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1 Annual General Meeting of The National Trust Sri Lanka 27 th March 2014 The National Trust – Sri Lanka 407, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7 Tel: 2682730 Email : [email protected] Website : www.thenationaltrust.lk
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Annual General Meeting of The National Trust

Sri Lanka


March 2014

The National Trust – Sri Lanka 407, Bauddhaloka Mawatha, Colombo 7

Tel: 2682730

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.thenationaltrust.lk

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LIST OF TRUSTEES as at 31st December 2013 14

LIST OF LIFE MEMBERS as at 31st December 2013 15-17

LIST OF ANNUAL MEMBERS as at 31 st December 2013 18-22

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Agenda of the AGM 1. Welcome by the President. 2. Secretary General’s Report for 2012. (Annex ‘A’) 3. Statement of Accounts and the Audited Balance Sheet for 2012.

(Annex ‘B’) 4. Presidents Report for2012. (Annex ‘C’) 5. Announcement of Office Bearers for 2013

As proposed by Dr. Roland Silva and seconded by Prof. Nimal Silva President - Prof. Nimal de Silva

Co – President - Prof. Senake Bandaranayake Honorary President - Dr. Roland Silva Deputy President - Mr. U.L. Kadurugamuwa

Senior Vice President - Mr. K.Kanag-Isvaran PC Vice President/AdviserFinance - Mr. N.G.Wickremeratne

Vice President - Archt. Ashley de Vos Secretary General - Mr. H.D.S.Hettipathirane

Assistant Secretary General - Arch. Nilan Cooray

6. Launch of the First Publication under the ‘Seven Arts of Sri Lanka’ –Outstanding International Artists of an Era, at the End of the 20th Century Series, covering ‘SCULPTURE’ - The Work of Dr.Tissa Ranasinghe, -Represented by Justice Parinda Ranasinghe Sponsored by the G.C.Mendis Memorial Trust – Represented by Mrs. Sita Peiris and Authored by Mr. Neville Weereratne and Printed by Aitken Spence Represented by Mr. Prasanna Karunatilake.

7. Monthly Lecture presented by:

Prof. Senake Bandaranayake, “ Sri Lanka: Ancient and Early Maps.”

Contributions from the House

Vote of Thanks

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Mr. President,


Members of the Sri Lanka National Trust

Ladies and Gentlemen.

As Secretary General, I am pleased to present the Annual Report of the National Trust for

the ninth consecutive year. Nine years have passed since the establishment of the National Trust in May

2005 and I wish to report that, by now we have become a strong non-governmental body, well

recognized nationally and internationally. The general member-ship of our organization is a total of 320

heritage conscious citizens many of whom are academics and professionals. 114 are Life Members

with more annual members opting for Life Membership. The majority of our members being

enlightened citizens have served the nation for more than three decades, while others still continue to

contribute their share. Let me take this opportunity to remember Mr. Elmo Alles who passed away a

few months ago .He was an active member and helped us by organizing very useful seminars and

workshops, as Chairperson of the Ancient Routes Committee. We deeply mourn his loss.

The year 2013 also showed much promise for the National Trust as seen by its achievements

and the successful implementation of a number of heritage based activities which benefited its

members in particular and the public in general. On behalf of the Trustees, I wish to place on record our

sincere appreciation of the contribution and support extended to the Trust by the general membership.

The main reason for another successful year of the National Trust, we believe, has been the dedication

of the Trustees and the Members as well as the team spirit and enthusiasm of the two groups.

As has been the tradition, the National Trust arranged opportunities in the year 2013 for each

member to meet most of their fellow members by participating in a number of activities of heritage

interest. One such activity which brought the membership together and kept the National Trust alive

throughout the year was the gathering at the monthly lecture. The National Trust was successful in

organizing and conducting the lecture series scheduled for the year. The topics of the lectures covered

various subjects of heritage interest - the presenters were recognized scholars and professionals in the

respective fields. In addition to enriching their knowledge, the members had opportunities to interact

with each other by participating in the discussions, and contributing their knowledge and experience on

the respective subjects. In turn, the National Trust, provided an opportunity for the audience s to get to

know scholars in the respective fields. Of the 59 special lecture series eleven (11) presentations were

held in 2013 and were well attended by more than 200 persons. In addition to the educational and

academic value, the special monthly lectures brought much publicity to the National Trust and its

activities - a source of encouragement to both the membership drive and its fundraising efforts. The

results have been immensely gratifying as shown by the response of the scholars who delivered the

lectures in an honorary capacity.

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Lectures conducted in 2013;

1. “Sigiriya in a Global Landscape Context” by Dr. Nilan Cooray 2. “Flags of Sri Lanka” by Prof. Nimal De Silva 3. “Sri Lanka: Ancient and Early Maps” by Prof. Senake Bandaranayake 4. “Oru and Maha Oru : their techno-cultural aspects” by Prof. Vini Vitharana and Lt. Cdr. Somasiri Devendra 5. “Aubrey Collete –Art, Life and Politics- A Profile of My Father” by Ms. Cresside Collette 6. “Sinhala Drama Music” by Dr. Jayalath Manorathne 7. “Language on Coins and Bank Notes of Sri Lanka” by Dr. Kavan Rathnatunga 8. “Fresh Water Fish in Sri Lanka and its Export Trade” by Mr. Samantha Gunasekara 9. “Thesavalamai ,the Law and Its Application” by Mr. Kanag Isvaran (PC) 10. “Ananda and Ethel Coomaraswamy and the making of Medieval Sinhalese Art” by Archt. Ismeth Raheem 11. “The Art of Making Sri Lankan Masks” by Prof Lionel Bentharage

We wish to place on record our appreciation of the presenters who accepted our invitations to conduct

the lectures in an honorary capacity We are also thankful to the Hatton National Bank for making

available the HNB Auditorium at the HNB Towers for our monthly lectures.

Today after the AGM we will be listening to our 60th lecture “ A Voyage in Sri Lankan Design” presented

by Archt. Tilak Samarawickrema.

I am glad to announce that plans are underway to reactivate the simultaneous transmission of the

lecture presentations to Kandy which had been interrupted during past few months due to technical

reasons. We thank the members of the Lecture Committee headed by Mr. U.L.Kadurugamuwa, Mr. N.G.

Wickremeratne, Mr. Kanag Isvaran, Prof. Arjuna Aluvihare of the Kandy Team , Major General Lohan

Goonewardena and the team of volunteers of F. J. and G. De Saram for their continued support in the

coordination of these lectures throughout the year.

In addition to the monthly lecture sessions, the members were given an opportunity to meet in smaller

groups when they joined in Quarterly Heritage Tours and attended seminars held outside Colombo.

Four Quarterly Heritage Tours were conducted successfully during the year enabling members who

participated to be more knowledgeable about a large number of lesser known heritage sites in the

country. Scholars who participated in the tours volunteered to guide the others, booklets were

prepared as a guide to each of the tour for the benefit of the participants. A separate volume titled,

“Cultural Day Tours” was also published during the year covering all quarterly tours that had been

conducted. This book gave due recognition and respect to a dearly loved Trustee the Late Ms. Nirmala

de Mel who served as the Chairperson of the Heritage Tour Committee until her untimely death. An

important tour cum seminar was also organized during the year in December, by the Ancient Routes

Committee of the Trust outside Colombo at the ancient Fort of “Balana”, near Kadugannawa and it

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was attended by more than 50 participants. I wish to thank the new chairperson of the committee, Ms.

Rohini Nanayakkara and Mr. Sri Lal Perera for the initiative taken in organising both the tour and the


The National Trust continues its practice of conducting regular monthly Progress Meetings of the

Trustees and Meetings of the Management Committee through out the year without any

interruption. The Trust conducted the 92nd Meeting of the Trustees just an hour ago to work out the

policies, plans and strategies to be implemented and to review the progress of projected activities.

Twelve meetings were held during the year under review. These meetings are vital as they create an

opportunity for the relevant experts to workout strategies in relation to the development needs of the

cultural and natural heritage of the country and to assist the public and the private institutions to get

the best strategies implemented. As a policy, the Trust has extended its support and consultancy

services to outside organizations free of charge. The Management Committee meets two weeks before

every monthly meeting of the Trustees. As reported at the last Annual General Meeting, one of the main

driving forces behind the success of affairs of the Trust during this year too, has been the role played by

the “Management Committee” that worked out every minute detail of the programmes of activities,

covering all aspects, paying special attention to fundraising, effective management of finances, the

membership drive and the policy frame work in relation to the day to day operations. On behalf of the

general membership, let me take this opportunity to extend our gratitude, to the members of the

Management Committee namely, Prof. Nimal de Silva, Dr. Roland Silva, Mr. N.G. Wickremeratne, Mr.

U.L.Kadurugamuwa, and Mr. K. Kanag-Isvaran for working with much dedication throughout the year

along with the representatives of the HNB Sustainability Foundation and Ms. Devika Anthonisz of the

National Trust office and Major General (Rtd) Lohan Goonewardena of M/S F. G. J de Sarams and other

volunteers who supported the committee to reach the present level of success.

The expansion of other heritage related activities of the National Trust has been remarkable, during the

year. Let me now highlight some of the other heritage related activities implemented during the year

and the related sub-bodies which assisted the trust to achieve results. Scientific Sub-Committees of the

National Trust which are eight in number conducted regular monthly meetings and discussions to

formulate and carryout plans covering their respective specialized subjects and so supported the main

body. As was reported in the past the programmes implemented by these committees were of

immense importance to the Trust and to the heritage of the nation at large. These covered a wide range

of heritage subjects namely: Monuments and Sites, Moveable Artefacts, Natural Heritage, Intangible

Heritage, Paintings, Sculpture and Visual Arts, Architectural Conservation, Cultural Routes and

Industrial Heritage. As all are aware, the Scientific Sub-committees comprised of professionals and

outstanding persons in the relevant areas of heritage studies. The professional input of these

personalities and heritage matters have been of much importance to the activities of the Trust. Some of

the sub-committees helped to publish their work in the form of research material and books to

supplement the special publication series while others conducted workshops and seminars of heritage

importance to the members and the general public. Due appreciation has to be placed on record here

to Dr. Roland Silva, Prof. Nimal De Silva and the members of the sub-committees as well as the relevant

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Chairpersons for encouraging and assisting the sub-committees and especially to Dr. Nilan Cooray and

Mr. Prasad Fonseka , for coordinating the Scientific Sub-committee meetings..

The publication of a series of ten special volumes on Cultural and Natural Heritage also continued

and a total of seven volumes has been published to date including the volume titled “ Maritime

Heritage of Sri Lanka” authored by 20 learned writes and edited by Dr. Sarala Fernando and

published during the year under review. The series of special publications which are already

available on sale are ;

1. Birds of Sri Lanka, 2. Flowering Plants of Sri Lanka. 3. Heritage Buildings of Sri Lanka, 4. 20th Century Painters of Sri Lanka, 5. Heritage Photography of Sri Llanka 6. Coral Reefs of Sri Lanka, 7. Maritime Heritage of Sri Lanka. In addition to dissemination of knowledge among the public on Sri Lanka’s heritage ,the publication project supported the National Trust as a mean of raising funds.

On behalf of the Trustees and the general membership I take this opportunity to extend the gratitude of

the Trust to the authors, the designer and the copy editor for devoting their valuable time in writing,

designing and editing these handsome volumes and so making their contribution to the nation. The

National Trust wishes to place on record its appreciation to the sponsors who contributed funds to meet

the cost of printing, thus extending their generosity to promote the cultural traditions of our country.

We also thank the Trustees who took the initiative to find suitable sponsors towards this worthy project.

Membership drive , Extension of Trust Activities and Raising of Funds :

With a view to expanding its activities and making the Trust more popular among a wider

public, the membership drive was launched with a 350 membership target. This was achieved to

a great extent during the year with the regular appeals made monthly after every lecture. The

National Trust target of membership was achieved thanks to the untiring efforts taken by the

Members of the Management Committee. A fair number of young members have joined the

trust by now and the number of life members increased to 114. There are plans underway to

expand its activities geographically to other parts of the country. As an initial step there is a plan

to make copies of the special monthly lectures available to heritage enthusiasts living in

outstations such as Kandy, Galle and Jaffna.

Due to its various fund raising efforts, the Trust increased its income to a sum of Rs 4.2 million

by the end of 2013 providing sufficient funds to run its day to day activities. Total spending has

been Rs 2.8 million.However we still need sponsors for the special publications programme.

Details regarding expenditure are given in the Audited Statement of Accounts already made

available to you. We take this opportunity to thank the Management Committee which guided

the Trust to have a more effective management and control system in its income and

expenditure and M/s Ernest and Young for auditing of accounts in an honorary capacity. The

sources of funding have been local and international donors, sponsors, well wishers, sale of

publications and the general membership fees. The Hatton National Bank continued to

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contribute generously to meet the day to day expenditure of the Trust during 2013 as well. We

thank the Directors of Hatton National Bank for this generous grant.

Another activity of the Trust, assisting other institutions and individuals dealing with the

subject of the preservation of heritage and the promotion of international cooperation on

heritage activities also continued during the year.

As it was practiced in the previous years, the National Trust continued to be associated with the

extraordinary work of collaboration with public and private sector national and international

institutions such as The Department of Archaeology, Department National Museums, Urban

Development Authority, Colombo Municipality and the National Physical Planning Department

on various heritage projects. The international institutions associated with the National Trust

were the Prince Claus Fund (PCF) of the Netherlands, the International National Trust

Organization (INTO), the Dutch–Sri Lanka Association and the Centre for International Heritage

Activities (CIE) in the Netherlands. Action has been initiated with the IIAS, IHS and NUFFIC in the

Netherlands to conduct a training workshop in June 2014 for middle level professionals of the

main Sri Lankan heritage institutions under the theme, “ Urban Heritage as an Economic Asset”

. The National Trust extended its assistance to other private and public heritage institutions in

Sri Lanka by providing expert and specialist services and coordinating special programmes with


A committee of National Trust experts has been appointed to give advisory support to

complement the special project, on the Jaffna Medieval Grid City. Phase I of the conservation

of the Malwana Ancient Fort has been carried out with the seed money provided by the Prince

Claus Fund and has reached its final stage . Phase II is yet to be completed.

The other Projects undertaken during the past year are the publication of another series, “The

Seven Arts of Sri Lanka - Outstanding International and National Artists”; the development of

the Website; and the Promotion of Modern Arts programme .

As was in the past, the achievements of the National Trust during the year 2013 have been

mainly due to the team spirit and the strong commitment and the dedication of the Trustees,

the key members of the Management Committee, the Members of the Scientific and other Sub-

Committees, the general membership and the well wishers. The commitment and the

enthusiasm exhibited by the team of volunteers who were with the Trust through-out have also

been most commendable. Let us take this opportunity to thank them all for their effort.

Hoping to see another successful year of operations, let me conclude my report for the year 2013


Secretary General, 27th March 2014

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Dear Trustees, Dear Members of the National Trust, Dear friends of the Trust,

The National Trust of Sri Lanka established nine years ago has marched forward fulfilling the objectives

of preserving, documenting, study and dissemination of knowledge on both cultural and natural

heritage of Sri Lanka. I took over the office of the President of this prestigious institution from the

unique heritage personality, none other than Dr. Roland Silva who dedicated his life holding prestigious

positions in cultural preservation as Director General, Dept of Archaeology, Founder Director General of

the Central Cultural Fund and President of the International Council of Monuments and Sites etc.

Further we must be thankful to Prof. Senake Bandaranayake for his initiative and contribution made in

establishing the National Trust in year 2005.

During the last year we managed to continue the good work previously carried out by the National Trust

such as –

• Monthly lectures on Cultural and National Heritage

• Heritage Tours

• Publication of Prestigious Volumes on National Heritage

• Publication on Cultural facets

• Discussions on Heritage matters

• Recording outstanding creations of Seven Arts of the land

• Obtaining sponsorship for National Trust activities.

Monthly Lectures on both Cultural and National Heritage

During the last year we were fortunate to get eleven learned personalities to deliver the following

lectures to the membership and the public.

Tangible Cultural Heritage

• Sigiriya in the Global Landscape context by Archt Nilan Cooray

• Flags of Ancient Sri Lanka by Prof. Nimal de Silva

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• Sri Lanka: Ancient and early Maps by Prof. Senake Bandaranayake

• Oru & Maha Oru by Prof. Vini Vitharana & Lt Col Somasiri Devendra

• The Language of Coins & Bank Notes by Dr. Kavan Ratnatunga

• The Art of making Sri Lankan Masks by Prof. Lionel Bentarage

Intangible Cultural Heritage

• Aubrey Collette – A profile of my father by Cresside Collette

• Ananda & Ethel Coomaraswamy and the making of Mediaeval Sinhala Art

by Archt Ismeth Raheem

• Evolution of Music in Sinhala Theatre by Dr. Jayalath Manorathna

• Tesavalamai Law and its application by K Kanag-Isvaran PC

Natural Heritage

• Indigenous Freshwater Fish species and their Export trade

by Samantha Gunesekara

Of these the two lectures delivered in Sinhala with performing highlights by Dr. Jayalath Manorathna

and Prof. Lionel Bentarage were special and entertaining. Every lecture was attended by more than 200

members and guests. The intention of these lectures was to create interest in different facets of Culture

and Nature and to disseminate knowledge.

Historic Tours to Heritage sites

Quarterly tours were organized to visit places of Historical, Cultural or Natural interest which were

worthy to experience. The Quarterly Day tours were done on the last Saturday of the middle month of

each quarter. There were forty to forty five participants on every tour which commenced from the

PGIAR premises at Bauddhaloka Mawatha at 6.30 in the morning. A detached academic booklet of 20-30

pages was prepared for each tour following a pre-tour.

The first twenty four of the Heritage Booklets were edited into one publication named “Heritage Day

Tours – Vol 1” by Dr. Nilan Cooray and published as a tribute to the late Ms Nirmala de Mel, the former

Chairperson of the Tour Committee of the National Trust who passed away in January 2013.

Publication of Prestigious Volumes on National Heritage

Two of the Prestigious Volumes, Sculptures of Tissa Ranasinghe and Maritime Heritage of Lanka: Ancient

Ports and Harbours were published in association of the Central Cultural Fund. I thank the Authors and

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editors for their contribution. Publications prepared on many other subjects are in the final stage of


Future Plans

It is planned to diversify the activities of the National Trust with the assistance of volunteers. It is also

planned to conduct lectures in the outstations eg . Kandy.

We are thankful to our main sponsor Hatton National Bank and also the G.C. Mendis Memorial Fund and

National Development Bank for sponsoring our publications Sculptures of Tissa Ranasinghe and

Maritime Heritage of Lanka: Ancient Ports and Harbours respectively. We are also grateful to the

Director PGIAR for providing free accommodation in their premises at Bauddhaloka Mawatha for the

National Trust office. Finally I wish to thank all the Trustees of the National Trust and our Manager

Devika Anthonisz for their commitment.

Thank you all.

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Prof. Nimal de Silva - President

Prof. Senake Bandaranayake - Co-President

Dr. Roland Silva - Honorary President

Mr. U.L Kadurugamuwa - Deputy President

Mr. K. Kanag-Isvaran PC - Senior Vice President

Mr. N.G,Wickremeratne - Vice President/Adviser Finance

Archt. Ashley de Vos - Vice President

Mr. H D S Hettipathirana - Secretary General

Dr. Nilan Cooray - Assistant Secretary General

Prof. Albert Dharmasiri

Archt. D.P. Chandrasekera

Ms. Upekha Chitrasena

Archt. Jayatissa Herath

Mr. Sirinimal Lakdusinghe

Mr. Fiaz Mustapha

Ms. Rohini Nanayakkara

Mr. Prithiviraj Perera

Archt. Ismeth Raheem

Prof. Jagath Weerasinghe

Archt. Pali Wijeratne

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1 Amarasena Dr Chandima Life/ Individual

2 Abhayaratne Ms Mayanthi Life/Individual

3 Athulathmudali Ms Dayanthi Life/Individual

4 Balasuriya Ms Yamuna Life/ Individual

5 Bopitiya Ms Shanti Life/ Individual

6 Cabraal Mr Anil Life/ Individual

7 Cabraal Ms Lakmali Life/ Individual

8 Cader Dr Hosney Life/ Individual

9 Casie Chetty Mr Danesh Life/ Individual

10 Chittambalam Mr Ananda Life/ Individual

11 Corea Dr Enoka Life/ Individual

12 Cooray Mr Hiran Life/Family

13 Cooray Ms Dharshini Life/Family

14 Dayananda Mr Mahen Life/Individual

15 Dayananda Ms Christine Life/Individual

16 De Fonseka Ms Roshni Life/ Individual

17 De Saram Mr Janaka Life/ Individual

18 De Silva Mr Varuna Life/ Individual

19 De Silva Mr Ravi Life/ Individual

20 De Silva Dr Deepthi Life/Individual

21 De Silva Dr Rapti Life/Individual

22 De Silva Mr Nihal Life/Individual

23 De Silva Ms Rohini Life/Individual

24 Dhanapala Mr Jayantha Life/ Individual

25 Dhanapala Ms Kiran Life/Individual

26 Dias Mr Shenuka Life/Individual



Bandaranaike Mr Romesh Life/Family



Bandaranaike Ms Anila Life/Family

29 Disanayake Mr Ajith Life/Individual

30 Edrisinghe Mr Ekendra Life/Individual

31 Ellawala Ms Nalini Life/ Individual

32 Esufally Mr Murtaza Life/Family

33 Esufally Ms Avanti Life/Family

34 Fernando Ms Sarala Life/ Individual

35 Fernando Mr Rohan Life/ Individual

36 Fernando Ms Anushka Life/ Individual

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37 Fernando Dr Anoja Life/ Individual

38 Fernando Mr Amal Life/Individual

39 Fonseka Mr Nihal Life/ Individual

40 Fernando Mr Wimalsen Life/Individual

41 Gomes Mr Dian Life/ Individual

42 Goonetilleke Dr Chaminda Life/ Individual

43 Goonesinghe Dr Satish Life / Individual

44 Goonetilleke Ms Gita Life/Individual

45 Goonewardene Dr Ruvani Life/Individual

46 Gunatilaka Dr Ramani Life/ Individual

47 Gunatilleke Mr Milinda Life/Individual

48 Gunesekara Mr Nissanka Life/Individual

49 Gunawardana Mr Kapila Life/ Individual

50 Gunawardana Ms Bimal Life/ Individual

51 Gunawardena Mr Chandima Life/ Individual

52 Indralal Mr Jayantha Life/ Individual

53 Jayaratne Mr Chandra Life/Family

54 Jayaratne Ms Rohana Life/Family

55 Jayasinghe Ms Gayathree Life/ Individual

56 Jayasinghe Mr Rajindra Life/Individual

57 Jayasinghe Ms Chamintha Life/Individual

58 Jayawardena Ms Dushanthi Life/family

59 Jayawardene Dr Shanti Life/Individual

60 Jinasena Mr Tissa Life/Individual

61 Karunaratne Mr Amal Life/ Individual

62 Kumaratunga H.E. Chandrika Life/ Individual

63 Lankeswara Mr Indrajith Life/ Individual

64 Livera Mr Joe Life/Individual

65 Nadesan Mr Kumar Life/ Individual

66 Nanayakkara Mr Kirthi Life/ Individual

67 Nagendra Mr Sega Life/ Individual

68 Nesiah Mr Nagulan Life/Family

69 Nikapota Ms Anula Life/ Individual

70 Nikapota Mr Vijitha Life/ Individual

71 Omar Ms Sabina Life/ Individual

72 Pathirana Dr Hiranthi Life/Individual

73 Peiris Mr Shamil Life/ Individual

74 Perera Mr Srilal Life/ Individual

75 Perera Mr Dushy Life/ Individual

76 Perera Ms Prithiva Life/ Individual

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77 Perera Mr Viren Life/ Individual

78 Pieris Ms Sita Life/ Individual



Jayawardena Mr Bertal Life/Individual

80 Rajakaruna Mr Saliya Life/ Individual

81 Ranasinghe Ms Sunethra Life/Individual

82 Ranasinghe Ms Renuka Life/Individual

83 Ratnayake Mr Tivanka Life/Individual

84 Ratwatta Mr Charitha(Jnr) Life/ Individual

85 Raymond Mr Keith Life/Individual

86 Rodriguez Ms Roshini Life/ Individual

87 Samarajeewa Mr Dharmin Life/ Individual

88 Samarasinghe Mr Pravir Life/Family

89 Samarasinghe Ms Chuladhara Life/Family

90 Samarasinghe Mr Sarath Life/Family

91 Samarasinghe Ms Srimalie Life/Family

92 Samaraweera Mr Asiri Life/Individual

93 Semage Mr Kumara Life/Individual

94 Silva Ms Neela Life/ Individual

95 Speldewinde Ms Eesha Life/ Individual

96 Thenuwara Ms Chandramani Life/ Individual

97 Thilakaratne Dr Seevali Life/Individual

98 Thiruchelvam Mr Mookiah Life/ Individual

99 Vidyasagara Ms Sushara Life/ Individual

100 Vithanage Mr Indika Life/Individual

101 Wambeck Mr Maurice Life/Individual

102 Weerapperuma Dr Sama Life/Individual

103 Weerasuriya Mr Kumar Life/ Individual

104 Weerasuriya Ms Nadishka Life/Individual

105 Weerasuriya Mr Yohan Life/Individual

106 Weerasooria Ms Tania Life/ Individual

107 Wickramasinghe Mr Maninda Life/ Individual

108 Wijewardene Ms Amari Life/ Individual

109 Wikramanayake Prof Dr. Eugene Life/ Individual

110 Wikramanayake Mr Mohan Life/Individual

111 Wickremeratne Ms Kumari Life/ Individual

112 Withanage Ms Preeni Life/Individual

113 Yapa Ms Lalana Life/Individual

114 Yasaratne Mr Anisha Life/ Individual

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1 Abdul- Rahuman Ms Ayesha Individual

2 Abdul- Rahuman Mr Rasheed Individual

3 Abeysekera Dr Navindra A Individual

4 Abeynaike Ms Chrishanthi Individual

5 Abeygunawardena Mr Rohan Individual

6 Abeysundara Dr Athula Individual

7 Alles Mr Elmo Individual

8 Alles Ms Lesley Individual

9 Amendra Ms Shereen Individual

10 Anthonisz Ms Devika Individual

11 Anthonisz Mr Michael Individual

12 Ameratunga Mr Hiranjan Individual

13 Athukorale Mr Ananda Individual

14 Athulugama Mr Sumangalie Individual

15 Bennet Dr John Individual

16 Bennet Dr Pia Individual

17 Benjamin Ms Chris Individual

18 Block Mr Lalith Individual

19 Boekel Mr Rudolf Individual

20 Bowden Prof Russell Individual

21 Cabraal Ms Shyami Individual

22 Cader Ms Sherine Individual

23 Cadiramanpulle Ms Manohari Individual

24 Chanmugam Mr Christine Individual

25 Colonne Mr Mahinda Individual

26 Colonne Ms Mahishini Individual

27 Colonne Mr Sarbjit Kaur Individual

28 Cooray Ms Pamela Individual

29 Corea Ms Manorani Individual

30 Dharmasiriwardena Mr Edmund Individual

31 Dharmawardene Mr


e Individual

32 De Alwis Mr T.L. Individual

33 De Mel Ms Premala Individual

34 De Saram Ms Sharadha Individual

35 De Silva Mr Anura Individual

36 De Silva Dr Ranjith Individual

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37 De Silva Ms Kantha Individual

38 De Silva Ms Venya Individual

39 De Silva Ms Shayari Individual

40 De Silva Ms Dilrukshi Individual

41 De Silva Ms Lilani Individual

42 De Silva Dr Stephanie Individual

43 De Silva Mr Raaj Individual

44 De Silva Ms Chulie Individual

45 De Soysa Ms Minoli Individual

46 De Soysa Ms Rehana Individual

47 De Soysa Mr Geevaka Individual

48 De Soysa Ms Nela Individual

49 De S Wijeyeratne Ms Nirma Individual

50 De Vos Ms Fatma Individual

51 De Zoysa Dr Asoka Individual

52 Dias Bandaranaike Ms Radhika Individual

53 Direcksz Mr Scott Individual

54 Dissanayake Ms Melani Individual

55 Fernando


) NGA Nihal Individual

56 Fernando Dr Malik Individual

57 Fernando Mr.


Ravindra Individual

58 Fernando Ms Swun Individual

59 Fernando Mr Sena Individual

60 Fernando Ms Ninel Individual

61 Fonseka Mr Dhamsiri Individual

62 Fonseka Ms Anne Marie Individual

63 Fonseka Ms Bhavani Individual

64 Ganeshananthan Ms Vimala Individual

65 Gooneratne Ms Deepthi Individual

66 Gooneratne Mr Ranjan Individual

67 Goonesinghe Dr Renuka Individual

68 Goonetillake Ms Niranjana Individual

69 Gunatilaka(Corea) Ms Sharmila Individual

70 Gunasekera Mr Udaya Individual

71 Gunasekera Ms Savitri Individual

72 Gunawardana Ms Aruni Individual

73 Gunawardena Mr Walter Individual

74 Gunawardena Mr Tyron Family

75 Gunawardena-Alu Ms Ayomi Family

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76 Gunesekera Mr Nissanka Individual

77 Hapugoda Mr K. Deva Individual

78 Illangakoon Ms Anoma Individual

79 Iriyagolla Ms Indrani Individual

80 Jayatilleka Mr Ananda family

81 Jayatilleka Ms Premila family

82 Jayaratne Ms Preethi Individual

83 Jayewardene Ms Amitha Individual

84 Kamalgoda Mr Namal Individual

85 Kamalgoda Ms Jacqueline Individual

86 Kannagara Ms Nirmalini Individual

87 Kashimoto Ms Nana Individual

88 Kiriella Mr Giyan Individual

89 Kodikara Mr Thusitha Individual

90 Krishnamoorthy Mr Manickam family

91 Krishnamoorthy Ms Mihiri family

92 Ladduwahetty Dr Mahes Individual

93 Ladduwahetty Mr Neville Individual

94 Liyanage Mr Sarath Individual

95 Macdonald Ms Jill Individual

96 Malalasekera Mr Vijaya Individual

97 Martenstyne Ms Druki Individual

98 Mendis Ms Charmaine Individual

99 Mendis Mr Frederick Individual

100 Mendis Ms Padma Individual

101 Mendis Mr Chrishane Individual

102 Murphy Ms Marion Individual

103 Nadarasa Ms Puvanam Individual

104 Nagahawatte Ms Shiro Individual

105 Nagalingam Mr Raja Individual

106 Nagalingam Mrs Prabha Individual

107 Nandasena Ms KAD Individual

108 Nanayakkara Ms Padmini Individual

109 Nalliah Mr Siva Individual

110 Nelufer Mr


M Individual

111 Nelufer Ms Fareena Individual

112 Perera Ms Carmen Individual

113 Perera Ms Amritha Individual

114 Perera Dr Mohan Individual

115 Perera Mr Nishan Individual

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116 Perera Ms Celia Individual

117 Perera Ms Ramali Individual

118 Perera Dr Z. Shan Individual

119 Perera Mr Kanishka Individual

120 Perera Dr Rohan Individual

121 Perera Mr


Kayana Individual

122 Pieris Ms Nilanthi Individual

123 Peiris Ms Kamalika Individual

124 Peiris Ms Damayanthi Individual

125 Peitersz Ms Corellie Individual

126 Piyasena Ms Srimal Individual

127 Ponniah Ms Radhika Individual

128 Puswella Mr Udaya Individual

129 Puswella Ms Isabella Individual

130 Puswella Mr Sylvan Individual

131 Raheem Ms Delini Individual

132 Rahuman Mr A. Cassim.M Individual

133 Ranasinghe Dr Kingsley Individual

134 Ranasinghe Ms Surangani Individual

135 Ranasinghe Ms Chaturi Individual

136 Ranjan Mr Individual

137 Ratnavale Ms Sutami Individual

138 Ratnavibushana Ms Sundarika Individual

139 Ratwatte Mr Charitha Individual

140 Ratwatte Mr Jayantissa Individual

141 Ratwatte Ms Manel Individual

142 Ratwatte


Lekha Individual

143 Razik Ms Zinufa Individual

144 Rodrigues Mr Raj Individual

145 Rodrigo Mr Lalith Individual

146 Salgado Ms Iromi Individual

147 Sandirasegaram Mr. Kumar Individual

148 Samaranayake Ms Anusha Individual

149 Samatasinghe Mr Raminal Individual

150 Samarasinghe Ms Rukmali Individual

151 Samaratunga Ms Pinnya Individual

152 Samaratunga Mr Jayasiri Individual

153 Samarawickrema Ms Sumanthri Individual

154 Senadhira Dr. Adrian Individual

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155 Senadhira Ms Shireen Individual

156 Senanayake Mr Sanjeeva Individual

157 Senaratne Mr Sudarshan Individual

158 Seneviratne Ms Srima Individual

159 Silva Ms Cheryl Individual

160 Simithraaratchy Ms Chitra Individual

161 Simithraaratchy Ms Rupa Individual

162 Sivananthan Ms Vijayaluxmi Individual

163 Sivasegaram Ms Premala Individual

164 Sivasubramaniam Mr Ratnam Individual

165 Sivasubramaniam Mrs Ganeswary Individual

166 Soysa Mr Harsha Individual

167 Tilakaratne Ms Chandini Individual

168 Thenabadu Dr Asoka Individual

169 Tudawe Ms Shamalee Individual

170 Unamboowe Ms Ira Gertrude Individual

171 Uragoda Ms Dianthi Individual

172 uswatte-arachchi Mr G Individual

173 Van Haght Ms Deshika Individual

174 Vanniasingkam Ms Gayathri Individual

175 Vanniasingkam Mr Thiagaraja Individual

176 Vokes Dr Richard Individual

177 Wade Ms Yasmin Individual

178 Weerakoon Desha Bradman Individual

179 Weeraman Ms Minoli Individual

180 Weerasinghe Mr Lahiru Individual

181 Weerasinghe Ms Bethany Individual

182 Weerasuriya Mr Iresh Individual

183 Wickramanayake Ms Tara Individual

184 Wikramanayake Dr Nalin Family

185 Wikramanayake Ms Sharmini Family

186 Wickremaratne Mr Vinodh Individual

187 Wickremeratne Mr Noel Individual

188 Wickremeratne Ms Karina Individual

189 Wickremesinghe Mr W Individual

190 Wickremesinghe Dr Narme Individual

191 Wichremesinghe Ms Nirmali Individual

192 Wickramasinghe Ms Premala Individual

193 Wickramasinghe Mr Pani Individual

194 Wickramasinghe Dr Rohan Individual

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195 Wimalasuriya Mr Gamini Individual

196 Wijedasa Mr K.L.F Individual

197 Wijenaike Ms Anoushka Individual

198 Wijenaike Mr Eranjith Individual

199 Wijenaike Ms Ashanthi Individual

200 Wijesekera Ms Dilani Individual

201 Wijesinghe Mr Thilak Individual

202 Wijesinghe Ms Manuka Individual

203 Wijesinghe Mr Sunil Individual

204 Wijewardene Ms Anoma Individual

205 Wijenandana Ms Ruvani Individual

206 Wijekoon Mr Roshan Individual

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