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Answers Pain Brochure - walgreens.com · help relieve and manage stress.4 Answers . at wa41~ QA •...

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  • Answers begin here for managing pain.

    Pain often gets better on its own. But

    sometimes it doesn't go away, or it

    gets worse. If this is the case, let your

    healthcare provider know as soon as

    possible in order to rule out serious

    injury or other health problems.1

    Read on for answers about how to

    manage your pain better.

    Answers at Wal!~


    tension headaches ................... Page 4

    migraine headaches ................ Page 7

    arthritis ..................................... Page 10

    muscle pain and cramps .......... Page 15

    fever.......................................... Page 18

    backache .................................. Page 20

    pain and health concerns ......... Page 22

    menstrual cramps .................... Page 25

    pain definitions ......................... Page 26

    Tlisbrod11n 11 m•10 ICI • • g'*le. ft lsmta !Ul!iituteI«medCll ldllct

    3 2


  • What is a tension headache?

    The pain from a tension headache may feel like a dull pressure or a tight band around your head. You might also feel tension in your temples, neck and shoulders. Tension headaches can be caused by:

    • Tlghtening of the neck muscles due to

    stress, depression, anxiety or anger

    • A head injury

    • Poor posture

    • Sleeping in a cold room, or an

    awkward neck position during sleep2

    Answers at w~~

    What pain relievers can help treat a tension headache?

    Over the counter pain relievers like aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve tension headaches. For more severe or chronic tension headaches, you may need prescription pain relievers or muscle relaxants.2

    be l ntormed

    Other causes of tension

    headaches include:

    • Certain foods, alcohol and caffeine

    • Colds, flu or sinus lnfection

    • Smoking

    • Changes in sleep schedule

    • Eyestrain

    • Noise

    • Perfume and chemical odors

    • Extreme fatigue or hormone changes

    • Skipplng meals3

    4 5

  • What are some nonmedical options to prevent tension headaches?

    • Practice good posture and take frequent breaks to exercise your neck and shoulders when typing or working on computers or similar repetitive tasks.

    • Visit a physical therapist who can provide special stretching and strengthening exercises or a chiropractor who can help correct bad posture issues.

    • Try biofeedback or other relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga and deep breathing/visualization to help relieve and manage stress.4

    Answers at wa41~

    QA • ~

    What is a migraine headache?

    Migraines are another common form of headache that can cause intense throbbing or pounding, pain, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. A migraine can last for a few hours or even a few days. A pulsing pain can be in the forehead, side of the head or near the eyes.

    What are migraine triggers?

    Avoid migraine triggers like aged

    cheeses, wine, peanut butter and

    luncheon meats. Migraines can

    also be triggered by strong odors,

    bright lights, loud noises, weather

    changes and fatigue, among

    other things. Not everyone has

    the same migraine triggers.5•6

    6 7

  • QA

    How can I prevent

    migraine headaches?

    • Get on a regular schedule for

    eating, sleeping and exercise

    • Stay well hydrated

    • Manage stress at home and

    in the workplace

    • Quit smoking7

    How do I treat a migraine


    Over the counter pain relievers

    like aspirin, aspirin-and-caffeine

    combination, acetaminophen,

    ibuprofen and naproxen can help

    to relieve migraine pain. If you have

    frequent, very severe migraines.

    consult your healthcare provider

    about prescription medications.8

    be l nformed

    Nonmedical options:

    Lie down in a dark, quiet room with

    a cool compress on your forehead.

    • Massage your neck muscles. scalp

    and temples to alleviate tension

    and tightness.9

    Answers at w~~

    What is a dehydration headache?

    If you don't drink enough water, you

    can develop a headache. You may have

    pain over your entire head, or it may

    be focused ln one specific location.

    The paln may become more severe

    if you bend down, move your head

    or just walk around. A dehydration

    headache should improve if you drink 16-32 oz. when you first feel symptoms. If left untreated, 1t can cause severe

    pain and vomiting and may even

    require treatment with IV fluids.10

    8 9


  • What is arthritis?

    What steps can help my arthritis?

    • Weight loss helps to reduce stress on the knees, hips and lower back and leads to healthier joints.

    • Exercise can improve muscle strength and range of motion, and can reduce stiffness. Be sure to ask your healthcare provider if you have any exercise restrictions.

    • Braces. canes or other devices can

    help in daily activities.

    • Heat or cold therapy can provide

    short-term relief.

    • Massage, acupuncture and visits to a chiropractor or physical therapist may provide temporary relief of osteoarthritis symptoms.12

    Arthritis refers to a group of more than 100 diseases and conditions that inflame joints and the tissues around them.11 Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting more than 27 million people in the U.S. Symptoms of osteoarthritis include joint pain, stiffness and swelling. a cracking or gnnding noise as 101nts are moved and problems with the

    function of the joints.12

    11Answers at w~~10


  • QA ••

    What are some hot and cold therapy options for arthritis pain?

    Both heat and cold therapies can help reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis. You and your healthcare provider can decide which one might work best for you.13

    Heat therapy increases blood flow.

    tolerance for pain and flexibility.

    Some techniques you can try:

    • Apply moist heat, such as placing

    warm towels or hot packs on the

    inflamed joint.

    • Take a warm bath or shower.

    • Use a heating patch or belt.14

    • Relax in a heated swimming pool

    or hot tub.14 However, you need to limit your time in the hot water if you have a heart condition or take blood pressure medication. Hot water can overheat you, cause dehydration and increase your blood pressure.15

    Cold therapy numbs the nerves

    around the joint. This reduces pain and may relieve inflammation and muscle spasms.

    Some examples of cold therapy are:

    • Cold packs

    • Ice massage

    • Soaking in cold water

    • Over the counter (OTC) sprays and ointments that cool the skin and joints.18

    12 Answers at w~~ 13


  • What are some other

    arthritis pain options?

    Topical pain rel evers

    These may cause your skin to feel hot or cold, which can briefly help stop the feeling of pain. Some products contain:

    • Capsaicin, a hot pepper extract that will cause your skin to feel very warm.

    • SaJicylates, the active ingredient

    found 1n aspirin.

    • Menthol, which makes the skin

    feel cooler.17

    Oral pain relievers

    • Acetaminophen is often a first choice for treatment of osteoarthritis because if does not irritate the stomach.

    • Ibuprofen and naproxen are also effective but can cause stomach upset, so they are best taken with food. Use only as directed on the product label.18

    Speak to your healthcare provider

    or Walgreens pharmacist about

    what options are best for you.

    -~-. . . EX~~RiffoTM . . : ; Pain · · · · · ·:: · · -. Reliever

  • • •

    - .

    What can I do to help

    relieve muscle pain?

    • Pain-relieving creams and sprays

    can offer temporary rel ief for muscle soreness by helping to numb the

    skin surface. Heat can also help,

    but don't use these creams and

    sprays with a heating pad as they can

    cause burns.20

    • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help soothe the pain.21

    • If your pain continues, stretching,

    massage or acupuncture may 23be helpful.22·

    If you have swelling and significant

    pain, talk to your healthcare provider. 24

    Answers at w~~

    How can I reduce or prevent muscle cramps?

    • Stretch before and after you exercise.

    A warm-up and cool-down can help

    prevent muscle cramping. If your

    cramps happen at night, help prevent

    them by stretching during the day.

    • Drink plenty of fluids, and if you

    are sweating a lot due to heavy

    exercise, drink both water and an

    electrolyte drink to replenish your fluids and salt.25

    • Eat foods that contain calcium,

    vitamin D, vitamin E and magnesium may also help.26

    • Drink beverages with quinine, like

    tonic water. This may help prevent

    muscle cramps. However, you

    should first check with your

    healthcare provider.27

    • Ask your healthcare provider or

    Walgreens pharmacist if your med1cation(s) may be a cause of your muscle cramps.2a

    16 17


  • What can I do for a fever?

    If your fever is 102°F or lower, get plenty of rest and stay hydrated by drinking a lot of fluids. In addition, the following may help to relieve discomfort:

    • Take ibuprofen, acetaminophen or another type of over the counter (OTC), fever-reducing product if you feel uncomfortable.

    • A lukewarm sponge bath may help lower your fever. Wear light clothing and cover yourself with a light sheet or cover. If you become chilled, cover up with an extra blanket, but remove it once the chills subside. Bundling under layers of dothing and blankets traps heat, making a fever last longer than usual. 29

    Answers at w~~

    If your fever is 103"F or greater, or if any of the following applies to you, contact your healthcare provider:

    • Your fever does not improve or

    lasts longer than three days.

    • You have a severe headache,

    stiff neck, confusion, excess

    sleepiness. sore throat, pain with

    urination, abdominal pain, repeated

    vomiting, chest pain, shortness of

    breath or other unusual symptoms.29

    18 19


  • Other tips include·

    • Reach and stay at a healthy weight.

    This limits the strain on your back.

    • Watch your posture. Lift heavy

    objects carefully. To lift an item, hold

    it close to your body, lift with your

    knees and keep your abdominal

    muscles tight.

    • Stay active. Experts suggest

    everyone do a total of at least

    150 minutes of moderate aerobic

    activity every week. Check with your

    healthcare provider before starting

    an exercise program-particularly if

    you have other health conditions.

    • Limit bending, twisting or reaching.

    If you carry a lot of materials around at work. put them in a rolling suitcase or cart.JJ

    How can I treat backaches?

    The best way to fight back pain is to

    target the inside of your body as well

    as the outside. Take pain relievers to

    help reduce the pain and use topical

    warming creams, heating pads, regular

    massage and other external treatments

    to reduce your discomfort. Talk to your

    doctor before using topicals and orals

    to prevent an overdose.30-32

    Answers at w~~ 20 21

  • What types of serious pain require immediate medical treatment?

    These three types of pain could mean a serious health problem and require immediate emergency medical treatment:

    Answers at w~~

    • Chest pain Sometimes chest pain that doesn't go away can be a symptom of a heart attack.34

    • Severe or persistent headache Headache with a loss of feeling or weakness in any part of the body, or headache along with problems with speech, vision, movement or keeping your balance could be a sign of stroke.35

    • Worsening abdom nal pain This could be a sign of an inflamed appendix, known as appendicitis.36

    I know I can take aspirin for pain. Can aspirin also protect my heart?

    People who are at high risk for a heart attack or have already had a heart attack may find it helpful to take a daily, low dose of aspirin. This can help prevent blood clots. Ask your healthcare provider if it is right for you.37

    ·-·-· __..,lil4YER-eo

    22 23


  • • •

    What is TENS therapy?

    One method used to treat pain 1s

    called transcutaneous electrical nerve

    stimulation, or TENS therapy. The TENS

    unit consists of one or more electrical

    signal generators, a battery and a set

    of electrodes. They are small and can

    be programmed. These units are often

    placed over the skin near the source of

    pain. Training is required to use the device

    properly. There are several settings that

    vary the type and strength of electrical

    pulse the patient receives. TENS can

    cause skin irritation and redness and

    some people may be allergic to the tape

    or gel used with the device. TENS units

    are available at Walgreens without a

    presciptlon. However, you should first

    check with your healthcare provider to

    find out whether your pain condition

    can benefit from TENS therapy. 38

    P•• Minct• •"1 .t•IM ""l"

    Answers at Wa4'~

    How can I treat menstrual cramps?

    Start by lying

    down. You can

    also place a

    heating pad or

    hot water bottle on


    your lower abdomen. Those will

    help relax the cramping uterine muscles.

    Empty your bladder whenever you feel

    the need to urinate. Regular exercise

    can help tone your muscles and reduce

    cramping if it develops. Ibuprofen

    and other OTC pain medications may

    also provide relief.38 Prescription pain

    relievers can be helpful for severe menstrual cramps.4o

    25 24


  • • Arthritis

    Common areas of the body affected:

    knee, wrist, hand, shoulder, hips.

    Wear and tear on a joint that can lead

    to pain, swelling, stiffness, redness

    or warmth.

    • Back pain

    Back pain can result from

    accidents/iniunes, muscle strains,

    being overweight or normal aging.

    Answers at w~~

    Pain can be constant and may get

    worse with movement or heavy lifting.

    Other common symptoms include

    aching or stiffness, often in the lower

    back, but they can occur anywhere.

    These symptoms may get worse

    when you're tired or when you've

    been standing for a long time.

    • Bruise Also known as a "contusion."

    Symptoms include pain, swelling,

    and black, blue, purple, or yellow

    coloring of the skin.

    • Bursitis

    Common areas of the body affected:

    shoulder, elbow, knee, hip.

    A bursa 1s a tiny, fluid-filled sac that

    cushions and reduces friction around

    joints. In bursitis, the bursa become

    swollen and tender. The pain usually

    gets worse with movement.

    • Carpal tunnel syndrome

    This is a condition where irritation of

    a nerve in your wrist causes painful

    throbbing, tingling and numbness

    in your hand and wrist. It can be

    caused by long periods of bending

    and twisting your hands and wrists,

    or using them over and over again for

    the same task, like typing.

    26 27

  • • Ligament sprain

    Common areas of the body that are

    affected: ankle, knee, shoulder.

    A ligament is a thick tissue that

    connects one bone to another

    bone. A sprain is when the ligament

    is stretched or torn. This causes

    pain and swelling that is usually

    worse when you try to move the

    injured area.

    • Tendonitis

    Common areas of the body affected:

    knee, shoulder, elbow, hips, hands.

    A tendon is a thick tissue that

    connects muscle to bone. Stretching,

    tearing, or overuse of a tendon leads

    to pain and swelling that gets worse

    with movement. Some other names

    for tendonitis include: Little League

    elbow, golfer's elbow, tennis elbow

    and runner's knee.

    • Thumb hyperextension

    If the thumb gets stretched hard

    away from the rest of the fingers, a

    ligament called the ulnar collateral

    ligament (UCL) can be damaged.

    This causes pain and swelling at the

    base of the thumb that gets worse

    with some types of movement. Injury

    to this ligament is also called skier's

    thumb or gamekeeper's thumb.1

    Answers at Wdg~

    References: 1. htlp:/i\w,w.nlnds.nlh~Oll'dlsadel'Sl\troolc_paln/detall_dlroolc_paln.htm 2. http://W\w/.nlm.nlh.gll\dmedlineplus/ency/ar1idei000797.htm l http://ww.v.webmd.oornlmi!J'alne!Hleada:llei?lgulde/mqaines-lleadaclles-Oasl~page:2 4. http://W\w/.nlm.nll~Oll'medlil!!Jluslency/patientinslructloosll'.l1.hm 5. http://famllyOOcta.ag/famlljdoctm'en/dlseases-anlltioos/mqaines.JJlnter.iew.all.html 6. http://W\w/.ma)OClinlc.oonVhealtMnigraine-lleadoclle/IJS00120/IJSECTION=Ca1ises 7. htlp'.//W\w/.mbmd.oornlmi!1alne!Hleada:llei?lguldelleaming-00pe-migraines-lleadactes a htlp'.//W\w/.mllmd.oornlmi!1alne!Hleada:llei?1Jl

  • -

    Questions about which pain management products are right for you?

    Walgreens pharmacists can help you determine the best pain management products for your individual needs. Consult with one of our knowledgeable pharmacists in store or to chat with a live pharmacist

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    ~ anytime day or night log on to Walgreens.com/PharmacyChat.

    Answers at w~~ e 2014Walgreen Co. Al rights reserved. Trademarks are

    the propertyof their respective owners. IJsed with permission.


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