 59 CO 01 ' 030304ar. 68-0708 097071

' 73 ■73 .7475 . 70

.77 78' 70 80 81 S3 88 m85 80 87

' 88 8fl

. SO «1 IB 08


-9 899

100 101103m104105106 107m 100 1 10

11 1 112113114115 110117118119 180 131153123124 135120 137 128 120 130.,

181183. 188184185 180187188 189140141 148 148144145 140147148 140ir>o151152 158154155156157158159

. 100ltil 102 1118104105 166107108 109- 170

. 171 ' 172

171!174175 170177178179 18(1 181183

• 183184185180 187

Ja n . 3,1001 188189 Ilk) 191193193194195 1(K5197198190 300

'301 203 302a »

— ■"; Account. ......; S treets .....

Ju ly 19. A ug. 39.

Sept. 34.

N am r .Howard Dorsott, d en n in g fruiters.......Jo n bov Rbgers, o lennlngjiu ttp iy .....:.. .. .S tre e ts .....c k i la i i poRt,<3 . a . c id n a tio n ..: .;r^ r .: .r ; .; j iM tt» ^ ; .i.W illiam Clifford, tw p col.j acct. school tax , 1899 ;..S0hools.....Sam uel M urphy, w ork on Madison avenue....-,... .S tre e ts .....W n lto r B ogart, w ork on Madison avenuo..... S tre e ts ..,. •■ W illiam Johnson, w ork on Maillson av en u e Strloets.....Kugene-PurlonpTi Work on Madison a v e n u e .. . . . .S tr e e ts __

. Sam uel H endrlokson,‘w brk 'nn M adison avenuei..S treet9.... E llis Sohulthorp. work on M adison avenue..........StlrbetB ......M ilton Poinsett, w ork oh. Madison nvenuc. ..S tre e ts....David Jones, w ork op Madison av en u o ........ H treets ;....H arry B arkalow , w ork an M adison avetiuo S treets ....P e te r Poland, w ork on Madison avonue..... ..S tre e ts ....R andolph C layton, w ork on M adison avenue...'...8 ti*iets W illiam Grlflln, w orkon M adison a v o n u e . . . . . .S t r e e t s ...•>>H P e ttit , w ork on Madison avonne.... ............S treets....C harhw ljew ls, hardw are .................. ..........................S tree ts....D L K ittle ; plow casting ...................... S tireets......Kamuol Borden; .work on 'streets, Sept., 1899...,.;StwetS ....N la rt Rogors, gradb btikes, Main street.',......V:.;;..StreSti).... .C ity of A sbury m i , itflbQf roller.,;. S treets.....Q W T reat, grovel tlokots'... ...;.iv8 l»oets.;...W illiam G rlflln,gravel tickets.. ................. H tieo ts....Georgo K FArmor, gravel t l o k o t s .............;;.V...i.Str6e ts . ....S J.B ogera, gravel tickets .......... . . . .'.-..Streets .....C harles B Poland , grave) tick e ts ....... . . /..............S& eets .....B nrnoy Si Co.. gravel t l o k e t s . . V.StpAtBJam os A Wyokoff. gravel tlokots....:................. ..:..'.viSweet8 .W R H am , supplies, overseer poor. ...:...Mttie ......W R H am , supplies, overscerpoor ....................MtoeW yncoop & H u lshart, coal, ocot. H I/M addox ...P o lloo......Wyncoon & H u lsh a rt,co a l'an d w o o d ...; . . .......... ,i.'...Fire‘& W..M artin H Scotl.audltlhg collector’s books .' Mtjoe. . . . . .H P G ant, election expenses. \ .......M tco........Jo s C W oollay, re n t council loom ............................ ...M tco .....W D Flood, services a s m aTalnl.................. ....,.....EoHoiStiles’ ExpresR. sto rag eo tflro eng ine ;FiM & \V.Sam uel -M u rp h y w o rk bn M adison & B eaohaves.,S treets....W alter B ogart, w ork on Mndlson & Beach av es-S tree ts .....S im ’l H endriokson, w ork M adlson& B eachaves.S treets..,.. E llas Schulthorpi w orkon M adison& B eaohave9..Str(!et8 ....W illiam Johnson, w ork Madison & Beach aves .S tree ts . . . M ilton Poinsett, work on M adison & Bsach aves 8 trouts . ... Dav.ldiJohes. .work on M adison & B eachaves......S treets .... .H arry B ark ilow , work on M adison & Beooh aves-.Sispdets ....H avld A nderson, w ork on Madison & Beaoh oveB.KtWsets, .. .C McCarthy, w ork on Madison & Beaoh aves— S tre e ts ....W illiam Grlilln, w ork on M adison & Beach nves„S trects. . .H P e ttit, w ork on Madison & Beaoh aves........... ..S treets ....Jo h n 'S u tts , w ork on Madison & Beach av es.........S tjee ts.....Rogers & S ick les,w orkonM adlson& B eachaves .S tree ts.....P e te r Poland, w ork on M adison & Beaoh aves. ...Streets ....W illiam Grlflln, storage sp rink ling w agon............StreetsC harles H am pton, gravel tickets a iJ—*”G nnt & H urley, gravel t ic k e ts ...............C H Rol>l)lns, gravel tickets '. .H ow ard D orsett, gravel t ic k e ts . : .........l i P e ttit , gravel t.iokets...........................C harles B Po land , gravel tickets..........W J P nynter, gravel tick e ts .....B urney & Co.. gravel tickets — ........R andolph Clayton, gravel tlo k e ts.....Jam es A Wyckoff, gravel tic k e ts .........W illiam Brow er, gravel tlokets . .S J Rogors, gravel t ic k e ts . . . . . . . .Rogers Si Siokels, sp rin k lin g ■.............W illiam Johnson, repairing tru n k s .D avid Andorson, repairing t r a n k s ..............W alte r B ogart, repairing t r u n k s .................W illiam Furlong, laying brick g u tte rC harles A Lane, gravel tlokets..............George E Rogers, g rav e l. ............Charles Lewis,-lum ber, otc.............C H Morris, rem oval garbage to Ju n e 18...; ....G arhago...S F H a y w a rd & Co, 2 dozen b o ttles . . . .W ire & W .A sbury P a rk & Ocean Grove b ’k ,d ls . $2,000 note..,D iscount..H P e ttit, w ork on N eptune avenuo ..........................S tre e ts ....W illiam Brower, w ork on N eptune av onue...........S treets ..W illiam Griffin, w ork on N eptune av en u e . . .S w e e ts ..R ogers & Slckels, w ork on N eptune avo .................Streets . ...Jo h n S u tts , w ork on N eptune avenue.. . . . . . . . . , S tre e ts . . .H ow ard D orsett, w ork on N eptune avenuo !.;.SIjteets.....P rluce B urney, work on N eptune avenue . . . . . ....jStroetH...,. W alte r B ogart, w ork on N eptune avenue..... . . . . .Sweets . . .W alte r Sam m ons, w ork on N eptune avenue.......S treetB .....D avid Anderson, w ork on N eptune avenue v. S tre e ts ....W m . Gifford, t ’nBhip col. acct. school tax , 1899,. .gqhool......ABbury P . & 0 . G. bank, Inst, on bondsdue Ju ly l,n iJoreat....G P F arm er Coal & S Co., gravel tickets .HtifeetB—W illiam P Furlong , work on s t r e e t . ...... .....;,.'..g treets....Jam os A Poland , rem oving tw o dogs. — ...B,5He«lth.W D Flood, services as m arsh a l m nftb ........S Z Earle, copies of m ap ......:...... . . . . Mt*e «. W m . Glffard, t ’nsh lpcol.acct.school tax,,1899....Sp}(<»l....,.A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank, ells, on 12,000 note.. D lJcb n n t.A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank , tils, on t . ,000ourb uo tc .C arb . . . .A sbu iy P a rk & 0 . G. bank , dls. on$l,000 noto ..IJiecount..W D Flood, services as m arshal.............................. P61Joseph M cDermott, cancelling tax es MtRogors & SlokelB, sp rin k lin g ............... ................... .Streets

.....................§6$ets.,. . . . .S tn * ts . S treets .. . . . .S t r e e ts .

..Streets..S treets.

.. . , . ...Streets.. .Streets... . . . ; . . S treots..

... .‘.S bfeets.

tre o ls .......trebta...:.

tre o ts ..... S tre e ts .....

S tre e ts .

Sopt. 36.

Oct. 8 . Oct. 25. Nov. 19.

Dec. 17.

Jan . I I.

Jut). 38.

D rum m ond Bros., paving b ric k ......—Charles’Lewis, lu m b er ..... .............A H Opdyke, p rin tin g gravel tickets....G W T reat, gravel tickets........;...........E llas Schulthorp, plow fix tures..... ___;S d w an l W righ t, work on t r u n k s ................ ............W alte r B ogart, work on trunkB...............................S tre e ts .....G arre tt Barkalow , w ork on t r u n k s . . . . S tre e ts ... .H P e ttit , w ork on tru n k s ........ . ....... .........Street* ....H ance D orsett, w ork on tru n k s ...................... ..S tree ta ......S tew art Rogers, sprink ling streets...................... S tjieet*....Sam uel Borden, w ork on t r u n k s . ...... ................. .S treets ■ ...J W Poland , sp rinkling Ftreets............................... S treeta ......B urney & Co., gravel tlokets,..................................S treets .....W illiam Griffin, sprink ling s tree ts ..................... ....Streets . ...H A Bordon, assessor’s book.. ................. ;... .M fce ........W m . Glffard, t'n sh ip co l..b a l.sc lio d tax . 1899.....School......A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank , reduction $3,600 no to . .NoteB ----A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank, dls. o n $3,000 n o te .. . .D isco u n t..A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank, d ls on $3,000 note.......D isc o u n t.A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank, dls. on $7,000 no te ..... C urb .......A sbury P a rk & O .G . bank, dls. on $1,600 n o te . . . . D isc o u n t;W illiam Griffin, ca rtin g garbage ....... . . . G arbage ...W illiam Grlflln, acct. garbage co n trac t. — .... .G a rb a g e ... A sbury T*ark P rin tin g House, a d v e rtis in g .. . . . . .M tco '. . . . . .A sbury P a rk P rin tin g House, ad v e rtis in g ......... G arbage...J L K lnm onth, ad v ertis in g ................ ...........M tc e ........J L K lnm onth, a d v e rtis in g ,: .............: . . . . . . . . .M tce.. . . . .J L K lnm onth , sta tionery, o tc : ........ M tce ........Rogers & Slckcln. sp rink ling s tr e e ts . r ............... ..... ...S tre e ts ..........A tlan tic Coast E lectric L ig h t Co., acct. con tract .L ight.:.. ...JosephM oD ennott, cancolllng taxes, e t c . . . . . M tce ..:....JbBoph M cDermott, cancelling taxes, e tc ............... M tce .......W K B rad n e r, collector, stam ps.- ......... M tce .......L eader & Bookstavcr, sta tionery . . ......... ....M tce'—•••••

-W-D Flood, services as m a rsh a l : . . . . . Police:......W D Flood, services as m arshal . . . .P o llo e .......W .D Flobd, w ork o n s t r e e t . . . . . . ................. • • . . . ..S treets —W J Payn ter, gravel tick e ts .....................S tre e ts ....W m . P Furlong, w ork on bu lkhead aud stree t...S tre e ts ........E E Ham m oll, services case Ja m es R id d le ........... M tc e , , . . ..W E Macdonald, services poorm aster............. — Mtoe .. . ..C H Meglll, commissioner of appeal................. ...M tc e ....*...H A McKenna, commissioner of ap p ea l. . . . . . . . . . M to e .. ....:.-C F B urney & Co., supplies, poo rm aste r................... ..Mtce ...........G W Treat, grave! tickets ........................... S tre o ts . . .W alter B ogart, labor on s tr e e t ....................... S tre e ts ....Jam es Poland, labor on s tr e e t ................................... S tree ts . ...,lam es W Poland, labor on s tree t.. : . .....S treets ....S Si Earle, c le rk ..........................................S a la ry ......Jo h n B Rogers, assessor............................ ................. S a la ry .. . . .C harles Lewis, lum ber, o tc ................... ...... . . . .S tre e ta ....W D Flood, m a r s h a l . . . . .P o lloe ......A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank, dls. on $3,000 n 0 te......DlBC0 a n t ..A sbury 1*. Sc O. G. b 'k . Inst, on bands due Ju ly l.„ ,In te res t....A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank , dis. on $7,000 noto.... .Curb....... ■A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank, noto taken up ,...........Notes.......A sbury P a rk & O. G. bank , no te ta k e n up — ...jN otea.......S Z Earle, firem en's certificates;.:.;. .Flro W .W P Furlong, labor on s t r e e t . — ................S treets ...:.W illiam Grlflln, acct. garbage con trac t......:...... ..G arb ag e ..W D Flood, m arsh a l ... • .'....i.foUce>.:...Joseph'S* Stew ard, com m issioner of appeal:...,Joseph F Stew ard, com m issioner of appeal, 1899. M tce» ......A T Jones, commissioner of appeal, 1896.. ....:—'.y.MtA T A pplegate, county collector . ..".......................•t’ wW in. Glffard, tow nship col., school tax , 1000..... ,'.gp. , .B Polam l, labor o n s t r t e t ...........S tree tsH ance Dorsott, labor on s t r e e t . .............:....... ....l.S tr ts ....Hanco Dorsett, m oving coal box...,.....:.. ..i, .T R Layton, labor on coal box...,...,..:............ • ......F ire & W.• * • • fix


& C obhool

A n i l lli SO i ro

E0 00 1000 00

11 888 70

10 13_ 1.80 . l tTOO

fl 50 7,18

■6 03 1 18

. . 3-85 75

7 50 1 50

13 59 05

3 85 r. oo r. oo

83 75 15 003 85

83 00 10 50 73 00 '80 75

1 Op 15 55 5 ISO9 .15

30.00 12 60 40 CO 50 00 10 505 35

13 00 19 50

„ 19 5014 a i 10 1313'130 CO

14 25 ,6 008 76

751 60

JO 659 855 004 50i no

80 25 34 75

8 3533 er. 85 25

169 5015 0063 75 63 av 31 00 66 65

1 50i r>o1 50 4 006 00

123 8718 30 55 00 4 00

38 03 13 0010 50 18 60» 00

. 7 OO 10 50 8 35 8 857 OO8 00

1000 00000 00

1 oo 6 (10 1 00

50 00 4 00

1500 00Wuo

107 33 23 35

100 003 80

180 0027 80 48 07 .1 50

10 50no

4 00 3 003 00 .3 63

• :i 505 00 1 (13

90 33 50 13 (137 50

667 90 500 0080 34 30 60

■ 107 33 33 0030 00 75 008 406 00

39 60 10 304 35

15 00200 00

8 044 30 8 00

13 75 50 00 62 005 40 1 £0

£0 40 18 00 3 00 7 50 7 505 89

759 90 0 90

50 70 00

300 0031 45 50 00 30 00

500 00 68 84

2000 00 1500 on

30 850 uo

- 40 00 ,50 00 . 7 506 00 (i 00

3000 40 n m 04

r, 40 7 30 . 751 50

M l

' W E S L E Y ' K .;Q R A p ^ g . 'C le r k .$35,030 09

p H E StEINBACH ST0«ESKSave'lieen ;sd(mg^Carpets and all sorts ofrHouse Furnishings for over 25

T 7" ' yeaw^ th^se household essentials are purchased in jMSF car lots, direct f^om the factories, for spot cash. • Tnis systejn ajp of buying enables the firm to procure fh® bes| goods made 1 *V and to sell them to patrons considerable lower than the same I quality . can be propured elsewnere. > •; • ■ * 7 V ;

Our stock of new Spring Furniture Carpe.Js I^ugs, b a t ­tings, ^Tattresses, Crockery and Glassware is ndw in place.The assortmerii was never ^ o re complete; the selling prices were neyer sp m^de;st> are prepared to furnis^ \ single room completely or an entire cottage, ‘ boardijjg hoytse or hotel. Orders placed now will be filled promptly and sat­isfaction in every particular assured. •; v '

. V f e desire ypu to cOme in arid look the Stock over critical­ly. You will not be importuned to buy, but we warn you that the markings in the.price tickets will compel you to do so. It is impbs^ible to enumerate all the under-piriced good things in stock, but quo^e figures on a'few p f the leaders.

•Mr :


jymryi t Is’ proposed to mako tho following appropriations, for thi/.yioai 13,1903. ■■ • . . , ■ •■ ;■■ -'V*" ; ' •

Streots 00

Interest on boudB.-.....’.......... 1*WJ{ W™,ce • “0

,r ending Feb;

Firb and Water ......■Garbage..,.S a lary ....:;.........

----- B oard of H ealth

V. . . coo oo. ■ . •" (150 00 "

P o o r m a s t e r .................................00 00M emorial Hospital, Long B ra n c h . 00 00

A . f i ROGERS. Mayor. F eb ruary S5. 1001 , ....

' . . , | 0 , 1 I a S5; KA



;h Cleric.

Iron, Bed, brass knobs, extension foot, $&98;,,worth|3.75 ' 1

Iron Bed, brass rails,'5.39; worth7.00 • '

Solid Oak Dining Room Chairs,' 89c; worth l:j85 :Solid Oak Dining Room Chair,

w ith brace, 100; worth 1.48 Solid Oak Dining Table. 5.00;

worth 6.50 ' ;Solid Oak Sideboards, ,9.60; worth

12.00 , ~ Combination Dresser, 7.75; worth

1 0 . 0 0 j ‘ . :

Spring Edge Conch, tufted, 7.00; worth 9.00

Carpet and Matting50 rolls of Matting, 4.00 roll (40

50 rolls extra heavy China Mat­ting, 6.00 roll; worth 8.50.

50 rolls extrabeavy Japanese Mat­ting, 6 00 roll; worth 8.50 '' ' '

Good Ingrain Carpet, 21c ydP art wool Ingrain Carpet. 38c yd;

worth 50cExtra heavy Ingrain Carpet, 48c

yd; worth 60c -■Extra Velvet Carpets, 1.00 yd.Ax minster and Velvets, 1.00 yd

STEINBACH CO.Reliable Outfitters for the Home or Hotel

$ DependalDle Goods Desirable Prices

BEADY FOR PRESIDENT.H ouse C oncurs In S enate Army

Am endm ents.


V‘.t ’

C lia r lc H to n , S t. I .o u I m a n d B u f fa lo E * -- l io iH lo n a P r a v l d e i l P o iv A P P r p tw lB - 1 t l o n F o r P o to m a c M e m o r ia l U r I d ir r a n d C o r c o r n n A r t f l a l lP r y . -

W ash ing ton , M arch 2.—T h e house re ­m oved a ll poHBlbllity o f tfti e x tra sea- Hlon y eaterdoy by eo n cn ir in g In the sei'mte am en d m en ts to .th e n n u y ap p ro ­p ria tion bill. T h e vo te stood 150 to l!!4. It w as a s t r ic t 'p a r ty vote, w ith tlie eaf- ceptiou o f M r. M c C a ll; o f M ussnchu- se tts , Mr. Loud of (..'iiUrori)lu, M r. D;'l»- coll of N'er.' Y ork an d i i r .M a n n o f I lli­nois, w h o 'v o te d w ith th e D em ocrats. -Mr. Copper o t WIsconMlii, antiw ered p resen t a n d w a s n o t pa ired . ' ;

'i’lie bill now goes to - th e p resid en t, T h e house w u s b ro u g h t to a vote b y 'a special o rd e r p rep ared b y th e com m it­tee 011 ru les w h ich p e rm itted un h o u r 's d eb a te ou a Hide. T h e p eu io c ra t# : a t ­tem pted to U lllm ster, Im t th ey w ere overw helm ed . T h e d eb a te w a s ’ n o t-e s­pecially n o tew o rth y . ,.T he '. piiU lppltte iiud C uban am en d m en ts w ere defended by th e R epub licans an il ussnlled b y .th e D em ocrats. , • '.1.

T h e only e x c ltln s Inciden t occurred l i t th e .close of th e d e b a te , 'w h e n Mr. H ull o f. Io\vn,‘ w li«s6 nnftte lintl:'))eeii connected w ith a lu m b er an d develop- ment. com pany . l u ' th e Philippines, fran k ly acknow ledged th a t lie h ad .In­vested m oney 'In H e sq jd Itw iiH a leg itim ate e n te rp rise w h ich w as n o t leukhig fo r go v ern m en t 'fav o re iiud said th a t if lid could 'n o t Invest h is m oney in le g itim a te . en te rp riaes ho would-, re tire fro m public life rn tlie r th an depend upon po lities fo r A jiv ing. S ubsequen tly , w heu lie a ta t& l .th a t th e .com pany: .w ould .' irot h av e luveatod m oney i f U ryutt luid been :ojeefstd,:tlie D em ocm ta jee red aud- b isse d an d shouted i t w as. because: If B ry a n h ad b e e n ' e lected th e P h ilip p in es w oul^ fl’p t have beeu exploited . ■ :M r. L en te of Ohio - hallefige'd Mt1.' Hll{||fi r jg lit to votvv,-: h e . ’ cli^Ueijge', brougUt'-fbirtlL a sto rm of hlijscH tio m th e Itcpubltclih

aide. Mr. H u ll voted aye.N o E x t r a P a y F o r S o ld ie r* . *

A s n re su lt o f th e a cce p ta n ce by th e hou se o f re p re se n ta tiv e s o f th e Semite am en d m en ts to th e a rm y b ill th e p ro­vision to g iv e tw o m o n th s’ e x tra pay to th e officers an d m en of th o se o r­g an iza tio n s se rv lu g a b ro a d d u rin g tlie S pan ish w a r w h o d id n o t receive th is pay> u n d e r th e a c t o f 18iK> w a s s trlckon o a t, a s w a s a lso th e provlsloii fo r al- ! ow ing fam ilies , of deceased enllstekl m en ?35 n n d fam ilies o f d eceased offi­ce rs $75 fo r fu n e ra l expenses.. ■

T h e I ln u r conference i e p o r t .upon th e In d ian appropriation* bill' w a s adopted , an d a n u m b e r o f m inor b ills w ere p i t th ro u g h th e ttnnl stages. T h e confer­ence rep o rt on: th e S t. Louis exposition b ill, w hich ag reed lo S u n d ay d o s in g , w a s ag reed to , an d tlie b ill w as sent haek to conference. A m otion to con­cu r hi th e C harleston exposition a m en d ­m e n t w an defeu te ti,"84 tor 182. T h e rey. enue c u tte r se rv ice bill w as side^ track ed e a rly lu tlie d ay by a vote o f the house. ;. .. -v

'D u rin g th e g re a te r p a r t o f yester- d a y ’s S ess ion 'o f th e Senate th e sundry cIVll ap p ro p ria tio n b ill w as u n d e r con­s id e ra tio n ..' A n in te re s tin g d eb a te w ns p rec ip ita ted in th e firs t tw o ’ hou rs o f th e aesslon 'ou a reso lu tion tp d ischarge th e co m m ittee on in te rs ta te com m erce from considera tion o f th e b ill req u irin g ra ilro a d com pan ies to m ak e deta iled 'In­v estiga tions of: a ll a cc id en ts involving loss o f life oil th e ir l in e s 'a n d report, to th e In te rs ta te com m crce coirimlsalc:). No ac tion w a s taken . - t ‘

T h e o ld ijuestibn a s to th e reelam n tlon of- p u b llc - la n d s la . tlio . a r id an d aem larld sections, o f th e coun try w as b ro u g h t up, b u t: th e ' e ffo rt to a tta c h ap am en d m en t to th e m easu ru a p p ro p ria t­ing m oney fo r th e w ork w a s defeated .. ■ T h e b i l l s . a p p ro p ria tin g $500,000, for thB B uffalo P aii-A m erlcan exposition,' $5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 fo r th e St; Lottls L ou is ian a P u rc h a se e'ijtfqsltlon and $250,000 ifor- th e C harleston In te rs ta te and .W est Inr 4 la u tx jioa ltlon w ere a tta c h e d to the fo jjla s r id e rs . r. ■ - j.,.-,’ !■

M o rg a n A m rn d n ip n t D e te n t .d .M r. M organ naked ' u n an im o u s ‘ con

se n t th a t b is N icarag u a -cund! nrnem i m ent go on^tlie bill, b u t 'M r. Lodge of M a ssach u se tts , ob jectpa. • Mr.> ,M orgau tliOH ad d ressed tjlie' sen n te upon lils

am endm en t. H e charged tltnt” th e In ­fluence o f tlie o ld P a n a m a canal- lm d been fe lt in th is ch am b er nnd w a s s til l being fe lt. l i e d id n o t In tim ate , ho w ­ever. w h a t so r t o f Influence w a s being exercised . By u vote o f *10 to 10 th e se n a te su s ta in ed th e po in t o f orAcr agnInst Mr. M organ’s N icarag u an .pa- nnl am en d m en t to th e su n d ry c iv i l bill.

T h e se n a te ag reed to tho P o tom ac ’ m em oria l b ridge , lim itin g th e coat of th e b rid g e to $5,000,000, *100,000 Ip lie Im m edia te ly n v aliab ie . I i ; iy .

O th er u m eudm en ta w ere adopfeti iis fo llow s: ' ;■.., :v‘>.

A p p ro p ria tin g $ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 'fo r t h p 'e n ­la rg em en t of- G ovcrnors .lBlarili .n n d co nstruction o f s to reh o u ses n n d o th e r bu ild ings, $85,000 fo r tiie com pletion « f th e go v ern m en t bu ild ings a t &ow- n rk , N. J . ; $20,000 fo r a n addltlo li' to th e X ew port J R . I.) poat.offlce, $11.'13,500 . fo r th e p u rc h a se o f th e old O orvbran A rt g a lle ry p ro p erty : In W flslrfngton, Increasing th e com m ission to codify t h e 'l a w s of th e U n ited S ta te s fyom th re e m em bers to tiv e ,' p rov id ing t j i a t : th e s u p e r in te n d e n t■ o f life , saving, s ta ­tio n s In .D is tr ic ts i , 2, 4 ,-8 . «, 7 .U 1 .1 2 a n d l.V ahu ll rcce lve $2,500 p er nu- niini c a c b i th o ab ' ifa .D is tr ic ts It, I) an d 1 0 $2 ,0 0 0 . and tlie su p e rin ten d en t In D is tr ic t 8 ?500. ' ; '" l i t

T h e b ill w a s th en rep o rted from th e co m m ittee o f th e w hole to th e som ite an d p assed . _ y \ f ‘

T h e se iia te tlien w en t Into ejCfquflvo session an d sh o rtly nftei? a d lournetf.

D ayton , 6 ., M arch 2 .—F ire a ( ; th e D ayton 31'eircnlile "Iron w orks d i^ tfp y - jd th n w areh o u se an d nnnenllng^Vooni. . I W atch m an E d w ard Colcnm n, coUjrei), w as .burned t>> dea th . T he loss i^.$,S0 (.300, n a r tla llv Insn ir/f, 1 1 ; ; .',■:\v !■

Remarlcalila Cure* o f IthfUina^Ufo.Tfie editor of th e V ind lo^or-hw hoti. oo"

casion to teat th e effloaey of OUatabertaln’# f a in Balm twice w ith tb& njWt raptat'sablp results In each case. F irst, w ith rhoum j. tUm in the shoulder from whloh bp .Buf­fered excruciating pain for, ton; , <1010. Which w as rellOTed w ith tw p o jip llw lous of Pain Balm, VubWig th e pflrta 8 ffl|PtW and realizing Instan t Eeaeflt ana, en tlm W- U lrln a very short tl. ),; Bfjoond, In .rhajl- mtttlBtn lu th igh jo in t,. alm M t . p rp itro ig g him w ith severe pain, whjoft w w T O le w a - . by two applications, rahm ng w lth tn 9^l|nlr m ent on ref (ring a t n ljh t, and eottJog^.pn
