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Australian National University COMP4560 ANNOTATION IN AUGMENTED REALITY Abhishek Kookana Supervised by Matt Adcock CSIRO Data61
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Australian National University COMP4560


Supervised by Matt Adcock

CSIRO Data61

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I would like to express my appreciation to my supervisor Matt Adcock,

who was both very helpful and supportive during this project. Due to

personal circumstances, I was unavailable to meet or work on this project

for multiple days every week and Matt was understanding and nothing but

helpful. Matt also provided me guidance when I was having great

difficulties overcoming issues with the core of the project and without his

guidance I would not have completed it.

I would also like to thank Weifa Liang and Peter Strazdins for their

guidance and effort in managing this course. The weekly meetings

provided useful suggestions and insights for the project and directed my

focus to where it mattered more.

Finally, I would like to thank my family for putting up with too many late

nights and myself being constantly fatigued.

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This project was conducted between February 2017 and May 2017 for

COMP4560 Advanced Computing Project.

Except where otherwise indicated, I hereby declare that the work

presented in this project is solely my original work and has not been

previously submitted either in whole or in part for a degree in any


Abhishek Kookana


Australian National University

Canberra, ACT, Australia

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgement ............................................................................ 1

Declaration ...................................................................................... 2

1.0 Abstract ................................................................................... 4

2.0 Introduction ............................................................................. 5

2.1 Related work ......................................................................... 6

3.0 Theoretical Framework/ Software Architecture .............................. 7

3.1 Highlighting ........................................................................ 7

3.1.1 Vertex Colouring ................................................................. 8

3.1.2 Retexturing ........................................................................ 8

3.1.3 Submeshes ...................................................................... 10

3.2 Leap Motion ......................................................................... 11

3.3 Interaction .......................................................................... 13

4.0 Performance Evaluation ........................................................... 15

4.1 Technical Performance ............................................................ 15

4.2 Functional Performance ........................................................... 16

4.3 Reflection .............................................................................. 17

5.0 Conclusion ............................................................................. 19

5.1 Future Work .......................................................................... 19

6.0 References ............................................................................. 21

7.0 Appendices ............................................................................ 22

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1.0 Abstract

Augmented reality allows users to see real-time computer generated

images in stereoscopic 3D and interact with them whilst retaining their

view of the real world. This provides a sense of scale, perspective and

comparison that a flat screen does not. When combined with 3D scanned

objects, AR can provide a perfect avenue to see real world objects

represented virtually in the real world.

Rather than simply display them, it is useful to be able to highlight and

label them to convey relevant information about the object. This is the

purpose of annotation. Currently there does not exist an efficient or

intuitive method to annotate 3D models within Augmented Reality, only to

do so outside AR and import the annotation. This project aims to examine

the best ways to fulfil this task.

Using a hand tracking device, called the Leap Motion, different methods of

annotation were investigated and tested. The method found that worked

best was to use submeshes with different textures to highlight areas of

the model. This was done in two ways: drawing highlights onto the model

directly and selecting areas to highlight with a volume.

It was found that methods of manipulating annotations requiring precision

like drawing were ineffective using the Leap Motion. Larger movements

like volume selection are more effective and allow the user to translate

their movements into annotations more purposefully. The Leap Motion

can provide a capable platform for annotation as an intuitive and almost

tactile experience when combined with the appropriate interactions.

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2.0 Introduction

Augmented reality is a technology designed to superimpose a computer-

generated image on a user’s view of the real world and is intended to

mesh real world and virtual interaction. Whilst the everyday public are

becoming more aware of the uses of virtual reality, augmented reality is

taking a different approach and is currently being offered as an enterprise

product rather than a consumer one. The Microsoft HoloLens is currently

the most complete offering of augmented reality and is marketed as “the

first self-contained, holographic computer, enabling you to engage with

your digital content and interact with holograms in the world around

you”1 .The development edition of HoloLens has been available to buy

since March of 2016 and since then companies have built programs taking

advantages of the HoloLens’ unique features.

Data61, a branch of the CSIRO focused on digital innovation2, is one such

organisation that has been working in the field of VR and AR technology

(among others) for years and proposed this task. Having access to 3D

scanning technology, it is often useful to annotate these scans with

valuable information in order to categorise and contextualise the scanned

data. Currently there are extremely limited means to annotate such

models within the HoloLens environment, with the input method being

limited to a point-and-click methodology. Efficient annotation is limited to

non-AR platforms. Augmented reality provides benefits as an annotation

platform as it can allow for a better perspective on the models; they can

be seen in 3D space and scaled relative to their environment.

1 Microsoft, 2016, Microsoft HoloLens, https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/hololens,

accessed 20/05/17

2 Swan, D., 2015, CSIRO swallows up NICTA to create Data61,




1-1494172731 , accessed 15/05/17

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The input methods for the HoloLens include basic gestures to activate a

mouse click and bring up a menu interface. Other than this, a dot is

projected in front of the user imitating a mouse pointer that the user can

use to point at different interface elements. The benefit of this type of

user interface means there are no extra peripherals that need to be

interacted with, the interaction occurs comfortably in the user’s hand. In

order to take advantage of a wider range of gestures and input whilst

retaining this hands-on approach to interaction, this project takes

advantage of the Leap Motion, a small hand tracking device in order to

translate more complex hand motion into annotation generation.

The aim of the project is to provide a platform to make annotations to 3D

models in an intuitive fashion whilst retaining both the perspective

benefits of the HoloLens platform but providing a more effective input

method. The project achieves this best when using broad strokes that are

then refined into precise selections rather than defining selections with

precise movements. The Leap Motion provides an intuitive but unreliable

platform in terms of precision and this reflects in the results.

2.1 Related work

Annotation in virtual or even augmented reality is not a new concept. The

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) holds an annual 3D

User Interface Contest3 which tasks teams to generate 3D user interfaces

to annotate point clouds from 3D scans. These entries are generally

executed on the desktop platform, but have provided much of the

inspiration for the design of the user interface and interaction. The Leap

Motion has been used for entries in the past and has been shown to be a

useful resource when dealing with intuitive 3D user interaction.

The work of Benjamin Nuernberger4 displayed the potential for a fully

realised annotation system in augmented reality, but rather than dealing

3 IEEE, 2014, Contestants, http://3dui.org/2014/contestants.htm , accessed 28/02/17 4 Nuernberger, B., 2017, Benjamin Nuernberger, http://cs.ucsb.edu/~bnuernberger/,

date accessed 28/02/17

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with 3D models, his system annotates physical space. His project displays

the potential for gesture control to deliver an intuitive annotation platform

in augmented reality. The project is based on the HoloLens inbuilt

gestures and allows him to use a click-and-drag method with the mouse

pointer to draw shapes that represent annotations.

These projects provide some inspiration for a project that has not been

done before and the core contribution of this project the uniqueness of its

platform combined with the minimal amount of pre-existing projects

conducted in the area. This project provides the first annotation platform

on the HoloLens to take advantage of the Leap Motion as an input device

and investigates the benefits and losses of this style of interaction.

3.0 Theoretical Framework/ Software Architecture

This project is focused on investigating what annotation techniques work

best when paired with Leap Motion and Augmented reality. As such, it is

worth noting that the program developed does not support saving and

labelling annotations as it is the techniques that are the focus, not the

function of the overall program.

3.1 Highlighting

The basis for this project has been to find an efficient method to annotate

3D models that is both robust enough to convey the same information as

existing methods as well as integrate appropriately with the hardware

used in the project.

This project has iterated through multiple methods of annotation in order

to find the most suitable for this format. The method of annotating a

model in this project is to be able to highlight any given segment of the

model in a clear and accurate manner as we felt this conveyed the most


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3.1.1 Vertex Colouring

Initially we investigated the method of using customised Unity Shaders to

change the appearance of different areas of the model dynamically.

Different areas of the model would be recoloured by changing the colour

values at each vertex. The problem with this was that rather than

producing clean lines, if the vertices were recoloured, each vertex would

blend into the colour of its neighbouring vertex, providing blurry lines for

the annotated regions.

Figure 1. How vertex colour shows on a standard and altered shader5

The problem with this is that recent Unity updates have deprecated the

vertices.color attribute in Unity and it would require a workaround that

would remove the project’s futureproofing completely and lock it to a

specific build of Unity older than even the current. At this stage, we

reconsidered options that would work in current and future versions of


3.1.2 Retexturing

We investigated the potential of retexturing the model dynamically and

writing to the texture file at runtime. This would allow for any model to be

5 Defaxer, 2010, Standard Shader with Vertex Colours,


accessed 20/05/17

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placed into the program with minimal extra formatting required, the user

would simply set the texture to allow for reading and writing data with a

checkbox. This was implemented by performing a ray-cast from the user’s

finger (or rather, the finger represented by the hand tracked by the Leap

Motion) and investigating where it intersected with the 3D model. At this

point, the coordinates of intersection were calculated and the pixels

around this contact point were changed to a specific colour to convey a

highlighted area for annotation.

The problem with this approach is the way in which Unity maps textures

to 3D models:

Figure 2. how the texture of an object(left) can non-contiguously map to the object(right)6

Two adjacent points in a texture file don’t necessarily correspond to

adjacent points on a 3D model as different areas of the texture file “map”

to areas of the model. There were three options to deal with this issue.

One potential solution was that each pixel being changed would have to

have a test performed to see whether the points were adjacent, however

doing this for every pixel in real time would cause massive issues with

performance and overhead. Another solution was to reconfigure the

texture map in order to map appropriately, however this is a task that

would require an external program and would require extra work both

within the project and by the user. Every model input into the program

6 WyrmTale Games, 2015, Dice Pack Light, http://www.wyrmtale.com/, date accessed


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would require a reformatting of its texture by the user before inputting it

in the project. Thus, the third option was to find an alternate annotation

solution that worked regardless of the format of the model.

3.1.3 Submeshes

The implemented method to annotate the models in this project is to alter

the submesh array at runtime.

Figure 3. Subject with annotation (left), submesh 1 (middle), submesh 0 (right)7

A mesh is simply the set of points that make up a 3D model in Unity. A

submesh is simply an array of polygons that make up a subset of a mesh.

Submeshes are each assigned a texture and are designed to designate

which polygons of a mesh have which texture; i.e. it allows for a single

model to have multiple textures assigned to it. In this project, submesh 0

is simply the submesh containing the entire model and all of the polygons.

Submesh 1 is the submesh we alter as any polygons added to this

submesh are overlaid over the first, producing highlighted areas.

Dynamically altering this at runtime allows the user to change the texture

of specific polygons on command, thus allowing for it to be a method of

annotation. The beauty with this approach is that it avoids the issues of

the previous approaches.

7 Organic Polygons, 2015, Lion Statue, http://organicpolygons.com/, accessed 20/05/17

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Because they deal with entire polygons rather than single vertices, they

produce clean lines at the edges of the highlighted regions as these are

simply the edges of the object. Submeshes have also been in Unity for

years and are unlikely to be deprecated any time soon, so there should be

no issue with futureproofing. Concerning formatting, every model

necessarily has a mesh, so the project will accept any standard 3D

modelling format that Unity does. Polygons for meshes are also stored

efficiently in a “triangle array”. Each polygon in Unity takes the format of

a triangle and each triangle is stored as a set of three integers in an array.

Each integer references the index of its relevant vertex in the array of

vertices for the relevant object.

There are two methods for annotating using submeshes in this project.

The first, using a similar method to retexturing in section 3.1.2, a ray is

cast from the user’s finger and a point is returned representing its

intersection with the 3D model. This point gives the index for the triplet in

the triangle array for the relevant triangle. These indices are then copied

from submesh 0 into submesh 1, producing a highlighted area at the

relevant polygon. When deselecting the polygons, these indices in

submesh 1 are set back to 0, removing the highlighting for that section

and returning it to the normal texture. The second method is using a

volume to select multiple polygons at once. A volume, either a sphere or

a cube in this case, is placed intersecting the 3D model. The program

then iterates through each vertex in the program and does basic integer

mathematics with its coordinates to find out whether the vertex is

contained within the volume and if it is, it is highlighted.

3.2 Leap Motion

The Leap Motion8 is the chosen input device for this project and whilst

being an extremely intuitive device to use, has provided its own

difficulties to the project. The Leap Motion has been available since 2013

8 Leap Motion, 2017, Leap Motion, https://www.leapmotion.com/, date accessed


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but has recently received a large-scale update to its software and

development suite called Orion. Orion improved the tracking capabilities

and provided a range of inbuilt input methods that were invaluable to the

project and avoided the necessity to program a custom gesture-

recognition system. Instead, the majority of the difficulty with the Leap

Motion was in the tracking data itself.

To have a Leap Motion work on a Microsoft HoloLens is far from trivial.

The HoloLens has a USB port on it, but rather than being able to plug the

Leap Motion into it directly, it is reserved for updates and charging. There

is no method to connect the Leap Motion directly to the HoloLens. In

order to have the devices communicate they must do so wirelessly.

The problem with streaming tracking data to Unity is that once the data is

stripped raw and transmitted, it loses the ability to integrate with the

functionality provided by Orion. This is due to the fact that the “wrapper”

in which the object is stored that allows it to communicate with the inbuilt

functions of Orion is discarded when transmitting via websockets9. Only

the pure tracking data is transmitted as a stream of coordinates. Fixing

this would require a re-write of either the Orion system to accommodate

this alternate datatype or a rewrite of the websocket API.

The solution to this problem was rather than transmit the tracking data,

we instead ran Unity on a PC and transmitted the entire instance of Unity

to the HoloLens using an application called HoloLens Remoting. Remoting

was originally designed for programs that were too demanding to run on

the HoloLens hardware standalone, usually in a mid-development phase.

Remoting provides a way to have the project interact very quickly with

the HoloLens without having to export, compile and transfer it to the

headset and as such is very useful to developers. Remoting takes

advantage of the power of the computer it is connected to and transmits

9 Leap Motion, 2016, Websocket Communication,


accessed 20/04/17

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the image to the HoloLens whilst transmitting the tracking data for the

HoloLens back to the PC simultaneously, all with low latency.

The benefit to this method is that it allows for consistent development and

execution, as Unity essentially runs identically on the desktop normally as

it would with the HoloLens. The downside however is that an instance of

Unity is required on the PC side, rather than simply a standalone program.

This is likely to change in future iterations of Unity and the program is

built with no dependencies on specific display methods. If a new method

were to release to display PC content on a HoloLens, this program would

adapt to it easily.

It is worth noting that the technical requirements for the PC connected to

the HoloLens are reasonably high-end. The main requirement is a Nvidia

GTX970 minimum or equivalent for a graphics card10. This is what all the

tests have been done on and it is arguable that a user with access to a

~$4000 AUD HoloLens will have access to a computer with those

capabilities considering the GTX970 is the best budget performer of the

last generation of graphics cards. In this circumstance however, the main

purpose of this project is to investigate annotation techniques rather than

the specific implementation of the annotation program.

3.3 Interaction

The choice for interaction methods stemmed from some of the 3D UI

Contestants and were designed to be as intuitive as possible to

manipulate the model with the user’s hands. The Orion suite was then

consulted to see what could be altered from a pre-existing tool and what

would need to be developed completely. The resulting actions were pinch-

to-drag, double-pinch-to-scale and point-to-paint.

Point-to-paint allows the user to essentially have a small sphere attached

to their virtual finger that acts as a brush and use this highlight the

10 Microsoft, 2016, Holographic Remoting Player, https://developer.microsoft.com/en-

us/windows/mixed-reality/holographic_remoting_player, date accessed 20/05/17

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polygons in the model by simply touching them. This action is reminiscent

of finger painting and provided the device is calibrated correctly, can

provide controlled highlighting of individual or small clusters of polygons.

This works simply by casting a ray from the end of the finger to the object.

When the object is hit, the index of the polygon impacted is returned and

highlighted. This is only triggered if the “brush” is contacting the object.

Pinch-to-drag and double-pinch-to-scale is a control mechanism that

allows for manipulation of either the 3D model itself or a selection volume.

There are two selection volumes available in the program, the user can

either select or deselect an area to highlight using either a sphere or cube.

Either object provides a real-time representation of where they overlap

with the model using custom Unity shaders (a holdover from the initial

experimentation with shaders). These shaders project a texture onto the

3D model wherever the selection volume overlaps it, essentially providing

a guide to where it will be highlighted. This volume selection method

allows the user to annotate larger portions of the model at a time. The

pinching works by making a pinching motion in either or both hands,

allowing you to drag the selection volumes around and, in the case of

pinching with both hands, scale the volume by moving the hands further

apart or closer together. Pinch-to-drag also applies to the 3D model

allowing the user to reposition it in a more comfortable position.

The highlighting itself using the selection volumes works by iterating

through each polygon of the 3D model’s mesh and doing a simple check

to see whether each of its corners are contained within the selection

volume. In the case of the sphere, whether the distance to its centre is

less than the radius and in the case of the cube, whether the corner

points are within the Unity inbuilt bounding box. Each calculation is simply

an iteration through an array of indices, so it completes fairly efficiently,

and the resulting polygons are added to the appropriate submesh, as

mentioned in section 3.1.

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4.0 Performance Evaluation

The main performance characteristic that this project is concerned with is

whether the system can successfully provide a reasonably efficient tool

for highlighting 3D models and that it does. The main form of annotation

that we have focused on in the project is selection and deselection of

different areas with highlighting and for that we have two separate tools

as mentioned in section 3.3.

Point-to-paint allows for fine selection of individual polygons whereas

volume selection allows for broader areas to be selected or deselected.

There are two categories for performance criteria for these methods, and

that is technical performance and functional performance, or, how it runs

and how it feels.

4.1 Technical Performance

Due to the fact that rather than running natively on the HoloLens the

program is running on HoloLens Remoting, specific framerates are difficult

to verify. From our experience, the program runs at below 60fps but well

above 40. It is perceivable that it is not running at a completely smooth

framerate of 60, but the performance is still useably smooth. Overall

although not perfect, the performance is well within usable parameters

and would improve if the project were exported to a standalone product.

The latency of the program is also within reason, there is a perceivable

delay when using the project if you pay attention to it, but it is not

noticeable whilst actively using the program. As the screen capture from

the HoloLens introduces more overhead and more latency, there is no

reliable way to measure the specific delay amounts.

As well as general performance, what should also be noted is the

presence or absence of performance spikes. In this case, even when

highlighting using volume selection, which performs an operation on all

the vertices in a model, there was no noticeable performance spike. By

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this, there were no drops in performance that brought the framerate

down by any noticeable amount. Perhaps with a particularly complex

model with a large number of vertices this would cause a stutter, but with

a “medium” complexity model consisting of approximately 3000 polygons,

the highlighting action produced no visible stutter.

4.2 Functional Performance

The double-pinch-to-scale method worked well in testing and provided a

much more intuitive analogue for annotation than point-to-paint. This was

because interaction with the Leap Motion even in good conditions when

the device is properly calibrated can produce tracking “noise”. The Leap

Motion tracking camera only sees the hands from one perspective, so

when fingers are occluded by the palm of the hand or even one another,

the Orion software will attempt to guess what position they are in. This

can lead to unintentional finger bending which, when trying to paint

polygons on an object precisely can be frustrating.

Figure 5. point-to-paint using left finger

The Leap Motion works best when moving the hands 15-30cm above the

unit and, when making pinching motions, to pinch with only the index and

thumb and leave all other fingers relaxed. This allows the camera to

register what all fingers are doing more easily rather than only seeing a

jumble of fingers making a fist. The radius that the Leap Motion can track

is extensive and so long as the user is sitting in front of the device, they

should have no issues with it within reason. The effective comfortable

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range in testing was found to be an area approximately 0.5 metres in

width above the Leap Motion.

Figure 6. Pinching motion on either side of sphere to resize it

In spite of finger occlusion issues, using broader movements to describe

object selection works well. Using volumes to select different areas to

annotate and using double-pinch to transform and scale them is intuitive

and works with minimal tracking anomalies. This is because even when

these anomalies occur, as the movement of the whole hand rather than

the fingers is what is tracking the input so the movement is much more

stable. The input to trigger the movement, the pinching, is tracked from

the fingers, but the movement of the object itself is tracked from the


4.3 Reflection The point-to-paint method of annotation allows users to paint polygons

with their finger to highlight them, but the Leap Motion lacks the precision

or consistency to provide this function accurately. The work of Benjamin

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Nuernberger11, mentioned in section 2.1, shows that he is able to build a

system where fine lines and shapes can be drawn in 3D space to denote

annotations. The way in which he achieves this without encountering

issues with precision is that he takes the raw input from the user and

provides them a smoothed version of their annotation. Rather than

retaining the shaky lines drawn by the user, he provides them a line of

best fit. The importance of Nuernberger’s work is in the line of best fit.

Volume selection was the most successful method of annotation in this

project, the inspiration for which was provided by multiple projects from

the IEEE 3D User Interface Contest12, also mentioned in section 2.1. This

yearly contest produced great examples of effective 3D user interfaces;

the projects “Slice and Swipe” and “Touching the Cloud” were the most

influential for this project as they are both annotation software

implemented using the Leap Motion or similar device. Slice and Swipe is a

project that allows for a point cloud to be split into two halves with a

slashing motion and then one half is discarded. This can be done

repeatedly to refine the selection until the user is happy to highlight this

selection and annotate. Touching the cloud is a project that uses a device

very similar to the Leap Motion to scale, rotate and traverse a point cloud

using finger pinches. These projects reflect the effectiveness of using

broad movements to overcome the precision issues of the Leap Motion

and reflect why these interactions were successful in their implementation.

11 Chang, Nuernberger, Luan, Hollerer, Gesture-Based Augmented Reality Annotation

IEEE VR 2017 Demo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMTWqkBdM-0 , accessed

28/02/17 12 IEEE, 2014, Contestants, http://3dui.org/2014/contestants.htm , accessed 28/02/17

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5.0 Conclusion

The project was a technical success, multiple annotation methods were

investigated and the most appropriate was implemented to investigate its

positives and flaws. Using full hand tracking in the HoloLens using Leap

Motion is an intuitive experience when tracked correctly and provides an

almost tactile sensation when interacting. The performance of the

program is not completely smooth, but is well within the range of usable,

however it is not without its flaws.

Whilst the project generated software that could author highlighting

annotations, the Leap Motion provided to be a somewhat inaccurate tool

for precise annotation. For broader selections using volumes, dragging

objects around can be extremely intuitive, but brushing on annotation

with the users finger whilst doable in testing, is awkward and prone to

tracking loss in practice.

5.1 Future Work Potential extension to this work could be to implement more methods of

broad selection, as they work well on this platform. The slash and swipe

method would fit in these criteria and after seeing the results of this

project, would be a good way to provide fine precision for selection.

Instead of selecting the areas to be highlighted directly, there should be a

broad selection process that can be refined down until the user is satisfied

with their precision. This dampens the overall movement and lessens the

overall effect of minor judders in tracking on the overall annotation.

Another potential extension to this work would be to reimplement the

interaction methods in this project natively in the HoloLens. The work of

Ben Nuernberger 13 shows that native HoloLens tracking is capable of

producing meaningful annotation when formatted correctly. The Leap

13 Chang, Nuernberger, Luan, Hollerer, Gesture-Based Augmented Reality Annotation

IEEE VR 2017 Demo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMTWqkBdM-0 , accessed


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Motion was selected for this project because of the freedom it provided in

tracking the whole hand, however the only real gestures used in the

project are pointing and pinching as they proved to be the most intuitive.

This means that the project could theoretically be implemented

standalone without the requirement for this external hardware. The

HoloLens does not track in 3D space anywhere near as well as the Leap

Motion and rather does so mostly in a 2D plane in front of the user,

however, similar annotation methods could potentially be generated to

accommodate this.

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6.0 References

Chang, Nuernberger, Luan, Hollerer, Evaluating Gesture-Based

Augmented Reality Annotation,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HacoNGjOtg , date accessed


Chang, Nuernberger, Luan, Hollerer, Gesture-Based Augmented

Reality Annotation IEEE VR 2017 Demo,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMTWqkBdM-0 , accessed 28/02/17

Defaxer, Unity, 2010, Standard Shader with Vertex Colours,


colors.316529/, accessed 20/05/17

IEEE, 2014, Contestants, http://3dui.org/2014/contestants.htm ,

accessed 28/02/17

Leap Motion, 2016, Websocket Communication,


p_JSON.html, accessed 20/04/17

Microsoft, 2016, Microsoft HoloLens,

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/hololens, accessed 20/05/17

Nuernberger, B., 2017, Benjamin Nuernberger,

http://cs.ucsb.edu/~bnuernberger/, date accessed 28/02/17

Organic Polygons, 2015, Lion Statue, http://organicpolygons.com/,

accessed 20/05/17

Swan, D., 2015, CSIRO swallows up NICTA to create Data61,




7a243d2d64b91-1494172731 , accessed 15/05/17

Unity, 2017, Manual, https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/index.html,

accessed 05/03/17

WyrmTale Games, 2015, Dice Pack Light,

http://www.wyrmtale.com/, date accessed 20/05/17

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7.0 Appendices

INDEPENDENT STUDY CONTRACT Note: Enrolment is subject to approval by the projects co-ordinator

SECTION A (Students and Supervisors)

UniID: u5586286____________

SURNAME: Kookana_____________ FIRST NAMES: Abhishek______________________

PROJECT SUPERVISOR (may be external): Matt Adcock_____________________________________

COURSE SUPERVISOR (a RSCS academic): Weifa Liang_____________________________________

COURSE CODE, TITLE AND UNIT: COMP4560- Advanced Computing Project- 12 Units__________

SEMESTER S1 S2 YEAR: 2017______________


Annotation in Augmented Reality


Learning Objectives:

1. Learning the basic concepts and characteristics relevant to AR development.

2. By comparing with VR (with which there is previous experience), understanding the

differences and connection between VR and AR especially from programming perspective

such as how to handle different input data.

3. Developing programming skills to create app for AR within Unity game engine and

engaging in the whole pipeline of software development from requirements and

implementation. Finally, deploying the app on hardware successfully.

4. Based on the existing applications of AR, discovering the potentials and possibilities of

different input methods and their limits and advantages objectively.

5. Running a user evaluation of the system that is developed.

6. Developing my writing skills and perform a mature course report.

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Augmented Reality, such as is possible with displays like Microsoft HoloLens, allows us to insert 3D

graphics into the physical world. Sometimes we need to interact with these objects. An example of this

is the addition of various types of virtual annotations. Authoring annotations can be useful in tasks like

collaborative decision making, explaining parts of an object to a co-worker, or creating training

material. However, techniques for authoring annotations in AR and VR are not well understood.

This project seeks to prototype a number of spatial user interfaces and interactive techniques that will

accelerate annotation authoring. It will consider a range of different annotation types and should

result in design guidelines and methods for implementing 3D annotation tools. An important

challenge will be to identify a suite of tools that enable as much detail in the input as possible, in

terms of both accuracy and precision.

ASSESSMENT (as per course’s project rules web page, with the differences noted below):

Assessed project components: % of mark Due date Evaluated by:

Report: name style: _____________________________

(e.g. research report, software description..., no less than

45% weight assigned)


May 26th (examiner)

Artefact: name kind: ____________________________

(e.g. software, user interface, robot..., no more than 45%

weight assigned)


May 26th (supervisor)



May 22nd (course convenor)


Welcome and introductions (March 6)

Overview and Presentations: Things to avoid and elements which work (March 20)

Initial Project Presentations (March 27)

Report Writing: Structure and Setting Out (April 24)

Implementation and Evaluation Issues (May 1)

Writing Up Reports (May 8)

Getting your project fully back on its wheels (May 15)

Final Project Presentations (May 22)

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STUDENT DECLARATION: I agree to fulfil the above defined contract:

………………………………………………….. ………………………..

Signature Date

SECTION B (Supervisor):

I am willing to supervise and support this project. I have checked the student's academic record

and believe this student can complete the project.

………………………………………………….. ………………………..

Signature Date


SECTION C (Course coordinator approval)

………………………………………………….. ………………………..

Signature Date

SECTION D (Projects coordinator approval)

………………………………………………….. ………………………..

Signature Date
