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REVIEW ARTICLE CNS Drugs 2005; 19 Suppl. 1: 1-93 1172-7047/05/0001-0001/$34.95/0 © Adis Data Information BV 2005. All rights reserved. Increasing numbers of reports concerning diabetes, ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemia and lipid dysregulation in patients treated with second-generation (or atypical) antipsychotics have raised concerns about a possible association between these metabolic effects and treatment with these medications. This comprehensive litera- ture review considers the evidence for and against an association between glucose or lipid dysregulation and eight separate second-generation antipsychotics current- ly available in the US and/or Europe, specifically clozapine, olanzapine, risperi- done, quetiapine, zotepine, amisulpride, ziprasidone and aripiprazole. This review also includes an assessment of the potential contributory role of treatment-induced weight gain in conferring risk for hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia during treat- ment with different antipsychotic medications. Substantial evidence from a variety of human populations, including some recent confirmatory evidence in treated psychiatric patients, indicates that increased adi- posity is associated with a variety of adverse physiological effects, including decreases in insulin sensitivity and changes in plasma glucose and lipid levels. Comparison of mean weight changes and relative percentages of patients experi- encing specific levels of weight increase from controlled, randomised clinical trials indicates that weight gain liability varies significantly across the different second- generation antipsychotic agents. Clozapine and olanzapine treatment are associated with the greatest risk of clinically significant weight gain, with other agents pro- ducing relatively lower levels of risk. Risperidone, quetiapine, amisulpride and zotepine generally show low to moderate levels of mean weight gain and a modest risk of clinically significant increases in weight. Ziprasidone and aripiprazole treat- ment are generally associated with minimal mean weight gain and the lowest risk of more significant increases. Published studies including uncontrolled observations, large retrospective database analyses and controlled experimental studies, including randomised clinical trials, indicate that the different second-generation antipsychotics are associated with dif- fering effects on glucose and lipid metabolism. These studies offer generally con- sistent evidence that clozapine and olanzapine treatment are associated with an Abstract Second-Generation (Atypical) Antipsychotics and Metabolic Effects A Comprehensive Literature Review John W. Newcomer Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

REVIEW ARTICLE CNS Drugs 2005; 19 Suppl. 1: 1-931172-7047/05/0001-0001/$34.95/0

© Adis Data Information BV 2005. All rights reserved.

Increasing numbers of reports concerning diabetes, ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemiaand lipid dysregulation in patients treated with second-generation (or atypical)antipsychotics have raised concerns about a possible association between thesemetabolic effects and treatment with these medications. This comprehensive litera-ture review considers the evidence for and against an association between glucoseor lipid dysregulation and eight separate second-generation antipsychotics current-ly available in the US and/or Europe, specifically clozapine, olanzapine, risperi-done, quetiapine, zotepine, amisulpride, ziprasidone and aripiprazole. This reviewalso includes an assessment of the potential contributory role of treatment-inducedweight gain in conferring risk for hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia during treat-ment with different antipsychotic medications.

Substantial evidence from a variety of human populations, including some recentconfirmatory evidence in treated psychiatric patients, indicates that increased adi-posity is associated with a variety of adverse physiological effects, includingdecreases in insulin sensitivity and changes in plasma glucose and lipid levels.Comparison of mean weight changes and relative percentages of patients experi-encing specific levels of weight increase from controlled, randomised clinical trialsindicates that weight gain liability varies significantly across the different second-generation antipsychotic agents. Clozapine and olanzapine treatment are associatedwith the greatest risk of clinically significant weight gain, with other agents pro-ducing relatively lower levels of risk. Risperidone, quetiapine, amisulpride andzotepine generally show low to moderate levels of mean weight gain and a modestrisk of clinically significant increases in weight. Ziprasidone and aripiprazole treat-ment are generally associated with minimal mean weight gain and the lowest riskof more significant increases.

Published studies including uncontrolled observations, large retrospective databaseanalyses and controlled experimental studies, including randomised clinical trials,indicate that the different second-generation antipsychotics are associated with dif-fering effects on glucose and lipid metabolism. These studies offer generally con-sistent evidence that clozapine and olanzapine treatment are associated with an


Second-Generation (Atypical)Antipsychotics and Metabolic EffectsA Comprehensive Literature ReviewJohn W. NewcomerDepartment of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA


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© Adis Data Information BV 2005. All rights reserved. CNS Drugs 2005; 19 Suppl. 1

Reports of treatment-emergent adverse eventssuch as diabetes mellitus, diabetic ketoacidosis,hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemias in patientsreceiving atypical or second-generation antipsy-chotics have increased in recent years. This has ledto growing concern about a possible link betweenthese metabolic effects and therapy with second-generation antipsychotics, and a number of issueshave been raised:

• Is there an increased risk of diabetes associatedwith second-generation antipsychotic therapy, ordo these reports simply reflect an increased riskof diabetes in patients with schizophrenia?

• If there is an increased risk of diabetes with sec-ond-generation antipsychotics, does this risk dif-fer between the different agents?

• If there is an increased risk of diabetes with sec-ond-generation antipsychotics, is it related totheir effects on bodyweight or adiposity, oraction through other mechanisms?

• Is there an increased risk of dyslipidaemia asso-ciated with second-generation antipsychotics? Ifso, does this risk vary between the differentagents? Is this also related to adiposity?

This comprehensive literature review consid-ers the evidence for an association between glucose

increased risk of diabetes mellitus and dyslipidaemia. Inconsistent results, and agenerally smaller effect in studies where an effect is reported, suggest limited if anyincreased risk for treatment-induced diabetes mellitus and dyslipidaemia duringrisperidone treatment, despite a comparable volume of published data. A similarlysmaller and inconsistent signal suggests limited if any increased risk of diabetes ordyslipidaemia during quetiapine treatment, but this is based on less published datathan is available for risperidone. The absence of retrospective database studies, and lit-tle or no relevant published data from clinical trials, makes it difficult to draw con-clusions concerning risk for zotepine or amisulpride, although amisulpride appearsto have less risk of treatment-emergent dyslipidaemia in comparison to olanzapine.With increasing data from clinical trials but little or no currently published datafrom large retrospective database analyses, there is no evidence at this time to sug-gest that ziprasidone and aripiprazole treatment are associated with an increase in riskfor diabetes, dyslipidaemia or other adverse effects on glucose or lipid metabolism.

In general, the rank order of risk observed for the second-generation antipsychoticmedications suggests that the differing weight gain liability of atypical agents con-tributes to the differing relative risk of insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia and hyper-glycaemia. This would be consistent with effects observed in nonpsychiatric sam-ples, where risk for adverse metabolic changes tends to increase with increasingadiposity. From this perspective, a possible increase in risk would be predicted tooccur in association with any treatment that produces increases in weight and adi-posity. However, case reports tentatively suggest that substantial weight gain or obe-sity may not be a factor in up to one-quarter of cases of new-onset diabetes thatoccur during treatment. Pending further testing from preclinical and clinical stud-ies, limited controlled studies support the hypothesis that clozapine and olanzapinemay have a direct effect on glucose regulation independent of adiposity. The resultsof studies in this area are relevant to primary and secondary prevention efforts thataim to address the multiple factors that contribute to increased prevalence of type 2diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease in populations that are often treatedwith second-generation antipsychotic medications.


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© Adis Data Information BV 2005. All rights reserved. CNS Drugs 2005; 19 Suppl. 1

and/or lipid dysregulation and the second-genera-tion antipsychotics currently available in the USand/or Europe: clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone,quetiapine, zotepine, amisulpride, ziprasidone andaripiprazole. It includes published reports of data-base analyses, chart reviews, clinical trials and casestudies examining glucose and lipid regulation inpatients treated with any of the eight atypicalagents. Detailed below in the search methodologysection, references extending into 2004 were iden-tified by Medline search, as well as review ofselected meeting abstracts. Searches were per-formed for each of the individual antipsychoticagents, plus ‘atypical antipsychotics’, combinedwith the following terms: diabetes, glucose,ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemia, triglycerides, hyper-triglyceridaemia, hyperlipidaemia, lipidaemia, dys-lipidaemia and cholesterol. Data are presented anddiscussed for each of the eight antipsychotics indi-vidually, with the overall findings reviewed in afinal discussion section.

1. Background: Obesity, InsulinResistance, Diabetes andDyslipidaemias

1.1 Overweight and Obesity

Overweight and obesity are increasing prob-lems in the US and throughout the Western worldand have significant health implications. In the US,data from the Third National Health and NutritionExamination Survey (NHANES III) conducted in1988–1994 showed that 58% of people aged 20years and above were either overweight (bodymass index [BMI] 25.0–29.9 kg/m2) or obese (BMI≥30 kg/m2). The prevalence of overweight washigher for men than for women (39.9% vs 25.7%),whereas obesity prevalence was higher amongwomen than men (25.5% vs 19.9%). In the mostrecent NHANES data for 1999–2000, the preva-lence of overweight and obesity combined hadrisen to 64%. Trends in obesity prevalence over thelast 40 years showed little change from 1960 to1980, then a marked increase to the present day(men 1980, 13%; 1991, 21%; 1999–2000, 28%;

women 1980, 17%; 1991, 26%; 1999–2000, 34%).The increasing prevalence of overweight has alsobeen observed in children and adolescents. In chil-dren (6–11 years), the proportion overweight (BMI>95th percentile) increased from 4% in 1965 to13% in 1999, while for adolescents (12–19 years),the percentage rose from 5% in 1970 to 14% in1999.

Findings are similar in European countries.Data from the International Obesity Task Force(IOTF) and the European Association for the Studyof Obesity (EASO) published in 2002 showed that40–50% of men and 25–40% of women were over-weight, and that 10–20% of men and 10–25% ofwomen were obese.[1] In each country, overweightwas more prevalent among men than women, whileobesity rates were almost always higher for womenthan men. The prevalence of obesity has alsoshown a marked increase in recent years, with themajority of European countries showing a 10–50%increase in rates over the last 10 years. Prevalenceof overweight in children and adolescents has alsoincreased. Surveys conducted over the last 10 yearstypically show that 10–20% children aged around10 years are overweight, although in some coun-tries prevalence rates were over 30%.[1]

Overweight and obesity are associated withincreased rates of mortality and morbidity.Mortality rates increase for both men and womenthroughout the range of moderate and severe over-weight.[2] Among obese individuals, the risk ofdeath from all causes is 50–100% greater than forthose of normal weight (BMI 20–25 kg/m2); mostof the increased risk is due to cardiovascular caus-es.[3] Estimates put the number of deaths attributa-ble to obesity in the US at 300 000 per year.[4]

Overweight and obesity are known to increasethe risk for a number of diseases, including dia-betes, cardiovascular disease (e.g. coronary heartdisease [CHD] and cerebrovascular disease),hypertension and certain cancers.[3] In addition,they are associated with abnormal metabolicchanges such as insulin resistance and dyslipi-daemia, which are themselves risk factors for car-diovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes. The con-siderable overall impact of overweight and obesity


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on health is therefore not surprising, with CVDrepresenting the major cause of mortality in thedeveloped world: in 2000, heart disease accountedfor almost 30% of all deaths in the US.[5]

Increasing adiposity is directly associated withincreases in morbidity and mortality from CVD, inaddition to indirect effects through adiposity-relat-ed increases in known CVD risk factors, such ashyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and hypertension.Recent studies have suggested, for example, thateven modest increases in BMI increase the risk ofCHD. In the Nurses’ Health Study, for example, therelative risk of CHD at BMI levels of25–28.9 kg/m2 and ≥29 kg/m2 was 2-fold and 3-fold greater, respectively, than at BMI below21 kg/m2. Weight gain of 5–8kg increased the riskof CHD by 25% compared with individuals withstable weight.[6] A study in British men showed a10% increase in the risk of coronary events witheach 1-point increase in BMI at BMI levels above22 kg/m2.[7]

Overweight and obesity are linked to anincreased risk of other cardiovascular events.Several studies, including the Framingham HeartStudy, have shown that overweight and obesity areindependent risk factors for congestive heart failure(CHF). CHF is a frequent complication and a majorcause of death in severe obesity.[8] The FraminghamHeart Study also suggests that overweight increas-es the risk for stroke independent of the effects ofhypertension and diabetes. More recent studieshave shown an association between overweight andischaemic, but not haemorrhagic, stroke, with riskincreasing with increasing BMI.[9,10]

In addition to the direct association betweenincreasing adiposity and increases in morbidity andmortality from CVD-related events, increasing adi-posity is associated with increases in other knownrisk factors for CVD, such as hyperglycaemia, dys-lipidaemia and hypertension. Overweight and obe-sity are well established risk factors for diabetes,with increased rates of diabetes associated withincreasing adiposity in both men and women.Recent studies have reported increases in the riskof diabetes beginning at BMI values as low as 22kg/m2.[11,12] In one study, each unit (1 kg/m2)

increase in BMI over 22 kg/m2 increased the riskof diabetes by about 25%.[12] Numerous studieshave similarly demonstrated the associationbetween blood pressure and BMI or weight.NHANES III data showed increasing rates of highblood pressure with increasing BMI in both menand women.[13] Obesity and weight gain are alsoassociated with dyslipidaemia, another establishedrisk factor for CVD.[3,14] Obesity, overweight andexcess abdominal fat are predictive of increasedlevels of total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides and reducedlevels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) choles-terol.[3] In a recent US population survey, both over-weight and obese individuals showed an increasedrisk of elevated cholesterol levels compared withnormal individuals.[15] The changes in cholesterollevels seen in overweight and obese individualsresult in a high LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio,increasing the risk of atherogenesis.

1.2 Adiposity and the Effect of Fat Distribution

The distribution of fat (adipose tissue) withinthe body is recognised as a key factor influencingthe effect of increasing weight on health. Severalstudies have demonstrated a link between abdomi-nal adiposity and overall mortality, with visceraladiposity particularly related to an increased risk ofdisease. Visceral adiposity is associated with anincreased risk for dyslipidaemia and glucose intol-erance.[16] The changes in lipid parameters observedwith visceral adiposity increase the risk for CVD.The association between visceral adiposity andincreased insulin resistance is a key factor con-tributing to increased risk for glucose intoleranceand dyslipidaemia. Differences in visceral adiposi-ty accounted for much of the variation in insulinresistance seen between individuals in a study ofAfrican Americans with type 2 diabetes.[17]

Reductions in visceral adiposity in non-diabeticobese individuals were the best predictor ofimproved insulin sensitivity in a weight loss inter-vention study.[18] Other aspects of regional adiposi-ty may also have an effect on insulin resistance. Inthe lower extremities, intramuscular adipose tissue


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is strongly correlated with insulin resistance,whereas subcutaneous adiposity is only weaklyassociated.[19]

Recent research has begun to address thepathophysiological mechanisms that link adiposityto insulin resistance (reviewed by Goldstein[20]).Adipose tissue secretes a number of factors, includ-ing free fatty acids (FFA), peptides and cytokines,which can adversely affect insulin action and mayhave a detrimental effect on beta cell function.Secretion of these factors is influenced by overalladiposity and by fat distribution, with visceral adi-posity appearing more pathogenic. Increased vis-ceral adiposity is associated with increased releaseof FFA from adipose tissue. Prolonged exposure toelevated FFA levels can directly reduce theresponse of skeletal muscle and liver to insulinaction through activity on insulin receptor sig-nalling pathways. Elevated FFA levels also appearto compromise pancreatic beta cell function, reduc-ing insulin secretion.

1.3 Diabetes Mellitus – a Growing HealthProblem

Diabetes is a growing health problem, both inthe US and worldwide. According to latestAmerican Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates(based on 2002 census data), there are 13 millionindividuals with diagnosed diabetes in the US –4.5% of the population.[21] Other estimates put theprevalence of diagnosed diabetes in the US at morethan 7%.[15]

WHO data indicate that diabetes prevalenceranges from about 2% to over 6% in westernEuropean countries.[22] Population studies have alsorevealed large numbers of individuals with undiag-nosed diabetes. In NHANES III, 2.7% of the sur-veyed population had undiagnosed diabetes, basedon blood glucose analysis (i.e. fasting plasma glu-cose ≥126 mg/dL).[23] This compares with 5.1%with diagnosed diabetes. Undiagnosed diabetes isalso widespread in Europe. Data from 13 studiesperformed in nine European countries showed thatmore than half of diabetes was undiagnosed inindividuals younger than 50 years.[24] The ADA

estimates that up to one-third of individuals withdiabetes are undiagnosed. This represents an addi-tional 5.2 million people in the US with the dis-ease, giving an overall total of 18.2 million indi-viduals with diabetes – 6.3% of the US popula-tion.[21] In addition, large numbers of individuals inthe US have ‘pre-diabetes’. That is, they haveblood glucose levels that are above normal, but donot meet the diagnostic criteria for diabetes (seebelow). According to the ADA, an estimated 41million people in the US have ‘pre-diabetes’.[21]

Diabetes is associated with increased mortali-ty compared with the general population. Analysisof NHANES I data showed that overall age-adjust-ed mortality in individuals with diabetes wasapproximately twice that in the non-diabetic popu-lation.[25] Mortality rates were observed to increasewith age, although the relative risk of death in dia-betic individuals compared with non-diabetic indi-viduals decreased from 3.6 in those aged 25–44years to 1.5 in those aged 65–74 years. Median lifeexpectancy for individuals with diabetes was 8years lower for those aged 55–64 years and 4 yearslower for those aged 65–74 years compared withnon-diabetic adults. The relative risk of death washigher in diabetic individuals than non-diabeticindividuals for all major causes of death, exceptmalignant neoplasms.[25]

Diabetes is also associated with increasedmorbidity. Individuals with the disease are atincreased risk of morbidity due to CVD, hyperten-sion and stroke. In general, diabetes and pre-dia-betes (see below) increase the risk of macrovascu-lar disease (i.e. atherosclerosis), including CVD-related events (e.g. myocardial infarction andstroke) and peripheral vascular disease-relatedevents (e.g. amputations). Diabetes is also associat-ed with microvascular disease, including nephropa-thy (kidney or renal disease), retinopathy and neu-ropathy. It is the leading cause of treated, end-stagerenal disease and new cases of blindness amongadults aged 20–74 years. The healthcare burdenassociated with diabetes is apparent from the higheconomic costs associated with treatment.Estimated direct costs exceeded $US91 billion in2002, and medical expenditure was approximately


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2.4 times higher for individuals with diabetes thanthose without the disease in the US.[26] In Europe, astudy estimated the total direct medical costs fortype 2 diabetes for eight European countries to be€29 billion per year, with an estimated averageyearly cost per patient of €2834.[27]

1.3.1 Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus

The current diagnostic criteria for diabeteswere developed in 1997 by an Expert ConsensusCommittee established by the ADA. The three dif-ferent criteria (table I) all require blood glucosemeasurements and all except the third require con-firmation on a subsequent day by any one of thethree blood sampling criteria. The diagnosticguidelines were developed on the basis of epidemi-ological studies examining the risks of diabeticcomplications at increasing blood glucose levels.The values used represent approximate thresholdlevels, above which individuals have an increasedrisk of adverse outcomes, such as microvascularcomplications.[30] In addition, the committee identi-fied a further category of individuals, those withimpaired fasting glucose (IFG) or impaired glucosetolerance (IGT) where relevant glucose measuresare above normal but not high enough to meet thecriteria for diabetes, but still associated withincreased risk of adverse medical outcomes. Theguidelines for identifying these individuals wererevised in 2004,[29] with the threshold level IFGreduced from 110 mg/dL to 100 mg/dL (table I).Individuals with IFG and/or IGT are referred to as

having ‘pre-diabetes’ and are at increased risk ofdeveloping diabetes, as well as microvascular andmacrovascular complications.

Diabetes mellitus is divided into two maintypes: type 1 and type 2.[30] In addition, diabetesthat develops during pregnancy – gestational dia-betes – is recognised as a separate category of dia-betes. There are also a number of other less com-mon forms of diabetes, characterised by specificgenetic abnormalities (e.g. defects of beta-cellfunction or insulin action) or aetiological agents(e.g. drugs or chemicals, or infections).

1.3.2 Type 1 Diabetes

The defining characteristic of type 1 diabetesis the almost total loss of insulin secretory capaci-ty by the beta cells of the pancreas. This is usuallyas a result of the selective cell-mediated autoim-mune destruction of the beta cells, although for aminority of patients with type 1 diabetes there is nocurrent evidence of autoimmunity.[30] The severeloss of beta-cell function means that patients withtype 1 diabetes are dependent on exogenous insulintreatment. The rate of beta-cell destruction variesconsiderably between individuals, with some peo-ple not developing type 1 diabetes until adulthood.Typically, however, the disease develops duringchildhood or adolescence. In contrast, type 2 dia-betes usually develops later in life, with most casesoccurring in individuals aged 45 years and older.Thus type 1 diabetes accounts for the majority ofcases in people younger than 20 years.Approximately 5–10% of individuals with diabeteshave type 1 diabetes, although in non-Caucasianpopulations the proportion with type 1 disease maybe lower, and could be as low as 2%. Overall, about1 in every 400 children and adolescents in the UShas type 1 diabetes.

1.3.3 Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form ofdiabetes, accounting for 90% or more of the casesof diabetes. Although increasingly detected in chil-dren in recent years, it typically occurs later in life,

Table I. Criteria for diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance andimpaired fasting glucoseA. Diabetes – 1997 American Diabetic Association criteria[28]

Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) ≥126 mg/dL (≥7.0 mmol/L)2-hour postload plasma glucose (2hPG)a ≥200 mg/dL(≥11.1 mmol/L)Symptoms of diabetes plus random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL(≥11.1 mmol/L) B. ‘Pre-diabetes’ – 2004 American Diabetic Association criteria[29]

FPG (mg/dL) 2hPGa (mg/dL)Normal <100 <140Impaired glucose tolerance – 140–199Impaired fasting glucose 100–125 –Diabetes ≥126 ≥200a After 75g oral glucose load.


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with prevalence of the disease increasing with age.In the NHANES III survey,[31] the prevalence ofphysician-diagnosed diabetes (type 1 and type 2)was 1.1% in people aged 20–39 years, comparedwith 3.9% in those aged 40–49 years and 8.0% inthose aged 50–59 years. In people aged 60–74 and≥75 years, rates were 12.6% and 13.2%, respec-tively. In a more recent survey in the US, preva-lence increased from 2.1% in the 18–29 age groupto 15.5% in those aged 70 years and over.[15]

Two key pathological processes underlie thedevelopment of type 2 diabetes.[31] Deficient insulinsecretion and impaired insulin action at the insulinreceptor (insulin resistance) together lead to thedevelopment of hyperglycaemia and type 2 dia-betes. The initial development of insulin resistance,resulting from a combination of genetic and envi-ronmental factors, leads to a compensatoryincrease in insulin secretion (hyperinsulinaemia),allowing normal glycaemic control to be main-tained. However, after a period that averages 7–10years in vulnerable individuals, beta-cell functioncan begin to deteriorate, so that plasma insulin lev-els are no longer sufficient to overcome insulinresistance. Worsening of relative hypoinsulinaemiaas beta-cell function continues to decline leads toprogressive loss of glycaemic control and the even-tual development of type 2 diabetes. The resultinghyperglycaemia can potentially accelerate theprocess. High levels of glucose can have aninhibitory effect on beta cells, an effect known asglucose toxicity, further reducing insulin secretion.In addition, excess glucose can increase insulinresistance through reductions in glucose trans-porter levels and alterations in insulin signal trans-duction.

The gradual decline in plasma insulin levels isassociated with gradual change in clinical presen-tation, as different insulin-dependent metabolicpathways become affected.[31] Glucose uptake byskeletal muscle requires relatively higher insulinconcentrations, so insulin insufficiency is firstapparent as postprandial hyperglycaemia, due toimpaired postprandial glucose insulin-mediatedglucose uptake into muscle cells. As insulin insuf-ficiency increases, insulin-mediated inhibition of

hepatic glucose production is affected, resulting infasting hyperglycaemia. Further progression ofinsulin deficiency can lead to significant impair-ment in insulin-mediated inhibition of lipolysis inadipose tissue, resulting in excessive lipolysis andrelease of FFA, which contribute to the characteris-tic hypertriglyceridaemia associated with insulinresistance and diabetes. Under certain circum-stances excess release of FFA can set the stage forexaggerated ketone body production and the devel-opment of diabetic ketoacidosis.

1.3.4 Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis is a particular form ofserious metabolic decompensation that, like non-ketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic states, canlead to diabetic coma and death. Diabetic ketoaci-dosis occurs in part as a result of severe insulindeficiency, so is most likely to occur in patientswith type 1 diabetes, as they have very little or noendogenous insulin secretion. In contrast, ketoaci-dosis is relatively less common in patients withtype 2 diabetes, as most patients retain someinsulin secretory activity. Diabetic ketoacidosis hasbeen observed increasingly in type 2 diabetes invarious clinical settings, ranging from later stagesof the disease where insulin secretion is markedlyimpaired to acute presentations in never-previouslydiagnosed individuals where glucose toxicity maycontribute to acute suppression of beta-cell func-tion. In diabetic ketoacidosis, the excessive flux offatty acids from adipose tissue to the liver leads tothe overproduction of ketone bodies, resulting inhyperketonaemia. Excess ketones appear in theurine, affecting ion regulation and leading to theloss of cations from the body, such as potassium.Ketoacidosis is also accompanied by hypergly-caemia, due to the lack of insulin activity.

1.3.5 Peripheral versus Central Actions of Insulin

Insulin acts at receptors both peripherally andin the CNS in the regulation of blood glucose lev-els and body adiposity.[32] In peripheral tissues,insulin lowers blood glucose levels by stimulating


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the uptake of glucose into skeletal muscle and adi-pose tissue and suppressing the production of glu-cose by the liver. In addition, insulin acts to pro-mote fat storage through the inhibition of lipolysisfrom adipocytes. Centrally, insulin acts at receptorsin the CNS to reduce food intake, reducing theabsorption of glucose and other nutrients into thebody. In general, insulin plays an important role inenergy regulation. For example, Brüning and co-workers[33] reported that mice with a neuron-specif-ic deficit in insulin receptors had increased levelsof body fat compared with normal controls. Theseinsulin receptor-deficient mice also showedincreased levels of obesity when given a high-fatdiet compared with control mice, changes that werenot simply the result of increased food intake. Thedevelopment of insulin resistance therefore canhave a significant effect on overall metabolic regu-lation. Central insulin resistance would be expect-ed to lead to increased food intake and an increasedpropensity for developing obesity, which mayaggravate the effects of peripheral insulin resist-ance.

1.4 Dyslipidaemia

Increases in circulating levels of certain lipidspecies are established risk factors for CVD, andrepresent important treatment targets for the reduc-tion of CVD risk, through either lifestyle changesor drug therapy.[34] Numerous clinical and popula-tion studies measuring LDL-cholesterol or totalcholesterol (the majority of which is LDL) haveshown that elevated LDL-cholesterol levels are astrong risk factor for CHD. Current guidelinesfrom the National Cholesterol Education Program(NCEP) Expert Panel recommend that LDL-cho-lesterol is the primary target of cholesterol-lower-ing therapy.[34] Treatment goals for LDL-cholesterolare based on the risk of CHD during the next 10years. Thus, they vary depending on the presenceof other risk factors (age, hypertension, smoking,low HDL-cholesterol and family history of CHD),existing CHD or other specific diseases associatedwith a similar increased risk of cardiovascularevents (including peripheral artery disease and dia-

betes) [table II]. In addition to LDL-cholesterol,other lipids are involved in the development ofCHD. Elevated triglycerides and low HDL-choles-terol levels are both independent risk factors forCHD (table II) and so represent important second-ary targets for therapy.

In addition to NCEP guidelines, findings froma number of important clinical trials, including theHeart Protection Study (HPS), have been pub-lished.[35,36] The HPS showed that the reduction inthe rate of major vascular events with simvastatintherapy appeared to be independent of baselinelipid levels. Thus, patients with baseline LDL-cho-lesterol levels ≥135 mg/dL and those with LDL-cholesterol <115 mg/dL showed similar significantreductions in vascular event rate. Significantly,patients with baseline LDL-cholesterol levelsbelow 100 mg/dL (the NCEP target for patientswith CHD or CHD risk equivalent) also experi-enced significant reductions in major vascularevents with simvastatin. Lowering LDL-choles-terol to levels below the 2002 NCEP targets could

Table II. Criteria for abnormal lipid levels

A. Dyslipidaemia – NCEP criteria[34]

LDL-cholesterol <100 mg/dL optimal100–129 mg/dL near optimal / above optimal130–159 mg/dL borderline high160–189 mg/dL high≥190 mg/dL very high

Total cholesterol <200 mg/dL desirable200–239 mg/dL borderline high≥240 mg/dL high

HDL-cholesterol <40 mg/dL low>60 mg/dL high (beneficial –

reduced risk of CHD)Triglycerides <150 mg/dL normal

150–199 mg/dL borderline high200–499 mg/dL high≥500 mg/dL very high

B. Treatment goals for LDL-cholesterol – NCEP Adult TreatmentPanel IIIRisk level LDL-cholesterol goalCHDa <100 mg/dL (optional goal: <70 mg/dL)b

Multiple (2+) risk <130 mg/dLfactors0–1 risk factor <160 mg/dLa CHD (coronary heart disease) or other diseases associatedwith a similar increased risk of cardiovascular events (CHD riskequivalent).b For individuals with very high risk.


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therefore provide additional benefit for individuals.In response to the findings from five major clinicaltrials including HPS, an update to the NCEP guide-lines published in 2004[37] recommends an LDL-cholesterol level below 70 mg/dL as an optionaltherapeutic target for individuals at very high riskof CHD (table II). This includes individuals withestablished CVD plus either multiple major riskfactors (especially diabetes), severe and poorlycontrolled risk factors, multiple criteria for themetabolic syndrome, or acute coronary syndromes.As further clinical trial data become available,future treatment guidelines may recommend tightercontrol of lipid levels to reduce the risk of CHD.Results from ongoing studies, such as HPS-2, theTreat-To-New-Targets (TNT) and IncrementalDecrease in Endpoints Through Aggressive LipidLowering (IDEAL) trials, should help to determinethese new targets.

1.4.1 Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidaemia

Insulin resistance is a key factor in the patho-physiology of dyslipidaemia and is associated witha characteristic pattern of lipid abnormalities.These include elevated triglyceride levels, lowHDL-cholesterol levels, and only slight if any ele-vation in LDL-cholesterol.[38] Insulin resistance alsoleads to changes in the composition and functionalcharacteristics of lipoproteins, increasing the levelsof small, dense oxidised LDL and HDL particles.This altered plasma lipid profile is more athero-genic and is associated with changes in coagula-tion, oxidative stress, inflammation and endothelialfunction, adversely affecting cardiovascular health.

Insulin resistance leads to a decrease in theability of adipocytes to inhibit lipolysis.[38]

Increases in lipid breakdown result in elevated lev-els of FFA in the circulation and may also beaccompanied by defects in the uptake and incorpo-ration of FFA into triglycerides in adipocytes. Theincrease in the flux of FFA increases triglycerideproduction, leading to increased production andsecretion of triglyceride-enriched very low-densitylipoprotein (VLDL) by the liver into the circula-tion. The changes in plasma lipid composition and

insulin resistance are also associated with changesin the composition of LDL and HDL particles.Smaller and more dense LDL and HDL particlesare preferentially synthesised over larger particles.Increased concentrations of small, dense LDL par-ticles in the circulation are associated with a 3- to5-fold increased risk of coronary artery disease,due to a number of factors including increasedpotential for endothelial injury. Small, dense HDLparticles have reduced antioxidant and endothelialprotective properties and show increased clearancein the kidneys, reducing HDL-cholesterol concen-trations.

1.5 The Metabolic Syndrome

It has been known for several decades thatintra-abdominal fat or visceral fat is a risk factorfor CVD and diabetes.[39] The terms ‘syndrome X’,the insulin resistance syndrome and the metabolicsyndrome have been used to describe a set of com-monly co-occurring conditions that include obesity(particularly abdominal obesity), insulin resistance,impaired glucose tolerance, disturbances in uricacid and lipid metabolism, hypertension, and pro-thrombotic and proinflammatory states, which canincrease the risk of CVD.[40] The core features ofthe metabolic syndrome, focusing on five key riskfactors, are presented in table III.[41] The US PublicHealth Service has aimed to increase awareness ofthe metabolic syndrome, with the NCEP ExpertPanel[34] defining this to include obesity, dyslipi-daemia, elevated blood pressure, insulin resistance(with or without glucose intolerance), and pro-thrombotic and proinflammatory states. The cur-rent NCEP clinical guidelines for its identificationare also shown in table III.

Obesity and overweight, physical inactivityand genetic factors can all contribute to the meta-bolic syndrome. The metabolic syndrome is close-ly associated with insulin resistance, although spe-cific pathophysiological mechanisms regulatingthe emergence of the metabolic syndrome remaincomplex and incompletely understood.

Approximately 23% of the overall US popula-tion meet the NCEP definition for the metabolic


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syndrome, and approximately 47 million Americansare affected. Approximately 60% of BMI-calculat-ed obese (≥30 kg/m2) US men and 50% of obeseUS women are affected, underscoring the publichealth impact of this condition. Among those withthe syndrome, prevalent features are central obesi-ty in 38% of individuals, low HDL-cholesterol in36% and hypertension in 34%. Hypertriglyceri-daemia occurs in about 30% of these patients, andinsulin resistance in 12%.[42] The metabolic syn-drome increases the risk for CHD at any given levelof LDL-cholesterol, making it a target for thera-peutic intervention. In a study conducted inSweden and Finland, individuals with metabolicsyndrome had a 3-fold increased risk of CHD andstroke.[43] NCEP guidelines recommend that rootmediators of the syndrome (i.e. overweight andlack of physical activity) should be addressed inaddition to the reduction of cholesterol levels.Weight reduction and increased activity are alsoeffective at reducing insulin resistance, while addi-tional medication should be used to treat highblood pressure and the prothrombic state.

Despite the widespread occurrence of meta-bolic syndrome throughout the Western world andrecent campaigns to raise awareness of this health

problem, and the potential relationship betweenantipsychotic-induced weight gain and the devel-opment of this problem, a recent survey revealed alow awareness among US psychiatrists of the riskof metabolic syndrome with second-generationantipsychotic therapy.[44] Although relatively higherpercentages of psychiatrists associated second-gen-eration antipsychotic treatments with a risk ofweight gain/obesity (59%) and diabetes (51%),both of which are major features of metabolic syn-drome, only 3% mentioned metabolic syndrome.

1.6 Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors inPatients with Schizophrenia

There is increasing public health concernregarding the increased prevalence of known CVDrisk factors in patients with schizophrenia andother mental disorders, as well as concern thattreatment effects may contribute to this problem.As discussed above, weight gain and obesity,hyperglycaemia, smoking and dyslipidaemia arewell known modifiable risk factors for CVD andare the targets of extensive health campaigns inindustrialised countries. Weight gain and obesityhave an adverse effect on glucose and lipid metab-olism and are associated with an increased risk ofhypertension, suggesting that potential adversetreatment effects on weight alone may contribute toincreases in four key modifiable risk factors forCVD.

Brown et al.[45] reported that individuals withschizophrenia were more likely to have anunhealthy lifestyle than the general population, andBaxter[46] estimated that adjusting for social classaccounted for 20% of excess mortality in a popula-tion with mixed mental illness. Lack of exerciseand poor diet (i.e. high in fat and low in fibre) tendto be more prevalent in those with schizophrenia,increasing their risk for weight gain, diabetes andCVD. An estimated 75% of the schizophrenia pop-ulation are smokers, 40–80% have a BMI ≥20%above normal, and the symptoms of the diseaselead to an inactive lifestyle, all increasing CVDrisk.[47–49] The increased level of CVD mortality inpatients with schizophrenia (two to three times thatof the general population), discussed below, sug-

Table III. The metabolic syndrome

A. Five major features of the metabolic syndrome[41]

ObesityExcess total body fatCentral fat distribution/upper body obesityIncreased visceral fat

Insulin resistance/hyperinsulinaemiaDyslipidaemia

HypertriglyceridaemiaDecreased HDL-cholesterolIncreased LDL-cholesterol

Impaired glucose tolerance/type 2 diabetesHypertensionB. Clinical identification of the metabolic syndrome[34]

Risk factor Defining levelAbdominal obesity Waist circumference

Men >102 cm (>40 in)Women >88 cm (>35 in)

Triglycerides ≥150 mg/dLHDL-cholesterol

Men <40 mg/dLWomen <50 mg/dL

Blood pressure ≥135/85mmHgFasting glucose >110 mg/dL


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gests that efforts should be made to lower risk fac-tors for CVD in psychiatric populations and thatone goal of therapy would be to use medications tomanage these disorders, which do not themselvesfurther increase adiposity or other risk factors forCVD.

2. Mental Illness and Excess Mortality

2.1 Mortality in Mental Illness

Numerous studies in the literature havedemonstrated that mental illnesses, includingschizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression, areassociated with excess medical mortality. Thisincreased mortality has been observed consistentlyacross various populations, with similar findingsreported from studies in North America and west-ern Europe, although further study is needed fromdifferent ethnic groups and in developing and non-Westernised countries. In schizophrenia, a meta-analysis of 18 studies,[50] which used record-linkageor patient follow-up studies or hospital recordanalysis, showed a statistically significant increasein mortality in all except one study involving thesmallest patient cohort. Standardised mortality rate(SMR) was calculated for each study, which is thenumber of observed deaths in the study populationdivided by the number of expected deaths for anage- and sex-matched cohort from the general pop-ulation, with the resulting value multiplied by 100in some studies. Aggregate analysis for the 18 stud-ies revealed an overall SMR of 1.51, a crude mor-tality rate of 189 deaths per 10 000 population peryear and a 10-year survival of 81%.

Overall, the analysis showed that 80% of indi-viduals with schizophrenia die from natural causes(i.e. related to medical illness as opposed to acci-dents, suicide, etc.) compared with approximately97% of the general population.[50] Both natural andunnatural deaths increased statistically significant-ly in schizophrenia. Natural deaths accounted for59% of excess mortality (overall SMR 1.34), whileunnatural deaths made up 41% of excess mortality(overall SMR 4.26). Suicide was the single largestcause of excess mortality, accounting for about28% of the excess deaths and 12% of all deaths in

the meta-analysis. Aggregate SMR for suicide was8.38, and was statistically significantly higher inmale patients than female patients (9.56 vs 6.73).In a more recent study of schizophrenic patientsconducted in Sweden,[51] suicide was also the majorcause of excess mortality in male patients, whereasCVD was the main cause of excess deaths amongfemales.

Overall, CVD was the most common cause ofmortality among patients with schizophrenia in themeta-analysis, accounting for 34% of deathsamong male patients and 31% in female patients.[50]

Neoplastic disease (male 13%; female 16%) andrespiratory disease (male 8%; female 9%) were thenext most common causes of mortality, although inmale patients, both were less frequent than suicide(male 17%; female 6%). Mortality from cardiovas-cular and respiratory disease, but not neoplasticdisease, was significantly elevated in schizophreniacompared with the general population. In theSwedish study,[51] CVD was the largest single causeof death in both male and female patients, and mor-tality rates were elevated compared with the nor-mal population (SMR: male 2.30; female 2.10).

Increased mortality rates have also beenobserved in patients with affective disorders.Twelve studies involving either large populations(>5000 individuals) or long observation periods(>5 years), summarised by Angst et al.,[52] allshowed elevated mortality for affective disorderpatients compared with the general population,with overall SMR ranging from 1.23 to 2.50.

A long-term follow-up over 34–38 years ofmore than 400 patients with affective disorders(unipolar depression or bipolar disorder) showedelevated mortality compared with the general pop-ulation (SMR 1.61).[52] While suicide showed thegreatest increase compared with the general popu-lation (SMR 18.04), patients with affective disor-ders also showed increased mortality for cardiovas-cular/coronary heart disease (SMR 1.61). Thisincrease was particularly apparent among femalepatients (SMR 170), while male patients showedincreased deaths from cerebrovascular and othervascular disorders (SMR 2.21). Overall, both maleand female patients with affective disordersshowed an increase in mortality from vascular dis-


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ease (SMR: male 1.63; female 1.47). A comparisonof patients with unipolar depression and those withbipolar disorder showed that both had elevatedoverall mortality (SMR: unipolar 1.63; bipolar1.58) and that the difference between the groupswas small but statistically significant. As in theoverall population, SMR for suicide was statistical-ly significantly higher in both groups than for thegeneral population, but was statistically signifi-cantly greater in patients with unipolar depressionthan those with bipolar disorder (26.72 vs 12.28).Death from all vascular diseases was also elevatedfor both unipolar (SMR 1.34) and bipolar (SMR1.69) groups, while patients with bipolar disorderalso showed a statistically significant increase incardiovascular/coronary heart disease mortalitycompared with the general population (SMR 1.84).

A meta-analysis of 25 community studiesshowed elevated mortality in patients with depres-sion.[53] The overall relative risk (RR) of dying was1.81 (95% CI 1.58, 2.07) in depressed comparedwith non-depressed individuals. The RR was high-er for men (2.25) than for women (1.75), althoughthe confidence intervals overlapped. Further analy-sis of three studies showed that the RR in severedepression was not statistically significantly differ-ent from that in subclinical depression.

The increased mortality from vascular diseaseamong patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disor-der and depression underscores the importance ofattending to well established risk factors such asincreased weight, insulin resistance, and elevatedglucose and lipid levels in patients with major men-tal disorders. Obesity and weight gain are impor-tant risk factors for insulin resistance, hypergly-caemia and dyslipidaemia, suggesting the impor-tance of lifestyle factors as well as potential drugeffects on patient health.

2.2 Increased Rates of MetabolicDisturbance among Patients withPsychiatric Disorders

Reports of abnormal glucose regulation amongindividuals with schizophrenia pre-date the intro-duction of antipsychotic therapy (reviewed by

Haupt and Newcomer[54]), underscoring the impor-tance of effects such as lifestyle, nutrition andactivity level and raising the possibility of potentialpathophysiological relationships between schizo-phrenia and glucose regulation. These early reportssuggest that patients with psychotic disorders mayhave an elevated baseline risk for disturbances inglucose regulation, independent of any adversemedication effects. These findings should, howev-er, be viewed with caution, as the definitions of dia-betes and schizophrenia used differ from currentones, and the studies are limited by their lack ofassessment of or controls for age, weight, adiposi-ty, activity, diet, family history or ethnicity.

More recent population studies have examinedthe prevalence rates for diabetes in patients withschizophrenia. Three chart reviews of patients withschizophrenia have reported increased rates of dia-betes compared with the general population. AJapanese study[55] reported an increased incidenceof diabetes in 420 patients with schizophrenia com-pared with 312 control individuals (8.8% vs 5.0%).A smaller study, involving 95 schizophrenicpatients (aged 45–74 years) admitted to a long-term care facility in Italy, reported an overall preva-lence of diabetes of 15.8%.[56] This was higher thanprevalence rates reported in population surveysconducted in Italy. The largest of these studies[57]

reported diabetes prevalence in patients with schiz-ophrenia based on analyses of Medicare andMedicaid data from 1991 and a survey of morethan 700 inpatients. Prevalence rates, based on dia-betes claims data, were 11.1% for the Medicaidsample (n = 6066) and 12.5% for the Medicaresample (n = 14 182), while the lifetime diabetesprevalence from the patient survey was 14.9%. Inall three groups, increasing age, female sex andAfrican American or ‘other’ ethnicity were allassociated with increased likelihood of diabetes.Prevalence rates from Medicaid and Medicare datafor patients aged 45–64 years were 18.8% and14.9%, respectively, and for those ≥65 years were18.8% and 20.8%. No control group was includedin the study. Reported rates were greater than esti-mated rates for the overall age-adjusted US popu-lation (2000 values: ADA 6.2%; Behavioral Risk


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Factor Surveillance System [BRESS] 7.1%[58]), andsimilar to rates seen in older nonpsychiatric popu-lations (ADA: ≥65 years 20.1%; BRFSS: 60–69years 14.5%; ≥70 years 14.9%) or some non-Caucasian populations, suggesting that major psy-chiatric illness may be a risk factor analogous toage or ethnicity that can adversely affect preva-lence.

Although all three studies suggest an increasedprevalence of diabetes in patients with schizophre-nia, a number of confounding factors could havehad an effect on these findings. For example, thestudies do not take into account the use of antipsy-chotic medication independent of the diagnosis ofschizophrenia, which may affect the risk of dia-betes either directly or through the increases inbodyweight seen with some antipsychotic agents,as discussed below.[59] In addition, weight andlifestyle factors, such as nutrition and activity lev-els, were not considered in these studies – impor-tant issues, as individuals with schizophrenia arealso more likely to be obese and have an unhealthylifestyle than the general population.[45]

A recent study examines the prevalence of dia-betes in patients with psychiatric disorders com-pared with the rate expected for an age-, ethnicity-and sex-matched group of individuals from thegeneral US population.[60] This relatively small ret-rospective chart review involved 243 inpatients,aged 50–74 years, diagnosed with schizophrenia (n = 71), schizoaffective disorder (n = 20), unipolarmajor depression (n = 65), bipolar I disorder (n = 53) or dementia (n = 34). Rates of type 2 dia-betes differed significantly between the diagnosticgroups (p = 0.006): schizoaffective disorder 50%;bipolar disorder 26%; major depression 18%;dementia 18%; and schizophrenia 13%. These rateswere significantly greater than matched groupsfrom the general US population for schizoaffective(10%; p < 0.02) and bipolar (13%; p < 0.05) disor-ders, but did not differ statistically significantly forschizophrenia (15%), depression (14%) or demen-tia (15%). Overall, the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in the psychiatric sample (25%) was sig-nificantly greater than the expected rate for amatched group in the general US population (14%;

p < 0.003). Logistic regression analysis showedthat BMI and psychiatric diagnosis were the onlystatistically significant and independent predictorsof a diabetes diagnosis in this sample. In this study,use of potentially hyperglycaemic psychotropicmedications (clozapine, olanzapine and pheno-thiazines) did not differ statistically significantlybetween diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.

To avoid the potential confounding effects ofantipsychotic medication on glucose regulation, arecent study by Thakore and colleagues[61] exam-ined the prevalence of impaired fasting glucose in26 drug-naive, first-episode patients with schizo-phrenia in Ireland. The mean age of these patientswas 33.6 years, and mean BMI was 24.5 kg/m2.These schizophrenic patients were matched forage, sex, diet and exercise measures to 26 healthycontrols. The frequency of impaired fasting glu-cose (fasting plasma glucose [FPG] >110 to <126mg/dL) was significantly higher in patients withschizophrenia (15.4%; n = 4) compared withhealthy controls (0%; p < 0.02). Mean fasting plas-ma levels of glucose (95.8 vs 88.2 mg/dL; p < 0.03), insulin (95.8 vs 88.2 !U/mL; p < 0.05)and cortisol (499.4 vs 303.2 nmol/L; p < 0.0001)were significantly higher in the schizophreniagroup than the control group. A calculated insulinresistance, validated in population studies, was alsosignificantly greater in schizophrenia patients thancontrols (mean HOMA insulin resistance: 2.3 vs1.7; p < 0.01). This study, however, involved acute-ly ill, unmedicated patients, so the findings may notbe comparable to those of the majority of studiesinvolving patients with stable schizophrenia. In thisstudy, it is likely that the acutely ill, acutely hospi-talised patients were experiencing high levels ofstress during the study period, as is reflected in thesignificantly increased plasma cortisol levels.Elevated cortisol is a known contributor to insulinresistance, potentially leading to increased bloodglucose levels, and this study found a significantcorrelation between plasma cortisol and glucoseregulation in these acutely ill, first-episodepatients. In contrast, previous studies of glucoseregulation involving patients with stable schizo-phrenia have detected no significant hypercortiso-


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laemia or correlation between plasma cortisol andplasma glucose or insulin levels,[62] suggesting thatthis study may overestimate rates of impaired fast-ing glucose and insulin resistance by incorporatingeffects of acute illness and hospitalisation thatexaggerate factors that increase insulin resistanceand hyperglycaemia. In addition, the mean age ofthe drug-naive patients was significantly older thanthat in comparable samples of drug-naive first-episode subjects in the US, suggesting that pro-longed periods of untreated psychotic illness mayhave contributed to worsening of adverse changesin lifestyle and economic conditions that might fur-ther exaggerate factors contributing to insulinresistance. In a more recent study, Ryan and co-workers[63] examined adiposity in an overlappingsample of 16 first-episode, drug-naive patients withschizophrenia. At the start of the study and prior toantipsychotic treatment, the schizophrenia patientshad statistically significantly higher levels of intra-abdominal fat than healthy controls matched forage and BMI, suggesting that schizophrenia maybe associated with changes in adiposity that couldincrease the risk for insulin resistance, hypergly-caemia and dyslipidaemia compared with the gen-eral population. As above, attributes of this partic-ular sample may contribute to the degree to whichadiposity and insulin resistance were increased,which might overestimate rates of adiposity andinsulin resistance in drug-naive schizophrenia sam-ples in other clinical settings.

Overall, these studies suggest that there maybe an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in patientswith schizophrenia. Evidence from a number ofstudies (e.g. Regenold et al.[60]) suggests that this isnot limited to schizophrenia, but could also affectpatients with other psychiatric disorders, such asbipolar disorder and depression. Decreased insulinsensitivity has been consistently reported forpatients with depression compared with non-depressed individuals[64,65] (for review see Hauptand Newcomer[54]), suggesting abnormalities in glu-cose regulation associated with depression.However, as with the studies in schizophreniapatients, these reports have typically failed to char-acterise patient characteristics such as adiposity,

diet and activity. Further large-scale studies inschizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders, con-trolling for factors such as BMI and medication,are therefore needed to address the question of glu-coregulatory disturbances in these patients.

The occurrence of dyslipidaemia amongpatients with schizophrenia has been less well stud-ied, with limited data available compared with thatfor diabetes. Lifestyle surveys typically show high-er levels of obesity, reduced levels of exercise andless healthy diets among schizophrenic individualsthan the general population – factors that point toan increased prevalence of dyslipidaemia amongindividuals with the disorder. In a recent literaturereview concerning the effects of antipsychoticmedication on plasma lipid levels,[66] based largelyon case series and uncontrolled observations, find-ings with typical agents suggest that chlorpro-mazine and other phenothiazines are associatedwith dyslipidaemia, while butyrophenone-deriva-tives (e.g. haloperidol) have little effect on lipidlevels. Controlled studies concerning the effect ofsecond-generation antipsychotics, discussed indetail in the following sections, suggest that treat-ment with some agents is associated with a risk ofdyslipidaemia. However, as with the studies exam-ining the prevalence of diabetes in schizophrenia,weight and lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise,are likely to affect the occurrence of dyslipidaemiain these patients. Additional large-scale studies thatcontrol for factors such as BMI and medication aretherefore needed to examine the prevalence of dys-lipidaemia in patients with schizophrenia.

Although the evidence suggests an increasedrisk of diabetes mellitus associated with the pres-ence of some psychiatric disorders, particularlydepression, the reasons underlying such anincrease are unclear and represent an importantarea for future research. Several studies in patientswith depression have shown an approximately 2-fold increase in the relative risk of diabetes over thegeneral population, while similar studies in schizo-phrenia suggest an increased risk that may be ofsimilar magnitude to that seen in depression.Socioeconomic factors are thought to play at leastsome role in this increased risk. Individuals with


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schizophrenia may experience less exercise andhave a poorer, less healthy diet than the populationas a whole.[45] Another possibility that has been thesubject of some speculation is that patients withthese disorders may share some underlying geneticor biological factor that predisposes them to anincreased risk of metabolic disturbance. Clearly,further research is needed in this area.

3. Search Methodology and Overviewof Findings

3.1 Search Methodology

This literature review examines the evidencefor an association between dysregulation of eitherglucose or lipid metabolism and treatment with anyof the eight second-generation antipsychotics cur-rently available in the US and/or in Europe: cloza-pine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine, zotepine,amisulpride, ziprasidone and aripiprazole.

Literature references were identified primarilyvia Medline searches. Searches were performed forthe individual antipsychotic agents, plus ‘atypicalantipsychotics’. Each of these nine search termswas combined with each of the following terms toidentify relevant references: diabetes, glucose,ketoacidosis, hyperglycaemia, triglycerides, hyper-triglyceridaemia, lipidaemia, hyperlipidaemia, dys-lipidaemia and cholesterol. Searches were per-formed on papers published before 1 January 2004,although more recent references were in somecases included as below.

In addition to the Medline searches, abstractspresented at selected scientific meetings (23rdCongress of the Collegium InternationaleNeuropsychopharmacologicum [CINP 2002], 15thand 16th Congresses of the European College ofNeuropsychopharmacology [ECNP 2002 andECNP 2003] and the 12th Biennial WinterWorkshop on Schizophrenia [WWS 2004]) weresearched using the same terms, and any relevantabstracts are included in the report. Finally, pub-lished reports of key pivotal studies examining thesafety and efficacy of the different second-genera-tion antipsychotics in patients with schizophrenia

were reviewed for glucose and lipid data. This literature review is limited by its reliance

largely on Medline to identify relevant studiesreporting glucose and lipid regulation. Studies inpublications not indexed by Medline are thereforemissing, leading to the potential exclusion of somerelevant data. In addition, Medline searches maymiss glucose and lipid measurements that are gen-erally not included in the abstract of reports con-cerning controlled trials of antipsychotic efficacy,although the review of key published pivotal trialsof second-generation antipsychotic treatment inschizophrenia may mitigate this issue. Searches ofabstracts presented at the CINP 2002, ECNP 2002and 2003, and WWS 2004 congresses may alsohelp to incorporate studies that have not yet beenpublished in Medline journals. Review of thesestudies, however, may be restricted by the limiteddata and details available in such publishedabstracts.

3.2 Types of Reports

The number of reports identified in this litera-ture review for each of the eight second-generationantipsychotics varies considerably between the dif-ferent agents. This is to be expected, given the dif-ferences in their prescription rates and in the lengthof time that these treatments have been availableand differences in the level of interest concerningmetabolic adverse events with individual agents.Most information is available for clozapine,risperidone and olanzapine, which have been avail-able for longer and, in the case of risperidone andolanzapine, have been the two most widely pre-scribed second-generation antipsychotics in theUS. Fewer reports were identified for the morerecently approved agents, quetiapine, ziprasidoneand aripiprazole, and for the two agents not cur-rently released in the US, zotepine and amisulpride.

The reports identified in this review can bebroadly divided into three categories:

• case reports/chart reviews/FDA MedWatch-based reports/other uncontrolled observationalstudies


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• large retrospective database analyses using pre-scription, administrative or, less commonly, pop-ulation-based databases

• controlled experimental studies, including ran-domised clinical trials.

Not all categories of study are available foreach antipsychotic agent.

3.3 Levels of Evidence

These three categories of reports provide dif-ferent levels of evidence to assess the effect of eachantipsychotic agent on the different metabolicparameters. Studies can be considered either‘hypothesis generating’ or ‘hypothesis testing’,depending on their methodology. Case reports,chart reviews and open, observational studies allprovide uncontrolled, largely anecdotal evidenceand so are generally useful for hypothesis genera-tion only. A critical factor to consider in all post-marketing adverse event reporting is that mostreports happen in the first 2 years after the launchof a drug, with underreporting generally estimatedto be in the range of 1/10 to 1/100 of the actualnumber of cases. In contrast, controlled experi-mental studies, including prospective, randomised,controlled clinical trials, are designed to addressspecific questions and can be useful for hypothesistesting.

Relevant retrospective database analyses, afew using population-based sample data, can pro-vide higher or lower levels of evidence dependingon the methodology and the study endpoints used.The studies identified in this literature review havea number of methodological limitations relating tothe common use of pre-existing medical claimsdatabases. These limitations include the lack ofverification of psychiatric diagnosis and whethertreatments were actually received, high rates ofpolypharmacy and limited, if any, knowledge ofearlier treatment conditions that can contribute tocurrent levels of adiposity and associated insulinresistance. Most importantly, these studies typical-ly lack direct measures of metabolism, relying onsurrogate markers for the presence of diabetes,

such as the prescription of a hypoglycaemic agentor an ICD code for diabetes. Such surrogate mark-ers require the successful and consistent diagnosisof diabetes in the relevant study sample, but under-diagnosis of diabetes is common and contributingfactors are poorly understood. According to theADA, approximately one-third of cases of diabetesare undiagnosed in the US.[23] Given that these data-base studies may involve samples that underesti-mate the prevalence of diabetes, missing perhaps30% of actual cases, and that the hypothesised dif-ference in prevalence rates across treatment ordiagnostic groups is certainly less than 30%, thistype of retrospective database analysis may sufferfrom signal-to-noise limitations. This may affecttheir ability to reliably detect differences betweenmedications or across groups and may explainsome of the variability in studies of this kind, sug-gesting that the results of such retrospective analy-ses using surrogate measures of diabetes should beinterpreted with caution.

4. Second-Generation Antipsychoticsand Weight Gain

4.1 Impact of Weight Gain

Overweight and obesity, along with increasesin adiposity in general, are established risk factorsfor insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia and dyslipi-daemia.[14] Increases in bodyweight are typicallyassociated with increases in adiposity, with abdom-inal adiposity in particular a known risk factor forcardiovascular morbidity and mortality. In addi-tion, abdominal adiposity is associated with insulinresistance, so that adiposity can secondarily con-tribute to hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia,which are, like obesity, independent risk factors forCVD.

The effects of antipsychotic medications onbodyweight therefore have significant implicationsfor patient health. Weight gain is a well establishedside effect of antipsychotic therapy, reported in upto 50% of patients receiving long-term treatmentfor schizophrenia.[67] The causal effect of antipsy-chotic treatment to induce weight gain has been


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established in randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies. However, marked dif-ferences in weight gain liability are seen betweenthe different antipsychotic agents (figure 1).[59] Therank order of weight gain risk for the differentagents closely matches the rank order of risk forhyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia, discussedbelow, which has led to the hypothesis that theincreased risk of diabetes, hyperglycaemia anddyslipidaemia seen with some second-generationantipsychotics could be largely related to theireffect on body fat. Demonstrated in the followingliterature review, there is largely consistent evi-dence that the second-generation agents associatedwith more weight gain (i.e. clozapine and olanzap-ine) are associated with an increased risk of dia-betes, hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia.[68]

However, a considerable minority of reports ofnew-onset diabetes in the absence of obesity orsubstantial weight gain,[69–71] along with a limitedamount of experimental evidence for changes inglucose regulation and insulin resistance independ-ent of adiposity,[62,72,73] suggest that some second-generation antipsychotics may also have adverseeffects on insulin secretion or sensitivity that areindependent of adiposity.

A growing number of reports in the psychiatricliterature have unfortunately subjected time-limit-ed datasets to the simple question of whetherweight gain within some specific (but always rela-tively short-term, with respect to the time frame forthe onset of diabetes mellitus) time frame of sam-pling is statistically related to emergent diabetes orhyperglycaemia, without regard for the commonly

observed delay between the onset of insulin resist-ance and the emergence of hyperglycaemia (i.e.related to the delay in onset of pancreatic beta-cellfailure). Detailed below, some of these analyseshave detected a relationship between weight gainand hyperglycaemia and some have not. Given thestrong evidence from nonpsychiatric samples andpopulation studies linking weight gain withincreased risk for diabetes, hyperglycaemia anddyslipidaemia, these recent post hoc analyses, duti-fully listed below, do not provide compelling argu-ments against a role for weight gain in the devel-opment of metabolic changes seen with antipsy-chotic therapy. In addition, growing evidence indi-cates that treatment-induced increases in adiposityare associated with predictable increases in meas-ures of insulin resistance and increases in fastingplasma triglyceride, changes that are known to pre-dict long-term increases in plasma glucose in vul-nerable individuals. Despite the absence of com-pelling evidence that the adverse effects of adipos-ity do not occur in psychiatric patient samples,some authors have taken a sceptical position, alongthe lines of recent US FDA comments, that therelationship of weight gain to hyperglycaemia hasyet to be proven in patients taking antipsychoticmedications.[77]

Given the important potential relevance ofdrug-induced increases in weight and adiposity onmetabolic function, the effect of each second-gen-eration antipsychotic on weight and adiposity isreviewed at the start of each section concerningindividual medications. However, as this article isprimarily a review of the effects of antipsychotictherapy on metabolic parameters, the sections cov-ering the effect of this therapy on weight and adi-posity provide an overview of most of the availabledata and are not intended as comprehensivereviews of the related literature.

4.2 Weight Gain in Children, Adolescentsand the Elderly

The majority of studies and reports of theeffects of antipsychotic therapy on bodyweighthave been in adults. There is, however, a small but

Estimated Weight Change at 10 Weeks on “Standard” Dose










































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Fig. 1. Mean change in bodyweight with antipsychotic therapy.Adapted from Allison et al., Leucht et al.† (amisulpride), Joneset al.‡ (quetiapine) and Marder et al.* (aripiprazole).[59,74-76]


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increasing body of evidence that the findings inadults are not directly applicable to children andadolescents, or to the elderly, and that the weightincreases observed with antipsychotic therapy aremore severe in children and adolescent patientsthan in adults.

4.2.1 Children and Adolescents

Weight gain in children can be associated withnormal growth-related increases in lean musclemass or with increases in adiposity. The few stud-ies in children that have attempted to address thisdistinction have compared treatment-inducedweight gain with standardised growth curves ratherthan directly measuring changes in lean muscleversus fat mass. Child psychiatrists have clinicallynoted substantial weight gain in children duringantipsychotic treatment, providing anecdotalreports and early observations that this effect inchildren is even more pronounced than thatobserved in adults. However, no controlled data areavailable to describe how treatment-inducedchanges in adiposity affect insulin sensitivity andother aspects of metabolism in children.

The few studies that have reported changes inbodyweight in children treated with antipsychoticsraise concern that weight gain may be more signif-icant in this treatment population than in adults. Anopen-label study of olanzapine (mean dose 10.7mg/day) in 25 children with pervasive develop-mental disorder demonstrated an average weightgain of 4.7kg after 12 weeks of treatment,[78] corre-sponding to an increase in bodyweight of nearly10%. Olanzapine treatment (mean dose 17.5mg/day) of eight psychotic adolescents resulted inan average 14% increase in bodyweight over anaverage of 9 weeks of treatment.[79] A study of 8weeks of randomised treatment with either risperi-done (up to 3mg) or placebo in 26 children withTourette’s syndrome resulted in an average weightgain of 2.8kg compared with no weight changeduring placebo treatment.[80] A retrospective studywith 50 patients younger than 18 years treated witholanzapine (mean dose 13.9mg) found an averageweight gain of 3.8kg after an average duration of

treatment of 39 days.[81] A multicentre, double-blindstudy of 118 children aged 5–12 years with mentalretardation and disruptive behaviours found a meanweight increase of 2.2kg after only 6 weeks oftreatment with risperidone (mean dose 1.16mg)compared with 0.9kg with placebo.[82] A recentstudy of 19 children aged 7–17 years with eitherTourette’s syndrome or chronic motor tic disorderreported an average weight gain of 1.9kg over the4-week treatment period with risperidone (meandose 2.5mg).[83] A similar open-label study ofrisperidone treatment (mean dose 1.26mg) in autis-tic children reported an average weight gain of3.2kg after 4 weeks of treatment.[84] A multisite,randomised, double-blind trial of risperidone(mean dose 1.8mg) compared with placebo among101 children aged 5–17 years with autism found anaverage weight gain of 2.7kg after 8 weeks of treat-ment compared with 0.8kg with placebo.[85] Sixty-three of these children treated openly for an addi-tional 4 months had an average weight gain of5.6kg after a total 6 months, suggesting that, as inadults, treatment effects on weight gain are not lim-ited to the short term.[86] Sikich and co-workers[87]

randomised 50 psychotic children and adolescentsto 8 weeks of treatment with haloperidol, olanzap-ine or risperidone. While significant weight gainwas seen in all groups, between-group differencesin weight gain and BMI were statistically signifi-cant (olanzapine > risperidone > haloperidol).Risperidone-treated patients experienced an aver-age weight gain of 4.9kg compared with an averageweight gain of 7.1kg in those treated with olanzapine.

These reports suggest that weight increasesassociated with antipsychotic therapy are moreprominent in children and adolescents than inadults. This is of particular concern, given the long-term effect of overweight and obesity on patienthealth and the increasing prevalence of overweightobserved in children and adolescents in the generalpopulation.

4.2.2 Elderly Patients

Data regarding weight gain in elderly patientstreated with second-generation antipsychotics are


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modest. Furthermore, they are generally limited bythe serious methodological issue of elderly patientshaving progressive loss of lean muscle mass, whichhas the potential to mask treatment-associatedincreases in bodyweight and adiposity.

Weight increases during antipsychotic treat-ment in younger patients are understood to be dueto increases in fat mass, rather than changes in leanmuscle mass. Using direct measures of fat massand body composition in untreated elderly individ-uals, progressive decreases in lean muscle mass areroutinely observed, with or without decreases inweight.[88] Progressive increases in fat mass inuntreated weight-stable individuals can in factmask decreasing lean muscle mass and sarcope-nia.[89] Treatment with medications that can stimu-late appetite, among other actions, is expected toincrease fat rather than lean muscle mass in thesedentary elderly. Such changes are expected tohave an adverse effect on health, as visceral adi-posity is associated with an elevated risk forincreased insulin resistance, dyslipidaemia andglucose intolerance, contributing to cardiovasculardisease and diabetes.[16] Thus, elderly patients maybe at increased risk of adverse metabolic changes,even if they do not experience marked increases inbodyweight.

Risperidone has been reported to cause mini-mal weight gain[90] or no significant gain[91,92] in theelderly. Madhusoodanan et al.[93] found insignifi-cant mean weight gain of 0.84kg in a sample ofelderly patients (mean age 71 years) treated witholanzapine. However, this study was retrospectiveand limited by a small sample size. In a relevantstudy of Alzheimer’s dementia patients with psy-chosis, olanzapine treatment produced a modestmean weight gain of 0.8kg over 6 weeks, in con-trast to a mean weight loss of 0.19kg in placebo-treated patients.[94] Although this study was limitedby the use of weight measures rather than directmeasures of body composition, it highlights thepotential for progressive weight loss in untreatedpatients. Such weight loss can mask or minimiseweight gain when patients are treated with antipsy-chotics. Unfortunately, many previous studies inthe elderly included no untreated control group, so

weight changes on treatment are not possible tointerpret. Further studies are therefore needed toassess the effect of antipsychotic therapy onweight, adiposity and metabolic parameters in theelderly.

4.3 Possible Mechanisms of Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain and MetabolicEffects

4.3.1 Bodyweight

The mechanisms by which antipsychotic med-ications produce their effects on bodyweight andbody composition are poorly understood, withmany different receptor types (including 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, H1 histamine and "1- and "2-adrenergicreceptors) hypothesised to be a relevant target ofantipsychotic activity. Of these, H1 receptors arecurrently the focus of much interest and more evi-dence, although the mechanisms by which H1

receptor antagonism might induce weight gain arecurrently unclear.

A recent study suggests a strong associationbetween the level of H1 receptor affinity andantipsychotic-induced weight gain.[95] The receptor-binding affinities of 17 first- and second-generationantipsychotics (including all of the second-genera-tion agents except zotepine and amisulpride includ-ed in this review) were examined for correlationswith their short-term effects on bodyweight, asdetermined in a previous meta-analysis of the liter-ature.[59] H1 receptor-binding affinity showed a sta-tistically significant correlation with weight gain,and 15 of the 17 drugs were correctly classifiedinto two groups – those that induce weight gain andthose that do not – based on their H1 binding affini-ties using discriminant function analysis.Interestingly, affinity for the 5-HT2C receptor didnot correlate significantly with weight gain in thisstudy, even though previous genetic studies havesuggested a role for the 5-HT2C receptor in weightregulation in rodents. Furthermore, an earlier studysuggested a link between weight gain and poly-morphisms in the 5-HT2C receptor gene,[96] hypothe-sising that such genetic variation could predispose


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individuals to more or less weight gain via as yetunknown mechanisms. Further studies examiningthis link between 5-HT2C receptor gene polymor-phisms and weight gain have, however, producedinconsistent results. In a study of patients withfirst-episode schizophrenia, those with one variantof the 5-HT2C receptor gene showed significantlyless weight gain after 6 weeks of clozapine therapythan patients who lacked this particular variation.[97]

However, in another study of schizophrenicpatients, no association was detected between thevariant allele and weight gain after 12 weeks ofclozapine therapy.[98]

Kroeze and colleagues[95] do not discount therole of other receptor types in the development ofantipsychotic-induced weight gain. Sulpiride caninduce significant long-term weight gain in somepatients with schizophrenia, even though it is aselective dopamine D2/D3 receptor antagonist withvirtually no affinity for H1 receptors. Similarly,substantial weight gain has occasionally beenreported with depot formulations of the typicalantipsychotics haloperidol and fluphenazine,[99]

although these agents also show relatively low H1

receptor affinity.

4.3.2 Glucose Dysregulation

Mechanisms underlying the changes in glu-cose regulation associated with antipsychotic ther-apy are only beginning to be understood. A numberof studies suggest that the effect of antipsychotictreatment on insulin resistance, rather than insulinsecretion, may be more important for mostpatients. For most individuals, changes in insulinresistance occur secondary to increases in adiposi-ty.[73,100] However, a significant minority of patientsmay experience glucose dysregulation independentof weight or adiposity differences,[62,69-71,73,78] sug-gesting the possibility of a direct effect of certainantipsychotic medications on insulin sensitivity orsecretion. One possible mechanism for antipsy-chotic drug effects that could occur independent ofchanges in adiposity would involve drug effects onglucose transporter function. Dwyer and col-leagues have shown that certain antipsychotic

agents, including clozapine, olanzapine and chlor-promazine, can inhibit glucose uptake via interac-tions with glucose transporter proteins in in vitrostudies using cloned cell lines, whereas otheragents, such as haloperidol, had a marginal effecton glucose transport.[101,102] These drugs can alsoinduce hyperglycaemia in mice in accordance withtheir effects on glucose transport.[103] Risperidonecan also interact with these intracellular proteins,but the limited lipophilic nature of this agent resultsin reduced tissue-to-plasma concentration ratios,suggesting that intracellular protein interactions aswell as intracellular drug concentrations may becritical to the prediction of drug effects in this area.These findings suggest that differing effects on glu-cose transport can be hypothesised to underlie theclinical observation of different adiposity-inde-pendent antipsychotic drug effects on insulin sensi-tivity, although additional laboratory and clinicalstudies are needed.

Serotonin receptor activity may also have arole in glucose regulation. Both 5-HT1A and 5-HT2

receptors have been implicated, although the exactrole of these receptors appears complex, and therank order of in vitro affinities of antipsychoticagents for serotonin receptors does not fit well withthe rank order of their effects on glucose regula-tion.

Changes in noradrenaline and adrenalineturnover and plasma concentrations during clozap-ine treatment[104,105] may also be relevant to under-standing drug effects on glucose metabolism thatcould occur independent of changes in adiposity.Increases in circulating noradrenaline and adrena-line could be predicted to reduce beta-cell functionand increase glucose release from hepatocytes. Itremains to be seen what role, if any, such changesin adrenergic function play in the development ofabnormalities in glucose or lipid metabolism dur-ing antipsychotic treatment.

4.3.3 Lipid Dysregulation

The mechanisms underlying the changes inlipid parameters associated with antipsychotic ther-apy have been little studied, although a number of


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possible mechanisms have been suggested.[66]

Epidemiological studies in the general populationprovide a wealth of data showing that weight gainand obesity increase the risk of dyslipidaemia, withhigher levels of obesity linked to increasing risk.Obesity and weight gain are associated withincreased triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol levelsand reduced HDL-cholesterol. Antipsychoticagents differ markedly in their weight gain poten-tial, suggesting that the effects on lipid levels seenwith antipsychotic agents may primarily be relatedto their effect on bodyweight and adiposity.

Other factors may also play a role in the devel-opment of treatment-associated dyslipidaemia. Thedevelopment of glucose intolerance would beexpected to affect lipid levels, as insulin resistanceis a key factor in the pathophysiology of dyslipi-daemia. However, as discussed above, mostchanges in insulin resistance are likely to be sec-ondary to changes in adiposity, rather than throughdirect effects of antipsychotics on insulin action.Finally, a few reports of substantial elevations intriglyceride levels with only modest weight gainraise the possibility of a direct antipsychotic effecton lipid levels by some as yet unknown mecha-nism.

5. First-Generation Antipsychotics

Although this review concentrates on thepotential effect of second-generation antipsy-chotics on metabolic parameters, reports ofchanges in glucose regulation, lipid levels andbodyweight are not confined to these agents, buthave also been observed with some first-generation(typical) antipsychotics.

Reports of abnormal glucose regulationoccurred following the introduction of chlorpro-mazine and other low potency phenothiazines.Cases of new-onset type 2 diabetes and exacerba-tion of existing diabetes were associated with phe-nothiazine treatment (for review, see Haupt andNewcomer[106]); in one report, the prevalence of dia-betes increased from 4.2% to 17.2% following theintroduction of chlorpromazine therapy.[107] In addi-tion, phenothiazine treatment has been associated

with adverse changes in plasma lipid levels andincreases in bodyweight.[108,109]

However, not all first-generation antipsychoticagents appear to show the same propensity foradverse effects on glucose regulation as pheno-thiazines. Reports of diabetes associated with theuse of high potency first-generation agents, such ashaloperidol, have been limited, suggesting poten-tial variability between medications in their effectson glucose metabolism. Koller et al.[71] identified 20reports of hyperglycaemia with haloperidol treat-ment from the FDA MedWatch Drug SurveillanceSystem and published reports from an estimated6.5 million years of patient exposure. However, aswith early studies of diabetes and hyperglycaemiain unmedicated schizophrenia patients, these stud-ies are limited by their lack of controls and inade-quate evaluation of other confounding factors, suchas bodyweight and adiposity, so they should beinterpreted with caution. In general, the widespreaduse of high potency first-generation antipsychotics,such as haloperidol, in the years before the intro-duction of the second-generation agents may havecontributed to the relative lack of reports ofantipsychotic-related hyperglycaemia and the sub-sequent relative lack of attention given to this issueduring the clinical development of the newer, sec-ond-generation agents.

6. Clozapine

Clozapine was the first second-generationantipsychotic to be marketed, producing improve-ments in both positive and negative symptoms ofschizophrenia, but without the significant risk ofvarious movement disorders usually seen withfirst-generation antipsychotic agents. In addition,clozapine remains unique as an agent with estab-lished efficacy for individuals with treatment-resistant schizophrenia and for the prevention ofsuicide. It was introduced in the US in 1990,although it had been used in Europe since the1980s. Clozapine treatment is associated with arisk of agranulocytosis, which means that it is nowused most commonly in treatment-resistant indi-viduals. Consequently, it accounts for a relatively


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small proportion of prescriptions for second-gener-ation antipsychotics.

To date, there is a large body of data examin-ing the association between clozapine therapy anddiabetes, hyperglycaemia, and abnormal glucoseand lipid regulation. This includes case reports,FDA MedWatch Drug Surveillance information,database analyses and controlled experimentalstudies, including randomised clinical trials.

6.1 Bodyweight

Clozapine treatment is associated with markedincreases in weight with both short- and long-termtreatment, which has clinically significant implica-tions for treatment adherence and long-term patienthealth. Allison et al.[59] reported an estimatedweight gain of 4kg over 10 weeks of clozapinetherapy in their meta-analysis of published studies,and Blin[110] reported a mean increase of 4.45kgwith clozapine (and 4.15kg with olanzapine) in a10-week comparison study. Longer-term treatmentwith clozapine is associated with additional weightgain, with increases of 6–12kg reported with 6–12 months of treatment. A study involving 21 patients reported a mean weight gain of 6.3kgover 16 weeks of clozapine therapy,[111] while inanother study, 36 patients experienced a meanincrease of 7.7kg over 6 months of clozapine treat-ment.[112] In a retrospective analysis of patientrecords,[113] clozapine-treated patients reported amean weight increase of 6.8kg over a mean treat-ment duration of approximately 27 weeks.Maximum weight gain (7.5kg) was reached at amean duration of 25 weeks, suggesting that weightgain occurs over a prolonged period with clozapinetherapy. This is supported by findings from a 5-year naturalistic study of 82 clozapine-treated out-patients.[114] Although patients gained most weightduring the first 12 months of treatment (0.5kg/month), patients continued to show statisticallysignificant weight gain out into the final observa-tions of the study, at approximately month 46 oftherapy.

The marked weight gain with clozapine thera-py is also apparent when assessed as percentage

increase from baseline. A review of clozapine trialsreported that over 20% of clozapine-treatedpatients showed at least a 10% increase in weightfrom baseline with treatment lasting 12 weeks to12 months.[115] In one study,[116] over 20% of patientsgained more than 20% of their baseline body-weight after 52 weeks of treatment. The substantialand prolonged increases in weight seen with cloza-pine treatment have clinically significant implica-tions for long-term patient health.

6.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

6.2.1 FDA MedWatch Drug Surveillance System

Data from the FDA MedWatch DrugSurveillance System (January 1990 to February2001), together with published reports and meet-ings abstracts, were used to identify reports of dia-betes or hyperglycaemia associated with clozapinetreatment.[69] A total of 384 cases were identified:323 were ‘new-onset’ hyperglycaemia, 54 repre-sented exacerbation of pre-existing diabetes, andfor 7 patients this was unclear. Of the patients withnew-onset hyperglycaemia, 171 (53%) met diag-nostic criteria for diabetes based on blood glucose(fasting >126 mg/dL; nonfasting >200 mg/dL) orHbA1c levels. For another 71 patients, diabetes wasdefined by initiation of antidiabetic medication orpresence of metabolic acidosis or ketosis, while forthe remaining 81 patients, hyperglycaemia wasdescribed as ‘less well documented’.

Among patients with definitive new-onset dia-betes (i.e. blood glucose or HbA1c diagnosis), themean age at onset was 39 ± 11 years, and morethan 75% of these patients were aged 50 years oryounger, suggesting that many patients were belowthe typical age of onset for type 2 diabetes. Thetime from initiation of clozapine therapy to onsetof diabetes was generally short (figure 2).Diabetes occurred within 1 month of starting cloza-pine therapy for 27% of patients and within 3months for 54%. Exacerbation of pre-existing dia-betes also occurred rapidly after clozapine initia-tion: within 1 month for 38% of patients and with-in 3 months for 64%. For the majority of patients,


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glycaemic control improved following withdrawalfrom clozapine treatment. Follow-up data, avail-able for 54 of the 110 patients who withdrew fromclozapine therapy, showed that 42 patients (78%)experienced improvement.

The severity of hyperglycaemia associatedwith clozapine therapy ranged from mild glucoseintolerance to ketoacidosis and hyperosmolarcoma. Fifty-one patients (45 with new-onset dia-betes) experienced blood glucose levels of≥700 mg/dL. Metabolic acidosis or ketosis accom-panied hyperglycaemia in 80 cases, the majority ofwhich (n = 73) were new-onset diabetes. Therewere 25 deaths during hyperglycaemic episodes;acidosis or ketosis was reported in 16 of these.Bodyweight data, available for 146 cases, showedobesity or substantial weight gain in the majority ofcases, but no evidence of obesity or substantialweight gain in 38 individuals (26%).

6.2.2 Case Studies

Medline searches identified 26 publishedreports detailing associations between clozapinetreatment and the occurrence of diabetes, diabeticketoacidosis or hyperglycaemia (table IV).

These case reports, with the exception of thosepublished after 2000, are analysed in a recentreview.[143] A total of 30 individuals (25 male and 5female) experienced diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosisor hyperglycaemia associated with clozapine treat-

ment. The mean age of patients at detection of dia-betes/ketoacidosis was 39.9 (range 25–54) years;22 patients (73%) were aged 45 years or younger.The mean duration of clozapine treatment prior todetection was 17.7 (range 1–92) weeks, althoughfor 19 (70%) of the 27 patients with available data,detection occurred within 12 weeks of treatment. Inall, 12 individuals (40%) experienced diabeticketoacidosis. Fifteen patients recovered completelyafter discontinuing clozapine therapy. Six patientsexperienced a rapid return to hyperglycaemia fol-lowing rechallenge with clozapine.

One report of four cases[137] characterises someof the features of case reports with clozapine ther-apy. Two of the patients experienced new onset andtwo patients experienced severe exacerbation oftype 2 diabetes, with the effects observed shortlyafter initiating clozapine therapy in all four cases.Weight gain did not appear to be a factor for thesepatients: two patients experienced no weight gainand two experienced minimal changes in body-weight.

In other reports, Baymiller and co-workers[144]

observed three cases of diabetes during long-termclozapine treatment of 50 patients with schizophre-nia. For the two patients with bodyweight assess-ments, one showed an increase (12.7kg) and theother a decrease (7.3kg) in weight during the 12-month treatment period.

6.2.3 Chart Reviews and Observational Studies

The occurrence of diabetes in patients withpsychotic disorders treated with clozapine has alsobeen examined in observational clinical trials andreviews of patient records.

A 5-year naturalistic study[114] examined theincidence of treatment-emergent diabetes inpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis-order treated with clozapine. A total of 82 patientswho had received clozapine therapy for at least 1year were included in the study. Patients were treat-ed at an outpatient clinic, and demographic andlaboratory data (including fasting blood glucose[FBG] and lipid levels) were available at treatmentinitiation and at 6-monthly intervals thereafter.









of e



Time (mo)

#1 >1–3 >3–6 >6–9 >9–12 >12–24 >24–36 >36

Fig. 2. Time to onset of newly diagnosed diabetes mellituswith clozapine.[58]


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Patients had a mean age of 36.4 years, and onlyfour were older than 50 years.

In all, 25 patients (30.5%) were diagnosedwith type 2 diabetes by primary care physiciansafter initiation of clozapine therapy. Fourteenpatients were treated using oral hypoglycaemicagents and four with insulin. One of the insulin-treated patients experienced two episodes of dia-betic ketoacidosis within 6 months of starting treat-ment, although the authors report that this may beunrelated to clozapine and may represent a case oftype 1 diabetes. A further five patients who experi-enced elevated FBG values during the 5-year studyperiod were subsequently diagnosed and treated fordiabetes. In total, 36.6% of the study sample werediagnosed with diabetes within 5 years of initiatingclozapine therapy. Regression analysis showed a

significant correlation between patient age and thedevelopment of diabetes. Although bodyweightincreased significantly during the study, weight,change in weight, BMI and change in BMI werenot significantly associated with an increased riskof diabetes in this sample. Furthermore, the authorsreport that some patients did not gain weight, butdeveloped diabetes.

An earlier study conducted in Sweden[145]

analysed blood glucose levels to determine theprevalence of diabetes among patients with psy-chotic disorders treated with clozapine. Sixty-threepatients with psychosis, the majority (58) withschizophrenia, treated with clozapine were includ-ed in the study. A further 67 patients (53 withschizophrenia) receiving depot injections of typicalantipsychotics formed the control group. The two

Table IV. Case-based reports of diabetes, ketoacidosis or hyperglycaemia with clozapineReference Case report detailsWehring et al.[117] Three cases of lethal diabetic ketoacidosis in schizophrenia patients during long-term therapy (25.5, 14.5 and

59.5 months’ treatment)Beliard et al.[118] Severe hyperglycaemia 3 months after starting clozapine in a 59-year-old male with existing type 2 diabetesLafayette et al.[119] Diabetic ketoacidosis 10 weeks after starting clozapine in a 22-year-old female, which resolved after discon-

tinuing therapyCohen & Gispen-de Wied[120] Three cases of diabetes in male schizophrenia patients treated with clozapine therapy (original article in

Dutch)Kristensen & Porksen[121] Diabetic ketoacidosis during clozapine treatment in a 54-year-old white female with type 2 diabetes and

schizophrenia (original article in Danish)Avram et al.[122] Clozapine-induced diabetic ketoacidosisRigalleau et al.[123] One case of new-onset diabetes with weight loss and ketosis with clozapineWu et al.[124] Hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia and periodic paralysis: a case report of new adverse effects of clozapineIsakov et al.[125] Insulin-resistant hyperglycaemia induced by clozapineWehring et al.[126] Two patients developed diabetes mellitus associated with clozapine therapyBrugman et al.[127] A 40-year-old patient developed type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension when clozapine was added to his

treatment regimen (original article in Dutch)Maule et al.[128] Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with clozapine treatmentColli et al.[129] Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with clozapine treatmentMohan et al.[130] Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with clozapine treatmentSmith et al.[131] Clozapine-induced diabetic ketoacidosisAi et al.[132] Diabetic ketoacidosis and clozapine treatmentWirshing et al.[133] Clozapine-associated new onset diabetes: 4 casesDickson & Hogg[134] A pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes, possibly exacerbated by clozapineThompson et al.[135] A 48-year-old male developed hepatitis, hyperglycaemia, pleural effusion, eosinophilia, haematuria and pro-

teinuria early in clozapine treatmentPierides[136] Clozapine monotherapy and ketoacidosisPopli et al.[137] Clozapine use associated with de novo onset (2 cases) or severe exacerbation of pre-existing diabetes melli-

tusKoren et al.[138] Extreme hyperglycaemia, severe lactic acidosis and fatal myocardial failure associated with clozapine in a 37-

year-old Ashkenazic Jewish manPeterson & Byrd[139] Diabetic ketoacidosis from clozapine and lithium cotreatmentKostakoglu et al.[140] Ketoacidosis as an adverse effect of clozapineKoval et al.[141] Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with clozapine treatmentKamran et al.[142] Severe hyperglycaemia associated with high doses of clozapine


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patient groups were similar in terms of sex, weight,height and BMI. However, patients in the clozapinegroup were significantly younger than those receiv-ing depot treatment (mean age 41 ± 9 vs 48 ± 10years) and had a significantly shorter duration ofdisease (15 vs 21 years) and of current antipsy-chotic treatment (3 vs 8 years) [all p < 0.001].None of the patients had evidence of diabetesbefore the start of current antipsychotic therapy.

Blood glucose analysis (random samples)revealed that 21 patients (33%) in the clozapinegroup had hyperglycaemia (blood glucose >6.6mmol/L) compared with 13 patients (19%) in thecontrol group (p = 0.07). Based on oral glucose tol-erance testing of these patients, 13 (22%) in theclozapine group were diagnosed with either type 2diabetes (7 patients) or IGT (6) according to WHOcriteria. This compared with 6 patients (10%) in thecontrol group (diabetes 4; IGT 2). The differencebetween the groups showed a trend towards statis-tical significance (p = 0.06) for diagnosis of dia-betes or IGT. Analysis of demographic datashowed that 10 of the 13 patients in the clozapinegroup diagnosed with diabetes or IGT were aged45 years or younger, compared with 1 of the 6patients in the control group.

In a retrospective chart review of patientstreated with first- or second-generation antipsy-chotic therapy (including clozapine, olanzapine,risperidone and quetiapine), Wirshing and col-leagues[146] examined the changes in glucose levelsthat occurred following the initiation of antipsy-chotic treatment. In all, data were available from215 patients, of whom 39 received clozapine treat-ment (mean duration 43.3 months). Analysis ofclozapine-treated patients showed a significantincrease from baseline in mean FBG level (+14%;p = 0.05) and maximum blood glucose level(+31%; p = 0.03). Significant increases in thesemeasures were also seen with olanzapine therapy,but not with risperidone or quetiapine. In addition,five patients (13%) started treatment with a glu-cose-lowering agent following the initiation ofclozapine therapy, while 44% of clozapine-treatedpatients with normal baseline glucose values expe-rienced elevated FBG levels (≥126 mg/dL) during

therapy. In a smaller naturalistic study of 75patients with schizophrenia or related psychoticdisorders receiving first- or second-generation ther-apy,[147] FBG levels also increased significantlyfrom pretreatment levels after at least 2 months ofclozapine treatment. In contrast, patients receivingtypical therapy showed significant decreases infasting glucose levels from baseline.

An open-label study by Chae and Kang[148]

used weekly oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs)to assess blood glucose levels during 8 weeks ofclozapine or haloperidol treatment in patients withpsychotic disorders. Six of the 17 patients (35%) inthe clozapine group developed IGT (WHO criteria)during treatment compared with none of 10patients in the haloperidol group (p = 0.056). Sevenpatients (41%) in the clozapine group and one(10%) in the haloperidol group developed gly-caemic peak delay. None of the patients in eithergroup developed diabetes.

Other studies have measured plasma insulinlevels in patients treated with clozapine. Thesestudies can provide evidence of either decreasedinsulin secretion or increased secretion, suggestingdecreased tissue insulin sensitivity. Melkersson andHulting[149] reported elevated fasting insulin levelsin 7 of the 14 patients receiving clozapine therapy,although median insulin levels remained withinnormal limits. Similarly, increases in mean insulinand glucose levels were observed during OGTTs insix patients with schizophrenia treated with cloza-pine.[150] Two studies have reported a positive corre-lation between insulin levels and clozapine serumconcentration.[151,152] Analysis of data from 18 out-patients with schizophrenia or related psychoseswho had received clozapine treatment for at least 6months (mean duration, 8.2 years) showed that 11patients (61%) had elevated fasting insulin levelsand 13 (72%) had elevated fasting C-peptide lev-els.[151] Both insulin and C-peptide levels correlatedsignificantly with clozapine serum concentration.Elevated FBG levels were reported for 2 of the 18patients. In the earlier study, fasting insulin levelsshowed a positive correlation with clozapine serumconcentration in 13 patients treated with clozapine(p = 0.03), whereas no correlation was observed


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with typical antipsychotic therapy.[152] Insulin eleva-tion was also more frequent in patients receivingclozapine than in patients receiving typical antipsy-chotic therapy. All except one patient in the studyhad normal fasting glucose levels. These findingssuggest that clozapine could affect insulin secre-tion through induction of concentration-dependentinsulin resistance. In a further study, metabolicparameters were examined in patients with schizo-phrenia treated continuously with antipsychotictherapy for at least 3 months.[153] Patients receivingclozapine therapy (n = 34) had significantly higherFPG levels (p < 0.05) and insulin resistance (p <0.05) than those treated with typical antipsychotictherapy (n = 17). The proportions of patients withdiabetes and hyperinsulinaemia were highestamong patients treated with clozapine. In contrast,clozapine treatment had no significant effect oninsulin resistance in a prospective study of 20patients initiating clozapine treatment.[154] Meaninsulin resistance and mean levels of other factorsaffecting glucose homeostasis did not differ signif-icantly from baseline after an average of 2.5months of clozapine therapy. However, baselineassessments indicated that patients already showedlong-term insulin resistance at the start of clozap-ine therapy.

Two recent studies have used patient records toretrospectively assess the prevalence of hypergly-caemia among patients with schizophrenia or otherpsychotic illness treated with clozapine. One studyidentified 28 patients with hyperglycaemia (FPG≥110 mg/dL), six of whom were diabetic usingADA criteria (FPG ≥126 mg/dL), among 121patients diagnosed with schizophrenia betweenOctober 1999 and September 2000.[155] Patientsidentified with diabetes had a significantly greaterBMI (33.1 kg/m2) than those in the normal(<110 mg/dL) or impaired FPG (≥110 to<126 mg/dL) groups (28.8 and 27.3 kg/m2, respec-tively; p = 0.041).

The second study was a retrospective chartreview involving 208 patients with psychotic ill-ness (including schizophrenia, schizoaffective dis-order and bipolar disorder) treated with first- orsecond-generation antipsychotics in a range of

clinical settings.[156] Overall, patients had a meanage of 46 years and a mean BMI of 30.8 kg/m2. Ofthe 21 patients treated with clozapine, five (23.8%)had diabetes, but the prevalence of diabetes did notdiffer significantly between the different antipsy-chotics (clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone, queti-apine or typical agents). Similarly, mean fastingglucose values did not differ significantly betweentreatments (clozapine, 113.2 mg/dL).

6.2.4 Retrospective Database Analyses

The association between clozapine therapyand diabetes has been investigated in seven analy-ses of data from epidemiological and health servicedatabases (table V).

In an analysis of healthcare data from theVeterans Health Administration, clozapine treat-ment was associated with an increased risk of dia-betes compared with typical antipsychotic therapy.The study examined data from patients treated inthe Veterans Health Administration of theDepartment of Veterans Affairs during a 4-monthperiod in 1999.[157] The analysis included outpa-tients with schizophrenia treated with first- or sec-ond-generation antipsychotics. In all, 15 984patients received first-generation antipsychoticsand 22 648 received second-generation agents, ofwhom 1207 (5.3%) were prescribed clozapine.

Overall, the rate of diagnosis of diabetes(defined as an outpatient encounter or inpatientstay with a primary or secondary diagnosis of dia-betes during the analysis period) was similar inpatients treated with first- or second-generationantipsychotics, although significantly moreyounger patients (age groups: <40, 40–49 and50–59 years) had a diagnosis of diabetes whentreated with second- than with first-generationantipsychotics (p < 0.001). Logistic regressionanalysis, controlling for demographic, diagnosticand treatment factors, showed that the odds ratios(OR) of diagnosis with diabetes were significantlygreater for patients receiving any second-genera-tion agent compared with those receiving first-gen-eration antipsychotic therapy (OR 1.09; 95% CI1.03, 1.15; p = 0.002).


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For the individuals treated with clozapine, therisk of diabetes compared with typical antipsychot-ic treatment increased significantly for all patients(OR 1.25; 95% CI 1.07, 1.46; p < 0.005) and forthose aged <40 years (OR 2.13; 95% CI 1.36, 3.35;p < 0.002) and 40–49 years (OR 1.43; 95% CI1.13, 1.81; p < 0.003). In the 60–69-year agegroup, however, clozapine was associated with adecreased risk of diabetes (OR 0.50; 95% CI 0.26,0.96; p < 0.04).

An analysis of medical and pharmacy datafrom the Iowa Medicaid program[158] also examinedthe risk of diabetes in clozapine-treated patientscompared with those receiving typical antipsychot-ic treatment. Unlike the study by Sernyak et al.,[157]

this analysis showed no statistically significant dif-ference in overall incidence rates of diabetesbetween clozapine-treated patients and thosereceiving typical antipsychotics. Overall, 4.0% ofthe 531 patients with schizophrenia receivingclozapine therapy developed diabetes (mean fol-low-up 25.5 months). This compared with 3.4% ofthe 2296 patients receiving typical antipsychotics(mean follow-up 24.5 months). However, when

patients were stratified according to their age,younger patients (20–34 years) showed a statisti-cally significant increase in diabetes incidence withclozapine therapy (5.0%) compared with typicalagents (2.0%) [RR 2.5; 95% CI 1.2, 5.4].

A study analysing medical claims data fromtwo health plans encompassing 2.5 million individ-uals[159] compared the risk of diabetes in clozapine-treated patients with that in untreated individuals.Using data from January 1996 to December 1997,7933 individuals with psychosis were identifiedfrom ICD-CM-9 codes and included in the analy-sis. Of these, 4308 had received at least 60 con-tiguous days of antipsychotic therapy (first- or sec-ond-generation), and 3625 had received no antipsy-chotic treatment. These records were then exam-ined for the presence of type 2 diabetes, based onICD-CM-9 codes or use of antidiabetic medication(except insulin). Patients with pre-existing type 2diabetes were excluded from the two analyses: oneanalysis was based on the screening of patients forexisting diabetes at 4 months prior to the observa-tion period, the other at 8 months prior to treat-ment.

Table V. Summary of database analyses investigating association between clozapine therapy and diabetes

Reference Risk of diabetesSernyak et al.[157] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychotic

All patients 1.25 (95% CI 1.07, 1.46) p < 0.005<40y 2.13 (95% CI, 1.36, 3.35) p < 0.00240–49y 1.43 (95% CI, 1.13, 1.81) p < 0.00350–59y 1.17 (95% CI, 0.88, 1.54) NS60–69y 0.50 (95% CI, 0.26, 0.96) p < 0.04≥70y 1.61 (95% CI 0.59, 4.37) NS

Lund et al.[158] Diabetes incidence vs typical antipsychoticAll patients 4.0% vs 3.4%20–34y 5.0% vs 2.0% [RR 2.5 (95% CI 1.2, 5.4)]

Gianfrancesco et al.[159] Odds ratio vs no antipsychotic1mo 1.182 (95% CI 1.040, 1.344) p = 0.0112mo 7.44 (95% CI 1.603, 34.751) p < 0.05Odds ratio vs risperidone12mo 8.45 p < 0.05

Lambert et al.[160] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychotic1.43 (95% CI 1.19, 1.69) p < 0.001

Citrome et al.[161] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychotic7.61 (95% CI 2.36, 24.55)

Wang et al.[162] Odds ratio vs no clozapine0.98 (95% CI 0.74, 1.31) NS

Buse et al.[163] Hazard ratio vs no antipsychotic3.3 (95% CI 1.4–8.0) p = 0.007

Hazard ratio vs haloperidol1.31 (95% CI 0.60, 2.86) NS


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Results of regression analyses, based on both4- and 8-month screening criteria, showed anincreased risk of diabetes associated with clozapinetherapy. The ORs for clozapine therapy (modelledon treatment duration) were 1.079 (4-month) and1.182 (8-month) compared with no antipsychotictherapy; this was statistically significant for the 8-month value (p = 0.01). Based on the 4-month peri-od, 63 patients received clozapine therapy, four ofwhom developed diabetes. When the 8-month peri-od was studied, 3 of the 39 patients receiving cloza-pine therapy developed diabetes. Using the 8-month analysis, which was considered more likelyto exclude relatively mild pre-existing cases of dia-betes, the OR represents an estimated increasedrisk of diabetes, compared with no treatment, of18.2% after 1 month of clozapine treatment. After12 months of exposure to clozapine, the OR was7.44 compared with no treatment, and 8.45 com-pared with risperidone (p < 0.05).

A case control study using data from theCalifornia Medicaid system compared the risk ofdeveloping diabetes in schizophrenic patients treat-ed with first- and second-generation antipsy-chotics.[160] Among data from more than 129 000patients with schizophrenia, obtained from1 January 1997 to 31 December 2000, 3102 casesof newly diagnosed diabetes were identified forinclusion in the analysis (i.e. patients aged ≥18years receiving continuous therapy with only oneantipsychotic during the 12 weeks prior to diabetesdiagnosis). These cases were matched for age (±5years) and sex with 8271 non-diabetic patients withschizophrenia. Logistic regression analysis, con-trolling for ethnicity and other diabetes-inducingmedication, was used to evaluate the risk of type 2diabetes with each second-generation antipsychot-ic (clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone and quetiap-ine) compared with first-generation antipsychotictherapy. This analysis showed that the risk of dia-betes was significantly higher with clozapine ther-apy than with first-generation antipsychotic treat-ment (OR 1.43; 95% CI 1.19, 1.69; p < 0.001).

Another smaller, case control study comparedthe risk of developing diabetes in patients receivingfirst- or second-generation antipsychotics using

drug prescription data from inpatient facilitiesoperated by the New York State Office of MentalHealth.[161] Cases of newly diagnosed diabetes wereidentified from a new prescription for insulin or anoral hypoglycaemia agent and were matched to 10control cases. Among the 4923 individuals includ-ed in the analysis, there were 58 cases of diabetes.The risk of diabetes was statistically significantlygreater for those receiving second-generationantipsychotics compared with those treated withfirst-generation agents (OR 3.15; 95% CI 1.12,8.91). Among the second-generation agents, cloza-pine treatment was associated with the highest riskof diabetes (OR 7.61; 95% CI 2.36, 24.55), withthe risk compared with first-generation antipsy-chotic therapy also increased for treatment withrisperidone, olanzapine and quetiapine.

In contrast to the previous studies, a case con-trol study of patients enrolled in Medicaid or gov-ernment-sponsored drug benefit programmes inNew Jersey showed that clozapine treatment wasnot associated with an increased risk of diabetes.[162]

Using a different approach from the studies report-ed above, this analysis identified patients (>20years) diagnosed with psychiatric disorders andwith newly treated diabetes (n = 7227) or withoutdiabetes (matched control group, n = 6780). Patientrecords were then examined for clozapine use dur-ing the 6 months before diabetes diagnosis. TheOR, adjusted for demographic and clinical vari-ables, healthcare use and other medications,showed that clozapine use was not related to therisk of developing diabetes (adjusted OR 0.98;95% CI 0.74, 1.31). Further analysis by mean dailyclozapine dose or duration of clozapine treatmentshowed no significant increase in the risk of dia-betes in any dose or duration quartile, or any con-sistent increases in OR with increasing dose ortreatment duration. In contrast, analysis of otherantipsychotic use showed an increased risk of dia-betes with the typical agents chlorpromazine(adjusted OR 1.31) and perphenazine (adjusted OR1.34), but no increase in risk with haloperidol orrisperidone.

In another database analysis,[163] involving pre-scription claims data for patients receiving antipsy-


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chotic monotherapy, clozapine-treated patientsshowed a significant increase in the risk of diabetes compared with individuals not receiv-ing antipsychotic therapy (3.3; 95% CI 1.4, 8.0; p = 0.007), but not compared with those treatedwith haloperidol (1.31; 95% CI 0.60, 2.86; p =0.496). It is, however, unclear whether the limitednumber of patients receiving clozapine (n = 277)who developed diabetes during clozapine treatment(n = 7) may have made the findings uninter-pretable, given the large numbers of patients treat-ed with other second-generation agents (overall n = 38 969) and haloperidol (n = 8476) in thestudy.

6.2.5 Controlled Clinical Studies

Several studies have examined the effects ofclozapine treatment on glucose regulation throughdirect assessments of blood glucose levels ratherthan retrospective analyses of the surrogate meas-ures described above, with these prospective stud-ies including control group(s) as well as directmeasures of glucose metabolism.

Statistically significant increases in FBG lev-els were observed with clozapine in a prospective14-week study of antipsychotic treatment inpatients with either schizophrenia or schizoaffec-tive disorder.[164] Glucose data were available for101 patients, randomised to treatment with clozap-ine (n = 28), olanzapine (n = 26), risperidone (n =22) or haloperidol (n = 25). Patients in the clozap-ine group showed a significant mean increase inFBG levels (17.1 mg/dL; p < 0.01) from baselineat week 8; the mean increase at week 14 (4.4mg/dL) was not statistically significant. Althoughmean glucose levels remained within normal lim-its, six clozapine-treated patients experiencedabnormally high FBG levels during the 14-weekstudy. ANCOVA analysis indicated no relationshipbetween weight gain (mean change with clozapine+4.8kg) and change in glucose levels at endpoint.This study was limited by potential differences inbaseline and endpoint adiposity across the differenttreatment groups, which were not addressed in theanalysis.

Preliminary results from a prospective 16-week study showed elevated glucose levels both atfasting and following an OGTT in 7 of 13 patientsreceiving clozapine treatment.[165] Significantincreases in insulin resistance indices were alsoreported with clozapine therapy. In contrast, no ele-vations in fasting or post-OGTT glucose levels orin insulin resistance measures were observedamong the 12 patients receiving amisulpride treat-ment.

In further studies that were designed to assessdrug effects on glucose metabolism that mightoccur independent of changes in adiposity, oral andintravenous glucose tolerance tests were used toexamine the response of clozapine-treated patientsto a glucose load. Using a frequently sampled mod-ified OGTT, Newcomer et al.[62] compared glucoseregulation in non-diabetic patients with schizo-phrenia treated with first- or second-generation(clozapine, olanzapine or risperidone) therapy anduntreated healthy volunteers. Patient groups werewell matched for age and BMI and balanced for sexand ethnicity. Despite the exclusion of patientswith diabetes and matching for adiposity, dataanalysis for the nine clozapine-treated patientsshowed significant elevations in plasma glucoselevels at fasting, and at 75 minutes after the glucoseload compared with those treated with typicalantipsychotics (n = 17) and untreated healthy vol-unteers (n = 31) [all comparisons p < 0.005].Calculation of insulin resistance, based on FPG andinsulin levels, showed a modest increase withclozapine treatment compared with typical antipsy-chotics. Similar findings were reported byHenderson and colleagues at the NCDEU 2000meeting (reviewed by Haupt and Newcomer[54]) in astudy using frequently sampled intravenous glu-cose tolerance tests. Non-diabetic patients receiv-ing long-term treatment, matched for adiposity,age, sex and ethnicity, showed higher postloadplasma glucose values with clozapine and olanzap-ine treatment than with risperidone. Insulin sensi-tivity was significantly reduced in clozapine- andolanzapine-treated patients compared with thosetreated with risperidone. Both of these studies werelimited by adiposity matching that used BMI val-


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ues, which may fail to capture potentially treat-ment-related differences in abdominal fat mass (i.e.despite equal BMI, some treatment groups mayhave larger abdominal fat mass), leading to differ-ences in insulin sensitivity that are predictablydriven by differences in fat mass rather than someunique adiposity-independent mechanism.

6.2.6 Discussion

Considered together, the various case reports,the majority of database analyses and controlledexperimental studies including randomised clinicaltrials provide largely consistent evidence thatclozapine treatment increases the risk of significantweight gain, insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia anddiabetes mellitus. The risk of acute complicationssuch as diabetic ketoacidosis may also be in-creased; however, these infrequent events are moredifficult to study and quantify beyond case series.

Although these various reports consistentlypoint to an adverse effect of clozapine treatment onbodyweight and metabolic parameters, their find-ings carry different value. As discussed earlier (seeLevels of Evidence), case reports, chart reviewsand open, observational studies provide uncon-trolled and largely anecdotal evidence, whereascontrolled clinical studies are designed to addressspecific questions. The retrospective databaseanalyses provide a higher level of evidence thanuncontrolled reports, although their value may belimited by the methodology and study endpointsused. In particular, the reliance on surrogate mark-ers rather than direct metabolic measurements forthe presence of diabetes is likely to lead to signal-to-noise problems that may affect the ability to reli-ably detect differences between medications oracross groups. However, the full evaluation andranking of each of these studies according to theirlimitations, although of interest, is beyond thescope of this review.

Two large database analyses showed that therisk of developing diabetes was statistically signif-icantly greater with clozapine than with typicalantipsychotic treatment[157] or with no antipsychotictherapy or with risperidone.[159] A case-controlled

database analysis also showed a higher risk of dia-betes compared with typical antipsychotic treat-ment.[158] Two observational studies reported a highincidence of diabetes in patients treated with cloza-pine. In the 5-year study,[113] 36.6% of clozapine-treated patients were diagnosed with new-onsetdiabetes, while in the study by Hägg et al.,[146] bloodglucose analysis showed that 22% of patients treat-ed with clozapine had IGT or diabetes.

Not all of the database studies showed anincreased risk of diabetes with clozapine. Buse andcolleagues[163] showed no statistically significantincrease in the risk of diabetes with clozapine com-pared with haloperidol, although diabetes risk wasstatistically significantly higher in clozapine-treat-ed individuals than in the general population.These findings are, however, limited by the smallnumber of clozapine prescriptions and diabetescases. The study of Iowa Medicaid data[158] showedno statistically significant increase in the preva-lence of diabetes in patients treated with clozapinecompared with those receiving typical antipsychot-ic agents in the overall study population, althoughpatients aged 20–34 years had a statistically signif-icantly higher incidence of diabetes with clozapine(5.0%) than with typical agents (2.0%). This resultis consistent with the analysis by Sernyak et al.,[157]

which reported an increased risk of diabetes amongyounger (<40 years) clozapine-treated patients,suggesting the possibility that drug effects couldincrease risk to a level normally observed only inolder individuals. The apparently greater effect ofclozapine on the risk of diabetes in younger indi-viduals could also be a factor in the lack of effectobserved by Wang and colleagues.[162] The meanage of patients in this study was over 60 years,compared with 37–50 years in the positive studies.Sernyak et al.[157] reported either no statistically sig-nificant increase or a statistically significant reduc-tion in the risk of diabetes with clozapine com-pared with typical therapy in the older patient agegroups (50–59, 60–69 and ≥70 years). In the gen-eral population, increasing age is a major risk fac-tor for type 2 diabetes,[23,166] so drug effects and ageeffects may become more difficult to disentangle inelderly samples.


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A number of factors identified among thecases from the FDA MedWatch System[69] and fromMedline suggests a relationship between clozapinetherapy and diabetes. The number of cases, theirtemporal relationship to the initiation of clozapinetherapy, the impact of clozapine withdrawal, thelack of family history in a significant minority andthe younger age of patients involved all suggestthat clozapine affects the risk of developing dia-betes. The large number of case reports in the liter-ature of diabetes or ketoacidosis with clozapinecontrasts, for example, with the few reports associ-ated with risperidone therapy, despite the morewidespread use of risperidone treatment. The rapidonset of diabetes or ketoacidosis following the ini-tiation of clozapine therapy provides intriguing ifcircumstantial evidence. Over a quarter of cases ofnew-onset diabetes identified from the MedWatch-related report occurred within 1 month of startingclozapine therapy, and over half (54%) occurredwithin 3 months. Furthermore, the majority ofpatients (78%) who withdrew from clozapine expe-rienced improved glycaemic control followingwithdrawal.[69] Details from the various other published case reports are consistent with thesefindings.

The high proportion of younger patientsamong the cases of diabetes and ketoacidosis wasparticularly notable and perhaps consistent withfindings from the two database analyses that exam-ined a wide range of age groups.[157,158] The meanage among the definitive new-onset diabetes casesfrom the report that included FDA MedWatchcases was 39 (±11) years, and more than 75% ofpatients were younger than 50 years. Hägg et al.[145]

reported that 10 of the 13 clozapine-treated patientsdiagnosed with diabetes or IGT were aged ≤45years. In contrast, population surveys show that thevast majority of patients newly diagnosed with type2 diabetes are older than 44 years, with most casesobserved in the 65–74-year age range.[166]

The large percentage of cases of diabeticketoacidosis is also unusual among patients withtype 2 diabetes. Diabetic ketoacidosis is typicallyan indicator of insulin deficiency and is thereforecommonly thought of in association with type 1

diabetes rather than with type 2 disease.Furthermore, while diabetic ketoacidosis can beobserved as a first manifestation of type 2 diabetes,this is not typical, as type 2 disease is characterisedinitially by peripheral insulin resistance and hyper-insulinaemia, followed by gradual and progressivedecline of beta-cell function with diabetic ketoaci-dosis typically occurring in the later phases of thedisease if at all. While most type 2 diabetes patientsdo not experience diabetic ketoacidosis, most casesof diabetic ketoacidosis in the population in factoccur in type 2 rather than type 1 diabetes, relatedto the higher frequency of type 2 disease and thecontributions of acute insults to beta-cell functionsuch as glucose toxicity (discussed above, see Type2 Diabetes). With this background it is notable thatmore than 20% of the cases of hyperglycaemiareported in the study of FDA MedWatch caseswere associated with metabolic acidosis or keto-sis,[69] with the majority of these cases (91%) occur-ring in patients with new-onset diabetes. The rapidonset of diabetic ketoacidosis following the initia-tion of clozapine and the young age of many ofthese patients suggests an association betweenclozapine therapy and diabetic ketoacidosis inthose individuals. This is also supported by thenumber of case reports of diabetic ketoacidosiswith clozapine therapy, although the novelty of thecases may have contributed to reporting.

The association between clozapine treatmentand weight gain is well documented,[59,167] andweight gain and obesity are established risk factorsfor diabetes. This raises the possibility that theincreased risk of diabetes with clozapine therapycould be partly related to treatment effects onbodyweight. While the contributions of weightgain are likely to play a role in observed populationeffects and individual risk for many patients, anumber of observations argue that weight gain maynot be a factor in a substantial minority of cases. Insome reported cases of diabetes or diabeticketoacidosis, patients showed no increase in body-weight. The rapid occurrence of diabetes followingtreatment initiation in some patients also does notsupport a primary role for weight gain in thosecases.


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Adiposity-related increases in insulin resist-ance occur as an early step in the pathogenesis ofdiabetes.[31] Clozapine-induced increases in weightand adiposity, perhaps in combination with adipos-ity-independent effects, may contribute to observedchanges in plasma insulin and glucose. Insulinresistance, impaired insulin sensitivity and elevatedinsulin levels have all been reported with clozapinetreatment.[54,62,122,149,150,165] Melkersson and col-leagues[151,152] report a statistically significant corre-lation between clozapine concentrations andinsulin levels in two studies, suggesting that cloza-pine could induce concentration-dependent insulinresistance. Effects on plasma insulin levels report-ed with clozapine therapy could herald progressiveglucose intolerance and the development of dia-betes. Several studies showed statistically signifi-cant increases in FBG levels from baseline withclozapine therapy[146,147,164] even when diabetes mel-litus criteria were not met over the duration of theobservation period. Discussed above, elevated plas-ma glucose and insulin levels following a glucosechallenge were observed in non-diabetic, adiposi-ty-matched patients treated with clozapine com-pared with typical antipsychotic therapy.[62] Eventhough these patients did not have diabetes, glu-cose elevations of a similar magnitude to thoseobserved have been associated with long-termincreases in cardiovascular morbidity and mortali-ty.[168–170]

6.3 Lipid Levels

The effect of clozapine therapy on serum lipidlevels has been examined in prospective studiesand retrospective chart reviews. In addition, oneanalysis of healthcare data compared the incidencerates for hyperlipidaemia between clozapine andtypical antipsychotic therapy.

6.3.1 Chart Reviews

Four retrospective reviews of patient recordsreport increases in triglyceride levels with clozap-ine therapy. An analysis of 39 clozapine-treatedpatients[146] showed significant increases from base-

line in fasting mean triglyceride (34%; p = 0.01)and maximum triglyceride (42%; p = 0.02) levels.Mean triglyceride levels during treatment were sta-tistically significantly higher than for patientsreceiving haloperidol treatment. According to nowconservative ADA guidelines, 56% of patients inthe clozapine group had elevated triglyceride levels(≥200 mg/dL). Analysis of other fasting lipidparameters showed that total cholesterol levelsincreased slightly from baseline (5%), while LDLand HDL both showed minimal change (4% and6% decreases, respectively) with clozapine.Minimum HDL levels were, however, significantlylower compared with baseline (–13%; p = 0.02).Overall, six patients (15%) in the clozapine-treat-ment group initiated cholesterol-lowering therapyafter starting clozapine.

A retrospective review of patient records[171]

examined triglyceride and total cholesterol levelsfor 222 inpatients receiving either clozapine (n =177) or haloperidol (n = 45) treatment. Triglyceridelevels increased from baseline in 116 male (mean88.8 mg/dL; percentage change 48%) and 43female (58.4 mg/dL; 35%) patients over the courseof clozapine treatment (mean duration: male 615days; female, 526 days); this increase from base-line was statistically significant in male patients (p < 0.01) with mean increases of a clinically sig-nificant magnitude in both males and females. Inhaloperidol-treated patients, triglyceride concen-trations decreased in 30 male patients(–34.4 mg/dL; –17%) and increased in 9 femalepatients (81.8 mg/dL; 51%) during treatment(mean duration: male 413 days; female 595 days).No statistically significant changes in total choles-terol were observed with clozapine or haloperidoltreatment in either male or female patients.

Another retrospective review[172] showed a significant increase in mean serum triglyceridesfrom baseline (1.8 ± 1.0 mmol/L) after 6 monthsof clozapine treatment (2.5 ± 2.1 mmol/L; p < 0.005) in 70 patients with treatment-resistantschizophrenia. In contrast, 30 patients with chronicschizophrenia treated with typical antipsychoticsshowed nonsignificant changes in mean serumtriglycerides (baseline 2.0 ± 1.1 mmol/L; month


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6, 2.1 ± 1.1 mmol/L). Mean total cholesterol lev-els increased significantly with typical antipsychot-ic therapy (p < 0.05), but not with clozapine treat-ment. These findings are consistent with a previousstudy in patients with chronic schizophrenia treat-ed with clozapine for 1 year.[105] This showed sig-nificantly higher fasting triglyceride levels in the30 clozapine-treated patients compared with 30patients receiving typical antipsychotic therapy (p < 0.001). Statistically significantly higher fast-ing triglyceride levels were also reported withclozapine therapy compared with typical antipsy-chotics in an incidence study of metabolic parame-ters in patients with schizophrenia treated withantipsychotic therapy for at least 3 months.[153]

Baymiller and co-workers[144] examined theeffects of long-term clozapine treatment in 50patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis-order. Patients participated in a 12-month follow-up of open-label clozapine therapy following a 10-week, double-blind study comparing clozapine andhaloperidol therapy. Half of the patients receivedconcomitant $-adrenergic antagonist therapy(atenolol n = 15; propranolol n = 10) during thestudy. Mean nonfasting serum triglyceride levelsincreased significantly from pre-clozapine baselinevalues (+54.7 mg/dL; p = 0.001), a mean increaseof 41.8%. At the end of the study, 19 patients hadelevated triglyceride levels (>199 mg/dL) com-pared with seven patients at baseline. Mean non-fasting total cholesterol levels also increased sig-nificantly from baseline (+14.4 mg/dL; p < 0.001),a 7.5% increase. At the end of the study, 30 patientshad elevated cholesterol levels compared with 22patients at baseline, using published norms (>199mg/dL). Nonfasting HDL- and LDL-cholesterollevels did not change significantly during treat-ment. Changes in nonfasting triglyceride and totalcholesterol levels were greater with concomitantatenolol and propranolol treatment than with cloza-pine alone, although increases from baseline weresignificant for all three subgroups (p < 0.01). Thechange in triglyceride level was significantly asso-ciated with an increase in bodyweight (mean,+5.5kg) seen during clozapine therapy (p = 0.005).

Fasting lipid levels were evaluated in 18 out-

patients with schizophrenia or related psychosestreated with clozapine for at least 6 months.[151]

Elevated triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels were recorded for eight (44%),seven (39%) and three patients (17%), respectively.Only one clozapine-treated patient had HDL-cho-lesterol levels below normal. There was a positivecorrelation between triglyceride levels (but notother lipid levels) and serum clozapine concentra-tion.

Case reports from four patients showed thatelevated serum triglyceride levels decreased fol-lowing the switch from clozapine to risperidonetherapy.[173] In two of these patients, serum triglyc-erides increased following the switch back toclozapine treatment. The increased level of serumtriglycerides observed during clozapine is consis-tent with a previous study of 67 patients by thesame authors,[174] which reported higher levels asso-ciated with clozapine therapy than with typicalantipsychotic treatment. In this study, the risk ofabnormally elevated triglycerides was 12.4 timesgreater with clozapine than with typical antipsy-chotic therapy.

6.3.2 Retrospective Database Analysis

An analysis of medical and pharmacy datafrom the Iowa Medicaid program[158] compared therisk of hyperlipidaemia in schizophrenia patientstreated with clozapine and those receiving typicalantipsychotics. Overall cumulative incidence ratesfor hyperlipidaemia (based on an appropriate ICD-9-coded medical claim or pharmacy claim forlipid-lowering medication) did not differ signifi-cantly between the groups. In all, 26 (5.0%) of the518 patients treated with clozapine developedhyperlipidaemia (mean follow-up 25.5 months),compared with 93 (3.9%) of the 2373 patientstreated with typical antipsychotics (mean follow-up 24.5 months). However, when patients werestratified according to their age, incidence rates forhyperlipidaemia were statistically significantlygreater among younger patients (20–34 years) withclozapine therapy (4.6%) compared with typicalagents (2.0%), a RR of 2.4 (95% CI 1.1, 5.2).


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Similar to the more reliable detection of clozapine-related risk of diabetes in younger patients notedabove, several explanations are possible. Again,these include the possibility that age-relatedincreases in the incidence of dyslipidaemia mayconfound the detection of drug effects in olderindividuals, or drug effects may produce anincrease in risk that is similar in magnitude to, butnot additive with, age effects.

6.3.3 Controlled Clinical Studies

Three controlled clinical studies have exam-ined changes in fasting lipid parameters in patientsreceiving clozapine therapy. In a prospective 14-week study, inpatients with either schizophrenia orschizoaffective disorder were randomised to treat-ment with clozapine (n = 28), olanzapine (n = 26),risperidone (n = 22) or haloperidol (n = 25).[164]

Patients receiving clozapine treatment showed asignificant increase in fasting plasma cholesterollevel from baseline during the initial 8 weeks of thestudy (14.7 mg/dL; p < 0.02). Analysis of data forthe entire 14-week study period showed a similarmean increase in fasting cholesterol from baseline(16.3 mg/dL), although this change did not reachstatistical significance. Mean values were withinnormal limits. Clozapine-treated patients showedsignificant weight gain over the study period(mean, 4.8kg; p < 0.0003). There was a statistical-ly significant correlation between weight gain andincreased cholesterol, even after adjustment for ini-tial cholesterol levels and baseline weight.

Another randomised study examined changesin fasting plasma triglyceride and leptin levels in56 schizophrenia patients treated with clozapine,risperidone, olanzapine or quetiapine for 6weeks.[175] A control group of 11 patients with psy-chiatric disorders not receiving antipsychotic med-ication was included in the study. Mean plasmatriglyceride showed no significant differencesbetween the groups at baseline. Triglyceride levelsincreased significantly from baseline with clozap-ine treatment at week 6 (36.28 mg/dL; p < 0.001).The increase was similar to that seen with olanzap-ine treatment and contrasted with minimal changes

in the risperidone and no therapy groups.Clozapine-treated patients also showed significantmean increases from baseline in bodyweight(6.52kg; p < 0.01) and BMI (23.06 to 26.91; p < 0.05) over the 6-week study. The changes in triglyceride levels with clozapine showed a sig-nificant correlation with increases in bodyweight(p < 0.01).

In a small prospective study,[176] eight patientswith treatment-resistant schizophrenia (i.e. show-ing no clinical response to at least two typicalantipsychotics) were treated with clozapine for 12 weeks. An 11% increase in fasting plasmatriglyceride level was observed from baseline after12 weeks of clozapine treatment, with no statisti-cally significant changes in fasting total, LDL- orHDL-cholesterol levels. These findings may belimited by the small sample size.

6.3.4 Discussion

Results of clinical studies and chart reviewssuggest that clozapine therapy is associated withincreases in plasma triglyceride levels. Statisticallysignificant increases in mean plasma triglyceridefrom baseline were observed with clozapine thera-py in one controlled clinical trial,[175] four retro-spective chart reviews[105,146,171,172] and a 12-monthopen-label study in patients with schizophrenia orschizoaffective disorder.[144] Two other studies[151,176]

reported increased triglyceride levels with clozap-ine treatment, and Ghaeli and Dufresne[174] report anincreased risk of elevated triglyceride levels withclozapine treatment compared with typical antipsy-chotic therapy. This is consistent with a healthcaredatabase analysis showing an increased risk ofhyperlipidaemia in younger patients.[158]

The effects of clozapine treatment on totalcholesterol levels are less clear and more difficultto interpret. Although two studies report statistical-ly significant increases in total cholesterol levelsfrom baseline with clozapine treatment,[144,164] otherstudies report no statistically significant changesfrom baseline.[146,171,172,176] Changes in bodyweightmay also affect changes in cholesterol levels.Lindenmayer and co-workers[164] report a statistical-


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ly significant correlation between increased choles-terol and weight gain in their study. In general, theinterpretation of total cholesterol levels is more dif-ficult than that for individual lipid fractions. Inpopulation studies, plasma triglyceride, LDL-cho-lesterol and total cholesterol tend to track togetherand tend as a group to track with adiposity. Insmaller studies and in individuals, insulin resist-ance occurring in the setting of increased adipositycan be preferentially expressed as an increase inplasma triglyceride, as insulin resistance at theadipocyte can lead to a relative failure in shuttingoff lipolysis or the release of FFA (i.e. triglyceride+ glycerol). Large discrepancies between changesin plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol remain difficult to account for.

6.4 Conclusion

Clozapine treatment is associated with signifi-cant increases in weight and adiposity over bothshort- and long-term treatment. Studies using avariety of methodologies indicate, with few excep-tions, that clozapine treatment is associated with anincreased risk of developing diabetes mellitus andelevations in plasma triglyceride levels. While casereports initially suggested the association betweenclozapine treatment and increased risk of abnor-malities in glucose and lipid metabolism, databaseanalyses and controlled clinical studies indicatesignificant increases in the risk of insulin resist-ance, hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and diabetesduring clozapine treatment.

7. Olanzapine

Olanzapine was the third second-generationantipsychotic approved for use in the US and hasbeen widely used since its introduction in 1996. Alarge body of literature exists examining the asso-ciation between olanzapine therapy and diabetesmellitus, hyperglycaemia, and abnormal glucoseand lipid regulation. This includes case reports, FDAMedWatch Drug Surveillance information, retro-spective database analyses and controlled experi-mental studies including randomised clinical trials.

7.1 Bodyweight

Olanzapine treatment is associated withmarked short- and long-term weight gain, similarin magnitude to that observed with clozapine, withsimilar implications for long-term patient health. Ameta-analysis of 81 published studies reportedweight gain of approximately 4kg over 10 weeks ofolanzapine treatment.[59] Mean weight gain of over4kg was also reported with olanzapine in a 10-week comparison study versus clozapine.[110]

As with clozapine treatment, long-term treat-ment with olanzapine is associated with additionalweight gain, with increases from baseline of6–12kg reported with treatment lasting between 6and 12 months. In a small retrospective study,[177]

olanzapine-treated patients reported a mean weightgain of 10.0kg over a mean treatment duration of28 weeks. Data from randomised, double-blindregistration studies lasting up to 1 year showed adose-related increase in bodyweight amongpatients receiving olanzapine.[178] Olanzapine-treat-ed patients receiving 12.5–17.5 mg/day showed amean increase of approximately 12kg after 1 yearof treatment. In the same sample, only the patientgroup receiving subantipsychotic doses of olanzap-ine (1 mg/day) experienced a more moderateincrease in weight of approximately 3kg, withhigher-dose groups generally associated withgreater mean increases in weight. Although weightincreases were greatest over the initial treatmentperiod, weight gain occurred throughout the 1-yeartreatment period. The prolonged weight gain isconsistent with the study by Wirshing et al.,[113]

which showed mean maximum weight gain of8.0kg with olanzapine treatment at a mean treat-ment duration of just over 21 weeks.

The marked weight gain seen with olanzapineis also apparent when the proportion of patientsexperiencing clinically significant weight gain(≥7% increase from baseline) is assessed. Packageinsert data for olanzapine report that 29% ofpatients taking olanzapine for 6 weeks experienceclinically significant weight gain, compared with3% receiving placebo, for a cumulative incidenceestimate of approximately ten times the placebo


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rate. The percentage of patients gaining ≥7% ofbaseline bodyweight increased to 56% with long-term therapy. Analysis of combined safety datafrom more than 2400 patients reported that 41% ofpatients experienced ≥7% increase in weight witholanzapine therapy, compared with 3% for placeboand 12% for haloperidol.[179] These data are consis-tent with initial findings from an ongoing drug-monitoring programme, which reported that 20%of patients receiving olanzapine experienced agreater than 10% increase in bodyweight frombaseline during the first 10 weeks of treatment.[180]

As with clozapine therapy, the marked increases inweight seen with olanzapine treatment have impli-cations for long-term patient health, particularlywith respect to the risk of cardiovascular disease,diabetes and dyslipidaemia.

Limited data confirm that the weight gain witholanzapine is mostly due to increased fat mass, aswould be expected in adult populations where leanmuscle mass tends to remain relatively constant. Asignificant mean weight increase of 3.3kg frombaseline was reported during olanzapine treatmentin an 8-week study in 10 patients with schizophre-nia (p = 0.001).[100] This weight gain was mainlydue to increases in body fat. Patients experienced amean increase in body fat of 2.2kg from baseline (p = 0.004), with no statistically significantincrease in lean body mass during treatment.Assessment of magnetic resonance imaging-meas-ured adiposity in 16 first-episode, drug-naivepatients with schizophrenia showed increasedintra-abdominal (visceral) fat levels after 6 monthsof treatment with olanzapine or risperidone.[63] Theincreases were greater with olanzapine than withrisperidone treatment (26.9 ± 12.1cm2 vs 18.2 ±11.4cm2), with the difference between the groupsapproaching 1 SD. This large effect size for thedifference between groups did not reach statisticalsignificance, perhaps because of the small samplesize; not discussed by the authors, approximately20–40 individuals per group would be required toprovide good to excellent power to detect such aneffect with this study design. Subcutaneous andtotal body fat also increased with both treatmentsover the study. Similar data from a small preclini-

cal study in dogs showed that olanzapine andrisperidone were both associated with increases inadiposity, although weight gain was modest.[181]

Such differences in adiposity in the absence of sub-stantial changes in weight may be instructive forthe interpretation of studies where insulin resist-ance or diabetes is observed in the absence of sub-stantial weight gain (see above). In this study, therewere marked increases in subcutaneous (+106%)and visceral (+89%) adipose stores from baselinelevels with olanzapine. Total fat deposition was sta-tistically significantly greater with olanzapine thanwith risperidone, while the increased levels of sub-cutaneous fat seen with olanzapine compared withrisperidone showed a trend towards statistical sig-nificance. Olanzapine also resulted in hepaticinsulin resistance, whereas hepatic insulin resist-ance was unaffected by risperidone. Increases invisceral and subcutaneous abdominal adiposity areassociated with increased risk for dyslipidaemia,glucose intolerance and cardiovascular disease,suggesting that the changes in adiposity observedwith olanzapine and, to a lesser extent, risperidonetreatment could have a clinically significant effecton patient health.

7.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

7.2.1 FDA MedWatch Drug Surveillance System

Data from the FDA MedWatch DrugSurveillance System (January 1994 to mid May2001), published reports (Medline, to mid May2001) and meetings abstracts over a similar periodidentified a total of 237 cases of diabetes or hyper-glycaemia associated with olanzapine therapy.[70]

These reports included 188 cases (79%) of newlydiagnosed hyperglycaemia and 44 cases (19%) ofexacerbation of pre-existing diabetes. In theremaining five cases, this distinction was unclear.Of the 188 patients with new-onset hypergly-caemia, 153 met diagnostic criteria for diabetesbased on blood glucose (fasting >126 mg/dL; non-fasting >200 mg/dL) or HbA1c levels, and 20 werereceiving antidiabetic medication and/or were aci-dotic or ketotic at the time of hyperglycaemia.

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For the 153 patients with newly diagnosed dia-betes, their mean age at onset of the disease was39.8 (±12.4) years. Over two-thirds of cases (68%)occurred before patients reached 45 years of age.Among patients experiencing exacerbation of theirpre-existing diabetes, mean age was 51.7 ± 15.4years. Time from initiation of olanzapine therapy tothe onset of hyperglycaemia ranged from 2 days to45 months among the 209 patients with availabledata. For 73% of patients, onset occurred within 6months of starting olanzapine. For patients withdefinitive, newly diagnosed diabetes, 47% of casesoccurred within 3 months and 70% within 6months of starting therapy (figure 3). For patientswith exacerbation of disease, 84% of eventsoccurred within 3 months of starting olanzapinetherapy. Limited data were available regardingwithdrawal and rechallenge with olanzapine. Of 76cases evaluated, improvement was reported for 60patients (79%) after the withdrawal of olanzapine.Among ten patients rechallenged with olanzapinetherapy, eight experienced worsening glycaemiccontrol. For four patients, this occurred within 8days of the resumption of olanzapine therapy.

The severity of hyperglycaemia ranged frommild glucose intolerance to diabetic ketoacidosisand hyperosmolar coma. In 69 cases (64 with new-onset diabetes), blood glucose levels ≥700 mg/dLwere recorded; in 41 cases (38 with new-onset dia-betes), blood glucose values exceeded 1000 mg/dL.Changes in mental state (confusion or obtundation)accompanied hyperglycaemia in 43 cases, while

for 17 patients, pancreatitis or hyperamylasaemiawere associated with hyperglycaemia. Overall,there were 15 deaths reported among identifiedolanzapine cases, with 13 occurring during orshortly after a hyperglycaemic episode.

Diabetic ketoacidosis was a frequent occur-rence in the reported cases of diabetes or hypergly-caemia associated with olanzapine therapy.Metabolic acidosis or ketosis was reported in 80 ofthe 237 cases (33.8%). The majority of these cases(74; 92%) were new-onset diabetes. In addition, theproportion of deaths among the cases of diabeticketoacidosis was high (11.3%) relative to the opti-mal outcomes generally reported in nonpsychiatricsamples (e.g. 3–5%), with acidosis or ketosisreported in 9 of the 15 deaths observed in the olan-zapine cases.

In an addendum to the paper, the authorsreport on an additional 52 cases of hyperglycaemia(newly diagnosed n = 35; exacerbation n = 12),identified by extending their FDA MedWatchsearch to February 2002.[70] Again the incidence ofdiabetic ketoacidosis was relatively high, with 20reports of ketosis or acidosis associated withhyperglycaemia (38.5%). There were also fivereports of pancreatitis among the cases. In all, 10deaths occurred among these 52 patients.

In an observational pharmacovigilance studyof olanzapine,[182] conducted in the UK betweenDecember 1996 and May 1998, prescription eventmonitoring was used to collect clinical informationfor 8858 patients recently prescribed olanzapine.Among these patients, there were eight reports ofdiabetes mellitus considered possibly related toolanzapine treatment.

7.2.2 Case Reports

Medline searches identified 33 publishedreports detailing associations between olanzapinetherapy and diabetes, diabetic ketoacidosis orhyperglycaemia. These reports are summarised intable VI.

In a recent review, Ananth et al.[143] analysed 26cases of diabetes (male n = 17; female n = 9) asso-ciated with olanzapine treatment identified from











of e



Time (mo)

#1 >1–3 >3–6 >6–9 >9–12 >12–24 >24–36 >36

Fig. 3. Time to onset of hyperglycaemia with olanzapine.[59]


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the literature. The mean duration of olanzapinetreatment prior to detection of diabetes was 18.26(range 4–68) weeks, with 43% of cases occurringwithin 12 weeks. The mean age of patients atdetection was 41.5 (range 19–56 years); 17 patients(65%) were aged 45 years or younger.Approximately one-third of patients (9 cases)experienced ketoacidosis. Fourteen of the 18

patients who discontinued olanzapine therapyrecovered glycaemic control without oral antidia-betic agents or insulin.

Details from other case reports in table VI areconsistent with the cases reviewed by Ananth andcolleagues.[143] A substantial proportion of reportsinvolve diabetic ketoacidosis, and many patientsare younger than is typical for the development of

Table VI. Case reports of diabetes, ketoacidosis and hyperglycaemia with olanzapine

Reference Case report detailsTorrey & Swalwell[183] Fatal diabetic ketoacidosis in a 45-year-old male with bipolar disorder and no history of diabetes 1

month after restarting olanzapine therapyDewan[184] A 62-year-old African American man developed hyperglycaemia with olanzapine therapyBeliard et al.[118] Development of severe hyperglycaemia in a 16-year-old patient with type 1 diabetes 15 days after

starting olanzapine, which resolved on discontinuationTavakoli & Arguisola[185] Acute onset of ketoacidosis and diabetes in a 35-year-old male with bipolar disorder after 18 months

of olanzapineChang et al.[186] Two cases of severe hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia associated with olanzapine therapyAzriel Mira[187] Uncontrolled hyperglycaemia with ketosis associated with olanzapine therapy (original article in

Spanish)Kozian[188] Olanzapine-induced diabetes mellitus (original article in German)Straker et al.[189] Near fatal ketoacidosis with olanzapine treatmentMeatherall & Younes[190] A 31-year-old male who died from olanzapine-induced hyperglycaemiaOpp & Hildebrandt[191] Olanzapine-associated type 2 diabetes mellitusMalyuk et al.[192] Olanzapine-associated weight gain, hyperglycaemia and neuroleptic malignant syndrome in a 64-

year-old womanRiccitelli & Baker[193] Weight gain and hyperglycaemia associated with olanzapineRamankutty[194] Olanzapine-induced destabilisation of diabetes in the absence of weight gainMelkersson & Hulting[195] Recovery from new-onset diabetes in a schizophrenic man after withdrawal of olanzapineRagucci & Wells[196] A 46-year-old African American woman with no previous history of diabetes mellitus developed dia-

betic ketoacidosis after being treated with olanzapineRojas et al.[197] A 48-year-old male drinker and cocaine user developed severe diabetes mellitus after 2 months of

olanzapine useSeaburg et al.[198] A 27-year-old African American male developed new-onset severe hyperglycaemia with ketonuria and

acidosis, but no weight gain, 2 years after starting olanzapineBechara & Goldman-Levine[199] A 45-year-old male with well controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus experienced an abrupt worsening of

his diabetes after 3 years of olanzapine therapyDomon & Webber[200] Development of hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia in a male adolescent resolved with discon-

tinuation of olanzapineMuench & Carey[201] A 38-year-old schizophrenia patient suddenly developed diabetes mellitus and ketoacidosis 12

months after starting olanzapineKropp et al.[202] Olanzapine-related hyperglycaemia in a nondiabetic womanSelva & Scott[203] Acute onset diabetic ketoacidosis presenting in a 16-year-old girl during olanzapine therapyBonanno et al.[204] A 31-year-old African American man and a 44-year-old white man, both with schizoaffective disorder,

developed diabetes mellitus within weeks or months of olanzapine initiationRoefaro & Mukherjee[205] Olanzapine induced hyperglycaemia leading to a hyperosmolar, hyperglycaemic, nonketonic comaRigalleau et al.[123] Two cases of new-onset diabetes with weight loss and ketosisBettinger et al.[206] A 54-year-old African American woman developed severe glucose dysregulation 12 days after olanza-

pine initiation Von Hayek et al.[207] Two psychotic patients developed hyperglycaemia several weeks after starting olanzapineLindenmayer & Patel[208] Olanzapine-induced ketoacidosis with diabetes mellitusGoldstein et al.[209] New-onset diabetes mellitus and diabetic ketoacidosis associated with olanzapine treatmentGatta et al.[210] Diabetic ketoacidosis with olanzapine treatmentOber et al.[211] Hyperglycaemia associated with olanzapineFertig et al.[212] Hyperglycaemia associated with olanzapineWirshing et al.[133] Olanzapine-associated new-onset diabetes: 2 cases


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type 2 diabetes among the general population.Diabetes or ketoacidosis can occur shortly after theinitiation of olanzapine therapy and in the absenceof weight gain. However, cases also occur afterprolonged olanzapine therapy.

One relatively high-profile case of diabeticketoacidosis, which resulted in death, was reportedwith olanzapine therapy in a 12-week, double-blindstudy comparing olanzapine and divalproex sodi-um for the treatment of acute mania in patientswith bipolar disorder.[213] The patient, a 53-year-oldman, had no prior history or family history of dia-betes and had a normal blood glucose level at base-line (86 mg/dL).

7.2.3 Chart Reviews and Observational Studies

A case series study[214] examined the incidenceof diabetes or hyperglycaemia in patients withschizophrenia who had received second-generationantipsychotic treatment (olanzapine n = 45; cloza-pine n = 38; risperidone n = 51) for 1–3 years. FBGmeasures showed that three cases of new-onset dia-betes (FBG >126 mg/dL) occurred in the olanzap-ine group since the start of therapy, compared withnone in the clozapine or risperidone groups. Inaddition, four cases of hyperglycaemia (FBG>110–126 mg/dL) occurred in the olanzapinegroup, four in the clozapine group and none withrisperidone therapy.

A chart review examined changes in the use ofantidiabetic medication to assess the relationshipbetween diabetic control and antipsychotic medica-tion use in patients treated with first- or second-generation (olanzapine, clozapine, risperidone orquetiapine) antipsychotics for at least 1 year.[215]

Among olanzapine-treated patients, 15 of 38 (40%)experienced an increase in antidiabetic medicationof at least 50% at an average of 8 months of treat-ment, and 11 individuals (29%) required additionalantidiabetic medication to control their diabetes.This compares with a 50% increase in antidiabeticmedication for 1 of 12 patients (8%) receiving typ-ical antipsychotics (average of 276 months of treat-ment) and 2 of 11 (18%) receiving risperidone (22months) and additional antidiabetic medications

for three (25%) and five (45%) patients receivingtypical or risperidone therapy, respectively.

Two retrospective analyses of patient recordsreported significant increases in fasting glucoselevels from pretreatment values with olanzapine. Aretrospective study of patient records at OregonState Hospital[216] compared metabolic outcomesafter 1 year of treatment with either olanzapine (n = 47) or risperidone (n = 47) therapy. FBG lev-els in olanzapine-treated patients showed signifi-cant mean increases from baseline for all patients(7.3 mg/dL; p = 0.031) and those younger than 60years (10.8 mg/dL; p = 0.009; n = 37). Thesechanges were greater than those observed withrisperidone (+0.68 and +0.74 mg/dL, respective-ly), although the difference between the groupsreached statistical significance only for non-elder-ly patients (p = 0.03). Mean bodyweight increasedsignificantly from baseline with olanzapine therapyfor all patients (17.5lb [7.9kg]; p ≤ 0.001) and fornon-elderly patients (20.4lb [9.2kg]; p ≤ 0.001).However, further analysis of the non-elderlypatients showed no statistically significant correla-tion between weight gain and the change in fastingglucose levels in the olanzapine group (see discus-sion above for limitations on analyses like thisone). One case of new-onset diabetes occurred inthe olanzapine group during the study period.

A second retrospective chart review examinedchanges in fasting glucose levels in patients treatedwith first- or second-generation antipsychotics.[146]

Data available for 32 patients receiving olanzapinetherapy (mean treatment duration 13.5 months)showed a significant increase in mean glucose lev-els (21%; p = 0.03) and maximum glucose levels(37%; p = 0.04) from baseline. Two patients whowere receiving glucose-lowering agents at baselinerequired a dose increase to control glucose levelsafter initiating olanzapine. Of patients with normalFBG levels at baseline, 27% receiving olanzapinedeveloped a clinically significant increase in plas-ma glucose (≥126 mg/dL) during treatment. In con-trast, a study involving 75 patients with schizo-phrenia or related psychotic disorders treated withfirst- or second-generation antipsychotic therapy[147]

showed no significant change in fasting or 2-hour


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postchallenge blood glucose levels from pretreat-ment values after at least 2 months of olanzapinetreatment. No statistically significant change inperipheral insulin resistance was observed witholanzapine therapy.

Changes in fasting insulin levels have alsobeen examined in patients receiving olanzapine,clozapine or typical antipsychotic therapy, mostlyfor schizophrenia or schizoaffective or schizo-phreniform disorder.[149] Patients treated with olan-zapine had significantly higher median insulin levels than those receiving typical antipsychotics (p < 0.05). Median insulin levels were above theupper limit of normal (ULN; >144 pmol/L) in theolanzapine group (234 pmol/L), but not withclozapine (130 pmol/L) or typical antipsychotic(115 pmol/L) treatments. Ten patients (71%) in theolanzapine group had elevated insulin levels com-pared with 7 (50%) in the clozapine group and 6patients (32%) treated with typical agents. Twoother studies have also examined fasting glucoseand fasting insulin levels in patients with schizo-phrenia or related psychoses treated with olanzap-ine.[151,217] Elevated fasting insulin levels werereported for 5 (31%) of the 16 olanzapine-treatedoutpatients included in the study (mean treatmentduration 1.2 years).[151] In addition, 7 patients (44%)had elevated fasting C-peptide levels, while 5patients (31%) had elevated FBG levels. Increasinginsulin and C-peptide levels both correlated with anincreasing ratio between olanzapine and itsmetabolite N-desmethylolanzapine, but showed aninverse correlation with N-desmethylolanzapineconcentration. The earlier study reported elevatedfasting insulin levels for 10 (71%) of the 14patients treated with olanzapine.[217] Three of thepatients had elevated FBG levels (>6.0 mmol/L[108.1 mg/dL]), while values were normal for theremaining 11 patients. In addition, significantimprovements in insulin resistance and beta-cellfunction were reported for 40 patients with schizo-phrenia following a switch from olanzapine torisperidone therapy.[218] Data from seven individualsshowed a significant decrease in FBG levels fol-lowing the switch from olanzapine to risperidonetherapy (87.7 to 82.3 mg/dL; p < 0.04) and a trend

towards statistical significance for 2-hour postpran-dial blood glucose levels (105.5 to 80.0 mg/dL; p < 0.09).[219]

A chart review of glucose and lipid parametersin 208 patients with psychotic illness[156] showed nostatistically significant difference in the prevalenceof diabetes or mean FPG levels between patientstreated with clozapine, risperidone, olanzapine,quetiapine or typical antipsychotic monotherapy. Inall, 14 of the 83 patients (16.9%) treated with olan-zapine had diabetes, and the mean FPG value in theolanzapine group was 110 mg/dL.

7.2.4 Retrospective Database Analyses

Nine analyses of data from epidemiologicaland health service databases have investigated theassociation between olanzapine therapy and dia-betes (table VII). In all except one of the studies,the risk of developing diabetes was increased sig-nificantly with olanzapine treatment.

The largest analysis involved 38 632 outpa-tients with schizophrenia, treated with first- (n = 15 984) or second-generation (n = 22 648)antipsychotic therapy from the Veterans HealthAdministration database.[157] Of the patients receiv-ing second-generation antipsychotics, 10 970(48.4%) were treated with olanzapine. Logisticregression analysis, controlling for demographic,diagnostic and treatment factors, showed that over-all, patients receiving olanzapine had a significant-ly higher risk of diabetes diagnosis than thosetreated with typical antipsychotics (OR 1.11; 95%CI 1.04, 1.18; p < 0.002). When patients wereanalysed according to their age, patients youngerthan 40 years (OR 1.64; 95% CI 1.23, 2.21; p < 0.001), aged 40–49 years (OR 1.19; 95% CI1.06, 1.34; p < 0.001) and 50–59 years (OR 1.16;95% CI 1.04, 1.29; p < 0.001) all showed a signif-icantly higher risk of diabetes with olanzapine thanwith typical antipsychotic therapy. Of the othersecond-generation antipsychotics analysed, treat-ment with clozapine and quetiapine, but not risperi-done, increased the risk of diabetes compared withtypical agents. Treatment with all three second-generation agents increased the risk of diabetes for


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patients aged 40 or younger. A smaller retrospective analysis of the VISN-

10 Veterans Administration database[220] assessedthe risk of developing diabetes in patients receivingolanzapine, risperidone, haloperidol orfluphenazine therapy between the start of 1997 andthe end of 2000. Female patients, ethnic groupsother than Caucasian or African American, patientstreated with clozapine and those with pre-existingdiabetes were excluded from the analysis. Diabeteswas defined as a diagnosis of diabetes (ICD-9-CMcode 250.xx) or prescription of antidiabetic med-ication. In all, 5837 individuals were analysed, and368 (6.3%) developed diabetes. Cox regressionanalysis, controlling for age, race, diagnosis anduse of other antipsychotic medication, showed that

the risk of developing diabetes was significantlyhigher with olanzapine therapy than with risperi-done (RR 1.37; 95% CI 1.06, 1.76; p = 0.016).

An analysis of medical claims data from twohealth plans showed that olanzapine treatment wasassociated with a statistically significant increasein the risk of newly reported diabetes comparedwith untreated patients.[159] A total of 4308 individ-uals with psychosis who had received at least 60contiguous days of antipsychotic therapy (first- orsecond-generation) and 3625 who received noantipsychotic treatment were identified from thedatabase. Patients with type 2 diabetes diagnosiswere then identified. Those with pre-existing dis-ease were excluded from the two analyses, basedon screening at either 4 months or 8 months prior

Table VII. Summary of database analyses investigating association between olanzapine therapy and diabetes

Reference Risk of diabetesSernyak et al.[157] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychotic

All patients 1.11 (95% CI 1.04, 1.18) p < 0.002<40y 1.64 (95% CI 1.23, 2.21) p < 0.00140–49y 1.19 (95% CI 1.06, 1.34) p < 0.00350–59y 1.16 (95% CI 1.04, 1.29) p < 0.00860–69y 0.90 (95% CI 0.77, 1.07) NS≥70y 0.99 (95% CI 0.82, 1.19) NS

Fuller et al.[220] Relative risk vs risperidoneOverall 1.37 (95% CI 1.06, 1.76) p = 0.016

Gianfrancesco et al.[159] Odds ratioa vs no antipsychotic1mo 1.099 (95% CI 1.041, 1.160) p < 0.00112mo 3.10 (95% CI 1.620, 5.934) p < 0.05Odds ratioa vs risperidone12mo 3.53 p < 0.05

Gianfrancesco et al.[221] Odds ratio vs no antipsychotic 1mo 1.030 p = 0.024712mo 1.426 (95% CI 1.046, 1.955)

Caro et al.[222] Relative risk vs risperidoneOverall 1.20 (95% CI 1.00, 1.43) p = 0.05Month 1–3 1.90 (95% CI 1.40, 2.57) p < 0.0001

Koro et al.[223] Odds ratio vs no antipsychoticOverall 5.8 (95% CI 2.0, 16.7) p = 0.001Odds ratio vs typical antipsychoticOverall 4.2 (95% CI 1.5, 12.2) p = 0.008

Lambert et al.[160] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychoticOverall 1.30 (95% CI 1.18, 1.43) p < 0.001

Farwell et al.[224] Diabetes incidence vs typical antipsychoticOverall 14.3% vs 7.3% p = 0.015Adjusted odds ratio vs typical antipsychoticOverall 3.92 (95% CI 1.0, 15.6)

Buse et al.[163] Hazard ratio vs no antipsychoticOverall 3.0 (95% CI 2.6, 3.5) p ≤ 0.0001 Hazard ratio vs haloperidolOverall 1.09 (95% CI 0.86, 1.37) NS

a Calculated using the 8-month cut-off period.


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to the observation period. The 1-month ORs forrisk of developing diabetes with olanzapine thera-py, calculated by logistic regression analysis on thebasis of treatment duration, were statistically sig-nificant (p < 0.001) using both the 4-month(1.082) and 8-month (1.099) cut-off periods.Similarly, analysis according to treatment dose pro-duced a significant OR using both screening peri-ods (4-month 1.161; 8-month 1.222; p < 0.002).The 12-month OR for olanzapine, based on thetreatment duration and the 8-month cut-off, was3.10, suggesting that 12 months of treatmentincreases the odds of diabetes by 210% comparedwith no treatment. Compared with risperidonetherapy, the 12-month OR for olanzapine was 3.53(p < 0.05).

Similar methodology was used in a secondstudy analysing medical claims data from a BlueCross/Blue Shield database encompassing nearly 2million individuals.[221] Data available from April1997 to October 2000 were used to compare therisk of diabetes in patients with psychosis receivingantipsychotic therapy compared with those notreceiving treatment. In this study, however, thepresence of type 2 diabetes was based solely onprescription claims for anti-diabetic medication,and only an 8-month screening period for existingdiabetes was used. Overall, the database analysisidentified 6528 individuals with psychosis who hadreceived at least 60 contiguous days of antipsy-chotic therapy (first- or second-generation), and 10 296 who had received no antipsychotic treat-ment. Among the 1719 patients treated with olan-zapine, 15 developed diabetes. Logistic regressionanalysis showed that the risk of developing dia-betes was statistically significantly greater witholanzapine than with no antipsychotic therapy (OR1.03; p = 0.0247), based on 1 month of treatment.Adjusting this value to 12 months of treatmentgave an OR for olanzapine of 1.426 (95% CI 1.046,1.955), compared again with no antipsychotic ther-apy, suggesting that the likelihood of diabetes was42.6% greater with olanzapine than for untreatedindividuals.

Analysis of healthcare databases managed bythe Régie de l’Assurance Maladie du Québec

(RAMQ) examined the relative risk of diabetesamong patients treated with either olanzapine orrisperidone therapy.[222] Patients who had receivedat least one prescription for either olanzapine orrisperidone between 1 January 1997 and 31December 1999 were included in the study. Thosereceiving clozapine therapy, diagnosed with dia-betes or receiving antidiabetic therapy in the yearprior to starting therapy were excluded from theanalysis. In all, 19 153 patients treated with olan-zapine and 14 793 treated with risperidone wereincluded in the study. Patients receiving olanzapinetherapy tended to be younger, more likely to bemale, more likely to be diagnosed with schizophre-nia (62% vs 39%) and more likely to receivehaloperidol treatment (38.1% vs 32.6%) than thosetreated with risperidone. In all, 317 patients in theolanzapine group and 217 in the risperidone groupdeveloped diabetes after the start of treatment.Adjusting for age, sex and haloperidol use, the rel-ative risk of developing diabetes was 20% greaterwith olanzapine therapy than with risperidone (RR1.20; 95% CI 1.00, 1.43; p = 0.05). A statisticallysignificant interaction between olanzapine and sexwas also detected; female patients had a 30%greater risk of diabetes with olanzapine therapyover risperidone, after adjustment for age, schizo-phrenia diagnosis and haloperidol use (RR 1.30;95% CI 1.05, 1.65; p = 0.02). The duration of treat-ment also had an effect, with a significantlyincreased risk of developing diabetes during thefirst 3 months of treatment with olanzapine com-pared with risperidone (RR 1.90; 95% CI 1.40,2.57; p < 0.0001).

The effect of olanzapine and risperidone onthe risk of diabetes among patients with schizo-phrenia has also been examined using data from theUK General Practice Research Database.[225] Basedon data from June 1987 to September 2000,19 637 patients diagnosed and treated for schizo-phrenia were identified for inclusion in the analy-sis. Of these, 970 patients had received olanzapinetreatment and 1683 had received risperidone thera-py. Overall, 451 patients developed diabetes duringa mean follow-up of 5.2 years, including 9 who hadreceived olanzapine therapy and 23 who had


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received risperidone. The overall incidence rate ofdiabetes among patients receiving antipsychotictherapy was 4.4 per 1000 person-years of treat-ment. The incidence rate during the first 3 monthsof treatment was higher for olanzapine (10.0/1000person-years) than for either risperidone therapy(5.4) or typical antipsychotics (5.1).

Case control analysis, in which each case ofdiabetes is matched to control cases (i.e. patientswith schizophrenia who had not developed dia-betes), showed a significant increase in risk of dia-betes with olanzapine therapy compared with noantipsychotic therapy (OR 5.8; 95% CI 2.0, 16.7; p = 0.001). Typical antipsychotic therapy (OR 1.4;95% CI 1.1, 1.7; p = 0.004), and less significantlyrisperidone treatment (OR 2.2; 95% CI 0.9, 5.2; p = 0.079), was associated with increases in therisk of diabetes compared with no therapy. Whencompared with typical antipsychotic therapy, olan-zapine therapy showed a significant increase in therisk of developing diabetes (OR 4.2; 95% CI 1.5,12.2; p = 0.008). The level of risk associated withrisperidone therapy was not statistically signifi-cantly different as compared with that of typicalagents (OR 1.6).

An additional two case control studies havereported an increased risk of diabetes with olanza-pine therapy. One study, using data derived fromthe California Medicaid system during 1997–2000,identified cases of new-onset diabetes amongpatients with schizophrenia treated with first- orsecond-generation antipsychotics.[160] For inclusionin the analysis, patients had to be aged ≥18 yearsand receiving continuous antipsychotic monothera-py during the 12 weeks prior to the diagnosis ofdiabetes. The 3102 cases identified (918 receivingolanzapine treatment) were matched for sex andage (±5 years) with 8271 patients with schizophre-nia not diagnosed with diabetes. Logistic regres-sion analysis, controlling for ethnicity and otherdiabetes-inducing medication, showed a signifi-cantly higher risk of developing type 2 diabetesduring olanzapine therapy compared with typicalantipsychotic treatment (OR 1.30; 95% CI 1.18,1.43; p < 0.001). Clozapine and quetiapine, but notrisperidone, treatment were also associated with a

statistically significantly higher risk of diabetescompared with typical antipsychotic treatment.

The other study[224] used data from a number ofhealthcare providers in Indianapolis, Indiana, toidentify patients with schizophrenia receivingantipsychotic treatment (olanzapine n = 1640;risperidone n = 2248; typical n = 6540). Patientsaged 18 years or older, with no diabetes prior toantipsychotic treatment, and who had receivedantipsychotic therapy for at least 1 year wereselected for analysis. Among the 744 individualsanalysed (olanzapine n = 112; risperidone n = 150;typical n = 482), there were 96 cases of new-onsetdiabetes. The proportion of patients who developeddiabetes was significantly higher with olanzapinetreatment (14.3%) than with typical antipsychotictherapy (7.3%; p = 0.015), but did not differ statis-tically significantly between risperidone and typi-cal antipsychotic treatment. Diabetes cases werematched for age (±2 years), sex and ethnicity with316 control (non-diabetic) patients. Logisticregression analysis, adjusted for demographic char-acteristics, comorbid conditions and level of outpa-tient care, indicated that the risk of diabetes washigher with olanzapine treatment than with typicalantipsychotic therapy (adjusted OR 3.92; 95% CI1.0, 15.6). Compared with typical antipsychotictreatment, olanzapine therapy was also associatedwith an increased risk of weight gain of 10lb(4.5kg) or more (adjusted OR 2.1; 95% CI 1.0,4.7).

In a recently published database analysis,[163]

the risk of developing diabetes increased signifi-cantly in olanzapine-treated individuals comparedwith the general population, but did not differ sig-nificantly compared with haloperidol-treatedpatients. Using data from the AdvancePCS pre-scription claims database, the risk of developingdiabetes was analysed for patients starting antipsy-chotic monotherapy between December 1998 andthe end of February 2000 and continuing treatmentthrough this period. Overall, 19 782 patients treat-ed with typical antipsychotics and 38 969 treatedwith second-generation antipsychotics (13 863with olanzapine) were included in the analysis;patients with pre-existing diabetes, antipsychotic


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use in the 6 months before the start of the studyperiod or treatment with more than one antipsy-chotic during the study period and those youngerthan 18 years were excluded. Of the 13 863patients treated with olanzapine, 194 developeddiabetes, identified by a prescription claim forantidiabetic medication. Cox proportional hazardregression analysis, adjusting for age, sex and treat-ment duration, showed a statistically significantincrease in the risk of diabetes with olanzapinetherapy compared with the general populationcohort (hazard ratio [HR] 3.0; 95% CI 2.6, 3.5; p ≤ 0.0001). The risk of diabetes with olanzapinetreatment did not differ significantly from that withhaloperidol therapy (HR 1.09; 95% CI 0.86, 1.37;p = 0.479).

7.2.5 Controlled Clinical Studies

A number of prospective, controlled clinicalstudies, including randomised clinical trials, haveexamined the effect of olanzapine treatment ondirect measures of glucose regulation, in contrast tosurrogate measures used in the retrospective data-base analyses, with the majority of the controlledstudies reporting significant increases in plasmaglucose and/or insulin levels during olanzapinetreatment in comparison to different control condi-tions.

A significant increase in fasting glucose levelswas observed during olanzapine therapy in a 14-week prospective study of antipsychotic therapy.[164]

Patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis-order were randomised to one of four treatments:clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone or haloperidol.Patients in the olanzapine group had a significantmean increase from baseline in fasting glucoseafter 14 weeks of treatment (n = 22; +14.3 mg/dL;p < 0.02); this increase was greater than thatobserved in the other groups. Four patients receiv-ing olanzapine treatment had elevated fasting glu-cose levels (≥126 mg/dL) during the study. Thiscompared with six patients in the clozapine group,three on risperidone and one on haloperidol.ANCOVA analysis indicated no relationshipbetween weight gain (mean change with olanzap-

ine +7.3kg) and change in glucose levels at end-point. This study was limited by potential differ-ences in baseline and endpoint adiposity across thedifferent treatment groups, which were notaddressed in the analysis.

In studies that were designed to assess drugeffects on glucose metabolism that might occurindependent of changes in adiposity, oral and intra-venous glucose tolerance tests have been used toexamine the response of olanzapine-treatedpatients to a glucose load. Using a frequently sam-pled modified OGTT, Newcomer et al.[62] comparedglucose regulation in non-diabetic patients withschizophrenia treated with first- or second-genera-tion (clozapine, olanzapine or risperidone) therapyand untreated healthy volunteers. Patient groupswere well matched for age and BMI; mean age andBMI were 37.4 years and 28.6kg/m2 in the 12 olan-zapine-treated individuals, and groups were alsobalanced for sex and ethnicity. Despite the exclu-sion of patients with diabetes, significant elevationsin plasma glucose levels were observed in the olan-zapine group at fasting and at all timepoints (15, 45and 75 minutes) after the glucose load, comparedwith untreated healthy volunteers (n = 31) and withpatients treated with typical antipsychotics (n = 17)[all comparisons p < 0.005]. Insulin resistance,calculated from FPG and insulin levels, wasincreased significantly in association with olanzap-ine compared with typical antipsychotic treatment(p < 0.05). Similar findings were reported byHenderson and colleagues[72] at the NCDEU 2000meeting (reviewed by Haupt and Newcomer[54]) in astudy using frequently sampled intravenous glu-cose tolerance tests. Chronically treated non-dia-betic patients, matched for adiposity, age, sex andethnicity, showed higher postload plasma glucosevalues with clozapine and olanzapine treatmentthan with risperidone. Calculated insulin sensitivi-ty was significantly reduced in clozapine- and olan-zapine-treated patients compared with those treatedwith risperidone.

Ebenbichler and colleagues[73] assessed theeffect of olanzapine therapy on measures of insulinresistance/sensitivity. Ten patients with schizophre-nia and treated with olanzapine monotherapy


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(mean age 30.4 years; mean BMI 22.4 kg/m2) wereevaluated over a mean treatment period of 8.1weeks. Fasting glucose levels increased significant-ly from 4.8 mmol/L at baseline to 5.5 mmol/L atendpoint (p = 0.008), as did fasting insulin concen-trations (baseline 6.09 µU/mL; endpoint 10.64µU/mL; p = 0.006). HOMA index for beta-cellfunction showed no statistically significant changeover the observation period. In contrast, HOMAindex for insulin resistance increased significantly(p = 0.006), suggesting induction of insulin secre-tion and insulin resistance in these patients.Bodyweight showed a mean increase of 3.3 (range1.2–6.5) kg over the assessment period; weightgain was mainly due to an increase in fat mass. Nostatistically significant changes in any of theseparameters were observed in the age- and sex-matched, healthy, untreated comparison group overthe observation period.

Glucose, insulin and lipid parameters werealso assessed in a randomised, double-blind, 6-week study comparing olanzapine and ziprasidonetherapy in 269 inpatients with acute exacerbationof schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.[226] Nostatistically significant changes in FPG levels frombaseline were observed with olanzapine or ziprasi-done treatment during the study. Significantincreases from baseline in median fasting plasmainsulin levels (p < 0.0001) and HOMA calculatedinsulin resistance (p < 0.0001) were observed witholanzapine therapy, but not ziprasidone. Medianbodyweight increased by 7.2lb (3.3kg) from base-line with olanzapine treatment compared with1.2lb (0.5kg) with ziprasidone; median bodyweightwas significantly higher in the olanzapine groupthan the ziprasidone group at endpoint (p <0.0001). In this relatively young sample, with a sig-nificant compensatory hyperinsulinaemia, plasmaglucose in the olanzapine-treated individuals didnot increase significantly. Statistically significantadverse changes in lipid parameters in the olanzap-ine group are discussed below. In a 6-month, blind-ed follow-up study comparing olanzapine (n = 71)and ziprasidone (n = 62) therapy in patients withschizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder,[227] statis-tically significant increases from baseline in medi-

an fasting glucose and insulin levels were seen witholanzapine therapy. No statistically significantchanges were observed with ziprasidone after 6months of treatment.

Glucose and lipid levels were also assessed ina 28-week, randomised, double-blind comparisonstudy of olanzapine 10–20 mg/day (n = 277) andziprasidone 80–160 mg/day (n = 271) therapy inpatients with schizophrenia.[228] The proportion ofpatients with treatment-emergent hyperglycaemia(i.e. those with baseline FPG levels <126 mg/dLwho experienced levels ≥126 mg/dL during treat-ment) did not differ significantly between the two groups (olanzapine 11.5%; ziprasidone 7.4%;p = 0.159). However, clinically significant adverseeffects on plasma glucose, insulin and lipid levelswere observed in the olanzapine treatment arm.Mean bodyweight increased with olanzapine thera-py (+3.06kg) and decreased with ziprasidone(–1.12kg) at week 28; the difference between thegroups was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Thechanges in glucose levels did not correlate withchanges in bodyweight.

Oral glucose tolerance tests were used toassess changes in glucose levels from baseline toendpoint in a small (n = 30) randomised, 21-daystudy of olanzapine 20–40 mg/day therapy.[229]

Changes in mean 2-hour OGTT glucose valuesfrom baseline did not appear to be dose dependent(20 mg/day 4.68 ± 38.37 mg/dL; 30–40 mg/day 6.4± 21.20 mg/dL; 40 mg/day –4.58 ± 33.76 mg/dL).Glucose tolerance worsened in one patient (fromIGT to diabetes) and improved in two patients(from IGT to normal) during the study. Other post-load timepoints for glucose (i.e. prior to the 2-hourvalues) and postload insulin values were notreported.

A study of briefly treated healthy volunteersshowed an increased insulin response anddecreased insulin sensitivity with both olanzapineand risperidone treatments compared with place-bo.[230] The change in insulin response correlatedwith a change in BMI. After adjusting for theeffects of weight gain seen with active treatmentusing regression analyses, no statistically signifi-cant changes in insulin response or sensitivity were


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detected with olanzapine or risperidone therapy,suggesting that the adverse effects were largelyrelated to changes in adiposity. A more recent studyexamining insulin sensitivity in healthy volunteersreceiving olanzapine (n = 22), risperidone (n = 14)or placebo (n = 19) for 3 weeks, with restrictedaccess to food, showed no statistically significantchanges in the insulin sensitivity index from base-line with olanzapine or risperidone therapy.[231]

Using two-step, hyperinsulinaemic, euglycaemicclamp methodology, Sowell and colleagues[231]

showed no statistically significant difference in themean change in insulin sensitivity index from base-line between the olanzapine, risperidone and place-bo groups at either low or high insulin steadystates. Fasting insulin and fasting glucose levelsboth increased statistically significantly from base-line to endpoint in the olanzapine group, butshowed small decreases in the risperidone group.

7.2.6 Discussion

Considered together, the case reports, themajority of the retrospective database analyses andcontrolled experimental studies including ran-domised clinical trials consistently suggest thatolanzapine treatment increases the risk of signifi-cant weight gain, insulin resistance, hypergly-caemia and/or diabetes mellitus. The risk of acutecomplications such as diabetic ketoacidosis mayalso be increased; however, these infrequent eventsare more difficult to study and quantify outsidecase series.

The majority of the large retrospective data-base analyses showed a statistically significantincrease in the risk of developing diabetes witholanzapine therapy. The risk of diabetes increasedsignificantly with olanzapine therapy comparedwith no antipsychotic treatment[159,163,221,223] and com-pared with treatment with typical antipsy-chotics.[157,160,223,224] Three database analyses alsoshowed a statistically significantly greater risk ofdeveloping diabetes with olanzapine therapy com-pared with risperidone.[159,220,222] In contrast to thesefindings, one analysis, which used prescriptionclaims data, reported no statistically significant

increase in the risk of diabetes with olanzapinetreatment compared with haloperidol therapy.[163]

The study, however, did show a statistically signif-icantly higher risk of diabetes in olanzapine-treatedpatients compared with the general populationcohort, similar to other first- and second-generationantipsychotics studied.

Analysis of cases identified from the FDAMedWatch system also provides support for anassociation between olanzapine therapy and dia-betes development.[70] The large number of reportedcases, the temporal relationship between initiationof olanzapine therapy and onset of hypergly-caemia, the rapid reversibility on treatment discon-tinuation and the younger age of affected patientsare all suggestive. The larger number of olanzap-ine-treated cases reported to the FDA MedWatchSystem and in the literature contrasts with thefewer reports of diabetes or hyperglycaemia asso-ciated with risperidone therapy. Risperidone wasapproved for use before olanzapine, with the totalnumber of risperidone prescriptions at the time ofthe MedWatch reports significantly larger than thetotal number for olanzapine, so that the number ofcase reports associated with olanzapine treatmentcannot be understood simply as a function ofgreater exposure.

Further support for a link between olanzapineand diabetes comes from the temporal associationbetween olanzapine treatment and the occurrenceof events. Almost half of the cases of diagnosed,new-onset diabetes identified from the MedWatchSystem occurred within 3 months of the start oftreatment, while 70% occurred within 6 months.Six cases were seen within 1 week of starting treat-ment. Similarly, in a review of published casereports from the literature,[143] 43% of casesoccurred within 12 weeks of olanzapine initiation.In addition, the majority of patients recovered gly-caemic control following olanzapine withdrawal.Among the MedWatch cases and published casereports,[143] almost 80% of patients experiencedimproved glycaemic control after discontinuingtherapy.

An important feature of the cases analysed byKoller and Doraiswamy[70] was the high proportion


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of patients younger than 45 years old. The meanage at onset for newly diagnosed diabetes was 39.8years, with 68% of cases occurring in thoseyounger than 45 years. This is in contrast to the agedistribution of prevalence of diabetes in the USpopulation. Data from the US National HealthInterview Surveys (NHIS) show that 81% of dia-betes cases occur in individuals aged over 44 years,with prevalence increasing with age.[166] For indi-viduals aged 65–74 years and ≥75 years, 10% and11%, respectively, have diabetes. An indirect com-parison presented by Koller and Doraiswamy[70]

showed that the frequency of newly diagnosed dia-betes among olanzapine-treated patients aged 0–44years was twice that in the US population (66% vs33%). A comparison of the age distributionsbetween the study and US populations showed that the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.0001). This suggests that diabetes occursearlier in olanzapine-treated patients than in thegeneral population, with a marked increase in those younger than 44 years. Analysis of the agedistribution for all olanzapine prescriptions sug-gests that this does not simply reflect large num-bers of olanzapine prescriptions in younger indi-viduals.

Published case reports also contain a high pro-portion of younger individuals. The review byAnanth et al.[143] reported a mean age of patients of41.5 years, with 65% of patients aged 45 years oryounger. Analysis of healthcare data according toage[157] showed that the greatest increase in the riskof diabetes with olanzapine therapy occurredamong patients younger than 40 years (OR 1.64).

Another notable feature of the MedWatchstudy and the case reports was the significant num-ber of cases of diabetic ketoacidosis. Overall,34.6% of the cases of hyperglycaemia reported inthe MedWatch analysis were associated with meta-bolic acidosis or ketosis.[70] Diabetic ketoacidosis istypically an indicator of insulin deficiency, and istherefore commonly thought of in association withtype 1 diabetes rather than with type 2 disease.Diabetic ketoacidosis is not typically observed as afirst manifestation of type 2 diabetes, as the diseaseis characterised initially by peripheral insulin

resistance and hyperinsulinaemia, followed bygradual and progressive decline of beta-cell func-tion with diabetic ketoacidosis typically occurringin the later phases of the disease if at all. Whilemost individuals with type 2 diabetes do not expe-rience diabetic ketoacidosis, most cases of diabeticketoacidosis in the population in fact occur in type2 rather than type 1 diabetes, given the higher fre-quency of type 2 disease and the contributions ofacute insults to beta-cell function such as glucosetoxicity (discussed above, see Type 2 Diabetes). Inthe MedWatch analysis of olanzapine cases, themajority of cases of diabetic ketoacidosis (92%)were associated with new onset of type 2 diabetes.Published case reports of abnormal glucose regula-tion with olanzapine therapy also suggest a signifi-cant incidence of diabetic ketoacidosis. The clini-cal significance of diabetic ketoacidosis is illustrat-ed by the number of fatalities in the MedWatchstudy and among the case reports. Ketosis or aci-dosis was reported in nine of the deaths reported inthe main MedWatch study. Thus, more than 10% ofthe cases of diabetic ketoacidosis were associatedwith patient death.

Weight gain and obesity, and increased adipos-ity in general, are well established risk factors fordiabetes. This strongly suggests that the well docu-mented occurrence of marked weight gain witholanzapine therapy[59,167] could be a key factor in theincreased risk of diabetes seen with this agent.However, several observations suggest that at leastin some cases, weight gain may not play a primaryrole. A significant minority of reported cases ofnew-onset diabetes were not accompanied by sub-stantial weight gain or obesity. Among the casesidentified from the MedWatch System, 24% ofpatients did not appear to be overweight or havesustained weight gain. While no significant corre-lation between weight gain and increased bloodglucose levels was reported in the two studies inwhich this was analysed,[164,216] this may reflect anumber of critical host factors (e.g. beta-cell func-tion) that can intervene between changes in weightand plasma glucose. The rapid onset of diabetesfollowing olanzapine initiation and prompt resolu-tion with treatment withdrawal in some cases also


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do not suggest that the effects of olanzapine on glu-cose regulation in these individuals occur simplythrough actions on weight and adiposity.

Consistent with the increased risk of diabeteswith olanzapine therapy, significant increases inblood glucose levels were reported in many but notall studies of patients treated with olanzapine.Chart reviews and more important prospective 8-and 14-week studies, as well as a 6-month follow-up study, showed statistically significant increasesin fasting glucose levels with olanzapine comparedwith pretreatment levels.[73,146,164,216,227] In two of thesestudies, 18–27% of patients developed clinicallysignificant elevations in FBG (≥126 mg/dL) duringolanzapine therapy. A retrospective chart review of 45 olanzapine-treated patients reported threecases of new-onset diabetes (FBG >126 mg/dL)and four cases of hyperglycaemia (FBG >110–126mg/dL).[214] In a 28-week study,[228] clinically signif-icant increases in plasma glucose were observed inolanzapine-treated patients, although this did notdiffer statistically significantly from ziprasidonetreatment when the hyperglycaemic threshold wasset at the level of diabetes (≥126 mg/dL) [11.5% vs7.4%]. The typical understanding of diabetes in thegeneral population, is a disease characterised ini-tially by peripheral insulin resistance and hyperin-sulinaemia, followed by gradual and progressivedecline of beta-cell function with resulting pro-gressive increases in plasma glucose that eventual-ly can cross the fasting diagnostic threshold of 126 mg/dL. Thus, studies of younger, non-diabeticindividuals (i.e. those who have some degree ofbeta-cell reserve at baseline) may be better able todetect drug effects by measuring insulin resistanceand lower-level hyperglycaemia (e.g. postloadhyperglycaemia) rather than testing only for plas-ma glucose elevations ≥126 mg/dL.

Along these lines, changes in plasma insulinlevels have also been reported with olanzapinetherapy. Five studies reported significant increasesin insulin in comparison to various control condi-tions,[62,73,149,226,227] while three studies also reported asignificant increase in insulin resistance with olan-zapine therapy compared with baseline levels.[73,226]

Henderson and colleagues[72] reported a significant

reduction in insulin sensitivity in non-diabeticolanzapine-treated patients compared with adiposi-ty- and age-matched risperidone-treated individu-als (reviewed by Haupt and Newcomer[54]). Twostudies reported elevated insulin levels in 31–71%of patients receiving olanzapine treatment,[151,217]

while significant improvements in insulin resist-ance and beta-cell function were also observed in astudy of 40 patients with schizophrenia followingthe switch from olanzapine to risperidone therapy.[218]

Not all studies reported changes in insulin sen-sitivity with olanzapine therapy. In one study, nostatistically significant changes in the insulin sensi-tivity index were observed in healthy volunteersafter 3 weeks of olanzapine therapy.[231] In a secondstudy in healthy volunteers, the changes in insulinsensitivity and insulin response were no longer sta-tistically significant after adjusting for weightgain,[230] suggesting that changes which did occurwere largely secondary to weight gain. Anotherstudy in patients with schizophrenia or related psy-chotic disorders showed no statistically significantchanges in peripheral insulin resistance after atleast 2 months of olanzapine treatment.[147]

7.3 Lipid Levels

Evidence for the effects of olanzapine treat-ment on lipid levels comes from a similar distribu-tion of uncontrolled case reports and retrospectivechart reviews, large-scale database analysis andcontrolled experimental studies, including ran-domised prospective clinical trials.

7.3.1 Case Studies and Chart Reviews

Five case reports have reported elevated lipidlevels associated with olanzapine therapy (tableVIII). Domon and Webber[200] report the develop-ment of both hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceri-daemia in a male adolescent that resolved with dis-continuation of olanzapine treatment and withoutdietary changes or the use of antidiabetic therapy.Chang and colleagues[186] reported three cases ofsevere hypertriglyceridaemia in patients withschizophrenia treated with olanzapine, two of


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which were also associated with severe hypergly-caemia. For one patient, glucose and triglyceridelevels resolved with treatment with the patient con-tinuing on olanzapine therapy. Three other publica-tions reported hypertriglyceridaemia or elevatedtriglyceride levels with olanzapine therapy.

Significant changes in lipid levels have alsobeen reported in chart reviews and observationalstudies of olanzapine-treated patients. Fasting plas-ma lipid levels were examined in a chart review ofpatients treated with different antipsychotics,including clozapine, olanzapine, risperidone andquetiapine.[146] The analysis included 32 patientstreated with olanzapine. Mean triglyceride levelsincreased significantly from baseline with olanzap-ine therapy (38%; p = 0.02); the resulting meantriglyceride levels (255.0 mg/dL) were significant-ly higher than those observed with haloperidoltherapy (p = 0.02). Maximum triglyceride levelsalso increased from baseline with olanzapine treat-ment (42%), although this change was not statisti-cally significant. Overall, 39% of olanzapine-treat-ed patients had elevated triglyceride levels (≥200mg/dL). Minimal changes in mean total cholesterol(6%; NS) and LDL-cholesterol (–14%; p = 0.03)levels were observed with olanzapine. However,mean HDL levels also decreased significantly frombaseline (10%; p = 0.03), and minimum HDL lev-els were significantly lower than those observedwith risperidone treatment (p = 0.02). Overall, fourolanzapine-treated patients (13%) initiated choles-terol-lowering therapy after starting treatment.

A retrospective study of patient records atOregon State Hospital compared metabolic out-comes after 1 year of treatment with either olanza-pine (n = 47) or risperidone (n = 47) therapy.[216]

Patients in the olanzapine group experienced sig-nificant increases from baseline in fasting triglyc-

eride (88.2 mg/dL; p ≤ 0.001) and fasting totalcholesterol (23.6 mg/dL; p ≤ 0.001) levels.Analysis of patients younger than 60 years alsoshowed statistically significantly greater increasesin triglyceride (104.8 mg/dL) and cholesterol levels (30.7 mg/dL) with olanzapine therapy.Comparisons with risperidone-treated patientsshowed that the increases in both triglyceride andtotal cholesterol levels with olanzapine were statis-tically significantly greater than with risperidonefor all patients and for those aged less than 60 years(p < 0.05). Mean bodyweight increased significant-ly from baseline with olanzapine therapy for allpatients (17.5lb [7.9kg]; p ≤ 0.001) and for thoseyounger than 60 years (20.4lb [9.1kg]; p ≤ 0.001).Analysis performed for the non-elderly subgroupshowed no statistically significant correlationbetween weight gain and the change in triglycerideor cholesterol levels.

In an earlier retrospective review of patientrecords, Meyer[235] analysed 14 cases of severehypertriglyceridaemia (fasting triglycerides >600mg/dL) in patients receiving olanzapine (n = 12) orquetiapine (n = 2) treatment. In the 12 olanzapinecases, the mean fasting peak triglyceride level was1737 mg/dL. The mean time to peak fastingtriglyceride level was 10.0 months, with peaktriglyceride levels occurring within 12 months ofstarting treatment in 9 of the 12 cases. Mean body-weight increased from 188.0lb (84.6kg) at baselineto 200.3lb (90.1kg) at peak triglyceride levels,while mean BMI increased from 29.33 to 31.46kg/m2. Analysis of all 14 cases (including the twotreated with quetiapine) showed that the increase infasting serum triglycerides was not correlated withweight increase or BMI change. Furthermore, theincrease in serum triglycerides did not correlatewith olanzapine dose.

Table VIII. Case reports of elevated lipid levels with olanzapine

Reference Case report detailsChang et al.[186] Three cases of severe hypertriglyceridaemia (2 with hyperglycaemia) associated with olanzapine therapyStoner et al.[232] Severe hypertriglyceridaemia associated with olanzapineDomon & Webber[200] Development of hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia in a male adolescent resolved with discontinuation

of olanzapineNguyen & Murphy[233] Olanzapine and hypertriglyceridaemiaSheitman et al.[234] Olanzapine-induced elevation of plasma triglyceride levels


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Changes in fasting triglyceride and cholesterollevels were investigated in a 12-week observation-al study of olanzapine therapy in 25 inpatients withschizophrenia (n = 13), schizoaffective disorder (n = 4) or other psychoses (n = 8).[236] Olanzapineuse was associated with a significant increase in mean fasting triglyceride level (+60 mg/dL; p < 0.04) from baseline (162 ± 121 mg/dL) toendpoint (202 ± 135 mg/dL), a 37% increase.This increase was greater when six patients receiv-ing lipid-lowering therapy during the study wereexcluded from the analysis (+74 mg/dL). In con-trast, mean fasting total cholesterol levels showed aminimal change (+3 mg/dL) over the study period.Mean bodyweight also increased significantly dur-ing olanzapine treatment (5.4kg; p < 0.02), andANCOVA showed a significant associationbetween weight gain and triglyceride change (p < 0.02). Analysis showed that the change intriglyceride levels independent of weight was notstatistically significant.

Adverse changes in fasting LDL-cholesterolwere reported with olanzapine in a 6-month studyinvolving patients with schizophrenia or schizoaf-fective disorder.[227] Significant increases in LDL-cholesterol from baseline (p < 0.01) occurred in theolanzapine group in this blinded, follow-up studycomparing olanzapine and ziprasidone therapy.Increases in triglyceride levels were also reportedin an open-label study of olanzapine treatment inpatients with schizophrenia conducted in Japan.[237]

In all, 20% of the 82 patients experienced abnor-mally elevated triglyceride levels during treatment.

Fasting lipid levels were evaluated in 16 out-patients with schizophrenia or related psychoseswho received olanzapine treatment for at least 6months.[151] Elevated levels of fasting triglycerides,total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol were record-ed for nine (56%), ten (63%) and six patients(38%), respectively. In addition, one patient hadHDL-cholesterol levels below normal. Triglyceridelevels (but not other lipid levels) showed a positivecorrelation with the ratio of olanzapine to itsmetabolite N-desmethylolanzapine.

Two other recent studies have also reportedcross-sectional analyses of fasting lipid levels in

patients with schizophrenia or related disorderstreated continuously with antipsychotic therapy forat least 3 months[153] or 1 year.[238] Chue andWelch[153] reported higher fasting total cholesteroland triglyceride levels for olanzapine-treatedpatients (n = 18) than those receiving risperidone (n = 16) or typical antipsychotic therapy (n = 17).Hardy and colleagues[238] reported no statisticallysignificant differences in mean fasting total, LDL-or HDL-cholesterol levels between patients treatedwith olanzapine (n = 67), risperidone (n = 65) ortypical antipsychotic therapy (n = 52), althoughmean fasting triglyceride levels were statisticallysignificantly higher in the olanzapine group than inthe risperidone group. However, only patients withnormal FBG levels (<110 mg/dL) were included inthe analysis, and patients in this study werematched for BMI as well as sex and duration andseverity of illness.

7.3.2 Retrospective Database Analysis

Data from the UK General Practice ResearchDatabase (GRPD) – a large database including over6% of the total UK population – were analysed toassess the risk of hyperlipidaemia with risperidone,olanzapine and typical antipsychotic therapy,among patients with schizophrenia.[223] Using datacollected between June 1997 and September 2000,1268 cases of hyperlipidaemia were identifiedamong the 18 309 patients with schizophrenia.Antipsychotic use was defined as antipsychotictreatment in the 3 months before the diagnosis ofhyperlipidaemia. On this basis, 16 patients withhyperlipidaemia had been treated with olanzapine,12 with risperidone, 807 with first-generationantipsychotics, 83 with other newer second-gener-ation agents or more than one agent, and 413 hadnot been exposed to antipsychotic medication.

The incidence rate for hyperlipidaemia amongall patients receiving antipsychotic therapy was17.04 per 1000 person-years. When rates weredetermined for individual antipsychotics, the inci-dence rate for hyperlipidaemia with olanzapinewas 26.6 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 17.15,41.19), compared with 18.52 per 1000 person-


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years for typical antipsychotics (95% CI 17.30,19.82). In comparison, the rate for risperidone was11.5 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 7.41, 17.81).Patients treated with olanzapine exhibited a 40%increase in the risk of developing hyperlipidaemiacompared with those treated with typical antipsy-chotics (risk ratio 1.4; 95% CI 0.92, 2.22).

Nested case control analysis, involving 7598matched controls with schizophrenia but no hyper-lipidaemia, was used to determine the risk ofhyperlipidaemia with olanzapine therapy. Logisticregression analysis, adjusted for age, sex, othermedications and disease conditions affecting lipidlevels, demonstrated a significant increase in therisk of developing hyperlipidaemia with olanzapinetherapy compared with no antipsychotic therapy(OR 4.65; 95% CI 2.44, 8.85; p < 0.001) and typical antipsychotic treatment (OR 3.36; 95% CI1.77, 6.39; p < 0.001). In contrast, there was no statistically significant increase in the risk ofhyperlipidaemia for patients treated with risperi-done, compared with either typical antipsychotictreatment (OR 0.81) or no antipsychotic therapy(OR 1.12).

7.3.3 Controlled Clinical Trials

Significant changes in lipid levels have alsobeen observed during clinical trials of olanzapinetherapy. In a prospective, 14-week study, inpatientswith either schizophrenia or schizoaffective disor-der were randomised to olanzapine, clozapine,risperidone or haloperidol treatment.[164] Data fromthe 26 patients randomised to olanzapine showed asignificant increase in fasting cholesterol levelfrom baseline during the first 8 weeks of the study (12.3 mg/dL; p < 0.04) and throughout the 14-week study period (n = 22; 16.3 mg/dL; p < 0.002). Mean values, however, remained mod-est (197.6 mg/dL at week 14). Bodyweightincreased significantly from baseline with olanzap-ine therapy (mean 7.3kg; p < 0.0001). A significantassociation was detected between weight gain andcholesterol increase (p = 0.035), although this wasnot statistically significant after adjusting for base-line weight and cholesterol level.

Glick and colleagues[226] examined changes infasting lipid levels in addition to glucose andinsulin measures in a 6-week, double-blind, ran-domised study comparing the metabolic effects ofolanzapine and ziprasidone therapy. Significantincreases from baseline in median fasting total cho-lesterol (20 mg/dL; p < 0.0001), LDL-cholesterol(13 mg/dL; p < 0.0001) and triglyceride (26mg/dL; p = 0.0003) levels were observed witholanzapine therapy. In contrast, minimal changeswere observed with ziprasidone therapy, and medi-an total and LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride lev-els were significantly higher in the olanzapinegroup at endpoint (p < 0.003). In a further analysisby sex, male schizophrenic patients showed signif-icant increases in total cholesterol, LDL-choles-terol and triglyceride levels with olanzapine treatment compared with ziprasidone therapy (p < 0.005), while changes in triglyceride levelstended towards statistical significance with olanza-pine versus ziprasidone in female patients.[239] In a28-week randomised, double-blind comparisonstudy,[228] significantly more olanzapine-treatedpatients experienced treatment-emergent ‘high’triglyceride levels (NCEP criteria: 200–499mg/dL) than ziprasidone-treated individuals(16.9% vs 2.6%; p < 0.001). No statistically significant differences were observed between the treatment groups in the proportion of patientsexperiencing ‘high’ or ‘very high’ total or LDL-cholesterol levels or developing low HDL-choles-terol. In both groups, changes in triglyceride levelscorrelated significantly with changes in body-weight.

Significant increases in fasting triglyceridelevels with olanzapine therapy were also reportedin a 6-week randomised study of clozapine, risperi-done, olanzapine and quetiapine therapy in 56patients with schizophrenia.[175] Patients treatedwith olanzapine (n = 13) showed a significantincrease in triglyceride levels from baseline atweek 6 (31.23 mg/dL; p < 0.001). The meanchanges in bodyweight (+8.92kg) and BMI (22.35to 26.97 kg/m2) from baseline to study endpointwere also statistically significant with olanzapinetherapy (p < 0.01 and p < 0.05, respectively), and


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there was a significant correlation between thechanges in triglyceride levels and BMI (p < 0.01).

A 12-week double-blind study comparingolanzapine and divalproex sodium for the treatmentof acute mania in patients with bipolar disorderexamined changes in cholesterol levels.[213] Totaland LDL-cholesterol levels increased from base-line with olanzapine treatment (total +13.29mg/dL; n = 42; LDL +8.78 mg/dL; n = 41) anddecreased slightly with divalproex sodium (total–1.69 mg/dL; n = 45; LDL –4.43 mg/dL; n = 42).These changes in cholesterol levels differed signif-icantly between the groups (p < 0.03). Mean fast-ing HDL-cholesterol levels also showed statistical-ly significant adverse changes (i.e. decreases) frombaseline in patients receiving olanzapine therapy (n = 9) in a study of 75 individuals with schizo-phrenia or related psychotic disorders.[147]

Changes in lipid levels were also reported inan 8-week randomised, double-blind study com-paring olanzapine and risperidone treatment in 377patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis-order.[240] The ratio of beneficial change (fromabove-normal baseline value to normal end-of-study value) to adverse change (from normal base-line value to above-normal value at week 8) waspresented for both triglycerides and cholesterol.Changes in triglycerides tended to be adverse witholanzapine treatment (ratio 0.45) but beneficialwith risperidone therapy (ratio 2.57), so patientstreated with risperidone were significantly morelikely to experience beneficial changes in triglyc-eride levels than those receiving olanzapine thera-py (risk ratio 5.71; p = 0.003). Similarly, adversechanges in cholesterol levels tended to occur witholanzapine (ratio 0.35), whereas beneficial changeswere more frequent with risperidone (ratio 1.64),suggesting a significantly greater likelihood ofimproved cholesterol levels with risperidone treatment than with olanzapine (risk ratio 4.70; p = 0.005).

In an 8-week study of olanzapine and risperi-done therapy in 50 inpatients with schizophrenia orschizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder,[241]

patients receiving olanzapine showed significantincreases in triglyceride levels from baseline

(p < 0.001) but no statistically significant changesin total cholesterol. In addition, significantly morepatients in the olanzapine group had clinically sig-nificant increases (>7%) in bodyweight from base-line than in the risperidone group (44% vs 4%; p < 0.01). No statistically significant changes inlipid levels were observed with risperidone. A ran-domised study involving 21 female patients withschizophrenia reported statistically significantincreases in total cholesterol (17.3%), LDL-choles-terol (31.4%) and VLDL-cholesterol (8.1%) witholanzapine therapy from week 1 to week 6 of treat-ment (p < 0.05).[242] These changes were greaterthan those observed with quetiapine therapy (totalcholesterol 8.0%; LDL-cholesterol 12.2%; VLDL-cholesterol 1.7%). BMI also increased statisticallysignificantly over the study period with olanzapine,but not quetiapine, therapy.

Not all studies have reported significantchanges in lipid levels from baseline to endpointwith olanzapine therapy. A 4-month randomisedstudy comparing patients who switched to olanza-pine treatment (n = 27) with those remaining oncurrent therapy (either typical antipsychotics orrisperidone; n = 27) reported no statistically signif-icant changes in fasting total cholesterol or triglyc-eride levels at endpoint in patients switched toolanzapine.[243] Mean changes in these fasting lipidsdid not differ significantly from those observed forpatients remaining on prior therapy. However,increases in both total cholesterol and triglyceridelevels were observed with olanzapine therapy after1 month of treatment, with levels returning to base-line at the end of month 2 and month 3, respective-ly. Furthermore, mean baseline fasting lipid levels,measured prior to randomisation, were either at orabove the ULN.

7.3.4 Discussion

Findings from uncontrolled case reports andchart reviews, large-scale database analysis andcontrolled experimental studies including clinicaltrials suggest consistent evidence that olanzapinetreatment has a potentially adverse effect on plas-ma lipids, particularly plasma triglyceride. This is


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consistent with the effects of increasing abdominalfat mass on insulin sensitivity and lipid metabo-lism.

Analysis of healthcare data from the UKGeneral Practice Research Database (GPRD) indi-cates a statistically significantly increased risk ofhyperlipidaemia with olanzapine compared witheither typical or no antipsychotic therapy inpatients with schizophrenia.[223] This finding is sup-ported by the increases in triglyceride levels report-ed with olanzapine therapy in clinical trials.Statistically significant increases in triglyceridesfrom pretreatment levels were observed with olan-zapine therapy in randomised clinical trials andobservational studies[175,226,236,241,242] and in two retro-spective chart reviews,[146,216] although one ran-domised study reported no significant change frombaseline to endpoint.[243] Increased triglyceride lev-els were also reported in an open-label study ofolanzapine,[237] in four case reports[200] and in cross-sectional analyses of patients receiving olanzapinetherapy for at least 3 months.[151,153,238] Statisticallysignificantly more patients developed ‘high’triglyceride levels with olanzapine therapy thanziprasidone treatment during a 28-week compari-son study.[228] Elevated triglyceride levels, in addi-tion to LDL-cholesterol, are an independent signif-icant risk factor for the exacerbation of coronaryartery disease and also appear to precipitate orexacerbate diabetes.[244]

Increases in bodyweight are well documentedwith olanzapine therapy[59,167] and can be hypothe-sised to affect the changes in triglyceride levelsseen with olanzapine therapy. Osser and co-work-ers[236] and Hardy et al.[228] reported a statisticallysignificant association between weight gain andtriglyceride increases, while Atmaca et al.[175]

reported a significant correlation between triglyc-eride levels and BMI. However, two studies byMeyer[216,235] show no significant correlationbetween weight gain and changes in triglyceridelevels. Again, a number of host factors can inter-vene in the short term between changes in weightand changes in circulating lipids. In general,increasing adiposity is a well established majormodifiable risk factor for dyslipidaemia.

Findings from the analyses of total cholesterollevels were less clear, and total cholesterol in gen-eral is more difficult to interpret in comparison tospecific lipid fractions (e.g. LDL or HDL). Threestudies (one observational study, one chart reviewand one controlled study) showed minimal changesin total cholesterol levels from baseline.[146,236,243]

Four other analyses (one chart review and threecontrolled studies) reveal statistically significantincreases from baseline.[164,217,226,242] In each case, thechart reviews and controlled trials involved similarnumbers of patients and patient populations. Theeffect of bodyweight on cholesterol levels wasexamined in these studies. The three studies thatreport increased cholesterol levels also show statis-tically significant weight or BMI increases frombaseline with olanzapine treatment. However,Meyer[216] found no significant correlation betweenweight gain and increased cholesterol levels, whilein the study by Lindenmayer et al.,[164] the correla-tion was not statistically significant after adjustingfor baseline weight and cholesterol levels.

Changes in LDL- and HDL-cholesterol havebeen little studied. One published report shows sta-tistically significant improvements in LDL-choles-terol levels from baseline with olanzapine thera-py.[146] However, these were accompanied by statis-tically significant adverse changes in HDL-choles-terol levels. In contrast, Simpson et al.,[227] Glick etal.[226] and Ozguven et al.[242] reported statisticallysignificant increases in LDL-cholesterol frombaseline during olanzapine treatment.

7.4 Conclusion

Olanzapine treatment is associated with signif-icant increases in weight and adiposity over bothshort- and long-term treatment. Studies using avariety of methodologies indicate, with few excep-tions, that olanzapine treatment is associated withan increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus,based especially on evidence for treatment-relatedincreases in insulin resistance and elevations inplasma triglyceride levels. Evidence from casereport analyses, large retrospective database analy-ses and controlled clinical studies indicate signifi-


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cant increases in the risk of insulin resistance,hyperglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and diabetes dur-ing olanzapine treatment.

8. Risperidone

Although risperidone has been prescribedextensively since its introduction in the US in 1993,fewer published reports are available concerningthe risk of diabetes with risperidone as comparedwith either clozapine or olanzapine treatment.However, a considerable body of literature is stillavailable examining the potential associationsbetween risperidone therapy and the risk of weightgain, insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia, diabetesand lipid dysregulation.

8.1 Bodyweight

Risperidone therapy is associated with rela-tively modest weight gain during short-term treat-ment. In a meta-analysis of published studies,[59] theestimated weight gain over 10 weeks of risperidonetherapy was approximately 2kg. Individual studiesreport weight gain of around 2kg with short-termrisperidone treatment.[245] Weight gain with risperi-done does not appear to be dose related acrossdoses tested. In an 8-week study comparing fiverisperidone doses ranging from 1 to 16 mg/day, themean increase in weight ranged from 0.3 to 1.8kg,with the largest increase reported with the 8mg/day dose.

Mean increases in bodyweight in the order of2kg have also been reported with longer-termrisperidone treatment. Risperidone-treated patientsexperienced a mean increase in weight of 2.3kgover the 52-week treatment period in a haloperidolcomparison study involving patients with chronic,stable schizophrenia.[246] Similarly, mean weightgain of 2.3kg was observed with risperidone thera-py in a 28-week comparison study versus olanzap-ine treatment.[247] Larger increases in weight havebeen reported with long-term risperidone therapy.A retrospective analysis of patient records revealedmaximum weight gain of 4.1kg with risperidonetreatment over a mean treatment duration of

approximately 26 weeks.[113] However, not all stud-ies report weight gain with risperidone therapy. Afollow-up of schizophrenic patients newly startedon risperidone therapy showed a slight meandecrease in bodyweight with risperidone therapy(–0.3kg) over a mean treatment duration of 125.3days.[248] It may be critical to consider and controlfor previous medication, as a switch from agentswith a higher weight gain liability to those with alower liability can be associated with weight loss.

The weight gain potential of risperidone is alsoapparent when the proportion of patients experi-encing clinically significant weight gain (≥7%increase) is considered. Package insert data forrisperidone report that 18% of risperidone-treatedpatients gain 7% or more of their bodyweight over6–8 weeks of treatment compared with 9% ofpatients receiving placebo, or approximately twicethe placebo incidence rate.

8.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

8.2.1 Case Reports, Chart Reviews andObservational Studies

Data from the FDA MedWatch DrugSurveillance System (1993 to February 2002), pub-lished reports (Medline, to February 2002) andselected abstracts from national psychiatric meet-ings identified a total of 131 cases of diabetes orhyperglycaemia associated with risperidone thera-py.[71] Of these reports, 78 cases (60%) involvednewly diagnosed hyperglycaemia, 46 cases (35%)described exacerbation of pre-existing diabetes,and 7 cases did not clearly make this distinction. Ofthe 78 patients with new-onset hyperglycaemia, 55met diagnostic criteria for diabetes based on bloodglucose (fasting ≥126 mg/dL; postload≥200 mg/dL) or HbA1c levels, and 10 were receiv-ing antidiabetic medication and/or were acidotic orketotic at the time of hyperglycaemia. In addition,there were a further six reports of acidosis withrisperidone treatment that were not associated withhyperglycaemia.

As discussed earlier, it is important to remem-ber that most adverse event reporting happens in


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the first 2 years after the launch of a drug, withunderreporting generally estimated to be in therange of 1/10 to 1/100 of the actual number ofcases. Data for haloperidol collected using thesame methodology (FDA MedWatch data, late1970s to February 2002) identified 13 cases of dia-betes or hyperglycaemia (newly diagnosed hyper-glycaemia n = 10; exacerbation of pre-existing dia-betes n = 2; unknown n = 1) and 11 cases of acido-sis not associated with hyperglycaemia. A furtherseven cases of hyperglycaemia were identified forpatients receiving combined risperidone-haloperi-dol therapy. The reporting rate, based on prescrip-tion sales, was 21 times higher for risperidonemonotherapy than for haloperidol monotherapyusing data from 1981 onwards and 8.5 timesgreater using data from 1994 onwards.

For risperidone-treated patients with newlydiagnosed hyperglycaemia, the mean age at onsetwas 34.8 (±15.7) years. These patients were signif-icantly younger than risperidone-treated patientswith exacerbation of existing diabetes (mean age48.8 ± 17.5 years; p < 0.001) and tended to beyounger than haloperidol-treated patients withnewly diagnosed hyperglycaemia (50.2 ± 21.7years; p = 0.055). Time from the start of risperi-done therapy to the onset of hyperglycaemiaranged from 1 day to 48 months among the 96patients with available data, and for 65 patients(68%), onset occurred within 6 months of startingtreatment (figure 4). Time to onset tended to be

shorter for patients experiencing exacerbation ofexisting disease than for those with new-onsethyperglycaemia, with 71% and 48% of cases,respectively, occurring within 3 months of treat-ment initiation. Risperidone therapy was with-drawn in 47 patients and reduced in 5 patients.Outcomes data for these patients were limited,although improved glycaemic control was reportedfor 12 of these patients.

The severity of hyperglycaemia associatedwith risperidone treatment ranged from mild glu-cose intolerance to diabetic ketoacidosis andhyperosmolar coma. Thirty-one patients (24 withnew-onset diabetes) experienced blood glucoselevels of ≥500 mg/dL. Metabolic acidosis or keto-sis was reported for 26 patients treated with risperi-done, the majority of whom (n = 22) experiencednew-onset diabetes. There were four deaths amongpatients receiving risperidone monotherapy; threeof these patients had acidosis or ketosis. Limitedbodyweight data, available for 37 cases, suggestedthat approximately 20% of patients were not sub-stantially overweight or had significant weightgain.

Diabetes prevalence and plasma glucose levelswere examined in a chart review of 208 patientswith psychotic illness treated with clozapine,risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine or typicalantipsychotic monotherapy.[156] No statistically sig-nificant differences in the prevalence of diabetes orin mean FPG levels were observed between thetreatment groups. Nine (19.6%) of the 46 risperi-done-treated patients had diabetes; mean FPG levelin the risperidone group was 108.9 mg/dL.

In contrast to the large number of publishedcase reports of diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosisassociated with clozapine or olanzapine therapy,there have been relatively few case reports of dia-betes or hyperglycaemia associated with risperi-done treatment in the literature (table IX).

Wirshing and colleagues[250] report a retrospec-tive analysis of two cases in which patients withschizophrenia developed diabetes while receivingrisperidone treatment. In both cases, antipsychotictherapy was associated with weight gain. For onepatient, the development of diabetes necessitated










of e



Time (mo)

#1 >1–3 >3–6 >6–9 >9–12 >12–24 >24

Fig. 4. Time to onset of hyperglycaemia with risperidone.[71]


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ongoing treatment with insulin. In other reports,Mallya and co-workers[252] document the resolutionof hyperglycaemia following discontinuation ofrisperidone treatment, and Croarkin et al.[251] reporta case of diabetic ketoacidosis in a patient withHIV infection, with HIV possibly contributing torisk in this individual.[253] Wilson et al.,[254] in a ret-rospective chart review, report a case of diabeticketoacidosis occurring 5 days after clozapine wasadded to existing risperidone therapy. FBG valuesdecreased when the patient resumed clozapinemonotherapy and insulin, and eventually insulincould be discontinued.

A chart review of 215 patients receiving first-or second-generation antipsychotic therapy[146]

showed no significant changes in either mean ormaximum fasting glucose levels with risperidonetreatment compared with pretreatment values.Among the 49 risperidone-treated patients (meantreatment duration 19.2 months), mean glucoselevels increased from 118.3 mg/dL at baseline to122.3 mg/dL on therapy, an increase of 3%. Incontrast, significant increases in both mean andmaximum fasting glucose values were observedwith clozapine, olanzapine and haloperidol (meanonly). Excluding patients with abnormal FBG val-ues at baseline, 36% of patients developed clinical-ly significant elevated glucose levels (≥126mg/dL) during risperidone therapy, similar to thevalue with haloperidol. However, none of thepatients required the initiation of glucose-loweringtreatment following the start of risperidone therapy.

Risperidone therapy was also associated withminimal changes in FBG levels from pretreatmentvalues in a review of 47 patients treated for 1year.[216] The mean increases in glucose were 0.68mg/dL for all patients and 0.74 mg/dL for the sub-group of patients younger than 60 years (n = 39).These changes were not statistically significantcompared with baseline. However, the increase

seen in a non-elderly subgroup was significantlyless than the increase with olanzapine therapy (10.8mg/dL; p = 0.03; n = 37). A significant increase inbodyweight from baseline was observed withrisperidone treatment for all patients (10.7lb[4.8kg]; p < 0.001) and for the non-elderly sub-group (11.9lb [5.3kg]; p < 0.001). No statisticallysignificant correlation was observed betweenweight gain and fasting glucose levels in an analy-sis of non-elderly patients.

Changes in insulin resistance and beta-cellfunction have also been examined in schizophreniapatients switched to risperidone treatment after atleast 30 days of olanzapine therapy.[218] Results for40 patients showed significant improvements inmeasures of insulin resistance and beta-cell func-tion following the change to risperidone treatment.

8.2.2 Retrospective Database Analyses

Data analyses of ten healthcare databases haveexamined the risk of diabetes with risperidone ther-apy (table X). In two of the studies, the compari-son was made against olanzapine treatment. In theother analyses, risperidone therapy was comparedwith either typical antipsychotics or no antipsy-chotic treatment.

Analysis of data from the Veterans Affairsdatabases[157] showed that of the 22 648 outpatientswith schizophrenia treated with second-generationantipsychotics, 9903 (43.7%) received risperidonetherapy. Logistic regression analysis, controllingfor demographic, diagnostic and treatment factors,showed that overall, patients receiving risperidonedid not have a significantly greater risk of diabetesdiagnosis than patients receiving typical antipsy-chotics (OR 1.05; 95% CI 0.98, 1.12; p = 0.15).This was in contrast to the findings with clozapine,olanzapine and quetiapine treatment. Whenpatients were stratified according to their age, those

Table IX. Case reports of abnormal glucose levels with risperidoneReference Case report detailsFukui & Murai[249] Severe weight gain and diabetes in 1 patient receiving combination treatment with risperidone and paroxetineWirshing et al.[250] Two retrospective cases in which patients with schizophrenia developed diabetes while taking risperidoneCroarkin et al.[251] Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with risperidone therapyMallya et al.[252] Resolution of hyperglycaemia on risperidone discontinuation


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younger than 40 years treated with risperidone hada significantly higher risk of diabetes (OR 1.51;95% CI 1.12, 2.04; p < 0.008) than those treatedwith typical antipsychotic therapy, consistent withfindings for the other three second-generationagents studied. Risperidone prescription was alsoassociated with a statistically significantly higherrisk of diabetes in patients aged 50–59 years, aswas olanzapine.

A second retrospective analysis involving aVeterans Administration healthcare database(VISN-10) compared the risk of developing dia-betes in patients treated with risperidone, olanzap-ine, haloperidol or fluphenazine.[220] Male patientsof Caucasian or African American ethnicity, treat-ed with any of these four antipsychotics during

1997–2000, were included in the analysis. Diabeteswas defined as a diagnosis of diabetes or prescrip-tion of antidiabetic medication; those with existingdiabetes were excluded. In all, 368 (6.3%) of the5837 individuals analysed developed diabetes.Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed thatthe risk of developing diabetes did not differ sig-nificantly between patients receiving risperidonetreatment (the reference group) and those treatedwith haloperidol (RR 0.89; 95% CI 0.67, 1.17;p = 0.41) or fluphenazine (RR 1.11; 95% CI 0.68,1.79; p = 0.61). In contrast, the risk of developingdiabetes was significantly greater with olanzapinetherapy than with risperidone (RR 1.37; 95% CI1.06, 1.76; p = 0.016).

Another study analysing health claims data[159]

Table X. Summary of database analyses investigating association between risperidone therapy and diabetes

Reference Risk of diabetesSernyak et al.[157] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychotic

All patients 1.05 (95% CI 0.98, 1.12) NS<40y 1.51 (95% CI 1.12, 2.04) p < 0.00840–49y 1.04 (95% CI 0.92, 1.17) NS50–59y 1.13 (95% CI 1.01, 1.26) p < 0.0560–69y 0.94 (95% CI 0.80, 1.10) NS≥70y 1.02 (95% CI 0.86, 1.21) NS

Fuller et al.[220] Relative risk: typical antipsychotic vs risperidoneHaloperidol 0.89 (95% CI 0.67, 1.17) NSFluphenazine 1.11 (95% CI 0.68, 1.79) NSRelative risk: olanzapine vs risperidoneOveralla 1.36 (95% CI 1.06, 1.76) p = 0.017

Gianfrancesco et al.[159] Odds ratio vs no antipsychotic 1mo 0.989 (95% CI 0.921, 1.063) NS12mo 0.88 (95% CI 0.372, 2.070) NS

Gianfrancesco et al.[221] Odds ratio vs no antipsychotic1mo 0.966 NS12mo 0.660 (95% CI 0.311, 1.408)

Koro et al.[223] Odds ratio vs no antipsychotic Overall 2.2 (95% CI 0.9, 5.2) NSOdds ratio vs typical antipsychotic Overall 1.6 (95% CI 0.7, 3.8) NS

Caro et al.[222] Relative risk: olanzapine vs risperidoneOveralla 1.20 (95% CI 1.00, 1.43) p = 0.05Month 1–3a 1.90 (95% CI 1.40, 2.57) p < 0.0001

Lambert et al.[160] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychoticOverall 1.10 (95% CI 0.97, 1.23) NS

Farwell et al.[224] Adjusted odds ratio vs typical antipsychoticOverall 2.22 (95% CI 0.5, 10.6)

Buse et al.[163] Hazard ratio vs no antipsychoticOverall 3.4 (95% CI 3.1, 3.8) p ≤ 0.0001Hazard ratio vs haloperidolOverall 1.23 (95% CI 1.01, 1.50) p = 0.040

Cavazzoni et al.[255] Significantly higher risk of diabetes with risperidone compared with the general population (no datapresented in abstract)

a Significantly increased risk with olanzapine over risperidone.


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compared the frequency of newly reported diabetesamong patients with psychosis receiving antipsy-chotic therapy (4308 individuals) with that inuntreated patients (3625 individuals). Patients withtype 2 diabetes were then identified from the data-base; those with pre-existing disease were exclud-ed, based on a screening assessment at either 4 or 8months prior to the start of treatment. This allowedtwo analyses to be performed.

Based on pre-screening at the 4-month time-point, 1368 patients received risperidone, of whom25 developed diabetes; using the 8-month data, 10patients out of 994 developed diabetes. Logisticregression analysis showed that the risk of devel-oping diabetes with risperidone was not statistical-ly significantly different from the risk with noantipsychotic treatment, whether calculated using4- or 8-month data on the basis of either treatmentduration (4-month OR 1.021; 8-month OR 0.989)or dose (4-month OR 0.909; 8-month OR 0.811).The 12-month OR for risperidone (using the 8-month data) was 0.88 (95% CI 0.372, 2.070); thiswas not statistically significantly different from theOR with no antipsychotic treatment. In contrast,the odds of diabetes increased statistically signifi-cantly with both clozapine and olanzapine com-pared with no treatment or risperidone therapy.

A second study by Gianfrancesco and col-leagues[221] used similar methodology to analysemore recent health claims data. As in the earlierstudy, they compared the frequency of newlyreported diabetes between patients with psychosisreceiving antipsychotic therapy (n = 6582) andthose who were untreated (n = 10 296). Patientswith diabetes were identified on the basis of med-ical or prescription claims for antidiabetic treat-ment: those with evidence of diabetes in the 8months before the start of the observation periodwere excluded from the analysis. Of the 1675patients receiving risperidone therapy, five devel-oped diabetes. The risk of developing diabetes withrisperidone, calculated using logistic regressionanalysis, did not differ statistically significantlyfrom that with no treatment (OR 0.966 for 1 monthof treatment). Converting this to 12 months oftreatment, the OR for risperidone was 0.660 (95%

CI 0.311, 1.408). In contrast, the findings showed astatistically significantly greater risk of diabeteswith olanzapine therapy than with no antipsychotictherapy.

Two analyses have examined the relative riskof developing diabetes with risperidone and olan-zapine therapy. The larger of these analyses usedhealthcare data from Quebec.[222] Among the 14 793patients treated with risperidone, 217 developeddiabetes after the start of treatment. This comparedwith 317 cases of diabetes among the 19 153patients treated with olanzapine. When the datawere adjusted for age, sex and haloperidol use, therelative risk of developing diabetes was significant-ly greater with olanzapine therapy than withrisperidone (RR 1.20; 95% CI 1.00, 1.43; p = 0.05).The increased risk of diabetes with olanzapine overrisperidone was particularly evident during the first3 months of treatment (RR 1.90; 95% CI 1.40,2.57; p < 0.0001).

In the other analysis, data from the UK GPRDwere used to investigate the risk of diabetes amongpatients with schizophrenia.[225] Out of the 19 637patients included in the analysis, 1683 had receivedrisperidone therapy and 970 had been treated witholanzapine. Overall, 451 patients developed dia-betes during the follow-up period (mean 5.2 years);23 of these had received risperidone therapy. Casecontrol analyses showed an increased risk of dia-betes among schizophrenia patients receivingrisperidone treatment compared with those nottreated with antipsychotics (OR 2.2; 95% CI 0.9,5.2), although this increase was not statisticallysignificant. This contrasts with the significantincrease in risk seen with olanzapine (OR 5.8; p = 0.001). The risk of diabetes with risperidonewas also increased compared with typical antipsy-chotic therapy (OR 1.6; 95% CI 0.7, 3.8), althoughagain this did not reach significance. However, therisk of diabetes increased statistically significantlywith olanzapine (OR 4.2; p = 0.008) comparedwith typical antipsychotic therapy.

Case control analysis was also used to exam-ine the risk of developing diabetes with antipsy-chotic treatment in patients with schizophrenia inthe California Medicaid system.[160] Analysis of


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records from 1 January 1997 to 31 December2000 identified 3102 cases of patients with schizo-phrenia, aged 18 years or older, diagnosed withtype 2 diabetes and who had received continuousantipsychotic monotherapy for the 12 weeks priorto diagnosis. These cases were matched for sex andage (±5 years) to 8271 control cases – patients withschizophrenia not diagnosed with diabetes.Logistic regression analysis, controlling for ethnic-ity and other diabetes-inducing medication,showed that the risk of type 2 diabetes with risperi-done therapy did not differ significantly from thatwith typical antipsychotics (OR 1.10; 95% CI 0.97,1.23; p = 0.114). In contrast, the risk of diabeteswas statistically significantly greater with clozap-ine (OR 1.43), olanzapine (OR 1.30) and quetiap-ine (OR 1.45) therapy than with typical antipsy-chotic treatment.

Another case control study used data from amedical record system covering a number ofhealthcare providers (including an inner-city publichospital) in Indianapolis, Indiana.[224] In all, 10 428patients with schizophrenia receiving antipsychotictreatment (risperidone n = 2248; olanzapine n =1640; typical n = 6540) were identified from thedatabase. Patients aged 18 years or older, with nodiabetes prior to antipsychotic treatment, and whohad received antipsychotic therapy for at least 1year were selected for analysis, resulting in a sam-ple of 744 individuals (risperidone n = 150; olan-zapine n = 112; typical n = 482). Overall, 96 casesof new-onset diabetes were identified, and thesepatients were matched for age (±2 years), sex andethnicity with 316 control (non-diabetic) patients.The proportion of patients who developed diabeteswas similar with risperidone therapy (6.7%) andtypical antipsychotic therapy (7.3%; p = 0.805).Logistic regression analysis, adjusted for patientdemographics, comorbid conditions and level ofoutpatient care, showed that the risk of diabeteswas higher with risperidone treatment than withtypical antipsychotic therapy (adjusted OR 2.22;95% CI 0.5, 10.6). This adjusted OR was numeri-cally less than that observed for olanzapine therapycompared with typical antipsychotics (adjusted OR3.92; 95% CI 1.0, 15.6).

Two other studies have reported an increasedrisk of diabetes with risperidone treatment. Buseand co-workers[163] used data from the AdvancePCSprescription claims database, which covers over 50million individuals (mostly outpatients), to exam-ine the risk of developing diabetes in patientsreceiving first- or second-generation antipsychoticmonotherapy. Patients starting antipsychotic thera-py between December 1998 and the end ofFebruary 2000 were included in the analysis,unless they had pre-existing diabetes, antipsychot-ic use in the 6 months before study enrolment, orhad received more than one antipsychotic medica-tion during the study period. Overall, 19 782patients were treated with typical antipsychoticsand 38 969 with second-generation antipsychotics.Over 5 million individuals (with no antidiabeticmedication or antipsychotic prescription claims)were included in the general population cohort.

New-onset diabetes, identified by a prescrip-tion claim for antidiabetic medication, occurred in951 patients overall (first-generation n = 307; sec-ond-generation n = 641). Among the 20 633risperidone-treated patients there were 400 cases ofdiabetes. Cox proportional hazard regressionanalysis, adjusting for age, sex and treatment dura-tion, showed significant increases in the risk of dia-betes with all first-generation antipsychotics com-bined (HR 3.5; 95% CI 3.1, 3.9; p≤0.0001) and allsecond-generation agents combined (HR, 3.1; 95%CI, 2.9–3.4; p≤0.0001) compared with the generalpopulation. Analysis of individual agents showed astatistically significant increase in the risk of dia-betes with risperidone compared with the generalpatient population (HR 3.4; 95% CI 3.1, 3.8; p ≤ 0.0001), consistent with the results for the otherfirst-generation agents (haloperidol and thiori-dazine) and second-generation agents (clozapine,olanzapine and quetiapine) studied. Risperidonetreatment was also associated with a significantlyincreased risk of diabetes compared with haloperi-dol treatment (HR 1.23; 95% CI 1.01, 1.50; p = 0.040).

Another analysis of the UK GPRD, presentedat the 2002 CINP congress,[255] compared the risk ofdiabetes among patients prescribed antipsychotic


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therapy with a general patient population cohortderived from the GPRD. The analysis included 46 111 patients prescribed first- or second-genera-tion antipsychotics and 266 272 individuals in thegeneral patient population cohort. A Cox propor-tional hazard regression model was used, includingage, sex and the presence or absence of obesity ascovariates. Overall, the risk of diabetes was higherin patients receiving antipsychotic therapy than inthe general population cohort (HR 1.5; 95% CI 1.1,1.9). Patients treated with risperidone had a signif-icantly higher risk of diabetes compared with thegeneral population (actual values not in abstract).Assessment of other individual antipsychotics was“limited by the sample size of the cohorts”, anddata were not presented in the abstract.

8.2.3 Controlled Clinical Studies

Four prospective, controlled, randomised clin-ical studies have examined changes in blood glu-cose levels associated with risperidone therapy.Minimal changes in FBG from baseline wereobserved with risperidone therapy in a 14-weekclinical trial of antipsychotic therapy in patientswith schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.[164]

Mean changes from baseline were not statisticallysignificant at week 8 (–1.3 mg/dL) and week 14(+2.7 mg/dL), unlike the increases observed withclozapine (+17.1 mg/dL) and haloperidol(+8.9 mg/dL) at week 8 and olanzapine at week 14(+14.3 mg/dL). Three patients receiving risperi-done treatment experienced elevated fasting glu-cose levels (≥126 mg/dL) during the study, fewerthan with clozapine (6 patients) or olanzapine (4)treatment, although more than with haloperidol (1).

The second study provided a more detailedassessment of the effects of risperidone on glucoseregulation and insulin resistance in patients withschizophrenia, controlling for the effects of differ-ences in adiposity. This study[62] examined theshort-term changes in glucose levels seen inresponse to an OGTT in non-diabetic, age- andBMI-matched schizophrenia patients receivingfirst- or second-generation antipsychotics andhealthy, untreated controls. Evaluation of glucose

regulation in 10 patients treated with risperidoneshowed significant elevations in glucose levels atfasting and at 45 and 75 minutes after glucose loadcompared with healthy controls only (p < 0.005).No statistically significant differences in fasting orpostload glucose were found in comparison to the17 patients treated with typical antipsychotic ther-apy. The insulin resistance value calculated for therisperidone group did not differ statistically signif-icantly from that for either the typical antipsychot-ic or untreated control groups. In a similar studyinvolving chronically treated patients, againmatched for adiposity (BMI), postload plasma glu-cose values were higher with clozapine and olanza-pine treatment than with risperidone, while insulinsensitivity was significantly reduced with clozap-ine and olanzapine compared with risperidone.[54]

A recent study examined insulin sensitivity inhealthy volunteers receiving risperidone (n = 14),olanzapine (n = 22) or placebo (n = 19) for 3weeks.[231] Using two-step, hyperinsulinaemic, eug-lycaemic clamp methodology, Sowell and col-leagues[231] showed no statistically significantchanges the insulin sensitivity index from baselinewith risperidone at either low or high insulin steadystates. Fasting insulin and fasting glucose levelsshowed small decreases from baseline to endpointin the risperidone group.

8.2.4 Discussion

Together, the individual case reports, databaseanalyses and studies of glucose levels suggest thatrisperidone treatment is not associated with a con-sistent increase in the risk of developing diabetes.However, a possible increase in risk would be pre-dicted to occur in association with any treatmentthat produces increases in weight and adiposity,with risperidone typically producing limitedweight gain.

The relative infrequency of published casereports of diabetes or ketoacidosis with risperidonetherapy does not indicate a clear link betweenrisperidone treatment and the development of dia-betes. Risperidone has been used extensively sinceits introduction in 1993 and recently accounted for


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about 37% of second-generation antipsychotic pre-scriptions in the US. So the small number of casereports, compared with olanzapine or clozapinetherapy, is not simply a consequence of limitedusage.

This view is partially supported by data fromthe FDA MedWatch system.[71] The number ofcases of hyperglycaemia reported with risperidonetherapy (138) was lower than with clozapine(384)[69] or olanzapine (289),[70] although the esti-mated years of patient exposure to therapy (basedon US prescription data to February 2002) wasgreater for risperidone (3111.3) than for clozapine(678.7) or olanzapine (2104.6) treatment.[71] Fromthese findings, the authors suggest there may bedifferences in the diabetogenic potential betweenthe three agents, with clozapine having the highestpotential and risperidone the lowest of the three.The reports of hyperglycaemia with risperidonewere, however, more numerous than with haloperi-dol therapy. Furthermore, over half of casesoccurred within 3 months of starting risperidonetherapy, and the mean age of onset for new cases ofhyperglycaemia was relatively low (34.8 years),suggesting that risperidone therapy may unmask orprecipitate hyperglycaemia in some individuals.

Results from eight database analyses compar-ing risperidone either with typical antipsychotictherapy[157,160,220,224,225] or with no antipsychotic treat-ment,[159,221,225] showed no statistically significantoverall increase in the risk of developing diabeteswith risperidone compared with the control group.In contrast, in eight studies, olanzapine therapywas associated with a significant increase in therisk of diabetes. In the three studies that analysedclozapine therapy,[157,159,160] clozapine was associatedwith a statistically significant increase in the risk ofdiabetes. Furthermore, in the three database analy-ses that performed direct comparisons of risperi-done and olanzapine therapy, the risk of diabeteswas statistically significantly greater with olanzap-ine than with risperidone.[159,220,222] Not all of thedatabase analyses, however, showed that risperi-done treatment is not associated with an increasedrisk of diabetes. Two studies reported a statisticallysignificant increase in the risk of diabetes with

risperidone treatment compared with non-antipsy-chotic-treated individuals from the same databasepopulations.[163,255] In addition, one of these studiesshowed a statistically significant increase in dia-betes risk in risperidone-treated patients comparedwith those receiving haloperidol.[163]

When the risk of diabetes was assessedaccording to patients’ age,[157] risperidone therapy –in common with clozapine, olanzapine and queti-apine, the other second-generation antipsychoticsanalysed – was associated with a statistically sig-nificant increase in diabetes risk in patientsyounger than 40 years. The authors suggest thatthis finding, taken together with the lack of a sig-nificant effect of second-generation antipsychotictherapy on diabetes risk in older patients (>60years), suggests that second-generation antipsy-chotics could hasten the onset of diabetes. Thisresult is consistent with the early age of onset ofhyperglycaemia associated with clozapine, risperi-done and olanzapine therapy observed in the FDAMedWatch reports.[69,70] It is possible that patientage could have influenced the findings reported byBuse et al.[163] Regression analysis showed that agewas a statistically significant risk factor for thedevelopment of diabetes in patients treated withrisperidone, olanzapine or haloperidol and in thegeneral population cohort. The mean age ofpatients in the risperidone group was 62 years, with56.2% of patients aged 65 years and older, and24.6% aged 18–44 years. In comparison, the meanage was 72 years for haloperidol-treated patients(18–44 years 11.9%; ≥65 years 72.8%) and 52years for the general population cohort (18–44years 36.5%; ≥65 years 24.2%). To what extentvariations in the age distribution in the differenttreatment groups may have affected the results isunclear.

Findings from studies of glucose levels inpatients receiving risperidone therapy are largelyconsistent with the results of the database analysesand case study reports. Minimal increases in fast-ing glucose levels were observed with risperidonetherapy compared with pretreatment values in twochart reviews[146,216] and one controlled study.[164]

This is in contrast to significant changes observed


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with olanzapine and clozapine therapy. In studiesthat were designed to assess drug effects on glu-cose metabolism that might occur independent ofchanges in adiposity, oral and intravenous glucosetolerance tests have been used to examine theresponse of risperidone-treated patients to a glu-cose load. Using a frequently sampled modifiedOGTT, Newcomer et al.[62] compared glucose regu-lation in non-diabetic patients with schizophreniatreated with first- or second-generation (clozapine,olanzapine or risperidone) antipsychotics anduntreated healthy volunteers. Patient groups werewell matched for age and BMI, with groups alsobalanced for sex and ethnicity. Statistically signifi-cant elevations in plasma glucose levels wereobserved in the risperidone group (n = 10) at fast-ing and at some but not all timepoints after the glu-cose load, compared with untreated healthy volun-teers (n = 31) only, with no statistically significantdifferences in plasma glucose at any timepoint incomparison to patients treated with typical antipsy-chotics (n = 17). Insulin resistance, calculated fromFPG and insulin levels, was not increased withrisperidone treatment as compared with typicalantipsychotic treatment or no treatment in healthycontrols. Related findings were reported byHenderson and colleagues at the NCDEU 2000meeting[72] (reviewed by Haupt and Newcomer[54])in a study using frequently sampled intravenousglucose tolerance tests. Chronically treated non-diabetic patients, matched for adiposity, age, sexand ethnicity, showed higher postload plasma glu-cose values with clozapine and olanzapine treat-ment as compared with risperidone. Insulin sensi-tivity was significantly reduced in clozapine- andolanzapine-treated patients compared with thosetreated with risperidone.

Discussed above in the olanzapine section, aclamp study in healthy volunteers showed anincreased insulin response and decreased insulinsensitivity with both olanzapine and risperidonetreatment compared with placebo.[230] The change ininsulin response correlated with a change in BMI.After adjusting for the effects of weight gain seenwith active treatment using regression analyses, nostatistically significant change in insulin response

or sensitivity was detected with olanzapine orrisperidone therapy, suggesting that the adverseeffects were largely related to changes in adiposity.A more recent study examining insulin sensitivityin healthy volunteers receiving olanzapine (n = 22),risperidone (n = 14) or placebo (n = 19) for 3weeks showed no statistically significant changesin the insulin sensitivity index from baseline witholanzapine or risperidone therapy.[231] However,fasting insulin and fasting glucose levels bothincreased statistically significantly from baseline toendpoint in the olanzapine group, while showingsmall decreases in the risperidone group. Finally,Berry and Mahmoud[218] reported significantimprovements in insulin resistance and beta-cellfunction in schizophrenic patients following achange from olanzapine to risperidone treatment.

8.3 Lipid Levels

The effect of risperidone therapy on lipid lev-els has been assessed using a combination of casereports, retrospective chart reviews, databaseanalyses and controlled clinical studies, includingprospective clinical trials.

8.3.1 Case Studies and Chart Reviews

Changes in lipid levels have been examined inthree retrospective reviews of patient records.Meyer[216] evaluated the effects of 12 months ofrisperidone or olanzapine treatment on lipid param-eters from a retrospective review of patient records.In the risperidone group, fasting total cholesterollevels showed small, but not significant, increasesfrom baseline for all 47 patients (7.2 mg/dL) andfor those younger than 60 years (n = 39; 7.2mg/dL). Fasting triglyceride levels increased sig-nificantly from baseline for all patients (29.7mg/dL; p = 0.028) and for the non-elderly (<60years) subgroup (31.7 mg/dL; p = 0.047). Thesechanges were, however, significantly smaller thanthe increases in fasting total cholesterol andtriglycerides seen with olanzapine therapy in bothpopulations (p < 0.05). Over the 12-month studyperiod, risperidone-treated patients experienced a


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significant increase in mean bodyweight frombaseline (all 10.7lb [4.8kg]; <60 years 11.9lb[5.3kg]; p ≤ 0.001). Analysis of the non-elderlysubgroup showed no statistically significant corre-lation between weight gain and changes in triglyc-eride or cholesterol levels.

In another retrospective review of patientrecords,[146] which also assessed glucose levels,changes in fasting triglyceride and cholesterol lev-els were analysed before and after initiatingantipsychotic therapy. Significant decreases inmean LDL-cholesterol levels (15%; p = 0.006)were observed from baseline with risperidone ther-apy, similar to the changes observed with clozapineand olanzapine treatment. Small (but not statisti-cally significant) beneficial changes in mean total(–4%) and HDL-cholesterol (+5%) levels frombaseline were also observed, while mean triglyc-eride levels showed a 19% increase from baseline.

Risperidone treatment showed no significanteffects on fasting triglyceride or cholesterol levelsin a retrospective analysis of 22 children or adoles-cents (mean age 12.8 years) with behavioural,affective or psychotic disorders.[256] In this chartreview, mean fasting triglyceride levels increasedby 8.6 mg/dL from pretreatment levels, while fast-ing total cholesterol levels decreased slightly (1.0mg/dL). The mean treatment duration was 4.9months. Bodyweight increased significantly duringthe study (7.0kg; p < 0.001), as did z-score weight(a measure of weight standardised to the normalpopulation) and BMI. There was a statistically sig-nificant association between weight gain andtriglyceride levels; almost 25% of the variance intriglyceride levels could be explained by weightgain (ANCOVA).

A series of four case studies involving patientswith psychotic disorders[173] report that in each ofthese cases, triglyceride levels decreased followingthe switch from clozapine to risperidone therapy.The decreases in triglyceride levels ranged from 44to 145 mg/dL, with final values between 60 and164 mg/dL (i.e. generally within normal limits).When two of the patients switched back to clozap-ine treatment, this switch was accompanied by anincrease in their serum triglyceride levels.

A cross-sectional analysis of fasting lipid levels in patients with schizophrenia or related disorders treated continuously with risperidone (n = 65), olanzapine (n = 67) or typical antipsy-chotic therapy (n = 52) for at least 1 year[238] report-ed no statistically significant differences in meantotal, LDL- or HDL-cholesterol levels between the treatments. Mean fasting triglyceride levelswere statistically significantly higher in the olanza-pine group than in the risperidone group. Patientswere matched for sex, BMI, and duration andseverity of illness, although only patients with nor-mal FBG levels (<110 mg/dL) were included in theanalysis.

8.3.2 Retrospective Database Analyses

The risk of hyperlipidaemia with risperidonetherapy was evaluated using data from a large UK-based healthcare database (the UK GPRD).[223] Atotal of 18 309 patients with schizophrenia wereidentified using data from June 1997 to September2000. Among these, 1268 patients were diagnosedor treated for hyperlipidaemia during a mean fol-low-up of 4.07 years. Antipsychotic use wasdefined as receipt of antipsychotic treatment in the3 months before diagnosis of hyperlipidaemia. Ofthe cases of hyperlipidaemia identified, 12 patientshad received risperidone therapy, 16 had receivedolanzapine, 807 had received typical antipsychotictherapy and 413 had not been exposed to antipsy-chotic medication.

For the case control analysis, the hyperlipi-daemia cases were matched to 7598 controls whohad schizophrenia but no hyperlipidaemia. Logisticregression analysis, adjusting for age, sex, andother medications and disease conditions affectinglipid levels, showed no statistically significantincrease in the risk of hyperlipidaemia with risperi-done therapy compared with no antipsychotic med-ication (OR 1.12; 95% CI 0.60, 2.11) or comparedwith typical antipsychotic treatment (OR 0.81;95% CI 0.44, 1.52). In contrast, there was a statis-tically significant increase in the risk of hyperlipi-daemia with olanzapine therapy compared with no antipsychotic therapy (OR 4.65; p < 0.001)


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and typical antipsychotic treatment (OR 3.36; p < 0.001).

8.3.3 Controlled Clinical Studies

Analysis of fasting lipid levels in a prospec-tive, randomised 14-week study involving inpa-tients with either schizophrenia or schizoaffectivedisorder[164] showed minimal mean changes in totalcholesterol levels from baseline in patients treatedwith risperidone (week 8 +4.2 mg/dL; week 14+9.2 mg/dL). In contrast, statistically significantincreases in total cholesterol levels were observedfor those receiving either olanzapine or clozapinetherapy.

A 6-week randomised study of fasting triglyc-eride and leptin levels in patients with schizophre-nia also showed no statistically significant changesin triglyceride levels with risperidone therapy.[175]

Patients were evaluated at baseline and after 6weeks of treatment with risperidone (n = 13),clozapine (n = 13), olanzapine (n = 13) or quetiap-ine (n = 14) therapy. Eleven patients with psychi-atric disorders and not receiving antipsychoticmedication were included as a control group.Fasting triglyceride levels (+3.87 mg/dL), body-weight (+0.54kg) and BMI (–0.76 kg/m2) allshowed minimal change from baseline with risperi-done treatment at week 6. These changes were sim-ilar to those in the control group and contrastedwith the statistically significant increases in allthree parameters seen with clozapine and olanzap-ine therapy.

Changes in cholesterol and triglyceride levelswere also reported in a randomised, double-blindstudy of risperidone and olanzapine treatment in377 patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffectivedisorder.[240] The ratio of beneficial change toadverse change was presented for each parameter,where the change from an above-normal value atbaseline to a normal value at week 8 was consid-ered ‘beneficial’, whereas the change from a nor-mal baseline value to an above-normal value atweek 8 was ‘adverse’. Overall, 21.9% and 20.1%of patients experienced a change (either beneficialor adverse) in cholesterol and triglyceride levels,

respectively. Changes in triglycerides tended to bebeneficial with risperidone treatment (ratio 2.57)but adverse with olanzapine therapy (ratio 0.45).Based on this calculation, a beneficial change intriglyceride levels was significantly more likelywith risperidone therapy than with olanzapine (riskratio 5.71; p = 0.003). Similarly, changes in cho-lesterol levels tended to be beneficial with risperi-done (ratio 1.64) but not with olanzapine (ratio0.35), also suggesting a significantly greater likeli-hood of improvements in cholesterol levels withrisperidone than with olanzapine (risk ratio 4.70; p = 0.005).

Examination of lipid levels in an 8-week studyof risperidone and olanzapine therapy in 50 inpa-tients with schizophrenia, schizophreniform orschizoaffective disorder also showed no statistical-ly significant changes in triglyceride and total cho-lesterol levels with risperidone treatment.[241] Incontrast, patients receiving olanzapine showed sig-nificant increases in triglyceride levels from base-line (p < 0.001), although no statistically signifi-cant changes in total cholesterol levels wereobserved.

8.3.4 Discussion

Chart reviews, case reports, database analysesand clinical trials all suggest that risperidone treat-ment has a limited and not consistently observedadverse effect on plasma lipid levels. In general,evidence does not suggest an adverse effect ofrisperidone treatment on plasma cholesterol levels,with less consistent but still largely negative resultsregarding plasma triglyceride levels. In general, apossible increase in risk for dyslipidaemia wouldbe predicted to occur in association with any treat-ment that produces increases in weight and adipos-ity, with risperidone typically producing limitedweight gain.

Case control analysis of healthcare data fromthe UK GPRD database showed no increase in therisk of hyperlipidaemia with risperidone therapy inpatients with schizophrenia.[225] The use of risperi-done did not statistically significantly increase theOR for hyperlipidaemia compared with no antipsy-


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chotic therapy or with typical antipsychotic treat-ment.

A low risk for hyperlipidaemia is supported bystudies that measured lipid levels. Minimalchanges in total cholesterol levels were found inretrospective analyses of patient records[146,216,256] andclinical study reports.[164,241] One study analysis[240]

showed that beneficial changes in cholesterol lev-els with risperidone therapy outweighed adversechanges. In addition, one study[146] reported benefi-cial changes in fasting LDL- and HDL-cholesterollevels with risperidone therapy, although only thechange in LDL-cholesterol was significant.

Increases in triglyceride levels were reportedin three studies, suggesting that risperidone may belinked to adverse changes in triglyceride levels,although these changes were statistically signifi-cant in only one study.[216] Furthermore, Atmaca andcolleagues[175] reported minimal changes in triglyc-eride levels, while Conley and Mahmoud[240] report-ed that changes in triglyceride levels tended to bebeneficial. In addition, Ghaeli and Dufresne[171]

suggest that their four case studies showing resolu-tion of elevated triglyceride levels following aswitch to risperidone therapy provide evidence thatrisperidone treatment is not associated withincreases in triglyceride levels. In general, thedirection of effects on lipids in prospective studiesmay be dependent on the prior treatment condition,with beneficial effects predicted in individuals whoare switched from medications associated withgreater weight gain or adverse lipid changes.

8.4 Conclusion

Risperidone therapy is associated with modestweight gain during short- and long-term treatment.Risperidone therapy is not associated with a con-sistent increase in the risk of developing diabetes ordyslipidaemia. However, a possible increase in riskwould be predicted to occur in association with anytreatment that produces increases in weight andadiposity. Most database analyses showed no sta-tistically significant increase in diabetes risk withrisperidone therapy compared with typical antipsy-chotic treatments or with no antipsychotic therapy.

This is supported by the limited number of casereports of diabetes or ketoacidosis associated withrisperidone treatment. In controlled studies, mini-mal changes in plasma glucose levels are reportedduring risperidone therapy in comparison to typicalantipsychotics, with either no differences or mod-estly increased plasma glucose observed in com-parison to untreated healthy controls. Changes inlipid levels also tend to be minimal, although bothincreases and decreases in fasting triglyceride lev-els have been observed in a small number of stud-ies.

9. Quetiapine

Quetiapine was introduced in 1998 and is cur-rently among the top three most prescribed second-generation antipsychotics in the US. Its relativelyrecent introduction does, however, mean that stud-ies and analyses investigating the potential meta-bolic effects of quetiapine are still limited. Reportsexamining the possible association between queti-apine treatment and the development of diabetesare currently limited to FDA MedWatch DrugSurveillance information, four analyses of health-care databases and a few case reports. In addition,changes in glucose levels have been examined intwo chart reviews and a naturalistic study involvinga small number of quetiapine-treated patients,while the effects on lipid levels are reported fromthree chart reviews and a 6-week randomisedstudy.

9.1 Bodyweight

Short-term treatment with quetiapine is associ-ated with modest weight gain, which does notappear to be dose related across the antipsychoticdose range. Data from a number of controlled clin-ical trials show mean increases in bodyweightsomewhat above 2kg after 6 weeks of therapy,[257]

although one 6-week study reported a meanincrease of 5.5kg with quetiapine.[258] In a 6-weekstudy comparing five fixed doses of quetiapine(ranging from 75 to 750 mg/day) with placebo andhaloperidol, mean increases in bodyweight ranged


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from 0.9 to 2.9kg with quetiapine compared withan increase of 0.3kg with haloperidol and decreaseof 0.8kg with placebo.[259] Similarly, mean increas-es of 1.8 and 1.9kg were reported with quetiapinetherapy in 6-week comparison studies involvingchlorpromazine[260] and haloperidol,[261] respectively.

Additional increases in bodyweight have beenobserved with long-term quetiapine treatment.Although one long-term open-label extensionstudy involving 427 patients with schizophreniareported a mean increase of about 1kg with queti-apine therapy,[262] a larger analysis of weight gaindata involving 2216 clinical trial patients showed amean increase of 2.77kg after 9–12 months of ther-apy.[74] Analysis of these patients by quetiapine dose revealed mean weight changes ranging from1.38 to 3.83kg after 9–12 months of treatment,although the changes were not dose related andgenerally in the 2 to 3.8kg range across the antipsy-chotic dose spectrum.[74,245] Notably, the most recentanalyses of long-term weight gain during quetiap-ine treatment, restricted to patients with schizo-phrenia, indicate that among 297 patients withavailable data after 52 weeks (%30 days) of treat-ment, mean weight increase was 3.59kg (95% CI:2.57–4.61).[263] Among 143 patients with availabledata after 104 weeks of quetiapine treatment (%45days), mean weight gain was 5.59kg (95% CI:3.98–7.20).

Package insert data for quetiapine report thatalmost one-quarter of patients (23%) gained atleast 7% of bodyweight after 3–6 weeks of queti-apine treatment, compared with 6% of thosereceiving placebo, suggesting three to four timesthe placebo rate. Findings from individual clinicaltrials are consistent with these data. A review ofshort-term quetiapine studies[257] reported signifi-cant weight gain (≥7% increase) in 11–25% queti-apine-treated patients compared with 4–5% ofpatients receiving placebo. Small and colleagues[264]

observed ≥7% increases in weight for 25% and16% of patients receiving high-dose (mean360 mg/day) and low-dose (mean 209 mg/day)quetiapine, respectively, compared with 5% receiv-ing placebo. Similarly, in the multiple fixed-dosestudy, 11–17% of quetiapine-treated patients expe-

rienced clinically significant weight gain (≥7%increase) compared with 4% in the haloperidolgroup and 6% receiving placebo.[259]

9.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

9.2.1 Case Reports and Chart Reviews

Although published after the cut-off date forthis review (1 January 2004), the report of datafrom the FDA MedWatch Drug SurveillanceSystem has been included here for comparabilityand because it contains data collected before thecut-off date. Data from the FDA MedWatch DrugSurveillance System (January 1997 to end July2002) and published reports (Medline, January1997 to end July 2002) identified 46 cases of que-tiapine-associated diabetes or hyperglycaemia.[265]

Of these reports, 34 cases (74%) involved newlydiagnosed hyperglycaemia and eight cases (17%)described exacerbation of pre-existing diabetes,while in the remaining four cases this distinctionwas unclear. Of the 34 patients with newly diag-nosed hyperglycaemia, 23 met diagnostic criteriafor diabetes based on blood glucose (fasting≥126 mg/dL; postload ≥200 mg/dL) or HbA1c lev-els and five were receiving antidiabetic medication.In addition, there were a further nine reports of aci-dosis with quetiapine treatment that were not asso-ciated with hyperglycaemia.

The mean age of onset for patients with newlydiagnosed diabetes (31.2 ± 14.8 years; 30 patientswith available data) tended to be younger than forpatients with exacerbation of existing diabetes(mean age 43.5 ± 16.4 years; n = 8). The time frominitiation of quetiapine therapy to diagnosis ofhyperglycaemia ranged from 1 day to 21 months inthe 36 patients with available data, with 27 patients(75%) experiencing onset of hyperglycaemia with-in 6 months of starting quetiapine treatment (figure5). Among patients with newly diagnosed hyper-glycaemia, onset occurred within 6 months of start-ing therapy in 11 of the 27 patients (41%). Time toonset tended to be shorter for patients experiencingexacerbation of existing disease, with six of sevenpatients (86%) experiencing exacerbation within 3


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months of starting therapy. Quetiapine therapy wasreduced in one patient and discontinued in 15patients. The limited outcomes data availablereported improved glycaemic control for seven ofthese patients. One patient reported a recurrence ofhyperglycaemia and ketosis within 2 weeks of arechallenge.

The severity of hyperglycaemia associatedwith quetiapine therapy ranged from mild glucoseintolerance to diabetic ketoacidosis or hyperosmo-lar coma. Nineteen patients experienced blood glu-cose levels of ≥500 mg/dL, and there were 21reports of diabetic acidosis or ketosis. There were11 deaths among quetiapine-treated patients; sevenoccurred among patients with newly diagnosedhyperglycaemia and one occurred following arechallenge in a patient with pre-existing disease.Seven of the patients who died had acidosis or ketosis.

In an addendum to the paper, the authorsreport on a further 23 cases of hyperglycaemia(newly diagnosed n = 15; exacerbation n = 6; notclear n = 2) identified by extending their search tothe end of November 2003. Again the incidence ofdiabetic ketoacidosis was high, with eight reported

cases of acidosis or ketosis associated with hyper-glycaemia (34.8%). There were also two reports ofpancreatitis among the cases. In all, there werethree deaths among the 23 patients.

A few case reports of diabetes, diabeticketoacidosis or hyperglycaemia associated withquetiapine treatment have appeared in the literature(table XI). In two published reports,[267,268] quetiap-ine therapy was associated with development ofnew-onset diabetes mellitus. In a third report,[266]

addition of quetiapine to existing risperidone ther-apy rapidly led to highly elevated blood glucoselevels (300–400 mg/dL), which remained elevateddespite antidiabetic treatment. Blood glucose levelsnormalised with gradual discontinuation of queti-apine therapy and did not increase with subsequentinitiation of ziprasidone therapy. In the otherreport,[269] hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceri-daemia were observed in a patient receiving queti-apine therapy. In addition, Wilson et al.[254] report apatient developing diabetic ketoacidosis with que-tiapine treatment, identified from a retrospectivechart review of patients receiving second-genera-tion antipsychotic treatment and evaluated or treat-ed for diabetes. The patient experienced acute dia-betic ketoacidosis 2 months after switching fromrisperidone to quetiapine.

The prevalence of diabetes has also beenexamined in a retrospective chart review of 208patients with psychotic illness treated with first- orsecond-generation antipsychotics (clozapine, olan-zapine, risperidone or quetiapine).[156] This cross-sectional analysis showed no statistically signifi-cant difference in the prevalence of diabetesbetween the different treatments. Two (11.8%) ofthe 17 patients treated with quetiapine had dia-betes; this compares with an overall prevalence of16.8%. The mean FPG value in the quetiapine

Table XI. Case reports of abnormal glucose or lipid levels with quetiapine

Reference Case report detailsSneed & Gonzalez[266] Rapid onset of severe hyperglycaemia following addition of quetiapine to existing risperidone therapy, which

resolved on withdrawal of quetiapineProcyshyn et al.[267] New-onset diabetes mellitus associated with quetiapineSobel et al.[268] New-onset diabetes mellitus associated with initiation of quetiapine treatmentDomon & Cargile[269] Quetiapine-associated hyperglycaemia and hypertriglyceridaemia










of e



Time (mo)

≤1 >1–3 >3–6 >6–9 >9–12 >12–24

Fig. 5. Time to onset of hyperglycaemia with quetiapine.[265]


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group was 109.1 mg/dL, similar to mean valuesfor the other treatment groups (97.3–113.2 mg/dL).

The effects of quetiapine treatment on bloodglucose levels are reported in two other studies. Ina retrospective chart review of 215 patients treatedwith either first- or second-generation antipsychot-ic therapy,[146] data available for the 13 quetiapine-treated patients showed a small change in FBG lev-els from a mean baseline level of 106.6 mg/dL to115.7 mg/dL, an increase of 9%. Mean maximumglucose levels remained virtually unchanged (pre-treatment 133.4 mg/dL; treatment 133.3 mg/dL).The mean duration of quetiapine treatment was 7.3months.

A naturalistic study involving 75 patients withschizophrenia or related psychotic disordersreceiving first- or second-generation antipsychotictherapy[147] also examined changes in glucose levelsand insulin resistance. Data for eight quetiapine-treated individuals showed no significant changesin FBG levels from pretreatment values. However,significant increases were observed in blood glu-cose levels taken 2 hours after a standard OGTT.No statistically significant changes in peripheralinsulin resistance were seen with quetiapine treatment.

9.2.2 Retrospective Database Analyses

The association between quetiapine therapyand diabetes has been examined in four analyses of

data from healthcare and prescription claims data-bases (table XII).

The prevalence of diabetes with quetiapinetherapy has been examined in a large databaseanalysis[157] involving more than 38 000 patientstreated with first- (41.4%) or second-generation(58.6%) antipsychotics. During the 4-month analy-sis period, 955 patients received quetiapine thera-py. Regression analysis, controlling for demo-graphic, diagnostic and treatment factors, showedthat quetiapine was associated with a significantincrease in risk of diagnosis of diabetes comparedwith typical antipsychotic therapy (OR 1.31; 95%CI 1.11, 1.55; p < 0.002). The risk of diabetes com-pared with typical antipsychotic therapy was alsostatistically significantly increased for all second-generation antipsychotics analysed together (OR1.09) and for clozapine (OR 1.25) and olanzapine(OR 1.11) treatments, but not risperidone (OR1.05). When patient data were stratified accordingto age, the risk of diabetes with quetiapine treat-ment increased significantly for patients youngerthan 40 years (OR 1.82; p < 0.04), in common withall the other second-generation agents analysed,and for those aged 40–49 years (OR 1.86; p =0.0001) [table XII].

The risk of developing diabetes with quetiap-ine therapy has also been examined in a matchedcase control study using data from the CalifornianMedicaid system obtained during 1997–2000.[160]

Table XII. Summary of database analyses investigating association between quetiapine therapy and diabetes

Reference Risk of diabetesSernyak et al.[157] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychotic

All patients 1.31 (95% CI 1.11, 1.55) p < 0.002<40y 1.82 (95% CI 1.05, 3.15) p < 0.0440–49y 1.86 (95% CI 1.43, 2.41) p = 0.000150–59y 1.19 (95% CI 0.89, 1.59) NS60–69y 0.90 (95% CI 0.55, 1.46) NS≥70y 0.62 (95% CI 0.30, 1.28) NS

Lambert et al.[160] Odds ratio vs typical antipsychoticOverall 1.45 (95% CI 1.10, 1.90) p = 0.006

Buse et al.[163] Hazard ratio vs no antipsychoticOverall 1.7 (95% CI 1.2, 2.4) p = 0.002Hazard ratio vs haloperidolOverall 0.67 (95% CI 0.46, 0.97) p = 0.033

Gianfrancesco et al.[221] Odds ratio vs no antipsychotic1mo 0.998 NS12mo 0.976 (95% CI 0.422, 2.271)


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Overall, the database analysis identified 3102 casesof diabetes among patients with schizophrenia,aged 18 years or older, who were receiving contin-uous antipsychotic monotherapy during the 12weeks prior to the diagnosis of diabetes. Thesecases were matched to 8271 controls – patientswith schizophrenia, matched for sex and age (±5years), not diagnosed with diabetes. Among queti-apine-treated patients, the 94 cases of diabeteswere matched with 201 non-diabetic controls.Logistic regression analysis, controlling for ethnic-ity and other diabetes-inducing medication,showed that the risk of developing type 2 diabeteswas significantly higher with quetiapine therapythan with typical antipsychotic treatment (OR 1.45;95% CI 1.10, 1.90; p = 0.006). The risk of diabetes,compared with typical antipsychotic treatment,was also statistically significantly greater withclozapine (OR 1.43) and olanzapine (OR 1.30)therapy, but not risperidone (OR 1.10).

In contrast to these two analyses, a recent pub-lication by Buse and colleagues[163] reported areduced risk of diabetes with quetiapine therapycompared with haloperidol treatment. The study, using prescription claims data from theAdvancePCS database, analysed the risk of devel-oping diabetes in patients receiving antipsychoticmonotherapy (first- or second-generation). Patientsaged 18 years or older, treated with a single first- orsecond-generation antipsychotic, and without pre-existing diabetes were included in the analysis.There were 40 cases of new-onset diabetes, identi-fied by a prescription claim for antidiabetic med-ication, among the 4196 patients receiving quetiap-ine. Cox proportional hazard regression analysis,adjusting for age, sex and treatment duration,showed that, compared with the general populationcohort (individuals with no prescription claims forantidiabetic medication or antipsychotics), patientstreated with quetiapine had a significantlyincreased risk of diabetes (HR 1.7; 95% CI 1.2,2.4; p = 0.002). This was consistent with theincreased risk of diabetes seen with other first- and second-generation antipsychotics analysed.However, quetiapine treatment significantlyreduced the risk of diabetes compared with

haloperidol therapy (HR 0.67; 95% CI 0.46, 0.97;p = 0.033).

Analysis of data from a Blue Cross/BlueShield claims database showed no statistically significant increase in the risk of diabetes with que-tiapine compared with no antipsychotic treat-ment.[221] Overall, 3 of the 682 patients treated with quetiapine developed diabetes, based on prescription claims for antidiabetic medication.The OR for developing diabetes with quetiapinetherapy (0.998) did not differ statistically significantly from that for untreated individuals.Similar findings were observed for typical antipsy-chotics (OR 1.004) and risperidone (OR 0.966),whereas the risk of diabetes increased signifi-cantly with olanzapine treatment (OR 1.030; p =0.0247).

9.3 Lipid Levels

9.3.1 Chart Reviews

Cases of elevated lipid levels have been report-ed with quetiapine therapy. Meyer[235] reported 14cases of severe hypertriglyceridaemia (fastingtriglycerides >600 mg/dL) in patients receivingolanzapine or quetiapine treatment, identified froma retrospective review of patient records. Thisanalysis excluded patients previously treated forhypercholesterolaemia or hypertriglyceridaemia orwith prior history of severe hypertriglyceridaemia.Analysis of the two patients receiving quetiapineshowed peak triglyceride levels of 609 and 1932mg/dL, occurring 1 and 5 months, respectively,after the initiation of quetiapine, increases of 448and 1546 mg/dL from baseline. In addition,Domon and Cargile[269] report hypertriglyceri-daemia and hyperglycaemia associated with queti-apine therapy in one patient.

Wirshing and co-workers[146] report changes infasting lipid levels in their retrospective chartreview of patients receiving antipsychotic treat-ment. Clinically beneficial changes in triglyceridelevels (a 25% decrease from baseline) and LDL-cholesterol (a 13% decrease) were observed withquetiapine, although only the decrease in LDL-


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cholesterol represented a statistically significantchange from baseline (p = 0.04). Mean total cho-lesterol (–4%) and HDL-cholesterol (+2%) levelsshowed minimal changes with quetiapine treat-ment.

In contrast, Kurt and Oral[147] reported increas-es in fasting total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol andtriglyceride levels from baseline with quetiapinetreatment, although these changes were not statisti-cally significant. The decreases in fasting HDL-cholesterol levels seen with quetiapine did, howev-er, reach statistical significance (p < 0.05). An 8-week open-label study of quetiapine treatment in15 adolescents aged 13–17 (mean 15.1) years withpsychotic disorders reported minimal changes intotal cholesterol levels from baseline.[270]

9.3.2 Controlled Clinical Trials

A 6-week randomised study of second-genera-tion antipsychotics in 56 patients with schizophre-nia[175] showed significant changes in fastingtriglyceride levels from baseline with quetiapinetherapy. Quetiapine-treated patients (n = 14)showed a significant increase in triglyceride levelsfrom baseline at week 6 (11.64 mg/dL; p < 0.05),although the increase was less than with clozapine(36.28 mg/dL) or olanzapine (31.23 mg/dL) ther-apy. Bodyweight also showed a significant meanincrease from baseline with quetiapine therapy(+4.41kg; p < 0.05), a mean increase that is approx-imately twice that observed in larger datasetsdescribed above. Increases in total cholesterol(8.0%), LDL-cholesterol (12.2%) and VLDL-cho-lesterol (1.7%) were also reported from week 1 toweek 6 of quetiapine therapy (n = 12) in a small,single-blind, randomised study involving femalepatients with schizophrenia.[242] These changes werenot statistically significant and were smaller thanthose reported with olanzapine therapy (total cho-lesterol 17.3%; LDL 31.4%; VLDL 8.1%; n = 10).Pooled laboratory data from the 3- to 6-weekplacebo-controlled quetiapine clinical trials (queti-apine package insert) report a 17% increase intriglyceride levels and 11% increase in total cho-lesterol with quetiapine therapy.

9.4 Discussion

The limited amount of data evaluating themetabolic effects of quetiapine therapy and thecontradictory nature of some results precludedefinitive assessment of the metabolic risks associ-ated with its use. Findings to date suggest that que-tiapine therapy is not associated with a consistentincrease in the risk of developing diabetes or dys-lipidaemia. However, a possible increase in meta-bolic risk would be predicted to occur in associa-tion with any treatment that produces increases inweight and adiposity, with quetiapine typically pro-ducing modest weight gain. While the modestweight gain risk clearly appears similar to that withrisperidone, the limited availability of metabolicdata precludes the same level of confidence thatthis modest weight gain risk profile (or other drugeffects) will similarly yield a low risk of diabetes ordyslipidaemia.

Support for an association between quetiapinetreatment and diabetes comes from the FDAMedWatch data and the case reports of new-onsetdiabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis with quetiapinetherapy. In common with the FDA MedWatchreports for clozapine,[69] olanzapine[70] and risperi-done,[71] a large proportion (75%) of the cases ofhyperglycaemia identified with quetiapineoccurred within 6 months of the start of treatment,and the mean age of cases of new-onset hypergly-caemia was relatively low (31.2 years), suggestingthat in some individuals, quetiapine therapy mayunmask or precipitate hyperglycaemia. The FDAMedWatch System identified a relatively largenumber of cases of hyperglycaemia with quetiap-ine therapy (69 cases, 1997 to end November 2003)compared with risperidone (131 cases, 1993 toFebruary 2002) considering the relative usage ofthe two agents, suggesting that quetiapine mayhave a higher diabetogenic potential than risperi-done, despite similarities in their weight gainpotential.

Two database analyses[157,160] showed a statisti-cally significant increase in the risk of diabeteswith quetiapine treatment compared with typicalantipsychotic therapy, while a third analysis[163]


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showed that patients receiving quetiapine were atgreater risk of developing diabetes than the gener-al population. However, in contrast to these twostudies, the study by Buse et al.[163] showed thatquetiapine-treated patients had a statistically sig-nificantly lower risk of diabetes than haloperidol-treated individuals, and Gianfrancesco et al.[221]

reported no increased risk of diabetes with quetiap-ine treatment compared with no antipsychotic ther-apy.

All four studies involved analysis of sizeablehealthcare databases, suggesting their findingswere not skewed as a result of small sample sizes.The study by Sernyak et al.[157] analysed a total of955 quetiapine-treated patients, similar to the num-bers in the clozapine group (n = 1207), whileGianfrancesco and colleagues[221] analysed 682 que-tiapine-treated individuals. Similarly, Lambert andco-workers[160] identified 94 cases of new-onset dia-betes with quetiapine treatment in their matchedcase control study, while prescription claims dataanalysed by Buse et al.[163] revealed 40 cases ofnew-onset diabetes among more than 4000 queti-apine-treated individuals.

The study by Sernyak and co-workers[157] sug-gests that age could be an important factor in therisk of developing diabetes. When the data wereevaluated according to patient age, quetiapinetreatment statistically significantly increased therisk of diabetes compared with typical antipsy-chotics in patients younger than 40 years and thoseaged 40–49 years, but not for the older agegroups.[157] This is consistent with results for otheragents discussed above and with the low mean ageof onset for cases of newly diagnosed hypergly-caemia during quetiapine treatment identified bythe FDA MedWatch system.[265] In the study byBuse et al.,[163] the mean age of patients receivingquetiapine was 55 years, with 36.0% aged 65 yearsor older. Patients in the haloperidol group wereolder; the mean age was 72 years, with 72.8% aged65 years or older. In addition, the authors noted thatthe low mean doses and short treatment durationsobserved in the study (79.9 mg/day and 89 daysfor quetiapine) may have influenced the risk ofdeveloping diabetes. In general, the use of surro-

gate markers for the presence of diabetes in thesedatabase analyses may affect their ability to reli-ably detect differences between medications oracross groups. This may explain some of the vari-ability observed in these studies and suggests thatthe findings from these studies should be interpret-ed with caution.

Reports of changes in lipid levels with queti-apine therapy are also limited and somewhat con-tradictory. The decreases in triglyceride levelsreported in the small study by Wirshing et al.[146]

contrast with the increases in triglycerides reportedfor pooled data from the short-term clinical trialsand data from a 6-week randomised study[175] andfrom the case report of hypertriglyceridaemiaobserved in a patient receiving quetiapine therapy.As discussed by Wirshing, these differences couldreflect the recent treatment of some patients witholanzapine (which may have led to elevated base-line triglyceride levels) and/or the small number ofpatients (n = 13) involved.

In a recent review, Melkersson and Dahl[271]

conclude that quetiapine therapy is associated witha moderately high risk of adverse effects on glu-cose-insulin homeostasis and lipid levels, while therisk with risperidone is described as ‘rather low’.However, as the authors point out, the data for que-tiapine are limited and come largely from retro-spective studies and case reports. The only reliablyestablished treatment-induced risk may be relatedto treatment-induced weight gain, and only modestweight gain is well described during quetiapinetherapy. Conclusions that quetiapine is associatedwith higher risk than would be predicted from themodest weight gain profile seem to rely on ratherlimited information, suggesting that more data,particularly from prospective randomised trials, areneeded before drawing firm conclusions about therisk of metabolic adverse events associated withquetiapine therapy.

9.5 Conclusion

Quetiapine therapy is associated with moder-ate weight gain during short- and long-term treat-ment, somewhat greater than that observed with


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risperidone. Quetiapine therapy is not associatedwith a consistent increase in the risk of developingdiabetes or dyslipidaemia. Limited data suggest apossible modest increase in the risk of diabetes andhypertriglyceridaemia with quetiapine treatment. Apossible increase in risk would be predicted tooccur in association with any treatment that pro-duces increases in weight and adiposity.

10. Zotepine

Zotepine has been used in Japan since theearly 1980s and in Germany since 1990. However,it is not widely used and is currently licensed onlyin a number of European countries, includingAustria and the UK, and in Japan; it is not availablein the US. Published data examining the possibleassociation between zotepine therapy and thedevelopment of diabetes, hyperglycaemia and/ordyslipidaemia are very limited.

10.1 Bodyweight

The limited number of studies reportingchanges in bodyweight with zotepine therapy sug-gest that it is associated with moderate to substan-tial increases in bodyweight.[257,272] An 8-week ran-domised, double-blind schizophrenia study report-ed a mean increase of 2.32kg with zotepine com-pared with a mean decrease of 0.81kg withhaloperidol therapy (p < 0.001). In a retrospectivechart review, patients receiving zotepine treatmentexperienced a mean weight increase of 4.3kg(mean duration 31.9 days), with a maximumreported increase of 17kg.[273] The mean weight gainwith zotepine was significantly greater than withtypical antipsychotics (0.0–0.5kg) and larger thanseen with clozapine (3.1kg). Moderate weight gainhas also been reported with zotepine over longertreatment periods. A 1-year naturalistic study ofzotepine therapy in patients with schizophreniareported a mean weight gain of 4.3kg from baselineover the study period, with most weight gain occur-ring in the first 12 weeks of treatment.[274] Weightgain was the most frequently reported adverseevent during the study (27.7% of patients). A

review of zotepine studies published largely in theGerman and Japanese literature reported a meanbodyweight gain of 3.6kg and that 28% ofzotepine-treated patients experienced ‘bodyweightgain’.[275]

10.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

There are currently no published reports of theeffect of zotepine therapy on blood glucose levels.

10.3 Lipid Levels

Published reports of changes in lipid levelswith zotepine therapy are currently limited to asingle case report.[276] A female patient with schizo-phreniform disorder developed elevated serumtriglyceride levels (up to 1247 mg/dL) soon afterthe initiation of zotepine therapy, which normalisedafter a switch to typical antipsychotic therapy(table XIII).

10.4 Discussion

The almost complete lack of available data inthis area makes it difficult to draw conclusionsabout the risk of diabetes, hyperglycaemia or dys-lipidaemia associated with zotepine therapy.Published studies have demonstrated that zotepineshows moderate to substantial weight gain poten-tial, greater than that observed with quetiapinetherapy and approaching what has been reportedfor clozapine and olanzapine. Treatments associat-ed with weight gain and increased adiposity arepredicted to increase the risk of adverse metaboliceffects, so on this basis, zotepine therapy could behypothesised to be associated with an increasedrisk of glucose or lipid dysregulation, but hypothe-sis-testing studies would be required to test thisproposal.

Table XIII. Case report of hyperlipidaemia with zotepineReference Case report detailsWetterling[276] Hypertriglyceridaemia with zotepine, which

resolved after switch to typical antipsychotictherapy


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10.5 Conclusion

Zotepine is associated with moderate to sub-stantial weight gain during both short- and long-term therapy. Although the published metabolicdata are too limited to draw any conclusions aboutthe risk of glucose or lipid dysregulation withzotepine therapy, a possible increase in risk wouldbe predicted to occur with any treatment that pro-duces increases in weight and adiposity.

11. Amisulpride

Amisulpride has been available in Francesince 1988, although its launch into other Europeancountries did not start until 1997, and it is notlicensed in the US. Although it has been used inFrance for more than 15 years, limited publisheddata are available examining the possible associa-tion between amisulpride therapy and the develop-ment of diabetes, hyperglycaemia and/or dyslipi-daemia.

11.1 Bodyweight

Amisulpride treatment is associated with rela-tively low weight gain potential in short-term stud-ies. A pooled analysis of data from 11 short-term,prospective, randomised studies reported an esti-mated mean weight gain of 0.80kg with amisul-pride after 10 weeks of treatment.[275] Mean weightgain from baseline was significantly less foramisulpride-treated patients than for risperidone-treated patients in an 8-week comparison study (0.4vs 1.4kg; p = 0.026).[277]

The low weight gain potential of amisulprideis maintained during long-term treatment. Pooledanalysis of three 1-year studies showed a meanweight increase of 1.37kg at endpoint (mean treat-ment duration 256 days).[75] Among patients whocompleted 6 months of treatment the mean increasewas 1.40kg, while for those completing 1 year oftherapy the increase was 2.15kg. This approachesvalues reported for 1-year weight gain duringrisperidone and quetiapine treatment. Amisulpridewas associated with lower mean weight gain than

olanzapine (1.6 vs 3.9kg) in a recent 6-month, ran-domised comparison study.[278] The incidence ofclinically significant weight gain (≥7% increase)was also lower with amisulpride (20.6%) than witholanzapine (35.1%).

11.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

Published reports of changes in blood glucoselevels with amisulpride therapy are limited to pre-liminary data from a prospective, 16-week study ofglucose metabolism in patients with schizophre-nia.[165] No elevations in fasting glucose levels orglucose levels following an OGTT were reportedamong the 12 patients receiving amisulpride treat-ment, and there were no increases in insulin resist-ance indices. In contrast, 7 of 13 patients receivingclozapine treatment experienced elevated fastingand post-OGTT glucose levels. Clozapine-treatedpatients also experienced significant increases ininsulin resistance indices.

11.3 Lipid Levels

There are currently no published reports of theeffect of amisulpride therapy on blood glucose lev-els.

11.4 Discussion

The almost complete lack of available datameans that it is difficult to draw conclusions about the risk of glucose dysregulation or dyslipi-daemia associated with amisulpride treatment.Amisulpride is, however, associated with modesteffect on bodyweight. This limited weight gainpotential predicts that amisulpride may be associat-ed with a low risk of adverse metabolic events.

11.5 Conclusion

Amisulpride treatment is associated with mod-est effect on bodyweight during short- and long-term therapy. The limited data make it difficult todraw conclusions about its effect on the risk ofdeveloping diabetes, hyperglycaemia or lipid dys-


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regulation. A possible increase in risk would bepredicted to occur in association with any treatmentthat produces increases in weight and adiposity.

12. Ziprasidone

Ziprasidone was approved for use in the US in2001, and currently accounts for a relatively smallproportion of second-generation antipsychotic pre-scriptions. Limited published data are availableexamining the possible association betweenziprasidone therapy and the development of dia-betes, hyperglycaemia and/or dyslipidaemia.

12.1 Bodyweight

Ziprasidone treatment is associated with rela-tively little weight gain risk. In an analysis of pub-lished studies,[59] the estimated weight gain over a10-week treatment period, using a random effectsmodel, was 0.04kg with ziprasidone therapy.Minimal changes in weight have been reported inrandomised, controlled clinical trials with ziprasi-done. In a 6-week study involving patients with acute exacerbation of schizophrenia orschizoaffective disorder, treatment with ziprasi-done 80 mg/day was associated with a medianincrease of 1kg, while no change in the medianweight was recorded with ziprasidone 160 mg/dayor placebo.[279] In a 28-week study of outpatientswith stable schizophrenia, the mean changes inweight from baseline to endpoint were similar for ziprasidone (+0.31kg) and haloperidol(+0.22kg) treatment.[280] Ziprasidone-treatedpatients experienced a small mean decrease inbodyweight (–1.12kg) in a 28-week comparisonstudy with olanzapine therapy.[228] This change wassignificantly different from the 3.06kg meanincrease observed with olanzapine (p < 0.001).Small reductions in weight were also reported withziprasidone in a 1-year study of patients withchronic, stable schizophrenia.[281] Mean decreasesof 2.7, 3.2 and 2.9kg from baseline were reportedwith 40, 80 and 160 mg/day doses of ziprasidone,respectively, approaching the 3.6kg decreaseobserved with placebo. Statistically significant

decreases in mean bodyweight from baseline levelswere also reported after 6 weeks of ziprasidonetherapy for patients switched from olanzapine(–1.76kg) and from risperidone (–0.86kg) treat-ments, although patients switched from typicalantipsychotics experienced a small increase inweight (0.27kg).[282] The results underscore theeffect of previous treatment conditions on currenttreatment-induced weight changes.

In summary, treatment with this second-gener-ation antipsychotic is associated with minimal riskof clinically significant increases in bodyweight.Package insert data indicate weight gain of 7% orgreater in 10% of ziprasidone-treated patients com-pared with 4% of placebo controls over 4 or 6weeks of treatment. This is in line with findingsfrom the 28-week comparison study versus olanza-pine, in which 9.6% of ziprasidone-treated patientsexperienced a ≥7% increase in weight from base-line. Although this does represent approximatelytwice the placebo-related incidence, it is statistical-ly significantly less than the 37.2% reported for theolanzapine group.[228]

12.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

12.2.1 Case Reports and Chart Reviews

Changes in FPG levels have been examined ina retrospective chart review of patients treated withziprasidone.[283] In all, 40 patients with mental retar-dation and behavioural disturbances who hadreceived at least 6 months of ziprasidone treatmentwere included in the study. Of these, 36 wereswitched to ziprasidone after excessive weight gainor inadequate response with other second-genera-tion antipsychotics. The majority of patients (n =28; 70%) had received prior risperidone treatment;five had received quetiapine, two were treated witholanzapine and one with haloperidol/clozapine.Mean fasting glucose levels showed minimalchanges during the first 6 months of ziprasidonetherapy (baseline 87.0 ± 21.5 mg/dL; 6 months83.4 ± 16.8 mg/dL). Changes in bodyweight werealso reported over the analysis period. Mean body-weight increased (1.8kg) in the 6 months prior to


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the initiation of ziprasidone, then showed a signifi-cant mean decrease of 3.6kg during the first 6months of ziprasidone treatment (p < 0.001). In aswitching study, nonfasting (random) plasma glu-cose levels showed no statistically significantchange from baseline following 6 weeks of ziprasi-done therapy.[284]

To date, one case report of abnormal glucoselevels associated with ziprasidone therapy hasappeared in the literature (table XIV); in a recentletter, Yang and McNeely[285] report a case of rhab-domyolysis, hyperglycaemia and pancreatitis asso-ciated with ziprasidone treatment.

12.2.2 Retrospective Database Analyses

For the period of this literature survey, therehave been no published analyses of healthcare dataexamining the incidence of diabetes associatedwith ziprasidone treatment.

12.2.3 Controlled Clinical Trials

Glick and colleagues[226] compared the effectsof ziprasidone and olanzapine therapy on BMI andmetabolic parameters, including FPG, insulin andlipid levels, in a randomised, double-blind studyinvolving 269 inpatients with either schizophreniaor schizoaffective disorder. No statistically signifi-cant changes in FPG levels from baseline wereobserved with ziprasidone or olanzapine treatmentover the 6-week study period. Plasma insulin levelsand calculated HOMA insulin resistance showedminimal change from baseline with ziprasidone. Incontrast, fasting plasma insulin and HOMA insulinresistance, along with fasting lipids discussedbelow, increased statistically significantly over the6-week study during treatment with olanzapine(figure 6). At endpoint, the difference in medianinsulin levels between the treatment groupsapproached statistical significance (ziprasidone13.8 µU/mL; olanzapine 16.0 µU/mL; p =0.0506). Changes in median bodyweight frombaseline were minimal with ziprasidone, and lessthan the weight gain observed in the olanzapinegroup (1.2 vs 7.2lb [0.5 vs 3.3kg]).

Table XIV. Case report of hyperglycaemia with ziprasidone

Reference Case report detailsYang & McNeely[285] Rhabdomyolysis, pancreatitis and hyper-

glycaemia with ziprasidone






n H


A in




ce (l


Ziprasidone Olanzapine








n in




Ziprasidone Olanzapine


Insulin resistanceFasting insulin response





a b

Fig. 6. Fasting insulin response (a) and insulin resistance (b) in ziprasidone- and olanzapine-treated patients with schizophreniaor schizoaffective disorder.[226] * p < 0.0001 vs baseline; + p < 0.0506 (NS) ziprasidone vs olanzapine.


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The effect of ziprasidone and olanzapine onfasting glucose and lipid levels was also comparedin a 28-week randomised, double-blind studyinvolving 548 patients with schizophrenia.[228]

Results presented in the abstract showed similarrates of treatment-emergent hyperglycaemia withthe two treatments (olanzapine 11.5%; ziprasidone7.4%; p = 0.159). (Treatment-emergent hypergly-caemia was defined as patients with baseline FPG<126 mg/dL who experienced FPG levels≥126 mg/dL at any time during the study.) Meanchange in weight differed significantly withziprasidone treatment (–1.12kg) compared witholanzapine (+3.06kg; p < 0.001). Clinically signif-icant increases in fasting plasma insulin occurredduring olanzapine treatment. Changes in fastingglucose levels did not correlate with changes inweight. Discussed below, clinically significantincreases in fasting plasma lipids were observedduring olanzapine but not ziprasidone treatment.

A review of ziprasidone clinical trials[286]

reported that there were no reported cases of treat-ment-emergent diabetes mellitus among the 3834patients who had received ziprasidone. Analysis oflaboratory data from the short-term studies showedthat the incidence of abnormal elevations in ran-dom glucose measurements was the same in theziprasidone and placebo groups (8%). In a report ofone of these studies,[279] abnormal random glucoseelevations (>1.2 & ULN) occurred in 9% and 11%of patients receiving ziprasidone 80 mg/day and160 mg/day, respectively, compared with 6%receiving placebo.

12.3 Lipid Levels

Published analyses of changes in lipid levelsassociated with ziprasidone treatment are similarlylimited.

12.3.1 Chart Reviews and Observational Studies

The retrospective chart review of 40 patientswith mental retardation and behavioural distur-bances receiving at least 6 months of ziprasidonetreatment also reports changes in lipid levels.[282]

Fasting HDL- and LDL-cholesterol levels, avail-able for 19 of the 40 patients, show minimalchanges during the first 6 months of ziprasidonetherapy. In contrast, significant decreases in meanfasting triglyceride (147.8 to 123.4 mg/dL; n = 29)and total cholesterol (200.5 to 176.4 mg/dL; n = 30) levels were observed during this period (p < 0.04). Significant reductions in nonfasting(random) serum cholesterol (p < 0.001) andtriglyceride (p = 0.018) levels from baseline werealso reported for 37 patients involved in a switch-ing study following the switch to ziprasidone treat-ment from other antipsychotics.[284] These changeswere independent of changes in BMI. No statisti-cally significant changes in fasting plasma lipidlevels were reported with ziprasidone treatment ina 6-month blinded follow-up study in patients withschizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder.[227]

12.3.2 Controlled Clinical Trials

A review of fasting plasma lipid levels fromfive short-term ziprasidone clinical trials in patientswith schizophrenia[287] reported significant decreas-es in total cholesterol (p < 0.001) and triglyceride(p < 0.001) levels with ziprasidone therapy.Changes in total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol andtriglyceride levels observed with ziprasidone werestatistically significant compared with olanzapine(p < 0.01).

In addition to insulin and glucose measuresdiscussed above, Glick et al.[226] examined fastinglipid levels in their 6-week randomised study ofziprasidone (n = 136) and olanzapine (n = 133)therapy. Ziprasidone-treated patients showed mini-mal changes in median fasting total cholesterol(–1 mg/dL), LDL-cholesterol (–1 mg/dL) andtriglyceride (–2 mg/dL) levels from baseline after 6weeks of therapy. These changes were in contrastto the significant increases in these three parame-ters from baseline with olanzapine treatment (p ≤ 0.0003). Fasting HDL-cholesterol showed lit-tle change from baseline with both ziprasidone andolanzapine treatment. Further analysis showed sta-tistically significantly greater changes in total cho-lesterol, LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels


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for male schizophrenic patients with olanzapinetreatment than with ziprasidone therapy and a trendtowards statistically significant changes in triglyc-eride levels with olanzapine versus ziprasidonetherapy in female patients.[239] Male patients aged30 years or older showed an increase in the 10-yearrisk of CHD (calculated using a Framingham-based algorithm) at endpoint with olanzapine ther-apy compared with a decrease in risk with ziprasi-done therapy; the difference between the groupswas statistically significant (p < 0.05). Changes inCHD risk did not differ significantly between treat-ments for female patients. Hardy et al.[228] alsoreported changes in fasting lipid levels in their 26-week comparison study of ziprasidone and olanza-pine therapy. Significantly more olanzapine-treatedpatients experienced treatment-emergent ‘high’triglyceride levels (based on NCEP guidelines)than ziprasidone-treated patients (16.9% vs 2.6%;p < 0.001). Changes in triglyceride levels positive-ly correlated with changes in weight in bothgroups. The proportion of patients experiencing‘high’ or ‘very high’ total or LDL-cholesterol lev-els and the likelihood of low HDL-cholesterol lev-els did not differ statistically significantly betweenthe groups.

The effect on lipid parameters of switchingfrom other antipsychotics to ziprasidone therapywas examined in 6-week open-label studies involv-ing outpatients with schizophrenia or schizoaffec-tive disorder.[282] Patients experiencing suboptimalefficacy or tolerability with olanzapine (n = 104),risperidone (n = 58) or a typical agent (n = 108)were then switched to flexible dosing with ziprasi-done (40–160 mg/day). At the end of the 6-weektreatment period, median nonfasting triglyceridelevels decreased significantly from baseline inpatients switched from olanzapine (–50 mg/dL;p < 0.0001) or risperidone (–29 mg/dL; p < 0.01)therapy. Median nonfasting total cholesterol levelsalso decreased significantly from baseline to end-point in patients receiving prior olanzapine(–17 mg/dL; p < 0.0001) or risperidone(–12 mg/dL; p < 0.005). Total cholesterol levelsdecreased for over 70% of patients on each of these prior therapies following the switch to

ziprasidone. Small decreases in median nonfastingtriglyceride and total cholesterol levels wereobserved following the switch from typical agents,which were not statistically significant. Followingthe switch to ziprasidone therapy, both olanzapine-and risperidone-treated patients experienced statistically significant decreases in bodyweight(–1.76 and –0.86kg, respectively) and BMI (olan-zapine 31.7 to 31.1 kg/m2; risperidone 29.6 to29.3 kg/m2).

The proportion of patients experiencing abnor-mal elevations in triglyceride and cholesterol levelswas reported in a 6-week ziprasidone study involv-ing 302 patients with acute exacerbation of schizo-phrenia or schizoaffective disorder.[279] Morepatients experienced abnormal elevations in cho-lesterol levels (>1.2 & ULN) in the ziprasidonegroups (80 mg/day 25%; 160 mg/day 17%) thanwith placebo (12%). The percentage of patientsexperiencing abnormal elevations in triglyceridelevels (>1.2 & ULN) was similar in all threegroups (ziprasidone 80 mg/day 17%; ziprasidone160 mg/day 14%; placebo 15%).

12.4 Discussion

The limited availability of data concerningglucose and lipid metabolism prevents firm conclu-sions regarding the effect of ziprasidone treatmenton the risk of developing diabetes, hyperglycaemiaor lipid dysregulation. Initial indications fromavailable data, however, suggest that ziprasidonedoes not have any adverse effect on glucose or lipidlevels and may lead to beneficial changes in somelipid parameters, such as triglycerides, especiallyin patients previously treated with medications thatcould worsen these measurements.

12.5 Conclusion

Ziprasidone treatment is associated with mini-mal effect on bodyweight or adiposity. Althoughpublished data are somewhat limited, available datasuggest that ziprasidone treatment is not associatedwith an increase in the risk of developing diabetesor dyslipidaemia or any adverse effect on plasma


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glucose or lipid levels in treated patients. Limiteddata suggest that patients whose treatment isswitched to ziprasidone from an antipsychoticassociated with significant weight gain andincreases in plasma glucose and lipids may experi-ence favourable reductions in weight and lipids.

13. Aripiprazole

Aripiprazole is the most recent antipsychoticagent to become available on the market. In theabsence of case reports describing metabolic riskor adverse events, or any studies of aripiprazoleusing retrospective database analyses, the reportsof drug effects on weight and possible effects onplasma glucose and lipid levels are all provided byrandomised clinical trials.

13.1 Bodyweight

Aripiprazole treatment is associated with min-imal changes in bodyweight. Pooled data from fiveshort-term (4- or 6-week) trials in 932 patientstreated with aripiprazole showed that aripiprazolewas associated with a mean increase in weight of0.71kg, similar to that reported with haloperidol(0.56kg).[76] The proportion of patients experienc-ing clinically significant weight gain (≥7%increase) in these studies was modest (8%) in com-parison to that seen with placebo (3%).

Minimal changes in weight have also beenreported with longer-term treatment. Data from a52-week double-blind comparison study (n = 1294)of aripiprazole versus haloperidol showed thatmean change in weight from baseline to study end-point (last observation carried forward) was notstatistically significantly different between thearipiprazole (1.05kg) and the haloperidol (0.39kg)treatment groups.[288] When stratified by mean BMIat the baseline study visit, only the patients with thelowest baseline BMI (<23 kg/m2) experienced astatistically significantly greater weight gain witharipiprazole than with haloperidol. Patients with arelatively high BMI (>27 kg/m2) at baseline lostweight during both aripiprazole (–1.23kg) andhaloperidol (–0.78kg) treatment. In a 26-week

placebo-controlled study in chronic, stable patientswith schizophrenia (n = 310), aripiprazole wasassociated with a 1.26kg decrease in body-weight.[289]

The long-term effects of aripiprazole and olan-zapine on bodyweight have been compared in two26-week active-controlled studies.[290,291] The firststudy was a 26-week multicentre, randomised,double-blind, active-controlled trial in patientswith schizophrenia (n = 317), who were in acuterelapse and randomised to aripiprazole or olanzap-ine. At 26 weeks, 14% of aripiprazole-treatedpatients experienced clinically significant weightgain compared with 37% of olanzapine-treatedpatients (p < 0.001). Among patients remaining ontherapy at week 26, there was a mean decrease inweight of 1.37kg with aripiprazole compared witha mean increase of 4.23kg with olanzapine. In asecond 26-week study that examined the effects ofopen-label aripiprazole and olanzapine on cogni-tion in patients with stable schizophrenia orschizoaffective disorder (n = 255),[291] 7% ofpatients in the aripiprazole group experienced clin-ically significant weight gain, compared with 27%of the olanzapine-treated patients. The meanchange in weight was –0.9kg for aripiprazole ver-sus +3.6kg for olanzapine.[291]

Consistent effects on weight have also beendemonstrated in patients with bipolar I disorder.Pooled data from four 3-week placebo-controlledstudies in 977 patients presenting with acute maniashowed no difference in mean weight changebetween aripiprazole (0kg) and placebo(–0.2kg).[292]

13.2 Diabetes and Hyperglycaemia

13.2.1 Controlled Clinical Trials

Blood glucose levels have been evaluated inboth short- and long-term clinical trials of aripipra-zole treatment in patients with schizophrenia orschizoaffective disorder.

Changes in FBG were examined in a 6-weekplacebo-controlled study of aripiprazole treatmentin patients with schizophrenia.[76] Analysis of


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pooled data from three aripiprazole groups (10, 15or 20 mg/day) showed minimal mean changes inblood glucose from baseline (–0.37 mg/dL;n = 120), similar to those observed with placebo(–5.03 mg/dL; n = 34). Random blood glucosemeasurements pooled from five short-term (4- or 6-week) controlled aripiprazole studies showed thatonly a small number of patients with normal bloodglucose baseline levels (<160 mg/dL) had on-studyvalues of ≥200 mg/dL with aripiprazole treatment(9/648; 1.4%).[76] Similar findings were observedwith haloperidol treatment (5/182; 2.7%) and withplacebo (4/309, 1.3%).

Data from long-term trials in schizophreniademonstrate similar neutral effects on blood glu-cose, comparable to those with placebo. In a 26-week relapse prevention study involving patientswith chronic stable schizophrenia,[289] there was noclinically significant change from baseline in fast-ing glucose levels of aripiprazole-treated andplacebo-treated patients (aripiprazole +0.13 mg/dLchange; placebo +2.1 mg/dL). However, in a 26-week active-controlled trial of aripiprazole versusolanzapine,[290] there were similarly no statisticallysignificant differences in the change in mean fast-ing serum glucose levels from baseline to endpointbetween the aripiprazole and olanzapine treatmentgroups (+3 mg/dL for both). Over the course of thestudy, 5% of patients treated with olanzapine andnone treated with aripiprazole exhibited clinicallysignificant elevations in nonfasting serum glucoseconcentration (≥200 mg/dL). Despite the docu-mented weight gain and hyperglycaemia liabilitypreviously discussed with olanzapine, there was nostatistically significant difference in mean changein fasting glucose in this 26-week trial. This mightbe explained by a compensatory increase in insulinsecretion in the olanzapine-treated patients over theperiod of study, but no plasma insulin values areavailable to validate this hypothesis. In general,pancreatic beta cells can hypersecrete insulin tocompensate for reductions in insulin sensitivity.This can be sustained over the lifespan in individu-als with no family or personal history of risk fordiabetes, whereas individuals at risk can typicallysustain the compensatory hyperinsulinaemia for

only a limited period before experiencing a grad-ual, progressive failure of beta-cell function result-ing in the progressive onset of plasma glucose ele-vations.[29]

Comparable effects on fasting serum glucosewith aripiprazole and placebo have also been seenin patients with bipolar I disorder. The rates ofpatients with clinically significant levels of fastingserum glucose (≥110 mg/dL) were similar in bothgroups.[293]

13.3 Lipid Levels

13.3.1 Controlled Clinical Trials

Lipid levels have also been assessed duringshort- and long-term aripiprazole treatment.Fasting serum lipid samples were collected in oneshort-term study in patients with schizophrenia andschizoaffective disorder. The median increase infasting total cholesterol from baseline observedwith aripiprazole treatment was minimal (1.0mg/dL; median baseline 192 mg/dL; n = 119) anddid not differ statistically significantly from thatobserved with placebo (–5.5 mg/dL; median base-line 194.5 mg/dL; n = 34). In an analysis of fastingand random total cholesterol data from five short-term studies in schizophrenia and schizoaffectivedisorder,[76] aripiprazole treatment showed minimalchanges in total cholesterol levels from baseline.The median increase in total cholesterol levels inthe aripiprazole treatment arm (1.0 mg/dL; n =860) was similar to that in the placebo arm (3.0mg/dL; n = 392) and less than the increaseobserved with haloperidol treatment (8.0 mg/dL; n = 190), which differed significantly from placebo(p ≤ 0.01).

Data from long-term trials in schizophreniademonstrate neutral effects on serum lipids, com-parable to those with placebo. In a 26-week trial,Pigott et al.[289] evaluated changes in fasting total,LDL- and HDL-cholesterol levels and triglyceridesin patients with chronic, stable schizophrenia(n = 310). Patients experienced minimal changes inmean HDL-cholesterol (+2.0 mg/dL with aripipra-zole and +0.89 mg/dL with placebo) and LDL-cho-


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lesterol levels with aripiprazole therapy(–5.1 mg/dL with aripiprazole and –2.9 mg/dLwith placebo). There were somewhat larger,favourable mean decreases in total cholesterol(–10.0 mg/dL) and triglyceride levels(–37.2 mg/dL) seen with aripiprazole comparedwith placebo (–2.7 and –2.9 mg/dL, respectively).

A second long-term aripiprazole study inpatients with stable schizophrenia or schizoaffec-tive disorder also reported changes in random totalcholesterol levels (including fasting values) frombaseline.[291] Total cholesterol levels showed a medi-an decrease of 2.0 mg/dL from baseline with arip-iprazole therapy at week 26. In contrast, total cho-lesterol levels showed a median increase of 20.0mg/dL with olanzapine therapy at week 26, signif-icantly different from the change observed witharipiprazole (p < 0.001).

In a third long-term aripiprazole study,patients with schizophrenia in acute relapse (n = 317) were randomised to 26 weeks of arip-iprazole or olanzapine.[290] Changes in fasting plas-ma levels of HDL-cholesterol and triglycerideswere statistically significantly different in the twotreatment groups. At week 26, the mean changes in fasting triglycerides were +79.4 mg/dL witholanzapine and +6.5 mg/dL with aripiprazole (p < 0.05). The changes in fasting HDL-cholesterolalso favoured aripiprazole, with significant differ-ences in changes from baseline to endpointbetween the two groups (olanzapine –3.39 mg/dL;aripiprazole +3.61 mg/dL; p < 0.05). The differ-ence between changes in fasting total cholesterol(+16.3 mg/dL for the olanzapine group and–1.13 mg/dL for the aripiprazole group) and LDL-cholesterol (+2.27 mg/dL for olanzapine vs–3.86 mg/dL for aripiprazole) did not reach statis-tical significance (p = 0.111). Analysis of the safe-ty dataset revealed statistically significant differ-ences in the incidence of new-onset dyslipidaemiasbetween two treatment groups. In patients withlipid levels within normal range at baseline, treat-ment with olanzapine resulted in statistically sig-nificantly more patients exhibiting clinically sig-nificant increases in total cholesterol (>200 mg/dL;47% with olanzapine and 17% with aripiprazole),

LDL-cholesterol (>130 mg/dL; 38% with olanzap-ine and 19% with aripiprazole) and triglycerides(>150 mg/dL; 50% with olanzapine and 18% witharipiprazole).

Comparable effects on fasting total cholesterolwere seen in patients with bipolar I disorder in anacute manic or mixed episode treated with arip-iprazole or placebo. The rate of patients with clini-cally significant levels of fasting total cholesterol(≥200 mg/dL) was similar in both groups.[293]

13.4 Antipsychotic-Induced MetabolicEvents

An analysis has recently been published eval-uating the risk of developing metabolic syndrome,which is defined by the National CholesterolEducation Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel(ATP) III as a key risk factor for development ofdiabetes and subsequent CHD.[294,295] The NCEPdefines the metabolic syndrome as having three ormore of the following five risk factors: obesity witha waist circumference >102cm (40in) in men or>88cm (35in) in women; hypertriglyceridaemiadefined as triglyceride levels of ≥150 mg/dL; lowHDL levels, <40 mg/dL in men and <50 mg/dL inwomen; hypertension defined as systolic/diastolicblood pressure ≥130/85mm Hg; and elevated FBGlevels of >110 mg/dL. Further description of the metabolic syndrome is provided in theBackground: Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Diabetesand Dyslipidaemias section of this review. TheFDA has recently asked antipsychotic manufactur-ers to report on drug effects on the ATP III meta-bolic syndrome as well as on blood lipids and riskof dyslipidaemia, extending an earlier request toreport on drug effects on blood glucose and the riskof diabetes. The FDA request regarding ATP IIImetabolic criteria will be complicated by the lackof waist circumference data in the vast majority ofstudies conducted to date. A reasonable alternativeapproach is to substitute BMI criteria for obesity(≥30 kg/m2) for the ATP III waist circumferenceobesity threshold. This would allow a number ofvaluable datasets containing needed fasting lipidand glucose values as well as blood pressure to be


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used to calculate treatment-related incidence of themetabolic syndrome, using a modified ATP IIIapproach.

In the first published example of this approach,pooled data from two 26-week double-blind, ran-domised, controlled trials[289,290] evaluating the effi-cacy of aripiprazole were used. One trial comparedaripiprazole with placebo in stable, chronic schizo-phrenic patients (n = 310) and the second trial com-pared aripiprazole with olanzapine in patients inacute relapse of schizophrenia (n = 314). Figure 7shows a pooled analysis of the two trials.[296] Thecumulative incidence (±SE) for worsening of meta-bolic syndrome during aripiprazole treatment in thetwo trials was not different (8.3% ± 3.7% vs 6.8%± 2.8%; p = 0.88). In this analysis, the cumulativemetabolic syndrome incidence (±SE) from thepooled data was 19.2% ± 4.0% (olanzapine),12.8% ± 4.5% (placebo) and 7.6% ± 2.3% (arip-iprazole). A log-rank test revealed that there was asignificant difference among the three incidencerates (p = 0.003) (aripiprazole vs olanzapine, 69%RR reduction). Based on these results, relative toplacebo, aripiprazole does not increase the likeli-hood for developing or exacerbating metabolicsyndrome. Olanzapine statistically significantlyincreases the likelihood of developing or exacer-bating metabolic syndrome relative to aripipra-zole.[296,297]

13.5 Discussion

Based on short- and long-term data currentlyavailable, aripiprazole treatment has a minimaleffect on weight and adiposity and on blood glu-cose levels. Aripiprazole treatment is associatedwith neutral effects on serum lipid levels, compara-ble to those with placebo. In one analysis, aripipra-zole was also associated with statistically signifi-cantly reduced risk for development of the meta-bolic syndrome, in comparison to olanzapine, inpatients with acute and chronic schizophrenia.

13.6 Conclusion

Aripiprazole treatment is associated with min-imal effect on bodyweight or adiposity. Althoughpublished data are somewhat limited, available datasuggest that aripiprazole treatment is not associat-ed with an increase in the risk of developing dia-betes or dyslipidaemia, or adverse effects on plas-ma glucose or lipid levels in treated patients.Limited data suggest that patients treated with arip-iprazole, as compared with olanzapine, may expe-rience a reduced risk of developing the metabolicsyndrome.

14. General Discussion

The numerous reports of diabetes, ketoacido-sis, hyperglycaemia and lipid dysregulation inschizophrenia patients treated with second-genera-tion antipsychotics provide a strong indication ofan association between metabolic effects and somebut not all second-generation antipsychotic med-ications.

Reports of abnormal glucose regulation amongindividuals with schizophrenia, some of which pre-date the introduction of antipsychotic therapy, haveraised the possibility that observations of diabetesduring second-generation antipsychotic therapycould reflect a potential pathophysiological linkbetween schizophrenia and glucose regulation.Three chart reviews reported increased rates of dia-betes among patients with schizophrenia comparedwith the general population. However, another







0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180






e (%


Time (days)




Fig. 7. Kaplan-Meier plot of time to metabolic syndrome inschizophrenic patients: pooled data analysis from two arip-iprazole clinical trials.[296] Log-rank test: p = 0.003.


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more recent study reported no increase in the riskof diabetes in patients with schizophrenia, althoughschizoaffective and bipolar I disorders were associ-ated with significantly higher prevalence rates.Such studies are further complicated by potentialconfounding factors, for example, prior antipsy-chotic therapy and lifestyle factors that are likely toinfluence these results. A small study involvingdrug-naive patients experiencing first-episodeschizophrenia showed higher rates of impairedfasting glucose and more abdominal adiposity thanin matched healthy controls, although the use ofacutely ill patients with elevated plasma cortisollevels could have influenced some of these find-ings. Further study is therefore needed to determinewhether schizophrenia itself is associated with anincreased risk of diabetes. Based on available data,there is no evidence that schizophrenia patients, orpatients with any other major mental illness, havereduced vulnerability to diabetes or to the adverseeffects of increasing adiposity.

Overall, the published findings from casereports, chart reviews, database analyses and clini-cal trials demonstrate differing metabolic effectswith the different second-generation antipsy-chotics. Evidence is strongest for clozapine andolanzapine, with findings from across the differenttypes of published reports suggesting that olanzap-ine and clozapine therapy are associated with anincreased risk of diabetes. Evidence for the effectsof risperidone treatment on the risk of diabetes isless extensive than for clozapine and olanzapine,with similar numbers of database analyses, butfewer chart reviews and observational reports, andfewer controlled studies. These published data do,however, suggest that risperidone treatment is notassociated with a consistent increase in diabetesrisk. Limited data are available for the other fiveagents. Findings with quetiapine are somewhatcontradictory, and offer relatively less reassuringevidence concerning the relationship between que-tiapine treatment and diabetes risk. Initial studies withziprasidone and aripiprazole suggest that these agentsdo not adversely affect blood glucose regulation intreated patients. The near absence of data withzotepine and amisulpride makes it difficult to devel-

op rational conclusions about the risk of abnormalblood glucose regulation with these two agents.

Weight gain is a well established side effect ofboth first- and second-generation antipsychotictherapy. However, this drug-induced adverse eventoccurs to a markedly different extent among thesecond-generation agents, with clozapine, olanzap-ine and less so zotepine therapy associated with acommon risk of clinically significant weight gain.Amisulpride, risperidone and quetiapine are asso-ciated with mild to moderate weight gain, andziprasidone and aripiprazole are associated withminimal effects on weight. There is a reasonablehypothesis that much of the effect on glucose regu-lation observed with the different second-genera-tion agents can be explained simply as a function oftheir effect on weight and adiposity, although drugeffects independent of adiposity have been report-ed and may add to the effects of adiposity.

Evidence from FDA MedWatch reports andindividual case reports suggests that weight gain orobesity may be a factor in approximately 75% ofcases of diabetes or hyperglycaemia reported withsecond-generation antipsychotic therapy. Increasedadiposity increases the risk for hyperglycaemia anddiabetes in part through adverse effects on insulinsensitivity. Agents that produce the largest rises inadiposity are therefore expected to be associatedwith the greatest risk of developing diabetes, andthis is consistent with the findings of this literaturereview. However, these reports also suggest thatweight gain is not an essential factor in all cases ofaltered glucose regulation. Available weight gaindata from the FDA MedWatch reports[69-71] suggestthat 20–25% of cases may occur in the absence ofsubstantial weight gain or obesity. Similarly, in ananalysis of individual case reports, Haupt andNewcomer[106] reported that over 25% of the diabet-ic ketoacidosis cases and 15% of the new-onsethyperglycaemia cases were associated with noweight gain or weight loss (typical of decompen-sated diabetes). Furthermore, for many patients, theonset of hyperglycaemia occurs shortly after theinitiation of treatment, with about 50% of patientsexperiencing onset within 3 months. Notably, themajority of patients recovered glycaemic control


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shortly after discontinuing olanzapine treatment,making it unlikely that adiposity was the sole fac-tor in prompting the changes in glucose regulationin these individuals.

Together these observations suggest that sec-ond-generation antipsychotic medications mayhave a direct (i.e. adiposity-independent) effect onglucose regulation in some individuals. This is sup-ported by results from controlled studies investi-gating changes in glucose and insulin measureswhile controlling for confounding factors such asweight, BMI and age. Much speculation hasfocused on the dibenzodiazepine-derived com-pounds clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine andzotepine, which are all structurally related and dis-tinct from the other second-generation antipsy-chotics. The possible mechanism by which clozap-ine and olanzapine (and possibly quetiapine andzotepine) may affect glucose regulation independ-ent of adiposity is unclear, and there are currentlyno structure-function data to support what to dateremain essentially ad hominem arguments againstthe subclass. The reports of rapid onset, and oftenrapidly reversible, diabetic ketoacidosis or severehyperglycaemia in certain individuals suggests apossible direct effect on beta-cell function in thosevulnerable persons.

In this regard, the high proportion of cases ofdiabetic ketoacidosis reported with clozapine,olanzapine and quetiapine therapy is notable.Although reporting bias toward the more dramaticcases may certainly be present, in the FDAMedWatch studies over 20% of reported cases withclozapine, almost 35% of cases with olanzapineand 42% of cases with quetiapine were associatedwith metabolic acidosis or ketosis. Similarly, dia-betic ketoacidosis featured in a high proportion ofpublished case reports with these agents. In theFDA MedWatch studies, over 90% of the cases ofdiabetic ketoacidosis seen with clozapine and olan-zapine treatment occurred in patients with new-onset type 2 diabetes, suggesting early occurringeffects on beta-cell function. Ketosis or metabolicacidosis was reported in at least 60% of the deathsthat occurred during or shortly after hypergly-caemic episodes in the FDA MedWatch studies.

Overall, death occurred in 10–20% of clozapine- orolanzapine-treated patients and 30% of quetiapine-treated patients reporting ketosis or metabolic aci-dosis in these studies. In the final analysis, howev-er, the low frequency of these events makes it diffi-cult to definitely establish the extent of differentialrisk across individual drugs.

As with the differing pattern of drug effects onglucose regulation, the differing effects of differentsecond-generation agents on blood lipid levels sug-gests that these changes do not reflect a broad classeffect of second-generation antipsychotic treat-ment. Significant increases in triglyceride levelswere reported with clozapine and olanzapine ther-apy, and olanzapine treatment was also associatedwith a significantly increased risk of hyperlipi-daemia. While some increases in triglycerides havebeen observed with risperidone therapy, other stud-ies have found no effect or only modest, nonsignif-icant changes. No adverse changes in mean bloodlipid levels have been observed with either ziprasi-done or aripiprazole therapy; indeed, favourablechanges in lipid profiles have been reported insome study cohorts for both treatments. The limit-ed data available for quetiapine have been contra-dictory. Insufficient data are available for zotepineand amisulpride to draw any conclusions.

The effect of weight gain on lipid profiles isless clear and requires further study. Some studieswith olanzapine, clozapine and risperidone report asignificant association between weight gain andincreased triglyceride levels, while others do not.In general, high correlations between weight andlipids, or glucose as discussed above, should notroutinely be expected in small studies given therange of intervening host factors. This is in contrastto the well established relationship between weightor adiposity and metabolic risk in population sam-ples.

The differing effects of the second-generationantipsychotics on bodyweight, glucose regulationand lipid profile presented and discussed in this lit-erature review are in line with the published find-ings from a recent consensus development confer-ence on antipsychotic drugs, obesity and dia-betes.[68] This conference brought together experts


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from the areas of psychiatry, diabetes and obesityto consider the relationship between second-gener-ation antipsychotics and the development of obesi-ty, diabetes and dyslipidaemia. The publishedConsensus Statement, based on consideration of allthe available evidence, concluded that there are dif-ferences between the various second-generationantipsychotics in their effects on bodyweight andrisk for diabetes and dyslipidaemia (table XV).

14.1 Guidance for Patient Monitoring

Individuals with mental illnesses, includingschizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression,have increased mortality rates when compared withthe general population and are at increased risk ofa number of illnesses, including CVD, hyperten-sion and diabetes. The lifestyles of individuals withserious mental illness are likely to be an importantcontributor to poor overall health, since factorssuch as obesity, poor diet, lack of exercise, andhigh rates of smoking and alcohol use are moreprevalent in these individuals than in the popula-

tion as a whole. Furthermore, the antipsychoticagents used to treat these individuals may in somecases contribute to adverse health outcomes byincreasing risk factors such as weight, blood glu-cose and lipids, and the metabolic syndrome.

Growing concerns about the effect of antipsy-chotic treatment on these risk factors, and theimplications for the overall health of a vulnerablepatient population, have led to increased interest incareful screening and monitoring of patients toimprove their long-term health. This issue was dis-cussed at the recent ADA/APA consensus develop-ment conference, and their published statementprovides recommendations for the monitoring ofpatients.[68] Recommended baseline screeningmeasures include weight and height (for BMI cal-culation), waist circumference, blood pressure,fasting glucose and lipid profile, and personal andfamily history of obesity, diabetes, dyslipidaemia,hypertension or CVD (table XVI). Second-genera-tion agents with a low propensity for weight gainand glucose intolerance should be considered forpatients with diabetes or at increased risk of thedisease. Follow-up weight monitoring is recom-mended 4, 8 and 12 weeks after initiating orswitching antipsychotic therapy, then quarterly atroutine visits. Glucose and lipid level assessments arerecommended 3 months after treatment initiation,then every year for glucose or 5 years for lipids(although the 5-year interval is not consistent withNCEP ATP III guidelines for individuals with any-thing above minimal risk, a status not characteristicof this population, suggesting the need for annualassessment as with glucose), unless baseline risk ortreatment-emergent events indicate the need forincreased attention to some or all of these parameters.

Table XVI. Monitoring protocol for patients on atypical antipsychotics, recommended by the 2004 ADA/APA consensus statement;[68]

more frequent monitoring may be warranted based on clinical status

Item Baseline 4 weeks 8 weeks 12 weeks Quarterly Annually Every 5 yearsPersonal/family history X XWeight (BMI) X X X X XWaist circumference X XBlood pressure X X XFasting plasma glucose X X XFasting lipid profile X X XBMI = body mass index.

Table XV. Summary of weight gain and metabolic abnormalitieswith atypical antipsychotics from the 2004 ADA/APA consensusstatement[68]

Drug Weight gain Risk for Worsening diabetes lipid profile

Clozapine +++ + +Olanzapine +++ + +Risperidone ++ D DQuetiapine ++ D DZiprasidonea +/– – –Aripiprazolea +/– – –aNewer drugs with limited long-term data.D = discrepant results; + indicates increased effect; – indicatesno effect.


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The current review suggests that elevated baselinerisk and treatment-emergent adverse metabolic eventscan be expected in many treated patients, suggest-ing that many patients will have clinical indicationsfor closer and more detailed monitoring. Forpatients who show weight gain (≥5% increase) orworsening glycaemia or dyslipidaemia, a switch toanother second-generation agent not associatedwith significant weight gain or diabetes risk shouldbe considered along with other interventions.

Similar recommendations for weight, glucoseand lipid monitoring come from the Mount Sinaiconference, which brought together psychiatrists,endocrinologists and other medical experts todevelop guidelines for the routine monitoring ofadult schizophrenia patients receiving antipsychot-ic therapy.[298] These guidelines do, notably, recom-mend that patients with schizophrenia should beconsidered at high risk for CHD. Therefore, basedon the NCEP guidelines, their lipid profile mightneed to be monitored more frequently (i.e. every 2years for normal LDL-cholesterol levels and every6 months for LDL-cholesterol >130 mg/dL) than isrecommended by the ADA/APA consensus state-ment. The Mount Sinai guidelines suggest that fast-ing glucose or glycated haemoglobin (e.g. HbA1c)could be used for glucose monitoring, while theADA recommendations for screening in the gener-al population advise against the use of glycatedhaemoglobin because of its relative insensitivity asa screening measure.

The introduction of regular routine monitoringshould allow for the early detection of changes inthese important risk factors, and so improve theoverall long-term health of patients with schizo-phrenia and other mental illnesses.

14.2 Conclusion

Evidence from the published literature indi-cates that second-generation antipsychotic agentsdiffer in their effects on weight and adiposity andon blood glucose and lipid levels. An extensivebody of evidence, including data from prospectiveclinical trials, shows marked differences in theweight gain liabilities of second-generation

antipsychotics. Clozapine and olanzapine, and to alesser extent zotepine, are all associated with sub-stantial risk of clinically significant weight gain.Amisulpride, risperidone and quetiapine are asso-ciated with generally mild to moderate weight gain,increasing across the group as listed. Ziprasidoneand aripiprazole are associated with minimal effecton weight.

Studies using a variety of methodologies indi-cate, with few exceptions, that clozapine and olan-zapine treatment are associated with an increasedrisk of developing diabetes mellitus and elevationsin plasma triglyceride levels. Risperidone therapyis not associated with a consistent increase in therisk of developing diabetes or dyslipidaemia.However, a possible increase in risk would be pre-dicted to occur in association with any treatmentthat produces increases in weight and adiposity.Quetiapine therapy is not associated with a consis-tent increase in the risk of developing diabetes ordyslipidaemia. However, limited data suggest apossible increase in the risk of diabetes and hyper-triglyceridaemia with quetiapine treatment, and apossible increase in risk would be predicted tooccur in association with any treatment that pro-duces increases in weight and adiposity. Althoughpublished data are somewhat limited, available datasuggest that ziprasidone and aripiprazole treatmentare not associated with an increase in the risk ofdeveloping diabetes or dyslipidaemia or with anyadverse effect on plasma glucose or lipid levels intreated patients. The almost complete absence ofdata makes it difficult to draw any conclusionsabout the risk of diabetes or dyslipidaemia withzotepine or amisulpride, although the differingweight gain potentials of the two agents suggest apossible increase in risk with zotepine and less soamisulpride therapy.

In general, a possible increase in risk would bepredicted to occur in association with any treat-ment that produces increases in weight and adipos-ity. In addition to the effects of adiposity, however,limited evidence suggests that certain agents mayhave a direct effect on glucose regulation inde-pendent of adiposity. Further research is needed toimprove our understanding of the interactions


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between disease states, antipsychotic medications,and glucose and lipid metabolism in patients withpsychiatric disorder in order to maximize both psy-chiatric and medical health outcomes.


This work was supported in part by a grant toJWN from the National Institute of Mental Health(NIMH) [MH63985]. In addition, Bristol-MyersSquibb Company/Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltdprovided funding to Ogilvy Healthworld MedicalEducation, Reading, UK to assist in accessing rel-evant literature, and to provide production supportin the preparation of this manuscript. The authorwould like to especially thank Andrew Mayhook,PhD, and Rowan Pearce, PhD, at Healthworld fortheir tireless work.


Dr. Newcomer received grant support in 2004and 2005 from NIMH, the National Alliance forResearch on Schizophrenia and Depression(NARSAD), and the Sidney R. Baer Foundation, aswell as investigator-initiated grant support fromPfizer Inc., Janssen Pharmaceutica, and Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). In addition, Dr. Newcomerserved as a consultant in 2004 for BMS, Pfizer Inc.,Janssen Pharmaceutica, AstraZeneca, Glaxo-SmithKline, and Wyeth Research. Dr. Newcomerhas No Significant Conflict of Interest as definedby the Washington University School of Medicineconflict of interest policy.

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Correspondence and offprints: John W. Newcomer,Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School ofMedicine, 660 S. Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA.E-mail: [email protected]
