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Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell...

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Service. To patients. To their families. To our community. A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 4
Page 1: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Service. To patients. To their families. To our community.

A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 4

Page 2: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Table of Contents

Letter from the President/CEO and Chairman 1

Letter from the President of the Medical Staff 2

Service Excellence 3

Medical Staff 10

Clinical Services 14

Community Service 16

Financial and Activity Highlights 18

LGH Leadership 20

Philanthropy 22

Lowell General Hospital

Page 3: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Our vision for Lowell General Hospital is to be recognized as one of the best community

hospitals in America. Our first step toward that vision was to identify the three core values that

will enable us to reach that goal: unparalleled expertise, outstanding service and unwavering

integrity. This annual report highlights the second of those areas: service, which encompasses

every aspect of our organization.

Service means providing innovative and quality clinical specialties to our patients and

community. To excel, we must constantly challenge ourselves to expand and improve our

services to not only meet the current healthcare needs of our community, but also anticipate future

needs. We’ve taken major steps in demonstrating this commitment, including the introduction of

the community’s first Primary Angioplasty Service and a Center for Wound Healing. We once

again were named the community’s only five-star maternity center and we set a new standard in

surgical services with highly advanced, image-guided navigational surgery.

Service means treating our patients with compassion, respect—and a smile. Last year, we

committed to setting a new standard of excellence in service with a goal of nothing less than 100

percent patient satisfaction. This initiative is based on ten core values, or standards, to which every

Lowell General employee is held accountable. Those standards include such values as timeliness

of service, attitude, communication and respect of privacy. We have created a "Star Performer of

the Month" program that identifies and rewards the employees who exemplify these standards. We

have also created a series of "service teams"—employees seeking new and better ways to improve

customer service throughout our organization.

Service means fulfilling our mission to the community. This mission entails not only serving

every patient who walks through our doors with high quality care, compassion and expertise, but

also reaching out to educate and improve the health of the entire community. This past year, we

demonstrated this by taking a leadership role in partnering with the American Heart Association to

reduce heart disease in our community.

These three very different definitions of service share the same core value: to go above and beyond

in exceeding the expectations of all those we serve.

Normand E. Deschene John H. Pearson, Jr.President/Chief Executive Officer Chairman, Board of Trustees

Normand E. DeschenePresident/Chief Executive Officer

John H. Pearson, Jr. Chairman, Board of Trustees


A Letter from the President and the Chairman

Page 4: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

A Letter from the President of Medical StaffAs Lowell General Hospital strives to become one of the best community

hospitals in the nation, the medical staff leadership has stepped up, recognizing

that a “best” hospital requires “best” physicians. To help make this vision

a reality, we have pledged to join the hospital in seeking a new standard of

excellence in service, meeting and exceeding the expectations of our patients.

But just what does that mean?

The medical staff at Lowell General Hospital consists of physicians in private

practice and those who are employed by the hospital. One of our first initiatives

in striving for service excellence this past year was the recruitment of new

teams of our hospital-based radiologists, pathologists and anesthesiologists. Those physician

teams—often working behind the scenes—are absolutely crucial in providing quality care to

our patients. The enthusiasm, innovation and energy of these teams have been recognized for

producing a new level of timely, patient-centered service.

Aside from these hospital-based physicians, the medical staff is primarily an independently

employed group. As such, we as a medical staff must ensure our own quality. It is the task

of the medical leadership to recruit and retain the best, and to foster the highest quality of

medical care. To that end, we have begun a new era of multidisciplinary peer review, moving

to a more open forum designed to foster self awareness and self correction. Working together,

we are establishing higher standards of safety, quality and patient care.

I am proud to be part of this change and inspired by the commitment of the hospital leadership

to move forward. That commitment moves me to push forward, seeking the highest excellence

in service in pursuit of our vision to become “the best.”

Melinda Raboin, M.D.

President of Medical Staff

Melinda Raboin, M.D.President of Medical Staff


Page 5: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Every day, individuals across all levels of our organization come

together to serve our patients, their families and our community. They

work not just as individual physicians, nurses or volunteers, but as

a team, striving toward a common goal—to go beyond what is

expected. It is this approach that allows us to treat our patients not just

medically, but individually, spiritually and emotionally. It inspires us

to constantly ask how we can find new and better ways to exceed the

expectations of our patients. It drives us to reach out to our communi-

ties to improve the quality of life for others. This annual report high-

lights just a few of the many people and things that set Lowell General

apart, and that are propelling us toward achieving our vision of being

recognized as “one of the best community hospitals in America.”


our peopleWorking together to deliver the very best service.

Page 6: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

“Lowell General has always made a commitment to serving thecommunity. I’ve always felt that as a member of the hospital’smedical staff, it was my responsibility to serve not only mypatients, but my hospital and its community.”

Terry Howard, M.D.

Three decades dedicated to improving the quality of life for women, families and the

community. It is a record of service that would make any physician proud. But for Dr.

Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the

record is still being written.

A board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Howard joined the Lowell General team in 1974.

Inspired by the hospital’s commitment to helping those in need, he began a tradition of volunteering

his time at free health clinics.

“When I started out, we didn’t have the benefit of Medicaid, so for a large percentage of the

community, private care was not an option,” he says. “I saw an opportunity to help people who

otherwise might not receive the quality care they needed and deserved.”

Throughout his career, Dr. Howard was often the first physician to step forward to volunteer his time

and efforts. He has been—and remains—active on numerous hospital boards and committees respon-

sible for creating policies and protocols to improve the safety, quality of care and service to patients.

Dr. Howard downplays his contributions. For him, it all comes with his role as a physician. “Hospitals

represent community assets and have a responsibility to serve,” he says. “As a physician, I share that


Although he has retired from private practice, his work on behalf of Lowell General’s patients and the

community continues today. Remaining current in gynecological medicine, he is willing to assist in the

operating room on challenging cases. Much of his time is dedicated to serving on the board of the

Lowell Community Health Center, a member of the Lowell General family of services that is dedicat-

ed to providing quality care to residents of all cultures and backgrounds, regardless of ability to pay.

“I have been fortunate to have a successful career in medicine,” he says. “Lowell General helped

facilitate that by taking good care of my patients. It is why I have always felt a strong responsibility to

give back.”

Dr. Terry Howard

Terry Howard, M.D.

Serving patients— and a greater good.








Page 7: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

“It is critical that we constantly communicate with our patients to ensurethey are getting the care they need. We are never afraid to ask them ifthey’re satisfied with our service and to see if there is something else wecan do for them.”

Claudia Rupp, Director of Patient Care for Cancer Services

Nursing. It is one of the most challenging and vital roles at any hospital. Twenty-four hours a day,

Lowell General Hospital nurses are on the front lines—bringing new life into the world, caring for

the sick and injured, and saving lives. And whether they have been at Lowell General for four months

or four decades, they share a common passion and commitment to serve, educate and advocate for

their patients.

Just ask Claudia Rupp, Director of Patient Care for Cancer Services, who has been a nurse at Lowell

General for 37 years. “To stay here for as long as I have, you really have to believe in the value of

what you do,” she says. “At Lowell General, it is always

about the patient and caring for them as people first, and

patients second.”

The nursing philosophy at Lowell General stresses collab-

oration, positive partnerships and professional growth. It is

a career that is as equally rewarding as it is challenging.

Cheryl Keegan, an RN on a medical/surgical unit, has expe-

rienced both the challenges and rewards of nursing in her

17 years at Lowell General. “When I’m driving home at

night exhausted from the day, I think about how lucky I am

to do what I do,” she says. “For me, it has always been about the patients. I know that no matter what

happens with me during the work day, my patients must always come first.”

That dedication is ingrained into the culture at Lowell General and is immediately obvious to even

our newest nurses. Melinda King, an RN on the Mother/Infant Unit for less than a year, grew up

dreaming of being a nurse at Lowell General. “Just knowing that I can do something to help change

someone’s life—whether it involves educating a new mother or advocating to help them get the

services they need—makes me so proud of what I do and where I work.”



Making a career of putting patients first.

Melinda King, RN, and Claudia Rupp, RN.

Page 8: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

“Volunteers are an integral part of our service toour patients and the community. We could notdeliver on our service promise without them. It iswhy we are so selective in choosing people…weonly want individuals who truly want to serve.”

Linda Gaetano, Manager of Volunteers

It is a typical Tuesday at Lowell General Hospital. A steady flow

of patients, family members and visitors stream through the main

lobby. Though here for different reasons, they share a common

experience as they walk through the door: a pleasant greeting from

Isabelle Hall, a Lowell General front-desk volunteer. “As the first person they see when they come

in, my job is to greet them with a warm smile to help put them at ease and lighten their burden,”

she says. For more than 12 years, Isabelle has lightened the burden of many at Lowell General as

a volunteer, delivering flowers and mail, helping with clerical work on the nursing units and, most

recently, serving at the front information desk.

Just a few feet from where Isabelle sits, Pauline Lambert is arranging a cheerful display in the LGH

Gift Shop. For Pauline, it is the latest chapter in a rewarding 15-year volunteer career at Lowell

General—one that began in the gift shop and eventually led to a position as President of the

Hospital Auxiliary. She was instrumental in developing the Garden of Hope, a breathtaking display

of daffodils in front of The Cancer Center. Today, in addition to her work with the gift shop, she

serves as Chairperson of Daffodil and Dessert Day—an annual fundraiser to benefit cancer

research. “I found it so rewarding that I took on more and more leadership roles over the years,”

she laughs.

Whether they are helping put together patient charts, transporting a patient or cuddling at-risk

infants, Lowell General volunteers are an integral part of Lowell General Hospital. In 2004 alone,

450 volunteers logged nearly 40,000 hours of service.

“They are all so happy and proud to serve because they know that they are appreciated by all areas

of the hospital—administration, physicians, nurses,” says Linda Gaetano, Lowell General’s

Manager of Volunteers. “Nearly every day, someone tells me how much they value the work our

volunteers do. We are very lucky to have them.”

Giving their time to serve others.

Isabelle Hall and Pauline Lambert volunteer countless hours to improve service at Lowell General Hospital.








Page 9: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

“In healthcare, things can get complicated, creating confusion forpatients. We are here to make things easier—to help them navigate thecomplex healthcare system so that they can make the right decisions.”

Joyce McLaughlin, Manager of Patient Advocacy

At Lowell General Hospital, we recognize that the people we serve day after day are not just patients,

but individuals. Men, women and children with unique concerns, family situations and cultural

backgrounds. As part of our commitment to delivering exceptional service to every patient, we offer

a wealth of support services that “go beyond the bedside.”

Central among these services is our Patient Advocacy Department. Often considered “the voice for our

patients,” Patient Advocacy provides a forum for patients to be heard, giving Lowell General unique

opportunities to listen to how patients can better be served. To address the ever-changing cultural and

language needs of Greater Lowell’s diverse community,

Lowell General incorporated an interpreter service as part

of Patient Advocacy. “By offering translation services as

part of advocacy, we are able to educate our patients and

break down cultural barriers at the same time,” says Joyce

McLaughlin, Manager of Patient Advocacy.

Serving patients while they are at the hospital is only part

of Lowell General’s commitment. Equally important is

ensuring that the physical and emotional needs of our

patients are met as they leave the hospital. Lowell General’s Continuity of Care department guarantees

that each patient is safely discharged with the support they require—everything from transferring them

to the appropriate rehabilitation facility to equipping them with the proper medical equipment at home.

“Our job is to make sure every patient is taken care of—even after they leave us,” says Gina O’Connor,

Director of Continuity of Care. “To best serve our patients, we take the time to review and discuss

every individual’s situation so that every patient gets the support they need, both during and after


Service may also involve providing spiritual and emotional support—an important role for Lowell

General’s Sister Eileen Auger in Pastoral Care. “I always try to make a difference to our patients and

their family members—whether it involves praying with them or simply being a ‘quiet presence’,

listening to them. No matter what they are facing, our patients are never alone.”

Gina O'Connor, RN; Joyce McLaughlin, RN; and Sister Eileen Auger.


Serving beyond the bedside.

Page 10: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

On a recent Saturday, Sokha Diep, a Patient Advocate/Interpreter Services Specialist at Lowell General

Hospital, learned that a troubled Khmer-speaking patient was overwhelmed by his first visit to

an American hospital. Without hesitation, she abandoned her plans for her day off and offered her

assistance. It was only one of many occasions that Sokha has volunteered her own time on evenings

and weekends to help patients in need.

What is remarkable about this incident is that at Lowell General Hospital, it’s not remarkable at

all. Sokha exemplifies a culture of service excellence demonstrated by employees from virtually

every facet of our hospital—from dietary aides to operating room technicians, from pharmacists

to housekeepers.

Creating a culture of service excellence doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a strong leadership vision

and a dedicated team of professionals working to making it a reality. It takes a hospital-wide commit-

ment to Standards of Performance—ten core values that guide us in serving our patients and each other.

Each month, Lowell General Hospital celebrates a Star Performer of the Month, an employee select-

ed by his or her peers for going “above and beyond” in upholding our standards. And every day, to

reinforce our core values and Standards of Performance, managers and employees set aside ten min-

utes for “The Daily 10” to share stories of service excellence and ways to reach our ultimate goal—to

exceed the expectations of every one of our patients and guests.

Lowell General Hospital Star Performers: front row, from left: Sokha Diep, Patient Advocate/Interpreter ServicesSpecialist; Rithy Mey, CT Technologist; Gail Caron, Administrative Assistant for Finance; Brenda Kotarba, OperatingRoom Surgical Technician; and Khalid Nahi, Respiratory Therapist. Back row: Estelle Barton, nursing assistant, MP3;Alex Michaels, Physical Therapy Assistant; Carol Hervieux, Dietary Aide; Brian Horman, Receiving Specialist; Elaine Lyons, Administrative Assistant, Mother Infant Unit; Nancy Guilbeault, Staff Accountant; Susan McQuaide,Emergency Room Technician; and Sy Phan, Cancer Center Pharmacist.

Living a standard of excellence every day.








Page 11: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


APPRECIATION – acknowledging appreciation to our

employees, our physicians and our patients for choosing

Lowell General.

ATTITUDE – being sensitive to customer needs and

serving them with care, courtesy and respect.

PRESENTATION – striving to create a positive impression,

which we reflect in our manner, expression and concern.

COMMUNICATION – listening to our customers to help

us fully understand their needs.


and respecting our co-workers, so that we can understand

their needs and work together to resolve issues.

TIMELINESS OF SERVICE – providing prompt,

courteous service to meet the expectations of our customers

and co-workers.

PRIVACY – maintaining a secure and trusting environment

for individuals and their personal information.

SAFETY AWARENESS – sharing in the responsibility of

maintaining a safe environment.

SENSE OF OWNERSHIP – taking pride in what we do,

feeling responsible for the results of our efforts.

ACCOUNTABILITY – holding each individual employee

accountable for our success in fulfilling our vision of

being recognized as one of the best community hospitals

in America.

The Lowell General Standards of Performance

Page 12: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Allergy/ImmunologyJulian Melamed, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffWilfred N. Beaucher, M.D.Leonard Kaplan, M.D.Li Liang, M.D., Ph.D

Associate StaffLauren M. Handelman, M.D.

Courtesy StaffCurtis Moody, M.D.Frank Twarog, M.D.Chi Wang, M.D.

AnesthesiologyRobert Beechinor, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffMarcia Bergen, D.O.Toffy Beyloune, M.D.Vijay Channamsetty, M.D.Tzay Chiu, M.D.Peter H. Dresens, M.D.Gopala Dwarakanath, M.D.John Ki-IL Kim, M.D.Sang H. Kwon, M.D.Jeffrey Norton, M.D.Han Park, M.D.

Associate StaffShihab U. Ahmed, M.D.Sherif Algendy, M.D.Harold L. Altvater, Jr., M.D.Robert Dai, M.D.Hisham Elkadi, M.D.Fathalla Mashali, M.D.

CardiologyRichard Birkhead, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffJose Carrion, M.D.Eric J. Ewald, M.D.Walter Jo, M.D.Henry Lyle, M.D.David Malins, M.D.Kenneth Murphy, M.D.Thomas C. Piemonte, M.D.Lincoln Pinsky, M.D.Harsh Sanchorawala, M.D.Robert Shulman, M.D.James Waters, M.D.

Associate StaffOmar A. Ali, M.D.David. E. Gossman, M.D.

Courtesy StaffRoy M. John, M.D.David T. Martin, M.D.Gregory F. Michaud, M.D.Richard Pratt, M.D.Stephen J. Travers, M.D.Jerold Weiner, M.D.

DentistryThomas Trowbridge, D.D.S., M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffChristos Bacos, D.M.D.Nilfa Encarnacion, D.M.D.Hamid Esbah-Tabatabaie, D.M.D.Amy Field, D.M.D.Neil Hornung, D.M.D.Martin Schwartz, D.D.S.Jeffrey Stone, D.M.D., M.D.

Associate StaffKeith Sherwood, D.D.S.

Courtesy StaffSteven Demetriou, D.M.D.Philip E. Mullane, D.M.D.Allen W. Tarro, D.M.D.Aaron Watman, D.D.S.

DermatologyAssociate StaffKhalil A. Khatri, M.D.

Courtesy StaffStuart Arbesfeld, M.D.Seth Kates, M.D.Michael Rosenbaum, M.D.A. David Simkin, M.D.Jill Slater-Freedberg, M.D.

Emergency MedicineWayne Pasanen, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffKevin Bravo, M.D.Francesco Corvi, M.D.Richard M. Cressey, M.D. Christopher Kareores, D.O.Martin Kragness, M.D.Nathan MacDonald, M.D.C. Wendell Smith, M.D.Mitchell Sweet, M.D.Shorta Yuasa, M.D.

Associate StaffRyan S. Flesher, M.D.

Courtesy StaffNathaniel Brown, M.D.Miguel Cabrera, M.D.Cherie Ertha, M.D.Irina Kogan, M.D.Terrence O’Malley, M.D.Daniel Simpson, M.D.Gregory Williams, M.D.

EndocrinologyActive StaffHayward Zwerling, M.D.

Family MedicinePaul Harcourt, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffGhazala Alam, M.D.Jeffrey Byrne, M.D.Linda Farnsworth-Brown, M.D.Damian Folch, M.D.Nasim Ghaffar, M.D.Kathy Goff, M.D.Donald Miller, M.D.M. Denise Mills, M.D.Dan Nguyen, M.D.Frank Osborn, M.D.Melinda Raboin, M.D.Carla Vaccaro, M.D.








Expertise. Experience. Excellence.

Page 13: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Associate StaffNidhi Lal, M.D.Lydia McClure, M.D.Alison Miller, D.O.Tricia Vasco, M.D.

Courtesy StaffSusan Black, M.D.Laurie Botie, M.D.Cindy Cheng, M.D.Deirdre Connolly, M.D.John Grieveson, M.D.Carolyn Haskell, D.O.James Kuin, M.D.Austin O’Brien, M.D.Eric Romanowsky, M.D.Mark Romanowsky, M.D.Marcia Tanur, M.D.

Honorary StaffVinod Tripathi, M.D.

GastroenterologyActive StaffGeetanjali Akerkar, M.D.Doree Barton, M.D.Daniel Beluk, M.D.Paul Gilmore, M.D.Franklin Marinelli, M.D.James Reichheld, M.D.Michael Roberts, M.D.

Honorary StaffLawrence Hessman, M.D.

Hematology/OncologyActive StaffMurat Anamur, M.D.Blair Ardman, M.D.

Courtesy StaffJack Evjy, M.D.Yamil Kouri, M.D.Richard Miron, M.D.Robert Soiffer, M.D.

Infectious DiseaseActive StaffDavid Sidebottom, M.D.

Internal MedicineTushar Patel, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffMichael J. Abele, M.D.Mohamed Ally, M.D.Alexandra Argasinski, M.D.Mark Bown, M.D.Peter Bradshaw, M.D.Bindu Chamarthi, M.D.Jack Chang, M.D.Sara Clay, M.D.Peter Connolly, M.D.Shamim Dahod, M.D.Sandhya R. Dasari, M.D.Karen Dasilva, M.D.Richard DeAmicis, M.D.Carlos Del Rio, M.D.Milton Drake, M.D.Alden Gagnon, M.D.Mukund Gupta, M.D.Raj Gupta, M.D.Ashok Joshi, M.D.Srilatha Kodali, M.D.Rebecca Konkle, M.D.Philip Kotsios, M.D.Chandravathi Loke, M.D.Richard Ma, M.D.Wendy Mitchell, M.D.Patricia Montaperto, M.D.Frances Morse, M.D.Joanne Nowak, M.D.Dragan Petakov, M.D.David C. Pickul, M.D.Sivasubramanian Ramya, M.D.Krishnamoorthy Rao, M.D.Richard Sachs, M.D.Venkata Satyam, M.D.Matthew Savory, D.O.Edward V. Shashoua, M.D.Rekha Sundar, M.D.Sarah F. Taylor, M.D.Jessica Wieselquist, M.D.Frederick Wikander, M.D.Sivaram Yamajala, M.D.Tanya Zouzas, D.O.

Associate StaffSamantha L. Bessega, M.D.Rosemary E. Corderi, M.D.Gretchen M. Gaida, M.D.Spyridon Kantas, M.D.

Courtesy StaffZaheer Ahmed, M.D.Michael Bertos, M.D.Louis Bresnick, M.D.Shazneen Eisner, M.D.Lauren Hobratsch, M.D.George Meltsakos, M.D.Lata Mundkur, M.D.Elias Nabbout, M.D.Rajaa Nahra, M.D.Lawrence Newman, M.D.Philip Tavano, M.D.Pauline Tsirigotis, M.D.

Honorary StaffThomas Fitzpatrick, M.D.

Maternal & Fetal MedicineCourtesy StaffDorothy Beazley, D.O.Michael House, M.D.Steven Ralston, M.D.

NeonatologyActive StaffTimothy Baba, M.D., Ph.D.Mario Cordova, M.D.Nicholas Guerina, M.D.Laurie Konowitz, M.D.

Associate StaffGary Fanjiang, M.D.Hasene Kasaroglu, M.D.Jessica McGovern, M.D.Alisa Muniz-Crim, M.D.Tuyet-Hang X. Nghiem, M.D.Silvia Patrizi, M.D.Sunita Pereira, M.D.

Courtesy StaffGeoffrey Binney, Jr., M.D.John Fiascone, M.D.Ivan Frantz III, M.D.James Hagadorn, M.D.Karen Harvey-Wilkes, M.D.Chiwan Kim, M.D.Simon Michael, M.D.Heber C. Nielsen, M.D.Kevin Petit, M.D.Sujatha Ramadurai, M.D.Mark Salvatore, M.D.MaryAnn Volpe, M.D.Nancy Weinschenk, M.D.Rachel Weinstein, M.D.

NephrologyActive StaffRoy Maletz, M.D.Sebastian Sepulveda, M.D.

Courtesy StaffMichael Landman, M.D.

Associate StaffKevin Jansen, M.D.

NeurologyMichael Bralower, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffAtul Bhat, M.D.Onassis Caneris, M.D.Arya Farahmand, M.D.Vladan Milosavljevic, M.D.Jonathan Moray, M.D.

Courtesy StaffShabbir Abbasi, M.D.Michael Robbins, M.D.James Whitlock, M.D.

Obstetrics & GynecologyNonnie-Marie Estella, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffHarold Bass, M.D.Mary Brady, M.D.Michelle Cochran, M.D.Daniella Courban, M.D.Paul Feldman, M.D.Karen Fortune, M.D.William Galvin III, M.D.Edgardo Garcia-Trias, M.D.Maher Girgis, M.D.Terry Howard, M.D.John Hughes, M.D.James Ivers, M.D.K. David Kang, M.D.Panna Kapadia, M.D. Edward Lipman, M.D.Carlos Madrid, M.D.David W. Merens, M.D.Michael Muto, M.D.Navin Popat, M.D.Purnima Sangal, M.D.Vijaya Swamy, M.D.Stuart G. Weisfeldt, M.D.Theodore Yurkosky, M.D.


Page 14: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Courtesy StaffMinerva Domingo, M.D.Kathryn Olson, M.D.Pranav Prakash, M.D.Robert Shannon, M.D.

OphthalmologyActive StaffGlen Bolliger, M.D.John Capino, M.D. John Constantine, M.D.Mark Hughes, M.D.David Perkins, M.D.Stephen Poor III, M.D.David Tracy, M.D.David Victor, M.D.

Associate StaffNeil Gross, M.D.Jeffrey Sorkin, M.D.David H. Yi, M.D.

Courtesy StaffDwayne Baharozian, M.D.Evan Gold, M.D.Susan Wong, M.D.

OrthopedicsSteven Alter, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffLaurel Beverly, M.D., M.P.H.Victor Conforti, M.D.Samuel Gerber, M.D.Eric Holstein, M.D.Lawrence Johnson, M.D.Mark Lapp, M.D.Kevin Malone, D.O.David Morley, Jr., M.D.Sivaram Rajan, M.D.Peter Roman, M.D.Manouchehr Shirazi, M.D.Scott Sigman, M.D.Kevin Tomany, M.D.W. Howard Wu, M.D.

OtolaryngologyArthur Lauretano, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffSamir Bhatt, M.D.Bjorn Bie, M.D.Noble Gabriel, M.D.Eric Stein, M.D.

Courtesy StaffFred Arrigg, M.D.Stephen Smith, M.D.

PathologyPatricia Devine, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffDonald Agostinelli, M.D.James Norton, Jr., M.D.Elizabeth Preisinger, M.D.Lionelle Wells, M.D.

Pediatric CardiologyAssociate StaffLinda B. Pauliks, M.D.

Courtesy StaffDuraisamy Balaguru, M.D.Anirban Banerjee, M.D.

Pediatric EndocrinologyActive StaffRekha Quazi, M.D.

Pediatric GastroenterologyActive StaffRobert Fusunyan, M.D.Leonel Rodriguez, M.D.

Courtesy StaffAlex Flores, M.D.Munir Mobassaleh, M.D.

Pediatric NeurologyCourtesy StaffPeter Raffalli, M.D.

Pediatric Specialty GeneticsCourtesy StaffDiana Bianchi, M.D.

PediatricsKumble Rajesh, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffAlena Ashenberg, M.D.Rekha Bains, M.D.Jennifer Bell, M.D.Cathleen Bonacci, M.D.Chu Chen, M.D.Gilbert Cogan, M.D.Arlene Curran, M.D.Sneh Dave, M.D.Jennifer Delikat, M.D.Daniel Dubner, M.D.Patricia Dykstra, M.D.D. Gregory Felch, M.D.Mary Gealow, M.D.Michael Gilchrist, M.D.Eric Kaplan, M.D.Laura Lee, M.D.Jorge Lopez-Benitez, M.D.Eric Meikle, M.D.Sheila Morehouse, M.D.David A. Newman, D.O.Irving Newman, M.D.Jennifer O’Shea, M.D.Chandra Ramanathan, M.D.David Salomon, M.D.Lisa Sevigny, M.D.Shailesh Shah, M.D.Alfonso Sierra, M.D.Earnest Wu, M.D.Lazaros Xanthopoulos, M.D.Kenneth Yoffe, M.D.

Associate StaffLawrence Lutner, M.D.Andrea Sachs, M.D.Kimberly Tresch, M.D.

Courtesy StaffMartin Horowitz, M.D.Thomas Martin, M.D.

Honorary StaffDonald Berman, M.D.

Physical Medicine &RehabilitationActive StaffAtul Bhat, M.D.

Courtesy StaffElizardo Carandang, M.D.Thomas Cody, M.D.James Whitlock, M.D.

Plastic SurgeryActive StaffDina Eliopoulos, M.D.Jeffrey Smith, M.D.

Associate StaffLoreen Ali, M.D.

Courtesy StaffStephen Scully, M.D.

PodiatryJohn Pizzuto, D.P.M.

Chief of Service

Active StaffPeter Bregman, D.P.M.John Clarity, D.P.M.Timothy Downs, D.P.M.Jerold Fleishman, D.P.M.Russell Hamilton, Jr., D.P.M.Gregory McNamara, D.P.M.Regina Mostone, D.P.M.Anthony Spiri, D.P.M., P.C.

Associate StaffWayne McCullough, D.P.M.








Page 15: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


PsychiatryNeelam Sihag, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffC. Hanson, M.D.Paul Menitoff, M.D.

Courtesy StaffChand Bhan, M.D.Gouri Datta, M.D.Eren Kurtay-Sozmen, M.D.Usha Tripathi, M.D.Miguel Verdaguer, M.D.Ronald Winfield, M.D.

Pulmonary MedicineActive StaffBeverly Goldberg, M.D.Branko Kesler, M.D.Denis Lin, M.D.Edward Parsons, M.D.Joseph Walek, M.D.

Courtesy StaffRimas Maurukas, M.D.

Radiation MedicineJeffrey Goldstein, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffDaniel Flynn, M.D.Astrid Peterson, M.D.Santosh Shetty, M.D.

Radiology, DiagnosticJonas Berman, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffKevin Callahan, M.D.Richard Dobrow, M.D.Wei Du, M.D.Daniel Gale, M.DMark Gale, M.D.Patrick Hanks, M.D.Allan Hoffman, M.D.Timothy Hough, M.D.Peter Koch-Weser, M.D.Nahid Rathore, M.D.Olena Saikewicz, M.D.

Associate StaffScott Abel, M.D.Anjali Agrawal, M.D.Rony Avritscher, M.D.Kirk Brown, M.D.Valerie Fein-Zachary, M.D.Michael Mastromatteo, M.D.John A. Patti, M.D.Ranie Pendarvis, M.D.Mohamed Sfaxi, M.D.Sanford Smoot, M.D.Jennifer Theoharis, M.D.William Wong, M.D.

Courtesy StaffDouglas Burd, M.D.Sean Casey, M.D.Yamin Dou, M.D.Mark Girard, M.D.Himanshu Gupta, M.D.David Hunter, M.D.Arjun Kalyanpur, M.D.Miriam Neuman, M.D.Christian Semine, M.D.Harold Weintraub, M.D.Gary Weiss, M.D.Edward Wong, M.D.

RheumatologyCourtesy StaffJoel Epstein, M.D.Tina Horwitz, M.D.

Surgery, GeneralM. Akmal Khan, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffAbdul Ghaffar, M.DKathryn Hughes, M.D.Michael Jiser, M.D.Marie-Laure Nevoret, M.D.Doris Pliskin, M.D.Roy Shen, M.D.Janaki Varadhan, M.D.

Associate StaffJason Knudtson, M.D.

Courtesy StaffNicholas Spirito, M.D.

Surgery, NeurologicalActive StaffCharles Chang, M.D.Bruce Cook, M.D.Howard Gardner, M.D.Peter Grillo, M.D.Henry Ty, M.D.

Courtesy StaffWilliam McCann, M.D.

Honorary StaffLowell Rosman, M.D.

Surgery, ThoracicActive StaffWilliam Cook, M.D.

Honorary StaffRudolph Muto, M.D.

Surgery, VascularActive StaffPaul Burke, Jr., M.D.Jonathan Gordon, M.D.

Courtesy StaffPaula Muto, M.D.

UrologyRichard Altman, M.D.

Chief of Service

Active StaffMiguel Antelo, M.D.David Berman, M.D.Robert Edelstein, M.D.J. Mathieu Massicotte, M.D.Aminuddin Rathore, M.D.

Page 16: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

At Lowell General Hospital, our commitment to service excellence is

an ongoing one. It is a commitment that requires us to continually

assess the needs of our patients and to seek new and better ways to

respond to them. In 2004, we were proud to take a leadership role in

improving the quality of care available to patients in our community

through, among other things, the addition of primary angioplasty

services and the development of the area’s first wound healing center.

Moving forward, Lowell General will continue to explore new ways to

improve the quality of care for our patients today—and in the future.










our servicesLeading the way in providing quality care.

Page 17: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Delivering five-star maternity care. Once again, The Birthplace at Lowell General

Hospital was awarded a perfect five-star rating by HealthGrades, the nation’s leading

independent provider of information on healthcare quality. The rating, which represents

the highest available and indicates exemplary performance and standards, puts Lowell

General among the top maternity centers in the nation.

Cutting-edge, image-guided navigational surgery. Lowell General became the

only hospital in our community to introduce a new computer-aided, image guided

technique for brain, spine and ear, nose, and throat surgeries, increasing precision while

reducing complications and recovery time for patients. The highly advanced technique

uses computerized 3-D scans of the brain, spine and sinuses to guide the surgical plan,

much the same way as a Global Positioning System (GPS) guides an automobile.

Improving treatment for heart attack victims. In August 2004, Lowell General

took a major step forward in helping increase the chance of survival for heart attack

victims by becoming the first community hospital north of Boston to be designated as

a provider of primary angioplasty services. This emergency procedure, which opens

blocked arteries with a metal mesh stent, is considered the most effective treatment avail-

able for heart attacks.

Earning national recognition for cancer care. Our exceptional care to cancer patients and

their families was recently recognized when The Cancer Center at Lowell General Hospital became

the only cancer care center in Greater Lowell to earn accreditation in Radiation Oncology by the

American College of Radiology (ACR). Lowell General was one of only seven centers in the state

to earn this distinction. The Cancer Center also received a rare perfect score in our accreditation

survey by the American College of Surgeons.

Healing the wounded. Chronic or non-healing wounds can make even everyday tasks painful

or impossible, particularly for millions of diabetics and cancer patients. That’s why Lowell General

Hospital developed the area’s first Center for Wound Healing located at the hospital’s Drum Hill

facility in Chelmsford, featuring hyperbaric oxygen therapy to promote faster healing.


Neurosurgeon Bruce Cook, M.D., performs brain surgery using the highlyadvanced image-guided navigational system at Lowell General Hospital.

Page 18: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Throughout our history, Lowell General

has enjoyed many proud traditions. At the

center of them all is our tradition of

giving back and serving our community.

Every day, whether we are providing

assistance with the high cost of prescrip-

tions, sponsoring support groups for can-

cer victims and their families or providing

quality healthcare to those who could

not otherwise afford it, Lowell General

strives to make life better for individuals

and families in our community. It is a

commitment that we take very seriously

and one that we look forward to continu-

ing for many more years to come.









Serving the needs of our community.

our promise

Page 19: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

“As a community hospital, Lowell General strives not only to anticipateand respond to the needs of our patients, but also to improve the healthstatus of our entire community. Our mission calls for us to find new andbetter ways to improve the quality of life for individuals and families we serve.”

Norm Deschene, LGH President/Chief Executive Officer

Supporting cancer victims and their families. Lowell General Hospital

has worked to help ease some of the burdens for cancer patients and their fami-

ly members by providing free support groups—available to all members of the

community. At a time when many hospitals are reducing support for such servic-

es, we are adding new programs, including a group for patients with advanced

cancer and one for Spanish-speaking patients. The Cancer Center is also the only

cancer program in the area to offer a support group for children who have been

affected by cancer in their family.

Making quality healthcare accessible to all. High unemployment and

soaring insurance costs have made affordable healthcare one of the greatest chal-

lenges for individuals and families today. The Lowell Community Health Center,

an affiliate of Lowell General Hospital, ensures people of all ages and cultural

and ethnic backgrounds receive the care they need—regardless of their ability to

pay. Whether it is a single mother seeking care for an infant or an individual liv-

ing with HIV, the doors of Lowell Community Health Center are always open to

provide quality care with dignity.

Taking community education to heart. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer of

both American men and women. In 2004, Lowell General took a leadership role to increase aware-

ness of this disease. LGH President Norm Deschene was named Chair of the American Heart

Association’s “Learn & Live” campaign, a year-long initiative to educate the community about

heart disease. The hospital has also launched the Women’s Heart Advantage, a program to help

women recognize the risk factors that lead to heart disease.

Bringing exceptional care home. The Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Lowell, an

affiliate of Lowell General Hospital, brings care and support to people of all ages who are

confronting disease, disability or death. By improving the quality of life for individuals at home,

VNA strengthens the health of our communities.

Cammie Caron, a licensed social worker at TheCancer Center, supports children coping withcancer in their family.


Page 20: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.












Balance Sheet

Assets 2004 2003

Cash and equivalents $11,830,881 $13,115,717

Investments at market value 61,627,906 54,893,458

Patient accounts receivable 14,780,055 15,467,081

Property, plant and equipment 43,845,925 41,951,195

Other assets 5,914,071 5,962,818

Total assets 137,998,838 131,390,269

Liabilities and net assets

Accounts payable and accrued expenses 15,465,550 16,893,768

Due to third parties 6,945,985 6,429,571

Long-term debt 24,164,609 25,909,972

Other liabilities 12,137,412 10,649,315

Net assets 79,285,282 71,507,643

Total liabilities and net assets 137,998,838 131,390,269

Statement of Operations2004 2003

Operating revenues $125,358,701 $114,673,685

Operating expenses

Salaries and benefits 63,780,364 59,640,059

Supplies and services 46,842,522 40,193,076

Capital expenses (depreciation) 6,184,503 6,553,860

Other expenses

(insurance, bad debts, interest) 6,209,609 6,555,359

Total operating expenses 123,016,998 112,942,354

Operating income (loss) 2,341,703 1,731,331

Non-operating gains (losses) 3,723,984 4,003,367

Unrealized gains (losses) 1,291,532 3,334,088

Change in unrestricted net assets 6,684,272 7,028,223


Page 21: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


Understated and Undercompensated Care Costs2004 2003

Free care allowance $5,292,217 $4,289,466

Charity care allowance 1,769,707 1,976,141

Medicaid underpayments 6,309,406 5,041,174

Total 13,371,330 11,306,781

Patient Highlights2004 2003

Patients discharged 12,539 12,268

Patient days of care provided 46,371 47,257

Average length of stay (in days) 3.69 3.85

Births 1,894 2,034

Cardiac catheterization procedures 863 847

Diagnostic cardiology procedures 23,443 23,141

Diagnostic imaging procedures 113,230 106,740

Laboratory procedures 776,306 712,866

Respiratory treatments 51,543 45,387

Surgical procedures 12,188 12,012

Radiation therapy treatments 10,793 10,162

Emergency services 42,475 43,852

Outpatient clinic visits 19,377 18,625

Our Team2004 2003

Medical staff 450 432

Nursing staff 802 725

Allied health professionals 286 266

Administrative and support 398 399

Volunteers 450 430

Volunteer hours donated 33,540 38,200

Page 22: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


John H. Pearson, Jr.


Normand E. DeschenePresident/Chief Executive Officer

Daniel J. Mansur, Esq.Clerk

Peter ZarrillaAssistant Clerk

Melinda Raboin, M.D.President of Medical Staff

Deborah TrullPresident of Auxiliary


Clementine F. Alexis

Charles A. Anton

Michael Athanasoulas, D.D.S.

Robert J. Audet

Robert A. Caruso

Carole A. Cowan, M.D.

George L. Duncan

Abdul Ghaffar, M.D.

Michael Gilchrist, M.D.

Eric W. Hanson

Rick D. Hess

John C. Hughes, M.D.

Charlotte LaPierre

Daniel J. Mansur, Esq.

Donna M. McCallum

Thomas F. McKay

James L. Milinazzo

Margaret A. Palm

John H. Pearson, Jr.

Lincoln N. Pinsky, M.D.

Bruce Robinson

Peter D. Roman, M.D.

James C. Shannon III

Brian J. Stafford, CPA

Kendall M. Wallace Drew Weber

Trustees Emeritus

Richard L. Alden

Arthur C. Anton, Sr.

Edith W. Burger

Lincoln Clark, Jr.

William J. Collins

Robert A. Donovan

Daniel R. Gillette

Terry T. Howard, M.D.

F. Bailey Laughlin, Jr.

Henry W. Lyons

David H. Mason

Jean R. McCaffery

Vinod Tripathi, M.D.

Carroll T. VanHooser

Daniel E. Walker

Richard B. Walsh, Esq.Stuart G. Weisfeldt, M.D.


Donald Adie

Donald C. Agostinelli, M.D.

Stella Athanasoulas

Barbara E. Bacon

Deborah Belanger

Beverly A. Bennett

David J. Berman, M.D.

Neil M. Blume

Bruce B. Bonner, Jr.

Michael Bralower, M.D.

Paul M. Burke, Jr., M.D.

Richard P. Burkinshaw

George A. Byam

Jeffrey M. Byrne, M.D.

David W. Caddell

Jose M. Carrion, M.D.

Judith K. Carven

Filitsa Vess Chigas

Jack Clancy

Tracey Wallace Cody

Michael G. Conway

James J. Cook

Aldo Crugnola, Sc.D

G. Michael Demaras

Arthur T. Demoulas

Gururaj Deshpande

Edward K. Dick

Maureen DiPalma

John C. Donohue, Jr., Esq.

Ellen M. Donovan

Virginia Doulames

Effie Poulakos Dragon

John J. Droescher, Jr., M.D.

Gopala K. Dwarakanath, M.D.

Bradford O. Emerson

Frederic B. Emerson

D. Gregory Felch, M.D.

Marshall L. Field, Esq.

Blair J. Finnegan

Mary Ellen Fitzpatrick

Thomas Fitzpatrick, M.D.

Terry Flahive

Jerold Fleishman, D.P.M.

Robert T. Flynn

Victor M. Forsley

Janet Frawley

Alden G. Gagnon, M.D.

Marc Gendreau

Rene E. Gendreau

Samuel D. Gerber, M.D.

Maureen R. Gervais

Carol Gilchrist

Jeffrey D. Goldstein, M.D.

James A. Hall, Esq.

John P. Harrington

Lawrence Hessman, M.D.

Malea S. Hughes








One team. One vision.

Page 23: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


Henrick R. Johnson, Jr.

Lawrence P. Johnson, M.D.

Richard C. Jumpp

K. David Kang, M.D.

Roland R. Kelley

Alan T. Kent, M.D.

M. Akmal Khan, M.D.

Peter T. Koch-Weser, M.D.

Pauline A. Lambert

James D. Latham

Herman P. Laturnau

Robert C. Lawlor, M.D.

Ruth C. Leggat

Robert H. Leighton, Jr.

Curtis J. Lemay

Maureen Lerner

Edward M. Lipman, M.D.

Donald C. Main

A. Justin McCarthy

Evelyn E. McCartney

Robert A. McKittrick

Robert S. McKittrick

Norman D. McLoon, Jr.

Donald Miller, M.D.

William J. Moriarty

Frances Morse, M.D.

Irving J. Newman, M.D.

Peter T. O'Hearn

Nels A. Palm

Michael Pappafagos, Ed.D.

Florence B. Paris

Han Y. Park, M.D.

Wayne E. Pasanen, M.D.

Barbara S. Pearson

James J. Pepper, M.D.

David C. Pickul, M.D.

William Quinn

Leonard R. Richards, Jr.

Richard A. Sachs, M.D.

Nicholas C. Sarris

James C. Shannon, Jr.

Scott A. Sigman, M.D.

Neelam Sihag, M.D.

Lura Smith

Alan Solomont

John E. Stansfield

Mary E. Stevens

Michael B. Sullivan

John Thibault

Glenn Thoene

(Frances) Lee Toth

Joseph W. Walek, M.D.

David Wallace

Robert M. Wallace Frank A. Wilson

AdministrationNormand E. Deschene

President/Chief Executive Officer

Joseph (Jody) White IIIExecutive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer

Richard JeffcoteChief Financial Officer

M. Patricia CraneVice President, Administrative & External Affairs

Barbara Eusebio, R.N., J.D.Vice President, Operations& Chief Nursing Officer

Wayne E. Pasanen, M.D.Vice President, Medical Affairs

Peter J. Zarrilla, M.S., M.Ed.Vice President, Human Resources

LGH Auxiliary

2003–2004 OfficersDeborah Trull


Lynn LeMaireFirst Vice President

Linda CarsonRecording Secretary

Beverly BennettCorresponding Secretary

Tracey Wallace-CodyTreasurer

Elaine Zouzas ThibaultPast President


Term Expiring 2005Julie Ackley

Linda Chemaly

Ellen Donovan

Term Expiring 2006Christine Fraser

Pauline Lambert

Margaret Leighton

Term Expiring 2007Joy Deschene

Deborah Lemos

Pamela White

Page 24: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

At Lowell General Hospital, we recognize that we need the full

support of our community to carry out our mission of providing the

best care possible. In 2004, as in years past, we were fueled by the

philanthropic support of many individuals, families and corporations.

This generous support has not only affirmed their value for what

we do, but also has enabled us to overcome budget restrictions to

continue our pursuit of becoming one of the best community hospitals

in America. In 2004, we were pleased to receive $1.1 million in finan-

cial support. Whether it came from pledges to support walkers in

TeamWalk for CancerCare or contributions from philanthropic estate

plans through the James K. Fellows Society, we continue to be amazed

and inspired by the outpouring of support we receive.







Building on the generosity of others.


Page 25: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

“I’ve always believed that you have to make time for what’sreally important. The TeamWalk for CancerCare has been a perfect example of a community coming together for a common good.”

Bruce Robinson

It is one thing to say that you want to make a difference in the lives of

others. It is entirely different to live your life that way. Bruce Robinson, Chair of

TeamWalk for CancerCare, simply does not know any other way.

In a typical day, he serves his clients’ needs as a successful commercial insurance

agent at Fred C. Church Insurance, overseas the details of TeamWalk, helps shape

the lives of young girls through his work with Girls, Inc. in Lowell, and carves out

precious time to serve lunch and dinner to his father at a local nursing home.

“I don’t have millions of dollars, but I do have time,” Bruce says. “And long ago,

I made a decision to spend my time on earth making a difference in the lives of


Over the years, Bruce has definitely made a difference at Lowell General. In the 1980s he joined

the hospital’s Governing Board as a Corporator and then stepped up as a Trustee, the core

governance group of the hospital.

When the need arose for help with corporate fundraising for Lowell General’s TeamWalk for

CancerCare, Bruce was an obvious choice, given his record of service and past position

as President of the Greater Lowell Chamber of Commerce. The decision was an easy one for

him as well. “I’ve had a family history with cancer and couldn’t think of a better way to make

a difference.”

When Bruce was asked in 2003 to lead the event as chairperson, he did what he had done so many

times before: he stepped up. He has inspired many others with his tremendous commitment and

contributions over the past two years. “It has been an incredible experience to see a community

come together like that. It’s such an emotional event—a way to show strength and courage and

hope to the many people affected by cancer. I can’t think of any better way to spend my time.”


Bruce RobinsonChair, TeamWalk for CancerCare

Bruce Robinson. Walking the walk.

Page 26: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

TeamWalk for CancerCareThe Lowell area’s single, largest, one-day fundraiser, the TeamWalk for CancerCare provides

funding to help improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their families. In 2004, more than

3,000 walkers and dozens of corporate sponsors raised $350,000 to support a variety of needs—

from providing patients transportation to treatments to helping them finance the high cost

of medications.

LGH Golf ChallengeWhether volunteering their time or providing financial support, for more than 50 years John E. and

Ruth C. Leggat demonstrated an unwavering commitment to Lowell General Hospital. The 2004

LGH Golf Challenge in September was a tribute to the Leggats’ lifetime of service to LGH, as well

as a touching memorial to John’s life. The tournament raised more than $130,000 to expand and

enhance LGH cardiology services. In appreciation for a personal tribute gift of $250,000 from the

Leggat friends and family, the John E. and Ruth C. Leggat Patient Service Center was dedicated at

the hospital’s Drum Hill outpatient center in Chelmsford.

James K. Fellows SocietyFor many individuals and families, philanthropy has become an important part of everyday life.

The James K. Fellow Society provides an opportunity for them to continue that spirit of giving—

even after they are gone—by enabling them to include Lowell General as part of their estate plans.

In turn, this generous support allows Lowell General to continue its mission of providing quality

care to its patients for years to come.

Lowell General HospitalAuxiliaryThe support from the dedicated members of the

Lowell General Hospital Auxiliary has been vital

in allowing us to expand and enhance our services.

The leading donor to the hospital, the Auxiliary has

donated more than $1.3 million along with

immeasurable hours for new projects, patient

equipment and programs over the years. In 2004

alone, the Auxiliary presented the hospital

with $125,000 to support the hospital’s cardiology


Lowell General Hospital President Norm Deschene is presented with the Lowell General Hospital's Auxiliary check of $125,000 at the

Auxiliary's annual meeting. Auxilians presenting the check are PresidentDeborah Trull, Elaine Zouzas Thibault and Lynn LeMaire.








Page 27: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


We are grateful to the following, whosecontributions have had a significantimpact in allowing us to fulfill our missionto provide the highest quality of care toour community.

Development Committee MembersKendall M. Wallace

ChairmanBrian J. Stafford, C.P.A.

Vice ChairmanClementine F. AlexisRobert A. CarusoM. Patricia CraneNormand E. DescheneJaishree DeshpandeGopala Dwarakanath, M.D.Terry FlahiveRobert T. FlynnMichael A. Gilchrist, M.D.Terry T. Howard, M.D.Richard E. JeffcoteRuth C. LeggatBrian MartinJean R. McCafferyThomas F. McKayNorman D. McLoon, Jr.James L. MilinazzoNels A. PalmBruce T. RobinsonVinod K. Tripathi, M.D.

Ex-Officio MembersMichael Athanasoulas, D.D.S.Elaine Zouzas ThibaultJoseph W. Walek, M.D.

Individual DonorsChairman’s Society ($25,000+)Mr. & Mrs. Elkin B. McCallum

President’s Society ($10,000+)Joseph P. Donahue, Esq.Mr. & Mrs. George L. DuncanDr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. GoldsteinHoward & Alberta MooneyDr. Mitchell L. Sweet &

Mrs. Andrea Peraner-Sweet

Founder Society ($5,000+)Linda & John CarsonShamim A. Dahod, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Normand E. DescheneDr. & Mrs. Terry T. HowardRichard D. LeggatThe Palm FamilyDr. Wayne & Susan PasanenAstrid O. Peterson, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Drew Weber

Benefactors’ Society ($2,500+)AnonymousRaymond ButtaroDr. Jennifer C. Delikat &

Mr. Donald S. DelikatPatricia Devine, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. DonovanPaul Dumais FundraiserMichael & Carol GilchristDr. & Mrs. John C. HughesTarina & Dan MansurThe Mansfield FamilyEvelyn E. McCartneyRobert A. McKittrickFrancis J. Ward TrustJody & Pam White

Leader Society ($1,000+)Dr. Michael & Stella AthanasoulasMr. & Mrs. Robert J. AudetGeorge D. BehrakisBeverly A. BennettDr. David & Mary BermanMr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bonner, Jr.Richard P. BurkinshawJeffrey M. Byrne, M.D.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. CarusoMr. & Mrs. Lincoln Clark, Jr.Pat & John CraneAldo Crugnola, Sc.D.Frederic B. EmersonBarbara Eusebio, R.N., J.D.B. Jay & Nancy FinneganTerry & Bronwen FlahiveBertha E. FlandersDrs. Abdul & Nasim GhaffarDr. & Mrs. Peter J. GrilloJoan B. GutweinRick & Martha HansonLaura L. Hershorin, M.D.George B. Inglis, Ph.D.Richard Jeffcote & Karen AndersonRichard C. JumppSpyridon Kantas, M.D.Charlotte & Michel LaPierreArthur M. Lauretano, M.D.Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. LawlorMrs. John E. LeggatHenry W. LyonsMr. & Mrs. Thomas F. McKayJim & Anabel MilinazzoDonald & Lauren MillerMary NeofotistosMrs. Edward R. ParisHan Y. Park, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. John H. Pearson, Jr.Daughters of Constance PicardLincoln & Peg PinskyJohn L. RileySue & Bruce RobinsonDr. & Mrs. Santosh K. ShettyDrs. Neelam & Balbir SihagBrian & Cheryl StaffordJohn E. StansfieldEric & Carolyn SteinMrs. Roy C. StephensonMr. & Mrs. Timothy D. SullivanDr. Kevin S. Tomany &

Tara E. Kane-TomanyMrs. Gerald R. WallaceKendall & Esther WallaceFrank A. Wilson IIPeter & Judy Zarrilla

Friend Society ($500+)Mr. & Mrs. William M. AlexisAnonymousAtul Bhat, M.D.Drs. Samir & Amita BhattDr. Michael & Meryl BralowerMarcia L. CassidyFilitsa V. ChigasRobert & Shirley CooperEffie Poulakos DragonPriscilla B. ElliottBradford & Linda EmersonBrenda A. EunsonMary Ellen & Joseph FitzpatrickAmy & Tom HoeyTina J. Horwitz, M.D.Patricia M. LaCedra

Corporators Maureen Gervais and John Harrington with Steve Gervais, Kathy Demaras and Trustee Mike Demaras.

Page 28: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Sandra N. LanierJames D. Latham & Diane AllenbergMr. & Mrs. F. Bailey LaughlinMr. & Mrs. George B. LeaheyJohn E. Leggat, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Norman D. McLoon, Jr.Dr. Jonathan S. Moray &

Dr. Joanne MurabitoDr. Frances M. Morse &

William E. BowenKenneth F. Murphy, M.D.Mrs. M. Arthur NeymanJuliette H. O'BrienTheodore S. PanekDr. Michael PappafagosMrs. John H. Pearson, Sr.Mrs. Arthur S. PeaseDouglas M. PrebleBill & Joan QuinnDr. & Mrs. Shailesh J. ShahDaniel E. WalkerDavid & Christina WallaceRobert WhitleyTheodore P. Yurkosky, M.D.

Associate Society ($250+)Arthur F. AbrahamAnita R. AdamsDonald C. Agostinelli, M.D.Steven Alter, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Anstiss, Sr.Barbara E. BaconPatricia BeebeBeatrice BelkakisMr. & Mrs. Ralph BloodEdwin BozekSharon M. Brommer & Mark JohnsonBrenda ChristounJack ClancyWilliam J. Clark, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Christopher ClarkeWilliam J. Collins, Sr.Irene M. CorsettiS. Alan CoxGloria DavisDiane DeRocheDaniel W. Dubner, M.D.Gopala K. Dwarakanath, M.D.Dr. Nonnie-Marie Estella & FamilyDr. & Mrs. Jerold H. FleishmanMrs. Peter S. FlompMary Beth Foley, R.N.Dr. & Mrs. Alden G. GagnonRita GettingsDaniel & Carole GilletteKathleen P. GrandchampDaniel S. HanleyMr. & Mrs. James HarkinsJohn & Sheila HarringtonMr. & Mrs. Rick D. HessBradley A. JohnsonRoy T. JohnsonM. A. Kahn, M.D.Dr. & Mrs. Christopher KareoresDr. Alan T. & Monica KentPauline & Paul LambertMark & Lisa LappKatharine LeggatMartha G. LeggatTom Leggat

Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. LennonRosemary LockhartFranklin C. Marinelli, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. David H. MasonPatricia M. McCoyMr. & Mrs. Robert S. McKittrickJoyce & David McLaughlinMr. & Mrs. James D. MiamisMichele OdrynaMichelle O'BrienPeter T. O'HearnDr. & Mrs. James J. PepperWilliam E. PitzerGloria ProvencherMr. & Mrs. Costas G. PsoinosMelinda G. Raboin, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Reilly, Jr.Colette & William RiccoMr. & Mrs. George B. Richardson

Michael B. Roberts, M.D.Matthew D. Savory, D.O.James & Kathleen Shannon IIIC. Wendell Smith, M.D.Ellen & Charles StokingerJeffrey Stone, D.M.D., M.D.Queena Flomp TraggisCarroll & Joan VanHooserJanaki Varadhan, M.D.Robert J. VivilecchiaGeorgia Zamanakos

Member Society ($100+)Albert Aiello Jr.Kristine AndrewsMr. & Mrs. Arthur C. AntonMr. & Mrs. Richard K. AraujoMr. & Mrs. Robert H. Banta, Jr.Marjorie A. BarnettPaul & Jeanne BartelMr. & Mrs. John J. Beaulieu

Joan M. BedfordDeborah A. BelangerMary & Ralph BennettMr. & Mrs. Martin S. BergerJonas J. Berman, M.D.Chand K. Bhan, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Emery W. Bionelli, Sr.Judith A. BiroLauren BlackburnJudy & Tom BoyleDavid & Christine BrownGeorge BrunelasJeanne A. BuoteDeborah U. BurkePauline & Ronald CarignanCapt. & Mrs. Russell K. CarneyGail CaronJudith K. CarvenMary Chamberlin

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen ChampionJohn Charles Chiungos, Esq.Ethel CieslaDr. Sara L. ClayMr. & Mrs. John E. ClementMr. & Mrs. Robert W. Clement, Jr.Mrs. James F. Conway, Jr.Michael G. ConwayPatsy J. CorcoranJacqueline R. CormierPatricia CoteCarole A. Cowan, Ed.D.Dr. & Mrs. L. R. CurriePauline G. CushingGeorge R. DanaMerle L. DavidHelen V. DesmaraisJudy DesmaraisPeter DiaferiaMaureen F. DiPalmaErnest G. Dixon, Jr.

John and Linda Chemaly tip their Lock Monsters "waiter" at the "Skaters to Waiters"fundraiser.







Page 29: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


Scott J. DockendorffMr. & Mrs. Neil F. DohertyAlicia A. DonahueJohn C. Donohoe, Jr.Virginia DoulamesBarbara J. DowlingHelen DownsJanice J. DownsMilton A. Drake, Jr., M.D.Marietta M. DudisMaura DefaultMaurice W. DumaisBarbara N. DunsfordConstance V. DymentHelen K. EisnerDina A. Eliopoulos, M.D.John M. ElmoreDr. Joel H. Epstein &

Dr. Mary Anna SullivanDr. & Mrs. Jack T. EvjyMr. & Mrs. Michael FarnellD. Gregory Felch, M.D.Attorney & Mrs. Marshall L. FieldTerri FillebrownMargaret C. FinchMaria FloriaRaymond J. FontanaMr. & Mrs. Gil ForerEstella FortyHelen FournierLaura P. FruchtmanWilliam J. Galvin III, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. Garneau Jr.Joanne GauthierMarc P. GendreauKatherine J. GentMaureen R. GervaisRobert & Nancy GilbertBethany M. GilboardJerold J. GolnerFrank GomesCatherine & John GoodwinRuthann GoreLinda GougeonRobert R. GouveiaEllen R. GriffinMarie F. Gross & Kevin M. FitzgeraldJames A. HallJeanne E. HansonSuzanne & Rene HardyBarbara A. HarringtonSandra M. HartAlicia P. HartmanWalter R. HedlundBob & Eleanor HentschelMr. & Mrs. Osvaldo HernandezDr. & Mrs. Lawrence HessmanFrancis L. HickeyEastham HockmeyerMr. & Mrs. John J. HoganEdward D. HoweMartha E. HoweAnne HowserC. Margaret JanasLawrence P. Johnson, M.D.Steven JoncasElizabeth A. Jusczak, R.N.Ann & James KelleherCynthia A. Kelleher

Karen KennettKhalil A. Khatri, M.D.Martha J. KillerbyJohn Ki-Il Kim, M.D.Michelle R. KimborowiczKirkor G. KirkorianFrancis J. KukulskiMaureen LabineFlorence & Ronald LacoutureKevin LaliberteMary R. LambertGloria LangloisJane LapointeKathryn Latham, R.N., B.S.N.Patricia A. LaurentJohn R. LeggatSarah LeggatRobert & Margaret LeightonLynn S. LeMaireMaureen & Arnold LernerAlice LeslieMorey LevineDenis Yih-Cherng Lin, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. James F. Linnehan Jr.Edward M. Lipman, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacCormackDavid P. MacWilliamsMr. & Mrs. Paul L. MailleJean MansfieldWalter J. MarcellaLisa M. MarquisWilliam F. McCall, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. A. Justin McCarthyJohn E. McCormackDavid S. McEvoyMr. & Mrs. Kevin J. McKeonJoseph McLaughlinLinda McLellanLisa McNamaraCarrie Suzawa Meikle &

Dr. Eric A. MeikleDiane MelansonBarbara MichaudMaureen MironRichard V. Miron, M.D.Mr. & Mrs. Robert MongeauMary Linda MooreAnnette MorachePatricia A. MoreauWilliam C. MunroeLinda MurphyMarguerite L. NashDr. & Mrs. Irving J. NewmanGail NoonanMiriam C. O'ConnellWilliam P. O'ConnellMr. & Mrs. Dennis J. O'ConnorWalter H. OczkowskiMr. & Mrs. James F. O'Donnell, Jr.Georgia PascoeBimal D. PatelNarhari PatelMr. & Mrs. Brian T. PendletonNancy L. PettinelliLorraine PintalMr. & Mrs. Robert A. PontefractSuzanne PostBrian ReidyMaria Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. RichardsonPeter A. RinaldiSherry RobergeFrank RochetteDenise A. RoyJanice R. RuellClaudia & Dennis RuppBarry E. RyanSean M. RyanLucinda J. RynneLouis M Saab, Esq.Marilyn Leeds & Dr. David S. SalomonMartha O. Santos

Nicholas C. SarrisRaymond B. SchaeferNancy ScolnickErnestine SecovichScott B. SegrinEarl SidelinkerMr. & Mrs. Michael SielianGertrude L. SimsJane R. SlackLura SmithEve SorokenMr. & Mrs. Edward B. StevensEarle B. StreetDr. & Mrs. Louis StylosMr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Sullivan, Jr.Donna SunderlandMary SupranoviczSusan R. TaborDeborah & William TrullJoseph B. TullyStuart G. Weisfeldt, M.D.Theresa M. WeitzHelen D. WilderCharles R. WilsonKathleen WojcikMr. & Mrs. Russell A. YohoMr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Zubricki

LGH President Norm Deschene congratulates Bruce Leggat andRuth Leggat at the dedication of the John E. and Ruth C. LeggatPatient Service Center at the hospital's Drum Hill facility inChelmsford.

Page 30: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

Corporate DonorsCentury Council ($100,000+)Lowell General Hospital Auxiliary

Chairman’s Council ($25,000+)Demoulas Foundation

President’s Council ($10,000+)Aubert J. Fay Charitable FundCommonwealth Radiology Assoc., Inc.Enterprise Bank & Trust CompanyLowell Five Cent Savings BankMerrimack Valley Health Services, Inc.Trinity E.M.S., Inc.Trustees of the Ayer Home

Founder Council ($5,000+)Blue Cross Blue Shield of MAButler BankCardinal HealthCourier CorporationGetronicsMcKesson Information SolutionsSodexhoWilliam B. Spalding Trust

Benefactors’ Council ($2,500+)Banknorth MassachusettsAlice R. Bean TrustFallon Foundation, Inc.Fred C. Church InsuranceGlobal Companies L.L.C.John B. Sullivan Jr. Corp. of NHLowell SpinnersLowell Sun Charities, Inc.MassBank for SavingsMill City Management, Inc.Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky

& Popeo, P.C.Reichheld Family OrthodonticsRoyal Institutional Services, Inc.Southwest Consulting AssociatesStryker Howmedica OsteonicsTufts - New England Medical CenterFrancis J. Ward Trust

Leadership Council ($1,200+)Banknorth, N.A.Cross Point Limited PartnershipDade Behring Inc.Deloitte & Touche, L.L.P.ExxonMobil FoundationFuji Film Microdisks U.S.A. Inc.Jeanne d'Arc Credit UnionKelley Habib John Integrated MarketingKronos, Inc.Medical Reimbursement SystemsMerrimack Valley Emergency

Associates, Inc.Hiram Francis Mills TrustMitchell ElectricNew England PET Imaging SystemNew England Radiation Therapy

Associates, Inc.

Payden & RygelPfizer, Inc.Pratt Pediatrics AssociatesReed, Connor & Birdwell, LLCStafford, Gaudet & Associates, LLCSullivan Brothers PrintersTranscanada Power Marketing LTDUHS, Inc.UPS Foundation, Inc.

Friend Council ($500+)Alvin J. Sims InsuranceAnton's Cleaners, Inc.Associates in Dentistry, Inc.Babson Capital Managment, LLC.Billerica Knights of ColumbusCompany 1 ConsultingD. J. Reardon Company, Inc.The Edge Group, Inc.EMCO Printers, Inc.Ernst & Young, L.L.P.Gateway Center CorporationGDS Enterprises, Inc.GlaxoSmithKlineHanger Prosthetics & Orthotics, Inc.Harvard Vanguard Medical AssociatesHilb, Rogal & Hobbs Insurance AgencyInternational Insurance Group, Ltd.J & C ManagementJACA Inc.James F. O'Donnell & SonsThe Law Office of Peter V. Kent, P.C.Lowell General Hospital -

Medical Staff FundLowell Masonic AssociationLowell Oral Surgery Associates, Inc.Lung Specialists of the Merrimack

Valley, P.C.Medical Bureau of Economics, Inc.Mercury Computer Systems, Inc.Merrimack Valley Cardiology, P.C.Merrimack Valley Insurance AgencyMGI PharmaceuticalsNetwork HealthNixon Peabody L.L.P.Pearson & Pearson, L.L.P.Prime, Buchholz & Associates, Inc.Princeton Properties Management, Inc.Riverside Medical Group, LLCSepracorSovereign BankSurgi-Care, Inc.T.H. McCoy Restaurant Group, LLCTewksbury Lions ClubThe Cambridge Group LTDTRC Environmental CorporationVascular Associates of the

Merrimack Valley, P.C.VNA of Greater Lowell, Inc.Watermark Environmental Inc.Kirwin & Hickey, C.P.A.

Associate Council ($250+)A. G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.Allard Building & RemodelingAMD Telemedicine, Inc.Angel Foods Burger KingAnstiss & Company, P.C.Archie's Truck Service, Inc.

A-Zabbo Associates, Inc.Central Paper Products CompanyCox Fuel Co., Inc.DiGiorgio Associates, Inc.Eno, Boulay, Martin & Donahue, L.L.P.Gleason Insurance AgencyHarrington Wine & LiquorsLedgeview PrintingLighthouse School, Inc.Lowell Co-operative BankLowell Lodge of ElksMass Paving, Inc.Massachusetts Eye AssociatesMedicis Pharmaceutical CorporationMonitor Builders, Inc.Open MRI of ChelmsfordSaint Michael ParishShannon & Associates, CPA'sStevens Business ServiceTeleHealth ServicesUniversity of MassachusettsWalker Associates, Inc.Washington Savings Bank

Member Council ($100+)Advanced Records Management ServicesAetna Foundation, Inc.Aircast IncorporatedAltid EnterprisesAmerican Garage Door & Glass, Inc.Belanger & Foley, Inc.Bianco & Sons Catering, Inc.Boston Home InfusionBowditch & Dewey, L.L.P.Budget Sign CenterC.R. Bard Foundation, Inc.Chelmsford Dental AssociatesChelmsford Podiatric Associates, P.C.Crown CoffeeCunningham WoodlandEast End Social Club of Lowell, Inc.Flood & Hartigan P.C.Flynn Property ServiceFrancis E. Provencher Insurance

Agency Inc.Frank P. McCartin Co., Inc.Friel Golf Management CompanyFund American Companies, IncGillette CompanyGoodrich FoundationGreater Merrimack Valley Chamber

of CommerceHarry J. Wheeler Concrete Floors

& FoundationsIdeal Tape Company, Inc.J. P. Morgan Chase FoundationJohn Lyko Plumbing, Heating

& Gas Fitting, Etc.Kazanjian Enterprises, Inc.King Printing CompanyLowell General Hospital Volunteer

DepartmentLowell Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lincoln Laboratory







Page 31: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.


Students - Massachusetts School of LawMcCord Sweeney Home Medical SupplyMellon Bank, N.A.Men of Maidstone LakeMerrimack Repertory TheatreThe Millipore FoundationN.E. Rehabilitation Solutions, Inc.Northeast Reclaiming Services, Inc.O'Hara & Company, P.C.Olde Bostonian, Inc.Park Place South Realty TrustPeter T. O'Hearn Insurance Agency, Inc.Picken Printing CompanyRusselectric Inc.Social Club of PawtucketvilleTewksbury-Wilmington Elks 2070The Bard GroupTotal Compliance SolutionsTriNet Healthcare ConsultantsTwo Chefs Are Better Than OneWaste Management of NHWestford Post Office

Honor/Memorial GiftsAngelina B. BarattaJames BariahtarisJulia BeauchesneGrace BeaulieuRuth T. BibeaultIrene W. BozekRita T. BurgessKatherine A. CaswellAlfreda E. ChesterfieldKathryn E. CoburnJoanne M. ConigliaroBarry F. CroninLucille M. DescheneClifton DoironVirginia DowlingBeverly DownsDavid L. DownsChristopher FinchElizabeth FinolloJohn GianoulisChristopher GormleyJanice GuildMichael A. GuimondJoseph M. GutweinTeresa M. HammondGeorgette M. HardingMadeline LafontaineJohn LaFortJohn E. LeggatGail LehmanLoretta LessieurJohn LloydRobert A. MogeFrancis L. MorinNicholas A. NatsiosAnnie NeofotistosRosalie N. NugentSantina PalermoHelen PanekMrs. Mike PeickConstance T. PicardStanley PrebleRaymond F. Regan

Alice ReinertMarjorie A. RiddickLorraine RobillardPatricia StewartMarue Juliette TroiloRaymond J. TrudelJames TurcotteFrancis J. WardMichael S. Zenoni

Tribute GiftsClementine F. AlexisNicholas J. ArloroNicholas G. BrunelasArthur C. AntonRobert A. DonovanHenry W. LyonsRoy C. Stephenson

The James K. Fellows SocietyDrs. Donald C. Agostinelli &

Lilia TalaricoAnonymousAnonymousMr. & Mrs. Arthur C. AntonMs. Beverly A. BennettMrs. Edith W. BurgerMr. & Mrs. Lincoln Clark, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. CoburnMr. Arthur L. Eno, Jr.Mr. & Mrs. John E. LeggatMr. & Mrs. David H. MasonMr. & Mrs. Francis X. McCafferyMr. Robert A. McKittrickMr. & Mrs. George W. McQuadeMrs. Phyllis Messer, R.N.Mr. & Mrs. Howard V. MooneyMiss Mary NeofotistosMrs. Edward R. ParisMr. John H. Pearson, Jr.Mrs. John H. Pearson, Sr.Mrs. Jonathan T. StevensMrs. Everett G. ThistleMrs. Gerald R. WallaceMs. Nancy E. Winter

In-Kind DonationsAction King EnterprisesAll Sports PromotionsAshley Paige, Inc.Barry G. GolnerBianco & Sons CateringBillerica Council on AgingBJ's WarehouseBrewhouse Cafe & GrilleCity of LowellCobblestones of LowellCoca-Cola Bottling CompanyCommunity Newspaper CompanyCostco Club WarehouseDominos PizzaDunkin Donuts/Adie-ConwayFatima Walsh

Food Share LowellFriel Golf Management CompanyGreater Lowell Chiropractic &

RehabilitationGreater Lowell Technical

High SchoolHaverhill Country Club Golf ShopHelena DavidHome Care Specialists, Inc.Janet S. PitzerKashi CompanyLauren BlackburnLowell Lock MonstersLowell Police DepartmentLowell SpinnersLowell SunMark WatsonMcDonaldsMerrimack Repertory TheatreMildred HunnewellMohegan SunNancy C. HopkinsRachelle LaCasseSam's ClubShaw Farm Dairy, Inc.Shop & SaveSodexho/LGHStonehedge InnStoneyfield FarmTargetThe Salter SchoolTheresa AmellVeryfine ProductsYoplait/Columbo Yogurt

We have made every effort to ensure an accurate listing of contributions and weapologize for any errors or omissions.

Page 32: Annual Report 2004, Lowell General Hospital · 2007. 10. 2. · Terry Howard, one of Lowell General’s most respected and enduring physicians, the record is still being written.

295 Varnum Avenue, Lowell, MA 01854
