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Part 1 - The Raccoon Story

What makes Calvin & Hobbes the greatest ever is its ability to make you laugh your ass off, and identify with it. What makes it one of the great treasures of our culture is its

ability to invoke emotions that you never thought you'd spend on a comic strip.

This one's positively touching.

A - Read the cartoon below and answer the questions:

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Extracted from www.gocomics.com

Vocabulary: raccoon = guaxinim; figure out = descobrir, entender; put out = colocar; take back

= pegar de volta; heebie-jeebies = sentimento de ansiedade, apreensão ou doença.

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1) O que Calvin descobre nos dois primeiros quadrinhos?


___________________________________________________________________________ 2) O que Calvin decide fazer perante a descoberta anterior?


___________________________________________________________________________ 3) O que a mãe de Calvin o manda buscar?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) O que é feito com os objetos trazidos?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5) O que a mãe de Calvin fala para Hobbes?


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6) O que Calvin e sua mãe conversam a respeito do jantar de Calvin?


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7) O que acontece quando chegam em casa?


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8) Por que Calvin e Hobbes não conseguem dormir?


___________________________________________________________________________ 9) O que acontece no dia seguinte?


___________________________________________________________________________ 10) O que o pai de Calvin fala para consolá-lo?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11) O que Calvin afirma após ouvir as palavras de seu pai?

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_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12) Mais tarde Calvin e Hobbes estão numa área externa e Calvin faz algumas considerações E chega à conclusão de que o mundo é idiota? Quais foram estas considerações?


___________________________________________________________________________ 13) Qual a conversa que Calvin e Hobbes têm à noite?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14) Nos últimos quadrinhos Calvin reflete a respeito do ocorrido usando alguns ensinamentos de sua mãe? Que ensinamentos são estes?


___________________________________________________________________________ 15) Como você analisa o último quadrinho?


___________________________________________________________________________ B – COPIE DO TEXTO O EQUIVALENTE A:

1 Essa coisa de morte

2 Este pobre “carinha”

3 Parte do ciclo da vida

4 Que mundo idiota

5 A maior parte do meu jantar


1 Eu o coloquei na caixa de sapatos

2 Mas agora ele se foi

3 Eu espero que ele viva

4 Pelo menos ele morreu

aquecido e seguro

5 Eu odeio quando estas coisas


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Part 2 – Life and Death philosophy

The awareness of death has its roots in our conscience and is in the heart of our lives.

«If we did not die, if our existence did not unravel in the endless darkness of death, would

life be quite so precious, so extraordinary, so moving?», asked Andre Comte-Sponville. Anyway, death is a human evil, not shared by other species. The fear of death is a specific

human grief.

The conscience of death accompanies us since childhood, as conscience of the absolute destruction of the only precious treasure of ours: our I. E. Morin, French philosopher and sociologist, Method V

In endowing us with memory, nature has revealed to us a truth utterly unimaginable to the unreflective creation, the truth of immortality... The most ideal human passion is love, which

is also the most absolute and animal and one of the most ephemeral. George Santayana, 1863-1952, American philosopher, Reason in Religion

Unlike man, animals, so to speak, live without knowing death. The individual animal enjoys fully the immutability of its gender, being conscious of itself only as an immortal being.

Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860, German philosopher, Le monde comme volonté et comme représentation

Death is a source of drama, interrogations, grief and revolt. The anguish of death hangs over and leads the human spirit to wonder about the mysteries

of existence, man’s destiny, life, the world. E. Morin, French philosopher and sociologist, Method V

It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls.

Epicurus, 341-270 b.C., Greek philosopher, Vatican Sayings The certainty of death and the uncertainty of the hour of death is a source of grief

throughout our life. E. Morin, French philosopher and sociologist, Method V Death is never a trick; nature doesn’t play a comedy; instead, it’s a tragic, colossal and unstoppable drama.

L. Fuerbach, 1804-1872, German philosopher, cited in Edgar Morin O homem e a morte

Systematically, we insist on the occasional nature of death – accidents, illnesses, infections, advanced age - revealing in this way our deep desire to deprive from death all its necessary element, thus making it become just an accidental event.

Sigmund Freud, 1856-1939, Austrian psychoanalyst, Essais de Psychanalyse

Vocabulary: unravel = desvendar, resolver; to endow = dotar, doar; grief = dor, tristeza, pesar;

utterly = completamente; anguish = angústia, aflição; hang over = pairar sobre; deprive = privar

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Part 3: Joining Part A and Part B

A) Find characteristics from the philosophers´ thoughts in “The Racoon Story”? _____________________________________________________________________





B) After reading both texts, create a graphic novel by your own related to the philosophy about life and death. Use your imagination and if necessary read other philosophers who have studied this topic.

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O texto abaixo apresenta duas respostas postadas por leitores do site www.wiki.answers.com para a pergunta a respeito do conflito entre católicos e protestantes na Irlanda. Leia as duas respostas e escreva no espaço ao final do texto, as três informações mais importantes de cada resposta. Lembramos que entender este conflito não é fácil e que nenhuma das respostas apresentadas no site é conclusiva ou definitiva, nem tampouco expressam qualquer tipo de posicionamento da professora frente a esta questão.

What was the conflict between the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland?

The original conflict between the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland was not truly a matter of religion -- it was a matter of social class.

Put quite briefly, the majority of the population in Ireland, post 1000 A. D., was Catholic. They never underwent the church reform that England did in the 1500s. Thus, by the 1600s, England = Anglican (Protestant), and Ireland = Catholic.

When England began to establish plantations in Ireland and establish themselves as the ruling class, they often did it in a relatively unpleasant and domineering fashion,

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making themselves unpopular with their new subjects in the manner of America and India.

Hostility arouse between Catholics and Protestants in this way not because the religions themselves bore marked differences, but because these denominations were attached to two very different classes. Intermarriages were frowned upon, not for spiritual reasons, but because the Protestant was marrying below their class.

This hostility between the denominations continued into the present for many of the same reasons. Protestantism represents the continued presence of England in Northern Irish affairs, while Catholicism bears the stigma of being the religion of the poor, the rebels, and the socialists intent on a free Ireland.


Maggie, your answer is more or less correct. However, there is another aspect. British colonial activity in Ireland isn't to be condemned simply because it was executed in such a harsh and murderous manner. It is to be condemned because colonialism is always wrong.

With regard to the harsh nature of the occupation here, the British government used religious difference as a political tool over and over again since inventing it shortly after the 1798 United Irish revolution. It has been used by both sides, to their mutual disgrace.

For those who don't know, the United Irishmen aimed to unite Protestants, Catholics, and Dissenters in a single military force aimed to drive the British out of Ireland. (Not such an unrealistic idea - the population of each country was very similar). This scared the daylights out of the British, who relied on Ireland to feed the less agriculturally productive Britain. They knew that it was only a series of lucky incidents for them, and unlucky ones for the revolutionaries that allowed the British to hold on here. Therefore they had to find a way to divide and conquer. Throughout history, religion has worked nicely in this role. So yet again it was brought into play. One of the first markers of this was the founding of the Orange Order, an organisation dedicated to remembering William of Orange, a King of England of Dutch origin in the early 1700s. A fairly large scale war was fought between William and his rival for the throne - James throughout England, but mostly in Ireland. In reality, this war had little to do with Irish nationalists, as these were two foreigners fighting over what amounted to the throne of England and influence in Europe. Catholics and Protestants fought for both.

After the United Irishmen revolution over 100 years after the Williamite wars, the British founded the Orange Order on the pretext that the Williamite war was fought exclusively by Protestants on one side, and Catholics on the other. It has all sorts of overtones of racial and ethnic bigotry associated with it. In any case, the Orange Order, and related organisations led and nurtured the Protestant Hatred of catholics.

On the other side, the Catholic Church has always been the enemy of popular freedom movements throughout the world. In point of fact, most revolutionaries in Ireland were excommunicated by the church for their activities. It is only after we achieved independence that the church found a sense of nationalism, that had heretofore been

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undiscovered! Catholicism had been brutally suppressed in Ireland - catholics couldn't own properties, trade in certain circumstances, were subject to tithes to support the established church - (The Church of Ireland - an Anglican church), amongst other repressions. Eventually it was allowed back in. That time of repression allied to the propoganda of the catholic church fomented a misunderstanding of protestantism, and consequently helped to form a deep and abiding bigotry amongst some of the Irish Nationalist catholic populations. I'm sure there's more stupidity involved here too.

In any case, both sides played into the British governments hands. It is easy to divide and conquer when there is already religious tension. This religious card was played over and over again by successive British governments to establish majorities at critical time in mainland British politics. It led to an institutionalised religious intolerance. Over time it has created a society in Northern Ireland that is unbelievably absurd. There is government funding galore, straight out of London, and increasingly Dublin. The political leaders have a world status unimaginably far in excess of what you'd expect when you look at the actual population and territorial limits. One can drive from one end of Northern Ireland to the other in at most a couple of hours. The entire population of Northern Ireland is a good deal less than that of Manchester in England. We don't see the Mayor of Manchester getting broadcast all over the world, and behaving like a spoiled child.

The church my girlfriend's family attends gets vandalised from time to time by catholic kids from the council estate nearby. As a person who grew up in a catholic family, it always astonishes me when catholics assume that Protestants are unionist, or perhaps even Orange Order members. I'd go so far as to say that the most prominent of Irish nationalist and revolutionary heroes were protestant. The person who first flew the tricolour was protestant, the leaders of the United Irishmen were protestant, many of the 1916 revolutionaries were protestant. Needless to say, the whole thing is stupid, stupid, stupid.

Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_was_the_conflict_between_the_Catholics_and_Protestants_in_Ireland#ixzz18MgrXHyp

VOCABULARY: to undergo = submeter-se a; thus = assim, portanto, então; ruling = dominante; arouse = surgir, erguer-se; to bear = nutrir, comportar; to frown upon = desaprovar; harsh = severo, rigoroso; murderous = criminoso, homicida; dissenters =

dissidents; to rely on = invocar; role = papel; to bring into play = trazer à tona; fairly = bastante, razoavelmente; overtones = sobretons; bigotry = fanatismo; to nurture = nutrir;

heretofore = até agora; tithes = dízimo; amongst = entre; abiding = permanente; spoiled = mimado

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Part B: The cartoons

Os cinco cartoons abaixo foram extraídos do livro Pack up your Troubles: 25 Years of Northern Ireland Cartoons, de Martyn Turner, aqui reproduzidos com autorização prévia do autor e editores. Após lê-los, faça uma breve reflexão sobre cada um deles e em seguida crie o seu cartoon sobre este




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Cartoon 1

Cartoon 2

Cartoon 3

Cartoon 4

Cartoon 5

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Artistic reaction

Mural by Bogside Artists on Free Derry Corner depicting Father Daly waving a white handkerchief while trying

to escort the mortally wounded Jackie Duddy to safety.

References in popular music

Shots were fired by a mindless


The people ran they were unarmed

Across the world we will read of


And those who died by oppressive


—Cruachan, "Bloody Sunday"

Well it was Sunday bloody Sunday

When they shot the people there

The cries of thirteen martyrs

Filled the Free Derry air

Is there any one amongst you

Dare to blame it on the kids?

Not a soldier boy was bleeding

When they nailed the coffin lids!

—John Lennon and Yoko Ono

"Sunday Bloody Sunday"

And the battle's just begun

There's many lost, but tell me who has won? The trenches dug within our hearts And mothers, children, brothers, sisters Torn apart. Sunday, bloody Sunday. Sunday, bloody Sunday.

—U2 "Sunday Bloody Sunday"


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Complete as lacunas com as palavras que aparecem no quadro no final da página. Para facilitar, as palavras encontram-se em ordem alfabética.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

I can't believe the ____________ today, I can't close my ____________ and make it go away.

How long, how long must we ____________ this song? How ____________? Tonight we can be as one. Broken bottles under children's feet,

Bodies strewn across a dead end ____________, But I won't heed the battle call,

It puts my back up, puts my back up against the ____________. Sunday, bloody Sunday. Sunday, ____________ Sunday.

And the battle's just begun, There's many lost, ____________ tell me who has won? The trenches dug within our hearts,

And mothers, ____________, brothers, sisters torn apart. Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday. How long, how long must we sing this song? How long, Tonight we can be as ____________.

Tonight, ____________. Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday. Wipe the tears from ____________ eyes, Wipe your tears away,

Wipe your blood shot eyes. Sunday, bloody Sunday.

Sunday, bloody Sunday. And it's true we are immune. When fact is fiction and ____________is reality,

And today the millions cry, We eat and drink while ____________ they die. The real battle ____________ begun.

To claim the victory ____________ won, On a Sunday bloody Sunday,

Sunday bloody Sunday.

bloody – but – children – eyes – Jesus – just – long – news – one – sing – street – T.V. – tomorrow – tonight – wall – your

Crie agora um graphic novel sobre o tema.

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The controversy over the 12 caricatures of Muhammad published by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten exploded into a global scandal, complete with angry demonstrations, and defiant republications of the cartoons in newspapers across the globe.

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The spread of protests against the cartoons of Muhammad is another manifestation of globalization

Just as Dr Edward Lorenz of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology asked in 1972: "Does

the flap of a butterfly's wings in Brazil set off a tornado in Texas?" (he originally mentioned a seagull's wings, but a butterfly is so much more poetic), so these days cartoons in an obscure newspaper have set off demonstrations which cross continents.

The phenomenon is fuelled by the growth of the Islamic influence in Western societies, the sense of Islamic anger not just at the cartoons but at world events and the precarious nature

of relations between the West and the Muslim world.

Then and now

Compare the recent crisis with what happened to the author Salman Rushdie in 1989. Then,

the protests were directed largely at one person. Now they are directed at a whole country, in this case Denmark, and more than that, against large parts of Western society and its


Equally, the cartoons are seen as attacks on Islam itself, not just by an author but by a society. And in places, the issue has been exploited for local purposes. In northern Nigeria,

the protests went beyond the original issue. They developed into anti-Christian riots, as anger at the drawings was exploited in a part of the world where Islam from across the Sahara meets Christianity which has moved up from the missionary-influenced coast.

Teachings questioned

Rushdie's sin in The Satanic Verses was to exploit some notorious lines in an account of the

Prophet's life which told how Muhammad was tempted by Satan to suggest that three goddesses worshipped in Mecca might find a place in the new religion he was proclaiming. These are the "Satanic Verses" themselves.

They are absolutely rejected by Islamic tradition. Rushdie, however, used them to construct a fable in which he questioned the whole basis of Muhammad's teachings.

It was on 14 February 1989 that the then Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini proclaimed: "The author of the book entitled The Satanic Verses, which has been compiled, printed, and published in opposition to Islam, the Prophet and the Koran, as well

as those publishers who were aware of its contents, have been sentenced to death."

The book was burned, in Britain and elsewhere. Protests followed outside US and British buildings in India and Pakistan, and people died. But the main anger was directed against

Rushdie himself who had to go into hiding.

Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/4740020.stm

Published: 2006/02/22 15:06:19 GMT

VOCABULARY: spread = propagação; to set off = iniciar; seagull = gaivota; to fuel =

abastecer; anger = raiva, ira; beyond = além; riots = tumulto, manifestação; goddesses =

deusas; to worship = adorer; teachings = ensinamentos; aware = ciente, consciente; to go into hiding = esconder-se.

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1) O que perguntou o dr. Edward Lorenz em 1972? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





2) Qual a diferença entre o episódio dos cartoons e o episódio envolvendo Salman Rushdie e o que isso tem a ver com os protestos contra os cartoons? ___________________________________________________________________________






3) Resuma o episódio com Salman Rushdie a partir de informações apresentadas no item “Teachings questioned” . ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






4) A se referem os pronomes / adjetivos possessivos em destaque no texto? A He (linha 2) B Which (linha 4) C Its (linha 10) D Which (linha 15) E Which (linha 17) F Which (linha 21) G Which (linha 23) H Who (linha 25) I Its (linha 25) J Who (linha 28)

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"Now I know what a ghost is. Unfinished business, that's what."

"From the beginning men used God to justify the unjustifiable." "What kind of idea are you? Are you the kind that compromises, does deals, accomodates itself to society, aims to find a niche, to survive; or are you the cussed, bloody-minded, ramrod-backed type of damnfool notion that would rather break than sway with the breeze? – The kind that will almost certainly, ninety-nine times out of hundred, be smashed to bits; but, the hundredth time, will change the world." "The world, somebody wrote, is the place we prove real by dying in it." "So India’s problem turns out to be the world’s problem. What happened in India has happened in God’s name. The problem’s name is God." "Question: What is the opposite of faith? Not disbelief. Too final, certain, closed. Itself is a kind of belief. Doubt. “ "You can't judge an internal injury by the size of the hole." "Something was badly amiss with the spiritual life of the planet...Too many demons inside people claiming to believe in God."


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Brazil has reaffirmed its support for Iran's right to a civilian nuclear programme, but called for a "just and balanced" solution with the West.

During a visit to Brazil by the Iranian president, President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva criticised

attempts to isolate Iran over its nuclear ambitions. But he also urged Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to engage with the West. Western powers fear Iran is developing nuclear weapons technology, rather

than civilian uses as it claims.

It is the first visit by an Iranian president to Brazil, which maintains close ties to the US, Israel

and other countries trying to block Iran's nuclear ambitions. But Brazilian President Lula said he opposes further sanctions on Iran, and called for diplomacy instead. "We recognise Iran's right to

develop a peaceful nuclear programme in compliance with international accords. "I encourage you

to continue engaging interested countries to seek a just and balanced solution on the Iranian nuclear issue," he said to Mr Ahmadinejad at a press conference.

Iran reticence

Iran has yet to respond to a plan brokered by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and agreed by Russia, the US and France last month. Under the plan most of Iran's enriched uranium would be

sent abroad to be turned into fuel rods for research use. This is seen as a way for Iran to get the

fuel it needs, while giving guarantees to the West that it will not be used for nuclear weapons.

Mr Ahmadinejad's visit to Brazil has already drawn criticism from Israel and members of the US

Congress. US State Department spokesman Robert Wood declined to comment on the meeting, but

before the event, he said he hoped Brazil would raise some of the US concerns with the Iranian

leader. New York congressman Eliot Engel said President Lula was making "a serious error" by "lending legitimacy" to Mr Ahmadinejad. Israel too called it a "mistake" for Brazil to host him, AFP


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Since coming to power in 2005, Mr Ahmadinejad has sought to build ties with leftist south American leaders. His five-nation tour also takes him to Venezuela and Bolivia, with stops in the

West African countries of Senegal and Gambia on the way home.

Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/middle_east/8373822.stm


1) Qual o objetivo de enviar o urânio enriquecido produzido no Iran para o exterior? ___________________________________________________________________________






2) Quais críticas internacionais foram feitas à visita de Ahmadinejad ao Brasil? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________





3) O que Ahmadinejad tem feito desde que chegou ao poder em 2005? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






4) A se referem os pronomes / adjetivos possessivos em destaque no texto? Brasil Lula Iran Ahmadinejad Robert

Wood A Its (linha 2) B He (linha 2) C It (linha 4) D Which (linha 5) E He (linha 6) F I (linha 8) G He (linha 10) H It (linha 14) I He (linha 17) J He (linha 17) K Him (linha 19) L His (linha 22) M Him (linha 22)

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BY TIMES.AM AT 11 JANUARY, 2011, 4:32 PM

Brazilian author Paulo Coelho announced his books have been banned in Iran and has

appealed to Brazil to intervene, Guardian reports.

A message is published in Coelho’s blog from his editor in Iran informing him of the

government’s decision.

“I strongly hope this misunderstanding will be solved during the week. And I strongly count

on the Brazilian government to support me, my books, for the sake of all the values we

cherish,” Coelho wrote on the blog.

Coelho, whose 1988 allegorical novel, The Alchemist, is one of the best-selling books of all

time, said he would make all of his books translated into the Persian language, or Farsi as it

is known in Iran, available for free on the internet.

The author, whose sales total at least 300m in 150 countries, added that his work had been

selling in Iran since 1998.

Is Paulo Coelho the new Salman Rushdie? Read the text below and then write your opinion about it!


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Each week 320 Afghan boys and girls come to the Skateistan NGO for skateboarding and

educational classes. For many youth, this is the only schooling they receive. Several of them

have spent their days working on the streets of Kabul since the age of 7 or 8. And the girls

have virtually no other chance to take part in sport. To keep doing what it does, though,

Skateistan requires donations immediately and is asking for your help.

In recent weeks thousands of people have viewed the short documentary "To Live and Skate

Kabul" and discovered the Skateistan project. Many people have said they'd love to help,

and now is the time when it is truly needed.

At present, Skateistan has no core donors and requires immediate funds to support day-to-

day running costs over the next few months. These costs include school supplies, student

meals and transport, local wages, administration costs and accommodating the international

volunteer instructors and staff. As a small, grassroots organization each dollar that is

received by Skateistan is carefully spent and directly contributes to the goal of giving children

an alternative to poverty, drugs or fighting.

If you've watched the film and felt hopeful for Afghanistan's youth, or seen what Skateistan is

doing on this website and believe the NGO is achieving something positive, please consider

a donation to show your support. Because Skateistan operates abroad through a network of

international volunteers, 100% of Skateistan's budget is directed towards operations of the

school in Kabul.

The quickest, easiest way to donate is through PayPal, though it will take some weeks to

help Skateistan in Kabul.


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1) Qual o objetivo deste artigo? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


2) Qual o objetivo da “Skatenian NGO”? ___________________________________________________________________________



3) Em que a “Skatenian NGO” gasta o seu dinheiro? ___________________________________________________________________________


__________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________



4) A se referem os números abaixo? A 320

B 7 e 8

C 100%

5) A se referem os pronomes / adjetivos possessivos em destaque no texto? A Them (linha 2)

B Their (linha 3)

C it (linha 4)

D it (linha 8)

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A conjunção if (se) introduz orações subordinadas condicionais e é utilizada em quatro tipos de estruturas.



Zero conditional

Indica uma certeza

absoluta, como um fato científico. A

condição sempre tem o mesmo resultado.

Verbo no “Simple Present”

If you heat ice …

Verbo no “Simple Present” it melts.

First conditional

Indica um futuro

provável, possível, uma possibilidade real

Verbo no “Simple Present”

If I work a lot …

Verbo no “Simple Future” I will earn much money.

Second conditional

Indica um futuro imaginário,

improvável, uma possibilidade irreal ou

um sonho

Verbo no “Simple Past” If I worked a lot …

Verbo no “Conditional” I would earn much money.

Third conditional

Indica um futuro impossível, não

havendo nenhuma possibilidade de que


Verbo no “ Past Perfect”

If I had worked a lot …

Verbo no “Conditional Perfect” I would have earned much


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Observações: Nas orações condicionais o verbo to be apresenta-se geralmente na forma were

para todas as pessoas. Exemplo: If I were you I wouldn´t do that.

A ordem das orações pode ser invertida.

Exemplo: I will enter USP, If I study a lot. If I study a lot I will enter USP

As orações condicionais podem ter ainda outra formação:

simple present na oração condicional + imperative na oração principal

Exemplo: If you go to the shopping mall, don´t forget to buy that CD.

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Complete as frases abaixo com os corretos tempos verbais dos verbos entre parênteses.

1. If I get the CD, I _____________________ you. (to lend)

2. He would buy a BMW if he _____________________ money. (to have)

3. The teacher _____________________the projects if she had time enough. (to


4. If I _____________________ the book, I will go to the library. (to need)

5. If you clean the house, it _____________________ much better. (to look)

6. If I _____________________ time, I will go to the Museum. (to have)

7. If I _____________________ time, I would go the Opera. (to have)

8. If I had married him, I _____________________ unhappy. (to be)

9. If my mom _____________________ better, she would travel to Canada with

us. (to feel)

10. If he loved me, he _____________________ me. (to kiss)

11. I had seen Mary I _____________________ her. (to tell)

12. If Tara had been free yesterday I _____________________ her. (to invite)

13. If I married Mary I _____________________ happy. (to be)

14. If I won the lottery I _____________________a car. (to buy)

15. If it _____________________ a lot in Ceará you would be surprised. (to rain)

16. I will tell my boss the truth if I _____________________ her. (to see)

17. If they do not pass their exam their mother _____________________very

angry. (to be)

18. If people don´t eat they _____________________ hungry. (to get)

19. I am late for work if I _____________________the 8 o´clock bus. (to miss)

20. If I eat peanut butter I _____________________ sick. (to get)

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