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Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno...

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Annual Report 2019
Page 1: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.

Annual Report2019

Page 2: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.
Page 3: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.

Company informationRegistered office of the Parent CompanyOVS S.p.A.Via Terraglio 17 – 30174Venice - Mestre

Legal details of the Parent CompanyAuthorised share capital €227,000,000.00Subscribed and paid-up share capital €227,000,000.00

Venice Companies Register no. 04240010274Tax and VAT code 04240010274Corporate website: www.ovscorporate.it

Page 4: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.
Page 5: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.

Letter to shareholders


In 2019 our Group delivered the anticipated profitability gains and generated considerable cash flow, despite a market scenario that remained adverse. The decision to significantly scale back product orders compared to the previous year and to favour an assortment based on a functional, always contemporary product, with an emphasis on quality and sustainability rather than on mere fashion content, proved to be correct. This allowed us, among other things, to increase our full-price sales percentage, with the resulting improvement in margins. Further process rationalisation, aided by progress in the area of digitalisation, also enabled us to increase our level of efficiency in managing costs.

Unfortunately, early 2020 was marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced us to close all our stores in Italy for nearly two months. Our Group reacted swiftly, ensuring the safety of our employees and our customers above all else, and then turned its attention to protecting the business from a financial standpoint. In addition, a very large number of activities were launched for all our employees, through social-networking sessions, with a focus on increasing the competencies and stimulating the creativity of our personnel. Many of the ideas developed and shared have already been put into practice, further increasing team spirit at OVS.

In view of our position as market leader, we also devoted ourselves a great deal to working for the benefit of the entire sector, participating in, and in many cases setting up, think tanks with the Italian government to discuss and enable the implementation of precise initiatives and projects designed to ensure that the recovery is as swift as possible.

Our positioning with a focus on family, children and value for money showed that the efforts made in this direction in recent years remained effective even after stores were reopened: the range of products offered – less catered to impulse-buying, more functional and more focused on quality – benefited from a post-lockdown resumption of purchasing that leads us to look to the future with a certain degree of optimism.

Page 6: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.

We believe that in the post-epidemic period more evolved consumption models with a greater focus on selectivity in choice, quality, sustainability and price will become even more central. We are working to ensure that our products and brands increasingly meet the expectations of some of the most demanding segments of consumers. The progress made in CRM, an enriched digital experience, a cutting-edge multi-channel approach and increasingly welcoming stores are all factors that move in this direction. With regard to online sales, it should be noted that during the lockdown months such sales spiked sharply, showing triple-digit growth: this is a sign that our brand is sought-after by customers who, since they did not have access to it in stores, chose it via the digital channel.

Our commitment to sustainability issues is increasingly central to our business strategies and the direction in which the company is heading. The tangible results that we have achieved are considerable, and the challenges we have set for ourselves in the short, medium and long term are equally ambitious. On this subject, we invite you to review the sustainability report that has been published.

We are certain that, even in the current difficult context, the market consolidation process will continue, and we believe that our Group can remain a leader. The process of creating value for our shareholders will involve a combination of ongoing product improvement, efficiency, increased market share and a multi-channel approach. We and our main strategic investor, TIP, are convinced that our company remains on the right path, for the benefit of all the Group’s stakeholders. In this regard, we would like to extend our thanks in particular to our suppliers, who during the lockdown understood the situation and all collaborated with us in identifying a shared approach to normalisation and in many cases also in reducing their demands in the spirit of solidarity. Thanks to the better-than-expected sales performance in the post-lockdown period, and to the additional financing obtained with a guarantee from SACE, we are gradually putting into place appropriate repayment plans.

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OVS SS 2020

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Page 9: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.

Main figures

(*) adjusted values

€ 1,370.1 MLN SALES*

€ 156.3 MLN EBITDA*





Page 10: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.



La prevalenza del cretino dietro alla crociata anti Immuni. Un atto di ordinario civismo da rendere obbligatorio, come la mascherina sui busVisto che si ricomincia con le avventure di un certo Vacchi e altre non notizie

che con la clausura erano felicemente scomparse, sarà meglio tornare alvirus. Difficile capire perché sono relativamente pochi a scaricare Immuni, laapp di tracciamento, e sono relativamente molti quelli che fanno i fenomeni e

orwelleggiano in modo scadente segnalando il pericolo del controllo dei datipersonali con toni esagitati e perfino grotteschi. Questo pericolo è stato rigoro -samente escluso nei luoghi deputati di verifica del funzionamento del conge-gno. Va bene, si può anche diffidare dell’expertise di chi ha ideato e costruito ilsistema, di chi ne ha controllato il funzionamento, si può diffidare dei vigili, deipoliziotti, dei cartelli stradali di divieto di sosta e di pericolo massi. Tutto si puòfare. Ma sappiamo ormai da anni che per il tracciamento di un assassino, di untangentaro, di uno spacciatore, di una spia, e perfino di un adultero a suo modoinnocente e sornione, basta incrociare, come si dice, i dati del suo cellulare.

Siamo tracciati dalle tecnologie, si sa.Chi ha davendereprodotti saperfet-tamente, attraverso gli smanettamenti nel web, dove trovarci in quanto consu -matori, non importa se di scarpe, articoli sportivi, libri, automobili emolto al-tro. I cellulari, familiarmente detti telefonini, sono universalmente diffusi, sonoil bigbusinessdel secolo, peradesso.Lo stessovaleper i laptop,per inavigatoriche ci indirizzano strada per strada, non c’è marchingegno elettronico di unacerta complessità che non possa essere veicolo di tracciamento a carico di chi lousa e di chi ne subisce l’uso (quasi tutti). Dunque non si capisce che senso abbiala diffidenza verso l’ultima arrivata, una app antivirus che ha una storia.

Tutto comincia con la chiacchiera coreana, sudcoreana per la precisione.Mentre eravamo chiusi, bloccati e contavamo vittime e contagiati ogni giornopiovevano da ogni parte complimenti al sistema progredito tecnologicamen-te di quei luoghi in Asia in cui il rapido approntamento di mezzi di traccia-mento aveva ridotto i danni e contribuito in tempi più rapidi dei nostri all’iso -lamento del virus e alla riapertura della società e dell’economia, al riacquisto

della libertà di movimento, il pezzo pregiato di tante altre libertà. A mano amano che la clausura si chiudeva sui nostri appartamenti, in un delirio ne-cessario ma indisponente di regole e divieti, cresceva l’invidia per chi limitavail danno analogo grazie alla capacità, legata anche e soprattutto alle tecnolo -gie, di individuare le zone di tensione sanitaria, le aree di contagio, i singoliesposti al rischio, per provvedere.

Ci si è attrezzati. L’Italia è arrivata tra i primissimi a produrre e a introdurreunmezzo di tracciamentobasato sul sistemabluetooth.NelRegno Unito èan-data male, tutto è stato rinviato all’autunno, nell’ipotesi di una seconda onda-ta dell’epidemia. Immuni invece è una cosa relativamente semplice da scarica-re e damettere in funzione, servizio attivo.Una cosa non fatta a scopo di lucro,non costosa per l’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietà sanitaria, per cosìdire. Un atto di ordinario civismo. Un congegno utile a definire, nel caso di unapositività segnalata, chi è esposto alle conseguenze di quella positività per uncontatto ravvicinato. Non è l’uovo di Colombo, un contributo semplice e chiaro

alla soluzione del problema che oggi preoccupa di più, il famoso focolaio daarginare e circoscrivere? Così sembrerebbe, a menti non troppo contorte.

Non è, questa app, la soluzione di tutto, ovvio, e naturalmente è espostacome tutto a rischi, ma il pericolo di essere contagiati senza sapere non dicocome e perché, ma senza saperlo del tutto, restando nell’ignoranza e nell’atte -sa di sintomi maligni, e eventualmente contagiosi a nostra volta, non è unrischio superiore a tutti gli altri rischi? E allora la crociata antitecnologica,velleitaria, anacronistica, segnata da un’ostilità tutta ideologica a un ritro-vato scientificamente testabile e controllabile, insomma tutto questo casinodiffidente intorno a Immuni, di che cosa è sintomo? Di pigrizia, si direbbe, e diinfinita stupidità, la solita prevalenza del cretino. Contro la quale, in zonapericolo, forse si sarebbe dovuto incentivare il civismo rendendola obbligato -ria, come la mascherina sui bus, pena una ammenda per chi ha il telefonino,non se ne staccamai, con lui chiacchiera e fa l’amore damattina a sera, manon vuole usarlo per la salute pubblica.

La scienza non è tifoDalla Brt di Bologna agli scontri di

Mondragone. “Ma il sistemafunziona” dice il prof. Manfellotto

Drammatico MencarelliChiuso in un reparto di psichiatria, “Tu t t o

chiede salvezza”ci mette in trappola:non prevede critica, ma solo empatia

Mettere in sicurezza il paese ponendo maggioranza e opposizione di fronte allasfida della salvaguardia del futuro. Ma come? Storia, segreti e ambizione del capo

dello stato, che punta a replicare in Italia un patto costruito sul metodo portoghese

Mattarella spinge sul modello Portogallo

Lo ha ripetuto qualche giorno fa il presiden-te del Consiglio, Giuseppe Conte, quando

ha detto di essere intenzionato a convocare aPalazzo Chigi i leader di Lega, Fratelli d’Italia eForza Italia. Lo ha ripetuto qualche tempo fa ilministro dell’Economia, Roberto Gualtieri,quando ha detto di voler coinvolgere nellascrittura del decreto “Semplificazione”anche ipartiti che non si trovano in maggioranza. Lo haripetuto ieri su questo giornale il segretario delPartito democratico, Nicola Zingaretti, quandoha detto di voler aprire una fase “concordia”anche con i partiti che si oppongono al governo,per dare la possibilità al paese di affrontarecon più forza la crisi economica generata dallapandemia (secondo il Fondo monetario inter-nazionale, a fine 2020 il pil italiano crollerà del12,8 per cento). Tutto chiaro e tutto lineare. Maresta un problema: checosa vuol dire concreta-mente aprire un tavolocon le opposizioni? Perprovare a rispondere inmodo non astratto aquesta domanda puòessere utile rivelareuna piccola storia, cheforse tanto piccola nonè, che riguarda un’ami -cizia speciale costruitanegli ultimi anni dalpresidente della Re-pubblica, Sergio Matta-rella, con un altro capodi stato di un paese eu-ropeo. Il capo di stato inquestione si chiamaMarcelo Rebelo de Sou-sa. Dal 2016 è il presi-dente in carica dellaRepubblica portoghesee negli ultimi quattroanni de Sousa, prove-niente dal mondo dicentrodestra, è statoprotagonista di un mi-racolo politico, che stafacendo scuola in Euro-pa: rendere per l’ap -punto non astratta laprospettiva di un tavolodi confronto tra maggio-ranza e opposizione. InEuropa, come ci inse-gna la Germania, non èraro trovare insieme algoverno partiti provenienti da tradizioni politi-che diverse (Angela Merkel è supportata da ungoverno che va dalla Cdu, passa dalla Csu e arri-va fino all’Spd). Ciò che risulta più raro invece ètrovare esempi di governi capaci di creare unrapporto di collaborazione concreto con i parti-ti dell’opposizione. E in questo senso, l’esem -pio del Portogallo è anche agli occhi di Matta-rella – che è così amico del presidente porto-ghese da aver scelto di assistere lo scorso no-vembre in prima persona al conferimento di unriconoscimento a Rebelo de Sousa dell’Univer -sità di Bologna – “un esempio importante” damettere in luce per due ragioni diverse. La pri-ma ragione ha a che fare con un episodio che siè materializzato nel 2015, prima delle penulti-me elezioni legislative, e con un altro episodioche si è invece materializzato pochi mesi fa du-rante la pandemia. Nel 2015, quando il Porto-

gallo aveva da poco scelto di fronteggiare la suacrisi economica prendendo in prestito denarodal Fondo salva stati, le due principali forze po-litiche del paese sottoscrissero, prima delleelezioni, un programma comune di riformestrutturali che i partiti si sarebbero impegnatia portare avanti a prescindere da chi avrebbevinto la tornata elettorale. Nei mesi della pan-demia, invece, maggioranza e opposizione si so-no ritrovate in una posizione simile a quella incui si trovarono nel 2015 e nel bel mezzo dellacrisi sanitaria il presidente della Repubblica èriuscito nel miracolo di avvicinare in modoconcreto i due principali – benché rivali – parti -ti del paese. Il regista della strategia è stato ilpremier socialista António Costa, ma buonaparte delle misure più importanti è stata ap-provata con l’opposizione guidata dal leader

del Psd, Rui Rio, autorelo scorso 21 aprile, inParlamento, di un di-scorso che il presidentedella Repubblica italia-na sognerebbe proba-bilmente di ascoltareanche dai leader del-l’opposizione del nostropaese. “La minacciache dobbiamo combat-tere – ha detto Rui Rio –esige unità, solidarietà,senso di responsabilità.Per me, in questo mo-mento, il governo non èl’espressione di un par-tito avversario, ma laguida dell’intera nazio-ne che tutti abbiamo ildovere di aiutare. Nonparliamo più di opposi-zione, ma di collabora-zione. Signor primo mi-nistro, conti sul nostroaiuto. Le auguriamo co-raggio, nervi d’acciaio ebuona fortuna perché lasua fortuna è la nostrafortuna”. La capacità didimostrare agli elettori,agli investitori e agli os-servatori che, al di làdelle differenze di ve-dute sul futuro, la classepolitica del paese è con-sapevole che su alcunesfide bisogna essere so-

lidali ha permesso al Portogallo di affrontarebene la pandemia e di avere un’economia cheprima dell’arrivo del virus faceva segnare nu-meri da record (i rendimenti sui titoli di statodecennali portoghesi sono più convenienti diquelli italiani). Sergio Mattarella non potrà maiammetterlo esplicitamente ma il modello a cuiil capo dello stato pensa quando ragiona sul mo-do in cui governo e opposizione potrebbero tro-vare un terreno di collaborazione per metterel’Italia in sicurezza è un modello che più che aquello tedesco – grande coalizione – somiglia aquello portoghese. Ovverosia: un patto trasver-sale di pochi punti (Colao meravigliao!) per di-mostrare a chi ci osserva che qualunquecosa succederà all’Italia le politiche irre-sponsabili resteranno una prerogativadella Pappalardo e Paragone associati.Che aspettiamo?

Roma. Gli “ex Cirio” di Mondragone, sullitorale di Caserta, sono cinque palazzonidi undici piani, occupati abusivamente.Oltre alla radicata comunità rom bulgara,ci vivono molti stranieri di altri paesi equalche centinaio di italiani. Delle circa700 persone che condividono questo alvea-re umano sono una cinquantina quelle ri-sultate positive al coronavirus, tutte asin-tomatiche. Il 22 giugno è scattato il cordo-ne sanitario e lo screening di massa ai resi-denti. Un’operazione complicata in uncontesto come quello dei palazzi Cirio, deiquali non esiste un censimento completo edove è difficile controllare gli accessi e leuscite. Ufficialmente risulta un solo casodi allontanamento non autorizzato dallazona rossa e il governatore campano Vin-cenzo De Luca ha annunciato ieri pome-riggio l’intervento di un contingente del-l'esercito. Ma diversi residenti, preoccu-pati sia per i contagiati sia per il rischiodi vedere sfumare la stagione estiva chedovrebbe garantire una boccata d'ossige-no alla zona, hanno deciso di presidiarepersonalmente il varco. Sono iniziate leproteste, poi i tafferugli tra italiani estranieri. Matteo Salvini, immancabile,ha soffiato sul fuoco: “I cittadini italianisono esasperati perché chiusi in casamentre alcuni immigrati violano le rego-le come se nulla fosse”.

Più a nord, c’è l’altro allarme di questeore: il focolaio partito nel magazzino delladitta di logistica Bartolini di Bologna. Ne-gli scorsi giorni due dipendenti erano ri-sultati positivi al Covid-19. La direzionedell’azienda ha chiuso il magazzino perprecauzione e sono partiti i controlli. 54operai positivi, nove sintomatici, due ri-coveri in ospedale. C’è un’altra decina dipositivi in altri magazzini bolognesi, checoinvolge altre ditte della logistica. Cen-tinaia di tamponi sono già stati fatti ealtri dovranno essere eseguiti nei prossi-mi giorni ai lavoratori e alle loro fami-glie. (Cicchetti segue a pagina due)

Abbiamo assommato finora – parlando disestina Strega e di carotaggi – l’autofiction

di Jonathan Bazzi, il romanzo giudiziario (o le-gal thriller) di Gianrico Carofiglio, il romanzo

di formazione di Gian Arturo Ferrari (metteredi mezzo un narratore, per quanto i malignipossano sospettare storie di vita vissuta, pro-tegge chi scrive e chi leggerà). Siamo al numeroquattro, Daniele Mencarelli con “Tutto chiedesalvezza” (Mondadori). In copertina: la foto inbianco e nero di un giovane riccioluto, nudo, af-franto e tormentato, che si abbraccia le ginoc-chia in posizione fetale. E già la fascetta “Vinci -tore dello Strega 2020”. Premio Strega Giovani,si intende, assegnato da una giuria di ragazzi eragazze dai 16 ai 18 anni.

Alla terza riga di pagina 69, leggiamo la paro-la “violenza”, seguita dalla parola “reparto”,seguita dalla sigla Tso che sta per Trattamentosanitario obbligatorio. Non serve conoscereMichel Foucault, e neppure Franco Basaglia,per capire che siamo dentro un’istituzione to-tale. Un posto dove nessuno va di propria vo-lontà. Il risvolto di copertina viene in aiuto perla biografia (poeta, oltre che romanziere), e perun accenno di trama: il ventenne Daniele dopoun’esplosione di rabbia viene ricoverato in psi -chiatria. Nell’anno dei Mondiali del 1994.

D come dialogo e D come dialetto. “Mi’ fijo èsempre stato normale, lavoramo assieme, ioc’ho quarant’anni de muratura alle spalle, luime fa da manovale, fino a ’na mattina…”. Parlaun padre in visita, puntuale con yogurt e cuc-chiaino per imboccare il figlio Alessandro.“Sei nòvo?”, chiede all’ultimo arrivato. Rispo-sta: “Sì, pure se qui a ’sto reparto me conosco-no bene, vango spesso”. Altra domanda: “Chec’hai?”. Altra risposta: “Io? Niente? Mamma èmorta e io me so’ fatto questo”. Interviene ilnarratore: “Allunga il braccio per mostrare lafila sterminata di tagli, ma il padre di Alessan-dro non se ne accorge, preso com’è a imbocca-re il figlio”. Brivido. Qualcosa suggerisce chenon usciremo dall’istituzione totale neppure apagina 99 (è il carotaggio-prova-del-nove, aconforto o a smentita del primo). Prigionieri diun libro che non prevede critica ma solo uma-na empatia. “Gli scrittori devono avere unascheggia di ghiaccio nel cuore”, raccomanda-va Graham Greene. In Italia non gli avrebberopubblicato neppure un raccontino, figuriamo-ci candidarlo allo Strega.

Passo indietro: “La casa degli sguardi”, ilromanzo del 2018 di Daniele Mencarelli, rac-contava un poeta alcolizzato che va a lavorarecome volontario all’ospedale pediatricoBambin Gesù. La morte e la malattia lo salva-no. Non c’è recensore che non faccia riferi-mento a quanto lo scrittore si sia “messo a nu-do”. E pazienza per quello snob di Baudelai-re, che inventò la formula quando i poeti pre-ferivano la dannazione. Una “medicheria”,scrive Daniele Mencarelli a pagina 99 di“Tutto chiede salvezza”. Una porta che do-vrebbe restare chiusa viene aperta, il padreporta al narratore biscotti, acqua e una rivi-sta da leggere. Un abbraccio e un altro ab-braccio, il narratore riflette: “Ero bambinoquando mi ritrovai per la prima volta ad ab-bracciare mio padre con uno strano senti-mento serrato tra le mascelle. Quell’abbrac -cio sembrava l’ultimo”. Tra le sciagure dei ro-manzi italiani si contano i bambini con pen-sieri da adulti: guardano il mondo come unquarantenne sconsolato. Nel mentre, lo scrit-tore prima insiste sul dramma: “Come un con-gedo. Un addio”. Poi smentisce: “Dopo quelprimo ne sono arrivati milioni di altri”. Stan-do alla lettera: non era l’ultimo, non era uncongedo, non era neppure un addio.

Di nuovo sulla morte di AlfredoBiondi. Perché Ferrara e Vitiel-lo non l’abbiano ricordato comesi doveva? Macché, più che per-

fetti. Perché, origine pisana, non fosseBiondi genovese più di me? No. Forse per-ché quella vergogna di giornale che è Re-pubblica, nella sua nobile versione di car-ta, non ne ha nemmeno ricordato la morte?O perché Molinari, che si sperava venduto,ma minimo a Israele, si è rivelato invece undirettore- sambuca? O perché quella massadi cornuti che lo massacrò come ministroanti Di Pietro, o meglio anti-tortura, e aquesto punto tocca fare un nome, diciamoPaolo Mieli, non sia già pronto a ricordarlotra un paio di decenni come “l’ultimo libe-rale”? Neppure questo. Si torna forse suBiondi, allora, perché ebbe contro un ba-ciapile falso come Scalfaro? O perché lecroniste alla Sarzanini (simpatica, quindipeggio della Milella) arrivarono a fare dilui un secondo Tortora, quantunque lincia-to in maniera diversa e infinitamente menodrammatica? Erano del resto, i due, discuola simile e della stessa città? Ancorauna volta, no. Servono solo, queste stupiderighe, a ricordare che a Genova esistonodue squadre. E quel magnifico stronzo, poiche Dio lo perdoni, era genoano.

Questo numero è stato chiuso in redazione alle 20.30

Meno Sgarbi, più MalteseLo sballo dei populismi costretti ad

abdicare. Godersi Maltese per Draghi,per non pensare al triste show di Sgarbi

Da un’Altra Europa con Tsipras a un’al -tra Italia con Draghi, con la stessa leg-

gerezza, la stessa facilità. Con il titolo “So -gnando Draghi” ieri Curzio Maltese, parla-

mentare europeo dal 2014 al 2019 proprionelle liste dell’Altra Europa con Tsipras, ètornato in pagina su Repubblica e ha stupi-to per lo zelo, ancorché sognante, con cui siè iscritto a una corrente già ben nutrita masempre più confusa, quella dei sostenitoridi Mario Draghi a prescindere dal suo pen-siero e dalla sua azione. L’Altra Europanon si è vista, e la Grecia soprattutto hasmesso rapidamente di puntarci. AlexisTsipras stesso a suo tempo è corso, senzaesitazioni, a impegnarsi con le regole del-l’Europa che conosciamo e poi, dispiace, haperso le elezioni quando si era trasformatoin un politico, come direbbe Maltese, serioe solido. Ma Tsipras ha faticato, trattato, ra-gionato e ha misurato la sua esperienza go-vernativa con numeri e risultati. Qui invecesi vuol passare dall’altra Europa all’altraItalia senza neanche un minimo di appren-distato. Draghi viene esaltato astrattamen-te e ridotto concretamente, messo nei pan-ni di una specie di esecutore della cose giu-ste, date per acquisite o cadenti dal cielo,senza che tutto ciò sia minimamente sfiora-to da quel piccolo problemino democraticoche è il consenso e da quell’altro problemametodologico costituito dalla selezione edalla comprensione delle scelte di politicaeconomica. E’ bravo, e lì finisce la partita.Gli aggettivi rivelano la genericità, Draghiviene definito nella colonna su Repubbli-ca, “serio, solido, intelligente, capace, pre-parato”. Ma, invece di chiedere a Draghi diandare a fare il pieno a Bruxelles, non sa-rebbe più utile discutere e far discuteresulle ragioni per cui Draghi è un modelloper l'Italia? Non si tratta di pedanteria o dinoiosa invocazione alla coerenza. Ma unpo’ di riflessione sul passato non può esse-re evitata, proprio perché ci si sta rivolgen-do a un uomo “serio e solido”. Allora forsesarebbe più frizzante e più promettente disviluppi leggere non lodi generiche ma unariflessione critica sulle parole che tra i po-litici italiani dello schieramento di Maltesevenivano usate per le scelte dell’allora pre-sidente della Bce. “Il bazooka di Draghi èpuntato contro la Grecia”, dicevano i nostrialtraeuropeisti proprio quando Maltese co-minciava la sua esperienza con loro al par-lamento europeo. Era la stessa narrazionedel Draghi filotedesco che si sentiva negliambienti no euro vicini alla Lega e che tro-viamo nel libro di Yanis Varoufakis, il su-per ministro scaricato da Tsipras primache facesse danni eccessivi, ma tuttoraascoltato dalla politica antieuropeista.“Era chiaro”, scrive Varoufakis nel suo“Adulti nella stanza”, raccontando comel’allora presidente dalla Bce aveva respin-to la sua proposta di modifica della politicaeconomica europea verso la Grecia, “cheDraghi aveva espresso l’intenzione di con-tinuare l’operazione di soffocamento che laBce e il governatore della Banca centralegreca avevano iniziato già prima della no-stra elezione”. Su tutto questo, e tanto altro,Maltese glissa. Ma da lui, e dagli altri neo-draghiani, avremmo letto con interesseun’analisi sulle ragioni dei successi dellapolitica di Draghi e della Commissione eu-ropea nel recupero della Grecia all’accessoai mercati, avremmo voluto un’analisi delleragioni per cui Draghi ha parlato mille vol-te del problema storico italiano causatodalla perdita di produttività, avremmo vo-luto sapere cosa ne pensano del Draghi so-stenitore dell’equilibrio nei conti previ-denziali e quindi favorevole all’innalza -mento dell’età pensionabile e del Draghisostenitore dell’intervento dei privati nel-l’economia produttiva. Temi da affrontareanche da parte di chi era per l’altra Euro-pa, questa volta sì con serietà e solidità. C’ètempo. Intanto godiamoci il Maltese che in-voca l’avvento di Draghi. Capace, Maltese,almeno di tentare un cambiamento. Men-tre, andando a rivedere i destini di una cop-pia di opposti anni Novanta, in Parlamentosi sanzionavano giustamente, con il tra-sporto a braccia di Vittorio Sgarbi fuoridall’Aula, il rito della coerenza più stupi-da, la coazione all’aggressività ostentata eil gusto pervicace per la pura e sempliceviolenza di parole e gesti. Meglio Curzioche prova a cambiare (e nuovamente ben-tornato) di Vittorio sempre un po’ più ugua-le a se stesso.


Salvini moderato chi?A un anno dal Papeete, il leader investe suitemi che lo hanno allontanato dal governo.

La grand’investitura a Bagnai

Roma. Come il Foglio aveva anticipato il30 maggio, sull’economia la svolta di Mat-teo Salvini è in piena continuità. A dettarela linea non sarà più il no euro Claudio

Borghi, ma il no euro Alberto Bagnai. I duesono da sempre i leader del fronte Italexit(il terzo, più defilato, è Antonio Maria Ri-naldi, mal sopportato da Bagnai che gli haaffibbiato il nomignolo “Bombolo”).

Nel 2018 Borghi e Bagnai erano i respon-sabili del “dipartimento economia” dellaLega, che non era altro che una chat What-sapp di attivisti anti europeisti. Nel 2019 ilresponsabile è diventato il solo Borghi, l’au -tore di alcuni manualetti su come uscire dal-l’euro. E ora, dopo tante chiacchiere sullapresunta “svolta” pro euro della Lega, il ruo-lo è passato a Bagnai. (segue a pagina tre)

Fratelli fancazzistiIniziare le cose e non finirle mai. Dibbae Salvini come Sordi e Gassman nellaGrande guerra. Destini uniti, for ever

Il sogno del momento è il car sharing distato. Una “piattaforma nazionale per la

condivisione delle auto a cui sto lavorando datempo”, dice Alessandro Di Battista. Il gerun-

dio, si sa, è il verbo fondante del pensierodibattistico. Dibba sta sempre “progettando”,“immaginando”, “lavorando-a”. E’ un retaggiodella cultura assembleare anni Settantaproiettato nel fast-thinking dei manuali diself-help, tipo “Diventa leader di te stesso” (oin alternativa del M5s). “Del momento”, inve-ce, significa l’altro ieri. Perché già una setti-mana prima l’impegno era rivolto alla crea-zione di “una task force con duecentomilagiovani che si dedichino alla tutela del terri-torio”. Un’idea presentata come “Servizio am-bientale” (retribuito), la chiave di volta delnostro New Deal ecologista. (segue a pagina tre)



E’ tutto un focolaioIn America la pandemia peggiora

ovunque e velocemente. Gli ultimi dati,un caso esemplare e i fuochi di Trump

Milano. La pandemia di coronavirus “stapeggiorando drammaticamente in ogni an-golo degli Stati Uniti”, scrive il sito Axios,con il suo consueto tono asciutto. Lo scenariopeggiore di cui si parlava a maggio – “unacrisi a livello nazionale peggiorata da unvuoto di leadership politica che minacciaospedali già sopraffatti e che va fuori con-trollo” – sembra vicino, anzi è già qui. Il NewYork Times ha pubblicato uno speciale daltitolo “Come il virus ha vinto” che ricostrui-sce i casi isolati dell’inizio e poi il contagioprogressivo e inarrestabile, frammezzato daaffannose misure di contenimento e da unacocciuta volontà di ripartire a ogni costo unavolta che i dati del contagio sono lievementemigliorati. Il quotidiano newyorchese – lostato di New York è uno dei sette stati chehanno superato la soglia di 100 mila casi, glialtri sono Texas, California, New Jersey, Illi-nois, Massachusetts e Florida – dice in modoesplicito che “nel momento cruciale, i lea-der americani erano settimane o mesi in ri-tardo rispetto alla realtà dell’epidemia.Questi ritardi sono costati con tutta proba-bilità decine di migliaia di morti”. Ma an-che questa consapevolezza è difficile dagestire. Prendiamo il Texas. Il governato-re repubblicano Greg Abbott ha deciso lariapertura a maggio, desideroso di farparte dell’insistente progetto di DonaldTrump di tornare alla normalità il primapossibile. L’ordine di restare a casa è du-rato 28 giorni, uno dei lockdown più brevidel paese. Attività commerciali, ristoran-ti, bar, mall, parrucchieri, palestre: tuttoè stato riaperto rapidamente. Dalla finedi maggio, la media giornaliera di nuovicasi di coronavirus è passata da 1.500 a3.500. La percentuale di test positivi è pas-sata da 4,5 a 9, e gli ospedali si stannoriempiendo. Mercoledì è stato toccato unrecord: 6.200 casi in un giorno, non eramai successo prima, nemmeno ad aprile.Così Abbott è stato costretto a dire: “A me-no che non dobbiate uscire, il posto piùsicuro per tutti è casa vostra”. E mettete-la, la mascherina. (Peduzzi segue a pagina due)

Allerta in EuropaI casi settimanali di coronavirus

sono tornati a salire “per la primavolta da mesi”, avverte l’Oms

Roma. I contagi da nuovo coronavirusaccertati in Italia dalla fine di febbraio so-no diventati 239.706. Ieri, a fronte di 56 mi-la tamponi processati, sono stati trovati al-tri 296 positivi, di cui 170 in Lombardia. Idecessi sono 38 in più e in totale 34.678. Cisono 614 nuovi guariti, nel complesso sal-gono a 186.725. Le infezioni in corso scen-dono a 18.303 (103 in terapia intensiva). Unfocolaio sviluppatosi all’interno della sededella Bartolini, a Bologna, ha portato alriscontro di una sessantina di positivi. AMondragone, in provincia di Caserta, permonitorare i residenti di alcune palazzineposte in quarantena dopo l’innesco di unaltro focolaio è stato richiesto l’interventodell’esercito. In India 17 mila nuovi positi-vi in 24 ore. I casi settimanali in Europasono tornati a salire “per la prima volta damesi”, ha avvertito l’Oms.

Un argine al CovidUno studio dimostrerebbe che il

Tocilizumab diminuisce lamortalità. Ma servono altre prove

Un nuovo studio pubblicato su LancetReumatology e guidato dalla professo-

ressa Cristina Mussini di Modena, ha scopertoche l’anticorpo monoclonale Tocilizumab,

che si ipotizza possa moderare la tempesta ci-tochinica causata dall’infezione di Sars-CoV-2 nei pazienti più gravi, riduce di due terzi(dal 20 per cento al 7) la mortalità dei malatidi polmonite da Covid-19 severa se aggiuntoai trattamenti standard, rispetto ai trattamen-ti standard da soli. Si tratta di uno studio re-trospettivo, cioè di uno studio in cui si selezio-nano a posteriori pazienti che sono stati trat-tati – presi nel modo più omogeneo possibile –e li si paragona a pazienti di controllo, chenon hanno avuto il trattamento, anche in que-sto caso selezionati in modo da fornire il mi-glior confronto possibile con i trattati.

Il campione considerato è significativo,comprendendo 179 pazienti trattati controoltre 300 di controllo; inoltre – questo è l’a-spetto molto interessante – se si prendono inanalisi nella maniera opportuna una serie dibias, quali le differenze dovute a età, generee altri fattori fra i due gruppi, i risultati sonoancora migliori, e indicano che il rischiocombinato di finire in ventilazione assistitae morire è significativamente più basso neipazienti trattati.

Questo studio è particolarmente utile perillustrare un concetto che credo sia interes-sante. Nell’annunciare i risultati di un diver-so studio sullo stesso farmaco, l’Agenzia ita-liana del farmaco (Aifa) aveva indicato chegli effetti del Tocilizumab erano modesti, sesi andava a vedere la sopravvivenza dei pa-zienti trattati. (segue a pagina due)

Le viscere di BoltonQuante verità escono dallo scontrotra il baffo più falco della Sicurezza

nazionale americana e Trump

Abbiamo letto il libro di John Bolton per ca-pire se oltre ai passaggi più succosi e agli

scandali più scandalosi si riesce anche a capi-re la politica estera americana di questo pe-riodo. Bolton è stato consigliere per la Sicu-rezza nazionale di Trump fino a nove mesi fa,non fa parte del circolo dei supersmart di Wa-shington che volevano guidare il presidente einvece sono finiti inceneriti, è un falco ma èuno sgobbone e consegna un resoconto che tifa riguardare agli ultimi due anni come se fi-nalmente fosse arrivata una spiegazioneplausibile. (Raineri nell’inserto III)



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Corporate BodiesBoard of Directors

Franco Moscetti * (1) Chairman

Giovanni Tamburi (2) Vice-Chairman

Stefano Beraldo Chief Executive Officer and General Manager

Gabriele Del Torchio Director

Elena Garavaglia (1) (2) Director

Alessandra Gritti Director

Heinz Jürgen Krogner-Kornalik (2) Director

Massimiliano Magrini Director

Chiara Mio (1) (2) Director

* Franco Moscetti was appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2019, following the resignation of Chairman Nicholas Stathopoulos on 11 March 2019, with effect from 31 May 2019.

(1) Member of the Control, Risks and Sustainability Committee(2) Member of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee

Board of Statutory Auditors

Stefano Poggi Longostrevi * Chairman

Roberto Cortellazzo Wiel Standing Auditor

Eleonora Guerriero Standing Auditor

Antonella Missaglia Alternate Auditor

Emanuela Italia Fusa ** Alternate Auditor

* Stefano Poggi Longostrevi is currently Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors as of 1 June 2018, having been reappointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2019.

** Emanuela Italia Fusa was appointed by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2019.

Independent auditor

PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A.

Financial Reporting Officer

Nicola Perin

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Group structure at 31 January 2020The following chart shows how the OVS Group is organised, indicating the relative equity investments as percentages.

OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Ltd (Hong Kong)

OBS Sales Private Ltd (India) (1)

COSI International Ltd (Hong Kong)

COSI International (Shanghai) Ltd

OVS Department Stores d.o.o. (Serbia)

OVS Maloprodaja d.o.o. (Croazia)

OVS Fashion España S.L.

OVS France SAS

Centomilacandele S.C.p.A.

82 S.r.l.

Sempione Retail AG(2)

OVS India Sourcing Private Ltd (India)













(1) Winding up(2) Declaration of bankruptcy dated November 06, 2018

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OVS SS 2020

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ContentsReport on Operations p.03

Consolidated Financial Statements at 31 January 2020 p.39

Notes to the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position p.77

Notes to the Consolidated Income Statement p.101

Relations with related parties p.111

Appendices to the Consolidated Financial Statements p.127

Indipendent auditors’ report p.137

Separate Financial Statements of OVS S.p.A. at 31 January 2020 p.144

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OVS Milano Corso Garibaldi

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Report on Operations at 31 January 2020

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Report on Operations at 31 January 2020Important changes to the international accounting standards referred to in the preparation of this Annual Report became effective in 2019.Accordingly, the comments on operating performance and the main economic and financial results achieved in 2019 are preceded by the following methodological note.

Foreword on methodology

The Annual Report at 31 January 2020 has been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board, and includes the following:

• Separate and consolidated statement of financial position

• Separate and consolidated income statement

• Separate and consolidated statement of comprehensive income

• Separate and consolidated statement of cash flows

• Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity of the Parent Company and the Group

• Notes to the separated and consolidated financial statements at 31 January 2020.

In this Report on Operations at 31 January 2020, in addition to the indicators provided for in the financial statements and in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), some alternative performance indicators used by management to monitor and assess the Group’s performance are also presented. In particular, with the introduction of the new IFRS 16 international accounting standard, relating to the accounting treatment of leases, with effect from 1 February 2019, a number of adjustments were introduced to make the figures at 31 January 2020 comparable with those of previous years. These regarded: EBITDA, operating result, profit before tax, net result for the year, net invested capital, net financial position and cash flow generated by operating activities, as detailed below. As 2019 was the first year of adoption of the new standard, the results are commented on excluding IFRS 16 in order to maintain a consistent basis of comparison with 2018. The impacts of the application of IFRS 16 have therefore been reported separately, and the reconciliation with the financial statements is further detailed in the section entitled “Impacts of the IFRS 16 accounting standard and alternative performance indicators” on page 19 below.

Group operating performance

The year just ended demonstrated the Group’s capacity for recovery, after a significant decline in performance in 2018, reflecting both factors external to the Group, mainly related to extremely adverse weather conditions in the second half of the year, and business relations with the former Swiss customer, which gradually deteriorated.In a market context that once again declined sharply (-3.9% in Italy), the Group continued the strengthening of its Italian market that has been taking place for years, benefiting not only from an improvement in the range of products and services offered by the OVS brand, but also from the maturity achieved by the Upim brand: the diversification of the two brands in Italy will also be a crucial factor for the Group’s growth in the coming years.

Good results achieved were born from a clear strategic response to the evolution of the market: • we have significantly reduced purchases of goods; • we privileged by leveraging our positioning, especially starting from the second half of the year, a setting of

the collections more based on the sustainability and quality of the garments than on their content fashion as an end in itself.

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All this has allowed us to make less use of the promotional lever, resulting as a benefit of profitability, the generation of cash and the reduction of arrival stocks. We are convinced that this choice was correct and we will continue in this direction. Less emphasis on pursuing growth at all costs equal sales which, in a market context which has been waning for years, has led to an excess of all groups of stocks and consequent excesses of markdown activity. More attention instead to the quality of goods sold, and therefore to full price sales.As expected, the Group’s sales, amounting to almost €1.4 billion, were down slightly compared with the previous year: the strategy of simultaneously reducing purchases of goods and promotional leverage, while inevitably causing a slight decrease in sales, also gave a significant boost to the Group’s profitability and cash generation.Adjusted EBITDA for both brands grew significantly: by €7 million for the OVS business unit, and by €5 million for Upim. The Group’s return to profitability levels more in line with those of previous years was achieved in the second half of the year, when the increase in adjusted EBITDA was €31 million overall, up 49% compared with the second half of the previous year.The growth in EBITDA contributed to the Group’s significant deleveraging, further underpinned by the significant cash generation seen in the last three quarters of the year: in the first quarter of 2019, normal cash absorption was recorded, due to the seasonal nature of the business (€70 million); in the following nine months, cash generation was more than €135 million.Unfortunately, the excellent results achieved in 2019 have been overshadowed by the Covid-19 tragedy affecting our country and the world, which will be described in more detail in the following sections.

Key information on operations at 31 January 2020

The results for 2019 show further growth, with an improvement in all economic and financial variables. In particular, market share continued to increase, reaching 8.1%. Adjusted net sales amounted to €1,370.1 million, down slightly compared with the previous year (-1.5%), due to the strategy implemented during the year, characterised by lower inflows of goods and less use of promotional leverage. The Group once again outperformed its reference market, which contracted by 3.9% in the same period. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to €156.3 million, up by €12.1 million compared with the previous year, due to substantial growth in performance in the second half of the year (+€31 million). Reported EBITDA, amounting to €293 million, mainly reflects the positive impact of IFRS 16, certain non-recurring expenses and the non-reclassification of currency hedges relating to goods sold during the year.The Adjusted net result for the year was €57.7 million, also up (+€2.6 million) compared with the previous year. The reported loss of €140.4 million reflects, as well as some minor impacts due to non-recurring expenses and non-cash costs, the recognition of IFRS 16 and write-downs resulting from impairment testing. The tests, conducted in accordance with company policies and the latest information provided by the most authoritative interpretative sources and by the supervisory authority, which has been released sequentially due to the Covid-19 pandemic, resulted in a non-cash write-down of €161 million, mainly relating to goodwill. The Adjusted net financial position was €309.9 million, thanks to cash generation during the year of €65.9 million. The reported net financial position, meanwhile, amounted to €1,191.4 million, mainly reflecting increased liabilities of €889 million due to IFRS 16.The number of stores at the end of the year was 1,770, a net increase of 23 stores compared with the previous year.The table below summarises the Group’s key performance indicators:

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Key performance indicators

(1) The net sales used to calculate the financial KPIs in 2018 did not include sales deriving from the cooperation agreement with the former Swiss Sempione Fashion Group.

The table shows the results adjusted to represent the Group’s operating performance net of non-recurring events which are unrelated to ordinary operations and the effects of the adoption of IFRS 16 as of 1 February 2019, as well as non-monetary impacts related to impairment testing of tangible and intangible assets pursuant to IAS 36.In particular, the results were mainly adjusted to take account of the impact of impairment testing of €161.4 million on EBIT and €160.0 million on the reported net result for the year, as well as the impacts relating to IFRS 16: €170.5 million on EBITDA, €22.4 million on EBIT and €21.0 million on the reported net result for the year.EBITDA in 2019 was also adjusted as follows: (i) €22.2 million in net foreign exchange gains for forward hedging on purchases of goods in foreign currency, reclassified from “Net financial expenses (income) to “Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods”, (ii) €4.1 million in one-off costs; (iii) €7.4 million relating to the Austrian company Serenissima Retail GmbH (sold at the end of the year) and (iv) €0.1 million in costs relating to stock option plans (non-cash costs).Other adjustments that impacted EBIT and profit before tax concerned: (i) costs of €8.6 million related to the amortisation of intangible assets due to the purchase price allocation (PPA) of past business combinations; and (ii) adjusted financial income of €19.7 million, mainly relating to foreign exchange gains arising from the valuation of items denominated in foreign currency, including with respect to forward derivatives and realised foreign exchange gains (the latter reclassified to “Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods”).Lastly, the adjusted net result for the year reflects taxes recalculated following the aforementioned adjustments, entailing an increase in expenses of €14.2 million.

The main adjustments of the results for 2018 were as follows: (i) €79 million relating to the termination of the relationship with the former Sempione Fashion Group; (ii) €9.5 million relating to financial costs reclassified to the gross margin, to reflect the effective impact of EUR/USD hedging on goods sold during the year, and finally (iii) €0.3 million relating to costs for stock option plans with no cash impact. Other adjustments that impacted EBIT and profit before tax concerned: (i) costs of €8.6 million related to the amortisation of intangible assets due to the purchase price allocation (PPA) of previous business combinations; and (ii) adjusted financial income of €53.0 million, mainly relating to foreign exchange gains arising from the valuation of items denominated in foreign currency, including with respect to forward derivatives, and realised foreign exchange differences.Lastly, the adjusted net result for the period reflected taxes recalculated following the aforementioned adjustments, entailing an increase in expenses of €5.3 million.

€mln31 January 20

Reported31 January 20

Adjusted31 January 19

Reported31 January 19


(Adjusted)chg. %


Net Sales(1) 1,374.8 1,370.1 1,391.6 1,391.6 (21.6) (1.5%)EBITDA 293.0 156.3 74.4 144.2 12.1 8.4%% on net sales 21.3% 11.4% 5.3% 10.4%EBIT (84.0) 97.4 7.2 85.6 11.7 13.7%% on net sales -6.1% 7.1% 0.5% 6.2%EBT (134.4) 77.9 32.8 67.9 9.9 14.6%% on net sales -9.8% 5.7% 2.4% 4.9%Net Profit (140.4) 57.7 25.3 55.2 2.6 4.7%% on net sales -10.2% 4.2% 1.8% 4.0%Net Financial Debt 1,191.4 309.9 365.0 375.8 (65.9) (17.5%)Market Share (%) 8.1 8.0 1.5%

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Adjusted consolidated results

The following table shows the adjusted consolidated results for 2019, classified by nature, compared with the previous year (in millions of euro).

(1) The net sales used to calculate the financial KPIs in 2018 did not include sales deriving from the cooperation agreement with the former Swiss Sempione Fashion Group.

€mln31 January 20

Reported31 January 20

Adjusted31 January 19

Reported31 January 19


(Adjusted)chg. %


Net Sales (1) 1,374.8 1,370.1 1,391.6 1,391.6 (21.6) (1.5%)

Purchases of consumables 616.7 591.9 667.5 665.5 (73.7) (11.1%)Gross Margin 758.0 778.2 789.7 791.6 (13.4) (1.7%)GM% 55.1% 56.8% 56.7% 56.9%Personnel costs 290.5 286.8 292.6 289.6 (2.7) (0.9%)Costs for services 179.1 178.1 197.9 194.8 (16.7) (8.6%)Rent costs (38.1) 130.6 132.7 133.6 (3.0) (2.3%)Provisions 7.0 3.0 28.0 4.2 (1.2) n.a.Other operating costs 26.5 23.5 63.9 25.3 (1.8) (7.0%)Total operating costs 465.1 621.9 715.2 647.4 (25.4) (3.9%)EBITDA 293.0 156.3 74.4 144.2 12.1 8.4%EBITDA% 21.3% 11.4% 5.3% 10.4%Depreciation & Amortization 376.9 58.9 67.2 58.6 0.3 0.6%EBIT (84.0) 97.4 7.2 85.6 11.7 13.7%EBIT % -6.1% 7.1% 0.5% 6.2%Net financial (income)/charges 50.5 19.5 (25.6) 17.7 1.8 10.2%PBT (134.4) 77.9 32.8 67.9 9.9 14.6%Taxes 5.9 20.1 7.5 12.8 7.3 57.3%Net Income (140.4) 57.7 25.3 55.2 2.6 4.7%

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The following table shows the consolidated results by business segment for 2019 compared with the same period of the previous year (in millions of euro).

Comments on the main items in the consolidated income statement

€mln31 January 20

Adjusted31 January 19

Adjusted Chg %

Net Sales

OVS 1,117.4 1,151.1 (2.9%)UPIM 252.7 240.5 5.1%Sempione Fashion 0.0 65.5 (100.0%) Total Net Sales 1,370.1 1,457.2 (6.0%)EBITDAOVS 126.4 118.9 6.3%EBITDA margin 11.3% 10.3%UPIM 29.9 25.3 18.1%EBITDA margin 11.8% 10.5% Total EBITDA 156.3 144.2 8.4%EBITDA margin 11.4% 10.4%Depreciation (58.9) (58.6) 0.6%EBIT 97.4 85.6 13.7%Net financial income/(charges) (19.5) (17.7) 10.2%PBT 77.9 67.9 14.6%Taxes (20.1) (12.8) 57.3%Net Result 57.7 55.2 4.7%

Net sales(amounts in millions of euro)

NET SALES: aggregate performance NET SALES: performance by brand

31 January ‘19

1,392 1,370-1.5%

230 235+2.5%

1,162 1,135


31 January ‘20

DOS & OVS websites Franchise & Marketplace

31 January ‘19 31 January ‘1931 January ‘20 31 January ‘20

1,151 1,117 241 253

-2.9% +5.1%

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Total sales for the year decreased slightly (-€21.6 million, or -1.5%), reflecting the strategies described above, which resulted in fewer inflows of goods, benefiting cash generation, and less use of promotional leverage, benefiting EBITDA generation. Moreover, from the point of view of the weather, the spring of 2019 was characterised by very low temperatures in Italy, reducing traffic throughout the sector. By contrast, the second half of the year was marked by a steady recovery in the top line (in the first half of the year sales were down by -2.4%, compared with a decline of -0.8% in the second).It was the OVS brand that, thanks to lower inflows and less promotional leverage, contributed most to the recovery in margins and cash generation, although this strategy inevitably resulted in lower sales of this brand (-2.9%). Franchising network sales grew by 2.5%, partly due to the increased number of openings in the last 12 months. Direct network sales made a significant contribution to stock reduction and growth in the Group’s margins.

Gross margin

The gross margin on sales was essentially flat compared with the previous year, at 56.8% of net sales, compared with 56.9% in 2018. After the first half of the year, when the Group had to make use of promotional leverage to finish absorbing the remaining goods originally intended for the former Swiss Sempione Fashion Group, and weak demand for the 2019 S/S collection due to the overly cold spring weather, the Group significantly reduced its promotional activities from August onwards, fully recovering the margins lost in the first six months of the year. It should be noted, however, that in 2019 the intake margin again benefited from the effect of the sourcing synergies developed by the Group due to international expansion.

EBITDA(amounts in millions of euro)

EBITDA: aggregate performance1 EBITDA: performance by brand1

31 January ‘19


10.4% 11.4%Margin%

31 January ‘20 31 January ‘19 31 January ‘1931 January ‘20 31 January ‘20



+6.3% +18.1%

10.3% 11.3% 10.5% 11.8%Margin%

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10 OVS

Adjusted EBITDA came in at €156.3 million, up by €12.1 million compared with the €144.2 million recorded in 2018. By contrast with last year, EBITDA growth is entirely attributable to the second half of the year (+€31 million), due to increased full-price sales, which allowed the Group to return to profitability levels more in line with its normal performance.Both brands registered growth in profitability, with OVS’s adjusted EBITDA up by €7.5 million (from 10.3% to 11.3% of sales) and Upim’s adjusted EBITDA up by €4.6 million (from 10.5% to 11.8% of sales).


EBIT, adjusted to better reflect the Group’s operating performance, amounted to €97.4 million, up €11.7 million compared with €85.6 million in 2018. There was a slight increase in the depreciation and amortisation balance for the year due to the impact on the entire year of significant investments in the previous year, particularly in network expansion and operations.

Net result for the year

Adjusted net profit for the year was €57.7 million, an increase compared with 2018 (+€2.6 million), reflecting higher EBITDA but also an increase in financial expenses, together with an increase in the tax rate from 18% to 26%, due to tax benefits in 2018 deriving from the Patent Box and from R&D. Meanwhile, the reported net result for the year was very adversely affected, mainly due to the non-cash write-downs resulting from the impairment tests carried out at year-end. The tests, conducted in accordance with company policies, the reference standards and the latest information provided by the most authoritative interpretative sources and by the supervisory authority, which has been released sequentially due to the Covid-19 pandemic, resulted in write-downs of around €161 million. Finally, the reported net result includes the accounting effects of the first year of application of IFRS 16 (a loss of approximately €21 million), also irrelevant in terms of impact on cash, and other minor non-recurring and/or non-cash expenses of €17.1 million.

Non-recurring income and expenses

The adjusted consolidated results of the OVS Group included, at 31 January 2020, non-recurring and non-operating income and expenses totalling €11.4 million before tax. These include: (i) €4.1 million of one-off costs; (ii) €7.4 million of losses relating to Austrian company Serenissima Retail GmbH (including the remaining assets held for sale of the Charles Voegele network in Austria); and (iii) €0.1 million of non-recurring net financial income.For further details, please see the specific section of the notes to the financial statements entitled “Significant non-recurring events and operations”.

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Net financial position

At 31 January 2020, the Group’s adjusted net financial position was €309.9 million, net of the positive mark-to-market effect of €7.6 million. This excludes the negative effects of the application of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, totalling €889 million.The increase in EBITDA, together with the sharp decrease in the net financial position, resulted in a significant reduction in financial leverage, from 2.61x to 1.98x. In 2019, an average interest rate for the period of 3.50% + 3M Euribor was applied.

Despite the decrease in the leverage recorded on 31 January 2020, the application of an average interest rate of approximately 3.65% + 3M Euribor is expected on 2020, given the average increase applicable to the margin due to the Amendment and Restatement Agreement (which from 19 September 2019 foresees an increase between 25 and 50 bps depending on the various lines).

Summary statement of financial position

The table below shows the consolidated statement of financial position for 2019 compared with the end of the previous year (in millions of euro).

The Group’s net invested capital, amounting to €1.049.7 billion, has been adjusted to take account of the absence at 31 January 2019 of the significant accounting impacts due to a change in accounting standards (first year of application of IFRS 16), which resulted in an increase in non-current assets of €863.3 million at 31 January 2020.The book value of shareholders’ equity (excluding only the application of IFRS 16 and therefore according to the same accounting standards as in 2018) decreased by €120.3 million, while the adjusted net financial position improved by €62.7 million, mainly due to cash generation for the year.


31 January ‘20 Excluded

IFRS16 31 January ‘19

Net Debt 302.2 365.0

Net Debt MTM of Derivatives excluded 309.9 375.8EBITDA LTM Adjusted 156.3 144.2Leverage on EBITDA 2.0x 2.6x

€mln31 January ‘20


31 January ‘20 Excluded

IFRS 1631 January ‘19

ReportedChg. Vs exc.


Trade Receivables 86.0 86.0 98.4 (12.4)Inventory 393.1 393.1 411.0 (17.9)Trade Payables (321.1) (330.7) (351.0) 20.3Trade Working Capital 157.9 148.4 158.4 (10.0)Other assets/(liabilities) (99.5) (85.7) (86.3) 0.6Net Working Capital 58.4 62.7 72.1 (9.4)Tangible and Intangible Assets 2,037.1 1,173.8 1,359.5 (185.7)Net deferred taxes (127.8) (127.6) (124.4) (3.2)Other long term assets/(liabilities) (5.8) (17.5) (31.4) 13.9Pension funds and other provisions (41.7) (41.7) (43.2) 1.5Net Capital Employed 1,920.2 1,049.7 1,232.6 (182.9)Net Equity 728.8 747.4 867.7 (120.3)Net Financial Debt 1,191.4 302.3 364.9 (62.7)Total source of financing 1,920.2 1,049.7 1,232.6 (182.9)

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12 OVS

Shareholders’ equity

Consolidated shareholders’ equity amounted to €728.8 million at 31 January 2020, down from €867.7 million in the previous year.Consolidated shareholders’ equity, adjusted to exclude the effects of IFRS 16, amounted to €747.4 million at 31 January 2020 (€907.4 million also excluding the impacts of impairment testing under IAS 36). The reconciliation table for the shareholders’ equity and the net result for the year of the Parent Company with the consolidated shareholders’ equity and the consolidated net result for the year is shown below in the notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Adjusted summary consolidated statement of cash flows

The following table shows the statement of cash flows for 2019, adjusted to exclude the effects of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, compared with the statement of cash flows for the previous year, reclassified according to management criteria (in millions of euro).

Operating cash flow

Cash generation in the year was substantial, at €65.9 million, up €123.7 million compared with the previous year, in which net cash absorption was recorded due to the termination of the commercial relationship with the former Swiss customer, Sempione Fashion. This performance was mainly due to an increase in EBITDA and a decrease in commercial working capital of around €10 million. Analysing the individual components of this result, the performance was even more remarkable: although trade payables decreased by around €20 million, mainly due to the reduction in the exposure to goods purchased in 2018 for the former Swiss customer, trade receivables also decreased by around €12.4 million and inventory levels fell by a significant €17.9 million. Another factor that contributed to the improvement in the adjusted net financial position was the decrease in investments from €60.9 million in 2018 to €43.1 million in 2019, mainly due to a smaller expansion of the sales network.

€mln31 January ‘20

Excluded IFRS16 31 January ‘19

EBITDA Adjusted 156.3 144.2

Adjustments (11.6) (69.8)EBITDA Reported 144.7 74.4Change in Trade Working Capital 10.0 (60.9)Other changes in Working Capital (2.1) 21.6Capex (43.1) (60.9)Operating Cash Flow 109.5 (25.8)Financial charges (20.1) (14.9)Severance indemnity payment (3.1) (2.2)Corporate taxes & Others (6.9) (3.2)Others (13.6) (11.8)Net Cash Flow (excl derivatives MtM and IFRS 16) 65.9 (57.8)MtM derivatives (3.1) 70.6Net cash flow 62.7 12.8

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On 8 May 2020, the Board of Directors resolved that no dividends would be paid out to shareholders, in the form of either distributions of earnings or of reserves, throughout 2020.

Reconciliation of consolidated results for 2019

The following table shows the Group’s consolidated results for 2019, presenting separately the effect of the application of IFRS 16, impairment testing pursuant to IAS 36, net non-recurring expenses before IFRS 16, stock option expenses, amortisation of intangible assets deriving from the purchase price allocation of previous business combinations, and income and expenses relating to foreign exchange gains or losses, both realised and from the valuation of items in foreign currencies (mainly USD) at the reporting date, including with respect to contractualised forward derivatives.

€mln31 January

2020of which

IFRS 16of which


of which Stock Option plan; derivatives;

PPA; foreign exchange


of which impairment

IAS 36

31 January 2020


Net sales 1,374.8 4.7 0.0 1,370.1 Other income 67.7 (2.0) 0.0 0.0 69.7 Revenues and other income 1,442.4 (2.0) 4.7 0.0 0.0 1,439.7 Purchases of consumables 616.7 2.7 22.2 (a) 591.8 Personnel cost 290.5 (0.1) 3.6 0.1 (b) 286.9 Other operating costs 242.2 (172.4) 9.9 0.0 404.7 EBITDA 293.0 170.5 (11.5) (22.3) 0.0 156.3 Depreciation & Amortization 377.0 148.1 0.0 8.6 (c) 161.4 58.9 EBIT (84.0) 22.4 (11.5) (30.9) (161.4) 97.4Net financial income/(charges) (50.4) (50.8) 0.1 19.8 (d) 0.0 (19.5)PBT (134.4) (28.4) (11.4) (11.1) (161.4) 77.9Taxes (6.0) 7.4 2.8 2.7 1.3 (20.2)Net Profit (140.4) (21.0) (8.6) (8.4) (160.1) 57.7

(a) they include foreign exchange differences on forward hedges of goods purchases in foreign currency, reclassified from “Net Financial income / (charges)” to “Puchases of consumables”.

(b) they refer to cost of Stock Option Plan.(c) they refer to depreciation and amortisation of intanbible assets of PPA operations.(d) they mainly refer to exchange rate differences from the valuation of foreign currency items also with respect to forward derivative

instruments and to realized exchange rate differences (the latter reclassified to the item “Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods”).

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14 OVS

The following is the reconciliation table for the financial year 2018:

With regard to the results at 31 January 2020, it should be noted that:

• Revenues and income, which came in at €1,442.4 million, mainly include the retail sales generated by the OVS and Upim brands.

• The gross operating margin or adjusted EBITDA, as the difference between revenues and operating costs, net of the effects of IFRS 16, excluding depreciation and amortisation (including amortisation of intangible assets deriving from the purchase price allocation of previous business combinations) and write-downs, non-recurring expenses and stock option plans, and adjusted to take account of foreign exchange gains or losses realised on forward instruments entered into by the Group and underlying goods already purchased and sold, amounted to €156.3 million, equal to 11.4% of sales.

• The reported and adjusted result before tax was a loss of €134.4 million and a profit of €77.9 million, respectively (net of the effects of IFRS 16, write-downs following impairment testing pursuant to IAS 36, non-recurring costs and other costs shown in the fourth column of the table).

• Net taxes amounted to €6.0 million. Last year, the Group benefited from Patent Box tax relief of €2,796 thousand for the three-year period 2015-2017.

• The reported and adjusted net result for the year was, respectively, a loss of €140.4 million and a profit of €57.7 million, net of the above expenses.

€mln31 January

2019of which


of which Stock Option plan; derivatives;

PPA; foreign exchange


31 January 2019


Net sales 1,457.2 0.0 0.0 1,457.2 Other income 68.9 1.0 0.0 67.9 Revenues and other income 1,526.1 1.0 0.0 1,525.1 Purchases of consumables 667.5 11.5 (9.5) (a) 665.5 Personnel cost 292.6 2.7 0.3 (b) 289.6 Other operating costs 491.6 65.8 0.0 425.8 EBITDA 74.4 (79.0) 9.2 144.2Depreciation & Amortization 67.2 0.0 8.6 (c) 58.6 EBIT 7.2 (79.0) 0.6 85.6Net financial income/(charges) 25.6 (0.2) 43.5 (d) (17.7)PBT 32.8 (79.2) 44.1 67.9Taxes (7.5) 19.0 (13.7) (12.8)Net Profit 25.3 (60.2) 30.4 55.2

(a) they include foreign exchange differences on forward hedges of goods purchases in foreign currency, reclassified from “Net Financial income / (charges)” to “Puchases of consumables”.

(b) they refer to cost of Stock Option Plan.(c) they refer to depreciation and amortisation of intanbible assets of PPA operations.(d) they mainly refer to exchange rate differences from the valuation of foreign currency items also with respect to forward derivative

instruments and to realized exchange rate differences (the latter reclassified to the item “Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods”).

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Impacts of IFRS 16 and alternative performance indicators


The consolidated income statement for 2019 is shown below, including and excluding the effects of the new accounting standard.

The following is an overview of these effects on the profitability KPIs:


31 January 2020

ReportedIFRS 16 effects

31 January 2020 excluded


Revenues 1,374.8 - 1,374.8Other operating income and revenues 67.7 2.0 69.7Total revenues 1,442.4 2.0 1,444.5Purchase of raw materials, consumables and goods 616.7 - 616.7Staff costs 290.5 0.1 290.6Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets 376.9 (148.0) 228.9Other operating expenses Service costs 179.1 1.3 180.4 Costs for the use of third-party assets 29.6 172.5 202.1 Write-downs and provisions 7.0 - 7.0 Other operating charges 26.5 (1.4) 25.2Result before net financial expenses and taxes (84.0) (22.4) (106.4)Financial income 1.1 (1.1) 0.0Financial expenses 72.4 (51.9) 20.5Exchange rate gains and losses 19.7 - 19.7Gains (losses) from equity investments 1.1 - 1.1Net result for the period before tax (134.4) 28.3 (106.1)Taxes 5.9 7.4 13.3Net Result for the year (140.4) 21.0 (119.4)


31 January 2020

ReportedIFRS 16 effects

31 January 2020 excluded


Net Sales 1,374.8 1,374.8

Gross Margin 758.0 758.0% on net sales 55.1% 55.1%EBITDA 293.0 (170.5) 122.5% on net sales 21.3% 8.9%EBIT (84.0) (22.4) (106.4)% on net sales -6.1% -7.7%EBT (134.4) 28.3 (106.1)% on net sales -9.8% -7.7%Net Profit (140.4) 21.0 (119.4)% on net sales -10.2% -8.7%

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16 OVS

As already indicated in the introduction, with the adoption of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard from 1 February 2019, the main economic and financial indicators have been significantly affected and are not comparable with data from previous periods. With regard to the income statement figures presented above, the recognition of €148.0 million of depreciation of right of use assets under tangible assets, together with €50.8 million of net interest expenses on net lease liabilities, replacing €170.5 million of net rental costs (for leases and sub-leases under the new standard), resulted in an increase in the operating result and EBITDA compared with the comparative figures for 2018. In particular, it should be noted that the combination of depreciation on a straight-line basis of right of use assets and the use of an incremental borrowing rate (IBR) to determine lease liabilities (discounting future rental payments), compared with IAS 17, resulted in higher financial expenses in the income statement in the first years of the lease and in subsequently decreasing financial expenses. Therefore, in order to make these figures comparable, albeit not perfectly (given the non-linear incidence of interest on lease liabilities in the periods), in the year of transition (2019) the operating result and EBITDA were adjusted to “exclude IFRS 16”, as shown in the above tables.The following table shows the reclassified consolidated statement of financial position at 31 January 2020, including and excluding the effects of IFRS 16.


The OVS Group uses certain alternative performance indicators, which are not identified as accounting measures under IFRSs, to enable a better assessment of Group performance.The calculation criterion applied by the Group may therefore not be consistent with those used by other groups and the balance obtained may not be comparable with theirs.These alternative performance indicators are constructed solely on the basis of Group historical data.They are calculated in accordance with the Guidelines on Alternative Performance Indicators issued by ESMA/2015/1415 and adopted by Consob with Communication no. 92543 of 3 December 2015. They refer only to the performance for the accounting year covered by this Annual Report and the comparison years, and not to the Group’s expected performance, and should not be regarded as a substitute for the indicators envisaged by the reference accounting standards (IFRSs).The alternative performance indicators used in the Annual Report are defined below:Adjusted net sales: consists of total revenues, net of non-recurring revenues.Adjusted purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods: consists of purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods, net of non-recurring components but including foreign exchange gains and losses for forward hedging on purchases of goods in foreign currencies, reclassified from “Net financial income (expenses)”.Reported gross margin: the gross margin on sales, calculated as the difference between net sales and purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods.


31 January 2020

ReportedIFRS 16 effects

31 January 2020

excluded IFRS 16

Trade Receivables 86.0 0.0 86.0Inventory 393.1 0.0 393.1Trade Payables (321.1) (9.6) (330.7)Net Operating Working Capital 157.9 (9.6) 148.4Other current assets/(liabilities) (99.5) 13.9 (85.7)Net Working Capital 58.4 4.3 62.7Tangible and Intangible Assets 2,037.1 (863.3) 1,173.8Net deferred taxes (127.8) 0.2 (127.6)Other non-current assets/(liabilities) (5.8) (11.7) (17.5)Pension funds and other provisions (41.7) 0.0 (41.7)Net Capital Employed 1,920.2 (870.6) 1,049.7Net Equity 728.8 18.5 747.4Net Financial Debt 1,191.4 (889.1) 302.3Total source of financing 1,920.2 (870.6) 1,049.7

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Adjusted gross margin: calculated as the difference between adjusted net sales and adjusted purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods.With regard to reported EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA, the reported operating result, adjusted EBIT, adjusted profit before taxes (PBT) and the adjusted net result for the year, please see the section entitled “Reconciliation of consolidated results for 2019” above.Net Capital Employed: consists of the total of non-current assets and current assets, excluding financial assets (current and non-current financial assets, current and non-current financial assets for leases, and cash and banks) net of non-current liabilities and current liabilities, excluding financial liabilities (current and non-current financial liabilities and current and non-current financial liabilities for leases).Adjusted net Capital Employed: consists of net invested capital excluding the impacts of the introduction of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard. Net financial position or net (financial) debt: calculated as the sum of current and non-current financial liabilities and current and non-current financial liabilities for leases, net of the cash and banks balance, current and non-current financial assets including the positive fair value of derivative instruments, and current and non-current financial assets for leases.Adjusted net financial position or adjusted net (financial) debt: consists of net (financial) debt excluding impacts on current and non-current lease liabilities and on current and non-current financial assets for leases resulting from the introduction of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard.Adjusted summary consolidated statement of cash flows: consists of the net cash flow generated (absorbed) by operating, investment and financing activity, excluding the effects of the introduction of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, and reclassified according to management criteria, i.e. based on the operating flow of adjusted EBITDA.

Operating performance of Parent Company OVS S.p.A.

The following table shows the consolidated results for 2019 of the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., presenting separately the effects of the application of IFRS 16, impairment testing pursuant to IAS 36, net non-recurring expenses before IFRS 16, stock option expenses, amortisation of intangible assets deriving from the purchase price allocation (PPA) of previous business combinations, and income and expenses relating to foreign exchange gains or losses, both realised and from the valuation of items in foreign currencies (mainly USD) at the reporting date, including with respect to contractualised forward derivatives.

€mln31 January

2020of which

IFRS 16of which


of which Stock Option plan; derivatives;

PPA; foreign exchange


of which impairment

IAS 36

31 January 2020


Net sales 1,366.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,366.7 Other income 66.5 (2.0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.5 Revenues and other income 1,433.2 (2.0) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,435.2 Purchases of consumables 650.4 0.0 0.0 22.2 0.0 628.2 Personnel cost 277.1 0.0 2.0 0.1 0.0 275.0 Other operating costs 235.3 (165.8) 6.8 0.0 0.0 394.3 EBITDA 270.4 163.8 (8.8) (22.3) 0.0 137.7Depreciation & Amortization 369.8 142.2 0.0 8.6 161.4 57.6 EBIT (99.4) 21.6 (8.8) (30.9) (161.4) 80.1Gains (losses) from equity investments 15.5 0.0 (1.5) 0.0 0.0 17.0

Net financial income/(charges) and exchange rate differences (50.1) (49.4) (1.0) 19.8 0.0 (19.5)

PBT (134.0) (27.8) (11.3) (11.1) (161.4) 77.6Taxes (5.4) 7.4 2.0 2.7 1.3 (18.8)Net Profit (139.4) (20.4) (9.3) (8.4) (160.1) 58.8

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18 OVS

The following is the reconciliation table for the financial year 2018:

With regard to the results at 31 January 2020, it should be noted that: • Revenues and income, which amounted to €1,433.2 million, include the retail sales generated by the OVS and

Upim brands. • Depreciation and amortisation of €369.8 million refers to right of use assets of €142.2 million, recognised for

the first time as of 1 February 2019 with the entry into force of IFRS 16, while the remainder essentially relates to store improvements and refits.

• Other operating expenses of €235.3 million, gross of the effects of IFRS 16 (€165.8 million) and non-recurring expenses of €6.8 million, would have amounted to €394.3 million, and may be broken down as follows: costs for the use of third-party assets (€194.5 million), miscellaneous operating expenses (€21.9 million), service costs (€174.9 million) and write-downs and provisions (€3.0 million).

• Gains/(losses) on equity investments include income for dividends received from subsidiary OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Ltd of €21.7 million and expenses arising from the write-down of the foreign investee companies totalling €4.7 million. It should also be noted that the carrying value of the equity investment in Serenissima Retail GmbH was written down by €1.5 million, before the investment was sold to third parties on 31 January 2020.

• Net financial expenses of €50.1 million, gross of the effects of IFRS 16 of €49.4 million, would have amounted to €0.7 million, deriving from financial expenses of €20.5 million and foreign exchange gains and the fair value of forward derivatives in the income statement of €19.8 million.

• Taxes were negative for €5.4 million; without the adjustments in the columns on the table, they would have been negative for €18.8 million.

• The reported and adjusted net result for the year was, respectively, a loss of €139.4 million and a profit of €58.8 million.

€mln31 January

2019of which


of which Stock Option plan; derivatives;

PPA; foreign exchange


31 January

2019 adjusted

Net sales 1,458.1 0.0 0.0 1,458.1 Other income 67.9 1.0 0.0 66.9 Revenues and other income 1,526.0 1.0 0.0 1,525.0 Purchases of consumables 703.6 4.8 (9.5) 708.3 Personnel cost 280.4 2.7 0.3 277.4 Other operating costs 468.8 53.3 0.0 415.5 EBITDA 73.2 (59.8) 9.2 123.8Depreciation & Amortization 66.0 0.0 8.6 57.4 EBIT 7.2 (59.8) 0.6 66.4Gains (losses) from equity investments 8.9 (20.5) 0.0 29.4Net financial income/(charges) and exchange rate differences 30.4 1.1 47.0 (17.7)PBT 46.5 (79.2) 47.7 78.0Taxes (7.2) 14.4 (14.6) (7.0)Net Profit 39.3 (64.8) 33.1 71.0

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The financial performance is shown below, and is described in more detail in the notes to the separate financial statements.

(A) The item includes: Trade receivables and payables, current and deferred tax assets, other receivables, inventories, current and deferred tax liabilities, other payables, employee benefits and provisions for risks and charges.

(B) The item includes: Property, plant and equipment, right of use assets, intangible assets, goodwill and equity investments.


Net debt stood at €1,179.0 million at 31 January 2020, compared with €367.4 million at 31 January 2019.The breakdown is as follows (in millions of euro):

Payables to banks are described later in this report.

Main subsidiaries


OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Ltd, which has its registered office in Hong Kong, operates in the Far East (mainly China, Bangladesh and India, and, more generally, in areas outside Europe), aiming to select suppliers, win orders, and manage the entire product development and quality control phase up to delivery. OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Ltd, which has facilities in various countries, is able to support production activities and monitor that the costs and quality of products are in line with Group standards. Specifically, the company focuses on strengthening existing supplier relationships in the Asia region, further boosting its presence in Bangladesh and China by increasing purchasing volumes. At the same time, purchasing has also increased in the India, Burma and Pakistan region, and the search has continued for more sources of supply in countries in that area that can meet the quality standards required by the Group in a context of lower costs (e.g. Cambodia and Vietnam).The company recorded net profit of €20.1 million in 2019 (compared with €21.0 million in 2018).

€mln 31 January 2020 31 January 2019

Working capital (A) (133.2) (143.2)Net capital employed (B) 2,027.0 1,363.4 Net Financial position 1,179.0 367.4Shareholders' equity 714.8 852.8

€mln 31 January 2020 31 January 2019

Cash and net financial assets 42.5 25.3Credits/(Debts) on derivatives 7.6 10.7Credits/(Debts) to subsidiaries 0.3 0.1Credits/(Debts) to banks (351.8) (402.4)Credits/(Debts) to other financial institutions (0.8) 0.0Credits/(Debts) for leases (876.8) (1.1)Net financial position (1,179.0) (367.4)

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20 OVS


The company operates in the Croatian market, directly operating ten OVS stores. There were no new store openings, and one store closure, in 2019.OVS is mainly pursuing expansion in the region through the franchising formula.The company is not material for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements.


The company operates in the Serbian market, directly operating seven OVS stores. There were no store openings or closures in 2019.OVS is mainly pursuing expansion in the region through the franchising formula.The company is not material for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements.


OVS Fashion España S.L., which was acquired in 2016 in order to achieve more direct operation of the major Spanish retail market, operates the sales network in Spain, with 50 stores in franchising and six directly operated stores. There were four new openings and nine closures of stores in franchising in 2019.The company is not material for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements.


OVS France S.A.S., which was incorporated in 2018 for direct operation of stores in France, became operational in 2019 with the opening of the first directly operated store in Paris in December 2019. The company is not currently material for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements.

82 S.R.L.

82 S.r.l. was incorporated in 2017 and is a subsidiary of OVS S.p.A., which owns 70% of the company. Partner Massimo Piombo is a minority shareholder, holding the remaining 30%. The company was formed to undertake the development through several stores of the PIOMBO brand, dedicated to upper casual men’s wear. In 2018, 82 S.r.l., the licensee of the PIOMBO brand, granted OVS S.p.A. the sub-license of the brand after structured negotiations, for organisational reasons. Therefore, in 2018, OVS opened two DOS in Treviso and Milan, and five corners in stores managed by a third company (Coin S.p.A.).During 2019, the Milan store and 2 of the 5 corners inside the Coin department stores have been closed. This decision was made because it was considered more effective to bring within the network OVS the Piombo corners, where, moreover, the role of the designer will find its most complete expression. The company, which was not already significant for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements 2019, in fact it is no longer active.

Management of financial and operating risks

The Group operates in the commercial sphere, both retail and wholesale, with exposure to market risks relating to changes in interest rates, exchange rates and goods prices. The risk of changes in prices and cash flows is connected to the very nature of the business and can be only slightly mitigated by the use of appropriate risk management policies.

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Credit risk

Credit risk represents the Group’s exposure to the risk of potential losses arising from default by a counterparty.The current macroeconomic context has made continual monitoring of credit increasingly important, so that situations in which there is a risk of insolvency and delayed payment deadlines can be anticipated.There were no significant concentrations of credit risk in the year under review.To reduce this risk generally, the Group also obtains guarantees in the form of sureties in respect of loans granted for the supply of goods.Financial assets are recognised in the financial statements net of write-downs calculated on the basis of the risk of counterparty default, determined by using available information on the solvency of the customer and taking historical data into account.For information on the assessment conducted by the Group of credit risks associated with the current Covid-19 pandemic, please see the section entitled “Significant events after the reporting date” below.

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that financial resources may be difficult to access.As of the reporting date, the Group believes that it can access, through available sources of financing and lines of credit, sufficient funds to meet its foreseeable financial requirements.With regard to the assessments conducted by the Group of liquidity risks associated with the current Covid-19 pandemic, please see the section entitled “Significant events after the reporting date” below.

Market risk

Market risk includes the effects that changes in the market might have on the Group’s commercial activity that is sensitive to consumer spending choices. Positive results can be influenced, inter alia, by the business environment, interest rates, taxation, local economic conditions, uncertainty over the economic outlook and shifts to other goods and services in consumer spending choices. Consumer preferences and economic circumstances may change from time to time in every market in which the Group operates.For this reason, the ability to combat the deflationary price pressure associated with increased competition and changes in consumer choices, which could have adverse effects on the financial situation and results, has become strategically important.With regard to the assessments conducted by the Group of the market risk associated with the current Covid-19 pandemic, please see the section entitled “Significant events after the reporting date” below.


The Group’s margins are influenced by changes in the prices of the goods it deals in.Any reduction in the price of items sold, if not accompanied by a corresponding reduction in purchase cost, generally entails a decrease in operating results.The Group’s cash flows are also exposed to the risk of changes in market exchange rates and interest rates. Specifically, exposure to exchange rates arises because the Group operates in currencies other than the euro, in which it purchases a substantial part of the products marketed, listed or pegged to the US dollar.Lastly, interest rate fluctuations affect the market value of the Group’s financial liabilities and its net financial expenses.

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22 OVS


The Group has guidelines in place for financial operations that involve the use of forward derivatives to reduce foreign exchange risk against the US dollar (forward currency purchase contracts) and the risk of interest rate fluctuations.


Nominal value of derivative contractsThe nominal value of a derivative contract is the amount of each contract in monetary terms. Monetary amounts in foreign currency are converted into euros at the spot exchange rate on the reporting date.

Interest rate risk

Given the projections for the 6-month Euribor rate until the expiry of the loan agreement (March 2023), it was decided not to take action to hedge the risk of interest rate fluctuations.

Foreign exchange risk

The OVS Group purchases most of its products for sale from foreign suppliers for which the reference currency is the US Dollar (USD). In order to ensure reliability in the planning of sales prices and the relative “industrial” margin (understood as the difference between sales prices in EUR and the purchase costs of products in USD), the OVS Group routinely enters into derivative contracts designed to stabilise the exchange rate of goods purchases. The nature of these instruments is quite simple, as they are purchases of forward USD currency (“forward derivatives”) implemented in relation to estimated inflows and with timelines associated with the foreseeable outflow of cash, usually with a time horizon of 12 to 24 months from the date of signing the associated contracts. The instruments in question are initially entered into, in particular, taking into account quantifications (based on estimates) determined on the basis of purchases of the previous collection and considering the business outlook. Such operational hedges of purchase flows take place, in fact, by collection and by month. The instruments are then constantly monitored and updated by the OVS Group in relation to potential changes in purchase and payment flows and therefore to the variable need for stabilisation of exchange rates during the operational development of commercial planning.The derivatives described are recognised at 31 January 2020 at fair value, according to the methods of recognition and measurement established in the reference accounting standards (IFRS 9). Under this accounting standard (as was already the case under IAS 39), the entity may, under certain conditions, book derivatives using hedge accounting. In view of the operational complexity in managing the correspondence between the theoretical underlyings (the flows subject to the management hedging described) and the derivatives, the OVS Group has decided not to adopt hedge accounting. Consequently, the fair value of existing financial instruments and subsequent changes in such instruments are directly charged to the income statement on each reporting date. The fair value of derivatives is quantified using common valuation techniques and is mainly determined by the difference between the notional amount in USD converted into euro at the forward exchange rate at the time of entering into the contract and the notional amount in USD converted into euro at the exchange rate at the end of the reference period. This difference may be positive or negative depending on changes in the EUR/USD exchange rate, resulting in a certain level of volatility in the Group’s results. This is appropriately taken into account in the presentation of adjusted figures in this document.

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Investment and development

Gross investments of €43.1 million were made in 2019. Investments are mainly dedicated to the growth and consolidation of the Group and chiefly relate to (i) the restructuring of 20 stores in the existing network, extraordinary maintenance and other commercial activities relating to the existing network, amounting to around €17.8 million, (ii) new store openings (around €8.3 million) under the Group’s brands, (iii) the development of IT and digital transformation systems (around €11.3 million), (iv) the upgrading of the logistics unit (around €2 million) in order to improve distribution efficiency, and (v) completion of the restructuring of the Mestre office (around €3.6 million), aimed at improving operational functionality, thermal efficiency as well as the refurbishment of the company canteen.The investments made in 2018 amounted to €80.7 million, gross of €19.7 million of disinvestment relating to the sale of the head office in the third quarter of 2018 (with regard to investments in 2018, it should also be noted that approximately €18 million relating to the restructuring was invested through a vendor finance instrument, the cash out of which is spread over three years, in line with the EBITDA growth of the restructured stores).At Group level, the sales network comprised a total of 1,770 stores at 31 January 2020 (including the small-format stores) including 775 DOS (24 abroad), 887 affiliated stores (285 abroad) and 108 administered stores (71 abroad).In 2019 (1 February 2019 – 31 January 2020), the network consolidated the substantial expansion of the previous year and achieved further growth in terms of stores (net of closures) of 23 units, including 12 DOS and 16 affiliated stores, while administered stores decreased in number by five units.In 2018 (1 February 2018 – 31 January 2019), the network grew in terms of stores (net of closures) by 123 units, including 19 DOS and 114 affiliated stores, while administered stores decreased in number by ten units.

Research and development

Over the years, the OVS Group has intensified the research for sustainable fabrics and specialized suppliers in the production of clothing with sustainable materials. Although research and development does not always qualify as such in accordance with the provisions contained in the reference accounting standards, a significant number of people are constantly engaged in the creation and development of the collections, with the aim of guaranteeing an exclusive offer and consistent with the positioning of the various brands of the Group, using fabrics with innovative features. The recent introduction in the company of new figures in the world of operations has the exclusive purpose of progressing in the research for new solutions, which apply predictive analysis to planning choices. In particular, then, the activities carried out by the team of dedicated people are part of the Community discipline as per Directive 2006/c 323/01 which, in the matter of “industrial research” defines: “industrial research or planned research or critical investigations aimed at acquiring new knowledge for developing new products, processes or services or allow a significant improvement of existing products, processes or services [...]. “.

Related party transactions

In accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, the Parent Company’s Board of Directors approved the “Procedure governing related party transactions”, first by resolution of 23 July 2014, effective from 2 March 2015, and subsequently, by resolution of 19 September 2018, approved a new updated version of this document, effective from 19 September 2018.The Procedure was adopted by the Company in implementation of Article 2391-bis of the Italian Civil Code and the regulation on related party transactions adopted by Consob by Resolution no. 17221 of 12 March 2010 as amended, also taking into account the instructions and clarifications provided by Consob in Communication no. DEM/10078683 of 24 September 2010.The Procedure identifies the rules governing the approval and execution of transactions with related parties entered into by OVS, directly or through subsidiaries, in order to define the relevant competencies and

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24 OVS

responsibilities and ensure the transparency and substantive and procedural correctness of such transactions.Information on, and details of, relations with related entities are provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements and the separate financial statements, pursuant to IAS 24.

Significant events during the reporting period

On 11 March 2019, the then shareholder, Gruppo Coin S.p.A. (now Icon S.p.A.), as the seller, sold to Tamburi Investment Partners S.p.A., as the buyer, its equity investment of 17.835% in the Issuer, OVS S.p.A.. As a result of this acquisition, “TIP”, already a shareholder of OVS with an equity investment of approximately 4.912%, increased its total stake to around 22.747%.With regard to the press releases dated 11 March and 13 March, it should also be noted that on 11 March 2019, non-executive directors Stefano Ferraresi, Stefania Criveller and Marvin Teubner tendered their resignations and on 13 March 2019, the Board of Directors of OVS S.p.A. therefore decided to co-opt three new members, namely Giovanni Tamburi, Alessandra Gritti and Massimiliano Magrini, pursuant to Article 2386 of the Italian Civil Code and Article 13.4 of the Articles of Association (all non-executive and the latter also satisfying the independence requirements laid down in applicable legislation and the Code of Corporate Governance). These resignations and the co-option were related to the said transaction.On the basis of communications received by the Issuer in relation to significant equity investments, to date no party has declared that it exercises control.It should be emphasised that the new corporate structure and the new Board of Directors do not constitute a “change of control” under the existing loan agreement.On 31 May 2019, the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., approved the financial statements at 31 January 2019. The Shareholders’ Meeting also approved the Board of Directors’ proposal not to pay dividends in respect of the profit for the year ended 31 January 2019. For further details, please see the consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity.The Shareholders’ Meeting also approved, pursuant to the applicable regulation, through a non‐binding resolution, the first section of the Report on Remuneration prepared in accordance with Articles 123‐ter of Legislative Decree 58/1998 (the Consolidated Law on Finance or “TUF”) and 84‐ quater of Consob Regulation 11971/1999 (the “Regulation for Issuers”).At the same Shareholders’ Meeting, the adoption, pursuant to Article 114-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, of a share incentive plan called the “Stock Option Plan 2019-2022” (the “2019-2022 Plan”) was approved. For details of its features and execution, please see the section below entitled “Stock option plans”.The Shareholders’ Meeting also approved the share buyback plan proposed by the Board of Directors on 17 April 2019, following the revocation of the previous plan approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 31 May 2018, which was partially unexecuted. The programme to purchase the Company’s treasury shares up to a maximum amount that, when taking into account the ordinary shares held from time to time by the Company and its subsidiaries, will not exceed, in total, 10% of the Company’s share capital.Lastly, the same Shareholders’ Meeting supplemented the Board of Directors with a view to continuity, re-appointing directors Giovanni Tamburi, Alessandra Gritti and Massimiliano Magrini, who were co-opted on 13 March 2019, having been nominated by shareholder TIP, and Elena Garavaglia, who was co-opted on 20 June 2018, having been nominated by the institutional investors, and who was taken at the time of co-option from the minority list of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2017, which appointed the current Board of Directors in its original form.The Shareholders’ Meeting also appointed, and elected Chairman of the Board of Directors, Franco Moscetti, nominated by shareholder TIP, to replace Nicholas Stathopoulos, whose resignation was effective as of the date of the same Shareholders’ Meeting.As recorded at the time of closing of the annual consolidated financial statements at 31 January 2019, the process of refinancing the entire financial package in place at the end of the 2018 financial year continued during this year, according to the timetable defined with the financial advisor, the legal teams and the pool banks. Following the process, on 18 September 2019, OVS S.p.A. received a letter proposing an Amendment and Restatement Agreement for the existing Loan Agreement, signed by the agent bank and the lending banks. The Amendment and Restatement Agreement was intended to implement the contractual amendments previously

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submitted by the company to its lending banks.

In particular, these changes concerned, inter alia:(i) the extension of the repayment date applicable to Facility B and the Revolving Facility with final maturity

deferred from 2 March 2020 to 2 March 2023;(ii) the partial repayment of Facility B in the amount of €25,000,000 as a condition precedent of the effectiveness

of the Amendment and Restatement Agreement, as a result of which the share of the loan of each lending bank party to the Loan Agreement at the time was slightly changed;

(iii) the division of the remainder of Facility B into two facilities, i.e. Facility B1 of €250,000,000, maturing on 2 March 2023, and amortised Facility B2 of €100,000,000, to be repaid in six equal half-yearly instalments starting on 28 February 2020 (with the final instalment on 28 August 2022);

(iv) the addition of a period of limitation on the use of the Revolving Facility, whose amount remained unchanged at €100,000,000 and whose final repayment deadline was also set at 2 March 2023; this limitation provides that the difference between the draw-down of the Revolving Facility and the net cash balance shall not exceed €25,000,000 for a period of at least five days in each year (the “clean-down period”); a period of no less than six months must also elapse between each period tested;

(v) provision for a further assumed mandatory early repayment proportionate to any surplus annual cash flows (“cash sweep”) commencing from the year ending 31 January 2021, to be applied for the purposes of repayment of Facility B1 and subsequently for the pro rata repayment of the Facility B2 instalments;

(vi) some limitations on the distribution of dividends linked to leverage parameters: specifically, these are not permitted in the event that leverage is equal to or more than 2.25x; in the event that it is lower, distribution remains subject to the obligations under the cash sweep clause indicated in the preceding point and, with regard to distribution of the 2019 profits only, to a maximum limit of €10,000,000 or 3% of the dividend yield, if lower;

(vii) the amendment of the financial parameters previously specified in the Loan Agreement;(viii) the amendment in the Company’s favour of the change of control clause provided in the Loan Agreement,

including in light of its current shareholding structure as a listed company; and(ix) an increase in the margin applicable to the financial package that, depending on the various lines, ranges

from 25 to 50 bps. After receiving the aforementioned letter proposing the Amendment and Restatement Agreement, on 19 September 2019, the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., formally signed the relevant letter of acceptance and on 3 October 2019 fulfilled the conditions precedent provided under the same Amendment and Restatement Agreement, so that this agreement and the amendments listed above became fully effective.

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26 OVS

Notes on share performance

The OVS stock was listed on the Milan Stock Exchange on 2 March 2015 at a placement price of €4.10. The stock closed the previous year at €1.333 on 31 January 2019. One year later, on 31 January 2020, the stock was trading at €1.721, up by 29% compared with the end of the previous year.


€ 2.20

€ 2.00

€ 1.80

€ 1.60

€ 1.40

€ 1.20

€ 1.00

















































































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The price of the OVS stock increased steadily during 2019, peaking at €2.114 on 10 December 2019, close to the publication of the quarterly results on 12 December. After falling sharply in 2018, in 2019 the share price benefited from the Group’s improved performance: from the first quarter of the year onwards, there was a steady improvement in terms of cash generation compared with the previous year, while from the second half of the year there was also an improvement in terms of profitability.The progressive deleveraging provided tangible evidence of the Group’s ability to return to historical performance levels, demonstrating that it has the strength to recover, albeit partially, its economic/financial performance, which fell below expectations in 2018.It should be emphasised that in 2019 the entire apparel retail sector was again one of the main investment destinations for bearish investors, which contributed to pressure on OVS’s share price throughout the year.In the early months of 2020, the stock was hit hard by the arrival of Covid-19 in Italy: from the last week of February onwards, the share price fell again. Uncertainty over the possibility of another Italian economic crisis and the time required to return to more normal business operations had a substantial effect.It should be noted that, as of 26 May 2020, of the seven brokers that monitor OVS S.p.A., one had a “buy” recommendation on the stock and one a “sell” recommendation, while the others had “neutral” recommendations.For more information and updates on share performance, and for the latest corporate information, please visit the “Investor Relations” section of the website at www.ovscorporate.it.

Stock option plans

It should be recalled that on 26 May 2015, the Shareholders’ Meeting approved a stock option plan for the period 2015-2020, which will be implemented through the allocation of free options for subscription to ordinary newly issued shares of OVS S.p.A.. The Plan is reserved for directors who are also employees, managers with strategic responsibilities and/or other employees of OVS S.p.A. and its subsidiaries. The Plan is intended to create value for shareholders by improving long-term corporate performance and attracting staff who play a key role in the Group’s development.The Plan provides for the issue of up to 5,107,500 options, freely allocated to the beneficiaries if certain performance targets are met, and confers on each of them the right to subscribe to one ordinary share of the Parent Company for each option assigned.The same meeting was also convened in extraordinary session to resolve upon the proposal to grant the Board of Directors, for a period of five years from the date of the resolution, the power to increase the share capital, pursuant to Article 2443 of the Italian Civil Code, in tranches, excluding option rights pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 8 of the Italian Civil Code, for a total maximum nominal amount of €35,000,000, through the issue, in one or more tranches, of up to 5,107,500 ordinary shares with no par value, to be reserved for the beneficiaries of the “Stock Option Plan 2015-2020”, with the consequent amendment of Article 5 of the Articles of Association.As of 31 January 2020, 2,526,825 options had been assigned under the “Stock Option Plan 2015-2020”.

It should also be noted that the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2017 approved a new stock option plan, called the “Stock Option Plan 2017-2022”, reserved for directors who are also employees, managers with strategic responsibilities and/or other employees of OVS S.p.A. and its subsidiaries, which may be implemented using either (i) treasury shares bought back under the authorisation pursuant to Article 2357 of the Italian Civil Code granted by the Shareholders’ Meeting from time to time; or (ii) shares deriving from a capital increase by the Board of Directors, after the granting of a mandate to the same to increase the share capital pursuant to Article 2443 of the Italian Civil Code, in tranches, excluding option rights pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 8 of the Italian Civil Code, for a total maximum nominal amount of €4,080,000.00, through the issue, in one or more tranches, of up to 4,080,000 new ordinary shares of OVS, to be reserved for the beneficiaries of the “Stock Option Plan 2017-2022”.The new Plan is also intended to create value for shareholders by improving long-term corporate performance and attracting staff who play a key role in the Group’s development.The Plan provides for the free allocation to each beneficiary of up to 4,080,000 options, which give the right to subscribe or purchase ordinary shares of OVS in the ratio of one share for each option exercised. The options will mature when determined performance targets are met.

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As of 31 January 2020, 1,682,500 options had been assigned under the “Stock Option Plan 2017-2022”.

Finally, the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2019 approved, pursuant to Article 114-bis of the TUF, the adoption of an incentive plan named the “Stock Option Plan 2019-2022”, to be implemented through the allocation of free options for subscription to newly issued ordinary shares of OVS S.p.A. The Plan is reserved for directors who are also employees, managers with strategic responsibilities and/or other employees of OVS S.p.A. and its subsidiaries pursuant to Article 93 of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, identified by the Board of Directors, after consulting the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, from among those individuals who perform a key role in the achievement of the Company’s strategic objectives (hereinafter, the “Beneficiaries”).The Plan is intended to create value for shareholders by improving long-term corporate performance and by attracting and retaining personnel that play a key role in the Group’s development, in order to align the interests of the Beneficiaries with those of the Group’s shareholders.Up to 5,000,000 options will be issued under the Plan, which will be freely allocated to the Beneficiaries. Each Beneficiary may exercise the options effectively accrued depending on the fulfilment of a condition of access to the Plan (gate) and a performance condition linked to a predefined value of three-year cumulative EBITDA. Each option will confer on each Beneficiary the right to subscribe for one ordinary share of the Parent Company for each option assigned. The exercise price of the shares is set at €1.85.As of 31 January 2020, 5,000,000 options had been assigned under the “Stock Option Plan 2019-2022”.For details of the Plan, see the reports of the Board of Directors and the information documents, pursuant to Article 84-bis of Consob Regulation 11971/1999, which are available on the Company website at www.ovscorporate.it, in the Governance/Shareholders’ Meeting section.

Other information


For information on the shares held by directors, statutory auditors and managers with strategic responsibilities, please see the Report on Remuneration, prepared in accordance with Article 123-ter of the Consolidated Law on Finance, Article 84-quater and Appendix 3A, Schedule 7-bis of Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 as amended (the “Regulation for Issuers”) and Article 6 of the Code of Corporate Governance, available in the Governance/Shareholders’ Meeting section of the corporate website at www.ovscorporate.it.


In 2018, OVS S.p.A. acquired a total of 809,226 treasury shares, amounting to 0.356% of the share capital, for a total amount of €1,496 thousand. These transactions were carried out as part of the authorisation to buy treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 31 May 2018. The Shareholders’ Meeting authorised, pursuant to Article 2357 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code and Article 132 of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, the purchase of the Company’s treasury shares, on one or more occasions, up to a maximum number that, taking into account the ordinary shares held from time to time by the Company and its subsidiaries, does not exceed, in total, 10% of the Company’s share capital, for a period not exceeding 18 months from the date of the resolution. At the Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2019, a share buyback plan was approved, proposed by the Board of Directors on 17 April 2019, after the plan described above, which was partially unexecuted, was revoked. The plan provides for the purchase and disposal of treasury shares up to a maximum amount that, when taking into account the ordinary shares held from time to time by the Company and its subsidiaries, does not exceed, in total, 10% of the share capital.

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There were no additional purchases or disposals in 2019, therefore, as of 31 January 2020, the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., holds a total of 809,226 treasury shares purchased in 2018, equivalent to 0.356% of the share capital, amounting in total to €1,496 thousand.


Investee companies with registered offices in non-EU countries, of which the biggest is OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Ltd, are not significant within the meaning of Article 151 of the Regulation for Issuers, as their respective assets make up less than 2% of the assets in the Group’s consolidated financial statements at 31 January 2020, and their respective revenues make up less than 5% of the Group’s consolidated revenues at 31 January 2020.


At 31 January 2019, OVS S.p.A. was a 17.835%-owned investee company of Gruppo Coin S.p.A.. On 11 March 2019, Gruppo Coin S.p.A. (now Icon S.p.A.), the vendor, and Tamburi Investment Partners S.p.A., as the buyer, reached an agreement concerning the sale of the equity investment (17.835%) held by Gruppo Coin S.p.A. in OVS S.p.A.. Due to this purchase, Tamburi Investment Partners S.p.A., which was already a shareholder of OVS with an equity investment of approximately 4.912%, obtained a total stake of around 22.747% in OVS’s capital.Despite the equity investment held by Gruppo Coin, OVS S.p.A. does not consider itself to be subject to management and coordination by the latter, as: • it operates completely independently; • there is no cash pooling function for the Group; • key decisions relating to management of the Parent Company and its subsidiaries are taken by the Parent

Company’s own management bodies; • the Parent Company’s Board of Directors is responsible, inter alia, for reviewing and approving the strategic,

business and financial plans and budgets of the Company and the OVS Group, reviewing and approving the organisational structure of the OVS Group, and assessing the adequacy of the organisational, management and accounting structure of the Company and the OVS Group.


The consolidated non-financial statement 2019 pursuant to Legislative Decree 254/2016 is contained in a separate report from the Report on Operations, published simultaneously with the latter and available on the Company website at www.ovscorporate.it, in the Governance/Shareholders’ Meeting 2020 section, as well as in the Sustainability section.

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30 OVS

Significant events after the reporting date


The tragedy of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (or more simply Covid-19) pandemic hit China in January 2020, when the first known cases were reported. However, the containment measures implemented by China’s President, Xi Jinping, suggested that the spread of the virus was mainly affecting the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, and possibly other parts of China.

On 20 February 2020, however, the Councillor for Welfare in the Lombardy Region announced that a first case tested positive in Codogno (Lodi). In a few days, several municipalities in northern Italy registered the presence of the virus and the Italian government decided to adopt the first “extraordinary measures” to curb the spread of the virus with a decree approved during the night of 23 February 2020, limited to the areas of epidemic (11 municipalities in northern Italy). One of these measures concerned the closure of all stores in those specific areas. On 25 February, the infection has spread to other regions and the government then issued a second decree, which extended to Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont and Liguria. On 4 March 2020, it was acknowledged that the disease was not retreating but in fact spreading exponentially: given the number of victims, Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, decided to sign a new decree that led to the closure of universities and schools throughout Italy.Strong restrictions were also imposed on theatres, cinemas and all events where people gather. On 8 March 2020, another decree was published, banning all travel in Lombardy and in 14 provinces, including Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Marche. On 11 March 2020, another decree was published, accompanied by the slogan “#iorestoacasa” (“#stayhome”), which extended the measures so far applied in the “red zones” to the entire country. Since then, all stores in the country have been closed to the public (except for certain categories, such as food and pharmacies). About a month passed before the number of hospital admissions began to show signs of slowing down, and the Prime Ministerial Decree of 10 April 2020 allowed some businesses to reopen from 14 April 2020, including children’s clothing stores.It should be noted that, although the measures of 23 and 25 February 2020 triggered fear and concern among the Italian population (mainly in the north, but also somewhat in the centre and south) about the risk of infection, with an inevitable effect on store traffic, the enactment of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020, which forced the closure of all non-essential commercial activities, including the retail sale of clothing products, effective as of 12 March 2020, which did not entail any adjustment to the financial statement balances as at 31 January 2020, given its significance, has had multiple immediate and future effects on the Group’s daily operations and on certain estimates of balance sheet assets and liabilities that cannot yet be accurately quantified. Furthermore, given the current context of uncertainty and taking into account the evolution of the Covid-19 in relation to the timing of the reopening of stores and the related impacts on the Group’s cash flows for 2020, the IAS 36 sensitivity scenarios for impairment testing were updated, particularly with regard to the possible effects of the pandemic on the assumptions underlying the estimates made: this entailed a write-down of approximately €161 million in the financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2020, almost entirely attributed to goodwill.The following section provides the disclosure deemed necessary to describe qualitatively and quantitatively the effects of the closure of the entire Italian and foreign sales network and the presumably difficult recovery of consumption due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Estimates, where present, are only provided if they can be reliably calculated.For further information on impairment testing, please see the specific section of the notes to the consolidated and separate financial statements.

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Government restrictions that resulted in the closure of the entire sales network in Italy (but also abroad) have highlighted the need for rapid and targeted action to address an emergency, the like of which has not been seen in Italy since the aftermath of the Second World War. Since the first day of March 2020, a Crisis Committee was set up to manage the emergency, putting in place all possible measures to prepare the Group for the situation. Five main areas were identified: rents, staff, operating costs, supplies of goods and finally investments. The measures launched are intended to address both the period of closure, the phase of progressive reopening of the network, and the remaining months of 2020 in which a substantial decrease in sales is expected.Discussions with the property owners began immediately, with a view to amending contractual agreements to align them with the changes in the economic situation. In particular, negotiations are focused on obtaining a change in the financial terms and, specifically, a change in rents (with free rent during periods of store closure and thus zero sales) and an arrangement for paying rent in arrears rather than in advance, at least for the first few months after reopening. In this context and pending negotiations, the Group has suspended almost all rental payments; to date, this initiative has not resulted in any major objections from the property owners, which have shown real willingness to engage in dialogue, with the exception of a few isolated foreign investors.With regard to our employees, the sales staff were suspended when the stores were closed. Salaries were first of all guaranteed through the use of the accrued holiday provision, followed by activation of the entitlements provided for by the Cassa Integrazione in Deroga lay-off fund, allowing for financial outlays to be partially reduced in the short term.Following the reopening, in order to counteract the expected decline in sales, the Group plans to launch measures to cut staff costs by reducing security, reducing opening hours each day and closing stores on Sundays and public holidays until August 2020. This reduction plan, which will be agreed with employee representatives, will include the non-renewal of fixed-term contracts, an overtime freeze and further use of the holiday provision and the lay-off fund.With regard to office staff, during the period of closure the lay-off fund (after the use of holiday entitlements) was used for at least 50% of staff. The rest of the employees are mainly engaged in smart working, with minimal onsite monitoring. Measures will be in place for the rest of the year to contain staff costs by means of freezes on most hiring and overtime, some targeted restructurings at management level and a freeze on discretionary salary increases provided for in budgets.A company solidarity fund has also been set up, financed by OVS Group executives through the voluntary waiver of part of their remuneration, intended for the Group employees hardest hit by the health crisis, such as the family of a young OVS sales manager who lost his life after two weeks of fighting the virus. To this fund also the Directors of OVS S.p.A. decided to participate.All operating costs considered not strictly necessary have been minimised, both at the store level and in terms of corporate and sales support costs. When the network was closed, the Group secured all systems in stores so as to eliminate almost all consumption. All unnecessary services were also suspended, such as: security, cleaning, supply of shopping bags, materials for updating window displays, etc.After the reopening, further savings will be made as a result of reduced opening hours; however, there is expected to be a significant increase in costs in terms of cleaning premises, protecting employees (gloves, masks, sanitising gels, etc.) and finally in terms of cleaning clothing.

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32 OVS

At the corporate level, a further reduction in external services is planned, in addition to the cuts already made in 2019. In light of the lockdown, the Group also reduced the advertising budget for the period and in particular the television budget by redirecting it towards more innovative channels such as the web, where triple-digit increases in sales have been seen.A commercial negotiation campaign with key suppliers is also planned, with the aim of obtaining an extraordinary bonus, particularly from those less affected by the Covid-19 emergency.As part of the reduction of cash outflows and pending the reopening of stores, a specific procedure, which has been shared with a major legal advisor, has been launched to control payments more effectively for the duration of the crisis situation: • prioritisation of creditors preferred by virtue of law (such as staff); • the establishment of an ad hoc committee; • transparent communication to all suppliers.

The payment of the postponed amounts, made possible also thanks to trust relationship that characterizes the relations of OVS with its suppliers are however expected by the end of 2020.The schedule for inflows of autumn/winter goods has been completely reorganised and has also been reduced compared with the previous plan. For further information on this point, see the following section relating to business outlook.Finally, all investments not strictly necessary for business continuity have been reduced to a minimum; in particular, the number of new store openings has been reduced and some other projects not strictly necessary have been postponed until 2021.The dramatic drop in receipts in March and their almost total absence in April required a detailed rescheduling of all projected financial outlays, together with the activation of the extraordinary measures described above to create liquidity, including in the very short term. In addition to specific measures for deferring payments, which are well understood by the Group’s suppliers given the exceptional situation, in March 2020 derivative contracts to hedge projected goods purchases were unwound, resulting in a capital gain of around €10 million. In the meantime, contacts have rapidly been established with banks to gauge their willingness to provide additional finance to support the temporary but inevitable increase in working capital. In this regard, on 8 April 2020 the Italian government issued the so-called “Liquidity Decree”, immediately providing a valid form of financial support that the Group decided to activate. The process of financial reinforcement to cope with the prolonged forced lockdown of ours stores is almost over.The process involved a pool made up of 5 banks from the current loan agreement, from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. and from a new bank. The institutions involved have proceeded with the related resolutions. The process will end with the approval of the Ministry Decree of Economy and Finance. The main characteristics of the New Finance counter-guaranteed for 80% by SACE S.p.A. are reported below.The amount financed will be equal to 100 million Euros and the loan will have a duration of 4.3 years with payment due for the last installment set in September 2024. The loan provides for a pre-amortization of 24 months and 10 installments of the same amount (10 million euros) quarterly starting from June 2022. The expected covenant is in line with the current loan agreement one. The cost of the SACE guarantee will be structured as follows: 50 bps the first year, 100 bps the second and third year, from the fourth year onwards 200 bps, while the interest rate applied will be 2.25% + 3M Euribor.Parallel to this process, the banks of the pre-existing loan agreement have already approved favourably, albeit subject to obtaining the New Finance, the granting of some amendments / suspensions of the contract itself, among which the most relevant are: (i) suspension of the repayment the installments scheduled for August 2020 and February 2021 and (ii) the suspension of the covenant test until April 2021. For more information, see the Notes to the consolidated financial statements.

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Business outlook

The aforementioned cost reduction measures implemented in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are designed to address both the period of closure of the sales network and the phase of progressive reopening, as well as the remaining months of the 2020 financial year, when a substantial decrease in sales appears inevitable. Goods procurement is the most critical area, since the goods held for sale during the months of closure had been regularly purchased. Like all clothing retailers, the OVS Group is therefore faced with the choice of either: a) maximising promotional leverage to dispose of the goods accumulated during the period of closure, or b) carrying forward the unsold goods from the Spring/Summer collection to 2021. Given the high proportion of children’s clothing and the prevalence in the range of medium-low “fashion content” products, the Group considers that the greater cash that could be generated in the short term with option a) would not be sufficient to offset, in the medium term, the reduction in margins resulting from discounts. It therefore opted to carry the goods forward to next year.In particular, the Group is organising the collection from stores of the spring goods delivered in January-February 2020, which have not been “seen” by customers due to the closures, so that they can be stored until next year. A part of the summer goods will be distributed to stores when they reopen, to support sales towards the end of the season, while the remainder will be kept in storage.The high level of cash absorption in these first months of 2020 will therefore be offset by lower purchases of goods next year.The other cost saving measures taken are also designed to create tangible benefits in the second half of the year and not only during the period of closure: this will allow the Group to dilute the effects of the store closures, mainly apparent in the first quarter of 2020, over at least 12 months.With regard to rental costs, the ongoing negotiations are, also in this case, intended to obtain rents more closely linked to sales, in order to lower the break-even of stores as sales recover in a context that is still uncertain in many respects. With regard to the costs of store staff, following the reopening, in response to the expected decline in sales, the Group plans to launch measures to cut staff costs by reducing security, reducing opening hours each day and closing stores on Sundays and public holidays until August 2020. This reduction plan, which will be agreed with employee representatives, will include, as already mentioned, the non-renewal of fixed-term contracts, an overtime freeze and the use of the holiday provision and the lay-off fund. With regard to the costs of office staff, measures will be in place to contain staff costs by means of freezes on most hiring and overtime, some targeted restructurings at management level and a freeze on discretionary salary increases provided for in budgets.In terms of operating costs, further savings will be made due to the reduction in opening hours. On the other hand, there is expected to be a significant increase in costs incurred to sanitise premises and the products on sale and to protect employees. At the corporate level, a further reduction in external services is planned, in addition to the cuts already made in 2019. A commercial negotiation campaign with key suppliers is also planned, with the aim of obtaining an extraordinary bonus, particularly from those less affected by the Covid-19 emergency.Lastly, as already mentioned, all investments not strictly necessary for business continuity will be reduced to a minimum.The social, and then economic, impact of the current situation disrupted our lives for months. All the Group’s stores were closed from 11 March. However, time spent at home was not wasted. Social networking sessions were held with all employees to stimulate their creativity or improve their preparation through webinars hosted by our experts from the various company departments. The climate of collaboration and cohesion has also helped identify opportunities and ideas that have already been gathered and transformed into concrete management actions. Great progress was made in digital innovation during this period. Two examples of many: “order and collect within 4 hours” online or over the phone and “pay later with OVS” which allows the customer to purchase and pay in instalments over a quarter, without any expenses or interest.

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34 OVS

During the period of closure, sales through the e-commerce channel, enriched with new features, increased at a triple-digit rate, to a particularly pronounced degree for the children’s segment. We held talks with Italy’s national government to provide ideas and information useful to managing the emergency and recovery projects. We succeeded in conveying our view that access to baby clothing – a market in which our company has a twenty percent market share – is a basic necessity and thus in having stores dedicated to children’s products included among those authorized to open by the 10 April decree. The entire sales network was able to reopen starting on 18 May. The sales results for the first week were very encouraging and significantly better than expected. In fact, while we expected a reduction compared to the same days of the previous year, we instead recorded a double-digit increase. However, we do not believe, on the basis of the information in our possession, that this is a generalized, long-term phenomenon. Rather, it is a sign of our positioning with a focus on family, children and value for money. This makes us less connected to impulse buying, and less susceptible to sudden changes, except for those related to climatic phenomena.We are convinced that in the post-Covid period we can benefit from our positioning, albeit in a market that will not soon return to previous levels, by continuing to strive to strike the ideal balance between offering a wide range of quality products at extremely affordable prices and seeking the best solutions in an essential, contemporary Italian style, with support from Massimo Piombo’s creative direction. The financial reinforcement that will be completed with a new credit facility of 100 million of euros and a duration of 4.3 years, is a tangible testament to the trust that our company enjoys. We believe that when the epidemic is definitively behind us, new models of consumption will emerge, more oriented towards selective choices, attentive to quality and sustainability, and yet still with a considerable focus on price. We are working to ensure that our products and brands meet the expectations of some of the most demanding segments of consumers. We are enhancing our efforts to offer our customers a true, comprehensive multi-channel approach. On the one hand, a carefully tended physical store, enriched digital experience, advanced CRM, “Pay Later with OVS” system and freephone number for personal shoppers, and, on the other, complete transparency, with a product identity card that indicates the name of the supplier, water consumption, CO2 and recyclability index of every product sold, have placed us at the forefront on these issues, to which we believe consumers will attach increasing importance. OVS has succeeded in becoming the undisputed market leader in Italy in the last 15 years. We are certain that, given the current difficult context, the market consolidation process will continue, and we believe that our Group will be once again the leader.

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UPIM SS 2020

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Dear Shareholders,

We submit the following resolution for your approval:

“The Shareholders’ Meeting of OVS S.p.A., in ordinary session,

• having heard and approved the statements of the Board of Directors;

• having examined the data in the separate financial statements of OVS S.p.A. at 31 January 2020 and the Report on Operations of the Board of Directors;

• having acknowledged the reports of the Board of Statutory Auditors and the independent auditor;

• having examined the consolidated financial statements at 31 January 2020;


1. to approve the separate financial statements of OVS S.p.A. at 31 January 2020;2. to approve the allocation of the net loss for the year of OVS S.p.A. at 31 January 2020, amounting to

€139,443,479.00, as follows: • €139,443,479.00 to retained earnings (accumulated losses).”

for the Board of Directors The Chief Executive Officer Stefano Beraldo

Venice-Mestre, 26 May 2020

Proposal for approval of the financial statements and allocation of earnings for the 2019 financial year

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Consolidated Financial Statementsat 31 January 2020

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40 OVS

Consolidated statement of financial position(thousands of euro)

ASSETS Note 31.01.2020of which related

parties 31.01.2019of which related


Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents 1 45,656 27,876Trade receivables 2 85,981 1,836 98,426 5,128Inventories 3 393,094 410,955Financial assets 4 7,572 11,797Financial assets for leases 5 4,191 1,246 0Current tax assets 6 14,683 9,565Other receivables 7 13,984 33,968Total current assets 565,161 592,587

Non-current assetsProperty, plant and equipment 8 255,070 273,874Right of use 9 866,316 0Intangible assets 10 618,053 632,987Goodwill 11 297,541 452,541Equity investments 12 136 136Financial assets 4 34 172Financial assets for leases 5 10,623 2,620 0Other receivables 7 11,119 4,425Total non-current assets 2,058,892 1,364,135TOTAL ASSETS 2,624,053 1,956,722

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Note 31.01.2020of which related

parties 31.01.2019of which related


Current liabilities

Financial liabilities 13 38,871 30,569Financial liabilities for leases 14 133,808 0Trade payables 15 321,146 25 350,981 1,981Current tax liabilities 16 0 0Other payables 17 128,215 1,737 129,787 371Total current liabilities 622,040 511,337

Non-current liabilitiesFinancial liabilities 13 313,773 374,190Financial liabilities for leases 14 772,998 0Employee benefits 18 37,044 38,348Provisions for risks and charges 19 4,687 4,873Deferred tax liabilities 20 127,799 124,435Other payables 17 16,883 35,840Total non-current liabilities 1,273,184 577,686TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,895,224 1,089,023

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYShare Capital 21 227,000 227,000Treasury shares 21 (1,496) (1,496)Other reserves 21 643,982 616,934Net result for the year (140,389) 25,540GROUP SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 729,097 867,978MINORITY INTERESTS 21 (268) (279)TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 728,829 867,699TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLERS' EQUITY 2,624,053 1,956,722

Consolidated Financial Statements

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Consolidated income statement(thousands of euro)

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income(thousands of euro)

Note 31.01.2020

of which non-


of which related parties 31.01.2019

of which non-


of which related parties

Revenues 22 1,374,777 4,687 1,699 1,457,154 61,061Other operating income and revenues 23 67,654 1,597 68,913 989 2,042Total revenues 1,442,431 4,687 1,526,067 989Purchase of raw materials, consumables and goods 24 616,746 2,682 667,494 11,485 33,988Staff costs 25 290,526 3,649 3,962 292,588 2,710 4,130

Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets 26 376,931 1,518 67,189

Other operating expensesService costs 27 179,087 2,195 13,222 197,949 3,154 13,915Costs for the use of third-party assets 28 29,595 (406) 201,658 115 (743)Write-downs and provisions 29 6,988 4,015 28,026 23,867 23,867Other operating charges 30 26,535 1,187 17 63,925 38,675 28,588

Result before net financial expenses and taxes (83,977) (10,559) 7,238 (79,017)Financial income 31 1,139 254 1,162 1,114 1,114Financial expenses 31 (72,428) (1,328) (20) (17,788)Exchange rate gains and losses 31 19,741 43,493Gains (losses) from equity investments 31 1,095 1,095 (1,260) (1,260) (1,249)Net result for the period before tax (134,430) (10,792) 32,845 (79,163)Taxes 32 (5,948) 2,590 (7,516) 18,964Net Result for the year (140,378) (8,202) 25,329 (60,199)

Net result for the year attributable to the Group (140,389) 25,540

Net result for the period attributable to minority interests 11 (211)

Earnings per share (in euros)- basic (0.62) 0.11- diluted (0.60) 0.11

Note 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Net result for the year (A) (140,378) 25,329

Other gains (losses) that will not be subsequently reclassified in the income statement:- Actuarial gains (losses) for employee benefits 18-21 (1,485) (1,241)- Tax on items recognised in the reserve for actuarial gains (losses) 20-21 356 298

Total other comprehensive gains (losses) that will not be subsequently reclassified in the income statement (1,129) (943)

Other gains (losses) that will be subsequently reclassified in the income statement:- Change in translation reserve 21 52 3,466

Total other comprehensive gains (losses) that will be subsequently reclassified in the income statement 52 3,466

Total other items of comprehensive income (B) (1,077) 2,523Total comprehensive income for the year (A) + (B) (141,455) 27,852

Total comprehensive income attributable to the Group (141,466) 28,063Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests 11 (211)

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42 OVS

Consolidated statement of cash flows(thousands of euro)

The cash effects of relations with related parties are described in the section “Relations with related parties” in the notes to these consolidated financial statements.

Note 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Operating activities

Net result for the year (140,378) 25,329 Provision for taxes 32 5,948 7,516 Adjustments for: Net depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of fixed assets 26 376,931 67,189 Net capital losses (gains) on fixed assets and/or leasing (1,707) 1,482 Write-down of equity investments 31 0 0 Losses (gains) from equity investments 31 0 0 Net financial expenses (income), leasing effects included 31 70,194 17,885 Expenses (income) from foreign exchange differences and currency derivatives 31 (22,875) 27,145 Loss (gain) on derivatives due to change in fair value 31 3,134 (70,637) Allocations to provisions 18-19 1,033 0 Utilisation of provisions 18-19 (4,364) (2,326) Cash flows from operating activities before changes in working capital 287,916 73,583

Cash flow generated by change in working capital 2-3-6-7-15-16-17-20 (11,642) (38,819)

Taxes paid (6,863) (3,151) Net interest received (paid), leasing effects included (69,643) (14,901) Realised foreign exchange differences and cash flows from currency derivatives 24,175 (25,185) Other changes 178 2,924Cash flow generated (absorbed) by operating activities 224,121 (5,549)

Investment activities (Investments) in fixed assets 8-10-11 (46,441) (62,797) Disposals of fixed assets 8-10-11 1,298 19,505 (Increase) decrease in equity investments 12 0 0 Cash out due to business combination during the period 0 (3,393)Cash flow generated (absorbed) by investment activities (45,143) (46,685)

Financing activities Net change in financial assets and liabilities 4-13 (51,936) 21,108 (Repayment) of lease liabilities/Collection of assets for leases 5-14 (109,262) 0 (Purchase)/Sale of treasury shares 21 0 (1,496) Dividends distribution 0 0Cash flow generated (absorbed) by financing activities (161,198) 19,612

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 17,780 (32,622)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 27,876 60,498

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 45,656 27,876

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Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity(thousands of euro)













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Page 60: Annual Report 2019 - OVS S.p.a. - Corporate Website | Ovs ......non costosa perl ’utente, un segno elementare di solidarietàsanitaria, per così dire. Un atto di ordinario civismo.

44 OVS


OVS S.p.A. (hereinafter also the “Company” or the “Parent Company”) is a company incorporated on 14 May 2014, domiciled in Italy and organised under the laws of the Italian Republic, with its registered office at Via Terraglio 17, Mestre, Venice, Italy.

Borsa Italiana, with Provision 8006 of 10 February 2015, approved the admission to trading of the Company’s shares on the Mercato Telematico Azionario (MTA), organised and managed by OVS S.p.A..The start of trading on the MTA was set by Borsa Italiana for Monday, 2 March 2015. The subscription operation entailed a capital increase of €87,000,000, increasing the share capital from €140,000,000 to €227,000,000, divided into 227,000,000 ordinary shares with no par value.


The consolidated financial statements of the OVS Group at 31 January 2020 were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. “IFRSs” is intended to mean all the revised International Accounting Standards (“IAS”), and all the interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (“IFRIC”), including those previously issued by the Standing Interpretations Committee (“SIC”). At the reporting date for the consolidated financial statements, these had been approved by the European Union under the procedure set forth in (EC) Regulation 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and the European Council of 19 July 2002.

The consolidated financial statements of the OVS Group, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position, the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of cash flows, the consolidated statement of changes in consolidated shareholders’ equity and the notes to the financial statements, are presented in euro as the current currency of the economies in which the Group chiefly operates, unless otherwise indicated.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, since, in light of the solid relationships with its suppliers, given the excellent recovery of sales in the first days post lockdown throughout the network of stores (direct and franchised), and considering the imminent obtaining of some modifications / suspensions of the pre-existing loan agreement, and of the “New Finance” (see the paragraph relating to “Significant events after the reporting date” for more information), the Directors assessed that any critical issues regarding the Group’s ability to meet its obligations in the foreseeable future and in particular in the next 12 months represent remote risks and therefore were assessed as not significant.

In particular, the process aimed at obtaining New Finance as envisaged by the Decree “Cura Italia” of 17 March 2020, referred to in Article 57, in conjunction with the Decree “Liquidity” of 8 April 2020, referred to Article 1, is substantially concluded by OVS and the main actors involved, including all banks belonging to the new pool, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. and SACE S.p.A..The ordinary process for the disbursement of the New Finance will end with the MEF decree in conjunction with the MISE (for which the issue is expected within a few days) and subsequent stamping of the same by the Court of Auditors.Parallel to this process, the banks of the pre-existing loan agreement have already resolved favourably, albeit subject to obtaining New Finance, the granting of some amendments to the contract, in particular as regards some financial covenants.

With regard to procedures for the presentation of the consolidated financial statements, in the context of the options provided for by IAS 1, OVS S.p.A. has opted for the following types of accounting schedules: • Statement of financial position: assets and liabilities are classified with current and non-current items shown

separately; • Income statement: prepared separately from the statement of comprehensive income with operating costs

classified by nature; • Statement of comprehensive income: includes, as well as net profit, changes in shareholders’ equity related

Notes to the Financial Statements

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to items of an economic nature which, by express provision of the international accounting standards, are recognised as components of shareholders’ equity;

• Statement of cash flows: the statement shows the cash flows from operating, investment and financing activities. The indirect method was used to prepare this statement;

• Statement of changes in shareholders’ equity: shows net profit and each item of income and expense not posted to the income statement but recognised directly in equity pursuant to specific IAS/IFRS.

The schedules used, as specified above, provide the best representation of the OVS Group’s financial position and profit performance.The notes to the financial statements analyse, expand upon and comment on the values shown in the OVS Group’s consolidated financial statements. They are accompanied by additional information deemed necessary to give a true and fair view of the Group’s financial position and results.Changes in the items recognised under assets and liabilities and in the income statement are elaborated upon when they are significant.

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared using the conventional historical cost method, altered as required for the valuation of some derivatives.Please see the Report on Operations at 31 January 2020 for detailed information on the nature of the Group’s activity.

The financial statements have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A.


The consolidated financial statements include, as well as the Parent Company’s financial statements, the financial statements of all the subsidiaries as of the date at which control is assumed until the date at which this control ceases.The following is a list of the companies included within the scope of consolidation on a line-by-line basis:

The list of equity investments measured using the equity method is as follows:

At 31 January 2020, 100% of the shares of the Austrian company Serenissima Retail GmbH had been sold to third parties and were therefore deconsolidated as of that date.

Company Registered office Share capital % investment

Italian companies

OVS S.p.A. Venice - Mestre 227,000,000 EUR Parent Company82 S.r.l. Venice - Mestre 10,000 EUR 70%

Foreign companiesOVS Department Stores D.O.O. Belgrade - Serbia 958,051,508 RSD 100%OVS Maloprodaja D.O.O. Zagreb - Croatia 20,000 HRK 100%OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Limited Hong Kong 585,000 HKD 100%OVS India Sourcing Private Ltd Delhi - India 15,000,000 INR 100%OBS Sales Private Ltd Delhi - India 15,000,000 INR 100%COSI International Ltd Hong Kong 10,000 HKD 100%COSI International (Shanghai) Ltd Shanghai - China 1,000,000 RMB 100%OVS Fashion España S.L. Madrid - Spain 3,100 EUR 100%OVS France S.A.S. Paris - France 30,000 EUR 100%

Centomilacandele S.C.p.A. Milan 300,000 EUR 31.63%

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46 OVS


The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Parent Company OVS S.p.A. and the companies over which it has the right to exercise control pursuant to IFRS 10. This standard stipulates that an investor controls an entity in which it has invested when it enjoys rights that confer the possibility of directing the entity’s significant activities, has an exposure or a right to receive variable returns from its involvement in the entity and has the real possibility of using its power to influence the amount of its returns from the investment. Equity investments held in companies over which significant influence is exercised (“associates”), which is presumed to exist when the percentage of the equity investment is between 20% and 50%, are measured using the equity method.Application of the equity method involves aligning the carrying amount of the equity investment with shareholders’ equity, adjusted where necessary to reflect the application of the IFRS approved by the European Commission (and includes any goodwill identified at the time of acquisition). The share of gains/losses realised by the associate after the acquisition is recognised in the income statement, while the share of movements in reserves after the acquisition is booked in equity reserves. When the Group’s share of losses in an associate is equal to or more than its non-controlling interest in this associate, taking any unsecured credit into account, the value of the investment is reduced to zero and the Group recognises no further losses other than those pertaining to it, unless and to the extent that the Group is obliged to meet them. Unrealised gains and losses on transactions with associates are derecognised according to the value of the Group’s equity investment in these associates.“Joint arrangements” (agreements under which two or more parties hold common control, within the meaning of IFRS 11) are included, where they exist, according to the equity method, if they qualify as “joint ventures”, or by recognising their specific shares of assets, liabilities, costs and revenues, if they qualify as “joint operations”.The financial statements of the subsidiaries are consolidated line by line in the consolidated financial statements from the date at which control is assumed until the date at which this control ceases. Where necessary, the financial statements used to prepare the consolidated financial statements have been appropriately restated and adjusted to comply with the Group’s accounting policies.

The following consolidation criteria are used:

• for equity investments consolidated line by line, the carrying amount of the individual consolidated equity investments is eliminated against the relative shareholders’ equity, with the assumption of the assets, liabilities, costs and revenues of the subsidiaries, regardless of the size of the investment held; Any share of shareholders’ equity and net profit attributable to minorities are identified separately in shareholders’ equity and in the income statement;

• all inter-company balances and transactions are derecognised, as are profits and losses (the latter only if they do not represent effective impairment of the asset transferred) arising from commercial transactions, including the sale of business units in the Parent Company’s subsidiaries, or financial inter-company transactions not yet realised with third parties;

• all increases/decreases in the shareholders’ equity of the consolidated companies arising from results generated after the date of acquisition of the equity investment are booked in a dedicated equity reserve named “Retained earnings (accumulated losses)” at the time of the elision;

• the dividends distributed to Group companies are eliminated in the income statement at the time of consolidation;

• changes in the percentage of ownership of subsidiaries that do not entail a loss of control, or that represent increases after control has been acquired, are recognised under changes in shareholders’ equity.

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Business combinations

The Group recognises business combinations using the acquisition method pursuant to IFRS 3 - Business Combinations.

Under this method, the consideration transferred to a business combination is measured at fair value, calculated as the sum of the fair values of the assets transferred and the liabilities assumed at the acquisition date. The ancillary costs of the transaction are usually recognised in the income statement when they are incurred.

Goodwill is determined as the excess of the sum of the considerations transferred to the business combination, shareholders’ equity attributable to third parties and the fair value of any equity investment previously held in the acquiree, over the fair value of the net assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.

If a business combination takes place in stages with successive purchases of shares, each phase is valued separately, using the cost and information on the fair value of the assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities at the date of each operation to determine the amount of any difference. When a subsequent purchase means that control of a company is obtained, the stake previously held is re-presented based on the fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities determined at the date that control is acquired, and the difference is recognised in the income statement.

Financial statements in foreign currencies

The translation into euros of the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries denominated in currencies other than the euro is carried out by applying the exchange rates in force at the end of the year to assets and liabilities and applying average exchange rates in the period to income statement items, while shareholders’ equity is recognised at historical exchange rates, usually identified as the exchange rates at the end of the first year in which the investee company was included in the scope of consolidation.Foreign exchange gains or losses arising from the translation of financial statements presented in foreign currencies using the above methods are cumulatively recognised under other comprehensive income in a specific equity reserve until the equity investments are disposed of.The exchange rates used for translation are shown in the following table:

Final exchange rate at Average of the year endedCurrency Code 31.01.2020 31.01.2019 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

US dollar USD 1.11 1.15 1.12 1.17Hong Kong dollar HKD 8.58 9.01 8.74 9.21Chinese renminbi RMB 7.67 7.70 7.73 7.80Croatian kuna HRK 7.44 7.42 7.42 7.42Serbian dinar RSD 117.79 118.54 117.75 118.20Indian rupee INR 78.91 81.69 78.69 81.00

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48 OVS


The main accounting policies and valuation criteria used by the Group are described below.


Goodwill is recognised at cost, less any accumulated impairment.Goodwill acquired as part of a business combination is determined as the excess of the sum of the considerations transferred to the business combination, shareholders’ equity attributable to non-controlling interests and the fair value of any equity investment previously held in the acquiree, over the fair value of the net assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the acquisition date.If the value of the net assets acquired and liabilities assumed exceeds the sum of the considerations transferred, the shareholders’ equity attributable to non-controlling interests and the fair value of any equity investment previously held in the acquiree, the excess amount is immediately recognised in the income statement as income.Goodwill is not amortised, but is tested annually, and whenever events or circumstances indicate the possibility of impairment, for recoverability pursuant to IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets.If the recoverable amount is lower than the carrying amount, the asset is written down to the recoverable amount. If goodwill is allocated to a cash-generating unit that is partially transferred/disposed of, the goodwill associated with this unit is used to determine any gain/loss arising from the operation.


Brands deriving from business combinations are recognised at fair value at the date of the combination, according to the acquisition method. They are not amortised as they have an indefinite useful life, but are tested annually, and whenever events or circumstances indicate the possibility of impairment, for recoverability pursuant to IAS 36 - Impairment of Assets. After initial recognition, the brands are valued at cost less any cumulative impairment.

Intangible assets

Intangible assets consist of non-monetary items, identifiable and without physical substance, which can be controlled by the Group, can generate future economic benefits and whose cost can be reliably determined. These items are recognised at cost, less amortisation, calculated using the straight-line method for a period corresponding to the useful life, and any impairment. Useful life is reviewed annually. Specifically:

Licences – Licences deriving from business combinations are recognised at fair value at the date of the combination, according to the acquisition method. After initial recognition, licences are valued at cost less amortisation and any cumulative impairment. Amortisation is calculated based on the difference between the cost and the residual value at the end of their useful life, on a straight line basis over their useful life (defined as 40 years). Please see note 10 “Intangible assets” for a description of the criteria used to define useful life and residual value at the end of useful life.

Software – The costs of software licences, including ancillary costs, are capitalised and recognised in the financial statements net of amortisation and any cumulative impairment. The amortisation rate used is 20%.

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Other intangible assets – These assets are measured at acquisition cost, less amortisation calculated on a straight-line basis throughout their useful life and cumulative impairment. The value of the franchising network recognised post-business combination is amortised on the basis of a useful life of 20 years.

Property, plant and equipment

Property, plant and equipment is measured at acquisition cost, including ancillary costs booked directly, less depreciation and cumulative impairment. Land is not depreciated even if acquired at the same time as buildings. Depreciation is booked from the month in which the assets are available and ready for use. Depreciation is charged on a monthly basis at constant rates that allow assets to be depreciated until their useful life is ended or, in the case of disposals, until the last month of use.The depreciation rates used are as follows:

Ordinary maintenance costs are charged in full to the income statement in the period in which they are incurred. Leasehold improvements are classified as tangible assets. The depreciation period is the lesser of the remaining useful life of the tangible asset and the remaining term of the lease.

Buildings 3-6%Light construction 10%Plant and equipment for lifting, loading, unloading and weighing 7.5%Miscellaneous machinery, appliances and equipment 11.1%Special facilities for communications and remote signalling 25%Furnishings 11.1%Alarm systems 11.1%Specific bar, restaurant and canteen facilities 8%Bar, restaurant and canteen furnishings 11.1%Office furniture and ordinary machinery 12%Electromechanical and electronic office equipment 20%Cash registers 20%Motor vehicles and transportation equipment 20-25%

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50 OVS

Right of use assets

When signing a contract, the OVS Group assesses whether it is, or contains, a lease, i.e. whether the contract confers the right to direct the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for a consideration.The Group uses a single model of recognition and measurement for all leases, except for leases of low-value assets. The Group recognises liabilities relating to lease payments and the right of use asset, which represents the right to use the asset underlying the contract.The Group recognises right of use assets at the lease commencement date (i.e. the date on which the underlying asset is available for use). Right of use assets are measured at cost, net of accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, and adjusted for any remeasurement of the lease liabilities. The cost of the right of use includes the amount of the lease liabilities recognised, the initial direct costs incurred and the lease payments made as of the commencement or before inception, net of any incentives received.Right of use assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis from the commencement date over the shorter of the end of the useful life of the asset and the end of the lease term.Right of use assets are subject to impairment. Please see the information provided in the following section. See also the note below regarding “Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations effective as of financial year 2019”.

Impairment of tangible and intangible assets

IAS 36 stipulates that tangible and intangible assets must be tested for impairment if indicators suggest that such a problem might exist.Impairment testing takes place at least once a year in the case of goodwill, other intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and assets not available for use.In accordance with the Group’s policies, the recoverability of the amounts recognised is assessed by comparing the carrying amount with the higher of the fair value (current realisable value) less the costs of disposal and the value in use of the asset. Value in use is defined by discounting the expected cash flows generated by the asset.To determine value in use, expected future cash flows are discounted using a rate that reflects current market valuations of the time value of money, compared with the investment period and the specific risks associated with the activity.For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are analysed starting from the lowest level for which there are separately identifiable independent cash flows (cash generating units). Within the Group, the individual OVS and Upim stores have been identified as cash generating units. If the recoverable amount of an asset is lower than the carrying amount, the carrying amount is reduced to the recoverable amount. This reduction constitutes impairment and is charged to the income statement.If there is an indicator of reversal of the impairment loss, the recoverable amount of the asset is recalculated and the carrying amount is increased to this new amount. The increase in the carrying amount may not, however, exceed the net carrying amount that the asset would have had if impairment had not occurred.Goodwill write-downs cannot be reversed.

In order to provide complete information, it should be noted that in January 2020, the Group approved an update of this policy (the “IAS 36 Policy on Impairment and Impairment Testing”), making several revisions, particularly in order to bring it into line with the amendments made to the accounting standards and, specifically, with the entry into force of the new IFRS 16 international accounting standard from 2019, which entailed the inclusion of a new “category” of tangible assets with a very significant overall value, relating to the rights to use the assets underlying the leases, consequently increasing both the carrying amount of the OVS Group’s CGUs and their EBITDA accounting flows (due to the “removal” of the cost of lease payments). However, no significant changes were made to the methodology used and summarised above.When compiling the financial statements at 31 January 2020, the Group used an external expert to prepare the impairment testing. The methods applied, the parameters used and the results of the impairment tests are extensively commented on in the following sections of these notes.

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Other equity investments

Other equity investments (i.e. other than in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures), where these exist, are included among non-current assets, or among current assets if they will remain among the assets of the OVS Group for a period of, respectively, more than one year and no longer than one year.Other equity investments constituting FVTPL (see next section) financial assets are measured at fair value, if this can be determined, and any gains or losses deriving from changes in the fair value are entered directly under other comprehensive gains/(losses), until they are transferred or undergo impairment, at which time the other comprehensive gains/(losses) previously recognised in equity are recognised in the income statement for the period.Other equity investments for which the fair value is not available are recognised at cost, written down for any impairment.

Financial assets

Financial assets are recognised under current and non-current assets based on maturity and expectations of when they will be converted into monetary assets. Financial assets include equity investments in other companies (other than associates and joint ventures), derivatives, receivables, and cash and cash equivalents.

The OVS Group’s financial assets are classified according to the business model adopted for the management of these assets and the related cash flows. The categories identified are as follows:

FINANCIAL ASSETS MEASURED AT AMORTISED COSTThis category includes financial assets for which the following requirements have been verified: (i) the asset is owned within the framework of a business model whose objective is to own the asset in order to collect contractual cash flows; and (ii) the contractual terms of the asset provide for cash flows represented solely by payments of principal and interest on the principal amount to be repaid. In this specific case, these are mainly loans recognised as assets (if these exist), and trade and other receivables, as described in the section “Trade and other receivables” below. Receivables and loans recognised as assets are included in current assets, except for those with a contractual maturity of more than 12 months from the reporting date, which are classified as non-current assets. Receivables are classified in the statement of financial position as trade and other receivables. Loans recognised as assets are classified as financial assets (current and non-current). With the exception of trade receivables that do not contain a significant financial component, other receivables and loans recognised as assets are initially recognised in the financial statements at their fair value plus any ancillary costs directly attributable to the transactions that generated them. Upon subsequent measurement, assets in this category are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate. The effects of this measurement are recognised among the financial income components. Such assets are also subject to the impairment model described in the section “Trade and other receivables”.It should be noted that, following the entry into force of IFRS 16, the OVS Group, as an intermediate lessor in a sub-lease, classifies the sub-lease as a finance lease if it meets the conditions laid down by the standard. If the sub-lease is classed as a finance lease, the original lessee eliminates the right of use on the lease asset in the main lease agreement at the inception of the sub-lease and continues to account for the original lease liability in accordance with the lessee’s accounting model, while simultaneously booking a financial asset for leases that represents the entire life of the sub-lease.See also the note below regarding “Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations effective as of financial year 2019”.

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52 OVS

FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (“FVOCI”)This category includes financial assets for which the following requirements have been verified: (i) the asset is owned within the framework of a business model whose objective is achieved either through the collection of contractual cash flows or through the sale of the asset; and (ii) the contractual terms of the asset provide for cash flows represented solely by payments of principal and interest on the principal amount to be repaid. These assets are initially recognised in the financial statements at their fair value plus any ancillary costs directly attributable to the transactions that generated them. Upon subsequent measurement, the valuation carried out at the time of recognition is updated and any changes in fair value are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income. As with the preceding category, these assets are subject to the impairment model described in the section “Trade and other receivables” below.

FINANCIAL ASSETS AT FAIR VALUE THROUGH PROFIT OR LOSS (“FVTPL”)Financial assets that cannot be placed in any of the previous categories are classified under this category (a residual category). These are mainly derivatives and listed equity instruments that the Group has not irrevocably decided to classify as FVOCI at initial recognition or at the time of transition. Assets in this category are classified under current or non-current assets according to their maturity and recognised at fair value at the time of initial recognition. In particular, equity investments in non-consolidated companies over which the Group does not exercise significant influence are included in this category and recognised under “Equity investments”. The ancillary costs incurred when recognising the asset are immediately charged to the consolidated income statement. Upon subsequent measurement, FVTPL financial assets are measured at fair value. Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value are recognised in the consolidated income statement in the period in which they are recorded, under other net income/(expenses).

Purchases and disposals of financial assets are booked at the settlement date.Financial assets are removed from the statement of financial position when the right to receive the cash flows from the instrument has been extinguished and the Group has substantially transferred all the risks and benefits relating to the instrument and its control.The fair value of listed financial instruments is based on the current offering price. If the market for a financial asset is not active (or unlisted securities are involved), the Group defines fair value using valuation techniques. These techniques include referring to advanced trading in progress, securities with the same characteristics, cash flow analyses, and price models based on the use of market indicators and aligned, as far as possible, with the assets to be valued.In the process of formulating the valuation, the Group emphasises the use of market information over the use of internal information specific to the nature of the Group’s business.


Inventories are recognised at the lower of acquisition cost and net realisable value.The acquisition cost is determined by configuring the weighted average cost for the reporting period. The cost also includes ancillary costs directly attributable to the purchase of goods.Goods relating to the collections are written down according to the presumed possibility of future realisation, by recognising a specific adjustment provision.

Trade and other receivables

The assumption adopted by OVS with regard to trade and other receivables is that these do not contain a significant financial component maturing in less than one year: they are therefore recognised initially at the price defined for the relevant transaction (determined according to the provisions of IFRS 15 – “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”). Upon subsequent measurement, they are valued using the amortised cost method and the impairment model introduced by IFRS 9. According to this model, the Group assesses receivables on an

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expected loss basis, replacing the framework set out in IAS 39 above, which is typically based on incurred losses.For trade receivables, the Group has adopted a simplified measurement approach, which does not require the recognition of periodic changes in credit risk, but rather the recognition of an expected credit loss (“ECL”) calculated over the entire life of the receivable (“lifetime ECL”). Depending on the diversity of customers, it was decided to use different matrices for different groups of receivables, based on the characteristics of the credit risk. In particular, the expected solvency of counterparties is assessed according to different clusters and the stratification of the trade receivables in each cluster into different categories based on past due days. Write-down rates are applied to these categories that reflect the related expected losses (based on historical trade receivables payment profiles). Some trade receivables are assessed individually and, if necessary, fully written down, if there is no reasonable expectation of recovery, or if there are inactive commercial counterparties (situations of bankruptcy and/or initiation of legal actions, classified by OVS in the “Disputed receivables” category).

Cash and cash equivalents

The item “Cash and cash equivalents” includes available cash and credit balances of bank current accounts with no limits or restrictions, recognised at nominal value. Cash and cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash, for which the risk of a change in value is insignificant. Investments are generally classified as cash and cash equivalents when their original maturity is three months or less.Cash in foreign currency is valued according to period-end exchange rates.

Provision for risks and charges

Provisions for risks and charges are allocated for current obligations, legal or constructive, arising from a past event in respect of third parties for which the utilisation of resources, the amount of which can be reliably estimated, is probable.The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the current obligation fully. Risks for which the emergence of a liability is only possible are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements, and no provision is made.

Employee benefits

A) PENSION PLANSPost-employment benefits are defined under either “defined contribution” plans or “defined benefit” plans.Defined benefit plans, such as the provision for employee severance benefits accrued before the entry into force of the 2007 Budget, are plans with guaranteed benefits for employees that are paid out at the end of the employment relationship. The liability relating to defined benefit plans is determined on the basis of actuarial assumptions and booked on an accruals basis in line with the service required to obtain the benefits; the liability is measured annually with the help of independent actuaries.Employee severance benefits and pension provisions, which are determined using an actuarial method, provide for the recognition in the income statement under employment cost of the rights accrued during the year, while the figurative cost is included among net financial income (expenses). Actuarial gains and losses that reflect the effects of changes in the actuarial assumptions used are instead fully recognised in a specific equity reserve in the year in which they arise, with immediate recognition in the statement of comprehensive income. From 1 January 2007, the 2007 Budget and the associated implementing decrees introduced significant amendments to the rules on employee severance benefits, including options for employees, to be exercised by 30 June 2007, with regard to the allocation of their accruing severance benefits. Specifically, new flows of severance benefits may be directed by the employee to preselected or company pension schemes (in the latter

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case, the company pays severance benefit contributions into a treasury account set up with the INPS (the Italian social security and welfare institution).As a result of these amendments, the provision for employee severance benefits accrued since the date of the employee option (defined benefit plan) has been recalculated by independent actuaries to exclude the component relating to future pay increases. The portion of the employee severance benefits that has accrued since the option date (30 June 2007) is regarded as a “defined benefit” plan, and the accounting treatment is similar to that used for all other contribution payments.Employee benefits also include pension provisions and similar obligations. This provision mainly includes liabilities and rights accrued by the employees of the former Standa, in relation to supplementary pension schemes pertaining to them; the liability associated with such defined-benefit programmes is determined on the basis of actuarial assumptions and the amount recognised in the financial statements represents the present value of the OVS Group’s obligation.

B) COMPENSATION PLANS IN THE FORM OF STOCK OPTIONSThe Group provides additional benefits to certain employees and consultants through stock option plans offering equity-settled stock options. In accordance with IFRS 2 – Share-based Payments, the current value of the stock options determined at the grant date using the “Black & Scholes” method is recognised in the income statement under staff costs on a straight-line basis over the period between the grant date of the stock options and the vesting date, with a direct balancing entry in shareholders’ equity.The present value is defined on the basis of market parameters and non-allocation conditions and is not subject to subsequent amendments after the date of initial determination.The effects of granting conditions not related to the market (performance and retention conditions) are not taken into account in the evaluation of the fair value of the options granted, but are relevant to the evaluation of the number of options expected to be exercised.At the reporting date the Group reviews its estimates of the number of options that are expected to be exercised. The effect of the review of the original estimates is recognised in the income statement over the vesting period with a balancing entry in shareholders’ equity.When the stock options are exercised, the amounts received from the employee, net of costs directly attributable to the transaction, are credited to the share capital in an amount equal to the nominal value of the issued shares, with the remaining portion credited to the share premium reserve.

Financial liabilities and trade and other payables

Payables and other financial and/or trade liabilities are initially recognised at fair value, less any transaction costs incurred in relation to obtaining the obligation. They are subsequently carried at amortised cost; in the case of loans, any difference between the amount received (less transaction costs) and the total repayment amount is recognised in the income statement over the period of the loan, using the effective interest rate method.Trade payables are classified as current liabilities if payment will take place within one year of the reporting date. Otherwise, such payables are classified as non-current liabilities.Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the Group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for 12 months after the reporting date; in this case, only the portion falling due within 12 months of the reporting date is classified as a current liability. Payables to banks and other lenders are removed from the financial statements when they are settled, that is when all risks and charges relating to the instrument are transferred, cancelled or extinguished. The classification of financial liabilities has not changed since the introduction of IFRS 9.

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Financial liabilities for leases

At the commencement date of a lease, the Group recognises financial liabilities for leases, measuring them at the present value of the lease payments due and not yet paid at that date. The payments due include fixed payments (including substantially fixed payments) net of lease incentives received, variable lease payments that are index or rate dependent, and amounts expected to be paid for residual value guarantees. Lease payments also include the exercise price of a call option if it is reasonably certain that this option will be exercised by the Group, and lease termination penalty payments if the lease term takes into account the Group’s exercise of the lease termination option.Variable lease payments that are not dependent on an index or rate are recognised as costs in the period in which the event or condition that generated the payment occurs.In calculating the present value of the payments due, the Group uses the incremental borrowing rate at inception if the implicit interest rate cannot be easily determined. After the commencement date, the amount of the lease liability is increased to reflect interest on the lease liability and decreased to reflect payments made. In addition, the carrying value of lease payables is recalculated in the event of any amendments to the lease or the revision of the contractual terms to change the payments; it is also recalculated in the event of changes to the valuation of the option to purchase the underlying asset or for changes in future payments that result from a change in the index or rate used to determine such payments.See also the note below regarding “Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations effective as of financial year 2019”.


At the date of entering into the contract, derivatives are initially recognised at fair value as FVTPL financial assets when the fair value is positive or as FVTPL financial liabilities when the fair value is negative.The Group normally uses derivatives to hedge foreign exchange risk or interest rate risk. Pursuant to IFRS 9, derivatives may only be booked using hedge accounting methods when: • at the beginning of the hedge there is formal designation and documentation of the hedging relationship; • it is assumed that the hedge is highly effective; • effectiveness can be reliably measured; • the hedge is highly effective throughout the financial reporting periods for which it is designated.

When derivatives meet the criteria for hedge accounting, the following accounting treatments apply: • if the derivatives hedge the risk of changes in the fair value of the assets or liabilities being hedged (fair value

hedge, e.g. hedging of fluctuations in the fair value of fixed-rate assets/liabilities), the derivatives are recognised at fair value through profit or loss; correspondingly, the assets or liabilities being hedged are adjusted to reflect changes in fair value associated with the hedged risk;

• if the derivatives hedge the risk of changes in the cash flows of the assets or liabilities being hedged (cash flow hedge, e.g. hedging of changes in the cash flows of assets/liabilities due to variations in interest rates), changes in the fair value of the derivatives are initially recognised in equity and subsequently in profit or loss in line with the economic effects of the hedged transaction.

If hedge accounting is not applied, gains or losses arising from the measurement of the derivative at fair value are immediately recognised in the income statement.

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Segment information

The information relating to business segments was provided pursuant to IFRS 8 – “Operating segments”, which stipulates that information be presented in a way that is consistent with the procedures used by management to make operational decisions. The operating segments and the information presented are therefore identified according to the internal reports used by management to allocate resources to the various segments and to analyse their performance.IFRS 8 defines an operating segment as a component of an entity that: i) engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses (including revenues and expenses relating to transactions with other components of the same entity); ii) whose operating results are reviewed regularly by the entity’s chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and assess its performance; and iii) for which discrete financial information is available.The operating segments identified by management, which incorporate all of the services and products provided to customers, are represented by the OVS division, dedicated to the marketing of clothing products for the value fashion market segment, and the Upim division, which provides clothing for women, men and children for the value segment of the Italian market, as well as products in the homeware and fragrance segments.

Revenues and costs

On the basis of the five-step model introduced by IFRS 15, the Group recognises revenues after identifying contracts with its customers and the related services to be provided (transfer of goods and/or services), determining the consideration to which it believes it is entitled in exchange for providing each of these services, and assessing how these services are provided (at a point in time or over time).Revenues from the sales of DOS are recognised when the customer makes the payment. More specifically, revenues from the sale of goods are recognised in the income statement when control of the product sold is transferred to the customer, usually coinciding with the delivery or shipment of the goods to the customer; revenues for services are recognised in the period in which the services are rendered, with reference to completion of the service provided and as a proportion of the total services still to be rendered.Revenues are recognised at the fair value of the consideration received. Revenues are recognised net of value added tax, expected returns and any trade discounts, rebates and bonuses granted.Payment times granted to Group customers do not exceed a 12-month period, so the Group does not make transaction price adjustments to take financial components into account.Costs are recognised when they relate to goods and services acquired or used during the year, while in the case of multi-year use the costs are systematically spread. The acquisition of goods, mirroring revenue, is determined by the transfer of control over them.

Income from leases

Income from operating leases is recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the leases to which it relates, unless it relates to sub-leases with characteristics to which the new IFRS 16 accounting standard applies (in such cases, see the note on “Financial assets” above).

Income tax

Current income tax for the year is calculated by applying the current tax rates to reasonably estimated taxable income, determined in accordance with the tax regulations in force. The expected payable, net of payments on account and withholding taxes, is recognised in the statement of financial position under “Current tax liabilities” (or under “Current tax assets” if the payments on account made and the withholdings exceed the estimated payable).

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Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are determined on the basis of taxable temporary differences between the carrying amount of assets and liabilities and their value for tax purposes, except for goodwill, which is not tax deductible, and are classified under non-current assets and liabilities.Income tax is recognised in the income statement, except in relation to items directly credited to or debited from equity, in which case the tax effect is recognised directly in equity.Deferred tax assets, including those relating to any previous tax losses, are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable income will be available in respect of which they can be recovered.The value of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each reporting date and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available in the future to use all or part of this receivable.Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on the tax rates in force and tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the reporting date.

Foreign exchange gains and losses

Foreign exchange transactions are recognised at the current exchange rate at the date of completion of the transaction (or the relative down payment flows). Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into euros at the current exchange rate at the reporting date and recognised in the income statement under the “Foreign exchange gains and losses” item.

Earnings per share

EARNINGS PER SHARE - BASICBasic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit pertaining to the OVS Group by the weighted average of the ordinary shares outstanding during the year, excluding treasury shares.

EARNINGS PER SHARE - DILUTEDDiluted earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit pertaining to the OVS Group by the weighted average of the ordinary shares outstanding during the year, excluding treasury shares. To calculate diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of shares outstanding is adjusted assuming the exercise by all owners of rights with a potentially dilutive effect, while the profit pertaining to the OVS Group is adjusted to take account of any effects, net of tax, arising from the exercise of these rights.


Dividends are recognised at the date of approval by the Shareholders’ Meeting.

Use of estimates

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the IFRSs requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the reporting date. The final results may differ from these estimates. Estimates are used to recognise provisions for doubtful accounts, inventory obsolescence, lives, depreciation and amortisation, impairment of assets, employee benefits, restructuring provisions, deferred tax assets, other provisions for risk and valuations of derivatives. Estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically and the effects of any changes are immediately reflected in the income statement.

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IMPAIRMENT OF TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE ASSETSGoodwill and the brands are tested at least once a year, and in any case whenever events or circumstances indicate the possibility of impairment, for recoverability pursuant to IAS 36 – Impairment of Assets. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, the asset is written down to its recoverable amount (defined as the greater of its value in use and its fair value). Verification of the amount requires subjective judgements to be made, based on information available within the OVS Group and from the market, as well as past experience. In addition, where potential impairment is identified, it is determined using evaluation techniques regarded as appropriate. The same verifications of value and the same valuation techniques are applied to intangible and tangible assets with a definite useful life, including right of use assets, when there are indicators suggesting that recovery of the relative net carrying amount through use might be difficult. The correct identification of impairment triggers and estimates to determine this depend on factors that may vary over time, with an effect on the valuations and estimates made by the OVS Group.

DEPRECIATION AND AMORTISATIONDepreciation and amortisation reflect the best estimate of the expected useful life of assets with a finite life.This estimate is based on the possibility of use of these assets and their capacity to contribute to the OVS Group’s results in future years.

INVENTORY OBSOLESCENCE OR INVENTORY DIFFERENCESThe OVS Group develops and sells items of clothing that change according to customer taste and trends in the world fashion. The provision for inventory write-downs therefore reflects estimated expected impairment of the collections in stock, taking account of the OVS Group’s capacity to sell items of clothing through a range of distribution channels.The provision for inventory differences reflects the estimate of inventory differences at the end of each of the periods under review, in view of the fact that the OVS Group carries out a physical inventory in February and/or June of each year.

PROVISIONS FOR DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTSThe provision for doubtful accounts reflects the best estimate of losses relating to the portfolio of trade receivables. This estimate is based on the losses expected by the OVS Group, determined on the basis of past experience with similar receivables, current and previous receivables falling due, the careful monitoring of credit quality and projections of economic and market conditions. See what is reported above regarding “Trade and other receivables”.

DEFERRED TAX ASSETSDeferred tax assets are booked based on expectations of taxable income in future years for the purpose of recovering them. The evaluation of expected taxable income for the accounting of deferred tax assets depends on factors that may vary over time and have significant effects on the recoverability of the deferred tax assets.

PENSION FUNDS AND OTHER EMPLOYEE BENEFITSThe cost of the defined benefit pension plans is determined using actuarial valuations. The actuarial valuations involve making assumptions about discount rates, expected rates of return on investments, future salary increases, mortality rates and future pension increases. Because of the long-term nature of these plans, such estimates are subject to significant uncertainty. Further details are provided in note 18.The costs recognised in the income statement in relation to incentive plans for managers (please see the explanations in note 25 “Staff costs”) are mainly influenced by the estimated timing of the occurrence of the event that triggers vesting, as well as the actual possibility of the occurrence of the event and the presumed reference value of the plan. Therefore, this estimate depends on factors that may vary over time and variables that the directors might find it hard to predict and determine. Changes in these items may significantly influence the assessments made by the directors and therefore result in changes in the estimates.

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PROVISIONS FOR RISKS AND CHARGESProvisions representing the risk of a negative outcome are recognised for legal and tax risks. The amount of provisions recorded in the financial statements in relation to these risks represents the best estimate to deal with potential risks. This estimate entails the use of assumptions that depend on factors that might change over time and that might therefore have significant effects compared with the current estimates used to prepare the financial statements.

VALUATION OF DERIVATIVESThe determination of the fair value of unlisted financial assets, such as derivatives, takes place using commonly used valuation techniques that require basic assumptions and estimates. These assumptions may not occur within the time frames and in the manner envisaged. Estimates of derivatives may therefore differ from the final figures.

FINANCIAL LIABILITIES AND ASSETS FOR LEASES AND RIGHT OF USE ASSETSThe Group recognises the right of use asset and the lease liability. The right of use asset is initially measured at cost, and subsequently at cost, net of depreciation and cumulative impairment losses and adjusted to reflect the revaluations of the lease liability.The Group values its lease liability at the present value of lease payments due and not paid at the commencement date, discounting them using the interest rate as defined above.The lease liability is subsequently increased by interest accruing on that liability and decreased by the lease payments owed, and is revalued in the event of a change in future lease payments due as a result of a change in the index or rate, in the event of a change in the amount that the Group expects to have to pay as a residual value guarantee or when the Group changes its assessment with regard to the exercise of a purchase, extension or termination option.Leases in which the Group acts as lessee may provide for renewal options which therefore affect the term of the lease. Assessments of whether there is a relative certainty that this option is (or is not) exercised may significantly affect the amount of lease liabilities and right of use assets as well as the incremental borrowing rate applied when it is not possible to easily determine the interest rate implicit in the lease.

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OVS SS 2020

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New accounting standardsNew and amended standards, if not adopted in advance, must be adopted in the first financial statements after their date of first application.

Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations effective as of financial year 2019 The OVS Group adopted IFRS 16 - Leases on 1 February 2019. There are no other new standards, amendments or interpretations that became effective as of 1 January 2019 with material effects on the Group’s consolidated financial statements. However, please see the following sections.

IFRS 16 - LeasesIFRS 16 was published in January 2016 and replaces IAS 17 - Leasing, IFRIC 4 - Determining Whether an Arrangement Contains a Lease, SIC 15 - Operating Leases - Incentives and SIC 27 - Evaluating the Substance of Transactions in the Legal Form of a Lease. IFRS 16 defines principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of leases (agreements that confer the right to use third-party assets), and requires lessees to account for all lease agreements in the financial statements based on a single model, similar to that used to account for finance leases under IAS 17. The standard provides for two exemptions to the application of the model by lessees: leases in which the underlying asset is of “low value” (e.g. personal computers) and short-term leases (i.e. ending within 12 months).

With the exception of contracts covered by the above exemptions, at the start date of the lease the lessee recognises a liability for the non-variable future lease payments to which it committed when signing the leases (the “lease liability”) and an asset that represents the right to use the leased asset for the duration of the lease (the “right of use asset”). Lessees have to recognise interest expense accrued on lease liabilities and amortisation of the right of use asset separately in their income statements. Lessees also have to remeasure lease liabilities when certain events occur (for example, a change in the terms of the lease, or a change in future lease payments resulting from the change in an index or rate used to determine those payments). The lessee generally recognises the lease liability remeasurement amount as an adjustment to the right of use asset. The accounting provided for in IFRS 16 remains essentially unchanged for lessors, which continue to classify all leases using the same classification standard as IAS 17, distinguishing between operating leases and finance leases.IFRS 16 was approved by the European Union in October 2017 and applies to the preparation of financial statements for annual reporting periods starting on or after 1 January 2019.

The standard allows a choice of applying the new provisions using a fully retrospective approach (i.e. for each comparative period presented) or a modified retrospective approach (i.e. recognising the cumulative effect of first-time adoption in an equity reserve).

The OVS Group opted to apply the new standard as of the mandatory effective date (the “date of first-time adoption” was therefore 1 February 2019), using the modified retrospective method, option b) (paragraph C5 (b) of IFRS 16), without restatements of leases already in place as at 1 February 2019 and not applying the standard to low-value, short-term assets (therefore recognising the cumulative effect of first-time adoption as an equity adjustment at 1 February 2019 without re-presenting the comparative balances).

In addition, the OVS Group has applied some of the simplifications associated with the modified retrospective approach. The most significant are: • the exclusion of the initial direct costs of measuring the right of use at the date of first-time adoption; • the application of a single discount rate for each similar lease portfolio (broken down by country and by term); • the determination of the term of the lease using information known at the transition date;

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• the non-adoption of IAS 36 at the date of first-time adoption (paragraph C8 (c) of IFRS 16).As already mentioned, the Group also decided to adopt a practical expedient, which allows it not to re-determine whether an agreement is, or contains, a lease at the date of first-time adoption, but to use the valuations performed by applying IAS 17 and IFRIC 4 (paragraph C3 of IFRS 16).

The adoption of IFRS 16 requires significant judgements on certain key estimates, such as the determination of lease terms and the discount rate.In determining the term of the lease, it must be assessed whether the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise any options for extending the lease, rather than not exercising any options for early termination of the lease agreement. The Group determined the term of the lease as the sum of the non-revocable lease period plus the unilateral options for the extension of the period, where there is reasonable certainty that the option will be exercised. To this end, the following aspects were considered: • the costs relating to the termination of the contract; • the importance of the leased asset for the Group’s activities; • the conditions that must be met in order for the options to be exercised or not; • historical experience and any business plans approved by the Group.

In line with the standard, the present value of the lease liability is determined using the implicit interest rate in the lease, and if this cannot be easily determined, the lessee uses its incremental borrowing rate. Given the difficulty of determining the implicit interest rate of each lease, the OVS Group has opted to apply the incremental borrowing rate by country and term.

The OVS Group’s stores are located in rented premises under operating leases (as qualifiable by IAS 17). These leases, as well as other lease and rental agreements entered into by the Group, comply with the definition of a lease under IFRS 16 and therefore require recognition of a right of use asset and the corresponding financial liability.

The new standard has therefore had a material impact on the OVS Group’s financial statements in terms of recognition of right of use assets (adjusted for prepaid expenses, accrued expenses and payables for linearisation carried in the financial statements at the date of first-time adoption) and lease liabilities, the values of which have been recognised in the statement of financial position, allocating any differences existing at the transition date to equity reserves.

As also already indicated in the Half-year Report, with the adoption of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard from 1 February 2019, the main economic and financial indicators have been significantly affected and are not comparable with the data from previous periods. With regard to the income statement figures for 2019, the recognition of €148.0 million of depreciation of right of use assets recognised separately from other tangible assets, together with €50.8 million of net interest expenses on net lease liabilities, replacing €170.5 million of net rental costs (for leases and sub-leases under the new standard), resulted in an increase in the operating result and EBITDA compared with 2018. In particular, it should be noted that the combination of depreciation on a straight-line basis of right of use assets and the use of an incremental borrowing rate (IBR) to determine lease liabilities (discounting future rental payments), compared with IAS 17, resulted in higher financial expenses in the income statement in the first years of the leases and in subsequently decreasing financial expenses. Therefore, in order to make these figures comparable, albeit not perfectly (given the non-linear incidence of interest on lease liabilities in the periods), in the year of transition (2019) the operating result and EBITDA were reworked (“excluding IFRS 16”) as shown in the following tables:

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The following is an overview of these effects on the Group’s key performance indicators:

(amounts in thousands of euros)

31 January 2020

ReportedIFRS 16 effects

31 January 2020 excluded


Revenues 1,374,777 - 1,374,777Other operating income and revenues 67,654 2,019 69,673Total revenues 1,442,431 2,019 1,444,450Purchase of raw materials, consumables and goods 616,746 - 616,746Staff costs 290,526 89 290,615Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets 376,931 (148,030) 228,901Other operating expenses Service costs 179,087 1,307 180,394 Costs for the use of third-party assets 29,595 172,472 202,067 Write-downs and provisions 6,988 - 6,988 Other operating charges 26,535 (1,376) 25,159Result before net financial expenses and taxes (83,977) (22,443) (106,420)Financial income 1,139 (1,098) 41Financial expenses (72,428) 51,888 (20,540)Exchange rate gains and losses 19,741 - 19,741Gains (losses) from equity investments 1,095 - 1,095Net result for the period before tax (134,430) 28,347 (106,083)Taxes (5,948) (7,389) (13,337)Net Result for the year (140,378) 20,958 (119,420)

(amounts in thousands of euros)

31 January 2020

ReportedIFRS 16 effects

31 January 2020 excluded


Net Sales 1,374,777 1,374,777

EBITDA 292,954 (170,473) 122,481% on net sales 21.3% 8.9%EBIT (83,977) (22,443) (106,420)% on net sales -6.1% -7.7%EBT (134,430) 28,347 (106,083)% on net sales -9.8% -7.7%Net Profit (140,378) 20,958 (119,420)% on net sales -10.2% -8.7%Net Financial Debt 1,191,374 (889,085) 302,289

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It should be noted that first-time adoption of IFRS 16 as of 1 February 2019 had very significant impacts also on the financial statements and position of the Group; the same are summarised in the following table:

ASSETS (amounts in thousands of euros) 01.02.2019

Financial assets 5,800Other receivables (21,290)Total current assets (15,490)Right of use 913,719Financial assets 17,407Total non-current assets 931,126TOTAL ASSETS 915,636

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLERS’ EQUITY (amounts in thousands of euros) 01.02.2019

Financial liabilities 171,286Other payables (777)Total current liabilities 170,509Financial liabilities 753,404Deferred tax liabilities 952Other payables (11,688)Total non-current liabilities 742,668TOTAL LIABILITIES 913,177SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 2,459TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLERS' EQUITY 915,636

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The following table shows the reclassified consolidated statement of financial position at 31 January 2020, including and excluding the effects of IFRS 16:

The new standard has therefore had a material impact on the OVS Group’s financial statements in terms of recognition of “right of use assets” (adjusted in the financial statements at the date of first-time adoption for prepaid expenses transferred from “Other current receivables”, accrued expenses transferred from “Other current payables” and payables from linearisation transferred from “Other non-current payables”) and “lease liabilities”, the values of which are recognised in the statement of financial position, allocating the differences existing at the transition date to equity reserves.

(amounts in thousands of euros)

31 January 2020

Reported IFRS 16 effects

31 January 2020

excluded IFRS 16

Cash and cash equivalents 45,656 45,656Trade receivables 85,981 85,981Inventories 393,094 393,094Financial assets 7,572 7,572Financial assets for leases 4,191 (4,191) 0Current tax assets 14,683 (6,654) 8,029Other receivables 13,984 21,425 35,409Total current assets 565,161 10,580 575,741Property, plant and equipment 255,070 2,912 257,982Right of use 866,316 (866,316) 0Intangible assets 618,053 618,053Goodwill 297,541 297,541Equity investments 136 136Financial assets 34 34Financial assets for leases 10,623 (10,623) 0Other receivables 11,119 11,119Total non-current assets 2,058,892 (874,027) 1,184,865TOTAL ASSETS 2,624,053 (863,447) 1,760,606

Financial liabilities 38,871 937 39,808Financial liabilities for leases 133,808 (133,808) 0Trade payables 321,146 9,580 330,726Current tax liabilities 0 0Other payables 128,215 902 129,117Total current liabilities 622,040 (122,389) 499,651Financial liabilities 313,773 1,970 315,743Financial liabilities for leases 772,998 (772,998) 0Employee benefits 37,044 37,044Provisions for risks and charges 4,687 4,687Deferred tax liabilities 127,799 (217) 127,582Other payables 16,883 11,688 28,571Total non-current liabilities 1,273,184 (759,557) 513,627TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,895,224 (881,946) 1,013,278SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 728,829 18,499 747,328TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLERS’ EQUITY 2,624,053 (863,447) 1,760,606

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Amendments to IFRS 9 - Prepayment Features with Negative Compensation

These amendments clarify the classification of certain financial assets that can be prepaid when IFRS 9 applies. The interpretation was approved by the European Union in March 2018 and applies to the preparation of financial statements for annual reporting periods starting on or after 1 January 2019. The adoption of the amendments by the Group did not entail any changes in accounting policies or retrospective adjustments.

IFRIC Interpretation 23 - Uncertainty over Income Tax Treatments

The interpretation provides information on how to reflect in the accounting of income taxes uncertainties regarding the tax treatment of certain phenomena. The interpretation applies to annual reporting periods starting on or after 1 January 2019, but some transitional relief is available. The Group applied the interpretation as of the 2019 financial year. The adoption of the interpretation by the Group did not entail any changes in accounting policies or retrospective adjustments.

Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2015-2017 CycleThese improvements include: • IFRS 3 - Business Combinations: the amendments specify that, when an entity obtains control of a business

that is a joint operation, it applies the requirements for a business combination that took place in several phases, including a review at fair value of the equity investment previously held in the assets and liabilities of the joint operation. In so doing, the acquirer remeasures the entire equity investment previously held in the joint operation;

• IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements: a party participating in a joint operation, without joint control, could obtain joint control of the joint operation if its activity constitutes a business as defined in IFRS 3. The amendments clarify that the equity investments previously held in this joint operation are not remeasured;

• IAS 12 - Income Taxes: the amendments clarify that the effects of taxes on dividends are mainly related to past transactions or events that generated distributable profits rather than distributions to shareholders. Therefore, the entity recognises the effects of income taxes from dividends in the statement of profit/(loss) for the year, in other comprehensive income or in shareholders’ equity consistently with the way in which the entity has previously recognised such transactions or past events;

• IAS 23 - Borrowing Costs: the amendments clarify that an entity treats any borrowing carried out and intended from the outset to develop an asset as non-specific borrowing, if all the actions necessary to prepare the asset for use or sale have been completed. The entity applies these amendments to the financial expenses incurred as of the beginning of the year in which the entity first applies the amendments.

The amendments are effective for annual reporting periods starting on or after 1 January 2019. Early adoption is permitted. The Group applied this interpretation on the effective date but did not identify any material impacts.

Amendments to IAS 19: Plan Amendment, Curtailment or Settlement

The amendments to IAS 19 provide for accounting rules if a plan amendment, curtailment or settlement occurs during the reporting period. The amendments specify that when a plan amendment, curtailment or settlement takes place during the financial year, the entity is required to: • determine the service cost for the remainder of the period after the plan amendment, curtailment or

settlement, using the reference actuarial assumptions to remeasure the net liability (asset) for defined benefits so that it reflects the benefits offered by the plan and the assets of the plan after this event;

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• determine: the net interest for the remaining period after the plan amendment, curtailment or settlement, the net liability (asset) for defined benefits so that it reflects the benefits offered by the plan and the assets of the plan after this event, and the discount rate used to redefine the net liability (asset) for defined benefits.

The amendments also clarify that the entity must first quantify all the costs relating to previous employment services, rather than the profit or loss that occurred at the time of settlement, without considering the effect of the asset ceiling. This amount is recognised in the statement of profit/(loss) for the year. Subsequently, after the plan amendment, curtailment or settlement, the entity quantifies the effect of the asset ceiling. Any change in this regard, except for what is already included in net interest, must be recognised in other comprehensive income. The amendments apply to plan amendments, curtailments or settlements that occur as of the first annual reporting period starting on or after 1 January 2019, and early adoption is permitted. These changes will only apply to any future amendments, curtailments or settlements of Group plans that do not currently exist.

Amendments to IAS 28: Long-term interests in associates and joint ventures

These amendments seek to clarify the applicability of IFRS 9 in the recognition of long-term receivables from an associate or joint venture that are essentially part of the net investment in the associate or joint venture. The interpretation was approved by the European Union in February 2019 and applies to the preparation of financial statements for annual reporting periods starting on or after 1 January 2019. The Group applied these amendments on the effective date but did not identify any material impacts.

New accounting standards and interpretations approved by the European Union and effective for annual reporting periods starting on or after 31 January 2020 and not yet adopted by the OVS GroupAt the date of preparation of these annual financial statements, the competent bodies of the European Union have completed the approval process for the adoption of the following accounting standards and amendments: With regard to the applicable principles, the Group has decided not to exercise the early adoption option, where this exists.

Description Issue date Approval date Effective from

Amendments to references to Conceptual Framework in IFRS standards Mar 2018 29 Nov 2019 Years starting on or after 01

January 2020

Definition of material (Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8) Oct 2018 29 Nov 2019 Years starting on or after 01 January 2020

Reform of the reference indices for the determination of inte-rest rates (Amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39 and IFRS 7) Sep 2019 15 Jan 2020 Years starting on or after 01

January 2020

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68 OVS

Accounting standards, amendments and interpretations not yet approved by the European Union and not adopted by the OVS GroupThe international accounting standards, interpretations, amendments to existing accounting standards and interpretations, or specific provisions contained in the standards and interpretations approved by the IASB and not yet adopted by the OVS Group as they are not yet approved by the European Union, are shown below:

No accounting standards and/or interpretations for which adoption is mandatory for periods beginning on or after 1 February 2020 have been adopted early.Furthermore, the Group will adopt the new standards and amendments on the basis of the scheduled application date, and will assess their potential impacts on the consolidated financial statements when they are approved by the European Union.

Information on financial risks The main corporate risks identified, monitored and - as specified below - actively managed by the OVS Group are as follows: • market risk (defined as foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk); • credit risk (relating both to normal commercial relationships with customers and to financing activity); and • liquidity risk (relating to the availability of financial resources and access to the credit market, and to financial

instruments in general).The OVS Group aims to maintain balanced management of its financial exposure over time, to ensure that its liability structure is in balance with the composition of its balance-sheet assets and to provide the necessary operational flexibility through the use of cash generated by current operating assets and bank loans.Management of the relative financial risks is centrally guided and monitored. Specifically, the central finance function is responsible for evaluating and approving projected financial requirements, monitoring progress and establishing appropriate corrective action if necessary.The financial instruments most used by the OVS Group are as follows: • medium/long-term loans to cover investments in non-current assets; • short-term loans and use of credit facilities on current accounts to fund working capital.

The OVS Group has also signed derivatives in order to reduce US dollar foreign exchange risks.The following section provides qualitative and quantitative information on the impact of these risks on the OVS Group’s business.

Description Approved at the date of this document Effective date under the standard

Amendments to IFRS 10, ‘Consolidated financial statements’ and IAS 28 ‘Investments in associates and joint ventures’: Sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate/joint venture

No Suspended

IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts No Suspended

Amendment to IFRS 3 'Business combinations' No Years starting on or after 01 January 2020

Amendment to IAS 1 'Presentation of Financial Statements – Classification of liabilities as current or non current' No Years starting on or after 01 January


IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts No Years starting on or after 01 January 2021

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Credit risk

Credit risk represents the OVS Group’s exposure to the risk of potential losses arising from default by counterparties.There were no significant concentrations of credit risk at the end of the year under review.To reduce credit risk, the OVS Group generally obtains guarantees in the form of sureties in respect of loans granted for the supply of goods. At 31 January 2020, the total guarantee amount was €63.7 million, including €13.9 million in overdue receivables (€62.0 million at 31 January 2019, including €19.0 million in overdue receivables).Trade receivables are recognised net of write-downs calculated on the basis of the risk of counterparty default, determined by using available information on the solvency of the customer and, also taking historical data into account, prospective losses to the extent reasonably expected. Positions that are particularly significant, and that are objectively partially or totally irrecoverable, are written down individually.Trade receivables totalled €86.0 million at 31 January 2020 (€98.4 million at 31 January 2019).Receivables written down (partially or fully) came in at €17.2 million at 31 January 2020 (€38.8 million at 31 January 2019).Overdue receivables amounted to €22.8 million (€36.9 million at 31 January 2019).The following tables provide a breakdown of trade receivables at 31 January 2020 and at 31 January 2019, grouped according to maturity and net of the provision for doubtful accounts:

The following table instead analyzes the financial assets for leases according to the contractual deadlines in which the collection will take place:

(amounts in millions of euros)At 31 January

2020Not yet


Matured within 90


Matured between 90

and 180 days

Matured beyond 180


Trade receivables 103.2 63.6 22.9 2.1 14.6Provision for doubtful accounts (17.2) (0.5) (1.8) (2.1) (12.8)Net value 86.0 63.1 21.1 - 1.8

(amounts in millions of euros)At 31 January

2019Not yet


Matured within 90


Matured between 90

and 180 days

Matured beyond 180


Trade receivables 137.2 61.6 27.3 6.5 41.8Provision for doubtful accounts (38.8) (0.4) (0.3) (0.1) (38.0)Net value 98.4 61.2 27.0 6.4 3.8

(amounts in millions of euros)

Balance at 31 January

2020 < 1 year 1-5 years > 5 years Total

Financial assets for leases 14.8 4.2 9.3 1.3 14.8

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70 OVS

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk can arise through an inability to access, under economically viable conditions, the financial resources necessary for the OVS Group to operate. The two main factors influencing the OVS Group’s liquidity levels are: • the financial resources generated or absorbed by operating and investment activities; • the expiry and renewal of financial debt.

The OVS Group’s liquidity requirements are monitored by the treasury function, in order to guarantee effective access to financial resources and adequate liquidity investment/yield levels.On 19 September 2019, OVS S.p.A. formally signed an “Amendment and Restatement Agreement” with the aim of implementing the contractual amendments previously submitted by the Parent Company to its lending banks, including the rescheduling of the financial package from 2 March 2020 to 2 March 2023; lastly, on 3 October 2019, OVS S.p.A. fulfilled the conditions precedent provided under the same Amendment and Restatement Agreement, which therefore became effective as of the signing date.In light of the above, management believes that the funds and credit facilities currently available, in addition to those generated by operating and financing activities, will enable the OVS Group to meet its requirements in respect of investment activities, management of working capital and the repayment of debt when it is contractually due.For further information on the possible requirements arising from the Covid-19 pandemic, please see the further details provided in the section entitled “Significant events after the reporting date”.The following table breaks down financial liabilities (including trade and other payables): in particular, all the flows shown are nominal future undiscounted cash flows, calculated with reference to residual contractual maturities (for both the principal portion and the interest portion). Loans have been included based on the contractual maturity of the repayment.

(*) The amount includes interest accrued but not yet paid at 31 January 2020.(**) The amount was calculated by applying the forward curve recorded at 31 January 2020 to the loan repayment plan. For the Revolving Line, an average utilisation level of 50% was assumed. The aggregate also includes the value deriving from future cash flows generated for derivative contracts that had a negative fair value at the reporting date.

The same breakdown for 31 January 2019 is as follows:

(*) The amount includes interest accrued but not yet paid at 31 January 2019.(**) The amount was calculated by applying the forward curve recorded at 31 January 2019 to the loan repayment plan. For the Revolving Line, an average utilisation level of 50% was assumed. The aggregate also includes the nominal value of interest on lease agreements until maturity and the value deriving from future cash flows generated for derivative contracts that had a negative fair value at the reporting date.

(amounts in millions of euros)

Balance at 31 January

2020 < 1 year 1-5 years > 5 years Total

Trade payables 321.1 313.9 7.2 - 321.1Payables to banks (*) 355.2 38.5 316.7 - 355.2Financial liabilities for leases 906.8 133.8 416.8 356.2 906.8Other financial payables 0.8 0.8 - - 0.8Financial expenses payable to banks (**) - 14.0 25.3 - 39.3Financial expenses for leases - 47.1 125.0 61.0 233.1Total 1,583.9 548.1 891.0 417.2 1,856.3

(amounts in millions of euros)

Balance at 31 January

2019 < 1 year 1-5 years > 5 years Total

Trade payables 363.6 351.0 12.6 - 363.6Payables to banks (*) 403.8 28.8 375.0 - 403.8Financial liabilities for leases 1.1 0.5 0.6 - 1.1Financial expenses payable to banks (**) - 12.4 1.1 - 13.5Total 768.5 392.7 389.3 - 782.0

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The following table shows the breakdown of the derivatives entered into by the OVS Group:

Market risk


The OVS Group uses external financial resources in the form of debt and employs liquidity available in bank deposits. Fluctuations in market interest rates affect the cost and returns of various forms of financing and investment, thus affecting the OVS Group’s level of financial expenses and income. The loan agreement signed on 23 January 2015, which came into effect on 2 March 2015 and was amended on 19 September 2019, does not include an obligation to hedge interest rate risk.To manage these risks, OVS used interest rate derivatives (“caps”) in previous years with the aim of mitigating, under economically acceptable conditions, the potential impact of changes in interest rates on the income statement. Given the projections for the 6-month Euribor rate until the expiry of the loan agreement (March 2023), the OVS Group decided not to take further action to hedge the risk of interest rate fluctuations.


The OVS Group’s exposure to interest rate risk was measured using a sensitivity analysis that shows the effects on the income statement and on shareholders’ equity of a hypothetical change in market rates of 40 bps higher or lower than the hypothetical forward rate curve at 31 January 2020. This analysis is based on the assumption of a general and instantaneous change in benchmark interest rates.Excluding the effect of derivatives on interest rates and the amortised cost of loans, the results of this hypothetical, instant and favourable (unfavourable) change in the short-term interest rates applied to the OVS Group’s variable-rate financial liabilities are shown in the following table:

The same figure at 31 January 2019 is shown below:

2019 2018(amounts in millions of euros) Assets Liabilities Assets Liabilities

Forward contracts - trading 7.6 - 12.0 1.2Total 7.6 - 12.0 1.2Current portion:Forward contracts - trading 7.6 - 11.8 1.2Total current portion 7.6 - 11.8 1.2Non-current portionForward contracts - trading - - 0.2 -Total non-current portion - - 0.2 -

Effect of change on financial expenses - income statement(amounts in millions of euros) - 40 bps + 40 bps

At 31 January 2020 0.0 0.1

Effect of change on financial expenses - income statement(amounts in millions of euros) - 40 bps + 40 bps

At 31 January 2019 0.0 1.0

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72 OVS


Exposure to the risk of exchange rate fluctuations derives from the OVS Group’s commercial activities, which are also conducted in currencies other than the euro. Revenues and costs denominated in foreign currencies can be affected by exchange rate fluctuations, with an impact on sales margins (economic risk), and payables and receivables in foreign currencies may be affected by the conversion rates used, with an impact on the income statement (transactional risk). The main exchange rate to which the OVS Group is significantly exposed is the EUR/USD, in relation to purchases in dollars made in the Far East and on other markets in which the dollar is the trading currency.The Group is also exposed to the EUR/HKD exchange rate in relation to the translation risk of investee company OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Limited. The conversion effects of the other foreign companies for which the euro is not the functional currency are marginal.Exchange rate fluctuations may result in the realisation or reporting of foreign exchange gains or losses. The OVS Group also hedges orders that are highly probable although not acquired, pursuing the management aim of minimising exposure to risk.The OVS Group purchases most of its products for sale from foreign suppliers for which the reference currency is the US Dollar (USD). In order to ensure reliability in the planning of sales prices and the relative industrial margin (understood as the difference between sales prices in EUR and the purchase costs of products in USD), the OVS Group routinely enters into derivative contracts designed to stabilise the exchange rate of goods purchases. The nature of these instruments is quite simple, as they are purchases of forward USD currency (forward derivatives) implemented in relation to estimated inflows and with timelines associated with the foreseeable outflow of cash, usually with a time horizon of 12 to 24 months from the date of signing the associated contracts. The instruments in question are initially entered into, in particular, taking into account quantifications (based on estimates) determined on the basis of purchases of the previous collection and considering the business outlook. Such operational hedges of purchase flows take place, in fact, by collection and by month. The instruments are then constantly monitored and updated by the OVS Group in relation to potential changes in purchase and payment flows and therefore to the variable need for stabilisation of exchange rates during the operational development of commercial planning.The derivatives described are recognised at 31 January 2020 at fair value, according to the methods of recognition and measurement established in IFRS 9. Under this accounting standard, the entity is still permitted, under certain conditions, to book derivatives using hedge accounting. In view of the operational complexity in managing the correspondence between the theoretical underlyings (the flows subject to the management hedging described) and the derivatives, the OVS Group has decided not to adopt hedge accounting. Consequently, the fair value of existing financial instruments and subsequent changes in such instruments are directly charged to the income statement on each reporting date. The fair value of derivatives is quantified using common valuation techniques and is mainly determined by the difference between the notional amount in USD converted into euro at the forward exchange rate at the time of entering into the contract and the notional amount in USD converted into euro at the exchange rate at the end of the reference period. This difference may be positive or negative depending on changes in the EUR/USD exchange rate.At 31 January 2020, this measurement was positive for €7.6 million, relating to the fair value of the contracts in place at year-end, as the average forward exchange rate for the portfolio at 31 January 2020 was 1.1438, while the EUR/USD exchange rate at period-end was 1.1052. This figure is offset by the release to the income statement with a negative effect of the positive fair value recognised at 31 January 2019 of €10.7 million, with a net negative effect in the income statement of €3.1 million, all recognised as foreign exchange differences in the financial area.The following table summarises key information relating to currency forwards:

Transaction date

Maturity date

Notional in USD/000 Strike price

Notional in EUR/000

Fair value in EUR/000

At 31 January 2020

from10 Jan 2019

to 13 Dec 2019

from03 Feb 2020

to 08 Feb 2021


1.10603to 1.2054

301,738 7,606

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In the year under review, the nature and structure of exposure to foreign exchange risk and the hedge management policies followed by the OVS Group did not change substantially.


To perform the exchange rate sensitivity analysis, items in the statement of financial position (financial assets and liabilities) denominated in currencies other than the function currencies of each company within the OVS Group were identified.The effects of a 5% appreciation and depreciation in the US dollar against the euro are summarised below:

The same analysis at 31 January 2019 is as follows:

However, with regard to the appreciation/depreciation of 5% in the Hong Kong dollar against the euro, it should be noted that, at 31 January 2020, the translation reserve in equity reserves would have been subject to a positive/negative change of €1.0 million and €0.9 million, respectively.

Fair value estimates

The fair value of financial instruments traded in an active market is based on market prices at the reporting date. The fair value of instruments that are not traded in an active market is measured using valuation techniques based on a series of methods and assumptions linked to market conditions at the reporting date.The fair value classification for financial instruments based on hierarchical levels is shown below: • Level 1: fair value is measured with reference to quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical

financial instruments; • Level 2: fair value is measured using valuation techniques with reference to variables observable on active

markets; • Level 3: fair value is measured using valuation techniques with reference to variables unobservable on active

markets;The financial instruments shown at fair value of the OVS Group are classified as Level 2, and the general criterion used to calculate it is the present value of future cash flows expected from the instrument being valued.Moreover, in 2019 there were no transfers of financial assets and liabilities classed in the various levels of the fair value hierarchy.Liabilities relating to bank borrowings are measured using the “amortised cost” criterion.Trade receivables and payables were measured at the price defined for the relevant transaction as this is deemed to be close to the present value.In addition to the information on financial risk, the following is a reconciliation between classes of financial assets and liabilities as identified in the Group’s statement of financial position, and the types of financial assets and liabilities identified pursuant to IFRS 7 at 31 January 2020:

Effect of change on result and shareholders’ equity(amounts in millions of euros) - 5% + 5%

At 31 January 2020 8.4 (7.6)

Effect of change on result and shareholders’ equity(amounts in millions of euros) - 5% + 5%

At 31 January 2019 13.4 (12.1)

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74 OVS

The same reconciliation for 31 January 2019 is provided below.

Financial assets at fair value

through profit or loss

Financial liabilities

at fair value through profit

or loss

Financial assets at

amortised cost

Financial liabilities at

amortised cost

Currencyderivatives Total

Cash and banks 45,656 45,656Trade receivables 85,981 85,981Current financial assets 7,572 7,572Current financial assets for leases 4,191 4,191Other current receivables 13,984 13,984Equity investments 136 136Non-current financial assets 34 34Non-current financial assets for leases 10,623 10,623Other non-current receivables 4,388 6,731 11,119Current financial liabilities 38,871 38,871Current financial liabilities for leases 133,808 133,808Trade payables 321,146 321,146Other current payables 128,215 128,215Non-current financial liabilities 313,773 313,773

Non-current financial liabilities for leases 772,998 772,998

Other non-current payables 16,883 16,883

Financial assets at fair value

through profit or loss

Financial liabilities

at fair value through profit

or loss

Financial assets at

amortised cost

Financial liabilities at

amortised costCurrency

derivatives Total

Cash and banks 27,876 27,876Trade receivables 98,426 98,426Current financial assets 11,797 11,797Other current receivables 33,968 33,968Equity investments 136 136Non-current financial assets 172 172Other non-current receivables 4,357 68 4,425Current financial liabilities 29,340 1,229 30,569Trade payables 350,981 350,981Other current payables 129,787 129,787Non-current financial liabilities 374,190 374,190Other non-current payables 35,840 35,840

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Information on operating segmentsPursuant to IFRS 8, management has identified the following operating segments: • OVS, active in the value fashion market, offering stylish and high-quality clothing at competitive prices, with a

focus on the latest trends and fashions; and • Upim, active in the value segment of the Italian market, offering women’s, men’s and children’s clothing products,

homeware and fragrance, with particularly competitive price positioning and a key focus on the family.The results of the operating segments are measured by analysing revenues and adjusted EBITDA, with the latter defined as earnings before depreciation and amortisation, asset write-downs, financial income and expenses and tax, net of non-recurring income and expenses and other non-monetary accounting effects, as well as the effect of application of IFRS 16.Specifically, management believes that revenues and adjusted EBITDA provide a good performance indicator as they are not affected by tax legislation or depreciation/amortisation policy. In the table below, with regard to the 2018 year of comparison, sales of goods by the OVS and Upim brands to the companies of the Sempione Fashion Group, which, however, do not represent an independent operating segment pursuant to IFRS 8, are shown separately.

31 January 2020 31 January 2019

(thousands of euros) OVS UPIMSempione

Fashion Total OVS UPIMSempione

Fashion Total

Revenues by segment 1,117,382 252,708 0 1,370,090 1,151,117 240,530 65,507 1,457,154

EBITDA Adjusted 126,411 29,873 156,284 118,926 25,301 144,227 % of revenues 11.3% 11.8% 11.4% 10.3% 10.5% 9.9%Non-recurring expenses (11,476) (79,017)Forex reclassification (22,201) 9,527 Stock Option plan (126) (310)IFRS 16 effects 170,473 0 EBITDA 292,954 74,427

Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets (376,931) (67,189)

Profit before net financial expenses and taxes (83,977) 7,238

Financial income 1,139 1,162

Financial expenses (72,428) (17,788)Foreign exchange gains and losses 19,741 43,493 Gains (losses) from equity investments 1,095 (1,260)Net result for the year before tax (134,430) 32,845 Taxes (5,948) (7,516)Net result for the year (140,378) 25,329

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Notes to the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

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78 OVS

Details of the content of and changes in the most significant items are provided below (unless otherwise specified, amounts are in thousands of euro).

The balance represents cash and cash equivalents at the reporting date and breaks down as follows (in thousands of euro):

Cash and cash equivalents consist of cash, bank and post office deposits and checks and cash on hand at the head office and stores in the direct sales network.

In addition, at 31 January 2020, ordinary current accounts were set up as pledges (last updated on 1 January 2020) to secure the Loan Agreement (described in note 13 below), in the amount of €56,838 thousand, and foreign currency current accounts in the amount of USD4,418 thousand, corresponding to €3,975 thousand, the balance of which is still fully available to the OVS Group.

The breakdown of trade receivables was as follows (amounts in thousands of euro):

Receivables for wholesale sales derive from sales to affiliates.Receivables from services mainly include charges for department management and subletting to external managers. Disputed receivables mainly consist of receivables for problem loans. Most of these receivables are written down by recognising a specific provision for doubtful accounts.The write-downs relate to receivables from affiliates or business partners, collection of which is presumed to be difficult, for disputes, or, in the majority of cases, for pending legal proceedings against customers.It should be noted that receivables from Vidrea Deutschland GmbH (formerly Charles Vögele Deutschland GmbH) of €24.2 million, already fully written down at 31 January 2019, were written off during the year following the bankruptcy order issued by the Court of Hechingen in April 2019.

The balance also includes receivables from the related party Coin S.p.A. of €1.8 million, related to brokerage fees for purchasing goods (€0.2 million) and receivables from services (€1.6 million).

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

1 Cash and banks 45,656 27,876 17,780

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

1) Bank and post office deposits 39,475 21,929 17,5462) Cheques 8 6 23) Cash and cash equivalents on hand 6,173 5,941 232Total 45,656 27,876 17,780

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

2 Trade receivables 85,981 98,426 (12,445)

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

Trade receivablesReceivables for retail sales 547 762 (215)Receivables for wholesale sales 83,323 113,110 (29,787)Receivables for services rendered 8,233 11,098 (2,865)Disputed receivables 9,223 7,143 2,080Trade receivables from related parties 1,836 5,128 (3,292)Subtotal 103,162 137,241 (34,079)(Provision for doubtful accounts) (17,181) (38,815) 21,634Total 85,981 98,426 (12,445)

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It should also be noted that trade receivables (mainly for the provision of products to the franchising affiliates) amounting to €92.1 million were also used to secure the Loan Agreement at 31 January 2020.

The provision for doubtful accounts amounted to €17,181 thousand at 31 January 2020. During the year, €27,589 thousand was utilised and an accrual of €5,955 was made.Changes in the provision for doubtful accounts are shown below:

The allocation to the “Provision for doubtful accounts” expresses the presumed realisable amount of receivables that are still collectable at the closing date of the year. The draw-downs for the year relate to receivable positions for which elements of certainty and accuracy, or the presence of insolvency procedures, determine the derecognition of the position itself. In this regard, it should be recalled that receivables from Vidrea Deutschland GmbH (formerly Charles Vögele Deutschland GmbH) were written off, which entailed the utilisation of €24.2 million of the provision for doubtful accounts.

Given the types of products and services sold by the OVS Group, there is no significant concentration of revenues and trade receivables with individual customers, considering that the receivables from the former Sempione Fashion Group accrued in previous years have been fully written off.

The change in the provision for doubtful accounts in the previous year is as follows:

The breakdown of inventories is shown in the following table:

This item includes stocks of goods at warehouses and stores at the reporting date. The amount is largely in line with the amounts that would be obtained by valuing the inventories at current cost at the reporting date.The provision for depreciation reflects management’s best estimate based on the breakdown by type and season of inventories, considerations arising from past experience and the outlook for sales volumes. The provision for inventory differences includes the estimate of inventory differences at the end of each of the periods under review, in view of the fact that the OVS Group carries out a physical inventory in February or June of each year.

(amounts in thousands of euros)

Balance at 31 January 2019 38,815Allocations in the year 5,955Utilisations in the year (27,589)Balance at 31 January 2020 17,181

(amounts in thousands of euros)

Balance at 31 January 2018 23,809IFRS 9 transition effects 850Allocations in the year 28,026Utilisations in the year (13,872)Effect of exchange rate adjustment 2Balance at 31 January 2019 38,815

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

3 Inventories 393,094 410,955 (17,861)

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Goods 432,748 444,786Gross stock 432,748 444,786Provision for depreciation (28,460) (20,946)Provision for inventory differences (11,194) (12,885)Total provision for stock write-downs (39,654) (33,831)Total 393,094 410,955

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These provisions are based on the management best estimate and are therefore believed by management to be consistent with their respective purposes.Changes in the provision for depreciation and the provision for inventory differences for the year ended 31 January 2020 are shown below:

The change in the same provisions for the previous period is as follows:

The breakdown of the “Financial assets” item into current and non-current at 31 January 2020 and at 31 January 2019 is shown below:

Derivatives include the fair value of forward derivatives entered into with the managerial aim of hedging future purchases of goods in currencies other than the euro.

With regard to the financial assets for leases recognised on first-time adoption of IFRS 16, please see the extensive comments in the section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria.

(amounts in thousands of euros)Provision for depreciation

Provision for inventory differences Total

Balance at 31 January 2019 20,946 12,885 33,831Allocation 27,976 13,003 40,979Utilisation (20,462) (14,694) (35,156)Balance at 31 January 2020 28,460 11,194 39,654

(amounts in thousands of euros)Provision for depreciation

Provision for inventory differences Total

Balance at 31 January 2018 17,134 12,833 29,967Allocation 37,834 13,503 51,337Utilisation (34,022) (13,451) (47,473)Balance at 31 January 2019 20,946 12,885 33,831

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

4 Current financial assets 7,572 11,797 (4,225)4 Non-current financial assets 34 172 (138)

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Derivatives (current portion) 7,572 11,797Total current financial assets 7,572 11,797Derivatives (non-current portion) 34 172Total non-current financial assets 34 172Total 7,606 11,969

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

5 Current financial assets for leases 4,191 0 4,1915 Non-current financial assets for leases 10,623 0 10,623

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

6 Current tax assets 14,683 9,565 5,118

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The balance mainly consists of receivables for excess IRES and IRAP payments on account (€12,330 thousand and €779 thousand respectively) paid on a historical basis, already net of the payable for taxes accrued during the year, receivables for withholding taxes on fees (€1,077 thousand) and for taxes withheld at source.

Other receivables break down as follows:

The “Other receivables” item in current receivables relates to guarantee deposits made for new leases amounting to €227 thousand and receivables for sale of business units amounting to €1,499 thousand, while the remainder refers to social security receivables and advances to suppliers and shippers.

“Receivables from insurance companies” mainly comprise the scheduled reimbursement for damage to goods during transport (€52 thousand) and damage due to the theft of valuables in stores (€8 thousand).The item “Accrued income and prepaid expenses - other” primarily includes prepayments for advertising and marketing services of €1,532 thousand and the share of deferred financial fees (€322 thousand) incurred to obtain the revolving credit facilities described in more detail in the “Financial liabilities” section below. The remaining impact mainly refers to prepaid expenses on utilities costs, costs for services and reimbursement of training costs.It should also be noted that insurance receivables amounting to €0.1 million were used to secure the Loan Agreement at 31 January 2020.“Other non-current receivables” include security deposits that relate mainly to securities paid under leases, utilities and deposits with customs to guarantee goods imports. The “Minor investments” item mainly includes equity investments in consortia recognised at cost.The “Other non-current receivables” item includes receivables from affiliates due beyond 12 months of €6,022 thousand and the medium-/long-term portion of deferred financial fees of €668 thousand.The increase in “Other non-current receivables” relates to assets deferred beyond 12 months from the reporting date with respect to third parties.With regard to the transfer of prepaid expenses on leases under the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, please see the extensive comments in the previous section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

7 Other current receivables 13,984 33,968 (19,984)7 Other non-current receivables 11,119 4,425 6,694

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

Other receivables 2,708 1,455 1,253Receivables from insurance companies for claims reimbursment 61 745 (684)Receivables from employees 1,285 1,361 (76)Accrued income and prepaid expenses - rents and service charges 3,227 24,062 (20,835)Accrued income and prepaid expenses - insurance 83 70 13Accrued income and prepaid expenses - interest on security deposits 26 21 5Accrued income and prepaid expenses - other 6,594 6,254 340Total current receivables 13,984 33,968 (19,984)Security deposits 4,389 4,357 32Minor investments 20 20 0Other receivables 6,710 48 6,662Total non-current receivables 11,119 4,425 6,694

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

8 Property, plant and equipment 255,070 273,874 (18,804)

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Appendix 1 shows the historical cost for each item, the accumulated depreciation and amortisation, changes during the year and the final balances.Investments in the year mainly related to: • expenses for modernising, renovating and upgrading points of sale in the commercial network; • purchases of furniture and fittings for the commercial network to furnish both newly opened and renovated


Leasehold improvements, allocated to the items in question, mainly relate to renovations of stores not under direct ownership.

Pursuant to IAS 36, for businesses showing signs of impairment the Group assessed the recoverability of the relative assets using the discounted cash flow method. The analysis did not show any impairment during the year.

In addition, pursuant to the Loan Agreement, at 31 January 2020 a lien was created on property in the amount of €172.2 million.

Following first-time adoption of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, this item includes right of use assets relating mainly to store leases and to a minor extent to leases on offices, apartments for company use and motor vehicles/other equipment.For a detailed analysis, please see the extensive comments in the section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria, as well as Table 2 appended, concerning changes in the period, and the next section on “Impairment testing”.

Appendix 3 to these notes shows the change for each item in the period.

Intangible assets at 31 January 2020 mainly included the amounts allocated to the OVS Group deriving from the previous acquisition of Gruppo Coin by Icon, which was then transferred to the current OVS S.p.A. in July 2014.At 31 January 2020, these amounts included: • The OVS brand for €377.5 million, with an indefinite life (included under “Concessions, licences and brands”); • The Upim brand for €13.3 million, with an indefinite life (included under “Concessions, licences and brands”); • The OVS franchising network for €63.0 million, amortised over 20 years (included under “Other intangible

assets”); • The Upim franchising network for €25.0 million, amortised over 20 years (included under “Other intangible

assets”); • Licences relating to OVS stores for €80.0 million, amortised over 40 years (included under “Concessions,

licences and brands”); • Licences relating to Upim stores for €21.5 million, amortised over 40 years (included under “Concessions,

licences and brands”).

The brands attributed to the OVS Group are regarded as having an indefinite useful life.To establish this, a management analysis was performed on all relevant factors (legal, judicial, contractual, competitive, economic and other) relating to the brands. The conclusion was reached that there is no foreseeable time limit for the generation of cash inflows for the OVS Group.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

9 Right of use 866,316 0 866,316

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

10 Intangible assets 618,053 632,987 (14,934)

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The recoverability of the value of these brands was measured using the discounted cash flow method for the CGUs to which these brands are allocated. Please see the following section, “Impairment testing”, for the outcome of the assessments carried out.

Note that the useful life of licences is 40 years.This was estimated on the basis of historical analyses carried out within the OVS Group.It should be noted, in this regard, that the time limit placed on the term of the leases is insignificant. In fact, there are protections provided to the tenant in market practice and under specific legal provisions; in addition, a strategy of gradual further expansion of the network is being implemented by the OVS Group, which usually renews leases before they expire naturally. All these factors have resulted over time in the almost completely successful implementation of the renovation policy. Also note that we have identified a component of residual value (non-amortised residual value at the end of the useful life) calculated over 18 monthly rental payments, representing the amount payable by the lessor if the lease is not renewed for a reason not attributable to the OVS Group.

The remainder of the item mainly consists of rights to industrial patents and intellectual property rights relating to investments in software programmes.

It should also be noted that, pursuant to the Loan Agreement, at 31 January 2020 a lien was created on OVS Group brands in the amount of €390.8 million.

The goodwill mainly relates to the acquisition of Gruppo Coin by Icon on 30 June 2011 (€451,778,000, allocated to the OVS CGU).Goodwill was tested for impairment: the results led to an impairment loss of €155 million and are shown in the “Impairment testing” section below.

Impairment testing

Pursuant to IAS 36, the Group verifies the recoverability of intangible assets with an indefinite useful life (goodwill and brands) when indicators of impairment are identified, and in any event at the closing date of the year, while for tangible assets and other assets with a finite useful life this takes place when indicators of impairment are identified. The recoverable amount of the cash-generating units (CGUs) to which the individual assets are allocated is verified by calculating their value in use and/or fair value.The cash generating units identified by management coincide with the OVS, Upim and PIOMBO operating segments (the latter was not relevant at 31 January 2020, with a total value of invested capital of around €1.2 million), which include all services and products provided to customers.


Impairment testing entailed the comparison of the carrying amount of the cash generating unit (CGU) and its value in use (VIU). It should be noted that the carrying amount of the OVS CGU includes goodwill, entirely allocated to the CGU, of the €452.5 million initially recognised, and the OVS brand, amounting to €377.5 million, both with an indefinite useful life.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

11 Goodwill 297,541 452,541 (155,000)

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The estimated value in use of the OVS operating segment for the purposes of impairment testing is based on the discounting of provisional data for the OVS CGU, determined on the basis of the following assumptions:

• the projected cash flows for the OVS operating segment were extrapolated from the 2020 Budget and the business plan for the three years from 2020 to 2022 (the “Plan”), both drawn up by management and approved by the Board of Directors on 30 January 2020. Provisional cash flows for the OVS CGU were determined according to levels of turnover growth and EBITDA, based on both past operating and profit performance and on future projections;

• future cash flows, standardised to use for the terminal value, were constructed by consistently applying a growth rate “g” for EBITDA of 1.30% a year, applied to EBITDA in the final year of the Plan (down 30 bps compared with 31 January 2019). Annual investments were estimated consistently on the basis of the last year of the Plan (€40 million): this amount is believed to be representative of the normalised investments needed to maintain existing fixed assets, while for the maintenance of the right of use assets an amount of annual investments equivalent to €109 million has been estimated;

• the discount rate (WACC) used to estimate the present value of cash flows was 6.39% and was determined based on the following assumptions: i) the risk-free rate used was 1.96%, corresponding to the return on ten-year government bonds issued by the Italian government; ii) the equity risk premium used was 5.24%, an average rate in line with both the results of the long-term analysis for industrialised countries and professional practices; iii) the beta coefficient was estimated based on a panel of comparable listed companies operating in the retail clothing sector; iv) borrowing costs (2.2%) were estimated as the one-month average of the ten-year EurIRS rate, plus a spread of 200 bps; and v) the debt/equity ratio used was calculated based on the average figure presented by a panel of comparable companies.

Based on the above considerations, the value in use of the OVS CGU at 31 January 2020 was €2,087 million. The comparison between the VIU (€2,087 million) and the carrying amount (net invested capital) of the OVS CGU (€1,836 million, including the effects of IFRS 16), shows that the value in use of the CGU is higher than its carrying amount: therefore, based on the flows approved by management in January 2020, there is no impairment to be recognised.

Moreover, in view of the current context of uncertainty described in the Report on Operations at 31 January 2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the importance that this may have in complex valuation processes based on estimates, such as those described above, based on the calculation of a value in use, the Group’s management has carefully analysed the sustainability of the results of the impairment testing according to changes in the following assumptions of the model: • 200 bps increase in the discount rate; • 80 bps decrease in the growth rate; • reduction in future cash flows of the OVS CGU due to an overall revision of the plan as described below.

The sensitivity in the plan developed by management seeks to modify the business plan approved by the Board on 30 January 2020 in order to understand the possible impacts of the crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Impacts on salesThe Prime Ministerial Decrees of 9 and 11 March 2020 ordered the closure of all stores in Italy, essentially eliminating the Group’s revenues in March and April 2020. Since 14 April 2020, it has been possible to gradually reopen children’s stores/departments, and the entire network is expected be reopened in May 2020. Sales will therefore fall sharply in May compared with 2019, given the only partial reopening.The situation over the coming months is highly uncertain both at a macroeconomic level (e.g. trend in GDP, level of support from the European institutions) and in terms of appetite for clothing consumption; there are conflicting opinions on this last point, with some predicting a rebound in consumption (“revenge buying”) and others a decline (“less is more”). The scenario is uncertain for the entire sector, as some competitors may be forced into restructuring and/or insolvency procedures, or may seek to maximise short-term cash generation with closing down sales and, in general, with much greater than average promotional pressure.In this uncertain situation, the Group, taking a conservative approach, expects to register a significant drop in sales until the end of 2020. In 2021, starting with the A/W 2020 sales, consumption is expected to normalise with

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a return of sales to values comparable to 2019, albeit conservatively a few percentage points lower.In subsequent years, no particular changes in turnover are currently foreseeable, subject to growth due to organic network expansion (substantially reduced to the level assumed in the Business Plan of 30 January 2020).Similar impacts/forecasts also apply to activities abroad, which however have a marginal weight of less than 10% of the total business.

Impacts on costsTo respond to the drop in turnover, the Group has launched extraordinary measures involving all management areas. The sensitivity plan drawn up by management assumes, in relation to the main cost items: • Cost of goods sold: the cost of goods sold decreases in proportion to sales. The 2020 goods that have

remained unsold due to store closures and generally lower turnover are carried forward to 2021, thereby reducing that year’s volume of purchases. However, it may still be necessary to take action on promotional leverage during 2021 in order to sell the remaining goods, and the impact of the cost of goods sold is therefore expected to increase.

• Cost of store staff: decreases substantially in line with the trend in sales, falling to almost zero during the periods of closure, and a reduction of the workforce after the reopening. From 2021 a return to normal store organisation with a workforce largely in line with 2019.

• Rent and leases: free rent during the periods of closure and in the following months of 2020, a discount at least equal to the decrease in sales (i.e. essentially a transition to variable rent). The Group will seek to maintain a variable rent structure for subsequent years as well; the sensitivity scenario prudentially assumes a general return to pre-Covid-19 rent values, as sales recover.

• Premises and operating costs: these costs were essentially frozen during the period of closure and will be “contained” after the reopening; however, given the essentially fixed nature of some of them (e.g. electricity), they are expected to decrease to a lesser extent than sales compared with the 2019 baseline. A return to pre-Covid-19 values is expected from 2021.

• Logistics costs: no savings are expected in 2020 as the lower costs for undistributed goods will be offset by the cost of collecting and storing the unsold goods transferred to 2021.

• Head office costs: at the corporate level, the sensitivity scenario in 2020 includes a cost saving resulting from the suspension of certain activities during the period of closure (as around 50% of office employees had access to the Cassa Integrazione lay-off fund) and a further reduction in external services is expected, in addition to the cuts made in 2019, as well as a significant reduction in marketing costs (for example due to the cancellation of the spring-summer 2020 campaigns). Lastly, some savings will be structural, so the 2021 cost is in any case expected to be lower than the 2019 baseline by a few percentage points.

Impacts on investmentsGiven the uncertain situation and the financial tensions caused by the drop in turnover, the Group has revised its 2020 investment plan, reducing the number of new store openings and suspending some projects not strictly necessary. The sensitivity scenario incorporates this approach, while in subsequent years it assumes a substantial realignment with the 2019 investment values.

Impacts on commercial working capitalTrade receivables: approximately 15%-20% of the Group’s turnover is generated through the franchising channel, also seriously affected by the Covid-19 crisis. The 2020 scenario therefore incorporates extraordinary extensions granted by the Group to some franchisees in difficulty. Almost all of these extensions are expected to end in 2021.Inventories: the 2020 sensitivity scenario includes a significant increase in inventory, reflecting the 2020 goods left unsold and carried forward to 2021; consequently, 2021 will be a year of de-stocking, with the value of the inventories at the end of the year essentially in line with the situation at the end of 2019, except for a slight increase due to the physiological development of the network. Trade payables: the scenario assumes that any extensions obtained by suppliers during the emergency phase will essentially expire by the end of the year, with the exception of some rent deferrals, which are in any case expected to end in 2021.

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Impacts on other financial statement itemsThe sensitivity scenario does not envisage significant changes in other items, except for: • Provision for leave in previous years: the provision was substantially reduced in 2020 as employees had to

take the remaining leave during the period of closure and before accessing the lay-off fund; • Provision for employee severance benefits: a reduction according to the normal and progressive departures

of employees who, until 2006, accumulated the provision at OVS S.p.A.; • Provision for taxes: phasing out during 2020 due to payments of tax balances commensurate with 2019

income well above those pertaining to 2020.These sensitivity analyses, performed separately for each of the above assumptions, entail write-downs to be recorded in 2019 in relation to the OVS CGU of €117 million for WACC sensitivity and of €155 million for future cash flow sensitivity, while g rate sensitivity shows cover of €93 million.In view of the significant impact of the current pandemic on the assumptions underlying the estimated flows and the overall uncertainty of the Italian economic environment in which the OVS Group primarily operates, it seemed prudent and appropriate to incorporate into the financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2020 the results of the impairment test conducted on the basis of a revision of flows to take account of, and give greater weight to, information currently being obtained externally, and in particular the actual and projected data for the financial year that commenced on 1 February 2020. This resulted in an impairment loss, entirely attributed to the goodwill item relating to the OVS CGU, of €155,000 thousand.


Although no goodwill amount has been allocated for the Upim CGU, the Group has carried out impairment testing on it, in view of the fact that it includes an amount allocated to the brand of €13.3 million, with an indefinite useful life. The estimated value in use of the Upim operating segment for the purposes of impairment testing is based on the discounting of provisional data for the Upim CGU, determined on the basis of the following assumptions: • the projected cash flows for the Upim operating segment were extrapolated from the 2020 Budget and

the business plan for the three years from 2020 to 2022 (the “Plan”), both drawn up by management and approved by the Board of Directors. Provisional cash flows for the Upim CGU were determined according to levels of turnover growth and EBITDA, based on both past operating and profit performance and on future projections;

• expected future cash flows, standardised to use for the terminal value, were constructed by consistently applying a growth rate “g” for EBITDA of 1.30% a year (down 30 bps compared with 31 January 2019) applied to EBITDA in the final year of the Plan. Annual investments were estimated consistently on the basis of the last year of the Plan (€22 million): this amount is believed to be representative of the standardised investments needed to maintain existing fixed assets, while for the maintenance of the right of use assets an amount of annual investments equivalent to €26 million has been estimated;

• the discount rate (WACC) used to estimate the present value of cash flows was 6.21% and was determined based on the following assumptions: i) the risk-free rate used was 1.96%, corresponding to the return on ten-year government bonds issued by the Italian government; ii) the equity risk premium used was 5.24%, an average rate in line with both the results of the long-term analysis for industrialised countries and professional practices; iii) the beta coefficient was estimated based on a panel of comparable listed companies operating in the retail clothing sector; iv) borrowing costs (2.2%) were estimated as the one-month average of the ten-year EurIRS rate, plus a spread of 200 bps; and v) the debt/equity ratio used was calculated based on the average figure presented by a panel of comparable companies.

Based on the above considerations, the VIU of the Upim CGU at 31 January 2020 was €466 million. The comparison between the VIU (€466 million) and the carrying amount (net invested capital) of the Upim CGU (€248 million, including the effects of IFRS 16), shows that the value in use of the CGU is higher than its carrying amount: therefore, there is no impairment to be recognised.

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In addition, the Group analysed the sustainability of the results of the impairment testing, based on changes in the following assumptions of the model: • 200 bps increase in the discount rate; • 80 bps decrease in the growth rate; • reduction in future cash flows of the Upim CGU due to an overall revision of the plan as detailed below.

These sensitivity analyses, performed separately for each of the above assumptions, would not, however, result in write-downs to be recorded in 2019 in relation to the Upim CGU.

Impairment testing on licences and right of use assets relating to storesLicences relating to OVS and Upim stores and right of use assets showing indicators of impairment were tested for impairment by calculating the value in use for each store thus identified.The key assumptions used to determine the value in use of the CGUs concern the discounting rate and the growth rate. Specifically, the post-tax discount rate of the belonging CGU was used and no growth rate was predicted for the period following the 2020 Budget.Based on the analysis performed, in the current year the store licences for 17 stores in the Coin segment and six stores in the Upim segment were written down for a total amount of €7,377 thousand. At the same time, the licences previously written down, relating to one OVS store and three Upim stores, were written back for a total amount of €1,008 thousand.

This item includes the equity investment of 31.63% held by OVS S.p.A. in the Centomilacandele S.C.p.A. consortium of €136 thousands.

The breakdown of the “Current financial liabilities” and “Non-current financial liabilities” items at 31 January 2020 and 31 January 2019 is shown below:

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

12 Equity investments 136 136 0

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

13 Current financial liabilities 38,871 30,569 8,30213 Non-current financial liabilities 313,773 374,190 (60,417)

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Current bank payables 5,245 28,793Current portion of non-current debt 32,818 0Other current financial payables 808 1,776Current financial liabilities 38,871 30,569Non-current bank payables 313,773 373,621Other non-current financial payables 0 569Non-current financial liabilities 313,773 374,190

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Current and non-current bank payables and the current portion of long-term debt

The OVS Group’s current and non-current bank payables at 31 January 2020 are shown below:

The credit facilities available to the Group at 31 January 2020 relate almost entirely to the loan agreement initially signed on 23 January 2015, disbursed on 2 March 2015 (the “Loan Agreement”), subsequently amended and modified on 19 September 2019, for a total amount of €450,000,000, which provides for the granting of: • a medium/long-term facility of €250,000,000 (Term B1); • an amortising facility of €100,000,000, with half-yearly repayments of equal amounts as of 28 February 2020

(Term B2); • a revolving facility of €100,000,000, which can be drawn down in various currencies (the “Revolving Facility”).

The applicable interest rate for the Term B1 Facility at 31 January 2020 was equal to the sum of (i) the margin of 3.75% per annum (the “Margin”) and (ii) the Euribor parameter or, in the case of draw-downs in currencies other than the euro, the Libor parameter (the “Interest”). The applicable interest rate for both the Term B2 Facility and the Revolving Facility at 31 January 2020 is equal to the sum of (i) the margin of 3.50% per annum (the “Margin”) and (ii) the Euribor parameter or, in the case of draw-downs in currencies other than the euro, the Libor parameter (the “Interest”). Both rates are set at zero if the parameter is negative. The Interest is calculated on a quarterly or half-yearly basis for Term B1 and Term B2, and on a monthly, quarterly or half-yearly basis for the Revolving Facility (unless otherwise agreed between the parties).The Margin may be further reduced or increased according to the ratio of average total net debt to EBITDA (as contractually specified), calculated quarterly on the basis, depending on the case, of the consolidated financial statements at 31 January and the half-year report (both audited) and the consolidated quarterly reports (unaudited) at 30 April and 31 October, prepared in accordance with IFRSs. In particular, the Loan Agreement provides that for the Term B1 Facility, the first Leverage test is carried out within 18 months of the Effective Date (19 September 2019). If the ratio of average total net debt to EBITDA exceeds 2.50, the Margin will increase to 4.00%; while for the Term B2 Facility and the Revolving Facility, as of 1 February 2020, the increase in the Margin will be calculated as follows: • if the ratio of average total net debt to EBITDA is greater than or equal to 3.00:1, the applicable Margin is

3.75%; • if the ratio of average total net debt to EBITDA is less than 3.00:1 but greater than or equal to 2.00:1, the

applicable Margin is 3.50%; • if the ratio of average total net debt to EBITDA is less than 2.00:1 but greater than or equal to 1.50:1, the

applicable Margin is 3.00%; and • if the ratio of average total net debt to EBITDA is less than 1.50:1, the applicable Margin is 2.50%.

At 31 January 2020, the ratio of average financial debt to EBITDA was 2.60x. The Margin will therefore remain unchanged under the current contractual terms. The next test is scheduled on data at 30 April 2020.The final due date of the Amendment and Restatement Agreement, which also coincides with the repayment date for the credit facilities, is fixed as 2 March 2023.

At 31 January 2020

(amounts in thousands of euros) Maturity date Interest rate Total

of which non-current


of which current portion

Due for financial expenses 5,245 - 5,245Current bank payables 5,245 - 5,245Facility B1 2023 Euribor + 3.75% 250,000 250,000 -Facility B2 2023 Euribor + 3.50% 100,000 66,667 33,333Loan ancillary costs (3,409) (2,894) (514)Non-current bank payables 346,591 313,773 32,818

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The Loan Agreement provides that, to ensure that the relative obligations are met, the following guarantees are made in favour of the banking pool on its movable property, inter-company loans, patents, current accounts and trade and insurance receivables, and in particular:1. the assignment as collateral of receivables arising from any inter-company loan for which OVS S.p.A. is the

lending party;2. the assignment as collateral of trade and insurance receivables (mainly receivables for the supply of products

to the franchising affiliates and insurance receivables);3. a lien on some corporate assets (mainly furnishings and equipment related to the business of OVS) owned

by the Group;4. a pledge on 100% of the shares of OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Limited held by OVS S.p.A.;5. a pledge on 100% of the shares of the other subsidiaries of OVS S.p.A. that will fall under the definition of

“Material Company” pursuant to the Loan Agreement. A Material Company is intended to mean any new company that will be controlled by OVS S.p.A. in the future and which is material, pursuant to the Loan Agreement, based on the revenues it generates in proportion to Group EBITDA;

6. a pledge on some brands owned by OVS S.p.A (in particular on the OVS and Upim brands);7. a pledge on some current accounts held by OVS S.p.A.

OVS S.p.A. undertakes to announce the occurrence of any significant adverse events or default events that could restrict and/or impede the ability of OVS S.p.A. or any guarantor to meet its contractual obligations under the Loan Agreement.

In terms of financial obligations, the only parameter that OVS S.p.A. is committed to comply with is the leverage ratio, i.e. the OVS Group’s ratio of net debt to EBITDA, on a consolidated basis. As of 31 July 2015, this ratio must be equal to or less than 3.50:1 for each 12-month period ending in a reporting date (i.e. 31 January, 30 April, 31 July and 31 October of each year), according to a calculation based on the consolidated financial statements and consolidated half-year reports of the OVS Group, except for the test of July 2015 and January 2016, in which average net debt was calculated based on the final value of each month that had actually passed since the disbursement date. As previously mentioned, at 31 January 2020, the ratio of average financial debt to EBITDA was 2.60. The obligation is therefore fulfilled.The Loan Agreement is governed by UK law and any disputes relating thereto are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the UK courts.Any breach of the contractual covenants is a default event that the Group has the power to rectify within 15 working days from the expiry of the obligation to send the compliance certificate relating to the calculation period. However, default may be prevented by an intervention by shareholders to ensure that the new calculation of the covenant complies with the contractual limits at the reporting date, if the shareholder intervention takes place before this date. The shareholder intervention might take the form, for example, of a subordinated loan or a new issue of OVS shares.If the default is not rectified, Banca IMI as the Agent Bank may (but is not obliged to) demand early payment of the loan, including by activating the guarantees granted.It should be noted that, as shown at the close of the annual consolidated financial statements at 31 January 2019 and the Half-year Financial Report at 31 July 2019, the process of refinancing the entire financial package in place at 31 January 2019 was completed on 18 September 2019, when OVS S.p.A. received the letter proposing the amendment agreement for the existing Loan Agreement signed by the agent bank and the lending banks. This agreement (the “Amendment and Restatement Agreement”) was intended to implement the considerable contractual amendments previously submitted by the company to its lending banks.In particular, these changes concerned, inter alia:(i) the extension of the repayment date applicable to Facility B and the Revolving Facility with final

maturity deferred from 2 March 2020 to 2 March 2023;(ii) the partial repayment of Facility B in the amount of €25,000,000 as a condition precedent of the

effectiveness of the Amendment and Restatement Agreement, as a result of which the share of the loan of each lending bank party to the Loan Agreement at the time was partially changed;

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(iii) the division of the remainder of Facility B into two facilities, i.e. Facility B1 of €250,000,000, maturing on 2 March 2023, and amortised Facility B2 of €100,000,000, to be repaid in six equal half-yearly instalments starting on 28 February 2020 (with the final instalment on 28 August 2022);

(iv) the addition of a period of limitation on the use of the Revolving Facility, whose amount remains unchanged at €100,000,000 and whose final repayment deadline is also set at 2 March 2023; this limitation provides that the difference between the draw-down of the Revolving Facility and the net cash balance shall not exceed €25,000,000 for a period of at least five days in each year (the “clean-down period”); a period of no less than six months must also elapse between each period tested;

(v) provision for a further assumed mandatory early repayment proportionate to any surplus annual cash flows (“cash sweep”) commencing from the year ending 31 January 2021, to be applied for the purposes of repayment of Facility B1 and subsequently for the pro rata repayment of the Facility B2 instalments;

(vi) some limitations on the distribution of dividends linked to leverage parameters: specifically, these are not permitted in the event that leverage is equal to or more than 2.25x; in the event that it is lower, distribution remains subject to the obligations under the cash sweep clause indicated in the preceding point and, with regard to distribution of the 2019 profits only, to a maximum limit of €10,000,000 or 3% of the dividend yield, if lower;

(vii) the amendment of the financial parameters previously provided pursuant to the Loan Agreement signed on 23 January 2015;

(viii) the amendment in the Company’s favour of the change of control clause currently provided in the Loan Agreement, including in light of its current shareholding structure as a listed company; and

(ix) an increase in the margin applicable to the financial package that, depending on the various lines, ranges from 25 to 50 bps.

After receiving the aforementioned letter proposing the Amendment and Restatement Agreement, on 19 September 2019, the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., formally signed the relevant letter of acceptance and in the following days fulfilled the conditions precedent provided under the same Amendment and Restatement Agreement. On 3 October 2019, the agreement and the amendments listed above became fully effective.

It should also be noted that, on 26 February 2018, a loan agreement was signed with Deutsche Bank S.p.A. for 18 months minus one day, falling due on 25 August 2019, for a total amount of €10 million. The rate applied was equal to the 3-month Euribor plus a margin of 0.60%. If the 3-month Euribor was less than 0, the applicable rate remained equal to the Margin.The agreement provided for quarterly repayments of €1.6 million in six instalments.At the reporting date (31 January 2020), the loan had been duly repaid with the payment of the last instalment in August 2019.

The breakdown of the consolidated net financial debt of the OVS Group at 31 January 2020 and 31 January 2019, determined according to the provisions of the Consob Communication of 28 July 2006 and pursuant to the ESMA/2013/319 Recommendations, also including the effects on debt of the application of IFRS 16, is as follows:

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Other current and non-current financial payables

The following table shows the breakdown of other current and non-current financial payables at 31 January 2020 and at 31 January 2019:

With regard to the financial liabilities for leasing recognised on first-time adoption of IFRS 16, please see the extensive comments in the section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria.

The breakdown by maturity of minimum payments and principal amounts on finance leases recognised in accordance with IFRS 16 is shown below:

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.202031.01.2020

excluded IFRS 16 31.01.2019

Net debtA. Cash 45,656 45,656 27,876B. Cash equivalents - - -C. Securities held for trading - - -D. Liquid assets (A)+(B)+( C) 45,656 45,656 27,876E. Current financial receivables 11,763 7,572 11,797F. Current bank payables (5,245) (5,245) (28,793)G. Current portion of non-current debt (32,818) (32,818) -H. Other current financial payables (134,616) (1,745) (1,776)I. Current debt (F)+(G)+(H) (172,679) (39,808) (30,569)J. Net current debt (I)+(E)+(D) (115,260) 13,420 9,104K. Non-current bank payables (313,773) (313,773) (373,621)L. Bonds issued - - -M. Other non-current financial payables (772,998) (1,970) (569)N. Non-current debt (K)+(L)+(M) (1,086,771) (315,743) (374,190)O. Net debt (J)+(N) (1,202,031) (302,323) (365,086)

Non-current financial receivables 10,657 34 172Net financial position (1,191,374) (302,289) (364,914)

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.202031.01.2020

excluded IFRS 16 31.01.2019

Derivatives - - 1,229Payables for finance leases 133,808 937 547Liabilities to factoring companies 808 808 -Other current financial payables 134,616 1,745 1,776Derivatives - - -Payables for finance leases 772,998 1,970 569Other non-current financial payables 772,998 1,970 569

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

14 Current financial liabilites for leases 133,808 0 133,80814 Non-current financial liabilites for leases 772,998 0 772,998

Minimum payments owed for finance leases Principal amount

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Within 1 year 180,927 550 133,808 547From 1 to 5 years 541,846 571 416,810 569Beyond 5 years 417,172 0 356,188 0Total 1,139,945 1,121 906,806 1,116

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The reconciliation between the minimum payments owed to the lessors and their present value (principal) is as follows:

It should be noted that the reconciliation of the rental obligations shown in the 2018 Annual Report with finance lease payables at the start for the year (as required by IFRS 16) reflected only one year of rental obligations, given the presence of the right of withdrawal in the lease agreements entered into by the Group.

The breakdown of the “Trade payables” item at 31 January 2020 and 31 January 2019 is provided below:

This item includes payables relating to the OVS Group’s normal course of operations, in respect of the supply of goods, assets and services.The balance includes trade payables to foreign suppliers (mainly in Asia) amounting to €176,013 thousand; it also includes exposure in foreign currency (mainly USD) amounting to USD168,839 thousand.

Current taxes accrued during the year for IRAP (€4,501 thousand) and IRES (€356 thousand) are fully offset with excess payments on account.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Minimum payments owed for finance leases 1,139,945 1,121(Future financial expenses) (233,139) (5)Present value of payables for finance leases 906,806 1,116

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

15 Trade payables 321,146 350,981 (29,835)

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

Payables to third-party suppliers 321,121 349,000 (27,879)Payables to related parties 25 1,981 (1,956)Trade payables 321,146 350,981 (29,835)

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

16 Current tax liabilities 0 0 0

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

17 Other current payables 128,215 129,787 (1,572)17 Other non-current payables 16,883 35,840 (18,957)

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The breakdown of the “Other payables” item into current and non-current at 31 January 2020 and at 31 January 2019 is shown below:

“Payables to employees” relate to benefits accrued and not paid out at 31 January 2020.“Other payables” mainly relate to the recognition of €14,279 thousand for the value of expected returns on sales made, pursuant to IFRS 15.The balance also includes advance payments by customers for pre-orders of goods and purchases of vouchers amounting to €6,109 thousand, and payables for deposits and securities received from customers to guarantee affiliation agreements of €5,186 thousand.The increase in payables to pension and social security institutions reflects payables to the INPS.At the reporting date, the Group had a VAT payable deriving from retail and wholesale sales and to a lesser extent from the sale of goods and services. The “Other tax payables” item includes IRPEF (personal tax) on employees, payables to local tax offices and payables for unpaid withholding tax.The “Other accrued expenses/deferred income” item includes €7,433 thousand of accrued expenses for local taxes, €783 thousand of travel expenses, €393 thousand of bank charges, €2,096 thousand of deferred income for contributions payable by partners and lessors and €2,255 thousand of unredeemed reward points relating to customer loyalty programmes.

“Non-current payables” also include €8,898 thousand as the non-current portion of deferred income for contributions recognised by lessors after store restructurings and conversions. These contributions were discounted based on the term of the lease. The same item includes €616 thousand relating to the deferral of the contribution deriving from investments in new capital goods, which benefited from the “Tremonti-quater” exemption. Note that investments were booked including the contribution amount, which was spread throughout the period of depreciation of the goods concerned.Due to adoption of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, the payable recognised until the previous year as an effect of the linearisation of leases with payment instalments increasing throughout the term of the lease, was fully disbursed in the amount of €11,765 thousand at the transition date.Lastly, supplier payables of €7,245 thousand due beyond 12 months are shown, which relate to the restructurings carried out during the previous year through the use of a vendor financing instrument, the cash out of which is expected to be in line with the growth in EBITDA at the store level in the next three years.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

Payables to employees for unused leave and related contributions 7,929 8,130 (201)

Payables to employees for deferred salaries, overtime, bonuses and related contributions 22,545 22,421 124

Payables to Directors and Auditors for emoluments 586 438 148Other payables 25,636 24,257 1,379Payables to pension and social security institutions 8,418 7,420 998VAT payables 35,452 39,642 (4,190)Other tax payables 3,148 3,519 (371)Other payables - to customers 280 205 75Accrued expenses and deferred income - rents and leasing 4,924 6,624 (1,700)Accrued expenses and deferred income - utilities 3,469 3,057 412Accrued expenses and deferred income - insurance 602 763 (161)Accrued expenses and deferred income - other 15,226 13,311 1,915Total current payables 128,215 129,787 (1,572)Linearisation of rents 0 11,765 (11,765)Trade payables 7,245 12,643 (5,398)Accrued expenses and deferred income - other 9,638 11,432 (1,794)Total non-current payables 16,883 35,840 (18,957)

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The amount mainly includes the provisions made by the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., for accrued employee severance benefits. Post-employment benefits are guaranteed by the Group as part of its defined benefit plans. The defined benefit plans include the provision for employee severance benefits accrued at 31 December 2006, since which date, due to the reform that has taken place, the provision has been identified as a defined contribution provision.As already mentioned, from 1 January 2007, the 2007 Budget and the associated implementing decrees introduced significant amendments to the rules on employee severance benefits, including options for employees with regard to the allocation of their accruing severance benefits. Specifically, new flows of severance benefits may be directed by the employee to preselected or company pension schemes (in the latter case, the company will pay severance benefit contributions into a treasury account set up with the INPS (the Italian social security and welfare institution)).The change in the “Employee benefits” item is shown below.

The item also includes €84 thousand relating to a pension provision, which is disbursed when employees retire. Like the employee severance benefits, the provision is calculated on an actuarial basis using the “projected unit credit” method.

The economic and demographic assumptions used for actuarial evaluation are listed below:

Demographic assumptions:

• for the expectation of death, the IPS55 demographic, broken down by gender; • for the expectation of disability, the assumptions used by the INPS model for projections to 2010. Expectations

are constructed starting with the distribution by age and gender of pensions in force at 1 January 1987 starting in 1984, 1985 and 1986 relating to personnel in the credit unit;

• for the age of retirement of the general working population, achievement of the first retirement requirement applicable for Mandatory General Insurance was assumed;

• for the probability of leaving employment for reasons other than death, based on statistics provided by the Group, an annual frequency rate of 5.00% was assumed;

• for the probability of early retirement, a year-on-year figure of 3.00% was assumed.

Economic and financial assumptions:

The iBoxx Eurozone Corporates AA 7-10 index at the calculation date was used as the benchmark for the discount rate. This expiry relates to the average remaining period of service at the company of the employees of Group Companies, weighted with the expected payments.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

18 Employee benefits 37,044 38,348 (1,304)

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Balance at the beginning of the year 38,348 38,647Increase in the year 356 634Actuarial (gains)/losses 1,485 1,242Benefits paid (3,145) (2,175)Balance at the end of the year 37,044 38,348

Annual discount rate 0.12%Annual inflation rate 1.00%Annual increase in employee severance indemnities 2.25%

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Sensitivity analysis

As required by the revised version of IAS 19, a sensitivity analysis was carried out on changes in the key actuarial assumptions included in the calculation model. The above scenario was used as the baseline scenario; from this, the most significant assumptions - i.e. the average annual discount rate, the average inflation rate and the turnover rate - were increased and decreased by one half, one quarter and two percentage points respectively. The results obtained are summarised in the following table:

Future cash flows

As required by IAS 19, the expected payment flows for the next few years were calculated, as the following table shows (in millions of euro):

The average number of personnel during the year just ended was 98 managers, 6,638 white-collar workers and 263 blue-collar workers.At 31 January 2020, the Group had 97 managers, 6,606 white-collar workers and 256 blue-collar workers in its employ.

Changes in the “Provision for risks and charges” item are shown below:

The provision is made for the risk of disputes with suppliers in relation to product sales and marketing, public entities, former employees and third parties of various kinds.The outcome of these risks cannot be defined with certainty, and the amount recorded therefore represents the best estimate of the presumed charge at year-end.The provision for the year of €1.0 million relates to legal or contractual risks. The decrease of €1,219 thousand refers to utilisations of previous provisions made for disputes with former employees and various legal cases.

Annual discount rate Annual inflation rate Annual turn over rate

(amounts in millions of euros) +0.50% -0.50% +0.25% -0.25% +2.00% -2.00%

OVS 35.5 38.5 37.4 36.5 36.4 37.6

years Cash Flow

0 - 1 2.61 - 2 2.82 - 3 2.53 - 4 2.44 - 5 2.15 - beyond 24.9

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

19 Provisions for risks and charges 4,687 4,873 (186)

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Balance at the beginning of the year 4,873 5,024Allocations in the year 1,033 0Utilisations in the year (1,219) (151)Balance at the end of the year 4,687 4,873

31.01.2020 31.01.2019 change

20 Deferred tax liabilities 127,799 124,435 3,364

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The change in the “Deferred tax liabilities” item is shown below:

The same details are shown for the previous year:

Deferred tax liabilities related to the higher value of intangible assets in the financial statements were mainly due to their recognition at fair value according to the acquisition method at the time of business combinations in previous years.

(amounts in thousands of euros)Balance at 31.01.2019

Allocated/ released to income


Allocated/ released to statement of comprehensive

incomeBalance at


Provision for stock write-downs 8,077 1,378 9,455Appropriation for local taxes 1,400 344 1,744Provisions for risks and charges 1,169 (52) 1,117Doubtful accounts 8,891 (5,086) 3,805Tangible and intangible assets (147,349) (225) (147,574)Doubtful accounts - IFRS 9 204 0 204Rights of return - IFRS 15 1,674 162 1,836IFRS 16 Leasing 0 593 (952) (359)Employee severance benefits calculated according to IAS 19 800 0 356 1,156Provision for Collective Agreements 0 0 0Other minor 699 118 817Total net prepaid (deferred) (124,435) (2,768) (596) (127,799)

(amounts in thousands of euros)Balance at 31.01.2018

Allocated/ released to income


Allocated/ released to statement of comprehensive

incomeBalance at 31.01.2019

Provision for stock write-downs 7,187 890 8,077Appropriation for local taxes 1,095 305 1,400Provisions for risks and charges 1,206 (37) 1,169Doubtful accounts 5,500 3,391 8,891Tangible and intangible assets (151,201) 3,852 (147,349)Doubtful accounts - IFRS 9 0 0 204 204Rights of return - IFRS 15 0 1,674 1,674Employee severance benefits calculated according to IAS 19 502 0 298 800Provision for Collective Agreements 1,013 (1,013) 0Other minor 411 288 699Total net prepaid (deferred) (134,287) 9,350 502 (124,435)

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Shareholders’ equity Shareholders’ equity amounted to €728.8 million.Details of changes in the items included in shareholders’ equity are provided in the relative accounting schedule.

21 Share capital

At 31 January 2020, the share capital of OVS S.p.A. amounted to €227,000,000, comprising 227,000,000 ordinary shares with no par value. OVS was incorporated on 14 May 2014 with share capital of €10,000.The Transferral of the OVS-Upim Business Unit by the then sole shareholder Gruppo Coin S.p.A., which took effect as of 31 July 2014, entailed a share capital increase from €10,000 to €140,000,000, with a premium of €249,885,000.Lastly, on 24 February 2015, the global offer for subscription and sale of ordinary shares of OVS S.p.A., with the aim of listing this company on the MTA, was successfully completed. The subscription operation entailed a further capital increase of €87,000,000, increasing the share capital from €140,000,000 to €227,000,000, divided into 227,000,000 ordinary shares with no par value.

21 Treasury shares

At 31 January 2020, OVS S.p.A. held a total of 809,226 treasury shares, equal to 0.356% of the share capital, for a total amount of €1,496 thousand. All of the shares were purchased in 2018. No further purchases/disposals took place in 2019. These transactions were carried out as part of the authorisation to buy treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 31 May 2018. The Shareholders’ Meeting authorised, pursuant to Article 2357 et seq. of the Italian Civil Code and Article 132 of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, the purchase of the Issuer’s treasury shares, on one or more occasions, up to a maximum number that, taking into account the ordinary shares of OVS held from time to time by the Parent Company and its subsidiaries, does not exceed, in total, 10% of the Issuer’s share capital, for a period not exceeding 18 months from the date of the resolution.

21 Other reserves

The breakdown of other reserves is as follows:

The share premium reserve, amounting to €512.0 million, derives from increases in the capital of OVS S.p.A., as previously mentioned, and is shown net of listing costs of €7,590 thousand (gross costs of €10,469 thousand and deferred tax of €2,879 thousand).With regard to the accounting treatment applied to these costs, pursuant to IAS 32, following the positive outcome of the listing process, the ratio between the number of new shares/number of shares post-listing determined the percentage of charges registered as a direct reduction in shareholders’ equity, while the remainder was recognised under costs in the income statement. The legal reserve came to €9.9 million, and was created when earnings for previous years were allocated.There are also other reserves, with a positive net balance of €122.1 million, which mainly include retained earnings of €114.5 million, the effects of the direct recognition in shareholders’ equity of actuarial gains/(losses) relating to employee severance benefits, the translation reserve and the effects of booking management incentive plans in equity reserves in accordance with the provisions of IFRS 2 (see also note 25 (“Staff costs”) and the impacts of the adoption of IFRS 9 and IFRS 16 on the date of the respective transition.

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Changes in the reserve for actuarial gains/(losses) were as follows:

21 Minority interest capital and reserves

Minority interests relate to the incorporation, during 2017, of 82 S.r.l., which is 70% owned by OVS S.p.A. and 30% owned by Massimo Piombo. The amount shown includes €3 thousand for share capital and a negative €271 thousand for net losses accrued for start-up costs.

For further details on changes during the year, please see the consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity.

(amounts in thousands of euros) 2019 2018

Value at beginning of year (2,532) (1,589)Change in provision for employee severance benefits under IAS 19 (1,485) (1,241)Deferred tax effect 356 298 Total changes (1,129) (943)Value at end of year (3,661) (2,532)

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OVS SS 2020

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UPIM Piacenza

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Notes to the Consolidated Income Statement

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Details of some income statement items are shown below (values are expressed in thousands of euro).

22 Revenues

The breakdown of the “Revenues” item is as follows:

23 Other operating income and revenues

The breakdown of the “Other operating income and revenues” item is provided below:

Revenues from services provided mainly relate to the provision of professional services, the recovery of transport expenses, the recovery of advertising expenses, promotional contributions and charges for staff costs and other services provided, including fees from commercial partners in concessions at the OVS Group’s stores.The item “Rental income and leases” mainly comprises rent from concession partners at OVS and Upim stores.The “Other revenues” item mainly comprises contributions from suppliers and lessors, reimbursements of start-up costs and various contingent assets. With regard to the transfer of rental income and leases relating to sub-leases under the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, please see the extensive comments in the previous section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria.

24 Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods

Purchases of raw materials, supplies, consumables and goods mainly consist of purchases of products for sale and amount to €616,746 thousand. The item breaks down as follows:

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Revenues from retail sales 1,387,774 1,417,195VAT on retail sales (249,902) (256,080)Net sales 1,137,872 1,161,115Revenues from sales to affiliates, administered and wholesale 236,611 295,739Subtotal net sales 1,374,483 1,456,854Revenues from services 294 300Total 1,374,777 1,457,154

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Revenues from services rendered 43,620 43,891Rental and leasing revenues 12,932 18,623Damages 1,261 844Capital gains from asset disposals 3,586 40Other revenues 6,255 5,515Total 67,654 68,913

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Purchase of raw materials, consumables and goods 598,885 691,089Change in inventories 17,861 (23,595)Total 616,746 667,494

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The consideration in euros for purchases abroad, mainly in dollars, including ancillary costs, is €499,783 thousand.

25 Staff costs

The breakdown of the “Staff costs” item is provided below:

The number of employees, expressed as the “full-time equivalent” headcount, was 6,084 at the end of the year, compared with 6,095 at 31 January 2019.

SHARE BASED PAYMENTSSince June 2015, key employees of the Parent Company and its subsidiaries have been granted options to purchase OVS S.p.A. shares under the Company’s stock option plans (hereinafter also the “Plans”). In order to create value for shareholders by improving long-term corporate performance and promoting the loyalty and retention of key personnel for the Group’s development, the Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting approved, on 26 May 2015 and 31 May 2017 respectively, two capital increases for the issue of shares to be offered for subscription to the beneficiaries of two separate stock option plans. On the basis of these capital increases, the authorised capital stands at €39,080,000.00. Information on the modalities for exercising options is provided below.Finally, the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2019 approved, pursuant to Article 114-bis of the Consolidated Law on Finance, the adoption of a new incentive plan named the “Stock Option Plan 2019-2022” or “2019-2022 Plan”, to be implemented through the allocation of free options for subscription to newly issued ordinary shares of OVS S.p.A.. The Plan is reserved for directors who are also employees, managers with strategic responsibilities and/or other employees of OVS S.p.A. and its subsidiaries pursuant to Article 93 of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998, who will be identified by the Board of Directors, after consulting the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, from among those individuals who perform a key role in the achievement of the Company’s strategic objectives (hereinafter, the “Beneficiaries”). The Shareholders’ Meeting also approved, respectively, a capital increase for the issue of shares to be offered for subscription to beneficiaries of the 2019-2022 Plan. Based on this capital increase, the authorised capital has a nominal value of €5,000,000.00, through the issue of a maximum of 5,000,000 newly issued ordinary shares of OVS.Information on the modalities for exercising options is provided below.The aforementioned shareholders’ meetings delegated to the Board of Directors the widest powers to implement the capital increases in one or more tranches, granting employees options, as deemed appropriate by the Board, and thus, inter alia: • to establish terms and conditions for the subscription of new shares; • to demand payment in full of the price necessary to release the shares at the time of subscription; • to draw up lists of the names of the beneficiary employees identified by means of the parameters which it

considers most appropriate from time to time; • to regulate the effects of termination of employment with the Company or its subsidiaries and the effects of

death of the employee on the options offered through the provisions of the option agreement to be signed by each beneficiary employee.

In execution of the powers received from the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board of Directors granted a total of 14,036,375 options, none of which had been exercised by 31 January 2020.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Wages and salaries 210,451 214,744Social security charges 63,313 61,817Employee severance benefits 13,072 13,257Other staff costs 2,418 1,615Directors' fees 1,272 1,155Total 290,526 292,588

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104 OVS

In total, the Board of Directors, in execution of the powers granted to it, approved the following Plans:

On 8 June 2015, pursuant to the mandate granted by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 26 May 2015, the Board of Directors resolved to carry out a paid share capital increase by the deadline of 8 June 2025, by issuing, in one or more tranches, up to 5,107,500 new ordinary shares of OVS, constituting 2.25% of the current share capital of OVS S.p.A., subscribed and paid up, with no par value, with the same characteristics as the ordinary shares outstanding on the issue date, with ordinary rights, excluding option rights pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 8, of the Italian Civil Code, to be reserved for subscription by the beneficiaries of the stock option plan called the “2015-2020 Plan”.On 21 September 2017, pursuant to the mandate granted by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2017, the Board of Directors resolved to carry out a paid share capital increase by the deadline of 30 June 2027, by issuing, in one or more tranches, up to 3,935,000 new ordinary shares of OVS with no par value, with the same characteristics as the ordinary shares outstanding on the issue date, with ordinary rights, excluding option rights pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 8, of the Italian Civil Code, to be reserved for subscription by the beneficiaries of the aforementioned stock option plan called the “2017-2022 Plan”.Lastly, on 19 June 2019, pursuant to the mandate granted by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of 31 May 2019, the Board of Directors resolved to carry out a paid share capital increase by the deadline of 30 June 2026, by issuing, in one or more tranches, up to 5,000,000 new ordinary shares of OVS with no par value, with the same characteristics as the ordinary shares outstanding on the issue date, with ordinary rights, excluding option rights pursuant to Article 2441, paragraph 8, of the Italian Civil Code, to be reserved for subscription by the beneficiaries of the aforementioned stock option plan called the “2019-2022 Plan”.

All three plans provide for the free allocation to each of the beneficiaries of options that confer the right to subscribe to or purchase the ordinary shares of OVS in the ratio of one ordinary share for each Option exercised at a price of €4.88 per share (for the 2015-2020 Plan), €6.39 per share (for the 2017-2022 Plan) and €1.85 per share (for the 2019-2022 Plan).The ordinary shares of the Company allocated to beneficiaries after the exercise of the options will carry ordinary rights, the same as those of the ordinary shares of the Company outstanding on the allocation date, and will therefore carry the coupons in effect at that date. All the Plans provide for a vesting period of at least three years for options allocated to beneficiaries. Each beneficiary may exercise the options allocated on condition that specific annual performance targets (or cumulative targets in the case of the 2019-2022 Plan) are met, relating to OVS’s consolidated EBITDA.The Stock Option Plan authorises beneficiaries to exercise the options early if certain events occur, including: • a change of control within the meaning of Article 93 of the TUF, including if this does not entail a public tender

offer obligation; • a public tender offer for the Company’s shares pursuant to Article 102 et seq. of the TUF; or • resolutions on transactions that could result in the delisting of ordinary shares of OVS.

The Plan also requires, as a condition for participation in the Plan itself, that the relationship of permanent employment or executive management with OVS or a subsidiary, depending on the type of beneficiary (the “Relationship”), be maintained.For the “2015-2020 Plan” and the “2017-2022 Plan”, beneficiaries will be able to exercise the potentially exercisable options for which the performance objectives have been achieved, to the following extent and within the following periods: • up to 1/3 of the Options granted, rounded down to the lowest whole unit, after 36 months from the Grant

Date (First Vesting Period); • up to 1/3 of the Options granted, rounded down to the lowest whole unit, after 48 months from the Grant

Date (Second Vesting Period); • the balance of the potentially exercisable options after 60 months from the Grant Date (Third Vesting Period).

Plan Assignable Assigned Exercised

2015-2020 6,125 5,101,375 -2017-2022 145,000 3,935,000 -2019-2022 - 5,000,000 -Total 151,125 14,036,375 -

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For the “2019-2022 Plan”, beneficiaries may exercise potentially exercisable options for which the cumulative performance targets during the three-year period 2019-2021 have been achieved, and provided that the condition of access to the plan is fulfilled (i.e. that the weighted average daily closing price in the second half-year preceding the end of 2021, i.e. in the period from 1 August 2021 to 31 January 2022, is at least €2.50).

The Plan described above is defined as equity-settled pursuant to IFRS 2. In accordance with this accounting standard, the fair value of the Plans was estimated at the grant date, using the Black-Scholes method. The portion of the overall fair value of the individual Plans pertaining to the reporting period has therefore been recognised in the income statement. In particular, staff costs attributable to the granting of OVS shares, amounting to €7,282 thousand (of which €7,156 thousand was accounted for at 31 January 2019), were recognised with a balancing entry in shareholders’ equity. It should also be noted that during the year, 446,000 options lapsed that had accrued to Beneficiaries who left the Group as good leavers and did not exercise the right by the deadline established in the event of termination of the employment relationship. This entailed a reversal of the IFRS 2 reserve of €865 thousand.The movements recorded in the various Stock Option Plans in 2019 are as follows:

At 31 January 2020, 9,209,325 options were potentially exercisable (accrued or accruable).No options were exercised in 2019.

Lastly, on 20 December 2019, the Chief Executive Officer, the managers with strategic responsibilities and another five managers of the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., signed an incentive agreement with the shareholder TIP in the form of a call option agreement on a portion of the OVS shares held by TIP. The options can be exercised between 1 January 2023 and 30 June 2023 at a price of €1.85 per share. The purchase price of the options, considering the various parameters and valuation models normally used for this type of transaction, was equal to the fair market value.

26 Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets

The breakdown of the “Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets” item is provided below:

It should be noted that the amount relating to write-downs of tangible and intangible assets in the appendices in question has been included in the amounts shown in the “Disposals” and “Write-downs” columns.In the 2019 financial year, the item “Write-downs of tangible and intangible assets” included the goodwill write-down of €155.0 million, as measured by the impairment test at 31 January 2020. For further details, see note 11 above.The item includes write-downs of assets due to store closures that have already taken place or are planned, and/or the results of impairment testing on the stores.Following first-time adoption of the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, this item includes depreciation of right of

Stock Option Plan Price CurrencyOptions at 31.01.2019


Options Cancelled

Options Exercised

Options Forfeited

Options at 31.01.2020

2015-2020 Plan 4.88 Eur 3,771,100 - (842,275) - (402,000) 2,526,8252017-2022 Plan 6.39 Eur 2,399,500 - (673,000) - (44,000) 1,682,5002019-2022 Plan 1.85 Eur 5,000,000 - - - - 5,000,000

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Amortisation of intangible assets 19,108 17,886Depreciation of tangible assets 45,018 46,316Amortisation of right of use 148,665 0Write-downs of tangible and intangible assets 164,140 2,987Total 376,931 67,189

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106 OVS

use assets relating mainly to store leases and to a minor extent to leases on offices, apartments for company use and motor vehicles/other equipment. For a detailed analysis, please see the extensive comments in the section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria, as well as Table no. 2 appended, concerning changes in the period.

27 Other operating expenses: Service costs

Service costs, which reflect the Group’s use of external resources, can be broken down as follows:

28 Other operating expenses: Costs for the use of third-party assets

Costs for the use of third-party assets break down as follows:

The item “Rental costs and ancillary charges” mainly includes rents deriving from leases accounted for outside the scope of IFRS 16 and the service charges of the sales network. The leases were entered into under arm’s length conditions.With regard to the transfer of rental costs and leases under the new IFRS 16 accounting standard, please see the extensive comments in the section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Advertising 21,284 24,386Utilities 35,171 34,021Miscellaneous sales costs 52,634 55,373Service costs - professional and consulting services 23,472 29,395Travel and other employee expenses 11,595 13,404Insurance 2,923 3,010Maintenance, cleaning and security 30,406 34,083Service costs - other services 1,393 4,070Board of Statutory Auditors' fees / Supervisory Body 209 207Total 179,087 197,949

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Rental costs and ancillary charges 26,434 197,779Leasing of plant, equipment and vehicles 3,161 3,879Total 29,595 201,658

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29 Other operating expenses: Write-downs and provisions

The breakdown of the “Write-downs and provisions” item is provided below:

For details of the amounts described above, see item 2 “Trade receivables” and item 19 “Provisions for risks and charges”.

30 Other operating expenses: Other operating charges

Other operating charges break down as follows:

The “Other operating expenses” item mainly comprises €965 thousand relating to rebates, fines and rounding liabilities and €20 thousand for discounts on partner goods distributed to customers during special events; the same item also includes transactional agreements with lessors and suppliers for €2,655 thousand, and miscellaneous reimbursements for expenses.With regard to the 2018 comparison year, the non-recurring expenses shown refer to the termination of relations with the Swiss partner relating to transactions (€9,088 thousand) and losses on receivables (€28,407 thousand). Finally, the sale of the property used as an operating headquarters resulted in a capital loss of €1,180 thousand in 2018.

31 Financial income (expenses)


31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Doubtful accounts 5,955 28,026Provisions for risks 1,033 0Total 6,988 28,026

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Materials and equipment for offices and stores 6,897 8,301Taxes 11,275 11,143Capital losses 2,148 1,489Donations 515 540Corporate expenses 569 672Other general and administrative expenses 1,125 1,233Other operating expenses 4,006 40,548Total 26,535 63,925

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Financial income on bank current accounts 21 28Financial income from miscellaneous sources 20 20Financial income on financial assets for leases 1,098 0Income from related company 0 1,114Total 1,139 1,162

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108 OVS


Other financial expenses on loans mainly include fees associated with existing loans.

With regard to the financial income/expenses for leases due to adoption of IFRS 16, please see the extensive comments in the section above on accounting policies and consolidation criteria.The weighted average IBR applied to FY 2019 was 5.80%.



32 Taxes

The following is a breakdown of the charge to the income statement:

The following table shows the reconciliation of the theoretical tax charge with the effective tax charge:

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Financial expenses on bank current accounts 9 13Financial expenses on loans 15,751 12,851Interests on lease liabilities 51,934 155Interest cost on provision for employee severance benefits 345 506Other financial expenses/fees 4,389 4,263Total 72,428 17,788

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Foreign exchange gains 24,688 2,539Foreign exchange losses (1,813) (29,683)Gains (losses) on the change in fair value of currency derivatives (3,134) 70,637Total 19,741 43,493

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Write-downs of equity investments 1,095 (1,260)Total 1,095 (1,260)

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

IRES tax 356 15,382IRAP tax 4,501 5,510Tax on foreign companies 529 478Deferred tax (net change) 562 (13,854)Total 5,948 7,516

(amounts in thousands of euros) 31.01.2020 % 31.01.2019 %

Net result for the year before tax (134,430) 32,845Theoretical income tax (IRES) 32,263 (24.0)% (7,883) (24.0)%IRAP (4,501) 3.4% (5,510) (16.8)%Tax effect of permanent differences and other differences (33,710) 25.1% 5,877 17.9%Taxes (5,948) (7,516)Effective tax rate 4.4% (22.9)%

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As already mentioned, the net result for the year was heavily influenced by the partial write-down of the value of goodwill, determined during the PPA, of €155 million. This item is not tax-related, therefore taxes amounted to €5.9 million. Net of the write-down in question, profit before tax would have been positive for €20.6 million, with a tax rate of 28.9%.

On 9 July 2018, at the conclusion of the tax audit of OVS S.p.A. by the Venice Tax Police, which began on 13 December 2017, the report on findings was notified by the auditors.The audit related to: • for IRAP and IRES purposes, the tax periods 2014, 2015 and 2016; • for VAT purposes, the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and part of 2017, until 13 December 2017; • for the purposes of substitute tax, the years 2014, 2015, 2016 and part of 2017, until 13 December 2017.

The report contained some findings, mainly on the subject of VAT, which the Parent Company has refuted in the document “Response to the Report on Findings”, filed with the Major Taxpayers Office of the Venice Regional Revenue Department.In May 2019, assessment notices were notified on completion of the report in question, relating to VAT in 2014 and VAT in 2016 and 2017, which entailed requests for payment totalling €21 thousand, already net of €40 thousand for VAT claimed but to be repaid.With the payment of the above amount, OVS S.p.A. resolved all the above assessment notices.

Earnings per shareAs previously indicated, due to the listing of the Parent Company, OVS S.p.A., in March 2015, the current share capital was divided into 227,000,000 shares with no par value.The calculation of earnings per share shown in the following table is based on the ratio of earnings attributable to the Group to the weighted average number of shares of OVS S.p.A. outstanding in the period, net of treasury shares held (809,226 shares, equal to 0.356% of the share capital).

Diluted earnings per share were in line with basic earnings per share, as at 31 January 2020 the dilutive effects of stock option plans were not significant.

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Result for the year (in thousands of euros) (140,389) 25,540Number of ordinary shares at the end of the year 227,000,000 227,000,000Average weighted number of shares outstanding for the calculation of basic earnings per share 226,190,774 226,785,241Basic earnings per share (in euros) (0.62) 0.11Diluted earnings per share (in euros) (0.60) 0.11

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OVS SS 2020

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Relations with Related Parties

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112 OVS



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Trade receivables (net of trade payables) from Coin S.p.A. were €1.7 million at 31 January 2020, down significantly from €4.1 million at 31 January 2019.At 31 January 2020, however, financial receivables from Coin S.p.A. refer to sub-leases on certain commercial premises which, pursuant to the adoption of IFRS 16, were considered finance leases in respect of the partial transfer of the right of use assets relating to the underlying lease taken out by OVS S.p.A. with third parties.

It should be noted that capital and economic relations with the companies of the former Sempione Retail Group shown in the previous year mainly relate to the provision of goods and associated services. In 2018, Sempione Fashion AG (Switzerland) was subject to bankruptcy proceedings, and the relevant receivables were therefore written off at 31 January 2019.Sempione Retail AG has also undergone a procedure that will result in its non in bonis enforced liquidation, and for this reason all receivables from this company were already written off in full in the financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2019.The companies Charles Vögele Austria GmbH, Charles Vögele Deutschland GmbH, Charles Vögele Hungaria Kft and Charles Vögele trgovina s tekstilom doo (Slovenia) were sold to third party operators in the 2018 financial year and therefore no longer qualified as related parties at 31 January 2019.The companies Gruppo Coin S.p.A. (now Icon S.p.A.), Excelsior Milano S.r.l. in liquidation, COSI – Concept Of Style Italy S.p.A., GCF S.p.A. in liquidation and Gruppo Coin International S.p.A. also ceased to be related parties in 2019, due to the termination of the control relationship between Icon S.p.A. and OVS S.p.A. as of 11 March 2019.

Relations with Centomilacandele S.C.p.A. relate to the provision of services for the purchase of electricity. Centomilacandele S.C.p.A. is a non-profit consortium company, engaged in the supply of electricity and natural gas under the best possible conditions to the consortium entities.

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114 OVS

The following table summarises the economic relations of the OVS Group with related parties:

For the companies Gruppo Coin S.p.A. (now Icon S.p.A.), Excelsior Milano S.r.l. in liquidation, COSI – Concept Of Style Italy S.p.A., GCF S.p.A. in liquidation and Gruppo Coin International S.A., which ceased to be related parties in 2019, the financial relations (where existing) with the OVS Group until the date when they ceased to be related parties have been indicated.

Related parties

(amounts in thousands of euros)

ICON S.p.A. (f.k.a.

Gruppo Coin



Excelsior Milano S.r.l. in



S.C.p.A.Sempione Retail AG

Directors and mana-

gers with strategic

responsibi-lities Total

Total balance

sheet item

Percen-tage of

balance sheet


Year ended 31 January 2020Revenues - 1,699 - - - - 1,699 1,374,777 0.1%Other operating income and revenues 42 1,555 - - - - 1,597 67,654 2.4%

Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods - - - - - - 0 (616,746) 0.0%

Staff costs - - - - - (3,962) (3,962) (290,526) 1.4%Service costs - (127) - (13,095) - - (13,222) (179,087) 7.4%Costs for the use of third-party assets - 406 - - - - 406 (29,595) (1.4)%Write-downs and provisions - - - - - - 0 (6,988) 0.0%Other operating charges - (17) - - - - (17) (26,535) 0.1%Financial income - 254 - - - - 254 1,139 22.3%Financial charges 20 - - - - - 20 72,428 0.0%Gains (losses) from equity investments - - - - - - 0 1,095 0.0%

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116 OVS

The main economic relations with related parties in 2019 relate to: • brokerage fees for goods purchases by subsidiary OVS Hong Kong Sourcing Limited to Coin S.p.A., included in

the “Revenues” item; • the provision of services and chargebacks to Coin S.p.A. of costs for central IT, logistics and leasing services

incurred by Gruppo OVS, included in the “Other operating income and revenues” item; • the provision of services relating to the purchase of electricity by Centomilacandele S.C.p.A., included in the

“Service costs” item;and • interest accrued on the sub-leases receivable in respect of Coin S.p.A., recognised according to the provisions

of IFRS 16 as a finance lease receivable, included in the item “Financial income”.

The cash flows shown in the following table represent the actual payments and receipts registered with related parties in 2019 (or until the time when the related party qualification ended), rather than changes during the year in the item in the financial statements to which they relate.

Related parties

(amounts in thousands of euros)

ICON S.p.A. (f.k.a.

Gruppo Coin



Excelsior Milano S.r.l. in



S.C.p.A.Sempione Retail AG

Directors and mana-

gers with strategic

responsibi-lities Total

Total cash flow from

the cash flow sta-


Percen-tage of

cash flow item

Year ended 31 January 2020

Cash flow generated (absorbed) by operating activities - 9,012 - (17,550) - (2,506) (11,044) 224,121 (4.9)%

Cash flow generated (absorbed) by investing activities - - - - - - 0 (45,143) 0.0%

Cash flow generated (absorbed) by financing activities - - - - - - 0 (161,198) 0.0%

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118 OVS


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Other informationContingent liabilities

It should be noted that, other than what is described in note 19, “Provisions for risks and charges”, no other potential risks exist.

Sureties and guarantees relating to third parties

These came to €74,307 thousand (€73,001 thousand at 31 January 2019) and were granted on behalf of the Group by banks or insurance companies, mainly to guarantee Italian leases.

Other commitments

There are no commitments at the reporting date that are not already reflected in other items of the consolidated statement of financial position.

Directors’ and Statutory Auditors’ fees

The following table shows the fees payable to Directors and Statutory Auditors for positions held at the Group:

(amounts in thousands of euros) Directors Auditors

Year ended 31 January 2020 1,096 152Year ended 31 January 2019 959 152

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120 OVS

Reconciliation of shareholders’ equity and net result for the year of the parent company with consolidated shareholders’ equity and consolidated net result for the year

Significant non-recurring events and operations

In accordance with Consob Communication no. DEM/6064293 of 28 July 2006, the Group’s results for 2019 were influenced by non-recurring net expenses of €8,202 thousand.

Non-recurring income and expenses are mainly attributable to the business undertaken in 2019 in Austria for the direct operation of stores through the subsidiary Serenissima Retail GmbH, which was sold to third parties at the end of the year, and can be broken down as follows: • €4,687 thousand recognised under “Revenues” relating to sales in the DOS of the Austrian company,

considered non-recurring given the nature of the business, i.e. dedicated to the definitive closure of the remaining activities relating to the Charles Vögele brand;

• €2,682 thousand recognised under “Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods” relating to the Austrian company;

• €3,649 thousand recognised under “Staff costs”, including €1,608 thousand relating to the Austrian company, with the remainder relating to transactions with employees, mainly of the Parent Company;

• €1,518 thousand recognised under “Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets” relating to the Austrian company;

• €2,195 thousand recognised under “Service costs”, including €1,787 thousand relating to the Austrian company, with the remainder relating to extraordinary professional services;

• €4,015 thousand recognised under “Write-downs and provisions” relating to the write-down of receivables from the Austrian company;

• €1,187 thousand recognised under “Other operating expenses”, including €170 thousand relating to the Austrian company, with the remainder relating to transactions to terminate leases with OVS S.p.A.;

(amounts in thousands of euros)Result for

the yearShareholders'


Financial statements of OVS S.p.A. at 31 January 2020, prepared according to the international reporting standards (IFRS) (139,443) 714,811

Shareholders' equity and profit for the year of the fully consolidated subsidiaries, net of the carrying amount of the equity investments 13,674 9,076

Elimination of infra-group dividends (20,798) 0Elimination of unrealised infra-group results net of the relative tax effect (13) (982)Exchange rate gains or losses from the translation of financial statements in foreign currencies 0 601Elimination of intercompany write-downs 6,202 5,323

Consolidated financial statements of OVS Group at 31 January 2020, prepared according to the international reporting standards (IFRS) (140,378) 728,829

31.01.2020 31.01.2019

Revenues (4,687) 0Other operating income and revenues 0 (989)Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods 2,682 11,485Staff costs 3,649 2,710Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets 1,518 0Service costs 2,195 3,154Costs for the use of third-party assets 0 115Write-downs and provisions 4,015 23,867Other operating charges 1,187 38,675Financial income 0 (1,114)Financial charges 1,328 0Write-downs of equity investments (1,095) 1,260Taxes (2,590) (18,964)Total 8,202 60,199

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• €1,328 thousand recognised under “Financial expenses”, including €1,004 thousand relating to closing charges for terminating the previous loan agreement, with €324 thousand relating to the Austrian company;

• €1,095 thousand recognised under “Gains/(losses) from equity investments” resulting from the sale of the subsidiary Serenissima Retail GmbH.

It should be emphasised that net non-recurring expenses differ from the figure shown in the Report on Operations at 31 January 2020 due to a different accounting representation of non-recurring rental costs: the representation under IFRS 16 resulted in decrease in non-recurring expenses of €0.6 million and a higher tax effect of €0.2 million.

In accordance with the above Consob Communication, it should also be noted that in 2019, no atypical and/or unusual transactions were entered into as defined by the Communication.

Public funds – Information pursuant to Law No. 124/2017

Pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 125, of Law no. 124/2017, regarding the obligation to indicate in the notes the sums of money that may be received during the year by way of subsidies, grants, remunerated mandates and any economic benefits of any kind from public administrations and from the parties referred to in paragraph 125 of the same article, it should be noted that in 2019, OVS S.p.A. benefited from grants for employee training of €250 thousand.For the purposes of the aforementioned obligations, in relation to any other grants received that fall within the cases provided for, please see the relevant national register, which is accessible to the public.

Significant events after the reporting date


The tragedy of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (or more simply Covid-19) pandemic hit China in January 2020, when the first known cases were reported. However, the containment measures implemented by China’s President, Xi Jinping, suggested that the spread of the virus was mainly affecting the city of Wuhan in Hubei province, and possibly other parts of China.On 20 February 2020, however, the Councillor for Welfare in the Lombardy Region announced that a first case tested positive in Codogno (Lodi). In a few days, several municipalities in northern Italy registered the presence of the virus and the Italian government decided to adopt the first “extraordinary measures” to curb the spread of the virus with a decree approved during the night of 23 February 2020, limited to the areas of epidemic (11 municipalities in northern Italy). One of these measures concerned the closure of all stores in those specific areas. On 25 February, the infection has spread to other regions and the government then issued a second decree, which extended to Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto, Piedmont and Liguria. On 4 March 2020, it was acknowledged that the disease was not retreating but in fact spreading exponentially: given the number of victims, Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, decided to sign a new decree that led to the closure of universities and schools throughout Italy. Strong restrictions were also imposed on theatres, cinemas and all events where people gather. On 8 March 2020, another decree was published, banning all travel in Lombardy and in 14 provinces, including Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Marche. On 11 March 2020, another decree was published, accompanied by the slogan “#iorestoacasa” (“#stayhome”), which extended the measures so far applied in the “red zones” to the entire country. Since then, all stores in the country have been closed to the public (except for certain categories, such as food and pharmacies). About a month passed before the number of hospital admissions began to show signs of slowing down, and the Prime Ministerial Decree of 10 April 2020 allowed some businesses to reopen from 14 April 2020, including children’s clothing stores.It should be noted that, although the measures of 23 and 25 February 2020 triggered fear and concern among the Italian population (mainly in the north, but also somewhat in the centre and south) about the risk of infection, with an inevitable effect on store traffic, the enactment of the Prime Ministerial Decree of 11 March 2020, which forced the closure of all non-essential commercial activities, including the retail sale of clothing products, effective as of 12 March 2020, which did not entail any adjustment to the financial statement balances as at 31 January 2020, given its

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significance, has had multiple immediate and future effects on the Group’s daily operations and on certain estimates of balance sheet assets and liabilities that cannot yet be accurately quantified. Furthermore, given the current context of uncertainty and taking into account the evolution of the Covid-19 in relation to the timing of the reopening of stores and the related impacts on the Group’s cash flows for 2020, the IAS 36 sensitivity scenarios for impairment testing were updated, particularly with regard to the possible effects of the pandemic on the assumptions underlying the estimates made: this entailed a write-down of approximately €161 million in the financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2020, almost entirely attributed to goodwill.The following section provides the disclosure deemed necessary to describe qualitatively and quantitatively the effects of the closure of the entire Italian and foreign sales network and the presumably difficult recovery of consumption due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Estimates, where present, are only provided if they can be reliably calculated.For further information on impairment testing, please see the details provided in note 11.


Government restrictions that resulted in the closure of the entire sales network in Italy (but also abroad) have highlighted the need for rapid and targeted action to address an emergency, the like of which has not been seen in Italy since the aftermath of the Second World War. Since the first day of March 2020, a Crisis Committee was set up to manage the emergency, putting in place all possible measures to prepare the Group for the situation. Five main areas were identified: rents, staff, operating costs, supplies of goods and finally investments. The measures launched are intended to address both the period of closure, the phase of progressive reopening of the network, and the remaining months of 2020 in which a substantial decrease in sales is expected.Discussions with the property owners began immediately, with a view to amending contractual agreements to align them with the changes in the economic situation. In particular, negotiations are focused on obtaining a change in the financial terms and, specifically, a change in rents (with free rent during periods of store closure and thus zero sales) and an arrangement for paying rent in arrears rather than in advance, at least for the first few months after reopening. In this context and pending negotiations, the Group has suspended almost all rental payments; to date, this initiative has not resulted in any major objections from the property owners, which have shown real willingness to engage in dialogue, with the exception of a few isolated foreign investors.With regard to our employees, the sales staff were suspended when the stores were closed. Salaries were first of all guaranteed through the use of the accrued holiday provision, followed by activation of the entitlements provided for by the Cassa Integrazione in Deroga lay-off fund, allowing for financial outlays to be partially reduced in the short term.Following the reopening, in order to counteract the expected decline in sales, the Group plans to launch measures to cut staff costs by reducing security, reducing opening hours each day and closing stores on Sundays and public holidays until August 2020. This reduction plan, which will be agreed with employee representatives, will include the non-renewal of fixed-term contracts, an overtime freeze and further use of the holiday provision and the lay-off fund.With regard to office staff, during the period of closure the lay-off fund (after the use of holiday entitlements) was used for at least 50% of staff. The rest of the employees are mainly engaged in smart working, with minimal onsite monitoring. Measures will be in place for the rest of the year to contain staff costs by means of freezes on most hiring and overtime, some targeted restructurings at management level and a freeze on discretionary salary increases provided for in budgets.A company solidarity fund has also been set up, financed by OVS Group executives through the voluntary waiver of part of their remuneration, intended for the Group employees hardest hit by the health crisis, such as the family of a young OVS sales manager who lost his life after two weeks of fighting the virus.To this fund also the Directors of OVS S.p.A. decided to participate.All operating costs considered not strictly necessary have been minimised, both at the store level and in terms of corporate and sales support costs. When the network was closed, the Group secured all systems in stores so as to eliminate almost all consumption. All unnecessary services were also suspended, such as: security, cleaning, supply of shopping bags, materials for updating window displays, etc.After the reopening, further savings will be made as a result of reduced opening hours; however, there is expected to

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be a significant increase in costs in terms of cleaning premises, protecting employees (gloves, masks, sanitising gels, etc.) and finally in terms of cleaning clothing.

At the corporate level, a further reduction in external services is planned, in addition to the cuts already made in 2019. In light of the lockdown, the Group also reduced the advertising budget for the period and in particular the television budget by redirecting it towards more innovative channels such as the web, where triple-digit increases in sales have been seen.

A commercial negotiation campaign with key suppliers is also planned, with the aim of obtaining an extraordinary bonus, particularly from those less affected by the Covid-19 emergency.As part of the reduction of cash outflows and pending the reopening of stores, a specific procedure, which has been shared with a major legal advisor, has been launched to control payments more effectively for the duration of the crisis situation: • prioritisation of creditors preferred by virtue of law (such as staff); • the establishment of an ad hoc committee; • transparent communication to all suppliers.

The payment of the postponed amounts, made possible also thanks to trust relationship that characterizes the relations of OVS with its suppliers are however expected by the end of 2020.

The schedule for inflows of autumn/winter goods has been completely reorganised and has also been reduced compared with the previous plan. For further information on this point, see the following section relating to business outlook.Finally, all investments not strictly necessary for business continuity have been reduced to a minimum; in particular, the number of new store openings has been reduced and some other projects not strictly necessary have been postponed until 2021.The dramatic drop in receipts in March and their almost total absence in April required a detailed rescheduling of all projected financial outlays, together with the activation of the extraordinary measures described above to create liquidity, including in the very short term. In addition to specific measures for deferring payments, which are well understood by the Group’s suppliers given the exceptional situation, in March 2020 derivative contracts to hedge projected goods purchases were unwound, resulting in a capital gain of around €10 million. In the meantime, contacts have been rapidly established with banks to gauge their willingness to provide additional finance to support the temporary but inevitable increase in working capital. In this regard, on 8 April 2020 the Italian government issued the so-called “Liquidity Decree”, immediately providing a valid form of financial support that the Group decided to activate. The process of financial reinforcement to cope with the prolonged forced lockdown of ours stores is almost over.The process involved a pool made up of 5 banks from the current loan agreement, from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. and from a new bank. The institutions involved have proceeded with the related resolutions. The process will end with the approval of the Ministry Decree of Economy and Finance. The main characteristics of the New Finance counter-guaranteed for 80% by SACE S.p.A. are reported below.The amount financed will be equal to 100 million Euros and the loan will have a duration of 4.3 years with payment due for the last installment set in September 2024. The loan provides for a pre-amortization of 24 months and 10 installments of the same amount (10 million euros) quarterly starting from June 2022. The expected covenant is in line with the current loan agreement one. The cost of the SACE guarantee will be structured as follows: 50 bps the first year, 100 bps the second and third year, from the fourth year onwards 200 bps, while the interest rate applied will be 2.25% + 3M Euribor.

Parallel to this process, the banks of the pre-existing loan agreement have already approved favourably, the granting of some amendments / suspensions of the contract itself, among which the most relevant are: (i) suspension of the repayment of the August 2020 and February 2021 instalments of Term B2. These will be

accumulated into the last two instalments provided for in the contract (February 2022 and August 2022);(ii) suspension of the covenant test until April 2021 (the tests scheduled for April 2020, July 2020, October

2020 and January 2021 therefore being suspended);(iii) expansion of the M/L baskets granted outside the outstanding loan agreement from €75 million to €100

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million to allow access to the New Finance guaranteed by SACE;(iv) extension of the threshold for the planned cross default event from €5 million to €20 million for the entire

waiver period;(v) suspension, for the entire fiscal year 2020, of a clean-down test that requires the RCF-Cash equation to be

under €25 million for at least five consecutive days.

Please also see the Report on Operations at 31 January 2020.In light of the most up-to-date cash projections described also in relation to the impairment process and the sensitivity scenario, which essentially represents the most up-to-date projections prepared by management on the basis of external evidence in March, April and May 2020, and taking into account the advanced process of liaising with the banks on the points described above, these consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, as the directors have verified the absence of any financial, operational or other indicators that could signal significant critical issues regarding the Group’s ability to meet its obligations in the foreseeable future, and particularly in the next 12 months.

Information pursuant to Article 149-duodecies of the Consob Issuers’ Regulation

The following table, which was prepared pursuant to Article 149-duodecies of the Consob Regulation for Issuers, shows the fees for 2019 and 2018 for auditing services and other services provided by the independent auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers S.p.A., as well as services provided by companies within the same network:

(amounts in thousands of euros) 2019 2018

a) Audit services- to OVS S.p.A. 280 308- to Subsidiaries (network PwC) 60 55

b) Attestation services- Attestation services to OVS S.p.A. by PwC S.p.A. - -- Attestation services to OVS S.p.A. (network PwC) - -- Other services to OVS S.p.A. 20 (*) 23 (*)

c) Other services by network PwC- to OVS S.p.A. - -

(*) Fees for services “audit related” for the purposes of the limited examination of the Consolidated non-financial Statement.

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UPIM SS 2020

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OVS Milano Corso Garibaldi

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Appendices to the Consolidated Financial Statements

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The following documents contain additional information on the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 January 2020.


1. Property, plant and equipment at 31 January 2020,

2. Right of use assets at 31 January 2020;

3. Intangible assets at 31 January 2020,

4. Property, plant and equipment at 31 January 2019,

5. Intangible assets at 31 January 2019.

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Property, plant and equipment

The composition and changes during the year were as follows (amounts in thousands of euros):

(1) Of this amount, € 4,290 thousand represents assets under construction at 31/01/2019, reclassified to the specific asset categories in 2019. (2) Includes € 2,791 thousand relating to fixed assets disposed of and written down in the period due to the closure of point of sale.

Movements during the year

Balance at 31.01.2019 Purchases

Sales / disposals

Amortisation / write-downs Reclassifications

Balance at 31.01.2020

Leasehold improvements

initial cost 213,118 6,291 (4,048) 0 (645) 214,716write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (153,979) 0 3,550 (9,374) 152 (159,651)net 59,139 6,291 (498) (9,374) (493) 55,065

Land and buildingsinitial cost 6,511 318 0 0 0 6,829write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (1,858) 0 0 (3) 0 (1,861)net 4,653 318 0 (3) 0 4,968

Plant and machineryinitial cost 310,016 8,981 (4,290) 0 0 314,707write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (223,497) 0 3,605 (13,480) 0 (233,372)net 86,519 8,981 (685) (13,480) 0 81,335

Industrial and commercial equipment

initial cost 350,711 13,807 (12,546) 0 (198) 351,774write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (244,243) 0 10,878 (19,561) 122 (252,804)net 106,468 13,807 (1,668) (19,561) (76) 98,970

Other assetsinitial cost 62,274 2,424 (270) 0 (2,482) 61,946write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (52,332) 0 266 (2,600) 1,476 (53,190)net 9,942 2,424 (4) (2,600) (1,006) 8,756

Assets under construction and payments on account

initial cost 7,153 3,113 (4,290) 0 0 5,976write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation 0 0 0 0 0 0net 7,153 3,113 (4,290) (1) 0 0 5,976

Totalinitial cost 949,783 34,934 (25,444) 0 (3,325) 955,948write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (675,909) 0 18,299 (45,018) 1,750 (700,878)net 273,874 34,934 (7,145) (2) (45,018) (1,575) 255,070

Appendix 1

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Right of use

The composition and changes during the year were as follows (amounts in thousands of euros):

Movements during the yearIFRS 16 impact

at 01.02.2019 PurchasesRemeasure-

ments Decreases (*)Amortisation /

write-downsBalance at


Land and buildings

initial cost 912,562 146,693 (41,120) (19,097) 0 999,038write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation 0 0 0 10,293 (147,052) (136,759)net 912,562 146,693 (41,120) (8,804) (147,052) 862,279

Plant and machineryinitial cost 0 640 0 0 0 640write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation 0 0 0 0 (24) (24)net 0 640 0 0 (24) 616

Industrial and commercial equipment

initial cost 198 1,825 0 0 0 2,023write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (122) 0 0 0 (107) (229)net 76 1,825 0 0 (107) 1,794

Other assets

initial cost 3,639 959 0 (224) 0 4,374write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (1,476) 0 0 211 (1,482) (2,747)net 2,163 959 0 (13) (1,482) 1,627

Totalinitial cost 916,399 150,117 (41,120) (19,321) 0 1,006,075write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (1,598) 0 0 10,504 (148,665) (139,759)net 914,801 150,117 (41,120) (8,817) (148,665) 866,316

(*) Decreases include changes in the consolidation area during the year.

Appendix 2

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Intangible assets

The composition and changes during the year were as follows (amounts in thousands of euros):

(1) Of this amount, € 989 thousand represents assets under construction at 31/01/2019, reclassified to the specific asset categories in 2019. (2) Included € 161.349 thousand relating to assets written down after impairment test of point of sale and OVS goodwill, net of reversal of previous years for € 1,028 thousand.

Movements during the year

Balance at 31.01.2019 Purchases

Sales / disposals

Amortisation / write-downs Reclassifications

Balance at 31.01.2020

Rights to industrial patents and intellectual property rights

initial cost 149,251 9,347 (28) 0 645 159,215write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (121,919) 0 5 (9,791) (152) (131,857)net 27,332 9,347 (23) (9,791) 493 27,358

Concessions, licences and trademarks

initial cost 520,259 16 (1,850) 0 0 518,425write-downs (6,206) 0 737 (6,349) 0 (11,818)amortisation (7,924) 0 86 (1,037) 0 (8,875)net 506,129 16 (1,027) (7,386) 0 497,732

Assets under construction and payments on account

initial cost 989 2,657 (989) 0 0 2,657write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation 0 0 0 0 0 0net 989 2,657 (989) (1) 0 0 2,657

Other intangible assets

initial cost 165,564 50 (81) 0 0 165,533write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (67,027) 0 80 (8,280) 0 (75,227)net 98,537 50 (1) (8,280) 0 90,306

Totalinitial cost 836,063 12,070 (2,948) 0 645 845,830write-downs (6,206) 0 737 (6,349) (2) 0 (11,818)amortisation (196,870) 0 171 (19,108) (152) (215,959)net 632,987 12,070 (2,040) (25,457) 493 618,053

Goodwillinitial cost 452,541 0 0 0 0 452,541write-downs 0 0 0 (155,000) (2) 0 (155,000)amortisation 0 0 0 0 0 0net 452,541 0 0 (155,000) 0 297,541

Appendix 3

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Property, plant and equipment

The composition and changes during the previous year are as follows (amounts in thousands of euros):

(1) Of this amount, € 3,500 thousand represents assets under contruction at 31/01/2018, relcassified to the specific asset categories in 2018. (2) Included € 1,197 thousand relating to fixed assets disposed of and written down in the period due to the closure of point of sale.

Movements during the year 2018

Balance at 31.01.2018 Purchases

Sales / disposals

Amortisation / write-downs Reclassifications

Balance at 31.01.2019

Leasehold improvements

initial cost 211,701 12,950 (11,954) 0 421 213,118write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (156,780) 0 11,507 (9,003) 297 (153,979)net 54,921 12,950 (447) (9,003) 718 59,139

Land and buildingsinitial cost 34,782 151 (27,317) 0 (1,105) 6,511write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (9,334) 0 7,638 (549) 387 (1,858)net 25,448 151 (19,679) (549) (718) 4,653

Plant and machineryinitial cost 301,623 13,133 (4,740) 0 0 310,016write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (214,193) 0 4,384 (13,688) 0 (223,497)net 87,430 13,133 (356) (13,688) 0 86,519

Industrial and commercial equipment

initial cost 339,969 32,791 (22,049) 0 0 350,711write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (245,235) 0 21,294 (20,302) 0 (244,243)net 94,734 32,791 (755) (20,302) 0 106,468

Other assetsinitial cost 61,111 4,664 (3,501) 0 0 62,274write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (53,032) 0 3,474 (2,774) 0 (52,332)net 8,079 4,664 (27) (2,774) 0 9,942

Assets under construction and payments on account

initial cost 5,901 4,752 (3,500) 0 0 7,153write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation 0 0 0 0 0 0net 5,901 4,752 (3,500) (1) 0 0 7,153

Totalinitial cost 955,087 68,441 (73,061) 0 (684) 949,783write-downs 0 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (678,574) 0 48,297 (46,316) 684 (675,909)net 276,513 68,441 (24,764) (2) (46,316) 0 273,874

Appendix 4

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Intangible assets

The composition and changes during the previous year are as follows (amounts in thousands of euros):

(1) Of this amount, € 1,013 thousand represents assets under construction at 31/01/2018, reclassified to the specific asset categories in 2018. (2) Includes € 690 thousand relating to intangible assets disposed of and written down in the period due to the closure of point of sale. (3) Includes € 1,100 thousand relating to assets written down after impairment test of point of sale, net of reversal of previous years for € 800 thousand.

Movements during the year 2018Balance at 31.01.2018 Purchases

Sales / disposals

Amortisation / write-downs

Balance at 31.01.2019

Rights to industrial patents and intellectual property rights

initial cost 135,439 14,682 (870) 0 149,251write-downs 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (113,442) 0 60 (8,537) (121,919)net 21,997 14,682 (810) (8,537) 27,332

Concessions, licences and trademarksinitial cost 520,051 1,356 (1,148) 0 520,259write-downs (5,439) 0 333 (1,100) (6,206)amortisation (6,858) 0 15 (1,081) (7,924)net 507,754 1,356 (800) (2,181) 506,129

Assets under construction and payments on account

initial cost 1,363 639 (1,013) 0 989write-downs 0 0 0 0 0amortisation 0 0 0 0 0net 1,363 639 (1,013) (1) 0 989

Other intangible assets

initial cost 164,284 1,280 0 0 165,564write-downs 0 0 0 0 0amortisation (58,759) 0 0 (8,268) (67,027)net 105,525 1,280 0 (8,268) 98,537

Totalinitial cost 821,137 17,957 (3,031) 0 836,063write-downs (5,439) 0 333 (1,100)(3) (6,206)amortisation (179,059) 0 75 (17,886) (196,870)net 636,639 17,957 (2,623) (2) (18,986) 632,987

Goodwillinitial cost 452,541 0 0 0 452,541write-downs 0 0 0 0 0amortisation 0 0 0 0 0net 452,541 0 0 0 452,541

Appendix 5

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Certification of the consolidated financial statements pursuant to article 81-ter of Consob Regulation 11971 of 14 May 1999, as subsequently amended and supplemented1. We, the undersigned, Stefano Beraldo, the Chief Executive Officer, and Nicola Perin, the Director responsible

for preparing the corporate accounting statements of OVS S.p.A., hereby declare, also taking account of Article 154-bis, paragraphs 3 and 4, of Legislative Decree 58 of 24 February 1998: • the adequacy with respect to the characteristics of the Company and • the effective application

of the administrative and accounting procedures for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements in the period from 1 February 2019 to 31 January 2020.

2. The evaluation of the adequacy of the administrative and accounting procedures used in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements at 31 January 2020 was based on a process defined by OVS S.p.A. consistent with the Internal Control Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (CoSO), which is a generally accepted international framework.

3. Moreover:

3.1 the consolidated financial statements:a. have been prepared in compliance with the international accounting standards recognised by the

European Community pursuant to (EC) Regulation 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 July 2002;

b. correspond to the accounting books and records;c. are suitable to provide a true and fair representation of the financial position and results of the issuer

and all the companies included within the scope of consolidation.

3.2 The Report on Operations includes a reliable analysis of the operating performance and results and the situation of the issuer and all the companies included within the scope of consolidation, as well as a description of the main risks and uncertainties to which they are exposed.

Venice – Mestre, 26 May 2020

Stefano Beraldo Nicola Perin Chief Executive Officer Director responsible for preparing the corporate accounting statements

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OVS SS 2020

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OVS SS 2020

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Independent auditor’s reportin accordance with article 14 of Legislative Decree n° 39 of 27 January 2010 and article 10 of Regulation (EU) n° 537/2014

To the shareholders of OVS SpA

Report on the audit of the consolidated financial statements


We have audited the consolidated financial statements of OVS Group (the Group), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of 31 January 2020, the consolidated income statement, the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity, the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended and the notes to the consolidated financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies.

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Group as of 31 January 2020, and of the result of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, as well as with the regulations issued to implement article 9 of Legislative Decree n° 38 of 28 February 2005.

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA Italia). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements section of this report. We are independent of OVS SpA (the Company) pursuant to the regulations and standards on ethics and independence applicable to audits of financial statements under Italian law. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Key audit matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.

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Key audit matters Auditing procedures performed in response to key audit matters

Recoverability of the balances of ‘Goodwill’ and ‘Intangible assets’

Notes 10 and 11 to the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated financial statements of OVS Group as of 31 January 2020 include goodwill for Euro 297,541 thousand and intangible assets for Euro 618,053 thousand, comprising indefinite-lived intangible assets for Euro 390,799 thousand and intangible assets with definite lives for Euro 227,254 thousand.

Goodwill relates entirely to the OVS division.Indefinite-lived intangible assets comprise the OVS and UPIM brands, carried at Euro 377,492 thousand and Euro 13,307 thousand, respectively.The above amounts originated from the recognition of business combinations carried out in previous years.

In accordance with the applicable financial reporting standards, management of OVS Group tests goodwill and indefinite-lived intangible assets for impairment at least annually, based on the estimate of the values in use of the cash generating units to which the goodwill and intangible assets are allocated. Value in use isobtained by discounting the future cash flows estimated for the next three years and the terminal value (“impairment test”).

The figures used for the impairment test were derived from the 2020-2022 business plan approved by the board of directors of OVS SpA on30 January 2020.

Intangible assets with definite lives are tested only if specific indicators of impairment are identified.

We identified goodwill and intangible assets as a key audit matter in consideration of the magnitude of the balances involved and the elements of estimation and uncertainty intrinsic to management’s assessment of their recoverability.

We obtained the 2020-2022 business plan approved by the board of directors on 30 January 2020 and the valuation models and documentary evidence used by management,and approved by the board of directors of OVS SpA on 26 May 2020, to determine the recoverable amount of the cash generating units to which goodwill and intangible assets are allocated.

Also with the support of valuation experts belonging to the PwC network, we analysed the methodological approach used by OVS Group management to determine the recoverable amounts, we verified the mathematical accuracy of the valuation models used and we compared the value in use thus obtained with the carrying amount of each cash generating unit.

We analysed the reasonableness of OVS Group management’s assumptions about the identification of the cash generating units and the process of allocation to the latter of goodwill and intangible assets, verifying their consistency with the Group’s structure and operating segments.

We analysed the forecasts of each cash generating unit to which intangible assets are allocated that were used to assess their recoverability, verifying the consistency of the figures with the 2020-2022 business planapproved by the board of directors of OVS SpA, and performing a critical assessment of the reasonableness of the cash flows estimated by management for subsequent years. Weassessed the appropriateness of the main assumptions used with reference to the estimated future cash flows in light of the past performance of OVS Group, by comparing the growth rates used by management with external sources and other information normally available to financial analysts.

We verified the method of calculation used to

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The key uncertainties and estimates relate to the correct definition and identification of the cash generating units, the estimation of the future cash flows and the determination of the discount rate to be applied to the estimated future cash flows.

estimate the weighted average cost of capital used to discount the estimated future cash flows.

Finally, our tests included a critical evaluation of the analyses carried out by management to estimate the impacts on financial statements line items, as required by International Financial Reporting Standards, arising from the Covid-19 pandemic and measures taken to mitigate its effects. We performed that evaluation also to support our assessment ofthe completeness and adequacy of disclosures provided in the notes to the consolidated financial statements and of the appropriateness of the going concern assumption used in their preparation.

Responsibilities of directors and the board of statutory auditors for the consolidated financial statements

The directors are responsible for the preparation of consolidated financial statements that give a true and fair view in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, as well as with the regulations issued to implement article 9 of Legislative Decree n° 38 of 28 February 2005 and, in the terms prescribed by law, for such internal control as they determine is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

The Directors are responsible for assessing the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern and, in preparing the consolidated financial statements, for the appropriate application of the going concern basis of accounting, and for disclosing matters related to going concern. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the directors use the going concern basis of accounting unless theyeither intend to liquidate OVS SpA or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

The board of statutory auditors is responsible for overseeing, in the terms prescribed by law, theGroup’s financial reporting process.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the consolidated financial statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA Italia) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the consolidated financial statements.

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As part of our audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA Italia), we exercised professional judgement and maintained professional scepticism throughout the audit. Furthermore:

• we identified and assessed the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error; we designed and performed audit procedures responsive to those risks; we obtained audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control;

• we obtained an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control;

• we evaluated the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the directors;

• we concluded on the appropriateness of the directors’ use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Group to cease to continue as a going concern;

• we evaluated the overall presentation, structure and content of the consolidated financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation;

• we obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion on the consolidated financial statements.

We communicated with those charged with governance, identified at an appropriate level as required by ISA Italia, regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identified during our audit.

We also provided those charged with governance with a statement that we complied with the regulations and standards on ethics and independence applicable under Italian law and communicated with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determined those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We described these matters in our auditor’s report.

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Additional disclosures required by article 10 of Regulation (EU) n° 537/2014

On 23 July 2014 the shareholders of OVS SpA in general meeting engaged us to perform the statutory audit of the Company’s and the consolidated financial statements for the years ending 31 January 2015 to 31 January 2023.

We declare that we did not provide any prohibited non-audit services referred to in article 5, paragraph 1, of Regulation (EU) n° 537/2014 and that we remained independent of the Company in conducting the statutory audit.

We confirm that the opinion on the consolidated financial statements expressed in this report is consistent with the additional report to the board of statutory auditors, in its capacity as audit committee, prepared pursuant to article 11 of the aforementioned Regulation.

Report on compliance with other laws and regulations

Opinion in accordance with article 14, paragraph 2, letter e), of Legislative Decree n° 39 of 27 January 2010 and article 123-bis, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree n° 58 of 24 February 1998

The directors of OVS SpA are responsible for preparing a report on operations and a report on the corporate governance and ownership structure of the OVS Group as of 31 January 2020, including their consistency with the relevant consolidated financial statements and their compliance with the law.

We have performed the procedures required under auditing standard (SA Italia) n° 720B in order to express an opinion on the consistency of the report on operations and of the specific information included in the report on corporate governance and ownership structure referred to in article 123-bis, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree n° 58 of 24 February 1998, with the consolidated financial statements of the OVS Group as of 31 January 2020 and on their compliance with the law, as well as to issue a statement on material misstatements, if any.

In our opinion, the report on operations and the specific information included in the report on corporate governance and ownership structure mentioned above are consistent with the consolidatedfinancial statements of the OVS Group as of 31 January 2020 and are prepared in compliance with the law.

With reference to the statement referred to in article 14, paragraph 2, letter e), of Legislative Decree n° 39 of 27 January 2010, issued on the basis of our knowledge and understanding of the Group and its environment obtained in the course of the audit, we have nothing to report.

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Statement in accordance with article 4 of Consob’s regulation implementing Legislative Decree n° 254 of 30 December 2016

The directors of OVS SpA are responsible for the preparation of the non-financial statement pursuant to Legislative Decree n° 254 of 30 December 2016.We have verified that the directors approved the non-financial statement.

Pursuant to article 3, paragraph 10, of Legislative Decree n° 254 of 30 December 2016, the non-financial statement is the subject of a separate statement of compliance issued by ourselves.

Treviso, 30 May 2020

PricewaterhouseCoopers SpA

Signed by

Massimo Dal Lago(Partner)

This report has been translated into English from the Italian original solely for the convenience of international readers

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Separate Financial Statement of OVS S.p.A.at 31 January 2020

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Statement of financial position(euro units)

ASSETS Note 31.01.2020of which related

parties 31.01.2019of which related


Current assets

Cash and banks 1 42,507,843 25,280,316Trade receivables 2 100,360,972 17,537,108 112,171,507 20,313,859Inventories 3 386,715,541 405,642,196Financial assets 4 7,571,876 11,797,014Financial assets for leases 5 4,190,501 1,205,978 0Current tax assets 6 14,331,331 9,116,319Other receivables 7 13,628,441 33,610,221Total current assets 569,306,505 597,617,573

Non-current assetsProperty, plant and equipment 8 251,145,004 269,101,389Right of use 9 851,726,507 0Intangible assets 10 617,990,955 632,906,150Goodwill 11 297,540,909 452,540,909Equity investments 12 8,604,865 8,888,419Financial assets 4 354,054 320,000 291,980 120,000Financial assets for leases 5 10,623,431 2,620,478 0Other receivables 7 10,198,179 3,525,407Total non-current assets 2,048,183,904 1,367,254,254TOTAL ASSETS 2,617,490,409 1,964,871,827


of which related parties 31.01.2019

of which related parties

Current liabilities

Financial liabilities 13 38,870,697 30,569,162Financial liabilities for leases 14 130,219,549 0Trade payables 15 343,454,710 22,639,994 373,406,703 24,726,992Current tax liabilities 16 0 0Other payables 17 126,683,175 1,737,146 128,669,028 371,068Total current liabilities 639,228,131 532,644,893

Non-current liabilitiesFinancial liabilities 13 313,772,573 374,190,075Financial liabilities for leases 14 761,424,099 0Employee benefits 18 36,998,964 38,313,667Provisions for risks and charges 19 6,318,122 6,416,732Deferred tax liabilities 20 128,179,082 124,809,664Other payables 17 16,758,478 35,698,690Total non-current liabilities 1,263,451,318 579,428,828TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,902,679,449 1,112,073,721

SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYShare capital 21 227,000,000 227,000,000Treasury shares 21 (1,496,475) (1,496,475)Other reserves 21 628,750,914 587,963,700Net result for the year (139,443,479) 39,330,881TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 714,810,960 852,798,106TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY" 2,617,490,409 1,964,871,827

Separate Financial Statements

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Income statement(euro units)

Note 31.01.2020

of which non-


of which related parties 31.01.2019

of which non-


of which related parties

Revenues 22 1,366,678,992 17,489,733 1,458,079,535 82,090,782Other operating income and revenues 23 66,528,721 1,554,609 67,933,674 988,555 1,999,521Total revenues 1,433,207,713 0 1,526,013,209 988,555

Purchases of raw materials, consumables and goods 24 650,377,493 32,143,370 703,602,698 4,824,381 69,394,773

Staff costs 25 277,077,038 2,025,132 3,722,129 280,446,746 2,709,980 3,854,282

Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs of assets 26 369,787,100 66,012,714

Other operating expensesService costs 27 175,002,497 1,214,787 13,813,088 193,709,566 3,108,800 14,371,641Costs for the use of third-party assets 28 28,352,373 (458,705) 196,749,868 114,916 (743,218)Write-downs and provisions 29 6,954,911 4,014,911 4,014,911 28,026,149 23,866,873 23,866,873Other operating charges 30 25,081,101 1,016,588 (289,409) 50,228,599 26,184,928 15,930,064

Result before net financial expenses and taxes (99,424,800) (8,271,418) 7,236,869 (59,821,323)Financial income 31 1,137,377 258,439 1,173,813 1,113,984 1,139,759Financial expenses 31 (70,996,124) (1,004,378) (20,459) (17,734,097)Exchange rate gains and losses 31 19,775,526 46,963,514Gains (losses) from equity investments 31 15,477,364 (1,535,000) 15,477,364 8,892,392 (20,455,556) 8,892,392Net result for the year before tax (134,030,657) (10,810,796) 46,532,491 (79,162,895)Taxes 32 (5,412,822) 1,985,140 (7,201,610) 14,357,118Net result for the year (139,443,479) (8,825,656) 39,330,881 (64,805,777)

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BluKids SS 2020

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