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Ansible inside

Date post: 08-Aug-2015
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ANSIBLE INSIDE IDEATO Alessandro Mazzoli Sysadmin@Ideato [email protected] @alendmazz


Alessandro Mazzoli Sysadmin@Ideato [email protected] @alendmazz

WHY ANSIBLEwe will consider some facts:

ideato’s scenariodev needssysadm needs

IDEATO SCENARIOfocus on great software

development and good practices

50+ VM’s to provision, configure and maintain, no need a high

level of orchestration

DEV NEEDS• easy CM tool to setup their


• time spent to debug CM tool error is waste


• painless rolling updates

• going to mass production environments






i don’t want learn Ruby or other DSL…

- name: set up user user: name=alemazz shell=/bin/bash password={{ password}}

user{"$user": managehome=>true, ensure => present,


file{"/home/$user": ensure=>directory, mode=>755, require=>User["$user"],


file{"/home/$user/.ssh": ensure=>directory, require=>File["/home/$user"], }

Node specific information


Node specific informationtemplate Jinja + ansible vars + ansible

vaultadd a yaml file on host_vars/ or group_vars for example:

— aws_access_key: AKIA aws_secret_key: ngxiw

and encrypt to AES: ansible-vault encrypt aws.yaml

Agentlessonly SSH/SFTP/SCP are required

no central server scalability

no need to update minions or puppet over your infrastructure


• Ruby & PE• Puppetforge modules• Puppet skip everything

based on dep what just failed

• Rspec needed




our demo will be on AWS multi AZ……

Why Elasticsearch is fit for CM management tools like Ansible?

Lot of sys adm configuration tips for a cluster environment

• java settings( jmx, mlockall….)• sysctl settings( swappiness, max_map,count..)• ulimit settings

Do I have to change these settings by hand repeated for n° instance times?


As a mention before Ansible has a plenty of sysadm modules:

- name: firewalld applying conf firewalld: service=elasticsearch permanent=true zone=public state=enabled

tags: - firewall

- name: sysctl configs sysctl: name=fs.file-max value=64000 state=present tags: - sysctl

Here’ s come AWSAWS provides a special plugin for discovery your ES

instances inside your cluster just by their security group!

discovery.type: ec2discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: falsediscovery.ec2.groups: my_security_group

I don’t have to update the other node -1 configurations if i need to replace or add a new node!!

Create our instances--- hosts: localhost connection: local vars_files: - host_vars/el.yml vars: security_group: elsg instance_type: t2.medium image: ami-7cc4f661 region: eu-central-1 keypair: example.pem n_instances: "1" tasks: - name: Launch Instance to Frankfurt av 1 ec2: group: elsg instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}" image: ami-7cc4f661 wait: true region: eu-central-1 keypair: "{{ keypair }}" vpc_subnet_id: subnet-id count: "1" register: ec2 with_items: ec2_instances_fav1

… - name: Launch Instance to Frankfurt av 2 ec2: group: elsg instance_type: "{{ instance_type}}" image: ami-7cc4f661 wait: true region: eu-central-1 keypair: "{{ keypair }}" vpc_subnet_id: subnet-id2 count: "2" register: ec2 with_items: ec2_instances_fav2 remote_user: centos gather_facts: True sudo: false

ansible-playbook -i inventories/local/local el-aws_create-instance.yml

---- name: ensure pip is installed for curator yum: name=python-pip state=installed enablerepo=epel tags: - curator sudo: true

- stat: path=/opt/jre-8u45-linux-x64.rpm register: jre_exists tags: - jre

- name: Install Elasticsearch Curator and required dependencies. pip: "name={{ item }}" with_items: - elasticsearch-curator - argparse tags: - curator sudo: true

- name: download Oracle Java JRE Runtime command: 'wget -q -O /opt/jre-8u45-linux-x64.rpm --no-cookies --no-check-certificate —header "Cookie: gpw_e24=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oracle.com%2F; oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie" "http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u45-b14/jre-8u45-linux-x64.rpm"' when: jre_exists.stat.exists == False

- name: install Oracle Java JRE Runtime yum: name="/opt/jre-8u45-linux-x64.rpm" state=present tags: - jre

Set up ES cluster(1/4)

- stat: path=/opt/elasticsearch-1.5.1.noarch.rpm register: el_exists tags: - elinstall

- name: download Elasticsearch command: 'wget -q -O /opt/elasticsearch-1.5.1.noarch.rpm https://download.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.5.1.noarch.rpm' when: el_exists.stat.exists == False

- name: install Elasticsearch yum: name="/opt/elasticsearch-1.5.1.noarch.rpm" state=present tags: - elinstall

- name: install plugins command: "{{ item }} chdir=/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/" with_items: - ./plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.5.1 - ./plugin -install royrusso/elasticsearch-HQ ignore_errors: true tags: - plugin

Set up ES cluster(2/4)

- name: copy conf to mem limit unlimited copy: src=99-elastic-nproc.conf dest=/etc/security/limits.d/99-elastic-nproc.conf owner=root mode=0640 tags: - ulimit sudo: true- name: sysctl configs sysctl: name=vm.swappiness value=0 state=present tags: - sysctl sudo: true- name: sysctl configs sysctl: name=vm.max_map_count=262144 value=0 state=present tags: - sysctl sudo: true- name: sysctl configs sysctl: name=fs.file-max value=64000 state=present tags: - sysctl sudo: true- name: disable swap command: swapoff -a tags: - swap sudo: true

Set up ES cluster(3/4)

- name: set up elasticsearch.yaml template: src=elasticsearch.j2 dest=/etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml owner=root mode=0644 backup=yes tags: - elconf- name: ensure exists log directory and data directory file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner=elasticsearch with_items: - /var/data/elasticsearch - /var/log/elasticsearch tags: - directory sudo: true- name: start elastic service: name=elasticsearch state=restarted enabled=yes- name: copy json accounts copy: src=accounts.json dest=/home/centos owner=centos mode=0640 tags: - accounts sudo: true

Set up ES cluster(4/4)

Ansible provides a special plugin to find the running instances inside your EC2 account…

it’s called dynamic inventory

ansible-playbook -i inventories/dynamic/ec2.py el-aws_deploy-instance.yml

./ec2.py —list "eu-central-1b": [ “5*.2*.8*.4*”, “5*.2*.3*.9*”, “5*.2*.4*.3*” ],

Insert some datalet’s try to insert a sample bank dataset, here a small part of it:{ "account_number": 0, "balance": 16623, "firstname": "Bradshaw", "lastname": "Mckenzie", "age": 29, "gender": "F", "address": "244 Columbus Place", "employer": "Euron", "email": "[email protected]", "city": "Hobucken", "state": “CO"}

curl -XPOST 'localhost:9200/bank/account/_bulk?pretty' --data-binary @accounts.json

Let’s see the output

Elastic HQ

What we have achieved?• a mass production system without handy configuration• a fully reproducible environment• scalability• availability• exit staff proof• fully documentated by the code• reduced stress ……………………………………………………

state of the art &

current workflow

I’m almost a DevOps

Current workflowAssumptions:

dev environment = local environment

developers using Vagrant and Ansible to configure their environment

deploys are via Idephix or rsync

dev asks to sysadmins to provision staging & prod

sysadmins add their roles to production environment !!

roles repo is inside local network, remote dev can’t obtain that roles

we haven’t a single source of code for Ansible roles

we don’t share efforts on roles


we got rolling updates on all machines though Ansibleon newer machines we have some sysadmin roles like:

• distrib role• security role • s3 role• vpn role

but we haven’t any application oriented roles like webserver role or php role on stag/prod

easiest workflowsysadmin will provision staging and production using same roles that dev use•developers deploy app code•syasadmin deploy roles

2nd workflowdevelopers also deploy the infrastructural code

Can Idephix be also a provisioner ??







