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Antibiotic Smart Use

Date post: 07-Mar-2016
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 คณะแพทยศาสตร      ร   ราชพยาบาล มหาวทยาล   ยมห   ดล . Pornpan Koomanachai Division of Infectious diseases and Tropical Medicine Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
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คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


Pornpan Koomanachai

Division of Infectious diseases and Tropical MedicineDepartment of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine SirirajHospital

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


A major threat to pu!lic health

ป  ญหาหล กทางสาธารณสข

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


Commonly used in ambulatory care facility

(ใช  บ อย) Antibiotics can be purchased without

prescriptions (ซ    อเองได  )

A systematic revie" and meta#analysis

Antibiotic prescribing in primary care Prescribing an antibiotic in primary care for

a respiratory or urinary infection developbacterial resistance to that antibiotic

Costelloe C et al.BMJ 2010;340:c2096

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


URI and acute diarrhea: common self-limiting(การต  ดเช    อทางเด  นหายใจส วนต  นและท  องร วง

  เฉ  ยบพล น)

 The prevalence of group A streptococci !A"# inadults with sore throat attending "irira$ %ospital

&'() to **'+)

,o compelling data on antibiotic treatment ofpatients with URI other than !A" are benecial

Asawapo.ee , et al' / Infect 0is Antimicrob Agents *(1+2 3: *+*-4 Treebupachatsa.ul P et al' / 5ed Assoc Thai 677821(1#:**&1-18

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


In healthy individuals with acute diarrhea almost always self-limited2 หายได  !ง$$$$

"tandard guidelines การใช  ยาต

  านจลช  พต

  อง!  "




ส #า$ % $  อ empiric antibiotic therapy is recommended

only for invasive or in9ammatory diarrhea

especially in special hosts withimmunocompromised conditions

non-in9ammatory diarrhea with moderate orsevere dehydration such as cholera

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


ส "า# กงา#คณะกรรมการ!าหารและยาส$าบ #ว% ยระบบสาธารณสข

!งค  การ!#าม ย&ลก

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


*'เ&   าห!าย $  อ ลดการใช  ยา&'  ช  วนะอย างพร # าเพร  



(ร$ท   พบบ อย- (ร$ต  ดเช    อทางเด  นหายใจส วนบน

- (ร$ท  องร วงเฉ  ยบพล น- แ)ลเล  อดออก

6' A"U เ&  *น($รงการท   หว ง)ลให  เก  ดการเ&ล   ยนแ&ลงทางพ+ต  กรร!3' A"U เห!าะก บส,านพยาบาลท   การส  งใช  ยา&'  ช  วนะ!ากเก  นจ #าเ&  *น!  

 สาเหต!าจาก- $วา!ร-  หรอ$วา!เช   อท $าดเ$ล อน"องบ$ลากรทาง  การ

 แพทย  .

- แรงกดด นหร  อ$วา!$าดหว ง"อง)-  &  วย+' A"U ต   งอย- บนแนว$  ดท   ว าการเ&ล   ยนพ+ต  กรร!เร   !จาก$วา!ร-   แต $วา!ร-  อย างเด  ยวไ! เพ  ยงพอในการเ&ล   ยนพ+ต  กรร!

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

P%I&'IP() *F A&TI+I*TI' S)D

'ommon Inappropriate se of Anti!ioticsC%"I,! A,TI;ITIC T%<RAP= ;A"<0 "><>= ,

"P<CTRU5 เล  อกใช  ยา(ดยด-แต $วา!สา!าร,ในการ$รอบ$ล!เช    อPR>,!<0 U"< ? I@ A,TI;ITIC" ใช  ยาฉ  ดเ&  *นเวลานาน 

U"< ? C5;I,ATI, T%<RAP= T PR<@<,T AT;

R<"I"TA,C< ใช  ยา!ากกว า 

* "นานเพราะเช   อว าจะ&   องก นการด    อยา@<RR<>IA,C< , 5ICR;I>!= R<"U>T" เล  อกใช  ยาตา!)ลเพาะเช    อเพ  ยงอย างเด  ยวU"< ? AT; ?R P<R"I"T<,T ?<@<R" ใช  ยาต  านจลช  พเพราะไ"   ไ! 

ลดลงI,A0<UAT< "UR!ICA> T%<RAP= A,0 >ACB ? ,,-AT;

 T%<RAP= ? I,?<CTI, "าดการร ก/าร ว!อ   น0ท   ส #า$ %PR>,!<0 AT; T%<RAP= R PRP%=>AI" ใช  ยานานเก  น$วา!จ

 #าเ&  *น

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

'H**SI& AT+ +AS)D S*()(- *&SP)'T%M

Anti!iotic tissue penetrationระด บยา'#ต "าแห# (งท  ) (ม  )การต  ดช  *  !AT; eDective in-vitroE unable to reach the site of infection

rinary tract infections. same patho/ens !ut$ drugs for catheter-associated bacteriuria and cystitis

diDer from those used for pyelonephritisE prostatitisEor epididymitis

?luoroFyuinolones: high concentration in the prostate

GGmoHi9oHacin2 not achieve signicant urinaryconcentration

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'H**SI& AT+ +AS)D S*()(- *&SP)'T%M

Anti!iotic tissue penetration

ระด บยา'#ต "าแห# (งท  ) (ม  )การต  ดช  *  !AT; eDective2in-vitroE unable to reach the site of


'hronic infections # decrease vascularpermea!ility

chronic pyelonephritisE chronic prostatitisE chronic


Implanted forei/n materials

biolm- slimeglycocalyH on plasticmetal surfaces

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'H**SI& AT+ +AS)D S*()(- *&SP)'T%M

Anti!iotic tissue penetrationระด บยา'#ต "าแห# (งท  ) (ม  )การต  ดช  *  !

AT; eDective2in-vitroE unable to reach the site of infection

Special !arrier or a!scesses ocularE 9uidE C"?E abscess cavityE prostateE bone

aminoglycosides2 less active in the low-oHygenE low-

p%E and high-protein environment of abscessesGG drainage of abscesses to enhance antimicrobial


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'H**SI& AT+ +AS)D S*()(- *&SP)'T%M

Anti!iotic tissue penetrationระด บยา'#ต "าแห# (งท  ) (ม  )การต  ดช  *  !

AT; eDective2in-vitroE unable to reach the site of



Poor Tissue 'oncentration of AT+

Ti/ecycline rinary tract 0(un/, +lood1

Daptomycin (un/

2st# and 3nd#/en ceph4 !lood#!rain !arrier

Macrolides !lood#!rain !arrier

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'H**SI& AT+ +AS)D S*()(- *&SP)'T%M

+actericidal agents cause

death and disruption of the


0isruption of cell wallo ß-lactams

cell membrane

o daptomycin 

;acterial 0,A

o 9uoroFuinolones

+acteriostatic agents

inhibit bacterialreplication

without .illing theorganis

inhibiting proteinsynthesis


sulfonamideso  tetracyclines

o macrolides

+ectericidal vs +acteriostatic therapy

การ!!ก+ทธ    ข!งยา'#การย บย   งการต  ดช  *  !

G;actericidal agents are in the serious infections to

achieve rapidcure such as endocarditis and menin/itis

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลP%*(*&)D S) *F I5


I5#to#P* s"itch therapyปล  ) (ย#ยา,  ) ดป  - #ยาร บประทา#+arrier for intravenous#to#oral 0I5#to#P*1

#  สยไม (ด  )ก (า.แก  ยาก$$$$

 K Physicians are creatures of habitE and oldhabits die hardLM Burke A. Cuna! M" #$n%ectious "isease "ivision!

&intro'-(niversit) *os'ital! Mineola! +, 1101! (A/

I@ therapy: rst used for serious systemic infections 5any infections susceptible to I@ AT;

I@ therapy: the preferred mode of AT;administration

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

6hy$ *ral anti!iotic therapy

Advanta/es (ข  !ด  ))

>ower AT; acFuisition cost

,o I@ AT; administration

costs Rapid gastrointestinal

absorption N* h# even incritically ill patients

<liminates I@-line infections

0ecreased length ofhospital stay

<arlier discharge

Disadvanta/es (ข  !ด  !ย)

"hould not be used inthose with impairedgastrointestinal absorption

Patient in shoc.E begintherapy intravenously

Increased ecologicalhaOard

oral agent with poorbioavailability potentiate


Cunha BA. Antibiotic essentials. 5th edition. 2006

Cunha BA. Drugs Today 2001;37311!"#uintiliani $% &ightingale C'. (n)ect Dis Clin *ractice 1""+;3,-ul/161!7 

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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

'ost#e7ectiveness$ I5#to#*ral S"itchtherapy

The study ofcost#e7ectiveness 'ost savin/8reduction

 TusconE AE U"AE 677&by Patanwala A<'

from Q11,479 to Q8923 per a treatment

course"witOerlandE 6773

von !unten @'

++ to (6 <uros per a treatment course

;uDaloE ,=E U"AE 6776by Paladino /A'

from Q8E*+4 to Q4E684 per a treatmentgroup

%artfordE CTE U"AE *((3by ,ightingale C%'

Q*47E777 - Q647E777 per year

@ancouverE *((+by /ewesson P'

QC 6*E4 77 per year

,etherlandE *((6by /an.negt

,! 8&E*87 per patient per day

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6hen$ *ral anti!iotic therapy

 *ral a!sorption in the critically ill

 - ral AT;with goodeHcellent bioavailability


absorbed achieve bloodtarget tissuelevels

 GGeHcept septic shoc.

 - Per oral ∼ per nasogastric tube or perpercutaneous

enteroscopic gastroscopy tube


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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

%e9uirements of an oral AT+

Anti!iotic Factorsป  %% ยด  า#ยาต  า#%ลช  )พ

high degree of activityagainstpresumed.nownpathogens

high bioavailability

low resistancepotential

well tolerated with agood safety prole

Host Factorsป  %% ยด  า#/0  ป ( วย

patient able tosuJciently absorb anoral antibiotic

avoid in patients withimpairedgastrointestinal



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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลDu:e niversity Medical 'entre


 ต ว!ย (างAbsent of infectious indications reFuiring parenteralAT;

• febrile neutropenia• signicantly immunocompromised• meningitis• osteomyelitis

• endocarditis• septic shoc.• disseminated viral infections such as %"@

  Moie %ro elekis an 5oul. J *os' $n%ect 2001; 4: 249 J $n%ect 199; 37#su''l 1/:3-9


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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลDu:e niversity Medical 'entre

'riteria  Absent of infectious indications reFuiring parenteral AT;

 Infection is not presently serious or life-threatening

 Improved of signs or symptoms of infection

 Afebrile or has consistent improvement in fever 6+ hrs

 S;C count is normaliOing

 ,ormal gastrointestinal absorption of drugs and the

patient is able to receive enteral therapy

  Moie %ro elekis an 5oul. J *os' $n%ect 2001; 4: 249 J $n%ect 199; 37#su''l 1/:3-9


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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

What are types of IV-to-oral switch?

 Stream#linin/; converting from broad-spectrum

AT; to single agent with narrow spectrum

 Se9uential; converting I@ to oral agents with

same chemical

 S"itch; converting I@ to oral agents with identical


 Step#do"n; converting I@ to oral agents withreduced

potency   ศาสตราจารยแพทยหญงนลน


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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

Bioavailability of oral antibiotics

  < =>? =@#=>? @#=? B @?

'ephaleCin 'lindamycin AmoCicillin AmoCycillin8'lavulanic


'otrimoCaole DoCycycline Ampicillin8



n(evoEoCacin *EoCacin 'iproEoCacin DicloCacillin

(ineolid Tetracycline 'efditorenpivoCil

Metronidaole 'eCime











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S) *F '*M+I&ATI*& TH)%AP-

 Monotherapy. preferred overcom!ination

therapy - reduces the ris. of2 drug interactions

medication errors missed doses and side eDects

usually less eHpensive than combination therapy

 'om!ination Therapy drug synergy

eHtended spectrum


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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

'om!ination Therapy; Syner/y

  β#lactams and amino/lycosides eChi!itssyner/ism for treatment of endocarditis

caused !y.

8nterococcus spp'

A viridans group streptococci ta')lococcus aureus

 Penicllin and clindamycin; clinicalsyner/ism for

treatment of S. pyogenes infection


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 คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

'om!ination vs monotherapy

P%*ข  !ม0ลส# บส##

"ynergistic eDect in

vitro !ood outcome in

severely ill

"eptic shoc.Eneutropenia#

%igher rate of

microbiological cure

'*&ข  !ม0ลค ดค  า#

%igher rates of resistance

isolates %igher rates of side


>ac. of the power to

showed the consistent ofgood outcome

,o top level of gradingevidence

C$" 2011;3 #u''l 2/:33

$CAAC 2011! Cicao $"A 2011 a n rancisco! (A


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'*M+I&ATI*& TH)%AP- T* P%)5)&T AT+%)SISTA&')

Anti!iotic com!inations that

prevent resistance

*# Anti-pseudomonal penicillin aminoglycoside

6# Rifampin other T; drugs

I,%E ethambutolEpyraOinamide#

3# 4-9ucytosine amphotericin ;

+# Anti-retroviral drugs in %I@AI0" therapy


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คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

'ommonly used anti!iotic com!inationsthat do not prevent resistance

ยาท  ) (#  ยม'ช   'ห  หลายข#า#แต ( '#ความป  - #%ร  งไม ( ได  ป   !งก #ช  *  !ด  *  !ยา

*# T5P-"5

6# CeftaOidime in combination with any otherAT;

3# Cipro9oHacin in combination with any otherAT;

+# Imipenem in combination with any other AT;

4# 5ost other AT; combinations

'*M+I&ATI*& TH)%AP- T* P%)5)&T AT+%)SISTA&')

คณะแพทยศาสตรศ  รราชพยาบาล

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คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

*5)%%)(IA&') *& MI'%*+I*(*-%)S(TS

 $n vitro data do not diDerentiate between

coloniOers and pathogens determine whether the organism is a pathogen or a


coloniOation should not be treated

 $n vitro data do not necessarily translate into

in vivo eJcacy VsensitiveV or VresistantV to a given antibiotic in-vitro

do not necessarily re9ect in-vivo activity


คณะแพทยศาสตรศ  ร  ราชพยาบาล

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ณ ร   รรมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล*5)%%)(IA&') *& MI'%*+I*(*-


 $n vitro susceptibility testing is dependent onthe microbeE methodologyE and AT;

concentration2 assumes the isolate was

recovered from bloodE and is being eHposed to

serum concentrations Usually higher AT; concentrations than in serum:

bladderE urine

>ower AT; concentrations than in serum: C"?E ocular

$n vitro data may be misleading for non-bloodstreaminfections


คณะแพทยศาสตรศ  ร  ราชพยาบาล

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  มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

S) *F A&TI+I*TI'S F*% P)%SIST)&TF)5)%

 The most common error in the managementof

persistent fevers

 Changingadding additional antibiotics

insteadof determining the cause ปร บยาไม (ม  )การว#   %, ย

 5ore important to reassess the patient

 Causes of prolonged fevers include ,on-infectious medical disorders e'g'E "><#

0rug fever

In-vitro susceptibility but inactive in-vivo


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลS) *F A&TI+I*TI'S F*% P)%SIST)&T


InadeFuate spectrum

InadeFuate AT; bloodand

tissue levels

Undrained abscessE

?oreign body-relatedinfection

"pecial barrier C"?

rgan hypoperfusion

diminished blood supply

- chronic osteomyelitis in


AT; inactivationE AT;


?ungal superinfection

 Treating coloniOation



diseases2 viral infections

Undiagnosed causes of


>ow-grade fevers shouldnot be treated with

prolonged courses of AT;


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&*&#AT+ TH)%AP- *F I&F)'TI*&

*perative draina/e or d!ridement !et rid of the high organism burden abscesses#

'orticosteroid; conjunction "ith AT+ therapy ;acterial meningitis

 Tuberculous meningitis

<neuoc)stis 'neuonia in AI0"

Temporary discontinuation or dose reductionof 

immunosuppressive a/ents

C5@ disease in organ transplant recipients or patientswith

rheumatologic disorders

Pro!ioticsancet $n%ect "is 2004;4(3):139-143 

+ 8nl J Me 2004;351(17):1741-1751+ 8nl J Me 1990;323#21/:1444-140

 Anaero=e 2009;15(6):274-280 


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลP%*(*&)D AT+ TH)%AP- *%


Duration of AT+ therapy Prolon/ed courses of AT+ therapy

Potential for adverse reactions

Problems with adherence

"election of AT;-resistant organisms

%igh cost


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลP%*(*&)D AT+ TH)%AP- *%


Potential for adverse reactionsDirect



0rug-drug interaction

 Therapeutic failure


<Dects on commensal 9ora

W %uman Clostriiu i>cile in%ectionW Animal Increased chance of infection with

drug-resistant pathogens

<Dects on environmental 9ora


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลP%*(*&)D AT+ TH)%AP- *%


Duration of AT+ therapy <Hamples of optimal durationE shorter but

eDective course Uncomplicated UTI in women 3 days

Community-acFuired pneumonia 4 days

@entilator-associated pneumonia 1 days

  GG not suJcient for the treatment of infections due

  to <. aeruinosa or in immunocompromised patients <ndocarditisE osteomyelitisE +-8 wee.s

and intra-abdominal abscesses

Cocrane "ata=ase )st ?ev 200;#2/:C"00462

Clin $n%ect "is. 2003;37#6/:72-760 JAMA. 2003;290#19/:2-29


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลP%*(*&)D AT+ TH)%AP- *%


Duration of AT+ prophylaCis

 Presur/ical AT+ prophylaCis  To reduce the incidence of postoperative

surgical siteinfections

 The AT; should cover the most li.elyorganisms and

be present in the tissues At the initial incision

Clin $n%ect "is. 2004;3#12/:1706-171


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดลP%*(*&)D AT+ TH)%AP- *%


Duration of AT+ prophylaCis

 Presur/ical AT+ prophylaCis AdeFuate serum concentrations during the

procedure A single dose of a cephalosporin such as


within * hour before the initial incision

Avoiding unnecessary broad-spectrum AT; 0uration2 should not eHceed 6+ hours

Clin $n%ect "is. 2004;3#12/:1706-171


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'ase Study

#year#old man

?ever 1 w.s

>eft cervical lymphadenopathy 1w.s

,auseaE vomitingE and hiccup 1w.s

Seight loss 4.g8w.s

Chronic hepatitis C infection 3 yrs%epatomegaly with $aundice



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Di7erential dia/nosis


T+8&ontu!erculous myco!acterium0&TM1

Infectious mononucleosis 0)+51

Solid tumor; CA nasopharynHE CAesophagusE


LHI5 pportunistic infection or lymphoma#


C5@Cat scratch disease

%epatitis C


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'ase Study

>#year#old man

,ecessary Investigations were performed ;lood smear

%C for bacteriaE mycobacteriaE fungus

>, biopsy

;5 aspiration and biopsy

CT2 ,asopharyHE thoraHE abdomen

%e was treated with ceftriaHone 6g ivE 0 for 3days'

?ever was still high and >?T hepatocellula rin$ury#

was worsening with anemiaE thrombocytopeniaE


 The AT; was changed to meropenem at day-3 of


• ,o appropriate provisional diagnosis• Use AT; to treat prolonged fever

• Changed AT; without reassessment thepatient


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 ;one marrow and >,: >ymphoma with

hemophagocytis  Treatment - I@IgE 0eHamethasone I@ - clinical improved


 The patient developed febrile neutropenia'

 "eptic wor. up was performed and meropenem wasprescribed for 4 days and the fever was decreasingwhile

neutrophil was increasing from *47 to 167'

 "putum culture grew A. =auannii on day-4 ofmeropenem then colistin was prescribedE continued


'ase Study

• Use AT; based on culture result to treat

coloniOation• Changed AT; without reassessment thepatient• AT; as a ris. of adverse eDect2 renal toHicitywithout

any benet


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

 The patient still has low grade fever after & days


colistinE neutrophil was increasing from *47 to*E767' Cr

rising from *'6 - 3'6E sputum C" grew A.


but resist to colistin' Clinical is similar topreviously but

this timeE no AT; was prescribed'

'ase Study

• Increasing adverse eDect2 renal toHicitywithout

any benet


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มหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล


6hat is the dama/eof inappropriateAT+

5orbidity X mortality

Adverse eDects

%igh cost-ineDectivesness

<mergence ofresistant

Ho" to /et

appropriate AT+

An accurate diagnosis

 The need for AT;E which AT;

and timing of AT; RH Using the narrowest


and shortest duration of RH

"witching to oral agents A"AP

0osing regimens of diDerentagents

%ost characteristics

,on-AT; interventions

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คณะแพทยศาสตร  ศ  ร  ราชพยาบาลมหาวทยาล ยมห  ดล

Pornpan Koomanachai, MD
