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“HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним...

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UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL OF ST.VLADIMIR УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ПРАВОСЛАВНИЙ СОБОР СВ. ВОЛОДИМИРА 855 Barton Street, East, Hamilton, Ontario L8L 3B4 Fr. Wasyl Makarenko, Parish Priest Cell: 905-730-7542 Residence: 905-385-2712 e-mail: [email protected] Parish Council President: Orysia Sushko Telephone: 289-755-1525 e-mail: [email protected] “HAPPY THANKSGIVINGПОРЯДОК БОГОСЛУЖЕНЬ ВІД 1-ОГО ЖОВТНЯ, ДО 31-ОГО ЖОВТНЯ, 2018 THE FEAST DAY OF THE PROTECTRESS AND MOST HOLY BIRTHGIVER OF GOD OCTOBER 14 TH , 2018 VESPERS (as per bulletin) SATURDAYS: 5:00 P.M. EVE OF FEAST DAYS: 6:30 P.M. CONFESSIONS: SAT. NIGHTS BEFORE OR AFTER VESPERS BEFORE 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING BEFORE 9:30 A.M. ON FEAST DAYS OR BY APPOINTMENT FOR OUR SHUT IN’S
Page 1: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі


855 Barton Street East Hamilton Ontario L8L 3B4

Fr Wasyl Makarenko Parish Priest Cell 905-730-7542 Residence 905-385-2712

e-mail wlmakarenkorogerscom

Parish Council President Orysia Sushko Telephone 289-755-1525 e-mail stvladshamiltonyahooca








VESPERS (as per bulletin) SATURDAYS 500 PM


ВІТАЄМО ГОСТЕЙ ДО НАШОЇ ПАРАФІЇ Щиро сердечно вітаємо всіх гостей з далека і близька до нашої громади Прошу під час кави в церковній

авдиторії зголосіться до о Василя за інформаціями про нашу громаду Дякуємо

WELCOME TO OUR PARISH Our warmest greetings are extended once again to all visitors and guests who are participating in todayrsquos Divine

Liturgy It is always a joy to have you praying with us After the service please join us for fellowship in the

church auditorium and do not hesitate to introduce yourself to fr Wasyl and find out more about our faith and our

parish WELCOME

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Glory to Jesus Christ Glory be Forever

One of the joys of the fall season apart from the lack of stifling heat waves is the celebration of the

bounties that the Lord provides His people ndash Thanksgiving

With the start of the new church year (September 14th

) we very quickly enter the season of Thanksgiving

ndash a time where we reflect upon all the bounties provided to us by the Lord

We begin with our families by giving the Lord thanks for our loved ones not just these with us but for

those who in the past have affected our lives with their love and guidance This gratitude extends to our

community our extended family where the ldquovillagerdquo is acknowledged for the opportunities it provides

us to live the Gospel of our Lord The virtues we are to acquire are loved within our village community

and the interpersonal relationship that it offers us opportunities to grow in the faith

And almost as an afterthought we thank the Lord for the physical bounties we commonly associate with

this season ndash the bounties of our fields and gardens

Let us offer thanksgiving to the Lord for all the blessings He bestows upon us ndash both the seen and

unseen both for our souls and for our bodies

And with these thoughts please accept both my and dobr Larysarsquos wishes for a fruitful and bountiful

new church year

May the blessings of our Lord be upon us all

With Christian Greetings

Fr Wasyl

SERVICES ndash OCTOBER ndash 2018

Sunday 7

th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

Saturday 13th 500 pm - Great Vespers ndash in the chapel

Sunday 14th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy ndash English ndash Protection of the Theotokos

Sunday 21st 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

Saturday 27th 930 am - English Divine Liturgy

Sunday 28th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

СЛУЖБИ ndash ЖОВТЕНЬ ndash 2018

Неділя 7-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

Субота 13-ого 500 по обіді - Велика Вечірня ndash в каплиці

Неділя 14-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія ndash Англомовна ndash Покрова Прес Богородиці

Неділя 21-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

Субота 27-ого 930 рано - Англомовна Св Літургія

Неділя 28-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

The Feast Day of the Protectress and Most Holy Birthgiver of God

About one thousand years ago the Saracens a nomadic Moslem tribe attacked the capital of the ancient Greek

Empire Constantinople The Saracens were non-Christian They Believed in Allah and were followers of

Mohamed They constantly persecuted Christians The Greeks (who were Christians) were unable to ward off the

attacks of the Saracen horde which fell upon Greece plundering as it made its way to Constantinople and

decimating the Greek army The citizens of Constantinople were struck with fear at the approach of the Saracens

for they knew that they would be unable to defend their city Death was imminent They must save themselves

But how Who would come to their aid Their only hope was to appeal to God So all the bishops and priests of

Constantinople the Emperor and Empress and all the citizens of Constantinople gathered in the church and

prayed both day and night They begged God to save them they prayed to the Mother of God they sang church


One pious Greek Andrew together with his disciple Epiphanius were also present in the church at that time and

prayed with the others It was late at night deep sighing could be heard all were praying with bowed heads

asking for Godrsquos help Suddenly Andrewrsquos voice was heard as he spoke to his disciple saying ldquoDo you see

brother the Mother of God the heavenly Empress who prays for the whole human racerdquo ldquoYes I do and am

astonishedrdquo replied Epiphanius Both righteous men were given the chance to see this wonderous vision of the

Mother of God surrounded by the Angels and Apostles praying and covering all present with Her white

ldquoOmoforrdquo (veil)

This event took place at the Church of Vlacherm in Constantinople October 14th 903 AD

Fear came upon the Saracen Horde And the Greeks renewed by this vision of the Mother of God attacked the

Saracens and drove them away From that time forward the Feast Day of Mary the Protectress was celebrated

We Ukrainians adopted the Christian Orthodox Faith from the Greeks We likewise adopted the Feast of Mary the

Protectress In Ukraine this holiday became a great celebration Our kozaks the Zaporozhians were defenders of

the Orthodox Faith against the Moslem Turks who often fell upon Ukraine The Mother of God always helped

them to repulse their enemies At the Zaporozhian Sich there was a beautiful church honouring St Mary the

Protectress the Mother of God Within the church was kept the wonderous icon of the Protectress and the

kozaks carried this icon with them into battle When the Muscovites destroyed the Zaporozhian Sich the kozaks

fled beyond the Danube taking with them the icon of the Protectress

The Mother of God rescued our forefathers many times from their enemies and that is why our nation greatly

loves its sincere representative before God Mary Many churches were built in her honour in Ukraine and on this


Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці

Народна культура Календарні обряди

Свято Покрови віддавна відзначається українцями і крім релігійного значення є ще й днем українського

козацтва та днем вшанування воїнів УПА

З історії свята

Цариця Небесна Заступниця Небесна Воєвода непереможна Перемога ndash ці поширені у православній

християнській літературі імена Пресвятої Богородиці підкреслюють ту з її якостей що найбільше

прийшлася до душі нашому народу а саме ndash її покровительство та заступництво всього християнського

люду від ворогів видимих та невидимих

Історія свята Покрови або Третьої Пречистої як ще називали його в Україні розпочалася з появи Божої

Матері грецьким християнам міста Цареграда (Константинополя) На початку Х ст у Влахернському

храмі міста що було звідусіль оточене ворогами (сарацинами (арабами) за однією версією або русами-

язичниками ndash за іншою) зібралося багато його мешканців щоб помолитися Богу про порятунок У цьому

ж храмі зберігалася велика християнська святиня ndash риза Пресвятої

Богородиці Під час молитви блаженний Андрій Юродивий та його учень

побачили у видінні Богородицю із сонмом святих яка молилася разом з

усіма а потім покрила християн своєю хусткою (грецькою ndash мафорієм)

що сяяла чудесними променями Чутка про видіння швидко облетіла

місто підбадьоривши його захисників після чого вороги одразу ж

відступили До середини ХV ст памrsquoять про цю подію відзначалась у

Цареграді як місцеве свято а після його падіння у 1453 р про свято


Покрова і козацтво

Матір Божу Покрову особливо шанували козаки як заступницю у боротьбі за

православну віру Особливо урочисто це свято проходило у головній святині

Запорізької Січі ndash храмі свПокрови

За свідченням Д Яворницького всього на Січі було тринадцять Покровських

церков а козацька старшина заклала чимало Покровських храмів і в інших місцях Збереглось багато ікон

Покрови Божої Матері на яких зображені фундатори храму разом із членами своєї родини що стоять під

омофором Богородиці

Богоматір Оранта Мозаїка ХІ ст Храм свСофії в Києві

З іконою Покрови на якій було написано laquoМолим покрий нас чесним Твоїм Покровом і ізбави нас от всякого

злаraquo рушили у свої мандри запорізькі козаки після знищення Січі Катериною ΙΙ

У козацьких селах ще до початку ХХ ст на Покрову після служби освячували в церкві зброю і проводили

військові паради

Із здобуттям Україною незалежності козацьке прочитання свята Покрови знову набуло своєї актуальності З

1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва Сучасні козацькі обrsquoєднання у цей

день посвячують новобранців варять куліш та вправляються у бойових мистецтвах


Glory to Jesus Christ Glory be Forever

For the 2018-2019 year we are asking once again for your assistance in making cooking or selling our

VarenykyPyrohy for our sales

We will be making varenykypyrohy as per the following schedule Please mark your calendars for this fund-

raiser for our Parish Your help is always greatly appreciated

Tuesday October 23rd

Prep for Perogy Bee ndash 830 am

Wednesday October 24th Making Perogies ndash 830 am

Thursday October 25th Making Cabbage Rolls ndash 830 am

Friday and Saturday October 26th and 27

th ndash packaging and sales

Sunday October 28th ndash UWAC Meeting ndash church auditorium

Just a friendly reminder ladies and gentlemen to bring in your Denninger Receipts

Eroslava Evanetz

President UWCA Lesia Ukrainka Br



Reminder ndash Our Adult Christian Education Classes have begun This year our classdiscussion will

deal with the subject of ldquoContemporary Moral Issuesrdquo and all things associated with it Obviously from

the Orthodox Christian Perspective

October class times are on Wednesdays the 10th

and 17th

at 100 pm in the TYC Room


If anyone is interested in being a greeter please contact ndash Brenda Zalitack at bzalitackhotmailcom

or 289-682-0652

Are your 20172018 parish dues paid Please check in the parish office if you have any questions

In accordance with a motion passed at our annual meeting held on February 26th

2017 the

membership donation is now $13000 per person



Згідно із рішенням на Річних Зборах 26-го лютого 2017 р членські внески від тепер

встановлено в сумі $13000 від особи

Perogy and Cabbage Roll Bee for October ndash Tues 23rd prep Wed 24th varenyky bee Thurs 25th Cabbage Rolls Fri 26th Packaging and Sales Sat 27th Sales ldquoNo one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of anotherrdquo Charles Dickens

Next UWAC Meeting will take place on Sunday October 7th

after Divine Liturgy New members

are always welcome

НАСТУПНІ ЗБОРИ МІСЦЕВОГО ВІДДІЛУ СУК відбудуться в неділю 7-го Жовтня ndash у

церковні авдиторії Ласкаво просимо щоб усі члени відділу були присутні

ORDER OF ST ANDREWrsquos Annual General Meeting will be held on December 2nd


Liturgy Lunch will be served Guest Speaker Bishop Andrij

Sunday Coffee Hour ndash is always greatly appreciated by the members of our parish Thank you ladies for

our Sunday coffee hours We could always use more volunteers If you could spare some time please

contact Eroslava Evanetz at eroslavasympaticoca who would love to add your name to her list of

helpers We always welcome new volunteers

БРАТЕРСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІ після Божественної Літургії в Авдиторії Усіх ласкаво просимо на каву для спілкування з своїми знайомими прихожанами Шукаємо до помочі жінок щоб допомогли з кавою

Baptisms Parents must arrange with father to make arrangements God-parents must be practicing

Orthodox Christians Baptising a child in the Orthodox Church presupposes that the child will be raised as

an Orthodox Christian

Хрещення Батьки мусять зустрінутеся з отцем щоб полагодити Хрещення Куми мусять бути

правосласними християними Батьки зобовязані виховувати своїх дітей з поученням православної


Weddings Couples must arrange a personal meeting with the priest to make

arrangements If one of the couple is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply

A Collection Bin for Food Bank - is downstairs in the auditorium We collect food all year and then

deliver the canned and dry food items as the baskets get filled Please bring items to church with you over

the next few Sundayrsquos God bless your generosity Remember Thanksgiving is just around the corner lsquoThen the righteous will answer Him [Christ] saying lsquoLord when did we see You hungry and feed You or thirsty and give You drink And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Mersquo (Matthew 25 3740)

Boutique open after Liturgy

Крамниця Відкрита після Богослуження

Please notify fr Wasyl if a family member is admitted to the hospital Also parishioners who would like

a home visit are asked to contact fr and make their wishes known

Просимо повідомити отця що член Вашої родини є у лікарні Також якщо хтось бажає щоб їх

відвідали вдома то просимо бути в контакті з оцем

November 17th



D O N A T I O N S - September 2 - September 30 2018

Adamson Dan amp Mary 60000 Reno Fund Parfeniuk Dobr Marion 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Kindraka Family

Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Elizabeth Pancyshyn

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 10000

In memory- Walter Baron

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Migus Lucy 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

Cooke Jeanette 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 44192 Kitchen Refrigerator Longe Jason 10000 Golf Hole Sponsor Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Husband Michaewl

Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 14690 Kitchen Baryski Ernie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 8736 Kinar Julia 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Ball Natalie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Skrypniak Andrew amp Lorissa 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Takacs Geza amp Alexandra 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Yaremko Rosalie 5000

In memory- Nephew Peter Yaremko

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 2: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі

ВІТАЄМО ГОСТЕЙ ДО НАШОЇ ПАРАФІЇ Щиро сердечно вітаємо всіх гостей з далека і близька до нашої громади Прошу під час кави в церковній

авдиторії зголосіться до о Василя за інформаціями про нашу громаду Дякуємо

WELCOME TO OUR PARISH Our warmest greetings are extended once again to all visitors and guests who are participating in todayrsquos Divine

Liturgy It is always a joy to have you praying with us After the service please join us for fellowship in the

church auditorium and do not hesitate to introduce yourself to fr Wasyl and find out more about our faith and our

parish WELCOME

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Glory to Jesus Christ Glory be Forever

One of the joys of the fall season apart from the lack of stifling heat waves is the celebration of the

bounties that the Lord provides His people ndash Thanksgiving

With the start of the new church year (September 14th

) we very quickly enter the season of Thanksgiving

ndash a time where we reflect upon all the bounties provided to us by the Lord

We begin with our families by giving the Lord thanks for our loved ones not just these with us but for

those who in the past have affected our lives with their love and guidance This gratitude extends to our

community our extended family where the ldquovillagerdquo is acknowledged for the opportunities it provides

us to live the Gospel of our Lord The virtues we are to acquire are loved within our village community

and the interpersonal relationship that it offers us opportunities to grow in the faith

And almost as an afterthought we thank the Lord for the physical bounties we commonly associate with

this season ndash the bounties of our fields and gardens

Let us offer thanksgiving to the Lord for all the blessings He bestows upon us ndash both the seen and

unseen both for our souls and for our bodies

And with these thoughts please accept both my and dobr Larysarsquos wishes for a fruitful and bountiful

new church year

May the blessings of our Lord be upon us all

With Christian Greetings

Fr Wasyl

SERVICES ndash OCTOBER ndash 2018

Sunday 7

th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

Saturday 13th 500 pm - Great Vespers ndash in the chapel

Sunday 14th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy ndash English ndash Protection of the Theotokos

Sunday 21st 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

Saturday 27th 930 am - English Divine Liturgy

Sunday 28th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

СЛУЖБИ ndash ЖОВТЕНЬ ndash 2018

Неділя 7-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

Субота 13-ого 500 по обіді - Велика Вечірня ndash в каплиці

Неділя 14-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія ndash Англомовна ndash Покрова Прес Богородиці

Неділя 21-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

Субота 27-ого 930 рано - Англомовна Св Літургія

Неділя 28-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

The Feast Day of the Protectress and Most Holy Birthgiver of God

About one thousand years ago the Saracens a nomadic Moslem tribe attacked the capital of the ancient Greek

Empire Constantinople The Saracens were non-Christian They Believed in Allah and were followers of

Mohamed They constantly persecuted Christians The Greeks (who were Christians) were unable to ward off the

attacks of the Saracen horde which fell upon Greece plundering as it made its way to Constantinople and

decimating the Greek army The citizens of Constantinople were struck with fear at the approach of the Saracens

for they knew that they would be unable to defend their city Death was imminent They must save themselves

But how Who would come to their aid Their only hope was to appeal to God So all the bishops and priests of

Constantinople the Emperor and Empress and all the citizens of Constantinople gathered in the church and

prayed both day and night They begged God to save them they prayed to the Mother of God they sang church


One pious Greek Andrew together with his disciple Epiphanius were also present in the church at that time and

prayed with the others It was late at night deep sighing could be heard all were praying with bowed heads

asking for Godrsquos help Suddenly Andrewrsquos voice was heard as he spoke to his disciple saying ldquoDo you see

brother the Mother of God the heavenly Empress who prays for the whole human racerdquo ldquoYes I do and am

astonishedrdquo replied Epiphanius Both righteous men were given the chance to see this wonderous vision of the

Mother of God surrounded by the Angels and Apostles praying and covering all present with Her white

ldquoOmoforrdquo (veil)

This event took place at the Church of Vlacherm in Constantinople October 14th 903 AD

Fear came upon the Saracen Horde And the Greeks renewed by this vision of the Mother of God attacked the

Saracens and drove them away From that time forward the Feast Day of Mary the Protectress was celebrated

We Ukrainians adopted the Christian Orthodox Faith from the Greeks We likewise adopted the Feast of Mary the

Protectress In Ukraine this holiday became a great celebration Our kozaks the Zaporozhians were defenders of

the Orthodox Faith against the Moslem Turks who often fell upon Ukraine The Mother of God always helped

them to repulse their enemies At the Zaporozhian Sich there was a beautiful church honouring St Mary the

Protectress the Mother of God Within the church was kept the wonderous icon of the Protectress and the

kozaks carried this icon with them into battle When the Muscovites destroyed the Zaporozhian Sich the kozaks

fled beyond the Danube taking with them the icon of the Protectress

The Mother of God rescued our forefathers many times from their enemies and that is why our nation greatly

loves its sincere representative before God Mary Many churches were built in her honour in Ukraine and on this


Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці

Народна культура Календарні обряди

Свято Покрови віддавна відзначається українцями і крім релігійного значення є ще й днем українського

козацтва та днем вшанування воїнів УПА

З історії свята

Цариця Небесна Заступниця Небесна Воєвода непереможна Перемога ndash ці поширені у православній

християнській літературі імена Пресвятої Богородиці підкреслюють ту з її якостей що найбільше

прийшлася до душі нашому народу а саме ndash її покровительство та заступництво всього християнського

люду від ворогів видимих та невидимих

Історія свята Покрови або Третьої Пречистої як ще називали його в Україні розпочалася з появи Божої

Матері грецьким християнам міста Цареграда (Константинополя) На початку Х ст у Влахернському

храмі міста що було звідусіль оточене ворогами (сарацинами (арабами) за однією версією або русами-

язичниками ndash за іншою) зібралося багато його мешканців щоб помолитися Богу про порятунок У цьому

ж храмі зберігалася велика християнська святиня ndash риза Пресвятої

Богородиці Під час молитви блаженний Андрій Юродивий та його учень

побачили у видінні Богородицю із сонмом святих яка молилася разом з

усіма а потім покрила християн своєю хусткою (грецькою ndash мафорієм)

що сяяла чудесними променями Чутка про видіння швидко облетіла

місто підбадьоривши його захисників після чого вороги одразу ж

відступили До середини ХV ст памrsquoять про цю подію відзначалась у

Цареграді як місцеве свято а після його падіння у 1453 р про свято


Покрова і козацтво

Матір Божу Покрову особливо шанували козаки як заступницю у боротьбі за

православну віру Особливо урочисто це свято проходило у головній святині

Запорізької Січі ndash храмі свПокрови

За свідченням Д Яворницького всього на Січі було тринадцять Покровських

церков а козацька старшина заклала чимало Покровських храмів і в інших місцях Збереглось багато ікон

Покрови Божої Матері на яких зображені фундатори храму разом із членами своєї родини що стоять під

омофором Богородиці

Богоматір Оранта Мозаїка ХІ ст Храм свСофії в Києві

З іконою Покрови на якій було написано laquoМолим покрий нас чесним Твоїм Покровом і ізбави нас от всякого

злаraquo рушили у свої мандри запорізькі козаки після знищення Січі Катериною ΙΙ

У козацьких селах ще до початку ХХ ст на Покрову після служби освячували в церкві зброю і проводили

військові паради

Із здобуттям Україною незалежності козацьке прочитання свята Покрови знову набуло своєї актуальності З

1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва Сучасні козацькі обrsquoєднання у цей

день посвячують новобранців варять куліш та вправляються у бойових мистецтвах


Glory to Jesus Christ Glory be Forever

For the 2018-2019 year we are asking once again for your assistance in making cooking or selling our

VarenykyPyrohy for our sales

We will be making varenykypyrohy as per the following schedule Please mark your calendars for this fund-

raiser for our Parish Your help is always greatly appreciated

Tuesday October 23rd

Prep for Perogy Bee ndash 830 am

Wednesday October 24th Making Perogies ndash 830 am

Thursday October 25th Making Cabbage Rolls ndash 830 am

Friday and Saturday October 26th and 27

th ndash packaging and sales

Sunday October 28th ndash UWAC Meeting ndash church auditorium

Just a friendly reminder ladies and gentlemen to bring in your Denninger Receipts

Eroslava Evanetz

President UWCA Lesia Ukrainka Br



Reminder ndash Our Adult Christian Education Classes have begun This year our classdiscussion will

deal with the subject of ldquoContemporary Moral Issuesrdquo and all things associated with it Obviously from

the Orthodox Christian Perspective

October class times are on Wednesdays the 10th

and 17th

at 100 pm in the TYC Room


If anyone is interested in being a greeter please contact ndash Brenda Zalitack at bzalitackhotmailcom

or 289-682-0652

Are your 20172018 parish dues paid Please check in the parish office if you have any questions

In accordance with a motion passed at our annual meeting held on February 26th

2017 the

membership donation is now $13000 per person



Згідно із рішенням на Річних Зборах 26-го лютого 2017 р членські внески від тепер

встановлено в сумі $13000 від особи

Perogy and Cabbage Roll Bee for October ndash Tues 23rd prep Wed 24th varenyky bee Thurs 25th Cabbage Rolls Fri 26th Packaging and Sales Sat 27th Sales ldquoNo one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of anotherrdquo Charles Dickens

Next UWAC Meeting will take place on Sunday October 7th

after Divine Liturgy New members

are always welcome

НАСТУПНІ ЗБОРИ МІСЦЕВОГО ВІДДІЛУ СУК відбудуться в неділю 7-го Жовтня ndash у

церковні авдиторії Ласкаво просимо щоб усі члени відділу були присутні

ORDER OF ST ANDREWrsquos Annual General Meeting will be held on December 2nd


Liturgy Lunch will be served Guest Speaker Bishop Andrij

Sunday Coffee Hour ndash is always greatly appreciated by the members of our parish Thank you ladies for

our Sunday coffee hours We could always use more volunteers If you could spare some time please

contact Eroslava Evanetz at eroslavasympaticoca who would love to add your name to her list of

helpers We always welcome new volunteers

БРАТЕРСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІ після Божественної Літургії в Авдиторії Усіх ласкаво просимо на каву для спілкування з своїми знайомими прихожанами Шукаємо до помочі жінок щоб допомогли з кавою

Baptisms Parents must arrange with father to make arrangements God-parents must be practicing

Orthodox Christians Baptising a child in the Orthodox Church presupposes that the child will be raised as

an Orthodox Christian

Хрещення Батьки мусять зустрінутеся з отцем щоб полагодити Хрещення Куми мусять бути

правосласними християними Батьки зобовязані виховувати своїх дітей з поученням православної


Weddings Couples must arrange a personal meeting with the priest to make

arrangements If one of the couple is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply

A Collection Bin for Food Bank - is downstairs in the auditorium We collect food all year and then

deliver the canned and dry food items as the baskets get filled Please bring items to church with you over

the next few Sundayrsquos God bless your generosity Remember Thanksgiving is just around the corner lsquoThen the righteous will answer Him [Christ] saying lsquoLord when did we see You hungry and feed You or thirsty and give You drink And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Mersquo (Matthew 25 3740)

Boutique open after Liturgy

Крамниця Відкрита після Богослуження

Please notify fr Wasyl if a family member is admitted to the hospital Also parishioners who would like

a home visit are asked to contact fr and make their wishes known

Просимо повідомити отця що член Вашої родини є у лікарні Також якщо хтось бажає щоб їх

відвідали вдома то просимо бути в контакті з оцем

November 17th



D O N A T I O N S - September 2 - September 30 2018

Adamson Dan amp Mary 60000 Reno Fund Parfeniuk Dobr Marion 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Kindraka Family

Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Elizabeth Pancyshyn

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 10000

In memory- Walter Baron

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Migus Lucy 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

Cooke Jeanette 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 44192 Kitchen Refrigerator Longe Jason 10000 Golf Hole Sponsor Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Husband Michaewl

Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 14690 Kitchen Baryski Ernie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 8736 Kinar Julia 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Ball Natalie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Skrypniak Andrew amp Lorissa 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Takacs Geza amp Alexandra 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Yaremko Rosalie 5000

In memory- Nephew Peter Yaremko

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 3: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі

SERVICES ndash OCTOBER ndash 2018

Sunday 7

th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

Saturday 13th 500 pm - Great Vespers ndash in the chapel

Sunday 14th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy ndash English ndash Protection of the Theotokos

Sunday 21st 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

Saturday 27th 930 am - English Divine Liturgy

Sunday 28th 1000 am - Divine Liturgy

СЛУЖБИ ndash ЖОВТЕНЬ ndash 2018

Неділя 7-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

Субота 13-ого 500 по обіді - Велика Вечірня ndash в каплиці

Неділя 14-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія ndash Англомовна ndash Покрова Прес Богородиці

Неділя 21-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

Субота 27-ого 930 рано - Англомовна Св Літургія

Неділя 28-ого 1000 рано - Св Літургія

The Feast Day of the Protectress and Most Holy Birthgiver of God

About one thousand years ago the Saracens a nomadic Moslem tribe attacked the capital of the ancient Greek

Empire Constantinople The Saracens were non-Christian They Believed in Allah and were followers of

Mohamed They constantly persecuted Christians The Greeks (who were Christians) were unable to ward off the

attacks of the Saracen horde which fell upon Greece plundering as it made its way to Constantinople and

decimating the Greek army The citizens of Constantinople were struck with fear at the approach of the Saracens

for they knew that they would be unable to defend their city Death was imminent They must save themselves

But how Who would come to their aid Their only hope was to appeal to God So all the bishops and priests of

Constantinople the Emperor and Empress and all the citizens of Constantinople gathered in the church and

prayed both day and night They begged God to save them they prayed to the Mother of God they sang church


One pious Greek Andrew together with his disciple Epiphanius were also present in the church at that time and

prayed with the others It was late at night deep sighing could be heard all were praying with bowed heads

asking for Godrsquos help Suddenly Andrewrsquos voice was heard as he spoke to his disciple saying ldquoDo you see

brother the Mother of God the heavenly Empress who prays for the whole human racerdquo ldquoYes I do and am

astonishedrdquo replied Epiphanius Both righteous men were given the chance to see this wonderous vision of the

Mother of God surrounded by the Angels and Apostles praying and covering all present with Her white

ldquoOmoforrdquo (veil)

This event took place at the Church of Vlacherm in Constantinople October 14th 903 AD

Fear came upon the Saracen Horde And the Greeks renewed by this vision of the Mother of God attacked the

Saracens and drove them away From that time forward the Feast Day of Mary the Protectress was celebrated

We Ukrainians adopted the Christian Orthodox Faith from the Greeks We likewise adopted the Feast of Mary the

Protectress In Ukraine this holiday became a great celebration Our kozaks the Zaporozhians were defenders of

the Orthodox Faith against the Moslem Turks who often fell upon Ukraine The Mother of God always helped

them to repulse their enemies At the Zaporozhian Sich there was a beautiful church honouring St Mary the

Protectress the Mother of God Within the church was kept the wonderous icon of the Protectress and the

kozaks carried this icon with them into battle When the Muscovites destroyed the Zaporozhian Sich the kozaks

fled beyond the Danube taking with them the icon of the Protectress

The Mother of God rescued our forefathers many times from their enemies and that is why our nation greatly

loves its sincere representative before God Mary Many churches were built in her honour in Ukraine and on this


Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці

Народна культура Календарні обряди

Свято Покрови віддавна відзначається українцями і крім релігійного значення є ще й днем українського

козацтва та днем вшанування воїнів УПА

З історії свята

Цариця Небесна Заступниця Небесна Воєвода непереможна Перемога ndash ці поширені у православній

християнській літературі імена Пресвятої Богородиці підкреслюють ту з її якостей що найбільше

прийшлася до душі нашому народу а саме ndash її покровительство та заступництво всього християнського

люду від ворогів видимих та невидимих

Історія свята Покрови або Третьої Пречистої як ще називали його в Україні розпочалася з появи Божої

Матері грецьким християнам міста Цареграда (Константинополя) На початку Х ст у Влахернському

храмі міста що було звідусіль оточене ворогами (сарацинами (арабами) за однією версією або русами-

язичниками ndash за іншою) зібралося багато його мешканців щоб помолитися Богу про порятунок У цьому

ж храмі зберігалася велика християнська святиня ndash риза Пресвятої

Богородиці Під час молитви блаженний Андрій Юродивий та його учень

побачили у видінні Богородицю із сонмом святих яка молилася разом з

усіма а потім покрила християн своєю хусткою (грецькою ndash мафорієм)

що сяяла чудесними променями Чутка про видіння швидко облетіла

місто підбадьоривши його захисників після чого вороги одразу ж

відступили До середини ХV ст памrsquoять про цю подію відзначалась у

Цареграді як місцеве свято а після його падіння у 1453 р про свято


Покрова і козацтво

Матір Божу Покрову особливо шанували козаки як заступницю у боротьбі за

православну віру Особливо урочисто це свято проходило у головній святині

Запорізької Січі ndash храмі свПокрови

За свідченням Д Яворницького всього на Січі було тринадцять Покровських

церков а козацька старшина заклала чимало Покровських храмів і в інших місцях Збереглось багато ікон

Покрови Божої Матері на яких зображені фундатори храму разом із членами своєї родини що стоять під

омофором Богородиці

Богоматір Оранта Мозаїка ХІ ст Храм свСофії в Києві

З іконою Покрови на якій було написано laquoМолим покрий нас чесним Твоїм Покровом і ізбави нас от всякого

злаraquo рушили у свої мандри запорізькі козаки після знищення Січі Катериною ΙΙ

У козацьких селах ще до початку ХХ ст на Покрову після служби освячували в церкві зброю і проводили

військові паради

Із здобуттям Україною незалежності козацьке прочитання свята Покрови знову набуло своєї актуальності З

1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва Сучасні козацькі обrsquoєднання у цей

день посвячують новобранців варять куліш та вправляються у бойових мистецтвах


Glory to Jesus Christ Glory be Forever

For the 2018-2019 year we are asking once again for your assistance in making cooking or selling our

VarenykyPyrohy for our sales

We will be making varenykypyrohy as per the following schedule Please mark your calendars for this fund-

raiser for our Parish Your help is always greatly appreciated

Tuesday October 23rd

Prep for Perogy Bee ndash 830 am

Wednesday October 24th Making Perogies ndash 830 am

Thursday October 25th Making Cabbage Rolls ndash 830 am

Friday and Saturday October 26th and 27

th ndash packaging and sales

Sunday October 28th ndash UWAC Meeting ndash church auditorium

Just a friendly reminder ladies and gentlemen to bring in your Denninger Receipts

Eroslava Evanetz

President UWCA Lesia Ukrainka Br



Reminder ndash Our Adult Christian Education Classes have begun This year our classdiscussion will

deal with the subject of ldquoContemporary Moral Issuesrdquo and all things associated with it Obviously from

the Orthodox Christian Perspective

October class times are on Wednesdays the 10th

and 17th

at 100 pm in the TYC Room


If anyone is interested in being a greeter please contact ndash Brenda Zalitack at bzalitackhotmailcom

or 289-682-0652

Are your 20172018 parish dues paid Please check in the parish office if you have any questions

In accordance with a motion passed at our annual meeting held on February 26th

2017 the

membership donation is now $13000 per person



Згідно із рішенням на Річних Зборах 26-го лютого 2017 р членські внески від тепер

встановлено в сумі $13000 від особи

Perogy and Cabbage Roll Bee for October ndash Tues 23rd prep Wed 24th varenyky bee Thurs 25th Cabbage Rolls Fri 26th Packaging and Sales Sat 27th Sales ldquoNo one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of anotherrdquo Charles Dickens

Next UWAC Meeting will take place on Sunday October 7th

after Divine Liturgy New members

are always welcome

НАСТУПНІ ЗБОРИ МІСЦЕВОГО ВІДДІЛУ СУК відбудуться в неділю 7-го Жовтня ndash у

церковні авдиторії Ласкаво просимо щоб усі члени відділу були присутні

ORDER OF ST ANDREWrsquos Annual General Meeting will be held on December 2nd


Liturgy Lunch will be served Guest Speaker Bishop Andrij

Sunday Coffee Hour ndash is always greatly appreciated by the members of our parish Thank you ladies for

our Sunday coffee hours We could always use more volunteers If you could spare some time please

contact Eroslava Evanetz at eroslavasympaticoca who would love to add your name to her list of

helpers We always welcome new volunteers

БРАТЕРСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІ після Божественної Літургії в Авдиторії Усіх ласкаво просимо на каву для спілкування з своїми знайомими прихожанами Шукаємо до помочі жінок щоб допомогли з кавою

Baptisms Parents must arrange with father to make arrangements God-parents must be practicing

Orthodox Christians Baptising a child in the Orthodox Church presupposes that the child will be raised as

an Orthodox Christian

Хрещення Батьки мусять зустрінутеся з отцем щоб полагодити Хрещення Куми мусять бути

правосласними християними Батьки зобовязані виховувати своїх дітей з поученням православної


Weddings Couples must arrange a personal meeting with the priest to make

arrangements If one of the couple is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply

A Collection Bin for Food Bank - is downstairs in the auditorium We collect food all year and then

deliver the canned and dry food items as the baskets get filled Please bring items to church with you over

the next few Sundayrsquos God bless your generosity Remember Thanksgiving is just around the corner lsquoThen the righteous will answer Him [Christ] saying lsquoLord when did we see You hungry and feed You or thirsty and give You drink And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Mersquo (Matthew 25 3740)

Boutique open after Liturgy

Крамниця Відкрита після Богослуження

Please notify fr Wasyl if a family member is admitted to the hospital Also parishioners who would like

a home visit are asked to contact fr and make their wishes known

Просимо повідомити отця що член Вашої родини є у лікарні Також якщо хтось бажає щоб їх

відвідали вдома то просимо бути в контакті з оцем

November 17th



D O N A T I O N S - September 2 - September 30 2018

Adamson Dan amp Mary 60000 Reno Fund Parfeniuk Dobr Marion 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Kindraka Family

Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Elizabeth Pancyshyn

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 10000

In memory- Walter Baron

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Migus Lucy 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

Cooke Jeanette 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 44192 Kitchen Refrigerator Longe Jason 10000 Golf Hole Sponsor Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Husband Michaewl

Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 14690 Kitchen Baryski Ernie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 8736 Kinar Julia 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Ball Natalie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Skrypniak Andrew amp Lorissa 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Takacs Geza amp Alexandra 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Yaremko Rosalie 5000

In memory- Nephew Peter Yaremko

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 4: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі

This event took place at the Church of Vlacherm in Constantinople October 14th 903 AD

Fear came upon the Saracen Horde And the Greeks renewed by this vision of the Mother of God attacked the

Saracens and drove them away From that time forward the Feast Day of Mary the Protectress was celebrated

We Ukrainians adopted the Christian Orthodox Faith from the Greeks We likewise adopted the Feast of Mary the

Protectress In Ukraine this holiday became a great celebration Our kozaks the Zaporozhians were defenders of

the Orthodox Faith against the Moslem Turks who often fell upon Ukraine The Mother of God always helped

them to repulse their enemies At the Zaporozhian Sich there was a beautiful church honouring St Mary the

Protectress the Mother of God Within the church was kept the wonderous icon of the Protectress and the

kozaks carried this icon with them into battle When the Muscovites destroyed the Zaporozhian Sich the kozaks

fled beyond the Danube taking with them the icon of the Protectress

The Mother of God rescued our forefathers many times from their enemies and that is why our nation greatly

loves its sincere representative before God Mary Many churches were built in her honour in Ukraine and on this


Покрова Пресвятої Богородиці

Народна культура Календарні обряди

Свято Покрови віддавна відзначається українцями і крім релігійного значення є ще й днем українського

козацтва та днем вшанування воїнів УПА

З історії свята

Цариця Небесна Заступниця Небесна Воєвода непереможна Перемога ndash ці поширені у православній

християнській літературі імена Пресвятої Богородиці підкреслюють ту з її якостей що найбільше

прийшлася до душі нашому народу а саме ndash її покровительство та заступництво всього християнського

люду від ворогів видимих та невидимих

Історія свята Покрови або Третьої Пречистої як ще називали його в Україні розпочалася з появи Божої

Матері грецьким християнам міста Цареграда (Константинополя) На початку Х ст у Влахернському

храмі міста що було звідусіль оточене ворогами (сарацинами (арабами) за однією версією або русами-

язичниками ndash за іншою) зібралося багато його мешканців щоб помолитися Богу про порятунок У цьому

ж храмі зберігалася велика християнська святиня ndash риза Пресвятої

Богородиці Під час молитви блаженний Андрій Юродивий та його учень

побачили у видінні Богородицю із сонмом святих яка молилася разом з

усіма а потім покрила християн своєю хусткою (грецькою ndash мафорієм)

що сяяла чудесними променями Чутка про видіння швидко облетіла

місто підбадьоривши його захисників після чого вороги одразу ж

відступили До середини ХV ст памrsquoять про цю подію відзначалась у

Цареграді як місцеве свято а після його падіння у 1453 р про свято


Покрова і козацтво

Матір Божу Покрову особливо шанували козаки як заступницю у боротьбі за

православну віру Особливо урочисто це свято проходило у головній святині

Запорізької Січі ndash храмі свПокрови

За свідченням Д Яворницького всього на Січі було тринадцять Покровських

церков а козацька старшина заклала чимало Покровських храмів і в інших місцях Збереглось багато ікон

Покрови Божої Матері на яких зображені фундатори храму разом із членами своєї родини що стоять під

омофором Богородиці

Богоматір Оранта Мозаїка ХІ ст Храм свСофії в Києві

З іконою Покрови на якій було написано laquoМолим покрий нас чесним Твоїм Покровом і ізбави нас от всякого

злаraquo рушили у свої мандри запорізькі козаки після знищення Січі Катериною ΙΙ

У козацьких селах ще до початку ХХ ст на Покрову після служби освячували в церкві зброю і проводили

військові паради

Із здобуттям Україною незалежності козацьке прочитання свята Покрови знову набуло своєї актуальності З

1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва Сучасні козацькі обrsquoєднання у цей

день посвячують новобранців варять куліш та вправляються у бойових мистецтвах


Glory to Jesus Christ Glory be Forever

For the 2018-2019 year we are asking once again for your assistance in making cooking or selling our

VarenykyPyrohy for our sales

We will be making varenykypyrohy as per the following schedule Please mark your calendars for this fund-

raiser for our Parish Your help is always greatly appreciated

Tuesday October 23rd

Prep for Perogy Bee ndash 830 am

Wednesday October 24th Making Perogies ndash 830 am

Thursday October 25th Making Cabbage Rolls ndash 830 am

Friday and Saturday October 26th and 27

th ndash packaging and sales

Sunday October 28th ndash UWAC Meeting ndash church auditorium

Just a friendly reminder ladies and gentlemen to bring in your Denninger Receipts

Eroslava Evanetz

President UWCA Lesia Ukrainka Br



Reminder ndash Our Adult Christian Education Classes have begun This year our classdiscussion will

deal with the subject of ldquoContemporary Moral Issuesrdquo and all things associated with it Obviously from

the Orthodox Christian Perspective

October class times are on Wednesdays the 10th

and 17th

at 100 pm in the TYC Room


If anyone is interested in being a greeter please contact ndash Brenda Zalitack at bzalitackhotmailcom

or 289-682-0652

Are your 20172018 parish dues paid Please check in the parish office if you have any questions

In accordance with a motion passed at our annual meeting held on February 26th

2017 the

membership donation is now $13000 per person



Згідно із рішенням на Річних Зборах 26-го лютого 2017 р членські внески від тепер

встановлено в сумі $13000 від особи

Perogy and Cabbage Roll Bee for October ndash Tues 23rd prep Wed 24th varenyky bee Thurs 25th Cabbage Rolls Fri 26th Packaging and Sales Sat 27th Sales ldquoNo one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of anotherrdquo Charles Dickens

Next UWAC Meeting will take place on Sunday October 7th

after Divine Liturgy New members

are always welcome

НАСТУПНІ ЗБОРИ МІСЦЕВОГО ВІДДІЛУ СУК відбудуться в неділю 7-го Жовтня ndash у

церковні авдиторії Ласкаво просимо щоб усі члени відділу були присутні

ORDER OF ST ANDREWrsquos Annual General Meeting will be held on December 2nd


Liturgy Lunch will be served Guest Speaker Bishop Andrij

Sunday Coffee Hour ndash is always greatly appreciated by the members of our parish Thank you ladies for

our Sunday coffee hours We could always use more volunteers If you could spare some time please

contact Eroslava Evanetz at eroslavasympaticoca who would love to add your name to her list of

helpers We always welcome new volunteers

БРАТЕРСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІ після Божественної Літургії в Авдиторії Усіх ласкаво просимо на каву для спілкування з своїми знайомими прихожанами Шукаємо до помочі жінок щоб допомогли з кавою

Baptisms Parents must arrange with father to make arrangements God-parents must be practicing

Orthodox Christians Baptising a child in the Orthodox Church presupposes that the child will be raised as

an Orthodox Christian

Хрещення Батьки мусять зустрінутеся з отцем щоб полагодити Хрещення Куми мусять бути

правосласними християними Батьки зобовязані виховувати своїх дітей з поученням православної


Weddings Couples must arrange a personal meeting with the priest to make

arrangements If one of the couple is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply

A Collection Bin for Food Bank - is downstairs in the auditorium We collect food all year and then

deliver the canned and dry food items as the baskets get filled Please bring items to church with you over

the next few Sundayrsquos God bless your generosity Remember Thanksgiving is just around the corner lsquoThen the righteous will answer Him [Christ] saying lsquoLord when did we see You hungry and feed You or thirsty and give You drink And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Mersquo (Matthew 25 3740)

Boutique open after Liturgy

Крамниця Відкрита після Богослуження

Please notify fr Wasyl if a family member is admitted to the hospital Also parishioners who would like

a home visit are asked to contact fr and make their wishes known

Просимо повідомити отця що член Вашої родини є у лікарні Також якщо хтось бажає щоб їх

відвідали вдома то просимо бути в контакті з оцем

November 17th



D O N A T I O N S - September 2 - September 30 2018

Adamson Dan amp Mary 60000 Reno Fund Parfeniuk Dobr Marion 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Kindraka Family

Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Elizabeth Pancyshyn

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 10000

In memory- Walter Baron

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Migus Lucy 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

Cooke Jeanette 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 44192 Kitchen Refrigerator Longe Jason 10000 Golf Hole Sponsor Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Husband Michaewl

Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 14690 Kitchen Baryski Ernie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 8736 Kinar Julia 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Ball Natalie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Skrypniak Andrew amp Lorissa 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Takacs Geza amp Alexandra 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Yaremko Rosalie 5000

In memory- Nephew Peter Yaremko

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 5: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі

Покрови Божої Матері на яких зображені фундатори храму разом із членами своєї родини що стоять під

омофором Богородиці

Богоматір Оранта Мозаїка ХІ ст Храм свСофії в Києві

З іконою Покрови на якій було написано laquoМолим покрий нас чесним Твоїм Покровом і ізбави нас от всякого

злаraquo рушили у свої мандри запорізькі козаки після знищення Січі Катериною ΙΙ

У козацьких селах ще до початку ХХ ст на Покрову після служби освячували в церкві зброю і проводили

військові паради

Із здобуттям Україною незалежності козацьке прочитання свята Покрови знову набуло своєї актуальності З

1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва Сучасні козацькі обrsquoєднання у цей

день посвячують новобранців варять куліш та вправляються у бойових мистецтвах


Glory to Jesus Christ Glory be Forever

For the 2018-2019 year we are asking once again for your assistance in making cooking or selling our

VarenykyPyrohy for our sales

We will be making varenykypyrohy as per the following schedule Please mark your calendars for this fund-

raiser for our Parish Your help is always greatly appreciated

Tuesday October 23rd

Prep for Perogy Bee ndash 830 am

Wednesday October 24th Making Perogies ndash 830 am

Thursday October 25th Making Cabbage Rolls ndash 830 am

Friday and Saturday October 26th and 27

th ndash packaging and sales

Sunday October 28th ndash UWAC Meeting ndash church auditorium

Just a friendly reminder ladies and gentlemen to bring in your Denninger Receipts

Eroslava Evanetz

President UWCA Lesia Ukrainka Br



Reminder ndash Our Adult Christian Education Classes have begun This year our classdiscussion will

deal with the subject of ldquoContemporary Moral Issuesrdquo and all things associated with it Obviously from

the Orthodox Christian Perspective

October class times are on Wednesdays the 10th

and 17th

at 100 pm in the TYC Room


If anyone is interested in being a greeter please contact ndash Brenda Zalitack at bzalitackhotmailcom

or 289-682-0652

Are your 20172018 parish dues paid Please check in the parish office if you have any questions

In accordance with a motion passed at our annual meeting held on February 26th

2017 the

membership donation is now $13000 per person



Згідно із рішенням на Річних Зборах 26-го лютого 2017 р членські внески від тепер

встановлено в сумі $13000 від особи

Perogy and Cabbage Roll Bee for October ndash Tues 23rd prep Wed 24th varenyky bee Thurs 25th Cabbage Rolls Fri 26th Packaging and Sales Sat 27th Sales ldquoNo one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of anotherrdquo Charles Dickens

Next UWAC Meeting will take place on Sunday October 7th

after Divine Liturgy New members

are always welcome

НАСТУПНІ ЗБОРИ МІСЦЕВОГО ВІДДІЛУ СУК відбудуться в неділю 7-го Жовтня ndash у

церковні авдиторії Ласкаво просимо щоб усі члени відділу були присутні

ORDER OF ST ANDREWrsquos Annual General Meeting will be held on December 2nd


Liturgy Lunch will be served Guest Speaker Bishop Andrij

Sunday Coffee Hour ndash is always greatly appreciated by the members of our parish Thank you ladies for

our Sunday coffee hours We could always use more volunteers If you could spare some time please

contact Eroslava Evanetz at eroslavasympaticoca who would love to add your name to her list of

helpers We always welcome new volunteers

БРАТЕРСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІ після Божественної Літургії в Авдиторії Усіх ласкаво просимо на каву для спілкування з своїми знайомими прихожанами Шукаємо до помочі жінок щоб допомогли з кавою

Baptisms Parents must arrange with father to make arrangements God-parents must be practicing

Orthodox Christians Baptising a child in the Orthodox Church presupposes that the child will be raised as

an Orthodox Christian

Хрещення Батьки мусять зустрінутеся з отцем щоб полагодити Хрещення Куми мусять бути

правосласними християними Батьки зобовязані виховувати своїх дітей з поученням православної


Weddings Couples must arrange a personal meeting with the priest to make

arrangements If one of the couple is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply

A Collection Bin for Food Bank - is downstairs in the auditorium We collect food all year and then

deliver the canned and dry food items as the baskets get filled Please bring items to church with you over

the next few Sundayrsquos God bless your generosity Remember Thanksgiving is just around the corner lsquoThen the righteous will answer Him [Christ] saying lsquoLord when did we see You hungry and feed You or thirsty and give You drink And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Mersquo (Matthew 25 3740)

Boutique open after Liturgy

Крамниця Відкрита після Богослуження

Please notify fr Wasyl if a family member is admitted to the hospital Also parishioners who would like

a home visit are asked to contact fr and make their wishes known

Просимо повідомити отця що член Вашої родини є у лікарні Також якщо хтось бажає щоб їх

відвідали вдома то просимо бути в контакті з оцем

November 17th



D O N A T I O N S - September 2 - September 30 2018

Adamson Dan amp Mary 60000 Reno Fund Parfeniuk Dobr Marion 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Kindraka Family

Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Elizabeth Pancyshyn

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 10000

In memory- Walter Baron

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Migus Lucy 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

Cooke Jeanette 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 44192 Kitchen Refrigerator Longe Jason 10000 Golf Hole Sponsor Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Husband Michaewl

Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 14690 Kitchen Baryski Ernie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 8736 Kinar Julia 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Ball Natalie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Skrypniak Andrew amp Lorissa 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Takacs Geza amp Alexandra 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Yaremko Rosalie 5000

In memory- Nephew Peter Yaremko

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 6: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі



Reminder ndash Our Adult Christian Education Classes have begun This year our classdiscussion will

deal with the subject of ldquoContemporary Moral Issuesrdquo and all things associated with it Obviously from

the Orthodox Christian Perspective

October class times are on Wednesdays the 10th

and 17th

at 100 pm in the TYC Room


If anyone is interested in being a greeter please contact ndash Brenda Zalitack at bzalitackhotmailcom

or 289-682-0652

Are your 20172018 parish dues paid Please check in the parish office if you have any questions

In accordance with a motion passed at our annual meeting held on February 26th

2017 the

membership donation is now $13000 per person



Згідно із рішенням на Річних Зборах 26-го лютого 2017 р членські внески від тепер

встановлено в сумі $13000 від особи

Perogy and Cabbage Roll Bee for October ndash Tues 23rd prep Wed 24th varenyky bee Thurs 25th Cabbage Rolls Fri 26th Packaging and Sales Sat 27th Sales ldquoNo one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of anotherrdquo Charles Dickens

Next UWAC Meeting will take place on Sunday October 7th

after Divine Liturgy New members

are always welcome

НАСТУПНІ ЗБОРИ МІСЦЕВОГО ВІДДІЛУ СУК відбудуться в неділю 7-го Жовтня ndash у

церковні авдиторії Ласкаво просимо щоб усі члени відділу були присутні

ORDER OF ST ANDREWrsquos Annual General Meeting will be held on December 2nd


Liturgy Lunch will be served Guest Speaker Bishop Andrij

Sunday Coffee Hour ndash is always greatly appreciated by the members of our parish Thank you ladies for

our Sunday coffee hours We could always use more volunteers If you could spare some time please

contact Eroslava Evanetz at eroslavasympaticoca who would love to add your name to her list of

helpers We always welcome new volunteers

БРАТЕРСЬКА ЗУСТРІЧ ПРИ КАВІ після Божественної Літургії в Авдиторії Усіх ласкаво просимо на каву для спілкування з своїми знайомими прихожанами Шукаємо до помочі жінок щоб допомогли з кавою

Baptisms Parents must arrange with father to make arrangements God-parents must be practicing

Orthodox Christians Baptising a child in the Orthodox Church presupposes that the child will be raised as

an Orthodox Christian

Хрещення Батьки мусять зустрінутеся з отцем щоб полагодити Хрещення Куми мусять бути

правосласними християними Батьки зобовязані виховувати своїх дітей з поученням православної


Weddings Couples must arrange a personal meeting with the priest to make

arrangements If one of the couple is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply

A Collection Bin for Food Bank - is downstairs in the auditorium We collect food all year and then

deliver the canned and dry food items as the baskets get filled Please bring items to church with you over

the next few Sundayrsquos God bless your generosity Remember Thanksgiving is just around the corner lsquoThen the righteous will answer Him [Christ] saying lsquoLord when did we see You hungry and feed You or thirsty and give You drink And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Mersquo (Matthew 25 3740)

Boutique open after Liturgy

Крамниця Відкрита після Богослуження

Please notify fr Wasyl if a family member is admitted to the hospital Also parishioners who would like

a home visit are asked to contact fr and make their wishes known

Просимо повідомити отця що член Вашої родини є у лікарні Також якщо хтось бажає щоб їх

відвідали вдома то просимо бути в контакті з оцем

November 17th



D O N A T I O N S - September 2 - September 30 2018

Adamson Dan amp Mary 60000 Reno Fund Parfeniuk Dobr Marion 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Kindraka Family

Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Elizabeth Pancyshyn

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 10000

In memory- Walter Baron

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Migus Lucy 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

Cooke Jeanette 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 44192 Kitchen Refrigerator Longe Jason 10000 Golf Hole Sponsor Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Husband Michaewl

Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 14690 Kitchen Baryski Ernie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 8736 Kinar Julia 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Ball Natalie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Skrypniak Andrew amp Lorissa 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Takacs Geza amp Alexandra 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Yaremko Rosalie 5000

In memory- Nephew Peter Yaremko

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 7: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі

Weddings Couples must arrange a personal meeting with the priest to make

arrangements If one of the couple is not Orthodox certain conditions may apply

A Collection Bin for Food Bank - is downstairs in the auditorium We collect food all year and then

deliver the canned and dry food items as the baskets get filled Please bring items to church with you over

the next few Sundayrsquos God bless your generosity Remember Thanksgiving is just around the corner lsquoThen the righteous will answer Him [Christ] saying lsquoLord when did we see You hungry and feed You or thirsty and give You drink And the King [Christ] will answer and say to them Assuredly I say to you inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren you did it to Mersquo (Matthew 25 3740)

Boutique open after Liturgy

Крамниця Відкрита після Богослуження

Please notify fr Wasyl if a family member is admitted to the hospital Also parishioners who would like

a home visit are asked to contact fr and make their wishes known

Просимо повідомити отця що член Вашої родини є у лікарні Також якщо хтось бажає щоб їх

відвідали вдома то просимо бути в контакті з оцем

November 17th



D O N A T I O N S - September 2 - September 30 2018

Adamson Dan amp Mary 60000 Reno Fund Parfeniuk Dobr Marion 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 2500

In memory- Kindraka Family

Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Elizabeth Pancyshyn

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 10000

In memory- Walter Baron

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Mary Pohoreski

Migus Lucy 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

Cooke Jeanette 10000

In memory- Peter Yaremko

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 44192 Kitchen Refrigerator Longe Jason 10000 Golf Hole Sponsor Dousko Catherine 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Lypka Halia 50000

In memory- Husband Michaewl

Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Helen Lazarowich

UWAC Lesia Ukr Branch 14690 Kitchen Baryski Ernie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Cipywnyk Harold amp Sylvia 2000

In memory- Peter Kopiak

Festeryga Hon Justice William amp Doris 8736 Kinar Julia 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Ball Natalie 2500

In memory- Nina Pawluk

Kindraka Alex amp Margaret 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Senchuk Taras amp Natalie 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Skrypniak Andrew amp Lorissa 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Smyrniw Dr Walter amp Lina 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Strathdee Nadia 10000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Takacs Geza amp Alexandra 5000

In memory- Nina Pawluk Yaremko Rosalie 5000

In memory- Nephew Peter Yaremko

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 8: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі

October 2018 Santa Claus The North Pole Dear Santa Claus The Christmas season is quickly approaching We can tell by all the decorations in the mall already Many Orthodox Christians around the world will welcome the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on January 7

th During the

time that others are celebrating according to the Gregorian calendar we are fasting and preparing our souls to receive Him according to our ancient tradition This year we write to you with a humble and urgent plea Without even noticing we have lost the babe in the manger who grew into a man who gave His life for us on the cross who conquered hell and rose again so that we may live with hope through His Holy Resurrection Remember Him He seems to have disappeared Sometimes it feels as though none of it ever happened as though we have lost Him among the credit-tapped crowds at the mall seeking fulfillment where there is none Please help us find this man in the breadline Without Him Christmas is meaningless redundant We know that we will not find Him at the mall but more likely in the midst of those whose existence we barely notice if at all whose lives every bit as precious as our own are filled with loneliness and- hunger the very ones He was born to save We will be looking for Him at the Good Shepherd in Hamilton on December 24

th and December 31

st from 1 PM to 5 PM while our

volunteers help prepare and serve a healthy dinner We know this will be a particularly busy time for you Nevertheless we hope that you will understand the gravity of our plea and pray that we remain firmly fixed the reason why we celebrate Christmas at all

With heartfelt thanks from the community faithful at St Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Hamilton

Please contact Oksana for more

information 289-230-4249


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 9: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі


SATURDAY - November 17 2018

10 am ndash 2 pm (Sponsored by the UWAC ndash Lesia Ukrainka Branch)

Proceeds designated to St Vladimirrsquos Church Restoration Projects

Bazaar Day Sales of --

Christmas Baked Goods PerogiesCabbage


Jewellery Crafts Paperback books and more

Free Admission Free Coffee Door Prizes Raffle

Donations ndash

We would appreciate your donations of the following items for the bazaar preserves home-baked items jewellery new knittedcrochet items paper-back books

Please bring items in Sunday Nov 3th or 10th 900 ndash 1230 pm Please bring home baking on November 15th amp 16th 900 ndash 12 noon

Thank you

Tables are available for rent to -

Crafters and individuals who wish to have a table to sell their own products

Enquiries and Information

Darlene Choma 519-754-5484 dchomarogerscom

Mary Adamson 905-643-6941

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414


Page 10: “HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2018.pdf1999 року 14 жовтня вважається офіційним днем українського козацтва. Сучасні козацькі

Від імені духовенства парафіяльного заряду та парафіян Собору Св Володимира вусловлюємо

щиросердечну вдячність дирикції та членам

Резиденції для Сеньорів ім Тараса Шевченка

За покриття коштів звrsquoязані вуданням нашого парафіяльного вісника

Для інформації про мешкання в резиденції звертайтися до

Бюро Резиденції - Френ Смит (Керівник) ndash тел ndash 905-547-8505 або

Івана Микитишина ndash тел ndash 905-547-2414

The clergy parish council and parishioners of St Vladimirrsquos Sobor extend their heartfelt

thanks to the Board of Directors and membership of the

Taras Shevchenko Home for the Aged

190-194 Gage Ave S Hamilton On

for their generous donation in sponsoring the publication of our parish bulletins

May God bless your excellent work on behalf of our seniors

For information on apartment availability please call

Fran Smith Property Manager ndash 905-548-8505


John Mykytyshyn President ndash 905-547-2414

