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AnnuAl PresentAtion

of AwArds

to GrAduAtinG


Chair:Dr. M. Milde, Dean

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Introductory Remarks

Presentation of Awards to Graduating Students

Closing Remarks

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ScholarShiPS and



academic excellence

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The FaculTy oF arTS and humaniTieS


Tristan Neill

who was selected as the carrier of the

Arts and Humanities gonfalon at Convocation today.

Mr. Neill received the highest overall average for graduating

students in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

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The angela armiTT gold medal

Awarded to the part-time student with the highest

average in any program

Brenda Marie PalmerDean’s Honor List:

2008-09, 2010-11, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor M. Milde, Dean

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of Philosophy

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS Bachelor oF arTS

Tristan NeillDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor M. Milde, Dean

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of Philosophy

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For Four year

Bachelor oF arTS (SPecializaTion)

Alyse WassermanDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor J. Hatch, Associate Dean (Academic)

BA, BFA, MA, PhDDepartment of Visual Arts

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For

honorS Scholar’S elecTiveS

Tristan NeillDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor J. Hatch, Associate Dean (Academic)

BA, BFA, MA, PhDDepartment of Visual Arts

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For Three year

Bachelor oF arTS (major)

Brett Marshall MorreauDean’s Honor List:

2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor J. Hatch, Associate Dean (Academic)

BA, BFA, MA, PhDDepartment of Visual Arts

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For Four year

Bachelor oF arTS (major)

Chloe-Jane Frances HarleDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2011-12, 2012-13

Presented by:Professor J. Hatch, Associate Dean (Academic)

BA, BFA, MA, PhDDepartment of Visual Arts

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS major in claSSical STudieS

Elspeth GrahamDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor A. Suksi

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of Classical Studies

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS SPecializaTion in claSSical STudieS

Shana Alexandra Gordon-Katz

Dean’s Honor List:2011-12, 2012-13

We wish Ms. Gordon-Katz continuedsuccess in her future endeavours.

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS SPecializaTion in creaTive wriTing and

engliSh language and liTeraTure

Briana MaguireDean’s Honor List:2011-12, 2012-13

We wish Ms. Maguire continued success inher future endeavours.

The helen m.B. alliSon

gold medal For honorS engliSh language and liTeraTure

Alexandra OrfanidesDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor A. Pero

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of English and Writing Studies

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KriSTin Brady memorial Prize

Awarded to a top graduating student in an

Honors Specialization in English Language and Literature or

Honors Double Major English Program

Alexandra Carrillo-HayleyDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor M. Jones

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of English and Writing Studies

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS major in engliSh language and liTeraTure

Nathan TebokkelDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13

We wish Mr. Tebokkel continued success

in his future endeavours.

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS major in Film STudieS

David GreenbergDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

We wish Mr. Greenberg continued success

in his future endeavours.

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS SPecializaTion in Film STudieS

Jesse Daniel BrossoitDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor C. Gittings

BA, MA, BA, PhDDepartment of Film Studies

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS SPecializaTion

in French language and linguiSTicS

Emily DyckDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor J. Lamarche

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of French Studies

a. doroThy Turville gold medal For French and SPaniSh

Emily DyckDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor J. Lamarche

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of French Studies

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Sir c.e. SaunderS - m.e. anderSon

ScholarShiP in French language and liTeraTure

Adam CarlinDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor C. Roulston

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of French Studies

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS SPecializaTion in French language and liTeraTure

Adam CarlinDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor C. Roulston

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of French Studies

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS major in French language and liTeraTure

Brian McNamaraDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

We wish Mr. McNamara continued success in hisfuture endeavours.

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For

honorS major in French STudieS

Dominic BellDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2011-12, 2012-13

We wish Mr. Bell continued success in hisfuture endeavours.

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS major

in SPaniSh language and linguiSTicS

Chelsea Faye Earle WhitwellDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor S. Perpiñán

BA, MART UDepartment of Modern Languages and Literatures

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS major

in comParaTive liTeraTure and culTure

Claire ForwardDean’s Honor List:2009-10, 2012-13

Presented by:Professor V. Tumanov

BA, MA, PhDDepartment of Modern Languages and Literatures

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For

honorS SPecializaTion in PhiloSoPhy

Tristan NeillDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor C.VigerBSc, MA, MSc, PhD

Department of Philosophy

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For

honorS major in linguiSTicS

Chelsea Faye Earle WhitwellDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor S. Perpiñán

BA, MART UDepartment of Modern Languages and Literatures

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For

honorS SPecializaTion in STudio arTS

Rebecca ChinDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

We wish Ms. Chin continued success inher future endeavours.

Tony and BeTSy liTTle gold medal in viSual arTS

Rebecca ChinDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

We wish Ms. Chin continued success inher future endeavours.

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For

honorS major in arT hiSTory

Lisa DoerksenDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

Presented by:Professor J. James

MFA, PhDDepartment of Visual Arts

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For

honorS SPecializaTion in viSual arTS

Catherine KnapDean’s Honor List:2011-12, 2012-13

Presented by:Professor J. James

MFA, PhDDepartment of Visual Arts

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The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS major in women’S STudieS

Kelsey AdamsDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

We wish Ms. Adams continued success inher future endeavours.

The univerSiTy oF weSTern onTario

gold medal For honorS SPecializaTion in women’S STudieS

Erica WhitfordDean’s Honor List:

2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13Graduation with Distinction

We wish Ms. Whitford continued success inher future endeavours.

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Stephanie Fabiana AgostinelliTamara Elyse Alderson Elizabeth Evelyn Appleton Nicole Askin Naomi Bar-HananKimberly Louise BartonTina Louise BeynenKaitlyn Ann BidaLauren BinesGiselle Lorraine BlanchardShelby BoehmAllysa Maria BolzonMarta BoutchmaBrittany Chanel Boyd-PymanJesse Daniel BrossoitRebecca BrownGregory Allen BrownJoanna BrzekSamantha BurgessAdam CarlinAlexandra Carrillo-HayleyKim Leanne CarterMatthew CebulskiKatherine Elizabeth ChauRebecca Chin

Marco Joseph CiarlarielloDawid CieloszczykBrian Michael ConnollyZachary CurrieMargaret Emily DavidsonLisa DoerksenEmily Jean DyckCelia Kathleen EdellMartha ElliottVanessa Aileen England RossBetsy EsbaughJamie Lee FerrinDeirdre FlemingClaire ForwardLaura Elizabeth GoffinShana Alexandra Gordon-KatzElspeth GrahamMichael GysselsRebecca HamChloe-Jane Frances HarleAmy Niamh HigginsDevon Alexandria HubbardThomas Calhoun HunterJustice Desiree Serena JamesAlana Khayat

Codie Ashlyn KishLauren Elizabeth KlapakCatherine KnapMario Stephen LattavoDavid LevyAlicia Marie Harris MaddalenaKaitlyn McGrathBrittany Meredith McvittieKristina MildredKaylee Nicole MillerKevin John MilneCaleigh Janet MonkLaura MontisBrett Marshall MorreauRobert Graham Ledoux MortonMorgan NasrTristan NeillRachel Bryant NewtonKameron OdorizziAlexandra OrfanidesBrenda Marie PalmerSamantha PenningtonAlexandria PetropoulakisKiley Pole

Hillary Ruth Alyssa PooleMeagan PutermanJagdeep Singh RainaCameron RiddellDayna RiddifordChantelle Elizabeth RodriguesKathryn RosemanMatthew Angelo RossoniStephanie Anne SchinkelAndrew Scott David ShawMichael Patrick SillersJason SinukoffRyan Cory SwartzChristine Marie SzarmesSarah TaylorCelina Arline ThompsonLindsay TiedemannAlyse WassermanAnne Holyoke WeaverHelen Victoria WeilerLauren Elizabeth WellsChelsea Faye Earle WhitwellStephanie WoodInna Yasinska

dean’S honor liST2012-2013

dean’S honor liST2012-2013

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STudenTS graduaTingwiTh diSTincTion

Elizabeth Evelyn AppletonNicole AskinLauren BinesAllysa Maria BolzonJesse Daniel BrossoitRebecca BrownGregory Allen BrownAdam CarlinAlexandra Carrillo-HayleyKim Leanne CarterRebecca ChinMarco Joseph CiarlarielloDawid CieloszczykBrian Michael ConnollyLisa DoerksenEmily Jean DyckBetsy EsbaughJessica FayDeirdre FlemingLaura Elizabeth GoffinElspeth GrahamLauren Elizabeth Klapak

Alicia Marie Harris MaddalenaKaitlyn McGrathBrittany Meredith McvittieKristina MildredKaylee Nicole MillerCaleigh Janet MonkLaura MontisBrett Marshall MorreauTristan NeillAlexandra OrfanidesBrenda Marie PalmerSamantha PenningtonHillary Ruth Alyssa PooleMeagan PutermanDayna RiddifordKathryn RosemanStephanie Anne SchinkelRyan Cory SwartzPeter Mark VerlindenAlyse WassermanChelsea Faye Earle Whitwell
