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Anomalously high variation in postnatal development is ... · could be ancestral for Dinosauria...

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Anomalously high variation in postnatal development is ancestral for dinosaurs but lost in birds Christopher T. Griffin a,1 and Sterling J. Nesbitt a a Department of Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Edited by Neil H. Shubin, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved November 3, 2016 (received for review August 19, 2016) Compared with all other living reptiles, birds grow extremely fast and possess unusually low levels of intraspecific variation during postnatal development. It is now clear that birds inherited their high rates of growth from their dinosaurian ancestors, but the origin of the avian condition of low variation during development is poorly constrained. The most well-understood growth trajectories of later Mesozoic theropods (e.g., Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus) show similarly low variation to birds, contrasting with higher variation in extant crocodylians. Here, we show that deep within Dinosauria, among the earliest-diverging dinosaurs, anomalously high intraspecific var- iation is widespread but then is lost in more derived theropods. This style of development is ancestral for dinosaurs and their closest relatives, and, surprisingly, this level of variation is far higher than in living crocodylians. Among early dinosaurs, this variation is wide- spread across Pangaea in the Triassic and Early Jurassic, and among early-diverging theropods (ceratosaurs), this variation is maintained for 165 million years to the end of the Cretaceous. Because the Late Triassic environment across Pangaea was volatile and heteroge- neous, this variation may have contributed to the rise of dinosau- rian dominance through the end of the Triassic Period. ontogeny | variation | dinosaur | Triassic | extinction I n comparison with other reptiles, avian biology is highly un- usual, characterized by hollowbones and postcranial skeletal pneumaticity, feathers, a unique forelimb digit formula, endo- thermy, and rapid growth rates. However, these peculiarities initially arose in nonavian dinosaurs (17) in a gradual process occurring over tens of millions of years (8, 9). In addition to their extremely rapid rates of growth, avian ontogeny possesses a characteristically low level of morphological variation within a species relative to that of other reptiles. The majority of indi- viduals in a given avian species undergoes the same morpho- logical changes during ontogeny in the same order at similar body sizes (10, 11), whereas their closest living relatives, croco- dylians, possess higher variation (10, 1214). How and when this feature of avian biology evolved is poorly constrained. This avian style of development must have evolved after its most recent common ancestor with crocodylians but before the origin of Aves. Most studies of the ontogeny of more-derived theropods (1517) suggest that the low levels of variation that characterize avian ontogeny were present in close nonavian relatives as well. Closer to the origin of Dinosauria, morphological variation within species is widespread (1826), but whether this variation is the result of taxonomic diversity, ontogeny, sexual dimorphism, or simple individual variation is not clear (22, 23, 27). Furthermore, close dinosaurian relatives or dinosaur precursors(e.g., Silesaurus, Asilisaurus) possess high intraspecific variation in growth sequences [i.e., sequence polymorphism (28)], suggesting that this condition could be ancestral for Dinosauria (21). In contrast to most of the early dinosaurian record, which rarely preserves greater than a single individual per species (29, 30), the theropod Coelophysis bauri is known from the most well- sampled growth series of any nonavian dinosaur preserved as a single population in the same horizon (31). We used this taxon as a lens to interpret development among early dinosaurs, with ad- ditional support from another early dinosaur with a well-sampled growth series, Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis (24). We used ontogenetic sequence analysis (OSA) (32) to reconstruct growth sequences of these early dinosaurs, two avian species (Branta canadensis and Meleagris gallopavo), and a single crocodylian species (Alligator mississippiensis), and demonstrate that the earliest dinosaurs developed differently than living archosaurs. Results Our OSAs indicate that both C. bauri and M. rhodesiensis pos- sessed a high level of intraspecific variation, both in sequence polymorphism and in body size at different levels of morpho- logical maturity (Figs. 1 and 2). Analysis of the 27 ontogenetic characters for C. bauri reconstructed 136 equally parsimonious developmental sequences (Fig. 1 and SI Appendix, Fig. S4), with the modal sequence representing only 12.57% the support weight of all semaphoronts [unique suites of developmental characters, modified from (33)]. Because of missing data, many sequences were highly unresolved, and so this number of sequences is a lower bound for the amount of variation in the sample during life. OSA for the 10 femoral ontogenetic characters of C. bauri resulted in 82 de- velopmental sequences (Fig. 2A and SI Appendix, Fig. S7), and for M. rhodesiensis, 145 developmental sequences (Fig. 2B and SI Appendix, Fig. S8) were reconstructed for 13 femoral characters. In contrast, the extant birds possess low levels of intraspecific variation relative to early theropods, consistent with other studies (10, 11). The OSA of 36 ontogenetic characters of B. canadensis returned 9 equally parsimonious developmental sequences (Fig. 3A and SI Appendix, Fig. S9), with a modal sequence possessing 87.22% of the support weight of all sem- aphoronts combined. The femoral characters in this dataset were poorly resolved, but OSA of the dataset of Tumarkin-Deratzian et al. (11) of 18 femoral characters of B. canadensis showed similarly low variation, returning 12 sequences (Fig. 3B and SI Appendix, Fig. S10) and a modal sequence consisting of 92% of all combined Significance Birdsthe fastest growing terrestrial vertebratesdevelop unlike all other living reptiles. As part of this postnatal de- velopmental mode, birds possess a low amount of intraspecific variation, and the timing of the origin of this low variation is poorly constrained. By studying well-sampled growth series of nonavian dinosaurs and their closest relatives, we were able to identify this transition within Mesozoic theropod dinosaurs. Surprisingly, the earliest dinosaurs and their close relatives possessed an extremely high amount of variation, higher than either crocodylians or birds. This high variation is the ancestral dinosaurian scheme and was lost in more derived nonavian theropods, including Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. High var- iation could have contributed to the rise of dinosaurian domi- nance during the TriassicJurassic mass extinction. Author contributions: C.T.G. and S.J.N. designed research; C.T.G. performed research; C.T.G. analyzed data; and C.T.G. and S.J.N. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected]. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10. 1073/pnas.1613813113/-/DCSupplemental. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1613813113 PNAS | December 20, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 51 | 1475714762 EVOLUTION EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC, AND PLANETARY SCIENCES Downloaded by guest on September 18, 2020
Page 1: Anomalously high variation in postnatal development is ... · could be ancestral for Dinosauria (21). In contrast to most of the early dinosaurian record, which rarely preserves greater

Anomalously high variation in postnatal developmentis ancestral for dinosaurs but lost in birdsChristopher T. Griffina,1 and Sterling J. Nesbitta

aDepartment of Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061

Edited by Neil H. Shubin, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved November 3, 2016 (received for review August 19, 2016)

Compared with all other living reptiles, birds grow extremely fastand possess unusually low levels of intraspecific variation duringpostnatal development. It is now clear that birds inherited their highrates of growth from their dinosaurian ancestors, but the origin ofthe avian condition of low variation during development is poorlyconstrained. The most well-understood growth trajectories of laterMesozoic theropods (e.g., Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus) show similarlylow variation to birds, contrasting with higher variation in extantcrocodylians. Here, we show that deep within Dinosauria, amongthe earliest-diverging dinosaurs, anomalously high intraspecific var-iation is widespread but then is lost in more derived theropods. Thisstyle of development is ancestral for dinosaurs and their closestrelatives, and, surprisingly, this level of variation is far higher thanin living crocodylians. Among early dinosaurs, this variation is wide-spread across Pangaea in the Triassic and Early Jurassic, and amongearly-diverging theropods (ceratosaurs), this variation is maintainedfor 165 million years to the end of the Cretaceous. Because the LateTriassic environment across Pangaea was volatile and heteroge-neous, this variation may have contributed to the rise of dinosau-rian dominance through the end of the Triassic Period.

ontogeny | variation | dinosaur | Triassic | extinction

In comparison with other reptiles, avian biology is highly un-usual, characterized by “hollow” bones and postcranial skeletal

pneumaticity, feathers, a unique forelimb digit formula, endo-thermy, and rapid growth rates. However, these peculiaritiesinitially arose in nonavian dinosaurs (1–7) in a gradual processoccurring over tens of millions of years (8, 9). In addition to theirextremely rapid rates of growth, avian ontogeny possesses acharacteristically low level of morphological variation within aspecies relative to that of other reptiles. The majority of indi-viduals in a given avian species undergoes the same morpho-logical changes during ontogeny in the same order at similarbody sizes (10, 11), whereas their closest living relatives, croco-dylians, possess higher variation (10, 12–14). How and when thisfeature of avian biology evolved is poorly constrained.This avian style of development must have evolved after its

most recent common ancestor with crocodylians but before theorigin of Aves. Most studies of the ontogeny of more-derivedtheropods (15–17) suggest that the low levels of variation thatcharacterize avian ontogeny were present in close nonavian relativesas well. Closer to the origin of Dinosauria, morphological variationwithin species is widespread (18–26), but whether this variation isthe result of taxonomic diversity, ontogeny, sexual dimorphism, orsimple individual variation is not clear (22, 23, 27). Furthermore,close dinosaurian relatives or “dinosaur precursors” (e.g., Silesaurus,Asilisaurus) possess high intraspecific variation in growth sequences[i.e., sequence polymorphism (28)], suggesting that this conditioncould be ancestral for Dinosauria (21).In contrast to most of the early dinosaurian record, which

rarely preserves greater than a single individual per species (29, 30),the theropod Coelophysis bauri is known from the most well-sampled growth series of any nonavian dinosaur preserved as asingle population in the same horizon (31). We used this taxon asa lens to interpret development among early dinosaurs, with ad-ditional support from another early dinosaur with a well-sampledgrowth series, Megapnosaurus rhodesiensis (24). We used ontogenetic

sequence analysis (OSA) (32) to reconstruct growth sequences ofthese early dinosaurs, two avian species (Branta canadensis andMeleagris gallopavo), and a single crocodylian species (Alligatormississippiensis), and demonstrate that the earliest dinosaursdeveloped differently than living archosaurs.

ResultsOur OSAs indicate that both C. bauri and M. rhodesiensis pos-sessed a high level of intraspecific variation, both in sequencepolymorphism and in body size at different levels of morpho-logical maturity (Figs. 1 and 2). Analysis of the 27 ontogeneticcharacters for C. bauri reconstructed 136 equally parsimoniousdevelopmental sequences (Fig. 1 and SI Appendix, Fig. S4), withthe modal sequence representing only 12.57% the support weight ofall semaphoronts [unique suites of developmental characters,modified from (33)]. Because of missing data, many sequences werehighly unresolved, and so this number of sequences is a lower boundfor the amount of variation in the sample during life. OSA for the10 femoral ontogenetic characters of C. bauri resulted in 82 de-velopmental sequences (Fig. 2A and SI Appendix, Fig. S7), and forM. rhodesiensis, 145 developmental sequences (Fig. 2B and SIAppendix, Fig. S8) were reconstructed for 13 femoral characters.In contrast, the extant birds possess low levels of intraspecific

variation relative to early theropods, consistent with otherstudies (10, 11). The OSA of 36 ontogenetic characters ofB. canadensis returned 9 equally parsimonious developmentalsequences (Fig. 3A and SI Appendix, Fig. S9), with a modalsequence possessing 87.22% of the support weight of all sem-aphoronts combined. The femoral characters in this dataset werepoorly resolved, but OSA of the dataset of Tumarkin-Deratzianet al. (11) of 18 femoral characters of B. canadensis showed similarlylow variation, returning 12 sequences (Fig. 3B and SI Appendix, Fig.S10) and a modal sequence consisting of 92% of all combined


Birds—the fastest growing terrestrial vertebrates—developunlike all other living reptiles. As part of this postnatal de-velopmental mode, birds possess a low amount of intraspecificvariation, and the timing of the origin of this low variation ispoorly constrained. By studying well-sampled growth series ofnonavian dinosaurs and their closest relatives, we were able toidentify this transition within Mesozoic theropod dinosaurs.Surprisingly, the earliest dinosaurs and their close relativespossessed an extremely high amount of variation, higher thaneither crocodylians or birds. This high variation is the ancestraldinosaurian scheme and was lost in more derived nonaviantheropods, including Allosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. High var-iation could have contributed to the rise of dinosaurian domi-nance during the Triassic–Jurassic mass extinction.

Author contributions: C.T.G. and S.J.N. designed research; C.T.G. performed research; C.T.G.analyzed data; and C.T.G. and S.J.N. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.1To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1613813113/-/DCSupplemental.

www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1613813113 PNAS | December 20, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 51 | 14757–14762
















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Page 2: Anomalously high variation in postnatal development is ... · could be ancestral for Dinosauria (21). In contrast to most of the early dinosaurian record, which rarely preserves greater

support weights. The OSA of 34 ontogenetic characters ofM. gallopavo returned four developmental sequences (Fig. 3Cand SI Appendix, Fig. S11), with the modal sequence possessing90% of all combined semaphoront support weights.Our analyses of A. mississippiensis ontogeny suggested an in-

termediate level of variation in ontogeny that was lower than that ofthe early theropods but higher than the level of variation found inliving birds. The OSA from Brochu’s postcranial dataset (12) of 22ontogenetic characters of A. mississippiensis returned 234 sequences(Fig. 3D and SI Appendix, Fig. S12), with four partially overlappingmodal sequences. The combined semaphoronts of all modal se-quences possessed 50% of the total weight of all semaphoronts inthe analysis. Our two analyses of femoral characters in A. mis-sissippiensis reveal a similar trend. The OSA from Brochu’s dataset(12, 13) of 13 femoral characters returned only 3 sequences (Fig. 3Eand SI Appendix, Fig. S13), with a single modal sequence thatrepresented 85.7% of the combined weight of all semaphoronts inthe analysis; and the OSA from the dataset of Tumarkin-Deratzianet al. (14) of 10 femoral characters returned 18 sequences (Fig. 3Fand SI Appendix, Fig. S14), with a modal sequence representing88.9% the weight of all semaphoronts.

DiscussionCompared with birds, C. bauri andM. rhodesiensis possess a largeamount of intraspecific variation, both in suites of characterstates and in size as related to morphological maturity. The

hypothesized mature states of these characters are not attainedin a single ontogenetic step but are staggered in appearance indevelopmental sequences, along which individuals progress to-ward morphological maturity in a stepwise fashion. Instead of asingle path of semaphoronts leading from the least to mostmature, semaphoronts of both M. rhodesiensis and C. bauri arearranged along many developmental sequences (Figs. 1 and 2).Additionally, although size is often used as a proxy for degree ofskeletal maturity in many studies (20, 24, 34–41), size correlatespoorly with morphological maturity, as quantified by maturityscore in OSA, even though OSA may reconstruct missing data aspresent and thus raise the maturity score higher than a strictscoring of the individual would give (Figs. 1 and 2). Therefore,skeletally mature individuals could possess a range of sizes.The large number of developmental pathways reconstructed byOSA suggests that sequence polymorphism is a widespread as-pect of the postnatal development of these two early theropods.This variation has been interpreted as sexual dimorphism (e.g.,ref. 24), but our data do not support this possibility (SI Appendix,Supplementary Text and Fig. S1). The large number of conflictingdevelopmental pathways consisting of semaphoronts with suitesof character states that preclude their belonging in other de-velopmental pathways strongly suggests that variation in therelative order of these developmental characters is widespreadthroughout the populations of these early dinosaurs. Futurehistological analyses may help to determine whether this lack ofcorrespondence between size and morphological maturity is anexpression of how body size is related to ontogenetic age, andalthough these analyses are outside the scope of the currentstudy, histological data were unhelpful in resolving this problemin silesaurids because of a lack of histological indicators of on-togenetic age in these taxa (21).High levels of intraspecific variation are present in many early

dinosaurs, particularly theropods. In addition to Megapnosaurusand Coelophysis, variation previously interpreted as a gracile/robustdichotomy and explicitly compared with the variation found inthese taxa has a wide distribution among early-diverging thero-pods, including other early neotheropods [the “Shake-N-Bake”coelophysoid (42); “Syntarsus” kayentakatae, Dilophosaurus wether-illi (26, 42, 43)], large ceratosaurs [Ceratosaurus nasicornis (44)],and small ceratosaurs [Masiakasaurus knopfleri (19, 27)]. Most ofthese studies have been limited to relatively small sample sizesbecause of a lack of specimens available (usually a maximum of
































28Modal sequence

Character state transition


109.7 mm 220.6 mm

Unobserved, reconstructed semaphoront


Representative Femoral Length (mm)

Fig. 1. OSA reticulating diagram illustrating the 136 reconstructed de-velopmental sequences of the 27 ontogenetic characters of C. bauri. Matu-rity score (Materials and Methods) is displayed on the y axis, andsemaphoronts lower on the diagram are less morphologically mature thanthose that are higher. The x axis is dimensionless. Sequences proceed fromthe least mature (maturity score: 0) to most mature (maturity score: 28)through other semaphoronts along each sequence. The representativefemoral length of each semaphoront is indicated by color. See SI Appendix,Supplementary Text for details on interpreting OSA reticulating diagrams.


































Representative femoral length (mm) Representative femoral length (mm)

119.5 mm 175.2 mm 148.5 mm 214.2 mm

Coelophysis bauri Megapnosaurusrhodesiensis

is bauri osaurusnsis


Fig. 2. OSA reticulating diagrams for femora of early theropods. (A) Di-agram illustrating the 82 reconstructed developmental sequences of the10 femoral ontogenetic characters of C. bauri. (B) Diagram illustrating the145 reconstructed developmental sequences of the 13 femoral ontoge-netic characters ofM. rhodesiensis. Representative femoral length for eachsemaphoront is indicated by color. This figure follows the key in Fig. 1.

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Page 3: Anomalously high variation in postnatal development is ... · could be ancestral for Dinosauria (21). In contrast to most of the early dinosaurian record, which rarely preserves greater

n = 2–7), with only a few (3–6) bone scars evaluated. Our results ofanalyses from large sample sizes of Coelophysis and Megapnosaurus(n = 174 and 43, respectively) indicate that similar variation be-tween individuals of early theropods is the result of a similarly highlevel of intraspecific variation in development.Outside Dinosauria, Silesaurus opolensis and Asilisaurus

kongwe possess variation in femoral scars not fully attributable tosize. In the case of Silesaurus, this variation was interpreted as sexualdimorphism (23), following the earlier interpretation of variation inMegapnosaurus (24). A. kongwe possesses similar variation in fem-oral scars, but these exist on a spectrum and do not cleanly split intoa clear robust/gracile dichotomy, although similarly sized femoramay possess a variety of ontogenetic character states. Instead ofsexual dimorphism, the variation in A. kongwe was interpretedas individual variation in developmental patterns that producedmorphological differences between individuals (21).These silesaurids and early-diverging theropods phylogenetically

bracket Sauropodomorpha and Ornithischia; therefore, similarvariation in early-diverging members of these groups should also bepresent, although the early ornithischian record is exceptionallypoor (29). The Triassic sauropodomorphs Thecodontosaurus anti-quus and Melanorosaurus readi have been interpreted as possessingrobust/gracile variation in similarly sized limb elements (18, 45), butgiven our interpretation of a similar ostensible dichotomy in earlytheropods, these taxa probably possess similar levels of variation ingrowth patterns. As predicted by our results, along with somemorphological variation in Plateosaurus engelhardti (46), histologicalanalysis of a large sample of limb elements (n = 33) of Plateosaurusdemonstrated that size and histological maturity are poorly corre-lated in this taxon (22, 25). Given the wide distribution of this in-dividual variation in ontogenetic patterns among early-divergingdinosaurs and their closest relatives, this observation suggests thatthis high variation in both developmental sequence and in body sizeat skeletal maturity is the ancestral dinosaurian condition (Fig. 4).

In contrast to that of early dinosaurs, the extant archosaurs inour study (B. canadensis, M. gallopavo, A. mississippiensis) showedlower levels of variation. The avian taxa analyzed possessed anextremely low number of reconstructed developmental sequences,with the majority of specimens represented by semaphoronts onthe modal sequences (Fig. 3 A–C), and this level of variation issupported in other Aves (11). A. mississippiensis possessed ahigher level of intraspecific variation than the birds, but this levelwas still at a far lower level than that of the early theropods an-alyzed (Fig. 3 D–F). This lack of variation in the OSA of extantbirds may be partly the result of low resolution in the relativetiming of some of the characters; because extant birds growquickly, we were unable to control for the relative timing of severalfemoral developmental characters, and therefore the OSAreconstructed these femoral characters as maturing in the samedevelopmental “leap.” However, our OSA of a higher-resolutiondataset of B. canadensis femoral characters (11) showed pre-dictably low variation (Fig. 3B). Given that variation in ontogeny,especially in size as correlated with skeletal maturity, appears to bemuted or absent in more derived theropods including severaltyrannosaurids (16, 17) and Allosaurus fragilis (15, 47–50) (SI Ap-pendix, Supplementary Text and Figs. S2–S4), we suggest that thisanomalously high level of individual variation in ontogenetictrends is absent from the clade Avetheropoda (Allosauroidea +Coelurosauria) and is constrained to early-diverging dinosaursand their closest relatives (Fig. 4).Although most vertebrate species possess some individual

variation in development (32), this normal feature of pop-ulations appears to play an exaggerated role in early-divergingdinosauriforms. The specific cause(s) of this variation in onto-genetic patterns is difficult to test with the evidence availablebecause the fossil record does not record most aspects of the lifehistory of individuals (e.g., variation in diet, environmental stressexperienced, or hormone levels). However, there is evidenceavailable supporting the dominant cause as intrinsic or extrinsic,

Fig. 3. OSA reticulating diagrams for extant archo-saurs. (A) Diagram illustrating the 9 reconstructeddevelopmental sequences of the 36 ontogeneticcharacters of B. canadensis. (B) Diagram illustratingthe 12 reconstructed developmental sequences of the18 femoral characters of B. canadensis. Data are fromref. 11. (C) Diagram illustrating the 4 reconstructeddevelopmental sequences of the 34 ontogeneticcharacters of M. gallopavo. (D) Diagram illustratingthe 234 reconstructed developmental sequences of 22postcranium-wide ontogenetic characters of A. mis-sissippiensis. Data are from ref. 12. (E) Diagram illus-trating the 3 reconstructed developmental sequencesof 13 femoral ontogenetic characters of A. mis-sissippiensis. Data are from refs. 12 and 13. (F) Dia-gram illustrating the 18 reconstructed developmentalsequences of 20 femoral ontogenetic characters of A.mississippiensis. Data are from ref. 14. Representativefemoral length for each semaphoront is indicated bycolor. This figure follows the key in Fig. 1.

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or some combination of the two. Developmental plasticity, achange in development in response to environmental variables, isa common source of variation in development in extant reptilesincluding birds, and is usually interpreted as an expression ofvariation in nutrient acquisition (e.g., ref. 51). Therefore, de-velopmental plasticity undoubtedly played at least some role in theontogeny of early dinosaurs. However, the taxa that possess thisvariation occur across a wide temporal spread [from the MiddleTriassic, A. kongwe (21), to the Late Cretaceous, M. knopfleri(27)], suggesting that this variation was not primarily influenced byexternal features typical of a certain period or stage (e.g., a morearid or humid environment). The large paleolatitudinal range[from tropical paleolatitudes (e.g., Asilisaurus, Coelophysis) tohigh paleolatitudes (e.g., Megapnosaurus, Plateosaurus)], andvaried ecological niches of these taxa (ranging from small- tolarge-bodied herbivores and carnivores alike) also suggests thatthis high level of variation is not solely driven by a commonenvironment or ecology shared by all taxa that possess this levelof variation. Instead, phylogenetic location is most predictive ofhigh intraspecific variation in development (Fig. 4), and there-fore intrinsic factors played the major role in producing thisvariation in populations, with individuals in a population exposedto roughly similar environments still undergoing different onto-genetic patterns. With body size commonly suggested to be re-lated to extinction risk (52), such a high level of variation withina species may be advantageous in an ecologically unstable en-vironment as in the low latitudes of the Late Triassic (53) andduring the extinction(s) that characterized the Late Triassic (54).Therefore, this anomalously high level of intraspecific variationmay have contributed to the early success of dinosaurs relative to

many pseudosuchian clades in the latest Triassic and through theEnd-Triassic Mass Extinction into the Early Jurassic.

Materials and MethodsCollection of Ontogenetic Character Data. We evaluated the state of 29 de-velopmental characters, including 10 femoral characters, in 174 uniquespecimens of C. bauri (with 93 femora); 13 developmental characters in thefemora of 43 specimens of M. rhodesiensis; 38 characters in 72 individuals ofB. canadensis, the Canada Goose; and 36 characters in 26 individuals of M.gallopavo, the Wild Turkey (see SI Appendix, Supplementary Text for detailson ontogenetic characters and discussion of potential bias in the C. baurisample; see SI Appendix, Tables S3–S6 for specimen scores for ontogeneticcharacters). Characters differ between taxa because differing ontogeneticcharacters are present in the postcranium of each species. However, thesecharacters are largely bone scars and suture fusions, and are often formedfrom homologous structures (for example, fusion between the ilium andischium occurs during ontogeny in all taxa analyzed, but this fusion is in-dependently acquired in early-diverging theropods (26), Alligator, andbirds), and so are comparable to each other for general ontogenetic trendsalthough they are not all homologous. B. canadensis and M. gallopavo werechosen as representative taxa for modeling the growth of extant birds for:(i) their slow growth rate relative to many other birds, making the timing ofontogenetic characters more easily resolved; (ii) their phylogenetic positionrelatively close to the most recent common ancestor of crown group avians(the last common ancestor of paleognaths and neognaths); and (iii) theirlarge numbers in North America, enabling easy access to skeletal growthseries with large sample sizes. Because the relative sequence of many avianfemoral characters was unresolved in our dataset (and therefore potentiallyartificially lowering the perceived level of variation), we also analyzed adataset of femoral characters from 77 individuals of B. canadensis takenfrom Tumarkin-Deratzian et al. (11), most of which possessed redundantsuites of character states, to test the level of variation in the sequence ofthese ontogenetic characters. We measured the maximum proximal/distalwidths and maximum lengths of long bones, the anteroposterior widths ofacetabula, and the lengths of sacra in C. bauri and M. rhodesiensis andmeasured maximum femoral length of both femora in B. canadensis and M.gallopavo. The specimens of C. bauri all were recovered from a single lo-cality, the Coelophysis Quarry at Ghost Ranch, New Mexico (37); and all butthree specimens of M. rhodesiensis come from a single locality near theChitake River, Zimbabwe (24, 55). Although a taphonomic study has notbeen undertaken on the M. rhodesiensis localities, the Coelophysis Quarry isthought to have undergone almost no time averaging and represents indi-viduals buried in only one to two events (31), making the time and geo-graphic averaging on the C. bauri sample potentially less than that of thesample of B. canadensis and M. gallopavo, the skeletons of which do notrepresent individuals from a single population but were collected from wildpopulations across Illinois and Wisconsin, over a period of several decades(reposited in the Field Museum of Natural History). The specimens com-prising the femoral dataset of B. canadensis were collected from wild pop-ulations across several northeastern and mid-Atlantic states (11).

The ontogenetic data for A. mississippiensis were obtained from pub-lished datasets. For the multielemental OSA, we used the postcranium-widematrix of 22 skeletal characters from Brochu (12); and for the femoralanalyses, we included a matrix of 13 femoral characters from Brochu (12, 13)and a matrix of 10 femoral characters from Tumarkin-Deratzian et al. (14).Although these Alligator data were originally collected for a method similarto OSA called cladistic ontogeny (12–14) (see SI Appendix, SupplementaryText for comparison of OSA and cladistic ontogeny), the characters areskeletal features that appear during ontogeny and are therefore compara-ble to the characters scored here for early theropods and extant birds.Brochu’s (12) postcranium-wide dataset includes 22 semaphoronts (with fourredundant specimens eliminated by our methods; see below), and Brochu’s(12, 13) femoral dataset included 8 semaphoronts. However, those datasetswere compiled by scoring character states of over 100 specimens and theneliminating redundant specimens. Although the number of individualspecimens originally scored was not recorded, skeletal measurements of 125A. mississippiensis specimens were reported. Therefore, the low number ofindividuals reported in these datasets does not accurately represent thenumber of individuals for which data were collected, because most indi-viduals (>100) possess redundant suites of characters. Tumarkin-Deratzianet al. (14) scored femoral characters for 109 specimens, but the majority ofthose possessed redundant character states. The large sample sizes of indi-viduals of A. mississippiensis used in those studies makes us confident thatthe results of our analyses accurately reflect the level of variation in thistaxon. Because Tumarkin-Deratzian et al. (14) did not report femoral lengths





















HighHigh intraspecific intraspecific variation in growthvariation in growth

SomeSome intraspecific intraspecific variation in growthvariation in growth




LowLow intraspecific intraspecific variation in growthvariation in growth

Histological Histological evidence evidence

of variation levelof variation level

Morphological Morphological evidence evidence

of variation levelof variation level

Continent, Geological Period



Fig. 4. Intraspecific variation in ontogeny is exaggerated in early-divergingdinosauriforms and dinosaurs relative to A. mississippiensis and the ancestralarchosaurian condition, regardless of period or geographic location, and isabsent in more derived theropod dinosaurs, including birds.

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Page 5: Anomalously high variation in postnatal development is ... · could be ancestral for Dinosauria (21). In contrast to most of the early dinosaurian record, which rarely preserves greater

of specimens, we were unable to determine how skeletal maturity related tofemoral length for the analysis of that dataset. The specimens from ref. 12–14 were collected from wild populations from Florida and Louisiana. We didnot incorporate early-diverging pseudosuchian taxa into our study becausegrowth series for early pseudosuchians are rare, and a sample large enoughto test the presence of intraspecific variation among individuals of earlypseudosuchians is not available. Additionally, intraspecific variation similarto that seen in early dinosauromorphs has not been reported for earlypseudosuchians. The derived pseudosuchian A. mississippiensis, along withother extant crocodylians (12, 13), is known from excellent growth series forwhich ontogenetically variable skeletal characters are well understood, andwe used these data to provide insight into the level of intraspecific variationamong pseudosuchian archosaurs. See Datasets 1–9 for NEXUS files ofindividuals used in OSA, and Datasets 10–13 for femoral measurement data.

Reconstructing Developmental Patterns and Quantifying Variation. OSA is aparsimony-based, size-independent method of reconstructing all equallyparsimonious developmental sequences of discrete ontogenetic char-acter changes in a population and will therefore reconstruct multipledevelopmental sequences when sequence polymorphism is present inthat population.

OSA has normally been used to understand variation and development inextant organisms (32, 56–60), with only a few previously published studiesusing this method in extinct taxa (21, 61). We followed standard OSA pro-cedure (32) to conduct this analysis. First, we constructed a NEXUS matrix fileof irreversible ontogenetic characters and combined all operational taxo-nomic units (OTUs) (in this case, individuals) with identical suites of characterstates into single OTUs to identify semaphoronts—unique suites of de-velopmental character states that represent all specimens with those states.To reduce the amount of missing data in the analysis, we eliminated re-dundancies in character states of specimens by removing those specimenswith missing data if all known character states were identical to one or morespecimens with fewer missing data using safe taxonomic reduction (62) inthe Claddis package (63) in R (64) producing a taxonomically reduced NEXUSfile that we used to perform OSA (Datasets 1–9). Additionally, we alsoconstructed a “reversed” NEXUS file for each file previously constructed,with the coding for mature and immature characters reversed (e.g., “0”becomes “1” for two-state characters, etc.). This step polarizes charactersusing the most mature outgroup, preventing semaphoronts from fallingalong developmental paths that do not extend from the least to most ma-ture semaphoronts (see ref. 32 for a more detailed explanation). We thenused Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (*and Other Methods) (PAUP*)Version 4.0b10 (65) to optimize these developmental events onto trees by run-ning a heuristic search with the tree-bisection-reconnection algorithm, addingspecimens randomly and running 300 replicates. The “normal” dataset was runwith the most immature individual as the outgroup semaphoront, and the re-versed dataset with the most mature individual was run as the outgroup sem-aphoront. If completely immature or mature individuals were not present in thedataset, we included “hypothetical” semaphoronts with completely immature/mature character states to provide outgroups to polarize characters; however, allindividual character states included in the analysis were observed in the sample.We then visualized the normal and reverse treatment trees returned by PAUP*in MacClade Version 4.04 (66) using the “trace all changes” function on bothambiguous and unambiguous changes.

We used this information to construct the OSA reticulating-sequence di-agrams for each dataset by following the standard OSA procedure (32) (SIAppendix, Supplementary Text), with a few modifications to analyze ourdatasets that contained large amounts of missing data. To conservativelyestimate the amount of sequence polymorphism, we chose to reconstructambiguous changes only along the branch closest to the immature outgroupsemaphoront, rather than reconstruct this character change as occurringevery place where it was ambiguously reconstructed: essentially, anaccelerated transformation (ACCTRAN) treatment. Missing data can createambiguities that sometimes result in inflated numbers of developmentalsequences, because the same set of specimens can form two adjacent sem-aphoronts, with one semaphoront having reconstructed a missing character(s)as absent and the other as present, with the change linking the two as partof a sequence. In most cases, this merely represents the most parsimoni-ous sequence available for these semaphoronts, because the semaphoront

reconstructed as “mature” is connected with entirely different specimens,meaning the different optimizations of the missing data merely made adevelopmental sequence that was already parsimonious more resolvedthan it otherwise would have been. However, in some instances, the ma-ture reconstruction of those same specimens merely linked to a moremature semaphoront that the “immature” reconstruction already linked tovia another developmental sequence. In this case, the reconstruction of themissing data adds a sequence of equal resolution that only exists becauseof missing data. To be conservative in estimating the amount of sequencepolymorphism in the population, we eliminated those semaphoronts thatrepresented the same set of specimens and only added sequences becauseof different optimizations of missing data. We also modified OSA to ac-commodate a problem not yet encountered in published studies usingOSA: because some specimens with large amounts of missing data in thefull-body dataset possessed character suites extremely different fromother, more complete specimens, the normal treatment placed thesespecimens in divergent sequences close to the immature outgroup (reconstructingmost or all of the missing characters as immature), whereas the reversetreatment did the opposite, placing these specimens close to the matureoutgroup, reconstructing most of the missing data as mature characters.Because the two treatments did not overlap for these specimens, thespecimens were left “stranded”; that is, without a complete path from theleast to most mature semaphoronts. Because the assumptions of OSArequire each developmental pathway to connect the two outgroup sem-aphoronts, we connected the stranded semaphoronts to the least or mostmature semaphoronts as needed, resulting in several developmental se-quences that are highly unresolved and possess extremely low frequencysupport weights (see below). Although reconstruction of these specimensas near the immature outgroup and reconstruction of these specimens asnear the mature outgroup are both equally consistent with the data, toavoid overestimating the number of potential developmental sequences(and therefore the sequence polymorphism in the sample), we chose toeliminate those stranded semaphoronts and associated developmental path-ways that were reconstructed as near the mature outgroup, leaving those samespecimens that were also reconstructed as semaphoronts near the immatureoutgroup. The “raw”OSA diagrams and sequences can be found in SI Appendix,Figs. S6–S13.

Maturity score, which is different from developmental stages as used inembryology, is the number of mature character states attained by a sem-aphoront. Therefore, semaphoronts may have the same maturity score whilepossessing differing character states. Frequency support weight—a di-mensionless number representing the specimen support for a single sem-aphoront—was calculated for every semaphoront by the standard OSAprocedure (32). A specimen gives a frequency support weight of 1 if it is onlyrepresented by a single semaphoront; otherwise, the support weight givenby that specimen is divided evenly between all semaphoronts that representit. The sequence with the most support weight is the modal sequence. Therepresentative femoral length for each semaphoront, resulting in a color foreach semaphoront in the OSA reticulating diagram (see key in Figs. 1–3 forcolor scales for femoral lengths), was determined by the length of thespecimen(s) that represented each semaphoront in the reduced NEXUS fileso as to not include those specimens with missing data that are representedby multiple semaphoronts. For those semaphoronts for which no represen-tative specimen was available (e.g., the hypothetical immature outgroupsemaphoront), the median of the femoral lengths of all specimens placed inthat semaphoront was used as the representative femoral length.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank M. Carrano, M. Stocker, L. Freeman,M. Colbert, M. McLain, K. Padian, D. Barta, R. Irmis, the Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University (VT) Paleobiology Group, and the VT In-tegrative and Organismal Biology Group for discussions and our tworeviewers for their helpful reviews, which greatly improved the manuscript.We thank the curators and staff of all museum collections visited (SI Appen-dix, Supplementary Text). We were supported by the VT Department ofGeosciences Charles E. and Francis P. Sears Research Scholarship, the VTGraduate Student Assembly Research Development Grant, a Jurassic Foun-dation Research Grant, a Geological Society of America Graduate StudentResearch Grant, and an National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Re-search Fellowship (all awarded to C.T.G.), as well as NSF EAR 1349667(awarded to S.J.N.).

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