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Annual Report

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Redwood Library Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2012
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A n n u A l R e p o R t 2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2

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pResidents 1747-2012

1747-1788 Abraham Redwood

1791-1796 Henry Marchant

1797-1801 William Vernon

1801-1809 John Bours

1809-1813 Jonathan easton

1813-1830 Robert stevens

1830-1836 david King

1836-1844 Audley Clarke

1844-1846 George G. King

1846-1849 William Hunger

1849-1859 david King

1859-1870 George G. King

1870-1872 William Cozzens

1872-1874 Henry ledyard

1874-1875 edward King

1875-1882 Francis Brinley

1882-1883 James e. Mauran

1883-1886 Henry e. turner

1886-1895 leRoy King

1895-1902 Henry G. Marquand

1902-1909 Arthur B. emmons

1909-1913 daniel B. Fearing

1913-1916 J. Fred pierson

1916-1933 Roderick terry

1934-1939 Henry Barton Jacobs

1939-1948 Roderick terry, Jr.

1948-1952 Andrew Chalmers Wilson

1952-1959 Hugh B. Baker

1959-1964 William p. sheffield

1964-1986 donald B. Fletcher

1986-1991 John J. slocum

1991-2000 C. Mathews dick, Jr.

2000-2001 Ann F. Conner

2001-2008 stephen G. W. Walk

2008-2009 douglas R. Riggs

2009-2010 Ann F. Conner

2010- edwin G. Fischer, M.d.

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M i S S i O N S T A T E M E N T

B O A r d O F d i r E C T O r S

L E T T E r F r O M T h E P r E S i d E N T

L E T T E r F r O M T h E E x E C u T i v E d i r E C T O r

C O L L E C T i O N S O v E r v i E w

P r O G r A M S & E v E N T S

L E T T E r F r O M T h E i N T E r i M d i r E C T O r

A N N u A L r E P O r T O F A C T i v i T i E S

S T A T E M E N T O F F i N A N C i A L P O S i T i O N

C h A r L E S B i r d K i N G S O C i E T y : P L A N N E d G i v i N G

d O N O r S

C O M M i T T E E S , S T A F F & v O L u N T E E r S

i N M E M O r i A M

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This report covers the fiscal year July 2011 - June 2012.

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M i S S i O N S T A T E M E N T


The Company of the redwood Library and Athenæum is an educational and cultural institution that remains true to its 1747 Colonial charter establishing a library for “propagating virtue, Knowledge and useful Learning.”


reflecting its history and traditions, the redwood Library and Athenæum is a library, a museum, and a historic building. Each of these aspects of its identity is key to the institution’s future, as well as to understanding its past. in order to encourage public access to its building, programs, and collections, the Library actively pursues policies and opportunities to increase its presence in the national and international educational and cultural environment by expanding, cataloging, preserving, and disseminating its collections and programs.

The redwood Library and Athenæum celebrated the 265th anniversary of its Charter on August 24, 2012. From its incorporation in 1747 by a group of 46 colonists to its standing today as the oldest continuously operating lending library in its original building in America, the redwood remains dedicated to fulfilling its Charter, “having nothing in view but the good of Mankind.”

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B O A r d O F d i r E C T O r S

M. Therese Antone, rSM, Ed.d.Elisabeth r. Clark

Grenville Craigdavid K. Elwell, Jr.

Tylor Field iiEdwin G. Fischer, M.d.

david B. FordBernard S. Gewirz

Esmond harmsworthNannette C. herrick

Edward w. KaneLisa S. Lewis

Kenneth M.P. Lindhr. daniel Prentiss

Molly de ramelPeggy C. richmondrichard B. Sheffield

Jeffrey M. SiegalJohn J. Slocum, Jr.

dennis E. StarkStephen G.w. walk

Michael warrenKatherine d. williams


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L E T T E r F r O M T h E P r E S i d E N T

Galvanized by a falling ceiling in the rovensky delivery room in 2003, dedicated redwood Library supporters funded a complete restoration and modernization of the building over the next several years. This massive undertaking presented the opportunity for America’s oldest membership library to focus on building a strategic vision to ensure its fiscal and structural health for the next century.

Three remarkable gifts are already helping to make that strategic vision a reality. The Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust is doubling the capacity of the McBean Collections Building with the installation of high-density shelving, allowing collections stored offsite

to return to the Library. The families of Elizabeth Prince de ramel and Frederick Prince are honoring their mother, helen Elizabeth Peirce Prince, with a two-story addition to the Library. A work area to catalog Special Collections will be upstairs, and a “Gallery to the Garden” below will connect the rovensky delivery room to the historic John russell Pope Gardens outside. Les and Carol Ballard are making it possible for the Library to reconfigure and modernize the Ballard Annex and to revitalize the beloved Children’s Library.

Exciting gifts to our Special Collections treasures include the bequest from Zup James of the official account of the failed 1792 Macartney embassy from George iii to Emperor Quin Long of China; the graceful return (thanks to the eagle eye of Maris humphreys) from the houghton Library at harvard of Keil’s translation of Commandine’s Euclid (1723) given to the redwood in 1752 by Newport physician william Mcdowall; and the acquisition, thanks to generous donations from several board members, of Judge horsmanden’s journal of the trials he conducted of an alleged conspiracy in 1742 to burn New york City. This gift replaced a volume long lost from the redwood’s original 1750 collection.

The redwood is most grateful to interim director Kenneth Brockway, who in two years expanded the institution’s educational mission in exhibitions, salons, and symposia, and even introduced digital books. Ken also revitalized the Library’s administration, oversaw the recruitment of an Assistant director and a new director of institutional Advancement, and set the stage to welcome our new Executive director, Jen Tuleja.

Jen, filled with enthusiasm, came on board this past June. She has a bachelor’s degree in history and master’s degrees in library science and secondary education. She was archivist and research librarian for ten years at the Massachusetts historical Society and the librarian/archivist at St. George’s School for the past four years, during which time she served on the Library Committee at the redwood.

The philanthropic vision of Abraham redwood and his associates created this institution, and every generation since has continued to sustain the Library. As we mark its 265th year, we hope you will join us in celebrating all that it stands for and in supporting its vision for the future so it may endure for the 21st century and well beyond. That is our challenge.

Edwin G. Fischer, M.D.President, Board of directors

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L E T T E r F r O M T h E E x E C u T i v E d i r E C T O r

The redwood Library and Athenæum is truly a national treasure. its 1750 classical building – the first of its kind in the colonies, the lovely gardens and grounds, and the depth and breadth of its collections are magnificent assets that enhance the Newport community, the state of rhode island, and the nation.

Over the past decade this historic property has been secured, due in large part to the care, attention and generosity of its donors. The redwood today is positioned to be a center for intellectual exchange and the exploration of ideas in the 21st century. But it is essential first to look inward and discover – and share – the rich depth of the collections in our care. with its comprehensive collection of printed histories of Aquidneck island and environs, its rare manuscript letters, family papers, log books, pattern books, maps, artifacts, and fine art, the redwood’s treasures are waiting to be described and made accessible to the widest audience possible.

we have over 107,000 items that are in need of electronic catalog records and over 241 linear feet of archival material to be arranged and documented. Some of these materials have brief handwritten records; others have no descriptive access at all. it is only through the support of donors that we can begin to tackle the enormity of the cataloging backlog. Currently we have just one part-time rare book cataloger on our staff. This work requires the services of additional rare book catalogers and archivists who are specially trained in this profession.

The listing of programs in this Annual report confirms that the redwood’s role as an athenæum – written into its charter in 1833 – is alive and well almost 200 years later. Our popular Life of the Mind Salon series is thriving, allowing patrons with diverse interests to find stimulation, education and enlightenment in these beautiful surroundings. For those who like to use up-to-date technologies, the redwood now offers 3M eBooks to either upload to a portable electronic device or use with the Library’s ereaders.

it is your own stories of the impact the redwood has had on your lives, sometimes since childhood, that have captivated me. we continue to bring that joy to today’s youngest generation, as anyone who visits the Ballad Annex during Story hour can attest. Bringing our mission to life and instilling a love of reading, discovery, and history is as fulfilling as the founders envisioned it would be.

it is a great honor to be leading the redwood into its 265th year. we are at a critical point in our history. Our strategic vision looks to increase access to our collections by cataloging and digitizing our rare materials, to engage a wider audience through the programming of our athenæum model, and to deepen the organization’s fiscal strength through greater philanthropic engagement of our many constituencies.

we invite you to join us, to visit often in person or virtually, and especially to share in the treasures within these walls. your continuing support puts you in wonderful company and makes you a part of this legendary institution. Thank you for your love of the redwood.

Jennifer TulejaExecutive director

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C O L L E C T i O N S O v E r v i E w

Library Services and Statistics

In 2012, the Library welcomed 21,787 members and visitors. The highest attendance was on Thursdays and weekends.

Cataloging • New books cataloged: 1,910 • Existing books cataloged: 3,156 (represents Cutter and Special Collections projects) Circulation • Mystery: 4,051 • Fiction: 3,291 • Non-fiction: 3,044 • Audiovisual: 1,678 • Magazines: 1,619 • Children’s: 408 • Young Adult: 279 Total: 14,370 (represents a 5% increase from last year)

Reference • 136 recorded reference interactions – 43% members, 35% non-members, 21% students • 86% of research appointments took less than 2 hours • 80% of researchers came in person • 33% of interactions occurred on Tuesdays Gifts • 4,758 books donated; 682 retained • 1,445 compact discs donated; 149 retained • 39 books-on-tape donated; 28 retained • 20 DVDs donated; 20 retained • 63 periodical subscriptions donated Tours • 35 reserved groups toured the Library, including 17 schools and colleges, 9 museums, 6 tour companies, and 3 family and friends groups. 857 individuals participated in these tours. • Of the school groups, three were funded by the Ohrstrom Grant: Thompson Middle School (sixth grade - 80 students); St. Michael’s School (seventh grade - 27 students); Pennfield School (third and fourth grades - 26 students). • Overall, October was the busiest month with a total of 194 participants; January was the slowest month, with no group tours. • 130 people took the daily 2:00 pm tour.

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A Sense of Place: Exploring Newport and Narragansett Bay through Historic MapsA rare and important collection of Newport and Narragansett Bay maps was on display in the van Alen Gallery and in the rovensky delivery room cases from March 7 to december 30, 2011. Guest curated by Christina Connett, a lecturer at riSd, the collection reflected the perceptions and uses of spaces over time and according to contemporaneous interests. Maps were used to establish ownership, pursue the exploitation of natural resources, consider strategies of warfare, aid in navigation, and promote tourism. The Library is grateful to the private collector who loaned numerous maps, charts, and prints to this important exhibition.

Tiles: In the Spirit of DesignCurator and collector James Baker selected tiles from his extensive collection for an exhibition that ran from January 7 to June 30, 2012, shown in both the van Alen Gallery and the rovensky delivery room cases. included were examples of the art form representing islamic, Medieval, Art Nouveau, and twentieth-century periods and from countries ranging from Egypt to the Netherlands.

Notable Acquisitions

A Journal of the Proceedings in the Detection of the Conspiracy…in May 2012, the Library unveiled a replacement volume for an important journal from its Original Collection that had been missing for over 200 years. The journal, published in 1744, is a first-hand account of the trials, verdicts and executions of 34 New

york City residents accused of conspiring to burn down the city. its author, daniel horsmanden, was the City recorder, Justice of the Supreme Court of the Colony of New york, and the conspiracy’s principal investigator. The original volume likely disappeared during the American revolution during which time British forces used the Library for the occupying army. when this copy of the exceedingly rare account became available, the Library quickly raised the funds to purchase it. The redwood thanks all of those whose generous donations made the acquisition possible, including the de ramel Foundation, david B. Ford, and the American Board of Trial Advocates, ri Chapter.

A Collection of Art History and Exhibition VolumesA superb collection of outstanding art books has been generously donated by Library member Laura Breyer of Chicago. The still-growing collection of more than 120 important titles provides a valuable complement to the redwood’s collection of

18th - and 19th - century art history books.

Plan de Rhode Island, Captaine du Chesnoy, Michel (1746-1804)Gift of Mrs. James Laurens van Alen

Art Nouveau Tile, German, Collection of James Baker

horsmanden Journal, New york, 1744

Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, National Gallery Company, 2011


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P r O G r A M S & E v E N T S

life of the Mind salons

| Alec Bemis, How We Will Listen to Music in the Future

| James head, Ph.d, What We Have Learned from the Space Program

| howard Newman, Newport’s Cityscape in the 21st Century

| dr. david Gorelick and Judi Smith, End of Life Issues: A Challenge for Families and Doctors

| Brenda wineapple, The Life and Works of Emily Dickinson

| Gary Jobson, Energy on Trial

| G. wayne Miller, An Uncommon Man: The Life and Times of Senator Claiborne Pell

| Alex Prudhomme, The Ripple Effect: The Fate of Fresh Water in the Twenty-first Century

| A Conversation with Richard Saul Wurman, creator of TEd conferences

| Steven B. Symington, Ph.d, and Stephen Trainor, Ph.d, The Sciences vs. The Humanities: A Debate

| Marion desrosiers, on the late Florence Kearns Murray

| Alexander waugh, Evelyn Waugh – A Question of Inheritance

| Lewis P. Lipsitt, Ph.d, Recent Lessons from the Study of Children about Adult Behavior – and Misbehavior

| Barnet Schecter, George Washington’s America: A Biography as Seen through His Maps

| diane henriques, Prince of Thieves

| Christian M. McBurney, The Rhode

Island Campaign

| Angela Casey, on the Chinese economy

| dr. richard Besdine, Fit at 50, Sex after 70

| The rhode island Civic Chorale, The Light and Dark Side of Humanity as Evidenced in Sir Michael Tippett’s Oratorio, “A Child of Our Time”

| James Baker, on his tile collection and exhibit at the redwood Library

| Laurie Ossman and heather Ewing, Carrere & Hastings: The Masterworks

| horace Brock, Ph.d, American Gridlock: Why the Right and Left are Both Wrong

| Peter Kiernan, Becoming China’s Bitch


| The rhode island Civic Chorale Chamber Choir, music by New England composers

| John davis, pianist, Halley’s Comet: Around the Piano with Mark Twain and John Davis

| Andrea Gregori (soprano), Steven Nanni (tenor), Margaret reitz (pianist)

| i-heung Lee, pianist


| Gala “The Grand Old Flag”

| Garden Party

| Abraham redwood Society dinner

| vault Showings

| halloween Party

| Annual holiday Open house (holiday readings, caroling, Celtic harpist)

| horsmanden Journal “welcome home” Party

| “walking Our Town” tour as part of “The Big read” events

| Annual Book Sale

| washington irving, discussion of The Bridge of San Luis Rey, as part of “The Big read” events

| Map Symposium in partnership with the Naval war College

| Annual Meeting


| if it’s Thursday, it Must Be Shakespeare

| The redwood Book Club

| The Poet’s Group

| National Poetry Month reading

Children’s programming

| Story time

| Craft time

| Summer reading Program

| Children’s Garden Party

| holiday Parties

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it has been my great pleasure and honor to serve as interim director of the redwood Library. Nearly two years ago, i joined forces with the passionate, forward-looking Board of directors and the exceptionally dedicated and talented staff of the redwood. Together, we have achieved notable progress, from the procurement of funding for major improvements to the development of the redwood’s first member library card. i am proud to list some of our accomplishments on the following pages, but want to thank all of you – my coworkers, the Board of directors, our members and volunteers – for your enthusiastic spirit of cooperation and dedication. Although i have worked for many superb non-profit institutions over the years, i can say without exception that my time spent with all of you has been the most fulfilling i have ever had. i wish all of you, and the Library, wonderful days ahead.

Kenneth H. Brockwayinterim director

L E T T E r F r O M T h E i N T E r i M d i r E C T O r

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A N N u A L r E P O r T O F A C T i v i T i E S

in the fiscal year 2011-2012, the redwood Library & Athenæum had great success with programs, events, charitable donations and planned improvements.

• A “welcome home” party was held in May to celebrate the return of a volume from the Library’s Original Collection that had been missing for over 200 years. daniel horsmanden’s journal is a first-hand trial account of one of the most famous events in colonial American history. it details the trials and executions of 34 New york City residents accused of conspiring to burn down the city.

• in April the Library received a significant philanthropic gift from the estate of rudolph and Lillian dwyer, who bequeathed $960,000 for the purchase of books.

• A $650,000 grant from the Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust will enable the Library to renovate and enlarge the McBean building by doubling the space and updating the environmental conditions required for Special Collections materials.

• A $300,000 grant from the Prince family was awarded to the Library to create a “Gallery to the Garden” addition in honor of helen Elizabeth Peirce Prince. The two-story structure will provide access to the refurbished McBean wing and create office space for the cataloging project. The Gallery will lead to the John russell Pope Garden, recently restored by the van Beuren Charitable Foundation.

• A $7,000 gift from the Prince Charitable Trust was used to begin the Special Collections cataloging effort, specifically to create a digital catalog of the dorrance h. hamilton Garden Book Collection.

• Through the ongoing generosity of Les and Carol Ballard, significant improvements and upgrades are being made to the Ballard Annex, including to the Children’s Library on the first floor and to the administrative offices throughout the building.

• Fidelity Foundation provided a $75,000 grant that was used to support two goals: To conduct an operational analysis of cataloging needs, as well as of the fundraising structure, and for technology upgrades to support the fundraising functions.

• The donaldson Foundation committed $30,000 in May 2012 for cataloging some of the Special Collections.

• Newport collector James Baker shared selections from his magnificent tile collection in a special exhibit entitled “Tiles: The Spirit of design,” which was on display from January through June 2012.

• A map exhibit entitled “A Sense of Place” was a critical success and brought many map lovers to the redwood. This special installation featured items drawn from the Library’s own historic map collection of rhode island and New England, and was augmented by numerous maps, charts, and prints from a private collector. in conjunction with the exhibition, the Library coordinated a Map Symposium with the Naval war College.

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• The Library hosted two “Life of the Mind Salon” series on Thursday evenings in the fall and spring. The lectures featured a broad selection of superb speakers on topics such as history, medicine, music, literature, and the economy. Many of the events were “standing room only” and brought both members and non-members to the Library for lively evenings of learning and conversation.

• director Edward w. Kane and his wife Martha J. wallace donated the funds required to keep the Library open on Sunday afternoons. Numerous free musical events were held, including choral, jazz and chamber music performances.

• The Library developed library cards and parking stickers for members, that not only work to facilitate checkout and identification at special events, but also ensure that members receive quick recognition and use of the Library’s parking lot.

• A grant from the Addd Fund at the rhode island Foundation enabled the Library to write and produce a full-color, self-guided tour brochure.

• Two 18th-century globes, celestial and terrestrial, by John and william Cary of London, were fully restored after being damaged several years ago.

• The Library is grateful to the many volunteers who shared their time and talent throughout the year. A special note of gratitude is offered to Jack Sweeney, who manages the Library’s database, and to wayne robinson, who has cataloged its Shareholder history.

• Several important new personnel changes occurred at the Library:

Jen tuleja was appointed as the new Executive director of the Library. Maria Bernier was appointed Assistant director of the Library. Caroline Considine joined the Library as director of institutional Advancement. Mary spotts was promoted to Assistant director of development.

Terrestrial Globe, John and william Cary, London, 1799 Gift of George Tiffany

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S T A T E M E N T O F F i N A N C i A L P O S i T i O N

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as of June 30, 2012


Cash and cash equivalentsContributions and grants receivable, netPledges receivable, netPrepaid expensesCollections and other assetsProperty and equipment, netinvestmentsdeferred bond fees, net

Total Assets

liabilities And net Assets

liabilitiesAccounts payableAccrued and other liabilitiesdeferred revenuereserve for loss on interest rate swap contactsBonds payable

Total Liabilities

net Assets unrestrictedTemporarily restrictedPermanently restricted

Total Net Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets













while conditions for cultural institutions remain challenging, the redwood has achieved an increase in Net Assets for fiscal year 2012 of $785,545 compared to the prior year, primarily as a result of generous donor and institutional support for capital building projects. As of June 30, 2012 Net Assets for the redwood Library are recorded at $23,877,585.

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Financial affairs are overseen by three Board Committees: Finance, chaired by Peggy richmond; investment, chaired by Jeffrey Siegel; and Audit, chaired by Michael warren. This report contains information from the consolidated Balance Sheet and Statement of Activities of the redwood Library & Athenæum for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, as audited by Mullen Scorpio Cerilli, an independent accounting firm. Complete financial statements are available for review at the Circulation desk.





Library and museum operationsEducational outreachhistoric architectureFundraising programs and marketingAdministrationBond interestdepreciation





Grants and contributionsMembershipsOther revenue and incomeinvestment returns for operations


Grants and donations 29%Annual fund 11%Memberships 8%Programs and events 13%investment returns 38%Misc. revenue 1%

Employees 51%Administration 11%Facilities and maintenance 16%Membership and events 10%Programs and collections 8%Bond interest 4%

sources of Funds operating expenses*

* Operating expenses exclude non-cash depreciation charges of $402,301.

stAteMent oF ACtiVities

Page 16: Annual Report

Charles Bird King society: planned GivingNewport native and renowned artist Charles Bird King (1785-1862) holds a special place in the redwood Library’s long list of dedicated supporters. described by President John Quincy Adams as “an ingenious, thinking man, with a faculty of conversing upon almost any topic,” King lived in New york, London and washington, dC, but it was Newport that was dearest to his heart. Over the years, King contributed handsomely to the Library, giving money and books as well as scores of paintings. upon his death in 1862, he gave the redwood his own personal library, volumes of bound engravings, a significant sum of money, and 75 additional paintings. The redwood is deeply indebted to Charles Bird King and to all those who have helped it thrive for more than two and a half centuries by contributing to the endowment. it is fitting that the Library commends those who have made – or

intend to make – such gifts by including them in the Charles Bird King Society. recently, the following donors have honored the Library and helped to sustain its mission with bequests, planned gifts, or gifts to the endowment, thus joining the membership of the Charles Bird King Society. we are extremely grateful for their support.


planned Gifts

Miles and Lisa BidwellLinda Gordon

Gifts to the endowment

For those who may be considering a gift to the Library’s endowment, please contact Caroline Considine, director of institutional Advancement, to discuss ways in which a gift may be made.


P L A N N E d G i v i N G

Self-Portrait at 30 by Charles Bird King, c. 1815Bequest of the artist, 1862

Mrs. roy C. AndersonGertrude King BedardEllen C. BoothElizabeth Anne Burtonrudolf and Lillian dwyer

Arthur w. Faganhenry S. GrewNancy hayBruce hower. Campbell James

Jonathan Brandenburg MonroeJane Akers ridgwayJeanne Muller ryanAlfred J. ShepherdElliott MacGregor Strauss

Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust Bernard and Sarah Gewirzdorrance h. hamilton Charitable TrustGeorge and Nannette herrick

Maris S. humphreysChristopher T.h. and Janet Alexander Pellvan Beuren Charitable Trust

Page 17: Annual Report


d O N O r S

$500,000 and above

Alletta Morris McBean Charitable Trust

$100,000 to $499,999

Les and Carol Ballard -Ballard Exploration Company, inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Gewirz

$50,000 to $99,999

Estate of Elizabeth A. BurtonEstate of Jane Akers ridgway

$25,000 to $49,999

Oliver S. and Jennie r. donaldson Charitable Trustdavid B. Ford

Edward w. Kane and Martha J. wallaceKirkland & Ellis LLP

Prince Charitable TrustsMr. and Mrs. Guillaume de ramel -

The de ramel FoundationThe regis de ramel Family Charitable Trust -

The Stratus Foundation

$10,000 to $24,999

Mr. and Mrs. henry w. Breyer iiidorrance h. hamilton -

The hamilton Family FoundationEsmond v. harmsworth

George L. Ohrstrom, Jr. Foundationdiane B. wilsey

$5,000 to $9,999

Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bidwelldayton T. Carr

Grenville and Sandra CraigThe dick Family Foundation

Mrs. John r. donnell

Mr. and Mrs. robert M. GraceMr. and Mrs. Ernest Jacquet

dodie KazanjianMr. and Mrs. J. Colin Keith

Nuala Pellrhode island Council for the humanities

Elaine rosenbergJeffrey and Cathy Siegal

Mr. and Mrs. John A. van Beuren

$2,500 to $4,999

Mr. and Mrs. James F. CarlinMr. and Mrs. C. Mathews dick, Jr.

Paul and Sandy EdgerleyMr. and Mrs. david K. Elwell, Jr.dr. and Mrs. Edwin G. Fischer -

The hope FoundationMr. and Mrs. John r. Grace

Mr. and Mrs. George G. herrickMr. and Mrs. david Mann

dr. and Mrs. Michael S. MurphyGloria Nagy and richard Saul wurman

r. daniel Prentiss, Esq.Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. ray

rhode island Office of Library and information ServicesNicholas B. Scheetz

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G.w. walkKatherine d. williams

Mr. and Mrs. Jay wilson

$1,000 to $2,499

Mrs. russell B. AitkenAmerican Board of Trial Advocates,

rhode island Chapterhugh d. Auchincloss iii

BankNewport and OceanPoint insurance Agency, inc.

Charles Sumner Bird Charitable FoundationMr. and Mrs. richard N. Bohan

Mr. and Mrs. david BrodskyCaptain and Mrs. Nicholas Brown

Mrs. helen d. Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. richard i. Burnham

Mr. and Mrs. James ChadwickMr. and Mrs. George Clark

Marilyn d. Curtisdr. and Mrs. howard Eisenberg

The Felicia Fundronald Lee Fleming

Mr. and Mrs. Michel FleuetteMr. and Mrs. robert T. Galkin

G. Peabody and rose Gardner Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Peter Gerard

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. GewirzMr. and Mrs. Peter Gonzalez

honorable and Mrs. david S. GordonMr. and Mrs. James B. Gubelmann

Mr. and Mrs. S. Matthews v. hamilton, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter hamiltonMr. and Mrs. Brendan P. Kelley

Mr. and Mrs. Peter KelloggMarlene Leatherbee

Mr. and Mrs. william L. LeathermanLisa Lewis and Bart dunbar

Mr. and Mrs. david E.P. Lindhhonorable Juliette C. McLennan

Pauline C. MetcalfMiddlecott Foundation

dr. Mary S. Murphy and dr. Kurt Schlichtingdr. holly M. Bannister and

douglas L. NewhouseMr. and Mrs. Jonathan Pardee

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher T.h. PellMr. and Mrs. John Purdy

The rhode island Foundation - Peter and Melinda Gerard and Loti Falk Family Fund

Mr. and Mrs. douglas r. riggsJanet L. robinson

Mr. and Mrs. James h. rossMr. and Mrs. Ernst rothe

Mr. and Mrs. Jay r. SchochetMr. and Mrs. Frederic Sharf

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Slocum, Jr.Mrs. Page w. Smith

it was through the generosity of its donors that the redwood Library was conceived and built over 265 years ago, and that same generous spirit enables it to thrive well into its third century. The following individuals, foundations and corporations contributed gifts, grants, and pledges of $100 or more beyond the annual share or household membership dues to support the Library’s operations, collections, programs and exhibitions. The redwood is deeply grateful to these benefactors, as its sustainability tomorrow is built upon the generosity of those here today.

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Meg and donald Steinervirginia Treherne-Thomas

van Beuren Charitable Foundation, inc.Mr. and Mrs. robert S. walker

vAdM and Mrs. Thomas r. weschlerMr. and Mrs. william wood-Prince

Mr. and Mrs. Ellicott wright

$500 to $999

Sister Therese M. Antone, rSM, Ed.d.Mr. and Mrs. Theodore h. Ashford

Janine M. AtamianMr. and Mrs. Thomas Auchincloss

dr. and Mrs. richard A. BakerBrittain Bardes

Evelyn i. BarrackJoseph Barry

James BerwindMr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Bevan

Mrs. T.w. Blakeruth Buchanan

Central Carolina Community Foundation - Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Sullivan Fund

Marion O. Charlesrobert Allan Chase

Mr. and Mrs. Lyn ComfortMr. and Mrs. robert B. Conner

Mr. and Mrs. Juan CorradiMr. and Mrs. william A. Crimmins

Frederick A. CushingJohn J. donnelly

Mr. and Mrs. Mohamad FarzanLouis A. Fazzano

Bruce and Ellie Fergusonharvey Firestone, Jr. FoundationMr. and Mrs. John h. French iiMr. and Mrs. Steven B. Gewirz

Mr. and Mrs. Martin GibbsMr. and Mrs. david Grant

Mr. and Mrs. richard GrosvenorMr. and Mrs. Gerard Guillemot

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Neil hayes, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Frank hildebrandMr. and Mrs. John Evan Jones

Belinda KiellandPeter King iii

Mr. and Mrs. James LanzilloMr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Licameli

Col. Karen d. Lloyd

verna d. MatthewsMr. and Mrs. Bernard Nemtzow

NewPort Architecture, LLCOdeh Engineers, inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Tad OgdenMr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Ohrstrom

richard S. Palmerdr. Thomas Patnaude

Mr. and Mrs. James PurvianceElizabeth Prince de ramelMr. and Mrs. John reid

william C. rivesThe rhode island Foundation - Addd Fund

Laura Love roseMr. and Mrs. david ryan

Annette rybickiLinda Sawyer and John harris

Mr. and Mrs. John SmythPaul L. Szápáry

Mr. and Mrs. Pieter TaselaarMr. and Mrs. Michael TillettMr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Turley

Sally unklesMr. and Mrs. Bruce watts

Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bing westhelen M. winslow

$250 to $499

AnonymousJanet Aldrich

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth BrockwayBarbara Caldwell

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry CerceCol. and Mrs. Christopher L. Christon

isobel ColemanNorey dotterer Cullen

Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. damonNuala duffy

Giovanni FeroceMr. and Mrs. Tylor Field ii

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas GilbaneMr. and Mrs. Sidney S. Gorham iii

Leonard GraceMr. and Mrs. Paul E. Gricus

werner Gundersheimerdozier hasty

Françoise helmeStefani hulitar

Captain and Mrs. donald Jagoe

Mary M. Jenningsrobert Johnstone

Fred T. Kirby and SonsJoyce Kirby

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leightonwardwell C. Leonard, Jr.

william h. Leyshenry Sharpe Lynn, Jr.

Alexis J. MargreiterMr. and Mrs. John E. Marshall iii

Esther Elise MauranMr. and Mrs. Michael P. Mcdonough

Janet NolanPatricia Ann O’donnell

Thomas Palmer and dominique AlfandreMr. and Mrs. Paul A. PerraultMr. and Mrs. Manny de Pinho

Captain donald d. PizingerMr. and Mrs. Frederick h. Prince

Mr. and Mrs. david L. reedThe rhode island Foundation -

Arthur h. Carr FundMr. and Mrs. John w. richmond, Jr.

Marie A. robinsonMorton L. Sacks

Federico Santi and John GacherJay Seavey

Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Stephen r. SeiterMr. and Mrs. Albert K. Sherman, Jr.

Frances J. ShermanMr. and Mrs. dwight d. Sipprelle

Slocum Gordon & Co. LLPJulie Shelton SmithJerome h. Sullivandiana M. Sylvaria

david A. ThalmannCharlotte C. weber

Captain Charles F. weisharCommander ralph Carl weiss

dudley A. williamsJames w. woodworth

Mr. and Mrs. w. redwood wright

$100 to $249

Abigail Campbell King Architect, LLCJohn w. Adams

Mr. and Mrs. richard G. AlexanderAnthony Amado

dr. and Mrs. John h. Ambrogi

Page 19: Annual Report


The American Friends of Lafayettew. Graham Arader

Mr. and Mrs. Steven AronowTheodora Aspegren

victoria J. AveryCapt. and Mrs. Lee C. Bakalarski

Mr. and Mrs. James B. BakerMr. and Mrs. william P. Barrack

dr. Gay Ben Tredaniel Bleckinger

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Booth, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Pelham Boyer

Nancy Preston BredbeckGilbert C. Brunnhoeffer iii

doris BryMr. and Mrs. david L. Bunnell

Jefferson G. BurnettJames M. BurressMary C. Burrus

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F. CapozziJames L. Carroll

Mr. and Mrs. Amos CecchiEleanor Cochran

James O. ColemanCaroline E. ConsidineMichael r. Corcoran

August CordeiroMichael r. Cottrell

Ally CoulterMr. and Mrs. robert w. Cowley

Captain John P. davisEleanor Swan dickKatie dimancescu

dr. richard drummondJohn duchesneauMichael F. dwyer

Mary Louise FazzanoKendra FriedrichFrancis J. Furtado

Bruce and Joi GalloJames Garner

Elizabeth GibbsJune N. Gibbs

robert G. GoeletMr. and Mrs. John GoltmanMr. and Mrs. John T. Good

reverend and Mrs. Everett h. GreenePatrick Greeven

John E. hallCaptain and Mrs. Chester E. helms

washington irving iiiCaptain and Mrs. Charles Jauss

Mr. and Mrs. Peter JefferysMr. and Mrs. Samuel JerniganSteven irvine and Kim Salerno

Mr. and Mrs. John h. KazanjianMr. and Mrs. Jerome r. Kirby, Jr.

Jeanne S. KnerrPaul L. Kuzmick, Jr.

Lucinda Landon and James EganStefano Lavinio

Sandra Liotus Lighting design, LLCMary C. Macioci

dr. and Mrs. Edwin J. MaddenCurtis w. Magee

Mr. and Mrs. donald G. MageeMr. and Mrs. Jeremy Martin

The Massachusetts Lafayette Society, inc.Albert J. McAloon, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. david K. McConnellMary MeagherJohn Mecray

Mr. and Mrs. robert P. MeikleChas A. Miller iii

John T. MillerPaul F. Miller

Sarah MontgomeryArthur w. Murphy

Newport daily Newsroderick B. O’hanley

h. russell Ohlheiser, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. James Timothy O’reilly

Audrey C. OswaldNancy Parker

dr. and Mrs. Frederick A. PeirceKaren Peirce

Annette T. PelletierPeter Pennoyer

Elizabeth PhelpsMichael P. Pinto, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pitoniakrobert Power

John Paul Primianohelen T. reed

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. rennerThe rhode island Foundation - hugh d. Auchincloss iii Fund

Maryann richardsonLouise rick

Mr. and Mrs. r. Brooke roberts

Melissa rosnerdr. and Mrs. Stephen rous

Mr. and Mrs. Mario A. ruscettaMr. and Mrs. richard B. Sheffield

Adele Z. SilverKimberly Skeen-Jones

Mr. and Mrs. B. Mitchell Simpson iiiMr. and Mrs. robert A. Sinclair

Patricia SlingluffMarjorie Spencer

Judith Souzadennis E. StarkSusan Stautberg

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Stebbinsdeborah P. Sterling

Mr. and Mrs. John w. Stokes iiMr. and Mrs. robert Stonehill

Mr. and Mrs. Albert StrunkF. richard Svelta

Mr. and Mrs. dennis M. TaberAnna w. Templeton-Cotill

Mr. and Mrs. Asheton C. TolandMr. and Mrs. George P. walker

George h. warrenMr. and Mrs. Michael warren

Charles w. wharton iiiMr. and Mrs. Malcolm F. wheelerMr. and Mrs. william F. wilson

Matching Gift Companies

ExxonMobil FoundationJohn A. hartford Foundation, inc.

iBM Corporation Matching Grants ProgramMacy’s Foundation

The Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program

The Redwood Library & Athenæum makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of its lists of supporters.

If you discover an error, please contact Caroline Considine at (401) 847-0292, ext. 109 or [email protected]. Please accept our sincerest apology for any inaccuracies or omissions.

Page 20: Annual Report


C O M M i T T E E S , S T A F F & L i B r A r y v O L u N T E E r S

stAndinG CoMMittees

executive Committee

Edwin G. Fischer, M.d., Presidentdavid K. Elwell, Jr., Vice President

Peggy C. richmond, TreasurerTylor Field ii, Secretary

By-laws Committee

dennis Stark, Chairmanr. daniel Prentissrichard Sheffield

Board Governance and nominating Committee

John J. Slocum, Jr., ChairmanTylor Field ii

Angela Brown FischerKathleen K. Greenman

Sheila McCurdyMolly de ramel

Audit Committee

Michael warren, Chairmandavid F. BrodskyEdward w. Kane

Finance Committee

Peggy C. richmond, ChairmanGrenville Craig

david K. Elwell, Jr.david B. Ford

Bernard Gewirzr. daniel Prentiss

Jeffrey SiegalMichael warren

Ellicott M. wrightJennifer E. Tuleja, Staff

investment subcommittee

Jeffrey Siegal, Chairmandavid K. Elwell, Jr.

david B. FordJohn J. Slocum, Jr.

Charitable Bequests subcommittee

Peggy C. richmond, Chairman

Buildings and Grounds Committee

Lisa S. Lewis, ChairmanAllan Booth, Jr.Bernard GewirzJean Gorham

william h. Leysvirginia Purviance

Betsy rayJohn richmond

George h. warrenBen Mignogna, Staff

institutional Advancement Committee

Stephen G.w. walk, ChairmanLisa BidwellTylor Field ii

Katherine d. williamsCaroline Considine, Staff

library Committee

david B. Ford, Co-chairmanGeorge G. herrick, Co-chairman

donna diMicheleTheodore Gatchel

Esmond harmsworthJohn B. hattendorf

donald MageeEdward McCrorie

Nancy ParkerMolly de ramel

Nicholas B. Scheetzrobert Kelly, Staff

Museum Committee

Linda Gordon, Co-chairmanNannette C. herrick, Co-chairman

James BakerElisabeth Clark

Christina ConnettJemison FaustFrancis FrostBruce howe

roger h. King, Jr.Constance Metcalf

Paul MillerJeffrey Siegal

whitney Pape, Staff

Ad HoC CoMMittees

program Committee

douglas riggs, Co-chairmanMary riggs, Co-chairman

Leilani Brennerwashington irving iii

Janet PellLinda PhillipsNel roberts

Kimberly Skeen-JonesGail Thatcher

Katherine d. williamsCarolyn duPont, Staff

special projects Committee

david K. Elwell, Jr., Chairman

Event committees and volunteers are listed in respective event programs.

Page 21: Annual Report


Redwood Advisory Council

George G. herrick, Co-chairmanNannette C. herrick, Co-chairman

rodney ArmstrongA. Leslie Ballard

horace wood BrockChristopher Buckley

The Lord CamoysC. Mathews dick, Jr.

Edwin G. Fisher, M.d.ronald Lee Fleming

david B. FordJane Grace

werner GundersheimerKate Gubelmann

honorable william NitzeNuala Pell

Peter PennoyerCharles E. Pierce

Ted widmerJohn wilmerdingdiane B. wilsey

richard Guy wilson


Full-time staff

Jennifer TulejaExecutive Director

Kenneth h. BrockwayInterim Director (2010-2012)

Maria BernierAssistant Director

Lori BrostuenTechnical Services Librarian

Elaine BunnellTechnical Services Assistant/Tour Guide

Caroline ConsidineDirector of Institutional Advancement

Nancy hackettCirculation Supervisor

robert KellyCollection Development Librarian

Bernard MignognaBuilding and Grounds Manager

whitney PapeEzra Stiles Special Collections Librarian

Mary SpottsAssistant Director of Institutional Advancement

part-time staff

Christine BradleyLibrary Assistant

Marilyn BrockwayChildren’s Librarian

rowena BurkeLibrary/Interlibrary Loan Assistant

Carolyn duPontProgram Coordinator

dawn Emsellem-wichowski Library Assistant

Joyce FigerieHousekeeping

ruth Ann howdenLibrary Assistant

Maris humphreysSpecial Collections Cataloger

Molly JencksTechnical Services Assistant

Mariann MaidaLibrary Assistant

Gretchen MarkertCommunications Coordinator/Library Assistant

Ellen O’BrienLibrary Assistant

Elizabeth d. PhelpsChildren’s Library Assistant

Adrienne ShawLibrary Assistant

Gail Sullivan-McCune

Library Assistant

Glenna TurnerLibrary Assistant/Gifts Processing

liBRARY VolunteeRs

Siham AbedTim Casey

Amanda deLucaChelsea doddJack dorato

Sarah ErichsenSandy Graywalter Gray

Sylvia hamptonMary JenningsJohn O’TooleGunnar rice

wayne robinsonBarbara ross

Paul rossrob Sharps

Adrienne Shawdavid StangelJack SweeneyEmily weber

Page 22: Annual Report


i N M E M O r i A MJuly 2011 - June 2012

JoAnn Blumsackh. dickson S. Boenning

Jean BrownMary Buell

william A. Buell, Jr.Myra h. duvallyFrancis G. dwyer

Margaret M. EnwrightArthur w. Fagan

John T. hopfPaul C. houston, M.d., F.A.C.S.

Bruce howeElliot L. Kaminitz, ddS

Miriam S. Krakoffwilliam v. Lalli

Kathleen E. Martinh. russell Ohlheiser, Jr.

Eileen P. O’reillyLeonard J. Panaggio

Captain Charles S. Quinn, Jr., uSN retiredJane A. ridgwayJohn G. winslow

Page 23: Annual Report

liBRARiAns 1747-2012

edward scott 1747-1750

thomas Moffatt 1750-1752

Martin Howard, Jr. 1752-1755

Jeremiah leaming 1755-1756

ezra stiles 1756-1764

Henry Marchant 1765-1766

edward thurston, Jr. 1766-1767

thomas Wickham, Jr. 1767-1768

ezra stiles 1768-1777

William tillinghast 1777-1778

George Bisset 1778-1779

William tillinghast 1779-1785

Christopher ellery 1785-1789

William smith 1791-1792

William patten 1792-1809

levi tower 1809-1811

John Rodman 1811-1812

Robert Rogers 1812-1831

George G. King 1831-1835

William A. Barber 1835-1841

James Barker 1841-1848

Christopher e. Robbins 1848-1849

Augustus Bush 1849-1857

George R. Hammett 1857-1858

dumont Clarke 1858-1859

Benjamin H. Rhoades 1859-1880

Benjamin F. thurston 1881-1884

Richard Bliss 1884-1914

George lyman Hinckley 1914-1927

Frances Hubbert 1927-1949

J. Alden Manley 1949-1952

donald t. Gibbs 1952-1988

Richard l. Champlin 1988-1991

erik Bradford stocker 1991-1993

Marilyn d. Curtis, Acting 1993-1995

stephen J. Zietz 1995-1996

Marilyn d. Curtis, Acting 1996-1997

Jay H. Hall 1997-1998

Cheryl V. Helms 1998-2010

Kenneth Brockway, Acting 2010-2012

2012- Jennifer e. tuleja

Page 24: Annual Report

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The Redwood library & Athenæum is indebted to the dick Family Foundation for generously underwriting this Annual Report.
