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Annotation of still images

Date post: 10-Feb-2017
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Annotation of Still Images

Annotation of Still Images

This image can be found at the very beginning where my characters are almost narrating in a camera and introducing that something is not right with the home that they have moved into. Straight away the audience get the impression that this film is going to include aspects such as Paranormal Activity with the recorded camera. Instantly showing that this is a home recording. This image can raise questions on why the characters are recording themselves and what is going on that is so bad that they have to record themselves?

Camera Angle: I used this mid- long shot so the audience are able to clearly see the facial expressions, body language and on how the girl is positioned, the back ground is unclear however hopefully by the light that’s coming from the bottom you can grasp the idea that she is positioned on the stairs or somewhere higher up.

Lighting: The lighting has a mixture of dark/ shadowy effects with what looks like natural day light coming from the bottom left hand corner. The effect of the shadows can leave an impression that something lurks behind them and that it’s trying to over take the natural light. With the light seeming strong and eye-catching, leaves an impression that the light is trying to break through the darkness and over power the shadows.

Misce-en-scene: With my characters wearing natural and casual clothing helps my audience relate more with the characters as they are shown to be normal every day people. Her facial expressions however, do suggest that she may be terrified and worried about what is happening to them, her expressions almost come as a warning to the audience to be warned about something that is about to happen.

This still is a wide long shot of two friends having a laugh and messing around. This shot implies entertainment, friendship and laughter as the girl is lifting the boy instead of the other way around. There facial expressions back up the idea of friendship as their faces seem to be filled with joy, happiness and delight. The lighting only impacts on the joy full feeling as it’s natural day light, however due to it not being completely sunny, it could leave the impression of coldness and possible struggle as the day seems to be getting darker.

Alike my other shots, you can see that they are wearing normal, casual every clothing which just leaves the impression that nothing is wrong and that everything could be bliss as they start there new lives. Again you can see the recording effect, which informs the audience that all of this footage is found, but again it leaves the question on where it was found.

This shot is completely different from the other two as it doesn’t have the typical recording effect, but it shows that they are either being recorded or taking photos in front of their new home. However without having this recording effect and the still being a long wide shot, the audience are available to see something that the characters can’t and that’s at the top right hand corner where my audience can briefly see a figure of a little girl in the window. Through this camera angle my audience are available to see everything that my characters are wearing and there body language, which appears to be natural- almost like they are getting ready to pose.

Even though this still isn’t of anybody, it can still come across as threatening by the choice of words that is used. By using the word “suppose”, implies that whatever has happened has ended up turning there simple new home and life upside down. The use of the ghost white is a very effective device as it almost shines through the darkness, which could leave the impression that there could be an eternal struggle with being good and evil. The writing appears sharp and urgent, showing my audience that something is about to happen, which again raises question on what is going on? Or what is about to happen?

This still is of one of my characters using direct address into the camera, again this can be seen as a warning for my audience as strange things have begun. Unfortunately you can’t see it clearly in this close up medium shot, but I added an effect to make it seem like the camera is starting to attract some form of interference, which supernatural fanatics can get the impression that the unknown presence is causing this strange and unnatural interference.

This medium-close up shot allows the audience to get an idea of what is behind in the trunk, as you can see the items associate with younger children, but not the year of the toys come across as ambiguous because the teddy bear in the top right hand corner seems like the oldest toy that could possible be a hand-me-down, but due to it’s condition it appears new- this leaves a mysterious feeling as everything seems confused and muddled. The lighting comes across as darker than the other previous images, due to the location the light couldn’t be from natural day light, therefore the only impression my audience can get is that it’s from a light. By my actor wearing a hoody can suggest that this room is cold, almost freezing, again supernatural fanatics can tie both the interference and the strange coldness down to the unknown paranormal forces.

This still is of a wide-medium shot of the ghost white font placed in front of what seems like a normal, every day home. With having the lighting seem natural, but at the same time dark and eerie, can suggest to my audience that what used to be light, bright and happy, is slowly turning into a dark, decaying nightmare. This shot completely contrasts with the bright black and white still of the friends gathering around their new home at the beginning. The writing of “based on a true series of events,” may be a useful devise to terrify my audience as due to the trailer showing “true events” could symbolise that what is happening to my characters may end up happening to them. As the home is an every day scenario, so it introduces the gothic term of everyday vs. ghastly. The inspiration from the shot comes from the trailer of The Possession.

This still of one of my characters speaks very differently than the rest of the shots. Through the use of the darkness, my audience can immediately get the feeling that their world has been turned upside down and darkness has taken over. The use of this long angle allows my audience to see everything that is going on and the body language of my “possessed” character as the candles and pictures are in circle of séanc, this suggest witchcraft, supernatural forces and dark spirits.

This shot can come across as very menacing as the black and white plays around with the colours and the long shot of the boy coming up the stairs suggests that he is coming for the audience. The effect I have used is an old documentary style where the lines slowly jot across the screen. This long- wide angle allows the audience to see the boys body language, and through the use of his head looking like its dropped down and not looking up can back up the idea of a possession, as he doesn’t look in control of his own body.

Again this black and white shot enables the audience to tell that there is something wrong as it plays around with the menacing shadows. With this camera angle, the audience can see what my actress can’t, and having her in a natural position (reading a book) whilst there seems to be a figure about to tower over her can leave the audience horrified as they may relate with this shot, as anything could be lurking by them without them noticing.
