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Aphasia : Progress in the last quarter of a century

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DOI 10.1212/01.wnl.0000265600.69385.6f 2007;69;200 Neurology Argye E. Hillis Aphasia : Progress in the last quarter of a century December 13, 2010 This information is current as of http://www.neurology.org/content/69/2/200.full.html located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X. All since 1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright © 2007 by AAN Enterprises, Inc. ® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuously Neurology at Malmad Medical Libraries Consortium on December 13, 2010 www.neurology.org Downloaded from
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DOI 10.1212/01.wnl.0000265600.69385.6f 2007;69;200Neurology

Argye E. HillisAphasia : Progress in the last quarter of a century

 December 13, 2010This information is current as of



located on the World Wide Web at: The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is


rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0028-3878. Online ISSN: 1526-632X.Allsince 1951, it is now a weekly with 48 issues per year. Copyright © 2007 by AAN Enterprises, Inc.

® is the official journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Published continuouslyNeurology

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Page 2: Aphasia : Progress in the last quarter of a century

AphasiaProgress in the last quarter of a century

Argye E. Hillis, MD

Address correspondence andreprint requests to Dr. Argye E.Hillis, Department of Neurology,Phipps 126, Johns HopkinsHospital, 600 North WolfeStreet, Baltimore, MD [email protected]

ABSTRACT In the last 25 years, characterization of aphasia has shifted from descriptions of thelanguage tasks that are impaired by brain damage to identification of the disrupted cognitive pro-cesses underlying language. At the same time advances in technology, including functional imaging,electrophysiologic studies, perfusion imaging, diffusion tensor imaging, and transcranial magneticstimulation, have led to new insights regarding the relationships between language and the brain.These insights, together with computational models of language processes, converge on the view thata given language task relies on a complex set of cognitive processes and representations carried outby an intricate network of neural regions working together. Recovery from aphasia depends on resto-ration of tissue function or reorganization of the cognitive/neural network underlying language, whichcan be facilitated by a number of diverse interventions. The original research by the author reported inthis article was supported by NIH R01 DC05375. NEUROLOGY 2007;69:200–213

In the nineteenth century, Dax,1 Broca,2 Wernicke,3 and their contemporaries made a numberof important discoveries about the locations of brain lesions that cause disruption of lan-guage (aphasia) by studying the brains of individuals who had been aphasic. The most reli-able finding was that damage to the left hemisphere was discovered in patients who had hadlanguage impairment. Another novel and important observation was that damage to moreanterior parts of the brain, particularly the left posterior inferior frontal cortex, was usuallyfound in patients whose spoken output was limited or poorly articulated,4 while damage tomore posterior regions in the temporal lobe was found in patients whose spoken output waswell articulated but meaningless.3

Although localization of functions in the brain lost favor in the early 20th century, theseearly observations provided some of the groundwork for Norman Geschwind’s5 seminalwritings on aphasia classification and associated sites of lesions, briefly reviewed in thisarticle. Geschwind’s students and colleagues in Boston developed a well known clinical test,the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE6) to assist clinicians in identifying pa-tients with each type of aphasia. Although the earliest descriptions of aphasia may haveconfounded impairments of speech (the motor processes involved in production of verballanguage) and language (the abstract symbols or representations and syntactic processes thatunderlie verbal and written communication), Geschwind and his followers used the term todescribe disorders of language. When CT scans became available, other investigators con-firmed that the various types of aphasia identified by Geschwind and classified with theBDAE are generally associated with lesions in relatively distinct areas of the brain7,8 (but seecontradictory evidence9).

However, in the 1980s three developments revolutionized our thinking about aphasia.First, PET and later functional MRI (fMRI) and magnetoencephalography showed that areasin both hemispheres of the brain are activated specifically during language tasks, although theleft hemisphere reliably shows more activation in the majority of neurologically normaladults.10-13 Furthermore, these functional imaging studies have revealed not only coordinatedactivations in the previously described language centers, but also activation of more distant

From the Departments of Neurology and Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and Department ofCognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

Supported by NIH (NIDCD) through R01 DC 05375.

Disclosure: The author reports no conflicts of interest.


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Page 3: Aphasia : Progress in the last quarter of a century

areas of cortex, such as inferior and anteriortemporal cortex14 and in the basal gangliaand thalamus.15 Secondly, there was mount-ing appreciation for the complexity of themost basic language tasks, such as naming apicture or understanding a word. Linguists,psychologists, neuroscientists, and mathe-maticians began to dissect out the cognitiveprocesses and representations that are com-putationally necessary to accomplish suchseemingly simple tasks. Advances in technol-ogy, such as parallel processing, allowed de-velopment of computational models thatsimulated tasks of reading, naming, or wordrecognition.16,17 The complexity of the tasksseemed to fit well with the complexity of thenetwork of neural regions that are engagedduring the tasks as revealed by functional im-aging. Third, the recognition that focal neu-rodegenerative disease could cause primaryprogressive aphasia18 allowed exploration ofpatterns of language deficits that are causedby atrophy of regions of the brain that arenot typically damaged by stroke. For exam-ple, progressive atrophy of left more thanright anterior and inferior temporal cortex(which are rarely affected by stroke) is asso-ciated with progressive dissolution ofmodality-independent semantics, or mean-ings of words and objects in a syndromeknown as semantic dementia.19,20

Furthermore, new technologies that per-mit the investigator to cause (or image) tem-porary dysfunction of focal regions of brainhave allowed direct tests of hypotheses aboutstructure/function relationships derived fromfunctional imaging. To illustrate, functionalimaging studies reliably show activation inmidfusiform gyrus during reading tasks,21 in-dicating that this area is consistently engagedin reading. Other studies show reliable acti-vation in the left midfusiform gyrus duringnaming and other lexical tasks.22 To test thehypothesis that this area is necessary for aparticular component of reading and/ornaming, one might cause temporary dysfunc-tion of the left midfusiform gyrus by inhibit-ing this region with cortical stimulation inpatients undergoing surgery during awakecraniotomy23 or through implanted subdural

grids.23,24 If this area is essential for somecomponent of the reading or naming tasks,these functions should be disrupted duringthe inhibitory stimulation. In fact, corticalstimulation of nearby posterior basal tempo-ral cortex disrupted reading of kanji (whichrepresent meanings, not sounds) and picturenaming, which both require conversion of se-mantic to phonologic representations, butdid not affect comprehension of spokenwords, reading of kana (which representsounds of words), copying, or tool use.25 Al-ternatively, one might observe whether tran-sient hypoperfusion in this area (seen onperfusion MRI or PET) in cerebral ischemiadisrupts reading or naming. In fact, hypoper-fusion or infarct of this area is strongly asso-ciated with impaired oral reading andnaming in acute stroke.26 Another way to testif an area is essential for a particular task isto use inhibitory repetitive transcorticalmagnetic stimulation (rTMS) in normal sub-jects during that task.27 More detailed exam-ples of these methods of exploring brain/language relationships are described later,after first reviewing recent insights regardingthe aphasias described by Geschwind.5

“CLASSIC APHASIA CATEGORIZATION”: VAS-CULAR SYNDROMES Broca’s aphasia is character-ized by nonfluent spontaneous speech and sentencerepetition with relatively spared comprehension.“Nonfluency” often includes reduced phrase length,impaired melody and articulatory agility, dimin-ished words per minute, or agrammatic sentenceproduction. Because the concept is multidimen-sional, it is often difficult to judge. A patient mighthave poor melody and/or disrupted articulation, butproduce complete, grammatic sentences or have flu-ently articulated agrammatic speech. Fluency ineach of these dimensions is also a continuum ratherthan a dichotomy. Furthermore, many patients havepredominantly nonfluent speech along all or mostdimensions, but have islands of fluent production,particularly of “overlearned” or social phrases, suchas, “You know what I mean.” For these reasons,many patients cannot be reliably classified.6,28 Nev-ertheless, poor fluency in each of these dimensionstends to co-occur, so that some patients have perva-sively nonfluent speech, that is reliably perceived assuch. These individuals tend to have good compre-hension of conversations, single words, and gram-matically simple sentences, but have trouble

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understanding sentences with grammatically com-plex or “non-canonical” sentence structure, such aspassive voice sentences and sentences with objectrelative clauses (e.g., “The girl that the boy kissedran away”29) and those requiring maintenance andprocessing of word order or comparisons of wordmeanings (e.g., “Is a horse larger than a dog?”30).Such sentences are generally understood in conver-sation because the context limits the possible inter-pretations. Broca’s aphasia is often associated withimpaired spelling of familiar words, as well as diffi-culty using letter-sound associations (phonics) toread or spell unfamiliar words.

Whether the various language deficits observedin Broca’s aphasia can be accounted for by a singleunderlying deficit has been a matter of energetic de-bate. One proposal was that the agrammatic speechand impaired comprehension of grammaticallycomplex sentences could be explained by an under-lying syntactic processing deficit.31 However, thishypothesis was undermined by the reports of pa-tients with agrammatic speech without difficultyunderstanding grammatically complex sentences.32

Reduced lexical activation33 or impairment in main-taining and processing the sequence of linguistic ele-ments might account for many of the frequentlyobserved deficits, including those in reading, spell-ing, and repetition,30 but like all “unifying” impair-ments would have difficulty explaining cases thatshow selective impairment of just one of the tasks.Furthermore, individuals with Broca’s aphasia oftenhave difficulty naming verbs relative to nouns34,35 orproducing particular verb forms, in addition tocomprehension of grammatically complex struc-tures and other deficits described above. This arrayof deficits may be difficult to explain by proposing asingle underlying impairment. The various dissocia-tions between frequently impaired language func-tions have led some authors to argue that Broca’saphasia is not a theoretically coherent syndromewith a single underlying impairment.36 Neverthe-less, it may well be a vascular syndrome—impair-ment of a collection of speech and languagefunctions that depend on nearby brain regions allsupplied by the superior division of the left middlecerebral artery (MCA). This hypothesis would ex-plain the frequent association between agrammaticspeech, impaired articulation, verb production, andasyntactic comprehension in the same way as thefrequent association between agrammatic speechand right hemiplegia—they are both caused bydamage or dysfunctional tissue in posterior frontalcortex, but are not caused by a single underlyingfunctional deficit.

Consistent with the concept of a vascular syn-

drome, Broca’s aphasia is generally associated withdamage or dysfunction in posterior, inferior frontalgyrus, which includes Broca’s area (Brodmann area44 and 45). However, when damage is isolated toBroca’s area, or part of Broca’s area, then the onlydeficit may be impaired motor planning and pro-gramming of motor speech (“apraxia of speech”),which frequently is observed in Broca’s aphasia butcan occur in isolation.37 The entire syndrome ofBroca’s aphasia may require damage or neural com-promise of a larger area surrounding Broca’s areasupplied by the superior division of the left MCA.The motor deficit of apraxia of speech that is usu-ally associated with the language deficits in Broca’saphasia can account for several aspects of impairedfluency, including disrupted articulatory agility andprosody.

There is one caveat in attempting to relate lan-guage syndromes to particular areas of the brain,whether one identifies areas by Brodmann areas,gyri, or groups of voxels on scans registered to aparticular atlas, spatial coordinates, or an “ideal-ized” brain image. There is a great deal of individualvariability in the boundaries of the cytoarchitecturalfields identified by Brodmann, as well as in the pat-tern of sulci and gyri and general shape of individualbrains.38,39 Therefore, “localization” of functionscan only be approximate.

It is also important to note that dysfunctionalneural tissue surrounding an infarct can also con-tribute to the observed deficits. Thus, patients withhypoperfusion but no infarct in and around Broca’sarea often have the typical vascular syndrome de-scribed above.30,40 Deficits have been attributed tohypoperfusion, rather than the small, usuallydeeper, infarcts in the same patients, because restor-ing blood flow to the hypoperfused regions resultedin immediate recovery of language functions.30,41-44

Wernicke’s aphasia is characterized by fluent butrelatively meaningless spontaneous speech and rep-etition and relatively poor comprehension of words,sentences, and conversation. Spoken language maybe limited to jargon comprised of either real wordsor neologisms (nonwords such as “klimorata”) or acombination of the two. In contrast to those withBroca’s aphasia, the individual with Wernicke’saphasia is typically unaware of the errors. The ap-propriate melody or intonation may give the im-pression that the person is speaking anotherlanguage. Particularly in the acute stage, there is of-ten a profound impairment of comprehension, suchthat the patient may listen to others and respondfluidly with language-like, meaningless utterancesfor hours, with no apparent inkling that he or shehas neither understood anything others have said

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nor said anything that could be understood by oth-ers. Often the person will intermittently include acoherent “social” phrase, such as, “yes, that’sright.” Written output is typically similar to spokenoutput—written words with little or no content, of-ten including nonword letter strings. Reading com-prehension is typically no better than spokencomprehension. Repetition is generally similar tospontaneous speech—fluent jargon. These deficitshave been attributed to impaired inhibition of lexi-cal activation, so that the person cannot select theappropriate word, sound, or meaning from compet-ing linguistic units that are also activated.33 Al-though such an underlying impairment wouldaccount for many of the observed language deficits,it could not easily account for cases with relativelypreserved or relatively impaired categories ofwords, such as animals or tools,45 or impaired nounsrelative to verbs.35 This collection of deficits is usu-ally caused by neural dysfunction in regions sup-plied by the inferior division of the left MCA,including Wernicke’s area (most of Brodmann area22, in the posterior, superior temporal gyrus). Thishypothesis can account for occasional dissociationsbetween the typical deficits or anomalous lesionsites in patients with Wernicke’s aphasia by the factthat there is individual variability in the cerebralvasculature and the areas supplied by particulararteries.

Global aphasia refers to the combination of defi-cits described in Broca’s and Wernicke’s aphasia.Typically, the person has severely impaired compre-hension of single words, sentences, and conversa-tion, and very limited, if any, spoken output.Spontaneous speech, naming, and repetition may belimited to a single perseverative word (e.g., no, no,no) or nonword utterance. Reading and writing arealso profoundly impaired. In most cases, both Bro-ca’s area and Wernicke’s area are damaged46 orfunctionally compromised.40

The transcortical aphasias refer to language syn-dromes similar to those described above, but withrelatively normal sentence repetition. Transcorticalmotor (TCM) aphasia has many of the characteris-tics of Broca’s aphasia, except that repetition is flu-ent and grammatic. This vascular syndrome iscaused by lesions just anterior or superior to (sur-rounding) Broca’s area,47 often caused by occlusionof the anterior cerebral artery (ACA)48,49 or “water-shed” areas between the ACA and the MCA. Thisobservation may account for the overlap in syn-dromes, consistent with Mohr’s proposal that dam-age to Broca’s area alone causes a motor speechdeficit, while damage to the surrounding areascauses the other symptoms of Broca’s aphasia. In

TCM, motor speech is spared, as evidenced byspared repetition, while other functions typically af-fected in Broca’s aphasia are impaired. Likewise,transcortical sensory (TCS) aphasia is similar toWernicke’s aphasia, except that repetition is accu-rate. It is caused by lesions involving areas sur-rounding Wernicke’s area, in the watershedterritories between the MCA and posterior cerebralartery (PCA) or the PCA territory.50 Finally, mixedtranscortical aphasia (MTA) is comparable toglobal aphasia, except that sentence repetition isspared. These individuals appear to be echolalic andhave lesions surrounding Broca’s and Wernicke’sarea, but sparing language cortex itself.51 Because ofthis localization, the syndrome is sometimes knownas “isolation of the speech area,” as it appears todisconnect speech and language from broadly dis-tributed meanings of words.

Conduction aphasia is characterized by relativelyfluent, accurate spontaneous speech with phonemicparaphasias (well articulated responses that arephonetically similar to the target word) sometimesproduced in a series of increasingly closer approxi-mations of the target (e.g., “splant, plant, plants,pants” for pants—termed “conduit d’approche”)and disproportionately impaired repetition. Ge-schwind5 hypothesized that the repetition deficitwas caused by a lesion in the arcuate fasciculus, awhite matter tract that runs between Broca’s andWernicke’s areas. This hypothesis has been chal-lenged on the basis that patients with conductionaphasia more often have lesions in the supramar-ginal gyrus or deep parietal white matter,52 and onthe basis that lesions of the arcuate fasciculus do notreliably cause conduction aphasia.53 For these rea-sons, the author believes that lesions in the arcuatefasciculus have no causative role in the clinical syn-drome of conduction aphasia.

Pure alexia (alexia with agraphia) refers to im-paired reading in the presence of spared writing andrelatively spared recognition of words spelledaloud. This syndrome often results from a combina-tion of two lesions, both caused by occlusion or ste-nosis of the left posterior cerebral artery. A lesion inthe left occipital cortex results in right homony-mous hemianopsia, such that all visual informationis initially processed in the right occipital cortex. Asecond lesion in the splenium of the corpus callosumprevents visual information in the right hemispherefrom being transferred to the left hemisphere lan-guage cortex. Therefore, the person cannot readprinted words but can recognize words spelledaloud (because the latter can initially be processedin the left hemisphere of the same patients54-58). Inone case the patient had a left occipital infarct and

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hypoperfusion of the splenium; his reading recov-ered when the splenium was reperfused.59 Consis-tent with this hypothesis of a “disconnection”between right occipital cortex and left hemispherelanguage areas as an account of pure alexia, manypure alexic patients also are unable to name visualstimuli, although they can name the same itemsfrom tactile exploration or in response to a verbaldescription. This pattern of performance, known asoptic aphasia,60,61 can also result from the combina-tion of left occipital and splenium lesions, and canbe seen as a disconnection between visual process-ing in the right hemisphere and language output inthe left hemisphere.58,59

Patients with optic aphasia can often producegestures for visual objects that they cannot name,indicating that they can access at least some mean-ing. However, tests of picture association demon-strate that they cannot reliably distinguish betweensemantically related pictures.58 Their errors in nam-ing and word/picture matching likewise show accessto some meaning, but not sufficient meaning to se-lect between semantically related items. That is,they often produce semantic paraphasias, namesthat are related in meaning to the target (e.g., mittennamed as “sock”). Interestingly, given sufficienttime, they often slowly hone in on the precise mean-ing. For example, in an attempt to name a shoe, apatient said, “I tie them . . . wear them . . . not forthe hand but for the foot.” In contrast, the samepatient was able to immediately name a shoe fromtactile exploration. This pattern of errors seems toreflect slow, bit by bit access to semantic informa-tion from vision, perhaps due to slow transmission

of visual information to the left hemisphere lan-guage cortex, caused by disrupted white matter con-nections in the splenium. Similarly, patients withpure alexia can often read very slowly, letter-by-letter, perhaps for the same reason. The naming er-ror pattern observed in optic aphasia was simulatedby Plaut and Shallice62 with a parallel distributedprocessing model of naming, by causing disruptedinteractions between visual input and semantics.Pure alexia and optic aphasia are not strictly apha-sic syndromes, since the representations and pro-cesses that constitute language are intact, but thereis impaired access to them. However, they havebeen discussed here, because they have relatively re-liable associated lesions and because they often aremistaken for aphasia. However, there is inadequatespace to discuss other related vascular syndromes,such as alexia with agraphia, pure agraphia,63 andpure word deafness.64

In summary, the classic aphasia classificationsare vascular syndromes consisting of frequently as-sociated deficits that reflect damage or dysfunctionof regions of neural tissue (essential for particularlanguage functions) supplied by a particular artery.For example, occlusion or critical stenosis of the su-perior division of the left MCA causes tissue dys-function in left posterior inferior frontal cortex andinsula, which apparently includes areas necessaryfor grammatic sentence production, planning andprogramming of speech articulation, and otherfunctions that are impaired in Broca’s aphasia. Thesame branch supplies the lateral motor strip, ac-counting for the frequent association between Bro-

Table 1 Vascular aphasic syndromes

Broca Wernicke Conduction TCM TCSMTA andglobal Anomic Optic

Fluency* Poor Good Fair–good Poor Good Poor Good Good

Content Good Poor Good Good Poor Poor Good Good

Comprehension Intact wordsand simplesentences

Poor Intact wordsand simplesentences

Intact wordsand simplesentences

Poor Poor Good Good

Repetition Poor, nonfluent Poor, fluentjargon

Poor Good Good MTA good;global poor

Good Good

Naming Worse for verbs Worse fornouns

Fair–good Fair–good Poor Poor Worse fornouns

Poor withvisual stimuli

Spelling Poor Poor May be spared May bespared

Poor Poor May bespared


Reading Poor Poor May be spared May bespared

Poor Poor May bespared



Right armweakness;apraxia ofspeech

Superior visualfield cut

Poor workingmemory

Abulia Rightfield cut



*Fluency includes grammaticality, prosody, melody, articulatory agility, and rate of speech, which can be differentially affected.TCM � transcortical motor; TCS � transcortical sensory; MTA � mixed transcortical aphasia.

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ca’s aphasia and right arm weakness. Thesevascular syndromes are summarized in table 1.

The vascular syndromes are clinically useful, inthat they allow strong predictions about what partsof the brain are ischemic. Although recent structuralimaging, particularly diffusion-weighted imaging(DWI), is highly sensitive to dense ischemia or in-farct, it does not reveal all areas that are dysfunc-tional due to hypoperfusion. Dynamic contrast(bolus-tracking) perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI)or CT perfusion scans can be used to reveal areas ofpoor blood flow that that often better account forthe patient’s clinical deficits.43,44,65 However, perfu-sion imaging is not always obtainable, for examplewhen a patient has no vascular access for contrastinjection. The clinical syndrome and severity of def-icits can predict the site and volume of perfusionabnormality, and can be used with the DWI to iden-tify patients with a large diffusion–clinical mis-match who might benefit from aggressive treatmentto restore blood flow.66 For example, the patientwhose scans are shown in figure 1 had a classic Bro-ca’s aphasia, but just tiny areas of infarct on DWI afew hours after onset of symptoms. The clinical syn-drome indicated there was likely to be a perfusionabnormality that included posterior inferior frontalcortex. In this case, the perfusion abnormality wasconfirmed with PWI. However, even if it had it notbeen confirmed, this patient would be consideredsomeone who needs urgent treatment to reperfusethe cortex and prevent infarct in the critical lan-guage cortex. Each of the classic aphasia types hasbeen observed with hypoperfusion of the areas typi-cally associated with the syndrome in a study of pa-tients with small subcortical stroke, and patientswith similar subcortical strokes who did not havehypoperfusion of the cortex did not have aphasia.40

The aphasia syndromes have also been useful for

predicting recovery67 and for selecting patients forparticular language therapies.68

APHASIA CHARACTERIZED BY DISRUPTION OFSPECIFIC COGNITIVE PROCESSES UNDERLY-ING LANGUAGE TASKS Although the classicaphasia syndromes have been useful clinically, theyhave been less useful for developing theories of howlanguage is represented and processed. Most recenttheories of sentence comprehension, sentence pro-duction, naming, reading, and so on, assume thatthese tasks require a number of distinct cognitiverepresentations and processes that might rely on dif-ferent brain regions. The proposal that each under-lying component can be individually disrupted bybrain damage can account for the various patternsof performance on language tasks that have beendescribed. Not only are language tasks decompos-able into discrete representations and processes, butmany of the cognitive representations might becomposites of features distributed across regions ofthe brain. For example, the semantic representationof “horse” might include features of how it moves,represented in areas of the brain critical for motionrecognition (middle temporal visual area—areaMT—and middle superior temporal area—areaMST),69,70 features specifying what it eats in anotherarea, and features of how it is used by humans inanother area of the brain.71 Activation of all of thefeatures simultaneously in different areas of cortexmight constitute a “semantic representation” (themeaning, for example, what makes a horse a horse).Such distributed semantic representations might ac-count for patients with category-specific languagedeficits. For example, damage to area MT/MST,disrupting activation of features of movement,might affect access to the meaning of animals andmodes of transportation, but not buildings. In fact,patients with selective deficits in naming and com-prehending the names of animals, as well as patientswith selective preservation of animals (and to alesser extent, transportation), have been de-scribed.45,70 Many cases of selective impairments in-volving “living things” or “biologic kinds” relativeto artifacts, or the opposite, have been reported.72-76

Several computational models of semantics havesimulated category-specific semantic deficits by dis-rupting access to a particular type of feature.77 Oth-ers have accounted for selective impairmentsinvolving living things by assuming that livingthings have strongly correlated features (e.g., thepresence of eyes, ears, and limbs are highly corre-lated) or that their distinctive features are selectivelylost because they are weakly correlated to other fea-tures.78 Others have proposed that category-specificdeficits have an evolutionary basis, such that certain

Figure 1 Imaging in a patient with Broca’s aphasia

Diffusion-weighted image(left) and perfusion-weightedimage (right) in a patient withBroca’s aphasia associatedwith a tiny diffusionabnormality, but much largerperfusion abnormalityinvolving Broca’s area.

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areas of the brain became devoted to processingparticular categories (e.g., animals, which wereboth enemies and food79). Still others have proposedthat names of tools and action verbs are representedin areas critical for producing associated limb mo-tions (e.g., posterior frontal cortex70) or that manip-ulable items activate frontoparietal regionssubserving hand motion representations.80 Al-though controversies remain, the category-specificlanguage deficits have provided essential data fordeveloping models of particular language functions.

This new approach to conceptualizing aphasiawill be illustrated by considering one language taskthat is most frequently impaired by left hemispheredamage (and frequently tested at the bedside)—picture naming. Impaired naming may be the resid-ual deficit after partial recovery from almost anyaphasia type, and thus may result from damage to avariety of brain regions. These observations can beexplained by assuming that picture naming requiresa number of different cognitive representations andprocesses that each depend on distinct, but perhapsoverlapping, brain regions. Damage to any one ofthese areas might disrupt picture naming, but per-haps in different ways. It would not be possible toreview all of the many theories and simulations ofcognitive processes underlying picture naming.62,81-85

However, it is widely agreed that naming a pictureof a horse would require, at the least, processes forabstracting from the visual stimulus the featuresthat allow recognition of the item as something fa-miliar (access to the structural description in figure

2); access to the meaning of horse (the semantic rep-resentation); access to the learned pronunciation ofhorse (the phonologic representation); and motorplanning/programming of the muscles of the lips,tongue, palate, vocal folds, and muscles of respira-tion required to articulate the word. Many investi-gators also include a modality-independent level oflexical (word) access (e.g., a “lemma” level, whichspecifies the syntactic role of the word, but not themeaning or phonology84,85). A schematic representa-tion of these cognitive processes underlying namingis shown in figure 2. Although this depiction sug-gests serial processing from one level to the next,there is evidence that these sorts of cognitive repre-sentations may be activated in parallel or in cascade,and there are likely to be feedback as well as feed-forward interactions, at least between some levels ofprocessing.86

Evidence for proposing each of these compo-nents of the naming process comes from patterns ofimpaired performance after brain damage or degen-erative disease. Evidence that naming requires ac-cess to a structural description for visualrecognition comes from patients with apperceptivevisual agnosia, who cannot distinguish drawings ofreal items from unreal items (e.g., a dog with ant-lers) or name visual stimuli, but can name the sameitems in response to a verbal description. Patientswith optic aphasia, described earlier, can distin-guish real from unreal objects but are impaired inactivating a complete semantic representation fromthe structural description. They can, however, ac-cess full semantics from tactile exploration or verbaldescription. Optic aphasia can be accounted for byassuming partially impaired access to semanticsfrom an intact structural description.

In contrast, patients with semantic dementia can-not fully access semantics, particularly of less famil-iar items, from any modality. They often use objectsinappropriately (e.g., try to eat soup with a knife)and cannot identify associations between pictures.Evidence for proposing a distinction between thecomplete semantic representation and a subset of“defining” or “identification” features is found inthe contrasting patterns of performance by patientswith semantic dementia and patients who fail to un-derstand words (e.g., point to a picture of a knifewhen asked to point to spoon) but do not use ob-jects inappropriately. The latter pattern, which iscommon after stroke, indicates that access to somegeneral knowledge (e.g., about how to use an ob-ject) and personal knowledge (e.g., which brush ismy brush) is intact, but there is inadequate semanticinformation to identify which related items arelinked to a particular name. A person with this sort

Figure 2 Cognitive processes and representations underlying picture naming

A schematic representationof the cognitive processesand representationsunderlying picture naming

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of lexical semantic deficit might call a horse a cowor a deer, and might point to a picture of a cow ordeer when asked to point to a horse, but would nottry to saddle a cow or deer. This distinction betweensemantic errors after stroke vs the semantic errors inpatients with semantic dementia has been elo-quently described by Jeffries and Lambon Ralph,87

although their characterization of the cause of se-mantic errors after stroke is somewhat different.

Evidence for proposing a level of modality-independent lexical access is that damage to such alevel of processing would account for the commondeficit of “anomia,” in which the individual can re-trieve neither the phonologic representation(learned pronunciation) nor the orthographic repre-sentation (learned spelling) of a particular item, de-spite intact semantics. Such a deficit is experiencedas the tip of the tongue phenomenon. Patients withanomia have full access to the meaning and may re-trieve semantically related names or phonologicallyrelated names, but are aware that such names arenot what they are searching for. They know thegrammatic word class, and sometimes partial pho-nologic information (e.g., the first letter or the ap-proximate length of the word).

Separate modality-specific representations of thename must also be postulated to explain perfor-mance of patients who are able to retrieve the pho-nologic representation to say the name but not theorthographic representation to spell the name, orthe opposite pattern, despite the absence of motoroutput deficits.88-93 Sometimes these deficits are spe-cific to a particular grammatic category. For exam-ple, one reported patient was selectively unable toorally name or read aloud verbs but could write thesame verbs and could orally name or read aloud(and write) nouns, while another patient had the op-posite pattern with respect to output modality—shewas selectively unable to retrieve the written nameof verbs, but could retrieve the oral names of verbsand oral and written names of nouns.89 Yet anotherpatient was selectively impaired in oral naming ofnouns relative to verbs using the same stimuli.93 Al-though such patients sometimes produce semanti-cally related words in the affected output modality,they do not have deficits in accessing meanings (se-mantics) or linking meanings to words (lexical-semantic deficits), as demonstrated by theiraccurate naming in the other modality and by excel-lent word comprehension.

Finally, evidence for proposing a distinct systemfor motor planning and programming of speech ar-ticulation comes from patients who have no dysar-thria (i.e., no impairment in the rate, range,strength, or timing of movements of the lips,

tongue, jaw, palate, respiratory muscles, or vocalfolds), but nevertheless make numerous and vari-able errors in articulation of words, particularlylonger words. Such a deficit, sometimes calledapraxia of speech, results in disruption of prosodyas well as distortions, transpositions, omissions, ad-ditions, and substitutions of phonemes. The patientis quite aware of the errors and tries to correct them,but often shows articulatory struggle and frustra-tion. Although apraxia of speech is a motor speechdisorder rather than a true language disorder, it fre-quently co-occurs with aphasia. In isolation, it israre and usually transient.

The pattern of errors across tasks, as well as er-ror types, provide indications regarding the compo-nent of naming that is impaired in a particularaphasic patient, as illustrated in table 2.

It is important to note that while selective deficitsin particular cognitive processes underlying a tasksuch as naming have been very informative for de-veloping theories, such discrete deficits are rela-tively uncommon. The majority of aphasicindividuals have impairments involving more thanone cognitive process.

NEURAL CORRELATES OF THE COGNITIVEPROCESSES UNDERLYING NAMING Functionalimaging studies of naming show widespread activa-tion of perisylvian language cortex, including Bro-ca’s area and Wernicke’s area, as well as moreinferior and anterior temporal and occipital cortexduring picture naming.11,14 Some studies have re-ported more localized areas of activation associatedwith particular components of naming.95 Such re-sults are consistent with the hypothesis that com-plex neural networks, as well as complex cognitivesystems, are recruited for apparently simple lan-guage tasks such as picture naming.11,14,94-96 Variouslanguage tasks, including naming and word com-prehension, recruit overlapping networks of brainregions.11,97 Such results suggest that language taskssuch as naming or reading emerge from distinct dis-tributions of activation across various brain re-gions98 and are consistent with the hypothesis thatvarious language tasks depend on overlapping neu-ral as well as cognitive processes. Most studies alsoshow different patterns of activation depending onthe semantic category of stimuli70 consistent withthe hypothesis that semantic representations are dis-tributed across various regions in temporal and per-haps parietal cortex. Difficulty of task and rate ofpresentation also influence the pattern of activationin both the left and right hemispheres,99 indicatingthat some activation in functional imaging may alsoreflect nonlinguistic aspects of the task, such as the

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difficulty of response selection100 or other executiveprocesses. Likewise, some activated regions duringpicture naming may reflect automatic access to per-sonal memories or emotions connected with the pic-tured item. As has been frequently discussed,functional imaging studies show areas of the brainthat are engaged in a particular task, but cannot de-termine which of these areas are essential for thetasks.101 Nevertheless, functional imaging studieshave been important in showing that different re-gions within Wernicke’s area102 or Broca’s area103

subserve different functions, and for showing thatthe distinct patterns of activation across a numberof brain regions support a given languagefunction.12,95,104

Lesion studies show that overlapping networksof brain regions are also essential for various lan-guage tasks, such as naming or reading. Recentstudies indicate that damage to the same regions candisrupt naming, written word comprehension, andspoken word comprehension, but different areashave greater weight in predicting error rates on eachof these tasks in regression models.105 Each underly-ing component process shared by these tasks mightdepend on a particular “cog” in the system (a partic-ular brain region) or all components could all de-pend on the same or overlapping brain regions, butwith some areas being more critical to one compo-nent or the other. A recent study using discriminantfunction analysis indicated that disruption of differ-ent components of the naming process (depicted infigure 1) could be distinguished by six discriminantfunctions that reflected distinct distributions of tis-

sue dysfunction across seven left hemisphere Brod-mann areas: BA22/Wernicke’s area, BA44 and 45/part of Broca’s area, BA 38/anterior temporal,BA37/posterior middle–inferior temporal and fusi-form gyri, BA 39/angular gyrus, and BA21/inferiortemporal.106a Other studies have highlighted the im-portance of a particular region for a given compo-nent on naming. For instance, lesions in left BA 37are associated with modality-independent lexicalaccess,106,107 and restoration of tissue function in BA37 is associated with recovery of modality-independent lexical access.108 Diffusion tensor imag-ing and tractography are promising methods ofidentifying white matter tracks that connect variouscomponents of the neural network underlying nam-ing and other language tasks.53,109 To complementthe imaging of structural connections, magnetoen-cephalography can reveal neural networks throughthe functional connectivity between areas revealedby simultaneous activation.110

Some levels of representation computed in nam-ing are likely to be more distributed than others. Forexample, semantic representations might be widelydistributed in the temporal (particular anterior andlateral inferior temporal cortex14), frontal, and pari-etal cortex, with features of some items such as ac-tions represented closer to motor systems, andfeatures of other items, such as colors, representedcloser to visual areas. Lesions that affect just part ofthe distributed semantic representations mightcause category-specific semantic impairments.Some areas, such as Wernicke’s area, might be criti-cal for linking these widespread semantic represen-

Table 2 Patterns of errors in naming associated with selective impairments of distinct cognitive processes

Cognitive process Use of objectsSpoken wordcomprehension Oral naming Written naming Repetition

Semantics Errors on lowfamiliarity items

Semantic errors(e.g., dog/cat)

Semantic errors(e.g., dog¡cat)

Semantic errors(e.g., dog¡cat)


Lexical–semantics† Normal* Semantic errors(e.g., dog/cat)

Semantic errors(dog¡cat; dog¡bone)

Semantic errors(e.g., dog¡cat; dog¡bone)


Modality–independentlexical access

Normal Normal Semantic errors(dog¡cat; dog¡bone)

Semantic errors(e.g., dog¡cat; dog¡bone)



Normal Normal Semantic errors(dog¡cat; dog¡bone)or phonologicallysimilar wordsor nonwords

Normal Normal


Normal Normal Normal Semantic errors(e.g., dog¡cat; dog¡bone)or orthographicallysimilar wordsor nonwords


Articulatoryplanning andprogramming

Normal Normal Variable off-targetarticulations

Normal Variable off-targetarticulations

*Processes that are normal when there is selective impairment of a component may be impaired when the patient has otherdeficits.†Lexical-semantics refers to mechanisms for linking a subset of semantic features that define the word to a particular lexical repre-sentation (e.g., what makes a dog a dog).

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tations—or just the subset of defining features—tospecific words for word comprehension and nam-ing.11,111 Other areas, such as Broca’s area or otherparts of lateral prefrontal cortex, might be criticalfor selecting or activating certain types of semanticinformation to accomplish specific tasks.103

RECOVERY A wealth of literature on aphasia re-covery demonstrates that most patients make atleast some recovery and the majority make substan-tial or complete recovery. Early recovery is likely tobe due to restoration of blood flow and other mech-anisms of tissue recovery, while later stages of re-covery are likely to depend on reorganization ofstructure/function relationships, as well as reorgani-zation of cognitive functions and compensatorymechanisms.67,112 Many functional lesion studies oflanguage recovery have shown increased activationof right hemisphere homologues of language areas,while others show increased activation of perile-sional areas of the left hemisphere during recov-ery.104,113,114 Several recent studies have indicatedthat the areas recruited for a particular languagetask change over the course of recovery, with mini-mal elicited activation (or hemodynamic response)during the language task in the acute stage of stroke,predominantly right hemisphere activation in thesubacute stage, and a return to predominant lefthemisphere activation in the more chronic stage inpatients who show good recovery of the task.115

TREATMENT This review cannot do justice to re-cent findings in the domain of aphasia treatment.However, a few words are important. First, aphasiatherapy can be very useful in improving languageand communication in a variety of settings.116,117

Several recent investigations have shown that in-tense treatment (e.g., at least 4 days per week, atleast 2 hours per day) for a short time is more effec-tive than a similar number of sessions spread outover a longer period.118 Some treatments focus ontreating the underlying impairment, such as improv-ing the component of the naming process that is dis-rupted or teaching the patient to rely on othercomponents to compensate for the damageprocess.119-124 Most of the direct treatments rely onthe principle that the more often a patient producesa particular correct response (with as much facilita-tion as needed), the more often that person will beable to produce that same correct response indepen-dently in the future. Other interventions focus oncommunicative function—how to be successful in aparticular communicative task, rather than treatinga particular impairment.125 In both approaches, the

treatment must be individualized to the aphasic per-son’s deficits, needs, and goals.

Some current trends in rehabilitation researchare to evaluate the effects of pharmacologic aug-mentation of therapy, with stimulants,126 cholinest-erase inhibitors, dopamine agonists, and othermedications that influence availability of particularneurotransmitters.127,128 There is a paucity of ran-domized, placebo-controlled trials in this area, butseveral are under way. There is no evidence thatmedications are useful in the absence of languagetherapy, however. Transcranial magnetic stimula-tion is also being investigated as a method of en-hancing aphasia recovery, with some small caseseries showing some benefit.129,130

CONCLUSION The study of aphasia and its associ-ated lesions in the late 19th century led to many in-sights about the neural organization of languagefunctions. Many of these insights have been con-firmed and elaborated in more recent studies usingadvanced imaging to localize areas of dysfunctionalbrain tissue associated with particular language def-icits or using functional imaging to identify areas ofthe brain that activated during a particular languagetask in normal controls14,103 or in recovering aphasicindividuals.104,131 More detailed theories and compu-tational models of particular language tasks havecontributed also to the understanding of how eachtask might be carried out in the brain.

Received November 29, 2006. Accepted in final form February7, 2007.

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DOI 10.1212/01.wnl.0000265600.69385.6f 2007;69;200Neurology

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