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Picket Piece

Lighting Technical Report

January 2010

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WSP Environment and Energy Mountbatten House Basing View Basingstoke RG21 4HJ Tel: +44 (0)1256 318800 Fax: +44 (0)1256 318700 http://www.wspgroup.com

Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3

Remarks Draft Final

Date November 2009 January 2010

Prepared by Matt Whalley Matt Whalley


Checked by Chris Rochfort Chris Rochfort


Authorised by Chris Rochfort Chris Rochfort


Project number 12260671-001 12260671-001

File reference Z:\Environmental


2260671 - Picket






12260671 - Picket




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Contents Executive Summary 1

Introduction 3

1.1 Background 3 1.2 The Proposed Redevelopment of Picket Piece 3 1.3 Overview 3

2 Legislation, Policy and Guidance 4

2.1 Legislative Framework 4 2.2 Planning Policy 5 2.3 Guidance 6

3 Methodology 7

3.1 Consultation 7 3.2 Scope of Works 7 3.3 Extent of the Study Area 7 3.4 Method of Baseline Data Collation 7 3.5 Assessment Approach 9 3.6 Limitations and Assumptions 10

4 Baseline Conditions 12

4.1 Description of the Site and Surrounds 12 4.2 Existing Site Conditions and the Surrounding Environment 12 4.3 Sensitive Receptors 12 4.4 Baseline Lighting Conditions on the Site and in the Surrounding Area 12 4.5 Future Baseline 17

5 Key Issues & Recommended Mitigation: Construction Phase 18

5.1 Lighting Required during Construction 18 5.2 Potential Impacts from Construction Lighting 18

6 Key Issues & Recommended Mitigation: Operational Phase 21

6.1 Lighting Required During Operation 21 6.2 Future Detailed Lighting Design 21 6.3 Landscaping 21 6.4 Potential Impacts from Operational lighting 22

7 Summary 23

8 References 24

Figures 25

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Appendix 1 Institution of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes 26

Appendix 2 Consultation Requests & Responses 27

Appendix 3 Glossary of Lighting Terminology 28 LIST OF TABLES

Table 1: Lighting Consultation Response

Table 2: Description of Night-time Viewpoints and Monitoring Locations

Table 3: Obtrusive Light Limitations for Exterior Lighting Installations (ILE, 2005)

Table 4: Baseline Lighting Conditions Recorded on the Site and in the Surrounding Area and Details of the ILE Environmental Zone Criteria


Figure 1: Night-time Viewpoints and Illuminance Monitoring Locations

Figure 2: Night-time Viewpoint 1

Figure 3: Night-time Viewpoint 2

Figure 4: Night-time Viewpoint 3

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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates


Executive Summary


This Lighting Technical Report has been prepared by WSP Environment and Energy (WSP E&E) on behalf of Wates (“the Applicant”). It accompanies an outline planning application seeking planning permission for a mixed use development including 800 residential units (to include 530 units in phase one); a local centre, a sports pavilion and a school with access from Walworth Road.

Existing Conditions

The Site is split into a number of different areas due to the presence of existing residential properties within Picket Piece village along Walworth Road and properties along Ox Drove. Currently the Site comprises parts of Picket Piece village and represents predominantly open land, some of which is utilised for agricultural purposes with numerous overgrown scrubby areas and extended gardens which have been abandoned and fenced off from rabbits.

The external lit environment on and in the immediate vicinity of the Site was assessed as part of the baseline lighting survey undertaken on 12th October 2009. Readings of both illuminance (light spill) and luminance (glare and sky glow) were recorded at key locations to benchmark the current night time scene.

Whilst residential lighting is intermittently present within Picket Piece village, the Site was generally unlit, . Occasional street lighting was evident along Walworth Road and some residential properties had wall mounted security lighting. The Site and immediate surrounding areas were considered to be indicative of an E2 Environmental Zone (“low district brightness area”).

The Picket Piece Commercial Centre and Walworth Industrial Estate were well lit, which was considered to be indicative of an E3 Environmental Zone (“medium district brightness area”). The most notable source of sky glow in the area was to the west in the direction of Walworth Industrial Estate and Andover town centre.

Construction Phase Considerations

During the construction phase, which is anticipated to be phased over approximately 6 years, lighting impacts are likely to be associated with the requirement for temporary lighting to illuminate temporary car parking areas and the contractor’s compound, whilst working areas will require lighting for the late afternoons during the winter months only. In order to mitigate temporary impacts on surrounding sensitive receptors the lighting requirements at the Site will be managed as part of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (which will also manage other construction related impacts). Installed lighting will involve the use of well located, modern light fittings which are directionally controlled and will be in accordance with current best practice standards and agreed with Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC). The temporary lighting will be specific to the areas that require illumination during the night-time period to ensure both on-site safety and security. Measures will be taken to ensure that the effects of light spill, glare and sky glow towards sensitive receptors are effectively mitigated.

Operational Phase Considerations

During the operational phase, the introduction of permanent artificial light sources required to service the needs of the development will result in changes to the current baseline conditions within the Site, which would likely reflect an E2/E3 Environmental Zone (“low to medium district brightness area”) upon full completion. New sources of lighting are expected to include:

Street lighting (c. 6m columns) within the residential built development areas;

Highways lighting (c. 8-10m columns) on the primary access points and primary internal roads;

Security and health and safety lighting within the local centre area and school; and

Residents are likely to install security lighting at their properties.

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Picket Piece, Andover Wates


The effects on sensitive receptors should be mitigated as far as is practicable by the retention and enhancement of existing vegetation, where possible, and through the implementation of a best practice lighting design (to be produced at the detailed design stages). The detailed lighting design(s) will be based on the following principles:

Recommendation for the lighting conditions on the Site to accord with a stringent standard for light spill and upward light loss (an E2 standard is recommended where practicable);

Controlling the intensity and direction of the lighting to ensure that the effects of light spill, glare and sky glow are minimised;

Use of shields or hoods to effectively screen the visible light source from the observer;

Careful selection of luminaries and their location in relation to the sensitive receptors to minimise light spill;

Use directionally controlled, horizontally cut off flat glass luminaires throughout to control light spill, glare and sky glow; and

Highways and street lighting to be designed in accordance with current recognised Road Lighting Standards.

In addition to the above, the configuration of buildings on-site to prevent direct views of artificial lighting installations (e.g. service courtyards and car parking areas) from surrounding properties should be considered in further detail at the detailed design stages.

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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates


Introduction 1.1 BACKGROUND

1.1.1 This Lighting Technical Report has been prepared by WSP Environment and Energy (WSP E&E) on behalf of Wates (“the Applicant”). It accompanies an outline planning application seeking planning permission for the residential development of the Site.


1.2.1 The Overall Development will comprise the clearance and the demolition of a small number of existing houses to the north and south of Walworth Road, the poultry farm within the west of the Site and the warehouses within the north-west of the Site. The following components will be constructed:

800 residential units (to include 530 units in phase one);

A local centre including (a foodstore (400m2), A1 - A5 (200m2) and a community facility (300m2));

A Sports Pavilion (200m2 GEA);

A school; and

Access from the Walworth Road.

1.2.2 The Overall Development is expected to be constructed in phases. Construction is currently expected to commence in 2011/12 with the first phase comprising approximately 530 dwellings, the local centre, play space and buffer planting, which is expected to be completed within seven years (2017/2018). Subsequently, the remaining dwellings, along with open space and buffer planting, will be built in two to three further phases over a further two to three years (from 2018/2019 to 2020/2021).

1.2.3 The Overall Development seeks to retain the majority of the existing residential properties fronting onto Walworth Road, however a small number of dwellings will be demolished to allow for access. A number of access options are currently being investigated as part of the design of the Overall Development, all linking from Walworth Road. Additionally, the Overall Development will incorporate pedestrian and cycle links connecting to existing routes, and will consider the opportunity to enhance existing bus services in the area linking to Andover town centre and Andover railway station.

1.2.4 The application supplies details in respect of access into the site. Layout, scale, appearance and landscaping are reserved and will be dealt with as part of subsequent reserved matters applications.

1.2.5 This document assesses the lighting impact of the Overall Development. This Lighting Technical Report has been prepared to support the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.


1.3.1 This lighting technical report considers the potential impacts on sensitive receptors arising as a result of the installation of artificial lighting associated with the Overall Development.

1.3.2 This report considers the potential effects of artificial lighting during both construction and operation in relation to surrounding sensitive receptors, including the existing local residents in Picket Piece.

1.3.3 Where potential significant impacts have been identified in relation to light spill, glare and sky glow, during the construction and operational phases, mitigation measures are proposed to reduce or negate the impact to an acceptable level in line with best practice and best available technology.

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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates


2 Legislation, Policy and Guidance 2.1 LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK

Statutory Requirements for the Provision of Lighting

2.1.1 There is no statutory requirement to provide road lighting. Neither are there any statutory requirements to install a particular class of lighting if a decision is made to light a particular road. However, the statutes summarised below empower authorities to light roads. The provision of road lighting on a previously unlit road might involve statutory requirements.

2.1.2 Where a decision is made to install lighting, as best practice this should be in accordance to the relevant British and European standards.

Empowerment to Light Roads

2.1.3 In England and Wales, the Highways Act 1980, Section 97 empowers a Highway Authority to provide lighting for any highway or proposed highway for which they are or will be the Highway Authority. District Councils and many Parish or Town Councils also have the power to provide lighting as local lighting authorities. This power is given by the Public Health Act 1985, or the Parish Councils Act 1957. Where such Councils wish to provide lighting on a highway, the consent of the Highway Authority is required, under the Local Government Act 1996, Section 29.

Traffic Signs

2.1.4 When lighting is provided on a previously unlit road, it is likely that certain traffic signs will have to be illuminated. In England, Wales and Scotland, the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 are relevant.

Speed Limits

2.1.5 The provision of road lighting on a previously unlit road can cause the imposition of speed limits. In England, Wales and Scotland, the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 deal with the link between speed limits and a “system of street lighting”:

Road Humps

2.1.6 The provision of road humps might require particular lighting arrangements. In England and Wales, the Highways (Road Hump) Regulations 1999 are relevant:

Public Lights on Private Buildings or Land

2.1.7 In some circumstances, public lights and associated equipment can be fixed to private buildings or sited on private land. In England and Wales, the Public Health Act 1985 deals with the fixing of public lights to buildings.

Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (CNEA) 2005

2.1.8 The Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (CNEA) 2005 gives local authorities and the Environment Agency additional powers to deal with a wide range of issues including introducing artificial light emitted from defined premises as a nuisance. In this context, nuisance is defined as an unreasonable interference with someone’s enjoyment of their property and / or injurious to health.

2.1.9 In March 2006, DEFRA produced guidance on Sections 102 and 103 of the CNEA 2005, which provides content on the best practicable means for addressing artificial light as a statutory nuisance. The final guidance document notes that Section 102 adds to the descriptions of statutory nuisances listed in section 79(1) of the Environmental Protection Act (EPA) 1990 to include impacts from artificial lighting as follows:

‘Section 102- (fb) artificial light emitted from premises so as to be prejudicial to health or a nuisance’.

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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates


2.1.10 The regulations relating to artificial lighting came into force on the 6th April 2006. These changes extend the duty on local authorities to ensure their areas are checked periodically for existing and potential sources of statutory nuisances, including those arising from artificial lighting. Local authorities must take reasonable steps to investigate complaints of such nuisances from artificial light. Once satisfied that a statutory nuisance exists or may recur, local authorities must issue an abatement notice (in accordance with section 80(2) of the EPA 1990) against either the person responsible for the nuisance, or the owner or occupier of the premises from which it emanates, requiring that the nuisance cease or be abated within a set timescale.

2.1.11 Section 103 extends the defence of ‘best practicable means’ to those statutory nuisances where light is emitted from industrial, trade or business premises and also from relevant outdoor sports facilities.


National Planning Policy

Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 23

2.2.1 PPS 23 ‘Planning and Pollution Control’ (2004) requires planning authorities to take account of the possible polluting impact of lighting in preparing local development documents. Support for combating light pollution was planned to be strengthened with a new annex on light pollution and a requirement for LPAs to have policies covering acceptable types of lighting. Whilst a draft has been completed, it is understood that the Government will not be taking it forward at this time. Should it be released in the future the annex would be subject to full public consultation.

Regional Planning Policy

Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the South East – The South East Plan

2.2.1 There are no specific policies in the South East Plan, Core Regional Policies, relating to light nuisance/pollution and the effects from the introduction of artificial light sources as part of new development proposals. The South East Plan notes however that actions and decisions associated with development and the use of land should actively encourage the conservation and, where appropriate, the enhancement of the character, distinctiveness, and sense of place of settlements and landscapes throughout the region. The South East Plan states that opportunities for creating a high quality environment should be sought, based on a shared vision that places emphasis on good design, innovation, sustainability and achieving a high quality of life.

Local Planning Policy

Test Valley Borough Local Plan (June 2006)

2.2.2 The relevant policies in relation to artificial lighting in the Local Plan include the following:

Policy AME 03 – Artificial Light Intrusion, which states:

‘Development which requires external lighting will be permitted provided that: a) the lighting scheme is the minimum necessary to achieve its purpose; b) light scatter, spillage and glare is minimised through the control of light direction and

intensity; and c) the quality and intensity of the light and the daytime appearance of any light fittings and

cables would not have a detrimental impact on local amenity or the character of the surrounding area.’

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Policy ESN 33 – Advertisements, which states:

‘Advertisements will be permitted provided that: (a) their siting, size and illumination do not have an adverse impact on highway or

pedestrian safety; (b) they are appropriate in terms of size, colour, material, lettering and height to the

surrounding environment and if located on a building it is well related to its scale and setting;

(c) they do not adversely affect the character of settlements or the countryside; and (d) any illumination is designed to minimise visual intrusion.

Policy HAZ 06 – Safeguarded Aerodromes and Technical Sites, which states:

'Development will be permitted within safeguarded areas around official civil or military aerodromes and technical sites provided that: (a) It would not infringe on protected surfaces, obscure runway approach lights or have the

potential to impair the performance of aerodrome navigation aids, radio aids or telecommunication systems;

(b) It would not result in lighting which has the potential to distract pilots; (c) It would not result in an increase in the number of birds that would cause an increased

hazard to aircraft; (d) it would not cause a hazard from other aviation use; and (e) In the case of wind turbines it would not cause a hazard due to their size or

electromagnetic disturbance.


2.3.1 Guidance documents that have informed this technical report include the following:

Commission Internationale De L’Eclairage (CIE - International Commission on Illumination (2003). CIE 150:2003. Guide on the Limitation of the Effects of Obtrusive Light from Outdoor Lighting Installations

CIE (1997). CIE 126:1997. Guidelines for Minimising Sky Glow

Institution of Lighting Engineers (ILE) (2005) Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light;

Institution of Lighting Engineers and Bat Conservation Trust (2007). Bats and Lighting in the UK: Bats and the Built Environment Series;

DEFRA (2001) Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice;

BS 5489 (2003) Code of Practice for the Design of Road Lighting – Part 1: Lighting of Roads and Public Amenity Areas;

BS 13201-3 (2003) Road Lighting – 13201-3:2003; and

BS 13201-2 (2003) Road Lighting – Part 2: Performance Requirements.

2.3.2 The ILE Guidance Notes referred to above are provided in Appendix 1.

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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates


3 Methodology 3.1 CONSULTATION

3.1.1 The Environmental Health department at Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) was consulted on the scope of works proposed and their interpretation of any key issues relating to potential lighting impacts arising during construction and operation of the Overall Development. A summary of the consultation response from the Environmental Health Officer (EHO) is provided in Table 1 (below). The letter of consultation and the subsequent record of conversation between WSP E&E and TVBC is provided in Appendix 2:

Table 1: Lighting Consultation Response

Consultee Summary of Response

Test Valley Borough Council

The EHO at TVBC stated that he was satisfied with the scope of work proposed and confirmed that there are no specific Environmental Health produced design criteria for lighting.


3.2.1 In accordance with the methodology proposed as part of the above consultation exercise undertaken with TVBC (refer to Table 1 and Appendix 2), this lighting technical report has been prepared to:

Determine the existing baseline lighting conditions on the Site and in the immediate surroundings;

Identify key sensitive receptors to new sources of artificial light;

Identify potential lighting impacts during the construction and operational phases, particularly in relation to sensitive receptors.

Provide outline mitigation measures to reduce potential light spill, glare and sky glow from future (predominantly external) sources of lighting.

3.2.2 It is intended that the recommendations and lighting principles contained herein will be used to inform the future detailed lighting design(s) for the Overall Development. It is anticipated that a detailed lighting design(s) will be developed at the reserved matters stages, taking into account the principles contained within this report and any planning conditions imposed by TVBC.

3.2.3 The future detailed lighting design should be supported by predictive modelling of light spill to further quantify potential impacts.


3.3.1 The extent of the study area for the baseline lighting survey has been determined to identify the baseline lighting levels at the location of the Overall Development; within and along the boundaries of the Site at key sensitive receptors; as well as in the immediate vicinity of the Site (refer to Figure 1). The study area therefore focuses on the residential areas located along Walworth Road and Ox Drove and also considers adjacent night-time views into the Site to ensure that potential statutory nuisance issues from lighting associated with the Overall Development towards identified receptors is identified in order that measures can be proposed to effectively mitigate any impacts.

3.3.2 Consideration is also given to lighting within the nearby Walworth Industrial Estate to west of the Site (refer to Figure 1).


3.4.1 The approach and methodology used to assess the baseline lighting conditions on and in the immediate vicinity of the Site involved a desk study (including consultation with TVBC) and a baseline lighting survey on the Site and in the immediate vicinity, as discussed below.

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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates


Desk Study

3.4.2 A desk study has been undertaken to identify relevant legislation, planning policy, good practice guidance, environmental designations and relevant planning policy in relation to lighting following the standard methodology outlined in Guide on the Limitation of the Effects of Obtrusive Light from Outdoor Lighting Installations (CIE 150: 2003); Guidelines for Minimising Sky Glow (CIE 126:1997) and Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice (Defra, 2001).

Baseline Lighting Survey

3.4.3 A baseline lighting survey was undertaken at the Site on 12th October 2009 to identify the lighting installations currently present on the Site and to establish lighting conditions both on and in the immediate vicinity of the Site. The night-time survey was undertaken between the hours of 21.00 and 00.00 under partially cloudy skies. The moon did not have a strong visual presence and was not considered to have influenced ambient lighting levels recorded during the survey. Readings were taken of the existing ambient lighting levels and existing lighting installations on the Site and in the surrounding area. Sensitive receptors in close proximity to the Site were identified using Ordnance Survey mapping and professional judgement and were confirmed during the day-time walkover.

3.4.4 The following light meters (which are maintained and calibrated in accordance with instruction) were used during the baseline lighting survey:

Illuminance was recorded using a Minolta T10;

Luminance readings were made using a Minolta LS100; and

Photographs were taken using a Fujifilm FinePix A895 digital camera with a night-time landscape exposure setting.

3.4.5 Illustrative photographed viewpoints were taken at three locations (Night time Viewpoint (NV) 1 – 3) to obtain an indication of the existing lighting conditions across the Site and in the local area and to illustrate the screening afforded in the vicinity of the Site and in the surrounding area. These were selected to represent key viewpoints across the Site benchmarking views from selected representative sensitive receptors, namely those residential properties along Walworth Road and Ox Drove. Readings of luminance were taken to support the viewpoints and readings were taken of vertical and horizontal illuminance.

3.4.6 Readings of illuminance were recorded at a total of 14 further monitoring locations (A – M). At each of the monitoring locations, vertical illuminance was recorded from northerly, southerly, easterly and westerly directions. A reading of horizontal illuminance was also made at each location to benchmark the lit surface. The monitoring locations on the Site and in the surrounding area are shown on Figure 1.

3.4.7 Monitoring locations were selected to be representative of the Site and the wider area, as well as where lighting was observed to be particularly intrusive (whilst avoiding misrepresentation of the broad conditions). The monitoring locations are shown on Figure 1 and are described in Table 2.

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Table 2: Description of Night-time Viewpoints and Monitoring Locations

Location Description

NV1 Located in front of the Community Hall on Walworth Road.

NV2 Located at the entrance to Ox Drove Rise Cul-de-sac.

NV3 Located on site off Ox Drove within an agricultural field to the west of Melrose Farm and east of Fallanden residential property.

A Located in front of the warehouse to the east of the Site and to the rear of 9a Walworth Road.

B Located on Walworth Road towards the eastern side of the Site.

C Located within the Commercial Centre off Walworth Road.

D Located on Walworth Road in front of a residential close and opposite Homestead residential property.

E Located within the sports field to the west of the Site boundary.

F Located on site to the rear of Steetly and Escaron residential properties.

G Located on Walworth Road in front of Cheavley residential property.

H Located on Ox Drive in front of Nimrod residential property.

I Located on Ox Drive in front of Hemmings Studio.

J Located in front of Harewood Farm on London Road (B3400), to the south of the Site.

K Located centrally within Walworth Industrial Estate on Central Way, to the west of the Site.

L Located on the eastern edge of Walworth Industrial Estate on Walworth Road.

M Located in front of Finkley Manor Farm on Finkley Road, to the north of the Site.


3.5.1 The baseline lighting levels on and surrounding the Site are described with reference to the Environmental Zone Criteria for light nuisance into windows (measured in lux) as outlined in ILE Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (ILE, 2005; the Guidance Notes are included at Appendix 1). Both pre-curfew (referred to where light sources are switched off before the recommended 23.00h curfew time) and post curfew (referred to if light sources remain on throughout the night time period such as highways and street lighting) standards have been referred to as part of the assessment. As part of the survey took place after 23.00h, it was possible to observe which light sources remained switched on; these were assumed to be in operation throughout the night-time period.

3.5.2 In accordance with the ILE Guidance Notes (ILE, 2005), the following definitions are used to describe lighting effects:

Sky glow: the upward spill of light into the sky which can cause a glowing effect and is often seen above cities when viewed from a dark area.

Light spill: the unwanted spillage of light onto adjacent areas and may affect sensitive receptors, particularly residential properties and ecological sites.

Glare: the uncomfortable brightness of the light source against a dark background which results in dazzling the observer, which may cause nuisance to residents and a hazard to road users.

Light trespass (into Windows): the spilling of light beyond the boundary of a property which may cause nuisance to others (note: the word ‘trespass’ is generally not used anymore – “nuisance” is preferred – and this will be reflected in future updated ILE guidance).

3.5.3 The lighting assessment has taken into account both the construction and operational phases. The magnitude of change due to the Overall Development, and the sensitivity of the affected receptor / receiving environment to change have been considered.

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3.5.4 The lighting assessment has followed the methodology outlined in CIE 150 (CIE, 2003) and ‘Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice’, Defra, 2001. The criteria used to assess the magnitude and significance of the effects of artificial lighting has been derived from the UK ILE Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (ILE, 2005) which is similar to the comparative international CIE criteria although the ILE guidance is more familiar to EHOs in the UK. Reference has been made to the Environmental Zone Criteria for light nuisance into windows (measured in lux) which is defined as follows:

E1: Intrinsically Dark Landscapes - "National Parks", Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) or other dark landscapes;

E2: Low District Brightness Areas – rural, small village or relatively dark urban locations;

E3: Medium District Brightness Areas - small town centres or urban locations; and

E4: High District Brightness Areas – town/city centre with high levels of night-time activity.

3.5.5 The ILE Guidance Notes (2005) propose that where a district classification falls between two zones that the more rigorous environmental zone standards are applied in the design of the lighting e.g. an E2 Environmental Zone would be selected in preference to an E3 Environmental Zone. The guidelines and threshold values for the environmental zones are outlined in Table 3, with the full ILE Guidance Notes included in Appendix 1. In addition, a glossary of lighting terminology used in the assessment is provided in Appendix 3.

Table 3: Obtrusive Light Limitations for Exterior Lighting Installations (ILE, 2005)


Light Trespass into Windows Ev (lux)

Source Intensity

I (kcd)

Building Luminance


Pre-curfew Environmental Zones

Sky Glow


(Max %) Pre- Curfew Post-Curfew Pre- Curfew Post-Curfew Average L


E1 0 2 1 2.5 0 0

E2 2.5 5 1 7.5 0.5 5

E3 5 10 2 10 1.0 10

E4 15 25 5 25 2.5 25

Source: ILE Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (2005)

Notes to Table 3: ULR (Upward Light Ratio) is the maximum permitted percentage of luminaire flux that goes directly into the sky; Ev is Vertical Illuminance in Lux; I is Light Intensity in Candelas; L is Luminance in Candelas per square metre; and Curfew refers to a time when the local planning authority has agreed that the lighting installation should be switched off; this

typically refers to 11pm - 7am. 3.5.6 In addition to the criteria provided in the ILE Guidance Notes, the assessment has taken into account the likely magnitude of change compared to baseline conditions; the sensitivity of the identified receptor(s) to change; and the likely duration of any impact.


3.6.1 The ILE Guidance Notes 2005 (included as Appendix 1), have been used as criteria against which to assess the effects of artificial lighting. The guidance levels for light nuisance into windows have been used as the principal criteria for assessing the likely impacts of artificial lighting associated with the Overall Development, based on the likely requirement for lighting. However, given the subjective nature of sky glow and glare, it is difficult to quantify the likely impacts due to a number of variables including the fact that sky glow is measured as a percentage change and glare from a light source is dependant on the type and distance from the light source, and the angle from which it is viewed.

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3.6.2 Assumptions on the pre-curfew and post-curfew values have been made with respect to existing lighting in the surrounding area, as detailed in Section 4 Baseline Conditions (refer to Table 4).

3.6.3 It has been assumed that in order to minimise the potential impacts from temporary lighting during the construction phase, the mitigation measures proposed in this report will be incorporated into a CEMP for the construction phases of the Overall Development. The documentation and implementation of such best practice measures for on-site lighting during construction will ensure that the temporary impacts of such lighting will be controlled and minimised.

3.6.4 It has been assumed that the mitigation measures described in this report will be incorporated into the future detailed lighting design(s) (to be developed at later detailed design stages) and that the design(s) will take account of the baseline conditions on the Site (E2 Environmental Zone). Implementation of this approach will ensure that lighting proposals for the Overall Development are to best practice and comply with the requirements of TVBC together with the CNEA 2005, CIE guidance (1997; 2003), ILE Guidance (2005) and relevant British Standards.

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4.1.1 The Site is split in to a number of different areas due to the presence of existing residential properties within Picket Piece along Walworth Road and properties along Ox Drove (see Figure 1). Two discrete area parcels of land are located to the north of Walworth Road and to the rear of the residential properties on Walworth road. The main parcel of land is located to the rear and between the residential properties on Walworth Road and Ox Drove. The final two parcels of land that form the Site are situated to the south of Ox Drove and are separated by Melrose Farm. Currently the Site represents predominantly open land, some of which appears to be utilised for agricultural purposes with numerous overgrown scrubby areas.

4.1.2 The Site is located approximately 650m to the east of the Walworth Industrial Estate, beyond which lies residential areas and Andover town centre to the west. The Site is bounded to the north by a railway line, with open fields and some woodland to the north, east and south.

4.1.3 Due to the predominantly Greenfield nature of the Site and the number of existing residential dwellings in the area it is considered that the Site is situated in close proximity to a number of sensitive receptors.

4.1.4 The external lit environment on and in the immediate vicinity of the Site was assessed as part of the baseline lighting survey undertaken on 12th October 2009. Readings of both illuminance (light spill) and luminance (glare and sky glow) were recorded at key locations to benchmark the current night time scene.


4.2.1 The parcels of land that make up the Site were generally unlit associated with their predominantly undeveloped land use. Street lighting was evident along Walworth Road and some residential properties had wall mounted security lighting. There is lighting present at the poultry houses on Hennings Farm. The Site and immediate surrounding areas were considered to be indicative of an E2 Environmental Zone (“low district brightness area”).

4.2.2 Approximately 650m to the west of the Site the Walworth Industrial Estate was well lit, which was considered to be indicative of an E3 Environmental Zone (“medium district brightness area”).

4.2.3 The most notable source of sky glow in the area was to the west in the direction of Walworth Industrial Estate and Andover town centre.


4.3.1 The following receptors have been identified as being sensitive to changes in artificial lighting conditions (these are shown on Figure 1):

Residential properties within Picket Piece situated along Walworth Road, Ox Drove and Ox Drove Rise which may be sensitive to light nuisance impact;

Sensitive ecological receptors such as bats; and

Potential for increased sky glow, glare and light spill affecting the setting of the current night-time landscape/townscape.


4.4.1 This section describes the results of the baseline lighting survey undertaken on 12th October 2009. This includes information relating to the existing lighting on and surrounding the Site and provides data on both levels of illumination (light spill) and the luminance (glare and sky glow) from externally lit sources, including security lighting, highways lighting and street lighting, together with levels of fugitive light loss from the windows of internally lit buildings.

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4.4.2 In order to benchmark the existing levels of lighting on and in the immediate vicinity of the Site, readings of illuminance were recorded at 13 monitoring locations and at each of the 3 night-time viewpoints as set out in Section 3.4 and Table 2. The monitoring locations both on and surrounding the Site and the night-time viewpoint locations are shown on Figure 1. The illuminance levels recorded and the luminance values of those lighting installations measured are provided in Table 4 below and the reader is also directed to Figures 1 – 4 for illustrative purposes.

4.4.3 These readings and viewpoints have allowed the baseline lighting conditions on the Site and in the immediate area to be benchmarked.

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Table 4: Baseline Lighting Conditions Recorded on the Site and in the Surrounding Area and Details of the ILE Environmental Zone Criteria

Vertical Illuminance (Lux) Location Facing

North Facing

East Facing South

Facing West

Horizontal Illuminance


ILE Zone

Criteria Baseline Survey Comments

NV1 0.19 0.44 0.06 0.04 0.06 E2

In front of the Community Hall located on Walworth Road approximately 20m away from a 6m high pressure sodium horizontal cut-off street light;

Occasional 6m high pressure sodium horizontal cut-off street lighting at approximately 150m intervals was observed along Walworth Road;

Halogen security lighting associated with the residential property Ingleside was noted to the north; and

Sky glow was observed to the west towards Andover.

Refer to Figure 2

NV2 0.01 0.08 0.04 0.01 0.04 E2

At the entrance of Ox Drove Cul-de-sac which is unlit with the exception of one wall mounted external property light and some light spill from residential properties within the cul-de-sac; and

6m high pressure sodium horizontal cut-off street lighting observed approximately 50 to the north associated with Walworth Road.

Surrounding fields and parcels of land are unlit.

Refer to Figure 3

NV3 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 E2

Within an unlit agricultural field to the south of Ox Drove;

Minimal residential lighting associated with Melrose Farm and Fallanden noted to the east and west respectively;

Sky glow was observed to the west towards Andover.

Refer to Figure 4

A 5.86 1.73 2.45 5.12 1.26 E3 Rear of 9a Walworth Road adjacent to Warehouse which is lit by wall mounted halogen floodlights. Floodlights are mounted at approximately 4m; and

The area is well contained and screened by fences and / or hedgerows.

B 0.00 0.29 0.00 0.02 0.01 E2 Located on Walworth Road with occasional 6m high pressure sodium horizontal cut-off street lighting at approximately 150m spacing; and

Sky glow was observed to the west towards Andover.

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Vertical Illuminance (Lux) Location Facing

North Facing

East Facing South

Facing West

Horizontal Illuminance


ILE Zone

Criteria Baseline Survey Comments

C 3.58 2.84 8.71 6.24 2.96 E3

Located within the Commercial Centre which is fairly well lit throughout;

8no. wall mounted halogen lamps and 1no. wall mounted tungsten lamps were observed; and

The commercial centre was well contained and heavily screened by the buildings as well as conifers, the railway embankment and high walls.

D 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.02 E2 Located on Walworth Road at the entrance of Painters Meadow Private Close which was unlit; and

The only light observed was some light spill from residential properties within the Close.

E 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 E2 Represents an unlit playing field; and

Some evidence of sky glow to the west towards Andover.

F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E2 Represents an unlit piece of land which is well screened by vegetation on all sides as well as the railway embankment.

G 0.08 0.06 0.01 0.03 0.02 E2

Located on Walworth Road with occasional 6m high pressure sodium horizontal cut-off street lighting, the nearest of which is approximately 50m to the east;

Some light spill from surrounding residential properties observed; and

Sky glow observed to the west towards Andover.

H 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E2 Located on Ox Drove which is unlit with high hedges either side of the road; and

Minimal amounts of light spill observed from adjacent residential properties. Surrounding fields and parcels of land are unlit.

I 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 E2 Located on Ox Drove which is unlit with high hedges either side of the road.

J 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 E2

Located at Harewood Farm entrance which was unlit, although some flood lighting was evident further into the farm although this was not accessed;

The London Road (B3400) is also unlit; and

Some light spill from surrounding residential properties was observed.

K 0.23 1.22 0.38 0.68 0.41 E3 Located within Walworth Industrial Estate which was generally fairly well lit;

6m high pressure sodium full horizontal cut-off street lighting at approximate 20m spacing observed;

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Vertical Illuminance (Lux) Location Facing

North Facing

East Facing South

Facing West

Horizontal Illuminance


ILE Zone

Criteria Baseline Survey Comments

1no. 6m low pressure sodium shallow bowl street lighting observed; and

it is anticipated that this area is lit throughout the hours of darkness.

L 2.80 5.02 5.39 5.33 5.02 E3

Located at the edge of the Walworth Industrial Estate which is fairly well lit, although lighting along Walworth Road ends at the edge of the eastern boundary of the industrial estate as it leads to Picket Piece;

8m high pressure sodium full horizontal cut-off street lighting observed on Walworth Road up to the point that it leaves the industrial estate; and

6m low pressure sodium shallow bowl street lighting observed on North way.

M 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E2 Located outside Finkley Manor Farm on Finkley Road which was unlit.

4.4.4 Although many of the readings shown in Table 4 above fall within ILE Zone Criteria E1, due to the proximity to Andover and the presence of some light spill from residential dwellings, street lighting and occasional security lighting in the area it is not considered that these locations represent intrinsically dark areas as defined by the ILE. As such professional judgement has been used and the above locations have been classified as ILE Zone Criteria E2 “low district brightness areas” representing rural, small village, or relatively dark urban locations.

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4.5.1 Should no further development take place on the Site it is considered likely that the Site and immediate surrounding area would remain categorised as an E2 Environmental Zone (post curfew), characteristic of a low district brightness area, with occasional use of floodlighting associated with the commercial centre and warehouse off Walworth Road which would be classified as an E3 Environmental Zone (post curfew), characteristic of a medium district brightness area as stipulated in the ILE Guidance Notes (ILE, 2005).

4.5.2 Some authorities and private firms are increasingly leaving some lighting turned off as a result of the cost of energy and the climate change agenda. Over time, a gradual replacement of certain lighting columns and fittings in the wider area may allow an improvement to the existing conditions through the introduction of less obtrusive lighting, although the area was not considered to be overly lit.

4.5.3 Drivers for changes may include energy efficiency or concerns on light nuisance.

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5 Key Issues & Recommended Mitigation: Construction Phase


5.1.1 It is anticipated that the main construction works will be associated with site clearance and preparation works, the installation of temporary and permanent access roads and footpaths, the construction of the proposed residential units, local centre and school.

5.1.2 Good practice guidance documents prepared by The Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) note that lighting on construction sites is typically required as part of on-site security and health and safety requirements. However, the online CIRIA Guidance (http://www.ciria.org/complianceplus/) also notes that potential effects towards surrounding receptors need to be minimised through the controlled application of lighting in accordance with current best practice standards.

5.1.3 It is anticipated that the temporary lighting requirements during construction may include the following:

Floodlighting and security lighting associated with temporary car parking areas and within the construction compound, which will be typically required for health and safety and security purposes;

Security and health and safety lighting associated with ongoing working areas (when working during the late afternoon in the winter period);

Internal and external lighting associated with the temporary office units and other facilities in the construction compound; and

Light required for operational purposes associated with construction when working during the late afternoon in winter months.

5.1.4 Artificial lighting is likely to result in temporary light spill, glare and sky glow if lighting is poorly controlled. However, lighting provided during the construction phase will be temporary, with the construction works likely to be phased over approximately 6 years.

5.1.5 Potential disturbance from lights associated with plant and construction vehicles is considered unlikely and minimal (as working hours should be limited to construction industry standard hours).

5.1.6 The potential key lighting impacts, which are typically associated with construction sites and are likely to be relevant to the construction works, potentially affecting the sensitive receptors outlined in Section 4, are considered below.


5.2.1 The effects of lighting during the construction and operational phase have been determined by comparison against the predicted changes in baseline lighting conditions, summarised in Table 4.

5.2.2 As identified in Section 3, the residential properties on Walworth Road, Ox Drove and Ox Drove Rise have the potential to be affected by light spill and glare from temporary lighting during the construction phase.

5.2.3 In addition, given the Site’s location and the nature of the surrounding area it is possible that the temporary effects of glare from the construction lighting could affect road users in some locations along Walworth Road and Ox Drove and those utilising footpaths. However, given the screening afforded by the existing vegetation within the Site and along much of the Site’s boundaries, the effect of glare and light spill on road users and pedestrians is considered to be minimal and pedestrian activity during the hours of darkness is also likely to be minimal.

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Construction Environmental Management Plan and Best Practice Design

5.2.4 A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be prepared and agreed with TVBC in advance of commencement of the construction activities. The CEMP is likely to identify the location of the contractor’s compound, material storage areas, temporary parking areas, highway works and temporary security/health and safety lighting throughout the construction programme to ensure that the siting of such features considers the surrounding sensitive receptors and that any disturbance impact from lighting is reduced to a minimum. This will ensure that the effects on neighbouring residential receptors are minimised.

5.2.5 In order to reduce the impacts of lighting during the construction phase on sensitive receptors, the following best practice measures as recommended by the ILE, CIRIA and Health and Safety Executive (HSE) should be implemented as part of the CEMP:

A named individual for the public to contact should there be any complaints related to temporary lighting installations;

Specified working hours, uses of lighting, the location of temporary floodlights and construction compound should be agreed in advance with TVBC. The CEMP should indicate the proposed location of the construction compound for each phase of construction. The proposed location of the compound and storage areas should take into consideration the location of sensitive receptors and should respect the proximity to nearby sensitive receptors;

Lighting should to be switched off when not required unless specifically needed for construction activities or for security and/or health and safety requirements;

Glare caused by poorly directed security and floodlighting will be minimised by ensuring that light fittings are horizontally mounted and directed away from the boundaries of the Site. Temporary lighting fixtures should be installed and designed to provide full cut-off or should be directionally shielded to ensure that artificial light is controlled and substantially confined to the defined area intended to be illuminated;

The use of appropriate hoarding (if deemed necessary) will contain surface level illumination on the boundaries of the construction areas (the retained walls will do likewise);

Light spill will be minimised by avoiding poorly sited lights on the boundary of the Site or in particularly sensitive areas of the Site. In particular, lighting will be located and directed so that it does not cause unnecessary intrusion to adjacent residential properties; and

Contribution to sky glow will be minimised by the use of modern floodlights with appropriate tilt angles and shields to avoid upward light loss.

5.2.6 In terms of health and safety requirements during the construction phases, the following best practice measures as recommended by the ILE, CIRIA and the HSE will be implemented as part of the CEMP, taking into account the measures above:

Any temporary detours of vehicles or pedestrians (e.g. any temporary footpath diversions) around the construction site should be clearly visible at all times;

Construction area fences located near existing roadways or walkways should be appropriately lit to assist in defining the limits of the construction area for motorists and pedestrians;

Temporary walkways, roads and parking areas should be illuminated to the same intensity in accordance with current guidance stipulated in the ILE Guidance Notes of the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (2005); and

Should hoarding be required during the construction phases, care should be taken to avoid these casting shadows on surrounding and adjacent footpaths and roads which may otherwise compromise safety.

Post Installation Check Up and Monitoring

5.2.7 It is recommended that post installation checks and monitoring of the temporary lighting installations is undertaken to ensure that correct tilting angles and appropriate direction of lighting are being achieved.

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Adjustments can be made, where necessary, should undue light spill or glare be identified. This should be considered as part of the CEMP. Such monitoring would ensure that during the construction period levels of lighting are maintained in accordance with best practice standards, and would ensure that likely impacts associated with the introduction of temporary artificial light sources are minimised by illuminating only those areas required for on-site safety and security purposes during the hours of darkness.


5.2.8 Many of the potential effects on residential properties and the night-time scene associated with temporary lighting will be mitigated by application of the measures outlined above. Retention of some existing vegetation at the boundaries of the Site will also screen areas of construction from view and hence significantly reduce any lighting impacts.

5.2.9 The potential impacts of lighting will be temporary and phased over approximately 6 years and during the hours of darkness only. The required mitigation will be delivered through the adoption and management of the CEMP by the on-site contractor, which will accord with TVBC’s requirements. Potential temporary lighting impacts will therefore we reduced to an acceptable level in line with best practice.

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6 Key Issues & Recommended Mitigation: Operational Phase


6.1.1 Due to the nature of the Overall Development, lighting will be required as follows:

Street lighting (c. 6m columns) within the residential built development areas;

Highways lighting (c. 8-10m columns) on the primary access points and primary internal roads;

Security and health and safety lighting within the local centre area and school; and

Residents are likely to install security lighting at their properties.

6.1.2 This will result in an increase in artificial lighting installations in the area compared to the baseline unlit site conditions (refer to Table 4).


6.2.1 Future detailed lighting design(s) for the built development components of the Overall Development will be prepared at the detailed design stages for each phase and presented to TVBC for approval. However for the purposes of this outline assessment it is anticipated that impacts from artificial lighting could arise as a result of the following:

Type and specification of the lighting equipment used;

The location and height of columns; and

The intensity of the light source.

6.2.2 The future detailed lighting design(s) will be informed by the outline parameters and principles set out in this assessment and will consider best practice standards and technology, as appropriate, and agreed with TVBC. The artificial lighting specification and design for each phase of the Overall Development will be prepared by a specialist lighting engineer with due regard to the sensitivities of surrounding receptors.

6.2.3 As the existing lighting conditions on the Site are typically representative of an E2 Environmental Zone, it is recommended that the lighting conditions on the Site accord with a stringent standard for light spill and upward light loss (an E2 standard is recommended).

6.2.4 To accord with an E2 Environmental Zone requirement (ILE, 2005), the lighting specification will include the appropriate selection of light fittings and luminaire design to ensure that the intensity and direction of the lighting is controlled through retaining tilting angles at or close to the horizontal to ensure that the effects of light spill, glare and sky glow are minimised. Consideration would be given, where applicable, to the measures in appropriate best practice guidance and standards (refer to Section 8).

6.2.5 Many of the impacts previously identified can be mitigated through the use of best practice design, choice of mounting heights and careful location and installation of lighting columns and fittings as set out above.


6.3.1 In addition to the primary mitigation represented by the future lighting design(s) which is recommended to accord with an E2 Environmental Zone, retention of some of the existing vegetation and landscape screening is proposed within and on boundaries of the Overall Development. Together with the retention of a significant extent of existing vegetation screening the landscape treatments (detailed landscape design(s) will be drawn up at later reserved matters stages) will assist in confining and screening many of the visible illuminated areas and the extent of light spill. This is viewed as secondary mitigation to further reduce any effects of potential residual light spill and glare associated with the Overall Development.

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6.3.2 The proposed landscape treatment will help to screen the light spill and glare from artificial lighting within the Site, and, therefore, reduce the impact of introduced artificial light sources and the effects of light spill and glare towards sensitive receptors.


6.4.1 The installation of new lighting at the Site has the potential to result in glare and light spill which could result in light nuisance to nearby existing residential and ecological receptors and impact on the night-time scene (compared to the baseline conditions). The nearest existing residential receptors are those properties identified in Section 4, located along Walworth Road, Ox Drove and Ox Drove Rise.


6.4.2 In addition to the mitigating effects of the landscaping and screening detailed above, the potential effects resulting from glare and light spill on surrounding residential properties can be further minimised by implementing the following best practice methods for lighting:

use of shields or hoods to effectively screen the visible light source from the observer;

ensuring that the main beam angle of all lights is retained to a minimum. The recommended angle for lights directed towards any potential observer is not more than 70 degrees. For the Overall Development angles near to the horizontal should be maintained to meet the E2 Environmental Zone requirements;

careful selection of luminaries and their location in relation to the Site boundary to minimise light spill; and

configuration of buildings on-site to prevent direct views of artificial lighting installations (e.g. service courtyards and car parking areas) from surrounding properties.

6.4.3 The highways and street lighting should be designed in accordance with current recognised Road Lighting Standards (BS 5489-1:2003; BS EN 13201-2:2003; BS EN 13201-3:2003) and should utilise low light pollution, flat glass luminaires throughout. The level of light spill achieved will minimise the effects on existing and future sensitive receptors.

6.4.4 The potential effects of sky glow impacting upon the current night time environment will be reduced as the detailed lighting designs should incorporate modern fittings for the street and highways lighting, designed to best practice which meets the E2 requirement for sky glow, under the ILE guidance (ILE, 2005). Non-reflective surfaces are recommended to be used in suitable areas, to reduce reflected light contributing to sky glow.

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7 Summary 7.1.1 The external lit environment on and in the immediate vicinity of the Site was assessed as part of the baseline lighting survey undertaken on 12th October 2009. Readings of both illuminance (light spill) and luminance (glare and sky glow) were recorded at key locations to benchmark the current night time scene.

7.1.2 The Site is generally considered indicative of an E2 Environmental Zone (“low” district brightness area) with occasionally well-lit areas in close proximity to the Site (e.g. Picket Piece Commercial Centre and Walworth Industrial Estate to the west) which are considered to be indicative of an E3 Environmental Zone (“medium” district brightness area).

7.1.3 During the construction phase, which is anticipated to be phased over approximately 6 years, temporary lighting impacts are likely to be associated with the requirement for lighting to illuminate car parking areas and the contractor’s compound, whilst working areas will require lighting for the late afternoons during the winter months only. In order to mitigate temporary impacts on surrounding sensitive receptors the lighting requirements at the Site will be managed as part of a Construction Environmental Management Plan (which will also manage other construction related impacts). Installed lighting will involve the use of well located, modern light fittings which are directionally controlled and will be in accordance with current best practice standards and agreed with Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC). The temporary lighting will be specific to the areas that require illumination during the night-time period to ensure both on-site safety and security. Measures will be taken to ensure that the effects of light spill and glare (nuisance) towards sensitive receptors are effectively mitigated.

7.1.4 During the operational phase, the introduction of permanent artificial light sources required to service the needs of the development will result in changes to the current baseline conditions within the Site. New sources of lighting are expected to include:

Street lighting (c. 6m columns) within the residential built development areas;

Highways lighting (c. 8-10m columns) on the primary access points and primary internal roads;

Security and health and safety lighting within the local centre area and school; and

Residents are likely to install security lighting at their properties.

7.1.5 The effects on sensitive receptors should be mitigated as far as is practicable by the retention of existing vegetation, where possible, and through the implementation of a best practice lighting design (to be produced at the detailed design stage). It is recommended that lighting conditions on the Overall Development accord with current best practice to control light spill, glare and sky glow and that lighting is designed to an ILE E2 standard.

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8 References Documentary Sources

Highways Act 1980

Public Health Act 1985

Parish Councils Act 1957

Local Government Act 1996

Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984

Highways (Road Hump) Regulations 1999

Public Health Act 1985

Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005

Environmental Protection Act 1990

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (October 2004) Planning Policy Statement 23: Planning and Pollution Control

Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) for the South East – The South East Plan

Test Valley Borough Local Plan (June 2006) (Ref. 10.7)

Test Valley Borough Local Development Framework – Core Strategy Preferred Development Options, Part C Development Control Policies, January 2008

Commission Internationale De L’Eclairage (CIE - International Commission on Illumination (2003)). CIE 150:2003. Guide on the Limitation of the Effects of Obtrusive Light from Outdoor Lighting Installations

CIE (1997). CIE 126:1997. Guidelines for Minimising Sky Glow

Institution of Lighting Engineers (ILE) (2005) Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light

Institution of Lighting Engineers and Bat Conservation Trust (2007). Bats and Lighting in the UK: Bats and the Built Environment Series;

DEFRA (2001) Lighting in the Countryside: Towards Good Practice

BS 5489 (2003) Code of Practice for the Design of Road Lighting – Part 1: Lighting of Roads and Public Amenity Areas

BS 13201 (2003) Road Lighting – Part 2: Performance Requirements

BS 13201 (2003) Road Lighting – 13201-3:2003

Online Sources

Institution of Lighting Engineers – www.ile.org.uk

The Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) – Compliance Plus – Lighting: http://www.ciria.org/complianceplus/

Lighting Industry Federation – www.lif.co.uk

Society of Light and Lighting (subsidiary of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) – www.cibse.org.

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Figure 1Night Time Viewpoint and Monitoring Locations

Picket Piece, Andover12260671-002Wates Development Ltd

GHMWCRADecember 2009


Reproduced from the Ordnance Surveymaps with the permission of the Controllerof Her Majesty's Stationery Office

Crown CopyrightWSP Environmental LtdLicence No. AL100025634


1 Viewpoint Locations

Monitoring Locations

Site Boundary: Phase 1

Site Boundary: Subsequent Phases

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Light spill from street light on Walworth

Street light: 1279

View West

View North View East

View South

Internal lighting associated with community building

Light spill from residential properties

Minimal sky glow towards Andoverwith generally good screening: 0.03

Halogen security lighting associated with Ingleside: 440.5

6m high pressure sodium streetlighting on Walworth Road: 1767







Figure 2Night Time Viewpoint 1

Picket Piece, Andover12260671-002Wates Development Ltd

GHMWCRANovember 2009

All values in cd/m2

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Minimal sky glow towards Andover withWalworth Industrial Estate in foreground: 0.01 - 0.02

Vegetation screening beyond Walwoth Road

View West View North View East

External lighting associatedwith residential building

6m high pressure sodium streetlighting on Walworth Road: 158.9

External lighting associatedwith residential building







Figure 3Night Time Viewpoint 2

Picket Piece, Andover12260671-002Wates Development Ltd

GHMWCRANovember 2009

All values in cd/m2

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30 - 40

Light spill from residential properties

Minimal sky glow towards Andover withWalworth Industrial Estate in foreground: 0.01 - 0.02

Lighting associated with Picket PieceCommercial Centre: 50 - 70

Light spill from residential properties

View West View North View East







Figure 4Night Time Viewpoint 3

Picket Piece, Andover12260671-002Wates Development Ltd

GHMWCRANovember 2009

All values in cd/m2

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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates

Appendix 1 Institution of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes

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ILE Copyright 2005 1

The Institution of Lighting Engineers E�mail [email protected] Website www.ile.org.uk


ALL LIVING THINGS adjust their behaviour according to natural light. Man's invention of artificial light has done much to enhance our night�time environment but, if not properly controlled, obtrusive light (commonly referred to as light pollution) can present serious physiological and ecological problems.

Obtrusive Light, whether it keeps you awake through a bedroom window or impedes your view of the night sky, is a form of pollution and can be substantially reduced without detriment to the lighting task.

Sky glow, the brightening of the night sky above our towns, cities and countryside, Glare the uncomfortable brightness of a light source when viewed against a dark background, and Light Trespass, the spilling of light beyond the boundary of the property or area being lit, are all forms of obtrusive light which may cause nuisance to others, waste money and electricity and result in the unnecessary emissions of greenhouse gases. Think before you light. Is it necessary? What effect will it have on others? Will it cause a nuisance? How can I minimise the problem?

Do not "over" light. This is a major cause of obtrusive light and is a waste of energy. There are published standards for most lighting tasks, adherence to which will help minimise upward reflected light. Organisations from which full details of these standards can be obtained are given on the last page of this leaflet.

Dim or switch off lights when the task is finished. Generally a lower level of lighting will suffice to enhance the night time scene than that required for safety and security.

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Institution of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light GN01

ILE Copyright 2005 2

Use specifically designed lighting equipment that minimises the upward spread of light near to and above the horizontal. Care should be taken when selecting luminaires to ensure that appropriate units are chosen and that their location will reduce spill light and glare to a minimum. Remember that lamp light output in LUMENS is not the same as lamp wattage and that it is the former that is important in combating the problems of obtrusive light

Keep glare to a minimum by ensuring that the main beam angle of all lights directed towards any potential observer is not more than 70o. Higher mounting heights allow lower main beam angles, which can assist in reducing glare. In areas with low ambient lighting levels, glare can be very obtrusive and extra care should be taken when positioning and aiming lighting equipment. With regard to domestic security lighting the ILE produces an information leaflet GN02 that is freely available from its web site. The UK Government will be providing an annex to PPS23 Planning and Pollution Control, specifically on obtrusive light. However many Local Planning Authorities (LPA’s) have already produced, or are producing, policies that within the new planning system will become part of the local development framework. For new developments there is an opportunity for LPA’s to impose planning conditions related to external lighting, including curfew hours. For sports lighting installations (see also design standards listed on Page 4) the use of luminaires with double�asymmetric beams designed so that the front glazing is kept at or near parallel to the surface being lit should, if correctly aimed, ensure minimum obtrusive light. In most cases it will also be beneficial to use as high a mounting height as possible, giving due regard to the daytime appearance of the installation. The requirements to control glare for the safety of road users are given in Table 2.

When lighting vertical structures such as advertising signs direct light downwards, wherever possible. If there is no alternative to up�lighting, as with much decorative

lighting of buildings, then the use of shields, baffles and louvres will help reduce spill light around and over the structure to a minimum. For road and amenity lighting installations, (see also design standards listed on Page 4) light near to and above the horizontal should normally be minimised to reduce glare and sky glow (Note ULRs in Table 1). In sensitive rural areas the use of full horizontal cut off luminaires installed at 0o uplift will, in addition to reducing sky glow, also help to minimise visual intrusion within the open landscape. However in many urban locations, luminaires fitted with a more decorative bowl and good optical control of light should be acceptable and may be more appropriate.

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Institution of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light GN01

ILE Copyright 2005 3

ENVIRONMENTAL ZONES: It is recommended that Local Planning Authorities specify the following environmental zones for exterior lighting control within their Development Plans. Category Examples E1: Intrinsically dark landscapes National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, etc E2: Low district brightness areas Rural, small village, or relatively dark urban locations E3: Medium district brightness areas Small town centres or urban locations E4: High district brightness areas Town/city centres with high levels of night�time activity Where an area to be lit lies on the boundary of two zones the obtrusive light limitation values used should be those applicable to the most rigorous zone. DESIGN GUIDANCE The following limitations may be supplemented or replaced by a LPA’s own planning guidance for exterior lighting installations. As lighting design is not as simple as it may seem, you are advised to consult and/or work with a professional lighting designer before installing any exterior lighting. Table 1 – Obtrusive Light Limitations for Exterior Lighting Installations

Light Trespass (into Windows) Ev [Lux] (2)

Source Intensity I [kcd] (3)

Building Luminance Pre�curfew (4)

Environmental Zone

Sky Glow ULR [Max %] (1) Pre� curfew Post� curfew Pre� curfew Post� curfew Average,

L [cd/m2] E1 0 2 1* 2.5 0 0 E2 2.5 5 1 7.5 0.5 5 E3 5.0 10 2 10 1.0 10 E4 15.0 25 5 25 2.5 25

ULR = Upward Light Ratio of the Installation is the maximum permitted percentage of luminaire flux for the total installation that goes directly into the sky. Ev = Vertical Illuminance in Lux and is measured flat on the glazing at the centre of the window I = Light Intensity in Cd L = Luminance in Cd/m2 Curfew = The time after which stricter requirements (for the control of obtrusive light) will apply; often a condition of use of lighting applied by the local planning authority. If not otherwise stated � 23.00hrs is suggested. * = From Public road lighting installations only (1) Upward Light Ratio – Some lighting schemes will require the deliberate and careful use of upward light – e.g.

ground recessed luminaires, ground mounted floodlights, festive lighting – to which these limits cannot apply. However, care should always be taken to minimise any upward waste light by the proper application of suitably directional luminaires and light controlling attachments.

(2) Light Trespass (into Windows) – These values are suggested maxima and need to take account of existing light trespass at the point of measurement. In the case of road lighting on public highways where building facades are adjacent to the lit highway, these levels may not be obtainable. In such cases where a specific complaint has been received, the Highway Authority should endeavour to reduce the light trespass into the window down to the after curfew value by fitting a shield, replacing the luminaire, or by varying the lighting level.

(3) Source Intensity – This applies to each source in the potentially obtrusive direction, outside of the area being lit. The figures given are for general guidance only and for some sports lighting applications with limited mounting heights, may be difficult to achieve.

(4) Building Luminance – This should be limited to avoid over lighting, and related to the general district brightness. In this reference building luminance is applicable to buildings directly illuminated as a night�time feature as against the illumination of a building caused by spill light from adjacent luminaires or luminaires fixed to the building but used to light an adjacent area.

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Institution of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light GN01

ILE Copyright 2005 4

TI = Threshold Increment is a measure of the loss of visibility caused by the disability glare from the obtrusive light installation (5) Road Classifications as given in BS EN 13201 � 2: 2003 Road lighting Performance requirements

Limits apply where users of transport systems are subject to a reduction in the ability to see essential information. Values given are for relevant positions and for viewing directions in path of travel. See CIE Publication 150:2003, Section 5.4 for methods of determination. For a more detailed description and methods for calculating and measuring the above parameters see CIE Publication 150:2003.

RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS AND STANDARDS: British Standards: BS 5489�1: 2003 Code of practice for the design of road lighting – Part 1: Lighting of roads and www.bsi.org.uk public amenity areas BS EN 13201�2:2003 Road lighting – Part 2: Performance requirements BS EN 13201�3:2003 Road lighting – Part 3: Calculation of performance BS EN 13201�4:2003 Road lighting – Part 4: Methods of measuring lighting performance. BS EN 12193: 2003 Light and lighting – Sports lighting Countryside Commission/DOE Lighting in the Countryside: Towards good practice (1997) (Out of Print) www.odpm.gov.uk CIBSE/SLL Publications: CoL Code for Lighting (2002) www.cibse.org LG1 The Industrial Environment (1989) LG4 Sports (1990+Addendum 2000) LG6 The Exterior Environment (1992) FF7 Environmental Considerations for Exterior Lighting (2003) CIE Publications: 01 Guide lines for minimizing Urban Sky Glow near Astronomical Observatories (1980) www.cie.co.at 83 Guide for the lighting of sports events for colour television and film systems (1989) 92 Guide for floodlighting (1992) 115 Recommendations for the lighting of roads for motor and pedestrian traffic (1995) 126 Guidelines for minimizing Sky glow (1997) 129 Guide for lighting exterior work areas (1998) 136 Guide to the lighting of urban areas (2000) 150 Guide on the limitations of the effect of obtrusive light from outdoor lighting installations (2003) 154 The Maintenance of outdoor lighting systems (2003) Department of Transport Road Lighting and the Environment (1993) (Out of Print) www.defra.gov.uk ILE Publications: TR 5 Brightness of Illuminated Advertisements (2001) www.ile.org TR24 A Practical Guide to the Development of a Public Lighting Policy for Local Authorities (1999) GN02 Domestic Security Lighting, Friend or Foe ILE/CIBSE Joint Publications Lighting the Environment � A guide to good urban lighting (1995) ILE/CSS Joint Publications Seasonal Decorations – Code of Practice (2005) Campaign for Dark Skies (CfDS) www.dark�skies.org NB: These notes are intended as guidance only and the application of the values given in Tables 1 & 2 should be given due consideration along with all other factors in the lighting design. Lighting is a complex subject with both objective and subjective criteria to be considered. The notes are therefore no substitute for professionally assessed and designed lighting, where the various and maybe conflicting visual requirements need to be balanced. © 2005 The Institution of Lighting Engineers. Permission is granted to reproduce and distribute this document, subject to the restriction that the complete document must be copied, without alteration, addition or deletion.

Table 2 – Maximum Values of Threshold Increment from Non�Road Lighting Installations

Road Classification (5)

No road lighting ME5 ME4/ ME3 ME2 / ME1

Light Technical Parameter TI 15% based on adaptation

luminance of 0.1cd/m2

15% based on adaptation luminance of 1cd/m


15% based on adaptation luminance of 2 cd/m


15% based on adaptation luminance of 5 cd/m


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Appendix 2 Consultation Requests & Responses

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WSP Environmental UK 1st Floor Keble House Southernhay Gardens Exeter EX1 1NT Tel: +44 (0)1392 267500 Fax: +44 (0)1392 267599 http://www.wspgroup.com Reg. No: 1152332 WSP Group plc Offices worldwide

Our ref: 12260671-001 03rd September 2009

Dean Bennett Test Valley Borough Council Environmental Pollution Team Council Offices Duttons Road Romsey Hampshire SO51 8XG Dear Mr Bennett, RE: PICKET PIECE, ANDOVER – LIGHTING ASSESSMENT CONSULTATION WSP Environmental have been commissioned by Wates to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment and prepare an Environmental Statement as part of the outline planning application for a residential-led development at Picket Piece, Andover. The Proposed Development site is located on the eastern side of Andover, approximately 3.3 kilometres to the north-east of the town centre and comprises approximately 40 hectares. The Proposed development site is situated along either side of Walworth Road and Ox Drove and is accessed via Walworth Road. The attached boundary plan, Figure 1, shows the area being assessed for this EIA and will form the boundary for the outline planning application. The Application Site currently predominantly comprises residential dwellings with many properties have extended rear gardens that form larger areas of open space within the central area. The land within the west of the proposed Development Site includes a poultry farm with warehouses located in the northwest of the Site. The site is bordered by the London – Exeter railway line to the north, field boundaries to the east, residential properties along the Ox Drove to the south and by amenity land and sports fields to the west, beyond which is the Walworth Business Park. Other features adjacent to, but outside the Proposed Development Site include the Commercial Centre (including commercial and some industrial uses) located on Walworth Road and a scrap yard located on Ox Drove. The Assessment Site is provisionally allocated as a strategic site within the Test Valley Borough Core Strategy Pre-Submission Draft (October 2008) as “Development in the form of a new neighbourhood of approximately 800 new homes together with a range of associated facilities”.

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Mr Dean Bennett 3rd September 2009 – Lighting Consultation Page 2 The development proposals are likely to include the following: Up to 900 residential dwellings; New community facilities in the form of a local centre offering community facilities (e.g. a

village hall and health centre) and some small retail units; A school; Approximately 6.48 hectares of public open space, 1.45 hectares buffer planting, and

landscaped areas; Locally Equipped Areas for Play (open space that is designated, designed and equipped

with facilities for children of early school age); A Neighbourhood Equipped Area for Play (open space designated, designed and equipped

with facilities for older children, but with opportunities for younger children too); and Access from the Walworth Road.

WSP Environmental recognises that consultation is a key element of the lighting assessment. Therefore, we have summarised below the methodology proposed for the lighting assessment and would be grateful if you could provide any additional comments and views that could be incorporated into the assessment: Proposed Methodology 1. Review of policy information contained in the Test Valley Borough Local Plan and the

emerging Test Valley Local Development Framework to establish policy requirements relating to lighting pollution, external lighting and design considerations and any available supplementary planning guidance relating to external lighting. Are there any specific local authority design criteria to be followed for external lighting?

2. Undertake a baseline lighting survey to measure the existing vertical and horizontal illuminance on the proposed development site and in the immediate vicinity of the site at selected points. This will additionally provide a description of the existing lighting on and adjacent to the site identifying the existing key sources of light pollution, if any. The assessment will be supported by night-time viewpoints taken at key locations during the baseline survey.

3. Assessment of the existing and proposed lighting for the development with reference to the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) guidance and the Institution of Lighting Engineers Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light (ILE, 2005).

4. Assess the potential impacts from lighting on existing and proposed sensitive receptors including the potential impacts on the residential, rural landscape, ecology and protected species on and in the vicinity of the site.

5. The outline recommendation of appropriate mitigation and design measures will be considered, where appropriate, to minimise any potential impacts on sensitive receptors. This will take into account current best practice and the proposed landscaping strategy for the scheme to ensure that potential impacts from light spill and glare are minimised.

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Mr Dean Bennett 3rd September 2009 – Lighting Consultation Page 3 We would be grateful if you could consider the site location, the likely development components and the above methodology and provide a response to this letter by Monday 21st September 2009 so that we can take into account your views prior to the lighting survey and to incorporate your views into the Environmental Statement. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me via the details below. Yours sincerely Matt Whalley Senior Consultant DDI: 01392 267572 E-mail: [email protected] Enc. Site Location Map

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Whalley, Matt

From: Lee, Mark [[email protected]]

Sent: 06 November 2009 08:32

To: Whalley, Matt

Cc: Bennett, Dean

Subject: RE: Picket Piece Lighting Assessment Consultation

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Matt My apologies for letting this one slip off the radar. I have looked at your proposals set out in your letter dated 3 September 2009, which look fine to me. There are no specific Environmental Health produced design criteria. Should you have any further queries then please do not hesitate to contact me again. Regards Mark Lee Principal Environmental Health Officer Environmental Protection Team Housing, Health & Communities Service Test Valley Borough Council HPSN 991 7924 Tel: 01794 527924 mailto:[email protected] Postal address: Test Valley Borough Council, Council Offices, Duttons Road, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8XG. www.testvalley.gov.uk/eh The information in this e-mail is confidential.  The content may not be disclosed or used by anyone other than the intended

recipient.  If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the Council's Data Protection Administrator immediately on 01264

368231.  Test Valley Borough Council cannot accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this message as it has

been transmitted over a public network.  If you suspect that the message may have been intercepted or amended, please call the

Data Protection Administrator on the above phone number.

-----Original Message----- From: Whalley, Matt [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: 05 November 2009 12:16

To: Bennett, Dean Cc: Lee, Mark

Subject: Importance: High

Dean I sent you a letter and we spoke a couple of months ago (see attached email) about getting your thoughts on the proposed development at Picket Piece in relation to Artificial Lighting. I remember that you weren’t sure it was for you to comment on but that you were going to speak to your colleague Mark Lee who provided comment on behalf of TVBC on a previous scheme that we have worked on. It would be appreciated if you could give me a call to discuss or provide me with a response as initially requested

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Thanks and regards

Matt Whalley Senior Environmental Consultant WSP Environmental 1st Floor, Keble House, Southernhay Gardens, Exeter EX1 1NT Tel +44 (0) 1392 267500 Fax +44 (0) 1392 267599 Mobile +44 (0)7920 822149 Website: www.wspenvironmental.com Winner of the 2008 Sustainable Consultant of the Year Award WSP Environmental is one of the world’s leading globally integrated consultancies. We help our clients manage their risks, enhance their management systems and make sustainable business improvements.

WSP is one of the world's fastest-growing design, engineering and management consultancies. Specialising in property, transport and

environmental projects, we work with clients to create built and natural environments for the future.

CONFIDENTIAL This e-mail is confidential to the named recipient. If you have received a copy in error, please destroy it. You may not use or disclose the contents of this e-mail to anyone, nor take copies of it. The only copies permitted are (1) by the named recipient and (2) for the purposes of completing successful electronic transmission to the named recipient and then only on the condition that these copies, with this notice attached, are kept confidential until destruction.

WSP Environmental Limited Registered Office: WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1AF Registered Number 1152332 England

Page 2 of 2Message


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Lighting Technical Report WSP Environment and Energy

Picket Piece, Andover Wates

Appendix 3 Glossary of Lighting Terminology

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BALLAST – A device used to operate discharge lamps by regulating the lamp current during operation.

BUILDING LUMINANCE – This should be limited to avoid over lighting, and related to the general district brightness. In this reference building luminance is applicable to buildings directly illuminated as a night-time feature as against the illumination of a building caused by spill light from adjacent luminaires or luminaires fixed to the building but used to light an adjacent area.

CANDELA – The intensity of a light source in a specific direction. Unit of luminous intensity.

COLOUR RENDERING INDEX (CRI) – A scale of the colour appearance of an object under a particular light source compared to its colour appearance under a reference light source. Expressed on a scale of 1 to 100 where 100 represents the colour rendering of daylight.

COLOUR TEMPERATURE – A specification of the colour appearance of a light source, relating the colour to a reference source heated to a particular temperature, measured in Kelvin.

CONTRAST – The relationship between the luminance of an object and its background. The higher the contrast, the more likely it is an object can be seen.

CONVENTIONAL CONTROL GEAR – Control gear used to run a lamp, typically consisting of a ballast, ignitor and capacitor.

DIFFUSE – Term describing dispersed light distribution referring to the scattering of light.

DISABILITY GLARE – Glare which impairs the vision of objects but may not cause discomfort.

DISCOMFORT GLARE – Glare causing discomfort which may not impair the ability to see objects.

EFFICACY – A measure of light output against energy consumption measured in lumens per watt.

ELECTRONIC CONTROL GEAR – A device that uses semi-conductor components to operate a discharge lamp.

FLUORESCENT LAMP – A lamp consisting of a tube filled with argon, along with krypton or other inert gas.

HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE (HID) – Describes mercury vapour, metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps.

HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM LAMP – A HID lamp whose light is produced by radiation from high pressure sodium vapour (and usually a small amount of mercury).

ILLUMINANCE – Illuminance is the quantity of light, or luminous flux, falling on a unit area of a surface. It is designated by the symbol E. The unit is the lux (lx). One lux equals one lumen per square metre (lm/m2).

LED – Light emitting diode.

LIGHT POLLUTION – The spillage of light into areas where it is not required.

LIGHT SPILL – This is the unwanted spillage of light onto adjacent areas and may affect sensitive receptors particularly residential properties and ecological sites.

LIGHT TRESPASS – Light that impacts on a surface outside of the area designed to be lit by a lighting installation.

LONGITUDINAL UNIFORMITY – Ratio of the lowest to highest road surface luminance on a set of grid points in a line along the centre of a driving lane.

LOUVRE – Assembly used to control light distribution from a luminaire.

LOW-PRESSURE SODIUM – A discharge lamp in which light is produced by radiation from low-pressure sodium vapour.

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LUMEN – Calculations have shown that one watt of radiant power with a wavelength of 555 nm equals 683 lumens. (This is an arbitrary value which has been selected for definition purposes.) This figure is known as the "maximum spectral luminous efficacy"

LUMINAIRE – A lighting unit designed to distribute the light from a lamp or lamps.

LUMINANCE – Luminance is the concept for the luminous intensity emitted per unit of area of a surface in a specific direction. The unit is the candela per square metre (cd/m2).

LUX (LX) – Illuminance is the quantity of light, or luminous flux, falling on a unit area of a surface. It is designated by the symbol E. The unit is the lux (lx). One lux equals one lumen per square metre (lm/m²).

METAL HALIDE – A type of HID lamp in which most of the light is produced by radiation of metal halide and mercury vapours in the arc tube. Metal halide lamps generally produce high colour rendering.

MERCURY VAPOUR LAMP – ultraviolet lamp that emits a strong bluish light (rich in ultraviolet radiation) as electric current passes through mercury vapour

OPTIC – The components of a luminaire such as reflectors, refractors, protectors which make up the light emitting section.

OVERALL UNIFORMITY – Ratio of the lowest to highest road surface luminance on a set of grid points.

PHOTOCELL – A unit which senses light to control luminaires.

PHOTOPERIOD – Response of plants and animals to the period of daylight

REFLECTANCE – The ratio of light reflected from a surface to the light incident on the surface.

REFLECTOR – A device used to reflect light onto a surface.

REFRACTOR – A device used to redirect the light output from a lamp when the light passes through it.

SKY GLOW – The brightening of the night sky caused by artificial lighting.

SOURCE INTENSITY – This applies to each source in the potentially obtrusive direction, outside of the area being lit.

ULTRA VIOLET (UV) – Radiation that is shorter in wavelength and higher in frequency than visible violet light.

UPWARD LIGHT RATIO – Some lighting schemes will require the deliberate and careful use of upward light – e.g. ground recessed luminaires, ground mounted floodlights, festive lighting – to which these limits cannot apply. However, care should always be taken to minimise any upward waste light by the proper application of suitably directional luminaires and light controlling attachments.

VOLTAGE – The difference in electrical potential between two points of an electrical circuit.

WATT (W) – The unit for measuring electrical power.
