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ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - Triathlon AustraliaAustralia+Digital+Assets/... · that I acknowledge the 2010...

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1 ANNUAL REPORT 2010 - 2011



2010 - 2011


Triathlon Australia Limited

ABN 67 007 356 907

Level 3 256 Coward Street

Mascot New South Wales 2020 Australia

Telephone +61 2 9972 7999

Facsimile +61 2 9972 7998

Email [email protected]


Principle Partner:


Strategic Overview 4

Patron’s Message 5

President’s Review 6

CEO Report 8

Message from the ASC 12

Triathlon Australia Board of Directors 14

Triathlon Australia Board Sub-Committee Members 2010-2011 16

ITU Australian Representatives 17

Triathlon Australia Executive Staff 17

State and Territory Triathlon Associations 17

Around the Nation Highlights 18

Around the Nation Figures 26

REPORTS 27 Age Group Committee 28 Age Group Selection Committee 29 Elite Selection Committee 30 High Performance Committee 31 National Technical Committee 32 Sydney ITU World Championships Series Race Committee 33

FEATURES 34 2010 Elite Athlete Performances 35 2010 Youth Olympic Games, Singapore 37 2010-2011 Australian National Triathlon Championship Series 38 2010 National Duathlon Series 39 2010-2011 National Junior Series 40

Celebration of Champions Awards Dinner 42

Honour Board 44

Triathlon Australia Hall of Fame 46

2010/2011 Australian National Champions 47

2010/2011 ITU World Championship Teams 48

Financial Report 51





Organisational Excellence Objective: “To build a sustainable and prosperous organisa-tion by enabling innovation, collaboration and excellence in the development of its as-sets”

Participation Objective: “To grow participa-tion in the sport of triathlon by providing leadership and increased opportunities”

Memberships Objective: “To grow member-ship by increasing the number of new mem-bers and retaining existing members”

Events Objective: “To ensure that opportuni-ties exist at all levels to compete in events of the highest quality through leadership and collaboration”

High Performance Objective: “Sustained in-ternational success through the provision of an effective and efficient athlete and coach pathway”

Brand Objective: “To develop the brand of triathlon so as to increase external invest-ment in the sport”


“To be a leading triathlon nation and grow the sport of triathlon in Australia”


“To ensure the existence of quality partici-pation opportunities and pathways within the sport of triathlon in Australia”


Health, Enjoyment, Belonging, Achieve-ment



Over the coming year the 2012 London Olympic games

will become the focus for the world’s elite triathletes.

The challenges of Olympic competition are indeed

formidable and as we have witnesses in recent ITU

events, there are now many countries producing

outstanding performances.

However, I am confident that Triathlon Australia will

ensure our Australian competitors receive the optimum

support and encouragement which they will need in

preparing to take on those challenges.

Immediately following the 2012 Olympics, all Olympic

Summer sports will come under review by the

International Olympic Committee, at which time one

sport may be excluded from the programme of the 2020


While I am confident that Triathlon will maintain its

place on the Olympic Programme there is still no time

for complacency. Triathlon must continue to strive for

excellence and continued improvement in the way it

conducts and presents itself to the public and to the


Australia has always been at the forefront in both

performance and development of its triathletes. I trust

that Triathlon Australia will continue to work diligently

to maintain that high standard and in my role as Patron,

I personally wish Triathlon Australia, its officials and

athletes a very successful year ahead.


Mr Phil Coles




Mr Peter Hedge

The Board and management of Triathlon Australia continued to build the

foundations for the future of our sport during 2010/11. In doing so, we have

maintained our focus on the prudential management of our organisations finances,

listening to the needs of our members and representing our members best

interests on issues that matter most for the future of our sport.

I have listed below a number of more significant achievements during the year :-

The employment of our new CEO, Anne Gripper. Anne has provided revitalised leadership and guidance across all affili-ated associations and aspects of our sport since commencing in September 2010.

The launch of the Australian National Championship Series in February 2011. The series currently comprising Geelong, Mooloolaba and Sydney guarantees minimum prize money and Television coverage for our sport and was identified in our strategic planning process as a corner stone requirement for the development of our sport in Australia.

The successful submission to the Federal Government for funding to assist in our sport participation and development programmes. A grant of $250,000 was received

The successful submission to the Federal Government for additional funding for High Performance objectives. A grant of $400,000 over and above existing Federal funding assistance was received.

The Sydney ITU World Championship Series event was held in April 2011 and for the first time included Age Group par-ticipants. In a world first for our sport the event incorporated the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the bike leg.

The rearrangment of our High Performance staffing structure created the role of a National Performance Director which now reports directly to the National CEO of Triathlon Australia.

The introduction of an Annual Awards dinner for Triathlon in Australia which brought together representatives from every aspect of our sport at a Gala event held following the Sydney Championship event in April 2011.

The launch of an integrated Web site and database management system for our association nationally which may also be utilized by all affiliated triathlon associations and clubs across Australia to host their own individual sites and activi-ties.

The launch of our National Calendar of events in a format which is integrated in our web site with links to event organis-ers sites.


The completion of an improved event sanctioning processes and revised race rules, accessed through our national web portal, focused on ensuring the safety and fairness of events and competition within our sport.

The negotiated agreement with a number of private event organisers for them to provide preferred access to their Tri-athlon events for annual members of Triathlon Australia.

The convening of our second annual “Whole of sport” conference which this year will be focused on bringing together for the first time all club presidents from across Australia to further the participation and sport development objectives of our association.

In addition to the outcomes being achieved at an organisational level, our Australian athletes continued to dominate at an in-

ternational level across all disciplines and age-groups.

Details of outstanding individual performances are outlined in this annual report. It is however with great pride as an Australian

that I acknowledge the 2010 Ironman world champions Chris McCormack and Mirinda Carfrae, the 2010 ITU world champion

for the second year in a row, Emma Moffat, the 2010 ITU world under 23 champion, Emma Jackson, the 2010 ITU Junior world

champion, Ashleigh Gentle, the 2010 ITU world champion bronze medalist Brad Kahlefeldt, and the 2010 ITU grand final gold

medalist in Budapest, Emma Snowsill.

Our National Association plays an important role in representing the interests of our sport in Australia with the Olympic move-

ment and the Commonwealth Games.

This year saw the inaugural Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. Two outstanding young athletes represented our nation at

these games, Ellie Salthouse and Michael Gosman. Ellie came home with a silver medal and both Ellie and Michael brought a

silver medal home in the mixed team event.

London is now on the horizon and the Board is very conscious of ensuring our elite athletes have access to the support neces-

sary to provide them with every opportunity to succeed. The Australian Olympic committee and the Federal Government is a

source of ongoing support for our sport in this pursuit. As a sport we are grateful for that support.

The inclusion of Triathlon as an Olympic sport requires continual vigilance by our international sporting body, the International

Triathlon Union (ITU). Through the efforts of the ITU it was recently announced that Paratriathlon will be included in the Para-

lympics for Rio in 2016.

As President I have the privilege of representing Australia at the annual ITU conference which coincides each year with the

World Championships. Australia has also been privileged by having two representatives on the ITU Board. Bill Walker (Sydney

resident and a former president of Triathlon Australia)) is currently a vice president of the ITU and Jenny Mann (Adelaide resi-

dent) is a Board member. I extend our appreciation to both Bill and Jenny for their contribution.

The Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014 will again include Triathlon after having not been nominated as a sport in Delhi.

I currently represent Triathlon Australia on the Commonwealth Games board of management as Australia prepares for Glas-

gow. In addition I note a bid has been submitted for the Gold Coast to host the games in 2018 yet the outcome of that proposal

will not be known until later.

The association has worked hard this year to promote the interests of our annual members with event organisers. For many

years members have expressed their disappointment at being unable to enter significant events due to the entry process

adopted by private event organisers creating an insurmountable obstacle to event entry. I am pleased to note a number of

event organisers have listened to our representations and agreed to offer our annual members an opportunity to enter their

events before they open to the public at large. This recognition of our annual members by the private event organisers is great-

ly appreciated and your association will continue to represent members concerns in such areas.

There is of course so much more that has been achieved this year and so much more that has yet to be done. This annual re-

port however gives us an opportunity to pause and celebrate the progress and achievements that have been made through the

hard work of many volunteer members, executive staff, event organisers, athletes and other contributors to our sport who

have willingly invested time to build these foundations for Triathlon in Australia.

Many people are recognised and acknowledged in this Annual Report yet I would like to express my personal appreciation to

my fellow directors and executive staff from our national and state associations, and our affiliated club committees for their

support and contribution during the year.


It was with honour and anticipation that I commenced

in the role of Chief Executive Officer of Triathlon

Australia on 16th September 2010. This was exactly 10

years to the day after I had stood in the Botanic Gardens

of Sydney watching Michellie Jones do battle with

Brigitte McMahon in the opening event of the Sydney

Olympic Games – the Women’s Triathlon, on 16th

September 2000. 10 years ago, I felt proud that “my”

sport had been selected as the opening, showcase event

of the Sydney Olympics. 10 years later, I feel proud to

lead “my” sport into the next decade of its


I was fortunate to commence in the role, well supported

by three important factors:

A professional, competency-based Board, elected in

November 2009 who had already achieved a significant

turnaround in the corporate governance of the

association prior to my arrival.

An experienced, member-focused group of State and

Territory Executive Officers who were enthusiastic

about working together as a team and pursuing a

national approach to the development of our sport.

A brand new

Strategic Plan for 2010 – 2015, developed in the early

part of 2010 in consultation with key stakeholders of

our sport. It was a plan with which I felt very aligned

and highly motivated to commence implementing.

My 2011 CEO report provides highlights of the year

under each of the Key Result Areas (KRAs) articulated in

our Strategic Plan. Those six KRAs are my daily guide – if

what I am doing does not contribute to the KRAs and

our long term strategy, then I have to question why I am

doing it.


The financial position of the national association

continued to improve over the year, as we built on the



Ms Anne Gripper


positive turnaround achieved by the Board and staff in

the previous year. As the 2011 Financial Statements

attest, Triathlon Australia is now in a healthy financial

position, with a prudential reserve which is well on the

way to achieving our aim of having an equivalent of

twelve months operating expenses in reserve.

Our investment in human resources during the year

included the appointment of Kate Gallop and Joelie

Chisholm to ongoing roles with the national association.

Joelie, a former Chief Financial Officer in Great Britain,

was engaged on a part-time basis as our National

Manager, Corporate Services while Kate, who had

already spent four months volunteering in the office as

the project officer for the Web / Database project was

engaged on a full time basis as a Project Coordinator.

Alex Fehon, National Manager, Participation and

Membership and Craig Redman, National Manager,

Athlete Development both continued to be employed on

a full-time basis. Michael Flynn and Shaun Stephens

continued to provide leadership of the High

Performance program through their employment at the

Australia Sports Commission. I thank all of the staff for

their enthusiasm and willingness to do whatever was

needed during the year.

Our office location in Mascot, with its close proximity to

Mascot Station and Sydney airport provided easy access

for staff, visitors and stakeholders. Our co-location with

Basketball Australia and “next door neighbour” location

with Cycling Australia, meant we felt part of a small

community of National Sporting Organisations.

Our office computing resources were upgraded during

the year with new desktops, a new server and a more

reliable service and maintenance arrangement with IT

service provider, Systemcraft Pty Limited.

The creation of several new Board subcommittees has

ensured that our activities are informed by a range of

perspectives, and driven by the expertise of those

appointed to the committees. During the year, the

following committees were in operation:

High Performance Committee

Elite Athlete Selection Committee

Age Group Committee

Age Group Selection Committee

Finance Committee

National Technical Committee

Sydney ITU World Championship Series Race


A comprehensive tender process for the provision of a

new, contemporary website and member registration

data base was undertaken by an appointed project team

during the year. Eleven tender responses were received,

and after careful consideration, Active Network Inc were

selected and appointed as Triathlon Australia’s

information technology partner. Representatives from

Active Network worked closely with our staff between

January and June to ensure the website and member

registration database were launched prior to the new

membership year.

We continue to benefit from an excellent relationship

with the Australian Sports Commission who were strong

supporters of our sport during the year. This

relationship was formalised in May 2011 by the signing

of a Sport Collaboration Agreement between our two

organisations. The Agreement provides for significant

financial support and professional expertise from the

ASC. I thank Melissa Backhouse as our Senior Sport

Partnership Manager at the ASC for facilitating this

excellent relationship.

The establishment of relationships with our key

stakeholder groups was a priority for me during the first

six months of my employment. I travelled to each state,

except NT, to meet the staff and Board of the State and

Territory Triathlon Associations. I also met with the

Australian Olympic Committee, the Australian Sports

Anti-Doping Agency and the Australian Commonwealth

Games Association to ensure productive ongoing

relationships. Event Organisers were invited to a

meeting on 19 May 2011 to discuss a range of issues of

relevance to them and to foster an ongoing sense of

cooperation between the national association and the

clubs and private event organisers who plan and conduct

races in which our members can compete.


The announcement that triathlon was one of 23 sports

to be granted additional funding from the Australian

Sports Commission for participation initiatives was

recognition of our strong age group tradition and our

(Continued on page 10)


ability to attract and retain people of all ages and

abilities to the sport of triathlon. The additional funding

was conditional upon the development and acceptance

of a Participation Plan for 2011 to 2016. The plan was

developed and endorsed in June 2010. Key elements of

the plan, to be implemented over the next five years


The continuation and enhancement of existing

participation activities such as the Active After Schools

Communities program, the training and accreditation of

Level 0 and Level 1 coaches, the training and

accreditation of technical officials, the provision of

novice skills development programs by clubs and the

preparation of an age group team for ITU World

Championship events.

The creation of two new participation programs:

Trystars for young participants, and

Try-a Tri for adult participants

The new programs will be developed nationally,

supported by high quality resources and delivered

locally through triathlon clubs and other accredited

service providers.

Additional human resources at the national and state

level to develop and enhance participation


During the year we continued to invest resources in the

provision of services to our age group athletes including

the selection, preparation and support of age group

teams at ITU World Championship events. Full details of

Age group activities can be found later in this report.


The aim of our Membership Key Result Area is to grow

membership by increasing the number of new members

and retaining existing members. The introduction of the

new member database in June 2011 provides an

enhanced member interface with our national and state

associations. Most importantly, it will enable the

collection and collation of reliable membership data.

In addition to our eight State and Territory Association

members, 9735 individual members joined Triathlon

Australia during the year. This was a 20% increase on

the 8089 individual members of the previous year. For

the first time, priority member-only periods of race

entry ensured that annual members of the association

had the opportunity to secure entry to popular events

which sell out quickly when opened to the general


Discussions with the State and Territory Triathlon

Associations about moving to a model of national

membership progressed steadily during the latter part

of the year. I feel confident that with some further

thinking and development, an alternative approach to

membership will be implemented prior to the 2012-

2013 membership year.

The introduction of a four tier structure for One Day

Memberships, based on the nature and length of the

race ensured that the costs of running our association

are more fairly shared between annual and one day



The provision of a broad range of sanctioned events for

members is a key priority of the association. From

enticer novice events, through sprint and olympic

distance to half and full iron distance races, our

members had 483 sanctioned races from which to

choose during the year. Notably, the Weetbix Kids

Tryathlon Series and the BRW Corporate Series

continued to offer excellent “front doors” to our sport

for participants and their supporters. These series

attracted 16,000 and 11,000 participants respectively.

The Australian National Triathlon Championship Series

was launched in 2010, comprising three premier, high

quality races held in Geelong, Mooloolaba and Sydney.

Each of these races combined Elite and Junior ITU points

races, with a large scale age group race. Each of the

races in the National Championship Series offered

significant prizemoney and live television coverage. To

add to the international prestige of the Series, the

Mooloolaba race was awarded the right to host the

opening race of the 2010 ITU World Cup Series. The

Sydney race was granted the right to be the opening leg

of the ITU’s top tier race series - the ITU Dextro Energy

World Championship Series.

The National Technical Committee provided excellent

leadership and direction to ensure the safety and

fairness of triathlon events in Australia. During the year

they led substantial reviews of the Sanctioning

Documents and the Race Competition Rules. Trained

and accredited Technical Officials were on duty at every


sanctioned race. I appreciate particularly the tireless

efforts of Jacqui Kenny as Chair of the National Technical

Committee and the enthusiasm with which members of

the committee embrace the critical role which they fulfil

for our sport.


Our elite athletes continued to perform well on the

world stage. Their performances are highlighted in this


Triathlon was one of 26 sports designated by the

Australian Sports Commission as “high priority” which

resulted in the securing of $400k additional funding for

High Performance per annum. The receipt of the

additional funding was conditional on the development

of a comprehensive High Performance Plan for 2011 to

2016. The plan was developed and accepted in May


In order to ensure our High Performance Plan reflected

our aim of “sustained international success”, an external

review of the structure of the high performance

program was undertaken in December 2010.

Recommendations from the review resulted in a number

of key changes to the structure and management of the

program including:

The secondment of Michael Flynn from the AIS to

Triathlon Australia as our National Performance


The establishment of a National Centre of Excellence on

the Gold Coast to operate as a camps based training and

sport sciences services centre.

The establishment of a National Talent Academy to be

coordinated by Craig Redman as National Manager,

Athlete Development and managed on a daily basis

across four geographical areas by four National Talent



The development of our new website was a significant

step forward in promoting our brand and the value it

offers to the triathlon and general community. The

website will enable much better communication with

our members, our key stakeholders and the broader

triathlon community. It will form an excellent platform

from which to promote and increase the profile of our

sport to potential partners and sponsors.

Ian Hanson of Hanson Media Group was engaged during

the year to increase the profile of the sport through the

mainstream and sport specific media. Relationships

were maintained with the three major triathlon printed

magazines and principal on-line news providers. Regular

newsletters and newsflashes kept members informed of

triathlon news.

Our inaugural “Celebration of Champions” Awards

Dinner was held following the Sydney World

Championship Series race on 10th April. At the dinner,

we recognized and celebrated our five reigning World

Champions and reigning Olympic Champion in front of

220 members of the triathlon community. We were

proud that the Federal Minister for Sport, Senator Mark

Arbib and the Federal Leader of the Opposition, the

Honourable Tony Abbott joined us at the dinner. We

were also delighted to welcome triathlon legends John

McLean and Dave Orlowski to Sydney for the evening’s



I believe we made good progress on a number of

important areas for our sport during 2010-2011. The

year provided a mixture of new initiatives and

consolidation of existing activities. In particular, the

development of our five year plans for High Performance

and Participation will ensure those areas of our Strategic

Plan have a strong foundation for future development.

I would like to finish by acknowledging the absolute

commitment of our national Board to the development

of the sport of triathlon in Australia. Over the year, they

have spent many hours in face to face meetings and

teleconferences. Their thoughtful leadership and careful

stewardship have increased the stability of the sport and

identified new opportunities, enabling the sport to

develop and flourish. Peter Hedge is truly dedicated

President who gave up much of his personal, training

and business time over the year to assist me in my

understanding of the key issues facing the sport and our

association. I thank Peter for his wise and consistent

counsel throughout the first year of my employment

I have enjoyed, and been challenged by my first year in

the role, and I look forward to continue leading triathlon

into the future.




The countdown to an Olympic and Paralympic Games is an exciting time for Australians. As London 2012 looms on our horizon there is much work to be done to fine tune our preparations.

The Australian Government and the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) continue to work closely with Olympic and Paralympic sports, along with the Australian Olympic and Paralympic Committees to ensure our athletes get the best possible support.

Through the Green and Gold project, $3.85 million in extra funding has been provided for our top Olympic athletes and teams to boost their training and preparations for London 2012.

A true sign that Australian sport is united in working together is the endorsement from the Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments of the National Sport and Active Recreation Policy Framework.

What this means is that for the first time all governments have agreed on priorities for sport.

Underpinning the Framework is the new National Institutes System Intergovernmental Agreement which unites our National Institutes of Sport and national sporting organisations to work hand-in-hand to achieve common national high performance objectives to maximise resourcing and expertise in support of the development of world class athletes to achieve international success.

This Framework is supported by significant additional investment in sport by the Australian Government. The 2011-

12 Budget will provide $300 million to support the full spectrum of sport from grass roots through to elite competition.

Support by the Australian Government will enable a more

collaborative long term focus to drive reform within Australian

sport and importantly make the connection between

Australian’s standing on the podium and young Australians

participating in sport.

This is an exciting and challenging time for Australian sport.

The Australian Sports Commission looks forward to working

with all sporting organisations, the state and territory

institutes and academies of sport and state and territory

departments of sport and recreation, to promote access to,

and participation in, sport across the community and support

Australia’s continued sporting success.











Mr Peter Hedge

Resident of Sydney, NSW

Elected to the Board as

President in November 2009

Peter is a former Partner of 16 years at

PricewaterhouseCoopers and since 2003 has developed a

career as an independent consultant, interim executive

and independent non-executive director. Peter has

extensive experience in risk management, corporate

governance, compliance, operational and strategic

planning, corporate restructuring, turnaround and

business management.

Peter assisted Triathlon Australia and the Australian Sports

Commission through various issues confronting the

national sporting federation in 2004. Peter has been an

active triathlete since the mid-80s and is a member of

Balmoral Triathlon Club in Sydney, remaining a regular



Mr David Ferrier

Resident of Melbourne, VIC

Elected to the Board in 2009

David is a partner in the forensic

accounting team of the international accounting firm

KPMG, where he applies more than 20 years’

experience of accounting expertise to commercial and

family related disputes. He previously spent 18 months

as the Chief Financial Officer of a private business and

is also the former Treasurer of Triathlon Victoria.

He has competed nationally for many years and

represented Australia in the age group team at the

Vancouver World Championships in 2008 and as a

Board member, combines his love of triathlon with his

financial acumen.


Dr Michelle Gallen

Resident of Melbourne, VIC

Elected to the Board in

November 2009

Michelle has represented Australia in swimming, raced at

elite level in Olympic Distance triathlon and finished

Ironman as an age-grouper. She has served as secretary

and treasurer of ACT Rowing, Chair of the ACT Minister’s

Sport and Recreation Council, Chair of TA’s Elite Selection

Committee and on the Selection Appeals Board of

Athletics Australia.

Michelle has legal qualifications including a PhD in sports

law. She has worked as a sporting events manager, sports

law and policy consultant, senior advisor and policy

manager for ASADA and is currently State Facilities

Manager for Sport and Recreation Victoria.


Mr Anthony Beven

Resident of Canberra, ACT

Elected to the Board in October 2000

A lawyer by trade and equally qualified in economics and

applied finance and investment, Anthony has been a TA

Board member since 2000 and is now in his fourth term.

Anthony has been involved at all levels of the sport: as an

age group representative at the first World Championships

in 1989; a committee member of the Papua New Guinea

Triathlon Association (1996-1999); as race director of the

Arafura Sports Festival Triathlon and numerous other races;

and as President of Triathlon Northern Territory (1993–

1995 and 2002-2005). Anthony’s interests and

achievements in triathlon are constitutional reform,

member protection, remote and regional triathlons and age

group services.



Mr Miles Stewart

Resident of Gold Coast, Qld

Appointed to the Board in April 2011

Miles has an impressive background in swimming, speed

skating, duathlon, aquathlon, triathlon and cycling -

winning national championships in all six sports. He made

his debut as a professional triathlete at the age of 15, and

by 20 he had won the World Championships in his home

town, the Gold Coast.

Miles finished 6th in the 2000 Olympic Games, 2nd at the

2002 Commonwealth Games, and was awarded the

Australian Sports Medal in 2001. Miles retired as a

professional triathlete in 2005 after a successful career

spanning almost two decades.

Miles Stewart remains actively involved with triathlons

and his foremost priority is to help raise the level of junior

talent in Australia. He now works in property as a National

Retail Leasing Manager.


Mr Murray Hilder

Resident of Sydney, NSW

Elected to the Board in November


Murray is a technical official with vast national and

international experience, having been involved in all levels

of triathlon, from juniors to world championships and

Olympic Games. Murray has competed in several Ironman

races and is a member of Cronulla Triathlon Club, where he

has served on the committee. Along with performing

various senior technical roles at international events,

Murray held the role of Technical Chair and Race

Sanctioning Officer for Triathlon NSW from 2003-07, and

was instrumental in achieving NOAS accreditation for the

Technical Officials Program through the ASC.


Ms Cassandra Erbs

Resident of Brisbane, Qld

Elected to the Board in October 2010

Cassandra is a Marketing communication professional with more

than ten years experience working in the private and public

sectors in both in-house and consultancy roles.

She is currently the Marketing Director at St Margaret's Anglican

Girls School and St Aidan's Anglican Girls' School, and has

previously held a position on the Triathlon Queensland Board of


Cassandra has held positions such as Marketing Manager at UQ

Sport and Senior Account Manager at P4 Group.


Ms Jacqui Kenny

Resident of Brisbane, Qld

Appointed to the Board in December


Jacqui’s involvement with triathlon began as a participant in

1984 and as an official in 1989 while living in Canada. In 1990

Jacqui was a technical official for the ITU World Triathlon

Championships in Florida, USA and also a member of the

Ontario Association of Triathletes Board and the Triathlon

Canada Board.

Jacqui has held a number of appointments within Triathlon

Queensland as a Board Member, Technical Committee Chair

and National Technical Committee State Representative and

is currently the Chair of the Triathlon Australia National

Technical Committee. Jacqui has over 20 years’ experience in

sales and marketing in the scientific industry, currently

working for Roche Diagnostics.




Mr Anthony Beven (Chair)

Ms Carle Greene (WA)

Mr Brian Hinton (VIC)

Mr Steve Hough (ACT)

Mr Tony Jermyn (QLD)

Mrs Robyn Stanley (NT)

Mr David Wells (SA)

Mrs Alex Fehon (Ex officio)


Mr Anthony Beven (Chair)

Mr Anthony Burke (VIS)

Mr Peter Hedge (NSW)

Mr Stephen Tudjman (NSW)

Ms Anne Gripper (Ex officio)


Mrs Michelle Gallen (Chair)

Mr Michael Flynn

Mr Simon Thompson


Mr Peter Hedge (Chair)

Mr Miles Stewart (TA)

Ms Anne Gripper (TA)

Prof Peter Fricker (AIS)

Mr Greg Nance (ASC)

Ms Clare Prideaux (NSWIS)


Ms Jacqui Kenny (Chair)

Mr Phil Blumberg (NT)

Ms Suzie Bower (TAS)

Mr Michael Haasmra (SA)

Ms Sarah Kruger (QLD)

Ms Gaye McKean (WA)

Mr Jon Treloar (VIC)

Ms Gai Webster (ACT)

Mr Dave Williams (NSW)

Mr Murray Hilder (Director of Officials)

Mr Bernard Page (Secretary)



Mr Malcolm Noad (Chair)

Ms Anne Gripper (TA)

Mr Murray Hilder (TA)

Mr Andjelko Bubalo (Events NSW)

Mr Kevin Simmonds (Events NSW)

Ms Rachel Hurford (Department of Premier and


Mr Daryl Herbert (USM Events)

Mr David Ray (USM Events)

Mr Steve Tudjman (Triathlon NSW)


Ms Cassandra Erbs (Chair)

Mr David Hamer (ACT)

Mrs Alex Fehon (Ex Officio)











NSW PRESIDENT Mr Stephen Tudjman EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mr Peter Tate (Dec 2010)GENERAL MANAGER Mr Phil Dally (commenced March 2011)


QLD PRESIDENT Mr Michael Broadbent (March 2010) Mr Brad Gunn: Interim President since March 2010 EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ms Joanna Robey

SA President: Ms Mary Mitchell Executive Officer: Ms Karen O’Brien

TAS PRESIDENT Mr Marcus Haward EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ms Amelia Pearson , Ms An-drea Wolfert (commenced October 2010), Ms Tracy Doherty (commenced March 2011)


EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ms Caryl Oliver, Mr Simon

Auty (commenced November 2010)









Highlights from the Australian Capital Territory included:

The support and cooperation shown by the ACT Government and the National Capital Authority (NCA) in working with TACT to provide alternative race venues where possible and in clearing the lake of de-bris at our race venue for the January events.

The positive contribution and continuing support by the club presidents and their committees. This in-cluded a strategic planning session in relation to the forward race calendar, where it was decided to consolidate the triathlon race program in 2011/ 2012 across four weekends, include running and cycling events in those weekends and have contingency courses in place for all triathlon races. The aims were to maximise racing opportunities whilst reducing the volunteer workload, encourage participation through partnership with the running and cycling communities and ensure that events were held as scheduled.

The allocation by Triathlon Australia of the Australian Sprint Distance Triathlon Championships to Can-berra for 2011, 2012 and 2013.

The hard work by the TACT general manager, Mathieu Meriaux and the office staff, and maintaining the great relationships developed with the ACT Government, the NCA and Triathlon Australia.

Our sport remained in the top tier of sports by ACT Sport and Recreation and received an increase in the triennial grant – this is in recognition of the high quality of governance and management by the TACT office and TACT committees.

The recognition by national performance program coaches of the quality and success of the ACT Junior Development Program and the efforts of Corey Bacon, his coaches and the young athletes in the pro-gram.




Highlights from New South Wales included:

• A highly successful Women’s participation program with a training camp and two race festi-vals introducing some 300 new female participants to the sport.

• A record number of entries and a new home for the NSW Club Championships at Forster on the Mid North Coast, the spiritual home of Ironman Australia.

• Event Organisers, Mark Emerton of Elite Ener-gy and Paul Humphries of HEvents introduced hundreds of new people to the sport with highly successful races across Enticer, Junior, Sprint, Olympic and Long Course distances in Maitland, Newcastle, Forster, Huskisson, Nowra, Wollon-gong, Callala and Batemans Bay.

• A sell out series of Sprint Races at Kurnell on the waters of Botany Bay.

• A record 3230 Individual Annual Members of the State Association.

• A Junior Development Program that delivered 4 out of 6 members of the Australian Junior Elite World Championship team in 2011, with Natalie van Coevorden, Tamsyn Moana-Veale, Jack Hickey and Scott Llewellyn being selected to represent in Beijing.



Highlights from the NT included:

• Conducted Level 0 Coaching Course in conjunction with AASC in Gove, a Level 1 Coaching Course in Darwin, and two Level 1 Technical Official Courses.

• Successful submission to School Sport NT for inclu-sion of triathlon in the School Sport program .

• Conducted Junior Development Team tour which included participation in Queensland All Schools Triath-lon.

• Three Territorians now competing at Professional level (1 x Open; 2 x International Long Course).

• Successful junior programs conducted at Gove, Alice Springs and Darwin.

• Conducted the 2011 Arafura Games Triathlon which attracted entries from Papua New Guinea, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong & Netherlands.

• Hosted the inaugural Fernwood All Girls Tri conduct-ed in Darwin.

• Secured prize money sponsorship for Finlay’s 2010 NT Long Course Triathlon .

• Great achievements from NT athletes - three ath-letes represented NT at 2010 Ironman World Champion-ships – Stu Fitch, Alison Croser and Robyn Stanley; Lois Sharp (Alice Springs) F55-59 2011 Australian Sprint Dis-tance Champion; and Monica Stewart (Darwin) 2011 Australian Triathlon Series F55-59 winner.

• Three triathletes were finalists at NT Sportsperson of Year Awards – Chad Anderson (Local Performance category), Robyn Stanley (Masters Sportsperson of Year category) and Stu Fitch (Masters Sportsperson of Year category).





Highlights from Queensland included:

• Triathlon Queensland brought on a new Events Manager full-time to work on building the Triathlon Queensland State Series.

• A Development Manager was brought on to manage and expand the Triathlon Queensland Development Program, creating pathways for 13-23 year olds.

• Tri QLD saw an increased demand for Tech-nical and Coaching courses across Queensland with healthy participation in both.

• Membership growth for 2010-2011 Season in Queensland exceeded 7%.

• Floods temporarily affected races and the operation of Clubs in flood-affected zones in Jan-uary 2011.

• The Sprint Distance qualification race ab-sorbed into the new Olympic Distance race run in April.

• Joanna Robey resigned as CEO after 4 years of passionate and loyal service to the sport (with new CEO in place for August 2011).




Highlights from South Australia included:

• Celebrating the 30 year anniversary of TriSA at a presentation evening.

• A consistently good standard of presenta-tion and safety across the spectrum of races held virtually every weekend somewhere in South Australia.

• Inducting Matt Stephens into the Hall of Fame and inducting John Fleming of Coomealla Triathlon club as a life member of TriSA.

• The successful introduction of draft legal racing at the Euston event – a fantastic step for-ward for the sport in this state.

• Conducting a successful a junior develop-ment bus trip to Euston for the Euston Grand Prix triathlon.

• The development of new sponsorship ar-rangements and the creation of traction with the branding and recognition factor for the jun-ior development programme.

• Hosting a successful first Barossa Duathlon, despite testing weather conditions.


Highlights from Tasmania included:

• The return of Devonport Triathlon to the national race calendar.

• The Coles Bay 100 continues to grow and provided competitors and spectators a chance to race in one of the most scenic sports in the country.

• The Schools Triathlon Challenge again provided a great vehicle to introduce the sport, and the event also continues to grow, almost reaching capacity in its current form In Hobart.

• The Triathlon Tasmania State Series again provide great competition. Despite unseasonal weather in January 2011 affecting Devonport and Latrobe events (and the Tasmanian aquathon championships in Launceston) the series was a success, at all venues: Devonport, Latrobe, Beauty Point; Coles Bay and Seven Mile Beach. The op-portunity to compete in events across different distances was also an innovation in 2011-11.

• The State Decathlon Championship (part of the national series) was held October 2010.

Outstanding performances from some TAS athletes including:

- Dylan Evans gained a podium finish in the Oceania ITU Junior Champi onships. - James Hodge performed exceptionally to win the Australian age group championship and gain top se-lection to the worlds in Beijing. - Amelia Pearson was first Australian woman in the Australian Ironman championship at Port Macquarie - Joe Gambles won the Australian Half Ironman championship also at Port Macquarie.

• Junior programs through each club saw increased numbers of junior triathletes participating.

• A team was selected and sent to School Sports Association National Junior Triathlon Championships in Queensland, March 2011.

• Suzie Bower has provided great leadership and commitment to the Technical program.

• This season saw the retirement of Bob VanderVelde from the technical program after many years of service.



Highlights from Victoria included:

• An increase in the variety of Triathlon and hybrid events including a significant increase in long course starts.

• 11 Regional and 23 Metropolitan affiliated clubs.

• Over 35,000 race starts.

• National Elite sprint distance and age group Olympic Distance age group Championships held.

• State Sprint, Olympic Distance and Long Course

championships held.

• Winter Duathlon Series held.

• Continuation of tier 1 VIS programme.

• 39 participants at Level 1 coaching courses.

• 18 participants at Level 0 coaching course part-nering with the AASC.

• A strong attendance at kids come-tri days.




Highlights from Western Australia included:

• The highest membership figures recorded and an 18% increase on the past financial year.

• Close to 17,000 participants entered into triathlon races over the season with the TWA calendar hosting 11 State Series Races and 32 official open sanctioned races. In addition to these, Clubs hosted 109 TA sanc-tioned events during the season.

• The Triathlon Excellence Programme (TEP) ath-letes had the opportunity to travel interstate and par-ticipate at 4 national series races and ITU international junior races.

• One WA coach completed the Level 2 qualification in May 2011.

• Strng club growth, with 2 new metro clubs (Team XTR and Exceed Tri Club) established and the TWA Club Development Officer became a full time employ-ee.

• The Annual Club Conference, and Club Forums held during year allowed club representatives to ex-

pand on their club management skills and discuss a variety of matters with Triathlon WA and the other affiliated clubs.

• TWA secured a Volunteer Learning and Develop-ment Grant from the Department of Sport and Recrea-tion. The grant was used to fund a Senior First Aid course for 23 club representatives/coaches and offi-cials to attend.

• Stadium Tri Club ran a TRYStar program during term 1 of 2011, which enabled children who partici-pated in the AASC program to continue the sport of Triathlon.

• The TRYStars programme saw the introduction of a new program sponsor in WA – Police & Nurses Mu-tual Banking, and TRYStars membership saw a partici-pation growth of 16% from the 2009-10 season fig-ures

• TWA hosted the 26th year of the WA State Long Course Championship Triathlon - Ironman 70.3 Bussel-ton Triathlon. The event saw close to 2200 total com-petitors participate, 1399 individuals and 246 teams in a sell-out event.















The key responsibilities of the Age Group Committee are:

To consult with Age Group athletes on the full range of

issues affecting their participation in the sport of triathlon

To decide on appropriate arrangements for Age Group

competitors at World Championships

To develop a budget for age group participation in World


During the year, the Age Group Committee discussed and

actioned a number of topics which affect age group athletes


Athlete contribution and services for the 2011 Australian

age group teams travelling to the 2011 International

Triathlon Union World Championships;

Cancellation of Ironman 70.3 and Ironman events;

Triathlon Australia member database and website;

Recognition of Australian age group representatives

Member questions and feedback;

Recognition of national championship series champions

and national distance championships.



The purpose of the Age Group Selection Committee is to ensure

that the selection of Australian Age Group Teams for ITU World

Championship races is robust, consistent and conducted with

integrity. The Committee also ensures appropriate selection

policies and procedures are in place for Australian Age Group


The key responsibilities of the Age Group Selection Committee


To develop and maintain Age Group Selection policies;

To endorse athletes selected for Australian teams where

it is a clear cut administrative process of using

accumulated points;

To recommend selection decisions which are not clear cut

administrative decisions to the TA Board for approval; and

To refer relevant issues to an Age Group Selection

Appeals body.

A large number of Australian age group athletes were selected to

compete around the world at the 2010 International Triathlon

Union World Triathlon and Duathlon Championships as follows:

154 Australian Olympic distance athletes competed in

September in Budapest, Hungary.

81 Australian Sprint distance athletes competed in

September in Budapest, Hungary.

30 Australian Duathlon athletes competed in September in

Edinburgh, Scotland.

17 Australian Long distance athletes competed in August in

Immenstadt, Germany.

The Age Group Selection Committee discussed, amended and

recommended that the Board approve the following Age Group

Selection Policies:

2012 ITU World Championships Age Group Team - Sprint


2012 ITU World Championships Age Group Team -

Olympic Distance

2012 ITU World Championships Age Group Team - Long


2012 ITU World Championships Age Group Team –


The policies were approved by the Board and were made

available on the website by mid June 2011 enabling potential

team members to be clear about the qualification requirements

for selection.




The purpose of the Elite Athlete Selection Committee is to ensure that the selection of elite Australian Triathlon Teams for ITU draft legal and long distance races is robust, consistent and conducted with integrity, and to ensure appropriate selection policies and procedures are in place for elite Australian Triathlon Teams. The key responsibilities of the Elite Athlete Selection Committee for 2010/2011 were:

To recommend to the TA Board, the membership of Elite, Under-23 and Junior Australian Triathlon Teams for the following events: 2010 ITU Elite World Championship Series Grand Final; 2010 ITU Under 23 and 2010 ITU Junior World Championships

To review and draft 2010 and 2011 selection policies for the national teams and recommend such

policies to the TA Board for adoption.

To prepare and review the Triathlon 2012 London Olympic Games Nomination policy in consultation with the Australian Olympic Committee and to recommend this policy to the TA Board for adoption.

Upon request, to provide advice to the NPD on the selection of Elite, Under-23 and Junior Elite Australian Triathlon Teams to events other than those listed above, which included the ITU World Cups, ITU Continental Championships and Continental Cups.

To present information relating to the selection of the above teams to the TA Appeals Panel as required. One appeal was heard and decided during the year.

The 2010-2011 year was also the period during which the Australian Olympic Committee and TA began working together to ensure that the 2012 London Olympic Nomination Criteria were fair, robust and defendable. The 2012 Triathlon Nomination Criteria for London were approved and made available for all athletes to strive towards. The Board also approved the Committee’s recommended athletes for the London Olympic Shadow team. Those athletes will now be required to maintain a satisfactory performance standard to stay in the shadow team and will be under regular observation by the Elite Athlete Selection Committee in the lead up months to London.



The High Performance Committee (HPC) has the responsibility of ensuring that the High performance program

(HPP) is efficiently and effectively planned, implemented and managed. The National Performance Director (NPD)

and the triathlon representatives from the ASC and the AIS report to the HPC.

The Triathlon High Performance plan which was approved by the TA Board is the basis for all recommendations

made by the HPC. During the period since the implementation of the HPC, the key areas which were addressed are

as follows:

Approval and planned recruitment of the National Manager, Coach Development to ensure a robust

and effective development pathway is available for all Triathlon coaches. The role will work with all

employed and contracted coaches in their specific professional development.

Approval and planned recruitment of four National Talent Coaches coordinate the National Talent

Academy across four geographical areas - WA/SA, NSW/ACT, VIC/TAS and QLD/NT.

The NTA will make our athlete and coach pathways more robust by providing the essential link

between the state junior programs and the SIS/SAS network.

Approval of the High Performance program budget.

Restructuring of the HP program senior staff arrangements, including the secondment of the NPD to

the NSO, reporting directly to the TA CEO. The NPD will be the single point of accountability for all

aspects of Australia’s high performance activities.

A change to the AIS Triathlon Program with the AIS Triathlon Manager engaged to optimise the

contribution of the AIS. In addition to providing case management for AIS scholarship holders, the role

will provide national leadership on technical coaching issues to all HP coaches and athletes.

Approval of the AIS Centre of Excellence to be located on the Gold Coast in conjunction with AIS Sprint

Canoe and AIS BMX.



It has been a busy year for the National Technical Committee and the dedicated 375 officials who support all

sanctioned events throughout Australia. Triathlon Technical Officials support over 400 events across Australia,

both on the field of play and during the sanctioning process. Triathlon Technical Officials and the National

Technical Committee devote a significant amount of time and energy in providing the highest level of services to

the triathlon community throughout Australia and abroad.

Projects in progress, or completed during the 2010-2011 season include:

Revision of the Triathlon Australia Race Competition Rules (TA RCR). This was completed and

accepted by the TA Board for release July 1st 2011. The purpose of the update was to align the rules

as much as possible with those implemented by the International Triathlon Union and to minimise

the need for special rules that are requested by Race Organisers.

Concordant update of all Level1 and Level 2 training and exam material in line with the amended TA


Submission to the Australian Sports Commission of the TA Level 3 Technical Officials Programme for

accreditation. Lead by the Director of Officials, Murray Hilder and with contributions from committee

members this work further enables consistent development and training of technical officials to the

senior level.

Revision and corrections to the TA National Sanctioning form and concurrent updating of the TA

Sanctioning Policy and associated Work Flow document.

Compilation of all documentation relevant to technical officials both on and off the field of play. The

documents have been reviewed and accepted or archived by the National Technical Committee.

Current documents are to be made available to all technical officials via the new TA website.

Continued training and development of new and existing technical officials.

Ongoing risk management and event assessment by senior technical officials as part of the race

sanctioning process.



The purpose of the Committee is: To ensure the successful technical conduct of the Sydney leg of the ITU World Championship Series race, the

associated age group race and any extension events.

To advise the Board of Triathlon Australia on matters pertaining to the effective discharge of Triathlon Australia’s responsibilities under the ITU World Championship Series License and Hosting Agreement for 2010, 2011 and 2012

During the year, the committee achieved the following outcomes: The preparation and endorsement of key documents supporting the Sydney event including, course design,

budget, marketing and communication plan and the sponsorship plan The monitoring of preparations for the Sydney event including liaison and agreements with NSW

Government agencies, race day infrastructure requirements, budget forecast and invoicing arrangements, Age Group Race entry process

Liaison with NSW State Government Departments through the Department of Premier and Cabinet, on matters concerning the operational impact of the delivery of the event.

The 2011 event was hailed a success by the ITU and by the elite and age group athletes who participated in the race. There was some concern expressed in the media about disruptions to Sydney traffic flow and the non-event public. The concerns were discussed in a de-brief session in late April. The NSW Government through the DPC is confident that the issues causing the city disruption can be addressed. The committee also commenced work on the creation of a long term strategic plan for the growth and development of the event.










During the year, our elite athletes produced outstanding results as follows

Emma Moffatt - 2010 ITU World Champion

Emma had another great year to back up her 2009 World Championship victory. She raced 8 major races with a top 3 finish in

six major races, which included a 2nd place in the ITU WCS final in Budapest. Emma did not finish out of the top 10 in any race.

Emma Jackson - 2010 ITU World under 23 Champion

Emma was still eligible for the ITU Junior racing in 2010. However,she had a very good year in which she showed that in the

near future she will be performing against the best females in the world. Her efforts in three ITU WCS races gave notice of

much better things to come. In extremely poor conditions in Budapest, Emma showed her class in the ITU U23 Championships

with a great swim to set up a super run leg to finish nearly 60 seconds ahead of her nearest competitor.

Ashleigh Gentle – 2010 ITU Junior Champion

Ashleigh achieved a stunning victory in the ITU Junior World Championship race, with an impressive run leg, to dominate the

World Championships. Her victory capped of a superb history of junior results for Ashleigh as she had previously been a silver

medallist in this event.

Emma Snowsill – 2010 ITU WCS Final winner

After a challenging year with sickness and other concerns, Emma finished the year as she had started it with a great victory in

the Budapest race to add to her excellent victory in the Hy- Vee race earlier in the year. Emma showed the Triathlon world that

in her best form she is still the athlete that all female athletes should gauge themselves against.

Brad Kahlefeldt – 2010 ITU WCS Bronze medallist

Brad again had another very consistent year with a 5th place finish in the ITU WCS final with 7 other top 10 finishes including a

win at the ITU Mooloolaba World Cup and a podium finish in the ITU WCS Seoul race.

Chris McCormack and Mirinda Carfrae – 2010 Ironman Champions

Chris and Mirinda showed the world just what outstanding athletes they are this year. Their winning performances in the 2010

World Ironman Championships in Hawaii following on from their previous performances should make the Australian triathlon

community proud. Chris and Mirinda lead our Australian long distance athletes who continue to show the rest of the world the

calibre of athletes which Australia has produced. Congratulations to all of them.




Emma Snowsill (AIS/QAS) – 1st Brad Kahlefeldt (AIS/NSWIS) – 5th

Emma Moffatt (AIS/QAS) – 2nd Brendan Sexton (AIS/VIS) – 26th

Felicity Abram (AIS/QAS) – 26th Courtney Atkinson (AIS/QAS) – 28th

Annabelle Luxford (AIS/QAS) – dnf James Seear (AIS/QAS) – 40th

Erin Densham (AIS/VIS) – dnf Dan Wilson (AIS/QAS) – 52nd


Emma Jackson (QAS) – 1st Jamie Huggett (VIS) – 4th

Charlotte McShane (NSWIS) – 25th Drew Box (QAS) – 10th

Anthony McSweeney (QAS) – 31st


Ashleigh Gentle (QAS) – 1st Ryan Fisher (QAS) – 6th

Amy Roberts (QAS) – 9th Michael Gosman (ACTAS) – 13th

Drew Viles (QAS) – 17th



The inaugural Youth Olympic Games (YOG) was con-

ducted in Singapore from 14th to 26th August 2010.

3,600 athletes aged from 14 to 18 years participated in

26 sports. Triathlon consisted of 32 males and 32 fe-

males aged 17 or 18 as at 31 December 2010.

The maximum number of athletes any NOC can field in

the YOG Triathlon is one male and one female. The

YOG Oceania qualifier was conducted in Canberra, ACT

on Saturday 23rd January 2010. It is worth noting that

the ITU awarded one male and one female automatic

performance spot to the Oceania region. Therefore

Australia was racing New Zealand for the sole auto-

matic Oceania spot.

Ellie Salthouse (QLD) and Michael Gosman (ACT) were

successful in gaining the Oceania spot for the 2010

YOG and were subsequently nominated by TA to the

AOC. They were the first athletes across all sports to

have their membership to the AOC YOG Team con-


Women’s Race - 750m Swim/20km Bike/5km Run

The women’s triathlon commenced at 9am on day 1 of

competition. As the women’s triathlon event was the

first medal event of the inaugural YOG it had a large

media interest and was attended by senior AOC staff

including the Chef de Mission - Nick Green, AOC Direc-

tor of Sport - Fiona de Jong and AOC Secretary General

- Craig Phillips. Ellie after a slow start in the swim pow-

ered through the bike and run to win the silver medal

and kick start the Olympic program. This was an out-

standing result for Ellie in her first international event

and she pushed the much more experienced Japanese

athlete (5 x Dextro ITU World Championships Series

Starts) all the way to the finish.

2nd - Ellie Salthouse (Brisbane, QLD). Coached by War-

wick Dalziel

Men’s Race - 750m Swim/20km Bike/5km Run

Michael did not have a great start losing his goggles as

he dived into the water and was subsequently at the

rear of the field early in the swim. A bunch of 8-10 ath-

letes came out of the water and went up the road on

the bike. Michael missed this pack and was caught do-

ing most of the work in the chase pack along with an

athlete from South Africa. The lead pack gained 45-

50seconds on the first lap, had a 60second lead on se-

cond lap and blew out to 1min 40seconds by the end

of the bike. All in all Michael was happy with his 12th

position and race and learnt a lot from his first interna-

tional race. Michael went on the finish 2nd at the ITU

World Duathlon Championships in Scotland and 13th

at ITU World Triathlon Championships in Budapest.

12th - Michael Gosman (Canberra, ACT). Coached by

Darren Smith

The event also included a mixed teams triathlon relay

4 x (250m Swim/7km Bike/1.7km Run).The Australians

and New Zealand athletes teamed up to form the Oce-

ania Team. Team Oceania lead off with Ellie Salthouse

(AUS), then Michael Gosman (AUS), followed by Mad-

die Dillon (NZL) & Aaron Barclay (NZL).The race was

decided by a sprint between Team Oceania 1 & Team

Europe 1. Team Oceania finished with a well-deserved

silver medal.



2011 was the inaugural year of the new Australian National Triathlon Championship Series (ANTCS). The series was comprised of 3 premier, high quality events:

Geelong – Elite Sprint and Age Group Olympic Distance Triathlon – 19-20th February 2011 Mooloolaba – Elite and Age Group Olympic Distance Triathlon – 26-27th March 2011 Sydney – Elite and Age Group Olympic Distance Triathlon – 10th April 2011

The ANTCS was designed to be the premier race series for Triathlon Australia members. Members were offered guaranteed entry to all three races if they entered via the ‘Three race series’ entry pro-cess. At the Elite level, the series offered high quality sprint and olympic distance races, providing signifi-cant prize money, ITU ranking points and live television coverage. The Mooloolaba event was desig-nated as the Australian Elite and Age Group National Olympic Distance Championships. Mooloolaba hosted two ITU points races - the opening race in the ITU World Cup series and an ITU Continental Cup race. The Sydney race had the honour of being designated the opening leg of the ITU Dextro Energy World Championship Series. For age group athletes, the series offered points that would determine the National Series Champi-on in each age group, and contribute to qualification for the 2011 Australian Age Group team at the Triathlon Olympic Distance World Championships in Beijing. The series winners were recognised and presented at the Celebration of Champions Awards Dinner, held on the evening of the final Sydney race. Winners of the 2010-2011 Australian National Triathlon Championship Series can be found in this report.




2010 saw the launch of the Australian National Duathlon Series featuring 8 high quality duathlon events hosted by

each state and territory across Australia.

The Series aims to create an Australia wide competition which provides opportunity for Duathlon competitors to

travel and experience a wide variety of courses and conditions.

Participants in the series accrued points to determine the Australian Duathlon Series Champion in each age group.

Points accrued during the series were also used to determine qualification for the Australian Age Group team for

the ITU Duathlon World Championships.

In 2010 the series attracted some high profile athletes, and received a lot of positive feedback due to the quality of

event conditions and the high level of competition.

Race reports all had a common theme to them; stating that each event provided an excellent course and the major-

ity of competitors had a great day out with elite duathletes indicating that they were looking forward to the events

of next season.

The following 8 events made up the 2010 Australian Duathlon Series:

27 June 2010

New South Wales Duathlon Series, Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Horsley Park

1 August 2010

Triathlon Queensland Duathlon Championships, Lockyer Valley Cultural, Centre, Lake Apex Park, Gatton

15 August 2010

Australian Duathlon Championships, Tanunda, Barossa Valley

29 August 2010

Australian Capital Territory Duathlon Championships, Stromlo Forest Park

19 September 2010

Northern Territory Duathlon Championships, Hidden Valley, Darwin,

3 October 2010

Tasmania Duathlon Championships, Tasmania Police Academy, Rokeby

10 October 2010

Western Australia Duathlon Championships, Champion

Lakes, Kelmscott

17 October 2010

Victoria Duathlon Championships, The Boulevard, Kew, VIC

Winners of the 2010 National Duathlon Series can be found in this re-




Another season of solid racing from Australia’s most talent juniors continued throughout the 2011 summer national se-ries. The racing kicked off with the 2XU Super Sprint Race Weekend in December where the event was hammered by electrical storms with lightening, wind and rain. This followed with the Devonport Triathlon where most of Northern Tasmania, Victo-ria and Southern NSW were hit with massive floods. The water quality and debris/flooding in the Mersey River turned the Devonport race into a duathlon. Then onto Geelong for the 2011 Australian ITU Junior Champi-onships in February where gale force winds forced the post-

ponement of all events to the Sunday. To top the series off all athletes were facing a tsunami warning on the morning of the ITU Oceania Championships in Wellington, New Zealand – What a Year! The series winners are determined by a point score based on the athletes best three results out of the four national series events for ITU Junior Men and after consideration by the TA Board the ITU Junior Women’s race in Devonport was declared a non-event therefore the best two result from three races counted towards the series winner in the junior women. The 2011 Australian Junior Triathlon Series consisted of the following four events:

2010-2011 National Junior Series

Race 1 NTID Super Sprint Race Weekend, QLD

17-19 December 2010

JUNIOR WOMEN 1.Ellie Salthouse QLD 2.Amy Roberts QLD 3.Brigitte Fischer QLD JUNIOR MEN 1.Scott Llewellyn NSW 2.Kenji Nener WA 3.Marcel WalkingtonVIC

Race 2 Devonport Triathlon, TAS Saturday 15 January 2011

Selection Race 1 - Became a duathlon due to floods and therefore

was not awarded automatic selection status


1. Natalie Van Coevorden NSW

2. Tamsyn Moana-Veale NSW

3. Mikayla Neilsen NZL


1. Scott Llewellyn NSW

2. Jack Hickey NSW

3. Braden Ludlow NSW

Race 3 Geelong Multi Sport Festival, VIC

18-20 February 2011

Selection Race 2 and Australian ITU Junior Triathlon Champi-onships


1. Tamsyn Moana-Veale NSW

2. Ashlee Bailie WA

3. Ellie Salthouse QLD


1. Scott Llewellyn NSW

2. Jack Hickey NSW

3. Michael Gosman ACT

Race 4 OTU Oceania Triathlon Championships, NZL

Saturday 12 March 2011

Selection Race 3; Oceania OTU Junior Triathlon Champion-ships; Annual Trans-Tasman Challenge Teams Event

JUNIOR WOMEN 1. Mikayla Nielsen NZL 2. Natalie Van Coevorden NSW 3. Ashlee Bailie WA

JUNIOR MEN 1. Matt Brown QLD 2. Dylan Evans TAS 3. Brayden Tucker QLD



In the ITU Junior Men’s Series, Scott Llewellyn dominated the series winning the first three races to take an unbeatable lead and has wrapped up the point score prior to the final race. Jack Hickey (NSW) hung tough in Wellington to grab enough points to finish second overall while Marcel Walkington (VIC) on 20points and the consistent Brayden Tucker (QLD) also on 20 points tied for 3rd place. In fifth place with 19 points was Kenji Nener (WA) followed by Dylan Evans (TAS) on 17 points then Matt Brown (QLD), Braden Ludlow (NSW), James Chronis (VIC) and Shane Farrant (ACT) round out the top ten. Youth Olympic Games Silver Medalist Ellie Salthouse (QLD) won the series by 1 point from reigning Australian ITU Junior Cham-pion, Tamsyn Moana-Veale (NSW) with Ashlee Bailie (WA) only 1 point further back in third place. Natalie Van Coevorden made a late charge with her second place in Wellington to take fourth place in the series, followed by Mikayla Nielsen (NZL), then Brittany Forster (QLD) in sixth place. Maddison Allen (QLD) and Amy Roberts (QLD) tied for seventh, then Brigitte Fischer (QLD) and Jaz Hedgeland (WA) round out the top ten.

Thanks to the generous support of 2XU the top 3 placing in the 2011 2XU Australian Junior Triathlon Series received a personal product sponsorship package from 2XU along with series trophies courtesy of Triathlon Australia.

Matt Brown (QLD) 2011 Mikayla Nielsen (NZL)

Michael Gosman (ACT) 2010 Holly Aitken (VIC)

Jos Hoetjes (NZL) 2009 Courtney Dutton (QLD)

Jamie Huggett (VIC) 2008 Ashleigh Gentle (QLD)

Sam Betten (QLD) 2007 Courtney Dutton (QLD)

Oceania ITU Junior Championships

2011 Tamsyn Moana-Veale (NSW) Scott Llewellyn (NSW)

2010 Holly Aitken (VIC) Ryan Fisher (QLD)

2009 Emma Jackson (QLD) Sam Appleton (NSW)

2008 Ashleigh Gentle (QLD) Jamie Huggett (VIC)

2007 Courtney Dutton (QLD) Sam Betten (QLD)

2XU Australian ITU Junior Triathlon Series

2011 Ellie Salthouse (QLD) Scott Llewellyn (NSW)

2010 Holly Aitken (VIC) Drew Viles (QLD)

2009 Emma Jackson (QLD) Jamie Huggett (VIC)

2008 Ashleigh Gentle (QLD) Joshua Amberger (QLD)

2007 Ashleigh Gentle (QLD) Sam Betten (QLD)

2XU Australian ITU Junior Triathlon Series Point Score




2011 saw the launch of the inaugural Annual Awards

dinner. The dinner was held at the Intercontinental

Hotel in Sydney on the evening of Sunday 10th April

2011, following the Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU

World Championships Series opening race and final

race of the Australian National Triathlon Champion-

ship Series for Age Group athletes.

This theme of the evening was the ‘Celebration of

Champions’, and featured a celebration of Austral-

ia’s six reigning World and Olympic champions:

Emma Snowsill

Emma Moffatt

Emma Jackson

Ashleigh Gentle

Mirinda Carfrae

Chris McCormack

The night incorporated the annual awards for our

Elite athletes; crowned our new Australian Series

Champions; and recognised our Age Group World

Champions and Junior Series Champions.

Winners of our Elite annual awards were:

• Emma Jackson – winner of the Chris Hewitt Emerg-

ing Athlete award

• Emma Moffatt & Emma Snowsill – winners of the

Female Individual Performance of the Year award


• Chris McCormack – winner of the Male Individual

Performance of the Year award

• Mirinda Carfrae – winner of the Athletes Athlete of

the Year award

In attendance were special VIP guests including Feder-

al Minister for Sport, The Honourable Mr Mark Arbib,

Leader of the Opposition, The Honourable, Mr Tony

Abbott, NSW Minister for Sport, The Honourable Mr

Graham Annesley MP, and key representatives from

the International Triathlon Union, the Australian

Olympic Committee, and the Australian Sports Com-


Some of the world’s top triathletes attended including

New Zealand’s Ms Andrea Hewitt and Great Britain’s

Mr Alistair Brownlee, and the full Australian Elite

team that had raced that weekend.

Several of Australia’s former World Champions includ-

ing Ms Jackie Fairweather, Mr Craig Alexander, Mr

Miles Stewart, and Mr Peter Robertson were amongst

the 220 guests present to celebrate the success of Tri-

athlon in Australia.

Key table sponsors of the dinner were Active Net-

work, Urban Hotel Group, and USM Events.

A silent auction was held on the night to raise money

for two very worthy causes, The John Mclean Founda-

tion, and the Laureus Sport for Good Foundation. The

auction items were the iconic Australian ‘green and

gold’ race suite; two male suits signed by Brad Kahle-

feldt, Courtney Atkinson, and Brendan Sexton and

two female suits signed by Emma Moffatt, Emma

Snowsill, Emma Jackson and Ashleigh Gentle. The auc-

tion raised a total amount of $4,000 to split between

the charities.

It was a night of great entertainment, awards and cel-

ebration for our guests from the international and

Australian triathlon and sport communities, and a

night that will be built upon for future years.



Miles Stewart Michellie Jones (S)

Craig Walton Nicole Hackett

Peter Robertson Loretta Harrop


Greg Bennet Rina Hill

Simon Thompson Maxine Seer

Peter Robertson Loretta Harrop (S)


Courtney Atkinson Emma Snowsill (G)

Brad Kahlefeldt Emma Moffatt (B)

Erin Densham



Miles Stewart (S) Nicole Hackett (B)


Brad Kahlefeldt (G) Emma Snowsill (G)

Peter Robertson (B)





1990 Greg Welch 1999 Loretta Harrop

1991 Miles Stewart 2000 Nicole Hackett

1992 Michellie Jones 2001 Peter Robertson

1993 Michellie Jones 2003 Emma Snowsill & Peter


1994 Emma Carney 2005 Emma Snowsill & Peter


1996 Jackie Gallagher 2006 Emma Snowsill

1997 Emma Carney & Chris


2009 Emma Moffatt

1998 Joanne King 2010 Emma Moffatt


1992 Jenny Alcorn

1993 Greg Welch

1996 Andrew Noble and Jackie Gallagher

1997 Jonathan Hall

1999 Jackie Gallagher

2006 Leon Griffin


1996 Greg Welch

1998 Rina Hill


1994 Greg Welch

2006 Michellie Jones

2007 Chris McCormack

2008 Craig Alexander

2009 Craig Alexander

2010 Chris McCormack and Mirinda Carfrae



Michellie Jones (2009)

Miles Stewart (2009)



Jesse Featonby Open

Brayden Clews-Proctor 14-15 Bridget Reilly

Adam Rudgley 16-19 Georgia Hardy

Lindsey Wall 20-24 Kym Ireland

Jemani Francis 25-29 Sarah Lester

Casey Miles 30-34 Penelope Sinton

Shane Rattenbury 35-39 Jodie Barker

Ric Rosenkranz 40-44 Nicky Western

Peter Walker 45-49 Allison Jones

Geoff Hawke 50-54 Eleanor Dally

Ian Rea 55-59 Loie Sharp

Jim Williams 60-64 Carol Cullen

Peter Hennessey 65-69 Carol Bennett

Lachlan Lewis 70-74

Geoff Llewellyn 75-79

Radovan Leovic 80-84

Australian National Sprint Distance Champions


James Hodge 16-19 Gillian Backhouse

Dom Aungles 20-24 Alissa Williams

Troy O’Shea 25-29 Cassandra Percival

Peter Court 30-34 Alison Ryan

Simon Nash 35-39 Tracey Zammitt

Michael Maroney 40-44 Angela Clarke

Peter Forster 45-49 Linda O’Connor

Tony Duffy 50-54 Louise McNulty

Geoffrey Taylor 55-59 Janice Avery-Spoor

Brian Barr 60-64 Robyn Morgan

Ken Murley 65-69

Bernard Crowe 70-74

Jolyon Ward 75-79

Australian National Olympic Distance Champions



Daniel Green Open Bev Thomas

Anthony Bishop 16-19

James Duffy 20-24

Caleb McInnes 25-29

Keith Broadfoot 30-34 Tarryn Whitmore

Glenn Sadler 35-39 Rachael Smith

Nathan Warburton 40-44 Belinda Ward

Michael Cocks 45-49 Christine Pauling

Stephen Fenton 50-54 Trudy Fenton

Kevin Duffy 55-59 Stephanie McPharlin

David Wells 60-64

John Taylor 65-69

Clive Glover 70-74



Australian National Duathlon Champions


Mitch Kibby Open Matilda Raynolds

James Hodge 15-19 Annalise Jeffries

Andrew Elshaw 20-24 Alissa Williams

Troy O’Shea 25-29 Clara Brown and Kellie Spottiswood

Peter Court 30-34 Janelle Webster

Simon Nash 35-39 Cyrma Hearne

Troy Ibbott 40-44 Sara Finch

Jeff Collier 45-49 Linda O’Connor

John Hill 50-54 Sue Luckhurst and Louise McNulty

Geoffrey Taylor 55-59 Monica Stewart

Martin Brigden 60-64 Christine Walker

Brian Alderman 65-69

Bernard Crowe 70-74

Jolyon Ward 75-79

Australian National Triathlon Championship Series Champions


Scott Llewellyn 1st Ellie Salthouse

Jack Hickey 2nd Tamsyn Moana-Veale

Brayden Tucker & Marcel Walkington 3rd Ashlee Bailie

Australian National Junior Series Champions




20 - 24 years Elyza Codner

20 - 24 years Karen Hill

25 - 29 years Marayke Jonkers (B)

25 - 29 years Sarah Lester

25 - 29 years Tamara Slater

30 - 34 years Ali Crichton

30 - 34 years Tania Gover

35 - 39 years Belinda Dent

35 - 39 years Claire Dewar

35 - 39 years Niki Hale

35 - 39 years Sara Ward-Collins (was Lightfoot)

Sprint Distance

Budapest, Hungary September 11, 2010


Under 18 Mitchell Brown

Under 18 Luke Farrell

Under 18 Hamish Lees

18 - 19 years Scott Mcpherson

20 - 24 years Andre Borell

20 - 24 years David Grech

20 - 24 years Timothy Paterakis

25 - 29 years Josh Dew

25 - 29 years Cam Dinnie

25 - 29 years David East

25 - 29 years Jack Greenwood

25 - 29 years Guy Jones

25 - 29 years Douglas Morton

25 - 29 years Benjamin Wright (B)

30 - 34 years Jai Forster (G)

30 - 34 years Peter Matthews

35 - 39 years Adam Coulton

35 - 39 years Ben Hill

35 - 39 years Craig Newton

35 - 39 years Shane Rattenbury

35 - 39 years William Scott Winter

40 - 44 years Jeff Beavis

40 - 44 years Matt Dymond

40 - 44 years Pete Hansen

40 - 44 years Carl Hoddy

40 - 44 years Ron Meteyard

45 - 49 years Paul Burnham

45 - 49 years Kevin Cairns

45 - 49 years Wayne Donley

45 - 49 years Steve Eastwood

45 - 49 years Andrew Fisher

45 - 49 years Gavin Mortlock

45 - 49 years Michael Pratt

45 - 49 years Paul Smith

45 - 49 years Gary Tall

50 - 54 years Dave MacKay

50 - 54 years Thomas Pearce

50 - 54 years Julian Rifkin

50 - 54 years Tony Ruddick

50 - 54 years Stephen Wise

55 - 59 years William Bardsley

55 - 59 years Barry Rigby

55 - 59 years Geoffrey Taylor

65 - 69 years Ken Murley (S)

65 - 69 years William Henry Winter

70 - 74 years John Bennetts

70 - 74 years Lachlan Lewis

70 - 74 years Paul Stone

70 - 74 years Kevin Taylor (B)

75 - 79 years James Sydney

40 - 44 years Elizabeth Sinclair

40 - 44 years Nicky Western (S)

50 - 54 years Caroline Brooks

50 - 54 years Gayelene Clews

50 - 54 years Eleanor Dally

50 - 54 years Helen Duffy

50 - 54 years Robyn Scott

60 - 64 years Carol Cullen

60 - 64 years Jane Mountford (G)

60 - 64 years Christine Walker

65 - 69 years Sharon Hulme

65 - 69 years Janice Iredale (S)

G - Gold medal winner

S - Silver medal winner

B - Bronze medal winner


Olympic Distance

Budapest, Hungary September 12, 2010 Female

20 - 24 years Emma Coman-Jeffries 30 - 34 years Kylie Pepper 45 - 49 years Janet Ferguson

20 - 24 years Meegan Farrawell 30 - 34 years Kerrie Smith 45 - 49 years Leonor Lawler

20 - 24 years Katey Gibb 30 - 34 years Lauren Stanley 45 - 49 years Gemma Meincke

20 - 24 years Rhiannon Roberts 30 - 34 years Cassandra Webb 45 - 49 years Tracy Quin

20 - 24 years Penny Brown 35 - 39 years Nathalie Bond 45 - 49 years Mary Sietsma

25 - 29 years Renee Baker 35 - 39 years Vicki Dawson 45 - 49 years Tarnia Stone

25 - 29 years Rebecca Barnard 35 - 39 years Cyrma Hearn 45 - 49 years Narelle Talbot

25 - 29 years Natalie Dellow (B) 35 - 39 years Cate Law 50 - 54 years Julie Boyd

25 - 29 years Yvette Fisher 35 - 39 years Clare Singleton 50 - 54 years Susan Horsburgh

25 - 29 years Emily Jackson 40 - 44 years Francoise Coirier 50 - 54 years Belinda Sharpless

25 - 29 years Tiffany Lee 40 - 44 years Christine Hemphill 50 - 54 years Gladys Woods

25 - 29 years Morgan Marsh 40 - 44 years Helen Roach 55 - 59 years Margot De Gannes

25 - 29 years Chloe-Anne Mitchum 40 - 44 years Trish Turnbull 55 - 59 years Catherine Tulloh

25 - 29 years Tamara Slater 40 - 44 years Belinda Ward 60 - 64 years Penny Becker

25 - 29 years Jodie Spottiswood 40 - 44 years Bronwyn Wray-Pattinson 60 - 64 years Pam Brass

30 - 34 years Ali Crichton 40 - 44 years Gayle Young 60 - 64 years Anne Simmons

30 - 34 years Nicola Fotheringham 45 - 49 years Carol Bruce


18 - 19 years Halligan Quin 30 - 34 years Tim Guille 45 - 49 years Gavin Mortlock

20 - 24 years Dom Aungles 30 - 34 years Clint May 45 - 49 years Mark Norman

20 - 24 years Tyrone Compton 30 - 34 years Michael Prince (G) 45 - 49 years Matthew Quin

20 - 24 years Brodie Gardner 30 - 34 years Andrew Wilkinson 45 - 49 years Reg Sheridan

20 - 24 years Samuel Garling 35 - 39 years Simon Bennett 45 - 49 years John Stekelenburg

20 - 24 years Duncan Houston 35 - 39 years Glen Blackwell 45 - 49 years Gary Tall

20 - 24 years Ben Lyons 35 - 39 years Bill Chaffey (S) 45 - 49 years Kim Vivian

20 - 24 years Steven Moore 35 - 39 years Michael Check 50 - 54 years Richard Burnell

20 - 24 years Alexander Rigby 35 - 39 years Jason Claridge 50 - 54 years John Glen

25 - 29 years Chad Anderson 35 - 39 years Alistair Green 50 - 54 years Michael Mccormick

25 - 29 years Alexander Ball 35 - 39 years Ross Hamilton 50 - 54 years Rowan Neerhut

25 - 29 years Jarrod Boyd 35 - 39 years Paul Taylor 50 - 54 years John O'Connell

25 - 29 years Adam Chadburn 35 - 39 years Drew Westbrook 50 - 54 years Julian Rifkin

25 - 29 years Adam Davidson 40 - 44 years Neil Armstrong 50 - 54 years Steve Sitko

25 - 29 years Sean Durkin 40 - 44 years Steve Atkins 55 - 59 years Crichton Collins

25 - 29 years Stephen Hadley 40 - 44 years Jason Carkazis 55 - 59 years Kevin Duffy

25 - 29 years Angus Mcgilvray 40 - 44 years Steven Edwards 55 - 59 years Rob Von Nesselrode

25 - 29 years Brynt Mcswain 40 - 44 years Todd Evans 60 - 64 years Martin Brigden

25 - 29 years Nathan Miller 40 - 44 years Rod Fitzgerald 60 - 64 years Ric Coyle

25 - 29 years Daniel Moore 40 - 44 years Velimir (Budd) Ilic 60 - 64 years Noel Devine

25 - 29 years Robbie Mullins 40 - 44 years Jason Jones 60 - 64 years Kerry Dowling

25 - 29 years Nicholas Muxlow 40 - 44 years Tim Lang 60 - 64 years Stephen Flick

25 - 29 years Heath Porter 40 - 44 years Rod Marton 60 - 64 years Hugh Gilberg

25 - 29 years Trent Reynolds 40 - 44 years Arron Robertson 60 - 64 years Eric Jarrett

25 - 29 years Aaron Semmens 40 - 44 years Martin Toll 60 - 64 years Rob MacKenzie

25 - 29 years Andrew Stewart 40 - 44 years David Witham 65 - 69 years Brian Alderman

25 - 29 years Luke Zweers 45 - 49 years Geoff Breese 65 - 69 years Tony Guttmann

30 - 34 years Brett Archbold 45 - 49 years Michael Brosnan 65 - 69 years Robert Hekking

30 - 34 years Troy Drinan 45 - 49 years Retlaw Compton 65 - 69 years Raymond Hunt

30 - 34 years Anthony Flick 45 - 49 years Campbell Dawson 70 - 74 years Peter Bennett

30 - 34 years Ben Garland 45 - 49 years Barry De Jong 70 - 74 years Lachlan Lewis

30 - 34 years Troy Grimshaw 45 - 49 years Kenneth Kirk


Long Distance

Immenstadt, Germany August 1, 2010


30 - 34 years Jennifer Bramann

35 - 39 years Nathalie Bond

35 - 39 years Sarah Fitzgerald

35 - 39 years Rowena Sinclair-Smith

40 - 44 years Christine Hemphill (G)


25 - 29 years Ben Ferris Wheel

35 - 39 years Brett Pidgeon

40 - 44 years Rip Oldmeadow

55 - 59 years William Bardsley

55 - 59 years Steve Bertling


Edinburgh, Scotland September 4, 2010


40-44 Belinda Ward

40-44 Gayle Young

45-49 Louise Ibbotson


25-29 Grant Garvie

25-29 Stephen Hadley

30-34 Keith Broadfoot

40-44 Gregory Baxter

40-44 Paul Jarrett

40-44 Todd Martin

45-49 Geoff Breese

45-49 Reg Sheriden

50-54 John Glen

50-54 Mark Haber

50-54 John O'Connell

50-54 Phillip Parle

50-54 Steve Sitko

55-59 William Bardsley

55-59 Mark Dawson

60-64 Witold Krajewski

60-64 David Wells

70-74 Lachlan Lewis


