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Anselmo Monologium %28extractos%29

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Anselm (1033-1109): Monologium  Preface  I. There is a being which is best, and greatest, and highest of all existing beings  II. The same subject continued  III. There is a certain Nature through which whatever is exists, etc.  IV. The same subject continued  V.  Just as this Nature exists through itself, and other beings through it, so it derives existence from itself, and other beings from it  VI. This Nature was not brought into existence with the help of any external cause, yet it does not exist through nothing, or derive existence from nothing  VII. In what way all other beings exist through this Nature and derive existence from it  VIII. How it is to be understood that this Nature created all things from nothing  IX. Those things which were created from nothing had an existence before their creation in the thought of the reator  X. This thought is a !ind of expression of the thoughts created "loc uti o rerum#, li!e the expression which an artisan forms in his mind for what he intends to ma!e  XI. The analogy, however, between the expression of the reator and the expression of the artisan is very complete  XII. This expression of the supreme $eing is the supreme $eing  XIII. %s all things were created through the supreme $eing, so all live through it  XIV.  This $eing is in all things. and throughout all  XV .  &hat can or cannot be stated concerning the substance of this $eing  XVI. 'or this $eing it is the same to be just that it is to be  justice  XVII. It is simple in such a way that all things that can be said of its essence are one and the same in it  XVIII. It is without beginning and without end  XIX. In what sense nothing existed before or will exist after this $eing  XX. It exists in every place and at every time  XXI. It exists in no place or time  XXII. How it exists in every place and time, and in none
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Anselm (1033-1109):Monologium

• Preface• I. There is a being which is best, and greatest, and highest of all

existing beings• II. The same subject continued• III. There is a certain Nature through which whatever is exists,

etc.• IV. The same subject continued• V. Just as this Nature exists through itself, and other beings

through it, so it derives existence from itself, and other beingsfrom it

• VI. This Nature was not brought into existence with the help ofany external cause, yet it does not exist through nothing, orderive existence from nothing

• VII. In what way all other beings exist through this Nature andderive existence from it

• VIII. How it is to be understood that this Nature created allthings from nothing

• IX. Those things which were created from nothing had anexistence before their creation in the thought of the reator

• X. This thought is a !ind of expression of the thoughts created"locutio rerum #, li!e the expression which an artisan forms inhis mind for what he intends to ma!e

• XI. The analogy, however, between the expression of the

reator and the expression of the artisan is very complete• XII. This expression of the supreme $eing is the supreme

$eing• XIII. %s all things were created through the supreme $eing, so

all live through it• XIV. This $eing is in all things. and throughout all• XV. &hat can or cannot be stated concerning the substance of

this $eing• XVI. 'or this $eing it is the same to be just that it is to be


XVII. It is simple in such a way that all things that can be saidof its essence are one and the same in it• XVIII. It is without beginning and without end• XIX. In what sense nothing existed before or will exist after

this $eing• XX. It exists in every place and at every time• XXI. It exists in no place or time• XXII. How it exists in every place and time, and in none

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• XXIII. How it is better conceived to exist everywhere than inevery place

• XXIV. How it is better understood to exist always than at everytime

• XXV. It cannot suffer change by any accidents• XXVI. How this $eing is said to be substance• XXVII. It is not included among substances as commonly

treated, yet it is a substance and an indivisible spirit• XXVIII.

This (pirit exists simply, and created beings are notcomparable with him• XXIX. His expression is identical with himself, and

consubstantial with him• XXX. This expression does not consist of more words than one,

but is one &ord• XXXI. This &ord itself is not the li!eness of created beings,

but the reality of their being• XXXII. The supreme (pirit expresses himself by a coeternal

&ord• XXXIII. He utters himself and what he creates by a single

consubstantial &ord• XXXIV. How he can express the created world by his &ord• XXXV. &hatever has been created is in his &ord and

!nowledge, life and truth• XXXVI. In how incomprehensible a way he expresses or

!nows the objects created by him• XXXVII. &hatever his relations to his creatures, this relation

his &ord also sustains• XXXVIII. It cannot be explained why they are two, although

they must be so• XXXIX. This &ord derives existence from the supreme (pirit

by birth• XL. He is most truly a parent, and that &ord his offspring• XLI. He most truly begets, and it is most truly begotten• XLII . It is the property of the one to be most truly progenitor

and 'ather, and of the other to be begotten and (on• XLIII. onsideration of the common attributes of both and the

individual properties of each• XLIV. How one is the essence of the other • XLV. The (on may more appropriately be called the essence of

the 'ather, than the 'ather the essence of the son• XLVI. How some of these truths which are thus expounded

may also be conceived of in another way• XLVII. The (on is the intelligence of intelligence and the truth

of truth• XLVIII. How the (on is the intelligence or wisdom of memory

or the memory of the 'ather and of memory

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• XLIX. The supreme (pirit loves himself • L. The same love proceeds e)ually from 'ather and (on• LI. *ach loves himself and the other with e)ual love• LII. This love is as great as the supreme (pirit himself • LIII. This +ove is identical with the supreme (pirit, and yet it

is itself with the 'ather and the (on one spirit• LIV. It proceeds as a whole from the 'ather, and as a whole

from the (on, and yet does not exist except as one love• LV.

This love is not their (on• LVI. nly the 'ather begets and is unbegotten- only the (on is begotten- only love neither begotten nor unbegotten

• LVII. This love is uncreated and creator, as are 'ather and (on-it may be called the (pirit of 'ather and (on

• LVIII. %s the (on is the essence or wisdom of the 'ather in thesense that he has the same essence or wisdom that the 'atherhas- so li!ewise the (pirit is the essence and wisdom etc. of'ather and (on

• LIX. The 'ather and the (on and their (pirit exist e)ually theone in the other

• LX. To none of these is another necessary that he mayremember, conceive, or love

• LXI. et there are not three, but one 'ather and one (on andone (pirit

• LXII. How it seems that of these three more sons than one are born

• LXIII. How among them there is only one (on of one 'ather,that is, one &ord, and that from the 'ather alone

• LXIV. Though this truth is inexplicable, it demands belief • LXV. How real truth may be reached in the discussion of an

ineffable subject• LXVI. Through the rational mind is the nearest approach to the

supreme $eing• LXVII. The mind itself is the mirror and image of that $eing• LXVIII. The rational creature was created in order that it might

love this $eing• LXIX. The soul that ever loves this *ssence lives at some time

in true blessedness• LXX. This $eing gives itself in return to the creature that loves

it, that that creature may be eternally blessed• LXXI. The soul that despises this being will be eternally

miserable• LXXII. *very human soul is immortal. %nd it is either forever

miserable, or at some time truly blessed .• LXXIII. No soul is unjustly deprived of the supreme good, and

every effort must be directed toward that good• LXXIV. The supreme $eing is to be hoped for

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• LXXV. &e must believe in this $eing, that is, by believing wemust reach for it

• LXXVI. &e should believe in 'ather and (on and in their(pirit e)ually, and in each separately, and in the three at once

• LXXVII . &hat is living and what dead faith• LXXVIII. The supreme $eing may in some sort be called

Three• LXXIX. The *ssence itself is /od, who alone is lord and ruler

of all


PREFACE.In this book Anselm discusses, under the form of ameditation, the Being of God, basing his argument not onthe authority of Scripture, but on the force of reason. Itcontains nothing that is inconsistent with the writings of theHoly Fathers, and especially nothing that is inconsistent withthose of St. Augustine. !he Greek terminology is employedin "hapter #$$%III., where it is stated that the !rinity may besaid to consist of three substances, that is, three persons.CERTAIN brethren have often and earnestly entreated me to!t "n #r"t"n$ some tho!$hts that I had o%ered them "nfam"l"ar &onversat"on' re$ard"n$ med"tat"on on the Be"n$ ofGod' and on some other to "&s &onne&ted #"th th"s s!b(e&t'!nder the form of a med"tat"on on these themes. It "s "na&&ordan&e #"th the"r #"sh' rather than #"th my ab"l"ty' thatthey have res&r"bed s!&h a form for the #r"t"n$ of th"smed"tat"on) "n order that noth"n$ "n *&r" t!re sho!ld be!r$ed on the a!thor"ty of *&r" t!re "tself' b!t that #hateverthe &on&l!s"on of "nde endent "nvest"$at"on sho!ld de&lareto be tr!e' sho!ld' "n an !nadorned style' #"th &ommonroofs and #"th a s"m le ar$!ment' be br"e+y enfor&ed bythe &o$en&y of reason' and la"nly e, o!nded "n the l"$ht oftr!th. It #as the"r #"sh also' that I sho!ld not d"sda"n to meets!&h s"m le and almost fool"sh ob(e&t"ons as o&&!r to me.

Th"s tas- I have lon$ ref!sed to !nderta-e. And' re+e&t"n$ onthe matter' I have tr"ed on many $ro!nds to e,&!se myself)for the more they #anted th"s #or- to be ada table tora&t"&al !se' the more #as #hat they en(o"ned on med" &!lt of e,e&!t"on. Over&ome at last' ho#ever' both by themodest "m ort!n"ty of the"r entreat"es and by the not&ontem t"ble s"n&er"ty of the"r /eal) and rel!&tant as I #asbe&a!se of the d" &!lty of my tas- and the #ea-ness of my

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talent' I entered ! on the #or- they as-ed for. B!t "t "s #"thleas!re "ns "red by the"r a%e&t"on that' so far as I #as able'I have rose&!ted th"s #or- #"th"n the l"m"ts they set.I #as led to th"s !nderta-"n$ "n the ho e that #hatever Im"$ht a&&om l"sh #o!ld soon be over#helmed #"th&ontem t' as by men d"s$!sted #"th some #orthless th"n$.For I -no# that "n th"s boo- I have not so m!&h sat"s0edthose #ho entreated me' as !t an end to the entreat"es thatfollo#ed me so !r$ently. 1et' someho# "t fell o!t' &ontrary to

my ho e' that not only the brethren ment"oned above' b!tseveral others' by ma-"n$ &o "es for the"r o#n !se'&ondemned th"s #r"t"n$ to lon$ remembran&e. And' afterfre2!ent &ons"derat"on' I have not been able to 0nd that Ihave made "n "t any statement #h"&h "s "n&ons"stent #"th the#r"t"n$s of the Cathol"& Fathers' or es e&"ally #"th those of*t. A!$!st"ne. 3herefore' "f "t shall a ear to any man that Ihave o%ered "n th"s #or- any tho!$ht that "s e"ther too novelor d"s&ordant #"th the tr!th' I as- h"m not to deno!n&e me aton&e as one #ho boldly se"/es ! on ne# "deas' or as ama"nta"ner of falsehood) b!t let h"m 0rst read d"l"$ently

A!$!st"ne4s boo-s on the Tr"n"ty' and then (!d$e my treat"se"n the l"$ht of those.In stat"n$ that the s! reme Tr"n"ty may be sa"d to &ons"st ofthree s!bstan&es' I have follo#ed the Gree-s' #hoa&-no#led$e three s!bstan&es "n one Essen&e' "n the samefa"th #here"n #e a&-no#led$e three ersons "n one*!bstan&e. For they des"$nate by the #ord substance thatattr"b!te of God #h"&h #e des"$nate by the #ord person.3hatever I have sa"d on that o"nt' ho#ever' "s !t "n themo!th of one debat"n$ and "nvest"$at"n$ "n sol"taryre+e&t"on' 2!est"ons to #h"&h he had $"ven no attent"onbefore. And th"s method I -ne# to be "n a&&ordan&e #"th the#"sh of those #hose re2!est I #as str"v"n$ to f!l0l. B!t "t "smy rayer and earnest entreaty' that "f any shall #"sh to&o y th"s #or-' he shall be &aref!l to la&e th"s refa&e atthe be$"nn"n$ of the boo-' before the body of the med"tat"on"tself. For I bel"eve that one #"ll be m!&h hel ed "n!nderstand"n$ the matter of th"s boo-' "f he has ta-en noteof the "ntent"on' and the method a&&ord"n$ to #h"&h "t "sd"s&!ssed. It "s my o "n"on' too' that one #ho has 0rst seenth"s refa&e #"ll not rono!n&e a rash (!d$ment' "f he shall0nd o%ered here any tho!$ht that "s &ontrary to h"s o#nbel"ef.


There "s a be"n$ #h"&h "s best' and $reatest' and h"$hest of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s.

IF any man' e"ther from "$noran&e or !nbel"ef' has no-no#led$e of the e,"sten&e of one Nat!re #h"&h "s h"$hest of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s' #h"&h "s also s! &"ent to "tself "n "ts

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eternal blessedness' and #h"&h &onfers ! on and e%e&ts "nall other be"n$s' thro!$h "ts omn" otent $oodness' the veryfa&t of the"r e,"sten&e' and the fa&t that "n any #ay the"re,"sten&e "s $ood) and "f he has no -no#led$e of many otherth"n$s' #h"&h #e ne&essar"ly bel"eve re$ard"n$ God and h"s&reat!res' he st"ll bel"eves that he &an at least &onv"n&eh"mself of these tr!ths "n $reat art' even "f h"s mentalo#ers are very ord"nary' by the for&e of reason alone.And' altho!$h he &o!ld do th"s "n many #ays' I shall ado t

one #h"&h I &ons"der eas"est for s!&h a man. For' s"n&e alldes"re to en(oy only those th"n$s #h"&h they s! ose to be$ood' "t "s nat!ral that th"s man sho!ld' at some t"me' t!rnh"s m"nd4s eye to the e,am"nat"on of that &a!se by #h"&hthese th"n$s are $ood' #h"&h he does not des"re' e,&e t ashe (!d$es them to be $ood. *o that' as reason leads the #ayand follo#s ! these &ons"derat"ons' he advan&es rat"onallyto those tr!ths of #h"&h' #"tho!t reason' he has no-no#led$e. And "f' "n th"s d"s&!ss"on' I !se any ar$!ment#h"&h no $reater a!thor"ty add!&es' I #"sh "t to be re&e"ved"n th"s #ay5 altho!$h' on the $ro!nds that I shall see 0t to

ado t' the &on&l!s"on "s rea&hed as "f ne&essar"ly' yet "t "snot' for th"s reason' sa"d to be absol!tely ne&essary' b!tmerely that "t &an a ear so for the t"me be"n$.It "s easy' then' for one to say to h"mself5 *"n&e there are$oods so "nn!merable' #hose $reat d"vers"ty #e e, er"en&eby the bod"ly senses' and d"s&ern by o!r mental fa&!lt"es'm!st #e not bel"eve that there "s some one th"n$' thro!$h#h"&h all $oods #hatever are $ood6 Or are they $ood onethro!$h one th"n$ and another thro!$h another6 To be s!re'"t "s most &erta"n and &lear' for all #ho are #"ll"n$ to see' that#hatsoever th"n$s are sa"d to ossess any attr"b!te "n s!&h a#ay that "n m!t!al &om ar"son they may be sa"d to ossess"t "n $reater' or less' or e2!al de$ree' are sa"d to ossess "tby v"rt!e of some fa&t' #h"&h "s not !nderstood to be oneth"n$ "n one &ase and another "n another' b!t to be the same"n d"%erent &ases' #hether "t "s re$arded as e,"st"n$ "n these&ases "n e2!al or !ne2!al de$ree. For' #hatsoever th"n$s aresa"d to be &ust, #hen &om ared one #"th another' #hethere2!ally' or more' or less' &annot be !nderstood as (!st'e,&e t thro!$h the 2!al"ty of &ustness, #h"&h "s not one th"n$"n one "nstan&e' and another "n another.*"n&e "t "s &erta"n' then' that all $oods' "f m!t!ally &om ared'#o!ld rove e"ther e2!ally or !ne2!ally $ood' ne&essar"lythey are all $ood by v"rt!e of someth"n$ #h"&h "s &on&e"vedof as the same "n d"%erent $oods' altho!$h somet"mes theyseem to be &alled $ood' the one by v"rt!e of one th"n$' theother by v"rt!e of another. For' a arently "t "s by v"rt!e ofone 2!al"ty' that a horse "s &alled good, be&a!se he "sstron$' and by v"rt!e of another' that he "s &alled good, be&a!se he "s s#"ft. For' tho!$h he seems to be &alled $ood

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by v"rt!e of h"s stren$th' and $ood by v"rt!e of h"s s#"ftness'yet s#"ftness and stren$th do not a ear to be the sameth"n$.B!t "f a horse' be&a!se he "s stron$ and s#"ft' "s therefore$ood' ho# "s "t that a stron$' s#"ft robber "s bad6 Rather'then' (!st as a stron$' s#"ft robber "s bad' be&a!se he "sharmf!l' so a stron$' s#"ft horse "s $ood' be&a!se he "s!sef!l. And' "ndeed' noth"n$ "s ord"nar"ly re$arded as $ood'e,&e t e"ther for some !t"l"ty 77 as' for "nstan&e' safety "s

&alled $ood' and those th"n$s #h"&h romote safety 77or forsome honorable &hara&ter 77 as' for "nstan&e' bea!ty "sre&-oned to be $ood' and #hat romotes bea!ty.B!t' s"n&e the reason"n$ #h"&h #e have observed "s "n no#"se ref!table' ne&essar"ly' a$a"n' all th"n$s' #hether !sef!lor honorable' "f they are tr!ly $ood' are $ood thro!$h thatsame be"n$ thro!$h #h"&h all $oods e,"st' #hatever thatbe"n$ "s. B!t #ho &an do!bt th"s very be"n$' thro!$h #h"&hall $oods e,"st' to be a $reat $ood6 Th"s m!st be' then' a$ood thro!$h "tself' s"n&e ever other $ood "s thro!$h "t.It follo#s' therefore' that all other $oods are $ood thro!$h

another be"n$ than that #h"&h they themselves are' and th"sbe"n$ alone "s $ood thro!$h "tself. Hen&e' th"s alone "ss! remely $ood' #h"&h "s alone $ood thro!$h "tself. For "t "ss! reme' "n that "t so s!r asses other be"n$s' that "t "sne"ther e2!alled nor e,&elled. B!t that #h"&h "s s! remely$ood "s also s! remely $reat. There "s' therefore' some onebe"n$ #h"&h "s s! remely $ood' and s! remely $reat' that "s'the h"$hest of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s.

CHAPTER II. The same s!b(e&t &ont"n!ed.

B8T' (!st as "t has been roved that there "s a be"n$ that "ss! remely $ood' s"n&e all $oods are $ood thro!$h a s"n$lebe"n$' #h"&h "s $ood thro!$h "tself) so "t "s ne&essar"ly"nferred that there "s someth"n$ s! remely $reat' #h"&h "s$reat thro!$h "tself. B!t' I do not mean hys"&ally $reat' as amater"al ob(e&t "s $reat' b!t that #h"&h' the $reater "t "s' "sthe better or the more #orthy' 77#"sdom' for "nstan&e. Ands"n&e there &an be noth"n$ s! remely $reat e,&e t #hat "ss! remely $ood' there m!st be a be"n$ that "s $reatest andbest' ". e.' the h"$hest of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s.


There "s a &erta"n Nat!re thro!$h #h"&h #hatever "s e,"sts'and #h"&h e,"sts thro!$h "tself' and "s the h"$hest of alle,"st"n$ be"n$s.

THEREFORE' not only are all $ood th"n$s s!&h thro!$hsometh"n$ that "s one and the same' and all $reat th"n$ss!&h thro!$h someth"n$ that "s one and the same) b!t#hatever "s' a arently e,"sts thro!$h someth"n$ that "s one

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and the same. For' everyth"n$ that "s' e,"sts e"ther thro!$hsometh"n$' or thro!$h noth"n$. B!t noth"n$ e,"sts thro!$hnoth"n$. For "t "s alto$ether "n&on&e"vable that anyth"n$sho!ld not e,"st by v"rt!e of someth"n$.3hatever "s' then' does not e,"st e,&e t thro!$h someth"n$.*"n&e th"s "s tr!e' e"ther there "s one be"n$' or there are morethan one' thro!$h #h"&h all th"n$s that are e,"st. B!t "f thereare more than one' e"ther these are themselves to bereferred to some one be"n$' thro!$h #h"&h they e,"st' or

they e,"st se arately' ea&h thro!$h "tself' or they e,"stm!t!ally thro!$h one another.B!t' "f these be"n$s e,"st thro!$h one be"n$' then all th"n$sdo not e,"st thro!$h more than one' b!t rather thro!$h thatone be"n$ thro!$h #h"&h these e,"st.If' ho#ever' these e,"st se arately' ea&h thro!$h "tself' there"s' at any rate' some o#er or ro erty of e,"st"n$ thro!$hself 9 e'istendi per se :' by #h"&h they are able to e,"st ea&hthro!$h "tself. B!t' there &an be no do!bt that' "n that &ase'they e,"st thro!$h th"s very o#er' #h"&h "s one' andthro!$h #h"&h they are able to e,"st' ea&h thro!$h "tself.

;ore tr!ly' then' do all th"n$s e,"st thro!$h th"s very be"n$'#h"&h "s one' than thro!$h these' #h"&h are more than one'#h"&h' #"tho!t th"s one' &annot e,"st.B!t that these be"n$s e,"st m!t!ally thro!$h one another' noreason &an adm"t) s"n&e "t "s an "rrat"onal &on&e t"on thatanyth"n$ sho!ld e,"st thro!$h a be"n$ on #h"&h "t &onferse,"sten&e. For not even be"n$s of a relat"ve nat!re e,"st th!sm!t!ally' the one thro!$h the other. For' tho!$h the termsmaster and ser(ant are !sed #"th m!t!al referen&e' and themen th!s des"$nated are ment"oned as hav"n$ m!t!alrelat"ons' yet they do not at all e,"st m!t!ally' the onethro!$h the other' s"n&e these relat"ons e,"st thro!$h thes!b(e&ts to #h"&h they are referred.

Therefore' s"n&e tr!th alto$ether e,&l!des the s! os"t"onthat there are more be"n$s than one' thro!$h #h"&h allth"n$s e,"st' that be"n$' thro!$h #h"&h all e,"st' m!st be one.*"n&e' then' all th"n$s that are e,"st thro!$h th"s one be"n$'do!btless th"s one be"n$ e,"sts thro!$h "tself. 3hateverth"n$s there are else then' e,"st thro!$h someth"n$ otherthan themselves' and th"s alone thro!$h "tself. B!t #hatevere,"sts thro!$h another "s less than that' thro!$h #h"&h allth"n$s are' and #h"&h alone e,"sts thro!$h "tself. Therefore'that #h"&h e,"sts thro!$h "tself e,"sts "n the $reatest de$reeof all th"n$s.

There "s' then' some one be"n$ #h"&h alone e,"sts "n the$reatest and the h"$hest de$ree of all. B!t that #h"&h "s$reatest of all' and thro!$h #h"&h e,"sts #hatever "s $ood or$reat' and' "n short' #hatever has any e,"sten&e 77 that m!stbe s! remely $ood' and s! remely $reat' and the h"$hest ofall e,"st"n$ be"n$s.

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The same s!b(e&t &ont"n!ed.F8RTHER;ORE' "f one observes the nat!re of th"n$s beer&e"ves' #hether he #"ll or no' that not all are embra&ed "na s"n$le de$ree of d"$n"ty) b!t that &erta"n amon$ them ared"st"n$!"shed by "ne2!al"ty of de$ree. For' he #ho do!btsthat the horse "s s! er"or "n "ts nat!re to #ood' and manmore e,&ellent than the horse' ass!redly does not deserve

the name of man. Therefore' altho!$h "t &annot be den"edthat some nat!res are s! er"or to others' neverthelessreason &onv"n&es !s that some nat!re "s so reem"nentamon$ these' that "t has no s! er"or. For' "f the d"st"n&t"on ofde$rees "s "n0n"te' so that there "s amon$ them no de$ree'than #h"&h no h"$her &an be fo!nd' o!r &o!rse of reason"n$rea&hes th"s &on&l!s"on5 that the m!lt"t!de of nat!resthemselves "s not l"m"ted by any bo!nds. B!t only anabs!rdly fool"sh man &an fa"l to re$ard s!&h a &on&l!s"on asabs!rdly fool"sh. There "s' then' ne&essar"ly some nat!re#h"&h "s so s! er"or to some nat!re or nat!res' that there "s

none "n &om ar"son #"th #h"&h "t "s ran-ed as "nfer"or.No#' th"s. nat!re #h"&h "s s!&h' e"ther "s s"n$le' or there aremore nat!res than one of th"s sort' and they are of e2!alde$ree.B!t' "f they are more than one and e2!al' s"n&e they &annotbe e2!al thro!$h any d"verse &a!ses' b!t only thro!$h some&a!se #h"&h "s one and the same' that one &a!se' thro!$h#h"&h they are e2!ally so $reat' e"ther "s "tself #hat they are'that "s' the very essen&e of these nat!res) or else "t "sanother than #hat they are.B!t "f "t "s noth"n$ else than the"r very essen&e "tself' (!st asthey have not more than one essen&e' b!t a s"n$le essen&e'so they have not more than one nat!re' b!t a s"n$le nat!re.For I here !nderstand nature as "dent"&al #"th essence.If' ho#ever' that thro!$h #h"&h these nat!res are so $reat "sanother than that #h"&h they are' then' &erta"nly' they areless than that thro!$h #h"&h they are so $reat. For' #hatever"s $reat thro!$h someth"n$ else "s less than that thro!$h#h"&h "t "s $reat. Therefore' they are not so $reat that there"s noth"n$ else $reater than they.B!t "f' ne"ther thro!$h #hat they are nor thro!$h anyth"n$other than themselves' &an there be more s!&h nat!res thanone' than #h"&h noth"n$ else shall be more e,&ellent' then "nno #"se &an there be more than one nat!re of th"s -"nd. 3e&on&l!de' then' that there "s some nat!re #h"&h "s one ands"n$le' and #h"&h "s so s! er"or to others that "t "s "nfer"or tonone. B!t that #h"&h "s s!&h "s the $reatest and best of alle,"st"n$ be"n$s. Hen&e' there "s a &erta"n nat!re #h"&h "s theh"$hest of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s. Th"s' ho#ever' "t &annot be'

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!nless "t "s #hat "t "s thro!$h "tself' and all e,"st"n$ be"n$sare #hat they are thro!$h "t.For s"n&e' as o!r reason"n$ sho#ed !s not lon$ s"n&e' that#h"&h e,"sts thro!$h "tself' and thro!$h #h"&h all otherth"n$s e,"st' "s the h"$hest of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s) e"ther&onversely' that #h"&h "s the h"$hest e,"sts thro!$h "tself'and all others thro!$h "t) or' there #"ll be more than ones! reme be"n$. B!t "t "s man"fest that there &annot be morethan one s! reme be"n$. There "s' therefore' a &erta"n

Nat!re' or *!bstan&e' or Essen&e' #h"&h "s thro!$h "tself$ood and $reat' and thro!$h "tself "s #hat "t "s) and thro!$h#h"&h e,"sts #hatever "s tr!ly $ood' or $reat' or has anye,"sten&e at all) and #h"&h "s the s! reme $ood be"n$' thes! reme $reat be"n$' be"n$ or s!bs"st"n$ as s! reme' that"s' the h"$hest of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s.


=!st as th"s Nat!re e,"sts thro!$h "tself' and other be"n$sthro!$h "t' so "t der"ves e,"sten&e from "tself' and otherbe"n$s from "t.

*ee"n$' then' that the tr!th already d"s&overed has beensat"sfa&tor"ly demonstrated' "t "s ro0table to e,am"ne#hether th"s Nat!re' and all th"n$s that have any e,"sten&e'der"ve e,"sten&e from no other so!r&e than "t' (!st as they donot e,"st e,&e t thro!$h "t.B!t "t "s &lear that one may say' that #hat der"ves e,"sten&efrom someth"n$ e,"sts thro!$h the same th"n$) and #hate,"sts thro!$h someth"n$ also der"ves e,"sten&e from "t. For"nstan&e' #hat der"ves e,"sten&e from matter' and e,"ststhro!$h the art"0&er' may also be sa"d to e,"st thro!$hmatter' and to der"ve e,"sten&e from the art"0&er' s"n&e "te,"sts thro!$h both' and der"ves e,"sten&e from both. That"s' "t "s endo#ed #"th e,"sten&e by both' altho!$h "t e,"ststhro!$h matter and from the art"0&er "n another sense thanthat "n #h"&h "t e,"sts thro!$h' and from' the art"0&er.It follo#s' then' that (!st as all e,"st"n$ be"n$s are #hat theyare' thro!$h the s! reme Nat!re' and as that Nat!re e,"ststhro!$h "tself' b!t other be"n$s thro!$h another thanthemselves' so all e,"st"n$ be"n$s der"ve e,"sten&e from th"ss! reme Nat!re. And therefore' th"s Nat!re der"vese,"sten&e from "tself' b!t other be"n$s from "t.


Th"s Nat!re #as not bro!$ht "nto e,"sten&e #"th the hel ofany e,ternal &a!se' yet "t does not e,"st thro!$h noth"n$' order"ve e,"sten&e from noth"n$. 77Ho# e,"sten&e thro!$h self'and der"ved from self' "s &on&e"vable.*INCE the same mean"n$ "s not al#ays atta&hed to thehrase' >e,"sten&e thro!$h> someth"n$' or' to the hrase'>e,"sten&e der"ved from> someth"n$' very d"l"$ent "n2!"ry

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m!st be made' "n #hat #ay all e,"st"n$ be"n$s e,"st thro!$hthe s! reme Nat!re' or der"ve e,"sten&e from "t. For' #hate,"sts thro!$h "tself' and #hat e,"sts thro!$h another' do notadm"t the same $ro!nd of e,"sten&e. ?et !s 0rst &ons"der'se arately' th"s s! reme Nat!re' #h"&h e,"sts thro!$h self)then these be"n$s #h"&h e,"st thro!$h another.*"n&e "t "s ev"dent' then' that th"s Nat!re "s #hatever "t "s'thro!$h "tself' and all other be"n$s are #hat they are'thro!$h "t' ho# does "t e,"st thro!$h "tself6 For' #hat "s sa"d

to e,"st thro!$h anyth"n$ a arently e,"sts thro!$h ane &"ent a$ent' or thro!$h matter' or thro!$h some othere,ternal a"d' as thro!$h some "nstr!ment. B!t' #hatevere,"sts "n any of these three #ays e,"sts thro!$h another than"tself' and "s of later e,"sten&e' and' "n some sort' less thanthat thro!$h #h"&h "t obta"ns e,"sten&e.B!t' "n no #"se does the s! reme Nat!re e,"st thro!$hanother' nor "s "t later or less than "tself or anyth"n$ else.

Therefore' the s! reme Nat!re &o!ld be &reated ne"ther by"tself' nor by another) nor &o!ld "tself or an other be thematter #hen&e "t sho!ld be &reated) nor d"d "t ass"st "tself "n

any #ay) nor d"d anyth"n$ ass"st "t to be #hat "t #as notbefore.3hat "s to be "nferred6 For that #h"&h &annot have &ome "ntoe,"sten&e by any &reat"ve a$ent' or from any matter' or #"thany e,ternal a"ds' seems e"ther to be noth"n$' or' "f "t hasany e,"sten&e' to e,"st thro!$h noth"n$' and der"ve e,"sten&efrom noth"n$. And altho!$h' "n a&&ordan&e #"th theobservat"ons I have already made' "n the l"$ht of reason're$ard"n$ the s! reme *!bstan&e' I sho!ld th"n- s!&hro os"t"ons &o!ld "n no #"se be tr!e "n the &ase of s! reme*!bstan&e) yet' I #o!ld not ne$le&t to $"ve a &onne&teddemonstrat"on of th"s matter.For' see"n$ that th"s my med"tat"on has s!ddenly bro!$ht meto an "m ortant and "nterest"n$ o"nt' I am !n#"ll"n$ to assover &arelessly even any s"m le or almost fool"sh ob(e&t"onthat o&&!rs to me' "n my ar$!ment) "n order that by leav"n$no amb"$!"ty "n my d"s&!ss"on ! to th"s o"nt' I may havethe better ass!red stren$th to advan&e to#ard #hat follo#s)and "n order that "f' er&han&e' I shall #"sh to &onv"n&e anyone of the tr!th of my s e&!lat"ons' even one of the slo#erm"nds' thro!$h the removal of every obsta&le' ho#eversl"$ht' may a&2!"es&e "n #hat "t 0nds here.

That th"s Nat!re' then' #"tho!t #h"&h no nat!re e,"sts' "snoth"n$' "s as false as "t #o!ld be abs!rd to say that#hatever "s "s noth"n$. And' moreover' "t does not e,"stthro!$h noth"n$' be&a!se "t "s !tterly "n&on&e"vable that#hat "s someth"n$ sho!ld e,"st thro!$h noth"n$. B!t' "f "nany #ay "t der"ves e,"sten&e from noth"n$' "t does so thro!$h"tself' or thro!$h another' or thro!$h noth"n$. B!t "t "sev"dent that "n no #"se does anyth"n$ e,"st thro!$h noth"n$.

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If' then' "n any #ay "t der"ves e,"sten&e from noth"n$' "t doesso e"ther thro!$h "tself or thro!$h another.B!t noth"n$ &an' thro!$h "tself' der"ve e,"sten&e fromnoth"n$' be&a!se "f anyth"n$ der"ves e,"sten&e from noth"n$'thro!$h someth"n$' then that thro!$h #h"&h "t e,"sts m!ste,"st before "t. *ee"n$ that th"s Be"n$' then' does not e,"stbefore "tself' by no means does "t der"ve e,"sten&e from"tself.B!t "f "t "s s! osed to have der"ved e,"sten&e from some

other nat!re' then "t "s not the s! reme Nat!re' b!t some"nfer"or one' nor "s "t #hat "t "s thro!$h "tself' b!t thro!$hanother.A$a"n5 "f th"s Nat!re der"ves e,"sten&e from noth"n$' thro!$hsometh"n$' that thro!$h #h"&h "t e,"sts #as a $reat $ood's"n&e "t #as the &a!se of $ood. B!t no $ood &an be!nderstood as e,"st"n$ before that $ood' #"tho!t #h"&hnoth"n$ "s $ood) and "t "s s! &"ently &lear that th"s $ood'#"tho!t #h"&h there "s no $ood' "s the s! reme Nat!re #h"&h"s !nder d"s&!ss"on. Therefore' "t "s not even &on&e"vable thatth"s Nat!re #as re&eded by any be"n$' thro!$h #h"&h "t

der"ved e,"sten&e from noth"n$.Hen&e' "f "t has any e,"sten&e thro!$h noth"n$' or der"vese,"sten&e from noth"n$' there "s no do!bt that e"ther'#hatever "t "s' "t does not e,"st thro!$h "tself' or der"vee,"sten&e from "tself' or else "t "s "tself noth"n$. It "s!nne&essary to sho# that both these s! os"t"ons are false.

The s! reme *!bstan&e' then' does not e,"st thro!$h anye &"ent a$ent' and does not der"ve e,"sten&e from anymatter' and #as not a"ded "n be"n$ bro!$ht "nto e,"sten&e byany e,ternal &a!ses. Nevertheless' "t by no means e,"ststhro!$h noth"n$' or der"ves e,"sten&e from noth"n$) s"n&e'thro!$h "tself and from "tself' "t "s #hatever "t "s.F"nally' as to ho# "t sho!ld be !nderstood to e,"st thro!$h"tself' and to der"ve e,"sten&e from "tself5 "t d"d not &reate"tself' nor d"d "t s r"n$ ! as "ts o#n matter' nor d"d "t "n any#ay ass"st "tself to be&ome #hat "t #as not before' !nless'ha ly' "t seems best to &on&e"ve of th"s s!b(e&t "n the #ay "n#h"&h one says that the light lights or "s lucent, thro!$h andfrom "tself. For' as are the m!t!al relat"ons of the light and tolight and lucent 9lu', lucere, lucens :' s!&h are the relat"onsof essence, and to be and being, that "s' e'isting orsubsisting . *o the s! reme Being, and to be "n the h"$hestde$ree' and being "n the h"$hest de$ree' bear m!&h thesame relat"ons' one to another' as the light and to light and lucent.


In #hat #ay all other be"n$s e,"st thro!$h th"s Nat!re andder"ve e,"sten&e from "t.

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THERE no# rema"ns the d"s&!ss"on of that #hole &lass ofbe"n$s that e,"st thro!$h another' as to ho# they e,"stthro!$h the s! reme *!bstan&e' #hether be&a!se th"s*!bstan&e &reated them all' or be&a!se "t #as the mater"alof all. For' there "s no need to "n2!"re #hether all e,"stthro!$h "t' for th"s reason' namely' that there be"n$ another&reat"ve a$ent' or another e,"st"n$ mater"al' th"s s! reme*!bstan&e has merely a"ded "n br"n$"n$ abo!t the e,"sten&eof all th"n$s5 s"n&e "t "s "n&ons"stent #"th #hat has already

been sho#n' that #hatever th"n$s are sho!ld e,"stse&ondar"ly' and not r"mar"ly' thro!$h "t.F"rst' then' "t seems to me' #e o!$ht to "n2!"re #hether that#hole &lass of be"n$s #h"&h e,"st thro!$h another der"vee,"sten&e from any mater"al. B!t I do not do!bt that all th"ssol"d #orld' #"th "ts arts' (!st as #e see' &ons"sts of earth'#ater' 0re' and a"r. These fo!r elements' of &o!rse' &an be&on&e"ved of #"tho!t these forms #h"&h #e see "n a&t!alob(e&ts' so that the"r formless' or even &onf!sed' nat!rea ears to be the mater"al of all bod"es' d"st"n$!"shed bythe"r o#n forms. 77 I say that I do not do!bt th"s. B!t I as-'

#hen&e th"s very mater"al that I have ment"oned' themater"al of the m!ndane mass' der"ves "ts e,"sten&e. For' "fthere "s some mater"al of th"s mater"al' then that "s moretr!ly the mater"al of the hys"&al !n"verse.If' then' the !n"verse of th"n$s' #hether v"s"ble or "nv"s"ble'der"ves e,"sten&e from any mater"al' &erta"nly "t not only&annot be' b!t "t &annot even be s! osed to be' from anyother mater"al than from the s! reme Nat!re or from "tself'or from some th"rd be"n$ 77 b!t th"s last' at any rate' doesnot e,"st. For' "ndeed' noth"n$ "s even &on&e"vable e,&e tthat h"$hest of all be"n$s' #h"&h e,"sts thro!$h "tself' and the!n"verse of be"n$s #h"&h e,"st' not thro!$h themselves' b!tthro!$h th"s s! reme Be"n$. Hen&e' that #h"&h has noe,"sten&e at all "s not the mater"al of anyth"n$.From "ts o#n nat!re the !n"verse &annot der"ve e,"sten&e's"n&e' "f th"s #ere the &ase' "t #o!ld "n some sort e,"stthro!$h "tself and so thro!$h another than that thro!$h#h"&h all th"n$s e,"st. B!t all these s! os"t"ons are false.A$a"n' everyth"n$ that der"ves e,"sten&e from mater"alder"ves e,"sten&e from another' and e,"sts later than thatother. Therefore' s"n&e noth"n$ "s other than "tself' or laterthan "tself' "t follo#s that noth"n$ der"ves mater"al e,"sten&efrom "tself.B!t "f' from the mater"al of the s! reme Nat!re "tself' anylesser be"n$ &an der"ve e,"sten&e' the s! reme $ood "ss!b(e&t to &han$e and &orr! t"on. B!t th"s "t "s "m "o!s tos! ose. Hen&e' s"n&e everyth"n$ that "s other than th"ss! reme Nat!re "s less than "t' "t "s "m oss"ble that anyth"n$other than "t "n th"s #ay der"ves e,"sten&e from "t.

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F!rthermore5 do!btless that "s "n no #"se $ood' thro!$h#h"&h the s! reme $ood "s s!b(e&ted to &han$e or&orr! t"on. B!t' "f any lesser nat!re der"ves e,"sten&e fromthe mater"al of the s! reme $ood' "nasm!&h as noth"n$e,"sts #hen&esoever' e,&e t thro!$h the s! reme Be"n$' thes! reme $ood "s s!b(e&ted to &han$e and &orr! t"on thro!$hthe s! reme Be"n$ "tself. Hen&e' the s! reme Be"n$' #h"&h "s"tself the s! reme $ood' "s by no means $ood) #h"&h "s a&ontrad"&t"on. There "s' therefore' no lesser nat!re #h"&h

der"ves e,"sten&e "n a mater"al #ay from the s! remeNat!re.*"n&e' then' "t "s ev"dent that the essen&e of those th"n$s#h"&h e,"st thro!$h another does not der"ve e,"sten&e as "fmater"ally' from the s! reme Essen&e' nor from "tself' norfrom another' "t "s man"fest that "t der"ves e,"sten&e from nomater"al. Hen&e' see"n$ that #hatever "s e,"sts thro!$h thes! reme Be"n$' nor &an anyth"n$ else e,"st thro!$h th"sBe"n$' e,&e t by "ts &reat"on' or by "ts e,"sten&e as mater"al'"t follo#s' ne&essar"ly' that noth"n$ bes"des "t e,"sts' e,&e tby "ts &reat"on. And' s"n&e noth"n$ else "s or has been' e,&e t

that s! reme Be"n$ and the be"n$s &reated by "t' "t &o!ld&reate noth"n$ at all thro!$h any other "nstr!ment or a"dthan "tself. B!t all that "t has &reated' "t has do!btless&reated e"ther from someth"n$' as from mater"al' or fromnoth"n$.*"n&e' then' "t "s most atent that the essen&e of all be"n$s'e,&e t the s! reme Essen&e' #as &reated by that s! remeEssen&e' and der"ves e,"sten&e from no mater"al' do!btlessnoth"n$ &an be more &lear than that th"s s! reme Essen&enevertheless rod!&ed from noth"n$' alone and thro!$h"tself' the #orld of mater"al th"n$s' so n!mero!s a m!lt"t!de'formed "n s!&h bea!ty' var"ed "n s!&h order' so 0tlyd"vers"0ed.


Ho# "t "s to be !nderstood that th"s Nat!re &reated all th"n$sfrom noth"n$.

B8T #e are &onfronted #"th a do!bt re$ard"n$ th"s termnothing. For' from #hatever so!r&e anyth"n$ "s &reated' thatso!r&e "s the &a!se of #hat "s &reated from "t' and'ne&essar"ly' every &a!se a%ords some ass"stan&e to thebe"n$ of #hat "t e%e&ts. Th"s "s so 0rmly bel"eved' as a res!ltof e, er"en&e' by every one' that the bel"ef &an be #restedfrom no one by ar$!ment' and &an s&ar&ely be !rlo"ned byso h"stry.A&&ord"n$ly' "f anyth"n$ #as &reated from noth"n$' th"s verynoth"n$ #as the &a!se of #hat #as &reated from "t. B!t ho#&o!ld that #h"&h had no e,"sten&e' ass"st anyth"n$ "n &om"n$"nto e,"sten&e6 If' ho#ever' no a"d to the e,"sten&e of

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anyth"n$ ever had "ts so!r&e "n noth"n$' #ho &an be&onv"n&ed' and ho#' that anyth"n$ "s &reated o!t of noth"n$6;oreover' noth"n$ e"ther means someth"n$' or does notmean someth"n$. B!t "f noth"n$ "s someth"n$' #hatever hasbeen &reated from noth"n$ has been &reated fromsometh"n$. If' ho#ever' noth"n$ "s not someth"n$) s"n&e "t "s"n&on&e"vable that anyth"n$ sho!ld be &reated from #hatdoes not e,"st' noth"n$ "s &reated from noth"n$) (!st as alla$ree that noth"n$ &omes from noth"n$. 3hen&e' "t ev"dently

follo#s' that #hatever "s &reated "s &reated from someth"n$)for "t "s &reated e"ther from someth"n$ or from noth"n$.3hether' then' noth"n$ "s someth"n$' or noth"n$ "s notsometh"n$' "t a arently follo#s' that #hatever has been&reated #as &reated from someth"n$.B!t' "f th"s "s os"ted as a tr!th' then "t "s so os"ted "no os"t"on to the #hole ar$!ment ro o!nded "n there&ed"n$ &ha ter. Hen&e' s"n&e #hat #as noth"n$ #"ll th!sbe someth"n$' that #h"&h #as someth"n$ "n the h"$hestde$ree #"ll be noth"n$. For' from the d"s&overy of a &erta"n*!bstan&e e,"st"n$ "n the $reatest de$ree of all e,"st"n$

be"n$s' my reason"n$ had bro!$ht me to th"s &on&l!s"on'that all other be"n$s #ere so &reated by th"s *!bstan&e' thatthat from #h"&h they #ere &reated #as noth"n$. Hen&e' "fthat from #h"&h they #ere &reated' #h"&h I s! osed to benoth"n$' "s someth"n$' #hatever I s! osed to have beenas&erta"ned re$ard"n$ the s! reme Be"n$' "s noth"n$.3hat' then' "s to be o!r !nderstand"n$ of the term nothing) 77 For I have already determ"ned not to ne$le&t "n th"smed"tat"on any oss"ble ob(e&t"on' even "f "t be almostfool"sh. 77In three #ays' then 77 and th"s s! &es for theremoval of the resent obsta&le 77 &an the statement thatany s!bstan&e #as &reated from noth"n$ be e, la"ned.

There "s one #ay' a&&ord"n$ to #h"&h #e #"sh "t to be!nderstood' that #hat "s sa"d to have been &reated fromnoth"n$ has not been &reated at all) (!st as' to one #ho as-sre$ard"n$ a d!mb man' of #hat he s ea-s' the ans#er "s$"ven' >of noth"n$'> that "s' he does not s ea- at all.A&&ord"n$ to th"s "nter retat"on' to one #ho en2!"resre$ard"n$ the s! reme Be"n$' or re$ard"n$ #hat never hase,"sted and does not e,"st at all' as to #hen&e "t #as&reated' the ans#er' >from noth"n$> may ro erly be $"ven)that "s' "t never #as &reated. B!t th"s ans#er "s !n"ntell"$"ble"n the &ase of any of those th"n$s that a&t!ally #ere &reated.

There "s another "nter retat"on #h"&h "s' "ndeed' &a able ofs! os"t"on' b!t &annot be tr!e) namely' that "f anyth"n$ "ssa"d to have been &reated from noth"n$' "t #as &reated fromnoth"n$ "tself 9 de nihilo ipso :' that "s' from #hat does note,"st at all' as "f th"s very noth"n$ #ere some e,"stent be"n$'from #h"&h someth"n$ &o!ld be &reated. B!t' s"n&e th"s "s

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al#ays false' as often as "t "s ass!med an "rre&on&"lable&ontrad"&t"on follo#s.

There "s a th"rd "nter retat"on' a&&ord"n$ to #h"&h a th"n$ "ssa"d to have been &reated from noth"n$' #hen #e!nderstand that "t #as "ndeed &reated' b!t that there "s notanyth"n$ #hen&e "t #as &reated. A arently "t "s sa"d #"th al"-e mean"n$' #hen a man "s a@"&ted #"tho!t &a!se' that he"s a@"&ted >over noth"n$.>If' then' the &on&l!s"on rea&hed "n the re&ed"n$ &ha ter "s

!nderstood "n th"s sense' that #"th the e,&e t"on of thes! reme Be"n$ all th"n$s have been &reated by that Be"n$from noth"n$' that "s' not from anyth"n$) (!st as th"s&on&l!s"on &ons"stently follo#s the re&ed"n$ ar$!ments' so'from "t' noth"n$ "n&ons"stent "s "nferred) altho!$h "t may besa"d' #"tho!t "n&ons"sten&y or any &ontrad"&t"on' that #hathas been &reated by the &reat"ve *!bstan&e #as &reatedfrom noth"n$' "n the #ay that one fre2!ently says a r"&h manhas been made from a oor man' or that one has re&overedhealth from s"&-ness) that "s' he #ho #as oor before' "s r"&hno#' as he #as not before) and he #ho #as "ll before' "s #ell

no#' as he #as not before.In th"s #ay' then' #e &an !nderstand' #"tho!t "n&ons"sten&y'the statement that the &reat"ve Be"n$ &reated all th"n$s fromnoth"n$' or that all #ere &reated thro!$h "t from noth"n$)that "s' those th"n$s #h"&h before #ere noth"n$' are no#someth"n$. For' "ndeed' from the very #ord that #e !se'say"n$ that "t created them or that they #ere created ' #e!nderstand that #hen th"s Be"n$ &reated them' "t &reatedsometh"n$' and that #hen they #ere &reated' they #ere&reated only as someth"n$. For so' behold"n$ a man of verylo#ly fort!nes e,alted #"th many r"&hes and honors by someone' #e say' >?o' he has made that man o!t of noth"n$>) that"s' the man #ho #as before re !ted as noth"n$ "s no#' byv"rt!e of that other4s ma-"n$' tr!ly re&-oned as someth"n$.

CHAPTER I . Those th"n$s #h"&h #ere &reated from noth"n$ had an

e,"sten&e before the"r &reat"on "n the tho!$ht of the Creator.B8T I seem to see a tr!th that &om els me to d"st"n$!"sh&aref!lly "n #hat sense those th"n$s #h"&h #ere &reated maybe sa"d to have been noth"n$ before the"r &reat"on. For' "n no#"se &an anyth"n$ &on&e"vably be &reated by any' !nlessthere "s' "n the m"nd of the &reat"ve a$ent' some e,am le' as"t #ere' or 9as "s more 0tt"n$ly s! osed: some model' orl"-eness' or r!le. It "s ev"dent' then' that before the #orld#as &reated' "t #as "n the tho!$ht of the s! reme Nat!re'#hat' and of #hat sort' and ho#' "t sho!ld be. Hen&e'altho!$h "t "s &lear that the be"n$ that #ere &reated #erenoth"n$ before the"r &reat"on' to th"s e,tent' that they #erenot #hat they no# are' nor #as there anyth"n$ #hen&e they

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sho!ld be &reated' yet they #ere not noth"n$' so far as the&reator4s tho!$ht "s &on&erned' thro!$h #h"&h' anda&&ord"n$ to #h"&h' they #ere &reated.

CHAPTER . Th"s tho!$ht "s a -"nd of e, ress"on of the ob(e&ts &reated9locutio rerum :' l"-e the e, ress"on #h"&h an art"san forms "nh"s m"nd for #hat he "ntends to ma-e.B8T th"s model of th"n$s' #h"&h re&eded the"r &reat"on "n

the tho!$ht of the &reator' #hat else "s "t than a -"nd ofe, ress"on of these th"n$s "n h"s tho!$ht "tself) (!st as #henan art"san "s abo!t to ma-e someth"n$ after the manner ofh"s &raft' he 0rst e, resses "t to h"mself thro!$h a &on&e t6B!t by the e'pression of the m"nd or reason I mean' here'not the &on&e t"on of #ords s"$n"fy"n$ the ob(e&ts' b!t the$eneral v"e# "n the m"nd' by the v"s"on of &on&e t"on' of theob(e&ts themselves' #hether dest"ned to be' or alreadye,"st"n$.For' from fre2!ent !sa$e' "t "s re&o$n"sed that #e &ane, ress the same ob(e&t "n three #ays. For #e e, ress

ob(e&ts e"ther by the sens"ble !se of sens"ble s"$ns' that "s's"$ns #h"&h are er&e t"ble to the bod"ly senses) or byth"n-"n$ #"th"n o!rselves "nsens"bly of these s"$ns #h"&h'#hen o!t#ardly !sed' are sens"ble) or not by em loy"n$these s"$ns' e"ther sens"bly or "nsens"bly' b!t by e, ress"n$the th"n$s themselves "n#ardly "n o!r m"nd' #hether by theo#er of "ma$"n"n$ mater"al bod"es or of !nderstand"n$tho!$ht' a&&ord"n$ to the d"vers"ty of these ob(e&tsthemselves.For I e, ress a man "n one #ay' #hen I s"$n"fy h"m byrono!n&"n$ these #ords' a man) "n another' #hen I th"n- ofthe same #ords "n s"len&e) and "n another' #hen the m"ndre$ards the man h"mself' e"ther thro!$h the "ma$e of h"sbody' or thro!$h the reason) thro!$h the "ma$e of h"s body'#hen the m"nd "ma$"nes h"s v"s"ble form) thro!$h thereason' ho#ever' #hen "t th"n-s of h"s !n"versal essen&e'#h"&h "s a rat"onal' mortal an"mal.No#' the 0rst t#o -"nds of e, ress"on are "n the lan$!a$e ofone4s ra&e. B!t the #ords of that -"nd of e, ress"on' #h"&h Ihave !t th"rd and last' #hen they &on&ern ob(e&ts #ell-no#n' are nat!ral' and are the same amon$ all nat"ons.And' s"n&e all other #ords o#e the"r "nvent"on to these'#here these are' no other #ord "s ne&essary for there&o$n"t"on of an ob(e&t' and #here they &annot be' no other#ord "s of any !se for the des&r" t"on of an ob(e&t.For' #"tho!t abs!rd"ty' they may also be sa"d to be the tr!er'the more l"-e they are to the ob(e&ts to #h"&h they&orres ond' and the more e, ress"vely they s"$n"fy theseob(e&ts. For' #"th the e,&e t"on of those ob(e&ts' #h"&h #eem loy as the"r o#n names' "n order to s"$n"fy them' l"-e

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&erta"n so!nds ' the vo#el a for "nstan&e 77 #"th thee,&e t"on of these' I say' no other #ord a ears so s"m"lar tothe ob(e&t to #h"&h "t "s a l"ed' or e, resses "t as does thatl"-eness #h"&h "s e, ressed by the v"s"on of the m"ndth"n-"n$ of the ob(e&t "tself.

Th"s last' then' sho!ld be &alled the es e&"ally ro er andr"mary word ' &orres ond"n$ to the th"n$. Hen&e' "f noe, ress"on of any ob(e&t #hatever so nearly a roa&hes theob(e&t as that e, ress"on #h"&h &ons"sts of th"s sort of

words, nor &an there be "n the tho!$ht of any another #ordso l"-e the ob(e&t' #hether dest"ned to be' or alreadye,"st"n$' not #"tho!t reason "t may be tho!$ht that s!&h ane, ress"on of ob(e&ts e,"sted #"th 9 apud : the s! reme*!bstan&e before the"r &reat"on' that they m"$ht be &reated)and e,"sts' no# that they have been &reated' that they maybe -no#n thro!$h "t.

CHAPTER I. The analo$y' ho#ever' bet#een the e, ress"on of the

Creator and the e, ress"on of the art"san "s very "n&om lete.

B8T' tho!$h "t "s most &erta"n that the s! reme *!bstan&ee, ressed' as "t #ere' #"th"n "tself the #hole &reated #orld'#h"&h "t establ"shed a&&ord"n$ to' and thro!$h' th"s samemost rofo!nd e, ress"on' (!st as an art"san 0rst &on&e"ves"n h"s m"nd #hat he after#ards a&t!ally e,e&!tes "na&&ordan&e #"th h"s mental &on&e t' yet I see that th"sanalo$y "s very "n&om lete.For the s! reme *!bstan&e too- absol!tely noth"n$ from anyother so!r&e' #hen&e "t m"$ht e"ther frame a model "n "tself'or ma-e "ts &reat!res #hat they are) #h"le the art"san "s#holly !nable to &on&e"ve "n h"s "ma$"nat"on any bod"lyth"n$' e,&e t #hat he has "n some #ay learned from e,ternalob(e&ts' #hether all at on&e' or art by art) nor &an heerform the #or- mentally &on&e"ved' "f there "s a la&- ofmater"al' or of anyth"n$ #"tho!t #h"&h a #or- remed"tated&annot be erformed. For' tho!$h a man &an' by med"tat"onor re resentat"on' frame the "dea of some sort of an"mal's!&h as has no e,"sten&e) yet' by no means has he theo#er to do th"s' e,&e t by !n"t"n$ "n th"s "dea the arts thathe has $athered "n h"s memory from ob(e&ts -no#ne,ternally.Hen&e' "n th"s res e&t' these "nner e, ress"ons of the #or-sthey are to &reate d"%er "n the &reat"ve s!bstan&e and "n theart"san5 that the former e, ress"on' #"tho!t be"n$ ta-en ora"ded from any e,ternal so!r&e' b!t as 0rst and sole &a!se'&o!ld s! &e the Art"0&er for the erforman&e of h"s #or-'#h"le the latter "s ne"ther 0rst' nor sole' nor s! &"ent' &a!sefor the "n&e t"on of the art"san4s #or-. Therefore' #hateverhas been &reated thro!$h the former e, ress"on "s only #hat"t "s thro!$h that e, ress"on' #h"le #hatever has been

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&reated thro!$h the latter #o!ld not e,"st at all' !nless "t#ere someth"n$ that "t "s not thro!$h th"s e, ress"on "tself.

CHAPTER II. Th"s e, ress"on of the s! reme Be"n$ "s the s! reme Be"n$.B8T s"n&e' as o!r reason"n$ sho#s' "t "s e2!ally &erta"n that#hatever the s! reme *!bstan&e &reated' "t &reated thro!$hnoth"n$ other than "tself) and #hatever."t &reated' "t &reatedthro!$h "ts o#n most "nt"mate e, ress"on' #hether

se arately' by the !tteran&e of se arate #ords' or all aton&e' by the !tteran&e of one #ord) #hat &on&l!s"on &an bemore ev"dently ne&essary' than that th"s e, ress"on of thes! reme Be"n$ "s no other than the s! reme Be"n$6

Therefore' the &ons"derat"on of th"s e, ress"on sho!ld not' "nmy o "n"on' be &arelessly assed over. B!t before "t &an bed"s&!ssed' I th"n- some of the ro ert"es of th"s s! reme*!bstan&e sho!ld be d"l"$ently and earnestly "nvest"$ated.

CHAPTER III.As all th"n$s #ere &reated thro!$h the s! reme Be"n$' so all

l"ve thro!$h "t.IT "s &erta"n' then' that thro!$h the s! reme Nat!re#hatever "s not "dent"&al #"th "t has been &reated. B!t norat"onal m"nd &an do!bt that all &reat!res l"ve and &ont"n!eto e,"st' so lon$ as they do e,"st' by the s!stenan&e a%ordedby that very Be"n$ thro!$h #hose &reat"ve a&t they areendo#ed #"th the e,"sten&e that they have. For' by a l"-e&o!rse of reason"n$ to that by #h"&h "t has been $atheredthat all e,"st"n$ be"n$s e,"st thro!$h some one be"n$' hen&ethat be"n$ alone e,"sts thro!$h "tself' and others thro!$hanother than themselves 77 by a l"-e &o!rse of reason"n$' Isay' "t &an be roved that #hatever th"n$s l"ve' l"ve thro!$hsome one be"n$) hen&e that be"n$ alone l"ves thro!$h "tself'and others thro!$h another than themselves.B!t' s"n&e "t &annot b!t be that those th"n$s #h"&h havebeen &reated l"ve thro!$h another' and that by #h"&h theyhave been &reated l"ves thro!$h "tself' ne&essar"ly' (!st asnoth"n$ has been &reated e,&e t thro!$h the &reat"ve'resent Be"n$' so noth"n$ l"ves e,&e t thro!$h "ts reserv"n$resen&e.

CHAPTER I<. Th"s Be"n$ "s "n all th"n$s' and thro!$ho!t all) and all der"ve

e,"sten&e from "t and e,"st thro!$h and "n "t.B8T "f th"s "s tr!e 77 rather' s"n&e th"s m!st be tr!e' "t follo#sthat' #here th"s Be"n$ "s not' noth"n$ "s. It "s' then'every#here' and thro!$ho!t all th"n$s' and "n all. B!t see"n$that "t "s man"festly abs!rd that as any &reated be"n$ &an "nno #"se e,&eed the "mmeas!rableness of #hat &reates and&her"shes "t' so the &reat"ve and &her"sh"n$ Be"n$ &annot' "n

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any#ay' e,&eed the s!m of the th"n$s "t has &reated) "t "s&lear that th"s Be"n$ "tself' "s #hat s! orts and s!r asses'"n&l!des and ermeates all other th"n$s. If #e !n"te th"s tr!th#"th the tr!ths already d"s&overed' #e 0nd "t "s th"s sameBe"n$ #h"&h "s "n all and thro!$h all' and from #h"&h' andthro!$h #h"&h' and "n #h"&h' all e,"st.

CHAPTER <.3hat &an or &annot be stated &on&ern"n$ the s!bstan&e of

th"s Be"n$.NOT #"tho!t reason I am no# stron$ly "m elled to "n2!"re asearnestly as I am able' #h"&h of all the statements that maybe made re$ard"n$ anyth"n$ "s s!bstant"ally a l"&able toth"s so #onderf!l Nat!re. For' tho!$h I sho!ld be s!r r"sed "f'amon$ the names or #ords by #h"&h #e des"$nate th"n$s&reated from noth"n$' any sho!ld be fo!nd that &o!ld#orth"ly be a l"ed to the *!bstan&e #h"&h "s the &reator ofall) yet' #e m!st try and see to #hat end reason #"ll leadth"s "nvest"$at"on.As to relat"ve e, ress"ons' at any rate' no one &an do!bt that

no s!&h e, ress"on des&r"bes #hat "s essent"al to that "nre$ard to #h"&h "t "s relat"vely em loyed. Hen&e' "f anyrelat"ve red"&at"on "s made re$ard"n$ the s! reme Nat!re' "t"s not s"$n"0&ant of "ts s!bstan&e.

Therefore' "t "s man"fest that th"s very e, ress"on' that th"sNat!re' "s the highest of all be"n$s' or greater than those#h"&h have been &reated by "t) or any other relat"ve termthat &an' "n l"-e manner' be a l"ed to "t' does not des&r"be"ts nat!ral essen&e.For' "f none of those th"n$s ever e,"sted' "n relat"on to #h"&h"t "s &alled supreme or greater ' "t #o!ld not be &on&e"ved ase"ther supreme or greater ' yet "t #o!ld not' therefore' beless $ood' or s!%er detr"ment to "ts essent"al $reatness "nany de$ree. And th"s tr!th "s &learly seen from the fa&t thatth"s Nat!re e,"sts thro!$h no other than "tself' #hateverthere be that "s $ood or $reat. If' then' the s! reme Nat!re&an be so &on&e"ved of as not s! reme' that st"ll "t shall be "nno #"se $reater or less than #hen "t "s &on&e"ved of as theh"$hest of all be"n$s' "t "s man"fest that the term supreme 'ta-en by "tself' does not des&r"be that Be"n$ #h"&h "salto$ether $reater and better than #hatever "s not #hat "t "s.B!t' #hat these &ons"derat"ons sho# re$ard"n$ the termsupreme or highest "s fo!nd to be tr!e' "n l"-e manner' ofother s"m"lar' relat"ve e, ress"ons.Pass"n$ over these relat"ve red"&at"ons' then' s"n&e none ofthem ta-en by "tself re resents the essen&e of anyth"n$' leto!r attent"on be t!rned to the d"s&!ss"on of other -"nds ofred"&at"on.No#' &erta"nly "f one d"l"$ently &ons"ders se arately#hatever there "s that "s not of a relat"ve nat!re' e"ther "t "s

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s!&h that' to be it "s "n $eneral better than not to be it ' ors!&h that' "n some &ases' not to be it "s better than to be it .B!t I here !nderstand the hrases' to be it and not to be it '"n the same #ay "n #h"&h I !nderstand to be true and not tobe true ' to be bodily and not to be bodily ' and the l"-e.Indeed' to be anyth"n$ "s' "n $eneral' better than not to be "t)as to be wise "s better than not to be so ) that "s' "t "s betterto be #"se than not to be #"se. For' tho!$h one #ho "s (!st'b!t not #"se' "s a arently a better man than one #ho "s

#"se' b!t not (!st' yet' ta-en by "tself' "t "s not better not tobe wise than to be wise . For' everyth"n$ that "s not #"se's"m ly "n so far as "t "s not #"se' "s less than #hat "s #"se's"n&e everyth"n$ that "s not #"se #o!ld be better "f "t #ere#"se. In the same #ay' to be true "s alto$ether better thannot to be so ' that "s' better than not to be true ) and &ust "sbetter than not &ust ) and to li(e than not to li(e .B!t' "n some &ases' not to be a &erta"n th"n$ "s better than tobe it ' as not to be gold may be better than to be gold . For "t"s better for man not to be $old' than to be $old) altho!$h "tm"$ht be better for someth"n$ to be $old' than not to be $old

77 lead' for "nstan&e. For tho!$h both' namely' man and leadare not $old' man "s someth"n$ as m!&h better than $old' ashe #o!ld be of "nfer"or nat!re' #ere he $old) #h"le lead "ssometh"n$ as m!&h more base than $old' as "t #o!ld bemore re&"o!s' #ere "t $old.B!t' from the fa&t that the s! reme Nat!re may be so&on&e"ved of as not s! reme' that supreme "s ne"ther "n$eneral better than not supreme ' nor not supreme better' "nany &ase' than supreme 77from th"s fa&t "t "s ev"dent thatthere are many relat"ve e, ress"ons #h"&h are by no means"n&l!ded "n th"s &lass"0&at"on. 3hether' ho#ever' any are so"n&l!ded' I refra"n from "n2!"r"n$) s"n&e "t "s s! &"ent' for my!r ose' that !ndo!btedly none of these' ta-en by "tself'des&r"bes the s!bstan&e of the s! reme Nat!re.*"n&e' then' "t "s tr!e of #hatever else there "s' that' "f "t "sta-en "nde endently' to be it "s better than not to be it ) as "t"s "m "o!s to s! ose that the s!bstan&e of the s! remeNat!re "s anyth"n$' than #h"&h #hat "s not "t "s "n any #aybetter' "t m!st be tr!e that th"s s!bstan&e "s #hatever "s' "n$eneral' better than #hat "s not "t. For' "t alone "s that' than#h"&h there "s noth"n$ better at all' and #h"&h "s better thanall th"n$s' #h"&h are not #hat "t "s.It "s not a mater"al body' then' or any of those th"n$s #h"&hthe bod"ly senses d"s&ern. For' then all these there "ssometh"n$ better' #h"&h "s not #hat they themselves are.For' the rat"onal m"nd' as to #h"&h no bod"ly sense &aner&e"ve #hat' or of #hat &hara&ter' or ho# $reat' "t "s 77theless th"s rat"onal m"nd #o!ld be "f "t #ere any of those th"n$sthat are "n the s&o e of the bod"ly senses' the $reater "t "sthan any of these. For by no means sho!ld th"s s! reme

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Be"n$ be sa"d to be any of those th"n$s to #h"&h someth"n$'#h"&h they themselves are not' "s s! er"or) and "t sho!ld byall means' as o!r reason"n$ sho#s' be sa"d to be any ofthose th"n$s to #h"&h everyth"n$' #h"&h "s not #hat theythemselves are' "s "nfer"or.Hen&e' th"s Be"n$ m!st be l"v"n$' #"se' o#erf!l' and all7o#erf!l' tr!e' (!st' blessed' eternal' and #hatever' "n l"-emanner' "s absol!tely better than #hat "s not "t. 3hy' then'sho!ld #e ma-e any f!rther "n2!"ry as to #hat that s! reme

Nat!re "s' "f "t "s man"fest #h"&h of all th"n$s "t "s' and #h"&h"t "s not6

CHAPTER <I.For th"s Be"n$ "t "s the same to be (!st that "t "s to be (!st"&e)and so #"th re$ard to attr"b!tes that &an be e, ressed "n thesame #ay5 and none of these sho#s of #hat &hara&ter' orho# $reat' b!t #hat th"s Be"n$ "s.B8T erha s' #hen th"s Be"n$ "s &alled (!st' or $reat' oranyth"n$ l"-e these' "t "s not sho#n #hat "t "s' b!t of #hat&hara&ter' or ho# $reat "t "s. For every s!&h term seems to

be !sed #"th referen&e to 2!ant"ty or ma$n"t!de) be&a!seeveryth"n$ that "s (!st "s so thro!$h (!stness' and so #"thother l"-e &ases' "n the same #ay. Hen&e' the s! remeNat!re "tself "s not (!st' e,&e t thro!$h (!stness.It seems' then' that by participation "n th"s 2!al"ty' that "s'

(!stness' the s! remely $ood *!bstan&e "s &alled (!st. B!t' "fth"s "s so' "t "s (!st thro!$h another' and not thro!$h "tself.B!t th"s "s &ontrary to the tr!th already establ"shed' that "t "s$ood' or $reat or #hatever "t "s at all' thro!$h "tself and notthro!$h another. *o' "f "t "s not (!st' e,&e t thro!$h (!stness'and &annot be (!st' e,&e t thro!$h "tself' #hat &an be more&lear than that th"s Nat!re "s "tself (!stness6 And' #hen "t "ssa"d to be (!st thro!$h (!stness' "t "s the same as say"n$ that"t "s (!st thro!$h "tself. And' #hen "t "s sa"d to be (!st thro!$h"tself' noth"n$ else "s !nderstood than that "t "s (!st thro!$h

(!stness. Hen&e' "f "t "s "n2!"red #hat the s! reme Nat!re'#h"&h "s "n 2!est"on' "s "n "tself' #hat tr!er ans#er &an be$"ven' than *ustness 63e m!st observe' then' ho# #e are to !nderstand thestatement' that the Nat!re #h"&h "s "tself (!stness "s (!st. For's"n&e a man &annot be (!stness' b!t &an ossess (!stness'#e do not &on&e"ve of a (!st man as being (!stness' b!t asossess"n$ (!stness. *"n&e' on the other hand' "t &annotro erly be sa"d of the s! reme Nat!re that "t ossesses

(!stness' b!t that "t "s (!stness' #hen "t "s &alled (!st "t "sro erly &on&e"ved of as be"n$ (!stness' b!t not asossess"n$ (!stness. Hen&e' "f' #hen "t "s sa"d to be (!stness'"t "s not sa"d of #hat &hara&ter "t "s' b!t what "t "s' "t follo#sthat' #hen "t "s &alled (!st' "t "s not sa"d of #hat &hara&ter "t"s' b!t #hat "t "s.

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Therefore' see"n$ that "t "s the same to say of the s! remeBe"n$' that "t "s (!st and that "t "s (!stness) and' #hen "t "ssa"d that "t "s (!stness' "t "s noth"n$ else than say"n$ that "t "s

(!st) "t ma-es no d"%eren&e #hether "t "s sa"d to be (!stnessor to be (!st. Hen&e' #hen one "s as-ed re$ard"n$ thes! reme Nat!re' #hat "t "s' the ans#er' *ust ' "s not less0tt"n$ than the ans#er' *ustness . ;oreover' #hat #e see tohave been roved "n the &ase of (!stness' the "ntelle&t "s&om elled to a&-no#led$e as tr!e of all attr"b!tes #h"&h are

s"m"larly red"&ated of th"s s! reme Nat!re. 3hatever s!&hattr"b!te "s red"&ated of "t' then' "t "s sho#n' not of #hat&hara&ter' or ho# $reat' b!t what "t "s.B!t "t "s obv"o!s that #hatever $ood th"n$ the s! remeNat!re "s' "t "s "n the h"$hest de$ree. It "s' therefore' s! remeBe"n$' s! reme =!stness' s! reme 3"sdom' s! reme Tr!th's! reme Goodness' s! reme Greatness' s! reme Bea!ty's! reme Immortal"ty' s! reme In&orr! t"b"l"ty' s! remeImm!tab"l"ty' s! reme Blessedness' s! reme Etern"ty's! reme Po#er' s! reme 8n"ty) #h"&h "s noth"n$ else thans! remely be"n$' s! remely l"v"n$' et&.


It "s s"m le "n s!&h a #ay that all th"n$s that &an be sa"d of"ts essen&e are one and the same "n "t5 and noth"n$ &an besa"d of "ts s!bstan&e e,&e t "n terms of #hat "t "s.Is "t to be "nferred' then' that "f the s! reme Nat!re "s somany $oods' "t #"ll therefore be &om o!nded of more $oodsthan one6 Or "s "t tr!e' rather' that there are not more $oodsthan one' b!t a s"n$le $ood des&r"bed by many names6 For'everyth"n$ #h"&h "s &om os"te re2!"res for "ts s!bs"sten&ethe th"n$s of #h"&h "t "s &om o!nded' and' "ndeed' o#es tothem the fa&t of "ts e,"sten&e' be&a!se' #hatever "t "s' "t "sthro!$h these th"n$s) and they are not #hat they arethro!$h "t' and therefore "t "s not at all s! reme. If' then' thatNat!re "s &om o!nded of more $oods than one' all thesefa&ts that are tr!e of every &om os"te m!st be a l"&able to"t. B!t th"s "m "o!s falsehood the #hole &o$en&y of the tr!ththat #as sho#n above ref!tes and overthro#s' thro!$h a&lear ar$!ment.*"n&e' then' that Nat!re "s by no means &om os"te and yet "sby all means those so many $oods' ne&essar"ly all these arenot more than one' b!t are one. Any one of them "s'therefore' the same as all' #hether ta-en all at on&e orse arately. Therefore' (!st as #hatever "s attr"b!ted to theessen&e of the s! reme *!bstan&e "s one) so th"s s!bstan&e"s #hatever "t "s essent"ally "n one #ay' and by v"rt!e of one&ons"derat"on. For' #hen a man "s sa"d to be a mater"al body'and rat"onal' and h!man' these three th"n$s are not sa"d "none #ay' or "n v"rt!e of one &ons"derat"on. For' "n a&&ordan&e#"th one fa&t' be "s a mater"al body) and "n a&&ordan&e #"th

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another' rat"onal) and no one of these' ta-en by "tself' "s the#hole of #hat man "s.

That s! reme Be"n$' ho#ever' "s by no means anyth"n$ "ns!&h a #ay that "t "s not th"s same th"n$' a&&ord"n$ toanother #ay' or another &ons"derat"on) be&a!se' #hatever "t"s essent"ally "n any #ay' th"s "s all of #hat "t "s. Therefore'noth"n$ that "s tr!ly sa"d of the s! reme Be"n$ "s a&&e ted "nterms of 2!al"ty or 2!ant"ty' b!t only "n terms of what "t "s.For' #hatever "t "s "n terms of e"ther 2!al"ty or 2!ant"ty

#o!ld &onst"t!te st"ll another element' "n terms of #hat "t "s)hen&e' "t #o!ld not be s"m le' b!t &om os"te.

CHAPTER <III.It "s #"tho!t be$"nn"n$ and #"tho!t end.

FRO; #hat t"me' then' as th"s so s"m le Nat!re #h"&h&reates and an"mates all th"n$s e,"sted' or !nt"l #hat t"me "s"t to e,"st6 Or rather' let !s as- ne"ther from #hat t"me' norto #hat t"me' "t e,"sts) b!t "s "t #"tho!t be$"nn"n$ and#"tho!t end6 For' "f "t has a be$"nn"n$' "t has th"s e"ther fromor thro!$h "tself' or from or thro!$h another' or from or

thro!$h noth"n$.B!t "t "s &erta"n' a&&ord"n$ to tr!ths already made la"n' that"n no #"se does "t der"ve e,"sten&e from another' or fromnoth"n$) or e,"st thro!$h another' or thro!$h noth"n$. In no#"se' therefore' has "t had "n&e t"on thro!$h or from another'or thro!$h or from noth"n$.;oreover' "t &annot have "n&e t"on from or thro!$h "tself'altho!$h "t e,"sts from and thro!$h "tself. For "t so e,"stsfrom and thro!$h "tself' that by no means "s there oneessen&e #h"&h e,"sts from and thro!$h "tself' and anotherthro!$h #h"&h' and from #h"&h' "t e,"sts. B!t' #hateverbe$"ns to e,"st from or thro!$h someth"n$' "s by no means"dent"&al #"th that from or thro!$h #h"&h "t be$"ns to e,"st.

Therefore' the s! reme Nat!re does not be$"n thro!$h orfrom' "tself.*ee"n$' then' that "t has a be$"nn"n$ ne"ther thro!$h norfrom "tself' and ne"ther thro!$h nor from noth"n$' "tass!redly has no be$"nn"n$ at all. B!t ne"ther #"ll "t have anend. For' "f "t "s to have end' "t "s not s! remely "mmortal ands! remely "n&orr! t"ble. B!t #e have roved that "t "ss! remely "mmortal and s! remely "n&orr! t"ble. Therefore'"t #"ll not have an end.F!rthermore' "f "t "s to have an end' "t #"ll er"sh e"ther#"ll"n$ly or a$a"nst "ts #"ll. B!t &erta"nly that "s not a s"m le'!nm",ed $ood' at #hose #"ll the s! reme $ood er"shes. B!tth"s Be"n$ "s "tself the tr!e and s"m le' !nm",ed $ood.

Therefore' that very Be"n$' #h"&h "s &erta"nly the s! reme$ood' #"ll not d"e of "ts o#n #"ll. If' ho#ever' "t "s to er"sha$a"nst "ts #"ll' "t "s not s! remely o#erf!l' or all7 o#erf!l.B!t &o$ent reason"n$ has asserted "t to be o#erf!l and all7

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o#erf!l. Therefore' "t #"ll not d"e a$a"nst "ts #"ll. Hen&e' "fne"ther #"th nor a$a"nst "ts #"ll the s! reme Nat!re "s tohave an end' "n no #ay #"ll "t have an end.A$a"n' "f the s! reme nat!re has an end or a be$"nn"n$' "t "snot tr!e etern"ty' #h"&h "t has been "rref!tably roved to beabove.

Then' let h"m #ho &an &on&e"ve of a t"me #hen th"s be$an tobe tr!e' or #hen "t #as not tr!e' namely' that someth"n$ #asdest"ned to be) or #hen th"s shall &ease to be tr!e' and shall

not be tr!e' namely' that someth"n$ has e,"sted. B!t' "fne"ther of these s! os"t"ons "s &on&e"vable' and both thesefa&ts &annot e,"st #"tho!t tr!th' "t "s "m oss"ble even to&on&e"ve that tr!th has e"ther be$"nn"n$ or end. And then' "ftr!th had a be$"nn"n$' or shall have an end) before "t be$an"t #as tr!e that tr!th d"d not e,"st' and after "t shall be ended"t #"ll be tr!e that tr!th #"ll not e,"st. 1et' anyth"n$ that "strue &annot e,"st #"tho!t tr!th. Therefore' tr!th e,"stedbefore tr!th e,"sted' and tr!th #"ll e,"st after tr!th shall beended' #h"&h "s a most &ontrad"&tory &on&l!s"on. 3hether'then' tr!th "s sa"d to have' or !nderstood not to have'

be$"nn"n$ or end' "t &annot be l"m"ted by any be$"nn"n$ orend. Hen&e' the same follo#s as re$ards the s! remeNat!re' s"n&e "t "s "tself the s! reme Tr!th.

CHAPTER I .In #hat sense noth"n$ e,"sted before or #"ll e,"st after th"s

Be"n$.B8T here #e are a$a"n &onfronted by the term nothing ' and#hatever o!r reason"n$ th!s far' #"th the &on&ordantattestat"on of tr!th and ne&ess"ty' has &on&l!ded noth"n$ tobe. For' "f the ro os"t"ons d!ly set forth above have been&on0rmed by the fort"0&at"on of lo$"&ally ne&essary tr!th' notanyth"n$ e,"sted before the s! reme Be"n$' nor #"ll anyth"n$e,"st after "t. Hen&e' noth"n$ e,"sted before' and noth"n$ #"lle,"st after' "t. For' e"ther someth"n$ or noth"n$ m!st havere&eded "t) and e"ther someth"n$ or noth"n$ m!st bedest"ned to follo# "t.B!t' he #ho says that noth"n$ e,"sted before "t a ears toma-e th"s statement' >that there #as before "t a t"me #hennoth"n$ e,"sted' and that there #"ll be after "t a t"me #hennoth"n$ #"ll e,"st.> Therefore' #hen noth"n$ e,"sted' thatBe"n$ d"d not e,"st' and #hen noth"n$ shall e,"st' that Be"n$#"ll not e,"st. Ho# "s "t' then' that "t does not ta-e "n&e t"onfrom noth"n$ or ho# "s "t that "t #"ll not &ome to noth"n$6 77 "f that Be"n$ d"d not yet e,"st' #hen noth"n$ already e,"sted)and the same Be"n$ shall no lon$er e,"st' #hen noth"n$ shallst"ll e,"st. Of #hat ava"l "s so #e"$hty a mass of ar$!ments' "f th"s nothing so eas"ly demol"shes the"r str!&t!re6 For' "f "t "sestabl"shed that the s! reme Be"n$ s!&&eeds nothing Noth"n$ "s here treated as an ent"ty' s! osed a&t!ally to

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re&ede the s! reme Be"n$ "n e,"sten&e. The falla&y"nvolved "s sho#n belo#. 77 !r. ' #h"&h re&edes "t' and y"elds"ts la&e to nothing ' #h"&h follo#s "t' #hatever has beenos"ted as tr!e above "s ne&essar"ly !nsettled by em tynoth"n$.B!t' rather o!$ht th"s nothing to be res"sted' lest so manystr!&t!res of &o$ent reason"n$ be stormed by nothing ) andthe s! reme $ood' #h"&h has been so!$ht and fo!nd by thel"$ht of tr!th' be lost for nothing . ?et "t rather be de&lared'

then' that noth"n$ d"d not e,"st before the s! reme Be"n$'and that noth"n$ #"ll not e,"st after "t' rather than that' #hena la&e "s $"ven before or after "t to noth"n$' that Be"n$#h"&h thro!$h "tself bro!$ht "nto e,"sten&e #hat #asnoth"n$' sho!ld be red!&ed thro!$h noth"n$ to noth"n$.For th"s one assert"on' namely' that noth"n$ e,"sted beforethe s! reme Be"n$' &arr"es t#o mean"n$s. For' one sense ofth"s statement "s that' before the s! reme Be"n$' there #asa t"me #hen noth"n$ #as. B!t another !nderstand"n$ of thesame statement "s that' before the s! reme Be"n$' notanyth"n$ e,"sted. =!st as' s! os"n$ I sho!ld say' >Noth"n$

has ta!$ht me to +y'> I &o!ld e, la"n th"s assert"on e"ther "nth"s #ay' that noth"n$' as an ent"ty "n "tself' #h"&h s"$n"0esnot anything ' has ta!$ht me a&t!ally to +y 77 #h"&h #o!ld befalse) or "n th"s #ay' that not anyth"n$ has ta!$ht me to +y'#h"&h #o!ld be tr!e.

The former "nter retat"on' therefore' #h"&h "s follo#ed by the"n&ons"sten&y d"s&!ssed above' "s re(e&ted by all reason"n$as false. B!t there rema"ns the other "nter retat"on' #h"&h!n"tes "n erfe&t &ons"sten&y #"th the fore$o"n$ ar$!ments'and #h"&h' from the for&e of the"r #hole &orrelat"on' m!st betr!e.Hen&e' the statement that noth"n$ e,"sted before that Be"n$m!st be re&e"ved "n the latter sense. Nor sho!ld "t be soe, la"ned' that "t shall be !nderstood that there #as anyt"me #hen that Be"n$ d"d not e,"st' and noth"n$ d"d e,"st)b!t' so that "t shall be !nderstood that' before that Be"n$'there #as not anyth"n$. The same sort of do!ble s"$n"0&at"on"s fo!nd "n the statement that noth"n$ #"ll e,"st after thatBe"n$.If' then' th"s "nter retat"on of the term nothing ' that hasbeen $"ven' "s &aref!lly analysed' most tr!ly ne"thersometh"n$ nor noth"n$ re&eded or #"ll follo# the s! remeBe"n$' and the &on&l!s"on "s rea&hed' that noth"n$ e,"stedbefore or #"ll e,"st after "t. 1et' the sol"d"ty of the tr!thsalready establ"shed "s "n no #"se "m a"red by the em t"nessof nothing .

CHAPTER .It e,"sts "n every la&e and at every t"me.

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B8T' altho!$h "t has been &on&l!ded above that th"s &reat"veNat!re e,"sts every#here' and "n all th"n$s' and thro!$h all)and from the fa&t that "t ne"ther be$an' nor #"ll &ease to be'"t follo#s that "t al#ays has been' and "s' and #"ll be) yet' Ier&e"ve a &erta"n se&ret m!rm!r of &ontrad"&t"on #h"&h&om els me to "n2!"re more &aref!lly #here and #hen thatNat!re e,"sts.

The s! reme Be"n$' then' e,"sts e"ther every#here andal#ays' or merely at some la&e and t"me' or no#here and

never5 or' as I e, ress "t' e"ther "n every la&e and at everyt"me' or 0n"tely' "n some la&e and at some t"me' or "n nola&e and at no t"me.B!t #hat &an be more obv"o!sly &ontrad"&tory' than that#hat e,"sts most really and s! remely e,"sts no#here andnever6 It "s' therefore' false that "t e,"sts no#here and never.A$a"n' s"n&e there "s no $ood' nor anyth"n$ at all #"tho!t "t) "f th"s Be"n$ "tself e,"sts no#here or never' then no#here ornever "s there any $ood' and no#here and never "s thereanyth"n$ at all. B!t there "s no need to state that th"s "sfalse. Hen&e' the former ro os"t"on "s also false' that that

Be"n$ e,"sts no#here and never.It therefore e,"sts 0n"tely' at some t"me and la&e' orevery#here and al#ays. B!t' "f "t e,"sts 0n"tely' at somela&e or t"me' there and then only' #here and #hen "t e,"sts'&an anyth"n$ e,"st. 3here and #hen "t does not e,"st'moreover' there "s no e,"sten&e at all' be&a!se' #"tho!t "t'noth"n$ e,"sts. 3hen&e "t #"ll follo#' that there "s some la&eand t"me #here and #hen noth"n$ at all e,"sts. B!t see"n$that th"s "s false 77 for la&e and t"me themselves are e,"st"n$th"n$s 77 the s! reme Nat!re &annot e,"st 0n"tely' at somela&e or t"me. B!t' "f "t "s sa"d that "t of "tself e,"sts 0n"tely' atsome la&e and t"me' b!t that' thro!$h "ts o#er' "t "s#herever and #henever anyth"n$ "s' th"s "s not tr!e. For's"n&e "t "s man"fest that "ts o#er "s noth"n$ else than "tself'by no means does "ts o#er e,"st #"tho!t "t.*"n&e' then' "t does not e,"st 0n"tely' at some la&e or t"me'"t m!st e,"st every#here and al#ays' that "s' "n every la&eand at every t"me.

CHAPTER I.It e,"sts "n no la&e or t"me.

B8T' "f th"s "s tr!e' e"ther "t e,"sts "n every la&e and at everyt"me' or else only a art of "t so e,"sts' the other arttrans&end"n$ every la&e and t"me.B!t' "f "n art "t e,"sts' and "n art does not e,"st' "n everyla&e and at every t"me' "t has arts) #h"&h "s false. It doesnot' therefore' e,"st every#here and al#ays "n art.B!t ho# does "t e,"st as a #hole' every#here and al#ays6For' e"ther "t "s to be !nderstood that "t e,"sts as a #hole aton&e' "n all la&es or at all t"mes' and by arts "n "nd"v"d!al

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la&es and t"mes) or' that "t e,"sts as a #hole' "n "nd"v"d!alla&es and t"mes as #ell.B!t' "f "t e,"sts by arts "n "nd"v"d!al la&es or t"mes' "t "s note,em t from &om os"t"on and d"v"s"on of arts) #h"&h hasbeen fo!nd to be "n a h"$h de$ree al"en to the s! remeNat!re. Hen&e' "t does not so e,"st' as a #hole' "n all la&esand at all t"mes that "t e,"sts by arts "n "nd"v"d!al la&esand t"mes.3e are &onfronted' then' by the former alternat"ve' that "s'

ho# the s! reme Nat!re &an e,"st' as a #hole' "n every"nd"v"d!al la&e and t"me. Th"s "s do!btless "m oss"ble'!nless "t e"ther e,"sts at on&e or at d"%erent t"mes "n"nd"v"d!al la&es or t"mes. B!t' s"n&e the la# of la&e andthe la# of t"me' the "nvest"$at"on of #h"&h "t has h"thertobeen oss"ble to rose&!te "n a s"n$le d"s&!ss"on' be&a!sethey advan&ed on e,a&tly the same l"nes' here se arate onefrom another and seem to avo"d debate' as "f by evas"on "nd"verse d"re&t"ons' let ea&h be "nvest"$ated "nde endently "nd"s&!ss"on d"re&ted on "tself alone.F"rst' then' let !s see #hether the s! reme Nat!re &an e,"st'

as a #hole' "n "nd"v"d!al la&es' e"ther at on&e "n all' or atd"%erent t"mes' "n d"%erent la&es. Then' let !s ma-e thesame "n2!"ry re$ard"n$ the t"mes at #h"&h "t &an e,"st.If' then' "t e,"sts as a #hole "n ea&h "nd"v"d!al la&e' then' forea&h "nd"v"d!al la&e there "s an "nd"v"d!al #hole. For' (!st asla&e "s so d"st"n$!"shed from la&e that there are "nd"v"d!alla&es' so that #h"&h e,"sts as a #hole' "n one la&e' "s sod"st"n&t from that #h"&h e,"sts as a #hole at the same t"me'"n another la&e' that there are "nd"v"!al #holes. For' of #hate,"sts as a #hole' "n any la&e' there "s no art that does note,"st "n that la&e. And that of #h"&h there "s no art thatdoes not e,"st "n a $"ven la&e' "s no art of #hat e,"sts atthe same t"me o!ts"de th"s la&e.3hat e,"sts as a #hole' then' "n any la&e' "s no art of #hate,"sts at the same t"me o!ts"de that la&e. B!t' of that of#h"&h no art e,"sts o!ts"de any $"ven la&e' no art e,"sts'at the same t"me' "n another la&e. Ho#' then' &an #hate,"sts as a #hole' "n any la&e' e,"st s"m!ltaneo!sly' as a#hole' "n another la&e' "f no art of "t &an at that t"me e,"st"n another la&e6*"n&e' then' one #hole &annot e,"st as a #hole "n d"%erentla&es at the same t"me' "t follo#s that' for "nd"v"d!al la&es'there are "nd"v"d!al #holes' "f anyth"n$ "s to e,"st as a #hole"n d"%erent "nd"v"d!al la&es at on&e. Hen&e' "f the s! remeNat!re e,"sts as a #hole' at one t"me' "n every "nd"v"d!alla&e' there are as many s! reme Nat!res as there &an be"nd"v"d!al la&es) #h"&h "t #o!ld be "rrat"onal to bel"eve.

Therefore' "t does not e,"st' as a #hole' at one t"me "n"nd"v"d!al la&es.

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If' ho#ever' at d"%erent t"mes "t e,"sts' as a #hole' "n"nd"v"d!al la&es' then' #hen "t "s "n one la&e' there "s "n themeant"me no $ood and no e,"sten&e "n other la&es' s"n&e#"tho!t "t absol!tely noth"n$ e,"sts. B!t the abs!rd"ty of th"ss! os"t"on "s roved by the e,"sten&e of la&es themselves'#h"&h are not noth"n$' b!t someth"n$. Therefore' thes! reme Nat!re does not e,"st' as a #hole' "n "nd"v"d!alla&es at d"%erent t"mes.B!t' "f ne"ther at the same t"me nor at d"%erent t"mes does "t

e,"st' as a #hole' "n "nd"v"d!al la&es' "t "s ev"dent that "tdoes not at all e,"st' as a #hole' "n ea&h "nd"v"d!al la&e. 3em!st no# e,am"ne' then' #hether th"s s! reme Nat!ree,"sts' as a #hole' at "nd"v"d!al t"mes' e"ther s"m!ltaneo!slyor at d"st"n&t t"mes for "nd"v"d!al t"mes.B!t' ho# &an anyth"n$ e,"st' as a #hole' s"m!ltaneo!sly' at"nd"v"d!al t"mes' "f these t"mes are not themselvess"m!ltaneo!s6 B!t' "f th"s Be"n$ e,"sts' as a #hole'se arately and at d"st"n&t t"mes for "nd"v"d!al t"mes' (!st as aman e,"sts as a #hole yesterday' to7day' and to7morrro#) "t"s ro erly sa"d that "t #as and "s and #"ll be. Its a$e' then'

#h"&h "s no other than "ts etern"ty' does not e,"st' as a#hole' s"m!ltaneo!sly' b!t "t "s d"str"b!ted "n arts a&&ord"n$to the arts of t"me.B!t "ts etern"ty "s noth"n$ else than "tself. The s! remeBe"n$' then' #"ll be d"v"ded "nto arts' a&&ord"n$ to thed"v"s"ons of t"me. For' "f "ts a$e "s rolon$ed thro!$h er"odsof t"me' "t has #"th th"s t"me resent' ast' and f!t!re. B!t#hat else "s "ts a$e than "ts d!rat"on of e,"sten&e' than "tsetern"ty6 *"n&e' then' "ts etern"ty "s noth"n$ else than "tsessen&e' as &ons"derat"ons set forth above "rref!tably rove)"f "ts etern"ty has ast' resent' and f!t!re' "ts essen&e alsohas' "n &onse2!en&e' ast' resent' and f!t!re.B!t #hat "s ast "s not resent or f!t!re) and #hat "s resent"s not ast or f!t!re) and #hat "s f!t!re "s not ast orresent. Ho#' then' shall that ro os"t"on be val"d' #h"&h#as roved #"th &lear and lo$"&al &o$en&y above' namely'that that s! reme Nat!re "s "n no #"se &om os"te' b!t "ss! remely s"m le' s! remely "mm!table6 77 ho# shall th"s beso' "f that Nat!re "s one th"n$' at one t"me' and another' atanother' and has arts d"str"b!ted a&&ord"n$ to t"mes6 Orrather' "f these earl"er ro os"t"ons are tr!e' ho# &an theselatter be oss"ble6 By no means' then' "s ast or f!t!reattr"b!table to the &reat"ve Be"n$' e"ther "ts a$e or "tsetern"ty. For #hy has "t not a resent' "f "t tr!ly is 6 B!t was means ast' and will be f!t!re. Therefore that Be"n$ never#as' nor #"ll be. Hen&e' "t does not e,"st at d"st"n&t t"mes'

(!st as "t does not e,"st' as a #hole' s"m!ltaneo!sly "nd"%erent "nd"v"d!al t"mes.If' then' as o!r d"s&!ss"on has roved' "t ne"ther so e,"sts' asa #hole' "n all la&es or t"mes that "t e,"sts' as a #hole' at

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one t"me "n all' or by arts "n "nd"v"d!al la&es and t"mes) norso that "t e,"sts' as a #hole' "n "nd"v"d!al t"mes and la&es' "t"s man"fest that "t does not "n any #ay e,"st' as a #hole' "nevery t"me or la&e.And' s"n&e' "n l"-e manner' "t has been demonstrated that "tne"ther so e,"sts "n every t"me or la&e' that a art e,"sts "nevery' and a art trans&ends every' la&e and t"me' "t "s"m oss"ble that "t e,"sts every#here and al#ays.For' "n no #ay &an "t be &on&e"ved to e,"st every#here and

al#ays' e,&e t e"ther as a #hole or "n art. B!t "f "t does notat all e,"st every#here and al#ays' "t #"ll e,"st e"ther 0n"tely"n some la&e or t"me' or "n none. B!t "t has already beenroved' that "t &annot e,"st 0n"tely' "n any la&e or t"me. Inno la&e or t"me' that "s' no#here and never does "t e,"st.For "t &annot e,"st' e,&e t "n every or "n some la&e or t"me.B!t' on the other hand' s"n&e "t "s "rref!tably establ"shed' notonly that "t e,"sts thro!$h "tself' and #"tho!t be$"nn"n$ and#"tho!t end' b!t that #"tho!t "t noth"n$ any#here or evere,"sts' "t m!st e,"st every#here and al#ays.


Ho# "t e,"sts "n every la&e and t"me' and "n none.Ho#' then' shall these re os"t"ons' that are so ne&essarya&&ord"n$ to o!r e, os"t"on' and so ne&essary a&&ord"n$ too!r roof' be re&on&"led6 Perha s the s! reme Nat!re e,"sts"n la&e and t"me "n some s!&h #ay' that "t "s not reventedfrom so e,"st"n$ s"m!ltaneo!sly' as a #hole' "n d"%erentla&es or t"mes' that there are not more #holes than one)and that "ts a$e' #h"&h does not e,"st' e,&e t as tr!eetern"ty' "s not d"str"b!ted amon$ ast' resent' and f!t!re.For' to th"s la# of s a&e and t"me' noth"n$ seems to bes!b(e&t' e,&e t the be"n$s #h"&h so e,"st "n s a&e or t"methat they do not trans&end e,tent of s a&e or d!rat"on oft"me. Hen&e' tho!$h of be"n$s of th"s &lass "t "s #"th all tr!thasserted that one and the same #hole &annot e,"sts"m!ltaneo!sly' as a #hole' "n d"%erent la&es or t"mes) "nthe &ase of those be"n$s #h"&h are not of th"s &lass' no s!&h&on&l!s"on "s ne&essar"ly rea&hed.For "t seems to be r"$htly sa"d' that la&e "s red"&able onlyof ob(e&ts #hose ma$n"t!de la&e &onta"ns by "n&l!d"n$ "t'and "n&l!des by &onta"n"n$ "t) and that t"me "s red"&ableonly of ob(e&ts #hose d!rat"on t"me ends by meas!r"n$ "t'and meas!res by end"n$ "t. Hen&e' to any be"n$' to #hoses at"al e,tent or d!rat"on no bo!nd &an be set' e"ther bys a&e or t"me' no la&e or t"me "s ro erly attr"b!ted. For'see"n$ that la&e does not a&t ! on "t as la&e' nor t"me ast"me' "t "s not "rrat"onal to say' that no la&e "s "ts la&e' andno t"me "ts t"me.

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B!t' #hat ev"dently has no la&e or t"me "s do!btless by nomeans &om elled to s!bm"t to the la# of la&e or t"me. Nola# of la&e or t"me' then' "n any #ay $overns any nat!re'#h"&h no la&e or t"me l"m"ts by some -"nd of restra"nt. B!t#hat rat"onal &ons"derat"on &an by any &o!rse of reason"n$fa"l to rea&h the &on&l!s"on' that the *!bstan&e #h"&h&reates and "s s! reme amon$ all be"n$s' #h"&h m!st beal"en to' and free from' the nat!re and la# of all th"n$s #h"&h"tself &reated from noth"n$' "s l"m"ted by no restra"nt of s a&e

or t"me) s"n&e' more tr!ly' "ts o#er' #h"&h "s noth"n$ elsethan "ts essen&e' &onta"ns and "n&l!des !nder "tself all theseth"n$s #h"&h "t &reated6 Is "t not "m !dently fool"sh' too' tosay e"ther' that s a&e &"r&!ms&r"bes the ma$n"t!de of tr!th'or' that t"me meas!res "ts d!rat"on 77tr!th' #h"&h re$ards no$reatness or smallness of s at"al or tem oral e,tent at all6*ee"n$' then' that th"s "s the &ond"t"on of la&e or t"me) thatonly #hatever "s l"m"ted by the"r bo!nds ne"ther es&a es thela# of arts 77 s!&h as la&e follo#s' a&&ord"n$ to ma$n"t!de'or s!&h as t"me s!bm"ts to' a&&ord"n$ to d!rat"on 77 nor &an"n any #ay be &onta"ned' as a #hole' s"m!ltaneo!sly by

d"%erent la&es or t"mes) b!t #hatever "s "n no #"se &on0nedby the restra"nt of la&e or t"me' "s not &om elled by any la#of la&es or t"mes to m!lt" l"&"ty of arts' nor "s "t reventedfrom be"n$ resent' as a #hole and s"m!ltaneo!sly' "n morela&es or t"mes than one 77see"n$' I say' that th"s "s the&ond"t"on $overn"n$ la&e or t"me' no do!bt the s! reme*!bstan&e' #h"&h "s en&om assed by no restra"nt of la&e ort"me' "s bo!nd by none of the"r la#s.Hen&e' s"n&e "nev"table ne&ess"ty re2!"res that the s! remeBe"n$' as a #hole' be la&-"n$ to no la&e or t"me' and no la#of la&e or t"me revents "t from be"n$ s"m!ltaneo!sly "nevery la&e or t"me) "t m!st s"m!ltaneo!sly resent "n every"nd"v"d!al la&e or t"me. For' be&a!se "t "s resent "n onela&e' "t "s not therefore revented from be"n$ resent at thesame t"me' and "n l"-e manner "n th"s' or that other' la&e ort"me.Nor' be&a!se "t #as' or "s' or shall be' has any art of "tsetern"ty therefore van"shed from the resent' #"th the ast'#h"&h no lon$er "s) nor does "t ass #"th the resent' #h"&h"s' for an "nstant) nor "s "t to &ome #"th the f!t!re' #h"&h "snot yet.For' by no means "s that Be"n$ &om elled or forb"dden by ala# of s a&e or t"me to e,"st' or not to e,"st' at any la&e ort"me 77 the Be"n$ #h"&h' "n no #"se' "n&l!des "ts o#ne,"sten&e "n s a&e or t"me. For' #hen the s! reme Be"n$ "ssa"d to e,"st "n s a&e or t"me' altho!$h the form ofe, ress"on re$ard"n$ "t' and re$ard"n$ lo&al and tem oralnat!res' "s the same' be&a!se of the !sa$e of lan$!a$e' yetthe sense "s d"%erent' be&a!se of the !nl"-eness of theob(e&ts of d"s&!ss"on. For "n the latter &ase the same

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e, ress"on has t#o mean"n$s' namely5 9 : that these ob(e&tsare resent "n those la&es and t"mes "n #h"&h they are sa"dto be' and 9 : that they are &onta"ned by these la&es andt"mes themselves.B!t "n the &ase of the s! reme Be"n$' the 0rst sense only "s"ntended' namely' that "t "s resent) not that "t "s also&onta"ned. If the !sa$e of lan$!a$e erm"tted' "t #o!ld'therefore' seem to be more 0tt"n$ly sa"d' that "t e,"sts with la&e or t"me' than that "t e,"sts in la&e or t"me. For the

statement that a th"n$ e,"sts in another "m l"es that "t "scontained ' more than does the statement that "t e,"sts #"thanother.In no la&e or t"me' then' "s th"s Be"n$ ro erly sa"d to e,"st's"n&e "t "s &onta"ned by no other at all. And yet "t may besa"d' after a manner of "ts o#n' to be "n every la&e or t"me's"n&e #hatever else e,"sts "s s!sta"ned by "ts resen&e' lest"t la se "nto noth"n$ness. It e,"sts "n every la&e and t"me'be&a!se "t "s absent from none) and "t e,"sts "n none'be&a!se "t has no la&e or t"me' and has not ta-en to "tselfd"st"n&t"ons of la&e or t"me' ne"ther here nor there' nor

any#here' nor then' nor no#' nor at any t"me) nor does "te,"st "n terms of th"s +eet"n$ resent' "n #h"&h #e l"ve' norhas "t e,"sted' nor #"ll "t e,"st' "n terms of ast or f!t!re's"n&e these are restr"&ted to th"n$s 0n"te and m!table' #h"&h"t "s not.And yet' these ro ert"es of t"me and la&e &an' "n somesort' be as&r"bed to "t' s"n&e "t "s (!st as tr!ly resent "n all0n"te and m!table be"n$s as "f "t #ere &"r&!ms&r"bed by thesame la&es' and s!%ered &han$e by the same t"mes.3e have s! &"ent ev"den&e' then' to d"s el the &ontrad"&t"onthat threatened !s) as to ho# the h"$hest Be"n$ of all e,"sts'every#here and al#ays' and no#here and never' that "s' "nevery la&e and t"me' and "n no la&e or t"me' a&&ord"n$ tothe &ons"stent tr!th of d"%erent senses of the termsem loyed.

CHAPTER III.Ho# "t "s better &on&e"ved to e,"st every#here than "n every

la&eB8T' s"n&e "t "s la"n that th"s s! reme Nat!re "s not moretr!ly "n all la&es than "n all e,"st"n$ th"n$s' not as "f "t #ere&onta"ned by them' b!t as &onta"n"n$ all' by ermeat"n$ all'#hy sho!ld "t not be sa"d to be every#here' "n th"s sense'that "t may be !nderstood rather to be "n all e,"st"n$ th"n$s'than merely "n all la&es' s"n&e th"s sense "s s! orted bythe tr!th of the fa&t' and "s not forb"dden by the ro ers"$n"0&at"on of the #ord of la&e6For #e often 2!"te ro erly a ly terms of la&e to ob(e&ts#h"&h are not la&es) as' #hen I say that the !nderstand"n$"s there "n the so!l' where rat"onal"ty "s. For' tho!$h there

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and where are adverbs of la&e' yet' by no lo&al l"m"tat"on'does the m"nd &onta"n anyth"n$' nor "s e"ther rat"onal"ty or!nderstand"n$ &onta"ned.Hen&e' as re$ards the tr!th of the matter' the s! remeNat!re "s more a ro r"ately sa"d to be every#here' "n th"ssense' that "t "s "n all e,"st"n$ th"n$s' than "n th"s sense'namely that "t "s merely "n all la&es. And s"n&e' as thereasons set forth above sho#' "t &annot e,"st other#"se' "tm!st so be "n all e,"st"n$ th"n$s' that "t "s one and the same'

erfe&t #hole "n every "nd"v"d!al th"n$ s"m!ltaneo!sly. CHAPTER I<.

Ho# "t "s better !nderstood to e,"st always than at e(ery time .

IT "s also ev"dent that th"s s! reme *!bstan&e "s #"tho!tbe$"nn"n$ and #"tho!t end) that "t has ne"ther ast' norf!t!re' nor the tem oral' that "s' trans"ent resent "n #h"&h#e l"ve) s"n&e "ts a$e' or etern"ty' #h"&h "s noth"n$ else than"tself' "s "mm!table and #"tho!t arts. Is not' therefore' theterm #h"&h seems to mean all time more ro erly

!nderstood' #hen a l"ed to th"s *!bstan&e' to s"$n"fyetern"ty' #h"&h "s never !nl"-e "tself' rather than a &han$"n$s!&&ess"on of t"mes' #h"&h "s ever "n some sort !nl"-e "tself6Hen&e' "f th"s Be"n$ "s sa"d to e,"st al#ays) s"n&e' for "t' "t "sthe same to e,"st and to l"ve' no better sense &an beatta&hed to th"s statement' than that "t e,"sts or l"veseternally' that "s' "t ossesses "nterm"nable l"fe' as a erfe&t#hole at on&e. For "ts etern"ty a arently "s an "nterm"nablel"fe' e,"st"n$ at on&e as a erfe&t #hole.For' s"n&e "t has already been sho#n that th"s *!bstan&e "snoth"n$ else than "ts o#n l"fe and "ts o#n etern"ty' "s "n no#"se term"nable' and does not e,"st' e,&e t as at on&e anderfe&tly #hole' #hat else "s tr!e etern"ty' #h"&h "s&ons"stent #"th the nat!re of that *!bstan&e alone' than an"nterm"nable l"fe' e,"st"n$ as at on&e and erfe&tly #hole6For th"s tr!th "s' at any rate' &learly er&e"ved from thes"n$le fa&t that tr!e etern"ty belon$s only to that s!bstan&e#h"&h alone' as #e have roved' #as not &reated' b!t "s the&reator' s"n&e tr!e etern"ty "s &on&e"ved to be free from thel"m"tat"ons of be$"nn"n$ and end) and th"s "s roved to be&ons"stent #"th the nat!re of no &reated be"n$' from the veryfa&t that all s!&h have been &reated from noth"n$.

CHAPTER <.It &annot s!%er &han$e by any a&&"dents A&&"dents' asAnselm !ses the term' are fa&ts e,ternal to the essen&e of abe"n$' #h"&h may yet be &on&e"ved to rod!&e &han$es "n am!table be"n$.B8T does not th"s Be"n$' #h"&h has been sho#n to e,"st as "nevery #ay s!bstant"ally "dent"&al #"th "tself' somet"mes e,"st

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as d"%erent from "tself' at any rate a&&"dentally6 B!t ho# "s "ts! remely "mm!table' "f "t &an' I #"ll not say' be ' b!t' be&on&e"ved of' as var"able by v"rt!e of a&&"dents6 And' on theo&her hand' does "t not arta-e of a&&"dent' s"n&e even th"svery fa&t that "t "s $reater than all other nat!res and that "t "s!nl"-e them seems to be an a&&"dent "n "ts &ase 9 illiaccidere :6 B!t #hat "s the "n&ons"sten&y bet#eens!s&e t"b"l"ty to &erta"n fa&ts' &alled accidents ' and nat!ral"mm!tab"l"ty' "f from the !nder$o"n$ of these a&&"dents the

s!bstan&e !nder$oes no &han$e6For' of all the fa&ts' &alled a&&"dents' some are !nderstoodnot to be resent or absent #"tho!t some var"at"on "n thes!b(e&t of the a&&"dent 77 all &olors' for "nstan&e 77 #h"leothers are -no#n not to e%e&t any &han$e "n a th"n$ e"therby o&&!rr"n$ or not o&&!rr"n$ 77 &erta"n relat"ons' for"nstan&e. For "t "s &erta"n that I am ne"ther older nor yo!n$erthan a man #ho "s not yet born' nor e2!al to h"m' nor l"-eh"m. B!t I shall be able to s!sta"n and to lose all theserelat"ons to#ard h"m' as soon as he shall have been born'a&&ord"n$ as he shall $ro#' or !nder$o &han$e thro!$h

d"vers 2!al"t"es.It "s made &lear' then' that of all those fa&ts' &alleda&&"dents' a art br"n$ some de$ree of m!tab"l"ty "n the"rtra"n' #h"le a art do not "m a"r at all the "mm!tab"l"ty ofthat "n #hose &ase they o&&!r. Hen&e' altho!$h the s! remeNat!re "n "ts s"m l"&"ty has never !nder$one s!&h a&&"dentsas &a!se m!tat"on' yet "t does not d"sda"n o&&as"onale, ress"on "n terms of those a&&"dents #h"&h are "n no #"se"n&ons"stent #"th s! reme "mm!tab"l"ty) and yet there "s noa&&"dent res e&t"n$ "ts essen&e' #hen&e "t #o!ld be&on&e"ved of' as "tself var"able.3hen&e th"s &on&l!s"on' also' may be rea&hed' that "t "ss!s&e t"ble of no a&&"dent) s"n&e' (!st as those a&&"dents'#h"&h e%e&t some &han$e by the"r o&&!rren&e or non7o&&!rren&e' are by v"rt!e of th"s very e%e&t of the"rsre$arded as be"n$ tr!e accidents ' so those fa&ts' #h"&h la&-a l"-e e%e&t' are fo!nd to be "m ro erly &alled a&&"dents.

Therefore' th"s Essen&e "s al#ays' "n every #ay' s!bstant"ally"dent"&al #"th "tself) and "t "s never "n any #ay d"%erent from"tself' even a&&"dentally. B!t' ho#ever "t may be as to thero er s"$n"0&at"on of the term accident ' th"s "s !ndo!btedlytr!e' that of the s! remely "mm!table Nat!re no statement&an be made' #hen&e "t shall be &on&e"ved of as m!table.

CHAPTER <I.Ho# th"s Be"n$ "s sa"d to be s!bstan&e5 "t trans&ends all

s!bstan&e and "s "nd"v"d!ally #hatever "t "s.B8T' "f #hat #e have as&erta"ned &on&ern"n$ the s"m l"&"tyof th"s Nat!re "s establ"shed' ho# "s "t s!bstan&e6 For' tho!$hevery s!bstan&e "s s!s&e t"ble of adm",t!re of d"%eren&e' or'

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at any rate' s!s&e t"ble of m!tat"on by a&&"dents' the"mm!table !r"ty of th"s Be"n$ "s "na&&ess"ble to adm",t!reor m!tat"on' "n any form.Ho#' then' shall "t be ma"nta"ned that "t "s a s!bstan&e ofany -"nd' e,&e t as "t "s &alled substance for being ' and sotrans&ends' as "t "s above' every s!bstan&e6 For' as $reat as"s the d"%eren&e bet#een that Be"n$' #h"&h "s thro!$h "tself#hatever "t "s' and #h"&h &reates every other be"n$ fromnoth"n$' and a be"n$' #h"&h "s made #hatever "t "s thro!$h

another' from noth"n$) so m!&h does the s! reme *!bstan&ed"%er from these be"n$s' #h"&h are not #hat "t "s. And' s"n&e"t alone' of all nat!res' der"ves from "tself' #"tho!t the hel of another nat!re' #hatever e,"sten&e "t has' "s "t not #hatever"t "s "nd"v"d!ally and a art from asso&"at"on #"th "ts&reat!res6Hen&e' "f "t ever shares any name #"th other be"n$s'do!btless a very d"%erent s"$n"0&at"on of that name "s to be!nderstood "n "ts &ase.


It "s not "n&l!ded amon$ s!bstan&es as &ommonly treated'yet "t "s a s!bstan&e and an "nd"v"s"ble s "r"t.

IT "s' therefore' ev"dent that "n any ord"nary treatment ofs!bstan&e' th"s *!bstan&e &annot be "n&l!ded' from shar"n$"n #hose essen&e every nat!re "s e,&l!ded. Indeed' s"n&eevery s!bstan&e "s treated e"ther as !n"versal' ". e.' asessent"ally &ommon to more than one s!bstan&e' as be"n$ aman "s &ommon to "nd"v"d!al men) or as "nd"v"d!al' hav"n$ a!n"versal essen&e "n &ommon #"th others' as "nd"v"d!al menhave "n &ommon #"th "nd"v"d!al men the fa&t that they aremen) does any one &on&e"ve that' "n the treatment of others!bstan&es' that s! reme Nat!re "s "n&l!ded' #h"&h ne"therd"v"des "tself "nto more s!bstan&es than one' nor !n"tes #"thany other' by v"rt!e of a &ommon essen&e6

1et' see"n$ that "t not only most &erta"nly e,"sts' b!t e,"sts "nthe h"$hest de$ree of all th"n$s) and s"n&e the essen&e ofanyth"n$ "s !s!ally &alled "ts s!bstan&e' do!btless "f any#orthy name &an be $"ven "t' there "s no ob(e&t"on to o!r&all"n$ "t substance .And s"n&e no #orth"er essen&e than s "r"t and body "s -no#n'and of these' s "r"t "s more #orthy than body' "t m!st&erta"nly be ma"nta"ned that th"s Be"n$ "s s "r"t and not body.B!t' see"n$ that one s "r"t has not any arts' and there&annot be more s "r"ts than one of th"s -"nd' "t m!st' by allmeans' be an "nd"v"s"ble s "r"t. For s"n&e' as "s sho#n above'"t "s ne"ther &om o!nded of arts' nor &an be &on&e"ved of asm!table' thro!$h any d"%eren&es or a&&"dents' "t "s"m oss"ble that "t "s d"v"s"ble by any form of d"v"s"on.


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Th"s * "r"t e,"sts s"m ly' and &reated be"n$s are not&om arable #"th h"m.

IT seems to follo#' then' from the re&ed"n$ &ons"derat"ons'that the * "r"t #h"&h e,"sts "n so #onderf!lly s"n$!lar and sos"n$!larly #onderf!l a #ay of "ts o#n "s "n some sort !n"2!e)#h"le other be"n$s #h"&h seem to be &om arable #"th "t arenot so.For' by d"l"$ent attent"on "t #"ll be seen that that * "r"t alonee,"sts s"m ly' and erfe&tly' and absol!tely) #h"le all other

be"n$s are almost non7e,"stent' and hardly e,"st at all. For'see"n$ that of th"s * "r"t' be&a!se of "ts "mm!table etern"ty'"t &an "n no #"se be sa"d' "n terms of any alterat"on' that "twas or will be ' b!t s"m ly that "t is ) "t "s not no#' bym!tat"on' anyth"n$ #h"&h "t e"ther #as not at any t"me' or#"ll not be "n the f!t!re. Nor does "t fa"l to be no# #hat "t#as' or #"ll be' at any t"me) b!t' #hatever "t "s' "t "s' on&e forall' and s"m!ltaneo!sly' and "nterm"nably. *ee"n$' I say' that"ts e,"sten&e "s of th"s &hara&ter' "t "s r"$htly sa"d "tself toe,"st s"m ly' and absol!tely' and erfe&tly.B!t s"n&e' on the other hand' all other be"n$s' "n a&&ordan&e

#"th some &a!se' have at some t"me been' or #"ll be' bym!tat"on' #hat they are not no#) or' are #hat they #ere not'or #"ll not be' at some t"me) and' s"n&e th"s former e,"sten&eof the"rs "s no lon$er a fa&t) and that f!t!re e,"sten&e "s notyet a fa&t) and the"r e,"sten&e "n a trans"ent' and most br"ef'and s&ar&ely e,"st"n$' resent "s hardly a fa&t 77 s"n&e' then'they e,"st "n s!&h m!tab"l"ty' "t "s not !nreasonably den"edthat they e,"st s"m ly' and erfe&tly' and absol!tely) and "t "sasserted that they are almost none,"stent' that they s&ar&elye,"st at all.A$a"n' s"n&e all be"n$s' #h"&h are other than th"s * "r"th"mself' have &ome from non7e,"sten&e to e,"sten&e' notthro!$h themselves' b!t thro!$h another) and' s"n&e theyret!rn from e,"sten&e to non7e,"sten&e' so far as the"r o#no#er "s &on&erned' !nless they are s!sta"ned thro!$hanother be"n$' "s "t &ons"stent #"th the"r nat!re to e,"sts"m ly' or erfe&tly' or absol!tely' and not rather to bealmost non7e,"stent.And s"n&e the e,"sten&e of th"s "ne%able * "r"t alone &an "nno #ay be &on&e"ved to have ta-en "n&e t"on from non7e,"sten&e' or to be &a able of s!sta"n"n$ any de0&"en&yr"s"n$ from #hat "s "n none,"sten&e) and s"n&e' #hatever he"s h"mself' he "s not thro!$h another than h"mself' that "s'than #hat he "s h"mself' o!$ht not h"s e,"sten&e alone to be&on&e"ved of as s"m le' and erfe&t' and absol!te6B!t #hat "s th!s s"m ly' and on every $ro!nd' solely erfe&t's"m le' and absol!te' th"s may very &erta"nly be (!stly sa"dto be "n some sort !n"2!e. And' on the other hand' #hatever"s -no#n to e,"st thro!$h a h"$her &a!se' and ne"ther s"m ly'nor erfe&tly' nor absol!tely' b!t s&ar&ely to e,"st' or to be

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almost non7e,"stent 77 th"s ass!redly may be r"$htly sa"d tobe "n some sort non7e,"stent.A&&ord"n$ to th"s &o!rse of reason"n$' then' the &reat"ve* "r"t alone e,"sts' and all &reat!res are none,"stent) yet'they are not #holly non7e,"stent' be&a!se' thro!$h that* "r"t #h"&h alone e,"sts absol!tely' they have been madesometh"n$ from noth"n$.


H"s e, ress"on "s "dent"&al #"th h"mself' and &ons!bstant"al#"th h"m' s"n&e there are not t#o s "r"ts' b!t one.B8T no#' hav"n$ &ons"dered these 2!est"ons re$ard"n$ thero ert"es of the s! reme Nat!re' #h"&h have o&&!rred tome "n follo#"n$ the $!"dan&e of reason to the resent o"nt' Ith"n- "t reasonable to e,am"ne th"s * "r"t4s e, ress"on9locutio :' thro!$h #h"&h all th"n$s #ere &reated.For' tho!$h all that has been as&erta"ned re$ard"n$ th"se, ress"on above has the "n+e,"ble stren$th of reason' I ames e&"ally &om elled to a more &aref!l d"s&!ss"on of th"se, ress"on by the fa&t that "t "s roved to be "dent"&al #"th

the s! reme * "r"t h"mself. For' "f th"s * "r"t &reated noth"n$e,&e t thro!$h h"mself' and #hatever #as &reated by h"m#as &reated thro!$h that e, ress"on' ho# shall thate, ress"on be anyth"n$ else than #hat the * "r"t h"mself "s6F!rthermore' the fa&ts already d"s&overed de&lare "rref!tablythat noth"n$ at all ever &o!ld' or &an' e,"st' e,&e t the&reat"ve * "r"t and "ts &reat!res. B!t "t "s "m oss"ble that thee, ress"on of th"s * "r"t "s "n&l!ded amon$ &reated be"n$s)for every &reated be"n$ #as &reated thro!$h that e, ress"on)b!t that e, ress"on &o!ld not be &reated thro!$h "tself. Fornoth"n$ &an be &reated thro!$h "tself' s"n&e every &reat!ree,"sts later than that thro!$h #h"&h "t "s &reated' andnoth"n$ e,"sts later than "tself.

The alternat"ve rema"n"n$ "s' then' that th"s e, ress"on of thes! reme * "r"t' s"n&e "t &annot be a &reat!re' "s no otherthan the s! reme * "r"t. Therefore' th"s e, ress"on "tself &anbe &on&e"ved of as noth"n$ else than the "ntell"$en&e9intelligentia : of th"s * "r"t' by #h"&h he &on&e"ves of9intelligit : all th"n$s. For' to h"m' #hat "s e, ress"n$ anyth"n$'a&&ord"n$ to th"s -"nd of e, ress"on' b!t &on&e"v"n$ of "t6 Forhe does not' l"-e man' ever fa"l to e, ress #hat he&on&e"ves.If' then' the s! remely s"m le Nat!re "s noth"n$ else than#hat "ts "ntell"$en&e "s' (!st as "t "s "dent"&al #"th "ts #"sdom'ne&essar"ly' "n the same #ay' "t "s noth"n$ else than #hat "tse, ress"on "s. B!t' s"n&e "t "s already man"fest that thes! reme * "r"t "s one only' and alto$ether "nd"v"s"ble' th"s h"se, ress"on m!st be so &ons!bstant"al #"th h"m' that they arenot t#o s "r"ts' b!t one.

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CHAPTER . Th"s e, ress"on does not &ons"st of more #ords than one' b!t

"s one 3ord.3H1' then' sho!ld I have any f!rther do!bt re$ard"n$ that2!est"on #h"&h I d"sm"ssed above as do!btf!l' namely'#hether th"s e, ress"on &ons"sts of more #ords than one' orof one6 For' "f "t "s so &ons!bstant"al #"th the s! reme Nat!rethat they are not t#o s "r"ts' b!t one) ass!redly' (!st as thelatter "s s! remely s"m le' so "s the former. It therefore does

not &ons"st of more #ords than one' b!t "s one 3ord' thro!$h#h"&h all th"n$s #ere &reated.

CHAPTER I. Th"s 3ord "tself "s not the l"-eness of &reated be"n$s' b!t thereal"ty of the"r be"n$' #h"le &reated be"n$s are a -"nd ofl"-eness of real"ty. 773hat nat!res are $reater and moree,&ellent than others.B8T here' "t seems to me' there ar"ses a 2!est"on that "s noteasy to ans#er' and yet m!st not be left "n any amb"$!"ty.For all #ords of that sort by #h"&h #e e, ress any ob(e&ts "n

o!r m"nd' that "s' &on&e"ve of them' are l"-enesses and"ma$es of the ob(e&ts to #h"&h they &orres ond) and everyl"-eness or "ma$e "s more or less tr!e' a&&ord"n$ as "t moreor less &losely "m"tates the ob(e&t of #h"&h "t "s the l"-eness.3hat' then' "s to be o!r os"t"on re$ard"n$ the 3ord by#h"&h all th"n$s are e, ressed' and thro!$h #h"&h all #ere&reated6 3"ll "t be' or #"ll "t not be' the l"-eness of the th"n$sthat have been &reated thro!$h "tself6 For' "f "t "s "tself thetr!e l"-eness of m!table th"n$s' "t "s not &ons!bstant"al #"ths! reme "mm!tab"l"ty) #h"&h "s false. B!t' "f "t "s notalto$ether tr!e' and "s merely a sort of l"-eness of m!tableth"n$s' then the 3ord of s! reme Tr!th "s not alto$ethertr!e) #h"&h "s abs!rd. B!t "f "t has no l"-eness to m!tableth"n$s' ho# #ere they &reated after "ts e,am le6B!t erha s noth"n$ of th"s amb"$!"ty #"ll rema"n "f 77 as thereal"ty of a man "s sa"d to be the l"v"n$ man' b!t the l"-enessor "ma$e of a man "n h"s "&t!re 77 so the real"ty of be"n$ "s&on&e"ved of as "n the 3ord' #hose essen&e e,"sts sos! remely that "n a &erta"n sense "t alone e,"sts) #h"le "nthese th"n$s #h"&h' "n &om ar"son #"th that Essen&e' are "nsome sort non7e,"stent' and' yet #ere made someth"n$thro!$h' and a&&ord"n$ to' that 3ord' a -"nd of "m"tat"on ofthat s! reme Essen&e "s fo!nd.For' "n th"s #ay the 3ord of s! reme Tr!th' #h"&h "s also"tself s! reme Tr!th' #"ll e, er"en&e ne"ther $a"n nor loss'a&&ord"n$ as "t "s more or less l"-e "ts &reat!res. B!t thene&essary "nferen&e #"ll rather be' that every &reated be"n$e,"sts "n so m!&h the $reater de$ree' or "s so m!&h the moree,&ellent' the more l"-e "t "s to #hat e,"sts s! remely' and "ss! remely $reat.

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For on th"s a&&o!nt' erha s' 77 nay' not erha s' b!t&erta"nly' 77 does every m"nd (!d$e nat!res "n any #ay al"veto e,&el those that are not al"ve' the sent"ent to e,&el thenon7sent"ent' the rat"onal the "rrat"onal. For' s"n&e thes! reme Nat!re' after a &erta"n !n"2!e manner of "ts o#n'not only e,"sts' b!t l"ves' and "s sent"ent and rat"onal' "t "s&lear that' of all e,"st"n$ be"n$s' that #h"&h "s "n some #ayal"ve "s more l"-e th"s s! reme Nat!re' than that #h"&h "s notal"ve at all) and #hat' "n any #ay' even by a &or oreal sense'

&o$n"ses anyth"n$' "s more l"-e th"s Nat!re than #hat "s notsent"ent at all) and #hat "s rat"onal' more than #hat "s"n&a able of reason"n$.B!t "t "s &lear' for a l"-e reason' that &erta"n nat!res e,"st "n a$reater or less de$ree than others. For' (!st as that "s moree,&ellent by nat!re #h"&h' thro!$h "ts nat!ral essen&e' "snearer to the most e,&ellent Be"n$' so &erta"nly that nat!ree,"sts "n a $reater de$ree' #hose essen&e "s more l"-e thes! reme Essen&e. And I th"n- that th"s &an eas"ly beas&erta"ned as follo#s. If #e sho!ld &on&e"ve any s!bstan&ethat "s al"ve' and sent"ent' and rat"onal' to be de r"ved of "ts

reason' then of "ts sent"en&e' then of "ts l"fe' and 0nally ofthe bare e,"sten&e that rema"ns' #ho #o!ld fa"l to!nderstand that the s!bstan&e that "s th!s destroyed' l"ttleby l"ttle' "s $rad!ally bro!$ht to smaller and smaller de$reesof e,"sten&e' and at last to non7e,"sten&e6 B!t the attr"b!tes#h"&h' ta-en ea&h by "tself' red!&e an essen&e to less andless de$rees of e,"sten&e' "f ass!med "n order' lead "t to$reater and $reater de$rees.It "s ev"dent' then' that a l"v"n$ s!bstan&e e,"sts "n a $reaterde$ree than one that "s not l"v"n$' a sent"ent than a non7sent"ent' and a rat"onal than a nonrat"onal. *o' there "s nodo!bt that every s!bstan&e e,"sts "n a $reater de$ree' and "smore e,&ellent' a&&ord"n$ as "t "s more l"-e that s!bstan&e#h"&h e,"sts s! remely and "s s! remely e,&ellent.It "s s! &"ently &lear' then' that "n the 3ord' thro!$h #h"&hall th"n$s #ere &reated' "s not the"r l"-eness' b!t the"r tr!eand s"m le essen&e) #h"le' "n the th"n$s &reated' there "s nota s"m le and absol!te essen&e' b!t an "m erfe&t "m"tat"on ofthat tr!e Essen&e. Hen&e' "t ne&essar"ly follo#s' that th"s3ord "s not more nor less tr!e' a&&ord"n$ to "ts l"-eness tothe th"n$s &reated' b!t every &reated nat!re has a h"$heressen&e and d"$n"ty' the more "t "s seen to a roa&h that3ord.

CHAPTER II. The s! reme * "r"t e, resses h"mself by a &oeternal 3ord.

B8T s"n&e th"s "s tr!e' ho# &an #hat "s s"m le Tr!th be the3ord &orres ond"n$ to those ob(e&ts' of #h"&h "t "s not thel"-eness6 *"n&e every #ord by #h"&h an ob(e&t "s th!smentally e, ressed "s the l"-eness of that ob(e&t' "f th"s "s not

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the #ord &orres ond"n$ to the ob(e&ts that have been&reated thro!$h "t' ho# shall #e be s!re that "t "s the 3ord6For every #ord "s a #ord &orres ond"n$ to some ob(e&t.

Therefore' "f there #ere no &reat!re' there #o!ld be no #ord.Are #e to &on&l!de' then' that "f there #ere no &reat!re' that3ord #o!ld not e,"st at all' #h"&h "s the s! reme self7s! &"ent Essen&e6 Or' #o!ld the s! reme Be"n$ "tself'erha s' #h"&h "s the 3ord st"ll be the eternal Be"n$' b!t notthe 3ord' "f noth"n$ #ere ever &reated thro!$h that Be"n$6

For' to #hat has not been' and "s not' and #"ll not be' then&an be no #ord &orres ond"n$.B!t' a&&ord"n$ to th"s reason"n$' "f there #ere never anybe"n$ b!t the s! reme * "r"t' there #o!ld be no #ord at all"n h"m. If there #ere no #ord "n h"m' he #o!ld e, ressnoth"n$ to h"mself) "f he e, ressed noth"n$ to h"mself' s"n&e'for h"m' e, ress"n$ anyth"n$ "s the same #"th !nderstand"n$or &on&e"v"n$ of "t 9 intelligere :' he #o!ld not !nderstand or&on&e"ve of anyth"n$) "f he !nderstood or &on&e"ved ofnoth"n$' then the s! reme 3"sdom' #h"&h "s noth"n$ elsethan th"s * "r"t' #o!ld !nderstand or &on&e"ve of noth"n$)

#h"&h "s most abs!rd.3hat "s to be "nferred6 For' "f "t &on&e"ved of noth"n$' ho##o!ld "t be the s! reme 3"sdom6 Or' "f there #ere "n no#"se anyth"n$ b!t "t' of #hat #o!ld "t &on&e"ve6 3o!ld "t not&on&e"ve of "tself6 B!t ho# &an "t be even "ma$"ned that thes! reme 3"sdom' at any t"me does not &on&e"ve of "tself)s"n&e a rat"onal m"nd &an remember not only "tself' b!t thats! reme 3"sdom' and &on&e"ve of that 3"sdom and of "tself6For' "f the h!man m"nd &o!ld have no memory or &on&e t ofthat 3"sdom or of "tself' "t #o!ld not d"st"n$!"sh "tself at allfrom "rrat"onal &reat!res' and that 3"sdom from the #hole&reated #orld' "n s"lent med"tat"on by "tself' as my m"nd doesno#.Hen&e' that * "r"t' s! reme as he "s eternal' "s th!s eternallym"ndf!l of h"mself' and &on&e"ves of h"mself after thel"-eness of a rat"onal m"nd) nay' not after the l"-eness ofanyth"n$) b!t "n the 0rst la&e that * "r"t' and the rat"onalm"nd after "ts l"-eness. B!t' "f he &on&e"ves of h"mselfeternally' he e, resses h"mself eternally. If he e, ressesh"mself eternally' h"s 3ord "s eternally #"th h"m. 3hether'therefore' "t be tho!$ht of "n &onne&t"on #"th no othere,"st"n$ be"n$' or #"th other e,"st"n$ be"n$s' the 3ord of that* "r"t m!st be &oeternal #"th h"m.

CHAPTER III.He !tters h"mself and #hat he &reates by a s"n$le

&ons!bstant"al 3ord.B8T here' "n my "n2!"ry &on&ern"n$ the 3ord' by #h"&h theCreator e, resses all that he &reates' "s s!$$ested the #ordby #h"&h he' #ho &reates all' e, resses h"mself. Does he

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e, ress h"mself' then' by one #ord' and #hat be &reates byanother) or does he rather e, ress #hatever he &reates bythe same #ord #hereby he e, resses h"mself6For th"s 3ord also' by #h"&h he e, resses h"mself' m!st be"dent"&al #"th h"mself' as "s ev"dently tr!e of the 3ord by#h"&h he e, resses h"s &reat!res. For s"n&e' even "f noth"n$b!t that s! reme * "r"t ever e,"sted' !r$ent reason #o!ldst"ll re2!"re the e,"sten&e of that #ord by #h"&h he e, ressesh"mself' #hat "s more tr!e than that h"s 3ord "s noth"n$ else

than #hat he h"mself "s6 Therefore' "f he e, resses h"mselfand #hat he &reates' by a 3ord &ons!bstant"al #"th h"mself'"t "s man"fest that of the 3ord by #h"&h he e, ressesh"mself' and of the 3ord by #h"&h he e, resses the &reated#orld' the s!bstan&e "s one.Ho#' then' "f the s!bstan&e "s one' are there t#o #ords6 B!t'erha s' "dent"ty of s!bstan&e does not &om el !s to adm"t as"n$le 3ord. For the Creator h"mself' #ho s ea-s "n these#ords' has the same s!bstan&e #"th them' and yet "s not the3ord. B!t' !ndo!btedly the #ord by #h"&h the s! reme3"sdom e, resses "tself may most 0tly be &alled "ts 3ord on

the former $ro!nd' namely' that "t &onta"ns the erfe&tl"-eness of that 3"sdom.For' on no $ro!nd &an "t be den"ed that #hen a rat"onal m"nd&on&e"ves of "tself "n med"tat"on the "ma$e of "tself ar"ses "n"ts tho!$ht' or rather the tho!$ht of the m"nd "s "tself "ts"ma$e' after "ts l"-eness' as "f formed from "ts "m ress"on.For' #hatever ob(e&t the m"nd' e"ther thro!$h re resentat"onof the body or thro!$h reason' des"res to &on&e"ve of tr!ly' "tat least attem ts to e, ress "ts l"-eness' so far as "t "s able'"n the mental &on&e t "tself. And the more tr!ly "t s!&&eeds"n th"s' the more tr!ly does "t th"n- of the ob(e&t "tself) and'"ndeed' th"s fa&t "s observed more &learly #hen "t th"n-s ofsometh"n$ else #h"&h "t "s not' and es e&"ally #hen "t th"n-sof a mater"al body. For' #hen I th"n- of a man I -no#' "n h"sabsen&e' the v"s"on of my tho!$ht forms s!&h an "ma$e as Ihave a&2!"red "n memory thro!$h my o&!lar v"s"on and th"s"ma$e "s the #ord &orres ond"n$ to the man I e, ress byth"n-"n$ of h"m.

The rat"onal m"nd' then' #hen "t &on&e"ves of "tself "ntho!$ht' has #"th "tself "ts "ma$e born of "tself that "s' "tstho!$ht "n "ts l"-eness' as "f formed from "ts "m ress"on'altho!$h "t &annot' e,&e t "n tho!$ht alone' se arate "tselffrom "ts "ma$e' #h"&h "ma$e "s "ts #ord.3ho' then' &an deny that the s! reme 3"sdom' #hen "t&on&e"ves of "tself by e, ress"n$ "tself' be$ets a l"-eness of"tself &ons!bstant"al #"th "t' namely' "ts 3ord6 And th"s 3ord'altho!$h of a s!b(e&t so !n"2!ely "m ortant noth"n$ &an besa"d #"th s! &"ent ro r"ety' may st"ll not "na ro r"ately be&alled the "ma$e of that 3"sdom' "ts re resentat"on' (!st as "t"s &alled h"s l"-eness.

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B!t the 3ord by #h"&h the Creator e, resses the &reated#orld "s not at all' "n the same #ay' a #ord &orres ond"n$ tothe &reated #orld' s"n&e "t "s not th"s #orld4s l"-eness' b!t "tselementary essen&e. It therefore follo#s' that he does note, ress the &reated #orld "tself by a #ord &orres ond"n$ tothe &reated #orld. To #hat' then' does the #ord belon$'#hereby he e, resses "t' "f he does not e, ress "t by a #ord'belon$"n$ to "tself6 For #hat he e, resses' he e, resses by a#ord' and a #ord m!st belon$ to someth"n$' that "s' "t "s the

l"-eness of someth"n$. B!t "f he e, resses noth"n$ b!th"mself or h"s &reated #orld he &an e, ress noth"n$' e,&e tby a #ord &orres ond"n$ to h"mself or to someth"n$ else.*o' "f he e, resses noth"n$ by a #ord belon$"n$ to the&reated #orld' #hatever he e, resses' he e, resses by the3ord &orres ond"n$ to h"mself. By one and the same 3ord'then' he e, resses h"mself and #hatever he has made.

CHAPTER I<.Ho# he &an e, ress the &reated #orld by h"s 3ord.

B8T ho# &an ob(e&ts so d"%erent as the &reat"ve and the

&reated be"n$ be e, ressed by one 3ord' es e&"ally s"n&ethat 3ord "tself "s &oeternal #"th h"m #ho e, resses them'#h"le the &reated #orld "s not &oeternal #"th h"m6 Perha s'be&a!se be h"mself "s s! reme 3"sdom and s! remeReason' "n #h"&h are all th"n$s that have been &reated) (!stas a #or- #h"&h "s made after one of the arts' not only #hen"t "s made' b!t before "t "s made' and after "t "s destroyed' "sal#ays "n res e&t of the art "tself noth"n$ else than #hat thatart "s.Hen&e' #hen the s! reme * "r"t e, resses h"mself' hee, resses all &reated be"n$s. For' both before they #ere&reated' and no# that they have been &reated' and afterthey are de&ayed or &han$ed "n any #ay' they are ever "nh"m not #hat they are "n themselves' b!t #hat th"s * "r"th"mself "s. For' "n themselves they are m!table be"n$s'&reated a&&ord"n$ to "mm!table reason) #h"le "n h"m "s thetr!e 0rst be"n$' and the 0rst real"ty of e,"sten&e' the morel"-e !nto #h"&h those be"n$s are "n any #ay' the more reallyand e,&ellently do they e,"st. Th!s' "t may reasonably bede&lared that' #hen the s! reme * "r"t e, resses h"mself' healso e, resses #hatever has been &reated by one and thesame 3ord.

CHAPTER <.3hatever has been &reated "s "n h"s 3ord and -no#led$e'

l"fe and tr!th.B8T' s"n&e "t "s establ"shed that h"s #ord "s &ons!bstant"al#"th h"m' and erfe&tly l"-e h"m' "t ne&essar"ly follo#s that allth"n$s that e,"st "n h"m e,"st also' and "n the same #ay' "nh"s 3ord. 3hatever has been &reated' then' #hether al"ve or

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not al"ve' or ho#soever "t e,"sts "n "tself' "s very l"fe and tr!th"n h"m.B!t' s"n&e -no#"n$ "s the same to the s! reme * "r"t as&on&e"v"n$ or e, ress"n$' he m!st -no# all th"n$s that he-no#s "n the same #ay "n #h"&h he e, resses or &on&e"vesof them. Therefore' (!st as all th"n$s are "n h"s 3ord l"fe andtr!th' so are they "n h"s -no#led$e.


In ho# "n&om rehens"ble a #ay he e, resses or -no#s theob(e&ts &reated by h"m.HENCE' "t may be most &learly &om rehended that ho# th"s* "r"t e, resses' or ho# he -no#s the &reated #orld' &annotbe &om rehended by h!man -no#led$e. For none &an do!btthat &reated s!bstan&es e,"st far d"%erently "n themselvesthan "n o!r -no#led$e. For' "n themselves they e,"st byv"rt!e of the"r o#n be"n$) #h"le "n o!r -no#led$e "s not the"rbe"n$' b!t the"r l"-eness.3e &on&l!de' then' that they e,"st more tr!ly "n themselvesthan "n o!r -no#led$e' "n the same de$ree "n #h"&h they

e,"st more tr!ly any#here by v"rt!e of the"r o#n be"n$' thanby v"rt!e of the"r l"-eness. Therefore' s"n&e th"s "s also anestabl"shed tr!th' that every &reated s!bstan&e e,"sts moretr!ly "n the 3ord' that "s' "n the "ntell"$en&e of the Creator'than "t does "n "tself' "n the same de$ree "n #h"&h the&reat"ve be"n$ e,"sts more tr!ly than the &reated) ho# &anthe h!man m"nd &om rehend of #hat -"nd "s that e, ress"onand that -no#led$e' #h"&h "s so m!&h h"$her and tr!er than&reated s!bstan&es) "f o!r -no#led$e "s as far s!r assed bythose s!bstan&es as the"r l"-eness "s removed from the"rbe"n$6

CHAPTER <II.3hatever h"s relat"on to h"s &reat!res' th"s relat"on h"s 3ordalso s!sta"ns5 yet both do not s"m!ltaneo!sly s!sta"n th"srelat"on as more than one be"n$.B8T s"n&e "t has already been &learly demonstrated that thes! reme * "r"t &reated all th"n$s thro!$h h"s 3ord' d"d notthe 3ord "tself also &reate all th"n$s6 For' s"n&e "t "s&ons!bstant"al #"th h"m' "t m!st be the s! reme essen&e ofthat of #h"&h "t "s the 3ord. B!t there "s no s! remeEssen&e' e,&e t one' #h"&h "s the only &reator and the onlybe$"nn"n$ of all th"n$s #h"&h have been &reated. For th"sEssen&e' thro!$h no other than "tself' alone &reated allth"n$s from noth"n$. Hen&e' #hatever the s! reme * "r"t&reates' the same h"s 3ord also &reates' and "n the same#ay.3hatever relat"on' then' the s! reme * "r"t bears to #hat he&reates' th"s relat"on h"s 3ord also bears' and "n the same#ay. And yet' both do not bear "t s"m!ltaneo!sly' as more

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than one' s"n&e there are not more s! reme &reat"veessen&es than one. Therefore' (!st as he "s the &reator andthe be$"nn"n$ of the #orld' so "s h"s 3ord also) and yet thereare not t#o' b!t one &reator and one be$"nn"n$.

CHAPTER <III.It &annot be e, la"ned #hy they are t#o' altho!$h they m!st

be so.O8R &aref!l attent"on "s therefore demanded by a e&!l"ar"ty

#h"&h' tho!$h most !n!s!al "n other be"n$s' seems tobelon$ to the s! reme * "r"t and h"s 3ord. For' "t "s &erta"nthat "n ea&h of these se arately and "n both s"m!ltaneo!sly'#hatever they are so e,"sts that "t "s se arately erfe&ted "nboth' and yet does not adm"t l!ral"ty "n the t#o. Foraltho!$h' ta-en se arately' he "s erfe&tly s! reme Tr!thand Creator' and h"s 3ord "s s! reme Tr!th and Creator) yetboth at on&e are not t#o tr!ths or t#o &reators.B!t altho!$h th"s "s tr!e' yet "t "s most remar-ably &lear thatne"ther he' #hose "s the 3ord' &an be h"s o#n 3ord' nor &anthe 3ord be he' #hose 3ord "t "s' altho!$h "n so far as

re$ards e"ther #hat they are s!bstant"ally' or #hat relat"onthey bear to the &reated #orld' they ever reserve an"nd"v"s"ble !n"ty. B!t "n res e&t of the fa&t that he does notder"ve e,"sten&e from that 3ord' b!t that 3ord from h"m'they adm"t an "ne%able l!ral"ty' "ne%able' &erta"nly' foraltho!$h ne&ess"ty re2!"res that they be t#o' "t &an "n no#"se be e, la"ned #hy they are t#o.For altho!$h they may erha s be &alled t#o e2!als' orsome other m!t!al relat"on may "n l"-e manner be attr"b!tedto them' yet "f "t #ere to be as-ed #hat "t "s "n these veryrelat"ve e, ress"ons #"th referen&e to #h"&h they are !sed' "t&annot be e, ressed l!rally' as one s ea-s of t#o e2!all"nes' or t#o l"-e men. For' ne"ther are there t#o e2!al s "r"tsnor t#o e2!al &reators' nor "s there any d!al e, ress"on#h"&h "nd"&ates e"ther the"r essen&e or the"r relat"on to the&reated #orld) and there "s no d!al e, ress"on #h"&hdes"$nates the e&!l"ar relat"on of the one to the other' s"n&ethere are ne"ther t#o #ords nor t#o "ma$es.For the 3ord' by v"rt!e of the fa&t that "t "s a #ord or "ma$e'bears a relat"on to the other' be&a!se "t "s 3ord and "ma$eonly as "t "s the 3ord and "ma$e of someth"n$) and soe&!l"ar are these attr"b!tes to the one that they are by nomeans red"&able of the other. For he' #hose "s the 3ord and"ma$e' "s ne"ther "ma$e nor 3ord. It "s' therefore' ev"dentthat "t &annot be e, la"ned #hy they are t#o' the s! reme* "r"t and the 3ord' altho!$h by &erta"n ro ert"es of ea&hthey are re2!"red to be t#o. For "t "s the ro erty of the oneto der"ve e,"sten&e from the other' and the ro erty of thatother that the 0rst der"ves e,"sten&e from h"m.

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CHAPTER I . Th"s 3ord der"ves e,"sten&e from the s! reme * "r"t by b"rth.AND th"s tr!th' "t seems' &an be e, ressed "n no morefam"l"ar terms than #hen "t "s sa"d to be the ro erty of theone' to be born of the other) and of the other' that the 0rst "sborn of h"m. For "t "s no# &learly roved' that the 3ord of thes! reme * "r"t does not der"ve e,"sten&e from h"m' as dothose be"n$s #h"&h have been &reated by h"m) b!t asCreator from Creator' s! reme Be"n$ from s! reme Be"n$.

And' to d"s ose of th"s &om ar"son #"th all brev"ty' "t "s oneand the same be"n$ #h"&h der"ves e,"sten&e from one andthe same be"n$' and on s!&h terms' that "t "n no #"se der"vese,"sten&e' e,&e t from that be"n$.*"n&e "t "s ev"dent' then' that the 3ord of the s! reme * "r"tso der"ves e,"sten&e from h"m alone' that "t "s &om letelyanalo$o!s to the o%s r"n$ of a arent) and that "t does notder"ve e,"sten&e from h"m' as "f "t #ere &reated by h"m'do!btless no more 0tt"n$ s! os"t"on &an be enterta"nedre$ard"n$ "ts or"$"n' than that "t der"ves e,"sten&e from thes! reme * "r"t by b"rth 9 nascendo :.

For' "nn!merable ob(e&ts are !nhes"tat"n$ly sa"d to be bornof those th"n$s from #h"&h they der"ve e,"sten&e' altho!$hthey ossess no s!&h l"-eness to those th"n$s of #h"&h theyare sa"d to be born' as o%s r"n$ to a arent. 77 3e say' for"nstan&e' that the ha"r "s born of the head' or the fr!"t of thetree' altho!$h the ha"r does not resemble the head' nor thefr!"t the tree.If' then' many ob(e&ts of th"s sort are #"tho!t abs!rd"ty sa"dto be born' so m!&h the more 0tt"n$ly may the 3ord of thes! reme * "r"t be sa"d to der"ve e,"sten&e from h"m by b"rth'the more erfe&t the resemblan&e "t bears to h"m' l"-e a&h"ld4s to "ts arent' thro!$h der"v"n$ e,"sten&e from h"m.

CHAPTER ?.He "s most tr!ly a arent' and that 3ord h"s o%s r"n$.

B8T "f "t "s most ro erly sa"d to be born' and "s so l"-e h"mof #hom "t "s born' #hy sho!ld "t be esteemed like ' as a &h"ld"s l"-e h"s arent6 #hy sho!ld "t not rather be de&lared' thatthe * "r"t "s more tr!ly a arent' and the 3ord h"s o%s r"n$'the more he alone "s s! &"ent to e%e&t th"s b"rth' and themore #hat "s born e, resses h"s l"-eness6 For' amon$ otherbe"n$s #h"&h #e -no# bear the relat"ons of arent and &h"ld'none so be$ets as to be solely and #"tho!t a&&essory's! &"ent to the $enerat"on of o%s r"n$) and none "s sobe$otten that #"tho!t any adm",t!re of !nl"-eness' "t sho#s&om lete l"-eness to "ts arent.If' then' the 3ord of the s! reme * "r"t so der"ves "ts&om lete e,"sten&e from the be"n$ of that * "r"t h"mselfalone' and "s so !n"2!ely l"-e h"m' that no &h"ld ever so&om letely der"ves e,"sten&e from "ts arent' and none "s so

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l"-e "ts arent' &erta"nly the relat"on of arent and o%s r"n$&an be as&r"bed to no be"n$s so &ons"stently as to thes! reme * "r"t and h"s 3ord. Hen&e' "t "s h"s ro erty to bemost tr!ly arent' and "ts to be most tr!ly h"s o%s r"n$.

CHAPTER ?I.He most tr!ly be$ets' and "t "s most tr!ly be$otten.

B8T "t #"ll be "m oss"ble to establ"sh th"s ro os"t"on' !nless'"n e2!al de$ree' he most tr!ly be$ets' and "t "s most tr!ly

be$otten. As the former s! os"t"on "s ev"dently tr!e' so thelatter "s ne&essar"ly most &erta"n. Hen&e' "t belon$s to thes! reme * "r"t most tr!ly to be$et' and to h"s 3ord to bemost tr!ly be$otten.

CHAPTER ?II.It "s the ro erty of the one to be most tr!ly ro$en"tor andFather' and of the other to be the be$otten and *on.I sho!ld &erta"nly be $lad' and erha s able' no# to rea&hthe &on&l!s"on' that he "s most tr!ly the Father' #h"le th"s3ord "s most tr!ly h"s *on. B!t I th"n- that even th"s 2!est"on

sho!ld not be ne$le&ted5 #hether "t "s more 0tt"n$ to &allthem Father and *on' than mother and da!$hter' s"n&e "nthem there "s no d"st"n&t"on of se,.For' "f "t "s &ons"stent #"th the nat!re of the one to be theFather' and of h"s o%s r"n$ to be the *on' be&a!se both are* "r"t 9 Spiritus ' mas&!l"ne:) #hy "s "t not' #"th e2!al reason'&ons"stent #"th the nat!re of the one to be the mother' andthe other the da!$hter' s"n&e both are tr!th and #"sdom9(eritas et sapientia ' fem"n"ne:6Or' "s "t be&a!se "n these nat!res that have a d"%eren&e ofse,' "t belon$s to the s! er"or se, to be father or son' and tothe "nfer"or to be mother or da!$hter6 And th"s "s &erta"nly anat!ral fa&t "n most "nstan&es' b!t "n some the &ontrary "str!e' as amon$ &erta"n -"nds of b"rds' amon$ #h"&h thefemale "s al#ays lar$er and stron$er' #h"le the male "ssmaller and #ea-er.At any rate' "t "s more &ons"stent to &all the s! reme * "r"tfather than mother' for th"s reason' that the 0rst andr"n&" al &a!se of o%s r"n$ "s al#ays "n the father. For' "f thematernal &a!se "s ever "n some #ay re&eded by theaternal' "t "s e,&eed"n$ly "n&ons"stent that the name mother sho!ld be atta&hed to that arent #"th #h"&h' for the$enerat"on of o%s r"n$' no other &a!se "s asso&"ated' and#h"&h no other re&edes. It "s' therefore' most tr!e that thes! reme * "r"t "s Father of h"s o%s r"n$. B!t' "f the son "sal#ays more l"-e the father than "s the da!$hter' #h"lenoth"n$ "s more l"-e the s! reme Father than h"s o%s r"n$)then "t "s most tr!e that th"s o%s r"n$ "s not a da!$hter' b!ta *on.

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Hen&e' (!st as "t "s the ro erty of the one most tr!ly tobe$et' and of the other to be be$otten' so "t "s the ro ertyof the one to be most tr!ly ro$en"tor' and of the other to bemost tr!ly be$otten. And as the one "s most tr!ly the arent'and the other h"s o%s r"n$' so the one "s most tr!ly Father'and the other most tr!ly *on.

CHAPTER ?III.Cons"derat"on of the &ommon attr"b!tes of both and the

"nd"v"d!al ro ert"es of ea&h.No# that so many and so "m ortant ro ert"es of ea&h havebeen d"s&overed' #hereby a stran$e l!ral"ty' as "ne%able as"t "s "nev"table' "s roved to e,"st "n the s! reme !n"ty' I th"n-"t most "nterest"n$ to re+e&t' a$a"n and a$a"n' ! on so!nfathomable a mystery.For observe5 altho!$h "t "s so "m oss"ble that he #ho be$ets'and he #ho "s be$otten' are the same' and that arent ando%s r"n$ are the same 77so "m oss"ble that ne&essar"ly onem!st be the ro$en"tor and the other the be$otten' and onethe Father' the other the *on) yet' here "t "s so ne&essary

that he #ho be$ets and he #ho "s be$otten shall be thesame' and also that arent and o%s r"n$ shall be the same'that the ro$en"tor &annot be any other than #hat thebe$otten "s' nor the Father any other than the *on.And altho!$h the one "s one' and the other another' so that"t "s alto$ether ev"dent that they are t#o) yet that #h"&h theone and the other are "s "n s!&h a #ay one and the same'that "t "s a most obs&!re mystery #hy they are t#o. For' "ns!&h a #ay "s one the Father and the other the *on' that#hen I s ea- of both I er&e"ve that I have s o-en of t#o)and yet so "dent"&al "s that #h"&h both Father and *on are'that I do not !nderstand #hy they are t#o of #hom I haves o-en.For' altho!$h the Father se arately "s the erfe&tly s! reme* "r"t' and the *on se arately "s the erfe&tly s! reme * "r"t'yet' so are the * "r"t7Father and the * "r"t7*on one and thesame be"n$' that the Father and the *on are not t#o s "r"ts'b!t one * "r"t. For' (!st as to se arate ro ert"es of se aratebe"n$s' l!ral"ty "s not attr"b!ted' s"n&e they are notro ert"es of t#o th"n$s' so' #hat "s &ommon to bothreserves an "nd"v"s"ble !n"ty' altho!$h "t belon$s' as a#hole' to them ta-en se arately.For' as there are not t#o fathers or t#o sons' b!t one Fatherand one *on' s"n&e se arate ro ert"es belon$ to se aratebe"n$s' so there are not t#o s "r"ts' b!t one * "r"t) altho!$h"t belon$s both to the Father' ta-en se arately' and to the*on' ta-en se arately' to be the erfe&t * "r"t. For soo os"te are the"r relat"ons' that the one never ass!mes thero erty of the other) so harmon"o!s are they "n nat!re' thatthe one ever &onta"ns the essen&e of the other. For they are

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so d"verse by v"rt!e of the fa&t that the one "s the Father andthe other the *on' that the Father "s never &alled the *on'nor the *on the Father) and they are so "dent"&al' by v"rt!e of the"r s!bstan&e' that the essen&e of the *on "s ever "n theFather' and the essen&e of the Father "n the *on.

CHAPTER ?I<.Ho# one "s the essen&e of the other.

HENCE' even "f one "s &alled the essen&e of the other' there

"s no de art!re from tr!th) b!t the s! reme s"m l"&"ty and!n"ty of the"r &ommon nat!re "s th!s honored. For' not asone &on&e"ves of a man4s #"sdom' thro!$h #h"&h man "s#"se' tho!$h he &annot be #"se thro!$h h"mself' &an #e th!s!nderstand the statement that the Father "s essen&e of the*on' and the *on the essen&e of the Father. 3e &annot!nderstand that the *on "s e,"stent thro!$h the Father' andthe Father thro!$h the *on' as "f the one &o!ld not bee,"stent e,&e t thro!$h the other' (!st as a man &annot be#"se e,&e t thro!$h #"sdom.For' as the s! reme 3"sdom "s ever #"se thro!$h "tself' so

the s! reme Essen&e ever e,"sts thro!$h "tself. B!t' theerfe&tly s! reme Essen&e "s the Father' and the erfe&tlys! reme Essen&e "s the *on. Hen&e' the erfe&t Father andthe erfe&t *on e,"st' ea&h thro!$h h"mself' (!st as ea&h "s#"se thro!$h h"mself.For the *on "s not the less erfe&t essen&e or #"sdombe&a!se he "s an essen&e born of the essen&e of the Father'and a #"sdom born of the #"sdom of the Father) b!t he#o!ld be a less erfe&t essen&e or #"sdom "f he d"d not e,"stthro!$h h"mself' and #ere not #"se thro!$h h"mself.For' there "s no "n&ons"sten&y bet#een the s!bs"sten&e of the*on thro!$h h"mself' and h"s der"v"n$ e,"sten&e from h"sFather. For' as the Father has essen&e' and #"sdom' and l"fe"n h"mself) so that not thro!$h another4s' b!t thro!$h h"so#n' essen&e he e,"sts) thro!$h h"s o#n #"sdom he "s #"se)thro!$h h"s o#n l"fe he l"ves) so' by $enerat"on' he $rants toh"s *on the ossess"on of essen&e' and #"sdom' and l"fe "nh"mself' so that not thro!$h an e,traneo!s essen&e' #"sdom'and l"fe' b!t thro!$h h"s o#n' he s!bs"sts' "s #"se' and l"ves)other#"se' the e,"sten&e of Father and *on #"ll not be thesame' nor #"ll the *on be e2!al to the Father. B!t "t hasalready been &learly roved ho# false th"s s! os"t"on "s.Hen&e' there "s no "n&ons"sten&y bet#een the s!bs"sten&e ofthe *on thro!$h h"mself' and h"s der"v"n$ e,"sten&e from theFather' s"n&e he m!st have from the Father th"s very o#erof s!bs"st"n$ thro!$h h"mself. For' "f a #"se man sho!ld tea&hme h"s #"sdom' #h"&h I formerly la&-ed' he m"$ht #"tho!t"m ro r"ety be sa"d to tea&h me by th"s very #"sdom of h"s.B!t' altho!$h my #"sdom #o!ld der"ve "ts e,"sten&e and thefa&t of "ts be"n$ from h"s #"sdom' yet #hen my #"sdom on&e

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e,"sted' "t #o!ld be no other essen&e than "ts o#n' nor #o!ld"t be #"se e,&e t thro!$h "tself.;!&h more' then' the eternal Father4s eternal *on' #ho soder"ves e,"sten&e from the Father that they are not t#oessen&es' s!bs"sts' "s #"se' and l"ves thro!$h h"mself. Hen&e'"t "s "n&on&e"vable that the Father sho!ld be the essen&e ofthe *on' or the *on the essen&e of the Father' on the $ro!ndthat the one &o!ld not s!bs"st thro!$h "tself' b!t m!sts!bs"st thro!$h the other. B!t "n order to "nd"&ate ho# they

share "n an essen&e s! remely s"m le and s! remely one' "tmay &ons"stently be sa"d' and &on&e"ved' that the one "s so"dent"&al #"th the other that the one ossesses the essen&eof the other.On these $ro!nds' then' s"n&e there "s obv"o!sly nod"%eren&e bet#een ossess"n$ an essen&e and be"n$ anessen&e' (!st as the one ossesses the essen&e of the other'so the one "s the essen&e of the other' that "s' the one hasthe same e,"sten&e #"th the other.


The *on may more a ro r"ately be &alled the essen&e ofthe Father' than the Father the essen&e of the *on5 and "nl"-e manner the *on "s the v"rt!e' #"sdom' et&.' of the Father.AND altho!$h' for reasons #e have noted' th"s "s tr!e' "t "sm!&h more ro er to &all the *on the essen&e of the Fatherthan the Father the essen&e of the *on. For' s"n&e the Fatherhas h"s be"n$ from none other than h"mself' "t "s not #hollya ro r"ate to say that he has the be"n$ of another thanh"mself) #h"le' s"n&e the *on has h"s be"n$ from the Father'and has the same essen&e #"th h"s Father' he may mosta ro r"ately be sa"d to have the essen&e of h"s Father.Hen&e' see"n$ that ne"ther has an essen&e' e,&e t by being an essen&e) as the *on "s more a ro r"ately &on&e"ved tohave the essen&e of the Father than the Father to have theessen&e of the *on' so the *on may more 0tly be &alled theessen&e of the Father than the Father the essen&e of the son.For th"s s"n$le e, lanat"on roves' #"th s! &"ently em hat"&brev"ty' that the *on not only has the same essen&e #"th theFather' b!t has th"s very essen&e from the Father) so that' toassert that the *on "s the essen&e of the Father "s the sameas to assert that the *on "s not a d"%erent essen&e from theessen&e of the Father nay' from the Father essen&e.In l"-e manner' therefore' the *on "s the v"rt!e of the Father'and h"s #"sdom' and (!st"&e' and #hatever "s &ons"stentlyattr"b!ted to the essen&e of the s! reme * "r"t.

CHAPTER ?<I.Ho# some of these tr!ths #h"&h are th!s e, o!nded mayalso be &on&e"ved of "n another #ay.

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1ET' some of these tr!ths' #h"&h may be th!s e, o!ndedand &on&e"ved of' are a arently &a able of another"nter retat"on as #ell' not "n&ons"stent #"th th"s sameassert"on. For "t "s roved that the *on "s the tr!e 3ord' that"s' the erfe&t "ntell"$en&e' &on&e"v"n$ of the #holes!bstan&e of the Father' or erfe&t &o$n"t"on of thats!bstan&e' and -no#led$e of "t' and #"sdom re$ard"n$ "t)that "s' "t !nderstands' and &on&e"ves of' the very essen&e of the Father' and &o$n"ses "t' and -no#s "t' and "s #"se 9 sapit :

re$ard"n$ "t.If' then' "n th"s sense' the *on "s &alled the "ntell"$en&e of theFather' and #"sdom &on&ern"n$ h"m' and -no#led$e and&o$n"t"on of h"m' and a&2!a"ntan&e #"th h"m) s"n&e the *on!nderstands and &on&e"ves of the Father' "s #"se &on&ern"n$h"m' -no#s and "s a&2!a"nted #"th h"m' there "s no de art!refrom tr!th.;ost ro erly' too' may the *on be &alled the tr!th of theFather' not only "n the sense that the tr!th of the *on "s thesame #"th that of the Father' as #e have already seen) b!t "nth"s sense' also' that "n h"m no "m erfe&t "m"tat"on shall be

&on&e"ved of' b!t the &om lete tr!th of the s!bstan&e of theFather s"n&e he "s no other than #hat the Father "s.

CHAPTER ?<II. The *on "s the "ntell"$en&e of "ntell"$en&e and the Tr!th of

tr!thB8T "f the very s!bstan&e of the Father "s "ntell"$en&e' and-no#led$e' and #"sdom' and tr!th' "t "s &onse2!ently"nferred that as the *on "s the "ntell"$en&e' and -no#led$e'and #"sdom' and tr!th' of the aternal s!bstan&e' so he "sthe "ntell"$en&e of "ntell"$en&e' the -no#led$e of -no#led$e'the #"sdom of #"sdom' and the tr!th of tr!th.

CHAPTER ?<III.Ho# the *on "s the "ntell"$en&e or #"sdom of memory or thememory of the Father and of memory.B8T #hat "s to be o!r not"on of memory6 Is the *on to bere$arded as the "ntell"$en&e &on&e"v"n$ of memory' or as thememory of the Father' or as the memory of memory6Indeed' s"n&e "t &annot be den"ed that the s! reme 3"sdomremembers "tself' noth"n$ &an be more &ons"stent than tore$ard the Father as memory' (!st as the *on "s the 3ord)be&a!se the 3ord "s a arently born of memory' a fa&t that"s more &learly seen "n the &ase of the h!man m"nd.For' s"n&e the h!man m"nd "s not al#ays th"n-"n$ of "tself'tho!$h "t ever remembers "tself' "t "s &lear that' #hen "tth"n-s of "tself' the #ord &orres ond"n$ to "t "s born ofmemory. Hen&e' "t a ears that' "f "t al#ays tho!$ht of "tself'"ts #ord #o!ld be al#ays born of memory. For' to th"n- of anob(e&t of #h"&h #e have remembran&e' th"s "s to e, ress "t

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mentally) #h"le the #ord &orres ond"n$ to the ob(e&t "s thetho!$ht "tself' formed after the l"-eness of that ob(e&t frommemory.Hen&e' "t may be &learly a rehended "n the s! reme3"sdom' #h"&h al#ays th"n-s of "tself' (!st as "t remembers"tself' that' of the eternal remembran&e of "t' "ts &oeternal3ord "s born. Therefore' as the 3ord "s ro erly &on&e"ved of as the &h"ld' the memory most a ro r"ately ta-es the nameof arent. If' then' the &h"ld #h"&h "s born of the s! reme

* "r"t alone "s the &h"ld of h"s memory' there &an be no morelo$"&al &on&l!s"on than that h"s memory "s h"mself. For not "nres e&t of the fa&t that he remembers h"mself does he e,"st"n h"s o#n memory' l"-e "deas that e,"st "n the h!manmemory' #"tho!t be"n$ the memory "tself) b!t he soremembers h"mself that he "s h"s o#n memory.It therefore follo#s that' (!st as the *on "s the "ntell"$en&e or#"sdom of the Father' so he "s that of the memory of theFather. B!t' re$ard"n$ #hatever the *on has #"sdom or!nderstand"n$' th"s he l"-e#"se remembers. The *on "s'therefore' the memory of the Father' and the memory of

memory' that "s' the memory that remembers the Father'#ho "s memory' (!st as he "s the #"sdom of the Father' andthe #"sdom of #"sdom' that "s' the #"sdom #"se re$ard"n$the #"sdom of the Father) and the *on "s "ndeed memory'born of memory' as he "s #"sdom' born of #"sdom' #h"le theFather "s memory and #"sdom born of none.

CHAPTER ?I . The s! reme * "r"t loves h"mself.

B8T' #h"le I am here &ons"der"n$ #"th "nterest the "nd"v"d!alro ert"es and the &ommon attr"b!tes of Father and *on' I0nd none "n them more leas!rable to &ontem late than thefeel"n$ of m!t!al love. For ho# abs!rd "t #o!ld be to denythat the s! reme * "r"t loves h"mself' (!st as he remembersh"mself' and &on&e"ves of h"mself s"n&e even the rat"onalh!man m"nd "s &onv"n&ed that "t &an love both "tself and h"m'be&a!se "t &an remember "tself and h"m' and &an &on&e"ve of "tself and of h"m) for "dle and almost !seless "s the memoryand &on&e t"on of any ob(e&t' !nless' so far as reasonre2!"res' the ob(e&t "tself "s loved or &ondemned. Thes! reme * "r"t' then' loves h"mself' (!st as he remembersh"mself and &on&e"ves of h"mself.

CHAPTER ?. The same love ro&eeds e2!ally from Father and *on.

IT "s' at any rate' &lear to the rat"onal man that he does notremember h"mself or &on&e"ve of h"mself be&a!se he lovesh"mself' b!t he loves h"mself be&a!se he remembers h"mself and &on&e"ves of h"mself) and that he &o!ld not love h"mself"f he d"d not remember and &on&e"ve of h"mself. For no

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ob(e&t "s loved #"tho!t remembran&e or &on&e t"on of "t)#h"le many th"n$s are reta"ned "n memory and &on&e"ved ofthat are not loved.It "s ev"dent' then' that the love of the s! reme * "r"tro&eeds from the fa&t that he remember h"mself and&on&e"ves of h"mself 9 se intelligit :. B!t "f' by the memory ofthe s! reme * "r"t' #e !nderstand the Father' and by h"s"ntell"$en&e by #h"&h he &on&e"ves of anyth"n$' the *on' "t "sman"fest that the love of the s! reme * "r"t ro&eeds

e2!ally from Father and *on. CHAPTER ?I.

Ea&h loves h"mself and the other #"th e2!al love.

B8T "f the s! reme * "r"t loves h"mself' no do!bt the Fatherloves h"mself' the *on loves h"mself' and the one the other)s"n&e the Father se arately "s the s! reme * "r"t' and the*on se arately "s the s! reme * "r"t' and both at on&e one* "r"t. And' s"n&e ea&h e2!ally remembers h"mself and theother' and &on&e"ves e2!ally of h"mself and the other) and

s"n&e #hat "s loved' or loves "n the Father' or "n the *on' "salto$ether the same' ne&essar"ly ea&h loves h"mself and theother #"th an e2!al love.


Th"s love "s as $reat as the s! reme * "r"t h"mself.Ho# $reat' then' "s th"s love of the s! reme * "r"t' &ommonas "t "s to Father and *on B!t' "f he loves h"mself as m!&h ashe remembers and &on&e"ves of h"mself) and' moreover'remembers and &on&e"ves of h"mself "n as $reat a de$ree asthat "n #h"&h h"s essen&e e,"sts' s"n&e other#"se "t &annote,"st) !ndo!btedly h"s love "s as $reat as he h"mself "s.


Th"s love "s "dent"&al #"th the s! reme * "r"t' and yet "t "s"tself #"th the Father and the *on one s "r"t.

B8T' #hat &an be e2!al to the s! reme * "r"t' e,&e t thes! reme * "r"t6 That love "s' then' the s! reme * "r"t.Hen&e' "f no &reat!re' that "s' "f noth"n$ other than thes! reme * "r"t' the Father and the *on' ever e,"sted)nevertheless' Father and *on #o!ld love themselves and oneanother.It therefore follo#s that th"s love "s noth"n$ else than #hatthe Father and the *on are' #h"&h "s the s! reme Be"n$. B!t's"n&e there &annot be more than one s! reme Be"n$' #hat"nferen&e &an be more ne&essary than that Father and *onand the love of both are one s! reme Be"n$6 Therefore' th"slove "s s! reme 3"sdom' s! reme Tr!th' the s! reme Good'

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and #hatsoever &an be attr"b!ted to the s!bstan&e thes! reme * "r"t.


It ro&eeds as a #hole from the Father' and as a #hole fromthe *on' and yet does not e,"st e,&e t as one lo(e .

IT sho!ld be &aref!lly &ons"dered #hether there are t#oloves' one ro&eed"n$ from the Father' the other from the

*on) or one' not ro&eed"n$ as a #hole from one' b!t "n artfrom the Father' "n art from the *on) or ne"ther more thanone' nor one ro&eed"n$ "n art from ea&h se arately' b!tone ro&eed"n$ as a #hole from ea&h se arately' andl"-e#"se as a #hole from the t#o at on&e.B!t the sol!t"on of s!&h a 2!est"on &an' #"tho!t do!bt' bea rehended from the fa&t that th"s love ro&eeds not fromthat "n #h"&h Father and *on are more than one' b!t fromthat "n #h"&h they are one. For' not from the"r relat"ons'#h"&h are more than one' b!t from the"r essen&e "tself' #h"&hdoes not adm"t of l!ral"ty' do Father and *on e2!ally

rod!&e so $reat a $ood. Therefore' as the Father se arately "s the s! reme * "r"t'and the *on se arately "s the s! reme * "r"t' and Father and*on at on&e are not t#o' b!t one * "r"t) so from the Fatherse arately the love of the s! reme * "r"t emanates as a#hole' and from the *on as a #hole' and at on&e from Fatherand *on' not as t#o' b!t as one and the same #hole.


Th"s love "s not the"r *on.

*INCE th"s love' then' has "ts be"n$ e2!ally from Father and*on' and "s so l"-e both that "t "s "n no #"se !nl"-e them' b!t"s alto$ether "dent"&al #"th them) "s "t to be re$arded as the"r*on or o%s r"n$6 B!t' as the 3ord' so soon as "t "s e,am"ned'de&lares "tself to be the o%s r"n$ of h"m from #hom "tder"ves e,"sten&e' by d"s lay"n$ a man"fold l"-eness to "tsarent) so love la"nly den"es that "t s!sta"ns s!&h a relat"on's"n&e' so lon$ as "t "s &on&e"ved to ro&eed from Father and*on' "t does not at on&e sho# to one #ho &ontem lates "t soev"dent a l"-eness to h"m from #hom "t der"ves e,"sten&e'altho!$h del"berate reason"n$ tea&hes !s that "t "s alto$ether"dent"&al #"th Father and *on.

Therefore' "f "t "s the"r o%s r"n$' e"ther one of them "s "tsfather and the other "ts mother' or ea&h "s "ts father' ormother' 77 s! os"t"ons #h"&h a arently &ontrad"&t all tr!th.For' s"n&e "t ro&eeds "n re&"sely the same #ay from theFather as from the *on' re$ard for tr!th does not allo# therelat"ons of Father and *on to "t to be des&r"bed by d"%erent#ords) therefore' the one "s not "ts father' the other "ts

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mother. B!t that there are t#o be"n$s #h"&h' ta-ense arately' bear ea&h the erfe&t relat"on of father ormother' d"%er"n$ "n no res e&t' to some one be"n$ 77of th"sno e,"st"n$ nat!re allo#s roof by any e,am le.Hen&e' both' that "s' Father and *on' are not father andmother of the love emanat"n$ from them. It therefore "sa arently most "n&ons"stent #"th tr!th that the"r "dent"&allove sho!ld be the"r son or o%s r"n$.

CHAPTER ?<I. Only the Father be$ets and "s !nbe$otten) only the son "s

be$otten) only love ne"ther be$otten nor !nbe$otten.*TI??' "t "s a arent that th"s love &an ne"ther be sa"d' "na&&ordan&e #"th the !sa$e of &ommon s ee&h' to be!nbe$otten' nor &an "t so ro erly be sa"d to be be$otten' asthe 3ord "s sa"d to be be$otten. For #e often say of a th"n$that "t "s be$otten of that from #h"&h "t der"ves e,"sten&e' as#hen #e say that l"$ht or heat "s be$otten of 0re' or anye%e&t of "ts &a!se.

On th"s $ro!nd' then' love' ro&eed"n$ from s! reme * "r"t'&annot be de&lared to be #holly !nbe$otten' b!t "t &annot soro erly be sa"d to be be$otten as &an the 3ord) s"n&e the3ord "s the most tr!e o%s r"n$ and most tr!e *on' #h"le "t "sman"fest that love "s by no means o%s r"n$ or son.He alone' therefore' may' or rather sho!ld' be &alledbe$etter and !nbe$otten' #hose "s the 3ord) s"n&e he alone"s Father and arent' and "n no #"se der"ves e,"sten&e fromanother) and the 3ord alone sho!ld be &alled be$otten'#h"&h alone "s *on and o%s r"n$. B!t only the love of both "sne"ther be$otten nor !nbe$otten' be&a!se "t "s ne"ther sonnor o% s r"n$' and yet does "n some sort der"ve e,"sten&efrom another.

CHAPTER ?<II. Th"s love "s !n&reated and &reator' as are Father and *on)and yet "t "s #"th them not three' b!t one !n&reated and&reat"ve be"n$. And "t may be &alled the * "r"t of Father and*on.B8T' s"n&e th"s love se arately "s the s! reme Be"n$' as areFather and *on' and yet at on&e Father and *on' and the loveof both are not more than one' b!t one s! reme Be"n$'#h"&h alone #as &reated by none' and &reated all th"n$sthro!$h no other than "tself) s"n&e th"s "s tr!e' ne&essar"ly' asthe Father se arately' and the *on se arately' are ea&h!n&reated and &reator' so' too' love se arately "s !n&reatedand &reator' and yet all three at on&e are not more than one'b!t one !n&reated and &reat"ve be"n$.None' therefore' ma-es or be$ets or &reates the Father' b!tthe Father alone be$ets' b!t does not &reate' the *on) #h"le

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Father and *on al"-e do not &reate or be$et' b!t someho#' "fs!&h an e, ress"on may be !sed' breathe the"r love5 for'altho!$h the s! remely "mm!table Be"n$ does not breatheafter o!r fash"on' yet the tr!th that th"s Be"n$ sends forthth"s' "ts love' #h"&h ro&eeds from "t' not by de art"n$ from"t' b!t by der"v"n$ e,"sten&e from "t' &an erha s be nobetter e, ressed than by say"n$ that th"s Be"n$ breathes "tslove.B!t' "f th"s e, ress"on "s adm"ss"ble' as the 3ord of the

s! reme Be"n$ "s "ts *on' so "ts love may 0tt"n$ly eno!$h be&alled "ts breath 9 Spiritus :. *o that' tho!$h "t "s "tselfessent"ally s "r"t' as are Father and *on' they are notre$arded as the s "r"ts of anyth"n$' s"n&e ne"ther "s theFather born of any other nor the *on of the Father' as "t#ere' by breathing ) #h"le that love "s re$arded as the Breathor * "r"t of both s"n&e from both breath"n$ "n the"rtrans&endent #ay "t myster"o!sly ro&eeds.And th"s love' too' "t seems' from the fa&t there "s &omm!n"tyof be"n$ bet#een Father and *on' may' not !nreasonably'ta-e' as "t #ere "ts o#n' some name #h"&h "s &ommon to

Father and *on) "f there "s any e,"$en&y demand"n$ that "tsho!ld have a name ro er to "tself. And' "ndeed' "f th"s love"s a&t!ally des"$nated by the name * "r"t' as by "ts o#nname' s"n&e th"s name e2!ally des&r"bes the Father and the*on5 "t #"ll be !sef!l to th"s e%e&t also' that thro!$h th"sname "t shall be s"$n"0ed that th"s love "s "dent"&al #"thFather and *on' altho!$h "t has "ts be"n$ from them.

CHAPTER ?<III.As the *on "s the essen&e or #"sdom of the Father "n thesense that he has the same essen&e or #"sdom that theFather has5 so l"-e#"se the * "r"t "s the essen&e and #"sdomet&. of Father and *on.A?*O' (!st as the *on "s the s!bstan&e and #"sdom andv"rt!e of the Father' "n the sense that he has the sameessen&e and #"sdom and v"rt!e #"th the Father) so "t may be&on&e"ved that the * "r"t of both "s the essen&e or #"sdom orv"rt!e of Father and *on' s"n&e "t has alto$ether the sameessen&e' #"sdom' and v"rt!e #"th these.


The Father and the *on and the"r * "r"t e,"st e2!ally the one"n the other.

IT "s a most "nterest"n$ &ons"derat"on that the Father' andthe *on' and the * "r"t of both' e,"st "n one another #"ths!&h e2!al"ty that no one of them s!r asses another. For'not only "s ea&h "n s!&h a #ay the erfe&tly s! reme Be"n$that' nevertheless' all three at on&e e,"st only as one

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s! reme Be"n$' b!t he same tr!th "s no less &a able of roof #hen ea&h "s ta-en se arately.For the Father e,"sts as a #hole "n the *on' and "n the * "r"t&ommon to them) and the *on "n the Father' and "n the* "r"t) and the * "r"t "n the Father' and "n the *on) for thememory of the s! reme Be"n$ e,"sts' as a #hole' "n "ts"ntell"$en&e and "n "ts love' and the "ntell"$en&e "n "tsmemory and love' and the love "n "ts memory and"ntell"$en&e. For the s! reme * "r"t &on&e"ves of 9 intelligit :

"ts memory as a #hole' and loves "t' and remembers "ts"ntell"$en&e as a #hole' and loves "t as a #hole' andremembers "ts love as a #hole' and &on&e"ves of "t as a#hole.B!t #e mean by the memory' the Father) by the "ntell"$en&e'the *on) by the love' the * "r"t of both. In s!&h e2!al"ty'therefore' do Father and *on and * "r"t embra&e oneanother' and e,"st "n one another' that none of them &an beroved to s!r ass another or to e,"st #"tho!t "t.


To none of these "s another ne&essary that he mayremember' &on&e"ve' or love5 s"n&e ea&h ta-en by h"mself "smemory and "ntell"$en&e and love and all that "s ne&essar"ly"nherent "n the s! reme Be"n$.B8T' #h"le th"s d"s&!ss"on en$a$es o!r attent"on' I th"n- thatth"s tr!th' #h"&h o&&!rs to me as I re+e&t' o!$ht to be most&aref!lly &ommended to memory. The Father m!st be so&on&e"ved of as memory' the *on as "ntell"$en&e' and the* "r"t as love' that "t shall also be !nderstood that the Fatherdoes not need the *on' or the * "r"t &ommon to them' northe *on the Father' or the same * "r"t' nor the * "r"t theFather' or the *on5 as "f the Father #ere able' thro!$h h"so#n o#er' only to remember' b!t to &on&e"ve only thro!$hthe *on' and to love only thro!$h the * "r"t of h"mself andh"s son) and the *on &o!ld only &on&e"ve or !nderstand9intelligere : thro!$h h"mself' b!t remembered thro!$h theFather' and loved thro!$h h"s * "r"t) and th"s * "r"t #ere ablethro!$h h"mself alone only to love' #h"le the Fatherremembers for h"m' and the *on &on&e"ves or !nderstands9intelligit : for h"m.For' s"n&e amon$ these three ea&h one ta-en se arately "sso erfe&tly the s! reme Be"n$ and the s! reme 3"sdomthat thro!$h h"mself he remembers and &on&e"ves and loves'"t m!st be that none of these three needs another' "n ordere"ther to remember or to &on&e"ve or to love. For' ea&h ta-ense arately "s essent"ally memory and "ntell"$en&e and love'and all that "s ne&essar"ly "nherent "n the s! reme Be"n$.


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1et there are not three' b!t one Father and one *on and one* "r"t.

AND here I see a 2!est"on ar"ses. For' "f the Father "s"ntell"$en&e and love as #ell as memory' and the *on "smemory and love as #ell as "ntell"$en&e' and the * "r"t "s noless memory and "ntell"$en&e than love) ho# "s "t that theFather "s not a *on and a * "r"t of some be"n$6 and #hy "snot the *on the Father and the * "r"t of some be"n$6 and#hy "s not th"s * "r"t the Father of some be"n$' and the *on

of some be"n$6 For "t #as !nderstood' that the Father #asmemory' the *on "ntell"$en&e' and the * "r"t love.B!t th"s 2!est"on "s eas"ly ans#ered' "f #e &ons"der thetr!ths already d"s&losed "n o!r d"s&!ss"on. For the Father'even tho!$h he "s "ntell"$en&e and love' "s not for thatreason the *on or the * "r"t of any be"n$) s"n&e he "s not"ntell"$en&e' be$otten of any' or love' ro&eed"n$ from any'b!t #hatever he "s' he "s only the begetter ' and "s he from#hom the other ro&eeds.

The *on also' even tho!$h by h"s o#n o#er he remembersand loves' "s not' for that reason' the Father or the * "r"t of

any) s"n&e he "s not memory as be$etter' or love asro&eed"n$ from another after the l"-eness of h"s * "r"t' b!t#hatever be"n$ he has he "s only begotten and "s he from#hom the * "r"t ro&eeds.

The * "r"t' too' "s not ne&essar"ly Father or *on' be&a!se h"so#n memory and "ntell"$en&e are s! &"ent to h"m) s"n&e he"s not memory as be$etter' or "ntell"$en&e as be$otten' b!the alone' #hatever he "s' proceeds or emanates .3hat' then' forb"ds the &on&l!s"on that "n the s! reme Be"n$there "s only one Father' one *on' one * "r"t' and not threeFathers or *ons or * "r"ts6


Ho# "t seems that of these three more sons than one areborn.

B8T erha s the follo#"n$ observat"on #"ll rove"n&ons"stent #"th th"s assert"on. It sho!ld not be do!btedthat the Father and the *on and the"r * "r"t ea&h e, ressesh"mself and the other t#o' (!st as ea&h &on&e"ves of' and!nderstands' h"mself and the other t#o. B!t' "f th"s "s tr!e'are there not "n the s! reme Be"n$ as many #ords as thereare e, ress"ve be"n$s' and as many #ords as there arebe"n$s #ho are e, ressed6For' "f more men than one $"ve e, ress"on to some oneob(e&t "n tho!$ht' a arently there are as many #ords&orres ond"n$ to that ob(e&t as there are th"n-ers) s"n&e the#ord &orres ond"n$ to "t e,"sts "n the tho!$hts of ea&hse arately. A$a"n' "f one man th"n-s of more ob(e&ts than

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one' there are as many #ords "n the m"nd of the th"n-er asthere are ob(e&ts tho!$ht of.B!t "n the tho!$ht of a man' #hen he th"n-s of anyth"n$o!ts"de h"s o#n m"nd' the #ord &orres ond"n$ to the ob(e&ttho!$ht of "s not born of the ob(e&t "tself' s"n&e that "s absentfrom the v"e# of tho!$ht' b!t of some l"-eness or "ma$e ofthe ob(e&t #h"&h e,"sts "n the memory of the th"n-er' or#h"&h "s erha s &alled to m"nd thro!$h a &or oreal sensefrom the resent ob(e&t "tself.

B!t "n the s! reme Be"n$' Father and *on and the"r * "r"t areal#ays so resent to one another 77for ea&h one' as #e havealready seen' e,"sts "n the others no less than "n h"mself 77that' #hen they e, ress one another' the one that "se, ressed seems to be$et h"s o#n #ord' (!st as #hen he "se, ressed by h"mself. Ho# "s "t' then' that the *on and the* "r"t of the *on and of the Father be$et noth"n$' "f ea&hbe$ets h"s o#n #ord' #hen he "s e, ressed by h"mself or byanother6 A arently as many #ords as &an be roved to beborn of the s! reme *!bstan&e' so many *ons' a&&ord"n$ too!r former reason"n$' m!st there be be$otten of th"s

s!bstan&e' and so many s "r"ts ro&eed"n$ from "t.

CHAPTER ? III.Ho# amon$ them there "s only one *on of one Father' that "s'one 3ord' and that from the Father alone.ON these $ro!nds' therefore' there a arently are "n thatBe"n$' not only many fathers and sons and be"n$sro&eed"n$ from "t' b!t other ne&essary attr"b!tes as #ell) orelse Father and *on and the"r * "r"t' of #hom "t "s already&erta"n that they tr!ly e,"st' are not three e, ress"ve be"n$s'altho!$h ea&h ta-en se arately "s e, ress"ve' nor are theremore be"n$s than one e, ressed' #hen ea&h one e, ressesh"mself and the other t#o.For' (!st as "t "s an "nherent ro erty of the s! reme 3"sdomto -no# and &on&e"ve' so "t "s ass!redly nat!ral to eternaland "mm!table -no#led$e and "ntell"$en&e ever to re$ard asresent #hat "t -no#s and &on&e"ves of. For' to s!&h as! reme * "r"t e, ress"n$ and behold"n$ thro!$h&on&e t"on' as "t #ere' are the same' (!st as the e, ress"onof o!r h!man m"nd "s noth"n$ b!t the "nt!"t"on of the th"n-er.B!t reasons already &ons"dered have sho#n most&onv"n&"n$ly that #hatever "s essent"ally "nherent "n thes! reme Nat!re "s erfe&tly &ons"stent #"th the nat!re of theFather and the *on and the"r * "r"t ta-en se arately) andthat' nevertheless' th"s' "f attr"b!ted to the three at on&e'does not adm"t of l!ral"ty. No#' "t "s establ"shed that as-no#led$e and "ntell"$en&e are attr"b!tes of h"s be"n$' so h"s-no#"n$ and &on&e"v"n$ "s noth"n$ else than h"s e, ress"on'that "s' h"s ever behold"n$ as resent #hat he -no#s and&on&e"ves of. Ne&essar"ly' therefore' (!st as the Father

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se arately' and the *on se arately' and the"r * "r"tse arately' "s a -no#"n$ and &on&e"v"n$ be"n$' and yet thethree at on&e are not more -no#"n$ and &on&e"v"n$ be"n$sthan one' b!t one -no#"n$ and one &on&e"v"n$ be"n$5 so'ea&h ta-en se arately "s e, ress"ve' and yet there are notthree e, ress"ve be"n$s at on&e' b!t one e, ress"ve be"n$.Hen&e' th"s fa&t may also be &learly re&o$n"sed' that #henthese three are e, ressed' e"ther by themselves or byanother' there are not more be"n$s than one e, ressed. For

#hat "s there"n e, ressed e,&e t the"r be"n$6 If' then' thatBe"n$ "s one and only one' then #hat "s e, ressed "s one andonly one) therefore' "f "t "s "n them one and only one #h"&he, resses' and one #h"&h "s e, ressed 77for "t "s one #"sdom#h"&h e, resses and one s!bstan&e #h"&h "s e, ressed 77"tfollo#s that there are not more #ords than one' b!t onealone. Hen&e' altho!$h ea&h one e, resses h"mself and alle, ress one another' nevertheless there &annot be "n thes! reme Be"n$ another 3ord than that already sho#n to beborn of h"m #hose "s the 3ord' so that "t may be &alled h"str!e "ma$e and h"s *on.

And "n th"s tr!th I 0nd a stran$e and "ne, l"&able fa&tor. Forobserve5 altho!$h "t "s man"fest that ea&h one' that "s' Fatherand *on' and the * "r"t of Father and *on e2!ally e, ressesh"mself and both the others' and that there "s one 3ordalone amon$ them) yet "t a ears that th"s 3ord "tself &an "nno #"se be &alled the 3ord of all three' b!t only of one.For "t has been roved that "t "s the "ma$e and *on of h"m#hose 3ord "t "s. And "t "s la"n that "t &annot ro erly be&alled e"ther the "ma$e or son of "tself' or of the * "r"tro&eed"n$ from "t. For' ne"ther of "tself nor of a be"n$ro&eed"n$ from "t' "s "t born' nor does "t "n "ts e,"sten&e"m"tate "tself or a be"n$ ro&eed"n$ from "tself. For "t does not"m"tate "tself' or ta-e on a l"-e e,"sten&e to "tself' be&a!se"m"tat"on and l"-eness are "m oss"ble #here only one be"n$ "s&on&erned' b!t re2!"re l!ral"ty of be"n$s) #h"le "t does not"m"tate the s "r"t' nor does "t e,"st "n h"s l"-eness' be&a!se "thas not "ts e,"sten&e from that * "r"t' b!t the * "r"t from "t. It"s to be &on&l!ded that th"s sole 3ord &orres onds to h"malone' from #hom "t has e,"sten&e by $enerat"on' and after#hose &om lete l"-eness "t e,"sts.One Father' then' and not more than one Father) one *on'and not more than one *on) one * "r"t ro&eed"n$ fromthem' and not more than one s!&h * "r"t' e,"st "n thes! reme Be"n$. And' altho!$h there are three' so that theFather "s never the *on or the * "r"t ro&eed"n$ from them'nor the *on at any t"me the Father or the * "r"t' nor the * "r"tof Father and *on ever the Father or the *on) and ea&hse arately "s so erfe&t that he "s self7s! &"ent' need"n$ne"ther of the others) yet #hat they are "s "n s!&h a #ay onethat (!st as "t &annot be attr"b!ted to them ta-en se arately

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as l!ral' so' ne"ther &an "t be attr"b!ted to them as l!ral'#hen the three are ta-en at on&e. And tho!$h ea&h onee, resses h"mself and all e, ress one another' yet there arenot amon$ them more #ords than one' b!t one) and th"s3ord &orres onds not to ea&h se arately' nor to all to$ether'b!t to one alone.

CHAPTER ? I<. Tho!$h th"s tr!th "s "ne, l"&able' "t demands bel"ef.

IT seems to me that the mystery of so s!bl"me a s!b(e&ttrans&ends all the v"s"on of the h!man "ntelle&t. And for thatreason I th"n- "t best to refra"n from the attem t to e, la"nho# th"s th"n$ "s. For "t "s my o "n"on that one #ho "s"nvest"$at"n$ an "n&om rehens"ble ob(e&t o!$ht to besat"s0ed "f th"s reason"n$ shall have bro!$ht h"m far eno!$hto re&o$n"se that th"s ob(e&t most &erta"nly e,"sts) nor o!$htass!red bel"ef to be the less read"ly $"ven to these tr!ths#h"&h are de&lared to be s!&h by &o$ent roofs' and #"tho!tthe &ontrad"&t"on of any other reason' "f' be&a!se of the"n&om rehens"b"l"ty of the"r o#n nat!ral s!bl"m"ty' they do

not adm"t of e, lanat"on.B!t #hat "s so "n&om rehens"ble' so "ne%able' as that #h"&h"s above all th"n$s6 Hen&e' "f these tr!ths' #h"&h have th!sfar been debated "n &onne&t"on #"th the s! reme Be"n$'have been de&lared on &o$ent $ro!nds' even tho!$h they&annot be so e,am"ned by the h!man "ntelle&t as to be&a able of e, lanat"on "n #ords' the"r ass!red &erta"nty "snot therefore sha-en. For' "f a &ons"derat"on' s!&h as thatabove' rat"onally &om rehends that "t "s "n&om rehens"ble "n#hat #ay s! reme 3"sdom -no#s "ts &reat!res' of #h"&h #ene&essar"ly -no# so many) #ho shall e, la"n ho# "t -no#sand e, resses "tself' of #h"&h noth"n$ or s&ar&ely anyth"n$&an be -no#n by man6 Hen&e' "f "t "s not by v"rt!e of the self7e, ress"on of th"s 3"sdom that the Father be$ets and the*on "s be$otten' who shall tell his generation)

CHAPTER ? <.Ho# real tr!th may be rea&hed "n the d"s&!ss"on of an

"ne%able s!b(e&t.B8T a$a"n' "f s!&h "s the &hara&ter of "ts "ne%ab"l"ty' 77 nay's"n&e "t "s s!&h' 77 ho# shall #hatever &on&l!s"on o!rd"s&!ss"on has rea&hed re$ard"n$ "t "n terms of Father' *on'and emanat"n$ * "r"t be val"d6 For' "f "t has been e, la"nedon tr!e $ro!nds' ho# "s "t "ne%able6 Or' "f "t "s "ne%able' ho#&an "t be s!&h as o!r d"s&!ss"on has sho#n6 Or' &o!ld "t bee, la"ned to a &erta"n e,tent' and therefore noth"n$ #o!ldd"s rove the tr!th of o!r ar$!ment) b!t s"n&e "t &o!ld not be&om rehended at all' for that reason "t #o!ld be "ne%able6B!t ho# shall #e meet the tr!th that has already beenestabl"shed "n th"s very d"s&!ss"on' namely' that the s! reme

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Be"n$ "s so above and beyond every other nat!re that'#henever any statement "s made &on&ern"n$ "t "n #ords#h"&h are also a l"&able to other nat!res' the sense ofthese #ords "n th"s &ase "s by no means that "n #h"&h theyare a l"ed to other nat!res.For #hat sense have I &on&e"ved of' "n all these #ords that Ihave tho!$ht of' e,&e t the &ommon and fam"l"ar sense6 If'then' the fam"l"ar sense of #ords "s al"en to that Be"n$'#hatever I have "nferred to be attr"b!table to "t "s not "ts

ro erty. Ho#' then' has any tr!th &on&ern"n$ the s! remeBe"n$ been d"s&overed' "f #hat has been d"s&overed "s soal"en to that Be"n$6 3hat "s to be "nferred6Or' has there "n some sort been some tr!th d"s&overedre$ard"n$ th"s "n&om rehens"ble ob(e&t' and "n some sort hasnoth"n$ been roved re$ard"n$ "t6 For often #e s ea- ofth"n$s #h"&h #e do not e, ress #"th re&"s"on as they are)b!t by another e, ress"on #e "nd"&ate #hat #e are !n#"ll"n$or !nable to e, ress #"th re&"s"on' as #hen #e s ea- "nr"ddles. And often #e see a th"n$' not re&"sely as "t "s "n"tself' b!t thro!$h a l"-eness or "ma$e' as #hen #e loo- ! on

a fa&e "n a m"rror. And "n th"s #ay' #e often e, ress and yetdo not e, ress' see and yet do not see' one and the sameob(e&t) #e e, ress and see "t thro!$h another) #e do note, ress "t' and do not see "t by v"rt!e of "ts o#n ro ernat!re.On these $ro!nds' then' "t a ears that there "s noth"n$ tod"s rove the tr!th of o!r d"s&!ss"on th!s far &on&ern"n$ thes! reme Nat!re' and yet th"s Nat!re "tself rema"ns not theless "ne%able' "f #e bel"eve that "t has never been e, resseda&&ord"n$ to the e&!l"ar nat!re of "ts o#n be"n$' b!tsomeho# des&r"bed thro!$h another.For #hatever terms seem a l"&able to that Nat!re do notreveal "t to me "n "ts ro er &hara&ter' b!t rather "nt"mate "tthro!$h some l"-eness. For' #hen I th"n- of the mean"n$s ofthese terms' I more nat!rally &on&e"ve "n my m"nd of #hat Isee "n &reated ob(e&ts' than of #hat I &on&e"ve to trans&endall h!man !nderstand"n$. For "t "s someth"n$ m!&h less' nay'someth"n$ far d"%erent' that the"r mean"n$ s!$$ests to mym"nd' than that the &on&e t"on of #h"&h my m"nd "tselfattem ts to a&h"eve thro!$h th"s shado#y s"$n"0&at"on.For' ne"ther "s the term wisdom s! &"ent to reveal to methat Be"n$' thro!$h #h"&h all th"n$s #ere &reated fromnoth"n$ and are reserved from noth"n$ness) nor "s the termessence &a able of e, ress"n$ to me that Be"n$ #h"&h'thro!$h "ts !n"2!e elevat"on' "s far above all th"n$s' andthro!$h "ts e&!l"ar nat!ral &hara&ter $reatly trans&ends allth"n$s.In th"s #ay' then' "s that Nat!re "ne%able' be&a!se "t "s"n&a able of des&r" t"on "n #ords or by any other means)and' at the same t"me' an "nferen&e re$ard"n$ "t' #h"&h &an

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be rea&hed by the "nstr!&t"on of reason or "n some other#ay' as "t #ere "n a r"ddle' "s not therefore ne&essar"ly false.

CHAPTER ? <I. Thro!$h the rat"onal m"nd "s the nearest a roa&h to the

s! reme Be"n$.*INCE "t "s &lear' then' that noth"n$ &an be as&erta"ned&on&ern"n$ th"s Nat!re "n terms of "ts o#n e&!l"ar &hara&ter'b!t only "n terms of someth"n$ else' "t "s &erta"n that a

nearer a roa&h to#ard -no#led$e of "t "s made thro!$hthat #h"&h a roa&hes "t more nearly thro!$h l"-eness. Forthe more l"-e to "t anyth"n$ amon$ &reated be"n$s "s rovedto be' the more e,&ellent m!st that &reated be"n$ be bynat!re. Hen&e' th"s be"n$' thro!$h "ts $reater l"-eness'ass"sts the "nvest"$at"n$ m"nd "n the a roa&h to s! reme

Tr!th) and thro!$h "ts more e,&ellent &reated essen&e'tea&hes the more &orre&tly #hat o "n"on the m"nd "tselfo!$ht to form re$ard"n$ the Creator. *o' !ndo!btedly' a$reater -no#led$e of the &reat"ve Be"n$ "s atta"ned' themore nearly the &reat!re thro!$h #h"&h the "nvest"$at"on "s

made a roa&hes that Be"n$. For that every be"n$' "n so faras "t e,"sts' "s l"-e the s! reme Be"n$' reasons already&ons"dered do not erm"t !s to do!bt.It "s ev"dent' then' that as the rat"onal m"nd alone' amon$ all&reated be"n$s' "s &a able of r"s"n$ to the "nvest"$at"on ofth"s Be"n$' so "t "s not the less th"s same rat"onal m"nd alone'thro!$h #h"&h the m"nd "tself &an most s!&&essf!lly a&h"evethe d"s&overy of th"s same Be"n$. For "t has already beena&-no#led$ed that th"s a roa&hes "t most nearly' thro!$hl"-eness of nat!ral essen&e. 3hat "s more obv"o!s' then'than that the more earnestly the rat"onal m"nd devotes "tselfto learn"n$ "ts o#n nat!re' the more e%e&t"vely does "t r"se tothe -no#led$e of that Be"n$) and the more &arelessly "t&ontem lates "tself' the farther does "t des&end from the&ontem lat"on of that Be"n$6

CHAPTER ? <II. The m"nd "tself "s the m"rror and "ma$e of that Be"n$.

THEREFORE' the m"nd may most 0tly be sa"d to be "ts o#nm"rror #here"n "t &ontem lates' so to s ea-' the "ma$e of#hat "t &annot see fa&e to fa&e. For' "f the m"nd "tself aloneamon$ all &reated be"n$s "s &a able of remember"n$ and&on&e"v"n$ of and lov"n$ "tself' I do not see #hy "t sho!ld beden"ed that "t "s the tr!e "ma$e of that be"n$ #h"&h' thro!$h"ts memory and "ntell"$en&e and love' "s !n"ted "n an"ne%able Tr"n"ty. Or' at any rate' "t roves "tself to be themore tr!ly the "ma$e of that Be"n$ by "ts o#er ofremember"n$' &on&e"v"n$ of' and lov"n$' that Be"n$. For' the$reater and the more l"-e that Be"n$ "t "s' the more tr!ly "t "sre&o$n"sed to be "ts "ma$e.

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B!t' "t "s !tterly "n&on&e"vable that any rat"onal &reat!re &anhave been nat!rally endo#ed #"th any o#er so e,&ellentand so l"-e the s! reme 3"sdom as th"s o#er ofremember"n$' and &on&e"v"n$ of' and lov"n$' the best and$reatest of all be"n$s. Hen&e' no fa&!lty has been besto#edon any &reat!re that "s so tr!ly the "ma$e of the Creator.

CHAPTER ? <III. The rat"onal &reat!re #as &reated "n order that "t m"$ht love

th"s Be"n$.IT seems to follo#' then' that the rat"onal &reat!re o!$ht todevote "tself to noth"n$ so earnestly as to the e, ress"on'thro!$h vol!ntary erforman&e' of th"s "ma$e #h"&h "s"m ressed on "t thro!$h a nat!ral oten&y. For' not only does"t o#e "ts very e,"sten&e to "ts &reator) b!t the fa&t that "t "s-no#n to have no o#er so "m ortant as that ofremember"n$' and &on&e"v"n$ of' and lov"n$' the s! reme$ood' roves that "t o!$ht to #"sh noth"n$ else so es e&"ally.For #ho &an deny that #hatever #"th"n the s&o e one4so#er "s better' o!$ht to reva"l #"th the #"ll6 For' to the

rat"onal nat!re rat"onal"ty "s the same #"th the ab"l"ty tod"st"n$!"sh the (!st from the not7(!st' the tr!e from the not7tr!e' the $ood from the not7$ood' the $reater $ood from thelesser) b!t th"s o#er "s alto$ether !seless to "t' ands! er+!o!s' !nless #hat "t d"st"n$!"shes "t loves or&ondemns' "n a&&ordan&e #"th the (!d$ment of tr!ed"s&ernment.From th"s' then' "t seems &lear eno!$h that every rat"onalbe"n$ e,"sts for th"s !r ose' that a&&ord"n$ as' on the$ro!nds of d"s&ernment' "t (!d$es a th"n$ to be more or less$ood' or not $ood' so "t may love that th"n$ "n $reater or lessde$ree' or re(e&t "t.It "s' therefore' most obv"o!s that the rat"onal &reat!re #as&reated for th"s !r ose' that "t m"$ht love the s! remeBe"n$ above all other $oods' as th"s Be"n$ "s "tself thes! reme $ood) nay' that "t m"$ht love noth"n$ e,&e t "t'!nless be&a!se of "t) s"n&e that Be"n$ "s $ood thro!$h "tself'and noth"n$ else "s $ood e,&e t thro!$h "t.B!t the rat"onal be"n$ &annot love th"s Be"n$' !nless "t hasdevoted "tself to remember"n$ and &on&e"v"n$ of "t. It "s&lear' then' that the rat"onal &reat!re o!$ht to devote "ts#hole ab"l"ty and #"ll to remember"n$' and &on&e"v"n$ of'and lov"n$' the s! reme $ood' for #h"&h end "t re&o$n"sesthat "t has "ts very e,"sten&e.

CHAPTER ? I . The so!l that ever loves th"s Essen&e l"ves at some t"me "n

tr!e blessedness.B8T there "s no do!bt that the h!man so!l "s a rat"onal&reat!re. Hen&e' "t m!st have been &reated for th"s end' that

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"t m"$ht love the s! reme Be"n$. It m!st' therefore' havebeen &reated e"ther for th"s end' that "t m"$ht love that Be"n$eternally) or for th"s' that at some t"me "t m"$ht e"thervol!ntar"ly' or by v"olen&e' lose th"s love.B!t "t "s "m "o!s to s! ose that the s! reme 3"sdom&reated "t for th"s end' that at some t"me' e"ther "t sho!lddes "se so $reat a $ood' or' tho!$h #"sh"n$ to -ee "t'sho!ld lose "t by some v"olen&e. 3e "nfer' then' that "t #as&reated for th"s end' that "t m"$ht love the s! reme Be"n$

eternally. B!t th"s "t &annot do !nless "t l"ves forever. It #asso &reated' then' that "t l"ves forever' "f "t forever #"lls to dothat for #h"&h "t #as &reated.Hen&e' "t "s most "n&om at"ble #"th the nat!re of thes! remely $ood' s! remely #"se' and omn" otent Creator'that #hat he has made to e,"st that "t m"$ht love h"m' hesho!ld ma-e not to e,"st' so lon$ as "t tr!ly loves h"m) andthat #hat he vol!ntar"ly $ave to a non7lov"n$ be"n$ that "tm"$ht ever love' he sho!ld ta-e a#ay' or erm"t to be ta-ena#ay' from the lov"n$ be"n$' so that ne&essar"ly "t sho!ld notlove) es e&"ally s"n&e "t sho!ld by no means be do!bted that

he h"mself loves every nat!re that loves h"m. Hen&e' "t "sman"fest that the h!man so!l "s never de r"ved of "ts l"fe' "f "tforever devotes "tself to lov"n$ the s! reme l"fe.Ho#' then' shall "t l"ve6 For "s lon$ l"fe so "m ortant a matter'"f "t "s not se&!re from the "nvas"on of tro!bles6 For #hoever'#h"le he l"ves' "s e"ther thro!$h fear or thro!$h a&t!als!%er"n$ s!b(e&t to tro!bles' or "s de&e"ved by a falsese&!r"ty' does he not l"ve "n m"sery6 B!t' "f any one l"ves "nfreedom from these tro!bles' he l"ves "n blessedness. B!t "t"s most abs!rd to s! ose that any nat!re that forever lovesh"m' #ho "s s! remely $ood and omn" otent' forever l"ves "nm"sery. *o' "t "s la"n' that the h!man so!l "s of s!&h a&hara&ter that' "f "t d"l"$ently observes that end for #h"&h "te,"sts' "t at some t"me l"ves "n blessedness' tr!ly se&!re fromdeath "tself and from every other tro!ble.

CHAPTER ? . Th"s Be"n$ $"ves "tself "n ret!rn to the &reat!re that loves "t'

that that &reat!re may be eternally blessed. THEREFORE "t &annot be made to a ear tr!e that he #ho "smost (!st and most o#erf!l ma-es no ret!rn to the be"n$that loves h"m ersever"n$ly' to #h"&h altho!$h "t ne"there,"sted nor loved h"m' he $ave e,"sten&e that "t m"$ht beable to be a lov"n$ be"n$. For' "f he ma-es no ret!rn to thelov"n$ so!l' the most (!st does not d"st"n$!"sh bet#een theso!l that loves' and the so!l that des "ses #hat o!$ht to bes! remely loved' nor does he love the so!l that loves h"m) orelse "t does not ava"l to be loved by h"m) all of #h"&hs! os"t"ons are "n&ons"stent #"th h"s nat!re) hen&e he doesma-e a ret!rn to every so!l that erseveres "n lov"n$ h"m.

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B!t #hat "s th"s ret!rn6 For' "f he $ave to #hat #as noth"n$'a rat"onal be"n$' that "t m"$ht be a lov"n$ so!l' #hat shall he$"ve to the lov"n$ so!l' "f "t does not &ease to love6 If #hat#a"ts ! on love "s so $reat' ho# $reat "s the re&om ense$"ven to love6 And "f the s!sta"ner of love "s s!&h as #ede&lare' of #hat &hara&ter "s the ro0t6 For' "f the rat"onal&reat!re' #h"&h "s !seless to "tself #"tho!t th"s love' "s #"th "treem"nent amon$ all &reat!res' ass!redly noth"n$ &an bethe re#ard of love e,&e t #hat "s reem"nent amon$ all

nat!res.For th"s same $ood' #h"&h demands s!&h love to#ard "tself'also re2!"res that "t be des"red by the lov"n$ so!l. For' #ho&an love (!st"&e' tr!th' blessedness' "n&orr! t"b"l"ty' "n s!&h a#ay as not to #"sh to en(oy them6 3hat ret!rn' then' shallthe s! reme Goodness ma-e to the be"n$ that loves anddes"res "t' e,&e t "tself6 For' #hatever else "t $rants' "t doesnot $"ve "n ret!rn' s"n&e all s!&h besto#als ne"ther&om ensate the love' nor &onsole the lov"n$ be"n$' norsat"sfy the so!l that des"res th"s s! reme Be"n$.Or' "f "t #"shes to be loved and des"red' so as to ma-e some

other ret!rn than "ts love' "t #"shes to be loved and des"red'not for "ts o#n sa-e' b!t for the sa-e of another) and doesnot #"sh to be loved "tself' b!t #"shes another to be loved)#h"&h "t "s "m "o!s to s! ose.*o' "t "s most tr!e that every rat"onal so!l' "f' as "t sho!ld' "tearnestly devotes "tself thro!$h love to lon$"n$ for s! remeblessedness' shall at some t"me re&e"ve that blessedness toen(oy' that #hat "t no# sees as through a glass and in ariddle ' "t may then see face to face . B!t "t "s most fool"sh todo!bt #hether "t en(oys that blessedness eternally) s"n&e' "nthe en(oyment of that blessedness' "t #"ll be "m oss"ble tot!rn the so!l as"de by any fear' or to de&e"ve "t by falsese&!r"ty) nor' hav"n$ on&e e, er"en&ed the need of thatblessedness' #"ll "t be able not to love "t) nor #"ll thatblessedness desert the so!l that loves "t) nor shall there beanyth"n$ o#erf!l eno!$h to se arate them a$a"nst the"r#"ll. Hen&e' the so!l that has on&e be$!n to en(oy s! remeBlessedness #"ll be eternally blessed.

CHAPTER ? I. The so!l that des "ses th"s be"n$ #"ll be eternally m"serable.FRO; th"s "t may be "nferred' as a &erta"n &onse2!en&e' thatthe so!l #h"&h des "ses the love of the s! reme $ood #"ll"n&!r eternal m"sery. It m"$ht be sa"d that "t #o!ld be (!stly!n"shed for s!&h &ontem t "f "t lost e,"sten&e or l"fe' s"n&e "tdoes not em loy "tself to the end for #h"&h "t #as &reated.B!t reason "n no #"se adm"ts s!&h a bel"ef' namely' thatafter s!&h $reat $!"lt "t "s &ondemned to be #hat "t #asbefore all "ts $!"lt.

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For' before "t e,"sted' "t &o!ld ne"ther be $!"lty nor feel aenalty. If' then' the so!l des "s"n$ that end for #h"&h "t #as&reated' d"es so as to feel noth"n$' or so as to be noth"n$ atall' "ts &ond"t"on #"ll be the same #hen "n the $reatest $!"ltand #hen #"tho!t all $!"lt) and the s! remely #"se =!st"&e#"ll not d"st"n$!"sh bet#een #hat "s &a able of no $ood and#"lls no ev"l' and #hat "s &a able of the $reatest $ood and#"lls the $reatest ev"l.B!t "t "s la"n eno!$h that th"s "s a &ontrad"&t"on. Therefore'

noth"n$ &an be more lo$"&al' and noth"n$ o!$ht to bebel"eved more &on0dently than that the so!l of man "s so&onst"t!ted that' "f "t s&orns lov"n$ the s! reme Be"n$' "ts!%ers eternal m"sery) that (!st as the lov"n$ so!l shallre(o"&e "n an eternal re#ard' so the so!l des "s"n$ that Be"n$shall s!%er eternal !n"shment) and as the former shall feelan "mm!table s! &"en&y' so the latter shall feel an"n&onsolable need.

CHAPTER ? II.Every h!man so!l "s "mmortal. And "t "s e"ther forever

m"serable' or at some t"me tr!ly blessed.B8T "f the so!l "s mortal' of &o!rse the lov"n$ so!l "s noteternally blessed' nor the so!l that s&orns th"s Be"n$eternally m"serable. 3hether' therefore' "t loves or s&ornsthat for the love of #h"&h "t #as &reated' "t m!st be"mmortal. B!t "f there are some rat"onal so!ls #h"&h are tobe (!d$ed as ne"ther lov"n$ nor s&orn"n$' s!&h as the so!ls of "nfants seem to be' #hat o "n"on shall be held re$ard"n$these6 Are they mortal or "mmortal6 B!t !ndo!btedly allh!man so!ls are of the same nat!re. Hen&e' s"n&e "t "sestabl"shed that some are "mmortal' every h!man so!l m!stbe "mmortal. B!t s"n&e every l"v"n$ be"n$ "s e"ther never' orat some t"me' tr!ly se&!re from all tro!ble) ne&essar"ly' also'every h!man so!l "s e"ther ever m"serable' or at some t"metr!ly blessed.

CHAPTER ? III.No so!l "s !n(!stly de r"ved of the s! reme $ood' and every

e%ort m!st be d"re&ted to#ard that $ood.B8T' #h"&h so!ls are !nhes"tat"n$ly to be (!d$ed as so lov"n$that for the love of #h"&h they #ere &reated' that theydeserve to en(oy "t at some t"me' and #h"&h as so s&orn"n$"t' that they deserve ever to stand "n need of "t) or ho# andon #hat $ro!nd those #h"&h "t seems "m oss"ble to &alle"ther lov"n$ or s&orn"n$ are ass"$ned to e"ther eternalblessedness or m"sery' 77 of all th"s I th"n- "t &erta"nly mostd" &!lt or even "m oss"ble for any mortal to rea&h an!nderstand"n$ thro!$h d"s&!ss"on. B!t that no be"n$ "s!n(!stly de r"ved by the s! remely $reat and s! remely$ood Creator of that $ood for #h"&h "t #as &reated' #e o!$ht

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most ass!redly to bel"eve. And to#ard th"s $ood every mano!$ht to str"ve' by lov"n$ and des"r"n$ "t #"th all h"s heart'and all h"s so!l' and all h"s m"nd.

CHAPTER ? I<. The s! reme Be"n$ "s to be ho ed for.

B8T the h!man so!l #"ll by no means be able to tra"n "tself"n th"s !r ose' "f "t des a"rs of be"n$ able to rea&h #hat "ta"ms at. Hen&e' devot"on to e%ort "s not more ro0table to "t

than ho e of atta"nment "s ne&essary. CHAPTER ? <.

3e m!st bel"eve "n th"s Be"n$' that "s' by bel"ev"n$ #e m!strea&h o!t for "t.

B8T #hat does not bel"eve &annot love or ho e. It "s'therefore' ro0table to th"s h!man so!l to bel"eve thes! reme Be"n$ and those th"n$s #"tho!t #h"&h that Be"n$&annot be loved' that' by bel"ev"n$' the so!l may rea&h o!tfor "t. And th"s tr!th &an be more br"e+y and 0tly "nd"&ated' Ith"n-' "f "nstead of say"n$' >str"ve for> the s! reme Be"n$' #e

say' >bel"eve in > the s! reme Be"n$.For' "f one says that he bel"eves in "t' he a arently sho#s&learly eno!$h both that' thro!$h the fa"th #h"&h herofesses' he str"ves for the s! reme Be"n$' and that hebel"eves those th"n$s #h"&h are ro er to th"s a"m. For "tseems that e"ther he #ho does not bel"eve #hat "s ro er tostr"v"n$ for that Be"n$' or he #ho does not str"ve for thatBe"n$' thro!$h #hat he bel"eves' does not bel"eve in "t. And'erha s' "t "s "nd"%erent #hether #e say' >bel"eve in "t'> or>d"re&t bel"ef to "t'> (!st as by bel"ev"n$ to str"ve for "t andtoward "t are the same' e,&e t that #hoever shall have&ome to "t by str"v"n$ for 9 tendendo in : "t' #"ll not rema"n#"tho!t' b!t #"th"n "t. And th"s "s "nd"&ated more d"st"n&tlyand fam"l"arly "f #e say' >str"v"n$ for > 9in : "t' than "f #e say'>toward > 9ad : "t.On th"s $ro!nd' therefore' I th"n- "t may more 0tly be sa"dthat #e sho!ld bel"eve in "t' than that #e sho!ld d"re&t bel"efto "t.

CHAPTER ? <I.3e sho!ld bel"eve "n Father and *on and "n the"r * "r"t

e2!ally' and "n ea&h se arately' and "n the three at on&e.3E sho!ld bel"eve' then' e2!ally "n the Father and "n the *onand "n the"r * "r"t' and "n ea&h se arately' and "n the three aton&e' s"n&e the Father se arately' and the *on se arately'and the"r * "r"t se arately "s the s! reme Be"n$' and at on&eFather and *on #"th the"r * "r"t are one and the sames! reme Be"n$' "n #h"&h alone every man o!$ht to bel"eve)be&a!se "t "s the sole end #h"&h "n every tho!$ht and a&t heo!$ht to str"ve for. Hen&e' "t "s man"fest that as none "s able

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to str"ve for that Be"n$' e,&e t he bel"eve "n "t) so to bel"eve"t ava"ls none' e,&e t he str"ve for "t.

CHAPTER ? <II.3hat "s l"v"n$' and #hat dead fa"th.

HENCE' #"th ho#ever $reat &on0den&e so "m ortant a tr!th"s bel"eved' the fa"th #"ll be !seless and' as "t #ere' dead'!nless "t "s stron$ and l"v"n$ thro!$h love. For' that the fa"th#h"&h "s a&&om an"ed by s! &"ent love "s by no means "dle'

"f an o ort!n"ty of o erat"on o%ers' b!t rather e,er&"ses"tself "n an ab!ndan&e of #or-s' as "t &o!ld not do #"tho!tlove' may be roved from th"s fa&t alone' that' s"n&e "t lovesthe s! reme =!st"&e' "t &an s&orn noth"n$ that "s (!st' "t &ana rove noth"n$ that "s !n(!st. Therefore' see"n$ that thefa&t of "ts o erat"on sho#s that l"fe' #"tho!t #h"&h "t &o!ldnot o erate' "s "nherent "n "t) "t "s not abs!rd to say thato erat"ve fa"th "s al"ve' be&a!se "t has the l"fe of love #"tho!t#h"&h "t &o!ld not o erate) and that "dle fa"th "s not l"v"n$'be&a!se "t la&-s that l"fe of love' #"th #h"&h "t #o!ld not be"dle.

Hen&e' "f not only he #ho has lost h"s s"$ht "s &alled bl"nd'b!t also he #ho o!$ht to have s"$ht and has "t not' #hy&annot' "n l"-e manner' faith without lo(e be &alled dead ) notbe&a!se "t has lost "ts l"fe' that "s' love) b!t be&a!se "t hasnot the l"fe #h"&h "t o!$ht al#ays to have6 As that fa"th'then' #h"&h o erates thro!$h love "s re&o$n"sed as l"v"n$' sothat #h"&h "s "dle' thro!$h &ontem t' "s roved to be dead. Itmay' therefore' be sa"d #"th s! &"ent 0tness that l"v"n$ fa"thbel"eves in that in #h"&h #e o!$ht to bel"eve) #h"le deadfa"th merely bel"eves that #h"&h o!$ht to be bel"eved.

CHAPTER ? <III. The s! reme Be"n$ may "n some sort be &alled Three.

AND so "t "s ev"dently e, ed"ent for every man to bel"eve "n a&erta"n "ne%able tr"nal !n"ty' and "n one Tr"n"ty) one and a!n"ty be&a!se of "ts one essen&e' b!t tr"nal and a tr"n"tybe&a!se of "ts three 77#hat6 For' altho!$h I &an s ea- of a

Tr"n"ty be&a!se of Father and *on and the * "r"t of both' #hoare three) yet I &annot' "n one #ord' sho# #hy they arethree) as "f I sho!ld &all th"s Be"n$ a Tr"n"ty be&a!se of "tsthree ersons' (!st as I #o!ld &all "t a !n"ty be&a!se of "tsone s!bstan&e.For three ersons are not to be s! osed' be&a!se allersons #h"&h are more than one so s!bs"st se arately fromone another' that there m!st be as many s!bstan&es asthere are ersons' a fa&t that "s re&o$n"sed "n the &ase ofmore men than one' #hen there are as many ersons asthere are "nd"v"d!al s!bstan&es. Hen&e' "n the s! remeBe"n$' (!st as there are not more s!bstan&es than one' sothere are not more ersons than one.

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*o' "f one #"shes to e, ress to any #hy they are three' he#"ll say that they are Father and *on and the * "r"t of both'!nless er&han&e' &om elled by the la&- of a re&"selya ro r"ate term' he shall &hoose some one of those terms#h"&h &annot be a l"ed "n a l!ral sense to the s! remeBe"n$' "n order to "nd"&ate #hat &annot be e, ressed "n any0tt"n$ lan$!a$e) as "f he sho!ld say' for "nstan&e' that th"s#onderf!l Tr"n"ty "s one essen&e or nat!re' and three ersonsor s!bstan&es.

For these t#o terms are more a ro r"ately &hosen todes&r"be l!ral"ty "n the s! reme Be"n$' be&a!se the #ord person "s a l"ed only to an "nd"v"d!al' rat"onal nat!re) andthe #ord s!bstan&e "s ord"nar"ly a l"ed to "nd"v"d!al be"n$s'#h"&h es e&"ally s!bs"st "n l!ral"ty. For "nd"v"d!al be"n$s arees e&"ally e, osed to' that "s' are sub&ect to' a&&"dents' andfor th"s reason they more ro erly re&e"ve the name substance . No#' "t "s already man"fest that the s! reme Be"n$'#h"&h "s s!b(e&t to no a&&"dents' &annot ro erly be &alled as!bstan&e' e,&e t as the #ord substance "s !sed "n the samesense #"th the #ord +ssence . Hen&e' on th"s $ro!nd'

namely' of ne&ess"ty' that s! reme and one Tr"n"ty or tr"nal!n"ty may (!stly be &alled one Essen&e and three Persons orthree *!bstan&es.

CHAPTER ? I . Th"s Essen&e "tself "s God' #ho alone "s lord and r!ler of all.IT a ears' then 77 nay' "t "s !nhes"tat"n$ly de&lared that#hat "s &alled God "s not noth"n$) and that to th"s s! remeEssen&e the name God "s ro erly $"ven. For every one #hosays that a God e,"sts' #hether one or more than one'&on&e"ves of h"m only as of some s!bstan&e #h"&h bebel"eves to be above every nat!re that "s not God' and thathe "s to be #orsh" ed of men be&a!se of h"s reem"nentma(esty' and to be a eased for man4s o#n sa-e be&a!se ofsome "mm"nent ne&ess"ty.B!t #hat sho!ld be so #orsh" ed "n a&&ordan&e #"th "tsma(esty' and #hat sho!ld be so a eased "n behalf of anyob(e&t' as the s! remely $ood and s! remely o#erf!l* "r"t' #ho "s ?ord of all and #ho r!les all6 For' as "t "sestabl"shed that thro!$h the s! reme Good and "tss! remely #"se omn" oten&e all th"n$s #ere &reated andl"ve' "t "s most "n&ons"stent to s! ose that the * "r"t h"mselfdoes not r!le the be"n$s &reated by h"m' or that be"n$s are$overned by another less o#erf!l or less $ood' or by noreason at all' b!t by the &onf!sed +o# of events alone. For "t"s he alone thro!$h #hom "t "s #ell #"th every &reat!re' and#"tho!t #hom "t "s #ell #"th none' and from whom ' andthrough whom ' and in whom ' are all th"n$s.

Therefore' s"n&e he h"mself alone "s not only the bene0&entCreator' b!t the most o#erf!l lord' and most #"se r!ler of

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all) "t "s &lear that "t "s he alone #hom every other nat!re'a&&ord"n$ to "ts #hole ab"l"ty' o!$ht to #orsh" "n love' andto love "n #orsh" ) from #hom all ha "ness "s to be ho edfor) #"th #hom ref!$e from advers"ty "s to be so!$ht) to#hom s! l"&at"on for all th"n$s "s to be o%ered. Tr!ly'therefore' he "s not only God' b!t the only God' "ne%ably

Three and One.


*t. Anselm5 roslogium- onologium/ An Appendi' In Behalf0f !he Fool By Gaunilo- And "ur 1eus Homo ' TranslatedFrom The ?at"n By *"dney Norton Deane' B. A. 3"th AnIntrod!&t"on' B"bl"o$ra hy' And Re r"nts Of The O "n"ons Of?ead"n$ Ph"loso hers And 3r"ters On The Ontolo$"&alAr$!ment' 9Ch"&a$o' The O en Co!rt P!bl"sh"n$ Com any''

' re r"nted J:

Ete,t 9#"th erm"ss"on: from the Chr"st"an Class"&s Ethereal?"brary ' here modern"/ed "n some s ell"n$s.

Th"s te,t "s art of the Internet ;ed"eval *o!r&e Boo- . The*o!r&eboo- "s a &olle&t"on of !bl"& doma"n and &o y7erm"tted te,ts related to med"eval and By/ant"ne h"story.

8nless other#"se "nd"&ated the s e&"0& ele&tron"& form of thedo&!ment "s &o yr"$ht. Perm"ss"on "s $ranted for ele&tron"&&o y"n$' d"str"b!t"on "n r"nt form for ed!&at"onal !r osesand ersonal !se. If yo! do red! l"&ate the do&!ment'"nd"&ate the so!r&e. No erm"ss"on "s $ranted for &ommer&"al!se.

K Pa!l Halsall' A!$!st LhalsallMm!rray.fordham.ed!
