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AP Summit: Mythbusters

Date post: 03-Jul-2015
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Page 1: AP Summit: Mythbusters
Page 2: AP Summit: Mythbusters

E X P E C TAT I O N S : • S P E A K Y O U R M I N D • E X P L O R E D I F F E R E N T C O N V E R S AT I O N S

Page 3: AP Summit: Mythbusters

M Y T H O N E : A S I A N S D O N ’ T WA N T T O G O T O

A S I A PA C I F I C O N E X C H A N G E .

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Asia Pacific is home to 45% of the world’s youth.

Asia’s young people enjoyed marked improvements in their access to education and its quality as governments invested in their youthful populations and dramatically

transformed their education and training systems.

"Developing an Asia-ready workforce is about far more than just language. The report identifies eleven individual and

business capabilities critical to business success in Asia to make the most of the

emerging opportunities. These range from working across cultural contexts,

senior management capability including extended stays in Asian countries and

working with different government and legal systems.

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is it true?

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M Y T H T W O : M Y T N ’ S O N LY WA N T W H I T E

P E O P L E .

Page 8: AP Summit: Mythbusters

ask yourself why.

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IS this how you are addressing the cross-cultural issues of your country?

is this really the reality you are facing? or a side-effect of complacency?

the gis will lead a EP-driven flow - what does this mean for your TNs?

Page 10: AP Summit: Mythbusters

india will accept any ep

myth one : M Y T H T H R E E :

I N D I A W I L L A C C E P T A N Y E P.

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How are you attracting people to sign up?

is it aligned to your planned international relations?

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M Y T H F O U R : W E D O N ’ T N E E D S T R O N G TA L E N T


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having a GCDP productivity of 8+ is considered good.

that means that spending 33 hours for 1 GCDP realisation is considered good.

How is that 33 hours being spent?

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M Y T H F I V E : A S E A N R E G I O N C A N ’ T D O

E X C H A N G E W I T H E A C H O T H E R .

Page 15: AP Summit: Mythbusters

In short, though ASEAN has demonstrated that it is the second most successful regional organization in the

world after the European Union, it still has a lot of work to do to both consolidate its early successes and deal

with new challenges. To ensure ASEAN remains viable and strong in the coming decades, the populations of its

member nations must begin to develop the same sense of ownership of ASEAN as their leaders.

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M Y T H S I X : T H I S E N T I T Y ( I N S E R T N A M E )

D O E S N ’ T H AV E H I G H Q U A L I T Y.

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what have you done about it?

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M Y T H S E V E N : L E T ’ S G R O W W I T H A S I A PA C I F I C

B E C A U S E I T ’ S E A S I E R

Page 19: AP Summit: Mythbusters

Do we have a legitimate reason to work together as a region?

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how can we take this forward?

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