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“EMOLUMENT IN - Amazon S3...EMP ENA ENE £.,,,/;,, in Oxforil/1,irt • 1 nunc. iation of fome...

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APPENDIX A: “EMOLUMENTIN ENGLISH LANGUAGE DICTIONARIES, 1604-1806 A - 1 Part 2 of 10 Case 1:17-cv-00458-GBD Document 48-3 Filed 08/04/17 Page 1 of 10
Page 1: “EMOLUMENT IN - Amazon S3...EMP ENA ENE £.,,,/;,, in Oxforil/1,irt • 1 nunc. iation of fome Words ther, wherewith things are from die Elms growing 1bove ochers, fo that they flourifhed






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Page 2: “EMOLUMENT IN - Amazon S3...EMP ENA ENE £.,,,/;,, in Oxforil/1,irt • 1 nunc. iation of fome Words ther, wherewith things are from die Elms growing 1bove ochers, fo that they flourifhed


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(: . c' .. /t : .. ·, . THE




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•• •

· �'ltntbttCal englta, l\ttttenarp..J


:A.p.,�ccount of'thc Or1ginal or Proper Senfe, and Various .Significa­'i ·lions of all Hard WORDS derived from other Languages, viz.. Hebre..,, .ArAl,i,i(,·'S1riuk, · G,eel,, L•ti11, ltA/i.ui, Frtnth, S/&11ijb, Brili//J, S.uon, DA»ifb, D"t,h, &c.as now made ufe of in our Entli(J, ·Tongue. ,

Together with Brief and Plain Explication of all Terms relatina to any of the

Arts and Sciences, either Liberal or Mechanical, viz.. Gr•mmu, Rhetoti,k; Logi,k, 'l'heology, LA:m, /r1elA/h1Jid1, E1hi,t1, N•tur•l PhilofaphJ, PhJfi,k, Sur­g!r}, h•tomy, ChJmiflr1., Ph4T.,4CJ, BotA11itks, .Arithmeti,k, Gi01111try, Ajlrono"'J, -.Ajlrolou, C-ojhlogrAph.1, Geogr4p/,y, 11.Jdrogr•ph.J, Nll.'llig•tio11, Arebiteilun, Forti-

Jc•tlo11, DiaUi1Jg, Survtjing, G•Mgi11g, Opti,t1, C•toptrids, Dioptricks, Prr(pellivt, "};/11j,Jc, Mech1111i,Jcs, St111frts, ChirOIIIAll&J, Ph](iog1101t1J, HerAIJry, Mer/ha11di:u, M11�it�1111 arl� 1!{ilit11ry Aff�ir1, Agri,"�111rt, G.,-dt11i•g, H11":tl.i"A[t_1, .Je-.eU�ng,P•1nt�11g, C,;r�111g, -�r•v111g, Co11f1ll101111J, c_ooktry, !forfe111A11Jj1f, Hal111z,Hunting, Fowl111g1 Fijb111g, kc.

/ To which is Added, . C lntcrprctatioii of fropcr Naqics ef Men. and Women diat derive their

Original from the above-mention'di AncieAt and Modern Tongues, with thofe . of Writs and Procetres at Law: Alfo the-- Gr11� and L•ti11 Names of divers forts of AmmAls, Phnti, Met•ls, Mi11tr4ls, &c. and fcveral other remarkable M�tters more particolitly exprefs'd in t_he Pr,fare.

he fDl'belltl, 4ebiti01I, Rev if ed, Corrected, and Improved ; wich the Addition of near Twenty Thoufand Word�, from the b,cft Authors, Domeftick ·and Foreign, that treat of the feveral Subjeas. ._ _

·J . ,.,," .h· .. ". 1 •.

By J. k. Philo/Jibl. ; ..,

Work VtrJ iJtttjfor.7 Str1111gtrs, 111 JPtll 111 our Oflll CourJtij-me11, ;,, ,rder to the �· ,. right ,m ,j1111Ji,,g of a,hlit they SptAk1 U',ite, or Re.J.


,.. � ·. .

Ldb?:r improbus_ omnia, .. �1!cit. H O R. ··' ,.,__...____;.. __ ..:.,;_ ______________________ _

Lo· N'D ON:

. , �inted . for J. Pbilii>s; at the :k;,;i;.,,,1�,,;, �·rr S. P•fs-d,.,,i,.r.,J i' .,� B.boO.e�, !1the s,4,,., the Corner o'f Briu•IAN, in 11t,11-J11,1 1 and 3.. ftaplot, ac . the �h1p 11P11ur·••ft•r-,ni. M DCC XX.

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·--,, ...

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Page 3: “EMOLUMENT IN - Amazon S3...EMP ENA ENE £.,,,/;,, in Oxforil/1,irt • 1 nunc. iation of fome Words ther, wherewith things are from die Elms growing 1bove ochers, fo that they flourifhed

..._., tbat ��� ot <Ollle50llt ; asAs � O«llfiDI!, i.. t.- U.nefs � Coafeqaence haol,eaiog as a �- 111· AirMUIIIJ, a Sur is 6JT- IM..,-go,r

1 wJ.en it is gettmg �at of the

Slln-beams.' -. ready to become viliblc. . Cl:llml or ttalttp, a fort of Stone found in Mines

ol'Coppcr. lrou .wd Gold, vc:ry hard �nd heavy ;waica Tenes to burnifh Gold, .Lnd cut alt muiner ofpiuioas Stooes bat Diamonds : A:lfo .1 Glaiier\ Oi..amon<f to cut Glafs.

CmttfiOl,{L•t.) properly an iJl'Jing, ()f tontlng out from uu�er W.iu:r : lt i, . T�r m more �fpc:r, ­a1ly us'd by Atlrouo111ers, when a Star which hi� l.un hid for fome time, und�r the Sun b�ams, be�gins to ,ppear ag.in : It is al lo taki=n fut the Sun vr /IP!oon s comi1�� out of ;m Ecltph:.

C8.11ettral ur <lemftkk, (Gr.) ch�t provokc:s, or caufes to V omi r.

Cateticl S,tDtctnrs or emetirkt, Medicines that w1th tbc:1r pncking Paruch:.s, draw together the Fibres of the Stoma.cl, upwards, and fo throw out at tbc Mouth, wll.tevc:r ii otf;:1,ftvc to th.e SJomach.

Ciemmtlt !ta rtat, is Cream or Crylhl of Tartar p,wder·d a<id mingled with a quarter par t of CrocuJ M�t11!kru111, and then the Mixture is to be _bo1l'd for Eigbt or Nim: Hours in an Eart lu:o P.n, in a fufficient qu111tity of Water : Afterwards the hot Ltqlior ii it rain'd through a Woollen Cloath, and ab<Juc half of it being gtnt ly evaporated, the n:fi is left. �o ,ool, and will fhoot into Cryfi:als.

Ctuiu, a kind of Fowl. See Ca/f,rrMry. t ediation, (L111.) a fhining. or apP.earing a-

loft ; a lpr mging, or riling up. . • .

-cmtnmce or CCnttntncp, paffing, or fl:andingabove o�µers; _E1cell_ency, n1gh �ti,ree qr Q.ualitY ;al.lo a Title u1ually gnen to Gatdi1:1als. Emmrnce is alfo a little Hill or rifing Groibtd. lri Forti/zc11tion, an Height tfiat ovedooks and commands the Place un4'et- it.

CC:ntunrt , high, overtopping, great, rc:­nowned.

Cll;mir, ( among the Turks) a Lord, efpecially any on� delccnded from the falfe Prophet M,,homet.

· Ge,nttrarit'II . or Clemffl'attus tquu,, a· Word uldby Plautus, M.itthew ot WeJt,m,,ft,r and others, for a Stal)�o11 . Hor1�, or Steed.

emt(arp, a trufiy Perfon of qoick Parts, fcnt private� w f\JUnd or fift another, to gt:t I 1 1 telli· gc:nce, or to Spy out the Ac\io'ns or l'otl of an J::.!)erb)'

(Cmft'ffO'lt, a fi:nding, calling, hurling, or Omof-in' forth. . •

.\ 0 ciehltc, to rend datt, or Otoot for,h.itmma, a 1'.fro�r Name of fevcral Women, parti

f\ilarly ul Kin& Edward che Confeffour� Mother. CICmmtnafd'gt or emtnhutgoguts,Medicine.s that

{hr up the i1--Ji11fei-, or. '-..ourn:s. �tlitl'lla, Womens Month I)' Courfes,or Terms. .tleUUtlet', an lnfefi, otherwifc: c:aJl 'd an Ant or

Pifmire � the Pai9s this little <;::r_eat�re rakes to lay u, Corn againR: Wi1\ter1 makes 1t generally takc:n for the Emblem of lndufiry. . CB,rnmoc�ti, (Gr.) a liquid Medicine io be fquirted into, Ulfers�

· ectmllfmt, (Lat-) mollifying, fofrening, or affi,a-ginAj !1! .An emollient DecoElion.

auD �· ta, Emotlients, or rof(ening Medicines,i. ,. Jilch ith a moderate Heat and Moitlure dif·folve tho' e . arts which before ftuck doletogetl\er ;a� dif�rfing others, makethe'm toofe and 10ft.

Chlofthhhi; Profit got by Labo�r and C�ft _; Benefic ; A'dvanhige. T.11� Word propq!y ligndies,Glin atjl!ng �om t�e Gnft of a . Co�n-itlill. .

G}tmJcron, a fiirnng, or movmg fauh ; Oiffat• bfA.ce, 0"9Jder, or Tro�b!�! · · · ·

- . .. . . ,...c, - · · · - ··- ·· · - . . . :--� ·-· · .. - -

�C. {accordiftt · to�

. Gr•T i'S Jij.1• eutmott- Part of" tJie· Flower:ara .13 ��i; , 1 �

. ffog the Folimio,r of the Attil'C. is � ·, a Guard and Bmd to the Fl�e�where_ if� • -:1 and tender ; .and tlierefotc futh t'lants as hi¥( wers with a firm and fir?ng 84i1, u Twi� . bive no Empale :nent, nor ne« hn1. i. - . ·,- 1 l"Ui �' To Cm�nl!fl. {Law-T�rmJ is to «ct d� . "Names of the Jury-iuen 1n a Parchment-Sc he� . 3. br Rdl of Pa�r, caU'd the l'1S11nel, which is� : by chi;: Shetiif, after he hai furutnon'd them �-.a,-:.g. eear fur the t>t:rform,mceof Cuch Public

. k Se���

Ju r ic:s a re ufually ein_pl-0y·a in. . .: , . , : , -�i��cemi,artanct, (Fr. m Common.Law) a :Pe�ff9t!t ·

or J\:1ut 1un 111 a4e 111 Court, for cl Day of Ref�� couhaer what is heft to be done ; or f� t� �' dan r to put in h ii Ailfwer ,i:o the Plaintiff's Occla,r� rauon. lo the Civil· Law, . it is called /(�fifi• ,/.If�£;

�";��;:Cma, {Gr. ) a Compo(ition of r�(���i-de1 s, to take aw�y . Sweat, ancl rauie ltt1!19;t,l� Cat,1p11fm,t. . . c; , t'!J I ' <lem�atttmrlie, (according to fome) is the � 111& •, as 1alus in Fortificat!o" · ; which See. . : r.1, ,m.-:<empnour, (L�t.) an abfol11te Soveraign P� · whu bi;:a rs Rule over many large Countries. �¢.;

<I!;m�emm, (Gr.) the Herb &,,,,phi�, or as · ,' fay. s,,xifrage.

<:;mpb40s, a Figure in Rhetwicl., when a tacit Sig1 1 ificat 1on is given co Words, or when mete .� fign i fy 'd than exprcfs'd ; a Weight or Stre& lai41 .. upon a Word in the fpcaking of it. . � Cle�atfcal or eRlpbatfcl, Ulter'd with a O,;� figmfican t, forcible. Thus when any thing it·" f poken with great Eamcllnefs or Concern, we � ' r was f poken ,ery £,npha,ital(y, or wfrh a g� E.11.phafts. , · .

�ritpl,aticat ctblours, ( acc�ing ro tile old Nata.; i-al Ph1lofophim) arc thofc Jfp_p11Te11t Coh.-s, ..at they otherwlre term them, which are often fetn in. ' t \cuds before the Riling, or after the Scttiagof the Sun, or thofe in the Rain.bow, &c. And thele, becaufe they are not permanent or lalling,. �y will nor alt,jw to be true Colours. : Cll;11tplJrttttuOJ, a Pl anting, Grafting, or ,Imping : In ch1: k.um.m Law, the Renting of Land9

upon cond i t i(Jn to Plant it.

Cmpbeuttllta or Cl.emp�euttutt,, fuch a Ten-., of b,�cl ; a Copy-holdi;:r. .

ti;mpl)tuttutirns ,agrr, land improved, let on to hr m, Hire, or K en t.

emp�:amrks, Mt!d icines that by their Ctammi-: nef� l top up th.e Pores of the Skin.

Cmp��itgltta, a Stopp-le, a: Bar or Bolt' : AUt,:a wringing or gr inding Paii1 of the Guts, as i4) chi W ind-wlirk.

enaitna�ii, an Obl\ruOibn, or Stopp�e � QDJ, Parr 1 .. I the Body. , · ,.

Cl;inptrrrma, a b_lowin� into, or that �la�. �15((,0gh t 1 1 1 I>}' blowin_g. . ; . · I n Surgery� an Inflammation proceeding . from. �eat,_or C?therwife : Alfo_a �in� ofS�ellina,wher�10 W ind ts con tamed, wath a little fhmy Phlegm. ·.

empbpton l!C�ttmon or Otoi 3nnacus, is 1�0 ' innate Heat,orHeat firft fuppus'd to be prodtk'd in.� Fa,tus,orChild in theW

.. oml>,fr?m �he �at�tsS;

which afmwards, whe? R�f\'trat1on _1s �n., �he FlPtus (�bfifts of 1t ftlf, decays ana ,:eafc' P.1, : .De�rees. Many Philofopbeh an� �hylic�s �-� · chis Heat an Innate and Natural Spmt, and make it . confift of three Parti, vi:z:.. of a Primoj;mi.l . M<?�· : frur�, an lnnate Spirit, and Heat, . · · - - _

®mpirt, (Lat,) the Domink>ns, or J1trifdi�of an E111(1erour ; atfo Power; <?� Authority. � - ! :-:-

emptrfta �tctn,- or <ll'blpttiet,'(Gr.J �­ing or pretending to cut� D1ieafes by G�s. with::· · � out

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Genevieve Bentz
Page 4: “EMOLUMENT IN - Amazon S3...EMP ENA ENE £.,,,/;,, in Oxforil/1,irt • 1 nunc. iation of fome Words ther, wherewith things are from die Elms growing 1bove ochers, fo that they flourifhed

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Page 5: “EMOLUMENT IN - Amazon S3...EMP ENA ENE £.,,,/;,, in Oxforil/1,irt • 1 nunc. iation of fome Words ther, wherewith things are from die Elms growing 1bove ochers, fo that they flourifhed

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£.,,,/;,, in Oxforil/1,irt • 1 nunc. iation of fome Words ther, wherewith things are

from die Elms growing 1bove ochers, fo that they flourifhed. inlayed, and there. become • varied with tittle Spors.

Elfttrl!,t"CJ• 1. a Matter I

E,npb4tii:4l, g. forcible _£,,,.,�,ftii:1<_, g. wrought of d1$culty, that requires upon the Mindi of the wnh Fue, varnifhed, cn-halfe. Hearers. ame ied.

Emtrgtrtt, l. of great Emptrii:\, an unikilful E11,11tio$1, g. conrrari.e-Importanc:c, alfo appearing Pbyfician , that mes EJC- cy. 011 a (uddcn, rilinr up aDOv perimcnts wit hour Know- E.•1a>gJ , g. evidence, Wa er. ledge, whether the Ope· cleunefs, forcible Words.

E'"cril, a Scone chat ration will be effectual or Eni:J,4foJ., f. {etin Gold. comes from rhe Ifie of noc. EJJChiridi.rt,' g. a Hand, Gu,r,,'fry. v,hel'ewith cbey E.mp/111jfltr, J. :l Plainer, or Pocket-book, au Ab­Cut and burnilh other pre- or Salve, compounded ot firaa. cious Scones or Jewel•, Herbs, .P<>wder , red Lead E•1::-umbr111ntt, I. moldla-

·Emttic11l, g. Pby6ck that and 011 boiled together. tion, hindrance. works by V >mit. Emporium, h. an Ex- · E,icomi "'•I.a Difcourfe, .

Em,,,m�t, 1. honourable-, change • or a M11ket- or ipe chinCommeodatio11 • Ti;le given to the Cardi- Town. ot any one, nals c,f Rornr. Emprimtd , a Hunter's E11crucb,rmir, preffing

Emtrfto", I. coming our, Term, when a 11:iit firll to far upon a Neighbou1's appeari-1g, ariling forfakes rhe Herd. Ground, Houfc, or l'ocket.

Elflint,,t, I, famous, ex- 1:.n¥tio,,, I. buying. , E�ryrloftdJ, g. perfe&i-ceHenc, app<:anug above Empynw, l'• Corruption oaofKnowledge-. ethers. · between the Brea!\ and E,,,J.,.,n,1gt, f, to hurt,

EmiJfcYJ, I. a Spy. or tunes, after a Pleurdie. or damnify. Scout, fenc abroad.to hear Enp rt4l Utavnt , the E,,Jit1ffltnt, or lndi£1. News, and get Inte!:igence. highett Heaven above the ,,,trt,, an Accufation exhi­

Emfouio,r • l, lbining Firin:imenc, fo ca ,ed from bited to the Judges agaioll out. the bri�h, Cbining, -0r 2oy Perfoo •.

Emigr,tio,r;J. going out, fiery Nacure of it : The E.11di11t, 1 coo1ing Herb. paffing away. Manlion of God, Angel,, E.,Jorft. (. co write on

Ernildon in Nor1burnbtr· and Saints. he baddide of a Bill or Lind. th Birth-place of Em•riJ., I. 6lthy, mqul- nond. Dr. J, DN,,,, called Scot/16, dy. · E•1Jo•mt11t, f. tho be4

of whom before. Em,,Litiort, J. difdain- flowing, oc alfuring of a Em,ffion, I. Emit, 1. ing, ftrwing to excel 2110- Dower.

(endi11g, or ca(Hng forth. cbcr. • E,,p,tloclts, g. an anci-Emmtt, a Pi,mire, an Em11�111t, }. milking om. ent Phil Copher and Poet

Anr. · E"'ul,g rnt l'tin, one of of .Argri:rnttm, reported EmoUimt, l. m:tkinit fnfc. rhe cwo main Branrhes of to be che Inventor of Rbe­Emol11mtnt, 1. Profit, the· h l:ow Vein, which torick.

G1in , Advantage ; al{ goes co rhc Reins. E,ilyMm, a Shepherd 0£ Mill-toll Emul[,011, I. any kind of C111ri11, who frc,m his O!>­

Em•tion , }. Def pair, Sectl brayed in Warcr, a11d ferva�ion of the Coarfc of uouble of Mind , 1lirring flrai ied to che confiflence the Moon and Planets, is up, moving out. • of A !mond Mille; alf.> any reputed the Author of A­

Emp4ir , f. to damage, kind of Cream, 01 milky llronomy ; the Poets feign make )Arorfe, or diminiOi. Humour. · he wl.s in Love with the

Emp.t11rt1l, entring the Emrm.qorits, 1. the Ker- Moon, who made a ilep Names of a Jury upon a nels by 11•hich ,he princi- every NighHo come down

\ Lift, and fwearing them. pal Parts v id their Super- and kifs him. bci"g cal Emp.zrl1tnct, f. a Peritiu�


fluities l a fo a p:m of into a perpcrnal Sleep 011 to the Juige ro grant Ion• Snuffers, rhe rop ofY•unt L4t"'ll8· �er D�y for a Trial. E,1.1tlttl, l. oriained, de- F.'ltrv,ty, l. weaknefr.

&pbafts, g. ao earnef\ creed, made i to a Law. E11ffJ,) , f• powe1fol Exprelli.on of ones Jn1e - E>1.im l, f. G af�, Le d. \VOrki111!, rffi.;acy, force. lion, b)' a vjgotous Pro- and ·T111, well burm to e- i,,cn·4tio,i1 I. weakning.

·· E,.fi,ld,A - 25

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