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1 ANNUAL REPORT 2015-2016 Kalindi College University of Delhi



Kalindi College University of Delhi


Students’ Union

Convenor: Dr. Harvinder Kaur

Co-convenor: Dr. Shanuja Beri

Post Name Course

President Shubhangana Vishwanathan B.A (H) Journalism III year

Vice President Simran Goswami B.com (H) III year

General Secretary Yashita Jaiswal B.A (H) Journalism III yearJoint Secretary Prachi Shukla B.A (H) Economics II year

Cultural Secretary Suvarna Chowdhary B.A (H) English II year

Proctor Anvita Kapoor B.com (H) III year

Deputy Proctor Harshika Sondhi B.A (H) Political Science II year

Media Secretary A.Shree Charitha B.A (H) Journalism III year

Media in House Shivani Pathak- B.A (H) Journalism I year

Tresurer Gitanjali Vashishth B.sc Life science I year

Arts Representative Nimmo Yadav Political Science (H) III year

Arts Representative Pallavi B.A (H) Hindi II year

Commerce Representative Tanya Malik B.Com (H) III year

Science Representative Ankita Sharma B.Sc Life science I year

Science Representative Gloria Susan Cherian Zoology (H) III year

Science Representative Arushi Mehta B.Sc Life science II year

Sports Secretary Divya Jhingharia Zoology (H) III year

Outstanding Office Bearers 2015-16President : Ms. Shubhangana Vishwanathan

General Secretary : Ms. Yashita Jaiswal

Deputy Proctor : Ms. Harshika Sondhi

Treasurer : Ms. Gitanjali Vashisth


Inside Scanner…

Message from Chairman Governing Body: Shri Deepak Marwah ..............................................7Message from Treasurer Governing Body: Shri Nitin Kumar Mittal ......................................8Message from Principal : Dr. Anula Maurya ..................................................................................9Introduction of Chief Guest : Hon'ble Secretary, UGC Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu ........ 10Introduction of Guest of Honour: Mr. Ashok Arora .................................................................11Introduction of Chairman, Governing Body: Shri Deepak Marwah ........................................ 12Introduction of Treasurer, Governing Body: Shri Nitin Kumar Mittal ................................ 13About the College .............................................................................................................................. 14The Principal’s Report ....................................................................................................................... 15Glimpses of the College 2015-16 ...................................................................................................23New Courses to be Introduced ....................................................................................................................................33

Research & Innovation....................................................................................................................................................33

Research Committee .......................................................................................................................................................33

DU Funded Research ......................................................................................................................................................34

Externally Funded Research .........................................................................................................................................36

In-house Projects ............................................................................................................................................................37

Self Funded Projects ......................................................................................................................................................39

Exchange Programme ......................................................................................................................................................44

Post-Doctoral Research Project ..................................................................................................................................44

Research Supervision by Faculty Members ..............................................................................................................45

Yearly Academic Journal ...............................................................................................................................................45

National Seminars-Geography, Hindi and Journalism .............................................................................................46

Skill Devlopment ..............................................................................................................................................................48

Social Responsiblilty-Nepal Earthquake, One Billion Rising, Voter’s day, Jal board Programme, Swachhta Abhiyan, Plantation Drive, Free Computer Education ...........................................................................................48

Industry Partnership ...................................................................................................................................................... 51

Infrastructure Development ........................................................................................................................................ 51

Orientation Day ................................................................................................................................................................55

Independence Day ...........................................................................................................................................................55

Republic Day ......................................................................................................................................................................56

Fresher’s Welcome and Oath Ceremony ....................................................................................................................56


Lehren 2016 ......................................................................................................................................................................56

Alumni Meet ......................................................................................................................................................................57

Departmental Activities ..................................................................................................................58B.A. Programme Society .................................................................................................................................................58

Biochemical Society ........................................................................................................................................................58

Commerce Society ...........................................................................................................................................................60

Economics Society ...........................................................................................................................................................60

English Literary Society ................................................................................................................................................ 61

Geo-Group ..........................................................................................................................................................................63

History Society ................................................................................................................................................................64

Hindi Sahitya Parishad ...................................................................................................................................................65

SAHAAFAT : Journalism Society ...............................................................................................................................67

Mathematics Soceity ......................................................................................................................................................69

Physcom Society .............................................................................................................................................................. 71

Physical Education Department Activities ................................................................................................................72

Political Science Association.........................................................................................................................................74

Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad .............................................................................................................................................78

Swar Gunjan Society .......................................................................................................................................................79

Achievements of Faculty Members ...............................................................................................79Dr. Anula Maurya, Principal ...........................................................................................................................................79

Department of Botany ....................................................................................................................................................82

Department of Commerce .............................................................................................................................................85

Department of Economics .............................................................................................................................................86

Department of English ...................................................................................................................................................86

Department of Geography .............................................................................................................................................88

Department of Hindi .......................................................................................................................................................89

Department of Mathematics ........................................................................................................................................92

Department of Physics ...................................................................................................................................................99

Department of Physical Education ..............................................................................................................................96

Department of Political Science ..................................................................................................................................96

Department of Sanskrit.................................................................................................................................................98

Department of Zoology ................................................................................................................................................100

Highlights of Major Activities & Achievements .....................................................................102Student Union Report ...................................................................................................................................................102

Activities of the Various Cultural Clubs ..................................................................................................................103


RAQS ................................................................................................................................................................................103

Library Development .....................................................................................................................................................103

Central Placement Cell ..................................................................................................................................................104

Eco Club ............................................................................................................................................................................105

Internal Complaints Committee .................................................................................................................................105

SC/ST Cell .......................................................................................................................................................................106

Northeastern Student’s Cell.......................................................................................................................................106

Report of Competitive Coaching Classes for SC/ST/OBC ..................................................................................107

Equal Opportunity Cell ..................................................................................................................................................107

NCC ...................................................................................................................................................................................108

NSS ...................................................................................................................................................................................109

Non Collegiate Centre ................................................................................................................................................... 110

School of Open Learning ............................................................................................................................................... 111

Pravah College Magazine ............................................................................................................................................... 111

Add On Courses ............................................................................................................................................................ 112

English Laguage Proficiency Course ........................................................................................................................... 113

Woman Development Centre ....................................................................................................................................... 113

Anti Ragging Committee ............................................................................................................................................... 114

Parent- Teacher- Students Interface (PTSI) ....................................................................................................... 114

Anti Tobacco Committee ............................................................................................................................................. 115

Canteen Committee ....................................................................................................................................................... 115

Enviornment Studies Report ....................................................................................................................................... 115

Self Study Report ......................................................................................................................................................... 116

IQAC ................................................................................................................................................................................ 117

Garden Committee ......................................................................................................................................................... 119

Counselling ....................................................................................................................................................................... 119

Medical Facilities ........................................................................................................................................................... 110

Permanent Addition to Teaching faculty ................................................................................... 121Teachers on Study Leave .............................................................................................................. 121Appointments of faculty Members to Higher Posts Outside the Institution ................................................ 121

List of Retired Teachers in 2015 ..............................................................................................................................122

Permanent Addition to non teaching faculty ..........................................................................................................122

Results at Glance ...........................................................................................................................................................125

University Rank Holders .............................................................................................................................................122


Prizes of Excellence (2015-16) ..................................................................................................................................122

Fee Concession and Annual Scholarship 2015-16 ............................................................................................... 1125

Students Securing 100% Marks .................................................................................................................................122

Award of Scholarship ...................................................................................................................................................126

Prize Committee .............................................................................................................................................................128

Course wise Prize List.....................................................................................................................128B.A. Programme ..............................................................................................................................................................128

Botany ...............................................................................................................................................................................128

Chemistry ........................................................................................................................................................................129

Computer Science ..........................................................................................................................................................129

Commerce ........................................................................................................................................................................129

Economics ........................................................................................................................................................................130

English .............................................................................................................................................................................. 131

Geography ........................................................................................................................................................................ 131

Hindi .................................................................................................................................................................................. 131

History .............................................................................................................................................................................132

Mathematics ...................................................................................................................................................................132

Music .................................................................................................................................................................................133

Physics ..............................................................................................................................................................................134

Physical Science .............................................................................................................................................................134

Political science ..............................................................................................................................................................134


Zoology .............................................................................................................................................................................136

NCC/NSS .........................................................................................................................................................................133

Journalism .......................................................................................................................................................................132

Sports ...............................................................................................................................................................................136

Faculty 2015-2016 ...........................................................................................................................137Distinguished Speakers/Guests 2015-2016 ..............................................................................142


MeSSaGe Mr. Deepak MarwahChairman, Governing Body , Kalindi College

Kalindi College is in the process of concretizing its legacy as the foremost educational institution amongst the emergent colleges of University of Delhi. I am delighted to observe the promising progress the college has made on the frontiers of research and innovation. It gives me immense pleasure to congratulate the Principal, faculty members, non-teaching staff for their achievements which are evident fruits of their hard work. I am also pleased to see the students achieving an all round development by excelling in both Academic and Extra-curricular activities. It is my intense desire to see the students of Kalindi College to have a prolific, conducive, and fulfilling social existence.

With best wishes.

Deepak Marwah


MeSSaGe Mr. Nitin Kumar MittalTreasurer, Governing Body, Kalindi College

I experience immense elation to know that Kalindi College is celebrating its 49th Annual Day. With the passage of time, the college has surfaced as a preeminent institution of academic excellence. Kalindi College has upheld its credentials by producing great alumni who are trailblazing in every facet of life: political, economic and social. My heart swells with pride to be a part of the college governing body. I wish the students, teaching and non-teaching staff a resounding success on the Annual Day.

With best wishes.

Nitin Kumar Mittal


MeSSaGe Dr. (Ms) anula MauryaPrincipal

Þ; bPNR;kReu% Js;% çHkwrkfu lq[kkfu pA u dq;kZnfgra deZ l ijsH;% dnkfi pAAÞ

Þtks viuk dY;k.k vkSj vR;f/kd lq[k pkgrk gS] og dHkh Hkh nwljksa ds lkFk cqjk dk;Z u djsAÞ

Guard yourself with the shell positive mind set, face each problem with a faith that you can fight any situation and overcome it easily. Set your sights and aim high. You never know what you can achieve, until you focus on achieving it. Winning gets easier, if you have right strategy and secure plans about the challenge. Power lies in the strength of your hard work. Think and dream creatively. Once you believe that it can be done, the mind finds a way to get it done.

With best wishes.Dr. (Ms) Anula Maurya



Hon'ble Secretary, University Grants Commission Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu

Prof. Dr. Jaspal Singh Sandhu; Secretary, University Grants Commission; is a proficient authority in Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy. He is a multifaceted connoisseur who is also the Vice-President of Asian Federation of Sports Medicine. He is an Orthopedic Surgeon with a specialization in Sports Medicine and his special interests are research and education. He is also a member of numerous Editorial and International Advisory Boards. He is a Member of Education Commission in International Federation of Sports Medicine and a benevolent Patron of Indian Association of Sports Medicine. Prof. Sandhu has established himself in the field of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy by establishing the first and the only department of Sports Medicine in Indian University System which came under CPEPA Scheme of UGC in 2004. He introduced unique and novel courses in Sports Sciences such as Phx.D and Doctor of Medicine in Sports Medicine, Masters in Sports Physical Therapy, Masters in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, Masters in Sports Psychology etc. He is the Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences (India), Fellow of the International Federation of Sports Medicine, Fellow of the Asian Federation of Sports Medicine etc. He is the first Indian Secretary General of Asian Federation of Sports Medicine and has more than 200 research publications with more than 100 in international journals. Prof. Sandhu had a well-rounded career as Dean, Faculty of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar for 13 years and 3 months. He has also been Professor, Department of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar for 14 years. He has been Director, University Grants Commission’s Academic Staff College at Guru Nanak Dev University and has also been Prof. In-charge, Department of Public Relations at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. He has also been Head, Department of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar and also has been Secretary General at Asian Federation of Sports Medicine.


INTRODUCTION GUeST OF HONOURMR. aSHOK aRORaMr. Ashok Arora is a multifaceted philanthropist as he is not only a well-known lawyer and former secretary of Supreme Court Bar Association (India), but also a Rotar-ian, Motivational Speaker, Law Teacher, Author, Counselor (Marriage & Youth Affairs), and an Ex-Student of Harvard & Oxford Summer Schools. He studied at the prestigious Hindu College and Faculty of Law in Delhi. He has held many prestigious positions like: Secretary, Supreme Court Bar Association (2001-2002 & 2002-2003); Secretary, New Delhi Bar Association (1989-1990 & 1993-1994). He has been a Member of Committee on International Crimi-nal Court of International Law Association and has been frequently appointed Judge for reconciliations in N. Delhi. He has represented many big companies like: Tatas, Bir-las, Reliance, Hindujas, American Express Bank, Motorala, Apollo, etc., as well as many union ministers, governors and chief ministers in many important matters. He had been on the list of panel lawyers of the U.S. Embassy, British High Commission, German and various other embassies. He created history when he successfully argued for the summoning of a former Prime Minister of India in a criminal matter.

However, Mr. Arora is more famous for his spiritual nature now, than his materialistic achievements in the field of Law. Mr. Ashok Arora’s spiritually enlightened stature is evident from the fact that Ex-Law Minister of India Ram Jethmalani named him ‘Buddha of 21st century.’ He is an altruistic humanitarian as he relinquished his lucrative law practice at the peak of his career and gracefully refused the offer to become a high court judge to dedicate his life to give much needed spiritual guidance to students. Mr. Arora felt concerned about the falling standards of physi-cal and mental health of students world over, students undertaking violence at an early age and the stress they go through and he established a school for ‘training mind and soul.’ This school emphasizes on spiritual and mental well-being because Mr. Arora firmly believes that all the problems in the world today are due to lack of training of mind & soul. Every decision in the world is influenced by purity of soul & mind; therefore, it is important to train souls and minds.

Mr. Arora’s eulogies and laudation by many national and international dignitaries is a testimony of his greatness. Dean of Institute of Criminology (Ministry of Home) asserted that, “Mr. Arora has been rated as one of the best speak-ers by senior judges and police officers coming from all over India & neighboring countries. He has been very popular amongst his participants.” The Principal of Police Public School said that, “Mr. Arora is a magician who holds his audi-ence spellbound with his profound and mesmerizing thoughts.” Principal of D. Public School averred that, “The beauty of Mr. Arora’s talk is that first he goes to the level of his students and then he brings them to his level.” Maj. General B S Daulta, AVSM in Indian Army said that, “Rendering Holistic Education, Values are the pulse of his talks. He is a gifted speaker with a pragmatic realistic approach to the experience of life.” His teachers has also praised him for his clarity of thought and expression. Professor Andreas Teuber of Harvard University asserted that, “Ashok is wonderfully intelligent, thoughtful and kind, a gift to my class.”

Due to his non-materialistic spirituality many have termed him ‘A Monk Who Sold His Ferrari in the real sense.’ Despite being heavily occupied with his important engagements, he never lost sight of the human angle; he helped release of more than one thousand poor prisoners languishing in jail for petty offences. At present he has 36 years of experience in the arena of spirituality, law practice, teaching, motivation, personality development, stress manage-ment and communication skills. He has been teaching law and has delivered hundreds of free lectures for the benefit of students, teachers, parents, judges, army, police, doctors, corporate and professionals on a wide range of subjects like blissful living, stress management, parenting, complete personality development, life/communication skills, lead-ership, matrimonial issues, corporate training, team building, family law, constitution etc. Mr. Arora has also authored many books which are a perpetual source of spiritual inspiration, such as; Simple Tips For Sure shot Success, Meet Your Soul, Road To Professional Excellence. The Chief justice of India twice felicitated him for his books on Law Day functions held in Supreme Court (India). His shared his experience of more than three decades of dealing with matrimonial cases in his book, ‘A Guide to Man Woman Relationship”.



Shri Deepak MarwahChairman, Governing Body, Kalindi College

Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman of Kalindi College Governing Body, is the very embodiment of diversification and innovation in stalwart private sector organizations like Microsoft India, Birlasoft and Polaris Software. Mr. Marwah has over thirty five years of enriching and heterogeneous experience in private sector and has held senior management positions in some of the best companies. He has been exposed to a vast array of industry verticals and he is well versed with their key processes and challenges. Mr. Marwah’s management acumen and sagacity shines forth in the fact that he has managed very large teams for the majority of his illustrious career. He has always thrived on innovation and managing change.

Mr. Marwah is a gregarious and affable human being as is seen by his involvement in helping startup companies to grow. He is a caring person who believes in sharing his management experiences and what can be more substantial than teaching to share one’s experiences? So, he has taught as a guest faculty at numerous management colleges. He is also a philanthropist as is evident by his contributions in social sector, primarily monetary, to NGOs dedicated to the betterment of children. Mr. Marwah has assisted one large NGO based in Delhi, with multiple orphanages, to improve operational processes. He is also founder director of ‘Sadda Haq Foundation’ which is dedicated to serve under-privileged in the society, chiefly children and the old.



Shri Nitin Kumar MittalTreasurer, Governing Body, Kalindi College

Mr. Nitin Kumar Mittal is a vigorous , industrious and dynamic individual with a capacity to work in-defatigably for upliftment of the weaker sections of society. Mr. Mittal has a positive attitude, a keen learning ability and potential to lead by example. He has extensive experience in Real Estate sector for Corporate Leasing and is currently working in reputed Sahara India Pera Banking as the Designation of Motivator for three years in Field Marketing. Currently pursuing Master of Social Work degree from IGNOU, Mr. Mittal is deeply rooted in his social existence. He has plethora of social experience as he has been Joint Secretary at Zakir Husain College Students Union between 2005 to 2006), a Madhya Vibhag Mantri (Delhi) at Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad between 2004 to 2006). He is Joint Secretary at ZAKIRIANS, an association of old students of Zakir Husain College from 2007 to present and he is the President of Aapka Apna Smaj (a non political NGO based in Karol Bagh, Delhi) from 2013 to present. He is also the General Secretary of Karol Bagh Uthan Sangh (Regd.) which is a non-profit NGO that works for human welfare in all sectors, i.e., efforts for Education to All, Health, Environment, and Awareness (Career Counseling), etc. from 2012 to present. He is also the Secretary of Hawkers Joint Action Committee (Regd.), which is the Federal Society of all the hawkers associations in Delhi/NCR, from 2014 to present. He has established himself as an “RTI activist” and he is working indefatigably to disseminate public awareness about the workings of various Delhi Government departments (such as, MCD, NDMC, and Delhi Police) as well as departments of the Indian Government. Mr. Mittal regularly attends seminars and symposiums on the issues of public interest. He also has membership of different magazines and journals and he abreast by watching news, etc. His public appeal is evident by the fact that he has substantial following on social networking sites.



Kalindi College will celebrate an important milestone next year, it will be 50 years since the college opened its doors in 1967. For half a century, thousands of students have charted their path to success at Kalindi College. Kalindi’s motto (Gyänam Shílam Dharmashchaiv Bhushanam) conveys the three virtues of human life: knowledge, modesty and sense of duty. College has successfully maintained its place as one of the finest colleges within the University of Delhi under the proficient guidance of our Principal, Dr Anula Maurya who believes in holistic education that equips students with sound knowledge, humanity and civic awareness.

A nourishing environment supported by a combination of competent infrastructure and a dedicated teaching faculty helps our students to achieve the highest accolades in Academics, Sports and other Extra-Curricular Activities. Besides various courses in Humanities, Commerce and Science disciplines, it also offers coveted professional degree courses in Computer Science and Journalism, and contemporary add-on courses such as Foreign Languages. With a team of 161 well qualified, distinguished teaching faculty who have been actively engaged in academic pursuits in addition to institutional responsibilities and a 90 member efficient and cooperative administrative/ technical/ support staff, the College aims to provide quality education and all round development to its over 3557 regular students, approximately 1300 Non-collegiate students and about 2000 students enrolled under the School of Open Learning Centre. The College boasts of an excellent infrastructure and is continuously striving to update it. Promotion of advanced as well as undergraduate research has been the institution’s forte. Our vision is to make Kalindi College an institution of excellence, achieving its rightful place on the national and global education map.


THe PRINCIPaL’S RePORT Namaskar! A very good morning to you all! It gives me immense pleasure and delight to cordially welcome Professor Jaspal Singh Sandhu, Mr. Ashok Arora,

Mr. Deepak Marwah, Mr. Nitin Kumar Mittal, all the teaching and non teaching staff, parents and my very dear students to the 49th Annual Day Celebration function of the college.

It is a matter of enormous honour and privilege to the college that Secretary, University Grants Commission, Prof. Dr. Jaspal Singh Sandhu is the Chief Guest of today’s function. On behalf of whole Kalindi College, I warmly welcome Professor Jaspal Singh Sandhu. Prof. Dr. Jaspal Singh Sandhu; Secretary, University Grants Commission; is a proficient authority in Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy. He is a multifaceted connoisseur who is also the Vice-President of Asian Federation of Sports Medicine. He is an Orthopedic Surgeon with a specialization in Sports Medicine and his special interests are research and education. He is also a member of numerous Editorial and International Advisory Boards. He is a Member of Education Commission in International Federation of Sports Medicine and a benevolent Patron of Indian Association of Sports Medicine. Prof. Sandhu has established himself in the field of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy by establishing the first and the only department of Sports Medicine in Indian University System which came under CPEPA Scheme of UGC in 2004. He introduced unique and novel courses in Sports Sciences such as Ph.D. and Doctor of Medicine in Sports Medicine, Masters in Sports Physical Therapy, Masters in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition, Masters in Sports Psychology etc. He is the Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences (India), Fellow of the International Federation of Sports Medicine, Fellow of the Asian Federation of Sports Medicine etc. He is the first Indian Secretary General of Asian Federation of Sports Medicine and has more than 200 research publications with more than 100 in international journals. Prof. Sandhu had a well-rounded career as Dean, Faculty of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar for 13 years and 3 months. He has also been Professor, Department of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar for 14 years. He has been Director; University Grants Commission’s Academic Staff College at Guru Nanak Dev University and has also been Prof. In-charge, Department of Public Relations at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. He has also been Head, Department of Sports Medicine and Physiotherapy at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar and also has been Secretary General at Asian Federation of Sports Medicine. Sir, we are really obliged by your presence and heartily thank you for accepting our invitation to be the chief guest of our 49th Annual Day celebrations.

We are highly privileged to have Mr Ashok Arora, as the Guest of Honour amongst us today. Mr Ashok Arora is a well known lawyer, former secretary of the Supreme Court Bar Association, a motivational speaker, a law teacher, an established author, and a great counselor. He has done a lot of research and has practical experience of more than thirty years in the field of child development, personality development and communication skills.

Mr Ashok Arora always took bold stand on public issues. He created history when he successfully argued for the summoning of a former Prime Minister of India in a criminal matter. He represented many big companies and also had the occasion to cross-examine well known lawyer Shri Ram Jethmalani for umpteen numbers of hearings.

He has already delivered more than hundred lectures organized all over India by different Bar Associations, and number of universities, NGOs and number of associations for the benefit of all sections of society on a wide range of subjects like blissful living, stress management, parenting, complete personality development, life/communication skills, leadership, matrimonial issues, corporate training, team building, family law, constitution etc.. Mr. Arora has been rated as one of the best speakers by senior judges and police officers coming from all over India & neighboring countries. He wrote many articles also have authored books “Simple Tips for Sureshot Success” and ‘Meet Your Soul’. The Chief Justice of India twice felicitated him for his books on Law Day Functions held in Supreme Court of India.

Despite being heavily occupied with his important engagements, he never lost sight of the human angle; he helped release of more than one thousand poor prisoners languishing in jail for petty offences .He also established a school for ‘training mind and soul’ because of his firm belief that all the problems in the world today are because of lack of training of mind & soul. Mr. Ashok Arora’s spiritually enlightened stature is evident from the fact that Ex-Law Minister of India Ram


Jethmalani named him ‘Buddha of 21st century.’ Due to his non-materialistic spirituality many have termed him ‘A Monk Who Sold His Ferrari in the real sense.’

Sir, we are delighted to have you as Guest of Honour and are heartily thankful to you for sparing your valuable time for our college.

On behalf of whole Kalindi College, I warmly welcome Chairman, Shri Deepak Marwah. Shri Marwah took the charge of Kalindi College as Chairman on 17th August 2015. Mr. Marwah is a man with clear vision. He is a dynamic and distinguished leader whose range of experience is overwhelming. We feel proud to be led by him. Mr. Deepak Marwah, is the very embodiment of diversification and innovation in stalwart private sector organizations like Microsoft India, Birlasoft and Polaris Software. Mr. Marwah has over thirty five years of enriching and heterogeneous experience in private sector and has held senior management positions in some of the best companies. He has been exposed to a vast array of industry verticals and he is well versed with their key processes and challenges. Mr. Marwah’s management acumen and sagacity shines forth in the fact that he has managed very large teams for the majority of his illustrious career. He has always thrived on innovation and managing change. Mr. Marwah is a gregarious and affable human being as is seen by his involvement in helping startup companies to grow. He is a caring person who believes in sharing his management experiences and what can be more substantial than teaching to share one’s experiences? So, he has taught as a guest faculty at numerous management colleges. He is also a philanthropist as is evident by his contributions in social sector, primarily monetary, to NGOs dedicated to the betterment of children. Mr. Marwah has assisted one large NGO based in Delhi, with multiple orphanages, to improve operational processes. He is also founder director of ‘Sadda Haq Foundation’ which is dedicated to serve under-privileged in the society, chiefly children and the old.

A very warm Welcome to you, Sir.On behalf of whole Kalindi College, I warmly welcome Treasurer, Shri Nitin Kr Mittal. Mr. Nitin Kumar Mittal is a

vigorous, industrious and dynamic individual with a capacity to work indefatigably for upliftment of the weaker sections of society. Mr. Mittal has a positive attitude, a keen learning ability and potential to lead by example. He has extensive experience in Real Estate sector for Corporate Leasing and is currently working in reputed Sahara India Pera Banking as the Designation of Motivator for three years in Field Marketing. Currently pursuing Master of Social Work degree from IGNOU, Mr. Mittal is deeply rooted in his social existence. He has plethora of social experience as he has been Joint Secretary at Zakir Husain College Students Union between 2005 to 2006), a Madhya Vibhag Mantri (Delhi) at Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad between 2004 to 2006). He is Joint Secretary at ZAKIRIANS, an association of old students of Zakir Husain College from 2007 to present and he is the President of Aapka Apna Smaj (a non political NGO based in Karol Bagh, Delhi) from 2013 to present. He is also the General Secretary of Karol Bagh Uthan Sangh (Regd.) which is a non-profit NGO that works for human welfare in all sectors, i.e., efforts for Education to All, Health, Environment, and Awareness (Career Counseling), etc. from 2012 to present. He is also the Secretary of Hawkers Joint Action Committee (Regd.), which is the Federal Society of all the hawkers associations in Delhi/NCR, from 2014 to present. Mr. Mittal regularly attends seminars and symposiums on the issues of public interest. He also has membership of different magazines and journals and he abreast by watching news, etc. His public appeal is evident by the fact that he has substantial following on social networking sites.

A very warm welcome to you, Sir.My dear students, teaching and non teaching staff, I am very happy that all of you are here for today’s celebrations.

It is always a pleasure to share our joys, our achievements, our successes and our thoughts. Kalindi College is entering in its 50th year. When I took charge of Kalindi College on 16th April 2009, I found the infrastructure and other amenities of the institution to be in a deplorable state. Students and staff were lacking even the basic facilities. There was a great need for the college to grow and change, in terms of infrastructure, academics and cultural environment. . I determined to take cudgels on behalf of Kalindi College to make substantial progress in these directions. .I assumed control over the situation and determined to take regenerative steps in the best interests of the institution and its students. Along with a team of committed and diligent staff members I embarked of a voyage of rectification and regeneration and I can confidently assert that the outcome is evident to all of us. In last seven years, the college has undergone a notable overhaul in terms of infrastructure development like new Chemistry Lab, Multi Media Journalism Lab, TRI Block, Amphitheatre, renovation of Administrative Block, Theme Park, August Kranti Park, Saraswati Park, Buddha Park, Butterfly Park, Beautification of entrance, installation of Fire Extinguishers, renovation of Botany and Zoology Museums, Convention Centre and Students Amenities Block, Sports Utility Centre with all modern facilities, Gym, funding for Girl’s Hostel, Teachers Cyber Centre; various educational courses, and phenomenal achievements in the field of sports and co-curricular activities. The entire


credit of funding, for these developments goes to former Vice Chancellor University of Delhi, Prof. Dinesh Singh and UGC officials. Whenever we required money they gave us. Last seven years have seen the college scaling new heights and consolidating its position as one of the best colleges in Delhi University. I convey my deepest appreciation for former Vice Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh, Ex Chairman Prof. Dinnabandhoo Sahoo, incumbent Governing body, my dedicated and responsible faculty, non teaching staff, and my students, in making this possible. It is because of their untiring efforts that the graph has shown a remarkable upward trend in continuation for the last seven years.

Our aim at Kalindi College has always been to provide an all round educational experience for our students, which includes academic as well as co-curricular opportunities. We have always been driven by our goal to do our best to help our students so that they are prepared to be successful in life and are able to pursue their dreams beyond college life. The world around us is constantly changing and we are aware that there are many challenges that lie ahead of us as we take the helm around this world of changing demands. We construct on our successes. We do not rest on our laurels. The need of the hour is to pool resources, collaborate, innovate and keep growing in order to keep pace with the changes that are inevitable. My dear students, in today’s world, it is important to have worldly wisdom, reasoning power and individuality. One must know one’s limitations and capabilities to be able to decide the course of one’s life. Life is a continuous journey full of divergence. The important thing is to move on with full sincerity, devotion and sacrifice, without looking back. Moving ahead with this loom, will not only add dignity to an individual’s life but will also bestow a new hope for humanity. The dividend of this investment thus is huge and wholesome and the same time it influences one’s fellow beings with its inspirational power. Like the horizons, learning is limitless and infinite, so the process of learning should never cease. It adds gusto, diversity and fulfillment to life. The whole of life from the moment you born to the moment you die is a process of learning.

I feel proud to announce that academic session 2015-2016 has been extremely successful and satisfying in terms of accomplishments and accolades in scholastic, co-scholastic and infrastructural development areas, leading to a complete all round development of our college, students and staff. In this academic year our students, teachers and non teaching staff have shown commendable performance. Our students have excelled in academics as well as in co-curricular activities. Today, we will honour the achievements of our meritorious and brilliant students and staff. My heartiest congratulations to the students, teaching, non-teaching staff and parents for another glorious year.

In this academic session, we have reformed our infrastructure significantly by completing 8 major infrastructure projects namely- Construction and Utilization of TRI block (for teaching, UGC resource centre and IQAC), Renovation of Administrative Block, Butterfly park, Refilling and Installation of Fire Extinguishers, Convention Centre and Students Amenities Block, Sports Utility Center, Covering of the open area of science block and Additional Security Gate near Multi Media Journalism Lab. The projects under going and near completion are: construction of Parking Area, construction of additional rooms and Renovation of Toilets in Science Block. There are four other projects which are sanctioned and going to start soon namely - Renovation of Sangam Parisar, Construction of Girls Hostel, and Electrification of the Campus and Extension of library. There are 8 more new projects to be undertaken in near future namely- Extension of Science Block, Extension of Academic Block, Development of the Sports Ground, Provision of lift, Installation of CCTV Camras, Solar System Project, Beautification of the Administrative Block and Beautification of the Entrance Gate.

On 17th October 2015, former Vice Chancellor University of Delhi; Prof. Dinesh Singh accompanied by Director South Campus; Prof. Umesh Rai , Chairman Governing Body; Sh. Deepak Marwah, and Treasurer Governing Body; Shri Nitin Kumar Mittal inaugurated the New Administrative Block, Sports Utility Centre. UGC Resource Centre & IQAC which are incorporated in Teaching, Research and Innovation Block, are equipped with 8 computers and printer. All the computers are joined with LAN and are having the facility of Internet. The TRI block has provision for ramps and toilets to facilitate the differently abled students. A Digital Information Display Board has been also installed in front of TRI Block.

At the entry of the completely renovated Administrative, a reception area has been provided which will have an exclusive staff, with telephone and computer facility. The administrative block would provide, conference room adjacent to the Principal office, new structured rooms to provide enough space and sitting for the administrative staff along with extended Staff Room and toilets. The complete block has been provided with the specialized painting and all new modular furniture. The conference room, which is the part of the Principal's room has been newly constructed which will facilitate holding of meeting. A pantry has also been provided in the Principal and staff room. A separate room has also been provided to the Bursar and the Vice Principal of the College.An enclosed Mini Staff Room has also been constructed at the second floor. At the roof, Porta cabin has been constructed which would provide space for lockers for the teachers. A new toilet has also been constructed on the roof top for the staff, attached to the mini staff room.


The College has recently beautified its campus by adding a new Butterfly Park near big Bamboo tree in between the August Kranti Park and the Theme Park. Special and different varieties of the plants and flowers have been planted here, which keep on attracting the butterflies. A small enclosed pond has also been constructed in the area. The park is enclosed by using bamboos all around the enclosure. On 19th February, this park was inaugurated by the Chief Guest Prof. Dinabandhoo Sahoo, Director Institute of Bio-resource and sustainable Development (IBSD) and Guest of Honour , B. P. Nilaratna (IAS), former Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests.

The newly constructed Sports Utility Center, having Sports Room and Gym, also incorporates one Hall and two rooms at the ground floor and two big Halls at the first floor. Soon this center would provide specialized equipments of gym and various sports activities. A new additional gate for security purpose has been provided near the Multi Media Journalism Lab. This gate is presently been utilized for the purpose of exit only by the students. A separate security guard has been deputed on this gate. This gate would be used as an emergency exit.

Kalindi College, an institution of academic excellence and achievement, was established in 1967, in a school building in Dev Nagar and today it is conceitedly located in its own beautiful campus of 8.25 Acre, with all modern amenities and excellent infrastructure. Kalindi’s motto (Gyänam Shílam Dharmashchaiv Bhushanam) conveys the three virtues of human life: knowledge, modesty and sense of duty. As the Principal of college, I very strongly feel that the secret to a high level of performance is a burning desire to learn. In the current academic session Kalindi College is imparting education to 3557 regular students, about 1300 Non-collegiate students and about 2000 students of School of Open Learning. It is a matter of proud that in the coming academic session, the college is introducing four new honours courses in Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, and Geography; and two vocational degree courses namely B.Voc.(Printing Technology) and B.Voc.(Web Designing) with Industry Partners Dainik Jagran and Sisoft Technologies. Besides 17 courses in Humanities, Commerce and Science disciplines, college also offers coveted professional degree courses in Computer Science and Journalism, and 6 contemporary add-on certificate courses in Foreign Languages: French and Chinese, Video Production and Photo journalism, Travel and Tourism, a Certificate Courses in Women’s Studies Development Centre and English Language Proficiency Course. With a team of 161 well qualified, distinguished teaching faculty who are always actively engaged in academic pursuits along with their institutional responsibilities and a 90 member efficient and cooperative administrative/ technical/ support staff, the College aims to provide quality education and all round development to its students. At Kalindi College, we aim to evaluate students on their physical, mental, social, emotional and intellectual development. We move ahead with strong determination and will to succeed. We all work together to inspire the young students to build up their career and transform themselves into exquisite human beings.

We face challenges every day, every minute but we continue with our hopes and dreams to achieve much more. This momentous year was full of avalanche of achievements and flurry of activities. To mention a few - Kalindi College held Orientation for first year students on 20th July 2015 in Sangam Parisar. Separate Orientation for SC/ST/OBC Minority students, North-East & Foreign students, NCC, NSS & sports students was also held. I congratulate the Convener Dr. Shilpika Bali Mehta and her team for this programme. In this academic Session, College held three National Seminars in its Campus. Geography Dept. organized UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Environment Ethics, Resource Depletion & Sustainable Development on 25th& 26th February 2016. I congratulate Convener Ms. Seema Sahdev and the entire Geography Department for this. Hindi Dept. Organized National Seminar on “Madhyakalin Sahitya Ke Shikshan Ki Chunotiyan”on 10-11 March 2016. I congratulate Convener Dr. Arti Singh, Co-Convener Dr. Pukhraj Jangid and the entire Hindi Department for this. Journalism Dept organized UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Media, State & the Marginalized: Tracking challenges” on 17th and 18th March 2016. I congratulate Convener Dr. Nivedita Giri, Co-Convener Dr. Rachna Sharma and the entire Journalism Department for this.

In this academic year our college was involved in many social awareness activities. On 25 April 2015, Donations were collected for Nepal Earthquake by organizing a rally within college premises. I congratulate NSS Programme Officer Ms. Indu Choudhary for this endeavor. International Yoga Day was celebrated in the college on 21st June 2015. On 14 August 2015, our college celebrated 69th Independence Day with freedom fighters Sh. K.K. Bhatia & Sh. Shran Singh as Chief Guests’ of the function. I congratulate Dr. Saroj Dutta and her team for this wonderful function. Under the guidance of Convener Dr. Anjana Nanchahal, a Plantation Drive was held on 4th September 2015 by NSS team and NGO ‘Indraprastha Sanjeevani’ The sampling of various plants were planted in the Saraswati Garden of the college by eminent Guests Mr. Hazarilal Chauhan (MLA, Patel Nagar), Mr. Paramaditya (IPS)-DCP Central Distt., Dr. S.D. Singh (IFS) CEO DPGS, Department of Environment, Govt. of NCT Delhi, Mrs. Purnima Vidyarthi, MCD Councellor Patel Nagar, Mr. Jitender Kumar Meena(ACP) and Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman,Governing Body, Kalindi College. I congratulate Dr. Anjana Nanchahal and her team


for this wonderful effort. Eye donation Seminar was held on 8th Sept 2015 by NSS team. Thanks to Indu Choudhary for her kind efforts in this regard . On 26 September 2015 & 17th October 2015, Parent Teacher interactive sessions were held in college in which parent & students actively participated. I am thankful to Convener Dr. Anjula Bansal, Co-convener Dr. Renu Bala, Dr. Naina Hasija and Dr. Anjali Malik for their sincere efforts in this regard. I feel very proud to share that Kalindi College is the first college in Delhi University to start the SC-ST Cell which was inaugurated by the then Vice- Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh & Director, South Campus Prof. Umesh Rai in September 2015. A Wall painting competition was organized in college on 16th October 2015 by the SC-ST cell of the College . I congratulate Convener Dr. Meena Charanda and Co-Convener Dr. Rakhee Chauhan for this fantastic initiative. Vigilance week was observed from 26th October 2015 to 31st October 2015. To celebrate 125th Birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on 26th November 2015, SC/ST Cell organized a program in which preamble of Indian constitution was read. Thanks to Dr. Meena Charanda and her SC-ST cell team. On 19th January 2016, it was a propitious noon for Kalindians when they got an opportunity to hear to the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee through video-conferencing using the national knowledge network on the topic, “Youth and Nation-Building”. He emphasized the importance of the education for youth and development of their mental and professional capabilities which would be a key for nation-building. He stressed on the need for instilling a spirit of reverence towards women, in our children in our homes and educational institutions which must be done from an early age. The speech was concluded by a formal gesture of ‘Jai Hind’ followed by our national anthem. Thanks to Ms. Karnika Gaur for organizing this programme. Under the guidance of Political science Department, Voters Day was celebrated on 25th January 2016. The Department of Political Science also organised the 67th Republic Day of India on 25th January 2016. Freedom Fighter, Shri Satpal Saini, was the Chief Guest for the event. I congratulate Dr. Meena Charanda and her team for organizing this function successfully in the college. Kalindi College with the Collaboration of Women International Network (WIN) provided free computer education to 160 girls on 9.2.2016. Girls were trained in the College Cyber Center in two batches from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday. I am thankful to Convener Dr. Anita Gupta and her team for this wonderful education programme. The 15 days Entrepreneurship Development Program was organized in collaboration with the National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India. This included one day classroom training (Motivational) and 14 day E-learning Module. Every student will receive a certificate after the completion of online training. One Billion Rising Day was held in Kalindi College on 5th February 2016 and Kalindi College became the third college of University of Delhi to have participated in the One Billion Rising movement, which is a global mass action to end all types of violence against women. The Department of Political Science organised the event to celebrate, the association of Kalindi College with the One Billion Rising movement done on women in all forms. On 14th February, 2016 Department of Political Science Faculty accompanied students to participate in One Billion Rising Central Park, Connaught Place. Students performed ‘Flash Mob’ to raise consciousness and express the ‘rise’ of the billion movers and shakers through dance and music and leverage the power of global solidarity and collective action. Thanks to Political science Department for this big effort. A Mock Drill on Disaster Management, organized by Govt. of Delhi, was held in the college on 10th February 2016. The sixth Alumni Meet was successfully organized in the college on 21st February, 2016. Prof. Furqan Qamar, the Secretary General of Association of Indian Universities,was invited as the Chief Guest for Alumni Meet, where many alumni of Kalindi College participated. I congratulate Convener Dr. Sudha Gulati and Co Convener: Ms Neelam Bareja for radiantly organizing this meet. The outlay of Kalindi College was inaugurated by Chief Guest Prof. Amitabh Kundu, Senior fellow Delhi Policy Group, Prof. Hasina Hashia from Jamia Milia Islamia, Prof. S.C Rai, Head, Department of Geography, University of Delhi and Prof. R.B. Singh and Chairman of the College, Sh. Deepak Marwah. Special thanks to Ms. Seema Sahdev and Dr. Manish Kumar for drafting an outlay of the college. A Debate Competition on ' ' was held on 9th March 2016, in Kalindi College in collaboration with Jaladhikar Foundation , to aware youth about the importance of Water. I am thankful to organizers Dr. Anita Gupta and Dr. Chaity Das for this marvelous effort. Swachhta Abhiyan was carried out in college on 21st March 2016 to keep the campus clean. I sincerely thank Dr. Anjula Rani Bansal and her team for organizing such a drive.

Dr Manju Sharma, Department of Hindi, is awarded PhD degree from University of Delhi. I congratulate her for this success. I congratulate Dr. Sangeeta Dhal from Department of Political Science for submitting her UGC Post Doctoral Research in March 2016. I congratulate Dr. K. Vandana Rani for her selection for pursuing Masters’ course in “Advanced Genomic and Proteomic Sciences” from University of Nottingham, UK, under University Exchange Programme. I feel extremely proud to share that Dr. Arti of Hindi Department has published three Books namely Padmakar ke Kavya mai Bimb Vidhan, Swachandtavad ke do Dhruv Ghananand aur Prasad, and Swachandtavadi Kavya aur Prasad. I also congratulate Dr. Deshraj of Department of Sanskrit for publishing three books namely-Pratibha Vimarsh, Rangmanch evam Natyakala


ek Samagra Addhyan and Shodh : Kyo aur Kaise. I congratulate Dr. Sunita Sharma of Department of Physical Education for publishing a book on Swasthya aur Sharirik Shiksha. I congratulate Dr Ruchi Tyagi for publishing an edited book “Adhunik Bharat ka Rajnitik Chintan”.

We are running eighteen societies of various departments of the college and twenty nine more than thirty five Programmes/Committees which endeavor to enrich the academic and extracurricular standards of our students. Our teachers work hard throughout the year with the students to provide them high quality educational experience in the form of debates, group discussions, workshops, symposia, seminars and cultural competitions. Our Students participate massively in inter-college competitions and academic and cultural events. Our faculty members are very dynamic in keeping themselves abreast with the latest developments in their respective fields by continuously doing research; organizing, participating, and attending International and National Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. Their papers are published in reputed journals. “Quality is always more important than quantity”, to fulfill these lines, the whole Kalindi College, has been working as a team since 1967. Moving ahead, college has applied for its Assessment and Accreditation through NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council), Government of India, an autonomous institution which reviews and analyzes the quality education of any Indian Institutes. We have constituted an IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) which is looking into the quality sustenance, enhancement and improvement of the college continuously. I am thankful to Dr. Ruchi Tyagi and her team for their massive effort in this regard. Further, a team is continuously working and has compiled the huge data and details of the college, in the form of a College-Self Study Report (SSR). The Report Preparation (Compilation) Committee is consisting of Dr. Ruchi Tyagi, Dr. Tarkeshwar, Dr. Amit, Dr. Rakhee Chauhan and Dr. Arunjit. The final soft copy of SSR report has been submitted to NAAC on 15th August 2015. Now we are waiting for the NAAC peer team visit. I am thankful to the entire team for putting their highly sincere efforts. Under the guidance of Dr. Nivedita Giri, the Journalism Department has been immensely flourishing. Its Print production includes monthly newsletter Sententias. The department has also recently started a weekly gazette and tabloid.The Film Club "Encore" of Journalism Department holds regular screening of movies related with different issues. In this academic session, this department has screened ten feature films and has also produced 7 Video Commercial Ad Films on- Child Abuse, Lakme Kajal, Save Paper, LGBT, Stop Acid Attack, Airtel Mobile Network, while Music Videos are in post production stage. It is a matter of pride for the Journalism Department as its alumna Ms. Maxima Basu (2003 batch) received Filmfare award in the category of Best Costume Designer for the film - Bajirao Mastani. Her commendable work in critically acclaimed movies like Slumdog Millionaire, Peepli Live and Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela has brought her crowning glory. A Felicitation function of Ms. Maxima Basu was organized in the college by Journalism Department on 2nd February, 2016. I congratulate Dr. Nivedita Giri for excellently handling Journalism Department.

The Non-collegiate centre of women education board under the leadership of Dr. Arti Singh imparts education to students on Sundays and during vacations. The centre has 1524 students on its rolls. Presently the centre is running two courses: B.A (Programme) and B.Com (Programme), wherein, 41 teachers have been engaged. The centre organized various competition for its students in this academic year. Thanks to Dr. Arti Singh and her team for running this centre in a wonderful manner. The School of Open Learning Center in Kalindi College started in the year 2011 is running wonderfully under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Arti Singh. Presently more than 2000 girl students are enrolled in it.

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted in each college of University of Delhi under “The sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act, 2013”. The Act, 2013 is an Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. I am thankful to Ms. Punam Sachdeva, Dr. Monika Bassi and Dr. Sunita for successfully handling this Committee in the college. The Woman Development Centre of Kalindi College is being successfully run by Ms Vandana Rani. I congratulate her for running this centre in the college.

We have published the 15th volume of the Yearly Academic Journal in this academic session. I sincerely thank Dr. Punita Verma,Dr. Chaity Das, Dr. Nisha Goyal, Dr. Reena Jain, Dr. Neetu Agrawal (Garg), Ms. Sunita Sharma, Dr. Nisha Goyal, Dr. Kailash, Dr. PukhrajJangid.,Ms Laxmi Priya and Tanveen for bringing out this volume. Every year college publishes the College Magazine "Pravah" which includes articles of the students, teaching staff and administrative staff. The magazine also gives space to the photographs of the events and activities that the college organizes throughout the year. The theme of Pravah 2016 is Tolerance. I sincerely thank Dr. Monica Zutshi, Dr. Anita Gupta, Dr. Nisha Goel, Dr. Renu Bala, Dr. Sanawar Soham, Ms. Sneha Sawai, Ms. Tanya Singh, Ms. Ritu, Dr. Brahmanand, Dr. Kailash Chand for bringing out magazine of this academic session.


Every year we publish the Annual Report of the college which contains a comprehensive stock of all the achievements of the students, teachers, and non-teaching staff, the infrastructural and all other developments of the college. I whole heartedly thank Convener Annual Report Dr. Rakhee Chauhan and the members - Dr. Rashmi Menon, Mr. Prabhat Rana,, Dr Kailash Chand, Dr. Pukhraj, Dr. Vibha and Dr. Mukesh Dr. Jyoti Kulsherestha for bringing out this 49th Annual Report 2015-16. I owe my special thanks to Dr. Monika Bassi for preparing Principal's Report and guiding the committee as and when required. I sincerely thank Convener Dr. Anjali Malik, Co- Convener Ms. Kavita Sangari and their whole team for Annual Day Preparations. I give my sincere thanks to conveners of various academic and cultural committees and their teams who have contributed to the various activities of the college. I sincerely thank to the Prize Committee Convener Dr. Meena Charanda, Co-Convener Ms. Manila Narzary and Ms. Karnika Gaur Taneja and their team for effectively handling all the Prize work. I sincerely thank the Fee Concession and Annual Scholarship committee Convener Dr. Meena Charanda, Co-Convener Ms. Karnika Gaur Taneja and their team for successfully handling all the work related to their Committee.

The phenomenal achievements of our students have always added splendor to the college. Our students have made Kalindi the best institution in Delhi University and they have once again proved that they are capable of doing better than their best. I feel proud to announance that 41 students of our college have secured 100% marks, 343 Students have secured 95 % to 99.5% marks and 565 students have secured 90% to 94.5% in various papers of different streams. I heartily congratulate all those students who have performed commendably well by securing University Ranks in the University of Delhi. I feel extremely proud to announce that Shiwali Khari of Journalism (Hons.) Part III has secured 1st Rank, Yamini Maggo of Journalism (Hons.) Part III has secured 4th and Charu Chugh of Journalism (Hons.) part III has secured 5th Rank in the University. Vidhi Sethi of BTech-Computer Science VI semester has secured 6th Rank , Charu Dua of Journalism (Hons.) part III has secured 8th Rank, and Priyal Chauhan of Journalism (Hons.) part III has secured 10th Rank in the University. I feel proud in congratulating Shagufta of B.A.(H)Hindi for getting “All Round Prize of Excellence in Academics”, Amarjeet Kaur of B.Sc. (Life Sciences) for getting “Nargis Sunil Dutt Girl of the Year” award (For Maximum number of Prizes) and also the Principal’s Prize (For All Round Student). Sonal Jain of B.Sc. (H) Botany III Year (Erstwhile FYUP) is awarded “Shiv Pal Goel Memorial Prize” (For Academic Excellence). Deepali Jagga, of B.Sc. Physics (H) 3rd Year has been awarded the Silver Jubilee scholarship for the best all round student of the college.Vidyawati Arora Memorial Scholarship is awarded to Daisy Jaggarwal of B.A.(H) Journalism 2nd Year. Dr. M. P. Gupta Scholarship is awarded to Sakshi Oberoi of Pol.Sc.(H) 3rd Year. Mata Amrita Nandamayi Scholarship, is awarded to Manju Kumari of B.Sc.Math (H) 2nd Year. I congratulate all the Prize Winners for bringing Laurels to the college.

The annual inter-College cultural festival Lehren-2016 was held on 19 and 20 February this year. The chief guest of the festival was Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, Director, Institute of Bioresource & Sustainable Development, the guest of honour was Retd. IAS officer, Dr. B.P.Nilaratna, Former Joint Seceretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests.The theme of the festival this year was ‘Conoscenza’ an Italian word which means Knowledge, Acquaintance and Consciousness. Both the days witnessed participation in large numbers in various events breaking all the past records. Live performance by Agastya Band followed by star performance by A-Bazz was special attraction on the second day. I congratulate Convenor Dr.Manju Sharma and Co-Convenors Dr.Harvinder Kaur and Dr.Ranjana Roy Mishra for prolifically organizing such a big show.

The sports team has always added glory to the college with their achievements. This year our powerlifting team won IInd Championship in inter college and Delhi State Championship. Ms. Poonam was selected and participated in All India Inter University Power-lifting championship. In this academic session Department of Physical Education celebrated Sports Day on 29th February 2016. Hon’ble Minister of Youth Affairs & Sports, Mr. Sarbananda Sonowal was the Chief Guest of the function. Sneha of M.A. (Hindi), 1st year won silver medal in Delhi State Yoga championship. Kanika Gupta of B.Com (H) 3rd year won 2 gold medals in Delhi state power lifting championship and 1 gold, and 1 bronze in Delhi state bench press championship. Nisha of Hindi (H) 3rd year won gold in Delhi state power lifting championship and silver in inter college power lifting competition. She also participated in Delhi Olympis, Athletics. Poonam of B.A (P) 2nd year won silver in Delhi state power lifting championship, gold in inter college power lifting and silver in Delhi state bench press championship. Bharti Kaushik of B.Sc (Life Sci.) 1st year won silver in cadets Senior National Kick Boxing Championship and silver in Delhi Olympics. Poorva of Comp. Sc. 3rd year won 1 silver and 1 bronze in inter college and Delhi state Olympics. Deepika Singh of B.A. (P) 1st year won 1 gold and 1 silver in Delhi State Power Lifting Championship. Kirti Bhati of Eco (H) 1st year won 1 silver and 1 bronze in inter college and Delhi State Power Lifting Championship. Deepa of Hindi (H) 1st year won 1 bronze, Rakhi of B.A. (P) 2nd year won 1 bronze and 1 silver, Rituraj of B.A. (P) 2nd year won silver in Dehi state judo. Anjali Aachrya, Nidhi Tomar, Dolby, Pinki, Anjali, Harshita, Jyoti and Manisha won various Gold, Silver & Bronze at National and Delhi State Level and in Delhi Olympics competitions in Judo, Marathon and Taekwondo.


In this academic year, our NCC cadet participated in various camps and won various prizes. NCC also organized its fest UDAAN on 16th March, 2016 in which numerous colleges took part in Quater Guard, Squad Drill, Best Cadet and Cultural Comptitions. I thank Dr. Aarti for this. The NSS team of our college is highly active under the guidance of Ms. Indu Choudhary. NSS organized its First Annual Inter College Festival NEEV in which various colleges took part. I congratulate Ms. Indu and her team, for their commendable work through NSS, in this academic session.

Kalindi College is immensely proud on receiving IInd prize for its Herbal Garden for the third consecutive year (2014-2016) at 58th Annual Flower Show of Delhi University held on 26th Feb, 2016. The College also bagged IIIrd prize in Rock Garden and 1st prize in Category A Class-III. Our gardener, Mr. Om Prakash received ‘Best Mali of the year’ award in the flower show. The college Herbal Garden is dilated with Medicinal plants and all the gardens and parks of the college are blooming. I congratulate Dr. Anjana Nanchal and her team for this commendable work. The college campus major transformation has been possible only with the help of Head Mali Ram Dayal and his efficient team of Giri Raj, Ram Niwas, Munna and Om Prakash

The students union, under the guidance of Dr. Harvinder Kaur and Dr. Shanuja Beri is doing remarkably good. It also runs a number of cultural clubs in the college with a view to unfold the potential of the students and cultivating co-curricular interest in them. The response of the clubs has been wonderful in this session also. I congratulate, both the Union Advisors for this.

In this academic session there is a remarkable growth in Research and Innovation of the faculty in our college. College Faculty has undertaken Projects under four categories. Namely- DU funded, externally funded, funded by Antardhavani Prize money and self funded. Five major Projects are DU funded. There are four major projects under externally funded category. Six projects are funded by the college from the Antardhavani Prize money. Under self funded category- Economics department has undertaken 3, English 2, Geography 1, Hindi 5, History 1, Mathematics 3, Physics 4, Political Science 3 and Journalism department has undertaken 1 project. I congratulate all the Principal Investigators and students attached with these Projects for doing extremely well. I feel proud to share that there is an addition of 20 permanent members in teaching faculty and 11 permanent members in non teaching staff. It is remarkable that in this academic session a total of 112 distinguished guests and speakers have graced our college.

I will be faltering in my duty if I do not acknowledge & appreciate the co-operation of my non-teaching staff. All of them are always a step ahead to assist me in the welfare of the college. I gratefully acknowledge their support. Special thanks to Mr. Noorul Haq,(AO) Mr. Hemant Srivastava, Mr. Dhiman, Mr Amit Gupta,Mr. Hemant Nanda, Mr. N.K. Bhardwaj,(Caretakers), and Ms. Bhawna Munjal,.

I congratulate Shubhangana Vishwanathan, Yashita Jaiswal, Harshika Sondhi and Gitanjali Vashishth members of Students Union, for achieving the award of outstanding Office bearers. I heartily congratulate all the Students Union members and volunteers for their dedicated hard work and continuous efforts for making every function of the College, a great success.

I am extremely indebted to Chairman Governing Body, Shri Deepak Marwah for his continuous cooperation and active support, in every possible way, to take Kalindi College to new heights and for overall massive growth and development in the college. I am extremely thankful to all the members of the Governing Body for helping me in every possible way for running the college smoothly. They are always ready for every possible step for the progress of the college.

It is a great moment for me to present this report in the presence of respectable Guests. I put on record my personal gratitude for the efforts, co-operation, kind support and guidance of former Vice Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh, Chairman GB Shri Deepak Marwah, Treasurer GB Shri Nitin Kumar Mittal, and all the members of Governing Body, Professors and Officials from University of Delhi, UGC, Government of NCT of Delhi, all of my Colleagues from teaching and non-teaching staff and my very dear students. On behalf of Kalindi College family, I once again thank the Hon'ble Guests for gracing this occasion.

With Best Wishes and compliments to my entire staff and students.

Dr. Anula Maurya PRINCIPAL


Glimpses of Kalindi College during 2015-2016Inauguration Of administrative Block, Sports Utility Centre, Convention Centre and

Students’ amenities Block, Sc/St Cell and the outlay of Kalindi College

Former DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh accompanied by DU South Campus Director Shri Umesh Rai, Kalindi GB Chairman Mr. Deepak Marwah with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya gracing the occasion of the unveiling of Administra-

tive Block Foundation Stone

Former DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh accompanied by DU South Cam-pus Director Shri Umesh Rai, Kalindi GB Chairman Mr. Deepak Marwah, Kalindi

GB Treasurer Shri Nitin Kumar Mittal with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya gracing the occasion of the unveiling of Sports Utility Centre

Former DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh accompanied by Kalindi GB Chair-man Mr. Deepak Marwah with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya gracing the occasion

of the unveiling of Convention Centre and Students’ Amenities Block

A group photo in the newly inaugurated SC/ST Cell by Former DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh

Journalism Hons. students face-to-face with Former DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh, Kalindi GB Chairman Mr. Deepak Marwah, DU South Campus Director Shri Umesh Rai, with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya in the Media Lab

Inauguration of Outlay of Kalindi College by dignitaries in the august presence of Principal Dr. Anula Maurya



Inaugural Function of UGC sponsored National Seminar by Geography Department

A group photograph of the Valedictory Function of UGC sponsored National Seminar by Geography Department

Releasing of the Seminar Souvenir during the Inaugural Function of UGC sponsored National Seminar by Hindi Department

Panel discussion at the end of UGC sponsored National Seminar by Hindi Department

Inaugural Function of UGC sponsored National Seminar by Journalism Department

A group photo during Valedictory Function of UGC sponsored National Seminar by Journalism Department





Unfurling of the Tricolour by veteran freedom fighters Shri K.K.Bhatia and Shri Shram Singh accompanied by Dr. Anula Maurya, Dr. Anjula Bansal, Dr. Ruchi Tyagi, Dr. Saroj Datta, college staff flanked by NCC cadets on the occasion of

Independence Day

Principal Dr. Anula Maurya receiving benevolence of veteran freedom fighter Shri Shram Singh on the occasion of Independence Day

Flag Hoisting by Kalindi GB Chairman Mr. Deepak Marwah with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya along with the college staff flanked by NCC cadets on the

occasion of Republic Day

The glorious windswept Tricolour of the nation

The audience comprising of teaching staff, parents and students on Orientation Day





Keynote Speaker Shri Prakash Singh addressing the audience during the function celebrating the 125th Year of Ambedkar Jayanti

Former DU Vice-Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh accompanied by South Campus Director Shri Umesh Rai with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya appreciating the talent

of students in a wall painting

A student working on a composition as an entry in the Wall Painting Competition Students and teachers witnessing presidential webcast in the Teachers’ Cyber Centre

Sports Teachers flanked by students performing Yoga on the International Yoga Day

Teaching, Non-Teaching staff as well as students enthusiastically doing Yoga postures on the International Yoga Day



Principal Madam Dr. Anula Maurya being awarded “Best Academician Award 2015” for the remarkable and admirable contribution in the field of Education on the occasion of International Yoga Day (21st June, 2015) from Hon’ble Union Cabinet Minister, Sh. Kalraj Mishra by Indraprastha Sanjeevni, NGO.

Principal Madam Dr. Anula Maurya being awarded “Mahila Shakti Shiromani Gold Medal Award” for accomplishment of various roles as Wife, Daughter, Mother, Sister etc. in Personal and Social areas and emerged as an idol of Modesty, Patience, Intelligence, Humbleness and Good Conduct on International Women's Day organized

on 8.3.2016 by Rashtriya Samata Swatantra Manch



A mock drill of what to do during earthquake in the college to increase awareness regarding Disaster Management

Principal Dr. Anula Maurya and faculty members participating in the Disaster Management drill

An eye surgeon examining the eyes of a child (of a construction labourer) during an Eye Donation Camp organised by NSS

A Speech Competition organised by ‘Jaladhikar’ Foundation

Students participating in a rally to support and help the Nepal earthquake victims

A group photo with Ms. Kamla Bhasin, Political Science faculty and students while taking pledge for ‘One Billion Rising’


Patel Nagar MLA Shri Hazrilal Chauhan, DCP, Central Shri Parmaditya, Indraprastha Sanjeevani NGO’s chairman Shri Sanjeev Arora along with Principal

Dr. Anula Maurya and faculty members planting a sapling during Plantation Drive


An informative and inspiring Nukkad Natak performance by RAQS: Kalindi College Dramatics Society

Students cleaning the college premises on the occasion of Swacchata Abhiyan

Principal Dr. Anula Maurya sensitizing the audience on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness Week

Principal Dr. Anula Maurya, in a group photo, along with faculty and students during Vigilance Awareness Week

Chief Guest Shri V.P.S.Pawar IGP(retd.) CRPF; Dr. Sunil Sagar, CEO, Jaipur Golden Hospital,

Indraprastha Sanjeevani NGO’s chairman Shri Sanjeev Arora with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya

taking pledge on National Voters’ Day



A group photo with the Chief Guest Prof. Furqan Qamar (Secretary General, Association of Indian Universities), GB Chairman Mr. Deepak Marwah with

Principal Dr. Anula Maurya gracing the occasion of the Alumni Meet along with Kalindi Alumni

Students delivering a zestful performance of Gidda at Kalindi Alumni Meet

Celebrity wrestler Mr. Sangram Singh along with Principal Dr. Anula Maurya gracing the stage during Alumni Meet

Kalindi College alumni Maxima Basu who has become a renowned costume designer, assistant director and an actor

Teachers addressing the needs of both students and student’s parents in PTSI A faculty member interacting with a parent-student group


New courses to be introduced in session 2016-17B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry

B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany

B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology

B.A. (Hons.) Geography

B.Voc (Printing Technology) and B.Voc (Web Designing)

Name of Programme - 1. Three-Year Degree Course in B.Voc (Printing Technology)

2. Three-Year Degree Course in B.Voc (Web Designing)

Seat Sanctioned by UGC - 50 for B.Voc (Printing Technology), 50 for B.Voc (Web Designing)

Industry Partners - 1. Dainik Jagran, Noida for B.Voc (Printing Technology)

2. Sisoft Technologies for B.Voc (Web Designing)

Syllabus of the Programme- The detailed syllabus of all skill credit course (SCC) and skill course component of General Education Credit have been prepared by the respective industry partner i.e. for B. Voc. (Printing Technology) the syllabus has been completely designed and finalised by M/s Dainik Jagran, Noida and syllabus of B.Voc (Web Designing) has been completely designed and finalised by Sisoft Technologies, Ghaziabad. The GEC papers have been taken from the University of Delhi.

Approval of Syllabus : Final Syllabus is under consideration by the University of Delhi.

Research & InnovationResearch Committee

A Research Committee has been constituted by the college whose core and extended members for the year 2015-2016 are:-

Core Committee • Dr. PunitaVerma, Associate Professor, Department of Physics (Convenor)

• Dr. Anita Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Hindi

• Dr. Ruchi Tyagi, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

• Dr. M. Arunjit Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Botany

• Dr. Varsha Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology

• Dr. Nivedita Giri, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science

extended Committee• Dr. Aprajita Gaur, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

• Dr. Anjali Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Economics

• Dr. Chaity Das, Assistant Professor, Department of English

• Dr. Shekh Moinuddin, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography

• Dr. Saroj Dutta, Associate Professor, Department of History

• Dr. Pukhraj Jangid, Assistant Professor, Department of Hindi


• Ms. Anju Ratan, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics• Dr. Vandana Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

The goals of the committee are: • To develop an atmosphere of research in every department of college• To provide a Research Policy for the College and formulate guidelines to carry out various objectives of the

Research Council • To consolidate information on faculty Research projects funded by the University under various schemes • To consolidate information on Research funded by sources outside the University• To administer various grants and fellowships under schemes accepted by the University. • To encourage the faculty members to organize and participate in Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops.• To guide interested faculty members for writing research projects and proposal. • To encourage the faculty members to pursue research projects with the funding agencies like UGC, DST-

DBT, ICSSR, CSIR and ICHR etc. • To organize a workshop on Research Methodologies.

Research ProjectsIn the academic session2015-16 Kalindi College has undertaken number of projects through its various departments. The projects are of various categories: DU funded innovation projects, externally funded, funded by Antardhwani Prize money and self funded.

DU Funded Innovation Projects (5) 1. Project Code: KC-301

Project Title: Assessment of Packaged Foods for Toxins.

Principal Investigators: Dr. ShanujaBeri, Dr. K. Vandana Rani, Dr. Manisha Arora Pandit, (Zoology), Dr. M.Arunjit Singh (Botany).

Students’ Investigators: 10

Total budget: Rs. Seven Lakhs Only (700,000/-)

Packaged food although a boon for the overworked urban population has many unknown ingredients which have far reaching impacts the consumers may not be even aware of. Although the focus is on maintaining the levels of toxic chemicals to the permissible levels many unknown toxic chemicals still go undetected. These may creep in from handling as well as packaging material.These impact the health of infants, children and the elderly. These chemicals interfere with normal body functions impairing health and lead to diseases as suggested by several reviews. In the project, packaged food from different sources & classes will be analysed and their distribution will studied.

2. Project Code: KC-302

Project Title: Microbial Fuel Cell: An Efficient Benign Set Up For Electrochemical Cell For Removing of Impurities from Laboratory Generated Waste Water

Principal Investigators: Dr. Tarkeshwar (Zoology), Dr. Amit Kumar (Chemistry).

Student Investigators: 03, B.Sc. (H) Zoology; 05, B.Sc. (H) Chemistry; 01, B.Sc. (H) Botany and 01 B.Sc. (P) Life Sciences.


Total budget: Rs. Six Lakhs Only (600,000/-)

Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) is a bio-electrochemical system that converts biodegradable organic matter into electric energy using viable electrochemically active (electrogenic) microorganisms and is at nascent stage of being explored. This Bio-electrochemical system converts organic matter to protons and recoverable electrons within an anode compartment. Electrons flow through an external circuit to cathode and conduct reduction reactions. Whereas, protons travels to the cathode through glass and indulge in metabolic reactions. The dissolved oxygen in the cathode chamber enables reactions of electrons and protons, thereby producing electricity through a wire completing the system circuit. In the current project, laboratory generated and industrial wastewater was taken as feed. Soil samples were collected from various laboratory drainage and other important sites for bacterial screening and establishment of their population. Initial work has been started with E. coli to generate electricity using graphite electrodes in a dual (glass) chambered fuel cell.

3. Project Code: KC-303

Project Title: A Socio-Economic study of the condition of the Elderly in Old-Age Homes of Delhi

Principal Investigators: Dr. Ruchi Tyagi, Dr. Indu Choudhary, Ms. Karnika Gaur

Students’ Investigators: 04 students from B A. (Hons) Journalism II yr, 02 from B.A.(Hons.) Political Science IIIyr, 01 from B.A. (Hons.) Political Science IIyr, 02 from B.A. (Hons.) Economics III yrand 01 from B.Sc. (Hons) Maths II yr.

Total budget: Rs. Three Lakhs fifty thousand Only (3,50,000/-)

In view of the rising proportion of the elderly in the total population of India and the growing levels of urbanization and modernization, it is imperative to understand the needs of the elderly and to assess if institutionalization of care services for the aged could act as a reasonable substitute for the support to be provided to them in future. The study is based on first hand survey of Old Age Homes (OAH) in Delhi. For the purpose, the students have been divided into five teams of two students each and the city has been divided in five zones. Each team of students is visiting OAH in their respective areas, collecting information and tabulating data.

4. Project Code: KC-304

Project Title: Conversion of wind energy to electrical energy at Delhi metro stations using light rotor turbines

Principal Investigators: Dr. Punita Verma, Dr. Neetu Agrawal, Dr. Reena Jain

Students’ Investigators: 08 students from B. Sc. Physics (Hons) III yr and 02 from B.Tech Computer Science III yr.

Total budget: Rs. Five Lakhs Only (500,000/-)

The effort to convert wind velocity generated by metros into electrical energy can be made possible by installing wind turbines at suitable metro stations. We installed a wind data logger kit at chawri bazaar metro station in the month of July 2015. As per the data collected we concluded that the average wind velocity is about 2.5 m/s and a turbine with a lighter rotor is needed for modelling of such wind turbine, wind velocities at different metro lines have been investigated at different heights for each particular position of the platform. This wind velocity profiling will be used to simulate the air flow dynamics at different metro stations.Simulations and calculations are under progress for the appropriate design and angle at which the turbine must be installed.

5. Project Code: KC-305

Project Title: Inventory and creation of Butterfly conservation in an urban setup

Principal Investigator(s): Dr. Varsha Singh, (Zoology), Dr. Sanavar Soham (Botany).

Total budget: Rs. Five Lakhs Only (500,000/-)The conservatory was designed taking into consideration the life cycle of the butterflies. Specific plant species were collected from various plant nurseries in Delhi to attract the butterflies and special care was taken to


include species used by butterflies as nectar plants and host plants. Plantation was made strategically so that there will be maximum light interference available. A small water body has also been created in the conservatory for the puddling of butterflies.

externally Funded (National academy of Sciences (NaSI), Delhi) (04)1. Project Title: Celestia: Through The Eyes Of A Telecscope.

Principal Investigator: Dr. Punita Verma

Funding Agency: National Academy Of Sciences (Nasi), India ( Delhi Chapter).

Student Investigators: Deepshikha Bharadwaj, Drishti Kalhans, Mohineet Kaur and Purnima Yadav, students of B.Sc. Physics(H) II yr.

This project deals in the construction of an eight inch-f/6 Dobsonian telescope. First phase of this project has already been completed in April. This phase consisted of literature work regarding the telescope construction, necessary calculations and collimation. The second phase consists of the field work, i.e. the construction of the telescope itself. The field work will be carried out in the month of May, this year.

2. Project Title: Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor

Principal Investigator: Dr. Pushpa Bindal (Physics), Dr. Triranjita Srivastava (Physics)

Funding Agency: National Academy Of Sciences (Nasi), India ( Delhi Chapter).

Student Investigators: 11 students of B.Sc.(H) Physics IIIyr

From the edge of TV cable to large communication system, optical fibers play an important role in transmitting information with minimum loss. The project aims to provide the physical understanding of the propagation and characteristics of optical fibers at undergraduate level. The fiber characterization, such as numerical aperture and refractive index profiling was done experimentally in the lab for various optical fibers. Moreover, one of the important applications of the optical fiber as a pressure sensor was also studied experimentally by studying the loss in intensity as a function of applied pressure and the core size of fibers.

3. Project Title: Simulations on Integrated Waveguides

Principal Investigator: Dr. Pushpa Bindal (Physics), Dr. Triranjita Srivastava (Physics)

Funding Agency: National Academy Of Sciences (Nasi), India ( Delhi Chapter).

Student Investigators: 11 students of B.Sc.(H) Physics IIIyr

In this project, students worked on the following problems: (a). Propagation characteristics of planar dielectric waveguides, (b). Propagation characteristics of planar plasmonic waveguides and (c). Comparative study of various numerical techniques. These studies would provide physical insight of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in dielectric and plasmonics waveguides. Moreover, the numerical techniques applied for analyzing such waveguides naturally finds applications in all fields of engineering & physical sciences. In this work comparative study of two methods namely Newton Raphsonmethod and Modified Bisection method is done using MATLAB

as a programming language.

Funding agency: Inter University accelerator Centre (IUaC), New Delhi (an autonomous centre of UGC)4. Project Title: Molecular Orbital Approach To The Inference of X-Ray Measurements at Small Inter Atomic



Principal Investigator: Dr. Punita Verma

Funds Sanctioned: 6,51,000/-Funding has been approved and sanctioned for a JRF/Project fellow for three years. A GATE cleared Project fellow has been appointed and is working for the progress of the project.

Report for In-house Projects under funds received for Prize Money in antardhwani-2015-16, for Good academic Practices (06)DePaRTMeNT OF eNGLISH

1. Project Title: Exploring Gerontology- Literary, Cultural and Geriatric Perspectives

Project Investigators: Dr. Mukesh, Dr. Chaity Das, Ms. Shipra Gupta and Ms. Sneha Sawai

Student Investigators: Meenakshi Verma, Rachna, Lipika Jain, Aanchal (2nd Yr English Hons.), Chahat, Vaishali, Kanika, Khansa Kubra, Shweta Kalra (1st Yr English Hons.)

Total Budget/Funding of Project: Rs. 70,000/- (sanctioned under the Antardhwani Prize money received by the college)

As the title suggests the aim of this endeavour was to interact with such elderly people in and around Delhi who have migrated from outside or within India, or have started living away from their families voluntarily or otherwise. Through such interactions we attempted to know and understand their nostalgia, a sense of displacement or alienation from their past culture, ethos and habitat.

Starting from January 2016 uptil the end of March 2016, we have almost covered the first phase of our project which was primarily these interactive and interview sessions. We will now be plunging into the second stage which will be a constructive phase of creating literature out of these aforementioned interviews which eventually would take us to our final target phase of compilation of these creative writings that probe into the psyche of our subjects and exhibit their unspoken, unearthed feelings and emotions both of suffering and ecstasy. We then hope to get all these published in a book form as a dedication to acknowledge and appreciate not only the experiences that have been shared by our subjects but also the creative urges of our students who have wholeheartedly dedicated themselves towards this attempt.

DePaRTMeNT OF GeOGRaPHY2. Mapping Political Tweets: The Digital Political Revolution in India

Supervisor: Dr. Shekh Moinuddin

Funds Sanctioned: 70,000/-

This study is to know about the reason why politicians joined the social media and at what extent the social media specially twitter is shaping and reshaping digital politics (political debates) in the country. The study established the initial research question that digital political revolution become phenomenal in the country. The use of twitter amongst politicians has increased over period of time and it (twitter) has emerged as a virtual stage where both politicians and their followers Share their views and criticize each other.

DePaRTMeNT OF PHYSICS3. Project Title: To Provide Complete Solution to the Problems of Practicals in Physics Laboratory.

Principal Investigators : Dr. Punita Verma; Funds Sanctioned: 70,000/-

Student Investigators : Madhu Pandey, Anchal Fanda, Deepali Jagga, Rajani Prakash, Priyanka Jha, MahimaSachdeva


The aim of the project is to eradicate the basic problems faced by the students while performing practicals in physics laboratory. The bewilderment that a student experiences on starting experiments in the college and the mechanical way in which the experiments are performed in the laboratory with little idea about the physics involved laid the foundation of this project.To provide a solution, students were guided to create a virtual lab. A complete package in the form of manuals, power point presentations, audio files with explanation, movies of experiments being performed; C++ programs and Xcel programs for the facility of students and teachers alike are being developed under this project.

DePaRTMeNT OF ZOOLOGY aND CHeMISTRY 4. Project title: To Develop Software for Online Assessment/Examination for College Students as An ICT Based

Teaching-Learning Practice

Project Investigator (s): Dr. Tarkeshwar (Zoology), Dr. Amit Kumar (Chemistry)

No. of Students Involved: 04, B.Sc. (P) Life Sciences

Funds Sanctioned: 70,000/-

The project was aimed keeping in mind the following objectives: A Question paper (in online, web based or standby software module) will be generated from various papers by various departments. The format of question papers will include MCQs, Match the following, fill-in-the blanks, a comprehension followed by short questions. A variety of questions can be generated easily as the software will work on random number generator basis, so repetition will be minimized. Each student will be issued a password, so that no else can assess her question and result. Class wise/ course wise data will be collected on the CDs for better storage of database.


5. Project Title: Establishment of an aquatic microcosm in a low lying area of the College premises for demonstration of this ecosystem in addition to land reclaimation.

Project Investigators: Dr. Shanuja Beri, Dr. Manisha Arora Pandit, Dr. K Vandana Rani (Zoology);

Students Investigators: 02, B.Sc. (H) Zoology;

Funds Sanctioned: 68,000/-

We propose to establish a freshwater pond in the College premises which will be host to both aquatic flora and fauna as well as microorganisms. This biodiversity can be employed to understand their survival strategies under stressed conditions in experiments set up by the undergraduate students of the College under research projects.


6. Project Title: Urjaa: An Entrepreneurial And Vocational Programme

Project Investigators: Dr. Meena Charanda, Dr. Rakhee Chauhan, Ms. Manila Narzary, Ms. Priyabala Singh and Ms. Ritu Sharma

Students Investigators: 75 (B.A. (H) Political Science;

Funds Sanctioned: 98,000/-

URJAA, In house Project, an entrepreneurial and vocational programme, was taken up as part of an initiative by the Department of Political Science of the college for marginalized and underprivileged students. The project


seeks to provide a learning opportunity for the poor and needy young women whose financial conditions would not otherwise allow them to attain vocational training by paying hefty fees. Besides, “URJAA” has also tried to improve, enhance and polish the creative skills of the needy students and help them become financially independent and empower them in the real sense.

Self Funded Projects (24)DePaRTMeNT OF eCONOMICS

1. Project Title: Indirect Tax Reform In India And A Way Ahead For GST

Project Investigators: Dr. Rashmi Chaudhary

Students Investigators: IInd Year Economics Honours- Ms.Kirtika and Ms.Tabassum

This project presents GST as a significant step towards a comprehensive Indirect tax reform In India. GST paves the way for modernisation of tax administration and makes it more simple and transparent and enhances voluntary tax compliance. However these benefits are dependent on a neutral and rational design of the GST.

2. Project Title: An Overview of Greece Crises : Causes , Consequences and Possible Solutions.

Project Investigators: Dr. Rashmi Chaudhary

Students Investigators::IIIrd Year Economics Honours- Ms Sony Bachani and MsAarzooPahawa

This project critically discusses the origins and causes of the Greek debt crisis and its consequences on the world economy. Overspending by Greek government and entry into Eurozone by producing false data emerged as main cause of debt crisis. In 2009, it was declared that this debt burden was unsustainable. Since then, many rescue plans have been implemented but they were not sufficient.

3. Project Title: Is de-industrialization a compulsory step for Modernisation of India

Project Investigators: Dr. Richa Gupta

Students Investigators: Deepshikha Jha and Saumya Joshi

The students have tried to analyse the link between de industrialization and modernisation in context of India.India which was a noteworthy player in the world export market for textiles in the early 18th century had lost all of its export market and much of its domestic market as well by the middle of the 19th century. The students have tried to find out the need for de-industrialization and its aftermath and associated links with modernisation. The students have successfully done so without any external aid and without any financial assistance from the Research Committee.

DePaRTMeNT OF eNGLISH4. Project Title: An Analytical Study of Decline of the Popularity of Indian Comic Superheroes

Project Investigators: Ms. Monica Zutshi

Students Investigators: Richa Sansanwal, Vrinda Bhargava, Sakshi Jain

Since its peak in 1970s-1980s, there has been a waning in the popularity of the Indian comic superheroes and by extension of Indian comics. The decline has been so sharp that in the 21st century, there seems to be a real threat of their going into oblivion. While their western counterparts have enticed the younger generation with


the help of the film industry as well as active merchandise sales, the scenario in India is dismal. Indian comic superheroes such as Chacha Chowdhary and Saboo (by Diamond Comics), Commando Dhruv and Nagraj (by Raj Comics) are struggling to find recognition even at the trendy Comic Cons organised in our country; Bollywood has ignored the potential of seeing these superheroes as protagonists of their films; and print media, too, has not been supportive of these figures..

5. Project Title: Virginia Woolf’s novel The Waves

Project Investigators: Ms. Lakshmi Priya B.

Students Investigators: Sweta Chatterjee, Shreshtha Ranjan, Reashikaa Verma, Poonam Yadav, Deepika Rathee, Anjali (B.A.(H) English III)

The project is based on Virginia Woolf’s novels and explores the Modernistic aspects of the characters.

6. Project Title: Changing Roles of Women in TV Commercials

Project Investigators: Ms. Chingangbam Anupama

Students Investigators: Neha Kher, Simran Chhabra, Karishma, Swati, Rachna (B.A.(H) English II)

As discussed with the student group, various television commercials were shortlisted chronologically to show how and if the roles of women have changed in TV commercials. Students searched for the commercials on various websites and these were also analyzed with various viewpoints of women’s roles in mind. These commercials will be further segmented as per the roles assigned to women and the gradual changes that have come over in representation of women in commercials.


7. Project Title: Initiatives for Innovation Research Practices in the College

Project Investigators: Dr. Shekh Moinuddin

The scheme is developed to provide strengthen the research initiatives and practices at individual level to identify the nature and characteristics of problem irrespective of shape and size in the society. The identification of problem(s) would lead to provide their solution at best within scientific norms and conditions. The initiative supposed to form innovative club in order to take care the idea of an individual. Under the practice of innovation every individual (both teacher and students) in the college has been asked to acknowledge a problem and inform the innovation club at earliest.


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11- 'kks/k&ifj;kstuk dk 'kh"kZd % foKkiuksa dk lkekftd lUnHkZ

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12- 'kks/k&ifj;kstuk dk 'kh"kZd % fonkbZijd yksdxhrksa dk HkkolkSUn;Z

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13- Project Title: Importance of Numismatics for the Study of Indian History

Project Investigators: Ms. Richa Mani

Students Investigators: Manisha Nayak and Bhawna Paliwal

It’s based on preliminary study on the subject and have made academic visits to Numismatic Gallery in the National Museum.


14. Project Title: The concept of fuzzy sets


Project Investigators: Dr. Sunita Sharma

Students Investigators: Anshul Jain, Bhavana Singh, Kirti (B.Sc. Mathematics II yr.)

The on-going research project focuses on the concept of fuzzy sets and explores a practical way to model vague data by using fuzzy numbers and fuzzy intervals. To start with, multi-objective linear-programming problems have been considered in which it is assumed that the decision maker has fuzzy goals for each of the objective functions. Further, it is aimed to investigate into the solution methods for various kinds of fuzzy programming problems.

15. Project Title: Traffic Flow

Project Investigators: Dr. Prempal Singh

Students Investigators: Bhavna, Chitra, Bharti, Shruti, Kritika, Megha, Tanvi, Mini, Drishti, Chanchal (B.Sc. Mathematics II & III yr.)

The daily commuting on the roads of Delhi is becoming longer and more grueling day by day, depicting the failure of public transportation infrastructure to keep pace with the growing developing activities in the Capital. Sad, but true, one of the fastest growing and developed cities of the world, Delhi, is also renowned for all the wrong reasons. According to a report made by IBM’s global Commuter Pain study in 2013, New Delhi is among the top 10 cities in the world having the worst traffic jams. Really, the worsening traffic congestion on Delhi roads presents a depressing profile of the Capital city.

16. Project Title: Ring Theory

Project Investigators: Dr. Abhishek Singh

Students Investigators: Anuja, Diksha Sharma, Neelima, B.Sc.(H) II Yr

In this research an attempt will be made to study some recent problems of Ring theory with their applications in the Mathematical and Physical sciences.


17. Project Title: Study of Electron Optics in Graphene

Project Investigators: Dr. Neetu Agrawal

Students Investigators: R. Priya, Mahima Pandey, Himadri , Jyoti Agarwal (B.Sc (H) Physics III)

We are investigating the electronic transport properties of graphene in the presence of various types of externally applied scalar and vector potentials.

18. Project Title: Basics of Ion Atom Collision Experiments

Project Investigators: Dr. Punita Verma

Students Investigators: Baseerat Romshoo, Deepika Bora, Kashish Chauhan, Lisha, Neetu Aggarwal (B.Sc. Physics(H) III yr.)

The students in this project have been introduced towards the basic concepts of ion atom collisions which take place in an accelerator facility. India has few accelerators with a wide range of terminal potentials available for experiments. The literature survey was done regarding experiments performed with the Low energy Ion beam facility (LEIBF) existing at IUAC with the ECR ion source where an ion-atom collision facility has been developed specially for atomic physics. The students visited the facility on the National Science Day and got acquainted with it. Basic calculations of cross sections for ion atom collisions are being performed.


19. Project Title: To design a Swamped Transistor Amplifier.

Principal Investigators: Dr. Sudha Gulati, Dr. Monika Bassi.

Students Investigators: B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics, Part IIITo study the effect of swamping on (a). Gain of the Amplifier, (b). Stabilization of Gain, (c) Input Impedance of the Amplifier and (d). Reduction in distortion of large signals.

20. Project Title: Study of variation of Thermo-emf using different thermocouples under various modified parameters and its subsequent generation for thermoelectric applications.

Project Investigators: Dr. Rachana Kumar & Dr. Seema Gupta

Students Investigators: 3 Students of BSc (H) Physics I & II yr

The students have worked to get themselves familiarized with thermal physics phenomenon like Thomson effect, Peltier effect and Seeback efffect, the detailed background of which is required to carry out this research. They have done literature survey to have an initial idea about the research work carried out in this area and have prepared a power point presentation for the same. Various classical thermocouples Fe-Constantan, Constantan-Nichrome, Cu-Fe, Cu-Nichrome, Fe-Nichrome are being procured in the lab for studying the generation of thermo-emf.

21. Project Title: Student database created on C++ Software (2015-2016).

Principal Investigators: Dr. Rashmi Menon & Dr. Aravind Kumar

Students Investigators: 2 students of BSc. (H) Physics II year

In this project students made a student database by using C++ software. In this database roll number, class, address and result of each student was fed and it can be used by any person to extract the complete information by typing the roll number.


22. Project Title: Civil Society for Development: A Case Study of Women in Delhi

Project Investigators: Dr. Nivedita Giri

Students Investigators: Shruti Das, Sansriti Kashyap, Garima Gupta, HarshikaSondhi, Ritika Jain, Meenal, Yukti, and Dhriti (B.A. Political Science (Hons) II Yr.)

Civil society plays a vital role in advancing strategic objectives to promote gender equality, and women’s rights and empowerment. Women’s movement had played an important role in steering the direction of civil society towards an integration of associational life, ideals of good society, and practices of the public sphere by debates, discussion and advocacy. The Project team has done the preliminary study and collection of data from secondary resources; identified and contacted few Civil Society organistions; and formulated questionnaire for different women groups and NGOs. The study will be completed by September, 2016.

23. Project Title: Raising Literacy

Project Investigators: Mr. Utpal and Mr. Preetam


Students Investigators: Aadhyasha Dash, Adhisree, Shrestha Sanyal, Tanya (B.A. Political Science (Hons) II Yr.)

The objective of this project has set upon itself is that of raising literacy rate of the children up to 10 years at the local level. The focus of the study would be on the children belonging to the working class. One of the primary objectives of this project is to involve the undergraduate students of Kalindi College in the entire project so as to enabling them to conduct an empirical research by themselves.


24. Project Title: Impact of Internet Based Media Technologies on Language in Everyday Life

Project Investigators: Dr. Rachna Sharma

Students Investigators: Preksha Jain, Princy Pal, Shubhra Sharma (B.A. (H) Journalism, III)

Technology has unarguably had the greatest impact on language in the 21st century. Some have gone so far as to blame technology – from spell checks to texting – for a supposed decline in youth literacy. Of course, whenever there is social or technological change, there are critics. While some of the criticisms have merit, others are over the top. Some of the scholars claim that abbreviations and acronyms used in communication technologies like text messaging are spilling over to damage formal communication is one that requires attention. The study strives to find out how this sudden change is occurring and what are these ‘slangs’ people generally use and how do these affect the English Language as a whole.

exchange ProgrammesDr. K. Vandana Rani, Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, has been selected for the Faculty Training Program of the University of Delhi for the academic session 2015-16, one year Master Course in “Advanced Genomics and Proteomic Sciences” at the University of Nottingham, UK.

Post Doctoral Research ProjectDr. Sangita Dhal, Department of Political Science, submitted the UGC Post Doctoral Research Award in March 2016 on the topic: ‘The Prospects and Challenges of E-Governance: An Empirical Study of Information Communication Technology Practices in Odisha’.

The present empirical study was an attempt to find out the nature and function of the e-governance mechanisms and projects in Odisha in achieving the twin objectives of promoting citizen friendly administration through e-governance and enhancing citizen empowerment. The broad objective was to examine the impact of e-governance projects and assess the performance of the Common Service Centre [CSC] locally known as the Jana Seva Kendras in promoting a citizen friendly administration.

The study delved into exploring the contribution of e-governance projects in enhancing performance of government networks and examined the links between citizens and their empowerment. The research analysed the e-governance initiatives taken by the government to encourage citizen participatory experiences, which are introduced at the state level in general and at the local levels of the sample districts.


Research Supervision by Faculty MembersName of Faculty Department Level of

ResearchTitle Status

Dr.(Ms)Anula Maurya Principal Ph.D. • Mahabharat evam Nyay: Vaishashik Darshan

• Vedic Parampara se Prapt Rajneeti Vishyake Chin-tan ka Uttarvarti Sahitya Par Prabhav


Dr. Anita Gupta Hindi Ph.D. • Hindi Shabda Kosha Parampara ka Vishleshan PursuingDr.RuchiTyagi Political Sci-

encePh.D. • Relevance of Hindu Code Bill in Contemporary In-

dia: A ReviewPursuing

M.Phil. • Judicial Review & Democratic GovernanceDr.Sangita Dhal Political Sci-

encePh.D. • Migration and Rights: A Case Study of Rickshaw

Pullers in DelhiSubmitted

(April 2015)• Building Capabilities of Women through e-Gover-

nance at the Grass Root: A Case Study of Ghazi-abad District, U.P.


(April 2015)

• The Changing Socio Political Dynamics of Rural In-dia: Comparative Study of Two Villages in Rajast-han and Odisha


Dr.Savita Roy

(On Lien)

Physics Ph.D. • Fabrication of Nanostructures using modified Dense Plasma Focus Device and their Character-ization including Surface Plasmon Resonance


Yearly academic Journal (Volume: XV)

editor: Dr. Punita Verma, Co-editor: Dr. Chaity Das.

editorial Board: Dr. Reena Jain, Dr. Neetu agrawal (Garg), Ms. Sunita Sharma.

For Sanskrit: Dr. Nisha Goyal, Dr. Kailash.

For Hindi: Dr. Pukhraj Jangid.

Members of the academic Journal Committee: Laxmi Priya B., Tanveen.

Almost a decade and half ago, then principal, Dr. Malti, with an academic bent of mind conceived the idea of giving life to the academic activities of the intellectual minds of national and international fame and this Academic Journal was the first manifestation of the same. It had been under her leadership that academic activities of national and international stature became an integral part of the life of Kalindi College. It was her vision to document the proceedings of such seminars for future generations; brought to life by late Ms. Manjit Singh who edited the first eight volumes of this journal.

The first volume (2001-02) published the proceedings of the UGC funded National Seminar on ‘Shakespeare among the Greeks and the Romans’ organized by Department of English in collaboration with ‘The Shakespeare Society of India’. Volume two (2002-03) brought for its readers a whole issue of Hindi dramatics. The third volume (2003-04) brought out informative and analytical presentations delivered at the UGC funded seminar on ‘A Decade of Economic Reforms’ with an inaugural lecture by Dr. Manmohan Singh, our former Prime Minister. The fourth volume (2004-05) focused on ‘Corporate India: Tasks and Challenges’, a seminar organized by the Department of Commerce. Volume five (2005-06) was a special issue on proceedings of two seminars: ‘Language, Literature and Culture’ organized by the English and Hindi Departments and the other on ‘The Emerging Trends


in Science and Technology: Photonics and Nanotechnology’ organized by the Department of Physics. The sixth volume (2006-07) enlightened its readers with the presentations made at two seminars: the one on ‘Translation and Interpretation’ organized by the Departments of English and Hindi, the other on ‘Pesticides’ organized by the Department of Zoology. The seventh volume (2007-08) published articles presented at the seminar on ‘Trade, Towns and Currency: a Historical Perspective’ organized by the Department of History.

Starting with our eighth issue, the journal has been covering a wide spectrum of subjects from different disciplines. With this multidisciplinary approach, we are able to give representation to various lectures and seminars that are organised in the college by different Departments. Together with this, the journal also provides a platform to our own faculty members to share their research work, papers presented or other papers that they have written. The preceding volumes thus have been an amalgamation of a wide variety of topics ranging from empirical studies of different nature covering national and international development and interactions, political compulsions and rivalries, different types of ailments and alternative medical treatments, advances in information technology and its varied applications to issues relating to status of women and their role in different fields, ethical values, language, literature and film studies. The tenth volume was dedicated to Late Ms. Manjit Singh for her incredible contribution to this journal.

We have already published fourteen volumes of the journal till last academic year. The current issue (vol 15) has been just published. An important landmark in the history of the journal has been the academic session 2013-14 when it was assigned an ISSN number.An important landmark in the history of the journal has been the academic session 2013-14 when it was assigned an ISSN number. This year we have turned it into a refereed journal and are in the process of streamlining it so that we may be able to turn it into a high quality publication.

National SeminarsDepartment of Geography, Convenor: Ms. Seema Sahdev

UGC Sponsered National Seminar on ‘Environmental Ethics, Resource Depletion and Sustainable Development’ on 25th-26th February 2016.

Department of Geography, Kalindi College organised two days National Seminar on topic ‘Environmental Ethics, Resource Depletion and Sustainable Development’ on 25th-26th February. Around 45 teachers and Research Scholars from different colleges of Delhi University and other University presented papers. The inaugural ceremony was addressed by Chief Guest Prof. Amitabh Kundu, Senior fellow Delhi Policy Group and visiting professor of Institute of Human Development, Guest of Honor Prof. Hasina Hashia from Jamia Milia Islamia, Distinguished Guest Prof. S.C Rai, Head, Department of Geography, University of Delhi , Prof. R.B. Singh and Chairman of the College, Sh. Deepak Marwah. Prof. Amitabh Kundu addressed the students about how to restore environment and adopt ecologically sound policy. Prof. R.B. Singh addressed that the need of hour is to sensitize about appropriate use of technology and healthy education. In one technical session of panel discussion expert team from various institutions discussed about Ecologically Sustainable Society. The Valedictory function was graced by Sh. Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Gandhian Environmentalist and Social activist and one of India’s first modern environmentalist. He mobilised the forest wise society members and villagers into collective Chipko Andolan to force revision of forest policies. In his address he congratulated Principal Dr. Anula Maurya and Convenor of the programme Ms. Seema Sahdev for organising such events for creating general awareness. Principal Dr. Anula Maurya emphasized that as responsible citizen, the greatest challenge is to accelerate moral relationship to the environment. At the end Convenor Ms. Seema Sahdev presented report and concluded that environmental consciousness is first step towards sustainable solution in our environment.


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Department of Journalism, Convenor: Dr. Nivedita Giri, Co-convenor: Dr. Rachna SharmaThe two-day national seminar on 17 and 18 March 2016 sponsored by UGC organised by the department was a feather in the cap which marked a new chapter for the department. It turned to be a very successful event with about 38 paper presentations from across the country on the theme “Media, State and the Marginalized: Tackling Challenges”. In the seminar, dignitaries/speakers such as Prof. M.S. Parmar, Vice Chancellor, Kushabhau Thakare University of Journalism and Mass Communication; Mr. N. K. Singh, General Secretary, Broadcast Editors’ Association; Dr. Parvinder Sharda, Editor-in-Chief, Punjab Kesari; Mr. Jawaharlal Kaul, veteran journalist and Padma Shri awardee; and Ms. Alka Saxena, Senior broadcast journalist, TV news anchor, political analyst and media expert were present.

Skill Development

Certificate Program for Students on empowerment of entrepreneurship

Coordinators: Ms. Gunjan Verma & Ms. Shweta Raj

Aiming at the development of entrepreneurial skills of the students, Kalindi College organized a Certificate Program for Students on Empowerment of Entrepreneurship for the year – 2016. The 15 days Entrepreneurship Development Program was organized in collaboration with the National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India. This included one day classroom training (Motivational) and 14 day E-learning Module. Mr. A. Din. Pangotra conducted the workshop on 19th March 2016 and trained 94 students on various parameters such as: A guide to self-employment, How to raise Finance etc. It was followed by 14 day online training. Every student received a certificate and one CD (of Rs. 300/ each) containing E-learning material.

Political Science Association organized a seminar on skill development based professions on 18 March 2016. Resource person for the workshop was Mr Ritesh Tanwar,Deputy Manager of Luxury Connect Business School. He described about the skills needed for entering into the different types of professions and how to develop those skills by joining different B schools. He also discussed problems faced by the students after the college.

Social ResponsibliltyNepal earthquake Coordinator: Ms. Indu Choudhary

The NSS Unit of the college showcased its persistent commitment towards community service in the event of the massive earthquake that hit our neighboring country Nepal on Apr.25, 2015 by organizing a rally within college premises. The primary objective of the rally which was conducted on Apr. 29, 2015 was to sensitize students and staff towards the sufferings of the earthquake victims and to collect funds for their relief. The resolve of the NSS volunteers towards the NSS motto of ‘Service before Self’ is evident from their en masse participation at a time when their examinations were round the corner. The total collection made by students was around Rs. 15,000 which was sent to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund to help the Nepal earthquake victims.

One Billion Rising: Department of Political Science, TIC Dr. Meena Charanda

On 5th February 2016, Kalindi College became the third college of University of Delhi to have participated in the One Billion Rising movement, the global mass action to end all types of violence against women.

“One Billion Rising” the biggest mass campaign to end violence against was launched by EVE ENSLER, on Valentine’s Day, i.e. 14 February 2012. In 2016, the theme of Revolution continues with a call to focus on marginalized


women and to bring national and international focus to their issues. At first glance, Eve Ensler’s campaign, “One Billion Rising” appeared slightly woolly. Initially people doubted that women gathering en masse to dance in public could help end violence against women and girls. But with 200 countries taking part, and grassroots organizations and activists coming together worldwide ruled out all such doubts. After Miranda House and Lady Shri Ram College, Kalindi College joined Love Revolution Carnival on 5th February.

The Department of Political Science organised the event to celebrate, the association of Kalindi College with the One Billion Rising movement done on women in all forms. The panel of expert guests included Ms Kamla Bhasin, South Asian coordinator of the movement; Prof. Bulbul Dhar, Diretor, Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia and Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman, Governing Body, Kalindi College.

Ms. Kamla Bhasin highlighted various issues concerning women and the structure of patriarchy. She emphatically specified that the One Billon Rising movement is not a movement of women against men rather it is a movement against violence on women, which should be supported by both men and women. Prof. Bulbul emphasized the role of women representatives in policy making processes.

The programme also included • Specially composed song “Reeti riwaz ke naam par beinsaafi”; • screening of movie on “Immoral Daughters” (based on honour killing); • Flash Mob by students on “Jaago Dilli Jaago, abhi nahi sahenge” trained by Srijanatmaka Maanushi Samstha

(SMS)• Street Play by Raqs, the Dramatic Society of the College.


On 14th February, 2016 Department of Political Faculty accompanied students to participate in One Billion Rising Central Park, Connaught Place, New Delhi. Students performed ‘Flash Mob’ to raise consciousness and express the ‘rise’ of the billion movers and shakers through dance and music and leverage the power of global solidarity and collective action.


Since 2011, National Voters’ Day (NVD) is annually celebrated on Jan 25. The theme of 2016 NVD was “Inclusive and Qualitative Participation” and the slogan was ‘NO VOTER SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND’.

In partnership with Sanjivani (NGO) and Chief Electrol Office, Delhi, the Department of Political Science took the initiative to encourage young Kalindi students, who have reached the age of 18, to participate in the electoral process, by enrolling or registering themselves in electoral rolls and to exercise their franchise. The panel of experts included Mr. V.P.S. Panwar, Shri. Parmaditiya, Dr. Sunil Sagar, Shri. SanjeevArora and Shri. Deepak Marwah (The Chairman, Governing Body of the College). The programme succeeded in spreading awareness among young voters; inspiring them for effective participation in the electoral process; and also enrolling new voters having attained the age of 18 years.

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Coordinator: Dr anjula Bansal

Members: Ms.Indu Choudhary (Programme officer, NSS), Lt.Dr.arti Singh (Staff advisor, NCC), Dr.Sunita and Dr.Harvinder Kaur (Staff advisors, Students Union), Dr.Ruchi Tyagi (Convenor, Sports committee)

Kalindi College made sincere efforts to ensure that the college campus, its infrastructure along with its surroundings and arterial roads remains clean.For the purpose, a core committee was set up to ensure effective implementation of the objectives of “Swachhata Abhiyaan” .To cover entire college campus, total 18 Sub-Committees of Teaching and non-Teaching Staff were formed .The first cleanliness drive was initiated on 29th Sept 2014 in compliance of directive from the directorate of higher education, government of NCT of Delhi. After that it became a regular phenomenon in the college to keep the college campus clean.A meeting with the members of Swachhata Abhiyaan was held on 21st March, 2016 at 11.30A.M to discuss about the cleanliness drive. All convenors of different areas were asked to see the cleanliness of their assigned area. After that, the convenors of sub-committees submitted their report describing-

A. The action takenB. Problems in their designated area and C. Suggestions for future follow up.

It was resolved by the core committee that to make it a regular activity in the college. Follow up cleanliness drives would be conducted once in every month.Each Member would visit the allotted area once in a week and weekly report should be submitted by the convenor .


Convenor: Dr. anjana Nanchahal

To celebrate the Enviorenment Day on 5th June 2015 College organised a Plantation Drive o sensitise students on the value of tree plantation. Principal Dr Anula Maurya and students planted saplings in the Herbal Garden. Maalis looked on and offer friendly tips to ensure that each sapling was carefully tended.


College NSS and NGO ‘Indraprastha Sanjeevani’ conducted a plantation drive on September 4th, 2015. The sampling of various plants were planted in the Saraswati Garden of the college by eminent Guests Mr. Hazarilal Chauhan (MLA, Patel Nagar), Mr. Paramaditya (IPS)-DCP Central Distt., Dr. S.D. Singh (IFS) CEO DPGS, Department of Environment, Govt. of NCT Delhi, Mrs. Purnima Vidyarthi, MCD Councellor Patel Nagar, Mr. Jitender Kumar Meena(ACP), Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman,Governing Body, Kalindi College and Dr. Anula Maurya.


Convenor: Dr. anita Gupta

Kalindi College with the Collaboration of Women International Network (WIN) provided free computer education to 160 girls on 9.2.2016. Guests for the occasion were Dr.Jahangid (Chairman and founder person of Mass Communication) and Ms Rekha Udit (Chairperson of Win). This is to be mention that students from general category paid Rs.120 for taking this training and it was totally free for SC and ST students. Girls were trained in the College Cyber Center in two batches from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday. They will get certificate from Government of India after appearing and clearing the exam.

Industry PartnershipCoordinator: Dr. Pankaj Kumar

B.Voc (Printing Technology) and B.Voc (Web Designing)

Seat Sanctioned by UGC: 50 for B.Voc (Printing Technology) 50 for B.Voc (Web Designing)

Course will commence from Academic Session 2016-17 as per Approval of UGC.

Industry Partners: 1. Dainik Jagran, Noida for B.Voc (Printing Technology) 2. Sisoft Technologies for B.Voc (Web Designing)

Infrastructure DevelopmentCoordinator: Mr Noorul Haq


1. AMPHITHEATRE/OPEN THEATRE:- An amphitheater has been constructed in the playground. The foundation stone was laid down by Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, then Chairman of Governing Body on 21.02.2014 and was inaugurated by Prof. Dinesh Singh, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi on 30.04.2014. The amphitheater was inaugurated to hold the special talk by His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama on 28.01.2015. Thereafter, Spots Day and Annual Festival of Lehren 2015 & 2016, were organized at the same venue. This permanent platform has been quite useful to organize various functions and it provided for the larger participation from other colleges, besides increasing the viewership through large and spread gatherings owing to the open space.

2. TEACHING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION BLOCK (TRI BLOCK):- SEMI PUCCA CLASSROOMS (12 Class rooms, 02 common rooms, 02 store rooms, toilets in each floor ) TRI had been constructed and added convenience to teachers and students reducing space crunch. This Block was inaugurated by Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh on 30.04.2014 in the chairmanship of Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, the then Chairman of Governing


Body. The rooms are quite spacious, airy, provided with adequate lighting and each room can accommodate about 80 to 100 students. Students feel relaxed due to availability of spacious rooms. The building roof has been provided with security lights which are also used during functions. The admission process (2014-15 & 2015-16) was also organized in the TRI block, and the process was quite smooth and effective. UGC resource centre & IQAC have been incorporated in this building which is equipped with 8 computers and a printer, all joined with LAN and Internet connectivity. This block has provision for ramps and toilets to facilitate the differently abled students. Presently, the administrative office/block is functioning in this block due to ongoing renovation of the Administrative Block.

3. RENOVATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE BLOCK:- The complete renovation of Administrative Block is undertaken by PWD and would be available to the College in May 2016. At the entry of the Administrative Block, a reception area has been provided which will facilitate the students, staff and other persons who seek to enquire something in relation to the college. The reception would be provided with an exclusive staff , with telephone and computer facility. The administrative block would provide conference room adjacent to the Principal's office, new structured rooms to provide enough space for the administrative staff along with extended Staff Room and toilets. The entire block has been specially painted and has been provided with new modular furniture. The conference room, which is a part of the Principal's room has been newly been constructed which will facilitate the holding of meetings. A large pantry has also been provided in the Principal's room. An enclosed Mini Staff Room has also been constructed at the second floor. At the roof, porta cabin has been constructed which would provide space for lockers for the teachers. A new toilet has also been constructed on the roof top for the staff, attached to the mini staff room. A separate room has also been provided to the Bursar and the Vice Principal of the College.

4. THEME PARK (ROCK GARDEN):- The College has recently beautified the campus by adding a Theme Park in front of the college canteen. It provides a serene atmosphere, enhancing the natural look. The concept and idea was put forth and designed by Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo , the then Chairman of Governing Body and was inaugurated by him on 28.03.2014. It has won the 2nd Prize in the 57th Flower show organized during Antardwani 2015. It has been beautified by using the heavy rocks, plantations, grass and decorative natural plants. The Gigantic Bamboo Tree, connecting the Theme Park and the August Kranti Park, is a special attraction enhancing the beauty of the parks. It has been providing a natural environment to the birds. The project has been supervised and completed by Dr. Anjana Nanchahal, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Convenor, Garden Committee.

5. BUTTERFLY PARK:- A new butterfly park has been developed under the Innovation Project near Big Bamboo Tree, in between the August Kranti Park and the Theme Park. Special and different varieties of the plants and flowers in the park have proven to be an attraction for the butterflies. A small enclosed pond has also been constructed in the area. The park is enclosed by using bamboo all around the enclosure.

6. BEAUTIFICATION OF ENTRANCE- Approach road to the entrance of the college from both outside and inside has been beautified and strengthened to prevent stagnation of rainwater. The main entrance has been modified to give a circular structure having natural plantations and grass, matching to the surrounding. An idol of Lord Ganesha has been placed in the centre below which 'WELCOME' has be engraved on the stone in four directions in four languages (Hindi, English, Urdu & Punjabi). At the back of the idol, a sholka has been written:

meaning ‘O Lord Ganesha of the curved trunk and massive body, the one whose splendor is equal to millions of Suns, please bless me so that I do not face any obstacles in my endeavours.’

7. AUGUST KRANTI PARK:- The College has recently beautified the campus by adding an August Kranti Park adjacent to the Administrative Block and Theme Park (Rock Garden). It provides a serene atmosphere, enhancing the natural look. It has been beautified by making a big shed for the students to sit and relax for a while and it is also being used to arrange events for the students. Recently, this park was used to organize various functions like- Nukar Natak during Lehren, Self- Defense camp organized by the Delhi Police etc. It was inaugurated by Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, the then Chairman of Governing Body on 25.08.2014.


8. SARARWATI PARK:- The left side of entrance in the college has been beautified and the idol of Saraswati has been placed , behind which is the raised land area, giving the shape of a mountain. All the nearby area of the idol has been beautified to provide colorful plantations and green grass. This has enhanced the beauty of the park. The park is fenced with green protection sheet to restrict entry. This project has been supervised and completed by Dr. Anjana Nanchahal, Associate Prof., Department of Botany, Convenor, Garden Committee.

9. BUDDHA PARK:- To the right side of the entrance of the college, the area has been beautified by colourful plantation where an idol of Sleeping Buddha has been placed. This park provides a serene look and beautifies the college. This project has been supervised and completed by Dr. Anjana Nanchahal, Associate Prof., Department of Botany, Convenor, Garden Committee.

10. FIRE EXTINGUISHER:- The science block and the academic block have been provided with the fire extinguisher as a measure to prevent untoward accident. Similarly, the new Teaching Research and Innovation block has been provided with the same facility. Refilling of the cylinders (23 in Nos.) has been done recently. The college had organized a demonstration to train the students and teachers to use the fire extinguishers.

11. HISTORY STONE:- This History stone depicting the Historical background and signifying the ideals as depicted in the logo of the college has been placed in the front of Administrative Block. Another stone depicting the historical development of the college since its inception has also been placed near Administrative Block. Both have been inaugurated by Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, the then Chairman of Governing Body, on 28.08.2014.

12. RENOVATION OF BOTANY & ZOOLOGY MUSEUM:- The renovation of Botany Lab & Zoology Museum has been completed by PWD. The renovation has provided adequate space to the students and staff and has also enhanced their learning. Further, the museum renovation has provided facility of storing and displaying the equipment / material in proper manner. The renovated Museum provides good and facilitated atmosphere in the college for academic activities and practicals.

13. CONVENTION CENTRE AND STUDENTS AMENITIES BLOCK:- A new two-storey building, parallel to the existing Old Academic Block, having convention hall and students amenities facilities, alongwith classrooms, has been constructed in place of room numbers 10,10A and the common room. This structure has been interconnected with old academic block and has reduced the problem of space and availability of classrooms. This building has 08 rooms, (4 GF & 4 FF), toilets and open corridors. The building has been utilized to provide space to the SC/ST Cell, Student’s Union Room, Medical Room, Tutorial Rooms etc.

14. SPORTS UTILITY CENTRE:- The construction / extension of Sports Utility Centre has been done by PWD (SPS Structure) having Sports Room, Gym etc. in the place of existing Sports Room. It incorporates one Hall and two Rooms at the ground floor and two big Halls at the first floor. Soon, the building would provide the specialized equipments of gym and sports activities.

15. COVERING OF THE OPEN AREA OF SCIENCE BLOCK:- The science block had open drainage all around the block, which gave an unpleasant look. That open area (behind the science block) has now been covered, the work of which has been completed by the PWD. The constructed area inables conducting of practical classes for Chemistry Deptt. and it allows the students to sit in the area besides providing a cover to the Rain Water.

16. ADDITIONAL SECUTRITY GATE:- An additional gate for security purpose has been provided near the Journalism Lab. This gate is presently utilized only for the purpose of exit by the students. A separate security guard has been deputed on this gate. This gate would be used as an emergency exit.


1. CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING AREA:- The parking area running from Teachers' Cyber Centre to behind the TRI Block upto Sangam Parisar would provide an organized parking facility to the staff members. It has been


constructed by the PWD and has been specially designed to provide thick concrete base for movement of vehicles. The parking area would be completed by mid of April, 2016.

2. ADDITIONAL ROOM IN THE SCIENCE BLOCK:- The PWD has been entrusted to construct rooms (FF & SF) in the unutilized space near the Science Block. The room shall provide enough space to the Dark Room (Physics) and also would provide additional space for class room/lab etc. This work is likely to be completed by June, 2016.

3. RENOVATION OF TOILETS IN THE SCIENCE BLOCK:- The PWD has undertaken this work. The old and unutilized toilets in the Science Block will be renovated altogether to facilitate usage in the proper manner. This work is likely to be completed by June, 2016.


1. RENNOVATION OF SANGAM PARISAR:- The work of renovation and extension of Sangam Parisar is going to be undertaken by PWD. The renovation and extension of the Sangam Parisar will raise the seating capacity of the hall as a Balcony would also be added to increase accommodation. Further, the college has suggested addition of green rooms, provisions of toilets and rest rooms. The same has been inaugurated by His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama on 28.01.2015. The work is going to start soon.

2. GIRLS HOSTEL:- PWD has agreed to construct North East girls hostel with about 200 beds (SPS) at the back side of amphitheater in the playground. The foundation stone has been laid down by Prof. D.B.Sahoo, Ex-Chairman. The college has received the grant from the University of Delhi and the work is going to start soon.

3. ELECTRIFICATION OF THE CAMPUS:- This project is under consideration with the PWD (Electrical) and shall provide adequate lighting in and around the campus, especially near boundaries of the college, to prevent any unauthorized entry or untoward incidence.

4. EXTENTION OF LIBRARY: The College is undertaking the project of extension of Library through PWD wherein it has provided the estimates for construction of Porta Cabin over the floor of the Library Block. This would ease the problem of storage of books besides providing adequate space in the Library.


1. EXTENSION OF SCIENCE BLOCK:- The preliminary estimates of PWD for the construction of G+3 Floor building, in front of Power House, have been approved. The building would provide enough rooms and halls to be utilized as class rooms/Labs etc . The existing science block shall be joined with the new building.

2. EXTENTION OF ACADEMIC BLOCK:- The preliminary estimates of PWD for construction of SPS building in palce of existing Canteen area has been approved. The building would provide enough space for canteen area along with additional rooms. The new building would be connected with the existing Academic Block.

3. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPORTS GROUND:- The college is going to undertake the development project of the Sports Ground through a specialized agency, by facilitating requirements of the sports equipments and other facilities in the sports area.

4. PROVISION OF LIFT:- The College is going to undertake the project of construction of Lift in the Old Academic Area, that would connect Students' Amenities Block and the Old Building, facilitating the movement of specially abled students. The college is also exploring the possibilities of providing ramps in various buildings in consultation with the PWD.

5. INSTALLATION OF CCTV:- The College has installed CCTV cameras in the Administrative Block, Academic Block, Sangam Parisar, College Entrance, Science Block etc, which are operational for the last two years. Presently, the college has 54 cameras. Due to enhanced infrastructure facilities, i.e, newly constructed TRI Block, Students


Amenity Centre, Sports Utility Centre, Parking Area etc, the college requires 40 additional cameras. This project has been finalized and the CCTV would be installed soon in the additional areas.

6. SOLAR SYSTEM PROJECT:- The college is undertaking this project on the open roof top, in consultation with the Government Department. The measurement has been taken by the department and would be worked out soon.

7.BEAUTIFICATION OF THE ADMINISTRAIVE BLOCK:- The college is going to undertake the project of installation of Glasses in the front of Administrative Block. It would provide a new look to the building.

8. BEAUTIFICATION OF THE ENTRANCE GATE:- The project of new entrance gate is being undertaken by the college. The project would provide new gate and enhanced security at the entrance.

Orientation DayConvenor: Dr Shilpika Bali Mehta

The general orientation programme for the 1st year students of Kalindi College was held on 20th July, 2015 at 9:30 am in Sangam Parisar. Sh. Parmaditya, ACP, Delhi Police graced the occasion as the chief guest along with Treasurer, College Governing Body, Professor Sangit Ragi, Principal Dr. Anula Maurya and Vice Principal Dr Anjula Bansal. The programme started with welcome of guests with bouquets and singing of the Saraswati Vandana by students of Music Department. Lighting of the inaugural lamp was followed by a Kathak dance performance. The gathering of 1st year students, their parents and college faculty and staff was addressed by Dr. Maurya, Prof. Sangit Ragi and Sh. Parmaditya. This was followed by video presentation of a film on “Life in the College”.

After the film, convenors of various committee such as Academic Committee, Proctorial Board/ ICC, time-table committee, Library, Remedial Classes for SC/ST/OBC, coaching classes for SC/ST/OBC, scholarship and fee- concession committee, WDC, Gandhi study circle, Equal opportunity cell, Students union staff advisor, NSS, Sports Cultural activities/Lehren, Pravah, Academic Journal and Add-on courses briefed the audience about the functioning and importance of their committees. A presentation about the social initiatives undertaken by the college was also given.This was followed by yoga presentation by the students and vote of thanks by the convenor, Orientation Programme 2015. The Department Orientations were conducted in rooms allotted to various departments by the respective TICs and their department colleagues.

Separate Orientations were held by the following faculty members:-

1. SC/ST/OBC/Minority Students – Ms. Meena Charanda 2. North-East and Foreign students- Ms. Manila 3. NCC – Dr. Baljit Kaur 4. NSS – Ms. Indu Chaudhary 5. Sports – Ms Sudha Pandey

Independence DayConvenor: Dr. Saroj Dutta (Department of History)

Independence day celebrations were held in the college to celebrate the 69th independence day. Principal, Dr.Anula Maurya, tries her level best to invite freedom fighters to grace the occasion every year, so that the students learn from their vivid experiences and value our freedom. The honourable guests to grace the occasion were Sh. K.K. Bhatia a freedom fighter, social worker and a man of very high dignity. He narrated how a young boy of 17 years left his home in Sialkot, Pakistan to travel to Delhi to witness the historic moment to see the


Indian tricolour unfurl from the Red Fort. It was worth hearing him. Our second guest to grace the occasion was Sh.Shram Singh who had travelled all the way from Rajpura, Punjab to visit our college. It was heartening to hear him talk about the freedom struggle and the great sacrifices made by the unknown heroes to achieve independence.

Republic DayConvenor: Dr. Meena Charanda (Department of Political Science)

The Department organised the 67th Republic Day of India on 25th January 2016. The Chief Guest for the event was Shri Satpal Saini, freedom fighter, along with Shri Nityanad Sharma (Son of Shri Hrishna Dev Sharma, Freedom Fighter) and Prof. Moninder Nath Thakur (CPS/JNU). Chairman of the College Shri Deepak Marwah also graced the function with his presence. On the occasion, Shri Satpal Saini hoisted the National Flag and motivated the students with his inspiring words. Prof Thakur also addressed the students. He saluted the efforts of the national leaders in building an independent, republic nation and recalled various anecdotes related to his childhood days.

Fresher’s Welcome and Oath CeremonyConvenor: Dr. Harvinder Kaur, Co-convenor: Dr. Shanuja Beri

Oath Ceremony Function and Freshers’ Welcome Party was organized on 30th September 2015, which was honoured by Chief Guest Ms. Swati Maliwal; Chairperson Delhi commission for women, Guest of Honour Professor J.M. Khurana; Dean students’ welfare, Chairman governing body Mr. Deepak Marwah and Ms.Sarika Chaudhary ; Member DCW and Governing body. The festival was inaugurated with ligting of lamp and floral tributes were offered to Goddess Saraswti by distinguished guests. Ms. Swati Maliwal addressed the gathering and shared her experiences working with the victims of domestic violence, sexual harassment and acid attacks. She asked the students to empower themselves and rise against violence at workplace. Prof. J.M. Khurana encouraged the students to get involved in the activities which help in the development of their personality. Chairman Mr. Deepak Marwah and Ms. Sarika Chaudhary also addressed and motivated the students with their words. The oath was given to the newely selected Office Bearers of Student Union 2015-16 by our principal Dr. Anula Maurya, wherein all the union members took pledge to abide by the rules and regulations of the college faithfully. Badges and T-shirts were given to the newely selected office bearer of the student union by the guests, Chairman and Principal of the college.

After oath taking ceremony, a welcome party was organized for the freshers in which Ms. Fresher was selected by the Judges Mr. Ajay Sherawat, Ms. Ishika Taneja and Ms. Meena Anand. Media partner of the event was HT City. Even though all the participants were at their best but the title was won by Ms. Shalu Yadav, Maths (H), 1st runner up was Ms. Manisha Tyagi, Maths (H) and 2nd runner up was Ms. Vishakha Singh B.COM (P). The Wooplr, our event partner title, was given to Prachi, Pol. Sc. (H) and the HT fresh face was Anushka Upadhyay, Akshita, Vishakha and best chaser was Vaishali Dagar. The prizes were given by honourable judges and respected Principal.

LeHReN 2016 (Theme: CONOSCeNZa)Convenor: Dr.Manju Sharma, Co-convenor: Dr.Harvinder Kaur, Dr.Ranjana Roy MishraThe annual inter-college cultural festival Lehren-2016 was held on 19 and 20 February this year. The chief guest of the festival was the Director, Institute of Bioresource & Sustainable Development, Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, the guest of honour was Retd. IAS officer, Dr. B.P.Nilaratna, Former Joint Seceretary, Ministry of Environment


and Forests.The theme of the festival this year was ‘Conoscenza’ an Italian word which means Knowledge, Acquaintance and Consciousness. The catchy theme was selected which would interest the students and everyone would identify with it. The festival was inaugurated on the first day with lighting of lamp and floral tributes were offered to Goddess Saraswati by distinguished guests. This was accompanied by Veda Path and Saraswati vandana by the students of Music Department. After welcoming the guests with planters and mementos, Principal Dr. Anula Maurya delivered her welcome address and this was followed by an address by Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman, Governing Body of the college, Guest of Honour Dr. Nilaratna and Chief Guest Prof. Sahoo. A beautiful presentation of Kathak Dance “Tarana” was given by Saumya Joshi, a first year student of History Honours.

Lehren 2016 was sponsored by Canara Bank, Pepsi, Johara, Penny Jewels, Uber, Nescafe, Naturals, Imli. Media partners were DECOP, 91.1 FM Radio City, NDTV, DU Times, Aapka Times, DU Khabar and DU Beat.

Both the days witnessed participation in large numbers in various events breaking all the past records. Live performance by Agastya Band followed by star performance by A-Bazz was a special attraction on the second day. Apart from formal events, informal events were also held on both the days in college premises. The much awaited teachers’ talent show witnessed a large number of participation. There were total 18 participants from 3 colleges and the first prize winners were Dr.Abhishek and Dr. Kailash Chand from Kalindi college who recited poems in Hindi and Sanskrit respectively. Second prize went to Dr. Sanavar and Dr. Ritu from Kalindi college in Dance category. In non-teaching talent show, first prize went to Mr.Jitendra Singh in mimicry and second prize was shared between Ms. Savita in dance category and Ms. Dharna in song category. The running trophy in debate competition was won by SGND Khalsa College.

The festival was a grand success under the able guidance and leadership of our Principal Dr. Anula Maurya. Her never ending support, encouragement, energy and vision were the key factors for such a grand success. The support and contribution of teaching and non-teaching staff of college resulted in smooth and successful organisation of this mega event.

aLUMNI MeeTConvenor: Dr Sudha Gulati, Co-convenor: Ms Neelam BarejaKalindi Alumni Association was formed in 2015-16, Office bearers elected are:

POST NAME OF THE ALUMNIPresident Anam QureshiVice President Nupur SharmaTreasurer Pragya SrivastavaSecretary Shivangi ShreyaGeneral Secretary Sudha PandeyJoint Secretary Mamta Sachdeva, Asha KhantwalExecutive Committee Members Rita Naru, Prerna Verma, Davinder Kaur

The sixth Alumni Meet was held on 21 February,2016 with the coordination of the office bearers.

Prof. Furqan Qamar, the Secretary General of Association of Indian Universities,was invited as the Chief Guest for Alumni Meet, 2016. Dr. Arti Makkar, alumni of 2001 batch, a renowned Artist and Curator as the Guest of Honor alongwith, Mr. Sangram Singh, (International Wrestler, Artist and Celebrity) as the Special Guest. Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman also graced the occasion with his presence. Special Invitees were the Senior-most retired teacher Mrs. P.L. Verma (Hindi Department), Senior-most non-teaching member Mr. M.M. Seth and Mrs. Neelam


Gupta, alumne of 1978 batch. All retired teachers, non- teaching staff and alumni were also invited to attend the Alumni Meet. Invitation letters/invitation cards for the event were couriered to all of them and were also sent to various colleges of Delhi University. Besides this, about 1000 emails were sent to invite presently known Alumni.

Registration of Alumni and final year students was done with nominal charges. Lifetime membership was also given to the willing Alumni and registration numbers were also distributed.

During lunch, a video film on the progress and achievements of college was screened. The program started with lighting of lamp followed by felicitation, Ms Mahima Hora, Alumni of batch 2012, was also felicitated, who is acting in the film ‘100 Crore ki Dulhan’. Principal Dr Anula Maurya presented a report, followed by the addresses of chief guest, chairman, guest of honour and special guests. Various cultural programs performed by Alumni and III year students made the day vibrant and colourful. In the end, there was a Band performance and everybody enjoyed thoroughly. The program ended on a graceful note with a performance of the Band.

Departmental activitiesB.a. Programme Society Convenor: Mr. Utpal Kumar

B.A. (Prog.) Society was formed by the Principal Dr. Anula Maurya to boost up the morale of the students who under estimate the course of B.A. (Prog.) as compared to other B. A. (H) courses. This initiative has inculcated a stream of confidence, bonding and association among students of different sections of B.A. (Prog.) classes. This year the B.A. (Prog.) Society conducted two group orientation programme on 5 and 12 September, 2015 which helped the students regarding the clarity of C.B.C.S. (Choice Based Credit System) and about the courses which falls under A.E.C.C. and A.E.E.C. choices. Again the society has conducted two Parent-Teacher meet at two simultaneous Saturdays in month of October which resulted in a cordial association with the parents and make them interactively cautious with the college teachers and administration.

Biochemical SocietyStaff advisor: Dr. Priyanka Bidhuri

The Biochemical Society of Kalindi College includes Botany, Chemistry and Zoology departments. This society actively involves the students of life sciences and honours courses in Botany, Chemistry and Zoology in the various extra-curricular activities. The Chemistry department (in rotation) has got the responsibility of Biochemical Society to organize the various events during academic session of 2015-16. The elections of Biochemical society for the session 2015-16 were held on 24th August, 2015 (Wednesday) in Chemistry Laboratory - I in the presence of faculty members and the list of elected office bearers of Biochemical Society for various posts is as follows:

President : Sangeeta, B.Sc.(H) Chemistry 3rd YearSecretary : Disha Sandilaya, B.Sc. Life Sciences 2nd YearJoint Secretary : Anshu, B.Sc. Life Sciences 2nd YearTreasurer : Ananya, B.Sc. Life Sciences 2nd YearClass Representatives : 1.Megha Sharma, B.Sc.(H) Botany 3rd Year 2. Nikita, B.Sc.(H) Botany 3rd YearClass Representatives : 1. Aparna, B.Sc.(H) Chemistry 3rd Year 2. Suman, B.Sc.(H) Chemistry 3rd Year


Class Representatives : 1. Preeti, B.Sc.(H) Zoology 3rd Year 2. Shadzadi, B.Sc.(H) Zoology 3rd YearClass Representatives : 1. Nidhi Tomar, B.Sc. Life Sciences 2nd Year 2. Ankita Jain, B.Sc. Life Sciences 2nd YearClass Representatives : 1. Nikunj Saini, B.Sc. Life Sciences Ist Year

2. Meenesh, B.Sc. Life Sciences Ist Year

The Biochemical Society organized an Invited Talk on 6th October 2015 in the college Auditorium, ‘Sangam Parisar’. Dr. V C Kalia, Chief Scientist, CSIR- Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) & Professor at Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research and Anjali Bhola, Chief Dietician at Department of Dietetics in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS, New Delhi) were our chief guests for the talk. Dr. Kalia delivered a lecture on Microbial Factories: The Green Way to Biofuels and Bioplastics. This lecture was very beneficial for the students of Botany, Chemistry as well as Zoology who want to go for higher studies and pursue their carriers in research. Mrs. Bhola gave a lecture on Nutrition Awareness in College Going Girls. The students as well as teachers actively participated in this lecture and discussed their nutrition-related health problems with dietician very remarkably.

On 8th March 2016 the Biochemical Society organized various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The activities were: Paper and Poster Presentation on “An Approach to Protect Environment” and competitions like Rangoli on “Friends of the Earth”, Best out of Waste and Standup Comedy. The students of various departments of the college actively participated in these competitions and won cash prizes and were given certificates. The names of winners of various activities with prize money are as follows:


Activity Prize Names of Winners Prize Money (Rs)

1 Paper Presentation


I Himanshi ( Chemistry(H) 3rd Yr ) 2000/-II Riya (Life Sciences 2nd Yr) 1800/-III 1. Simran ( Life Sciences 1st Yr)

2. Aakriti (Zoology(H) 3rd Yr)

750 + 750 = 1500/-

Appreciation Prize by Judges

Lata ( Life Sciences 2nd Yr) 500/-

2 Poster Presentation I 1.Charu & Mansi (Chemistry (H) 3rd Yr)

2.Rashi & Chetna (Chemistry (H) 3rd Yr)

(500+500+500+500) = 2000/-

II Seyona Singh (Zoology (H)3rd Yr) 1800/-III Shaheen & Insia (Life Sciences 2nd Yr) 750+ 750 = 1500/-

3 Rangoli I Bulbul & Shivani (Life Sciences 2nd Yr) 750+750 = 1500/-II Anjali & Sonal (Botany (H) 3rd Year) 600 + 600 = 1200/-III Gunjan &Sarita(B.A.Sanskrit (H) 2nd Yr) 500+500 = 1000/-

4 Best out of Waste I 1.Anjali (Life Sciences 2nd Yr)

2.Juhi Nigam (Chemistry (H) 3rd Yr)

750+750 = 1500/-

II Megha Sharma ( Botany (H) 3rd Yr) 1200/-III Suman Sharma (Chemistry (H) 3rd Yr) 1000/-


5 Standup Comedy I Himanshi & Sarika (Chemistry (H) 3rd Yr)

750+750 = 1500/-

II Meenesh & Shruti Grover

(Life Sciences1st Yr)

600+600 = 1200/-

III Neha Chautala (Botany (H) 3rd Yr) 1000/-

Commerce SocietyConvenor: Ms. Gunjan Verma Co-convenor: Ms. Nidhi kapoor

Office Bearers:

President : Shruti Garg, B.Com (H) IIIVice president : Prerna Garg, B.Com (H) IIIGeneral Secretary : Sakshi Behl, B.Com (H) IITreasurer : Divya Chhabra, B.Com (H) III

The Commerce Department’s Inaugural Function- 2015 was organized on 22nd September, 2015. The event began with a talk by Dr. Namita Rajput- guest speaker for the day on the topic ‘Generational Diversity- Challenges for the Millennial Managers’. The lecture was followed by an interactive session between the students and the speaker. To take the event further, students presented a beautiful video to familiarize the first year students with all the faculty members of the department, the office-bearers, and the class representatives. The students of 2nd and 3rd year presented an inaugural act and dazzled the stage with their splendid performances. It was followed by the ‘Commerce Queen’ contest, wherein the participants from 1st year were judged on the basis of three rounds: Introduction round, Talent round, and Q&A round. Apart from this, various other titles like Best Smile, Best Dressed, and Best Personality etc. were also given.

Also, the students of commerce department participated and won first prize in the street play competition organized by NSS on 24th September, 2015. The theme was ‘Cleanliness/ Clean India’. The Commerce Society will be organizing its annual inter college commerce fest ‘Bizmesh-2016’ on 12th April, 2016 followed by the closing ceremony on 13th April, 2016 to bid farewell to our third year students.

Dr. Namita Rajput – Associate Professor-Commerce, Sri Aurbindo College, University of Delhi gave a lecture.

economics SocietyConvenor: Ms. Indu Choudhary, Co-convenor: Dr. Rashmi Choudhary

Office Bearers :

President : GillpritVice-President : Divya Tyagi General Secretary : Sonam Tuteja Treasurer : Gaurika Sethi Editorial head : Aarzoo Pahwa Cultural Secretary : Priya Mehta Decor head : Akshu Baid

• The session started with an Opening Ceremony which was held on 7 August. A lecture on ‘Conditional Cash Reserves’ by Dr. Ganita Bhupal from University of Delhi broadened the students’ knowledge base.


Two competitions, Extempore and Showcasing of Proficiency helped students shed their inhibitions and brought their dexterities and talent in light.

• Understanding the need for guidance regarding the various job opportunities and promising prospects in the field of Economics, the department held a lecture on ‘The scope of Economics’ on 15th September. Apart from professional speakers, Mr. Vibhor Gupta and Mr. Sarvesh Kumar, we also had Ms. Kriti Khurana, an alumna of the college to shed light on the subject. The lecture was followed by the Investiture Ceremony where respective council members took the oath to serve the department with full dedication and sincerity.

• On 10th August the students from the department joined hands in the well-known ‘LEADearthSHIP’ initiative by The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI). It is a youth initiative that aims at creating and empowering the next generation of youth leaders to contribute meaningfully to the achievement of sustainable development. Drishti Garg, a second-year Economics Honours student, was awarded the Leadeathship Fellowship by TERI.

• The students from the department actively participated in the NSS day (24th September) activities. The economics department was given the responsibility of cleaning the front lawns and the area near cyber centre. Cleanliness drive on the 28th September saw full participation from the department students.

• The enthusiastic and ecologically aware students participated in the street play competition organized by NSS, Graffiti Competition held on 13th October. Students visited an old age home on 10th September where they learned and saw the social aspect of our society. The department organized a trip to the World Book Fair ‘ 2016 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on 14th January.

• On 4th and 5th March 2016, the department organized its Annual Inter-College Economics Festival ARTHASAAR’16. The prime highlight of Arthasaar’16 was a lecture by Dr Ananya Ghosh from Department of Business Economics, University of Delhi on “ Global Financial Crisis and Emerging Economies”. After the lecture Dr. Dastidar interacted with the students and guided them about various courses being offered by her department. This was followed by many competitions organized over two days: Quiz, Photography, Paper Presentation, Group Discussion, Ad-Mad, Beg-Borrow-Steal, Magazine Cover Design Extempore. The students have also been participating in other inter-college fests like Janki Devi Memorial College, SRCC etc. and social events like National Unity Day, Presidential lecture at DU North Campus, Odd-even pollution reduction scheme, Run for free water, National Service Scheme special camp etc. Special mention must be made of Tabassum and Kirtika of second year Economics honours in this regard.

english Literary SocietyConvenor: Dr. Chaity Das

Coordinators: Dr. Mukesh, Ms. Lakshmi Priya B., Ms. Tanya Singh

Office Bearers:

President : Ms. Richa Sansanwal, III (H) Vice-President : Ms. Sweta Chatterjee, III (H)Secretary : Ms. Chahat Batra, I (H) General Secretary : Ms. Neha Kher, II (H)

Sponsorship, Funds, and Accounts: Ms. Reashikaa Verma, III (H); Ms. Anchal Khanna, II (H); Ms. Chayanika Verma, II (H); Ms. Unnati Khanna, I (H)


Volunteer Coordinators: Ms. Rubal Sharma, III (H); Ms. Riya Jain, III (H); Ms. Neha Pandey, III (H)

Creative Coordinators: Ms. Mitali S. Jethani, III (H); Ms. Pratha Gola, III (H); Ms. Sanam Malhotra, III (H); Ms. Shreshtha Ranjan, III (H)

Photography: Ms. Smriti, III (H)

Report on important events held since July 2015:

English Academic Society, ‘Mitrakshar’, is actively involved in organising various academic and cultural events in order to acquaint the students with the various facets of literature and at the same time provide them with the platform to explore their creativity and talent.


A one-day workshop on “Media and Communication Skills” was organized on 23rd February, 2016. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Vinod Verma, Associate Professor in the Department of English from Maharaja Agrasen College, University of Delhi. The workshop was organized in the wake of the newly introduced course on “Media and Communication Skills” by the Department of English under CBCS. The primary objective of the workshop was to familiarize the students with the technical aspects of Media; how various media works as a form of communication and bridges gaps. This was a particularly enriching experience for the students since they got to learn about it from Prof. Verma who himself is a filmmaker and a photographer. During the workshop he used several photographs as well as film clippings in order to elaborate upon the nuances of media and its role. He talked about various forms of Medias and their aesthetics. Aspects such as frame, focus, colour, background, foreground, editing, etc., were dealt with.

Literary Festival 2016:

Mitrakshar organized a two-day festival focused on the theme of cinema and literature on 2nd and 3rdMarch, 2016. The festival had organized many competitions which enabled students to bring out the creative potential of the students. It opened with a Panel Discussion and had concluded with Movie Screening.

First day of the festival began with a Panel Discussion centered on the idea of censorship and cinema. The guests included Prof. Rupendra Guha Majumdar, Department of English, University of Delhi; Prof. Vinod Verma, Department of English, Maharaja Agrasen College; Mr. Prashant Verma, an independent filmmaker pursuing his Masters in Performance Studies at School of Culture and Creative Expressions, Ambedkar University, New Delhi; and Mr. Angshuman Choudhury, an independent photographer, filmmaker, visual journalist, traveller, and conflict researcher. Mr. Choudhury’s short-film, Raahi (The Traveller) and Mr. Verma’s short-film The Chronicle of a Theft at Halt were screened. Prof. Verma talked about cinema and social issues that surround the discourse and Prof. Majumdar presented a paper on ‘Censorship’. The screenings and the talk were followed by discussions touching upon the panelists’ concerns regarding cinema, censorship, and violence, where the students and teachers actively interacted with the guests. This was proceeded by the following events spread over the two days of the festival:

Movie Review Writing : Date: 2 March 2016First Prize: Ms. Sakshi Jain, III (H) English, Kalindi College Second Prize: Ms. Gulshan, III (H) Journalism, Kalindi CollegeSpecial Prize: Ms. Shweta Kalra, I (H) English, Kalindi CollegeDumb Charades: Date: 3 March 2016First Prize: Ms. Simran and Ms. Rachna, II (H) English, Kalindi CollegeSecond Prize: Ms. Reashika Verma and Ms. Shreshtha Ranjan, III (H) English, Kalindi College


Slam Poetry : Date: 3 March 2016First Prize: Ms. Rubal Sharma, III (H) English, Kalindi CollegeSecond Prize: Ms. Tavishi, I (H) Economics, PGDAV College (Morning)Treasure Hunt : Date: 3 March 2016First Prize: Mr. Abhinav Saket Jha, III (H) B.Com, Zakir Husain College and Mr. Roshan Kumar, III (H) B.Com, Sri Aurobindo College (Morning)One Act Play : Date: 3 March 2016First Prize: Ms. Vrinda Bhargava, Ms. Riya Jain, Ms. Neha Pandey, Ms. Smriti, Ms. Pratha Gola, Ms. Rubal Sharma (all from III (H) English, Kalindi College)Turncoat : Date: 3 March 2016First Prize: Ms. Nupur Raghav, I (H) English, Kalindi CollegeSecond Prize: Ms. Ekta Rawat, III (H) History, Lady Shri Ram CollegeShort Movie MakingDate: 3 March 2016 (the entries of this competition were accepted online)First Prize: Ms. Daisy Jaggarwal, III (H) Journalism, Kalindi College


Convenor: Dr. Shekh Moinuddin

Co-convenor: Dr. Manish Kumar

Office Bearers:

President : Uzma Khan (2nd Year)Vice President : Nishu (1st Year)General Secretary : Sana (2nd Year)Joint Secretary : Dimple (1st Year)Treasurer : Bhavya (1st Year)Class Representative : Payal Kataria (1st Year)Class Representative : Vaishali Singh (2nd Year)Department of Geography had organized a UGC sponsored National Seminar on the topic “Environmental Ethics, Resource Depletion and Sustainable Development” on February 25-16, 2016. Department of Geography had organized two lectures and four activities in its annual function Geo Fest- 2016, held on March 21, 2016. The lecture was delivered by Prof H. Ramachandran, University of Delhi and Dr Amir Ali Khan, NIDM. Prof H. Ramachandran talked on topic “Issues and Challenges of Smart Cities in India” while Dr Amir Ali Khan talked on topic ”Geo-hazards and Urban Lives in India” and enlightened our students about the spatio-temporal changes in two different dimensions. Apart from both these speakers, Ms Seema Sahdev and Dr. Anula Maurya (Principal) also enlightened and motivated our students. The four activities include Quiz (India and World Geography), Poster Making (Earthquake Awareness), Extempore Speech (Contemporary Issues) and Photography (Lives in Smart Cities in India).

Students Achievements in Activities:

Quiz1. First Prize : Nirmala Devi Shamjetshabam and Akshika, BA(P), IInd Year 2. Second Prize : Pranjali Shukla and Jyoti Pal, BA(P), IInd Year


3. Third Prize : Pragati Pathak and Tanishka Chadha, BA(P), IInd Year

Poster Making1. First Prize : Payal Kataria, BA (P), Ist Year2. Second Prize : Bhawna, BA(P), IInd Year3. Third Prize : Kiran Negi, BA(P), Ist Year

Extempore Speech1. First Prize : Deepa, BA(P), IInd Year2. Second Prize : Pranjali Shukla, BA(P), IInd Year3. Third Prize : Urmila Kanawat, BA(P), IInd Year

Photography1. First Prize : Jyoti Mishra, BA(P), IInd Year2. Second Prize : Sana, BA(P), IInd Year3. Third Prize : Kiriti, BA(P), IInd Year

Department of Geography also organized one field study trip to EVS (Environmental Science) students to Yamuna Biodiversity Park in October, 2015 and Aravalli Biodiversity Park in April, 2016.

History: Dharohar

TIC: Dr. Saroj Dutta

The Department of History organised its Inaugural Function for the session 2015-16 on 19 October. The event was held in Sangam Parisar. The programs for the day comprised of paper presentation, poster making, dance competition and singing competition.

The office bearers for the History Society were also elected on the same day. Ms. Manisha Nayak from III year got elected as the President Dharohar; Ms. Geeta Thakur, the treasurer; Ms. Bhawna Paliwal, Ms. Sanjona Sharma and Ms. Soumya Joshi were elected as the cultural secretaries for III year, II year and I year respectively.

The History Society, Dharohar organised One-Day Cultural Event on 11 February, 2016. It comprised of debate competition on the topic – “Whether India is tolerant or not? It was followed by logo making competition (for academic society- Dharohar) and Quiz Competition. A documentary on ‘Water Conservation’ prepared by Dr. Saroj Dutta was also screened for the students.

Visit / Excursion:

Visit to historical sites always enriches the knowledge gathered from written sources. With this view, the Department of History regularly plans educational trips to places in and around Delhi. In the current session (2015-16) the department took its first, second and third year students on an educational trip to Sultan-e-Garhi’s Tomb and Qutub Complex on 2nd March, 2016. Students closely observed the architecture of the Islamic Mausoleum. The intricate stone carvings on the columns of various structures around the complex represent fine structure of architecture from the medieval period. The trip proved to be very informative for the students as they underlined the history of architecture and conquest.

Seminar / Lecture / Workshop:

Students from the Department of History, Kalindi College went for a Heritage Volunteer Training Workshop on 8th and 9th October, 2015 organised by INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage) held at INTACH, Lodi Estate, New Delhi. The students learned how to conduct a heritage walk. They also joined a


heritage walk to Safdarjung Tomb on the second day of workshop. It was a great opportunity for the students to discover their responsibility towards our heritage which are gifts as well as source of information from the past.

Two students from the department of History, Ms. Angel Singh and Ms. Manisha Nayak attended a capacity- Building Workshop, organised by Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL) on e-Connect creation in History held on 1 February, 2016.

The department has future plans to invite eminent historians for lectures in the month of April.

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bl volj lqJh cythr dkSj o M‚- foHkk Bkdqj ds funsZ'ku esa r`rh; o"kZ dh Nk=kvksa us fofHkUu yksdHkk"kkvksa ds yksdxhrksa dh laxhre;h çLrqfr nhA bl yksdxk;u dk;ZØe esa fuEu fo|kfFkZ;ksa us Hkkx fy;k & nhfidk oRl ¼805½] ,drk ¼807½] nhik ¼812½] lksuq dqekjh ¼813½] moZ'kh ¼815½] lksue ¼816½] yfyrk ¼819½] lkSE;k jk; ¼821½] fgeka'kh ¼826½] vatfy vkpk;Z ¼830½] 'kdhyk [kkrwu ¼836½] iwue ¼847½] çhfr ¼849½] ehuk{kh ¼854½] Hkkjrh ¼855½] usalh ¼859½] iwtk ¼861½] xhrk ¼865½] uezrk ¼866½A fgUnh foHkkx yxkrkj lkfgfR;d jpukvksa dh jpukRed çLrqfr;ksa ds fy, çsfjr vkSj çksRlkfgr djrk jgk gSA fofHkUu lkfgfR;d jpukvksa ds ukVî:ikUrj.k o ukVîeapu ds lkFk&lkFk blesa fofHkUu dforkvksa o xhrksa dh laxhre;h çLrqfr;ksa ij fo'ks"k /;ku fn;k tkrk gSA bl volj ij M‚- iq[kjkt tk¡fxM+ o M‚- _rq ds funsZ'ku esa ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh ¼r`rh; o"kZ½ ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa us dfooj t;'kadj çlkn ¼1889&1937½ ds çfl) ,sfrgkfld ukVd ^pUæxqIr* ¼1931½ ds ç;k.kxhr ^fgekfæ rqax 'k`ax ls çcq) 'kq) Hkkjrh---*dh laxhre;h çLrqfr nh] ftlesa fjrq ¼901½] f'kokuh ¼892½] iwtk d¡oj ¼896½] iwtk dqekjh ¼907½] uhye ¼912½] fuf/k ¼919½ o nh{kk ¼937½ us Hkkx fy;kA blh volj ij vk;ksftr ^fgUnhJh çfr;ksfxrk* ds fot;h çfrHkkxh fuEuor gSa & fgUnhJh & O;wyk ¼çFke o"kZ½] lqgkfluh & e/kq ¼çFke o"kZ½] vkRefo'okfluh & fu'kk ¼çFke o"kZ½] ifj/kku & fjrq 'kekZ ¼çFke o"kZ½] Js"B O;fäRo & uferk ¼çFke o"kZ½ o Js"B çfrHkk & 'kkfyuh ¼çFke o"kZ½A


fnukad 19 flrEcj 2015 dks lEiUu ^fgUnh lkfgR; ifj"kn~* dh dk;Zdkfj.kh lfefr ds lnL;ksa ds pquko ls gqbZ] ftlesa fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk fuokZfpr inkf/kdkjh fuEuor gSa & v/;{k & fu'kk Mkscfj;ky ¼ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh] r`rh; o"khZ; mik/;{k & vydk ¼ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh] r`rh; o"khZ; dks"kk/;{k & eerk o O;wyk ¼ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh] çFke o"khZ; lfpo & iYyoh ¼ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh] f}rh; o"khZ; d{kk&çfrfuf/k % ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh] çFke o"kZ & lksuy o vuqjk/kk; d{kk&çfrfuf/k % ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh] f}rh; o"kZ & lqfç;k o oUnuk >k d{kk&çfrfuf/k % ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh] r`rh; o"kZ & ik#y] nhik] ijtksr o fu'kk Hkkj}ktA

^fgUnh lkfgR; ifj"kn~* }kjk fnukad 1 uoEcj 2015 dks ,d fnolh; dk;Z'kkyk dk fo'ks"k vk;kstu gqvkA mä dk;Z'kkyk esa fucU/kys[ku] Jqrys[ku o fp=dyk çfr;ksfxrk,¡ vk;ksftr gqbZ] ftlds fot;h çfrHkkxh bl çdkj gSa&

fucU/k çfr;ksfxrk

çFke iqjLdkj & iYyoh ¼f}rh; o"kZ½

f}rh; iqjLdkj & fgeka'kh ¼r`rh; o"kZ½

r`rh; iqjLdkj & vuqiek ¼r`rh; o"kZ½

lkURouk iqjLdkj & xquthr dkSj ¼çFke o"kZ½] lhek oekZ ¼r`rh; o"kZ½ o vydk ¼r`rh; o"kZ½

Jqrys[k çfr;ksfxrk

çFke iqjLdkj & 'kdhyk [kkrwu o fu'kk Mkscfj;ky ¼r`rh; o"kZ½

f}rh; iqjLdkj & uSalh o fç;k f=ikBh ¼r`rh; o"kZ½

r`rh; iqjLdkj & moZ'kh] fuf/k 'kekZ] fu'kk] euçhr ¼lHkh r`rh; o"kZ½

fp=dyk çfr;ksfxrk

çFke iqjLdkj & 'kSQj ¼f}rh; o"kZ½

f}rh; iqjLdkj & nhik ¼r`rh; o"kZ½

r`rh; iqjLdkj & lksuw ¼r`rh; o"kZ½

fnukad 22 tuojh 2016 dks ^fgUnh flusek dk bfrgkl* o ^le;] flusek o bfrgkl* tSlh iqLrdksa ds ys[kd vkSj fQYe&bfrgkldkj Jh latho JhokLro dk ^fQYe dSls ns[ksa\* fo"k; ij fo'ks"k O;k[;ku dk vk;kstu gqvk] ftlesa mUgksaus fQYe ns[kus iwoZ dh rS;kjh] fQYe ns[kus ds nkSjku dh vis{kkvksa vkSj fQYe ns[kus ds ckn dh ftEesnkfj;ksa dks ,d tkx:d n'kZd o lq/kh leh{kd nksuksa ds utfj;s dks fo'ysf"kr fd;kA bl nkSjku gqbZ ifjppkZ esa ledkyhu fQYeksa ij xEHkhj ppkZ gqbZ] ftlesa fo|kfFkZ;ksa o f'k{kdksa us [kqydj Hkkx fy;kA

fnukad 18&19 Qjojh 2016 dks tkfdj gqlSu fnYyh egkfo|ky; ¼lkU/;dkyhu½ ds vUreZgkfo|ky;h; lkaL—frdksRlo dh ^,dy xk;u çfr;ksfxrk* esa ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh ¼r`rh; o"kZ½ dh vatfy vkpk;Z ¼830½ us çFke LFkku gkfly fd;k rks fnukad 19&20 Qjojh 2016 dks vk;ksftr ^ygjsa&2016* ¼dkfyUnh egkfo|ky; dk vUreZgkfo|ky;h; lkaL—frdksRlo½ esa ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh ¼r`rh; o"kZ½ dh oUnuk iq.<+hj ¼887½ us ^,dy ukVd çfr;ksfxrk* esa ^loZJs"B vfHkus=h* dk iqjLdkj rFkk ^jpukRed x| ys[ku çfr;ksfxrk* esa ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh ¼r`rh; o"kZ½ dh vYdk ¼902½ us nwljk LFkku gkfly fd;kA ^ygjsa&2016*esa gh M‚- _rq ds dq'ky funsZ'ku esa ch-,- v‚ulZ fgUnh ¼r`rh; o"kZ½ ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa us fx)k dh fo'ks"k çLrqfr nh] ftls lHkh dh ljkguk feykA blesa fuEu fo|kfFkZ;ksa us Hkkx fy;k & fu'kk Mkscfj;ky ¼871½] jtuh ¼875½] 'khre ¼890½] ;ksfxrk ¼893½] fjgkuk ¼899½] fç;k f=ikBh ¼905½] euçhr dkSj ¼906½] iwtk dqekjh ¼907½] papy ¼910½] uhye ¼912½] latuk ¼914½] ijtksr dkSj ¼915½] lchuk ¼927½] uxek ¼929½] nh{kk çlkn ¼935½]fu'kk Hkkj}kt ¼937½] f'kokuh ¼2815½] y{eh ¼2817½] xhrk ¼2818½ o Hkkouk ¼281½A mä fo|kfFkZ;ksa us fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ds dbZ egkfo|ky;ksa esa Hkh viuh çLrqfr nh vkSj fo'ks"k ljkguk çkIr dhA

nks fnolh; jk"Vªh; laxks"Bh dk vk;kstu % fnukad 10&11 ekpZ 2016 dks M‚- vuqyk ekS;Z o Jh nhid ekjokg ds laj{k.k] M‚- vkjrh flag ds la;kstu ¼dUohuj½ o o M‚- iq[kjkt tk¡fxM+ ds lgla;kstu ¼dks&dUohuj½ esa fo'ofo|ky; vuqnku vk;ksx ds vkfFkZd lg;ksx ls vk;ksftr ^e/;dkyhu lkfgR; ds f'k{k.k dh pqukSfr;k¡* fo"k;d nks fnolh; jk"Vªh; laxks"Bh dk vk;kstu jgh] ftlesa ns'kHkj ls vk, fofHkUu fo"k;&fo'ks"kkKksa] fo}kuksa vkSj 'kks/kkfFkZ;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA laxks"Bh ds mn~?kkVul= ds eq[;vfrfFk çksQslj dqynhi pUn vfXugks=h ¼dqyifr] fgekpy çns'k dsUæh; fo'ofo|ky;] /keZ'kkyk½] fof'k"V vfrfFk çksQslj gfjeksgu 'kekZ ¼v/;{k] fgUnh foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;½ Fks vkSj v/;{krk Jh nhid ekjokg ¼v/;{k] 'kklh fudk;] dkfyUnh egkfo|ky;½ us dh rFkk Lokxr oäO; M‚- vuqyk ekS;Z ¼çkpk;kZ] dkfyUnh egkfo|ky;½ us fn;kA fo"k; çorZu laxks"Bh&la;ksftdk M‚- vkjrh flag us


fd;kA jk"Vªh; laxks"Bh ds igys l= ¼e/;dkyhu lkfgR;&f'k{k.k dh pqukSfr;k¡ % Hkk"kk'kkL= vkSj dkO;'kkL=½ dh v/;{krk çks- eksgu us vkSj mik/;{krk çks- dSyk'k ukjk;.k frokjh us dh rFkk cht oäO; M‚- ctjax fcgkjh frokjh us fn;k nwljs l= ¼e/;dkyhucks/k vkSj vkËkqfudcks/k % e/;dkyhu lekt] bfrgkl] dyk vkSj Hkk"kk&lkfgR; dk vUrlZEcU/k½ dh v/;{krk çks- fuR;kuUn frokjh us vkSj mik/;{k çks- vCnqy fcfLeYykg us rFkk cht oäO; M‚- jt;qíhu vdhy us fn;kA rhljs l= ¼e/;dkyhu lkfgR; dk iquikZB % varo`ZfÙk;ksa dk fo'ys"k.k½ dh v/;{krk çks- jksfg.kh vxzoky us vkSj mik/;{krk Jh t;çdk'k dnZe us dh vkSj cht oäO; M‚- cyjke 'kqDy us fn;k rks pkSFks l= ¼vk/kqfud f'k{k.k rduhd vkSj e/;dkyhu lkfgR; f'k{k.k % lkfgR;kuqHko vkSj fopkjkuqHko½ dh v/;{krk çks- eSustj ik.Ms; us dh vkSj mik/;{krk çks- tojheYy ikj[k us dh rFkk cht oäO; çks- vfuy jk; us fn;kA laxks"Bh ds lekiul= ds eq[; vfrfFk çksQslj jkenso 'kqDy ¼lkfgR;dkj o iwoZ v/;{k] nhun;ky mik/;k; xksj[kiqj fo'ofo|ky;] xksj[kiqj½ vkSj fof'k"V vfrfFk çksQslj jkec{k ¼iwoZ v/;{k] Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk dsUæ] tokgjyky usg: fo'ofo|ky;] u;h fnYyh½ Fks vkSj v/;{krk Jh lqfer xksLokeh ¼fp=dkj] lk¡>h fp=dkjh] o`Unkou½ us dh rFkk /kU;okn Kkiu laxks"Bh&lgla;kstd M‚- iq[kjkt tk¡fxM+ us fd;kA jk"Vªh; laxks"Bh ds fofo/k l=ksa dk lapkyu M‚- foHkk Bkdqj] M‚- j{kk xhrk] lqJh cythr dkSj o M‚- _rq us rFkk dk;ZØe&O;oLFkkiu M‚- vuhrk xqIrk] M‚- eatq 'kekZ] lqJh js[kk eh.kk] M‚- czãk uUn o Jh gseUr jeu jfo us fd;kA

fnukad 1 vçSy 2015 dks ^lkfgfR;d ç'uksÙkjh çfr;ksfxrk* vk;ksftr gqbZ] ftlds fot;h çfrHkkxh bl çdkj gSa&

lkfgfR;d ç'uksÙkjh çfr;ksfxrk

çFke iqjLdkj & fç;k f=ikBh ¼905] r`rh; o"kZ½

f}rh; iqjLdkj & nhik ¼812½ o ik#y ¼864½

r`rh; iqjLdkj & o"kkZ ¼894½ o jatuk ¼903½ ¼lHkh r`rh; o"kZ½A

^fgUnh lkfgR; ifj"kn~* dh l= 2015&16 dh Hkkoh dk;ZØeksa dh ;kstuk,¡ ¼vizSy 2016 rd½ & 'kks/ki= çLrqfrdj.k] ekSfyd dfork ikB] lqjygjh] foKkiu&fuekZ.k ¼,M eSM½] jaxksyh o çfrHkk çn'kZu çfr;ksfxrk,¡ rFkk jkstxkj ekxZn'kZu o okf"kZd iqjLdkj forj.k dk;ZØe dk vk;kstuA

SaHaaFaT: Journalism SocietyCoordinator: Dr. Nivedita Giri

Office Bearers:

President : Oishani MojumdarVice-President : Madhu SinghGeneral Secretary : Priya KeswaniTreasurer : Jaidita SethRepresentative : Nisha DagarRepresentative : Shruti MehraRepresentative : Ananya Das

The department in the academic year 2015-16 organised several lectures, seminars and workshops.

Seminar/ Lecture/ Workshops :

• A Seminar was organised on 18th September, 2015. Topics : Global Politics & Media: Locating India on the Map. Speakers were: Mr. Rajesh Sundaram (Sr. Journalist, Al- Jazeera), Dr. Naved Jamal (Asst. Prof. , JMI), Mr. Sanjio Kumar Singh (Research Scholar, JMI).

• A Lecture was organised on 9th September, 2015. The topic was Film Appreciation and the art of writing film reviews by Mr. Rohit Vats (Film Critic, Hindustan Times).

• Lecture on Advertising budget by Mr. Atul Arora was held on 23rd February, 2016.


• Lecture by Ms. Ruchi Dua (India Today) on ‘Media Ethics’ was organised on 13th October, 2015

• The two-day national seminar on 17 and 18 March 2016 (sponsored by UGC) organised by the department was a feather in the cap which marked a new chapter for the department. It turned to be a very successful event with about 38 paper presentations from across the country on the theme “Media, State and the Marginalized: Tackling Challenges”. In the seminar, dignitaries/speakers such as Prof. M.S. Parmar, Vice Chancellor, Kushabhau Thakare University of Journalism and Mass Communication; Mr. N. K. Singh, General Secretary, Broadcast Editors’ Association; Dr. Parvinder Sharda, Editor-in-Chief, Punjab Kesari; Mr. Jawaharlal Kaul, veteran journalist and Padma Shri awardee; and Ms. Alka Saxena, Senior broadcast journalist, TV news anchor, political analyst and media expert were present. Lecture was organised on 30th October, 2015 on Quark-express by Mr. Pawan Kundal (Assistant Professor IIMC)

Visits/ Excursions: Field visits have played an immense role in strenghtening this idea.

• Visit to IGNCA, New Delhi for an Exhibition on Picturing A Century organised by IGNCA and Mahatta & Co. on 4th September, 2015. Here students witnessed remarkable exhibition through kine-eye.

• Visit to World Book Fair 2016 on 12 January, 2016.

Felicitation & Fest:

• The year also brought a sense of pride for the department as its alumna received Filmfare award. This achievement by an alumna, inspired all the students that sky is the limit for Kalindians. Felicitation of Ms. Maxima Basu (Alumna of Journalism Department, 2003 batch) was organized on 2nd February, 2016. She has received Filmfare Award in the category of Best Costume Designer for the film - Bajirao Mastani. Her commendable work in critically acclaimed movies like Slumdog Millionaire, Peepli Live and Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela has brought her crowning glory.

• This year the Department of Journalism organised a one-day annual inter-college cultural fest, ‘Folk Fiesta’, on 4th March, 2016. It created awareness amongst the students on dying folk art forms. The fest begun with fun and frolic and ended on a note that it will be welcomed with a new theme next year. The distinguished guests present to grace the occasion were: Mr. Manu Rishi Chadha (Indian film maker who won the prestigious IIFA and Filmfare award), Ms. Santosh Yadav (first woman to Mount Everest twice), Mr. Kumar Kunal, Special Correspondent and Bureau Chief of India Today, and Mr. Rahul Makin, RJ, Fever 104.8 FM.

Newsletters/ Tabloids: The department has been regularly publishing monthly newsletters Sententias, in which all the monthly college events are featured by journalism students under the supervision of faculty members. The department has also recently started a weekly gazette and tabloid under the mentoring of faculty members.

Video Productions: Journalism students have shown an enthusiastic response towards audio-visual production under the guidance of Mr. Ezra John. This year they have produced (a) Video Commercial Ad Films on- Child Abuse, Lakme Kajal, Save Paper, LGBT, Stop Acid Attack, Airtel Mobile Network and (b) Music Videos are in post production stage.

Film Screenings: Showcasing the cinematic masterpiece and unleashing the power of cinema for the students of journalism has been the prime agenda for the department. It is dedicatedly done by all faculty members every Friday to introduce them to world cinema. Post screening discussions give the students a better understanding of the art and help them analysing it critically. The films screened in this year were: Powerless, Pyaasa, ‘V’ for Vendetta, To kill a Mockingbird, Vertigo, Shadows of Time, Gravity, Capturing the Friedmans, Rashomon, Dilli 2011 and The Great Dictator.


Mathematics DepartmentTIC: Ms. Charu Khanna

Staff advisor: Ms. Neelam Bareja

Office Bearers 2015-16President : Vaishali Pathania, Tanvi Sachdeva, B.Sc.(H) Maths, V SemVice-President : Sonika, Megha Goel, B.Sc.(H) Maths, V SemSecretary : Kirti Sharma, B.Sc.(H) Maths, III SemJoint Secretary : Shruti, B.Sc.(H) Maths, III SemTreasurer : Anuja, B.Sc.(H) Maths, III Sem

OPENING CEREMONY 7 September, 2015 Distinguished guest: Prof. V. Ravichandran, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi.

• Declaration of Office Bearers of the Mathematics Society

• Talk by Prof. V. Ravichandran.

• Mathematical Quiz: Eight teams of three members each, from all three years, participated in this event. The details of the prizes given are as follows:-

PRIZE Name of Team Name Of Participants Course and Semester Prize Money (in Rupees)

I F Kirti, Ayushi, Anshul B.Sc.(H) Maths, III Sem 1200II C Nidhi, Pratibha, Kushboo B.Sc.(H) Maths, I Sem 900

‘Extempore’Competition : Students of first year had to perform according to some situations given then and there. The top three students were presented with bouquets & chocolates and were awarded certificates. Their names are as follows:

PRIZE Name Of the Participant

Miss Extempore SmritiI Runner up MeghaII Runner up Shristy

Lecture on “A Great Career Option - Actuarial Sciences”, by Mr. Akshay Chauhan from Actuation Academy Pvt. Ltd. Date: October 19,2015

• Lecture on “Options in higher education related to Mathematics”, by Director and founder member of DIPS Pvt. Ltd. Mr Rajendra Dubey Date: October 27,2015

• Math-e- Magic, 2015:Inter-College Mathematics festival 29-10-2015

Distinguished guest: Professor Shobha Bagai, Professor at the Cluster Innovation Centre, Delhi University.

• Apart from Kalindi College there was participation from the following Colleges: St. Stephen’s College,NSIT, Shivaji College, PGDAV College, SSCBS, Shyam Lal College

• Talk by Professor Shobha Bagai


• Documentary presentation by Kirti Sharma and Anuja of B.Sc.(H) Mathematics III Semester, featuring the life history of Srinivasa Ramanujan. Mathematical Exposition(Paper Presentation)

• Mathematical Exposition (Paper Presentation) Papers were presented by students which were based on the topics related to the field of Mathematics. Seven teams with a total of 11 students participated in the event.

PRIZE Team College Prizes Received.

I Kirti Sharma

B.Sc.(H) Maths II year

Kalindi College Cash Prize of Rupees 2000 +Certificate and trophy.

II P. J. Paul

B.A.(H) Eco. III year

St. Stephen’s Col-lege

Cash Prize of Rupees 1500 +Certificate and trophy .

Emblazon (Mathematical Rangoli)

Rangoli designs were made using mathematical concepts, like use of symmetry, patterns, geometry etc. Five teams with a total of 10 students participated in the event.

PRIZE Team College Prizes Received.

I Bhavana Singh, Shruti Chau-han

B.Sc.(H) Maths II year

Kalindi College Team Cash Prize of Rupees 1500 +Certificates and trophies to every team member

II Anjali, Soniya

B.Sc.(H) Maths II year

Kalindi College Team Cash Prize of Rupees 1000 +Certificates and trophies to every team member

PictionaryThe event had three rounds namely “English word” round, “Mathematical word” round and ”Guess as many words as you can” round. Eleven teams with a total of 22 students participated in the event.

PRIZE Team College Prizes Received

I Mansi, Renu

B.Sc.(H) Maths III year

Kalindi College Team cash Prize of Rupees 1000 +Certificates and trophies to every team member

II Anshul, Ayushi

B.Sc.(H) Maths II year

Kalindi College Team cash Prize of Rupees 800 +Certificates and trophies to every team member


A total of 35 students participated in the event.

PRIZE Team College Prizes Received.

I Kanika Gupta

B.Sc.(H) Maths II Year

Shivaji College Team cash Prize of Rupees 1000 +Certificate and trophy

There were also some games held during this time by the third year students.

• Visit to New Delhi World Book Fair, New Delhi Date: January 15, 2016

• One day Workshop on “Recent Trends in Mathematics” Date: January 27,2016


Resource Person

• Prof. Ajit Iqbal Singh, Honorary scientist, Indian National Science Academy• Dr. Ayub Khan, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islamia

Physcom SocietyCoveners: Dr. Rachana Kumar, Ms. Sweety Kataria Co-convenors: Dr. Neetu, Dr. Reena Jain

Office Bearers:

President : Ayushi Shukla, B.Tech Computer Science III YearVice-President : Kavisha Bevli, B.Sc. Physics (H) III YearSecretary : Anjali Sharma, B.Tech Computer Science III Year Vidhi Sethi, B.Tech Computer Science III YearJoint Secretary : Drishti Kalhans, B.Sc. Physics (H) II Year Purnima Yadav, B.Sc. Physics (H) II YearTreasurer : Smriti Sardana, B.Sc. Physics (H) II Year

• Workshop on“LIGHT”to celebrate“International year of light”(IYL)

One-day workshop on “LIGHT” was organized on 1stSeptember 2015 to celebrate the year 2015- the international year of light as declared by the United Nations. Kalindi College was the first college to organize this workshop,first of a series of events partially sponsored by National Academy of Sciences, Delhi Chapter to celebrate IYL 2015, which opened the minds of the young students and made them discover and understand different aspects of light. Guests present at the event were Prof. V. P. Sharma,Padma Shree and Padma Bhusan, Founder Director of NIMR, Additional Director General of ICMR and Chairman in Public Health Research CRDT, IIT Delhi, Prof. Ajoy Ghatak (Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, SPIE Educator ,Galileo Galilei Awardee, Formerly Prof. of Department of Physics, IIT, Delhi), Prof. A. Pathak, (Prof. of Department of Physics, JIIT-Noida,Visiting scientist at Palacky University Czech Republic)

• First, Prof. Ajoy Ghatak introduced the brief history and vision of National Academy of Sciences (NASI) to students to make them aware of the cultivation and promotion of research in scientific & technological fields for societal welfare.

• Prof. V. P. Sharma gave a talk on “Sunshine and Human Health”.

• Prof. Ajoy Ghatak delivered the lecture on “International Year of Light 2015 and Fiber Optics”.

• Lab visit by the experts for demonstration of experiments on light. These experiments were performed by the students, including fiber optic pressure sensor, diffraction and interference experiments with lasers and other sources of light.

• Prof. Ajoy Ghatak gave a second lecture about “What is Light”.

• Prof. A. Pathak delivered the talk about “Classical and Quantum Communication using Light”.

• After such highly captivating, relevant and informative talks by three distinguished invited experts, a quiz competition based on the knowledge of light was conducted for the students followed by prize distribution of 30 books to winners from both Physics and Computer Science departments by the guests and the Principal of the College.

• Lecture-cum-workshop on“Cloud Computing and Big Data”


Physcom society organised a lecture cum workshop on 14th 0ctober 2015. The programme commenced with the inaugural classical dance performance by Ms. Asmita followed by the lecture sessions. Lecture on “Cloud Computing and Big Data” was delivered by Mr. Ankur Chadha, CEO of “Meri Padhai.com” with UKS Technology. He discussed different flavours of cloud computing, Saas – Software as a service, Iaas – Infrastructure as a service, Paas – Platform as a service, Daas – Desktop as a service. He also talked about how we can use data, services and infrastructure anywhere and anytime. He threw light on Big Data analysis, the next thing in the IT world. He talked about how the role of internet and its usage has increased the demand of storage and retrieval of voluminous data. He interacted with students and suggested strategies for getting the dream job.

• A brief session on ‘Career Options’ was taken by Mr. Ritukar Chadha, Director of Landmark Institute.

• A workshop on “The Insight to Assertive Communication” was taken by Mr. Ashish Chugh, Business Communication and Behavioral Economic Strategist with NIIT Ltd. He spoke about effective communication, conflict management, time management, public speaking, cognitive therapies using meditative state.

• Activities planned by Physcom Society for April 2016

An Inter college Competition “Technowave” is planned for 5th April, 2016 which shall comprise of :

1 Paper Presentation Competition2 Circuit making Competition3 Coding Competition apart from some informal events.

Physical education Ms Sudha Pandey, Dr Sunita

Physical Education and Sports gives all over development to human beings. It provides health, fitness, happiness, joy, recreation, utilization of time, carrier, success and physical, mental, social and emotional development to an individual. Department of Physical Education and Sports of Kalindi College provides all features mentioned above and its aim is mass participation. Department provides coaching of different games and activities like athletics, badminton, ball badminton, boxing, chess, football, hockey, handball, judo, kabaddi, powerlifting, taekwondo, table tennis and weight lifting, volleyball and yoga. These teams participates in inter college, Delhi state and national tournaments. This year our powerlifting team won 2nd Championship in inter college and Delhi State championship and Poonam was selected for participation in All India Inter University Powerlifting Championship. In boxing, ball badminton and in taekwondo players were selected and they participated in National tournament.

The Department organized inter-class matches with different games for students and throw ball, badminton, cricket and volleyball matches were organized for teaching and non-teaching staff. This year Sports Society organized invitational inter-college tournament in volleyball and yoga and for differently-abled category chess and carom tournaments were organized. Our Yoga team won this tournament.

Fitness club organized workshop on drugless therapy for all staff of the college. Fitness club of the Department gives training of aerobics and yoga to college students and they performed on sports day. The Department organized Sports Day every year in which a sports celebrity as well as the Head of the Department of Physical Education Dr. Sandeep Tiwari was the Guest of Honour and Mr. Sarwanand Sonowal, MoS (I/C), Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India, was the Chief Guest.
























































































Political Science association Teacher-In-Charge: DR. MeeNa CHaRaNDa Staff advisors: DR. RaKHee CHaUHaN & MS. MaNILa NaRZRY

Office Bearers :-

President : CHANCHAL III YR Vice President : NIMMO YADAV. III YRCultural Secretary : SALONI SEHRA II YRGeneral Secretary : MAMTA II YRJoint secretary : NIMISHA I YRProctor : PUJA II YRTreasurer : SHRESHTHA I YR


Department of Political Science organized an Orientation Programme for the newly admitted B.A. (Hons.) students in the college premises on 20th July 2015 in TRI Block Room No-8. The major objective of the above said


programme was to make the parents and students aware of the newly introduced Choice Based Credit System, the options that are available and other academic aspects of the course, the rules and regulations of the college and the ensuring of parental participation in monitoring the performance and progress of the students.


The Fresher’s Welcome Program for the first year students was held on Friday, 21st August 2015 at Sangam Parisar (Kalindi College). The programme started with a lecture by Dr. Arvinder Ansari, Associate Professor Department of Sociology, Jamia Milia Islamia University. In her lecture Dr. Ansari encouraged students to work for the society and also acquainted them about their rights and duties for the society and it was followed by cultural programme.


To encourage sensitivity towards social issues and to inculcate an analytical approach among students, the department organized the screening of film - Manjhi: The Mountain Man, on 6/10/2015 at 2:00 PM, at the core committee room, which was followed by an analysis of the film by faculty members.


Intra-Departmental Competitions were organized on 22nd September 2015. The List of events included: Vagartha: Debate, Turn the coat: Do-Muhi-Talwar, Collage making, Poster Making, Caption Writing, Cartoon Making, poetry. The selected candidates participated in the CHAUPAL: the Inter-college Political Science Festival held on 15th March 2016.


The Department of Political science published a newsletter: The Grammar of Politics, which was released by Smt. Swati Maliwal, Chairparson, Delhi Commission for Women on 30th September 2015 in Sangam Parisar, Kalindi College.


The Department successfully managed Odd Semester Under Graduate Examinations 2015-16 held in Kalindi College which was conducted by the University of Delhi. The Even Semester Under Graduate Examinations 2015-16 would also be the responsibility of the Department.

7. WORLD BOOK FAIR, Jan 2016

A group of B.A. Hons Political Science students visited the World Book Fair on 16 January. A Book entitled Adhunik Bharat Ka Rajnitik Chintan: Ek Vimarsh edited by Dr. Ruchi Tyagi of the Department, published by the Directorate of Hindi Implementation, University of Delhi, was released on 15 January 2016 during World Book Fair held from 9th - 17th January 2016 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.


Since 2011, National Voters’ Day (NVD) is annually celebrated on Jan 25. The theme of 2016 NVD was “Inclusive and Qualitative Participation” and the slogan was ‘NO VOTER SHOULD BE LEFT BEHIND’ in partnership with Sanjivani (NGO) and Chief Electrol Office.


On 5th February 2016, the Department organized an event to celebrate, the association of Kalindi College with the One Billion Rising movement against violence inflicted upon women in all forms.



On 14th February, 2016 the Department Faculty members accompanied students to participate in One Billion Rising Central Park, Connaught Place, New Delhi. Students performed ‘Flash Mob’ to raise consciousness and express the ‘rise’ of the billion movers and shakers through dance and music and leverage the power of global solidarity and collective action.


Political Science Association of Kalindi College organized a Two-Day Inter-College Political Science Festival: CHAUPAL on 15 March, 2016 on the theme “Women Empowerment”.

• Ms. Preeta Harit, Income Tax Commissioner, Government of India delivered the Inaugural Address.

• Key Note Address was given by Prof Prakash Narayan, Head, Department of Adult Continuing Education & Extension, University of Delhi..

• The Session was Chaired by Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman, Governing Body.

• Dr. Anula Maurya, Principal, Kalindi College gave the Welcome Address.

Inter -College Competitions:

The Inauguration Session was followed by variety of Inter-College Competitions, wherein total number of 194 participants from 17 colleges contested for 47 Individual / Team Prizes. The students of Kalindi college bagged 18 prizes.

S. No

Name of the Event

Staff Advisor No. of Participants

No. of Colleges



1 Vagartha : Debate

Ms. Priyabala Singh

12 06 Suyash, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College

Shagun, History (Hons), ARSD College

Samarjeet, Political Science (Hons), Da yal Singh College

Consolation: Kasim, Political Science (Hons), Aryabahtt College

Best Interjection Ravindra Tiwari, ARSD College.

2 Mimicry : Gustakhi Maaf

Dr. Utpal Kumar

04 02 Rekha Chauhan, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Deeksha Singh, B.J.M.C., Kalindi College

Amit, B.J.M.C. Galgotia University

3 Ad Mad Show Dr. Anjani Kumar

06 03 Neha Bharti, Kalindi College

Deeksha Singh, Kalindi College

Shweta, Vivekananda College

4 Symbolising Political Parties

Dr. Deepak Yadav

06 04 Shreshtha, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Rishabh Sharma, Hindi (Hons), Ramjas college

Amit Singh, B.J.M.C. Galgotia University

5 Slogan Writing Dr. Nisha Kumari

13 04 Sarita, Social Work (H), Aditi Mahavidhalya

Alka and Rinki Sinha, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Pinki and Nimmy, B.A. (P), Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College


6 Turn The Coat : Do-Muhi-Talwar

Dr. Preetam 08 05 Aadyasha Dass, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Ravinder Tiwari, ARSD College

Suyash Kumar, Political Science (Hons), Shaheed Bhagat Singh College

7 Brainstorm : Quiz

Dr. Utpal Kumar

10 04 Aparna Singh and Yukti Sharma, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Kasim and Sagar, Political Science (Hons.), Aryabhatt College

Manju and Priyanka, Political Science (Hons), Aditi Mahavidhalya

8 Self-Composed Poetry Recitation:

Swa-Rachit Kavyagoshti

Dr. Ritu Sharma

03 02 Shweta Suman, B.Com (P), Vivekanand College

Sakshi, B.Com (P), Vivekananda College

Nidhi, Kalindi College

9 Essay Writing: Chhatron Ki Lekhni Se

Dr. Nivedita Giri

06 03 Shruti, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Priya, Political Science (Hons), Vivekananda College

Garima, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

10 Collage Making

Dr. Vandana Rani

10 05 Sarita, Social Work (H), Aditi Mahavidhalya

Rishabh and Deepa, Ramjas & Vivekananda College

Nidha, Ravita and Kirtika, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

11 Poster Making Dr. Seema Mathur

10 06 Rishab [Hindi (Hons)], Ramjas College

Asmita, Political Science (Hons), Aditi Mahavidhyalya

Sneha, B.Com(P), Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College

12 Caption Writing

Dr. Deepak Yadav

05 03 Priya Tiwari, Political Science (H), Vivekananda College

Chanchal, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Priyanka, Political Science (Hons), Aditi Mahavidhalya

13 Cartoon Making

Dr. Pawan Kumar

08 03 Nikita K. Das, Political Science (Hons), Kalindi College

Archana, Vivekananda College

Sarita, Aditi Mahavidhalya

14 Street Play : Nukkad Natak

Dr. Vandana Rani

73 04 Ram Gupta Sharma & Group, B.B.E., SGND Khalsa College

Pinky Verma & Group B.A. (P), Kalindi College

Lakshya Kapoor & Group, Desh Bandhu College

15 Youth Parliament : Yuva Sansad

Dr. Vinita Meena

20 01 Best Dress: Twinkle, Kalindi College

Best Acting: Pooja, Kalindi College

Best Proceed: Anisha, Kalindi College

Valedictory Session:

• The Valedictory Address was given by Prof Vivek Kumar, SSS, JNU

• The session was chaired by the Principal, Dr. Anula Maurya; and was attended by enthusiastic and inquisitive participants from various colleges. CHAUPAL was concluded with a vote of thanks to all concerned.


Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad Teacher-In-Charge: Dr.Nisha Goyal,

Convenor: Dr.Harvinder Kaur, Co-convenor: Dr.Manju Lata

Other Members: Dr.Deshraj, Dr.Kailash Chand, Dr.Gaytri Pandey

The Sanskrit Department was established in 1967 with B.A. (P) along with the inception of Kalindi College. Both B.A.(Hons) Sanskrit and M.A. Sanskrit were initiated in 1973. The Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad was introduced with an aim to provide a platform to the students to develop and showcase their talent and encourages the value of working together. It has been consistently organizing various cultural events. Students are continuously inspired and motivated to show their best by participating in those activities.

The Department organized Orientation Programme on 20 July 2015 to introduce the students with their department and to provide them material related to their course. A meeting was held on 26/8/2015 to elect the Office Bearers :-

The following were the office bearers-

President : Nazneen Sanskrit (Hons.)3rd yearVice-President : Sarita Sanskrit(Hons.)2nd yearSecretary : Gunjan Sanskrit(Hons.)2nd yearVice-Secretary : Ayesha Sanskrit(Hons.)1st yearTreasurer : Pooja Bhirman Sanskrit(Hons.)2nd yearEditor : Rishibha Sanskrit(Hons.)1st yearClass Representative : Kiran Sanskrit(Hons.)1st yearClass Representative : Sapna Sanskrit(Hons.)2nd yearClass Representative : Neha Sanskrit(Hons.)3rd yearClass Representative : Aafreen B.A.(P)1st yearClass Representative : Shivali, Priyanka B.A.(P)2nd yearClass Representative : Tamanna AEEC(Bsc.Maths H)1st yearClass Representative : Sapna Sanskrit(Hons.)2nd year

Departmental Activities:

• On 31st Aug 2015, Sanskrit Saptah Divas was celebrated on the topic “Importance of Sanskrit”. The event began with welcome address of Dr. Anula Maurya, Principal of Kalindi college. The Event was honoured by Dr. Satyapal Singh, Associate Professor University of Delhi graced the chair as the chief guest,alongwith the Research Scholars . “Kavvali” was presented by the students of Kalindi College and Maitreyi College.

• Dr. Deepak Tiwari, Ayurvedic Doctor, Nature Health Care Center,was invited to deliver a lecture on the topic ‘Relevance of Ayurdeva in modern era’ on 16th Sept. 2015 at Sangam Parisar.

• Dr. Kumkum Jindal retired on 31st March 2016. She delivered a lecture on the topic of ‘MANAV JEEVAN KA UDDESHYA’ and she shared her experiences which she had during her service period. The presence of Principal Dr. Anula Maurya graced the occassion.She appriciated her serene temperament.

Sanskrit Academy Competitions:

• “Prashanmanch” Inter College Competition was organized by Delhi Sanskrit Academy in Kalindi College on 13th Oct 2015. Prof. Ganesh Dutt Sharma, Vice President of Delhi Sanskrit Academy was invited as chief guest alongwith Mr. Deepak Marwah, Chairman of governing body, Prof. Ramesh Bhardwaj H.O.D Sanskrit


deptt. as Special Guest. The event was judged by Dr. Pankaj Mishra, Associate Professor in St.Stephens College. Dr. Anula Maurya,Principal of Kalindi College graced the occassion as the chairperson Dr. Jeetram Bhatt, Secretary of Delhi Sanskrit Academy honoured the chair as the secretary.

• On 30th Sept 2015, Sanskrit Academy organized “ShalokSangeet” Inter College Competition in Miranda House College. The students from Kalindi College- Bhuvi, Aradhana, Mani Khatri, Hina Sharma, Manpreet Kaur and Manisha Panchal won 3rd prize.

Intra Department Competitions:

• In Chitrakarma competition, that was held on 27th Oct 2015, Aafreen Hussain B.A.(P) 1st year and Radha Rani Das Skt. (H) 2nd year won 1st prize, Sarita Skt(H) 2nd year won 2nd prize and Sapna Jayswal and Gunjan Sharma from Skt(H) 2nd year won 3rd prize.

• In Gadyapath competition, that was held on 9th Nov 2015, Sarita and Pooja Bhirman from Skt(H) 2nd year won 1st prize, Sapna Jayswal and Shikha Chauhan Skt(H) 2nd year won 2nd prize and Archana as well as Jyoti Skt(H) 1st year won 3rd prize.

• In Shalokoccharan Competition, that was held on 9th Nov 2015, Sarita Skt(H) 2nd year won 1st prize, Neetu Skt(H) 2nd year and Geetanjali Skt.(H)1st year won 2nd prize and Neha Skt(H)3rd year, Mekal and Kiran Skt(H)1st year won 3rd prize..

• In Bhashan Competition, that was organised on 2nd March 2016, Khushboo B.Sc. Maths (H)1styear won 1st prize, Sarita and Pooja Bhirman Skt(H) 2nd year got 2nd prize, Geetanjali Skt. (H) 1st year, Sapna Jayswal Skt. (H) 2nd year got 3rd prize and Richa and Shreya Pandey B.Sc Maths(H) 1st year got consolation prize.

• In Nibandh Competition, that was held on 9th March 2016, Pooja Bhirman Skt(H) 2nd year won 1st prize, Sarita and Sapna jayswal from Skt(H) 2nd year got 2nd prize and Punita and Nazneen from Skt(H) 3rd year got 3rd prize.

• In Shalokoccharan (Related to Gita) & Prashanmanch Competition, that was held on 2nd April 2016, Sapna Jayswal from Skt(H) 2nd year won 1st prize & Sarita, Skt(H) 2nd year got 2nd prize in Prashanmanch. Mekal from Skt(H) 1st year won 1stprize & Sarita and Sapna jayswal from Skt(H) 2nd year got 2nd prize in Shalokoccharan Competition.

Inter College Competitions:

• On 23rd Oct 2015 St. Stephen’s College organized Vaad-Vivad Competition in which Pooja Bhirman and Gunjan Sharma from Skt. hons 2nd year won consolation prize.

• On 23rd Feb 2016 Lady Shri Ram College organized Inter college competition in which Karita Skt(H) 2nd year won 3rd prize in Chitrakarma Competition.

• On 14th March 2016, Ramjas College organized inter college Competition in which Karita Skt(H) 2nd year won 2nd prize and Gunjan Sharma Skt(H) 2nd year got 3rd prize in Chitrakarma Competition.

• On 14th March 2016 Shivaji College organized Rangoli Competition in which Shikha Chauhan and Radha Rani Das Skt(H) 2nd year won 1st prize.

• On 16th March 2016 A.R.S.D. College organized Chitrakarma Competition in which Pooja Bhirman Skt(H) 2nd year won 2nd prize.

• On 21st March 2016 Kamla Nehru College organised Poster Making Competition in which Radha Rani Das Skt(H) 2nd year won 2nd prize.


Miscellaneous Activities:

• NSS organized Rangoli Competition in Kalindi College on 29th Oct 2015. Radha Rani Das, Sarita and Gunjan Sharma from Skt(H) 2nd year won 3rd prize on 29th Oct 2015.

• Biochemical Society organized Rangoli Competition on 8th March 2016 in Kalindi College in which Sarita and Gunjan Sharma from Skt(H) 2nd year won 3rd prize.

Swar Gunjan SocietyConvenor: Ms anuradha Kotiyal

The students of Music Deptt. performed Saraswati Vandana / Inaugural Song in Orientation Programme, Independence Day Celebrations, Diwali Mela, Republic Day, Naari Shakti Day, Lehren, Alumni Day, Geography Deptt. National Seminar, 'Jal Hi Jeewan Hai' debate competition and Hindi Deptt. National Seminar.

Students of Music Department went to participate in Sanskrit Geet Pratiyogita at Miranda House and got 3rd prize among 14 colleges.Lecture cum Demonstration (October)

Music Department has organised lecture-cum-demonstration where the guest speaker was Mr. Manjit Singh (a Hindustani classical singer in Bhartiya Kala Kendra).Basant Panchami

Basant Panchami was celebrated on 12 February 2016. It is our departmental programme where all students wear yellow clothes. Saraswati Pooja was done and prashad was distributed. Solo performances were given by the students.

Hina Sharma of Music Department Got First Prize in Solo Singing (Sa Re Ga Ma Indian Music) performance in lehren.

During a programme by “GANDHI STUDY CIRCLE”, our students sang favourite bhajans of GANDHI JI.

achievements of Faculty MembersDr. anula Maurya, Principal


• Awarded “Best Academician Award 2015” for the remarkable and admirable contribution in the field of Education on the occasion of International Yoga Day (21st June, 2015) from Hon’ble Union Cabinet Minister, Sh. Kalraj Mishra by Indraprastha Sanjeevni, NGO.

• Awarded “Mahila Shakti Shiromani Gold Medal Award” for accomplishment of various roles as Wife, Daughter, Mother, Sister etc. in Personal and Social areas and emerged as an idol of Modesty, Patience, Intelligence, Humbleness and Good Conduct on International Women's Day organized on 8.3.2016 by Rashtriya Samata Swatantra Manch.


• Member, Selection Committee for filling up the post of Principal nominated by Chairperson, College Governing Body of Zakir Husain College on 14th February, 2015.


• Member, Governing Body, Delhi Sanskrit Academy for a period of one year w.e.f. 16.5.2015.• Member, Selection Committee for filling up the post of Principal nominated by Chairperson, College

Governing Body of Shaheed Bhagat Singh College in the Year 2015. • Member, Committee nominated by Vice-Chancellor to assist the Returning Officer in the counting of

votes for AC/EC Elections 2015.• Member, B.A. Programme Committee w.e.f. 23.3.2015 for a term of two years, a Committee reconstituted

by Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi.• Member, Committee constituted by University of Delhi to look into the process of admission to various

undergraduate courses for the academic session 2015-16 and other related issues. • Member, Arts Courses Admission Committee for the calendar year 2015 nominated by Vice-Chancellor,

University of Delhi.• Member, Standing Committee of the Academic Council has been constituted by the Vice-Chancellor,

University of Delhi for the Year 2015-16.• Member, Screening Committee to scrutinize applications received for the post of Principal on 22nd May,

2015 of Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences for Women. • Member, Selection Committee as an academician representing SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Women/Person

with Disability as per the constitution of Selection Committee to recommend the appointment for the post of Principal in Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi on 6th July, 2015.

• Member, Community Development Cell (CDC) constituted by Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi w.e.f. 8th June, 2015.

• Member, Central Admission Grievance Committee for North Campus constituted by Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi for the Academic Session 2015-16.

• Member, Special Categories Admission Enabling Committee for SC/ST/OBC and PH candidates constituted by Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi for the Academic Year 2015-16.

• Member, CBCS Oversight Committee (CBCS-OC) constituted by University of Delhi w.e.f. 14th July, 2015.• Member, Advisory Committee of Women’s Studies and Development Center constituted by University of

Delhi w.e.f. 16th July, 2015. • Member, Managing Committee, Gandhi Bhawan w.e.f. 3.7.2015 for a period of three years.• Member, Managing Committee of Delhi University Teachers’ Welfare Fund (DUTWF) w.e.f. 5.8.2015 and

appointed as Hony. Secretary w.e.f. 23.9.2015.• Member, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Programme committee, constituted by University of Delhi in 2015. • Member, Arts courses Admission Committee for the Calendar year 2016 constituted by University of

Delhi for post graduate courses.• Member, Executive Committee, Delhi Sanskrit Academy w.e.f. 1.2.2016.

Attended Conference / Seminar / Workshop:-

• Attended one-day Principals meet on “Issues of Governance in Higher Education in India” at Jamia Milia Islamia on 17th March, 2015.

• Attended a National Conference on “Skill Development of Persons with Disabilities” at Plenary Hall, Vigyan Bhawan organized by Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt. of India on 21st March, 2015.

• Attended Ist Short term course in Principal’s Workshop held from 12.10.2015 to 16.10.2015 organized at


Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi

• Attended a National Seminar on the topic ÞoSfnddkyfu/kkZj.ke~ % ,da iqujkdyue~** organized by Department of Sanskrit, University of Delhi and presented a Paper Þczkã.k xzaFkksa dk dky fu/kkZj.k % ,d ,sfrgkfld –f"V** on 26-28 September, 2015.

• Attended a National Conference on the sacred memory of Late Prof. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on “The Sisupalavadha of Magha: A multifarious Treatise” and presented a paper Þf'k'kqikyo/k esa ukfj;ksa dh n'kkß organized by Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth, Delhi on 12-14 February, 2016.

• Attended a National Research Seminar organized in Baharti College, University of Delhi on the themes (i) Women Empowerment in Kalidasa’s Works & (ii) Environment Protection – Ancient & Modern Prospective and presented a paper Þi;kZoj.k ds lanHkZ esa /ofu laj{k.k dh mi;ksfxrkß on 13-14th February, 2016.

• Attended a conference on Akhil Bhartiya Sanskrit Sodh Samelen organized by Delhi Sanskrit Academy Jhandewalan, Delhi, Chair one of the session and presented a paper Þn'kZu 'kkL= vk/kkfjr thou n'kZuÞ on 28-30 March 2016.

Research Papers Published:-

• Published a Research Paperßdkfynkl ds lkfgR; esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; çdk'k o"kZ dh >ydÞ in Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary Research (An International Research Journal ISSN-2393-8358, Page-19-20, vol-2, No-3, year-2, June-July-2015 Published by Deptt.of French, SKC School of English & Foreign language, Assam University, Silchar, Assam.

• Published Research Paper, ÞoS'ohdj.k ds ;qx esa laL—r dh çklafxdrkß in journal-vuq—fr ISSN- 2250-1193, year-5, NO-6,July-Sep-2015 by publishing House- Srijan Samiti Prakashan, Varanasi(UP)

Department of Botany Dr. Divya Verma

• Published a paper, Shakya R. and Verma D. Protein Kinase A-like Kinase and Cell Division Related Protein Kinase 2 as Drug Target for African Sleeping Sickness. Int. Jour. of Biotech. and Biomed. Sci. 2016; 2(1): 27-31.E-ISSN: 2454-7808; p-ISSN: 2454-4582.

• Published a paper, Verma D. Protein Kinases as Drug Target against Trypanosoma brucei. Conference Proceedings; Hawaii University International Conferences, 2016 (In Press).ISSN 2162-917X

• Published a paper, Verma D. Next Generation Genome Re-Sequencing: Tools for Identification and Validation of Variants. Int. Jour. of Comp. Biol. and Bioinfo. 2015; 1:1.

• Resource person for add-on course on “Bioinformatics and In-Silico Medicine-2016” organised by Miranda House from January, 2016.

• Presented a paper titled “Protein Kinase A-like Kinase and Cell Division Related Protein Kinase 2 as Drug Target for African Sleeping Sickness” at International Conference on Public Health: Issues, Challenges, Opportunities, Prevention, Awareness (Public Health: 2016) held at Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi, New Delhi, India, on 15th and 16th January, 2016.

• Paper Titled: “Protein Kinases as Drug Target against Trypanosomabrucei” has been accepted for presentation at the 2016 Hawaii University International Conferences to be held from Friday January 8 to Monday January 11, 2016 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

• Participated in Orientation Course organized by UGC- Human Resource Development Centre, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 24th August, 2015 to 18th September, 2015


• Participated in ICOLL 2015 organized by International Economics Development and Research Center (IEDRC) on 20-21 July, 2015 in Paris, France.

• Introduced the use of Cloud Computing for effective teaching, submission of assignments and active discussions among students of B.Sc. (Honours) Botany and B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Sciences for the paper Bioinformatics from the academic session 2015-16.

Administrative Assignments / Contribution to the corporate life of College• Bursar, Kalindi College (University of Delhi), since August, 2015• Convenor, Proctorial Board, Kalindi College (University of Delhi), 2015-16.• OBC (Other Backward Class) liaison officer since 2011• Co-convenor Fashinista: Fashion (Cultural) Society 2015-16.• Co-convenor, Coaching Classes for SC/ST/OBC and Minority Students, sponsored by University Grants

Commission (UGC), Government of India, since 2014.• Member, Committee for CBCS Courses, Kalindi College (University of Delhi), 2015-16.• Member, Grievance Committee, Kalindi College (University of Delhi), 2015-16.• OBC observer in the screening committee constituted for the scrutiny of the applications for permanent

positions of Assistant Professor in various Departments. 2015-16

Dr. Ranjana Roy Mishra

• Participated in Refresher course in Environmental Sciences/ Earth Sciences at UGC-HRDC Academic Staff Centre for Professional Development in Higher Education (CPDHE), University of Delhi, Delhi (October 13 to November 04, 2015).

• Oral Presentation of Paper in UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Environmental Ethics, Resource Depletion and Sustainable Development” organized by Department of Geography, Kalindi College, University of Delhi on 25th and 26th February, 2016.

Contribution to Corporate life in college• Co-convenor, Annual Cultural Festival “Lehren 2016”.• Deputy coordinator for the evaluation of Examination of AECC (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course)

of IstYear (CBCS) for the Academic Session 2015-16.• Member, Prize committee, Annual Day-2016.• Convenor, Co-ordination committee for drafting proposal for establishment of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya

Centres for Knowledge Acquisition and Upgradation of Skilled Human Abilities and Livelihood (KAUSHAL KENDRAS) for UGC (March 2015).

• Convenor, Committee for drafting proposal to UGC forestablishment of Community College (April 2015).• Represented Kalindi College for presentation during interface meeting with expert committee for

assessment of proposals for community college scheme at UGC (16th May, 2015). • Convenor, Committee drafting proposals for introduction of Bachelor of Vocation (B. Voc.) Courses under

National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) to UGC (May, 2015).• Member, Sports Committee of College.• Member, Garden Committee of College.• Convenor of Admission Committee of Physical Sciences (2015).


Dr. Kalpana Kumari• Published a paper, ‘Utilizing Potential of Fly Ash in Growing Solanum Melongana’ L. Publisd in Contemporary

Plant Sciences ISSN No. 2393 8676 Annual Journal 2016 ,Deen Dayal Upadhyay College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

• Presented, “Current Scenario of Fly Ash Utilization in Urban India” On UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Environmental Ethics, Resource Depletion and Sustainable Development” held on 25th and 26th February2016 Kalindi College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

• Presented, “Vartman Samay mein Aadhunik Shikshan Taknik aur Hindi” on UGC Sponsored National Seminar on “Madhyakalin Sahitya Shikshan ki Chunoutiyan”” held on 10th and 11th March 2016 Kalindi College, University of Delhi ,Delhi.

• Presented, “Fly Ash- Issues and Challengs” on UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Emerging Economics and Challenges to Sustainability Towards Developing Nations” held on 29th- 30th March 2016 Sir Aurbindo College, Morning, University of Delhi, Delhi.

• Presented, “ Status of Women in Indian Society and Property Rights “ on UGC sponsored National Seminar on “Questios of Human Rights Indian: Society”30th -31st March 2016 Organised by Motilal Nehru College, Morning, New Delhi, Delhi.

• Participated in National Symposium on Biotechnology in Crop Improvement: Prospects & Challenges, on April 1, 2016 Organised by Zakir Hussain College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Dr. Varsha Singh• Attended DST-SERB supported National conference on ‘Climate change: Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation

Scenario and Future Challenges in Indian Perspective’, 02-03 March, 2015, Department of Botany, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College, University of Delhi, New Delhi.

• Attended Workshop on ‘Animal Behaviour course” Organised by Department of Zoology, University of Delhi from 19th to 25th August 2015

• Attended a 6th Workshop on “Bioinformatics and molecular modeling in drug designing” organised at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Center for Biomedical Research University of Delhi, from 21st -23rd January 2016.

• Attended a “Second National Symposium on Environment: Greener future and awareness” organised at Deshbandhu College, University of Delhi, 19th march 2016.

• Organised a workshop in collaboration with WUS-DU on “Face Yoga” by Mrs. Manasi Gulati (Mrs. India Asia- International and International Yoga Expert) on 28th October 2015 at Kalindi College, University of Delhi, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008

Dr. Sudesh Bhardwaj • Participated in the IST knowledge conclave for Colleges and Universities organized by Center for Science

and Environment, New Delhi on January 28-29, 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.• Attended the one-day workshop on “Training the Trainers: IPR Workshop” held on January 15, 2016 at

Miranda house, University of Delhi.• Participated 4th National Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change, Interdependencies in nature

:Pressure and Policies Maharaja Agrasen College 4-5 February 2016 .• Attended the one-day workshop on “Training the Trainers: IPR Workshop” held on January 15, 2016 at

Miranda house, University of Delhi.• Attended a national symposium on Nanotechnology TERI on March 30-April1 2016 .


• Presented a paper in national symposium “Environmental ethics, resource depletion and sustainable development” organized by Department of Geography, Kalindi College, 25-26 February 2016.

• Attended a National Symposium on Nanobiotechnology TERI University on March 30-April 1 2016.

Commerce DepartmentMs. Rajni

1. Presented a paper titled “Women Entrepreneur in India” in National Seminar on Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 21st Century” organized by Department of Management studies, Deenbandhu Chotu Ram University of Science & Technology,Murthal on March 17, 2015.

2. Participated in Two Days National workshop on “Analytical Techniques for Research” from 27th December to 28th December 2015 at G.V.M. Girls College,Sonepat, Haryana

Dr. Pankaj KumarPresented Research Paper and Delivered Lecture on the title “Government Expenditure and Public Health Programme: Current Position and Future Challenges” in the ‘National Workshop on Health Management’, 21st to 23rd January 2016, organised by Vardhman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital (VMMCSH), GGSIP University, Delhi.

Dr. alka ChaturvediPresented a paper on “Corporate Social Responsibilities-Practices & Paradigm” in 5th International Conference, 12-13 March, 2016 on ‘Social Responsibility: The Ethical Dimensions’ organised at Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.

Ms. Sweta Raj and Ms. Gunjan VermaOrgaized workshop for students on” Empowerment of Entrepreneurship” in collaboration with The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD), Noida on 19th March 2016.

Ms. Sonia Kamboj• Presented a paper titled ‘FDI and Growth: A Study of Indian Economy’ on March 11, 2016 in Two Day

National Seminar on ‘Make in India and Economic Development’ organised by Department of Commerce & Economics, Guruk Nanak Khalsa College, Karnal on March 10-11, 2016.

• Presented a paper titled ‘Foreign Investment and Growth: The Indian Experience’ in One Day UGC Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Smart Bharat: A Business Perspective’ organised by Department of Commerce, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra on February 26, 2016.

• Participated in 4th Annual Commerce Convention on ‘Corporate Governance and CSR: Retrospect and Prospects’ organised by Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi on December 18-19, 2015

• Participated in workshop on ‘ICT Usages in Teaching’ conducted by CPDHE, UGC-HRDC, University of Delhi from September 1-8, 2015.

• Participated in Faculty Development Program on ‘Computerised Accounting System Using Tally.ERP 9’ organised by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College and Tally Education Private Ltd in collaboration with Indian Accounting Association, Delhi Chapter on August 6, 2015.


Department of economics

Dr. avnesh Kumar Gupta• Research paper titled “Human Capital Formation and Planning for Economic Development”, in the 98th

Annual Conference of Indian Economic Association held at Professor Jayshankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) organized by Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Begumpet, Hyderabad in collaboration with School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, Institute of Public Enterprises (IPE) from 27 December- 29 December 2015.

• Research paper title “Threats to Inclusive Growth Policy in India: Unemployment and Informal Sector”, presented in The 2nd International Conference on Management, Business and Economics at Da Vinci Villa Hotel, San Francisco, California, United State of America held on 12,13, 14 February, 2016. The above said conference was organized by Graduate College of Management, Sripatum University, Thailand.

• Participated in the 11th Annual Conference on Economic Growth & Development, organized by Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi. This conference was held from December 17-19, 2015 at New Delhi.

• Participated in a Panel Discussion on “The Global Economy and Its Uncertain Future” , organized by International Development Economics Associates and Economic Research Foundation, New Delhi, held on November 4, 2015 at Juniper Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi

• Indo Global Chambers of Commerce, Industries and agriculture conferred “Indo Global Young Achiever Award 2016”, on 24th February, 2016.

english DepartmentMS. MONICa ZUTSHI1. Convenor, Pravah Student Magazine 20162. Member, Costume Committee in College Fest Lehren 20163. Convenor, Poetry Recitation Cultural Club and Competition in College Fest Lehren 20164. In charge of English Department Notice Board5. Follow up Convenor, Criteria 1-7, NAAC Report6. Co-convenor, Execution Committee, NAAC Report7. Member, Timetable Committee, English Timetable8. Core Admissions Committee, General Category Admissions, English and Journalism Departments9. Co-convenor, English Section, Prospectus Committee10. Member, Attendance Committee, May 201511. Member, Form Scrutinisation Committee, English Department12. Main Presenter, Annual Day celebrations 201513. Supervisor, Students’ Research Project on Decline of the Popularity of the Superhero Figure in Indian

Comics14. Attended two-day International Seminar on DIVERGENCES on 1st and 2nd April 2016

Dr. PRaBHaT RaNa

• Research Article published in an International Journal: “Seeking Individuality and “Overall Effect” in French Post-Impressionist Paintings and French Urban Poetry.” Research Scholar – An International Refereed


e-Journal on Literary Explorations, (ISSN: 2320-6101), Vol. 3 Issue II, (May 2015)• Research Article published in a National Journal: “Resisting the “Prostitution of Pen”: Concerns of Genealogy

and Appropriation in Translation.” Kalindi College (University of Delhi) Yearly Academic Journal (2014-2015). Vol. 14. ISSN: 2348-9014

• Attended a workshop on "Cultural Diversity, Linguistic Plurality and Literary Traditions of India" organized by Deptt. of English, University of Delhi on 28th April, 2015.

• Member of Annual Report Committee 2014-2015• Member of Annual Report Committee 2015-2016• Convenor of Certificate Committee in Geography Department National Seminar 2015-2016• Convenor of Certificate Committee in Journalism Department National Seminar 2015-2016• Member of Certificate Committee Lehren 2014-2015• Member of Certificate Committee Lehren 2015-2016• Judge in Creative Writing in Lehren 2014-2015 & 2015-2016

MS. SHIPRa GUPTa• Published an article on “The Girl Child’s identity in a Fantasy World” in The Yearly Academic Journal Kalindi

College. 2015 issue ISSN No. 2348-9014• Published a research paper on “Mary Wollstonecraft: Mapping the Public and the Private Spheres” in The

Atlantic Review of Feminist Studies, April-June 2014, Vol 2 No.2 . ISSN No. 2320-5105

DR. JYOTI KULSHReSTHa• Conducted a an ELPC Workshop as an Academic Coordinator at Sangam Parisar, Kalindi College on 07.1.2016.• Attended a National Seminar on “ Journey of Modern India on 4.03.2016 organised by Rajiv Gandhi Study

Circle at Constitution club Rafi Marg, New Delhi.

MS. TaNYa SINGH• Published a paper “Urmila Pawar’s Aydaan (The Weave of My Life) and Baby Kamble’s Jina Amucha (The

Prisons We Broke): (Re)reading Dalit Narratives”. Indian Scholar in March, 2015. ISSN: 2350-109X• Published a paper “Identity Politics: Dalit Literary and Dalit Panthers Movement”. New Man International

Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in June, 2015. ISSN: 2348-1390.

MS. LaKSHMI PRIYa BaLaKRISHNaN• Participated in the conference ‘City Lives: Spaces and Narratives’, held in Maharaja Agrasen College on the

24 and 25 February 2016 and presented a paper entitled, ‘Istanbul Under Western Eyes: Subversion of Hegemony and Coercion’.

• Participated in the Capacity Building Workshop at the Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi, on 25 January 2016.

• Have worked on lesson of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, to be published byr the Virtual Learning Environment an initiative of the Institute of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.


DePaRTMeNT OF GeOGRaPHYMS. SeeMa SaHDeV • Participated in 21 days Training Programme on Geo Spatial Technology funded by NRDMS, Department of

Science and Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia from 26th May to 15th June, 2015.• Chaired a technical session in the National Conference on “Disaster Mitigation: Challenges for Future”

organised by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management in association with Ministry of Earth Science, Government of India, 24-25 July, 2015.

• Organised UGC sponsored national seminar as Convenor on topic Environmental Ethics, Resource Depletion & Sustainable Development in Kalindi College – 25th – 26th February 2016.

• Acted as a Rapporteur for 9th International Geographical Union (IGU) Conference on Land Use Change, Climate Extremes and Disaster Risk Reduction in March 18-20, 2016 organised by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi.

DR. SHeKH MOINUDDIN • Presented a research paper on International/National Conference held in India.• Presented a Paper in 9th International Geographical Union (IGU) Conference on land use Change, Climate

Extremes and Disaster Risk Reduction on topic Revisited Risk Culture: Political Economy of Yamuna River in India, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, March 18-20, 2016.

• Presented a Paper in UGC-National Seminar in Environmental Ethics, Resource Depletion and Sustainable development on topic Water for All: Political Economy of Yamuna River in India, Department of Geography, Kalindi College, New Delhi, February 25-16, 2016.

• Presented a Paper in UGC-National Seminar in Media, State and the Marginalized: Tackling Challenges on topic Mapping the Political Tweets: The Political Revolution in India, Department of Journalism, Kalindi College, New Delhi, March 17-18, 2016.


• Paper Published, Manish Kumar and Pankaj Kumar (2016). Snow cover dynamics and geohazards: a case study of Bhilangna watershed, Uttarakhand Himalaya, India. Geoenvironmental Disasters, Springer, 3(2); 1-8.

• Presented Research Paper entitled ‘‘GIS Based Analytic Hierarchy Process For Land Suitability Analysis”. 9th IGU International Conference on Land Use Change, Climate Extremes and Disaster Risk Reduction organised by Department of Geography, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi, Delhi held on March 18-20, 2016.

• Delivered lecture as a Resource Person in the subject “Understanding Attribute Data, Importance of database, Database Management Systems and Building attribute Data” on Winter School Training Programme for Capacity Building in Geospatial Technologies, under NRDMS (DST) Programme, Ministry of Science and Technology organized by Department of Remote Sensing and GIS, University of Jammu, Jammu, 21th December 2015 to 10th January 2016.

• Delivered lecture as a Resource Person in the subject “Application of Geoinformatics in Spatial Sciences” under the K.N. Singh memorial lecture series Workshop organized by Department of Geography, Kamla Nehru Institute of Physical and Social Sciences, Sultanpur-228118, Uttar Pradesh held on 28th November 2015.


• Participated in Six day Training Programme on “Data Handling with Excel” organized by School of Planning and Architecture, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, 4, Block B. I.P. Estate, New Delhi-110002, 18th Jan. – 23rd Jan. 2016.

• Participated in Two day Training Programme on “MS-Excel Statistics” organized by School of Planning and Architecture, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, 4, Block B. I.P.Estate, New Delhi-110002, 29th Jan. – 30th Jan. 2016.


• Cnvenor-Debating Society 2012 - 2013 to 2015- 2016 • Co-convenor-Pravah Magazine 2015-2016• Co-convenor-Admission Committee 2015-2016 • Convenor- Add-on course, French language: Academic Year 2009 -2010 to 2015-2016 • Convenor of debate Competition organized by Debating Society on 09.3.2016 on Jal ke Vividh Aayam in

Kalindi College. • Being in Skill Development Courses I organized a lecture on Skill Training on Women International Network.

(Computer Learning) on 9.3.2016. • Supervised a student for Ph.D. • “Hindi Shabdkosh Parampara Ka Vishleshan”. Vikram Gupta ,University Of Delhi. Hindi Department year

2014 .• Attended two days National Seminar in SGND Khalsa College. University Of Delhi on “Sanskriti, Media aur

Upbhoktavad” on 26-27 February 2016. • Attended two days National Seminar in Shri Ram College Of Commerce. University Of Delhi on “Devnagri lipi

Evam Hindi Vertani Ka Mankikaran” and presented a paper on “Hindi Vertani Mein Anekruptaein: Etihasik Sandarbh” on 14.3.2016 to 16.3.2016

• One day Capacity Building Workshop on E- Content Creation in ILLL on 2.2.2016. • Member of Faculty of Arts under the Provisions Of Statute 9(3) (v)& 9 (4) –Teachers Category for three

years w.e.f.15.3.2016• I organized Two days National Seminar as a team member in Kalindi College on “Madhyakalin Sahitya Ke

Shikshan Ki Chunotiyan ”on 10-11 March 2016

DR. MaNJU SHaRMa • Awarded PhD in Hindi on the topic “Swattantray ottar Sampradayik Samasya aur Hindi Natak” in the

convocation held on 30th May 2015, University of Delhi.• Convenor, Inter- College Cultural Fest “Lehren 2016”.• Convenor, Admission Committee 2015-2016.• Convenor, Prize Committee, Annual Day 2016.• Convenor, Student Mentoring and Grievance Committee 2015-2016.• Co-convenor, B.A Programe Society 2015-2016.• Member, Purchase Committee 2016.• Member, Eco Club 2015-2016.


• President Alumni Association Bhagini Nivedita College DU 2015-2016.• Attended 2 days UGC Sponsored National Seminar on the topic ‘Sanskriti, Media aur Upbhoktavaad’ held

in SGND Khalsa College, Dev Nagar University of Delhi on 26-27 February 2016.• Attended 2 days UGC Sponsored National Seminar on the topic ‘Madhyakaleen Sahitya ke Shikshan Ki

Chunautiyaan’ held in Kalindi College University of Delhi on 10-11 March 2016 and presented paper on the topic ‘Madhyakaleen Bhakti Sahitya mein Samanvayvadi Chetna’

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l nfyr L=h&thou dh =klnh] viuh ekVh

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l cSfMV Dohu dk ;FkkFkZ] laxks"Bh izi= lkj] 2015

l f'k{k.k i)fr vkSj e/;;qxhu dkO;] isij izLrqrhdj.k

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l jhfr dkO;] v{kj izdk'ku] tuojh] 2016

l fgUnh Hkk"kk % fØ;kUo;u] ,Iiy cqdl~] 2015

M‚- foHkk Bkdqj çdk'ku dk;Z %&

l thou ds gknls & vdknfed tujy dkfyanh d‚yst esa çdkf'kr & ¼ iqLrd leh{kk½ & 2015

l gkf'k;s ij yksdlaL—fr & tulÙkk esa çdkf'kr ¼lEikndh;½ 26 vxLr 2015

l gkf'k;s ij yksdlaL—fr & bafM;u iap] >kj[k.M esa çdkf'kr ¼lEikndh;½ 26 vxLr 2015

l ijh{kk dh dlkSVh & tulÙkk esa çdkf'kr 8 flrEcj 2015

l f'k{kk dh lq/k & tulÙkk esa çdkf'kr 2 flrEcj 2015

l fganh dk ladV & bafM;u iap] >kj[k.M esa çdkf'kr 14 flrEcj 2015

l Hkwe.Myhdj.k ds ;qx esa yksdxhr & bafM;u iap] >kj[k.M esa çdkf'kr vDVwcj 2015

l ,d Fks jk/kkeksgu xksdqy & ¼iqLrd leh{kk ½ ^fdrkc* =Sekfld if=dk] >kj[k.M

'kks/ki= çLrqrhdj.k %&

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'kks/k ifj;kstuk dk;Z funsZ'ku %&

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Department of Mathematics MS. SUNITa SHaRMa

• Attended one day workshop on Computational Optimization on February 5, 2016 at Sri Venkateswara College.

• Attended workshop on Virtual Learning Environment (vle) held at ILLL on January 29, 2016• Paper Published:

a. ‘Efficient solutions of the interval valued bicriteria shortest path problem’ (2015), International Journal of Mathematical Archive-6(5), pp.1-9, Available online through www.ijma.info, ISSN 2229 – 5046

b. ‘A fuzzy membership approach to obtain efficient solutions of the interval valued bicriteria shortest path problem’ (2015), ‘A fuzzy membership approach to obtain efficient solutions of the interval valued bicriteria shortest path problem’, Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems (eISSN: 1309–1190): An Official Journal of Turkish Fuzzy Systems Association Vol.6, No.1, pp. 001-016

DR. INDaRPaL SINGH• Attended one day workshop on Computational Optimization on February 5, 2016 at Sri Venkateswara

College.• Awarded best paper award for the following paper: Author: Dr. Inderpal Singh, Co-Author: Dr. Ompal Singh,

Title of paper: ‘A Generalized framework for modelling multi up-gradations of a software with change point’, (2015), 7th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Infocom Technology and Business operations.

MR. SaNJaY KUMaR• Attended one day State level seminar on “Mathematics and its Applications” on March 4, 2016 at Kamla

Nehru College.

DR. PReMPaL SINGH• Paper Published: ‘Chaos Synchronization in Lorenz System’ (2015), Applied Mathematics, Scientific

Research, July, 2015, Print: [ISSN: 21527385], Online: [ISSN: 21527393]

DR. aNJU GUPTa (On Deputation)• Paper Published: ‘Basic Algebra’ (2015), Ravi Kumar, Shree Kala Prakashan, ISBN 81-86038-22-1


Department of Physics DR. MONIKa BaSSI

1. Member Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) 2014-2017, kalindi college under ‘the sexual harassment of women at workplace prevention, prohibition and redressal) act, 2013’

2. Convenor Rangoli Cultural Club 2015-2016.3. Co-convenor Ward-Committee for Admission for the College during 2015-2016. 4. Member, Proctorial Board 2015-2016.5. Member, Canteen Committee 2015-2016.


Special grant/assistance/projects awarded

Title/Subject of Research Project(s)



Period (Months)


Total Grants/ Funding re-ceived (Rs.)

Name of Sponsoring/ Fund-ing Agency

Conversion Of Wind Energy To Electrical Energy At Delhi Metro Stations Using Light Rotor Tur-bines. (KC-304)

Major PI 12



Complete solution to the prob-lems of practicals in Physics Lab-oratory

Minor PI 12



Celestia: through the eyes of a telecscope

Minor PI 12


25,000 National Academy of Sciences (NASI), India (Delhi Chapter)

Molecular orbital approach to the inference of x-ray measure-ments at small inter atomic dis-tances


UFR No. 58324

PI 36



International conference:

1. Molecular orbital perspective for inner shell couplings: Level diagrams. Punita Verma et al. presented at the “XXIX International Conference on Photonic, electronic and atomic Collisions, ICPEAC-13”, held in Toledo, Spain from 22nd July – 28th July, 2015.

2. “An overview of ion-atom collision experiments at IUAC, New Delhi” P. Verma, Presented at “International topical conference on charged particle collisions and electronic processes in Atoms, Molecules and Materials, (q-PACE 2016)9-11, Jan. 2016. Abstract book pg.43.

3. “An experimental set up for Ion atom collisions at low energy Ion beam facility of IUAC” S. Kumar, P. Verma and C.P. Safvan. Presented at “International topical conference on charged particle collisions and electronic processes in Atoms, Molecules and Materials, (q-PACE 2016)9-11, Jan. 2016. Abstract book pg.184.

National conference:

1. Fusion dynamics in sub barrier region for 28Si+96Zr system: Khushboo, …., P. Verma et al.presented at the INDO-FRENCH CEFIPRA Seminar on ‘Women in Science’organized jointly by the French Embassy in India, CEFIPRA and the Women in Science Panel of the Indian Academy of Sciences from3–5 February 2015.


2. “Harnessing electricity in humid air for smart cities” Akansha Tiwari and Punita Verma; presented at the one day national conference on “Smart Cities: Challenges and Vision Ahead.” organized by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi on 6th April, 2015.

3. “Alternative for energy stressed cities” Sakshi, ,.., Punita Verma; presented at the one day national conference on “Smart Cities: Challenges and Vision Ahead”organized by Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi on 6th April, 2015.

4. “Fabrication, Assembly and testing of multiwire proportional counter.”, L. Dagar, .., P. Verma et al. Presented at Second National conference on “Student driven research for inspired learning in science and technology” organized by Embedded Systems and Robotics Centre and Department of Electronics, Maharaja Agrasen College, D.U. held on 16-17 October, 2015. Proceeding available at:http://www.ijsrd.com/articles/NCILP010.pdf.pg 37-41. OR International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 1 : NCIL 2015] (2015): 37-41.

5. “Impact parameter dependent X ray investigations in heavy ion heavy atom collision”, S. Kumar, .., P. Verma et al. presented at Second National conference on “Student driven research for inspired learning in Science and Technology” organized by Embedded Systems and Robotics Centre and Department of Electronics, Maharaja Agrasen College, D.U. held on 16-17 October, 2015. Proceeding available at:http://www.ijsrd.com/articles/NCILP015.pdf.pg 56-64.OR International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 1: NCIL 2015] (2015): 56-64.

6. “Preparation of gold target through electron vapour deposition and PARAs the Rutherford back scattering experiment setup @ IUAC”, S. Kumar, .., P. Verma et al. presented at Second National conference on “Student driven research for inspired learning in science and technology” organized by Embedded Systems and Robotics Centre and Department of Electronics, Maharaja Agrasen College, D.U. held on 16-17 October, 2015. Proceeding available at:http://www.ijsrd.com/articles/NCILP018.pdf.pg 72-80. OR International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 1: NCIL 2015] (2015): 72-80.

7. “Feasibility Study of Conversion of Wind Energy to Electrical Energy at Delhi Metro Stations using Light Rotor Turbines”, S. Patwal, …, P. Verma et al. presented at Second National conference on “Student driven research for inspired learning in science and technology” organized by Embedded Systems and Robotics Centre and Department of Electronics, Maharaja Agrasen College, D.U. held on 16-17 October, 2015. Proceeding available at:http://www.ijsrd.com/articles/NCILP033.pdf.pg 131-136. OR International Journal for Scientific Research and Development [Conference 1: NCIL 2015] (2015): 131-136.

7. Small Wind Turbines: A way to Produce Green Electrical Energy, P. Verma et al. presented at National conference on “Electrical energy: Safety and Conservation” organized by Swami Shraddhanand College, D.U. held on 22-23 January, 2016.

8. Wind Velocity Profiling at Delhi Metro Stations, P. Verma et al. presented at National Conference on “Advancements in Electronics and Computer Applications (NCAECA-2016)” organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences, D.U. held on 4-5 February, 2016. Abstract book pg 69-73.

Individual Awards

1. Have been awarded the “Teaching Excellence Award” for the undergraduate research project KC-201 of whom I was the Principal investigator (mentioned above) by University of Delhi on its foundation day 1st May 2015.

2. Have been awarded the Industry recommendation award for the undergraduate research project KC-201 of whom I was the Principal investigator at Antardhwani 2015, the academic festival of the University of Delhi.

A) Project KC 304: innovation project.

B) Complete solution to the problems of Physics laboratory.



1. Won Excellence award for presentation in ‘National conference on Advancement in Electronics and Computer Applications organized by Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Shaheed Rajguru College of Applied Sciences, D.U.’ on 4th, 5th Feb., 2016.

2. Won Ist prize in ‘Technival', Annual Tech Fest, 2016 organised by Department of Computer Science, Kirori Mal college, D.U.’ on 7th, 8thMarch, 2016.

3. Won the third prize in ‘Technival', Annual Tech Fest, 2016 organised by the Department of Computer Science, Kirori Mal college, D.U.’ Won the third prize.


1. Published a paper, Triranjita Srivastava, A. Purkayastha, and Rajan Jha, «Graphene based Surface Plasmon Resonance Gas sensor for Terahertz», Optical and Quantum Electronics (2016), in Press.

2. Published a paper, A. Purkayastha, Triranjita Srivastava, and Rajan Jha, “Ultrasensitive THz – Plasmonics gaseous sensor using doped graphene”, Sensors and Actuators B (2016), vol. 227, pp. 291-295, ISSN: 09254005 (Impact factor 3.67).

3. Attended Workshop on “Quantum Mechanics and Applications - II”, held on 29 Jan, 2016, in Dept. of Physics, Delhi University.

4. Attended Workshop on “Computer Programming and Numerical Analysis”, held on 6 October, 2015, in Dept. of Physics, Delhi University.

5. Attended Workshop on “Lab CI (MP Lab) of B.Sc I (H)” held on 7 September, 2015, in Dept. of Physics, Delhi University.

Projects undertaken:

1. Fiber Optic Pressure Sensor.

2. Simulations on Integrated Waveguides


1. Published a paper, Bipin Kumar Gupta, Garima Kedawat, Pawan Kumar, Satbir Singh, Sachin R. Suryawanshi, Neetu Agrawal (Garg), Govind Gupta, Ah Ra Kim, R. K. Gupta, Mahendra A. More, Dattatray J. Late and Myung Gwan Hahm, Field emission properties of highly ordered low-aspect ratio carbon nanocup arrays, RSC Adv., 2016,6, 9932-9939 DOI: 10.1039/C5RA25682H, Communication (2016).

2. Attended Workshop organized at University of Delhi for the discussion regarding the of teaching guidelines of a newly introduced course for B.Sc III(H) FYUP batch – semester V paper: - “Physics semiconductor devices”, on 13 August, 2015, in Deptt. of Physics, University of Delhi.

3. Attended Workshop organized at Delhi University for the discussion regarding the of teaching guidelines of a newly introduced course for Lab CI (MP Lab) of B.Sc I(H) – “Physics of semiconductor devices”, on 7 September, 2015, in Deptt. of Physics, University of Delhi.

4. Attended Workshop organized at Delhi University for the discussion of teaching guidelines for semester–VI paper : Mathematical Physics –IV on 12 Jan, 2016 in Deptt. of Physics, University of Delhi.


1. Attended Workshop of Teacher-In-Charges of Departments of Physics of all the colleges of University of Delhi to discuss the structure of Semester V and VI (former FYUP), CBCS implementation, held on 29 Jan,


2016 organised by Dept. of Physics, University of Delhi.2. Attended Workshop to discuss the “Laboratory Structure of FYUP labs” held on 11 December, 2015

organised by Dept. of Physics, University of Delhi.


1. Workshop & Hands-on Training on Synthesis and Characterization of thin films, Department of Physics Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar, 31st March- 1st April-2015.


1. Attended Workshop on “Scilab”, held on 2 Jan, 2016, in Dept. of Physics, Delhi University.

DR. GaRIMa SaXeNa1. Attended Workshop on “Quantum Mechanics and Applications - II”, held on 29 Jan, 2016, in Dept. of

Physics, Delhi University.

Department of Physical education


1. Paper presented on the topic, Madhykalin Bharat mai Sharirik Shiksha, in National Seminar of Hindi organized by Kalindi college

2. Book published, topic –Swasthya aur Sharirik Shiksha, ISBN 978-81-7524-797-0 published by Khel Sahitya Kendra, New Delhi

Department of Political Science DR. aNJOO SHaRMa

Appointed as the member of the UGC Expert Committee for the Under Graduate Courses under the new C.B.C.S. Its led to the development of the syllabi and approval of the Skill Enhancement Course titled Democratic Awareness through Legal Literacy


1. Adhunik Bharat Ka Rajnitik Chintan: Ek Vimarsh (Edited), Directorate of Hindi Implementation, University of Delhi. ISBN 978-93-80172-72-9

1. Published a paper, “Adhunik Bhartiya Rajnitik Chintan: Ek Parichaya”, in Ruchi Tyagi (ed.), Prachin Evam Madhyakalin Bharat Ka Rajnitik Chintan, Directorate of Hindi Implementation, University of Delhi, ISBN 978-93-80172-72-9

2. Published a paper, Gandhi Ka Swaraj: Chaturbhujiya Sarvodayee Avdharna”, in Ruchi Tyagi (ed.), Prachin Evam Madhyakalin Bharat Ka Rajnitik Chintan, Directorate of Hindi Implementation, University of Delhi, ISBN 978-93-80172-72-9

3. Published a paper, Jawaharlal Nehru: Vikasvad Evam Dharmanirpekshata” in Ruchi Tyagi (ed.), Prachin Evam Madhyakalin Bharat Ka Rajnitik Chintan, Directorate of Hindi Implementation, University of Delhi, ISBN 978-93-80172-72-9



1. Ph.D. Thesis Topic: “Hindu Code Bill: Samayik Prasangikta”, Department of Political Science,University of Delhi; Research Scholar: Ms. Manju, Dayal Singh College, University of Delhi (Pursuing)

• M.Phil. Dissertation Topic: “Judicial Activism and Democratic Governance”, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi; Research Scholar: Ms. Rajni Garg (Pursuing)







• Workload Committee• Grievance Committee• Examination Committee (Deputy Superintendent) • Research Committee• Attendance Committee• Golden Jubilee Committee• Infrastructure-Laboratories Review Committee• Departmental Moderation Committee


1. Appointed as Affiliated Fellow of Developing Countries Research Centre (DCRC) University of Delhi, for three years(2016-2019).

2. Pursuing Ph.D, registered in 2014 Department of Arican Studies University of Delhi Topic: Constitutional Development in Egypt (1919-2014): Towards Democracy and Good Governance.

3. Convenor, Northeastern and Foreign Students Cell.

4. Co-convernor, Prize Committee.

5. Deputy Superintendent, Examination 2015-16.


• Submitted the UGC Post Doctoral Research Award in March 2016 on the topic: The Prospects and Challenges of E-Governance: An Empirical Study of Information Communication Technology Practices in Odisha.

• Published a Paper, Enabling Social Rights Through Proactive Public Policy: Auditing Education and Health Sectors in India, Indian Journal of Public Administration, Jan-March 2016, Volume 52, No.1

• Published a Paper, Gender Justice Through Electoral Quota: Political Empowerment Of Women in Africa, NAM Today, Vol. XXXXXII, No.10, October 2015


• Published a Paper, Evaluating Human Rights : Democratic Subversion And Socio-Economic Alienation In The Third World, Social Action Journal, Indian Social Institute, July-September 2015, Volume 65, No.3 [ISSN 0037-7627]

• Presented, Challenges To Gender Discourse In The Era Of Globalisation: Socio-Economic And Political Perspectives organised by Gender Resource Centre of SGND Khalsa College, University of Delhi, October, 2015

• Presented, Combating Women Health Issues Through Enabling Food Security Act in the National Seminar On Rural Development In India In Post-Liberalisation Period : Issues And Challenges, Organised by IIPA, New Delhi, March 2015

• Research Guidance : Student Awarded Ph.D Degree in October 2015

Department of SanskritDR. HaRVINDeR KaUR

• Convenor, Workload Committee 2015-16.

• Convenor, Students’ Union.

• Coordinator, New Faculty performa.


• Delhi Sanskrit Academy has given an award named “Sanskrit Samaradhak Samman” on the occasion of Sanskrit Divas on 19.09.2015.

• Attended 3 days national seminar entitled “Vedic Chronology” organized by Department of Sanskrit, Delhi University from 26.09.2015-28.09.2015.

• Invited as a Judge for Samsrishti , Inter College Sanskrit Recitation Competition during the annual cultural festival ‘SYMPHONY 2016’ on 5th February ,2016.

• Convenor of Sanskrit Tarangini in “LEHREN” on 20.02.2016.

• Attended the Special Lecture on “The Philosophy of Breath in the Vedas , Schelling and Heideggar ” by Prof. (Dr.) Lenart Skof organized by Department of Sanskrit, Delhi University on 10.03.2016.

• Attended and paper presented in 2 days national seminar entitled “Learning in Sanskrit Śastas in the Present University System” organized by Department of Sanskrit, South Delhi Campus on 11th &12th March,2016.

• Member of College Magazine “Pravah” ,2015-2016.

• Member of Interview Board for the selection of Permanent Assistant Professor in Sanskrit Department on 9th & 10th July 2015.

• Coordinator of the coaching classes for entry in services for SC/ST/OBC/Minorities& EWS under the Eleventh Plan of UGC.


• Attented A Rashtriya Shodh Sangoshthi Organized By Deptt. Of Skt. On 26 Sep. 2015—28 Sep.2015.

• Presented A Paper On The Topic—Samaj Ke Utthan Mein Shikshak Ki Bhumika In Amity Univ. On 27 Nov.


2015 In One Day National Seminar On Changing Perspective Of Teacher Education For Preparing Skilled Teacher.

• Presented A Paper In The National Research Seminar Organized By Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan In Bharti College & Kalidas Academy Of Sanskrit Music & Fine Arts, Delhi ;Xx Kalidas Mahotsava-2016 On 13 Feb.2016-14 Feb 2016on The Topic-Ved & Paryavaran Sanrakshan.

• Presented A Paper On The Topic—Paryavaran Surksha Ki Prachin Avdharana In A Two Days National Seminar Sponsored By U.G.C.(Deptt. Of Gography) On Enviornmental Ethics,Resourses Depletion And Sustainable Development On 25 Feb. 2016—26 Feb.2016.

• Presented A Paper On The Topic-Vartman Samay Mein Rambhakti Kavyon Ki Upadeyta In A Two Days National Seminar Sponsored By U.G.C. (Deptt. Of Hindi) On Madhyakaleen Sahitya Ke Shikshan Ki Chunotiya On 10 March 2016-11 March 2016.

• Presented A Paper On The Topic-Shreemad Bhagvatgita Mein Pratipadit Karmyog Ki Vartman Samay Mein Prasangikta In Delhi Sanskrit Academy Tri Divsiya National Seminar On 29 March 2015-2016.

• Presented A Paper On The Topic-Vartman Samay Mein Striyo Ki Stithi Evam Manvaadhikar In Motilal Nehru College On 30 March 2015-2016.

• Presented A Paper On The Topic. Vartman Samay Mein Naamkaran Sanskar Ki Prasangikta In Shree Lal Bahadur Shastri Sanskrit Vidyapeeth On 30 March 2015-2016.

• Received "Sanskrit Samaradhak Samman Patra" award in 2015-16 from Delhi Sanskrit Academy.


• Published a book, Pratibha Vimarsh, ISBN No. 812170266-6, Bhartiya Vidha Prakashan, 1-U.B Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007

• Published a book, Rangmanch Evam Natyakala: Ek Samagra Adhyayan, ISBN No. 812170303-4, Bhartiya Vidhya Prakashan, 1-U.B Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007.

• Published a book, Shodh : Kyaun Aur Kaise, ISBN No. 818512264-4, Bhartiya Book Copration 5824 New Chandrawal Near Shiv Mandir, Jawahar Nagar, Delhi-110007.

• Participated & presented a paper on Naradpuran Evam Vedantsar Mein Varnit Shrishtiprakriya held on 22nd November, 2015 organised by Indian Institute of Puranas Studies at New Delhi.

• Participated & presented a paper on Kathopanishad Mein Lok-Mangal Ki Bhavana held from 21st -25th November, 2015 organised by SCSS, JNU at JNU, New Delhi.

• Participated & presented a paper on Kathopanishad Mein Vidyaman Adhyatm-Tattva Ki Adhunik Samay Mein Prasangikta held from 27th -29th November, 2015 jointly organised by Delhi Sanskrit Academy & Waves, New Delhi at Delhi Sankrit Academy, Karol Bagh, New Delhi.

• Participated & presented a paper on Sthitipragyata Ke Dwara Vaishvik Samasyaon Ka Nivaran held on 18th December,2015 organised by Department of Sanskrit-Pali-Prakrit, Kurukshetra University at Kurukshetra, Haryana.

• Participated & presented a paper on Varna-Sameeksha Mein Varna-Vichar held from 11th -12th December, 2015 jointly organised by Shree Shankar Shikshayatan & Bharateeya Puratattva Parishad, New Delhi


Department of Zoology DR P.P. SaINI

1. Attended the one day workshop on “Training the Trainers: IPR Workshop”, held on January 15, 2016 at Miranda House, Delhi University, New Delhi.

2. Convenor: “Swachchhata Abhiyan Committee for Cyber Centre, its surrounding area and Parking area in the college”.

3. Co-convenor: “Publicity Committee in Lehren” the Inter-college Cultural Fest, 2016.

4. Convenor: Registration Committee, Alumni Meet (2015-16).

5. Member: Scholarship Committee (2015-16).

6. Member: Moderation Committee.

7. Member: Dissection Monitoring Committee (DMC), Department of Zoology, Kalindi College.

8. Member: Admission Committee


• Research Projects “Microbial Fuel Cell: An efficient, economical and environmental benign set up for simultaneous conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy along with the removal of impurities from laboratory generated waste water.

• Minor Project: “To develop software for Online Assessment/Examination for college students as an ICT based teaching-learning practice.”

• Participated in workshop on “Bioinformatics and Bio-statistics Workshop: An Introduction” held from 24-25 February 2016, at Department of Zoology, Miranda House College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007

• Participated in workshop :“6th Workshop on Bioinformatics and Molecular Modelling in Drug Design” held from 21-23 January 2016, at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre for Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007.

• Presented a Paper, “A WAY FOR GREENER FUTURE:MICROBIAL FUEL CELL” at Second National Symposium on Environment: Greener Future and Awareness, held on 19th March, 2016 at Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College University of Delhi.

• Presented a Paper, “Relevance of Microbial World in MFCs” at Second National Symposium on Environment: Greener Future and Awareness, held on 19th March, 2016 at Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College University of Delhi.

• Presented a Paper, Conserving the “Tagfalters” at Second National Symposium on Environment: Greener Future and Awareness, held on 19th March, 2016 at Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College University of Delhi.

• Poster Presented “Microbial Fuel Cell: An Alternate Way to Protect Environment” at Second National Symposium on Environment: Greener Future and Awareness, held on 19th March, 2016 at Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College University of Delhi.

• Poster Presented “An Approach to Protect Environment: Microbial Fuel Cell” held on 19th March, 2016 at Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College University of Delhi.

• Poster Presented “GREEN CLEANING” at Second National Symposium on Environment: Greener Future and Awareness, held on 19th March, 2016 at Department of Zoology, Deshbandhu College University of Delhi.


• Chapter Published, Tarkeshwar and Singh I.K. (2014). Chapter 4: Biodiversity and its Conservation (Unit 4). In: “Basic Environmental Studies”. Book Age Publications pp: 77—114. [ISBN: 978-93-83281-41-1]

• Member of e-Pathshala at Department of Zoology, University of Delhi, Delhi-110008, writing E-chapter, “The Terrestrial Community” for Postgraduate Students of Zoology.

• Member: Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Kalindi College for National Assessment & Accreditation Council, NAAC.

• Member, SSR Preparation Committee, Kalindi College for National Assessment & Accreditation Council, NAAC.

• Member, Admission Committee (SC/ST Student Admission Committee).• Convenor: SWOC Analysis Committee (Execution Committee for NAAC), Kalindi College. • Member: Dissection Monitoring Committee (DMC), Department of Zoology, Kalindi College (as internal

member).• Member: Dissection Monitoring Committee (DMC), Department of Zoology, Dyal Singh College (as external

member). • Member: Dissection Monitoring Committee (DMC), Department of Zoology, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College

(as external member). • Member: Convenor Committee “Lehren” the Inter-College Cultural Fest, 2015-16. • Convenor: for Beautification and Maintenance of College Gate area (as a member of Gardening Committee)• Member: Prize Committee “College Annual Day” 2015-16.


1. Presently doing Master Of Research in Advance Genomic and Proteomics Science, in University of Nottingham under Delhi University Faculty Program.


1. DU Innovation Project KC301: Assessment of Packaged Food for Toxins. Funding Rs. 7,00,000/-2. Kalindi College In house Project (Antardhwani) : Establishment of an aquatic microcosm in a low lying area

of the College premises for demonstartion purposes of this ecosystem in addition to land reclamation. Funding Rs 68,000 .

3. Poster presentation: Assessment of packaged foods for microbial contamination. Trends in Research and Innovations in Life Sciences at Undergraduate Level, Deen Dyal Upadhyaya University, 30 March 2016.

4. Training the Trainers: IPR Workshop by Miranda House in collaboration with IPR Chair (T) University of Delhi under the aegis of DBT Star College Project & MHRD IPR Chair (T) 15 January 2016. Trends in Research and Innovations in Life Sciences at Undergraduate Level, Deen Dyal Upadhyaya University, 30 March 2016.

1. Convenor, OBC Committee, Admission2. Convenor, College Band3. Convenor, August Kranti Park4. Convenor, Prospectus Committee5. Convenor, Students’ Union Advisor6. Convenor, Feedback Committee


7. Convenor, Students’ Counseling Committee8. Coordination: Installation of sanitary napkin vending machines in College premises

Highlights of Major activities & achievements STUDeNT UNION RePORTConvenor: Dr. Harvinder Kaur, Co-convenor:Dr. Shanuja Beri

The Students’ Union is an active organization that works for the welfare of students and infrastructural improvements in the college. It also provides a platform for the students to display and develop leadership qualities. Our Union organizes several events in the college like: Orientation Programme for Fresher’s Party, academic trips, Independence Day Celebrations, Republic Day Celebrations, Diwali Mela, Alumni Meet, Farewell Party, various Workshops, Seminars and Inter-college Festival Lehren etc. In this academic session, the Students’ Union was established through an Oath Taking ceremony on 30th September 2015, in which all the union members pledged to abide by the rules and regulation of the college and faithfully fulfill the duties assigned to them. On 4th November 2015, students’ union organized Diwali Mela in the College to showcase the Unity in Diversity and Cultural Essence of India. The event was graced by the Claire Glendenning, Senior Programme manager, DFAT, Australian High Commission and Julie Rayan Australian Diplomat. This event was organized as a cultural Exhibition to provide a platform to the students to represent their specific culture and talent. Nupur, Fashionista, Raqs, and Karma societies performed in this event. The main attractions of this event were Dhol, Food Stalls, Accessories, Games and DJ Evening.

Lehren, the annual cultural festival of the college was organized on 19th and 20th February 2016. Our union worked hard day and night, from making calls to sponsors, stage decoration, making notes,to arranging everything in order to have participation from students of all the colleges of Delhi University and other colleges, actively handling all events of Lehren during the festival, compering the events during the show, making posters and assigning volunteers for all the events. During this year’s Lehren Festival, a Star Night was also arranged by the Students’ Union, which was the most awaited event of the Lehren. This event started with the performance of Agastaya band and ended with songs of the singer Abazz. On 7th March 2016, with the help of students’ Union, the IAS Academy organized a seminar in the college. The seminar was an opportunity for students to know more about the India’s toughest competitive exam. The seminar was headed by Mr. K. Shivesh.

With the help of Students’ Union, Fresh Face and Fresh on Campus event were also organized in the college on 19 August 2015 and 30 September 2016, by The Times of India and HT City. Our Students’ Union participated in various events of inter-college cultural festivals of other colleges also and won many prizes. Suvarna Chowdhury (Cultural Secretary) participated in solo dance competition and got 2nd prize in Daulat Ram College and 1st prize in Kalindi College. Divya Jhingharia (Sports Secretary) participated in sports competitions of other colleges and won Third position in Inter-College Power Lifting Championship and also in YMCA Tournament. Divya Jhingharia (Sports Secretary) also won 2 silver and 1 bronze medal in Annual Sports Day of the college. Our Street Play team got first prize in VIPS (Spandan), St. Stephen’s and Zakir Hussain College. It also won 3rd prize in VIPS .Our Debate Society students also participated in various other colleges. Aditi and Chahat got best team prize in Ramanujan College. Ananya and Aditi won “Best Team Prize” in Sri Aurobindo College. Aditi won First position and Sakshi won 2nd position in DTU. Shreya won third position in PGDAV. In solo singing competition Anjali won First prize in Zakir Hussain College. IVORY Band of our College won Third prize in Bhaskaracharya College. Fashionista team won Second prize in DUSU and Maitreyi College and Third prize in IIFT. Throughout this Academic session, students from various clubs and societies, of our college actively participated in various competitions of other colleges and brought laurels to the college. The students’ Union members of our college have honestly and seriously fulfilled all the duties expected from them, to the satisfaction of its convenors. Their basic role in promoting mutual contact, a democratic outlook and a spirit of oneness among the students and to promote the social, cultural and intellectual development of the students has been successfully handled by them. They wonderfully succeeded to promote consciousness among the students of the college, about the events taking place around them, in the college and outside the college with a view to better equipping them as responsible and educated citizens and to build up a healthy student’s movement.


aCTIVITIeS OF THe VaRIOUS CULTURaL CLUBSConvenor: Dr. Harvinder Kaur Co-Convenor: Dr Shanuja Beri

Student Union, under the guidance of respective advisors runs a number of cultural clubs in the college. The purpose of participation of students in cultural activities is to enhance their personal skills and confidence. Each student joins at least one of the clubs. Every Wednesday fourth period in the time- table is reserved for the activities of these clubs. All teachers are involved in the successful functioning of these clubs, in this period. Following cultural-clubs are functional.

1. Debating Society: Vagartha [English and Hindi Debate], 2. Quiz Society: Brain Twister, 3. Dramatic Society: Fitoor, One Act Play, Street play, 4. Music Society: Mausiqui [a. Light Music ( Sa-Re-Ga ), b. Antakshri], 5. Dance Society: Nupur [a. Solo Dance (Indian & Western), b.Group Dance (Western & Folk)], 6. Societies for Creative Skill: Srijan [Ad Mag Show, Tickle your Funny Bone (Humorous Writing English), Dumb Charades, Sanskrit Tarangini, Just a Minute (Extempore speech in one minute), Katha kahani ( Creative writing English & Hindi), Kavya Srishti (Poetry recitation in English & Hindi)], 7. Fine Art Club: Kalakriti [Collage Making, Face Painting & Tattoo Making, Jewellary Designing, Poster Making, Mehendi Designing, Rangoli], 8. Fashion Society: Fashion-is-Ta: Fashon show, 9. Fitness Club [Aerobics, Yogasanas]

RaQS: THe DRaMaTIC SOCIeTY Convenor: Ms. Indu Chaudhry

1. PRERNA AHUJA (Coordinator): Chemistry (H) (III year)

2. SRISHTI GUPTA (Co-Cordinator): English (H) (III year)

3. MEENAL RAWAT (General Secretary): Political Science (H) (II year)

RAQS ,the dramatic society of Kalindi college, has been operative since 2011.RAQS has managed to entitle itself to several accolades and critical appreciation this year with its performances across DU theatre circuit and beyond. RAQS won first prize in St.Stephen’s nukkad natak fest and in the literature festival of Zakir Hussain college. Apart from performing on various competitive levels,RAQS gave public performance in National School of Drama(NSD) ,Dilli haat Janakpuri (on the occasion of Manthan) and in the prelims of Daulat Ram College(DRC) and Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology (MAIT). As a part of “One Billion Rising” Raqs also performed its production “The Rape Victim” at Central park, Connaught Place. The society also performed its side production “We Pledge” for Manav Ekta Mission at Massco Media and IBS Noida. The play interestly portrayed the burning topic of caste and discrimination. The society with its resource and the efforts of its teacher convenors, organized a successful installment of “Fitoor” annual street play competition of Kalindi College as a part of the College Cultural Fest “Lehren”


The library resources have been enhanced during the year 2015-16 and the total collection of the library reached up to 78,518 books including Book Bank and Student Aided Fund books. The Library users have been able to enlighten themselves by going through the newly added books. At present library is subscribing 87 magazines/


journals and 13 newspapers in English and Hindi languages on different areas of interest for its readers.

On the First floor of the library, Web centre is available for access of E resources for the students and faculty members. The library has a separate reading room for consultation purposes and photocopy facility is provided to the students and faculty members.


CeNTRaL PLaCeMeNT CeLL Staff advisor: Dr. Saroj Dutta

Members: Dr. Sudesh Bharadwaj,Dr. Rashmi Chaudhary, Mr. ezra John, Ms. Isha Verma (and Teacher-Incharges of all Departments, Kalindi College)

The college has a placement cell which was established in the year 2006-07. It works in close co-ordination with the Central Placement Cell (CPC) of the University of Delhi. Notices received from the University are displayed on the college notice board for the information of the students. Our students register and participate actively in the placement activity organized by the University Placement Cell every year. Each year the students of Kalindi College register at the CPC with the total enrollment number varying from 100 to 250. The teachers alongwith the registered students attend the meeting organised by the CPC every year. Student Placement Cell Student Committee was constituted in the year 2015-16. Presently the student members are Sonam Tuteja ; Economics (H) III year and Niharika ; B.Com. (H) III year.

1. Placement Drive was conducted at Kalindi College as it witnessed a remarkable placement drive on the 9TH of March, 2016. The participating company- Talocity InstaSolutions Pvt Limited offered 3 job roles namely: Java Developer, Business Development Executive for UrbanClap and Customer Service. The jobs were offered with an average package of 3-4 Lac p.a. A total of 50 students from a variety of backgrounds participated in the drive. The results are awaited and can be expected by the 2nd week of April, 2016.

2. Companies like e-Helium, Tech Mahindra, Time Group, Kotak Mahindra, ICICI Prudential Life Insurance and Mettl are some of the companies which conducted recruitment drive in 2016.

3. A motivational talk was conducted by ICOFP (International College of Financial Planning), a Bajaj Capital Group Venture. It was organised by the College Placement Cell on 7th October, 2015. Lectures by Ms. Sonia (ICOFP, a Bajaj Capital Group Venture) titled ‘Interview Skills’ and ‘Minting Money from stock market’ were held on 07th Oct., 2015 and 04th Nov., 2015 respectively.

4. Placement Activity was held in University of Delhi (North Campus) on 15th -16th October, 2015. 5. CMS (Vatavaran) organised Film/ Workshop/ Seminar from 9th -13th October.In a recent placement drive at Kalindi College conducted by ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Pvt. Ltd., fifty students were selected from various streams and fifty one were chosen for the final round by Kotak. A phenomenal response was marked by the college placement cell during the Employability Test for Aristocrat Gaming by Mettl. Twenty one students from B.Com. were registered for aptitute test conducted by Time group. Fifteen students from various courses were declared successful in TAP test conducted on 23rd February, 2016. Central placement cell (University of Delhi) has also played an important role in placing students with various companies. A total number of forty eight students from Kalindi College have been short-listed by various companies through CPC’s placement activity in the past. HCL Technologies short-listed a whopping number of forty four students from Computer Science, Maths and Physics departments from Kalindi College. Vistara short-listed four Kalindians from B.Com. (H) and one was selcted by TATA Power by CPC, University of Delhi.

Future plans of Student Placement Cell, Kalindi College:


6. Career counselling sessions.7. Co-ordination with alumni for placement activities of present students.

eCO CLUBConvenor: Dr Shekh Moinuddin, Co-Convenor: Dr Sudesh Bhardwaj

Eco club is functional with the financial support of Department of Environment, Govt. of Delhi. Eco club provides a platform to promote the environmental protection and sensitize the students and faculty members as well, to make green and clean campus through best practices.

The following programme has been initiated;

1. Eco Club initiated ‘Adopt a Tree’ program to promote green and clean campus and environmental awareness programme in the college. Every Department have been asked to adopt a tree in the assigned location and maintain the natural growth including the maintenance of that tree through the best practices.

2. Eco Club organized one day competition on 6th October, 2015 at 10:00 am nearby canteen area. The program was attended by more than hundred students in different activities. The activities included; Wild-flower arrangement, Best out of waste, Essay competition on environmental issues and slogan writing on ‘swachh bharat’.

3. Eco Club members actively participated in Diwali Mela held on November 4, 2015 where members of eco club shown eco friendly goods and demonstrated about the benefits of eco friendly atmosphere.

3. A LOGO competition was held on February 10, 2016 for Eco Club when student of all discipline participated and made logo. The competition was organized in order to provide a logo to the eco club as well.

4. Eco Club organized a lecture cum screening of a documentary movie on e waste on 9th March, 2016 to aware the hazards nature of e waste in mundane ways. Mr Manoj Kandpal (B Tech., Assistant Manager at E-Parisarra Pvt Ltd., Bengaluru based firm) had delivered a lecture and shows a documentary on the topic.

Internal Complaints Committee

Presiding Officer: Dr. Punam Sachdeva

Members: Dr. Monika Bassi and Dr. Sunita

The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) is constituted in each college of University of Delhi under “The sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) act, 2013” herein after referred to as “The Act, 2013”.

University of Delhi has notified that the provisions of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Rules, 2013 supersede the University Ordinance XV-D, with immediate effect. The Act, 2013 is an Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Any aggrieved woman may make, in writing, a complaint of sexual harassment at workplace to the Internal Committee if so constituted, or the Local Committee in case it is not so constituted, within a period of three months from the date of incident and in case of series of incidents, within a period of three months from the


date of last incident.

Note: For Complete Act, Kindly refer to College website.

SC/ST Cell

Convenor: Dr. Meena Charanda, Co-convenor: Dr. Rakhee Chauhan

Kalindi College is the first college in Delhi University to start the SC\ST Cell which was inaugurated by the then Vice- Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh & Director, South Campus Dr. Umesh Rai in September 2015.

• The Cell started with its first Orientation Programme for the SC, ST students in which following were discussed for the welfare and upliftment of the reserved category students (SC & ST only).

• Problems related to curriculum and Time Table were discussed.• Awareness created on the new Hostel created for SC & ST Students in Dilshad Garden, admission Forms

downloaded and distributed among these students for easy facilitation of admission to these hostels. This was for non-resident students of Delhi.

• The students were briefed on the exemption of payment of Tuition Fees and admission Fees whose parents were not Income Tax payers.

• The students were also briefed on the various Scholarships available to them so that they could help avail the scholarship they were eligible for.

• Counselling was done with the students to help them overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc.

• Assurance was given to the students on proper support to tackle any problems being faced by them on a one-on-one personal interaction.

• Briefed on the course of activities which were to be conducted during the academic session like visit to the Parliament & Awareness Workshops, etc.

• SC\ST Cell conducted Wall Painting Competition for the students.• Organized a programme on the 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, on the

occasion the chief guest was M.P. Sh. Faggan Singh Kulaste and Preamble of the Constitution was read by the students and teachers.

• Faculty members of different departments are taking regular classes of students belonging to weaker sections.

• To Celebrate the Birth Anniversary of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, SC/ST Cell organized a Legal Awarness Programme and invited an advocate Chandra, Legal Advisor to CM Office, who gave information to the students on SC/ST Act.

This cell would cater to the needs of SC & ST students, Teacher’s and Non-Teaching Staff in future and work towards the welfare and upliftment of these students, teachers and Non-Teaching Staff.

Northeastern Student’s Cell Convenor: Ms. Manila Narzary Members: Dr. arunjit & Ms. anupama

North-East and foreign students’ cell of Kalindi college was established in 2014. Main objective behind this cell is counseling, mentoring, assisting and promoting the students coming from North East and foreign countries. Currently almost 45 students from North East and 4 foreign students are enrolled in the college. An Orientation


programme was conducted on 1st August 2015, Shri Sang Norbu Mosobi (IPS), Delhi Police, North East Cell, and Furqan Khan (Delhi Police) were invited to deliver lectures and make the students aware about the safety and security measures taken by the Delhi police to help the students coming from outside, mainly from North Eastern states. Special phone numbers were provided to the students in case of emergency. On 12th February 2016, a motivational lecture was conducted by Dr. A. Bimol Akoijam, Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, JNU. Dr. Akoijam talked about the issues faced by students from North East along with the various aspects of alienation felt by them. He also mentioned the reasons behind these issues and how these can be resolved and there is an increased awareness about North Eastern states, their cultures and customs. Students from various departments attended the talk.

Coaching Classes for SC/ST/OBC and Minority Students Convenor: Dr. Nisha Goyal, Co-convenor: Dr. Divya Verma

Under the convenorship of Dr. Nisha Goyal, UGC sponsored Coaching Classes for SC/ST/OBC and Minority Students of the college have been held since 2011 in the Kalindi College. The main objective is to improve the status of these groups, to help and guide them to prepare for various competitive examinations like Administrative Services competitions, Bank PO, B.Ed. entrance, Assistant grade and so on. In the coaching classes main emphasis is given on English, Current affairs, General Knowledge, Mathematics and Reasoning. Special attention is given to individual students in the class on their special demands. The students are provided with facilities like books, computer, online resource material etc.. Class test are conducted on regular intervals.

In the academic year 2015-16, an orientation program for SC/ST/OBC and Minority Students of the college was held on 13 August 2015 in the Sangam Parisar. Dr. Nisha Goyal, Dr. Divya Verma, Dr. Kalpana Kumari, Dr. Meena Charanda, Mr. Noorul Haq were present in the orientation. During the orientation program the students were told about the Coaching Classes for various competitive exams, Remedial Classes for weaker students, various scholarships and awards, fee concession, etc.

Hostel facilities available for girl students belonging to SC/ST/ OBC/Minorities category by the Department for the welfare of SC/ST/OBC/ Minorities, Government of NCT of Delhi at Sankar Ashram, Dilshad Garden, Delhi and many other facilities available to them.

In the academic year 2015-16, one hundred and fifty six (156) students were enrolled for the coaching classes. The classes are held on all working days for one hour duration in a group of twenty five students each. The faculty members involved in the coaching classes are Dr. Shekh Moinuddin, Dr. Jyoti Kulshreshtha, Dr. Prem Pal Singh, Dr. Rashmi Chaudhary and Dr. Abhishek. The classes are held in SC/ST cell room. A number of students have been benefited through this facility provided by the college. To name a few, 10 students have been selected in banking sector and 10 students have cleared B.Ed. entrance.

equal Opportunity Cell Convenor: anjani Kumar

The society and its members worked with full commitment to organize various events and activities for the benefits of ‘persons with different abilities’. This society is fully committed to provide friendly and supportive environment to the ‘persons with different abilities’. Keeping the idea in mind, Equal Opportunity Cell organized below mentioned programs, events and activities.There are 5 differently abled students, all are orthopaedically handicapped.

1. Equal Opportunity Cell have recommended 3 students for Vice-Chancellor Gold Medal on the basis of their


extra-ordinary academic performance. 2. Inter-college chess competition was organized in this college in which some of our students (differently

abled) got 2nd Prize.3. Our society is giving support to some of ‘differently abled students’ of our college to participate in University

Level Sports competition which is being organized by Equal Opportunity Cell, University of Delhi.4. Some of our ‘differently abled’ students have been continuously participating in various events and

competitions at University and College levels.


aNO: Lt. Dr. arti Singh

100 cadets participated in yoga camp on 11 June -21 June 2015 at Delhi Cantt.

1. S.U.O Arti Rana & CDT Jyoti were participated in Inter Directorate Shooting Championship at West Bengal on 14thAUG - 24TH .AUG 2015

2. J.U.O Monika, SGT Gatika, S.U.O Hansa Shri, J.U.O Archana, SGT Suman, SGT Parmila, participated in PRE THAL SAINIK CAMP on 14 July - 24 July 2015 at Delhi Cantt.

3. J.U.O Monika, SGT Gatika were THAL SAINIK CAMP Finalist, attended camp on 18 Sept-28 Sept 2015 at Delhi Cantt.

4. J.U.O. Priya, SGT Rukhsar, CPL Preety, CDT Priya, CDT Raginee, SGT Kajal participated in NATIONAL INTEGRATION CAMP JAMMU 2015 FROM 24 Oct -4 Nov 2015. & CDT Raginee won the first prize in solo dance competition. A.N.O Lt. Dr. Arti Singh also took part of this camp.

5. S.U.O Nidhi Sharma, S.U.O Hansa Shri & J.U.O Manisha participated in PRE REPUBLIC DAY CAMP on 29 Oct.- 8 Nov at Safdarjung.

6. S.U.O Nidhi Sharma, S.U.O Hansa Shri & J.U.O Archana, SGT Parmila participated in AMAR JAWAN JYOTI Oon 21st.nov. 2015 at INDIA GATE.

7. S.U.O Nidhi Sharma, S.U.O Hansa Shri participated in FINAL REPUBLIC DAY CAMP on 30 Dec -30 Jan 2016 at Delhi Cantt.

8. SGT Parmila, CPL Preet Kaur, CPL Sapna participated in P.M. RALLY-2016 & Performing PARA SLITHERING on 28 Jan 2016 at PARADE GROUND Delhi Cantt.

9. S.U.O Arti Rana, J.U.O Archana, SGT Uzma. SGT Kajal, CDT Sana,CDT Pooja participated in P.M. RALLY2016 & Performied PARA SAILING on 28 Jan 2016 at PARADE GROUND Delhi Cantt.

10. UDAAN NCC FEST was organized on 16 March 2016.11. Under the surveillance of A.N.O Lt. Dr. Arti Singh NCC Fest ‘UDAAN’ of KALINDI COLLEGE was organized

on 16 March 2016. The CHIEF GUEST was the Group Commander of NCC Headquarter GROUP-B, Brig. UdaiYadav.

12. In the fest our 8 Cadets did GUARD OF HONOUR & 4 Cadets did PILOTING for our honourable Chief Guest, 20 cadets performed Dance & Yoga, 10 Cadets performed SECTION ATTACK PLAY, And all the remaining cadets of our College participated as VOLUNTEERS.

13. There were 4 competitions for participants of different colleges such as: Quarter Guard, Squad Drill, Best Cadet, Group Dance & Group Song Competitions.

14. In between the programme RANK CEREMONY held for the cadets, where they were awarded Rank from honourable Chief Guest.

15. At last the fest was ended after awarding the prizes to the winners with a grand success of UDAAN NCC FEST - 2016


NSSProgramme Officer: Ms. Indu Choudhary

List of Office Bearers: Ayushi Jain (President), ChanchalAggarwal (Senior Vice President), AnkitaVerma (Vice President), HarshikaSondhi(Proctor), Anshul Jain (Secretary), Kriti Jain (Cultural Secretary), Priyanka Tiwari (Media In-charge), Ching ZaHoih (Treasurer), KanuChaddha (Arts Rep III year), Saumya (Arts Rep I year), Sakshi Gupta (Commerce Rep III year), Deepika Bora (Science Rep III year), TanviSachdeva(Team Leader), Komal Mittal (Team Leader), Sandhya (Team Leader).

NSS Unit of Kalindi College organized a series of social events and conducted various awareness programs based on many issues throughout the session 2015-2016.

Events Organised:

1. Orientation Program (Guest Speaker: Dr. Anvika Mittal, Clean Delhi Green Delhi Campaign)2. Plantation Drive in association with IndraprasthSanjeevni NGO, Delhi State(Guests of Honour: Sh. Hazari Lal (MLA), Sh. Paramaditya (DCP), Sh. Jitendra Kumar Meena (ACP), Dr. S.D. Singh (IFS), Smt. Purnima Vidyarthi (MCD Councillor), Sh. Deepak Marwah (Chairman, GB)).

Street Play ‘NanhaPaudha’ by RAQS.

3. NSS Day Celebration (Cleanliness Drive, Dengue Awareness Rally, Street Play Competition)4. Swami VivekanandaDiwas Quiz Competition5. National Unity Day Celebration (Competitions like Rangoli-making, Article-writing, Debate)6. Talk on Tobaccco Consumption and its ill effects on healthin association with Anti-tobacco Committee

(Guest Speaker: Dr. Tapaswini Pradhan, Senior Consultant in Surgical Oncology at BLK hospital, New Delhi).7. Eye Donation Campin association with the Social Responsibility Cell(Guests of Honour: Dr. Anita Panda (Ophthalmologist), Founder member, Eye Bank Association of India and Former Chairperson, Eye Bank Coordinating Committee, AIIMS, New Delhi along with Padma Shri awardee Mr. Nila Madhab Panda, Film maker and Director, and Mr. Prabhas Pradhan, a Journalist and Director, News Bee).

8. Blood Donation Awareness Camp (Guest Speaker: Mr. AnirbanMukhopadhyay, a BloodConnectvolunteer from IIT Delhi).

9. NSS Special Camp 10. NSS Annual Inter-college Festival

NSS Special Camp

About 50 NSS volunteers from Kalindi College participated in the NSS Special Camp organized by NSS Centre, University of Delhi. The NSS Unit of Kalindi College takes pride in being the few chosen colleges for the camp which was organized for the first time in the history of University of Delhi NSS. The other participating colleges were SRCC, Miranda House and Lakshmi Bai College. Students engaged in a plethora of activities during the camp including yoga, games, educational sessions, cultural programmes, cleanliness drive, awareness rally, street play, plantation drive, research projects etc. The students gained useful insights from their interactions with villagers in Kair and Mitraon during the field visits.

NSSAnnual Inter-college Festival

The NSS Unit of Kalindi College organized its 1st annual inter-college NSS festival, NEEV based on the theme


‘Caring for the elderly’. Several competitive events revolving around the theme were organized like poster making, nukkadnatak, kathavachan, dance, rangoli, extempore, photography and 'best out of waste'. The main highlight of the programme was a sensitization workshop conducted in association with DU Innovation Project KC 303 to sensitize college students about problems of elderly especially those staying in old age homes. While inaugurating the Workshop, Mr. GirishTuteja, The Advisor, NSS, Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs encouraged the students to take care of their parents and grandparents. Dr. N.M. Aggarwal, Senior Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine, B.L. Kapoor Hospital explained various ailments, their diagnosis, and treatment in the old age and insisted for regular check up by medical experts. Mr. Sanjeev Rawat, Senior Advocate of Delhi High Court explained various legal provisions concerning the maintenance of and safeguards for elderly.

Other Participation

Apart from organizing the above motivating social events, NSS students of Kalindi College have shown their great inclination towards programs happening outside the college premises. They participated in the following events:

1. Ekta Diwas celebration at the Delhi University NSS Centre.2. Mega Cleanliness and Plantation Drive in collaboration with Helpiezheld at Hatsal, Uttam Nagar on7th

November 2015.3. Youth Adda at India International Center conducted by Pravah, UN Volunteers in with Helpiez on 5th

December 2015 at UNDP Conference Hall, New Delhi.4. Workshop on Youth Volunteerism and the National Youth Policy on 9 December, 2015 at UNDP Conference

Hall, New Delhi.5. Plantation Drive at Hansraj College, DU. 6. Odd-even scheme orientation programme held at Chhatrasaal Stadium, New Delhi.7. Yamuna Shramdaan 2016 by Swechha India. 8. 2016 Talking Across Generations dialogue (TAG) on violent extremism and education at IHC, New Delhi

organized by the UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development. 9. YuwaDiwas 2016 celebration by Youth Pathshala Foundation held at ICCR Auditorium, ITO, New Delhi on

12th January 2016.10. NSS Conference titled ‘Convergence’ inSamarpan 2016, theannual NSS fest of SRCC on 12th February 2016.11. Run for Free Water organized by the Jal Adhikar Foundation from Mandi House till JantarMantar on 20th

March 2016.

Non Collegiate Centre

academic Coordinator : Dr. arti Singh

The Kalindi College NCWEB centre has been functional in this college to impart education to the students who come to take classes in the centre on Sundays and during the vacation/semester break of the regular students. The centre, ever since its inception, strives to forge morally and educationally strong and socially productive citizens of our nation. This belief has been ancestral in our nation as the visionaries of our nation’s past, who forged our nation, also believed that both physical and mental strength is requisite in the citizen of a strong nation. NCWEB, Kalindi College Centre has always taken the necessary measures to maintain pedagogical excellence as well as a balanced exposure of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for its students.

Presently, this centre has been imparting education in two courses viz: B.A (Programme) and B.Com (Programme), wherein, 41 teachers have been engaged. The 1524 total students enrolled in the year 2015-16.This year (2015-


16) the admission process was decentralized and Kalindi College was one of the centers where admissions forms were sold and collected. Dr. Anula Maurya, Principal, Kalindi College, made it mandatory to attend the Self Defense Classes for all NCWEB Students. Consequently, a large number of students participated in the training, organized by the Delhi Police. During the training, a talk of one hour duration was organized by the Director’s office, on issues relating to Women Empowerment, Legal acquaintance, Career Counseling, Ayurveda etc., where a lot of students participated and got benefitted. The centre tries to give immense exposure to the students both in academic and extra- curricular activities, making them closer to the regular students.

School of Open Learning academic coordinator: Dr. arti Singh

With its humble beginning, School Of Open learning Centre, Kalindi College provides unique opportunities to the working women to pursue their dream for higher education and empowers them to excel in their respective fields.The unique Centre was started in the academic year 2012 – 2013 and presently more than 2000 women students are enrolled in it. For the first two years, this centre was being managed through the academic coordinator, Dr. Arti Singh. From this year 2015-2016, the SOL functions have been decentralized and now, the college manages the SOL centre at its own level including arrangement of teachers, time table, etc. These classes are held on Sundays and on public holidays,as per the schedules provided by SOL. The centre provides academic, administrative and logistic support during Sundays and holidays and holds examination at the end of the session. The SOL Kalindi College is successfully running under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Anula Maurya (Principal) and Mr. Noorul Haq (Administrative Officer). The Kalindi centre offers B.A.(Prog.) to the students of I, II, and III YEAR (II and III year have been included last year) and also all minor subjects such as Urdu,Tamil, Punjabi, etc. The centre has helped hundreds of women to realize their dream of higher education and will continue to do in future as well. The first year classes of B.A. (PROG.) were schedule from October 2015 to January 2016 .The II year and III year classes have been scheduled from Febraury 2016 to April 2016 . A total of 24 teachers have been engaged in I year teaching ,17 teachers in II year and 17 teacher in III year teaching . For this we have been using TRI block, science block and old academic block(GF). Recently we have organized self-defence training programme for these students in association with Delhi Police . Also a free skin awareness and diagnosis camp was organized in the college in association with Abbot pharmaceuticals in which both the students of SOL and NCWEB participated in large numbers.

Pravah College Magazine

Convenor: Ms. Monica Zutshi, Co-convenor: Dr. anita Gupta

EDITORIAL BOARD: English Section: Ms. Monica Zutshi; Hindi Section: Dr. Anita Gupta; Sanskrit Section: Dr. Nisha Goyal; Dr. Renu Bala (Chemistry) and Dr. Sanavar Soham (Botany)

ADDITIONAL MEMBERS: Ms. Sneha Sawai, Ms. Tanya Singh, Ms. Ritu, Dr. Brahmanand, Dr. Kailash Chand

Pravah is the trilingual student magazine published by the college and released on Annual Day. Published in English, Hindi and Sanskrit, it provides students a platform to express themselves and showcases their preoccupations, thoughts and feelings, both through writing and their art work. Furthermore, the magazine also gives space to the photographs of the events and activities that the college organises throughout the year.

In the light of the impatience displayed around us and the intolerance debate that has captured popular imagination, the theme of Pravah 2016 is Tolerance. This has been widely interpreted by students to include differences in nationality, caste, gender, religion, lifestyles and attitudes.


We are grateful to our Principal, Dr. Anula Maurya for her support and encouragement. We are thankful to Mr. Ezra John for his assistance in the selection of photographs for inclusion in the magazine and Ms. Nivedita Giri, in charge of the Journalism Department for the photographs of the various committees. We are also deeply appreciative of the entire team of editors including our student editors: Sakshi Jain and Sweta Chatterjee (English Section), Nisha (Hindi Section) and Rishibha Singh (Sanskrit Section).

add On Courses

Coordinator : Dr. Ruchi Tyagi

College offers the Governing Body approved Short Term Add-on Courses with the objective of equipping the students with skills that give them added benefits and an edge in the intensely competitive job market of today’s world.


Convenor: Dr. anita Gupta

French Certificate Course was introduced in 2009-10in association with Department of Germanic and Romance Studies(GRE), University of Delhi. The Course content, faculty, examination, all are controlled by the parent GRE Department.Fee for this nine months duration course is Rs. 8050;with minimum eligibility being 10+2.

The number of students enrolled in this course has increasedgradually. The number of 24 students of first batch has reached 85 during 2015-16. This batch is being taught in two groups by Shri Pawan Kumar and Ms Neelam. Classes have been held thrice a week i.e. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 2-30 to 4-30pm.Audio-visual equipment are also used in teaching these courses.

CeRTIFICaTe COURSe IN FOReIGN LaNGUaGe- CHINeSeConvenors: Dr. anita Gupta & Ms. Charu Khanna

The course was conceptualized in 2009-10 in association with the Department of East Asian Studies (EAS), University of Delhi. The Course content, faculty, examination, all are controlled by the parent EAS Department. Fee for this nine months duration course is Rs. 8050; with minimum eligibility being 10+2.

Unfortunately, adequate number of students never applied to meet the cost of the Course. For the first time 26 students applied for the Course during 2015-16. However, due to some technical problem concerning the approval from Academic Council, University of Delhi, the Course could not commence. Adequate efforts are being made to ensure that all hassles are resolved and the course would commence from 2016-17.

CeRTIFICaTe COURSe IN VIDeO PRODUCTION & PHOTO JOURNaLISMConvenors: Dr. Rachna Sharma & Mr. ezra John

Certificate Course in Video Production was conducted from 2004 to 20011 in association with IMAC (International Media Academy & Communications). As the College does not have required equipment for these self-funded courses, hence the same institute has been approached and efforts are being made to ensure that all hassles are resolved and the course would commence from 2016-17.


Convenor: Dr. Shekh Moinuddin

For the Certificate Course in Travel & Tourism, fresh approval from Governing Body has been procured; new syllabus has been drafted. Adequate efforts are being made by the faculty of Department of Geography to ensure that all hassles are resolved and the course would commence from 2016-17.



Convenor: Ms. Vandana Rani

For the Certificate Course inWomen’s Studies Development Center (WSDC), the convenor of Women Development Centre of the College is in contact with the parent Centre in the University of Delhi to initiate the Course.

english Language Proficiency Course (eLPC)Coordinator: Dr. Jyoti Kulshrestha, Faculty: Dr. Mukesh, admin Coordinator: Mr. Hemant Nanda

This course aims and helps the students to develop their four linguistic skills, i.e., reading , writing, speaking, and listening. This self-funded course is run by the Deptt. of Adult Continuing Education and Extension, University of Delhi, in various colleges of Delhi University.Kalindi College is also one of the centres for English Language Proficiency Course which is run by the English Department teachers. 28 students were enrolled in 2016 for the session which will run from January to April.

Women Development Centre Convenor: Ms. Vandana Rani

• Women Development Centre Kalindi College had organized its inaugural session cum seminar on the topic ‘GENDER IN THE CONTEXT OF PATRIARCHY’ on the Thursday, 17th September, 2015. Chief Guest : Sh. Sandeep Kumar Hon’ble Minister, Social Welfare, Women & Child, SC & ST, Govt. of NCT of Delhi. Guest of Honor : Prof. Bul Bul-Dhar-James Director, Sarojini Naidu Study Centre Jamia Millia Islamia University. Hon’ble Minister Spoke about his career in politics as how he got involved in ‘Anna Hazare’s Movement’ and his contribution to Delhi Government as a Minister of Social Welfare, Women & Child, SC & ST. Prof. BulBul – Dhar – James influenced the Students and teachers by inspiring to share ‘ONE BILLION RISING’.

• Logo making completion had been organized by the WDC on 09.11.2016 on the topic ‘Women Development Centre Kalindi College’. Students have come out with beautiful logos for the society.

• Workshop cum awareness programme on Thalassemia had been organized by the Women Development Centre on 06.01.2016. Dr. Tejinder Singh, Consultant Orthopist Past President Rotary Club of Delhi, Safdarjung Hospital, had been invited for the workshop. She had also shown a beautiful documentary movie acted by herself for the awareness of Thalassemia Major and Minor.

• ‘INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY’ has been celebrated on 08.03.2016.

• Various activities have been done:

• Poster Making Competition

• Slogan making Competition

• Street Play by the Volunteer of WDC

• Movies Screening: Matrabhumi


anti Ragging Committee

Convenor" Dr.anjula Bansal, Co-convenor: Dr.Sudha Gulati

Our college has taken several steps to stop ragging within and outside the college and near college premises like “Bus Stop”, “Metro Station", etc.

Several teams of teachers went on a round in the college during college hours to keep a a check on ragging activities. Several strict actions were decided by Anti Ragging committee to curb this offence. The Students involved in ragging will be punished, rusticated and even expelled for a specific term as per decision of the Principal and the committee.

Several notice boards were fixed in the college at prominent places stating punishment for ragging as per the ordinance XV-C. No ragging case was reported by any one this year.

Parent-Teacher-Student Interface (PTSI)

Convenor: Dr. anjula Bansal, Co-convenor: Dr. Renu Bala (Sciences), Dr. Naina Hasija (Commerce), Dr. anjali Malik (Humanities)

Parent Teacher Student Inerface committee was formed to meet the requirement of NAAC. This meeting would be held on last Saturday prior to the mid semester break every year. Therefore the college has devised a mechanism to communicate with the parents in the “Parent Teacher Meet”.

The main objectives of Parent Teacher Student Interface are:

1. Interact with parents about their reactions to and expectations from the college infrastructure, facilities, academics and other activities.

2. Observe the level of their satisfaction about the progress of their ward during their ongoing under graduation course in the college and resolve their problems or address their concerns at the college level.

3. Seek their suggestions for the betterment and improvement in the college through Parents Feedback Form.Two Parent Teacher interactive sessions were held, i.e., on 26.9.15 and 17.10.15 and various problems werenoticed:1. Scarcity of drinking water: The problem occurred due to increase in admissions there is 27% added OBC

quota. Suitable actions were taken, like: to get the permission from MCD for road cutting for the required connections.

2. Crunch of space for having lunch: The college identified four areas in addition to proper common room to facilitate students for relaxing and enjoying their meals.

3. Maintenance of cleanliness in the washrooms: Individual responsibility of caretakers was fixed area-wise to provide amenities such as liquid soap and availability of water in the washrooms.

4. General Cleanliness of the college premises: Various steps were taken in this regard. Dustbins are kept at various places and notices have been put up at prominent places to instruct the students regarding the use of dustbins.

5. Requirement of reading room in the library where the students can be allowed to carry their own books: To resolve this issue a meeting with the library committee was called. All the members were of the view that it is not possible for the library as it is against the rule. College is looking into the possibility of creating an


area where students can sit and read their own books during their free periods. 6. Placement Cell: The college has an independent placement committee which takes care of placement

opportunities in the corporate and other sectors. In the past years many students have been placed in very reputed organizations.

anti Tobacco Committee

Nodal Officer: Ms. Indu Choudhary, Convenor: Dr. Punam Tyagi

Kalindi College takes pride in the fact that our college campus is a smoke-free campus. Use and sale of tobacco products within the college premises and in its vicinity is strictly prohibited. In an effort to keep our campus free from smoking and use of tobacco and related products, sensitization programmes in the form of lectures and seminars, display of banners and posters, nukkad natak, etc. are organized to spread awareness among students and staff about adverse effects of consumption of tobacco in any form. Moreover, the University has empowered the nodal officer to impose a fine of up to Rs. 500 on violators with effect from the academic session 2014-15.

Canteen Committee

Convenor: Ms. Kavita Sangari, Co-convenor:Ms. anupama

The College is running a well-equipped canteen. The students’ sitting area has been increased both inside and outside the canteen by adding more chairs and tables. A separate sitting area with sofas has been demarcated for the staff. Food quality and hygiene conditions have been monitored on regular basis with inputs from students and staff. A Suggestion Box has been placed and a Register has also been kept so as to get regular feedback from everyone. Regular interactions have been done with Canteen Contractor for upgradation of quality and services.

Apart from the college canteen, there is also a Nescafé counter, which is very popular with students and staff due to its hygiene levels and availability of popular Nestle products. Its operations are also regularly monitored for further improvements.

The Committee has worked hard in working towards organizing healthy options of food and beverages resulting in setting up of a Mother Dairy kiosk, which has been welcomed by the students and staff alike. The Canteen Committee thanks the Principal, staff and students for their valuable suggestions.

environment Studies Report Coordinator: Dr. anjana Nanchahal

Environmental Studies paper as compulsory and qualifying has been taught to all first year students of college by three departments: Botany, Zoology and Geography. First year students of college were divided into two groups: A & B. Group A in the first semester and Group B in second semester have been taught as mentioned below.

Group A

S. No. Departments Courses in Group A

1 Botany B.Com (H), B. Com (P), B.Sc. (H) Physics, Mathematics (H),

B.Sc. (H) Computer Science2 Zoology B.Sc. (P) LS, B.Sc. (P) Physical Science3 Geography B.A (P)


Group B

S. No. Departments Courses in Group B

1 Botany B.A (H)Hindi (H), BA (H) Pol. Science2 Zoology B.A. (H) Journalism (H), B.A. (H) English (H), B.A. (H) Sanskrit3 Geography B.A. (H) Economics, B.A. (H) History

As a part of the curriculum, the students were taken for visits/excursions to various places and Learning process was further strengthened by displaying documentaries on various environmental issues.

• Botany Department of Kalindi College organized one day excursion of B.Com. (Prog) I year students to Okhla Bird Sanctuary, New Delhi on 9th November 2015 with Dr. Ranjana Roy and Dr. Sudesh .

o Under awareness programme documentary DVDs (Planet Earth Series Compiled by BBC Group- Andy Byatt, Vanessa Berlowitz, Mark Brownlow, Huw Cordey, and Jonny Keeling) were shown to B. A (A) Pol. Sc and B. A. (H) Hindi students. These series highlight our planet as a whole and the key factors that have shaped its natural history. The documentary series illustrate the diversity of the planet Earth.

• Department of Geography organized field trips for the students of 1st year of B.A (P) to Yamuna Biodiversity Park, Wazirabad, Delhi in the month of 16th October and 19th October 2015 along with Dr Shekh Moinuddin, Dr Manish Kumar and Dr Ajay Gurjar.

o On 1st April 2016, the students of Economic (H) I year (with Dr. Shekh Moinuddin, Mr Sandeep and Ms Anita); on 4th April 2016, section A of History (H) I year (with Dr. Manish Kumar and Dr. Krishna) and on 7th April, 2016 section B of History (H) I year (with Dr. Manish Kumar and Dr. Krishna) visited to the Aravalli Biodiversity Park, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi.

• Zoology Department. The Documentations on biodiversity, how to save nature, how to save natural resources etc., were shown to the students for learning and understanding the environmental issues and to spreading ecological awareness among the students. The students prepare project report on field work/assignment on given topic.

Self Study Report

Dr. Ruchi Tyagi, Dr. Tarkeshwar, Dr. amit Kumar ,Dr. Rakhee Chauhan, Dr. M. arunjit Singh, Dr. Pukhraj Jangid

Submitted to National Assessment & Accreditation Council (NAAC)

Process for NAAC accreditation was initiated with establishment of IQAC, compilation of data and preparation of Self Study Report

Stage I Letter of Intent (LOI) Submitted on 2 December 2014

Stage II Institutional Eligibility for Quality Assessment (IEQA)

Submittedand status granted on 17 March 2015

Stage III Self Study Report (SSR) submission • SSR was uploaded on theCollege Website on 14 /15 August, 2015

• Hard copy of SSR was sent on 2 September, 2015

Stage IV NAAC Peer Team visit Schedule awaited


Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQaC)An (IQAC) has been constituted on 03 September 2014 with the objectives:

• To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.

• To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.


• Develop and apply quality benchmarks/parameters for academic and administrative activities

• Scrutiny of each department in reference to time-table adherence, syllabi covered and results

• Organise methodology for documentation and internal communication

• Successful implementation of the corrective actions by the departments post internal audit

• Timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks

• Multi-corner feedback of the academics, laboratories and administration for continuous up gradation

• Encourage skill based development of students through add-on courses like, Foreign Languages; STAR Programme; Entrepreneurial Training; English Language Proficiency Course, etc.


• Constituted committees for monitoring of academic, administrative and financial activities

• Coordinated with all stake holders through informal interaction, official meetings and feedback system

• Analyzed the feedback received from stakeholders and inform the Principal about its outcome for improvement

• Initiated academic and administrative auditing by internal inter-departmental committees

• Encourages and provides support for quality sustenance and improvement in teaching, research and administration

Has adopted three dimensional approach of:

• Academic Excellencea. Teaching

o Monitoring Faculty Excellence: has adopted strategies for quality teaching by internal academic audit; physical verification of laboratories; result analysis and feedback based analysis

o Monitoring Student enrichment by maintaining transparency in teaching-learning evaluationb. Research

o Monitoring on-going projectsPromote Research Environment

• Administrative Skillso Soft skill practices


o Upgradation of skillso Automation of documentation

• Financial Surveillance by maintaining transparency in accounts

.The IQAC Committee:

Core Committee

1. Chairperson: Dr. Anula Maurya, Principal2. From Governing Body

i. Mr. Deepak Marvah, Chairman, Governing Bodyii. Mr. Nitin Kumar Mittal, Treasurer, Governing Body

3. External Experts

i. Prof. Sushma Yadav, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Indira Gandhi National Open University.ii. Prof. Sri Prakash,, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi

4. Members:

i. Dr. Anjula Bansal, Vice-Principal/ Convenor, Academic Committeeii. Dr. Ruchi Tyagi, Coordinator

iii. Dr. Divya Rohilla, Bursariv. Dr. Vandana Gupta, IT Infrastructurev. Ms. Kavita Sangari, Student Facilities

vi. Dr. Anita Gupta, Skill Development vii. Dr. Indu Chaudhary, Institutional Social Responsibility

viii. Dr. Tarkeshwar, Academic Audit, Student Mentoring & Progression5. Retired Faculty

i. Dr. Arun Malhotra (Retired Faculty)ii. Dr. Santosh Sachdev (Retired Faculty)

6. Alumni Representative

i. Ms. Sudha Pandey (Alumna)ii. Ms. Mamta

7. Industry Representative

i. Mr. Bir Bahadur Singh, Dainik Jagranii. Mr. Vijay Rastogi, Sisoft Technology Pvt. Ltd.

8. Administration: Mr. Noorul Haq, Administrative Officer/Infrastructure

Advisory Committee:-

1. Dr. Anjana Nanchahal, Associate Professor, Department of Botany (Convenor)2. Dr. Pushpa Bindal, Associate Professor, Department of Physics3. Dr. Punita Verma, Research & innovation4. Dr. Manju Sharma, Cultural Committee5. Dr. Manisha Arora Pandit,Coordinator, Execution Committee


6. Dr. Shanuja Berry, Students Facilities7. Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Coordinator, B.Voc. Courses8. Ms. Karnika Gaur Taneja, Librarian9. Dr. Rakhee Chauhan, Department of Political Science10. Dr. Amit Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry

Garden Committee

Convenor Dr. anjana Nanchahal

Kalindi College is immensely proud on receiving IInd prize for its Herbal Garden for the third consecutive year (2014-2016) at 58th Annual Flower Show of Delhi University held on 26th Feb, 2016. The College also bagged IIIrd prize in Rock Garden and 1st prize in Category A Class-III. Our gardener, Mr. Om Prakash received ‘Best Mali of the Year’ award in the flower show.

On February 14th, 2016, Principal Dr. Anula Maurya along with the teachers and students, participated in India’s first “Sakura Plantation Ceremony” held at Talkatora Garden. The Cherry Blossom Plantation Ceremony was presided by Mr. Kazuo Kawashima, President, GIFU Sakura No Kai (GIFU Cherry Blossom Association, Japan) and Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo, Ex-Chairman, Governing Body of Kalindi College. GIFU presented three sampling of Sakura (Cherry Blossom) to Prof Sahoo for Kalindi College. These samplings were planted at the college on Feb. 19th,2016 by Prof Sahoo, Dr. BP Nilaratna and Mr. Deepak Marwah (Chairman of Kalindi College). Butterfly Conservatory [Developed under University Of Delhi, innovation project KC-305 (2015-2016)] was also inaugurated on the same occasion.

College NSS and NGO ‘Indraprastha Sanjeevani’ conducted a plantation drive on September 4th, 2015. Various new varieties of herbal plants which are rare to find, can now also been seen at the Herbal Garden of the college. Beautification of Saraswati Garden is under progress. Hardwork of all the gardeners is commendable in achieving these goals.


Coordinator: Dr. Shanuja Beri

1. Counsellor Ms. Namrata Punia appointed for 3 days a week Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon, available in the Student’s Union Room.

2. Schedule for counselling duties of the faculty from different departments prepared and circulated, faculties are available in the Student’s Union Room from 1.00 pm. to 3.00pm.

3. Register of counseling is being maintained by the Consellor as well as the Faculty. 4. WUS form is available in the Office (AO) as well as is being made available on the website.5. Two sanitary pad vending machines are installed in the College premises. These were inaugurated by the

Chief Guest of Lehren 2015-2016 Prof. Deenabandhu Sahoo. These were kindly provided to the college by Mr Deendayal Agrawal , Chairman-CSR Research Foundation.


Duty Schedule for Student Counselling by FacultyDepartment Days of Duty

July 2015 Aug 2015 Sep 2015 Oct 2015 Nov 2015Botany 27 13 2,21 10, 2Chemistry 28 14 3, 22 12 3Commerce 29 17 4, 23 13 4Computer Science 30 18 7, 24 14 5Economics 31 19 8, 26 15 6English 1, 20 9, 28 16 7Geography, Music, Physi-cal Education

3, 21 10, 29 17 9

Hindi 4,22 11, 30 19 10History 5,24 12, 1,20 11Journalism and Mass Communication

6,25 14 3, 26 12

Mathematics 7,26 15 5, 27Physics 8, 27 16 6,28Political Science 10,28 17 7, 29Sanskrit 11,31 18 8,30Zoology 12 1,19 9,31

Medical Facilities

Coordinator: Dr. Kanchan Batra

College provides medical facility to the students. Nurse Ekta Kumari remains available in the college for 8 hours a day on all six days of the week in the Medical Room. Medical boxes with the required medicines, ointments, antiseptics and bandages have also been kept in the PA Office, Administrative Office, and Sports Room. Every week, medicines are replaced in the medical boxes.

Permanent addition to Teaching facultyS.No. Name of the Teaching Faculty Department

1. Dr. Desh Raj Sanskrit2. Dr. Manju Lata Sanskrit3. Dr. Anjani Kumar Political Science4. Ms. Vandana Political Science5. Ms. Manila Narzary Political Science6. Dr. Vinita Meena Political Science7. Dr. Rakhee Chauhan Political Science8. Dr. Nivedita Giri Political Science9. Dr. Deepak Yadav Political Science10. Dr. Nisha Kumari Political Science11. Mr. Utpal Kumar Political Science12. Ms. Priyabala Singh Political Science13. Ms. Shweta Raj Commerce


14. Ms. Alka Rani Commerce15. Ms. Gunjan Verma Commerce16. Ms. Sonia Kamboj Commerce17. Ms. Isha Verma Commerce18. Dr. Pankaj Kumar Commerce19. Dr. Alka Chaturvedi Commerce20. Ms. Nidhi Kapoor Commerce

Teachers on Study Leave1. Ms. Punam Sachdeva – Associate Professor, Department of Commerce

2. Ms. Nidhi Arora- Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

3. Ms. Seema Sahdev – Associate Professor, Department of Geography

4. Ms. Renu Gupta, Assistant Professor in Sr. Grade, Department of Music

5. Dr. Anjoo Sharma, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science on Sabbatical Leave

appointments of Faculty Members to Higher posts outside the Institution

1. Dr. Anju Gupta on deputation as Director, NCWEB, University of Delhi

2. Dr. Savita Roy on lien as Principal, Daulat Ram College, University of Delhi

3. Dr. K. Vandana Rani pursuing Masters’ course in “Advanced Genomic and Proteomic Sciences” from University of Nottingham, UK w.e.f 21st September, 2015 to 30th September, 2016.

List of Retired Teachers in 2015S.No. Name of Teacher Designation Department Date of Retirement1. Dr. Sudha Jain Associate Professor Mathematics December, 20152. Dr. Sharda Jain Associate Professor Political Science November, 20153. Dr. Kum Kum Jindal Associate Professor Sanskrit March. 2016

Permanent addition to Non-Teaching StaffS.No. Name of the Teaching Faculty Department1. Mr Amit Gupta S.O (Accounts)2. Mr Deepak Nath Sr Asstt.3. Mr Praveen Kumar Babloo Sr Asstt.4. Mr Sanjay Asstt.5. Ms Bharti Asstt.6. Ms. Kalpana Asstt.7. Ms Asha Rawat Asstt.


8. Mr Rajendra Meena MTS9. Mr Shakawat Hussain MTS10. Mr Shish Kumar MTS11. Mr Sonu Kumar MTS

Results at GlanceUniversity Rank Holders (2015-16)



Prizes of excellence (2015-16)

S. No.

Award Name Course Year

1. Nargis Sunil Dutt Girl of the Year (For Maxi-mum number of Prizes)




2. All Round Prize of Excellence (For Academic) SHAGUFTA B.A.(H)HINDI PASS OUT3. Principal’s Prize (For All Round Student) AMARJEET



4. Shiv Pal Goel Memorial Prize (For Academic Excellence)

SONAL JAIN B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

3rd Year

Students Securing 100 % MarksCOMMeRCe







100 100


100 100



100 100



100 100



100 100


100 100


S. No.





1 YASHIKA B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270046 Pass Out Theory of Computations 100 100

2 SAKSHI JAIN B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270049 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

3 ISHITA B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270035 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

4 REETIKA RAJ B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270028 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

5 YASHIKA B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270046 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

6 GEETA B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270027 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

7 ANKITA JAIN B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270058 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

8 RITIKA B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270041 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

9 KRITI B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270033 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

10 ADITI B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270037 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

11 SADAF B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270044 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

12 POOJA B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270038 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100

13 SAKSHI JAIN B.Sc. (H) CS Part III 12033270049 Pass Out Operational Research I 100 100


B.Tech CS Part II 4133441034 6 Software Engineering 100 100


B.Tech CS Part II 4133441034 6 Numerical Methods Methods)

100 100

16 KAJOL JAIN B.Tech CS Part II 4133441025 6 Operating System 100 100

17 AYUSHI GUPTA B.Tech CS Part II 4133441040 6 Operating System 100 100

18 VIDHI SETHI B.Tech CS Part II 4133441037 6 Operating System 100 100



S. No. Name and Code of Paper Name of Student College. Roll No.

Marks Ob-tained


1 Diff. Eqn. & Math Mod-1 235201 Disha Sharma 12001 150/150 100%2 Diff. Eqn. & Math Mod-1 235201 Kriti Sharma 12005 150/150 100%3 Diff. Eqn. & Math Mod-1 235201 Ayushi Pandey 12011 150/150 100%4 Diff. Eqn. & Math Mod-1 235201 Anuja Ravinder 12018 150/150 100%5 Diff. Eqn. & Math Mod-1 235201 Suvidha 12022 150/150 100%6 Diff. Eqn. & Math Mod-1 235201 Bhavna Singh 12045 150/150 100%7 Diff. Eqn. & Math Mod-1 235201 Aarzoo Vaishnoi 12036 150/150 100%8 Algebra- II (2351301) Gunjan Upadhyay 2072 100/100 100%9 Analysis- III (2351401) Shweta Bansal 2026 100/100 100%10 Analysis- III (2351401) Megha Goel 2085 100/100 100%11 Operational Research (2362601) Priyanka Teotia 2006 100/100 100%12 Operational Research (2362601) Vandana 2047 100/100 100%13 Analysis IV/235503 Shimpy Rani 1740 100/100 100%14 Analysis IV/235503 Deepti Singhal 1749 100/100 100%


1. Formal Logic/210672 Bhoomika Jaggi 613 100/100 100%


1. Mathematics/2352401 Kashish Chauhan 2307 100/100 100%2. Mathematics/2352401 Nidhi Jaiswal 2334 100/100 100%

Number of Students Scored 95% -99.5% Marks in Various Papers

Course Number of Students Botany 07Chemistry 04Commerce 64Computer Science 94Economics 11Mathematics 63Physics 95B. Sc. Physical Science 01Sanskrit 02Zoology 02TOTAL 343


Number of Students Scored 90% -94.5% in Various Papers

Course Number of StudentsBotany 21Chemistry 04Commerce 153Computer Science 132Economics 22Mathematics 107Physics 113English 02Sanskrit 04Zoology 07TOTAL 565

Fee Concession and annual Scholarship 2015-16 CONVeNOR: Dr. Meena Charanda, Co-convenor: Ms. Karnika Gaur

Sneh Chaya annual Scholarship

Sr. No. Name Father’s name Roll No. Course Year





5 PINKI NAR SINGH 6117 B.A. POL.SC. (H) 1st






asharfi Devi Scholarship

Sr. No. Name Father’s name Roll No. Course Year








8 KOMAL SURAJ MAL 11060 B.SC. PHY.(H) 1st


award of Scholarships(Based on academic Performance & extra Curricular activities)academic Year 2015-16

Sr. No.

Name of Scholarship Awarded to Recommended Student


1 SILVER JUBILEE SCHOLARSHIP The best all round student of the college

Deepali Jagga, R.No. 2292B.Sc. Physics (H) 3rd Year

2 SUSHMA GUPTA SCHOLARSHIP The second best all round student of the college

Seyona Sakshi Singh, R.No. 2463B.Sc. Zoology (H) 3rd Year

3 STAFF ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP The best all round student of 3rd year N/A4 AYODHYA GUPTA MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The best all round student of 2nd year Ruchika Singh, R.No. 1760

B.A.Journalism (H) 3rd Year5 IQBAL DEVI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP The best all round student of 1st year N/A6 GANESH DAS AGNIHOTRI MEMORIAL

SCHOLARSHIPThe best all round student of Commerce

SHRUTI GARG, R.No.- 161B.Com (H) 3rd Year



The best all round student of Science Nazneen Abbas, R.No. 2479B.Sc.Zoology (H)3rd Year


The best all round student of B.A.(H) Daisy Jaggarwal, R.No. 1718B.A.Journalism (H) 2nd Year


The best all round student of Sanskrit (H)

Chandni, R.No. 1623B A Sanskrit (H) 3rd Year


10 DR. M. P. GUPTA SCHOLARSHIP The best NCC cadet SAKSHI OBEROI, R.No. 1313B A(H) Pol.Sc. 3rd Year



The best student in Creative Writing in Hindi

Alka, R.No. 802B.A.(H) Hindi 3rd Year

12 SHRI RAJ KUMAR GROVER SCHOLARSHIP The best all round student of Journalism

NEHA RANI PATEL, R.No. 1730Journ.(H) 3rd Year



The best all round student of Computer Science

UPMA GANDHI, R.No. 2546B.Tech .Comp.Sc. (H) 3rd Year


14 MATA AMRITA NANDAMAYI SCHOLARSHIP The best deserving and meritorious student

Manju Kumari, R.no. 12030B.Sc.Math (H) 2nd Year

15 SHAKUNTALA GULATI SCHOLARSHIP For securing above 55% marks in 1st year Pol.Sc.(H)

NIKITA KUMARI DAS, R.No. 6158 B A Pol.Sc. (H) 2nd Year

Pol. Science

16 SULTAN CHAND MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Highest marks in B.Com.(H) I st yr Highest marks in B.Com.(H) 2nd year

1. Swati Ravi B Com (H) 2nd yr Roll No 20032. PRACHI, R.No. 27B.Com (H) 3rd Year



Highest Marks B.Sc. III Year Life Science, Part-II (Minimum 60%)

APOORVA, R.No. 9016B.Sc. Life Sc. 3rd Year

Life Sc.

Highest Marks- B.Sc. III Year Applied Life Science, Part-II (Minimum 60%)

JYOTI, R.No. 2417B.Sc. Zoology (H) 3rd Year


Highest Marks- B.Sc. II Year Life Science, Part-I – Biology (Minimum 60%)


Highest Marks- B.Sc. II Year Applied Life Science, Part-I – Biology (Minimum 60%)



• II-yr student of B.Com (P) new course scores highest marks.

• (Being above 70(aggregate of internal & external in all the papers) in Delhi

• IIIyr same as above for 2nd year examination in all the papers) in Delhi

SWATI MITTAL, R.No. 1014B.Com (P),2nd Year




19 USHA AHUJA SCHOLARSHIP yy 2 Meritorious Student of B.A (Mass Comm) for each English and Hindi Medium respectively (one each)


20 Sh. SHER SINGH MANGLA SCHOLARSHIP y Highest Marks in Art Stream (Only Reserve Category)

Cheenu, R.No 1319B.A.(H) Pol Sci 3rd Year


yy Highest % of marks in all papers in the college in B.Com (H) 2nd semester

MONIKA ARORA, R.No. 2011B.Com (H) 2nd Year



yy Highest % of marks in all papers in the college in B.Com(H) 4th sem

PARUL SETHI, R.No. 3413 B.Com(H) 3rd yrAKANKSHA , R.No. 58 B.Com(H) 3rd yr



yy Highest % of marks in all papers in the college in B.Com(P) IV sem


Scholarship Given from 2015-16

Sr. No.

Name of Scholarship Awarded to Recommended Student

1. STUDENT'S UNION SCHOLARSHIPS highest marks (but not less than 55%) (1)BA (H) Eco Part-I (2) BA (H) Eng Part-I (1)BA (H) Eco Part-II (2) BA (H) Eng Part-II

1.Deeksha B A(H) Eco IIyr(3064)2. Aarzoo B A(H) Eco IIyr (422)3. Rachna Man Singh B A(H) Eng IVTH (8074)4. Riya Jain B A(H) Eng VIth (8074)

2. STUDENT'S UNION SCHOLARSHIPS highest marks (but not less than 55%) in (1)BSc (H) Physics Part-I (2) BSc (H) Physics Part-II

1. Arti B SC(H) Phy IIyr 110382. Kashish Chauhan B SC(H) Phy IIIyr (2307)

3. STUDENT UNION SCHOLARSHIP 1. BSc Physical Science Part-I 2.BSc Physical Science Part-II 3. MA Hindi(P)

1.Minakshi Purshottam B SC (H) IIyr 100352. N.A.3. N.A


1.Bhawna Singh BSc (H) MathsPt-I (12045)2.Priyanka Teotia BSc (H) MathsPt-II (2006)3.N.A.

5. DR.NIRMAL KAPIL SCHOLARSHIP Best Office Bearer of st's union outstanding

1. Shubhangana Vishwanathan, BA(H) Journ IIIyr2. YashitaJaiswal BA(H) Journ IIIyr3. HarshikaSondhi B A(H) Pol Sci 4. GitanjaliVashishth B SC life Science

6. STUDENT UNION SCHOLARSHIP standing first in Part-I& Part-II examination of BA (H) Journalism

1. Tanya Yadav B A(H) Journ IIyr (14043) 2. Tapsi BansalB A(H) Journ IIIyr (1713)


Student in B Com (H) II yr secure highest marks above 70% in aggregate in B Com (H) I yr Exam

1.y Manisha Verma BCom (H) IIyr 2.y Megha Kaushik B Com (H) IIyr Roll No 2041


Student in B Com (H) III yr secure highest marks above 70% in aggregate in B Com (H) II yr Exam

1.Himani Shah, B Com (H) 3rd yr Roll No 55


Prize CommitteeCONVeNOR: Dr. Meena Charanda, Co-convenor: Ms. Manila Narzary

Course wise Prize List B.a. PROGRaMMe






1 Summer Chand Bhat-nagar Prize

For standing second in B.A. (Prog) Sem I & II


2 Student Union Prize Highest marks in B.A.(P) Sem I & II PRANJALI SHUKLA B.A.(PROG) 15024 IV 649/8003 Student Union Prize Second in B.A.(P) Sem I & II MANI KHATRI B.A.(PROG) 5 IV 619/8004 Student Union Prize Highest marks in B.A.(P) Sem V &

VINEHA PRUTHI B.A.(PROG) 137 Pass Out 642/800

5 Student Union Prize Second in B.A.(P) Sem V & VI ARU SHARMA B.A.(PROG) 2263 Pass Out 625/800







1. Kanta Sachhar Prize Students of B. Sc. Group B. secur-ing highest marks in Botany paper Cell Biology

ARUSHI MEHTA B. Sc. (Prog) Life Science

9008 Sem IV 92/100

2. Kanta Sachar Prize Students of B. Sc. Group B. secur-ing highest marks in Botany paper Genetics

NITIKA KHUCHROO B. Sc. (Prog) Life Science

1329 PASS OUT 97/100

3. Kanta Sachar Prize Students of B. Sc. Group B. secur-ing highest marks in Botany paper Plant Physiology


B. Sc. (Prog) Life Science

1337 PASS OUT 87/100

4. Dr. Sunanda Das Gupta Prize

Highest marks in botany Paper 12 “The Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms” B. Sc. Botany (H) Sem IV

SHWETA B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1802 SEM. VI 95/100

5. Dr. Sunanda Das Gupta Prize

Highest marks in botany Paper 12 “The Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms” B. Sc. Botany (H) Sem IV

PRERNA JAIN B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1817 SEM. VI 95/100

6. Sudarshan Sood Memo-rial Prize

Highest marks in Botany paper in plant systematics Theory B. Sc. (H) Botany Sem IV

PRERNA JAIN B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1817 VI 95/100

7. Dr. Vani Hardev Prize Highest marks in Botany paper 10 theory “Plant recourse utilization” B. Sc (H) Botany Sem III

SONAL JAIN B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1811 VI 90/100

8. Dr. Hardev Singh Memo-rial Prize

Highest marks in Botany Part I, II & III Combined

AMARJEET KAUR B. Sc (P) life Science

1302 Pass Out 2960/3500

9. Atmaram Nanchahal Memorial Prize

Best All Round student in B.Sc. Botany H Sem III and IV

ANUSHKA GUPTA B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1814 SEM. VI

10. Ved Prakash Bhagat Prize

Highest marks in B.Sc. Life Science in Paper LSPP 512 Sem IV


1302 PASS OUT 49/50


11 K. M. Sehgal Memorial Prize

Best all round student in Botany in B. Sc. (G) Group B



12 S.L. Sharma Memorial Prize

2nd year Student who secured high-est marks in 1st year examination


9055 SEM. IV 255/300

13 Somnath Memorial Prize

1st prize for standing 1st in botany at the aggregate of part I and II exam

SONAL JAIN B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1811 VI 1038/1200

14 Somnath Memorial Prize

2nd prize for standing 2nd in botany at the aggregate of part I and II exam

PRERNA JAIN B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1817 VI 1010/1200

15 Botany teachers Prize Highest marks in Botany Part II examination

SONAL JAIN B.Sc. (H) Botany (Erstwhile FYUP)

1811 SEM VI 799/900

16 Botany teachers Prize Highest marks in Botany Part II examination

MITALEE B.Sc. (H) Bot-any (Erstwhile FYUP)

1826 SEM VI 799/900






1 Chemistry Teachers Prize Highest Marks in Chemistry in B.Sc. L S Sem I & II

ARUSHI MEHTA B.Sc. Life Sci-ence

9008 III 260/300

2 Chemistry Teachers Prize Highest Marks in Chemistry in B.Sc. L S Sem V & VI

AMARJEET KAUR B.Sc. Life Sci-ence

1302 Pass Out 254/300

3 Vishwa Nath Mangal Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B.Sc. Life Sciences in all semesters combined

AMARJEET KAUR B.Sc. Life Sci-ence

1302 Pass Out 2960/3500







1 Indumati Mehra Prize Highest Marks in Comp. Sc in B.Sc PS Sem I & II

SHIVALI GARG B.Sc. PS Part I 10025 4 266/300

2 Pragya Puruskar Memo-rial Prize

First in B. Sc. (H) Comp. Sc part I, II and III Combined

REETIKA RAJ B.Sc. (H) CS 1843 Pass Out 2972/3350

3 Students Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. Sc. (H) Comp. Sc sem I and II Combined


13034 4 630/700

4 Students Union Prize for Standing

First in B.Sc. PS Sem V and VI SHEETAL SHEORAN B.Sc. PS Part III 1502 Pass Out 190/200

5 Students Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. Sc. PS Sem V and VI

MADHVEE B.Sc. PS Part III 1503 Pass Out 188/200







1 C.L. Gambhir Memo-rial Prize

Highest Marks in B.Com. Sem. I & II.


1014 IV 365/400


2 Commerce Teachers Prize

Highest Marks in Accoun-tancy Papers B.Com. Sem.- I & II.

SWATI MITTAL B.Com. Sem.-I 1014 IV 100/100

3 Suman Pai Prize Highest Marks in Business Organisation and Manage-ment Papers B.Com. Sem.- I & II.

SWATI MITTAL B.Com. Sem.-I 1014 IV 89/100

4 Chanan Mal Gulati Prize

Highest Marks in Commerce Papers of B.Com. all the Semester combined

DIVYA ANAND B.Com. (P) 404 Pass Out

5 Chanan Mal Gulati Prize

Highest Marks in Commerce Papers of B.Com. all the Semester combined

ADITY PRIYA B.Com. (P) 452 Pass Out

6 Nirmala Devi memo-rial Prize

Highest Marks in ENT in B.A. (P) Sem. I & II

PRANJLI SINGH B.A. (P) 84 IV 160/200

7 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B Com (Prog) Sem. I & II

ARCHANA TIWARI B.Com. (P) 1057 IV 683/800

8 Student Union Prize for Standing

First in B Com (Prog) Sem. V & VI

NITIKA KHANNA B.Com. (P) 388 Pass Out 710/800






1 Arjun Das Chawla memorial

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Eco Sem I and II

DEEKSHA KAMRA B.A (H) Eco-nomics

3064 IV 542/700

2 C. D. Sagar Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Eco Sem I and II (P.O.E)

AASHIMA ARORA B.A (H) Eco-nomics

3029 IV 167/200

3 Indira Chawla Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Eco Part I and II Combined

SANIA BHALLA B.A (H) Eco-nomics

344 VI 643/800

4 M. L. Maini Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Eco Part II

AARZOO PAHWA B.A (H) Eco-nomics

422 Pass out 661/800

5 Economics Teachers Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Eco Sem I, II, III & IV Combined

SANIA BHALLA B.A (H) Eco-nomics

344 VI 1382/1800

6 Golden Iron & Steel Works

First in Eco B. A. (Prog) Part I HIMANI JAGGIA B. A. (P) 15033 IV 164/200

7 Mangal Sain Gulati Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (Prog) all Semester combined

LIJY THOMAS B.A. (Prog.) 143 Pass out 1895/2400

8 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Economics Sem III & IV


B.A (H) Eco-nomics

380 VI 614/800

9 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B.A. (H) Economics Sem I and II


3027 IV 540/700

10 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B.A. (H) Economics Sem V & VI

SRISHTI BASU B.A (H) Eco-nomics

624 Pass out 633/800

11 Old Students Associa-tion Prize

Highest Marks in B.A.(H) Eco-nomics Part III


635 Pass Out 661/800



S. N0




1 Canara Bank Highest marks in B. A. (H) English Sem I and II


ENGLISH (HONS) 8074 IV 380/600

2 Prof. O. K. Nambiar Memorial Prize

Highest marks in B. A. (H) English Sem I, II, III & IV combined


3 English Teachers Prize First in highest marks in B. A. (P) English Sem I and II

SHRISHTI SHARMA B.A.(PROG.) 15006 IV 170/200

4 English Teachers Prize Second Highest marks in B. A. (P) English Sem I and II


B.A.(PROG.) 141 IV 167/200

5 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) English Sem I and II


6 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) English Sem III & IV



S. No




1 Sardar H.S. Marwah- Swantar Kaur Marwah Memorial Prize

Highest marks in Geo. in B.A. (Prog) Sem I and II

PRIYANKA DAGAR BA(Prog) 299 IV 161/200


S. No




1 Vidhyavati Bhatia Me-morial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Hindi Sem I and II

HINA B.A.(H)HINDI 4060 IV 378/500

2 Pushpa Hans Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Hindi Sem III & IV


3 Saraswati Devi Madhok Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Hindi Sem V & VI


4 Adarsh Kumar Jain Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Hindi all semester combined


5 Hindi Teachers Prize Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Hindi all semester combined


6 Kamla Madhok Memo-rial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (Prog) Hindi Sem I and II

RITIKA WADHAWA B.A.(P) 97 IV 169/200

7 Surinder Kumar Prize Highest Marks in B. A. (Prog) Hindi Sem I, II, V & VI combined


8 Neena Bhatia Kalindi College Prize

B. A. (H) Hindi Sem V & VI (b) Bhasha vigyan


9 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Hindi Sem I and II

PRIYANKA B.A.(H)HINDI 4071 IV 377/500

10 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Hindi Sem III & IV


11 Student Union Prize for Standing

First in B. A. (H) Hindi Sem V & VI SHAGUFTA B.A.(H)HINDI 768 PASS OUT 1529/2000


12 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Hindi Sem V & VI


13 Student Union Prize for Standing

First in M.A Final Hindi PAYAL M.A. HINDI 3001 PASS OUT 1023/1600

14 Dr. Mrs. Prem Gaur Memorial Prize

Hindi Kavita SEEMA VERMA B.A.(H)HINDI 863 VI

15 Dr. Mrs. Prem Gaur Memorial Prize

Hindi Lekhan(Creative Lekhan) PALLAVI B.A.(H)HINDI 703 IV


S. No




1 B. L. Sharma Shakuntala Devi Prize

Highest Marks in B.A.(H) Hist. Sem I and II

SANJONA B.A. (H) 5001 IV 309/500

2 G. L. Sandhir Memorial Prize Highest Marks in B.A. (H) Hist. Sem III & IV

MENKA B.A.(H) 1004 VI 499/800

3 Ram Swarup Mahadevi Prize Highest Marks in B.A. (H) Hist. Sem I, II, III & IV com-bined

MANISHA NAYAK B.A.(H) 1055 VI 731/100

4 B. L. Sharma Shakuntala Devi Prize

Highest Marks in B.A. (Prog.) Hist. Sem I and II

MANVI GAUTAM B.A. (P) 61 IV 152/200


S. No




1 Sushma Gupta Memorial Award

1st in B.A(H) Journal-ism, Sem I & II

TANYA YADAV Journalism 14043 IV 537/800

2 Lioness Club Prize 1st in B.A(H) Journal-ism, Sem III & IV

TAPSI BANSAL Journalism 1713 VI 601/800

3 Lioness Club Prize 1st in B.A(H) Journal-ism, Sem V & VI

SHIWALI KHARI Journalism 1906 PASS OUT 1757/2400

4 Asha Arora Memorial Prize Combined in Semester I, II ,III and IV

TAPSI BANSAL Journalism 1713 VI 601/800

5 Old Students Association Prizes

For standing first in B. A. (H) Journalism Part III

SHIWALI KHARI Journalism 1906 PASS OUT 1757/2400


S. No




1 Singh Jee & Co. Prize Highest Marks in B.Sc (H) Maths Sem I & II


12045 IV 812/900

2 Shanti Devi Malhotra Memo-rial Prize

Highest Marks in math-ematics paper of B.Sc PS Sem I and II


B. Sc. Physical Science

10035 IV 176/200

3 Mathematics teachers Prize Highest Marks in Math-ematics in B.A.(Prog) Sem I and II

AYUSHI GUPTA B. A. (P) 15023 IV 157/200


4 Shashi Satyapal Prize Highest marks in B.Sc. (H) Maths Sem V & VI


1749 PASS OUT 821/900

5 Asha Arora Memorial Prize Highest marks in B.Sc (H) Maths Sem I, II, III & IV combined


2001 VI 1762/2000

6 Students Union Prize for Standing

First in B.Sc. (H) Maths Sem I and II


12045 IV 812/900

7 Students Union Prize for Standing

First in B. Sc (H) Maths Sem III & IV


2006 VI 850/900

8 Students Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. Sc (H) Maths Sem I and II


12005 IV 797/900

9 Students Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. Sc (H) Maths Sem III & IV


2001 VI 832/900

10 Students Union Prize for Standing

First in B. Sc (H) Maths Sem V & VI


1749 PASS OUT 821/900

11 Students Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. Sc (H) Maths Sem V & VI


1743 PASS OUT 813/900

12 Students Union Prize for Standing

First in B. Sc (H) Maths Sem I to VI


1749 PASS OUT 2349/2600

13 Students Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. Sc (H) Maths Sem I to VI


1743 PASS OUT 2288/2600


S. No




1 Rukmaini Devi Sangeet Puruskar

Highest marks in Music in B. A. (P) all semester combined

SOPHIA KHAN B.A (Prog) Music

39 Pass out 453/600





1 Hira Nand Bhatia Memorial Prize

Best NCC All-rounder Cadet

NISHA KUMARI B. A. (H) English 619 VI 219/400

2 P .K. Kapoor Prize Best NSS Worker CHANCHAL AGGRL-WAL

B.A(hons) Politi-cal Science

1219 VI 53%



S. No




1 Ram Gopal Joshi Memorial Prize

Highest Marks In B.Sc(H) Physics Sem I & II Combined

ARTI B.Sc (H)Physics Part I

11038 IV 1057/1200

2 Shanti Devi Bhatnagar Memo-rial Prize

Highest Marks In B.Sc(H) Physics Sem III & IV Com-bined


2307 VI 1019/2300

3 Ram Murthy Gupta Memorial Prize

Highest Marks In Chemistry Paper Of B.Sc (H) Physics Sem I

ARTI B.Sc (H) Physics Part I

11038 IV 79/100

4 Shiv Paul Goel Memorialprize Highest Marks In Phys-ics In B.Sc (P.S.) Sem I & II Combined

ARCHANA RUSTOGI B.Sc (PS) Part I 10014 IV 893/1050

5 Asha Arora Memorial Prize Highest Marks In Physics In B.Sc(H) Physics Sem I, II, III & IV Combined


2307 VI 1388/1500

6 Students Union Prize For Standing

First In B.Sc (H) Physics Sem V & VI Combined


1629 Pass Out 1091/1200

7 Students Union Prize For Standing

Second In B.Sc (H) Physics Sem V & VI Combined


1617 Pass Out 1086/1200


S. No




1 Nem Chand Jain Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in Political Theory Paper of B. A. (H) Pol. Sc. Sem I and II



2 Dr. S. Bhagi Memorial Prize Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Pol. Sc. Sem I, II, III & IV combined


1266 VI 1288/1800

3 Political Science Teachers Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Pol. Sc. Sem V & VI


969 Pass Out 634/900

4 Political Science Teachers Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Pol. Sc. all semester Combined


969 Pass Out 1639/2400

5 Neena Trikha Memorial Prize Highest Marks in B. A. (Prog.) Pol. Sc Sem I & II



109 IV

6 Harnamdas Gulati Memorial Prize Rs. 150/-

Highest Marks in Compara-tive Govt. & Politics Paper of B. A. (H) Pol. Sc Sem III & IV


1266 VI 136/200

7 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Pol. Sci-ence Sem I & II


1401 IV 730/1000


8 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Pol. Sci-ence Sem I & II


1266 IV

9 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Pol. Sci-ence Sem III & IV


1272 VI 541/800

10 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Pol. Sci-ence Sem III & IV


1356 VI


S. No




1 Nand Rani Sharma Memorial Prize

Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Skt Sem I and II



7045 IV Sem. 436/600

2 Sanskrit Teachers Prize Highest Marks in B. A. (H) Skt Sem I, II, III & IV combined

JYOTI B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

1601 VI Sem. 1198/1800

3 Mamta Aggarwal Memorial Prize

First in B. A. (H) Skt Sem III & IV

JYOTI B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

1601 VI Sem. 578/800

4 Mamta Aggarwal Memorial Prize

Second in B.A(H)Sanskrit Sem III & IV

CHANDNI B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

1623 VI Sem. 464/800

5 Chandravati Charitable trust prize

Best all round student of Skt. B. A. (H) & B.A. (Prog.) III year combined

NEHA PRUTHI B.A.(Prog..)Sanskrit

137 Pass Out 1773/2400

6 Dr. Kanta Gupta Prize Winning the competition of Bhagvad Gita

MEKAL B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

7019 II Sem.

7 Dr. Kanta Gupta Prize Sanskrit Prashnottar Prati-yogita Puraskar



7045 IV Sem.

8 Rajiv Lochan Gupta Memorial Prize

Best Sanskrit Girl of the Year

NAZNEEN B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

1622 VI Sem.

9 Creative Writing Prize Not found POOJA BHIRMAN

B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit

7002 IV Sem.

10 Student Union Prize for Standing(NOT FOUND)

First in B. A. (H) Sanskrit Sem I and II



7045 IV Sem. 436/600

11 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B. A. (H) Sanskrit Sem I and II

SARITA B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

7009 IV Sem. 418/600

12 Student Union Prize for Standing(NOT FOUND)

First in B.A(H)Sanskrit Sem III & IV

JYOTI B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

1601 VI Sem. 578/800

13 Student Union Prize for Standing

Second in B.A(H)Sanskrit Sem III & IV

CHANDNI B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

1623 VI Sem. 464/800

14 Student Union Prize for Standing(NOT FOUND)

First in B.A(H)Sanskrit Sem V & VI

NANDINI B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

9018 PASS OUT 580/800

15 Student Union Prize for Standing(NOT FOUND)

Second in B.A(H)Sanskrit Sem V & VI

RAJESHWARI B.A.(Hons.)Sanskrit

9001 PASS OUT 538/800



S. No




1 Sports Teacher Prize For Outstanding Players (Silver medallist in sr. Na-tional and Delhi Olympics and bronze medallist in inter college boxing cham-pionship )



9060 II SEM

2 Sports Teacher Prize For Outstanding Players (Gold medallist in Delhi state powerlifting compe-tition in Sr. And Jr. Group)


3 Dwarka Nath Kailash Nath Excellence in Sports (All India inter university pow-erlifting championship participation and gold medallist in inter college competition)


4 Nehru Centenary Prize Judo (Silver medallist in Delhi state Judo competi-tion and bronze medal in Delhi Olympics)


5 PRINCIPAL PRIZE BEST ALL ROUND STUDENT OF SPORTS (Participation in national and north India yoga championship and silver Medallist in Delhi state)



S. No




1 Canara Bank Prize Highest marks in LSPT & LSPP-203 in B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Sciences I

APOORVA B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Sciences

9016 IV 129/150 (86%)

2 Canara Bank Prize Highest marks in zoology paper of B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Sciences Sem III , IV, V & VI combined

AMARJEET KAUR B.Sc. (Prog) Life Sciences

1302 PASSOUT 958/1050 (91.23%)

3 Zoology Teacher’s Prize First in B.Sc. (Prog.) in Zoology papers of Life Sciences I LSPT&LAPP-203

APOORVA B.Sc. (Prog.) Life Sciences

9016 IV 129/150 (86 %)

4 Zoology Teacher’s Prize Second in B.Sc. (Prog.) in Zoology pa-pers of Life Sciences I LSPT&LAPP-203

BULBUL PATHAK B.Sc. (Prog) Life Sciences

9093 IV 128/150


Faculty 2015-16

Principal Dr. (Ms) Anula Maurya M.A., LL.B., Ph.D

Bursar Dr. Divya Verma Assistant Professor, Department of Botany

BOTANY DEPARTMENT1. Dr Anjana Nanchahal M.Sc (Merrut), Ph.D (DU)2. Dr. Kalpana Kumari Ph.D (Vikram Univ.)3. Dr. Divya Verma M.Sc Botany (MDS Univ.), MSc. Bio-Inf (U.K.), Ph.D, MDU 4. Dr. Sudesh Bhardwaj Ph.D (DU) 5. Dr. Ranjana Roy Mishra Ph.D, NET6. Dr. M Arunjit Singh Ph.D, Net JRF7. Dr. Sanavar Soham Ph.D, JRF

CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT1. Dr Aprajita Gaur M.Sc (Rohilkhand)2. Dr Renu Bala - MPhil, Ph.D (DU)3. Dr. Shilpika Bali Mehta Ph.D4. Dr. Amit (adhoc) Ph.D (DU) 5. Dr. Priyanka Bidhuri (adhoc) M.Sc, Ph.D6. Mr. Narinder Kumar (adhoc) M.Sc, NET

COMMERCE DEPARTMENT1. Dr Anjula Rani Bansal M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D (DU)2. Ms Poonam Sachdeva M.Com, M.Phil, (DU)3. Dr. Naina Hasija M.Com, M.Phil, Ph.D (DU)4. Ms Kavita Sangari M.Com, M.Phil5. Ms Anupama M.Com, M.Phil6. Ms Anita Verma M.Com, M.Phil7. Ms Rajni M.Com, M.Phil8. Dr. Pankaj Kumar M.A.(Eco), MPhil (DAVV), Ph.D (DU)9. Ms. Shweta Raj MBA (Punjabi Univ.), NET10. Ms. Alka Rani M.Com (DU), NET + JRF11. Ms. Gunjan Verma M.Com (MDU), PGDBA in Finance (Symbiosis), NET12. Ms. Sonia Kamboj M.Co.(KUK), M.Phil (KUK), MBA (MDU), NET+JRF13. Ms. Isha Verma M.Com(DU), M.Phil(DU), NET + JRF14. Dr. Alka Chaturvedi M.Com (Ranchi Univ.), MBA (Ranchi Univ.),

Ph.D (Ranchi Univ.) + NET15. Ms. Nidhi Kapoor M.Com (DU), M.Phil (DU), NET + JRF16. Ms. Komal Singhal (adhoc) M.Com (DU), MPhil (D), NET+ JRF


COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPTT.1. Dr Vandana Gupta M.C.A., Ph.D2. Ms Shalini Sharma M.C.A., M.Phil3. Ms. Nidhi Arora M.Phil4. Ms. Sweety M.Phil5. Ms. Reena Jain (adhoc) M.Sc, NET6. Dr. Shikha Singh(adhoc) Ph.D (Singhania Univ., Rajasthan)7. Ms. Geetika Vashisht (adhoc) MCA(GGSIPU), UGC NET 8. Mr. Krishan Kumar (adhoc) M.Tech (GGSIPU), NET9. Ms. Rajani (adhoc) M.Phil, NET10. Dr. Monika Bajaj (adhoc) Ph.D11. Mr. Pankaj Sambyal (adhoc) M.IT, NET

ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT1. Dr. Anjali Gupta M.A., Ph.D (DU)2. Ms Indu Chaudhary M.A.(DU)3. Dr Punam Tyagi M.A.(Merrut), Ph.D (Merrut)4. Dr. Rashmi Chaudhary (adhoc) M.A. , Ph.D5. Dr. Shalini Aggarwal(adhoc) M.A. (Dr. B.R Ambedkar Univ.), Ph.D (Dayal Bagh Edn. Inst,

Deemed UNiv.), PGDBE ((Dayal Bagh Edn. Inst, Deemed Univ.ersity

6. Ms. Richa Gupta (adhoc) M.Phil, Ph.D7. Ms. Anita (adhoc) M.Phil (Kurukshetra Univ.), NET8. Mr. Avneesh Kr. Gupta (adhoc) M.A., NET9. Dr. Suresh Kumar (adhoc) M.A., Ph.D 10. Ms. Priyanka Singh (adhoc) M.A. (JNU), MPhil (JNU), NET11. Mr. Sandeep (adhoc) M.A.(JNU), MPhil (JNU), NET

ENGLISH DEPARTMENT1. Dr. Chaity Das M.A., M.Phil (JNU), Ph.D2. Ms Monica Zutshi M.A., M.Phil (JNU)3. Dr. Mukesh (adhoc) M.A., Ph.D4. Dr. Jyoti Kulshrestha (adhoc) M.A., Ph.D (Agra Univ)5. Ms. Sneha Sawai (adhoc) M.A. (Eng), NET6. Ms. Chingangbam Anupama (adhoc) M.A.(Punjab University), JRF+NET7. Mr. Prabhat Rana (adhoc) M.Phil (DU), UGC-NET8. Ms. Tanya Singh (adhoc) M.Phil (DU), UGC-NET9. Ms. Suarbhi Jayati Purty (adhoc) M.A., NET10. Ms. Lakshmi Priya B (adhoc) M.A. (JNU)., NET11. Ms. Shipra Gupta (adhoc) M.A. (DU), MPhil (DU), NET12. Ms. Neetika (adhoc) M.Phil, NET13. Ms. Tanveen Kaur (adhoc) M.A(DU), M.Phil(DU), NET+JRF


GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT1. Ms Seema Sahdev M.A.(Merrut), M.Phil (DU)2. Dr. Shekh Moinuddin (adhoc) M.A.(DU), MPhil(DU), Ph.D (DU)3. Dr. Manish Kumar (adhoc) M.A. (JMI), Ph.D (Kumaun Univ.), NET

HISTORY DEPARTMENT1. Dr S.Dutta M.A., Ph.D2. Dr Anjali Malik M.A., Ph.D (DU)3. Dr. Rini Pundir M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D (DU)4. Dr. Garima Prakash M.A.(Merrut), Ph.D5. Mr. Jaspal Singh(adhoc) M.A.(JNU), M.Phil (DU),Ph.D (DU), NET6. Ms. Richa Mani(adhoc) M.A. (DU), MPhil (JNU), NET7. Ms. Krishna Kumari (adhoc) M.A. (Magadh Univ.), SLET, Ph.D (Patna University)8. Ms. Sunita Meena (adhoc) M.A.(DU), NET

HINDI DEPARTMENT1. Dr Anita Gupta M.A., M.Phil (DU), Ph.D2. Lt. Dr. Arti Singh M.A., M.Phil (DU), Ph.D3. Dr. Manju Sharma M.A., M.Phil. (DU), Ph.D4. Dr. Mohini Srivastava M.A., M.Phil (DU), Ph.D5. Ms. Rekha Meena M.A., M.Phil (DU)6. Dr. Vibha Thakur (adhoc) M.A., Ph.D7. Ms. Baljeet Kaur(adhoc) M.A., M.Phil (DU), NET8. Dr. Pukhraj Jagind (adhoc) M.A., M.Phil (DU), NET/SLET, Ph.D9. Dr. Raksha Geeta (adhoc) M.A,. Ph.D (DU), NET10. Dr. Ritu (adhoc) M.A., M.Phil(DU), NET, Ph.D (JNU)11. Dr. Brahma Nand (adhoc) M.A.(DU), M.Phil (JNU), NET, Ph.D(JNU) 12. Mr. Hemant Raman Ravi (adhoc) M.A. (DU), MPhil (JMI), NET13. Ms. Neeru(adhoc) M.A. M.Phil (DU), Ph.D(DU), NET + JRF

JOURNALISM DEPARTMENT1. Dr. Rachna Sharma (adhoc) M.A., Ph.D (G.J.U), NET/JRF2. Ms. Ritu Yadav (adhoc) M.A.(G.J.U.),PG Dip in TV Production(JMI) NET3. Mr. Ezra John (adhoc) M.A. (JMI), NET, SLET, M.Phil (MDU, Rohtak)4. Ms. Mamta (adhoc) M.A., NET5. Ms. Manisha Dabas (adhoc) M.A. (GJU, Hisar), M.PHIL(CDLU Sirsa), NET

MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT1. Ms Anshu Chotani M.Sc. (IIT Delhi)2. Ms Neelam Bareja M.Sc., M.Phil (DU)3. Ms Charu Khanna M.A., M.Phil (DU)4. Ms Anju Rattan M.A., M.Phil (DU)5. Dr Anju Gupta M.Sc., Ph.D (Lucknow)6. Dr. Abhishek Kr. Singh (adhoc) M.Sc., Ph.D (Patna University)7. Dr. Prempal Singh (adhoc) M.Sc., Ph.D (DU)


8. Mr. Sanjay Kumar (adhoc) M.A., M.Phil (CCS Univ.), NET9. Ms. Sunita Sharma (adhoc) M.Phil (DU), NET10. Dr. Indarpal Singh (adhoc) Ph.D11. Dr. Resham Vinayak (adhoc) M.A.(DU), Ph.D (IIT Delhi), NET, GATE12. Mr. Sanjeev (adhoc) M.Sc(KUK), NET13. Mr. Monu Kumar (adhoc) M.Sc(MDU, Rohtak), M.Phil (MDU Rohtak), NET+JRF & GATE

MUSIC DEPARTMENT1. Ms Renu Gupta M.A., M.Phil (DU)2. Ms. Anuradha (adhoc) M.A., NET

PHYSICS DEPARTMENT1. Dr Rachna Kumar M.Sc., Ph.D (DU)2. Dr Pushpa Bindal M.Sc., M.Tech, Ph.D3. Dr. Sudha Gulati M.Sc., Ph.D (DU)4. Dr Seema Gupta M.Sc., Ph.D (DU)5. Dr Savita Roy M.Sc., Ph.D. (DU)6. Dr Monika Bassi M.Sc., Ph.D (DU)7. Dr. Punita Verma M.Sc., Ph.D (Germany)8. Dr. Aravind Kumar (adhoc) M.Sc.., Ph.D (Merrut Univ.)9. Dr. Rashmi Menon (adhoc) M.Sc., Ph.D (DU), NET10. Dr. Majhar Ali (adhoc) M.Sc., Ph.D (JMI)11. Dr. Triranjita Srivastava (adhoc) M.Sc., Ph.D12. Mr. Ankur Anand(adhoc) M.Sc (DU), NET CSIR Qualified)13. Dr. Neetu Agarwal (adhoc) M.Sc., Ph.D14. Dr. Garima Kedawat (adhoc) M.Sc., Ph.D 15. Dr. Akshta (adhoc) M.Sc (DU), NET+JRF

PHYSICAL EDUCATION1. Ms. Sudha Pandey (adhoc) M.A., PG DPED, MPES (DU), Dip. In Yoga & Naturopathy, NET, 2. Dr. Sunita Sharma(adhoc) M.A., M.P.Ed (Nagpur Univ.,), Dip. In Yoga & Naturopathy,

Ph.D (JMI)

POLITICAL SCIENCE1. Dr. Anjoo Sharma M.A., Ph.D (JMI)2. Dr Ruchi Tyagi M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. (DU)3. Dr. Sunita M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D (DU)4. Dr Sangita Dhal M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D (DU)5. Dr Anita Tagore M.A., M.Phil (JNU), Ph.D6. Dr. Meena Charanda M.A., M.Phil (DU), Ph.D7. Mr. Nitin Malhotra M.A., M.Phil, NET8. Dr. Rakhi Chauhan M.A., Ph.D (DU)9. Ms. Manila Narzary M.A., M.Phil (DU), NET10. Ms. Vandana Rani M.A.(JMI), M.Phil (MKU), NET11. Dr. Anjani Kumar M.A.(JNU), M.Phil(DU), Ph.D(DU), NET+JRF12. Dr. Nisha Kumari M.A.(JNU), M.Phil(JNU), NET, Ph.D (JNU)


13. Dr. Nivedita Giri M.A. (JMI), Ph.D(JNU)14. Mr. Utpal Kumar 15. Dr. Vinita Meena M.A.(Rajasthan UNiv.), M.Phil (JNU), Ph.D(JNU), NET16. Dr. Deepak Yadav M.A., Ph.D(JNU)17. Dr. Priyabala Singh M.A., M.Phil, NET/JRF, Ph.D18. Dr. Preetam (adhoc) M.Phil, Ph.D19. Dr. Ritu Sharma (adhoc) M.A., Ph.D 20. Dr. Pawan Kumar (adhoc) M.Phil (DU), Ph.D(DU), NET21. Dr. Monika Verma (adhoc) M.A. (DU), M.Phil(DU), NET 22. Dr. Seema Mathur (adhoc) M.A.(DU), NET, Ph.D (JMI)

SANSKRIT DEPARTMENT1. Dr. Harvinder Kaur M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. (DU)2. Dr. Nisha Goel M.A., Ph.D (D.U.)3. Dr. Manju Lata M.A., Ph.D (DU)4. Dr. Desh Raj M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D (DU), NET-JRF5. Dr. Kailash Chand (adhoc) M.A., M.Phil. Ph.D (DU), NET-JRF

ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT1. Dr. Prem Prakash Saini M.Sc., Ph.D2. Dr. Manisha Arora Pandit M.Sc., Ph.D3. Dr. Tarakeshwar M.Sc., Ph.D4. Dr. Kanchan Batra M.Sc., Ph.D5. Dr. Shanuja Beri M.Sc., Ph.D6. Dr. Varsha Singh M.Sc., Ph.D7. Dr. K.Vandana Rani M.Sc., Ph.D (DU)8.

LIBRARIAN1. Ms Karnika Gaur MLIS, M.Phil (DU)


List of Distinguished Guests and Speakers in 2015-16 S. No. Name Designation

1. Sh. Chandi Prasad Bhatt Gandhian Environmentalist and Social activist

2. Prof. Dinesh Singh Former,VC, University of Delhi

3. Prof. Umesh Rai Director, South Campus

4. Sh Faggan Singh Kulaste Member, Parliament

5. Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo Director, Institute of Bioresource& Sustainable Development

6. çks- dqynhi pUn vfXugks=h dqyifr] fgekpy çns'k dsUæh; fo'ofo|ky;] /keZ'kkyk

7 çks- gfjeksgu 'kekZ vkpk;Z o v/;{k] fgUnh foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh

8 çks- jksfg.kh vxzoky v/;{k ¼fgUnh foHkkx½ o Mhu ¼dyk ladk;½] egf"kZ n;kuUn fo'ofo|ky;] jksgrd

9 çks- jes'k xkSre funs'kd] thou i;ZUr f'k{k.k laLFkku o vkpk;Z] fgUnh foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh

10 Prof. S.C Rai Head, Department of Geography, University of Delhi

11 Prof. Bulbul Dhar Diretor, Sarojini Naidu Centre for Women Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia

12 Prof. J.M. Khurana Dean Students’ Welfare

13 Dr. B.P.Nilaratna Former Joint Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Forests

14 Prof. Furqan Qamar Secretary General of Association of Indian Universities

15 Prof. A. Pathak Prof. Department of Physics,JIIT-Noida,Visiting scientist at Palacky University Czech Republic)

16 Prof. Ajoy Ghatak Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar, SPIEEducator, Galileo Galilei Awardee ,Formerly Prof. of Department of Physics, IITDelhi

17 Prof Prakash Narayan Head, Department of Adult Continuing Education & Extension, University of Delhi

18 Prof. Ganesh Dutt Sharma Vice President of Delhi Sanskrit Academy

19 Prof. Ramesh Bhardwaj H.O.D, Sanskrit Department, University of Delhi

20 Dr. Jeetram Bhatt Secretary of Delhi Sanskrit Academy

21 Mr. Hazarilal Chauhan MLA, Patel Nagar

22 Ms Kamla Bhasin One Billion Rising movement, South Asian Coordinator

23 Ms. Maxima Basu Filmfare Awardee in the category of Best Costume Designer for the film - Bajirao Mastani and Alumni

24 Mrs. Purnima Vidyarthi MCD Councellor Patel Nagar

25 Mr. Jitender Kumar Meena ACP, Delhi Police

26 Ms. Swati Maliwal Chairperson, Delhi Commission for Women

27 Mr. Sangram Singh International Wrestler, Artist and Celebrity

28 Mr. N. K. Singh

General Secretary, Broadcast Editors’ Association

29 Dr. Parvinder Sharda Editor-in-Chief, Punjab Kesari

30 Mr. Jawaharlal Kaul Padma Shri awardee and Veteran Journalist

31 Ms. Alka Saxena Senior broadcast journalist, TV news anchor, political analyst and media expert

32 Dr. S.D. Singh (IFS) CEO DPGS, Department of Environment

33 Prof. Dinabandhu Sahoo Director, Institute of Bioresource& Sustainable Development

34 çks- jkenso 'kqDy çfl) lkfgR;dkj o iwoZ v/;{k] fgUnh foHkkx] nhun;ky mik/;k; xksj[kiqj fo'ofo|ky;] xksj[kiqj

35 çks- jkec{k vkpk;Z o iwoZ v/;{k] Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk dsUæ] tokgjyky usg: fo'ofo|ky;] u;h fnYyh

36 Jh lqfer xksLokeh çfl) fp=dkj] lk¡>h dyk] o`Unkou


37 çks- fuR;kuUn frokjh çfl) vkykspd o iwoZ v/;{k] fgUnh foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh

38 çks- eSustj ik.Ms; çfl) vkykspd o iwoZ v/;{k] Hkkjrh; Hkk"kk dsUæ] tokgjyky usg: fo'ofo|ky;] u;h fnYyh

39 çks- vCnqy fcfLeYykg çfl) lkfgR;dkj o iwoZ v/;{k] fgUnh foHkkx] tkfe;k fefYy;k bLykfe;k] u;h fnYyh

40 M‚- t; çdk'k dnZe çfl) lkfgR;dkj] u;h fnYyh

41 çks- tojheYy ikj[k vkpk;Z o iwoZ Mhu] ekufodh fo|kihB] bfUnjk xk¡/kh jk"Vªh; eqä fo'ofo|ky;] u;h fnYyh

42 çks- dSyk'k ukjk;.k frokjh çfl) lkfgR;dkj o vkpk;Z] fgUnh foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh

43 çks- eksgu vkpk;Z] fgUnh foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh ¼iwoZ mik/;{k] dsUæh; fgUnh laLFkku] vkxjk½

44 çks- vfuy jk; vkpk;Z] fgUnh foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh

45 M‚- ctjax fcgkjh frokjh lgvkpk;Z] fgUnh foHkkx] ns'kcU/kq egkfo|ky;] fnYyh

46 M‚- jt;qíhu vdhy lgvkpk;Z] bfrgkl foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh

47 M‚- cyjke 'kqDy lgvkpk;Z] laL—r foHkkx] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky;] fnYyh

48 Jh latho JhokLro ofj"B Vhoh i=dkj o çfl) fQYe bfrgkldkj] u;h fnYyh

49 Jh nhoku flag i;kZoj.k ,oa ty lEcU/kh lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ

50 Jh nhun;ky vxzoky lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ

51 Jh jkgqy vxzoky lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ

52 Lokeh fpn#ikuUn lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ

53 jkgqy 'kekZ ofj"B i=dkj

54 Jh lkSjo xka/kh lkekftd dk;ZdrkZ

55 Jh xksiky —".k vxzoky v/;{k] tykf/kdkj cksMZ

56 Jh dSyk'k xksnqdk egklfpo] tykf/kdkj cksMZ

57 Prof. Amitabh Kundu Senior fellow Delhi Policy Group and Visiting Professor Of Institute Of Human Development

58 Prof. Hasina Hashia Jamia Milia Islamia

59 Prof. R.B. Singh Department of Geography

60 Mr. V.P.S. Panwar, IGP (Retd) CRPF

61 Shri. Parmaditiya IPS, DCP Central

62 Shri. SanjeevArora Chairman, Indraprastha Sanjivani (NGO)

63 Dr. Sunil Sagar CEO,Jaipur Golden Hospital

64 Sh Ashwani Kapoor Chaiman Kapoor Medical Centre

65 Sh.Shram Singh Freedom Fighter

66 Shri Satpal Saini Freedom Fighter

67 Prof. Moninder Nath Thakur Professor, JNU

68 Ms.Sarika Chaudhary Member Delhi Commission for Women

69 Sh. Imam Sidiqui Fashion Designer

70 Dr. Arti Makkar Artist and Curator

71 Dr. V C Kalia Chief Scientist, CSIR

72 Dr. Anjali Bhola Chief Dietician at Department of Dietetics in All India Institute of Medical Sciences

73 Dr. Namita Rajput Associate Professor-Commerce, Sri Aurbindo College University of Delhi

74 Mr. A.Din.Pangotra The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development

75 Mr Ritesh Tanwar Deputy Manager of Luxury Connect Business School

76 Dr. Ganita Bhupal University of Delhi

77 Dr. Vinod Verma Associate Professor in the Department of English, University of Delhi


78 Prof. Rupendra Guha Majumdar Department of English, University of Delhi

79 Mr. Prashant Verma filmmaker

80 Mr. Angshuman Choudhury Photographer, Filmmaker, Visual Journalist, Traveller, And Conflict Researcher

81 Prof H. Ramachandran University of Delhi

82 Dr Amir Ali Khan National Institute of Disaster Management

83 Mr. Rajesh Sundaram Senior Journalist, Al- Jazeera

74 Mr Sanjio Kumar Singh Research Scholar, Jamia Millia Islamia

85 Dr. Naved Jamal Assistant Professor, Jamia Millia Islamia

86 Mr. Rohit Vats Film Critic, Hindustan Times

87 Ms. Ruchi Dua India Today

88 Mr. Manu Rishi Chadha Film maker who won the prestigious IIFA and Filmfare Award

89 Ms. Santosh Yadav First woman to climb Mount Everest twice

90 Mr. Kumar Kunal Special Correspondent and Bureau Chief of India Today

91 Mr. Rahul Makin RJ, Fever 104.8 FM.

92 Prof. V. Ravichandran Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Delhi

93 Prof. Ajit Iqbal Singh Honorary Scientist, Indian National Science Academy

94 Dr. Ayub Khan Professor, Department of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islamia

95 Professor Shobha Bagai Professor at the Cluster Innovation Centre, Delhi University.

96 Prof. V. P. Sharma Padma Shree and Padma Bhusan, Founder Director of NIMR, Add.Dir.Gen.of ICMR and Chairman in Public Health Research CRDT, IIT Delhi

97 Mr. Ankur Chadha CEO of “Meri Padhai.com” with UKS Technology

98 Mr. Ritukar Chadha Director of Landmark Institute

99 Mr. Ashish Chugh Business Communication and Behavioral Economic Strategist with NIIT Ltd

100 Dr Sandeep Tiwari Head of the Department of the Physical Education

101 Dr. Arvinder Ansari Associate Professor Department of Sociology, Jamia Milia Islamia University

102 Ms. Preeta Harit Income Tax Commissioner, Government of India

103 Prof Vivek Kumar School of Social System, JNU

104 Dr. Satyapal Singh Associate Professor, Sanskrit Deptt., University of Delhi

105 Dr. Deepak Tiwari Ayurvedic Doctor, Nature Health Care Center

106 Shri Sang Norbu Mosobi (IPS), Delhi Police North East Cell

107 Shri.Furqan Khan Delhi Police

108 Dr. A. Bimol Akoijam Associate Professor, School of Social Sciences, JNU.

109 Brig. Udai Yadav Group Commander of NCC Headquarter GROUP-B

110 Dr. Anita Panda (Ophthalmologist), Founder member, Eye Bank Association of India

111 Dr. Pankaj Mishra Associate Professor in St.Stephens College

112 Mr.Anirban Mukhopadhyay Blood Connect Volunteer from IIT Delhi

113 Mr. Kazuo Kawashima President, GIFU Sakura No Kai ( GIFU Cherry Blossom Association, Japan)
