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APIdays Paris 2014 - The State of Web API Languages

Date post: 12-Jul-2015
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The State of Web API Languages Presented by Jerome Louvel, Chief Geek

The State of Web API


Presented by Jerome Louvel, Chief Geek

New API Landscape



Multiplicity of

HCI modes

Always-on and

instantaneous services

Mobile and contextual

access to services

Cross-channel user


Cloud computing & hybrid


Web of data


● New types of APIso internal & external APIs

o composite & micro APIs

o experience & open APIs

● Number of APIs increaseso channels growth

o history of versions

o micro services pattern

o quality of service

● → Industrialization neededo new development workflows

o importance of API languages

Impacts on API development

Infrastructure APIs


Platform APIs


Micro APIs

(domain data & logic)

Composite APIs

(domain services)

Experience APIs


User Interfaces


Open APIs



Micro APIs

(external SaaS)

Partner devs

● 50% of classic

languages at the top

● Cobol and Assembly

are still in the top 30

● New languages

rising quickly

(Swift, Dart)

● An API language in

this list soon ?

Source: TIOBE index

Top programming languages

Languages are Abstraction Layers


Assembly languages

System languages

Application languages

Web API languages

software level, drivers


OS level, high performance

C / C++ / C# / Go

productivity, portability, business logic

Java / PHP / Visual Basic

web scale, interoperability, integration

RAML / Swagger / API Blueprint

lowest level, machine instructions

x86 / CISC / RISC / etc.

● 1) Describe Web API contract

o endpoints, resources, HTTP methods, representations

o enable the generation of:

client SDKs

server skeletons

test suites

mock servers

● 2) Implement Web APIs

o wrap regular applications written with classic languages

o compose lower-level APIs into higher-level APIs

o integration purpose at web scale

● 3) Consume Web APIs

o to build composite APIs

o to build user interfaces or enable connected devices

Maturity levels of API Languages

Lower level


Lower level


● Swagger 2.0

o announced at GlueCon in May

by Tony Tam from Reverb

along with Swagger Editor

o formal JSON schema defined

o preview specification released in September

o tooling still being upgraded

o leader in term of community adoption

● RAML & API Blueprint

o maturing projects with more adoption and contributions

o new generation targets such as Postman collections

o opening beyond their initial sponsor (Mulesoft and Apiary)

o will they be able to catch up with Swagger?

● Tooling quickly maturing

What changed in 2014?

New API development workflows

● API-driven approach benefits

o a pivot API descriptor

o server skeletons & mock generation

o up-to-date client SDKs & docs

o rapid API crafting & implementation

● Code-first or API-first approaches

o can be combined using

code introspectors to extract

code generators to resync

API source code

API descriptor

introspect generate



generate generate



Crafting an API

● Specialized API crafting toolso code editors

o visual designers

o generation of


client SDKs


● New generation of toolso IDE-type

o Web-based

● What’s missing?

o collaborative edition (GDoc style)

o writing API implementations

business logic

import of other APIs

● Browser-based IDE for API craftingo accelerate the design of APIs

o Chrome application

o compatible with other modern browsers

● Supportso visual design of APIs

o source code views

o APIs with large # of resources (sections)

o skeleton and SDK generation

o adherence to REST

o multiple API languages

Swagger & RAML initially

API Blueprint planned

first tool of this kind


Launching at

APIdays 2014!

Crafting an API with Restlet


● APIs enable new layers of abstraction

● In the Cloud Stack○ IaaS became a game changer thanks to APIs

■ S3, EC2, Route53, etc.

■ moving up the value chain

○ PaaS is the next game changer in cloud

■ Docker containers provide one key block

■ APIs will play a strategic role again

○ Web APIs power all those layers

● In the Development Stack

○ new generation of languages

○ API-first approach emerge

○ replacing Code-first bottom-up approaches

○ still some key missing pieces in API languages

○ stay tuned for 2015 !

Thank you

