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Anti oxidants 1

Date post: 19-Jun-2015
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Free Radical Toxics Chronic inflammation Cell Energy Reduction Free Radical and Oxidative stress The main reasons for illness and premature aging 1
Page 1: Anti oxidants 1

Free Radical


Chronic inflammation

Cell Energy Reduction

Free Radical and Oxidative stress

The main reasons for illness

and premature aging


Page 2: Anti oxidants 1


Every cell in our body is assembled by atoms

Each atom has a nucleus and electrons surrounding it.

An atom is stable when it is surrounded

by an even number of electrons.

When an atom becomes unstable it is

losing an electron and then becomes

very active and is called a Free Radical

A Free Radical wants to reach stability by

"Stilling" an electron from the nearest

atom 2

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What is Oxidation ? - It is a process in

which oxygen is combined with other

molecules. Oxidation is the main reason for

free radicals to be created in our body.

Oxidation: is destruction a chain of reaction - Free

radicals want to reach balance and "still" an electron

from the nearest atom and a new free radical atom is

created. Now the new one will seek an electron and the

same destruction process will happen again and again.

This process continues causing damage to the molecule

cell function. When this process repeats, whole cell

tissues will be damaged causing degradation in the

organ functions and will be the reason for many kinds of

illnesses. 3

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What free radical do to our body

Free Radicals can damage the nucleus of the cell

and the DNA. The result could be cancer cells.

Free radicals can damage the cell membranes

and enable uninvited materials into the cell

(bacteria chemicals toxic). The result could be

total destruction of the cell.

The following factors increase the free radicals

damage and reduction of the body guard:

Sun, Mental stress,

Wrong Nutrition, Old age and illness.


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Free radicals and toxics can cause accumulated

damage that will lead to body organ and system

malfunctioning and illnesses such as:

Arterial sclerosis Heart and Disease, Hypertension and Stroke

Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes

Brain Degenerative Disease - Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism

All type of cancer


Chronic and Infectious disease, Arthritis and Rheumatic Arthritis

Respiratory diseases, Asthma and Allergies

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) & Fibromyalgia

Gastrointestinal diseases

Auto Immune diseases - Lupus Crohn’s Endometriosis Psoriasis.

Skin ageing – Expedited aging Process, wrinkles .


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Free Radical are the Reason for

Degenerative Disease Free radicals destroy molecules when the process is repeated and will

cause degradation of the body cells and even a mutation to the cell or

death to the cell. sometimes can cause a mutation of the cell.

Damage to a number of cells in an organ will cause a degradation of

the organ functions also cause illnesses that concern that organ

function. For example if the damage cells are of the:

The Result Damaged Organ

Diabetics Pancreas

Alzheimer Brain

Dialysis and Kidney transplant Kidneys

Cataract or glaucoma Eye


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Free Radicals as the source for inflammation

The free radicals damage the tissues and the immune system respond with inflammation and fill the damaged place with a scar.

Inflamed organs from free radicals are common (Another source of inflammation are Toxic), the result can be sever chronic Disease such as:

Heart Disease and Arterial sclerosis, Osteoarthritis and

Rheumatic Arthritis, Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)

and Fibromyalgia, Gastrointestinal diseases, Auto

Immune diseases – Lupus, Crohn’s Endometriosis

Psoriasis, Skin Diseases 8

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LDL are “ship” that carry cholesterol (fat) from the Liver were it

produced in the Blood (water) to every cell in our body. it used to build the cell membrane (with out it the cell cant exist)

HDL are “ship” that carry cholesterol (fat) from the body dead

cells and carry it in the Blood (water) to the Liver to recycling

The Bad






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The Bad Cholesterol legend

Plaque is created in the arteries when the LDL is

oxidized by free radicals. The LDL is active and sinks

into the artery wall. When that happens the artery

wall can become inflamed and wounded. That

process will start a build up of scar tissue on the

artery wall called plaque.

The scar (plaque) will make the artery narrower and

less flexible and hard to adapt to changes in the blood

flow demands of the body.


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The Liver creates the exact amount of cholesterol the body


The cholesterol is important and crucial for the building of

the cells. The membrane of every cell in our body is made

of cholesterol. The cover of every nerve is cholesterol.

Large parts of the brain are made of cholesterol. Without

cholesterol our body can't exist.

Our body does not waste cholesterol it recycle it from

every dead cell. This is the function of the HDL.

So there is no Bad cholesterol !!! What is bad is the

process we losing cholesterol by oxidation of LDL by free

radical and the Arteries wall are damaged.


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An antioxidant is a substance that is capable of

neutralizing the oxidation of free Radicals by

voluntarily donating electrons.

Antioxidants terminate the destructive chain of

reactions by neutralizing the free radicals.

Low levels of antioxidants cause Oxidation

reactions >> oxidative stress and can be

damaging and kill cells.

There for we need to maintain complex systems

of multiple types of Antioxidants, such

as glutathione, vitamin C, and vitamin E etc. 12

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The ultimate antioxidants are

those our body produce.

The body produces them all the time 24 hours a day.

They are available everywhere in the body.

They become available inside the cells where they are


The main antioxidants produced by the body

are Glutathione and Carnosine

The disadvantage of them that there production depletes

with age. 14

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Glutathione has multiple functions: 1. It is the major Internal antioxidant

produced by the cells, participating directly

in the neutralization of free radicals and

reactive oxygen compounds. It as well as

maintaining External antioxidants such as

vitamins C and E in their active forms.

2. Through direct conjugation, it detoxifies

many xenobiotic (foreign compounds such

heavy metal and drags) and carcinogens, both

organic and inorganics.

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3. It is essential for the immune

system to exert its full potential e.g.: (1) modulating antigen presentation to

lymphocytes, thereby influencing cytokine

production and type of response that develops,

(2) enhancing proliferation of lymphocytes

thereby increasing magnitude of response,

(3) enhancing killing activity of cytotoxic T cells

and NK cells,

(4) regulating apoptosis, thereby maintaining

control of the immune response.

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4. It plays a fundamental role in

numerous metabolic and biochemical

reactions such as DNA synthesis and

repair, protein synthesis, prostaglandin

synthesis, amino acid transport and

enzyme activation. Thus, every system in

the body can be affected by the state of

the glutathione system, especially the

immune system, the nervous system, the

gastrointestinal system and the lungs.

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How we can Handel Free Radicals Make sure you have Anti-oxidant 24/7 by:

Eating often allot and variety of Anti Oxidants

Eat Whole protein an Selenium which are the building

blocks for self production of Glutathione and Carnosine.

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It is very hard to get Glutathione as a

supplement since most of it become

oxygenated in the digestion process.

The only efficient way to get it externally

by IV injections.

LifeWave Company invented patches that

boost Glutathione and Carnosine

production by 300% within 24 hours. It is

not a drug and it Not invasive to the body.


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How we can handle free radicals 2 Avoid internal and external Free Radical

Avoid Smoking both active and passive.

Don't stay in industrial polluted areas such as power plants, factories, transportation areas like airports, freeways, any excessive areas that you know are polluted.

Avoid industrialized food – TRANS fat, moldy oil and grains

Don’t Eat Burned food – frying, over baking and BBQ

Avoid Electro magnetic radiation- cell phone, wireless phones, micro-wave Tv & computer screens.

Minimize the use of Medications

Avoid Chemicals - pest control in agriculture and home

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How we can Handel Free Radicals 3

Avoid Sun Radiation – UV don’t over expose to sun

Avoid over-work both physical and mental

Avoid intensive sports.

Avoid Mental stress

Avoid Inflammation from Allergies and Sensitivity

like Gluten Lactose ….

Avoid chronic illness by handling your life correctly.

Eat the right foods, take the right supplements and

participate in the right sports activities such as Yoga, Tai

Chi, Swimming.
