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“INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATURES”: CONSENSUS STANDARDIZATION IN THE SECOND AND THIRD INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTIONS by Andrew Lawrence Russell A dissertation submitted to Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Baltimore, Maryland August, 2007 © 2007 Andrew L. Russell All Rights Reserved
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Andrew Lawrence Russell

A dissertation submitted to Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Baltimore, Maryland August, 2007

© 2007 Andrew L. Russell All Rights Reserved

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Consensus standardization is a social process in which technical experts from

public, private, and non-profit sectors negotiate the direction and shape of technological

change. Scholars in a variety of disciplines have recognized the importance of consensus

standards as alternatives to standards that arise through market mechanisms or standards

mandated by regulators. Rather than treating the consensus method as some sort of

timeless organizational form or ever-present alternative to markets or laws, I argue that

consensus standardization is itself a product of history.

In the first two chapters, I explain the origins and growth of consensus standards

bodies between 1880 and 1930 as a reaction to and critique of the existing political

economy of engineering. By considering the standardization process—instead of the

internal dynamics of a particular firm or technology—as the primary category of analysis,

I am able to emphasize the cooperative relations that sustained the American style of

competitive managerial capitalism during the Second Industrial Revolution. In the

remaining four chapters, I examine the processes of network architecture and

standardization in the creation of four communications networks during the twentieth

century: AT&T’s monopoly telephone network, the Internet, digital cellular telephone

networks, and the World Wide Web.

Each of these four networks embodied critiques—always implicit and frequently

explicit—of preceding and competing networks. These critiques, visible both in the

technological design of networks as well as in the institutional design of standard-setting

bodies, reflected the political convictions of successive generations of engineers and

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network architects. The networks described in this dissertation were thus turning points

in the century-long development of an organizational form. Seen as part of a common

history, they tell the story of how consensus-based institutions became the dominant

mode for setting standards in the Third Industrial Revolution, and created the

foundational standards of the information infrastructures upon which a newly globalized

economy and society—the Network Society—could grow.

Advisor: Stuart W. Leslie

Readers: Louis Galambos, Robert Kargon, Harry Marks, Andreas Terzis

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Table of Contents

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................II

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................................... IV

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. X

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................. X


CHAPTER 1: TRUST IN INSTITUTIONS: ENGINEERING STANDARDS FOR THE SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, 1880-1910............................................................................20 1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................20 1.2 Creating Industrial Standards: Efficiency, Power, and Trust....................................24 1.3 Industrial, Commercial, and Scientific Standardization in the Nineteenth Century ..31 1.4 Standardization in American Professional Engineering Societies ............................45

1.4.1 Elihu Thomson and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.................................. 48 1.4.2 Charles Dudley and the American Society for Testing Materials...................................... 56

1.5 Conclusions ............................................................................................................63

CHAPTER 2: FROM ENGINEERING STANDARDS TO AMERICAN STANDARDS, 1910-1930....66 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................66 2.2 Creation of the American Engineering Standards Committee, 1910-1922 ................69

2.2.1 Legitimacy Through Participation: the Growth of the AESC............................................ 82 2.3 The AESC and Herbert Hoover’s Associative State ................................................89 2.4 The AESC: Structure, Process, and Ideology ........................................................104

2.4.1 The AESC Becomes the American Standards Association, 1928-1929......................... 113 2.5 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................126

CHAPTER 3: THE “ENGINEERING OF THE PRESENT”: STANDARDIZATION IN THE BELL SYSTEM, 1876-1956.....................................................................................................134 3.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................134 3.2 Edward Hall and Theodore Vail: Standardizing the Bell System, 1877-1913 ........138 3.3 Bancroft Gherardi and Consensus Standardization in the Monopoly Bell System, 1913-1938 ...................................................................................................................150 3.4 Standardization Across the Boundaries of the Bell System....................................167

3.4.1 Telephone Slugs: a “Petty Racket” ................................................................................... 175 3.5 Containing System Momentum Through Regulation, 1934-1956 ..........................183 3.6 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................188

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CHAPTER 4: “ROUGH CONSENSUS AND RUNNING CODE”: THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF NETWORK ARCHITECTURE, 1956-1992.........................................................................193 4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................193 4.2 Computer Systems and Networks, 1956-1969.......................................................198

4.2.1 JCR Licklider, Interactive Computing, and the Arpanet ................................................. 202 4.3 Internetworking in the United States and Europe...................................................212

4.3.1 The Political Economy of Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) ................................... 217 4.4 Internet Protocols and Institutional Evolution, 1979-1992.....................................222

4.4.1 “OSI Bigots” and “IP Bigots”: The Culture of Standards Wars ..................................... 235 4.4.2 “We reject: kings, presidents and voting” ........................................................................ 237

4.5 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................248

CHAPTER 5: THE CELLULAR TELEPHONE AS POLITICAL INSTRUMENT: STANDARDIZATION IN THE UNITED STATES AND EUROPE, 1982-2000..........................................................253 5.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................253 5.2 European Integration: Ideology, Politics, and Technology ....................................259 5.3 American Deregulation: Spectrum Scarcity and Mandated Competition ...............269

5.3.1 Ideology and FCC Domain Contraction ........................................................................... 273 5.3.2 The FCC and the Creation of Cellular Competition ........................................................ 277 5.3.3 The Wisdom of Restraint and the Emergence of CDMA................................................ 285

5.4 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................290

CHAPTER 6: DEMOCRACY, LEGITIMACY, AND PATENTS: SETTING STANDARDS FOR THE WORLD WIDE WEB, 1990-2003....................................................................................296 6.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................296 6.2 The Political Economy of Consortia......................................................................301 6.3 The World Wide Web Consortium........................................................................305 6.4 Patent Policy Working Group: October 1999 – May 2003.....................................312 6.5 Conclusions ..........................................................................................................324

CONCLUSIONS ..............................................................................................................328

APPENDIX A: LIST OF ACRONYMS ................................................................................339


CURRICULUM VITA ......................................................................................................381

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Introduction The standards bug bit me sometime in the late 1990s. I’m not sure exactly when

it happened, but the symptoms were unmistakable: standards were everywhere I looked,

and I began to see the world as a massive compilation of standards. It started with

computers—why did the new machines have USB ports and Zip drives, and where was I

supposed to put my 3.5 inch floppy disks?—but soon spread to almost everything else I

noticed in my daily activities. Who decided if a #2 pencil is not a 3 or a 1.5? Why were

all the cement bricks in the high school gym 8 inches by 16 inches? How was it that any

telephone would work when I plugged it into the jack in the wall?

Although the presence of standards—once I noticed them—was puzzling, the lack

of standards was infuriating. When my cell phone battery died, I couldn’t use my

friend’s charger (or his battery) to power my phone. My web page looked fine on

Netscape Navigator, but awful on Internet Explorer. The nuts and bolts aisle of Home

Depot was utterly baffling, a vivid demonstration that the term “standard” could very

well be somebody’s idea of a sick joke. Andrew Tanenbaum, a Dutch computer scientist,

captured the irony of the situation in his 1981 textbook Computer Networks: “The nice

thing about standards is that you have so many to choose from; furthermore, if you do not

like any of them, you can just wait for next year’s model.”1

My conclusion from this initial exploration was: standardization is the social

process by which we come to take things for granted. Through standardization,

inventions become commonplace, novelties become mundane, and the local becomes

1 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1981), 168.

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universal. It is, in short, the historical process by which discoveries are rendered into the

material and immaterial substance of our everyday lives. The standardization process is

lengthy, laborious, and often contested at every step. However, for standards to be

successful, this contested process must be transparent (or at least opaque) so that the

resulting standards are perceived as authoritative and objective. The history of

standardization provides opportunities to explore this authority and objectivity and reveal

how people sought to resolve fundamental tensions—scientific, economic, political, and

cultural—as they laid the technological foundations of modern society.

In this dissertation I examine the creation of our modern communication

networks—telephone networks, the Internet, digital cellular networks, and the World

Wide Web—by keeping an eye on the standardization process. There are, of course,

other ways to examine the history of these networks. Previous studies have mentioned

standards in passing, but typically these analyses revolve around a particular person or

company, a specific technology, the processes of invention and research, government

regulation, or user adoption. While many of these studies are excellent, they often fail to

examine what occurred within the black box of standardization.

My dissertation began with a hunch—that this history might look different if I

adopted the standardization process itself as my primary unit of analysis. Standardization

could be interrogated, not assumed. Because its effects are so pervasive, standardization

provides an ideal vantage point for integrating insights produced by historians who have

focused on other units of analysis—individuals, firms, innovation, regulation, adoption,

and so on. Because they are crucial components of the infrastructure of modern society,

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communication networks provide important examples of standardization in action, and

are thus an ideal subject for this study.

One of the many ironies of standardization is that there are no standard definitions

of what standards are, what they do, and how they are made. The term “standard” often

refers to customs, norms, and regular social practices. In technical realms, however, it

has more specific meanings that refer to documented practices. In my usage of the term,

I follow a definition that the economic historians Paul David and Shane Greenstein

articulated in a seminal 1990 article, in which they defined a standard as “a set of

technical specifications adhered to by a producer, either tacitly or as a result of a formal


Having adopted this basic definition of what a standard is, two fundamental

questions remain: first, what do standards accomplish? And second, who makes

standards? In response to the first question, theorists of standardization agree that most

standards fall into three general categories: performance, measurement, and


2 Paul A. David and Shane Greenstein, “The Economics of Compatibility Standards: An Introduction to Recent Research,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology 1 (1990): 4. This section draws on a large body of literature that offer various versions of my general typology. See for example Carl Cargill, Open Systems Standardization: A Business Approach (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Paladin Consulting, 1997); Ross E. Chiet, Setting Safety Standards: Regulation in the Public and Private Sectors (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990); U. S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Global Standards: Building Blocks for the Future (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992); Geoffrey Bowker and Susan Leigh Star, Sorting Things Out: Classification and its Consequences (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1999); and Urs von Burg, The Triumph of Ethernet: Technological Communities and the Battle for the LAN Standard (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001).

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1. Performance: These standards specify ways to perform certain tasks. Performance standards seek to ensure a minimum level of quality by specifying either a process, such as the ISO 9000 “Quality Management Principles,” or a result, such as a safe and accident-free workplace.

2. Measurement: These standards specify an objective quantifiable unit of

measurement, such as a meter, a gallon, or ohm. Measurement standards make it possible for people to compare physical qualities, such as length, volume, or electrical current.

3. Compatibility: These standards define interfaces between discrete objects. Compatibility standards create efficiencies and economies of scale in the production process, and promote interoperability between complementary products. Interfaces between various components of computer hardware—as well as computer software—provide many familiar examples of compatibility standards, such as Universal Serial Bus (better known as USB) ports and the Ethernet local area networking protocols.

Two important concepts emerge when we consider these three types of standards

in the context of communication networks. The first is what economists refer to as

network externalities. Standards (especially compatibility standards) facilitate the

connection of components into networks that provide electrical power, telephone service,

and computer communication. In general, networks become more valuable as more

people use them. In successful networks, externalities grow and are sustained by

“positive feedback” (or “bandwagon effects”), which make large and valuable networks

even larger and more valuable. Numerous strategic implications flow from this economic

concept, and many books and articles have examined strategies for generating and

capturing value from network externalities, as well as the process by which consumers

get “locked in” to specific networks and the high “switching costs” they sometimes face

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when moving to a competing network.3 Further, some scholars argue that

communication networks can be fruitfully understood as “information platforms” or

“information infrastructure.” Both metaphors indicate the potential for communication

networks to sustain more advanced and complex social and economic activity.4

The second concept is actually a puzzle about the essential character of standards:

are standards static or dynamic? This question invites philosophical reflection on

uniformity and diversity. In Paul David’s assessment, this puzzle “may be construed as

nothing more and nothing less than the fundamental issue with which all social

organizations are confronted: where to position themselves on the terrain between the

poles of ‘order’ and ‘freedom.’”5

Is standardization the tool of order and control? Or does it facilitate innovation

and creativity? Numerous critics, most notably Aldous Huxley and George Orwell,

imagined the homogenous and oppressive societies that would result if the logic of

3 See for example Paul A. David and W. Edward Steinmueller, “Economics of Compatibility Standards and Competition in Telecommunications Networks,” Information Economics and Policy 6 (1994): 217-241; Michael L. Katz and Carl Shapiro, “Systems Competition and Network Effects,” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 8 (1994): 93-115; Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy (Boston: Harvard Business School, 1999); and W. Brian Arthur, Increasing Returns and Path Dependence in the Economy (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994). 4 Philip J. Weiser, “Law and Information Platforms,” Journal of Telecommunications and High Technology Law 1 (2002): 1-35; Steven W. Usselman, Public Policies, Private Platforms: Antitrust and American Computing,” in Richard Coopey, ed., Information Technology Policy (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004), 97-120; Richard R. John, “Recasting the Information Infrastructure for the Industrial Age,” in Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. and James W. Cortada, eds., A Nation Transformed By Information: How Information Has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 55-106; and Paul N. Edwards, Steven J. Jackson, Geoffrey C. Bowker, and Cory P. Knobel, Understanding Infrastructure: Dynamics, Tensions, and Designs, Report of a Workshop on “History & Theory of Infrastructure: Lessons for New Scientific Cyberinfrastructures,” National Science Foundation, January 2007. 5 Paul A. David, “Standardization Policies for Network Technologies: the Flux Between Freedom and Order Revisited,” in Richard Hawkins, Robin Mansell, and Jim Skea, eds., Standards, Innovation and Competitiveness (Aldershot: Edward Elgar, 1995), 15-35.

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standardization was left unchecked.6 On the other hand, advocates of standardization

argued that variation and standardization were the two processes that drove evolution and

thus progress in both nature and society. In a 1924 essay, the safety advocate Albert

Whitney suggested that

Variation is creative, it pioneers the advance; standardization is conservational, it seizes the advance and establishes it as an actual concrete fact… Standardization is thus the liberator that relegates the problems that have already been solved to their proper place, namely to the field of routine, and leaves the creative faculties free for the problems that are still unsolved. Standardization from this point of view is thus an indispensable ally of the creative genius.7 On the whole, I am most convinced by Whitney’s interpretation—that

standardization is part of a dynamic and arguably evolutionary process that consists in

part of the codification of existing knowledge.8 However, critics are right to point out

that authority figures can use standards to stifle innovation that does not suit their

purposes. The three types of standards listed above—performance, measurement, and

compatibility—help us to think more concretely about these philosophical dilemmas. All

standards attempt to create a certain permanency, especially measurement standards.

However, upon closer consideration it becomes clear that all standards—even

measurement standards such as the meter or the kilogram—can be updated, revised, or

overthrown as time passes and conditions change. This process of change, even for

6 Aldous Huxley, Brave New World: A Novel (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1932); George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel (New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1949). 7 Albert Whitney, The Place of Standardization in Modern Life (Washington, DC: Central Executive Council, Inter American High Commission, 1924), 5. 8 J.S. Metcalfe and Ian Miles, “Standards, Selection and Variety: An Evolutionary Approach,” Information Economics and Policy 6 (1994): 243-268.

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standards that are designed to be permanent, reminds us that standards are products of

power structures that also change over time.

The second fundamental question posed above—who makes standards?—also

reminds us that standardization is a power-laden process. On whose authority does

something become “standard”? How are different types of standards created and

enforced? In response to these questions, theorists have identified three different

institutional origins of standards: de facto, de jure, and voluntary consensus.

1. De facto standards arise from common usage or market adoption. Individual people or single firms often generate these standards, which spread either through the efforts of a sponsor or in a more organic way. Two examples of de facto standards include Microsoft’s word processing software and the QWERTY keyboard.

2. De jure standards are mandated by regulators at the local, state, federal, or international level. Governments commonly test conformance with mandated standards, and can legally (and at times severely) punish non-compliance. Two examples of de jure standards are the European GSM transmission standards for cellular telephones, and the American Federal Communications Commission Part 68 rules that govern the telephone terminal equipment.

3. Voluntary consensus standards are specified within a range of private institutions, including engineering societies, trade associations, accredited standards setting organizations, and industry consortia. Consensus refers to the collaborative and non-coercive process in which these standards are developed; voluntary indicates that nobody is legally compelled to adopt these standards. However, there can be strong economic incentives that encourage conformance with voluntary standards, and many parties involved in developing these standards make a priori commitments to adopt them. Two examples of consensus standards include the TCP/IP networking protocols and the HTML language for the World Wide Web. This is the central subject of my dissertation, and further examples will be provided in chapters 1-6.

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In practice, these three styles of standardization co-exist, and have porous

boundaries: for example, de facto standards frequently gain wider approval through

voluntary consensus bodies, and consensus standards can be either referenced in

government regulations or codified through government procurement specifications. Of

these three styles, the voluntary consensus process is the most complicated and perhaps

most important—a vital component of the American system of standardization that

embodies the characteristically American preference for voluntarism, local control, and

private control over commercial activity.9

Historians, sociologists, and economists all have studied standards that were

created through a consensus process. This literature demonstrates that consensus

standardization is a fundamentally political process, one where different stakeholders

seek to exercise control over the direction and shape of technological change. Our

technological world, therefore, needs to be understood as a consequence of the power

negotiations and social tensions inherent in the creation of technical knowledge and

artifacts, and we must not forget that “consensus” is as much about exclusion as it is

about inclusion.10

9 U. S. Congress, Global Standards: Building Blocks for the Future, 45-50. See also Samuel Krislov, How Nations Choose Product Standards and Standards Change Nations (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1997), 83-133; Jay Tate, “National Varieties of Standardization,” in Peter A. Hall and David Soskice, eds., Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001); and Andrew L. Russell, “Industrial Legislatures: The American System of Standardization,” in International Standardization as a Strategic Tool (Geneva: International Electrotechnical Commission, 2006). 10 Janet Abbate, Inventing the Internet (Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1999); Amy Slaton, Reinforced Concrete and the Modernization of American Building, 1900-1930 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001); Stefan Timmermans and Marc Berg, The Gold Standard: The Challenge of Evidence-Based Medicine (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003); Theodore Porter, Trust in Numbers: The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life (Princeton: Princeton University Press,

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My contribution to this literature is to point out that the consensus process is itself

a product of history. Rather than treating the consensus method as some sort of timeless

organizational form or ever-present alternative to markets or laws, we need to understand

that consensus standardization arose under specific historical circumstances, and in

response to specific technological, organizational, and political problems. It is an idea

manifest in institutions. Moreover, this organizational form faced moments of crisis in

which the survival of specific consensus standards committees were called into question.

Some of these committees failed; others reformed themselves and survived. At all points,

the system was in flux. It was dynamic, not static—and organizations that participated in

the system were no less susceptible to the gale of creative destruction than were firms in

competitive markets.11

My history starts in the late nineteenth century, when engineers and scientists

created the first consensus standards bodies as a response to the inadequacies of existing

institutions. The collaborative institutions and negotiated procedures in consensus

standardization bodies matured during the first three decades of the twentieth century, not

only as a response to the limitations of existing forms of technological cooperation but

also as a political critique of these limitations. The creation of subsequent standard-

setting bodies also advanced this implicit—and at times, explicit—critique: consensus

1995); Peter Grindley, Standards, Strategy, and Policy: Cases and Stories (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995); Joseph Farrell and Garth Saloner, “The Economics of Telecommunications Standards,” in Robert Crandall and Kenneth Flamm, eds., Changing the Rules: Technological Change, International Competition, and Regulation in Communications (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1989). 11 Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (New York: Harper & Row, 1976 [1942]).

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standardization was a technologically and politically superior means for coordinating

technological change.

These critiques were particularly sharp during the 1920s, a decade in which

Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover advocated greater cooperation within the private

sector and between private and public organizations.12 The leading forum for consensus

standardization during this era was the American Engineering Standards Committee

(AESC), a federation of engineering societies, trade associations, safety groups, and

government departments. Members of the AESC created consensus standards within

sectional committees that consisted of experts drawn from the public, private, and non-

profit sectors and fell into technological categories, such as Civil Engineering and

Construction, Electrical Engineering, and Ferrous Metals and Metallurgy. Paul Gough

Agnew, the longtime Secretary of the AESC, described each committee as “a miniature

industrial legislature organized upon a subject basis instead of upon a geographical


Agnew’s term “industrial legislature” is a fitting title for this dissertation because

it characterizes standardization as political economy—a topic at the intersections of

economics, politics, and law. Agnew was experienced in all aspects of consensus

standardization, worked tirelessly to promote consensus standards and the institutions

that made them, and was one of the most vocal advocates of the cause. Throughout his

career, Agnew argued that self-government among technical experts was superior to the

12 Ellis W. Hawley, “Herbert Hoover, the Commerce Secretariat, and the Vision of an ‘Associative State,’ 1921–1928,” Journal of American History 61 (1974): 116–40. 13 P. G. Agnew, “Work of the American Engineering Standards Committee,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 137 (May, 1928): 13-16.

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adversarial, winner-takes-all style of rulemaking as practiced in the United States

Congress and judicial system. For example, in an article published in the New Republic

in 1926 he wrote:

Experience in diverse fields has amply shown that the [cooperative] method combines many of the advantages of the common-law and the statutory-law methods… while it avoids many of the limitations and abuses that have grown up about the legislative process.”14 We will explore these political and cultural critiques as we consider the technical

and economic aspects of standardization. First, I will explain how consensus

standardization originated during the Second Industrial Revolution as a reaction to the

existing political economy of engineering. Second, I will build on that foundation an

examination of the history of communications networks during the twentieth century

from a standardization perspective. This history illustrates how successive generations of

engineers and network architects adopted and adapted consensus standardization

practices. What they did was and is today important. By the end of the twentieth

century, these new networks—including the Internet, digital cellular telephone networks,

and the World Wide Web—emerged as the core information infrastructure of the Third

Industrial Revolution.

In Chapters One and Two I discuss the origins of the organizational form of

consensus standardization. Chapter One contains a literature review built around three

themes in the historiography of standardization: efficiency, power, and trust. In the late

nineteenth century, scientists and engineers in the electrical and chemical industries

14 P. G. Agnew, “A Step Toward Industrial Self-Government,” The New Republic (March 17, 1926), 95. Albert Whitney advanced a similar critique in “The Place of Standardization in Modern Life.”

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created the first consensus standards committees to solve technical problems that

threatened the efficient development of telegraph and railroad networks. In the United

States, the first consensus standardization committees brought together producers and

consumers of technologies (such as steel rails) who came from different firms and

industries. During this era, respected engineer/scientists such as Charles Dudley and

Elihu Thomson leveraged their status in order to construct these committees as trusted

and impartial forums. By considering standardization itself—instead of the internal

dynamics of a particular firm or technology—as the primary category of analysis, I am

able to emphasize the cooperative relations that sustained the American style of

competitive managerial capitalism during the Second Industrial Revolution.

In Chapter Two I discuss the creation and growth of the American Engineering

Standards Committee (AESC). The AESC was a national federation of standards setting

organizations, created in 1918 through the joint effort of five professional engineering

societies. During the 1920s, the AESC aligned its practice of consensus standardization

with Herbert Hoover’s “associative” vision, in which efficiency and cooperation between

the public and private sectors were promoted as the keys to progress and prosperity. The

AESC attracted significant interest from engineering societies as well as trade

associations and safety groups: by 1928, individuals from over 350 organizations were

participating in AESC “industrial legislatures.” The AESC experienced growing pains

during this period of rapid expansion. In response to demands that it work with greater

speed and more flexibility, it reconstituted itself into the American Standards Association

in 1929. The conspicuous omission of the word “engineering” from the group’s new title

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indicates the extent to which control over standardization had spread from the domain of

scientists and engineers into the domain of corporate executives and trade associations.

In the remaining four chapters I examine the processes of network architecture

and standardization in the creation of new communications networks during the twentieth

century. These chapters discuss four examples: AT&T’s monopoly telephone network,

the Internet, digital cellular telephone networks, and the World Wide Web. I do not treat

these examples as isolated networks, or merely as sites to compare and contrast divergent

strategies for developing new standards. Instead, I link these four examples within a

longer historical narrative, one that shows how individuals adapted and changed the

practice of consensus standardization in ways that suited their needs in a particular time

and place. When viewed in historical succession, these examples reveal a process of

“learning by doing” in which we can see refinements to and permutations of the core

ideas and institutions of consensus standardization.15 These examples also illustrate the

variety of organizational forms in the “middle ground” between de facto and de jure

standardization, as well as the instability and tensions that scientists and engineers

confronted within consensus standard-setting bodies.

Further, each of these examples illustrates a central argument of this dissertation:

that new networks were designed as critiques of their predecessor networks. These

critiques are visible both in the technological design of networks as well as in the design

of the institutions created to sustain the standardization process. In each chapter, I shed

light on these critiques, which were always implicit but frequently explicit. These

15 Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Daniel M. G. Raff, and Peter Temin, eds., Learning by Doing in Markets, Firms, and Countries (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999).

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critiques reflected the ideological convictions of their network architects, who were

responding to the specific challenges and opportunities of their own historical situations.

In Chapter Three, I examine standardization within the archetypical regulated

monopoly, the American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T). From the very

beginning, American telephone networks were designed as a political critique of Western

Union’s telegraph network. Gardiner Hubbard, who backed Alexander Graham Bell’s

initial telephone patents and created the Bell Telephone Company in 1877, believed that

Western Union’s telegraph monopoly concentrated too much power among business

elites. Telephones, in Hubbard’s view, presented opportunities for middle-class

Americans to gain access to the information they needed to be prosperous citizens and to

make American democracy successful.16 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth

centuries, AT&T executives such as Edward J. Hall and Theodore N. Vail rejected the

notion that the telephone industry should be divided between competitors. Instead, they

sought to create a standardized national network over which they would exercise

monopoly control—“One System, One Policy, Universal Service.”17 AT&T engineers

were obsessed with standardization as they assimilated local and regional systems into a

national network. Beginning in the 1920s, AT&T engineers, led by their Vice President

and Chief Engineer Bancroft Gherardi, also began to participate in consensus standards

16 W. Bernard. Carlson, “The Telephone as Political Instrument: Gardiner Hubbard and the Political Construction of the Telephone, 1875-1880,” in Michael Thad Allen and Gabrielle Hecht, eds., Technologies of Power: Essays in Honor of Thomas Parke Hughes and Agatha Chipley Hughes (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2001), 25-55. 17 Theodore N. Vail, Annual Report of the Directors of American Telephone and Telegraph Company to the Stockholders for the Year Ending December 31, 1909 (Boston: Geo. H. Ellis, Co., Printers, 1910), 18.

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bodies and learned to use these bodies to attack critical problems that they could not

resolve inside the Bell monopoly.

In Chapter Four I examine the development of a new global communications

infrastructure that used electronic computers as communication devices. In the second

half of the twentieth century, researchers in the United States and Europe designed new

networks that, in stark contrast to the circuit-switched networks ruled by the national

telephone monopolies, utilized electronic computers and digital packet-switched

transmission. The American effort, led by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf, was at first

funded by the Department of Defense, and eventually developed into the Internet. The

European effort was coordinated by the International Organization for Standardization

(ISO), a standard-setting body that consisted of representatives of national governments

around the world. Although most experts assumed that the ISO network architecture

would become the global standard, users found that they could adopt Internet standards

more quickly and easily. The Internet’s victory in this “standards war” was a function of

its informal methods for creating standards. On the other hand, ISO’s effort failed

because its consensus-building efforts suffered from excessive bureaucracy: too much

consensus, it seems, can hinder the speedy production of standards.18

In Chapter Five I again contrast American and European efforts to build new

communications networks—in this case, digital cellular networks. In both places,

fundamental changes in regulation shaped the technological and strategic choices that

engineers made. With the demise of regulated monopoly control in both settings,

18 Roy Rada, “Consensus Versus Speed,” Communications of the ACM 38 (1995): 21-23.

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engineers and regulators were forced to create new institutions to coordinate the

production of new standards and new networks. European engineers designed their

network—the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM)—to enable users to

stay in touch while they “roamed” across national borders. Unlike the ISO effort to

create a computer network architecture (discussed in Chapter Four), pan-European

technical cooperation for digital cellular standards was a successful diplomatic initiative

to establish a common European market.

In the United States, political change influenced the standardization process in a

completely different manner. American regulators, having dismantled the AT&T

telephone monopoly in the early 1980s, refused to mandate a digital cellular standard or

network architecture. Instead, they decided that market forces were the best means for

creating new digital cellular standards—an implicit critique of the conditions of regulated

monopoly that had prevailed in the American telecommunications industry since the

early twentieth century. This regulatory restraint, combined with the divestiture of

AT&T, created a temporary leadership vacuum in the nascent cellular industry that was

soon filled by a number of trade associations and technical bodies. The resulting delay

allowed the European GSM standard to become the global leader over the short term.

However, by refusing to lock all American firms into the development of a single

standard, the American decision provided venues for continued radical innovation, a

process which seems likely to generate greater technological and economic benefits—as

well as a new generation of legal problems—over the long term.

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In Chapter Six I examine the creation and growth of a new institutional form to

coordinate consensus standardization—industry consortia—during the 1980s and 1990s.

Because they limited participation and focused narrowly on specific technologies,

consortia provided opportunities for firms to create standards much more quickly than

could traditional consensus bodies—an important feature for fast-moving markets for

information and communication technologies. These advantages, however, were

accompanied by claims that standards violated existing patents or so-called “submarine

patents” disclosed late in the standardization process or after the process was completed.

The history of one such consortium, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C),

illustrates some of these problems. In 1994, Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World

Wide Web, created the W3C in order to maintain his authority in the rapidly expanding

Web community and prevent the balkanization of new Web standards. The Web grew

successfully during the 1990s because Berners-Lee built the Web based on non-

proprietary and freely available standards, but in 2001 the W3C proposed to change this

tradition and allow patents into Web standards. Open source Web developers protested

furiously. They threatened to look for new venues to develop their own non-proprietary

Web standards. Faced with this renewed danger of balkanization, the W3C responded by

forging a patent policy consistent with its founding values and the patent-free convictions

of open source programmers. The W3C was able to maintain its legitimacy during this

crisis, but its leading position in the market for Web standards remained under constant

attack from competing standards organizations—each operating with its own definition of

“consensus” and most willing to accept patents in its standards.

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Seen as part of a common history, these examples illustrate a striking trend in the

political economy of technological systems. In the Second Industrial Revolution,

systems such as electrical power networks and telephone networks were developed

within individual firms, led by entrepreneurial “system-builders” such as Thomas Edison

and Theodore Vail.19 By the late twentieth century, the combined effects of

technological and regulatory change presented fundamental challenges to this centralized

style of system architecture. The design of computer systems that utilized electronic

components occurred within an increasingly decentralized and highly competitive

industry structure. The firms that had once exercised complete control over system

architecture—AT&T and IBM—were hindered by antitrust and agency regulations that

strove to facilitate competitive entry. They now missed opportunities to pursue radical

innovations. The locus of control over compatibility standards changed from the domain

of the dominant single firm to the domain of industry standards bodies, thus facilitating

the emergence of a new style of global “alliance capitalism.”20

This change—from systems innovation to modular innovation—not only occurred

within a broader trend of social and economic globalization. It was, in fact, one of the

19 Thomas P. Hughes, Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880-1930 (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983). 20 Thomas McCraw, ed., Creating Modern Capitalism: How Entrepreneurs, Companies, and Countries Triumphed in Three Industrial Revolutions (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1995); and Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., “The Information Age in Historical Perspective: Introduction,” in Alfred D. Chandler, Jr. and James W. Cortada, eds., A Nation Transformed By Information: How Information Has Shaped the United States from Colonial Times to the Present (New York: Oxford University Press, 2000), 3-38; and Louis Galambos and Eric John Abrahamson, Anytime, Anywhere: Entrepreneurship and the Creation of a Wireless World (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002).

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drivers of globalization, and it created the information infrastructure upon which a newly

globalized economy and society—the “Network Society”—could grow.21

The networks described in this dissertation were thus turning points in the

century-long growth of an organizational form that was responsible for fundamental

changes in the history of the twentieth century. The networks were simultaneously

extensions and critiques of the Industrial Age. Viewed together, they tell the story of

how consensus-based institutions became the dominant form for setting standards in the

Third Industrial Revolution. They reveal the growth of a political economy within a

political economy, designed to accomplish what existing forms of governance and

engineering could not. These network architectures—and the institutions created to

sustain them—were political statements, critiques of the existing order, and innovations

that articulated a different vision of the future and new means of getting there.

21 Richard N. Langlois, “Modularity in Technology and Organization,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 49 (2002): 19-37; Manuel Castells, The Rise of the Network Society (Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers, 1996); Akira Iriye, Global Community: The Role of International Organizations in the Making of the Contemporary World (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002); Louis Galambos, “Recasting the Organizational Synthesis: Structure and Process in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries,” Business History Review 79 (2005): 1-37; and Louis Galambos, “Globalization, Competition, and The Information Age of Manuel Castells,” unpublished manuscript, courtesy of the author.
