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Another Version of the Truth

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  • 7/29/2019 Another Version of the Truth


    A Post Apocalyptic World

    By: Danielle DuPont

  • 7/29/2019 Another Version of the Truth



    List of Characters

    Soldier 1Taylor PausewangNew night shift soldier on the compound. Early 20s

    Soldier 2Patrick DoyleSeasoned night shift soldier on the compound. Mid 30s

    Carl - Seasoned day shift soldier on the compound, found outside after hours. Mid 50s

    Teen 1

    Teen 2

    CommanderIn charge of creating new rules and ensuring all the rules are enforced. Late 60s

    Dr. WalshMid 40s

    SoldierLead soldier of the night shift. Late 20s

    Rebel 1Lead rebel. Mid 30s

    Rebel 2RoSecond in command rebel. Mid 30s

    Rebel 3Mid 30s

    Props: Couches, chairs, something resembling guns, a desk, various weapons, doors, overhead

    lights, slightly deflated ball (for head), pillowcases or large hoods, wall structure with door

    opening, ropes, coffee tables, magazines, trays (2).

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    Act One

    Scene One

    Two soldiers are walking the streets of a seemingly empty town. The homes are boarded up, and

    the only lights to be seen are those of the bright lights from the compound offstage.

    Soldier 1I hate night patrol. If people dont know the rules by now, they should be shot on


    Soldier 2You know we cant do that. Anyone caught outside after curfew needs to be taken to

    the compound.

    A rustling from nearby bushes startles the first soldier. He raises his gun and points to the


    Soldier 1What the hell was that?

    Soldier 2Probably a raccoon. Or a rat. Why are you so jumpy tonight? Too much coffee?

    Soldier 1(lowering his weapon) After last week, Ive been a little freaked out. That little girl

    who didnt know the rules

    Soldier 2(interrupting him)You cant think about that. You have to be in the here and now.

    We have a job to do.

    Soldier 1She didnt even have a chance. There was no one to defend her. What they did to


    Soldier 2(interrupting)Stop it man. Were on patrol.

    Soldier 1 - I know. There hasnt been anything since then. And she was an orphan, after all.

    Hungry, alone

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    Soldier 2You need some time off, man. These late nights are really getting to you. Were just

    doing our job. Make sure no one is out after curfew, no loud noises from the homes, no bright

    lights from anywhere except the compound.

    Soldier 1I need to switch to days.

    Soldier 2Are you joking? Days are worse. No music playing outside, pets outside for twenty

    minutes at a time, permission to go to the damn grocery store, everyone inside by 7pm. No

    thanks. I like the night shift. All thats out right now is the wildlife.

    Soldier 1Seriously? What else happens during the day?

    Soldier 2No brightly colored clothes, nothing that shows much skin. If anyone wants to travel

    outside the city, they need a permit

    The rustling from bushes continues and startles both men.

    Soldier 2What the hell?

    Soldier 1Whats that?

    An injured man crawls from the bushes. The men recognize him as one of the daytime soldiers.

    Soldier 2Damn. What happened Carl?

    Carl(his voice barely a whisper)Attacked.. as I was.. finishing my shift.

    Soldier 1Why are you out here? You know the consequences.

    CarlI know. I was locked out. My partner left when the attack started. I dont care what you

    do to me. Just dont put me in one of those cells.

    Soldier 2Sorry Carl, you know we have to. No exceptions.

    CarlShit. (Carl rolls onto his back) Alright, do what you must. I wont fight.

    Soldier 1Watch your language, Carl. You of all people should know the forbidden words.

    CarlI dont give a shit. Theyre going to kill me anyway. Im useless. My legs are broken.

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    Soldier 2Alright, Carl.

    (The two men bang on the gate to be let in. The gate opens, two more soldiers enter stage left as

    the two soldiers exit stage left.)

    Soldier 2(Shouting offstage) Prisoner coming in.

    Attendant(Shouting offstage) Offense?

    Soldier 1(Shouting offstage) Out after hours and using forbidden words.

    A loud grinding noise is heard as the gates to the holding cells are opened. End Scene 1.

    Scene Two

    A man is seen inside a prison-style cell, the two soldiers standing on either side.

    Soldier 2Its the best we can do for ya, man. Youll be alone, at least for a little while.

    CarlThanks guys. I know youre just doing your job.

    Soldier 1Anytime, Carl. Maybe justice will be swift and painless.

    CarlNot likely. It never is. Thats one thing that sucks. Nothing is ever painless. Or fast.

    Soldier 1What do you mean?

    Soldier 2Those who break the rules are usually tortured.

    Soldier 1Tortured? Oh man.

    Soldier 2Yeah. We better go. Were only supposed to drop of the offenders and leave.

    The two men exit, stage right. After they exit, a loud bang can be heard, (indicating the main

    gate to the jail cells has closed). End Scene.

    Scene Three

    The two soldiers enter from stage right a room filled with couches, chairs and tables. They take

    seats near the door (stage right), attempting to relax.

    Soldier 1So, now what? Do we patrol more or are we done for the night?

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    Soldier 2Were done for the night. Anytime someone is brought in, the patrollers are done for

    the night.

    Soldier 1Im curious about the other offenses. I know the main ones. No forbidden words, no

    procreation without consent, no firearms except for soldiers, no public displays of affection, no

    concerts, no drugs, no alcohol, no smoking.

    Soldier 2Theres no rock music, only pop, and country. No unusual hair colors, no piercings,

    no tattoos.

    Soldier 1Wow. I had no idea. Thats pretty harsh. What about the punishments?

    Soldier 2Theyre pretty bad. Im sure youre familiar with some of them.

    Soldier 1Cant say that I do. Only the rumors Ive heard.

    Soldier 2How long have you been guarding?

    Soldier 1This is my second week. Ive mostly heard rumors about everything, except the rules

    posted around town.

    Soldier 2The punishment is pretty brutal. Anyone caught out after hours gets put into a torture

    room, hands shackled above their head, whipped for a few hours, strategic cuts on the body,

    soles of the feet burned with red-hot coals

    Soldier 1Thats just for out after hours? Thats brutal!

    Soldier 2Any of the other offenses get different punishments. The little girl last week was

    caught wearing a very brightly colored dress. And theres no leniency. If a rule is broken, thats

    all there is to it. Doesnt matter if the victim is old, young, handicapped. The punishment follows

    the offense.

    Soldier 1Thats terrible. I heard that her clothes were ripped off of her and she had to walk

    through the compound naked.

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    Soldier 2Thats only part of it. The people living within the compound walls were encouraged

    to throw anything they wanted at her. Rocks, food, dirt, water. Even though she was a child who

    didnt know any better, many of the residents threw rocks.

    Soldier 1Id heard about that. And that it was a particularly large rock that struck her in the

    head, killing her.

    Soldier 2Who told you that crap?

    Soldier 1One of the day soldiers. Why? What actually happened?

    Soldier 2Someone threw a balloon filled with gasoline, completely dousing her.

    Soldier 1

    Are you serious?

    Soldier 2(nodding) Yup, and someone threw something that was on fire. I wasnt there, so I

    never saw what it was. She went up like a match. She tried to run, but the internal guards

    prevented it, they wouldnt even let her try to put out the flames. She died soon after.

    Soldier 1Oh my God!

    Soldier 2God has nothing to do with it, Taylor.

    TaylorWho does, Patrick?

    PatrickThe people within this compound. Theyre the ones who set the rules and set the


    TaylorBut how did they come up with these punishments? Theyre harsh.

    PatrickTrial and error. They came up with these specific rules and punishments to keep the

    populous in line and keep offenders to a minimum.

    TaylorBut why? I still dont understand why the rules were implemented in the first place. I

    wasnt around when all of this started and no one will tell me anything.

    PatrickTheres a reason for that. No ones supposed to talk about it. Lets go get some chow.

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    (A group of teenagers enter the common area, most of them quiet. The two that are talking, are

    discussing their schoolwork.)

    Teen 1So, when you do the calculations, you have to remember the order of operations.

    Multiplication and division will be done BEFORE addition and subtraction.

    Teen 2Ooohhh. I get it now.

    (The teens continue past Taylor and Patrick to the far side of the common room and resume their

    discussion on math.)

    PatrickAh, to be young. To have others taking care of you.

    TaylorThose were the days. Not having to worry about whats outside those gates.

    PatrickTaylor, that was you only a couple years ago.

    TaylorBut I didnt know what was out there. I grew up in here, like those kids. (pointing to

    the teenagers) I dont know what its like out there. I grew up knowing the rules, theyre a part

    of me, like they are with everyone inside this place.

    PatrickBe lucky. Those on the outside think they understand, but they really have no idea.

    The rules have been in place for so long, youd think theyd know better by now.

    (A voice comes over the speakers. Patrick Doyle and Taylor Pausewang, please report to the


    TaylorThat cant be good.

    PatrickIts probably a debriefing. Since most nights are quiet, its normal when something

    actually happens on your shift. Dont worry about it.

    TaylorBut, I thought the Commander didnt meet with shifters personally.

    Patrick- There must be reason. Ive learned not to question anything that goes on around here. I

    like my job and everything that has come with it.

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    Taylor and Patrick rise from their seats and exit stage right. End Scene

    Scene Six

    The room is well decorated with a large desk and elaborate chair near stage left. The

    Commander is pacing in front of the desk. A loud knocking comes from Stage Right.

    CommanderCome! (He walks around to the back side of his desk and sits in his chair.)

    Taylor and Patrick enter from stage right and stand in front of the desk.

    CommanderAhh, gentlemen. Thank you for coming. Not like you had a choice, eh?


    Patrick(laughing nervously) Yes, sir.

    CommanderPlease, men, have a seat. (both men sit across from the Commander) Now, the

    reason I called you here was to discuss what happened on your patrol. A debriefing, of sorts.

    PatrickOf course, sir.

    Commander(looking at Taylor)Youre new to the night shift, arent you, boy?

    TaylorY-y-yes, sir. O-o-only been doing it for about two weeks.

    Commander(laughing)Dont be nervous, son. Youre not in any trouble. I just want to hear

    what happened tonight. I heard you brought in one of the dayshifters.

    PatrickYes sir. Carl. He claims he was attacked at the end of his shift, and his partner left


    CommanderAhh, yes. Carl. Unfortunate, really. Hes one of the best dayshifters we have.

    TaylorE-e-excuse me, sir? Whats going to happen to him?

    CommanderThe same thing that happens to everyone else. Whats your name, son?

    TaylorTaylor, sir. Is he really going to be tortured?

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    Commander(laughing) Tortured? Who told you that? (Taylor glances at Patrick) No, no, no,

    because Carls been with us for so long, it will be quick for him.

    PatrickBut sir, wouldnt that go against the rules?

    CommanderPatrick, my dear boy, my grandfather made the rules. He wanted to show

    leniency to those who have served us for many years. Carl has been a dayshifter since he was 16.

    He truly enjoyed his job.

    TaylorI guess I dont understand sir. Ive lived in the compound all my life and Ive never

    heard the rules for the dayshifters. I barely know the rules being a nightshifter.

    CommanderThats understandable, my boy, but we dont have time right now to go over the

    rules. Now, what were you two doing when you encountered Carl?

    PatrickWe were finishing our first path from the compound when we heard a noise in the

    bushes. At first, we thought it was an animal. When we neared the bushes, Carl crawled out. Sir,

    he looked terrible. He claimed to have been attacked and his partner locked him out.

    CommanderI see. That story seems to corroborate with his partner, Stan. Hes been a

    dayshifter almost as long as Carl.

    PatrickI dont mean to be out of place, sir, but what did Stan say? I only ask because Im

    wondering if its something we need to be concerned about.

    CommanderExcellent question, Patrick. And I agree with you wholeheartedly about being

    concerned. Stan was summoned to my office after the incident and he told me that a group of

    people rushed both he and Carl and starting viciously attacking them. Stan was able to get away

    by hitting one of the men with the butt of his rifle. He had no choice but to leave Carl. From

    what Stan told me, Im surprised Carls still alive.

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    PatrickHe does have broken legs, sir. Perhaps someone from the infirmary could either fix

    that or give him something for the pain.

    CommanderIll have to confer with Dr. Walsh to determine what action will be taken. At the

    very least, he will be given something for the pain. Because of the situation, we probably wont

    mend his legs. After all, he will be executed by the end of the week.

    TaylorBut sir, if hes been with the compound for so long, why execute him? I dont


    CommanderTaylor, he broke the rules, plain and simple. Regardless of what happened out

    there, Carl knew the risks when he did what he did. And because he HAS been with the

    compound as long as he has, thats why hes getting a quick death.

    TaylorBut sir-

    Commander(interrupting)Taylor, I know youre still new to working for us here at the

    compound, and I appreciate that you wanted the job as a nightshifter, but I am a busy man. If

    youll excuse me, I have some appointments to deal with before I can finish my day.

    PatrickOf course, sir. (standing) Thank you for meeting with us.

    Taylor- (standing) But what about these rebels, sir? Is something going to be done about them?

    CommanderI will propose a meeting with all the shifters to keep an eye out for this group of

    defiers. Youre immediate commander will receive the details soon.

    TaylorThank you, sir.

    (The men leave stage right. End Scene)

    Scene Seven

    (Taylor and Patrick enter the common room from stage right and the teenagers have taken their

    seats. Moving to the far side, they take a seat on the couch.)

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    TaylorThat was interesting.

    PatrickHow so?

    TaylorI guess I wasnt expecting a meeting with the Commander. During my orientation, I

    was told that we would never see him, let alone speak to him.

    PatrickThats how he prefers it. Because of the chain of command, its usually not necessary

    to bring petty things to his attention.

    TaylorThen why-

    Patrick(interrupting)My guess is because of Carl. Carls been a shifter for a long time, and

    the Commander may have known Carl when they were younger.

    Sirens begin blaring throughout the compound. The teenagers look at each other with wide eyes

    and run off stage right.

    Taylor(standing and looking around)Whats going on?

    Patrick(standing)Im not sure, but we better find out.

    Taylor(confused) But, I thought we were done with our shift.

    PatrickThat siren means somethings going on. We may be done with our shift, but our job is

    to protect those living in the compound.

    They exit quickly, stage right.

    End Act One

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    Act Two

    Scene One

    The scene Taylor and Patrick enter is one of chaos. Civilians running everywhere, people in

    uniform moving quickly to either the front or rear gates.(Stage left or stage right)

    Taylor(Looking around wildly) What the hells going on?

    PatrickSomething serious, I imagine. (Grabs the arm of one of the passing soldier) Soldier,

    whats going on?

    SoldierIts rebels. Theyre attacking the compound.

    He pulls away from Patrick and continues on his path.

    TaylorAttacking the compound?

    Patrick(pulling Taylors arm) Come on. We gotta see what we can do to help.

    Taylor and Patrick run stage left.

    Scene Two

    Taylor, Patrick and a few more soldiers enter stage left, approaching the rear gate of the

    compound, stage right. There is yelling on the other side, things being thrown over the gate, and

    banging on the gate.

    Soldier(stopping near the gate, yelling) Hold up here, men. We want to subdue these rebels,

    NOT kill them.

    TaylorHow are we supposed to subdue them, sir?

    SoldierWe shoot their extremities. Legs, feet, hands, and arms. Avoid the head and chest at all

    cost. (yelling to one of the towers) Open the gate!

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    Rebel 1(hitting the soldier upside his head) Youpeople are stupid. Youre simply inviting a

    revolt from those who refuse to follow your laws.

    SoldierWhos lying now? You seem to think these people arent happy with how things are


    Rebel 1Your people are too stupid to realize theres anything else available to them. Youve

    made sure of that. You have people who cant think for themselves and are wanting someone to

    tell them what they should do with their lives.

    SoldierI think youre delusional. The people we protect are happy and content with all weve

    provided them. We keep them safe from rabble, like you.

    Rebel 2Rabble? You consider us rabble? Thats a laugh. You and your people are a joke.

    SoldierYes, you are rabble to our compound. All you do is loot and destroy. You destroy the

    lives of those who wish to be protected, destroy the lives of children by not providing them

    consistency, and destroy the lives of those who follow you, blindly, by providing false


    Rebel 1(pacing) Loot and destroy? Boy, do you have your shit fucked up. You clearly dont

    know a damn thing about us. No wonder you think we need to be erased. Who are you to think

    you can wipe us out?

    SoldierI am a soldier of the compound. I am entitled-

    Rebel 2(interrupting)Oooh! Get a load of him. Hes entitled! (laughing and putting his face

    in front of the soldiers hood)Youre not even entitled to wipe my ass, bitch!Rebel 1(facing Rebel 2)Ro, shut the fuck up. (turning back to the soldier)Youre entitled to

    nothing! Your view of the world is completely wrong. All youre doing is preventing us from

    having the world as it once was.

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    SoldierOnce was? The world was corrupt and extremely flawed.

    Rebel 1Flawed? Of course its flawed. Were HUMAN! Humans are flawed!

    SoldierThats why were here, to remove those flaws.

    Rebel 1(hitting the soldier) You cant remove flaws. Its part of being human. Having

    flaws, problems, and working through those problems. Do you seriously believe that you can

    beat problems out of people? Or scare them straight?

    SoldierFlaws are learned. Theyre not inherent within the individual.

    Rebel 1Thats a bunch of shit, and you know it. Flaws are always there, regardless ofwhat

    you do about it. What makes you think you have the right to treat people this way? Why cant

    people think for themselves?

    SoldierWe have every right to treat people with a way that keeps them safe. Thats what were

    trying to tell the people. Without us, theyre subject to becoming savages.

    RoSo, were savages now? Thats rich. You asses with your protective wall, your

    consequences for breaking your stupid rules. You seem to think youre all high and mighty

    because youre protected under your false leader.

    SoldierThe commissioner is not a false leader. He has brought us protection, freedom, and


    Rebel 1(stopping in front of the soldier) Do you honestly believe that you have ANY kind of


    PatrickWe have plenty of freedom. We know the rules, abide by them, and have freedom.

    Ro(standing in front of Patrick) Your freedom is baseless. Your rules dont allow for ANY

    freedom. Youre forced to wear boring clothing, youre not able to listen to music, youre not

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    able to having fucking SEX without a damn permit, for fucks sake! How the fuck is THAT


    SoldierWeve been able to weed out disease, prevent robbery within the city, and prevent

    unnecessary murders within the city walls.

    Rebel 1Unnecessary murder? What the fuck do you call what you do when someone

    disobeys? Id say thats unnecessary murder.

    SoldierIts called control over the populous.

    Rebel 1Control? More like domestication. You want your people to be like a housetrained

    pet. Next thing ya know, youll be telling those mindless pricks when they can take a piss.

    Ro(laughing)Aint that the shit. Maybe theyll tell them they have to wear diapers, like a

    baby. Theyd probably get in trouble for that shit, too.

    Rebel 1What say you, soldier boy? Does anyone over the age two get punished for wearing a

    diaper? Is that part of your repertoire? Maybe random discipline because someone looked at you

    while you were on patrol?

    The rebels laugh, the soldier tries to break free of his restraints, the remaining soldiers have

    gone silent and bow their heads.

    Rebel 1You know what? Ill let you think about that. Lets go guys.

    The rebels leave stage left, leaving the soldiers sitting mid stage, with the hoods still covering

    their faces. End Scene.

    Scene Four

    The rebels enter from stage left carrying a variety of weapons. The soldiers no longer have

    hoods covering their heads.

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    Rebel 1(moving to stand in front of the soldier) So, enlighten me as to the real reason you

    think your job is justified.

    SoldierOurjob IS justified. We protect the people from riff raff from you. Youre the reason

    we exist in the first place.

    Rebel 1Right. Youve been brainwashed to believe this crap, huh? Id like to know what your

    precious Commander would say to that.

    PatrickJust because youre outcasts, doesnt mean we deserve to tell you anything, scum.

    Ro(moving in front of Patrick)WERE the outcasts? Youve isolated yourselves behind

    WALLS, dipshit. Whos isolated? Sure as hell aint us. Were free to do what we want. No one

    pushing stupid fucking rules on us.

    SoldierThen I feel sorry for you. Our people are healthy, well taken care of

    Rebel 1Well taken care of? Youve GOT to be kidding me! Youre people cant comprehend

    what life is really like. Were the ones who are well taken care of. We dont need YOUR

    permission to do shit.

    SoldierAnd for that, your kind are destined to be destroyed.

    Rebel 1Do you honestly believe you can destroy us? Do you not realize that youre the ones

    tied up and at our mercy?

    SoldierWe are just a few. Our numbers are significant. Even if you kill us, you will be found

    by the others and taken out.

    Rebel 1(laughing) We have a large number of your soldiers. Or, we did.

    Soldier(looking at the rebel with wide eyes) What have you done to them?

    Rebel 1They were SO certain in their beliefs, we had to destroy them.

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    The soldier attempts to loosen himself from his restraints and fails. The rebels laugh at him. The

    other soldiers drop their heads, as if defeated.

    Rebel 1(firmly placing his foot on the soldiers lap, forcing him still) You may as well not

    struggle. Youre at our mercy.

    SoldierYoure nothing but monsters. We are stronger than you.

    Rebel 1(laughing)Were the monsters? Youre the ones destroying OUR people. And for

    what? Justice? You have no idea how strong we are. The numbers youve seen have only been a

    small portion. We could take you out without even trying.

    SoldierJustice will prevail.

    Rebel 1Yes, it will. (turning to the other rebels)Lets do it, guys. Well send his head to their


    The lights go down, fighting and screaming can be heard. End Scene

    Scene Five

    Lights up on the Commanders office, stage left. A man rushes in from stage right.

    ManSir! The rebels have taken the soldiers!

    Commander(standing) What? When?

    ManJust now, sir. All the soldiers at the gates.

    CommanderHow many?

    ManTwo dozen, sir.

    CommanderTwo dozen? Thats nearly all of them. How could this happen?

    ManI dont know, sir. When the rebels were at the gate, the soldiers opened it and they were

    overtaken. There were so many of them.

    Commander(rounding his desk) Gather the citizens! We need to take action!

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    The man and the Commander exit stage right. Shouting can be heard offstage. End Scene.

    Scene Six

    The Commander enters stage right and stops near the edge, citizens are standing in circles

    talking quietly, looking around nervously on stage left.

    CommanderPeople of the compound! Give me your attention! (the people turn to look at

    him) We have been assaulted! The rebels have taken our security! I ask you to help me to return

    that security to you!

    There is yelling heard from the other side of the gate, off stage.

    RebelCome get your men, cowards! If you dare!

    A ball-shaped object in a hood flies onstage from stage right.

    RebelHeres your leading soldier! Whats left of him, anyway. (laughing)

    The Commander grabs the hood, looks inside and is horrified that they would cut off his head.

    ManWhat is it, sir?

    The gates start moving and the people run stage left, leaving the man and the Commander alone

    on stage.

    Commander(grabbing at the man standing next to him) For the love of all you hold dear, run!

    Mannot without you, sir!(he grabs the Commanders arm, but cant seem to move him)Sir!Commander(pushing him stage left)I said, RUN! Its me they want! Itll be over when they

    get me! GO!

    The man runs offstage, stage left. The gate inches open and the rebels flow through, surrounding

    the Commander.

    Rebel 1(circling the Commander)Well, well, well. What do we have here? Giving yourself up

    to us? Do you think youre brave or something?

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    CommanderI want this to end. Ill do whatever it takes, even if it means giving myself over

    to the likes of you.

    Rebel 1- It will certainly end, old man. With your death.

    CommanderWhy with my death? Surely, there must be some other way.

    Rebel 1And what way do you think that should be? Do you honestly think youll be spared?

    After the way you treated those who didnt fall into line with your so-called laws? Even IF you

    were to survive what we have in store for you, you would be a mere shell of a man.

    CommanderYou were the ones who wanted nothing to do with our people-

    Rebel 1(interrupting) You wanted slaves! NOT people! We were the ones who refused to be

    slaves! We would rather live as outcasts that as slaves! Were the ones who are happy, free to do

    whatever we choose. We have no one to answer to. How is that so terrible? What I dont

    understand is how you convinced all those people to believe all the crap you were spewing.

    CommanderThey are not slaves, they are free to do what they will.

    Rebel 1Thats a load of shit and you know it. Your people are nothing but sheep who are

    looking for someone to tell them what to do and you provide it for them. They want someone to

    tell them what to eat, how to dress, how to act. Need I go on?

    CommanderIf thats how you see it, but thats not how it is. Youre deluded, and a madman.

    The people are happy with all we have done for them. They have no reason to be unhappy. All is

    provided for them. Yes, we instituted some rules, but those were for their safety.

    Rebel 1Their safety? How is determining their clothing part of their safety? Or what they can

    or cannot do in their homes? For that matter, why do your people have a fucking curfew? A

    CURFEW! Who the fuck implements a fucking curfew!

    CommanderThey can wear whatever they want-

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    Rebel 1Thats for me to know and you to find out.And youll find out in due time,

    Commander. (smiling)

    Commander(looking upward) Oh, God. Someone save me!

    Rebel 1There isnt anyone to save your ass. Its only you and me. Tell ya what, Ill let you

    outta your ropes and we can attempt to be civil to each other. Whadya think?

    Commander(looking at the rebel with contempt) Civil? Toward you? I dont think so.

    Rebel 1(facing stage right) Fine. I thought that you might enjoy not being bound up, but since

    you dont want to be civil, I wont force the issue.

    CommanderWait! I-I-Ive changed my mind!

    Rebel 1Too late. (he walks off, stage right)

    CommanderCome back! Ill tell you anything! Please let me out!

    The lights go out. End Scene.

    Scene Eight

    The lights come up on the stage. The chair is empty, the Commanders feet can be seen stage left,

    Rebel 1 is pacing with a bloodied sword, and the other rebels are standing near stage right

    Rebel 1I gave him chance after chance. He said hed tell me anything, then he takes it back as

    soon as Im ready to loosen his bonds. I could swear he WANTED to die this way. (turning to

    the other rebels) What happened when you ransacked the compound?

    RoWe found that the people were scared-

    Rebel 1(interrupting) Of course they were scared, you idiot! They probably thought they were

    going to die. What happened when you searched the homes?

  • 7/29/2019 Another Version of the Truth



    RoNothing out of the ordinary. Once we got past all the screaming morons, it was quick work.

    These people had nothing. Everything they owned looked like crap, literally. Brown as far as the

    eye could see.

    Rebel 1What did the people do when they realized it wasnt them you were after?

    RoThey were like a kid going outside for the first time by themselves. They slowly made their

    way out of the gate to see the world before them. Some of them were in awe, many didnt want

    to leave.

    Rebel 1What about the people in the homes outside the compound?

    RoThey were more rebellious than the soldiers realized. The clothing they had was a variety

    of colors, they had so many different kinds of music playing, it was an overload, and one of the

    homes we busted into, the couple were goin at it right there on the floor.

    Rebel 3What are we gonna do now? Weve won, right?

    Rebel 1 - We won here. Its only a small victory. This isnt the only compound in the country,

    though. What we do now is rally the rebels across the country and help them any way we can.

    Theyre going to need our help to take down the leaders of the various compounds. (looking at

    Ro)Get on the radio, let Boyd know what weve done and tell him well help any way we can.

    Ro nods and exits stage right.

    Rebel 1Lets pack up our shit and get the hell out of here.

    Rebel 3What about the people? We cant leave them without help.

    Rebel 1There are already a group wanting to stay behind. Their families need rebuilding on

    both sides. The rest of us roll out in the morning.

    The rebels exit stage right and the lights fade to black.
