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Anti-Clockwise_MAJOR QUIZ'13.pptx

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  • 7/29/2019 Anti-Clockwise_MAJOR QUIZ'13.pptx


  • 7/29/2019 Anti-Clockwise_MAJOR QUIZ'13.pptx


    Same as clockwise +10/-10 on pounce

    +10 on a direct and a pass

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    Chill, as his friends called him, was a

    famous cartoonist. He took up

    permanent residence in 1920 on Elm

    Street and stayed there until 1947. He

    attended public school in Westfield andwas fond of visiting the Presbyterian

    Cemetery on Mountain Ave. When he

    was a youngster he was caught by the

    police for breaking into a house on

    Dudley Avenue. On the second floor ofthe garage behind the main house there

    is a chalk drawing of a skeleton which is

    believed to have been drawn by him.

    That house on Dudley and one on Elm

    Street is said to be the inspiration for his

    most famous creation..

    Related to 2 Us prezs and a Social


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    X is a personal documentary by acclaimed Italian-American director Martin Scorsese. The film is avoyage through Italian cinema history, markinginfluential films for Scorsese and particularly covering

    the Italian neo realism period. The films ofY make up for half the films discussed in

    the entire documentary, dealing with his seminalinfluence on Italian cinema and cinema history. Other

    directors mentioned include Vittorio de Sica, LuchinoVisconti, Federico Fellini, Michelangelo Antonioni. The title of this documentary itself is that of one Ys

    major films.

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    3. Few people know that X was actually involved inmedical research. He wanted to save his sister-in

    law and approached Carrel with the idea ofworking on the heart. In the end they started workon culturing organs and made a perfusion system.

    Very few actually know that most of todayscardiovascular surgery techniques have been madepossible due to Xs efforts who tried to applymechanical solutions to technical problems.

    X along with Carrel have been featured on theTIME cover, and Carrel went on to win the Nobelprize for his work on the transplantation of organs

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    When you spend a couple of years making andmarketing a $200m movie, you surely dont getits name wrong by mistake. So whats up?Among the welter of theories, the one most

    favoured lays the blame on XY. XYs surviving members are presumed to have

    bullied Paramount into changing the title toenforce their supposed copyright, or demanded

    a royalty large enough to make even aHollywood giant baulk.

    Since the appearance of the expression in1973,atleast 2 films, a video game and many novels

    have borne the same name

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    X is the official system of belief or doctrine heldby a religion, or a particular group ororganization. The term derives from Greek for

    that which seems to one, opinion or belief. Y however claims that he did not know the

    meaning of the term X until his friend JacquesMonod pointed it out to him.

    I did apprehend this in a vague sort of way butsince I thought that all religious beliefs werewithout foundation, I used the word the way Imyself thought about it, not as most of the worlddoes

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    Central Dogma of Molecular biology

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    She was 3 years old when she was taken from thestreets of Moscow. She was placed in her newhome days in advance, and was covered in analcohol solution and painted with iodine in

    several spots so that sensors could be attached toher to monitor her heartbeat, blood pressure andother bodily functions. Females were chosen

    because they did not have to stand to urinate. Some say that she was poisoned after 4 days,

    others believe that she could not withstand thehigh temperatures.

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    It was the year 1931 and Franky was one among6 British mountaineers who lost his way whiledescending Mt.Kamet. He was known for hisirascibility and decided to try another face of

    Kamet while descending and as luck would haveit, he stumbled upon X, which was earlier knownas bhyundar by the locals. He described it as Icould see splashes of Blue everywhere, a blue so

    intense that it seemed to light the hillside. Atonce the day seemed to brighten perceptibly

    X belongs to an exclusive list which Y joined lastyear

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    UNESCO Natural world heritage sites in India

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    Born in New York, he trained as a geologist beforefinally taking up the chair as Alexander Agassizprofessor of Zoology at Harvard in 1982. He wasalso diagnosed with mesothelioma, rumoured to

    have been precipitated by the asbestos lining ofthe specimen cabinets at Harvard.

    However, he continued to live for 20 years moreand is best known to the public through this

    unbroken sequence of 300 monthly essays in theNatural History Magazine. Who be this famousevolutionary biologist whose only peers couldhave been Huxley and Haldane

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    9. Also known as the forgotten Holocaust

    during World War II, the death toll here (Dec1937) is more than the combined death toll ofHiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Iris chang, an American historian andjournalist is said to have documented theentire atrocities which was committed againstChinese by forces of the Imperial Japanese

    Army during the Second Sino-Japanese Warand includes interviews with victims. It wasmistakenly claimed to be the first English-language nonfiction account of the atrocity.

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    10. My review of ____: One Hell of a Life. I

    think its a very engaging read right from thestart. First part is more exciting ( since it talksabout her swimming career). It is a very honestappraisal and a lot of raw emotion expressed.She candidly describes the pain of losing abrother due to leukaemia and her mum in a caraccident when she was the driver. Her battle

    with alcoholism, her antics with the Japanesepolice and her cruel suspension have beendocumented very well. All in all a brilliant read.

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    11. It was born in 1984, which makes it 28, usuallya dangerous age in the perennially young fashion

    world. X, not the actress- singer it was namedafter is definitely in that ageless, Anna Wintourleague and many here are willing to sway it and

    sway by it. The sight of Y toting an X in Delhi last year didnt

    put off patriotic Indian fashionistas from

    Bhatinda to Bellary. Even Shane warne wouldntmind carrying Lizs classic tan one around for her.

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    12. Raymond Sabourand first isolated this type

    of fungi, although the credit for identificationgoes to a french scientist by the name of CharlesMalassez, who then called it Malassezia.


    metabolizes triglycerides present in sebum bythe expression of lipase, resulting in a lipidbyproduct oleic acid.

    Selenium disulfide or Ketoconazole are effectiveagainst this. One could also use lowconcentration hydrogen peroxide also.

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    13. At the instigation of a Stanfordpsychology grad student Vik Lovell, Xvolunteered to take part in a CIAfinanced study, where he worked as anight aide. The project studied theeffects of psychoactive drugs

    particularly LSD, mescaline, cocaineon people. X often spoke to theseMedical guinea pigs who wereunder the influence of these drugs

    and this inspired him to write Y. Hewas a key proponent of the Summerof Love phenomenon and used tothrow parties at his home known as

    acid tests

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    14. It has been Caltechs halloween traditionsince 1972.

    Its sort of a great symbol of Caltech fun, usingsomething like liquid nitrogen and looking forthe infamous blue flash when it impacts with the

    ground says Tom Mannion, President ofStudent and CampusLife.

    Students generally gather around 11PM on thetallest building in Caltech and this ceremony lastfor 5 minutes after midnight in honour of a greatpersonality who was at Caltech

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    Born in Kerala, his innate love for learningdifferent languages arose out of his desire tolearn at first hand the great classics of variouslanguages in their original.And he learnt Russian to read Tolstoy's Warand Peace as well as French, Finnish and

    polish to read masterpieces written in thoselanguages. The late Shri. C.Rajagopalachari chose him to

    translate his Mahabharata in Bengali. He also

    translated it in Malayalam and helped Rajajito render it in English from the original Tamil.However, he wrote something which hasbecome an integral part of every HinduHousehold in the world. What ?

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    16. In 1519, Cortes got his first sight of X whenhe invaded Mexico and came into contact withthe Aztecs. X was an important food for theAztec Indians, who also used X as decoration forceremonial headdresses, necklaces and

    ornaments on statues of their gods, includingTlaloc, the god of rain and fertility. An early Spanish account of a ceremony

    honoring the Aztec gods who watched over

    fishermen reads: "They scattered before himparched ____, called momochitl, they said thesewere hailstones given to the god of water."

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    17. The 1936 olympics had started in Berlin. AndHitler was angry that Owens had won the 100mt

    dash, and being a health faddist, he insisted thatthe americans were consuming something unusual.

    The same year, anti semitism hurt sales when a

    German competitor stole a number of theseproducts and urged consumers to avoid this Jewish-American product. To counter this, Xpassed out their products at Hitler youth rallies

    with huge swastika signs all over them Post world war II, the american military were

    convinced that X was a morale booster and G.I.swere exempted from sugar rationing.

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    Mohd. Rafi

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    19. Militaryindustrial complex, is a conceptcommonly used to refer to policy and monetary

    relationships between legislators, nationalarmed forces, and the military industrial basethat supports them. The term gained popularityafter its use by the retiring X on January 17, 1961.

    Y refers to the policy making relationshipbetween Congress, bureaucracies and interestedgroups. The earliest reference to the term Y goes

    back to Jan 17th, 1919, when Ralph Pulitzer (sonof Joseph Pulitzer) famously wrote about theParis Peace Conference and the newrelationships between the allied governments

    A h lid D h

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    One of the most abject failures in the history of

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    One of the most abject failures in the history ofpublishing occurred in 1846, Poems by Currer,Ellis and Acton Bell was a slim volume of poetry

    selling only two copies.

    The hundreds of unsold books that remained the original edition had been of a thousand

    were left languishing in the storerooms of thepublishers, Aylott and Jones. The main subjectof the poems was death, illness, betrayal,separation from loved ones and emotionalanguish, it is a fantastically morbid collection.The title with its ambiguous christian namesitself is gem of cryptography are filled withreason.

    A th t lid D t th t

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