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Annual Security Awareness

Date post: 09-Apr-2018
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  • 8/8/2019 Annual Security Awareness


    Roles and Responsibilities and Security-Related Requirements


  • 8/8/2019 Annual Security Awareness


    Naval Sea Logistics Center 2

    Areas to be AddressedAreas to be Addressed

    Laws and Policies Governing Protection ofPersonal Information

    User Responsibilities SLDCADA Default Roles and Responsibilities

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 3

    Laws and Policies GoverningLaws and Policies GoverningProtection of PersonalProtection of PersonalInformationInformation

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 4

    Freedom of Information ActFreedom of Information Act

    Enacted in 1966 to provide universal access toofficial information

    Categories that are exempt from FOIA: Classified information

    Internal rules and practices

    Information denied by other specific withholding

    statutes Trade secrets and commercial or financial

    information given in confidence

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 5

    FOIA (cont.)FOIA (cont.)

    More categories that are exempt from FOIA:

    Inter- and intra-agency communication

    Personal information protected by Privacy Act Investigative information compiled for law


    Reports on financial institutions

    For additional Info on FOIA:http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/foi/

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 6

    Public LawPublic Law9393--579, U.S.C579, U.S.C 552a552a

    Privacy Act of 1974

    Virtually all data within SLDCADA contains sensitive

    but unclassified (SBU) information that is subject toprotection from disclosure under the Privacy Act of1974.

    Examples of privacy information not releasable topublic

    Date of Birth Home AddressHome Tel. No. Home E-Mail

    Net Salary Deductions

    Debts Leave Balance

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 7

    User Responsibilities

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 8

    User ResponsibilitiesUser Responsibilities

    Safeguard SBU and Privacy Act data

    Log off when finished

    Protect the computer screen from casual observers Destroy reports (shredding or burning)

    Secure reports in an NSA-approved container

    Dont share information with anyone who doesnt

    have a need to know

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 9

    Terminal User ResponsibilityTerminal User Responsibility

    Protect your password; do NOT write itdown and doNOT divulge it to anyone

    Use only the user ID and password you wereassigned

    Protect your keyboard and screen whileentering your password

    DoNOT leave your terminal unattendedwhile logged into SLDCADA. Instead, log offor lock your terminal.

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 10

    Individual AccountabilityIndividual Accountability

    SLDCADA accounts are issued for theperformance of official duties only. Any other

    use is strictly prohibited. Users cannot certify their own records

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 11

    Your ResponsibilityYour Responsibility

    It is your responsibility to protectemployee information that youprocess!

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 12

    SLDCADA Default Rolesand Responsibilities

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 13


    Timekeeping Guidelines

    Specific Areas of Responsibility:

    Self-User Timekeeper


    Customer Service Representative (CSR)

    SLDCADA Site Administrator


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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 14

    Timekeeping GuidelinesTimekeeping Guidelines

    Agencies policies control Time andAttendance (T&A), ensuring that data:

    Is recorded promptly, completely, and accurately Reflects actual work performed and leave taken

    Is sufficiently detailed to allow certification

    Complies with legal requirements

    Is supported by recorded evidence of supervisorreview and approval

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 15

    Timekeeping GuidelinesTimekeeping Guidelines

    Agencies must ensure reasonable controls exist to ensure

    accuracy of T&A data

    Integrity of T&A recorded depends on conscious

    oversight of supervisors, timekeepers, certifiers, or other

    approving authority

    Official most knowledgeable of time worked should

    approve overtime and/or clocks

    T&A should be approved at the end of the last day of the

    pay period or later

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 16

    SelfSelf--User ResponsibilitiesUser Responsibilities

    Review T&A to and review to ensureaccuracy and completeness prior tocertification

    T&A should be approved at the end of thelast day of the pay period or later

    Notify Certifier when T&A is available for

    certification Generate SLDCADA reports:

    Incorrect Hours

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 17

    Timekeeper ResponsibilitiesTimekeeper Responsibilities

    Responsible for self or group of employees

    Record work schedule, shift, and

    predetermined JON changes Record T&A

    Review T&A to ensure accuracy and

    completeness prior to certification

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 18

    Timekeeper ResponsibilitiesTimekeeper Responsibilities

    Notify Certifier when T&A is available forcertification

    Enter prior pay adjustments Notify Certifier when prior pay is available

    for certification

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 19

    Timekeeper ResponsibilitiesTimekeeper Responsibilities

    Generate SLDCADA reports:

    Incorrect Hours

    Unsent Prior Pay Corrections (v22: Pending PriorPay Corrections)

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 20

    Certifier ResponsibilitiesCertifier Responsibilities

    Review time for assigned employees toensure accuracy

    Correct incorrect time or refer to employee/Timekeeper

    Certify time


    nter/certify prior pays Maintain Primary/Alternate Timekeepers

    and Alternate Supervisors

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    Naval Sea Logistics Center 21

    Certifier ResponsibilitiesCertifier Responsibilities

    Generate SLDCADA reports:

    Incorrect Hours


    mployees Unsent Prior Pay Corrections (v22: Pending Prior

    Pay Corrections)
