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Apar for Ps Pa Steno

Date post: 06-Apr-2018
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  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    d sftdi d rrqrqrgTo be filled in duplicate

    ffi vrfuqltcrfu-o rcuen7ernr3ftrfuo(m.fr.ttor(ru)berrgftTfroffi ft'fs I, II F rII)

    frtErffi-6 1{_ftqTq{qgtm,qft,td

    Annual Performance Appraisal ReportFor

    PRTVATE SECRSTARY/PERSONAL ASSISTANT/ STENOGRAPHER[GRADES I, il & ilr OF STENOGRAPHERS'CADRE OF IFS (B]IP{esr ercqlftvnl#qMinistry of External Affairs/Mission/ Post.sIfuFrft ibl qFTName of Officer

    ";;; ;;; ; ;;;;l ;;il ;i;;...:.::...: .....T11.T..T.:T

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    f,d'dvraraq/ftvtqlbqMinistry of External Affairs/ Mission/ Postgtl-t

    Form+n.fr.tar@b fi sfuqlffi-o sercoleirgfuMro-rqrffir ord-Aurrqqgiar Rt'rAnnual PerformanceAppraisal Report of PrivateSecretary,PersonalAssistantand Stenographers f the Indian ForeignService B)

    o'r rrqruo {l3i-qfu f RdreReport for the year lperiod ending


    (fug+ Tf*offrof RdrEtl-d qrft t B-dfrgnr tr{r \ilrq)(To be filled in by the Officer reported upon)ffi-o,fufiurPERSONAL DATA

    t. efffi ol il-qName of Officer

    2. q;sTr.f} (Rq/Tff{r/q$) .......1........1. (ercit )

    a. ilRn qfi-rqDesignation of post held+. cfqrq }-s d f,ffil{ fugRnof frfU ftflq . fs ..Date of continuous appointment Date Gradeto the present Grades. qrfreileft{ mlqb +qrr qffIrq b qrersqerfffii b.il-q ftil-t'dq1qord f,fiqr

    Name of Officer with designation withwhom attached during the period under reporto. qSb dnq Fp t ergqRlrft(rRnru,orcrcnTrtilR u-qun sof}l

    Period of absence from duty (on training,leave etc.) during the year.

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    7.(6) dlroffiEducational Qualifications(tg)GfrdffiQualifications n Hindi(.I) fuffi qrqreii$T FFT3ilq ftgqflT o-t w{(emftronfrmolerar)

    Knowledge of foreign languages and level of competence(Beginner / Limited I Fluent)(u) ouroTfffi F-rqex, t'fts{ efr-qW.F/{SRg, dgqnqd{ o-r s'ril-fr rqtrr oq woar tCan the officer make effective use of computer,Word processor and electronic I electric typewriter(s) grrflt q-@TF-qrtrd sRreror/et*T.rln ergdrkoqrGED-qil-{ flTrftq .rfteil-qfi qq of dtApproved course of training/ study including refresher Course anddepartmental examinations passeda. qR{Rb qw$t b dtDetails of family members

    qattl snrgAge.elationship.

    r {Fr-2-rFrTderto . {PART.2 : SELF APPRAISAL

    (ftrs oTffi of Rdre fi \rrft t s*rb snr r{r wq)(To be filled in by the Officer Reported Upon)(sfrfu rr{i t{ qd gvur f{fuli o} qrqqrfftn tr6d)(Please ead carefully the instructions belbre filing the entries)

    1. t --------- q{lemf} h +{rt oil-qbgRr d-t Tt oroJsl rif$K ft-+tq (f{oru r oo qfdi t{sTf6 d TS drft qTRq)Brief resume of the work done by you during the year lperiodt^ be furnished should be limitedrom. . . . . . . . oto 100 words) (The resume

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    2. ?..rlrr { Tq}s-r fi s-"d-so-f fufl{ si-sfU-o q-dfuqiqlq of G otr{s-wi GTTrrzntr fir+q ErtPlease also indicate items in which there have been significantly higherachievements and your contribution thereto.

    3. Gilqhsqnii q o-fr 3n-{B-grb Tqur,R dr$ d riq}qd sdc otrPleasestate, briefly, the shortfalls in your input and reasons therefore, if any.

    gqqr E-il-q o'wr tfru-s{ dSb Erqqfi F{qtfu ftft qQrfu r q+qft b rXo* fi q{ b fuq cffim{iqR qfi ilffiqD fi ,rft .r-g?fr?qR TS, d ffi T{'\ of f,rftq or u-ds oiitPlease state whether the annual return on immovable propert5r for thepreceding calendar year was filed within the prescribed date i.e. 31stJanuary of the year following the calendar year. If not, the date of filing thereturn should be given.

    pJf;[:Place:Rgi-o'Date: ss efffi b awreflftrsolRqtrftqrfr tSignatureof the Officer ReportedUpon


  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    qFr - 3: Tcqiqr{PART-3: APPRAISAL(RqtffrroTfhn-ft ;n rn qrq)(To be filled in by the Reporting Officer)

    1. wt Rf fuqi qr&sTf}orftqFI 2 fr qt Tn fff{uTt wsro d? qR q, d ffis {ftqrn-oenrsrfl tsflr trflb en qnq t|Doeslhe Reporting Officer agree with the statement made in part 2? If not,the extent of disagreement and reasons thereof.

    2. Rt'Itr'Tnfffi gRTdo- dr.ridrb fuq qiuqreo iR.r trqrqof qrq q}fuqTPdg,at r T{-ilq fs o'r dqr 10 s

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    (cq) ffio g"ii or t@-ro-{ (qs qdsqrr rrd zoo/o ,Tr)(B) Assessment of personal attributes (weightage to this Section would be 30%)

    i) ord b sR ERkh)rI


    Attitude to work

    viii)ffid gi irqrrqqsqRrfrResularitv and Punctuah in attendance

    orqlem dr'{flr o-r {iaTioq ({s {lis o-r rr-f,zoo/oAssessment of functional competencydr,Tr)(weightage o this Section would be('T)(c)3C

    ii) -gRq-nl,{ar$Rni i) Intell isence.keennessiii) uXzm-< a-TqTFrliii) Maintenance of discinlineiv) {brrW ei qr+rTiv) Sense of responsibihv) Communication skillsvi) fir d orq o-s+of errrf,Tvi) Abilitv to work in teamvii) ww or5'q-frTIIEFT-e of errff,lvii) Abilitv to meet deadline

    [ (i viii)/8]Overall Grading on 'Personal Attributes'i to vii i)/8

    Oo/o nfrgrrGradinsi)i) znd d trftq-drqd qRUffir

    and accuracy in Stenographic workroliciencvii) etnffio.rit{tliil Interpersonal relationsiii) wrcw of drnmriii) CoordinationabiliWiv) nurft fi, tftTdF effi gds{r'igdib'qrel

    \'?i gqrdfrrqrdto{i d q&r

    iv) Effective liaison, Initiative and tact in dealingwith telephone calls & visitors'rFrqteiiF qil$nlT'qr qqq 9tgrl[ (i iv)/a]Overall Grading on 'Functional Competency'[ (i to iv)/al

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    1 .

    qFI - 4: T{rrrr;qPART.4: GBNERAL

    (RfiE{ erf0mrQnrtm wq)(To be filled in by the Reporting Officer)qR erfWr fr.eqr trcqer d q-r-dr7rwft+ rq,frqlb ererd.iq (q6i dq dr)Relations with the public/ local Indians in case of Officer posted abroad(wherever applicable)(g.qqr rfffi dt qqf,r d-o- -ildsilr BTfrt \i-s-{dt }Tfr ti*qn q{'i b ritiel d ftqoft t)(Pleasecomment on the Officer's accessibility to the public andresponsiveness o their needs)

    qRrq{orTraining(?Tq-r TfWt fl qqlfufi-f,r trqqrrdrd oir gernb ft\ qRreTorq !il-i tg fuwtRYTV(Pleasegive recommendations for training with a view to further improvingthe effectiveness and capabilities of the officer)


    3. Ensztof fr!ftState of Health

    4 . {il-qFq qRGGeneral appearance(?TqT3Tf}-ot-ft 1 v+rw-Htrdq( feuruft )(Please comment on the Officer's neatness in appearance)

    qrflftwr:Integrilylgqqr-Grftitnrfr ,1s.qFrsr w fffi tr qR Grf*flt o1 irelR-w rita r\ q-\ e ,n B-i.i-s -.bt)

    5 .

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    (Pleasecomment on the integrity of the officer. If the officer's integrity isbeyond doubt, it may be so stated.)

    srqrFqoorSociabilityFqqr srfffi b' t-*qrq efl--{ il-frQqqrq foquft , rgrq-dr.rqqR qs ftsH d tr{{er )(Please comment on his/her friendliness and hospitality,: particularly inthe Mission)

    3tT{ilf,rAdaptability(o.) Frrql ftquft t t6- eTffi Grtrv{{rfiTqRqRcrqfr qRftq qFn-q {fl-q wn gv frrq *qT ilof,{tsr b ftqq o'r ergqa E-{r-id wqel {dr?(a) Please comment on the extent to which officer and his/her family havebeen able to adapt to life abroad while preserving their Indian Identity.

    q6 gqrnq d ererqrttvft d od b fuq oTfh6 qgo t?Is he more suitable for work at Headquarters or abroad?

    6 .



    (q)c .

    en srfffi qFrFrbqTr? qR Et,d trqTr6 riqq d wcnt?Does the officer consume alcoholic drinks? If so, is he temperate?

    8. tqr-qra ortroarqExtra-curricular activities(wr uffi srtr/srQrEr{FFTqRqR ri onR sir qrrfiq st{Ffilo odatCi d lT|qdi a1 sfrqrwrcr ?)(Does the officer andf or his/her family have agames etc and Indian cultural activities? talent or participate in

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    e. R,iltr'r erfM gm (artr,rq100 ercii t) eTftrorft f rrqq Turam uHti sflft1 vrqa-drdiTq o-qsw-emreif Mi, cil{l-ltiTwtq-elMi, ufoqot frFgfli, o-qq'|T tff b ,6 wRV or nRn quf{ f,OrlwglPen Picture by Reporting Officer (in about 1O0 words) on the overallqualities of the officer including area of strengths and lesser strength,extraordinary achievements, significant failures and attitude towards weakersections.

    ro. Rq)3b .TFT-a rgo-s , s elrqq d Rt td "{E-.q)'b-entm{ {#rI {isrcrn }R.T | ("ird, fiIII nRitlftt .d q-6dib ea-gqrd u-gwn rii-6 ${6 b {-tmdi b qsqqno\ ds-.nq tzraqfr q-q'ft)Overall numerical grading on the basis of r,r'eightagegiven in Section A, Band C in Part-3 of the Report. (Note: The overall grading will be based onaddition of the mean value of each group of indicators in proportion torveightage assigned.)

    Rfrf&rorlffi b'awren(Signatureof the ReportingOfficer)Tsl-F[: .rrrrE+oTfi-iii 'Place: Name in BlockLet ters: . . . . .r \ , : ,t('1tcp: qq{rsT Rif erqf} -}n*vq)Date: ..Designation(During the period of the report)


  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    srqrflo iRtT b trrerqrffio 6r{ FIErfi {eqi6i Rmq-{i $dtft Rqlr-ftfuIGuidelines reeardine filins up of APAR with numerical Gradins1. Erfi-6 6ld Fqrfi xair{ Rrtr8w rre{of

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    6. -6mifdsrd Fqrfi 6r {flren-{ s{ b 3id t frrqr vri srar 6rS t, oQfifr,RfrF-qefffi 6\ arRcls Tds6 ffid Gicirdn oT{ ftqrqq of wfrwrsi *r sdrc enRb s{ ii errsgqfiEqnrtro E r{qr$6fetlo 16 qsaq ifftrq ft-6rs b iac q_6qesToi qlqq cc shtAlthough performance appraisal is a year-end exercise, in order that it maybe a tool for human resource development; the Reporting Officer should at regularintervals review the performance and take necessary corrective steps by way ofadvice etc.7. {di6{ fli srd n-d6 erffi or q6 rrrnr drr iltrc ft fuq' orffi 61 qa.ior fu-qrqnr tssb 6Tf ftqrE{, 3rgrur,qecR s\s cFflfl 6r qQrRqrrErwfuo ftrr rqa d wbrIt should be the endeavour of each appraiser to present the truest possiblepicture of the appraisee in regard to his/her performance, conduct, behaviourand potential.B. Kqio-{ b-{d sS or-dfu o.rdFqr+{ b *idrr t frR-d fi.rr ilRq fus 3rdft o} RdrEi anfud u-qTrmr l Assessment should be confined to the appraisee's performance during theperiod of report only.e. z16eIRr01rfrtfuqR(or{stqr

  • 8/3/2019 Apar for Ps Pa Steno


    !tqNote:i) qR 3rfffi qi qefrsr td t qt t d vfr sS nw vdo oitti) If the officer's integrity is beyond doubt, it may be so stated.ii)ii)(o

    ?TR it6 t qt qS t d w{ ErEEi Rtr drs ftrr qN silr ftqrStTRqtfW otwglIf there is any doubt of suspicion, the item should be left blank and action taken as under\16cTct-qffiq qtd ffi foqr qrq ortq s q{ orTrff qrTW at qrqt rffiq fri b.qrer +e at1-6sfr omAB@cNerfffi o1 fr fq A \il-qdr or5q-fffi yftq frtt \ilri d r3F{frd o'tlTl-"r6iq-iqfrsr o\ srqrFrfi o-FrTqT rffiq +d dT RqtrorTT {iqq rS t q6i RdrEq olfffi,serR$fr, qr dr q-s tfdq-r ff s$i ridfff, oTfffi b o-rd o1 g+qrqqtq wrrcrn-orS q{crTfi\il{h ridq tt q-d h'r$F+roqroro fiq t r{b oTerqTraftr$'n f,d s$i rtdfs-crTfuqil-ft fuarw gofi rS {t{r tlA separate secret note should be recorded and followed up. A copy of thenote should also be sent together with the Confidential Report to the nextsuperior officer who will ensure that the follow-up action is takenexpeditiously. Where it is not possible either to certify the integrity or torecord the secret note, the Reporting Officer should state either that he hasnot watched the officer's work for sufficient time to form a definitejudgment or that he has heard nothing against the officer, as the case maybe.qfu stT{,{toftil-$ b qRurrrr{sq {is qr swm W dr qrft t di sTfffi 6l trqqFisr vrqrBrootqfr "TRqeff{.ilqqq Rdre r n-cWnqF{R of qrfr qrFqlIf, as a result of the follow-up action the doubts or suspicions are cleared,the officer's integrity should be certified and an entry made accordingly inthe Confidential Report.qR {it-dqr enqiolqff gR dr anft t n\ ss neqo't l{m-rrt{r qrq 3f{ d-dl5tlRrRfcnwq t r4tfttrdsTf*Frfrd ff qfuo foq qrqt 'If the doubts or suspicions are confirmed, the fact should also be recordedand duly communicated to the officer concerned.qRs{-{nffotff b qRursssq qitaqr sil-{iolqq d qrd qT-ft on{q t s;rftt gRdr qr,ft *d {i-{f*d oTfffi rf{ \1o-q-{fu.ro frtna TS qrfi qTRqeil-rsflb erqsrtRF (ir) ur ('D b orfflRorfuTgof -ilrft ilRqtIf as a result of the follow up action, the doubts or suspicions are neithercleared nor confirmed the officer's conduct should be watched for a periodand thereafter action taken as indicated at b) and c) above.




    (r)(c )



