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Explorations in Meteorology 43 Lab 10 Answer Key ANSWER KEY Part I: 500–mb Analysis 1. Using an erasable pencil, plot the following 500–mb observations on Figure 3, according to the plotting model in Figure 2. Use Figure 1 for the radiosonde locations. (Note: Table 3 contains measurements expressed to tenths of degrees and tenths of knots. You may need to round the data to plot according to the standard conventions.) Table 3 – Selected 500–mb Observations from 0000 UTC on 17 October 1996 Station ID Station Name Latitude Longitude Height (in m) Temp (in °C) Dewpoint (in °C) Wind Speed (in kts) Wind Direction (in deg) ABR Aberdeen, SD 45.45° N 98.43° W 5590 –16.3 –19.2 48.6 235 AMA Amarillo, TX 35.23° N 101.70° W 5740 –11.1 –36.1 44.7 285 BNA Nashville, TN 36.13° N 86.68° W 5770 –12.5 –22.5 15.5 260 EYW Key West, FL 24.55° N 81.75° W 5880 –4.9 –13.9 7.8 95 GGW Glasgow, MT 48.22° N 106.62° W 5470 –30.5 –45.5 9.7 260 GJT Grand Junction, CO 39.12° N 108.53° W 5620 –23.1 –24.6 48.6 255 OTX Spokane, WA 47.68° N 117.63° W 5500 –31.7 –38.7 25.3 305 OUN Norman, OK 35.22° N 97.45° W 5750 –10.9 –31.9 29.1 245 TFX Great Falls, MT 47.45° N 111.38° W 5460 –30.9 –43.9 19.4 230 TUS Tucson, AZ 32.12° N 110.93° W 5800 –9.9 –45.9 17.5 325 2. Analyze the 500-mb height field on Figure 3 by drawing height contours at intervals of 60 m (6 decameters, or 6 dam). Use an erasable pencil, and use the accepted contour values of 5340, 5400, 5460… meters (534, 540, 546 dam). You may find it useful to start with the height contour of 552 dam (in Central WY). When you are satisfied with the placement of your height lines, trace over them with a black colored pencil to solidify your analysis. [Note: Because the observations are rounded to the nearest 10 m, a plotted value of 564 dam could represent a 500-mb height from 5635 m to 5644 m. This degree of uncertainty in the plotted measurements allows some freedom in drawing and smoothing the height contours. The overall smoothness of the contour is more important than “forcing a fit” of a given contour line to any one observation.]
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Explorations in Meteorology 43 Lab 10 Answer Key

ANSWER KEYPart I: 500–mb Analysis

1. Usinganerasablepencil,plotthefollowing500–mbobservationsonFigure3,accordingtotheplottingmodelinFigure2.UseFigure1fortheradiosondelocations.(Note:Table3containsmeasurementsexpressedtotenthsofdegreesandtenthsofknots.Youmayneedtoroundthedatatoplotaccordingtothestandardconventions.)

Table 3 – Selected 500–mb Observations from 0000 UTC on 17 October 1996

Station ID

Station Name Latitude LongitudeHeight (in m)

Temp(in °C)

Dewpoint(in °C)

Wind Speed (in kts)

Wind Direction(in deg)

ABR Aberdeen,SD 45.45°N 98.43°W 5590 –16.3 –19.2 48.6 235

AMA Amarillo,TX 35.23°N 101.70°W 5740 –11.1 –36.1 44.7 285

BNA Nashville,TN 36.13°N 86.68°W 5770 –12.5 –22.5 15.5 260

EYW KeyWest,FL 24.55°N 81.75°W 5880 –4.9 –13.9 7.8 95

GGW Glasgow,MT 48.22°N 106.62°W 5470 –30.5 –45.5 9.7 260

GJT GrandJunction,CO 39.12°N 108.53°W 5620 –23.1 –24.6 48.6 255

OTX Spokane,WA 47.68°N 117.63°W 5500 –31.7 –38.7 25.3 305

OUN Norman,OK 35.22°N 97.45°W 5750 –10.9 –31.9 29.1 245

TFX GreatFalls,MT 47.45°N 111.38°W 5460 –30.9 –43.9 19.4 230

TUS Tucson,AZ 32.12°N 110.93°W 5800 –9.9 –45.9 17.5 325

2. Analyzethe500-mbheightfieldonFigure3bydrawingheightcontoursatintervalsof60m(6decameters,or6dam).Useanerasablepencil,andusetheacceptedcontourvaluesof5340,5400,5460…meters(534,540,546dam).Youmayfinditusefultostartwiththeheightcontourof552dam(inCentralWY).Whenyouaresatisfiedwiththeplacementofyourheightlines,traceoverthemwithablackcoloredpenciltosolidifyyouranalysis. [Note:Because theobservationsare roundedto thenearest10m,aplottedvalueof564damcouldrepresenta500-mbheightfrom5635mto5644m.Thisdegreeofuncertaintyintheplottedmeasurementsallowssomefreedomindrawingandsmoothingtheheightcontours.Theoverallsmoothnessofthecontourismoreimportantthan“forcingafit”ofagivencontourlinetoanyoneobservation.]

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Explorations in Meteorology 44 Lab 10 Answer Key

Figure 3 – Completed 500–mb Chart for 0000 UTC on 17 October 1996

3. Usingasolid,redzigzagline,marktheheightridge(s)onthe500-mbmapinFigure3.Similarly,useadashed,redstraightlinetoindicateanyheighttrough(s).

4. Onyour500-mbanalysis (Figure3), (a)whereare thestrongestgeostrophicwindsand (b)whereare theweakest geostrophic winds? (c) Discuss what you see as the relationship between the strength of thegeostrophicwindsandthespacing(distance)betweentheheightcontours.




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Explorations in Meteorology 45 Lab 10 Answer Key

5. Ingeneral,(a)dothe500-mbheightsincreaseordecreasefromnorthtosouthovertheUnitedStates(e.g.,fromMinnesotatoTexas)?(b)Explainwhytheyincreaseordecrease.


6. Comment on the temperature pattern as it relates to the orientation and alignment of the troughs andridges.


7. (Advanced Students/Meteorology Majors) Explainwhy500mbwaschosenasamandatorylevelandisroutinelyanalyzed.[Hint:Thinkabouttheresultingmotionofa30-mtallpolefromhorizontalforcesappliedequallyatheightsof5m,15m,and25m.]


Part II: 850–mb, 700–mb, and 300–mb Analyses

In addition to the 500-mb map, meteorologists examine surface, 850-mb, 700-mb, and 300-mb (or 250-mb)chartstounderstandthecurrentstateoftheatmosphereinthreedimensions.Inthissection,youwillworktounderstandthethree-dimensionalpicturefor17October1996.Figures4,5,and6displaytheisobaricmapsfor850mb,700mb,and300mb,respectively.Figure7displaysthesurfacemap.Usethesefigurestoanswerthefollowingquestions.

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Explorations in Meteorology 46 Lab 10 Answer Key

Figure 4 – 850–mb Chart for 0000 UTC on 17 October 1996 with Height Contours (thick, gray lines) and Isotherms (thin, red lines)

8. Calculatethedewpointtemperatureat850mb(Figure4)forthefollowingstations:Boise,ID;Bismarck,ND;Buffalo,NY;KeyWest,FL;Nashville,TN;MooreheadCity,NC;Norman,OK;Oakland,CA;Omaha,NE;andTopeka,KS.WritethedewpointvalueingreenonFigure4abovethecorrespondingstationtemperature.

9. The850-mbchartisusedfrequentlytoanalyzetheamountofmoistureavailableforcloudsandprecipitation.




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Explorations in Meteorology 47 Lab 10 Answer Key

Figure 5 – 700–mb Chart for 0000 UTC on 17 October 1996 with Height Contours (thick, gray lines) and Isotherms (thin, red lines)

10.Use the700-mbchart (Figure5) andagreenpencil tooutlineandshade theareaswhere thedewpointdepression(T-D)islessthanorequalto3°C.Theseshadedareaslocateregionswherethereissubstantialmoistureandperhapsextensivecloudcover.Inadditiontothe850-mbchart,the700-mbchartisusedtoanalyzetheamountofmoistureavailableforcloudsandprecipitation.

11. Ifyouwereapilotandyourlicenselimitedyouto“visualflightrule”conditions(i.e.,clearskies),whatarea(s)ofthecountrywouldyoumostlikelyremaingrounded?

Asapilot limited toVFRconditions,youwould remaingrounded in thenorthernGreatPlainsandpartsof theGulfcoast.



Temperature over CO will decrease during next 12 hours (because much colder temperatures (–8°C to –12°C) areupstream(northwest)ofColorado)

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Explorations in Meteorology 48 Lab 10 Answer Key

13. The300-mbchartisusedfrequentlytoanalyzethelocationandstrengthofthejet stream(i.e.,arelativelynarrowcurrentofstrongwinds)anditsinfluenceonweathersystems.Thejetstreamoccursnearthislevelbecause thegeostrophicwindsare fasterhere thanat theothermandatory levels.On the300-mbchart(Figure6),drawathick,bluecurvedlinewhereyouthinkthejetstreamislocated.Thejetstreamshouldbeparalleltotheflowandextendfromonesideofthemaptotheother.[Hint:Startbyfindingthefastestwindspeeds.]





Figure 6 – 300–mb Chart for 0000 UTC on 17 October 1996 with Height Contours (thick, gray lines)
