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Anti Globalization Presentations

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  • 8/12/2019 Anti Globalization Presentations



    ANTI-GLOBALI$ATIONPresentation By:

    Mohd Nor Syafiq bin Abdul Majid 2012822138Nur Sakinah binti Mat Zaki 2011989339Naim Yusree bin Mohamed Idris 2011598475

    Presented For:

    Global Business Issues (GBI 795)

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    Definitions of Globalization

    The worldwide movement toward economic, financial, trade,and communications integration

    Globalization implies the opening of local andnationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnectedand interdependent world with free transfer of capital, goods,and services across national frontiers

    However, it does not include unhinderedmovement of labour and, as suggested bysome economists, may hurt smaller or

    fragile economies if applied indiscriminately

    Source: businessdictionary.com

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    Definitions of Globalization

    Joseph Nye and John Donahue:Globalism is a state of the world

    involving networks of

    interdependence at multicontinentaldistances.

    World Bank: Globalization is thegrowing integration of economiesand societies around the world.

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    Views from Economists

    Rodrik: Globalization may come at the expenseof developing more responsible educational,

    health, and social security networks

    Amartya Sen: Third world development must beunderstood. Policies should focus on health

    and education, not simply GDP

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    Views from Economists

    Immanuel Wallerstein: Criticizesglobal capitalism and his analysis isrenowned by the anti-globalizationmovement

    James TobinGovernments

    should intervene in the economyin order to stabilize output and

    avoid recessions

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    People Say About Globalizations

    Economic Globalization caused several social ills today such as deterioration ofenvironment worldwide (global warming), third world debts, animal rights, childlabour and anarchism

    Target anti-globalization WTO (free trade), IMF (bank loans while the countrieswere in crisis), and World Bank (long term loans)

    Exploitation of world poor, workers and environment

    It make easier for the rich companies act withless accountability

    Countries individuals culture are becomingoverpowered by Americanization. (MacDonald and Star buck, Wal-Mart)

    Globalization target profit

    Anti-Globalization saw what were and will happening in the world and fights forglobaljustice

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    Globalization Pros

    Worldwide Market For Companies And The People Productivity growth among countries that produces

    goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage

    More access to products of different countries

    Open Economy Spurs Fresh Innovative Ideas From Abroad

    More influx information between two different countries

    Cross cultural mix of ideas, in time adopt favourable idea

    World Power

    Politics merging that is beneficial for everyone

    Minimizing compartmentalized powers

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    Globalization Pros

    Supporters of globalization points out the economic theory ofcomparative advantage

    Mainstream economists argue that standard of living can increase

    through free trade

    The outcomes is not always successful. Constant debate aboutpolicies and tradeoffs

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    Globalization Cons

    Job Lost Due to imports or productions shift abroad

    Service and white-collar jobs Vulnerable to operations relocatingoffshore

    Western Employees Lose their competitive advantages companies build advanced

    factories in low wage countries, making them just as productive andthus shifting quality to other countries

    Fear of losing job, companies operating under pressure

    Face pay-cut demands from employers, which often threaten toexport jobs


    Threat of corporate take-over, a lot of power through globalization

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    Goods and Service Tax

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    Introduction on GST/VAT

    GST which is also known as VAT (Value Added Tax) in manycountries is a multi-stage consumption tax on goods and services

    GST is proposed to replace the current consumption tax i.e. the sales

    tax and service tax (SST)

    GST is levied on supplies of goods or services purchased andincludes most products, except certain politically sensitive essentialssuch as groceries, residential rent, and medical services, and

    services such as financial services

    End-users pay this tax on all liable goods and services directly, in thatthe purchase price of goods and services includes GST

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    Countries ImplementingGST or VAT

    No. Region No. of Country

    1 ASEAN 7

    2 Asia 19

    3 Europe 534 Oceania 7

    5 Africa 44

    6 South America 11

    7 Caribbean, Central & North America 19

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    ASEAN (7 Countries)

    No. CountryGDP Per Capita

    (World Bank, 2011,USD)

    Year ofImplementation

    Initial Rate(%)

    CurrentRate (%)

    1 Indonesia 3,495 1984 10 10

    2 Thailand 4,972 1992 7 7

    3 Singapore 46,241 1993 3 7

    4 Philippines 2,370 1998 10 12

    5 Cambodia 897 1999 10 10

    6 Vietnam 1,407 1999 10 10

    7 Laos 1,320 2009 10 10

    Source: Official Web Malaysia GSTLast Updated : 24/1/2014 16:41

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    How does GST work

    After registration, businesses must charge GST at the prevailing rate

    This GST that they charge and collect is known as output tax,which has to be paid to Inland Revenue Board (IRB)

    GST incurred on business purchases and expenses (includingimport of goods) are known as input tax

    Businesses can claim input tax if conditions for claiming are satisfied

    This credit mechanism ensures that only the value added is taxed ateach stage of a supply chain.

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    1. Manufacturer Pays GST to Customs for imports

    Import value = $100Import GST paid = 7% X $100=$7 (input tax to claim from IRB)

    Charges and collects GST for sale of toys to retailer

    Selling price to retailer = $200GST charged to retailer = 7% X $200 = $14 (output tax to pay IRB)

    2. Retailer Pays GST to Manufacturer

    Purchase value = $200GST paid = 7% X $200=$14 (input tax to claim from IRB)

    Charges and collects GST for sale of toys to end consumer

    Selling price to end consumer = $300GST charged to end consumer = 7% X $300 = $21 (output tax to pay IRB)

    3. End-consumer Pays GST to Retailer

    Purchase value = $300GST paid = 7% X $300=$21

    End consumer is not GST-registered. Therefore, he cannot claim GST paid on his purchase from


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    The differencebetween output tax and input tax is the net GSTpayable to or refundable from Inland Revenue Board

    Example 1:

    Output tax to be paid = $30Input tax to be claimed = $10 (i.e. input tax less than output tax)Net GST payable to IRB = $20

    Example 2:

    Output tax to be paid = $10Input tax to be claimed = $30 (i.e. input tax more than output tax)Net GST refundable from IRB = $20

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    Various benefits from GSTImproved Standard of Living

    Used for development purposes for social infrastructure like health facilities and institutions,educational infrastructures and public facilities to further improve the standard of living

    Lower Cost of Doing Business

    Under the current system, some businesses pay multiple taxes and higher levels of tax-on-tax(cascading tax). With GST, businesses can benefit from recovering input tax, thus reducing costof doing business


    More funds can be channeled into nation-building projects for progress towards achieving a highincome nation

    Fairness and Equality

    With the GST, taxes are levied fairly among all the businesses involved, whether they are in themanufacturing, wholesaling, retailing or service sectors

    Enhanced Delivery System

    GST will be administrated in a fully computerized environment, therefore speeding up thedelivery, especially for refund claims. This makes it faster, more efficient and reliable

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    Increase Global Competitiveness

    Prices of Malaysian exports will become more competitive on the global stage as no GST isimposed on exported goods and services, while GST incurred on inputs can be recovered along thesupplies chain. This will strengthen our export industry, helping the country progress even further

    Enhanced Compliance

    The current SST has many inherent weaknesses making administration difficult. GST system hasin-built mechanism to make the tax administration self-policing and therefore will enhancecompliance

    Reduces Red Tape

    Under the present SST, businesses must apply for approval to get tax-free materials and also forspecial exemption for capital goods. Under GST, this system is abolished as businesses can offsetthe GST on inputs in their returns

    Fair Pricing to Consumers

    GST eliminates double taxation under SST. Consumers will pay fairer prices for most goods and

    services compared to SST

    Greater Transparency

    Unlike the present sales tax, consumers would benefit under GST as they will know exactly whetherthe goods they consume are subject to tax and the amount they pay for

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    What is Anti-Globalization

    Term used to describe the political stance of people andgroups who oppose certain aspects of globalization in itscurrent form

    Considered by many to be a social movement, while othersconsider it to be an umbrella term that encompasses a numberof separate social movements

    Participants are united in opposition to Political power of largecorporations Trade Agreements that undermines theenvironment and labour rights.

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    Developed in the late 20th century

    Seeks to protect the worlds population and ecosystem from whatthey believe to be the damaging effects of globalization

    It includes diverse and sometimes opposing understandings of theglobalization process, and incorporates alternative visions,strategies and tactics.

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    J18 (June 18, 1999) - London, UK Eugene, Oregon

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    Seattle/N30(Battle ofSeattle)

    Occurred at WTO meeting inSeattle on November 30,1999

    5,000 protesters blockeddelegates entrance to WTOmeetings in Seattle

    Protesters forced thecancellation of the openingceremony and lasted thelength of the meeting untilDecember 3

    Over 600 protesters werearrested

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    GenoaJuly 18-20,2001 (The battle ofGenoa)

    Occurred at G8 summitin Genoa , Italy, in 2001

    Biggest anti-globalization gatheringin history, 300,000protesters against theG8 meeting in Genoa,Italy

    Carlo Giuliani waskilled and severalhundreds of protesterswere injured

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    Global warming issues

    Biodiversity lost

    Species extinction


    Why Anti-Globalization

    Developing countries depend uponagriculture and this will particularly beeffected by global warming

    Developed countries exportinghazardous waste to developingcountries

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    Exploitation of third world country resources

    February 26 2007 Starbucks Vs. Ethiopian Coffee

    Plead for Starbucks support to trademark 3 of its coffees in U.S.

    1lb beans average price $1.45 (-) generator fuel (-) bank interest(-) labour (-) transports = less than $1

    2432 Ethiopian farmer $0.55 a day

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    Local and minority cultures arediminishing

    Western influences engulf

    developing countries Global expansion McDonalds

    100 countries

    Serves 50 million people daily

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    Women and Children

    Majority of sweatshops employ female

    3 major issues subjected to workers

    Wal-Mart 60,000 plus suppliers in 70 countries

    Child labour as Ages 4

    Nike factories in Pakistan

    1996 12-year-old Tariq

    Stitching Soccer Balls $0.60 a day 45+ balls

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    Human Rights

    Other issues arise correlating with sweatshops


    Code of Conducts and human rights is promoted to the public, butnot regulated or implemented on workers. Strictly their interest is notthe welfare of others, instead, their generating profits


    In Pakistan it is clearly documented that child labour is against thelaw, but the government carries lack of willingness to do

    anything about it The Pouty Bratzdolls factory in Southern China

    Working 94 hours a week, $0.17 cents paid to workers for makingeach doll at $19 retail price in US. More than 120 million Bratz dollssold in US since 2001

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    The unequal wealth distribution worldwide

    The gap between the developed countries and the third worldcounties (i.e. technology)

    The gap between the poor and rich

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    Can All Countries Benefit fromGlobalization?

    Establish international monitoring system


    each country should build up a system that can integrate into theglobal market

    protectionism in the domestic market International

    International institutions should reform to fit into the needs of theglobalization, such as IMF, World Bank, UN

    Be more responsible for all the countries, rather than some or

    few countries Be more transparent and be monitored by member

    countries from third world

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    Enhance Corporations Between Countries And Regions

    Make free trade free and fair for both developing and developedcountries

    Eliminate or reduce the trade barriers

    Get more countries involved into the global market Equal and balance development in the global market

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    Q & A
