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Version 1.0 8 July 2013 A1 Appendix A (Acronym) Acronym Meaning A&L Admin & Logistics Nets ACAT Acquisition Category ACF Application Configuration Files AD Asset Distribution ADP Army Doctrine Publication ANA Army NetOps Architecture ANW2 Advanced Networking Wideband Waveform AO Area Operation ARFOR Army Forces ARFORGEN Army Force Generation ASA(ALT) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology ATIA Army Training Information Architecture ATO Authority to Operate ATTP Army Tactics Techniques Procedures AV Asset Visibility BCCS Battle Command Common Services BCT Brigade Combat Team BFT Blue Force Tracking BLOS Beyond Line-Of-Sight BN Battalion BOI Basis of Issue BOIP Basis of Issue Plan BY Base Year C2OTM Command and Control On the Move C4ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear CC Communication Check CCJO Capstone Concept for Joint Operations CD Conduct Diagnostics CDD Capability Development Document CEOI Communications-electronic Operating Instructions CFD Conduct Fault Diagnostics CKT Crypto Key Tag CIO Chief Information Officer CNR Combat Net Radio COIs Communities of Interest
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Appendix A (Acronym)

Acronym Meaning

A&L Admin & Logistics Nets

ACAT Acquisition Category

ACF Application Configuration Files

AD Asset Distribution

ADP Army Doctrine Publication

ANA Army NetOps Architecture

ANW2 Advanced Networking Wideband Waveform

AO Area Operation

ARFOR Army Forces

ARFORGEN Army Force Generation

ASA(ALT) Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology

ATIA Army Training Information Architecture

ATO Authority to Operate

ATTP Army Tactics Techniques Procedures

AV Asset Visibility

BCCS Battle Command Common Services

BCT Brigade Combat Team

BFT Blue Force Tracking

BLOS Beyond Line-Of-Sight

BN Battalion

BOI Basis of Issue

BOIP Basis of Issue Plan

BY Base Year

C2OTM Command and Control On the Move

C4ISR Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance

CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear

CC Communication Check

CCJO Capstone Concept for Joint Operations

CD Conduct Diagnostics

CDD Capability Development Document

CEOI Communications-electronic Operating Instructions

CFD Conduct Fault Diagnostics

CKT Crypto Key Tag

CIO Chief Information Officer

CNR Combat Net Radio

COIs Communities of Interest

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Acronym Meaning

COMSEC Communications Security

CMD Command Net

CONOPS Concept of Operations

COP Common Operational Picture

COTS Commercial off the Shelf

CP Command Post

CPOF Command Post of the Future

CPD Capability Production Document

CS Capability Set

CSR Communications Status Reports

CSR Commanders Support Requirements

CU Component Updates

DAA Designated Approving Authority

DAGR Defense Advanced Lightweight GPS Receiver

DF Determine Fault

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency

DIACAP Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process

DISR DOD Information Technology Standards Registry

DNS Discover Network Specifics

DNS Domain Name Service

DoD Department of Defense

DoD IEA Defense Information Enterprise Architecture

DOTMLPF Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership/Education, Personnel and Facilities

DS Determine Solution

DSSA Discover Signal Support Architecture

DTD Data Transfer Device

DTSS Digital Topographic Support System

DTP Detailed Technical Procedures

E2E End to End

E3 Electromagnetic Environmental Effects

EKMS Electronic Key Management System

EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility

EME Electromagnetic Environment

EMP Electromagnetic Pulse

EMS Electromagnetic Spectrum

EPLRS Enhanced Position Location Reporting System

EoL End of Life

ER Execute Restoration

ESH Environmental, Safety and Health

EUD End User Device

EW Electronic Warfare

FCAPS Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, and Security Model

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Acronym Meaning

FDD Functional Description Document

FIRES Fires Net

FY Fiscal Year

FBCB2 Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below

FOB Forward Operating Base

FREQ Frequencies

FYDP Future Year Defense Plan/Program

GES Global Information Grid Enterprise Services

GHz Giga-Hertz

GIG MA ICD Global Information Grid (GIG) Mission Area (MA) Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)

GOTS Government Off the Shelf

GPETE General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment

GPS Global Positioning System

GPU General Purpose User

HBSS Host Based Security Services

HCI Human-Computer Interface

HCLOS High Capacity Line of Sight

HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse

HERO Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation to Ordnance

HF High Frequency

HIC High Intensity Conflict

HMI Human Machine Interface

HMS Handheld Manpack Small Form Fit

HSI Human Systems Integration

IA Information Assurance

IATO Interim Authorization to Operate

IAW In Accordance With

ICD Initial Capabilities Document

IF Isolate Fault

IFRC Identify Fault Root Cause

IMI Interactive Multi-media Instruction

INFOSEC Information Security

IP Internet Protocol

IPSS Internet Protocol Security Services

IS Information Systems

ISO International Standard Organization

ISP Information Support Plan

ISR Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

IT Information Technology

ITNE Integrated Tactical Networking Environment

IW Information Warfare

JACS Joint Automated CEIO System

JBC-P Joint Battle Command - Platform

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Acronym Meaning

JCA Joint Capability Areas

JCIDS Joint Capability Integration Development Document

JENM JTRS Enterprise Network Manager

JFC Joint Functional Concept

JIC Joint Integrating Concept

JIIM Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational

JOC Joint Operating Concept

JOpsC Joint Operations Concepts (JOpsC)

JROC Joint Requirements Oversight Council

JTF Joint Task Force

J-TNT Joint Tactical Networking Toolkit

JTRS Joint Tactical Radio System

KHz Kilohertz

KPP Key Performance Parameter

KSA Key System Attribute

LOS Line of Sight

LNA LWN NetOps Architecture

LORA Levels of Repair Analysis

LOS Line-Of-Sight

LRU Line/Lowest Replaceable Unit

LTI Lower Tactical Internet

LWN LandWarNet

MANET Mobile Ad hoc Networking

MARFOR Marine Forces

MEDVAC Medical Evacuation Net

MC Mission Command

MCF Mission Configuration Files

MCE Mounted Computing Environment

MDMP Military Decision Making Process

METT-TC Mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support availability, time available, civilians

MGRS Military Grid Reference System

MHz Mega-Hertz

MNVR Mid-Tier Networking Vehicular Radio

MI Management Interface

MOS Military Occupational Series

MP Monitor Parameters

MS Mission Command

MTOE Modified Table of Organization and Equipment

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NB Narrow Band SATCOM

NBCC Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Contamination

NCE Network Centric Environment

NCOE Net-Centric Operational Environment

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Acronym Meaning

NCOP Network Common Operational Picture

NCOW Net-Centric Operations and Warfare

ND Network Design

NDI Non-Developmental Item

NeMC Net-enabled Mission Command

NET New Equipment Training

NetOps Network Operations

NIE Network Integration Exercise

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology

NIPRNET Non-classified Internet Protocol Network

NM Network Management

NMS Network Management System

NP Network Plan

NRA Network Router Architecture

NSA National Security Agency

NSS National Security System

NW Nett Warrior

OE Operating Environment

ONI Office Of Naval Intelligence

OPNET Operational Network

OPORDSA Operations Order Signal Annex

ORD Operational Requirements Document

OS Operating System

OTNR Over the Air Network Rekey

O&I Operations & Intelligence Net

OV Operational View

P3I Preplanned Product Improvement

PBL Performance Based Logistics

PBO Property Book Officer

PE Program Element

PM Program Managers

PNT Positioning, Navigation and Timing

PLGR Precise Lightweight GPS Receiver

QoS Quality of Service

Radio Nets Radio Networks

RBSA Radio Based Situational Awareness

RF Radio Frequency

RFN Radio Frequency Network

RNCF Radio Network Configuration File

RPC Radio Platform Preset Change

RPPA Radio Platform Preset Architecture

RN Role Name

RNM Role Name Modification

RT Radio Template

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Acronym Meaning

SA Situational Awareness

SAASM Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module

SANR Small Airborne Networking Radio

SATCOM Satellite Communications

SAR Satellite Access Request

SBCT Stryker Brigade Combat Team

SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model

SDK Software Development Kit

SDR Software Defined Radio

SINCGARS Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System

SKL Simple Key Loader


SoS System of Systems

SPETE Special Purpose Electronic Test Equipment

SIPRNET Secret Internet Protocol Network

SRW Soldier Radio Waveform

SSA Signal Support Architecture

STANAG Standardization Agreement (NATO)

STAR System Threat Assessment Report

STRAP System Training Plan

SW Software

TA/A Trend Analysis / Archiving

TACT Trend Analysis Complier Tool

TADSS Training Aids, Devices, Simulators and Simulations

TAR Trend Analysis Report

TCM TRADOC Capability Managers

TE Tactical Edge

TIA/EIA Telecommunications Industry Association/Electronic Industries Association

TIGRNET Tactical Ground Reporting Network

TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command

TRANSEC Transmission Security

TSG Tactical Service Gateway

TOC Tactical Operation Center

TRL Technology Readiness Level

TPE Theater Provided Equipment

TS Top Secret

TSS Talk Selector Switch

TSP Training Support Package

TTP Tactics, Techniques and Procedures

UG User Group

UHF Ultra High Frequency

URN Unit Reference Number

USJFCOM United States Joint Forces Command

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USR Unit Status Report

UTI Upper Tactical Internet

UTR Unit Task Reorganization

VCB Voice Call Book

VM Virtual Machines

VM Ware Virtual Machines Software

WAN Wide Area Network

WIN-T Warfighter Information Network - Tactical

WIT Warfighter Initialization Tool

WNW Wideband Networking Waveform

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Appendix B (Glossary)

Term Definition

Administrative Management Phase

The Administrative Management Phase of the ITNE Management Process includes those functions that add, change, modify, delete, and/or update administrative information within the MCF. The cause for these administrative changes are as simple as adding a new soldier or as complex as executing a unit task reorganization (UTR).

Ancillary Devices.

The ancillary networking devices subcomponent of the ITNE is composed of those networking devices that enable the routing and dissemination of voice and data across the lower and mid tier network. This passage of information can occur as part of the signal data required to load and initialize the ITNE or as mission command data during operations. Ancillary networking devices provide the means to extend and interconnect separate logical networks across IP, waveform, spectrum, and COMSEC boundaries. The following are examples of ancillary networking devices: Tactical Routers: Any Tier 2 or Tier 3 IP device that facilitates the routing of voice and data traffic across the ITNE and operates as an organic asset to the ITNE (Battalion’s Network). Gateways: Any Tier 2 or Tier 3 IP device that provides a bridge between policy divergent networks through the filtering and processing of distinct message traffic. Cross Domain Solutions: Any Tier 2 or Tier 3 IP device that provides a bridge between security separated networks through the filtering and processing of message and COMSEC traffic. Data Load Devices: Any device that can receive ITNE network plans, configurations, COMSEC, and spectrum from the NetOps Management System and load them into ITNE subcomponent devices.

Analysis Process

The Analysis Process of ITNE Signal Operations involves four steps that leverage the information and data collected during the Planning and Management Processes. The Analysis Process begins at any point but for purposes of illustration is shown in this CONOPS as a third process because it leverages the data collected in the first two processes of ITNE Signal Operations. Analysis is always ongoing and there is no limitation to conducting the Analysis Process concurrently with the Planning or Management Processes so long as the S-6 has the staff, time, and the data is relevant within the context of the mission planning cycle.

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Term Definition

Advanced Networking Waveform (ANW2):

Designed to provide mid capacity voice and data exchange for tactical edge users in the mid-tier of the ITNE.

Application Configuration Files (ACF)

The S-6 builds the ACF, files composed of mission command specific application data needed to map the application to the transport layer of the radio platform, from data within the Network Design.


The measure of the degree to which a system is operable and capable of initiating a mission at an unknown (random) time. Availability defines the percentage of time that a system or item of equipment is operational in accordance with a minimum set of prescribed operational or functional specifications or criteria. Space segment availability reflects the space segment’s ability to meet the threshold set of communications requirements as a function of the connectivity key parameter.

Bridge. A functional unit that interconnects two local area networks that use the same logical link control procedure, but may use different medium access control procedures.

Broadcast. One-way transmission from a single, uplink source to an area or earth coverage downlink listening area.

Capability Definition Package (CDP)

An incremental product that provides the material developer a specialized description of the capability need as understood from the operational perspective with as much functional behavior detail as needed to describe the warfighter context. It establishes the operational boundaries for the discussion of the operational requirements so the user and the materiel developer understand what aspect of the capability need the requirements will address. It consists of an incremental functional decomposition of the operational requirements within the operational environment of the intended IT/IS capabilities. Thus, the CDP defines the operational requirements in a standardized way to deliver effective materiel solutions.

Capability Package (CP)

The CP is a further decomposition of one or more requirements in a CDP that provides the material developer with the operational context and functional behavior detail of an operational requirement so that it can be developed within an agile project management sprint. It will provide appropriate performance metrics associated with the requirements to ensure they are built to user-defined performance specifications. It will also provide more detailed operational context so that the developer and tester (as well as the user) understand the operational environment and the operational processes that the IT capability (release or version) will provide in terms of information management, exchange and security. This document provides the encompassing operational

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Term Definition

environment and process environment, use cases, and functional requirements decomposition for the next capability release. Of critical importance is that the requirements are specifically articulated to enable usable warfighter capability with each sprint development and release.

Channel Operational Availability Ao.

Channel Ao is the proportion of time a channel is either operating or is capable of operating when used in a specific manner in a typical maintenance and supply environment. All calendar time when operating in an approved operational scenario, is considered. Channel Ao is defined as a measure of the degree to which a channel is in an operable state at the start of a mission when the mission is called for at a random point in time. Channel Ao is a single overall measure of each channel of JTRS to remain in a fully operational status when used in an approved operational environment. All hardware (e.g., cables, power supply, antennas, etc.) and software (e.g., configuration templates, waveform data sets, crypto data input software, etc.) failures of a JTRS configuration will be considered downing events in the evaluation of channel Ao. Failures that render all channels down will impact the Ao of each channel. Failures that prohibit the change/alteration of a JTRS configuration as called for during an operational mission will impact the Ao of the channels involved in the attempted action.

Coalition Wideband Networking Waveform (COALWNW):

COALWNW is a multinational, cooperative effort to realize a wideband, networking waveform to pass secure voice, video and data among coalition partners. The new wideband networking waveform will help U.S. and 8 coalition forces exchange secure wideband voice, data and video using software defined radios (SDR) in the land, air and sea domains.

Combat Net Radio (CNR)

CNR refers to the family of both single-channel and frequency hopping (FH) radios which are organic to many types of units. In maneuver battalions, CNR is their primary means of communications.

Communication. Communication is information transfer, among Warfighters or processes, according to agreed conventions.

Component. A component is an assembly or part thereof that is essential to the operation of some larger assembly and is an immediate subdivision of the assembly to which it belongs


The ability to provide the requisite magnitude of the demanded types of protected and unprotected throughput communications services to the target user terminal populations as dispersed and/or concentrated within the deployed geographical areas. Connectivity encompasses coverage in terms of the physical geometry between the satellite, the earth, and the user terminal population; and capacity in terms of the relative data throughput.

Cross Domain Enables seamless tactical data communications (messages, video,

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Term Definition

Solution (CDS) and audio) between two different security domains while maintaining network security for each.

Data Rates.

The aggregate rates at which data pass a point in the transmission path of a system. LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH Data rates are further defined in applicable MIL STDs for applicable waveform and system usages.

Data Collection Phase

The Data Collection Phase is the second phase of the ITNE Planning Process and begins with the publication and availability of the approved Signal Estimate and is completed when the S-6 receives all requested data associated with the Signal Estimate required to build the detailed unit network design. There are eight steps in the Data Collection Phase.


A domain is an independent variable used to express a function. Examples of domains are time, frequency, and space. In a larger sense, a domain is an area of common operational and functional requirements. The variables that differentiate JTR domains are the operating environment of user platforms on which JTR sets are mounted. The three JTR domains are airborne, maritime/fixed, and ground.

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3).

E3 is the impact of the electromagnetic environment upon the operational capability of military forces, equipment, systems, and platforms. It encompasses all electromagnetic disciplines, including electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic interference; electromagnetic vulnerability, electromagnetic pulse; electromagnetic protection; hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel, ordnance, and volatile materials; and natural phenomena effects of lightning and p-static.

Embedded Cryptography.

NSTISSI No. 4009 dated September 2000 defines embedded cryptography simply as “Cryptography engineered into an equipment or system whose basic function is not cryptographic.” For JTRS context this means placement of a chip, module or subsystem dedicated to performing cryptographic operations as a component in communications or information processing equipment in a certified manner. This cryptography or cryptographic resource must interface with remaining JTRS components in accordance with the Software Communication Architecture and its supplements. It must also properly support approved JTRS waveforms instantiated in/on the JTR set. Specific physical location of the embedded cryptography is not defined by the terms “embedded” or “JTRS compliant” since detailed implementation approaches may vary. In a JTR set, embedded cryptography cannot be realized by simply connecting to existing legacy cryptographic hardware devices (such as KG-40, KG-84, etc) or bulk/in-line encryptors.

Enabling System A system that supports a system-of-interest during its life-cycle

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stages but does not necessarily contribute directly to its function during operation.

Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS)

EPLRS provides terrestrial transport of battlefield situational awareness to both the mobile user and their higher headquarters. This information greatly enhances the command and control of tactical units by providing commanders with the location of friendly units, a dynamic representation of the Forward Line of Troops and abbreviated SITREPs for conditions and identification of adjacent equipped units. Self healing, self relaying Digital Network, used by ABCS and FBCB2 for Situational Awareness and Command and Control, Interoperable w/USMC PLRS and ANG/AF SADL (Situational Awareness Data Link), Time Division Multiple Access, Spread Spectrum, Frequency Hopping w/Forward Error Correction, UHF 420-450 Mhz, and data rates up to 57 Kbps with growth potential to 525 Kbps. EPLRS is currently used in STRYKER BCTs.

Fault Management Phase

The Fault Management Phase provides for the detection, isolation and resolution of network problems. The S-6 utilizes the Fault Management Phase as an active listening capability on all ITNE networked devices.

Functional Description Document for the WNW.

The Functional Description Document (FDD) defines the Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) user requirements and specifications.


A gateway in a communications network is a network node equipped for interfacing with another network that uses different protocols. A gateway may contain devices such as protocol translators, impedance matching devices, rate converters, fault isolators, or signal translators as necessary to provide system interoperability. It also requires that mutually acceptable administrative procedures be established between the two networks. A protocol translation/mapping gateway interconnects networks with different network protocol technologies by performing the required protocol conversions.

Global Information Grid (GIG).

The globally interconnected, end-to-end set of information capabilities, associated processes, and personnel for collecting, processing, storing, disseminating and managing information on demand to Warfighters, policy makers, and support personnel. The GIG includes all owned and leased communications and computing systems and services, software (including applications), data, security services, and other associated services necessary to achieve information superiority. It also includes National Security Systems as defined in Section 11103 of title 40, United States Code (U.S.C.)). The GIG supports all DOD, National Security, and related Intelligence Community missions and functions (strategic,

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operational, tactical, and business), in war and in peace. The GIG provides capabilities from all operating locations (bases, posts, camps, stations, facilities, mobile platforms, and deployed sites). The GIG provides interfaces to coalition, allied, and non-DOD users and systems. Includes any system, equipment, software, or service that meets one or more of the following criteria: • Transmits information to, receives information from, routes information among, or interchanges information among other equipment, software, and services. • Provides retention, organization, visualization, information assurance, or disposition of data, information, and/or knowledge received from or transmitted to other equipment, software, and services. • Processes data or information for use by other equipment, software, or services. • Non-GIG IT. Stand-alone, self-contained, or embedded IT that is not and will not be connected to the enterprise network.

High Frequency (HF)

Provides tactical elements with stand alone, terrain independent, robust communications, for LOS and BLOS, secure voice and data communications. Provides long distance, wide area, gap free, fixed or on the move, ground and ground to air communications

Information Operations.

The integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision-making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own. Also called IO.

Information Superiority.

The capability to collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information, while exploiting or denying an adversary's ability to do the same.

Information System

An information system consists of equipment that collects, processes, stores, displays, and disseminates information. This includes computers—hardware and software—and communications, as well as policies and procedures for their use. Staffs use information systems to process, store, and disseminate information according to the commander's priorities. These capabilities relieve the staff of handling routine data. Information systems—especially when merged into a single, integrated network—enable extensive information sharing.

Integrated Tactical Networking Environment.

Composed of five primary subcomponents. These include Radio Platforms, Waveform Applications, Mission Command Mobile Applications, Ancillary Networking Equipment, and the Network Operations Management System. When combined, these components form a complete system of systems network capability enabling the commander to exchange secure and protected voice and data across their formation. It is important to note that the

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ITNE is operational only when all components are fully initialized and functioning. Failure of any one component can drastically affect the overall ITNE capability. This can include a wide range of network degradation from minor data exchange loss and/or delay to catastrophic failure of the network to initialize. The ITNE is a separate logical network that must operate autonomously as required from the High Capacity Backbone (Warfighter Information Network Tactical (WIN-T) network) to ensure full availability of ITNE network resources during all phases of operation.

Integrated Waveform (IW)

The SATCOM Integrated Waveform (IW) is an enhanced method of multiplexing radios on the same channel. It uses carrier phase modulation (CPM) to allow for more access on the same channel.


Inter-networking is the process of inter-connecting two or more individual networks to facilitate communications between nodes of the inter-connected networks. Each network may be distinct, with its own addresses, internal protocols, access methods, and administration. Individual networks connected to form a JTR inter-network will share the same general operating mode, i.e. voice, data, or video.

Internet Protocol (IP) Scheme

The number of radios servers and workstations in your network and need to support will affect several decisions you will need to make. Some organizations require only a small network of serveral dozen standalone machines. In other organizations, you may need to set up a network with more than 1000 hosts. In cases where you will need to support a large number of hosts, it may require you to further divide your network into subdivisions called subnets. The size of your prospective network will affect the: Network class you apply for Network number you receive IP addressing scheme you use for your network

Interoperability Categories.

Wireless interoperability can generally be achieved by the use of one of the following four categories: • Same Radio - (Direct interoperability, at least within the same system or operational domain. Examples: SINCGARS among ground forces, or JTRS among all services, etc.) • Common Waveform - (Direct interoperability, across different domains or among different equipment. Example: SINCGARS waveform between SINCGARS and JTRS radio sets.) • Gateways & Relays - (Indirect interoperability, and/or for range extension (usually automatic), may include conversion of frequencies, modes, protocols, cryptographic cover, etc., and may be in real or non-real-time. See also “gateway” and “route and retransmission.”) • Equipment Duplication - (Indirect interoperability (usually

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manual), using multiple “stovepipe” radios, may be employed due to time, operational, security, or other constraints, and often the first (and usually inefficient) choice. Example: Stack of non-interoperable radios with very busy operator.)


The condition achieved among communications-electronics systems or items of communications-electronics equipment when information or services can be exchanged directly and satisfactorily between them and/or their users. The degree of interoperability should be defined when referring to specific cases. For example, interoperability could be established between a SINCGARS voice net and another system voice net through a transparent interface of a JTR set operating simultaneously in both nets.

Joint Automated Communications Electronics Operating Instruction System/Automated Communications Engineering Software (JACS/ACES),

(JACS/ACES) provides pre-deployment and post mission planning enabling the S6 staff to do legacy radio network planning to insure interoperability of RF networks, cryptographic network planning, and ANW2 (Harris) radio network planning. Electronic Protection (EP) data & radio network engineering for secure communications is also part of the pre and post mission planning. The following are all generated by the J-TNT; Joint Communications Engineering Operations Instruction (JCEOI), Communications Engineering Operations Instructions (CEOI), cryptographic key tag and TRANSEC Key generation. ACES also provides the capability to support Black Key packaging & distribution, provides fills for the legacy DTD AN/CYZ-10 and Simple Key Loader AN/PYQ-10 (C) with secure net information directly or Over-the-Network. The following radio types are supported by the J-TNT (JACS/ACES): Harris Radios: Falcon III (AN/PRC-117G) and Falcon III (AN/PRC-152A) ANW2 Only and All Legacy (SINCGARS, AN/PSC-5, AN/PRC-150, etc.) Radio Sets in the Army inventory currently used in CS13

Joint Bowman Waveform (JBW)

Bowman provides a tactical voice and data communications system for joint operations across the British Armed Forces in support of land and amphibious operations.

Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System.

System developed to support the joint Chiefs of Staff that define policies and procedures to identify, assess, and prioritize joint military capability needs as specified in title 10, United States Code, sections 153, 163, 167, and 181. For more information see CJCSI 3170.01F.

Joint Communication-Electronics Operating Instructions.

The main communications document used by the Joint Services is the Joint Communication-Electronics Operating Instructions (JCEOI). A CEOI and standard operating instructions (SOI) are the same as a JCEOI but used in other applications, i.e. Army only, NATO, etc. The JCEOI/CEOI is a series of orders issued by the Commander for technical control and coordination of the signal

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operations within the command. A JCEOI/CEOI normally contains randomly generated call sign assignments, frequency assignments, suffixes/expanders, signs and countersigns, pyrotechnic/smoke signals and associated supplemental instructions. The product includes complete listings of all participants and their communications requirements. AKMS provides tactical units and sustaining bases with an organic key generation capability and an efficient secure electronic key distribution means. AKMS provides a means for distribution of Communications Security, Electronic Protection, and Signal Operating Instructions information from the planning level to the point of use in support of current and future forces.

Joint Enterprise Network Manager.

JTRS Enterprise Network Manager (JENM) provides tactical network management product for all JTRS radios. JENM enables planning, instantiation, management and over-the-air reconfiguration of tactical networks comprised of software-defined radios from multiple vendors, greatly simplifying network planning and operations as compared to using separate management products provided by each qualified radio vendor.

Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS).

JTRS is a generic reference to the system that encompasses the aggregate of all aspects and components (including JTR Sets) that constitute and enable the installation, operation, and maintenance of the JTRS communications architecture. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, in this CPD JTRS is a collective term that refers to the entire system.

Key Performance Parameter (KPP).

A KPP is performance attribute of a system considered critical to the development of an effective military capability.

LandWarNet. The Army’s portion of the Global Information Grid(GIG).

Link 16 Waveform

Link 16 Waveform: Link 16 is a TDMA-based secure, jam-resistant high-speed digital data link which operates in the radio frequency band 960–1,215 MHz, allocated in line with the ITU Radio Regulations to the aeronautical radio navigation service and to the radio navigation satellite service.

Line/Lowest Replaceable Unit (LRU).

A module or assembly that is installed or removed from the JTR Set by the operator/maintainer as a single serviceable entity.

Lower Tier

The lower tier portion of the ITNE is composed of organic network resources from each ITNE functional component designed to support company and below formations down to soldier. This tier is characterized by primarily single channel radios operating at both the unclassified and secret level along with two channel radios at platoon and company to ensure multi-network integration and connectivity.

Management Process

Provides the S-6 an ability to actively monitor the commander’s network to ensure hardware and software faults are identified early

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in the failure process and remedied prior to realization on the operational network preventing loss of capability to combat forces. Additionally, the S-6 is able to monitor performance and security matters based on the METT-TC identified in the approved commander’s operations order, ensure compliance, and correct deficiencies during operations.

Mid Tier

The mid tier portion of the ITNE is composed of organic network resources from each ITNE functional component designed to support battalion and company level operations. The mid tier is the critical high capacity backbone of the radio environment. It provides the battalion and company commander with the means to process voice and larger amounts of data across their tactical formation over a terrestrial based network.

Mission Command (MC) Mounted / Mobile Applications.

The MC mounted / mobile applications subcomponent of the ITNE is composed of those capabilities required to plan, configure, manage, and monitor mobile MC applications. This includes the addressing and alignment of the unit network data product to the mobile handheld device hosting the application(s). Examples of some of these capabilities include the Joint Battle Command Platform (JBC-P) & Nett Warrior (NW) mission planning system


Modular pertains to a design concept in which interchangeable units are used to create a functional product. A module is an interchangeable subassembly that constitutes part of a larger device or system. A modular system is constructed with standardized units or dimensions for flexibility and variety in operational use and cost-effective modifications to either hardware or software. Modularity may be scaled to any system functional or design level that promotes desired efficiency.

Mission Configuration Files (MCF)

With the completion of the RNCF and ACF, the battalion S-6 now has all the information necessary to compose the MCF. The MCF is the all inclusive package of configuration files required to load and configure ITNE network devices and mission command applications.

Mission Command Mounted Applications

Mounted Applications are divided into three categories. These include Native, Web Services and Virtual Machines. Native applications are built onto the Mounted Computing Environment (MCE) software development kit (SDK) and share common components, user interfaces, and communication methods (e.g. GPS, JBC-P, etc.).

Mission Command Mobile Applications

Mobile Applications are divided into two categories, those that run natively on the mobile platform and those that are accessed as Web Services. The Web Service is configured on a remote server that the mobile device subscribes to with an IP address provided by the controlling authority. Native mobile applications on the other hand must be configured by the battalion S-6 with a planning tool.

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Multilevel Security.

Concept of processing information with different classifications and categories that simultaneously permits access by Warfighters with different security clearances and denies access to Warfighters who lack authorization.

Multiple User Objective System (MUOS)

Waveform: Designed to provide mid capacity voice and data exchange across narrowband SATCOM for BLOS range extension of the low and mid tier terrestrial networks.

National Security Systems (NSS).

Those telecommunications and information systems operated by the Department of Defense, the functions, operation or use of which – (1) involves intelligence activities; (2) involves crypto logic activities related to national security; (3) involves the command and control of military forces; (4) involves equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or weapons systems; or (5) is critical to the direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions. Subsection (5) in the preceding sentence does not include procurement of automatic data processing equipment or services to be used for routine administrative and business applications (including payroll, finance, logistics, and personnel management applications).

Net-Enabled Mission Command (NeMC).

NeMC will align existing BC and C2 Programs –a loosely coordinated set of disparate applications, services, and transport networks to form a NeMC capability. This capability supports a coherent and interoperable Enterprise Common Operating Environment (COE) and the foundational characteristics outlined in the Global Information Grid (GIG) 2.0 ICD. Specifically, Global Authentication, Access Control, and Directory Services and Information and services “from the edge.”

Network Load & Verification Phase

The Network Load & Verification Phase is the fifth and last phase of the ITNE Planning Process. In this phase, the S-6 and subordinate units load all mission network devices and mission command systems with their specific MCF, initialize the network, and conduct a communications check. At the end of this phase, the S-6 provides a commander approved operational network (OPNET) that meets and supports the identified information exchange requirements.

Network Management System.

Network Management System is a system of installed software on computer-aided tools/devices used by network managers/network operators to plan, manage, monitor, control, and optimize the performance of a network(s).

Network Management.

Network management is execution of a set of functions required for controlling, planning, allocating, deploying, coordinating, and monitoring the resources of a telecommunication network. Network management includes performing functions such as initial network planning, frequency allocation, predetermined traffic routing to support load balancing, cryptographic key distribution authorization, configuration management, fault management,

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security management, performance management, and accounting management. Network management does not usually include management of user terminal equipment (See also System Management).

Network Reconfiguration.

The ability to change one or more existing network parameters by means of network management (e.g., rekeying, changing waveform parameters, changing radio set parameters, etc.) to adapt to changing mission requirements.

Network Routing Architecture (NRA)

The S-6 creates the Network Routing Architecture (NRA) to support the Network Plan (NP) highlighted in the Signal Estimate. Terrestrial network as the primary route for network traffic and the celestial network as the secondary route. Terrestrial prioritization of mission command network traffic is essential to maintaining local command and control of battalion data during periods of network degradation.

Network User. A person, organization, or system that employs the services provided by a telecommunication network for transfer of user information.

Network. A network is an inter-connection of three or more communicating entities.

Network Build Phase

The Network Build Phase is the fourth phase of the ITNE Planning Process. In this phase, the S-6 uses the Network Design from the previous phase and builds the Radio Network Configuration File (RNCF) and Application Configuration File (ACF). With the completion of these two products, the battalion S-6 now has the ITNE Mission Configuration File (MCF). The MCF includes all network device and application configuration files required to implement and execute the battalion’s mission network.

Network Design Phase

The Network Design Phase is the third phase of the ITNE Planning Process and begins once all the requested network data is received and the impact to any request denials are fully vetted and approved by the commander and published in a final Signal Estimate. Using the received ITNE data, the battalion S-6 formulates an IP scheme and a Network Routing Architecture (NRA). The battalion S-6 then finalizes the SSA and the RPPA by applying the IP scheme, network routing architecture, frequencies, narrowband SATCOM, and COMSEC data. The completion of this phase is a published Signal Annex to the battalion operations order that establishes the ITNE Network Design (ND). There are six steps in the Network Design Phase.

Network Monitoring:

Describes the use of a system that constantly monitors a computer network for slow or failing components and that notifies the network administrator (via email, SMS or other alarms) in case of outages. It is a subset of the functions involved in network management.

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NetOps Management.

The NetOps Management subcomponent of the ITNE is the integrated capability that allows network managers to plan, configure, manage, and monitor all other subcomponents of the ITNE. This includes radio platforms, MC mobile applications, ancillary networking devices, and waveform applications. The NetOps management system is the critical subcomponent that enables the S-6 staff to plan and build a network plan and initialize and operate the radio network for each respective command level. The ITNE capabilities for NetOps provide enhanced shared situational awareness of the network. This awareness is critical to preparing and reacting to adversary information operations and enhances the effectiveness and operation of SRW/ANW2 based networks and MC mobile applications.

Networking Services.

Provide functions to perform data routing, bridging, switching, link layer message processing, including multimedia processing, network management, and gateway services. Scalable services are also required to provide flexibility for Service-specific, platform and form factor needs.


A general term used to describe either a terminal connection point common to two or more branches of a network; a switch forming a network backbone; patching and control facilities; technical control facilities.

Normal Operations.

Normal operations are generally and collectively, the broad functions that a combatant commander undertakes when assigned responsibility for a given geographic or functional area. Except as otherwise qualified in certain unified command plan paragraphs that relate to particular commands, normal operations of a combatant commander include: planning and execution of operations throughout the range of military operations; planning and conduct of cold war activities; planning and administration of military assistance; and maintaining the relationships and exercising the directive or coordinating authority prescribed in JP 0-2 and JP 4-01.

Performance Management Phase

The Performance Management Phase of the ITNE Management Process consists of measuring and optimizing the network to ensure it can support the flow of voice and data traffic according to the quality of service priorities established by the commander. Performance management offers a foundation for pro-active management of ITNE component devices.

Planning Process

The Planning Process of ITNE Signal Operations involves five phases that cover all activity required by the S-6 staff. This includes everything from the receipt of their commander’s operations order to the verification that the commander’s network is initialized and fully operational. The five Planning Process phases include the Planning Analysis Phase, the Data Collection

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Phase, the Network Design Phase, the Network Build Phase, and the Network Load/Verification Phase. In total, these five phases include thirty separate steps

Platform. A host (e.g., weapon system, ship, aircraft, vehicle, dismounted Warfighter, etc.) that contains a mounted/integrated JTR Set.

Radio Platforms.

The Radio Platform subcomponent of the ITNE is composed of legacy and newly developed tactical radios. The ITNE is made up of many different radios with varying capabilities. This radio variety is due to the fact there is no one radio that meets all of the line of sight (LOS), beyond line of sight (BLOS), and terrain and vegetation obstacles under which our forces must operate. This means the Army will continue to operate the ITNE with a variety of radios with varying capabilities that when collectively combined create a robust lower and mid tier network transport capability for the ITNE. More fundamentally, the Radio Platform subcomponent of the ITNE is a combination of the hardware design inherent to the radio and the operating environment software utilized by the radio to allow interaction between those hardware components and the NetOps Management and the Waveform Application subcomponents of the ITNE.

Radio Network.

An interconnection of two or more radio sets communicating with each other, but not necessarily on the same channel or frequency (e.g. a multi-channel network that may choose one or more available channels for a communications session between its nodes.

Radio Network Configuration File (RNCF)

The S-6 builds the RNCF, a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet consisting of tabs with fields and columns, which is populated with radio network data from the Network Design and compiled by the ITNE NMS to produce specific radio configuration files that are later loaded onto software defined radios.

Radio Based Situational Awareness.

A software capability within the SINCGARS RT-1523 radios and Radio Based Combat ID (RBCI) Responder Boxes that enable them to automatically broadcast Position Location Information (PLI) to other radios when connected to a Global Positioning System (GPS) device. Each radio acts as a beacon and can send Situational Awareness (SA) periodically based on time, distances traveled, or Push-To-Talk (PTT) transmission. Key operational benefits are increased battle space visibility and creates a more complete ―blue‖ picture; supports fratricide avoidance and clearance of fires when used with RBCI; no user intervention is required to beacon the position; uses current fielded SINCGARS RT-1523 equipment; RBCI Responder Box supports RBSA and is available to coalition forces. KEY FEATURES: SINCGARS RT-1523 radios with GPS can automatically send SA position information for display on FBCB2 and other C2 systems;

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demonstrated at Bold Quest to allow disadvantaged units to provide PLI without any additional equipment; supports JBC-P Beacon requirement in the JROC approved JBC-P CDD.

Radio Platform Preset Architecture (RPPA)

RPPA will be tied to the creation of the Signal System Architecture (SSA) through the more automated and over the network enabled ITNE NetOps management system.

Radio Based Situation Awareness Monitoring (RBSAM)

(RBSAM) provides radio monitoring services for deployed ANW2 and SRW networks in two fashions, the primary monitoring software application for radio situational awareness is through the Radio Based Situational Awareness Software application. This software allows the S-6 to see all of radios in the net base upon echelon.


(In context of JTRS control and management) by means of non-integral, detached, or other distal means, such as remote control panel, JTRS network management system, or similar distant control device, normally linked to the JTR Set by wired, wireless, or optical means.

Route and Retransmission.

The capability to route and retransmit between waveform networks that have the same security level, compatible serial data rates, Internet Protocol (IP) Packets, analog voice, and voice vocoders for Linear Predictive Coding LPC-10e, Mixed Excitation Linear Predictive (MELP) and Continuous Variable Slope Delta (CVSD).

Role Name

The S-6 submits a role name request to the issuing agency or controlling authority in accordance with current policies and regulations based on the title and position of each user per radio platform in the Signal Estimate. The RN identifies and associates a soldier to each respective radio platform.

Satellite Access Request (SAR)

The S-6 submits a narrowband satellite access request (SAR) to the issuing agency or controlling authority in accordance with current policies and regulations for all narrowband SATCOM networks captured in the Signal Estimate.


In this context means the JTR Set/System using an open system architecture is capable of being adjusted upward or downward via software, hardware, or firmware to support Warfighter’s current and future missions. Scalable allows for technology insertion/growth capability without requiring reengineering/redesigning of the JTR Set/System. Scalable provides the Warfighter with the ability to reconfigure the JTR Set/System to meet mission requirements.

Security Management Phase

The Security Management Phase of the ITNE Management Process involves all activities that the S-6 undertakes to protect ITNE component device value, usability, data integrity, and continuity of operations. The staff must effectively identify threats and then choose the most effective ITNE NMS tool to combat

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Simple Key Loader (SKL) AN/PYQ-10.

A portable, hand-held fill device, for securely receiving, storing, and transferring data between compatible cryptographic and communications equipment. Developed by SAIC under the auspices of the United States Army and the National Security Agency, it is intended to supplement and eventually replace the AN/CYZ-10 Data Transfer Device (DTD). The PYQ-10 provides all the functions currently resident in the CYZ-10 and incorporates new features that provide streamlined management of COMSEC key, Electronic Protection (EP) data, and Signal Operating Instructions (SOI). The SKL is backward-compatible with existing End Cryptographic Units (ECU) and forward-compatible with future security equipment and systems, including NSA's Key Management Infrastructure.

Software Programming.

A sequence of coded instructions that can be inserted/loaded into a computer hardware system; e.g., a software load for waveforms can be loaded into the radio set hardware configuration.

Signal Analysis Phase

The Signal Analysis Phase is the first phase of the ITNE Planning Process and begins with the receipt of the commander’s approved mission course of action to include the approved task organization. The S-6 staff then analyzes the mission command requirements and translates them into the Signal Estimate. The S-6 uses the mission variables of Mission, Enemy, Troops, Terrain, Time, and Civilians (METT-TC) to identify specified tasks, implied tasks, network constraints, assets available, and commander support requirements in order to develop the Signal Support Architecture (SSA) and the Radio Platform Preset Architecture (RPPA) for ITNE. The Signal Estimate published at the completion of this phase contains the SSA and the RPPA. There are six steps in the Signal Analysis Phase.

Signal Estimate

By publishing the Signal Estimate, the battalion S-6 provides the battalion staff and subordinate commanders a signal support warning order that identifies signal equipment and confirms their operational status to meet the commander’s mission command needs.

Signal Operations

ITNE signal operations are the specific set of tasks and functions performed by the S-6 staff enabling all of the ITNE component capabilities to perform according to the commander’s intent within the boundaries of METT-TC. ITNE signal operations include a planning, management, and analysis process.

Signal System Architecture

SSA is nothing more than a connectivity diagram illustrating the signal asset overlay on the approved unit task organization structure.

Single Channel SINCGARS is a family of VHF-FM radio sets designed to meet the

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Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS):

Army’s tactical communications requirements. The radios are designed for simple, quick operation. SINCGARS are capable of short-range or long-range operation for voice, frequency shift keying (FSK), or digital data communications.

Software Defined Radio (SDR)

The SDR is designed with the radio OE and the waveform application physically separated from one another. This allows for the standardization of the waveform application across multiple radio platforms greatly reducing the complexity of the waveform environment. It also allows for the simplification of network planning of the waveforms through the standardization of the network management interface to the waveform application. In essence, the standardization of the waveform application and that applications disassociation from the radio OE enable the employment of a single network management approach to the ITNE.

Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW)

Designed to provide limited voice and data capability for tactical edge users. SRW is primarily viewed as a company and below waveform.

System Management.

System management extends network management functions to include subscriber elements or user end instruments in cases where separate system management is not provided directly by user nodes.

System of Systems

A set or arrangement of interdependent systems that is related or connected to provide a given capability. The loss of any part of the system will degrade the performance or capabilities of the whole. System of Systems Engineering deals with planning, analyzing, organizing, and integrating the capabilities of a mix of existing and new systems into a SoS capability greater than the sum of the capabilities of the constituent parts (Defense Acquisition Guidebook, 1 November 2012).

Tactical Edge

Derived from the NCOE term of the “first tactical mile”, which refers to warfighter directly involved in executing the mission at the “tip of the spear.” First tactical mile users may be an individual Soldier, squad, platoon, company, aircraft, vehicle or ship, or any unit executing the mission in a forward deployed position (NCOE JIC).

Tactical Communications System.

A tactical communications system is used within or in direct support of tactical forces and is designed to meet the requirements of changing tactical situations and varying environmental conditions. It provides securable communications (e.g. voice, data, and video) among mobile Warfighters to facilitate command and control of tactical forces. A tactical communications system usually requires extremely short installation times in order to meet the requirements of frequent relocation.

Tactical Satellite Tactical Satellite (TACSAT) Radios: A small lightweight man-pack

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(TACSAT) Radios: Multiband Multimode radio (VHF and UHF) that provides Command and Control (C2) communications for the Corps and Division War Fighter and supports the Army Special Operations Forces C2, in war, and in operations other than war.

Transmission Security (TRANSEC).

A component of COMSEC resulting from the application of measures taken to protect transmissions from interception and exploitation by means other than cryptanalysis (Cryptanalysis is defined as “Operations performed in converting encrypted messages to plain text without initial knowledge of the crypto-algorithm and /or key employed in the encryption.). Transmission security is the protection of the communications paths against attack. Defensive measures include anti-jam, low probability of detection, low probability of intercept, spread spectrum techniques such as frequency hopping and direct sequence spreading, and protected distribution.

Unit Task Reorganization (UTR)

A UTR is the process performed by an S-6 staff upon receipt of the commander’s Operations Order during combat operations that translates mission command MDMP task organization changes into specific actions required by the S-6 to modify the communications (Voice/Data) network to match the modified unit structure. The UTR process follows the ITNE Planning Process and results in a modified NP, ND, and MCF along with the updated Signal Estimate and Signal Annex for the operations order.

Unit Reference Number (URN)

The URN is a unique, numerical identifier assigned to and required by each software-defined radio for situational awareness reporting.


A waveform is the representation of a signal that includes the frequency, modulation type, message format, and/or transmission system. In general usage, the term waveform refers to a known set of characteristics, for example, frequency bands, modulation techniques, message standards, and transmission systems. In JTRS usage, the term waveform is used to describe the entire set of radio functions that occur from the user input to the RF output and vice versa. A JTRS "waveform" is implemented as a re-useable, portable, executable software application that is independent of the JTRS operating system, middleware, and hardware.

Waveform Applications.

The Waveform Application subcomponent of the ITNE is composed of all current and future tactical waveform applications that provide a means to pass voice and/or data across the transport layer of the network in both the lower and mid tier portions of the ITNE. Waveform applications are peer-to-peer programs that facilitate the exchange of application data across the spectrum of radio networks. Each waveform application is

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optimized to meet the mission needs of the portion of the network on which it operates (low/mid). Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW): Designed to provide limited voice and data capability for tactical edge users. SRW is primarily viewed as a company and below waveform. Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW): Designed to provide high capacity data exchange for tactical edge users in the mid-tier and serve as an interoperability link with Upper Tier networks like WIN-T. Advanced Networking Waveform (ANW2): Designed to provide mid capacity voice and data exchange for tactical edge users in the mid-tier of the ITNE. Multiple User Objective System (MUOS) Waveform: Designed to provide mid capacity voice and data exchange across narrowband SATCOM for BLOS range extension of the low and mid tier terrestrial networks.


A wide band circuit may have a bandwidth wider than normal for the type of circuit, frequency of operation, or type of modulation. In common usage, "wide-band" refers to a high capacity for information transfer. In JTRS usage, wide-band refers to a networked radio waveform that has a node-to-node capacity for information transfer of 512 Kbps or greater.

Wide Band Networking Waveform (WNW)

Designed to provide high capacity data exchange for tactical edge users in the mid-tier and serve as an interoperability link with Upper Tier networks like WIN-T.

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Appendix C (References)

1.0 Joint Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) approved documents: The basis of the ITNE capability requirements: 1.0.1 Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) Operational Requirements Document (ORD) Joint Enterprise Network Manager (JENM) Mid-Tier Networking Vehicular Radio (MNVR) Airborne Maritime Fixed Radio (AMF) 2.0 JTRS Capability Production Document (CPD) 2.0.1 Manpack 2.0.2 Rifleman Radio 2.0.3 Mid-Tier Network Vehicle Radio 2.0.4 Airborne Maritime Fixed Radio 3.0 Army Key Management System (EKMS) ORD 3.0.1 Joint Automated Communications-electronics Operating Instructions (CEOI) Software (JACS) 3.0.2 Simple Key Loader (SKL) 4.0 Joint Battle Command – Platform (JBC-P) CPD 4.0.1 Radio Based Situational Awareness (RBSA) Monitor 5.0 CONCEPTS 5.0.1 Joint Operation Access CONCEPT version 1.0 17 Jan 2012 5.0.2 Gaining and Maintaining Access: An Army – Marine Corps CONCEPT Mar 2012 5.0.3 Tactical Wireless Joint Network (TWJN) CONCEPT of Operation version 1.0 Apr 2007 5.0.4 WIN-T Inc 1B and Inc 2 NETOPS CONOPS June 2012 5.0.5 Draft Army Enterprise NETOPS CONOPS version 0.6 June 2012 5.0.6 Nett Warrior Handbook CONCEPT of Employment 6.0 Doctrine 6.0.1 FM 3-0 Operations 6.0.2 FM 3-21.20 The Infantry Battalion Dec 2006 7.0 Special Text 7.0.1Draft ST 6-02.24 Electronic Reference

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Appendix D (Multinational Interoperability)

Appendix M Multinational Interoperability will be completed on a future update of the ITNE CONOPS

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Appendix E (Radio Platforms)

1.0 Radio Platforms: The radio platforms of the ITNE are composed of all legacy and newly developed software defined radios (SDRs). A brief description of each radio is provided within this appendix. The Army radio platform inventory changes over time as new radios are introduced and old radios are transitioned. At all times, the radio platform component of the ITNE is a mix of many legacy and software defined radios. The radio variety is the result of a need to provide a capability to meet all possible mission requirements associated with line of sight (LOS), beyond line of sight (BLOS), and terrain and vegetation obstacle conditions under which Army Forces must operate. No single radio can provide the ability to access all the potential spectrum, provide the bandwidth, nor support the number of networks while still meeting all the size, weight, and power requirements of each type of user. This requires the Army to operate the ITNE with a variety of radios with varying capabilities that when collectively combined create a robust lower and mid tier network transport capability for the ITNE. The Battalion S-6 and their staff must possess a thorough understanding of each radio type along with the strengths and weaknesses of each radio across the operational spectrum. A radio is a device that enables Soldiers push-to-talk capabilities utilizing various frequencies and waveforms, enabling both voice and data to be transmitted and received over large distances. The Radio Platform component is a combination of the hardware design inherent to the radio that includes: radio, batteries, microphone, antennas, IO Device, amplifiers, GPS, vehicular, man-pack or base mounts, encryption devices, and the software design inherent in the radio operating system. The radio operating environment software allows the interaction between the radio hardware components and the NetOps and Waveform Applications component software. In the legacy radios, the hardware and software design are fully integrated within the radio and include the waveform. In software defined radios, the hardware and software are less rigidly coupled. This provides an SDR greater interoperability with waveform applications and network management tools while also minimizing interoperability issues associated with enhancing the radio platform operating environment. The Radio Operational Environment software is a foundational capability within the SDRs of the ITNE and if not properly version controlled with other functional component software can easily disrupt or prevent the initialization and operation of the ITNE. The Battalion S-6 must ensure that all versions of the software associated with the radio platform are compatible and complimentary through regular validation checks via the published ITNE Help Desk. Details regarding the ITNE Help Desk are available in Appendix M.

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2.0 Legacy/Enduring Radio Platform Design: The legacy/enduring radio platform design is focused on the complete integration of the radio operating environment and the waveform capability. Most legacy/enduring radio platforms are non-digital in nature and operate on an analog infrastructure. Legacy/enduring radio platforms offer consistency of design, reliability, availability, and maintainability at the expense of improved performance over time and rigidity in the network design of each radio platform type. The primary value of the legacy/enduring radio platform is reliability to meet mission needs and the familiarity and level of training soldiers already possess on most of these systems. Legacy/enduring radio platforms will continue to endure within formations where critical node connectivity must be assured and rapid and reliable data dissemination is required for such disciplines as Command and Control, Fires, Aviation, and Medical. The following are examples of legacy/enduring radio platforms that will persist within Army formations.

2.1 Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS): SINCGARS is a family of VHF-FM radio sets designed to meet the Army’s tactical communications requirements. The radios are designed for simple, quick operation. SINCGARS are capable of short-range or long-range operation for voice, frequency shift keying (FSK), or digital data communications. They can be used for single-channel operation or in a jam-resistant, Frequency Hopping (FH) mode that can be changed, as needed.

SINCGARS Radios and Capabilities

2.1.1 RT 1439: Non-Integrated COMSEC radio was the first SINCGARS Combat Net Radio produced to replace the older VRC-12 series radios. This radio required an external KY-57 COMSEC device to encrypt the traffic message being transmitted over the air.

Figure E1 (SINCGARS Radio RT 1439)

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2.1.2 RT 1523 A/B: SINCGARS ICOM provides network data services in both mounted and dismounted configurations. In the mounted role the radio works with the ITT internet controller to provide robust mobile ad hoc network data services. As a man-pack the radio provides a standard PPP interface allowing a C2 application to access the Tactical Internet.

Figure E2 (SINCGARS ICOM Radio RT 1523 A/B)

2.1.3 RT 1523 C/D: SINCGARS SIP used with the Tactical Internet to support the Army program for digitization of the battlefield. It is the same physical size as the previous radio, but incorporates advanced capabilities including forward error correction, higher data rates, packet technology, and the Internet Controller.

Figure E3 (SINCGARS SIP Radio RT 1523 C/D)

2.1.4 RT 1523 E/F: SINCGARS ASIP Incorporates programmable digital signal processing technology and is significantly smaller than the existing radio. It is redesigned and more user-friendly, man-machine interface via flat panel technology. New feature provides a retransmission capability while operating in the packet data mode and will employ a new, fast-channel access protocol for improved operations in shared voice or data nets.

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Figure E4 (SINCGARS ASIP Radio RT 1523 E/F)

2.1.5 AN/PRC 119: SINCGARS Man-pack version provides the capability of establishing two-way communications (comms) (including jam-resistant) using the SINCGARS waveform. Provides multi-mode voice and data comms.

Figure E5 (SINCGARS Man-Pack Radio AN/PRC 119)

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2.2 Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS): EPLRS provides terrestrial transport of battlefield situational awareness to both the mobile user and their higher headquarters. This information greatly enhances the command and control of tactical units by providing commanders with the location of friendly units, a dynamic representation of the Forward Line of Troops and abbreviated SITREPs for conditions and identification of adjacent equipped units. Self healing, self relaying Digital Network, used by ABCS and FBCB2 for Situational Awareness and Command and Control, Interoperable w/USMC PLRS and ANG/AF SADL (Situational Awareness Data Link), Time Division Multiple Access, Spread Spectrum, Frequency Hopping w/Forward Error Correction, UHF 420-450 MHz, and data rates up to 57 Kbps with growth potential to 525 Kbps. EPLRS is currently used in STRYKER BCTs. There is currently a hold by congress on buying anymore EPLRS radio and will be replaced in the future buy a software programmable radio using Wideband Network Waveform (WNW) EPLRS is currently used as the mid-tier terrestrial MANET backbone data network. EPLRS is being replaced by SDR waveform applications (WNW & SRW) but the transition will take time and EPLRS will support maneuver brigades that use terrestrial backbone to support FBCB2. The EPLRS network consists of EPLRS radio sets (RSs) mounted on vehicle that have a mission command application (FBCB2) or a small handheld radio used at maneuver platoon level networking the soldier as a system (SAAS) and one or more EPLRS Network Manager (ENM) host computers. The RSs automatically route and deliver user messages and provide multiple concurrent communication paths known as needlines.

EPLRS Radios and Capabilities

2.2.1 RT-1720: Robust, self healing network architecture, externally programmable firmware and software, automatic mesh networking, jam resistant, and laptop based network monitoring and management.

Figure E6 (EPLRS Radio RT-1720)

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2.2.2 RT-1915: Extended Frequency (EPLRS-XF) provides a wireless Internet Protocol (IP) network for tactical forces on the move using Type-1 security. Supports a diverse range of applications, such as low-latency voice, sensor netting, blue force tracking and e-mail. Supports a wide variety of missions – from air defense to maneuver control and beyond. Quality of Service (QoS) is maintained for each application via Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). IP-based, mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET), robust, self-healing network architecture, externally programmable firmware and software, automatic mesh networking and highly accurate time of flight derived positioning.

Figure E7 (EPLRS-XF Radio RT-1915) 2.3 RT-1922: Micro-Light Man-Portable Radio Provides tactical internet connectivity for VOIP and SA for the Nett Warrior ensemble. It is small, Internet Protocol (IP) based data radio that can be used for a host of applications. It is a self contained radio device with an option of industry standard host interfaces. Unsecured voice communication, remote capability. Range 10 + KM.

Figure E8 (Micro-Light Man-Portable Radio RT-1922)

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2.4 DH500: MicroLight-DH500 Personal Network Device Software defined radio. Exploits 2G by hosting EPLRS and Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW), can be used in the Nett Warrior ensemble but designed for use independent from Nett Warrior ensemble. It is compatible with ASIP –E running EPLRS or SRW and EPLRS vehicular radios. SCA compliant integrated VoIP.

Figure E9 (Micro-Light Radio DH500)

2.5 High Frequency (HF) Provides tactical elements with stand alone, terrain independent, robust communications, for LOS and BLOS, secure voice and data communications. Provides long distance, wide area, gap free, fixed or on the move, ground and ground to air communications. HF is the only terrestrial BLOS system that requires a good understand of HF frequency and antenna design to support local to BLOS requirements. These are typically used as a backup radio system.

2.5.1 High Frequency (HF) Single Side Band (SSB): HF is currently the only terrestrial BLOS capability available in the tactical network. It is used mostly as a redundant backup C2 system to counter jamming in other frequencies or distance. SDR will support this waveform. HF propagation requires an understanding of the radio, power capability of the radio, the frequency to be use on the radio and the distance you are planning to reach on the radio determines the type of antenna (Whip, NVIS, or Doublet).

2.5.2 AN/PRC 150: Man-pack for LOS/BLOS, secure voice and data communications. Provides long distance, wide area, gap free, fixed or on the move, ground and ground to air communications. The radio provides plain text, secure analog voice with robust data

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and digital voice modes. Supports advanced serial tone ECCM modem IP networking. Has Red and Black key management and ALE link protection. Frequency hopping, frequency range 1.6 to 59.999 MHz, Power 1,5,20 watts PEP/Average, Type 1 Encryption.

Figure E10 (HF Radio AN/PRC 150)

2.5.3 RF-5800H: Advanced HF/VHF Man-pack supporting HF-SSB/VHF-FM man-pack radio that provides reliable tactical comms through enhanced secure voice and data performance, networking, and extended battery life. Supports encrypted data, automatic link establishment (ALE), frequency hopping, vocoder, data link layer protocol (ARQ), internal GPS, integrated telephony capability and network management features.

Figure E11 (Advance HF/VHF Radio RF-5800H)

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2.5.4 AN/VRC-100: A multifunctional, fully digital signal processing (DSP) high frequency radio intended for a variety of ground or mobile applications. It is fully integrated “Plug and Play” multi-mode voice or data communications system configured in a portable case. It allows substantial distance communications beyond line of sight by providing users an ability to maintain contact during short, mid, and long range operations. It is also an advanced data communications system capable of providing reliable digital connectivity.

Figure E12 (Advance HF Ground/Vehicular Radio AN/VRC-100)

2.5.5 AN/PRC-104: IHFR Man-pack provides long-range CNR connectivity between operational elements at all echelons of the Army. It is primarily used as back-up communications, in the event the ACUS or organizational unique communications networks fail. It is capable of transmitting and receiving voice and data and must be externally secured through the use of the KY-99 MINTERM COMSEC device. The radio is a low power (20 W) system configured for man-pack operations.

Figure E13 (IHFR Man-Pack Radio AN/PRC-104)

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2.6 Single Channel Tactical Satellite (TACSAT) Radios: A small lightweight man-pack Multiband Multimode radio (VHF and UHF) that provides Command and Control (C2) communications for the Corps and Division War Fighter and supports the Army Special Operations Forces C2, in war, and in operations other than war. It provides both wideband and narrowband range extension for both voice and data. The Beyond Line of Sight Range extension capability is utilized in the Army’s SATCOM-On-The-Move OE-563 functionality in moving vehicular platforms (versus stationary).

2.6.1 RT 1672/U(C): AN/PSC-5 (Spitfire) A small lightweight man-pack Multiband Multimode radio (VHF and UHF) that provides Command and Control (C2) communications for the Corps and Division War Fighter and supports the Army Special Operations Forces C2, in war, and in operations other than war. It provides both wideband and narrowband range extension for both voice and data. The Beyond Line of Sight Range extension capability is utilized in the Army’s SATCOM-On-The-Move OE-563 functionality in moving vehicular platforms (versus stationary). Provides DAMA and Narrowband Secure Voice, LOS Communications for both Voice & Data, Supports Command & Control on the move (C2OTM) Extends SINCGARS Communications when paired with SINCGARS as a Retransmission Unit

Figure E15 (AN/PSC-5 (Spitfire) RT 1672/U(C))

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2.6.2 RT-1672D(C) AN/PSC-5C (Shadowfire) the AN/PSC-5C terminal provides all the features of the AN/PSC-5 Spitfire terminal plus additional ECCM, COMSEC, and networking capabilities. It operates in the VHF and UHF frequency spectrum and supports LOS with frequency agile modes, SATCOM, DAMA, and Maritime operation. Voice and data operation is available in each of these modes. SATCOM including DAMA, Enhanced MELP Vocoder & Improved LPC, Anti-jam Communications, OTAR/OTAT Capable and Software Programmable

Figure E16 (AN/PSC-5 (Shadowfire) RT 1672/D(C))

2.6.3 AN/PRC-117F: Multiband Radio multi-mission ground-to-ground, ground-to-air, and ground-to-satellite. Has powerful retransmit capabilities with advanced waveforms. HPW (advanced SATCOM messaging) 181B (High speed SATCOM), Embedded Internet Protocol. Interoperable with legacy systems, reprogrammable software, vehicular, man-pack and Base station configurable, embedded COMSEC, SATCOM, and ECCM capabilities.

Figure E17 (AN/PRC-117F Multiband Radio)

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2.6.4 AN/PRC-117G: Multiband Radio with SAASM Software defined tactical radio that provides breakthrough wideband data performance and interoperability with fielded waveforms. The radio has a JTEl-certified Software Communications Architecture (SCA) operating environment. The 117G provides the optimal transition to software-defined radio technology. Features JTEL-certified SCA, operates in narrow, wide, and UHF SATCOM waveforms, embedded SAASM GPS, stores multiple mission fill files, extending the time between reconfigurations.

Figure E18 (AN/PRC-117G Multiband Radio)

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3.0 Software Defined Radio (SDR) Platform: The SDR is designed with the radio OE and the waveform application physically separated from one another. This allows for the standardization of the waveform application across multiple radio platforms greatly reducing the complexity of the waveform environment. It also allows for the simplification of network planning of the waveforms through the standardization of the network management interface to the waveform application. In essence, the standardization of the waveform application and that applications disassociation from the radio OE enable the employment of a single network management approach to the ITNE.

Pursuant to the goals established by the Defense Planning Guidance (1998–2003) and Joint Vision 2020, Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) will be designed as an interoperable family of advanced software-reprogrammable, multi-band, multi-mode, net-centric, and reliable communications radio sets. The JTRS sets must interoperate with current equipment used by military land, air, and maritime defense forces. The JTRS Ground Domain has two Programs of Record: the Handheld, Man-pack, and Small Form Fit (HMS) and Mid-Tier Network Vehicular Radio (MNVR)

The SDR hardware platform consists of some key components that enable the radio to function as a transmission device as well as a computing device. These include the Radio Frequency (RF) Module (RFM), Signal Processing Module (SPM), and the General Purpose Processing Module (GPM). Figure 3 illustrates the relationship between these components within the SDR.

Figure E20 (Software Programmable Radios and Capabilities)

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3.1 Handheld Man-pack Small Form Fit (HMS) there are three radio types within the JTRS HMS program: the hand-held Rifleman radio, the Man-pack radio, and the Small Form Fit radio (for unmanned aerial and ground systems). The handheld Rifleman is a single-channel radio that uses Type 2 cryptography and operates with the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW). It will initially be fielded to individual riflemen within Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (BCT), and could also be fielded to infantry Soldiers in Heavy and Stryker BCTs. The Nett Warrior handheld radio is a Secret and below single channel radio that will be fielded to dismounted leaders using Nett Warrior application device for SA. The Man-pack radio is a more powerful two-channel radio that provides better performance and range for use at the lowest echelon, and can be carried on the back of a Soldier or mounted in a vehicle. In addition to operating over SRW, it will also operate over the Mobile User Objective Waveform (MUOS), as well as versions of legacy waveforms that include Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Systems (SINCGARS); Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS); Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Satellite Communication (SATCOM); and High Frequency (HF). In addition, the Man-pack radio is being designed as both a National Security Agency (NSA) Type 1 and Type 2 certifiable radio, so it has stronger encryption then the Rifleman radio and can operate over a classified network.

3.1.1 AN/PRC-154: The AN/PRC-154 “Rifleman Radio” (RR) is a single-channel radio capable of transmitting and receiving push-to-talk voice and data communications simultaneously using the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW). RR is a Type 2 NSA certified radio capable of handling controlled unclassified information. It provides intra-squad voice communications and automatic position location information (PLI) beaconing for command and control (C2).

Figure E21 (Rifleman Radio AN/PRC-154) 3.1.2 AN/PRC-154A Radio: The Nett Warrior Radio (NW-R) is a Secret and Below single-channel radio capable of transmitting and receiving push-to-talk voice and data communications simultaneously using the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW). NW-R is a Type 1 NSA certified radio capable of handling secret information. It provides team leader and above voice communications and automatic position location information

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(PLI) beaconing for command and control (C2).

Figure E22 (Nett Warrior Radio AN/PRC-154A)

3.1.3 AN/PRC-155: Mounted and dismounted 2-Channel sets running SRW, SINCGARS, UHF SATCOM DAMA, Type 1/Type 2 encryption and GPS/SAASM. Future upgrades could include WNW, MUOS, FH, and EPLRS.

Figure E23 (Man-pack Radio AN/PRC-155) 3.1.4 SFF-B: Small Form Fit Two Channel Radio running SRW, SINCGARS, and EPLRS waveforms with Type 1/Type 2 encryption and GPS/SAASM.

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Figure E24 (SFF-B)

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3.2 Mid-Tier Network Vehicular Radio (MNVR) is a software-definable, two channel, multimode communications system that is compliant with the Software Communications Architecture (SCA). Through software reconfiguration, the JTRS MNVR can emulate and interoperate with current force radios (SINCGARS) as well as operate new waveforms (WNW, and SRW).

Figure E25 (MNVR Radio (Place Holder))

3.3 Airborne, Maritime, Fixed Station (AMF) Provides Army Aviation with software reprogrammable multi-band/multi-mode capable, networking communications. Waveforms will include WNW, SRW, Link16 and MUOS

Figure E26 (AMF Radio)

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4.0 Software Defined Radio in the Operating System: The SDR operating system organizes and controls both hardware and software allowing the central processing unit (CPU) of the radio the flexibility to manage a variety of different applications within the radio’s program. The operating system provides a software platform capable of running multiple applications simultaneously and will stabilize the applications to operate within the hardware configuration. Each individual application receives the necessary resources to operate by interacting with other applications within the CPU. The CPU manages the memory, storage and the input/output bandwidth of the various programs. The operating system of the SDR is comprised of multiple basic components that include but not limited to: Processor management, memory, device, storage management and application, user interface, file system, drivers, networking, security (process/memory protection), I/O (input/output bandwidth).

Figure E27 (Operating System Flow Chart) 4.1 Radio Hardware: The hardware components of software defined radio consist of all the internal boards, chips, wiring and interconnected equipment that forms the radio system. It supplies the physical platform resources that house all associated software programs.

Figure E28 (Voice/Data Path through Radio) System Integration Unit (SIU) - Used for Human interfacing with the SDR Consists of: knobs, controls, keypads, audio and serial ports)

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Core Processor: Provides analog to digital conversion takes place either at the output of the radio frequency/intermediate frequency (RF/IF). The digital signal processing is digitized from the original signal by applying the inversed of modulation transformation. (Contains: RF/IF, Modem, link processor) Red: non-encrypted information flow AIM (Advanced INFOSEC Module): Cryptographic Module for encryption and decryption of message traffic. Black: encrypted information flow PA: (Power amplifier) amplifies the signal send thru the antenna Antenna: sends and receives the energy (signal) as an RF into the system. 4.2 Operating System: The operating system of a software defined radio is a written program, built into the radio that allows the user to manipulate and command the functions of the radio through different programs and appliqué. The program is built to organize and control the hardware and software which provides the radio the capability to function across a multitude of radio frequency (RF) networks. It gives the radio the ability to integrate and run various applications simultaneously. The operating system stabilizes applications to work with the hardware components of the radio. Each application receives the necessary resources by interfacing with other applications from the central processing unit (CPU) which manages the memory, storage and input/output bandwidth of the various programs. The software defined radio’s operating system allows for upgrades to all software and applications internal to the radio with minimal physical changes. The operating system consists of a minimum of six basic components: Processor management, memory/security management, device management, storage management and application, and user interface. 4.3 Applications: The software defined radio uses a number of applications within the operating system environment to execute the necessary functionality between the hardware and software to enable a specific task or service. Applications can be written specific enough to effect one particular component of the SDR or broad enough to control multiple components working together. Application Program Interfaces (APIs) provide the defined standard through which the operating system and radio platform applications communicate within the radio platform. APIs include but are not limited the following areas in a radio: modem hardware, audio port, GPS, serial port, timing, data processing, IP routing service and waveforms. Applications also come in the form of Special Protocols which can be point to point or multicast. These applications form a bond with the OS and hardware to insure the applications are sending and/or receiving the correct instructions to accomplish the required tasks.

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APPENDIX F (Waveform & Waveform Applications)

1.0 Waveform & Waveform Applications: The Waveform Application functional component of the ITNE is composed of all current and future software defined waveform applications that provide a means to pass voice and/or data across the transport layer of the network in both the lower and mid tier portions of the ITNE. Waveform Applications are peer-to-peer programs that facilitate the exchange of application data across the spectrum of radio networks. Each waveform application is optimized to meet the mission needs of the portion on which it operates (low/mid tier). This means lower tier waveforms cannot meet mid-tier requirements nor can mid-tier waveforms scale easily to the lower tier. These are important considerations for ITNE planners as they develop their network architecture to meet their commander’s mission command requirements.

Waveform Applications are planned, configured, and loaded onto the radio platforms through the NETOPS Management System and/or the Data Transfer Device. For near term capability sets, an SDR must be loaded with the waveform application through this means in order for that radio platform to be initialized and operational within that waveform environment. In the future, over the network (OTNR) distribution of radio files will simplify and expedite the process of loading and reloading radios in support of Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, Time and Civilian Considerations (METT-TC) requiring new task organization and subsequent S-6 unit task reorganization (UTR) procedures.

2.0 Lower Tier: Waveforms operating within the lower tier of the ITNE are optimized for the processing of voice and basic data elements. The data elements within the ITNE are centered on blue situational awareness, targeting (Ground and Airborne), and Medical. The spectrum and bandwidth availability is limited and only critical mission command functions operate within this portion of the ITNE. The key waveforms operating within the lower tier are identified in Appendix F.

2.1 Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW):: The Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) provides the local area connectivity and communications services for unmanned systems and small combat units to support interoperability between mounted BCT elements and individual dismounted soldier organizational elements; missiles; intelligent munitions; sensors; and robotics. The SRW network connects via gateways to the mid-tier backbone which provides the range extension needed for seamless communications across the entire battlefield.

SRW is a wideband (1.2 MHz), multi-hop, adaptive power, self forming and self healing MANET. SRW can support up to 30 nodes in a single tier network supporting simultaneously both data and 5 separate voice calling groups. SRW supports both UNCLAS and Secret nets. Planning Range vary due to the radio platform used. A

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handheld range is 1-2 KM, a Man-pack range is 5 KM, a vehicle mounted platforms is 10 KM, and air to air/air to ground is 30-70 KM. SRW Operational Modes: Combat Communication (CC): Currently most common mode. High data rate 936 Kbps and 2Mbps burst rate. Electronic Warfare (EW): Variable RF bandwidth, data rate 225 Kbps and 56 Kbps burst rates. Tele-Operation (TO): Robotic Control data rate 936 Kbps and 2Mbps burst rate. Low Probability of Interception/Low Probability of Detection (LPI/LPD): Specialized mode to support limited data. SRW Gateway Capability: SRW Local Gateway: SRW can gateway between other SRW networks of the same security classification (Tier 1A/1B gateway). These gateways an identified in the planning stages. SRW Global SRW Gateway: SRW can gateway to the mid-tier network (WNW) and connect SRW networks.

Proposed deployment: Company SRW Net: The company will stand up a company Secret SRW network. The participants would have the Commander, ISG, PLs, PSGs. The purpose of the network is to provide the commander C2, SA and COP using (Nett Warrior) and Position Location Information (PLI) down to platoon leadership. Annex F Waveform Applications Figure xx illustrates a Company SRW Network. Platoon SRW Net: The Platoon will stand up a platoon Secret SRW network. The participants would be the PL, PSG, SQUAD LDRs, and Team LDRs. The purpose of the network is to provide the Platoon Leader C2, SA and COP using (Nett Warrior) and PLI down to platoon leadership. The Platoon SRW Nets are gateway to the Company SRW providing the Company SA of the Platoon activity as well as providing updated SA to the platoon from BN & CO. Annex F Waveform Applications Figure xx illustrates a Platoon SRW Network.

Squad SRW Net: The Platoon will stand up a Squad UNCLAS network. The participants would be the SQUAD LDRs, Team Leaders and Team members in the platoon. The purpose of the network is to provide C2 and PLI. UNCLASS voice will not be channeled through a gateway to a different network. However, the PLI is important and with the uses of a one way guard the PLI will be pushed up to the Platoon Secret SRW Net at key node points.

2.2 Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System (SINCGARS): SINCGARS is a family of VHF-FM combat net radios which provides the primary means of command and control for Infantry, Armor and Artillery Units via highly reliable, secure, easily maintained Combat Net Radio (CNR) voice and data handling capability. SINCGARS is designed on a modular basis to achieve maximum commonality among the various ground and airborne system configurations. A common Receiver Transmitter (RT) is used in the manpack and all vehicular configurations. SINCGARS family of radios has the capability to transmit and receive voice, tactical data and record traffic messages and is consistent with NATO interoperability requirements.

2.3 Mobile User Objective System (MUOS): MUOS is the narrowband military satellite communications (MILSATCOM) component of the emerging DoD Transformational Communications Architecture (TCA). Its primary user community is the tactical Warfighter (land, sea, and air): typically on-the-move, beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS), in

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difficult terrain conditions, with small disadvantaged terminals. MUOS will provide traditional UHF services such as push-to-talk combat nets and broadcast communications plus new services such as net-centric connections (e.g., extending command data networks and Defense Information Systems Network (DISN) services to mobile users) and point-to-point (PTP) communications between tactical users or to Defense Switched Network/Public Switched Telephone Network (DSN/PSTN) users. It will be integrated into the Global Information Grid (GIG), providing assured and timely transport across operational and tactical boundaries.

2.4 Joint Bowman Waveform (JBW): Bowman provides a tactical voice and data communications system for joint operations across the British Armed Forces in support of land and amphibious operations. It is fitted to over 15,000 military vehicles, from Land Rover Wolf to the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank. The entire Royal Navy fleet is fitted with Bowman equipment and all the major helicopter types supporting land operations, such as Apache, Chinook, Merlin and Lynx are fitted. Bowman features enhanced communications security (COMSEC) through integrated voice and data encryption devices and enhanced Electronic Protective Measures through features such as frequency-hopping spread spectrum. The JBW allows U.S. Forces to communicate directly and securely with U.K. allies using the Bowman VHF waveform on the battlefield. JBW functionality enables users from both countries to work as a cohesive team during combat operations, sharing situational awareness information more efficiently and effectively, rather than using separate channels to pass information back and forth.

3.0 Mid-Tier: Waveforms operating within the mid-tier of the ITNE are optimized for the processing of voice and larger volumes of data elements. The data elements include those of the lower tier but also those data elements required by other staff elements within the battalion and headquarters elements. The data elements can include map/terrain data, Engineers, Multi-national partners, Joint Services, Intelligence, and Administrative. Although the mid-tier possesses more overall bandwidth to accommodate these additional data requirements, the ITNE mid-tier is still limited in what it can process when compared to BCT and higher headquarters Upper Tactical Internet (UTI) high capacity options. 3.1 Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW) is a self-forming, self-healing, wireless network that allows the Joint Services to communicate securely with each other in the tactical battlefield as well as provides access to the Global Information Grid.

WNW is the battalion and below terrestrial data backbone. It will connect battalion and below units together in a MANET self forming and self-healing IP data network. WNW is design to provide a 2 Mbps IP data network supporting up to 1600 nodes in the mid-tier. WNW planning range is 10 KM between nodes. There are currently two SDRs operating WNW. These are the Mid-Tier Networking Vehicular Radio (MNVR) and the Man-pack. WNW is projected to be integrated into WIN-T terminals (TCN, PoP, & SNE) providing a gateway point from the mid-tier into the LWN GIG. WNW provides no native voice capability, but does support voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). WNW operates in two modes of operation Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) or Anti-Jam (AJ). Supports robust dynamic IP routing protocols allows the WNW network to

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perform backbone routing & increased network scalability. Advanced QoS metrics supports multi-level priority on voice, data, and video for assured service. 3.2 Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2): ANW2 is a wireless self healing mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) waveform that provides secure IP data and simultaneous combat net radio voice to the tactical Internet at on-air rates up to 10 Mbps data. This high data rate-joined with mobile ad-hoc networking, automated network establishment and maintenance, and integrated security-provides a powerful networking solution. ANW2 can currently support up to 30 nodes. The waveform operates on AN/PRC-117G and PRC-152A only. ANW2 bridges separated networks that are beyond line of sight through Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN)/ X Band SATCOM. ANW2 has a planning range of 20KM terrestrial and 85 KM ground to air. ANW2 planned data rate between 30 Kbps to 1680 Kbps depending on configuration

3.3 Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) Waveform: The Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) MUOS is a UHF (64 kilobits per second [kbps] and below) SATCOM system that will support a worldwide, multi-service population of mobile and fixed-site terminal users. MUOS will provide a considerable increase over current UHF SATCOM in terms of capability and capacity, as well as significant improvement in availability for small, disadvantaged terminals. MUOS will ultimately replace the current UFO constellation while continuing to support legacy UHF terminals through its legacy UHF payload.

The MUOS design leverages Third Generation (3G) WCDMA commercial terrestrial mobile telecommunications technology operating through the MUOS satellites to deliver higher capacity and availability to the warfighter.

MUOS is comprised of a satellite constellation, a ground control and network management system, and a new waveform for user terminals. The space segment will be comprised of four geosynchronous satellites, plus one on-orbit spare. Each satellite will carry two payloads; one that will offer UHF legacy capacity for users and one with advanced, next-generation technology. The ground system includes the transport, network management, satellite control and associated infrastructure to fly the satellites and manage user communications. MUOS ground stations are located for optimal views of the satellites as well as terrestrial connectivity to the rest of the ground network. These ground sites are interconnected to switching centers located in Hawaii and Virginia, which identify the destination of the communications and route the information to the appropriate ground site for uplink to the satellite and UHF downlink to the correct users. The Network Management Facility (NMF), located in Hawaii, will allow planning and record keeping for MUOS operations. The network will feature government-controlled, priority-based resource management adaptable and responsive to changing operational requirements. When fielded, MUOS will provide access to select Defense Information System Network (DISN) services, a voice and data capability that has not been available to legacy UHF SATCOM users on prior systems. MUOS will use the existing satellite control system operated by the Naval Satellite Operations Center (NAVSOC) at Point Mugu, California. The Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN)

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will serve as a back-up means for satellite control. MUOS ground stations are located at Northwest, Virginia; Wahiawa, Hawaii; Niscemi, Sicily, Italy; and Geraldton, Australia. Annex F Waveform Applications Figure xx illustrates a MUOS Network. 3.4 Tactical Single Channel Satellite (TACSAT): Designed to provide interoperability between a legacy TACSAT radio and a SDR. This provides the ability to interoperate with a legacy radio waveform’s voice and limited data exchange for BLOS tactical edge users in the low/mid-tier.

3.5 Integrated Waveform (IW): The SATCOM Integrated Waveform (IW) is an enhanced method of multiplexing radios on the same channel. It uses carrier phase modulation (CPM) to allow for more access on the same channel. CPM was implemented in radios to provide higher data throughput on the UHF dedicated satellite channels in LOS mode. It is the replacement to Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) SATCOM. It is a flexible waveform structure that allows communication accesses to be tailored based upon operational need.

One channel is assigned as the master and contains the system forward orderwire (SFOW). All other channels fall under the master channel and can be either 25-kHz or 5-kHz. Each channel has its own format that is changeable upon user demand. Time slots for ranging and other communications can be arranged based on these same requirements. Updates are also obtainable from preplanned update forward order-wires (PUFOWs) transmitted on other channels.

The IW waveform structure allows communication access to be tailored based upon operational need. With data rates up to 19.2 kbps, the IW provides up to 14 networks operating at 2400 bps each. IW supports narrowband voice operations with mixed excitation linear. 3.6 Coalition Wideband Networking Waveform (COALWNW): COALWNW is a multinational, cooperative effort to realize a wideband, networking waveform to pass secure voice, video and data among coalition partners. The new wideband networking waveform will help U.S. and 8 coalition forces exchange secure wideband voice, data and video using software defined radios (SDR) in the land, air and sea domains. The coalition networking waveform will improve coordination among U.S. and coalition forces and boost situational awareness for those forces in theater. 3.7 Link 16 Waveform: Link 16 is a TDMA-based secure, jam-resistant high-speed digital data link which operates in the radio frequency band 960–1,215 MHz, allocated in line with the ITU Radio Regulations to the aeronautical radio navigation service and to the radio navigation satellite service. This frequency range limits the exchange of information to users within line-of-sight of one another, although emerging technologies provide the means to pass Link 16 data over long-haul protocols such as TCP/IP and UHF SATCOM. It uses the transmission characteristics and protocols, conventions, and fixed-length or variable length message formats defined by MIL-STD 6016, STANAG 5516 (formerly the JTIDS technical interface design plan). Information is typically passed at one of three data rates: 31.6, 57.6 or 115.2 kilobits per second, although the

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radios and waveform itself can support throughputs upwards of 238 kbit/s. 4.0 Near Term (CS 13/14) Software Defined Radio Waveform Design: The current ITNE ground radio communications domain currently consists primarily of two networking waveforms. The Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2) provides wide area connectivity and communications services for aerial platforms, mounted and dismounted users and supports interoperability between the ITNE lower and mid Tier. The Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) provides lower tier connectivity and services for unmanned systems, aerial platforms and small mounted and dismounted users. 4.1 ITNE Ground Domain Network: The ITNE ANW2 and SRW domains provides a dynamic, scalable, mobile network architecture for tactical network communications. ANW2 provides the necessary large scale, highly mobile wide area backbone which interconnects lower tier SRW stub networks to form the ITNE network. This ground domain network has Dynamic Internet Protocol (IP) routing, IP encryption, IP Quality of Service (QoS) for GIG interoperability and leverages advantaged nodes to enhance network scalability and performance. All of this allows SRW to provide critical tactical edge connectivity.

Figure F1 (The ITNE Ground Domain Network)

4.2 Soldier Radio Waveform Application (WFA) Defined: SRW is a Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) software defined waveform that operates on the Red Side of such Joint Tactical Radio (JTR) sets as the AN/PRC 155, AN/PRC 117G and AN/PRC 154 to provide a networked battlefield communications capability for disadvantaged users engaged in land combat operations and supports voice, data, and video communications on and over the immediate battlefield. These forces include vehicles, rotary and fixed wing, dismounted soldiers, sensors, and unmanned air vehicles (UAV).

ANW 2 Mid Tier

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Functional Mission Command software applications such as Nett Warrior and the under development Joint Battle Command Platform (JBC-P) end user application use SRW enabled JTR sets over Internet Protocol (IP) capable networks and sub-networks. SRW is interoperable with higher throughput, IP-based Mid Tier networking waveforms, such as the future Wideband Networking Waveform (WNW), or ANW2 through network gateways. These IP-based networking waveforms enable information exchanges through the Global Information Grid (GIG) and provide entirely new capabilities for battlefield communications, situational awareness and information sharing. The SRW Waveform Application (WFA) is essentially a Mobile Ad Hoc Networking wireless router application, providing a RED-side (waveform) IPv4 network connection across a known set of BLACK-side (Radio OE) RF network nodes. The Soldier Radio Waveform supports both voice and data communications. Voice is only supported in the Soldier System Domain (SS) while IP Unicast, IP Multicast and IP Sub network Broadcast data is supported in all domains. Push-to-Talk (PTT) Combat Network Radio (CNR) voice traffic is always sent using TDMA channel access. Voice is transmitted as IP packets and is in all respects handled as data. No special processing or handling is done for IP packets containing voice as the SRW is unaware that such packets contain voice. Data is sent using either TDMA or CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance) channel access, depending on the desired Quality of Service (QoS). The following capabilities are common to all SRW domains: The system is self-forming and self-healing; the system uses ad hoc routing protocols that require no fixed infrastructure or reconfiguration when nodes are added, deleted, or moved; the system provides Unicast, multicast and sub network broadcast capabilities; the system is designed to support operation with small, lightweight, low power usage equipment; the system interfaces to a Red IPv4 Inter-network Protocol Layer; the system provides both COMSEC and TRANSEC functions. All JTRs operating in the SRW network are considered a node or radio node consisting of a JTR set or channel. These nodes operate as a component of the network. Each can provide intra-network relay services for other nodes in the network. Interoperability between mounted, unmanned systems, small combat units and individual dismounted soldiers is provided through Internetwork Gateways, running multiple waveforms, to support seamless communications across the entire battle space. 4.1 Terms of Reference: SRW Operating Modes include: Combat Communications (CC) - High data rate (narrow RF bandwidth); Electronic Warfare (EW) - Variable RF bandwidth (narrow and wide), operating mode; Tele-Ops (TO) – High data rate (narrow RF bandwidth). 4.2 SRW Domain: A SRW Domain is the summation of all SRW networks supporting a specific operational function. SRW Domains: Soldier System (SS) Domain [Small, light weight, battery powered, up to 40 km/h movement; voice and situational awareness

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(SA) capabilities]; Sensor (UGS) Domain [Small, 30+ day unattended operation, minimal movement, sleep mode; Low data rates, sporadic transmissions]; Missile (NLOS-LS LAM/PAM) Domain (In maintenance status only, no further WFA development) [SRW 1.1 Tele-Ops (In maintenance status only, further WFA development under consideration)]. 4.3 SRW Island: The fundamental unit of an SRW network structure is the island. Islands are a contiguous group of SRW nodes which operate as a single routing entity. All routing information is shared between all members of the island. Routing is performed to support message delivery from entrance to exit via the intra-network layer. In the SS Domain, an island is a connected graph of nodes organized in a mesh structure. 4.4 SRW Tier: A Tier is all of the SRW nodes operating on a common TRANSEC and common frequency set. A Tier is used to provide a multiple hierarchical level structure to the islands. SS operates as a two tier network with 1A tier (islands) providing local communication services and the 1B tier (island) providing interconnecting services to the 1A tier or 1A Islands). There is only one 1B Island in a sub-network, whereas multiple 1A islands can exist. In the SS Domain there are two tiers. Tier 1A consists of multiple Islands and Tier 1B connects the Tier 1A Islands together. Tier 1A/1B Gateways provide data crossover between Tier 1A and Tier 1B.

Figure F2 (Top Level SRW Network) 4.5 SRW Island Head: Every SRW Island has an Island Head. The Island Head is a specific node in a SS island which is responsible for maintaining control over the island. This control includes island membership and gateway service management. The Island

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Head generally appears first in the SRW network instantiation and the Island forms by nodes attaching themselves either directly to the Island Head or to nodes already affiliated with the island. The MAC address of the Island Head is also used as the Island Identifier. SRW Island Member: An Island Member is any radio affiliated with an SRW Island that is not the Island Head. SRW Gateway – A Gateway is a node that provides a crossover point allowing communications between two otherwise incompatible entities. There are several different types of gateways used by SRW as outlined below. SRW Tier 1A/1B Gateway: An SRW radio in the Soldier System Domain with two physical channels that operates on both Tier 1A and Tier 1B and provides a crossover point for information to flow between Tier 1A and Tier 1B. This is always a radio executing two SRW channels and is always also the Island Head of the Tier 1A Island. There can only be one Tier 1A/1B Gateway per Tier 1A Island. This type of Gateway may also be referred to as an Intra-domain Gateway. SRW Inter-network Gateway: An Inter-Network Gateway Node is any radio node that provides access to a foreign (i.e. not part of the island) network. This Gateway designation does not include any attached local LANs and is a dual channel radio with one channel operating in each of two different radio networks. The gateway may be between SRW and ANW2 / WNW, in which case this is also referred to as a Backbone Gateway, or two SRW networks. If the gateway is between two Soldier System (SS) networks, it may also be referred to as an Intra-domain Gateway. There can only be one active Inter-network Gateway per SRW network connecting to a higher level radio network. SRW Backbone Gateway: A Backbone Gateway is an Inter-network Gateway operating between an SRW network and a higher layer network such as a WNW/ ANW2 network. 4.6 SRW Network: An SRW Network is a group of SRW nodes, operating in the same domain, sharing a common unique TRANSEC, sharing a common IP Sub network address on their RF interfaces and sharing a common set of frequencies. Each radio in an SRW Network must have a unique MAC address. The IP Sub network Address plus the MAC address equals the IP Host Address of the radio on its SRW RF interface. For SRW, the IP Sub network Address is assigned out of the Red IP Address space. SRW Sub network: The IP Sub-Network, as depicted in Figure F-3: Soldier System IP Sub-Network, is a smaller grouping of network nodes, such as a Squad that interoperate at a single communication layer. They are generally supported by an intra-network layer, using a sub-network IP address to interconnect the network elements. A LAN interconnects several hosts in an IP sub-network; where all hosts are configured with a common IP sub-network address; so that they can communicate among each other. A RF Radio Network that supports IP can interconnect large numbers of radio devices which share a single IP sub-network, but may have multiple links or intranet hops between the nodes. Sub-networks can be separated by various parameters such as; Frequencies, Mode- CC/EW, TRANSEC variable, by Physical isolation, or by Logical Isolation.

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4.7 Combat Communications (CC) Mode: The Combat Communications mode is an SRW modulation mode that uses both non-spread and Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum waveforms operating in a 99% signal bandwidth of a 1.2 MHz channel. CC mode is designed to operate over a carrier frequency range of 225 to 2500 MHz. The SRW waveform provides for 2000-Kbps, 936.59-Kbps, 112.5-Kbps and 56.25-Kbps data rates in a 1.2MHz bandwidth signal. A single modulation bandwidth of 1.2-MHz is presently handled in the current version. The Voice Service provides half duplex, point to multipoint broadcast, Combat Net Radio (CNR) voice communications services for CC mode in the SS Domain. Combat Network Radio Voice: A PTT (Push-to-Talk) point to multipoint voice service that simulates the operation of a common user radio network such as SINCGARS but provides range extension through a configurable number of RF relays. CNR Voice is only supported in the SS Domain in a network operating in CC mode. Electronic Warfare (EW) Mode: The Electronic Warfare mode is an SRW modulation mode that uses a Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum waveform capable of operating in 99% signal bandwidths from 0.5 to 32 MHz. However, only 1.2 MHz bandwidth channels are supported in EW mode. EW mode is designed to operate over a carrier frequency range of 225 to 2500 MHz. EW mode provides more jamming protection and better LPI/LPD characteristics than the CC mode. 4.8 RF Channel: The physical communications path between two SRW radios. All RF Channels are 1.2 MHz wide and in the frequency range of 225 MHz to 2500 MHz. Multiple RF Channels (frequencies) may be assigned to an SRW Network. When multiple RF Channels are available they are assigned to different functions (reservation, data, voice, LNE, etc.) via a logical (or functional) channel mechanism. Logical Channels allow SRW to organize transmission tasks onto different assigned frequencies. This allows multiple radios, within RF range of each other, to execute multiple transmission tasks as long as there are different physical frequencies assigned to the logical frequencies. SRW RF Channels are selectable in 12.5-khz increments for carrier frequencies from 225-mhz to 2.5-ghz for all modes, as dictated by the radio hardware platform performance characteristics. SRW supports multiple logical channel instances on a single physical channel. For example: 1 for broadcast data, 3 for point to point voice, 1 for late net entry (LNE)

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Figure F3 (Soldier System IP Sub-Network)

5.0 Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2): Like SRW, ANW2 is an ad-hoc, self forming, and self-healing networking waveform. When nodes move in and out of range, they are automatically added or removed from the network. ANW2 provides an ITNE mid tier link between the TOC, ground and air vehicles, and dismounted units with up to 30 radios in a subnet. It provides simultaneous IP data and voice with integral situational awareness. ANW2 allows units to use internet protocol routing to transmit medium to high bandwidth data traffic over tactical Very High Frequency, Ultra High Frequency, and L-band radio networks. ANW2 is an industry proprietary waveform and is currently hosted only on the AN/PRC 117G vehicle and man pack platforms. The AN/PRC 117G can also host SRW and in the near term SINCGARS, HAVEQUICK and VULOS waveforms. It is capable of simultaneously transmitting both Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and digital data on a single channel. Digital data include file transfers, chat, streaming video, and position location reports. The AN/PRC 117G is not a program of record and is scheduled to be replaced by the Mid-tier Networking Vehicular Radio (MNVR) in the Capability Set 15 timeframe.

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Appendix G (Mission Command Mobile/Mounted Application Management)

1.0 Mission Command Mounted/Mobile Application Management: The Battalion S-6 and their staff are responsible for ensuring that mission command applications that operate on mounted platforms and mobile (dismounted soldiers) are properly planned, configured, and initialized in support of the commander’s mission. This responsibility requires the proper alignment of mounted/mobile applications with more fixed and traditional applications residing on the Battle Command Common Services (BCCS) stack of servers and other key information repository sources. Additionally, the battalion S-6 must ensure the proper alignment and interoperability between the mission command applications and the transport network of their battalion. In the near term capability sets (CS 13/14), the battalion S-6 will spend most of their time executing configuration tasks associated with the Joint Battle Command – Platform (JBC-P) system and the Nett Warrior system. This primarily concerns the proper configuration of the Tactical Services Gateway (TSG) with the overall JBC-P Network Services Gateway for the proper flow of voice and data over the L-Band SATCOM network provided by the JBC-P system. The Nett Warrior system requires the proper configuration/scripting of radio transport data on the End User Device (EUD) to ensure the Nett Warrior applications can properly communicate with their host radio and move Nett Warrior data across the appropriate networks. In the mid to long term, the functionality required to configure and initialize mounted/mobile applications will be resident within the ITNE NMS. These capabilities are planned to provide automated over the network configuration options that eliminate the need to conduct manual procedures. The ITNE NMS can only configure mobile/mounted applications that operate across the unit owned transport layer. This will include the lower and mid tiers and a narrowband satellite communication (SATCOM) link in the objective unit structure (circa CS 15/16 and beyond). Commercially based transport networks such as Blue Force Tracking I and II and other theater provided networks do not allow full NETOPS control by the Brigade Combat Team (BCT) and the battalion S-6 staff. These networks will remain specialized to certain configuration tasks performed provided by organizations that do have NETOPS control. The configuration tasks are performed by the S-6 staff and must be considered in the overall troop to task responsibility of the battalion S-6. 1.1 Mounted Applications: Mounted Applications are divided into three categories. These include Native, Web Services and Virtual Machines. Native applications are built onto the Mounted Computing Environment (MCE) software development kit (SDK) and share common components, user interfaces, and communication methods (e.g. GPS, JBC-P, etc.). Web Services are applications that are accessed via a web browser and run as local web services with limited shared data such as Web Mail and Command Post of Future (CPOF) thin client. Virtual Machines (VM) run as stand-alone VMs on mounted platforms with minimal to no sharing such as CPOF thick client or DCGS.

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1.2 Mobile Applications: Mobile Applications are divided into two categories, those that run natively on the mobile platform and those that are accessed as Web Services. The Web Service is configured on a remote server that the mobile device subscribes to with an IP address provided by the controlling authority. Native mobile applications on the other hand must be configured by the battalion S-6 with a planning tool. With this tool, the battalion S-6 can create, assemble, manage and transfer mission data. Mission data includes digital map files, the Unit Task Organization (UTO), photo image files and other files in support of the mission. Prior to putting the mobile device into operation the battalion S-6 must ensure the map files are converted to a format accepted by the mobile platform. Using the planning tool, the battalion S-6 must ensure all files imported to the mobile platform are free of viruses or other destructive files. In the near term (CS13/14), there is no method in place to manage user privilege levels or authenticating users. These capabilities are planned for the mid to long term (CS 15 and beyond). 2.0 Mission Command Mounted Applications: Mission Command Mounted Applications are applications that provide quick halt capability for Mission Command Systems in support of Collaboration and the sharing of information. Mounted Applications operate in a Mounted Computing Environment (MCE) that is comprised of platforms, both in FIXED and MOUNTED configurations. Most of the Fixed applications have extensions into Command Posts or Network Operations Centers. The Mounted Applications are platforms that are further broken down into three categories: Native, Web Services, and Virtual Machines. Native applications are built onto the MCE software development kit (SDK) and share common components, user interfaces, and communication methods such as JBC-P. Web Services are applications that are accessed via a web browser and run as local web services with limited shared data such as Web Mail and Command Post of Future (CPOF) thin client. Virtual Machines (VM) run as stand-alone VMs on mounted platforms with minimal to no sharing such as CPOF thick client or DCGS. 2.1 Joint Capabilities Release (JCR): JCR is an upgrade to Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2) SA software that allows Soldiers in vehicles, aircraft and command posts to track friendly forces and exchange messages in order to synchronize operations and avoid fratricide. JCR provides the ability to take the initiative on the battlefield and to achieve combat superiority over an enemy through increased situational awareness and Battle Command. JCR utilizes the faster BFT2 satellite network for improved accuracy of position location information. JCR offers improved and additional security measures for BFT2, increased Army Battle Command System (ABCS) interoperability and a simplified database. JCR provides more Soldier/user friendly applications, windows look, new mapping tool, and many other additional procedures and options. FBCB2-BFT has new hardware with the processor unit (JV5), Platform Encryption Device (KGV-72 PED) for FBCB2-BFT, COMSEC loading device Simple Key Loader (SKL), and a Secure MDL device. JBC-P: JBC-P is the foundation for achieving information interoperability between Joint warfighting elements on current and future battlefields. As the next generation of Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2) technology, it will be the principal

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command and control system for the Army and Marine Corps at the brigade-and-below level, providing users access to the tactical information necessary to achieve information dominance over the enemy. It consists of computer hardware and software integrated into tactical vehicles, aircraft, and provided to dismounted forces. JBC-P uses a product line approach to software development to save costs and promote a common architecture. Components include a core software module that provides common functionality required of all platforms and tailored software modules with unique capabilities for dismounted, vehicle, logistic, aviation, and command post elements. JBC-P software is designed for use over the Blue Force Tracking II transceiver and associated satellite networks, as well as ground-based networks. Other key enhancements include a redesigned, intuitive user interface and faster mapping software to quickly process and display critical graphics. The JBC-P screen also integrates the functionality of Tactical Ground Reporting (TIGR), a multimedia reporting system that allows lower-echelon soldiers to digitally capture, report, and retrieve patrol data such as common incidents, residents and leaders of a village. 2.1.1 JBC-P Log: Combat Service Support (CSS) elements use Joint Capabilities Release Logistics (JCR Log) Control Station (CS) to bring logistics into the digitized battlefield with increased Situational Awareness (SA) and Command and Control (C2). To plan and complete distribution missions, Common User Logistics Transport (CULT) vehicles and other CSS assets use the SA and C2 capabilities that JCR Log CS provides. JCR Log CS allows Transportation Movement Control and Operations sections to exercise assured positive control of assets anywhere in the world. JCR Log CS is critical to ensuring secure delivery of logistical support and to provide accurate SA and C2 to the Common Operational Picture (COP) on the battlefield. 2.1.2 JBC-P CP OPS-Box: The JBC-P CP Ops-Box is a ruggedized laptop designed for CP functionality. It provides the CP Operator with full communications, SA and mission command capabilities in addition to Data Dissemination Services (DDS) and Command and Control Registry (C2R) server connectivity. The CP Server is a dedicated connection gateway to the Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS) server, providing connectivity and DDS services, between Tactical Services Gateway (TSG), Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) SINCGARS, and BFT systems operating on the UTI and The ITNE. The JBC-P CP System supports DDS server connection configuration and subscription capability through a new DDS Manager Graphical User Interface (GUI) module which allows for mission command messages and SA data to traverse between systems on the network. When the system receives a subscribed DDS TARGET message that indicates a mission has gone active, it generates the message and sends the data to the ITNE in the form of SA or mission command. The C2R Interface Configuration GUI on the JBC-P CP System provides the operator in the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) with the capability to specify the interface configuration parameters needed to establish a connection with the C2R server and

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dynamically coordinate and collaborate with Command and control naming addressing, network and operations data. The C2R provides web service interface for retrieving and updating address book data. It manages a repository of address book data required to support unit addressing for e-mail and military messaging. Further, it monitors the repository for updates and provides notification to BFA clients who need to update their data cache. The C2R also collects Unit Task Organization (UTO) information from the UTO PASS topic and updates repository with parent child relationships.

2.1.3 Tactical Internet Management System (TIMS): TIMS is covered under Appendix I (ITNE Network Operations Management System).

2.1.4 Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS): AFATDS is an automated Fire Support Command and Control (FSC2) system that processes, analyzes, and exchanges combat information among the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) and other Joint architectures. AFATDS provides fully automated support for planning, coordinating, controlling and executing fires and effects. It supports weapon systems such as mortars, field artillery cannons, naval surface fire support systems, close air support, attack aviation, rockets and missiles.

AFATDS also acts as a fire support “server” to LAN-based and Tactical Internet-based clients, including the AFATDS Effects Management Tool (EMT), and the USMC Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC) EMT. The clients provide real-time situational awareness, battlefield geometry, and friendly/enemy unit location updates. Local or remote clients used by U.S., Joint, and Coalition Forces may also access AFATDS fire request capabilities to initiate engagement of time-sensitive targets. AFATDS is capable of either direct or indirect interface with The Army Mission Command Systems. This allows the Fire Support picture is included into the Common Operating Picture. This interface allows systems such as DCGS-A to interact with the Fire Support elements to provide accurate up to date information on the enemy.

2.1.5 Tactical Ground Reporting (TIGR): The TIGR system, is a web-based solution that empowers users to collect, share and analyze data using a Google Earth like interface backed by network distribution that is resilient to the challenges of the ITNE. Found in both the Mounted CE and Mobile CE, TIGR provides information collection and sharing to dismounted users in small units performing critical missions. It complements systems being used at the operations center or higher headquarters by sharing information seamlessly with other command and control, intelligence and information systems used by higher commands.

TIGR makes it easier to aggregate information by providing company-level Soldiers the ability to upload patrol debriefs and create reports on data collected from patrols, which are then stored in a system that is searchable. TIGR allows Soldiers to tailor database searches using a number of different parameters, and it offers search results that are exportable to Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint.

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After completing a mission, Soldiers and convoy commander’s record in TIGR any observations and events that occurred along their routes. TIGR also enables a convoy commander to upload pertinent pictures or streaming video in addition to the text report. For example, if a convoy commander notices a suspicious vehicle along the route and is able to get a picture, description, and grid location for the vehicle, he can then upload the data and media to TIGR for all to view. Companies using TIGR can store data in a common database, which enables easier analysis, collaboration, and information-sharing. Intelligence-derived data can then be disseminated and retrieved by all echelons. The TIGR app is fully integrated into the JBC-P family of devices to include handhelds and JBC-P mounted platforms. It is important to note that the handheld devices require reach back communications, provided by a JTRS radio running the SRW, with higher headquarters to access the TIGR database. The mounted platforms will transfer information to and from the TIGR database using the Blue Force Tracking 2 (BFT2) satellite network for much faster communications between Soldiers.

2.1.6 Network Services Gateway (NSG): The NSG is covered under Appendix I (ITNE Network Operations Management System).

2.1.7 BFT Global Network (BGN): The BGN provides the link between JBC-P Hand Held, JBC-P/JCR Mounted platforms and TOC systems at the Company, Battalion and Brigade level as well as Secret and Unclassified domains.

3.0 Mission Command Mobile Applications: Mission Command Mobile Applications also provide capability for Mission Command Systems but reside on much smaller portable devices. Mission Command Mobile Applications bring C2 and SA to the tactical edge using applications that use similar code to the mounted application but are condensed to operate on mobile devices much like smart phones and tablets in use today. The following is a list of commonly found Mission Command Mobile Applications used within the ITNE for the purpose of disseminating SA and C2.

3.1 Nett Warrior: Nett Warrior is a dismounted hand-held system designed to provide PLI down to the Team Leader dismounted Soldier levels. Nett Warrior is designed to be paired up with various terrestrial radio appliqués (i.e., PRC 154 Rifleman Radio, 117G Harris, HMS PRC 155, 152A Harris, Sidewinder, Sidehat or other JTRS radios). The Nett Warrior operates independently from Platforms and is able to leverage terrestrial communications. NW is used in conjunction with the JBC-P Platform configured as a NSG, and PLI is entered into the network by the NSG.

3.2 Joint Platform Tablet (JPT): JPT is a role based, ruggedized portable tablet, and host the JBC-P software, loaded on the JPT. JPT incorporates an embedded Satellite Transceiver and contains the JBC-P software. The purpose of JPT is to occupy less space in a vehicle installation and to reduce SWaP.

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3.3 Forward Observer System (FOS): Found on both Mounted and Hand Held systems, FOS software enables forward observers and fire support teams to plan, control and execute fire support operations at maneuver platoon, company, battalion and brigade levels.

4.0 Near Term (CS 13/14) Planning and Initialization of ITNE Mounted/Mobile Mission Command Applications: The following information is provided as a guide to the technical procedures provisioned by the JBC-P program.

4.1 Initialization Process: Throughout the ITNE Planning Process there are several steps that must be performed by the battalion S-6 to ensure all Mobile/Mounted Mission Command Applications are properly configured to facilitate the flow of C2 and SA along the several data paths within the ITNE. Figure 1.0 and Figure 1.1 will act as a guide to aid the battalion S-6 in properly configuring the Mobile/Mounted Mission Command Applications within the ITNE prior to initialization.

Figure G1 (Mission Command Application Initialization Process)

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4.1 Software Load on Removable Hard Disk Drive Cartridge (RHDDC): During the planning process the battalion S-6 coordinates with the brigade S-6 to receive the latest “Master Golden Brick” (MGB). The MGB will contain the latest software, current UTO, and map data as requested by the current mission. With this data, the battalion S-6 will coordinate with subordinate units to perform Disk Duplication; this applies to units using FBCB2 version 6.5. Units using JCR and beyond, will receive this data load via Secure MDL and distribute to each JBC-P platform using the Secure MDL.

4.2 Administrative Functions for JBC-P Ops-Box: The JBC-P CP OPS Box will be located in the TOC and it gives the battalion S-6 the capability to manage and monitor his or her network. The CP Ops-Box has server connectivity to the Command and Control Registry (C2R).

4.3 Data Dissemination Service (DDS) Subscription: The battalion S-6 creates the connection to the DDS using the DDS Manager Graphical User Interface (GUI) module which allows for mission command messages and SA data to traverse between systems on the network. When the system receives a subscribed DDS TARGET message that indicates a mission has gone active, it generates the message and sends the data to the ITNE in the form of SA or mission command.

4.4 Command and Control Repository (C2R): The C2R provides web service interface for retrieving and updating address book data. It manages a repository of address book data required to support unit addressing for e-mail and military messaging. Further, it monitors the repository for updates and provides notification to BFA clients who need to update their data cache. The C2R also collects Unit Task Organization (UTO) information from the UTO PASS topic and updates repository with parent child relationships. The C2R Interface Configuration GUI on the JBC-P CP System provides the S-6 with the capability to specify the interface configuration parameters needed to establish a connection with the C2R server and dynamically coordinate and collaborate with command and control naming addressing, network and operations data. The battalion S-6 will subscribe to the appropriate UTO on the DDS to ensure the relevant UTO is used at all times. Once subscribed to the UTO Mission Data Set (MDS), the battalion S-6 can export the UTO to a secure Mission Data Loader (MDL) to upload it manually to systems that may not have had the RHDDC duplicated from the MGB.

4.5 Create address book for Aviation Military Planning System (AMPS) data set: Using the UTO and C2R, the battalion S-6 will create an AMPS data set.

4.6 Verify Universal Chat Bridge (UCB) connectivity: The Chat feature provides the capability to communicate with all other TOC Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS). All necessary network values are provided on a network cut sheet from the brigade S-6. These values are configured through the UCB Configuration dialog box by adding the assigned IP address with the appropriate URN.

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4.7 Employ Log Manager: The Log function is used to record and compile logs for reports to be sent to higher headquarters such as the Brigade Security Officer. The Log Manager is accessed through the Hemisphere menu and selecting tools then Admin followed by Log Manager. In the Log Manager, the S-6 has the ability to select which Logs he or she would like to employ. The S-6 can refer back to the Log Manager to export reports by date and time.

4.8 Initiate SA Monitoring: SA monitoring function provides the ability to monitor the health/status of the ITNE nodes that emit PLI. The Monitoring interval is based on unit SOP and can be changed based on mission requirements. The interval times for the SA Monitoring Tool can be changed by selecting Apps>SA Monitor. Monitoring intervals are assigned a color to illustrate the platforms health. These include: Green: Active; Olive Green: Marginal; Purple: Aging; Red: Old.

4.9 Establish Certificate Management: From the TOC the battalion S-6 can remotely challenge systems that may have been compromised to ensure security is maintained. This is performed through the use of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) keys. PKI keys are supplied by the PM FBCB2 office but they are provided on the software updates provided by the PM to the brigade S-6 office. If new keys are needed, the battalion S-6 would request the keys be installed from a CD or by Secure MDL using the Mission Data Loader App within the Hemisphere and are requested. The S-6 or SO may challenge a remote user to re-authenticate, or disable a remote user. Prior to sending a re-authentication message, the S-6/SO must install the Private and Public keys. The Private PKI key must be installed on the Security Officer system, and the Public PKI key must be on the JBC-P system being challenged and the PKI keys must match. Should the digital signature fail, the S-6/SO will receive a “Message Authentication Failure” message. A reply to a re-authentication request must be sent within 10 minutes. Failure to comply will not disable JBC-P; however, the S-6/SO may request a re-authentication with lockout to lock the receiver out of the FBCB2-BFT network

4.10 Manage unit and individual passwords: Passwords are managed using the JBC-P CP OPS box using the security application within the Hemisphere menu. Passwords may be generated using this application or can be loaded via Secure MDL device. It is important to note that passwords installed from a Secure MDL device are automatically activated. The battalion S-6 is responsible for managing and maintaining the passwords to include creating and importing passwords. Generated passwords allow the S-6 to input data for a group of users to enable access to JBC-P. This procedure can be used to generate a single password or multiple passwords. It is important that members no longer requiring passwords be purged from the password table. Passwords can be exported to a Secure MDL device and stored in accordance with AR 25-2 and local security SOPs.

4.11 Security log/messages functions: JBC-P CP OPS box has a Security Log/Messages Function that enables viewing and modifying security logs. This service must be managed by the S-6 or Security Officer (SO) to print, delete, export or refresh security logs. The S-6 generates reports that can identify any attempts to break into the

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The battalion S-6 will use the JBC-P CP OPS box to import the TSG initial data load from the C2R. Once this data load has been imported the battalion S-6 will export the TSG initial data load to the TSG using a Secure MDL or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The other option is to use Self Descriptive Situational Awareness (SDSA) which can take upwards of 4 hours.

4.12 Once the TSG receives the initial data load it must then be configured to effectively route data and communicate with other services within the ITNE. Listed below in figure G2 are the steps needed to configure the TSG for operation.

Figure G2 (Steps to Configure TSG)

5.0 Battalion S-6 role in establishing the EPLRS network: The EPLRS Network Manager (ENM) is a laptop that configures and maintains the EPLRS Network. The ENM connects directly to an EPLRS radio to provide master timing and initialization of an EPLRS network. Additionally, the ENM can be simultaneously connected to a Crypto Key Generator for OTAR and key generation. The ENM provides master timing and control of an EPLRS network of up to 400 plus radios. ENM can be used in a purely network monitor mode in which there is no direct control of the network but the

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status can be constantly monitored. The battalion S-6 receives the data needed to establish the EPLRS network in the form of a prebuilt data product.

5.1 Battalion S-6 role in JBC-P Handheld initialization: The Nett Warrior System provides an integrated, situational awareness system to dismounted leaders for use during combat operations. It facilitates faster & more accurate decisions during the tactical fight, and connects the dismounted Soldier to the Network. This translates into Soldiers being at the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment, making them more effective, more lethal, and better prepared to execute their combat missions. The Nett Warrior System is a transport-agile, handheld end user device that supports Army BCT Modernization. The battalion S-6 is responsible for coordinating with the battalion S-2/S-3 to obtain the correct maps to be installed onto the Nett Warrior End-user Device (NW EUD). The battalion S-2/S-3 will coordinate with the brigade Topographic (Topo) Team to receive the map files required for this endeavor. Units with a Nett Warrior Mission Planner (NMP) should ensure that its external hard drive has an archive of map files that provide map coverage of the unit’s entire Area of Operation (AO); this is so that the unit can later access this Map Source to generate location-specific maps for installation onto NW EUDs.

The battalion S-6 will determine what types of maps to install onto the Nett Warrior EUD and ensure the Brigade Topo Team understands what files the NW operator needs to have. As a basic guideline, maps coverage should include large and small scale maps. 1:250,000, 1:100,000, 1:50,000 scale maps have contour lines and location names, so the battalion S-6 will likely want to ensure the Topo Team provides some or all of these types of maps. Imagery can provide terrific, up-to-date satellite photos of objective areas, so CIB and sub-meter imagery should be requested from the Topo Team as well. Compatible file types are listed below:

5.1.1 GeoTIFF: GeoTIFF is a non-proprietary geographic TIFF format and has a .tif or .tiff file extension. A single GeoTIFF file provides map coverage for one geographical area, and it contains several tiers or levels of tiles (i.e., zoom levels) at different spatial resolutions covering the entire tileset. GeoTIFF stores georeference information in a TIFF compliant raster file by tying a raster image to a known ‘Map Projection.’ The GeoTIFF format uses a defined set of TIFF tags to describe cartographic (mapping) information that originates from satellite imaging systems, scanned maps, scanned aerial photography, digital elevation models, or as a result of geographic analyses. Supported projections include UTM and National Grids, as well as the underlying projection types such as Transverse Mercator.

5.1.2 ITF RPF: The NITF RPF imagery format actually consists of a collection of various files in a structured directory tree. The .TOC (Table of Contents) file is found at the root of the tree and simply describes what each other file is, and is considered by the NMP as the ‘file’ for that format (e.g., when the user is selecting a file for import, they will chose the ‘a.toc’ file instead of any of the others). NITF RPF format imagery provides map coverage for one geographical area, and it contains several tiers or levels of tiles (i.e., zoom levels) at different spatial resolutions covering the entire tile set. RPF can be

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categorized into two further types: CADRG (Compressed Arc Digitized Raster Graphics) and CIB (Controlled Image Base) rasters.

5.1.3 MrSID: The MrSID (pronounced Mister Sid) imagery format has a .sid file extension. It is a patented, wavelet-based file format designed to enable portability of massive bit-mapped (raster) images. The MrSID technology enables instant viewing and manipulation of imagery both locally and over networks without sacrificing image quality. Since MrSID is widely used for geospatial images, it incorporates metadata to support georeferencing, as is needed on the Nett Warrior Mission Planner.

5.1.4 MDP: An MDP map file is created by the Mission Planner when generating a map and it is the type of map file that is loaded onto Nett Warrior EUDs. An MDP map file can also be created on the Advanced Mission Data Support Equipment (AMDSE), which is a computer system similar to the Mission Planner and which is still in circulation today at some units, such as the Ranger units. The MDP map file is in the file format needed to be installed on NW EUDs however, the file is not in the required .jpeg file format required by the NMP to display maps on its screen.

5.1.5 JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): JPEGs are already in the file structure needed by the NMP to display maps on the screen, and which is described in the below paragraphs. GeoTIFF, NITF RPF, MrSID, and MDP files, however, cannot display on the NMP screen until they are imported.

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Appendix H (Ancillary Devices)

1.0 Ancillary Devices: The Ancillary Devices component of the ITNE covers all networked and non-networked items that connect directly to the radio platform or provide assistance in the routing and transmission of data between radios or security environments within the lower and mid-tier of the ITNE. These devices can range from talk selector switches (TSS) that connect to the radio platform and provide ease of use across talk groups to tier III routers, cross domain solutions, and gateways for Joint and multinational interoperability or enterprise services such as PNT provided by the Global Positioning System (GPS). It is important to understand that the Ancillary Devices component of the ITNE is one of the fastest changing areas within the ITNE. New, improved, and modified devices are constantly added and removed from this component and must be actively tracked and understood within each capability set to ensure proper planning and management between these devices and other components of the ITNE. GPS tactical receivers are one of the most widely used ancillary devices across all formations. GPS tactical receivers are integrated stand-alone or embedded ancillary devices that provide access to PNT enterprise service. In the near future, the number and types of GPS receivers will be reduced through a distributed approach at the platform (mounted or dismounted) level. Examples and definitions of current Ancillary Devices are listed in Appendix H of this CONOPS. 2.0 Networked Ancillary Devices: Networked Ancillary Devices provide critical interconnectivity capability between radio networks and ensure voice and data are processed and routed according to the quality of service and prioritization established by the commander. In the near term, these devices are managed on an individual basis through commercial off the shelf configuration tools. In the mid to long term, the network management tools associated with these devices will migrate to the NMS and be fully integrated as part of the planning and management feature of the system. 2.1 Tactical Routers: Any Tier II or Tier III device that facilitates the routing of voice and data traffic across the ITNE and operates as an organic asset to the ITNE (Battalion Network). Each SDR has a tactical router built in as part of the radio capable of IP routing needs of the radio. There are times when you have to bridge different tactical networks working on different radios or waveforms. The router routes the IP packets between the different radios connect to it. The routers can be configured as a border gateway between different networks (i.e. ITNE & WIN-T). As a border gateway the router the router is recognized by the other routers in the network as a access point to additional networks. Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) manages the interface.

2.1.1 DRS Tactical Router provides the border gateway between SRW, ANW2, and WNN. Enables radio cross-banding for voice interoperability between different radios. The router can be mounted with the intercom system (VIC3).

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Figure H1 (DRS Tactical Router)

DRS Tactical Router

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2.1.2 DTECH Tactical Router: Man-packable and vehicular mounted CISCO based router. The router TR interfaces with SRW, WNW, ANW2, or any other IP based transmission system (i.e. BLOS, VSAT) and supports ABCS (TIGR, CPOF, etc) via local virtualization. DTECH Router provides network routing and switching to support multi-tier voice, video and data. It uses a common CISCO manager control interface. Supports bridging of 4-8 networks with local and remote user access capability.

Figure H2 (TXC4 Tactical Router)

Figure H3 (TXC3 Tactical Router)

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2.1.3 Agile Tactical Router: fully compliant based IP router. It supports Ethernet (up to GigE), USB, and RS-232C serial I/Fs on each of the 4 ports. The router is managed via SNAP and an intuitive CLI /Web GUI. Flexible Linux based software architecture that enables the addition of new network protocols and transport/application extensions. The router interconnects multiple radio nets and local host /LAN devices. UNICAST routs IP traffic based on radio routing exchanges (RIP/OSPF) and desired routing rules/filters. Multicast routes traffic based on user group subscriptions and multicast filtering/scoping requirement.

Figure H4 (Agile Tactical Router)

Agile Tactical Router

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2.1.4 Klas Tactical Router: The Cisco 5915 ESR meets the critical need for on-demand network connectivity for network applications solutions require versatile network platforms that deliver; high performance in a small form factor; transparent access of mission critical voice, video, or data; infrastructure-less networking that reaches beyond the range of a fixed networks; self-forming temporary ability; sophisticated networking capabilities such as QoS to ensure the most important data gets through when links are degraded; security to protect data and the network; 3 port switch and 2 fast Ethernet ports to provide a total of 8 Ethernet ports, removable storage, plus support for legacy interfaces such as ISDN WAN, FXs and PPP; and 3G/4G cellular data and 802.1b/g/n WAN transport expansion

Figure H5 (Klas Tactical Router)

Klas Tactical Router

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2.1.5 GDC4S Tactical Router: Cisco 5900 series is a router and firewall with intrusion detection system (IDS) embedded. The router provides a gateway between the ANW2 and SRW networks. Router includes PPPoE (to support flow control for ground to ground and ground to air communication), R2CP (Radio Router Control Protocol) for IP Radio communications. Help ensures policy consistency for highly mobile, densely populated virtual machines. Integrated threat control using Cisco IOS Firewall, Cisco IOS Zone-Base Firewall, Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and CISCO Content Filtering

Figure H6 (GDC4S Tactical Router)

2.2 Cross Domain Solutions (CDS):

2.2.1 Advatech Cross Domain Solution: Enables seamless tactical data communications (messages, video, and audio) between two different security domains while maintaining network security for each. Advatech CDS is rule based automatic message content filtering, full bi-directional guard, remote management capability, ant-temper/device zeroization built in, IEEE-802.11b/g wireless access point, MIL-STD-461FEMI /EMC compliant, multiple IO options 10/100BT Ethernet, RS-232 / 422, USB 2.0, programmable with windows based GUI toolset.

GDC4S Tactical Router

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Figure H7 (Advatech Cross Domain Solution) 2.2.2 Sentinel Cross Domain Solution: provides a small form factor, embeddable solution for connecting tactical platform centric systems to information sharing networks to allow communications across security enclaves for tactical data communications (messages, video, and audio) maintaining network security. Utilizes certified deep packet inspection technology pioneered by the SILENTWIRE technology that is incorporated in the security rules processing engines.

Figure H8 (Sentinel Cross Domain Solution)

Sentinel Cross Domain


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3.0 Non-networked Ancillary Devices: Non-networked Ancillary Devices provide key capability enhancements to a particular component or in some cases critical functionality for all ITNE components. The previously mentioned TSS is a good example of a key enhancement to a particular ITNE component. In this case, using the TSS enables a radio operator to easily switch between talk groups with the click of a dial. Without the TSS, the radio operator is forced to directly access their radio and is limited to the interface on the actual radio platform. The Data Transfer Device (DTD) is an excellent example of an ancillary device that performs the critical function of transferring the entire network set of planning data from the network plan in the NMS to the actual radio platforms. Without the DTD, the S-6 staff would have to use the NMS itself which would take considerably more time and effort due to the limited number and locations of the NMS.

3.1 Data Load Devices:

3.1.1 Simple Key Loader (SKL): the AN/PYQ-10 is a portable hand-held fill device for securely receiving, storing, and transferring data between compatible cryptographic and communication equipment. Provides streamline management of COMSEC key, Electronic Protection (EP) data, and Signal Operating Instructions (SOI). The SKL operated on a Window based 32 bit Intel processer, and 400 MHz CPU. The SKL uses 98MB flash ROM working memory and 64 MB SDRAM storage capability. Uses a 3.5 65K color QVGA display with a optional VGA CRT output.

Figure H9 (Simple Key Loader) (SKL)

3.2 Radio Accessories: Updated in later version

Simple Key Loader (SKL)

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Appendix I (ITNE Network Operations Management System)

1.0 Network Operations (NetOps) Management System (NMS): The NMS component of the ITNE is the integrated capability that allows network managers to plan, configure, manage and monitor all other components of the ITNE. This includes radio platforms, mission command mobile/mounted applications, ancillary devices, and waveform applications. The NMS is the capability through which the Battalion S-6 staff develops and builds a network plan and initializes and operates the radio network for their respective command level. The NMS is a distributed capability. NETOPS is achieved through the functional integration of NETOPS capabilities across the radio platform OE, the waveform application software, and the NMS. This ensures that NETOPS functionality is baked into the ITNE across all components. Near term capability sets will not have the baked in NMS capability. Battalion S-6 staff will need to conduct a number of tasks manually to ensure the network is properly planned, configured, and loaded into ITNE component devices. Mid and long term NMS capabilities will enable the Battalion S-6 to conduct much of this work from the NMS interface with the assurance the functionality spans all components at all levels of network interoperability. In the near term, the ITNE NMS is primarily a planning tool and a reduced capability management tool (limited monitoring). The details of these capabilities are included in Appendix I under the description of the Joint Tactical Network Environment NETOPS Toolkit (J-TNT). The J-TNT is the near term capability for the ITNE NMS. Systems with greater automated and over the network capability are planned for the mid to long term capability sets.

2.0 Near Term ITNE NetOps Systems: In the near term (CS 13/14), the ITNE NMS is composed of more than one integrated system. These systems include the Joint Tactical Networking Environment NetOps Toolkit (J-TNT), the Tactical Internet Management System (TIMS) and Network Services Gateway (NSG) which are both part of the Joint Battle Command – Platform (JBC-P) system. 2.1 Joint Tactical Networking Environment NetOps Toolkit (J-TNT): The J-TNT is the NetOps Management System for the ITNE. The J-TNT is the most critical subcomponent of the ITNE, which enables the S-6 staff to plan, manage, and analyze the radio networks for each respective command level. A graphical user interfaces (GUI) is provided to the application user to perform tasks such as: creating plans, importing third-party data, generating radio configuration files, and generating reports.

The J-TNT is a NetOps Tool that combines three separate systems into one. There are three core software applications that make up the J-TNT; Joint Automated Communications Electronics Operating Instruction System/Automated Communications Engineering Software (JACS/ACES), Joint Tactical Radio System Enterprise Network

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Manager (JENM), and Joint Capability Release – Radio Based Situation Awareness Monitoring (RBSAM) software using VMWare to create a single tactical network management tool. 1.0 J-TNT (JACS/ACES): J-TNT (JACS/ACES) provides pre-deployment and post mission planning enabling the S-6 staff to do legacy radio network planning to insure interoperability of RF networks, cryptographic network planning, and ANW2 (Harris) radio network planning. Electronic Protection (EP) data & radio network engineering for secure communications is also part of the pre and post mission planning. The following are all generated by the J-TNT; Joint Communications Engineering Operations Instruction (JCEOI), Communications Engineering Operations Instructions (CEOI), cryptographic key tag and TRANSEC Key generation. ACES also provides the capability to support Black Key packaging & distribution, provides fills for the legacy DTD AN/CYZ-10 and Simple Key Loader AN/PYQ-10 (C) with secure net information directly or Over-the-Network. The following radio types are supported by the J-TNT (JACS/ACES): Harris Radios: Falcon III (AN/PRC-117G) and Falcon III (AN/PRC-152A) ANW2 Only and All Legacy (SINCGARS, AN/PSC-5, AN/PRC-150, etc.) Radio Sets in the Army inventory currently used in CS13

Figure I1 (J-TNT (JACS/ACES) Planner) 3.0 J-TNT (JENM): The system provides pre-deployment and post deployment network management services to the SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS (SDR) radios. J-TNT (JENM) provides pre-deployment planning for the radio and SRW waveform parameters and creates radio configuration files. These files are further processed to create the exact file structure for the radio type to be loaded to a radio, Simple Key Loader (SKL), CD/DVD, or Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive. J-TNT (JENM) provides post deployment support in monitoring and controlling the deployed networks

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and radios. The following radio types are supported by the J-TNT (JENM): HMS Radios: AN/PRC-155 (Manpack), AN/PRC-154 (Rifleman) and AN/PRC-154A (C-Rilfeman). ITT Common Core Radios: Sidehat and Soldiers Rifleman Radio, and Harris Radios: Falcon III (AN/PRC-117G) and Falcon III (AN/PRC-152A). 2.2 Tactical Internet Management System (TIMS): Tactical Internet Management System (TIMS)-ON-Joint Capabilities Release (JCR) Radio Based Situational Awareness Monitor (RBSAM): The RBSAM capabilities allow the S-6 Section to maintain live, near-real-time situational awareness of Lower and Mid-Tier Situational Awareness (SA) currency by alerting operators and leaders to SA currency degradation with a finer level of detail than the JCR alone is capable of. By implementing RBSAM, the S-6/Commo team has not only a better viewpoint of SA currency, but by using Position Location Indicator (PLI) reports received from radios and hand-held devices, the RBSAM system is able to validate PLI reporting and thus infer radio up/down status across multiple nets. The RBSAM integrates diverse technologies by using COTS computers in a tactical environment using 2525B compliant icons for identification of Common Operational Picture elements. RBSAM provides end-to-end SA currency of all PLI reporting systems which use K5.01 JVMF messages to push their location on the battlespace. The examination of this currency may be done by group/unit or by platform. SA filtering is based on currency classification or radio types. Additionally, statistical reporting may be done on-demand or over time intervals pre-defined by the user. 2.3 Network Services Gateway (NSG): Network Services Gateway (NSG): Is a JBC-P system that has full or partial Network Services Gateway (NSG) capabilities enabled on it that bridges two or more networks (WIN-T and ITNE). Gateways can be placed within vehicles, Command Post Servers and J-TNT (JBC-P OPS Box configurations). Gateway capabilities differ by gateway type & available resources. The capabilities are grouped into three service groups. Gateway Services include the transmission of Gateway Solicitation Message (GSM), SA Forwarding Self Descriptive Situational Awareness (SDSA) Forwarding, C2 Forwarding, Chat Forwarding and SA Spawning. Network Services define supported communications networks that NSGs can bridge. These networks include WIN-T, BFT 1, BFT 2, Terrestrial Radio Networks and SIPRNet. Services- Over-the-Network provides data exchange between JBC-P and external systems. These Services include Anycast C2 Forwarding, Address Book (Army C2I & USMC Address Book), Distributed Data Service DDS, Universal Collaboration Bridge (UCB) and USMC Tactical Service-Oriented Architecture (TSOA) in future builds. The Gateways are categorized into two tiers. Tier 1 Gateways include the BFT Global NOC (BGN) and J-TNT (JBC-P Ops Box). These Gateways have Message Routing Tables (MRTs) that contain the Client URN, Servicing Gateway URN and the IP of the Servicing Gateway. Tier 2 Gateways is located in vehicular platforms contain MRTs however, will only contain the Vehicle Client URNs & rely on the BFT Global NOC (BGN) or a CP to route C2 messages to clients of other Gateways.

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3.0 J-TNT (JENM) Planning: The J-TNT (JENM) provides pre-deployment services for defining radio configuration plans. Many of the required activities are abstracted from a single data entry used to create network definition over many elements. The application user is guided through the required and optional configuration steps to create planning information. The planner provides visual cues to the user throughout the planning process concerning next steps and incomplete or data entry errors. The following capabilities are provided by the Planner to enable the user to define a SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS (SDR) Mission: Data entry – manual entry of data into the forms Wizard/ Expert Navigation – The Wizard mode allows the user to do high level planning to quickly develop a network plan. The Expert mode is used by the user to edit the detailed network information created using the Wizard mode Import data – import data from an existing plan and global data such as frequencies and voice call books Export data – export global data or a plan for reuse in another plan 3.1 Planning Flow: Figure I2 is a typical J-TNT (JENM) Planner workflow. The process starts by launching the Planner. When the GUI appears, the network planner may start a new plan or may continue working on a previous plan. If choosing a new plan, new data set and preset template data must be entered in the required areas of each form. If a previous plan is opened, depending on the plan status, data set and/or preset template data may need to be modified before generating configuration files.

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Figure I2 (J-TNT (JENM) Planner Workflow) The Wizard mode (guided help) provides a step-by-step process by sequentially advancing the necessary forms associated with each tree planning element. This process may also be customized using the navigation wizard. After the required areas of the form have been entered, that form is validated and the next one advanced by selecting the “Next” button on the navigation bar or by selecting the “Add” button to create another item. Data from another Plan or the Global List may be imported from the database (DB) at any time. After entering the required information for data sets and preset templates, associations must be made before being able to export the configuration files. The required association, via the drag-and-drop action, is between the preset templates to the radio inventory items. Once valid association and network data is generated, the network planner is allowed to further customize the advanced preset settings under the Network branch. When the Plan definition is complete and all required information is entered, the plan can be exported into the Mission Configuration files. Reports may be generated at any point while creating a plan. Figure I3 ( is a representative J-TNT (JENM) Planning screen layout.

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Figure I3 (J-TNT (JENM) Planning Screen Layout)

3.2 Planning Data: The GUI provides a visual output of the Plan in form of a tree with its planning elements. The planning elements within a tree are linked to entry forms that allow the application user to define information necessary to complete a Plan. The tree area of the GUI consists of two tabs, the Plan tab and the Global List tab.

3.2.1 Plan Tab: The Plan tab contains all required elements to create a Plan, and is organized into three main planning elements, which are:

Data Sets – A data set allows a network planner to define high level JTR settings that can be referenced or associated onto other planning elements in a Plan Templates – A template allows a network planner to define and organize a generic layout of platform and waveform presets. The templates may be associated to a single or multiple radio inventory items in a Plan Networks – A network allows a network planner to further customize a radio’s preset condition which is seen as a Node in a radio network. Edits made under this element do not affect the information contained in the templates or data sets in a Plan. Globals - List is a superset of information available to import into any Plan by the network planner and is comprised of all of the data sets planning elements except Radio User Groups. The network planner has the capability to import data sets from the Globals List into a Plan to save time in applying the same information across multiple Plans. Third-party (e.g. ACES and LMD/KP) generated XML files containing DS-100-1 key tags, SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS (SDR) key tags, and Black Keys for crypto (security) planning can be imported into the Global List. J-TNT (JENM) provides the

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network planner the capability to automatically generate data sets based on the information in those third-party files. Data Sets: Data sets capture the JTR settings and are outlined into the following types: Radio Inventory – Radio Inventory are physical radio items and their high-level settings that apply under any given preset condition in a mission. The settings consist of a radio type, radio serial number, radio role, and radio hardware configuration setup.

Frequencies – Frequencies assist RF spectrum planning and define a list of physical frequencies which are applicable for a set of radio types for more than one preset condition in a mission. Frequency Filters – Frequency Filters assist band exclusion planning and define a list of physical frequency bands that must be excluded from use by a set of radio items

Cryptos – Cryptos assist security planning for transmission channels (TRANSEC and COMSEC) and define a list of SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS (SDR) and DS-100-1 key tags for use by a waveform under a RF Network setup

RF Networks – RF Networks are sub-network definitions applicable to the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW). RF Network definitions capture the underlying characteristics of a radio network and consist of a set of radios operating in the same preset condition in a mission. This requires a definition of the following characteristics: RF IP network layer, RF spectrum allocation, crypto key allocation, and SRW networking domain and communications mode. Radio User Groups – Radio User Group definitions are applicable for radio types that support the capability of role management based on defined user groups. Management Interface – Management Interface definitions are applicable for radio types that support the interface with management applications through standard protocols (e.g. SNMP). Voice Call Books – Voice Call Books allow voice call planning for the Combat Net Radio (CNR) voice feature of the SRW SS domain and define a list of call groups applicable for more than one preset condition in a mission. The data sets can be imported from the master list of information, maintained under the Globals List, with the use of the Import to Plan function.

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I8 Templates: A template defines all or a significant subset of the required JTR configuration parameters. Templates are typically frequently used configurations, enabling the J-TNT (JENM) user to create a plan with the template, rather than entering all the parameters individually. J-TNT (JENM) has two types of templates: preset and scenario. Preset Templates: Preset templates capture a layout of the required platform and waveform operational parameters for preset conditions that are applicable to radios.

Under each preset the configuration data is organized into logical areas. These areas are listed below and have separate elements within the plan development tree:

Platform – the Platform defines common platform parameters such as Local Area Network (LAN) or other IP application related parameters across all radio types

Radio Applications – the Radio Applications define radio type specific application settings for proper radio channel setup (e.g. power management settings, etc.) Waveform Application – the Waveform Application defines the waveform parameters and the selection of waveform profiles Preset templates may be imported from other Plans. Scenario Templates: A Scenario template captures a set of Preset templates.

This is a time-based scenario for a given mission and allows the network planner to organize and order the preset settings in a Plan. Networks: The Networks Planning Element is an advanced capability providing the network planner the capability to capture all of the generated nodes as a result of associating templates to radio inventory items in a Plan. The difference between a node and radio inventory item is explained below. The radio inventory item data set defines the radio’s physical settings that are not preset dependent. A Node under a network represents an Inventory item on an RF network.

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3.2.2 Generate Configuration: Per Plan, J-TNT (JENM) generates a set of Downloader Configuration files (DCF) to download to external physical media (SKL, CD, etc.) or the end physical radio. J-TNT (JENM) also generates a single Manager Configuration file (MCF) to set up management access and load known network settings. Plan Validation: The J-TNT (JENM) provides continuous validation of the information defined and maintained within a Plan and the Globals list. The J-TNT (JENM) provides notifications to the network planner during all phases of planning. Report Generation: The J-TNT (JENM) allows the network planner to generate, view, and save reports on the current Plan or the Globals List. Reports are saved as a Portable Document Format (PDF) documents. A saved report may be signed and exported to external media. File Import: The J-TNT (JENM) allows the network planner to import information for use in planning. J-TNT (JENM) accepts:

Planner Data files (.xml format) Global Data files (.xml format) ACES generated files (.xml format) LMD/KP generated Black Key files (.xml format) Radio or Waveform Profiles (.xml format) File Export

The J-TNT (JENM) allows the network planner to export information maintained within the J-TNT (JENM) database. The information in the J-TNT (JENM), available for export, is listed below: The Planner Data file containing data from the entire Plan. The Globals Data file contains data from a Global list. The Mission Configuration files, and Reports are PDF files that can export. Any file exported from J-TNT (JENM) is tagged with the J-TNT (JENM) system security classification level and the J-TNT (JENM) version number and is digitally signed for authenticity.

4.0 J-TNT Monitoring and Management: The J-TNT (JENM) provides network monitoring and management services for deployed SRW networks. A network is managed through the Network Management Access Node (NMAN). The NMAN is a locally-connected radio chosen by the user that provides a view of the network as seen through that node. All management information is obtained through the NMAN, and monitoring information is displayed logically, not geographically. J-TNT (JENM) manages multi-domain network topologies. Reports and graphs are available to the user for a more detailed analysis of the network being managed. Alarm features are provided to identify problems in the network. The J-TNT (JENM) platform does not create any management (SNMP) over-the-air traffic, and all management activities are done with minimal impact to the network’s performance.

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4.1 Network Topology Monitoring: Network Topology Monitoring observes the network in the background to collect and display a node and link status; see Figure I4 ( for a typical topology view. A user is alerted of SRW network problems by displaying alarms and topology graphs with status. The alarm level severity is indicated by different colors. The topology displays are in a hierarchical fashion via a tree; the tree displays the network as a whole. The displays incorporate interactive icon-based menus for ease of topology management. Network Topology maintains multiple viewpoints for the application user: NMAN – the NMAN Topology Function displays the NMAN and all the available channels on this radio. From the NMAN view, the operator may select a radio channel and its associated network to monitor. Channel – the Channel Topology Function displays the NMAN with all its visible Island Heads (IH). The Channel viewpoint uses the binding Network Visualization Table (NVT) (which collects topology information provided by the Link State Advertisements (LSAs) that are part of the SRW waveform protocol). Subnet – the Subnet Topology displays the network from a RF IP connectivity standpoint. Island – the Island Topology displays the network from the viewpoint of an Island. The view includes the Island head with all the network nodes in that island. When displaying multi-tier networks, the Island Topology display includes group icons that represent the summary status of the underlying sub-networks. The Island viewpoint uses the binding NVT table information provided by SRW.

Figure I4 (Island Topology (Typical))

5.0 Fault Management Function: The J-TNT (JENM) provides the option to view and

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manage the network’s recorded alarms. The user may sort fault information (alarms) and choose the output format for display. Counts of the various alarm types are displayed to the user in a color-coded alarm count table. A topology display’s visual indicators also assist in identifying network issues; visual indicators are in the form of different colors, line weights for links, and providing alarm acknowledgements and notes regarding specific faults displayed. See Figure I5 for a sample Event / Alarm Status Display.

Figure I5: Event / Alarm Status Display

6.0 Reports Function: The J-TNT (JENM) provides the option to view MIB objects, from the NMAN radio, in a table (in real time) or while creating graphs and reports. Reports may be generated for the: Network Visualization Tool (NVT) table, routing tables, neighbor tables, statistics, and status tables.

The reports are based upon selected MIB objects; these are from standard industry MIBs, platform unique MIBs, and SRW waveform MIBs.

7.0 J-TNT (RBSAM) Monitoring: The J-TNT (RBSAM) provides radio monitoring services for deployed ANW2 and SRW networks in two fashions, the primary monitoring software application for radio situational awareness is through the Radio Based Situational Awareness Software application. This software allows the S-6 to see all of radios in the net base upon echelon.

RBSA is a software capability within the SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS (SDR) family of radios that are enable them to broadcast Position Location Information (PLI) though the network. Each radio acts as a beacon and can send SA periodically based on time, distances traveled, or Push-To-Talk (PTT) transmission.

On many mounted platforms, RBSA can be captured directly on J-TNT display or other Command and Control (C2) system through the Internet Controller (INC). RBSA beacons flow from the SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS (SDR) radios to the INC where they are directed to the J-TNT computer. J-TNT equipped units can now use these RBSA beacons to add SA from dismounted and mounted platforms that have a SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIOS (SDR) radio. See Figure I6 Below: FEATURES: RBSA position information can be displayed on the J-TNT at any echelon using Radio Based Situation Awareness Software. Allows disadvantaged units to provide PLI without any additional equipment.

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KEY OPERATIONAL BENEFITS: Provides the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) increased battlespace visibility and creates a more complete “blue” picture SA information can flow from dismount and vehicular units to the upper Tactical Internet (TI). No user intervention is required to beacon the position. Uses current fielded equipment.

Figure I6 (Radio Based Situation Awareness Monitoring (RBSAM))

8.0 User Access Management: User Access Management provides role-based access control based on user sub-roles (Status, Statistics, and Control). The user’s and MIB object’s access classifications define the MIB object’s visibility to the user as follows.

Status – view topology, alarms, events, status MIB parameters, and access related reports and graphs Statistics – all status functions plus view or reset of statistics MIB parameters Control – all statistics functions plus the ability to view and modify a limited set of platform and waveform parameters.

9.0 J-TNT Miscellaneous: Presets are used to reconfigure an operational SRW radio. The number of presets is radio dependent. Presets are defined during network planning and loaded onto the radio before the radio is operational.

J-TNT may read the NMAN MIB. J-TNT does not have the capability to command the JTR to zeroize. J-TNT (JENM) does have a command to zeroize itself.

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10.0 Conclusion: The ITNE Network Management products provide a range of monitoring / management capability to enhance the Warfighters’ Situational Awareness into the performance and topology of the ITNE. To ensure the Network Management products are tailored to the needs of the Warfighter, support from user groups is needed to define the monitoring / performance / topology data that is required at each echelon.

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Appendix J (Aviation Integration)

Appendix J Aviation Integration will be completed on a future update of the ITNE CONOPS

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Appendix K (Unit Task Reorganization)

1.0 Background: Capability Set 13 introduced new ITNE technology within Army tactical formations at a level never before experienced. These technologies reach all the way from the BCT Main to the individual squad member. The huge increase in systems created a vastly more complex network environment. At the company level alone, there is over a two hundred percent increase in the number of networking devices utilizing IP addressing and spectrum space. This increase in systems created a massive increase in the number of soldier tasks associated with ITNE Signal Operations. These tasks are still being worked out for successive capability sets and are anticipated to generate the need for additional organic support requirements within the battalion S-6 staff to accommodate the planning, management, and analysis required to operate the ITNE for the commander.

Since the initial fielding of these ITNE systems in fiscal year 2012, the Army, through the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)), provided supporting contract personnel to assist in all facets of planning and management of the ITNE. ITNE Signal Operations as defined in this CONOPS is primarily performed by a number of ASA(ALT) program managers, organizations, and contractors. The only portion performed by soldiers to date is the Network Build Phase and the Network Load/Verification Phase of the ITNE Planning Process. The first three phases are currently executed by ASA(ALT). Until units are able to properly execute all the steps of the ITNE Planning Process, they will run a high risk of properly managing their network once operational if there are any issues related to the SSA, RPPA, NP, and ND. These products and their associated predecessor steps must be owned and performed by the S-6 in order for the responsible commander to truly control their tactical network.

One of the most glaring examples of the unit’s limitations to conduct ITNE Signal Operations within the ITNE Planning Process is the case of a task reorganization order. The S-6 is not able to execute the full range of task organization formation possibilities for ITNE component devices without the current assistance of field service support representatives (FSRs) and/or direct ASA(ALT) program manager contract support. These dependencies prevent the proper execution of ITNE Signal Operations in support of task reorganization within required planning and execution times of Phase III and IV operations.

In an effort to better define and explain the appropriate processes for the S-6 under these conditions, this annex was drafted to highlight the actions necessary for the S-6 to properly execute ITNE Signal Operations in support of a task reorganization. The process of planning and executing a task organization within ITNE Signal Operations is termed a unit task reorganization (UTR).

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2.0 Unit Task Reorganization (UTR): A UTR is the process performed by an S-6 staff upon receipt of the commander’s Operations Order during combat operations that translates mission command MDMP task organization changes into specific actions required by the S-6 to modify the communications (Voice/Data) network to match the modified unit structure. The UTR process follows the ITNE Planning Process and results in a modified NP, ND, and MCF along with the updated Signal Estimate and Signal Annex for the operations order.

The complexity of a UTR can range from a very simple modification involving only a few ITNE component devices and ITNE Planning Process steps to a full scale planning effort of all ITNE components requiring all steps of the ITNE Planning Process. Either way, the S-6 is required to understand and execute these steps in support of a UTR during all phases of operations under any METT-TC set of conditions.

3.0 Baseline unit force structure: All tactical forces in the U.S. Army fall under an approved force structure document. These force structure documents form the baseline structure of a unit as it goes to war. The primary approved and resourced force structure document is the modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE). This document establishes the personnel, equipment, and organization structure of a unit before any task organization occurs. The units involved are termed pure which means they contain all the approved personnel, equipment, and organizational structure to execute all phases of operation for that level of command. All movement of those forces from their MTOE command level to other command levels or alternate commands without a change in the organizational structure, personnel, and equipment is considered a pure task organization. Pure task organizations are considered the simplest form of task organization as it involves the smallest amount of change. When MTOE units are combined, mixed, and/or altered, the complexity level drastically increases for the S-6 as the personnel, equipment, and organizational structure are all changed from the baseline plan. Based on the amount of change, the S-6 could face a complete re-plan of their unit’s network requiring a complete execution of the ITNE Planning Process.

3.1 Baseline Force Structure Documents: The following force structure documents provide the baseline organizational architecture for U.S. Army Forces. The MTOE, as discussed above, is the primary document influencing the UTR process for the S-6 as it provides the baseline structure for the personnel, equipment, and organizational structure on which the ITNE NP, ND, and MCF are built. Each TOE has a unique number that identifies it. When changes are needed, a table is not modified; instead, a new table is drafted from scratch.

3.1.1 Baseline Table of Organization and Equipment (BTOE): The Base Table of Organization and Equipment (BTOE) is an organizational design document based on current doctrine and available equipment. It shows the basics of a unit's structure and their wartime requirements (both for personnel and equipment).

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3.1.2 Objective Table of Organization and Equipment (OTOE): The Objective Table of Organization and Equipment (OTOE) is an updated form of the BTOE, usually formed within the last year. It is a fully modern document and is up to date with current policies and initiatives.

3.1.3 Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE): A Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) is a document that modifies a BTOE in regard to a specific unit. Used when a unit's needs are substantially different from the BTOE.

3.1.4 Table of distribution and allowances (TDA): A Table of Allowances is a temporary TOE that is applicable to a specific mission. Used in an instance when there is no applicable TOE or for non-warfighting units.

3.2 The Brigade Combat Team (BCT): The Brigade Combat Team (BCT) is the basic deployable unit of maneuver in the US Army. A brigade combat team consists of one combat arms branch maneuver brigade, and its attached support and fire units. A brigade combat team carries with it support units necessary to sustain its operations away from its parent division. Since the Army has implemented these BCTs, divisions that previously had not deployed individual brigades due to lack of integral support have now been restructured and now have the ability to deploy one or more BCTs anywhere in the world. These BCTs will be able to stand on their own, like a division in miniature. The infantry brigade combat team is organized around two battalions of infantry. Each type of brigade (light infantry, air assault, or airborne) has the same basic organization. Each infantry brigade is capable of air assault operations, whether or not it is officially designated as an air assault brigade. Also, most units typically maneuver in vehicles when deployed and operate as "motorized infantry" to facilitate speed of movement.

3.2.1 The Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT): The Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) consists of six battalions: two infantry battalions and one each of cavalry (RSTA), fires, special troops, and brigade support.

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Figure K1

3.2.2 The Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT): The Stryker Brigade Combat Team (SBCT) is a mechanized infantry force structured around the Stryker eight-wheeled variant of the "interim armored vehicle" for the US Army. A full Stryker brigade was intended to be C-130 Hercules air transportable into theatre within 96 hours, while a division-sized force is expected to need 120 hours. The Stryker brigade is an organic combined arms unit of light armored vehicles, and is organized differently than the infantry or armored brigade combat teams. The Stryker brigades are being used to implement network-centric warfare doctrines, and are intended to fill a gap between the United States' highly mobile light infantry and its much heavier armored infantry.

Each Stryker brigade combat team consists of three infantry battalions, one reconnaissance (cavalry) squadron, one fires (artillery) battalion, one brigade support battalion, one brigade headquarters and Headquarters Company, one network support company, one military intelligence company, one engineer company, and one anti-tank company. Unlike the infantry and armored BCTs, there is neither a brigade special troop’s battalion nor forward support companies in the brigade support battalion for the five maneuver elements.

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Figure K2

3.2.3 The Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT): The Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) is the army's primary armored force. It will be designed around combined arms battalions that contain both M1 Abrams tanks and M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs). Other vehicles, such as HMMWVs, MATVs, and variants of the M113 armored personnel carrier, operate in a supporting role. The armored brigade combat team consists of six battalions: two combined arms and one each of armored reconnaissance (cavalry), fires (artillery), special troops, and support.

Figure K3

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4.0 UTR Process: During the ITNE Planning Process for a UTR, it is imperative that the S-6 quickly gauge their ability to execute the UTR within a certain period of time. This is to ensure the S-6 can provide a risk assessment to their commander on the likelihood of UTR success given the time provided. Where the time frames will not meet the execution of a UTR to standard, the S-6 must quickly notify the commander and provide alternative approaches by trading capability to ensure some measure of network connectivity and services. The connectivity and services chosen for the time frame involved should meet the commander’s information priorities noted in the Signal Analysis Phase of the ITNE Planning Process. Notification of UTR time requirements must be given to the command and staff in the early stages of the ITNE Planning Process. This must occur as soon after receiving the approved task organization as possible.

The commander will always set information flow priorities on the network. However, until that direction is provided, the S-6 should always start their prioritization of communications and network capability based on the establishment of the transport and networking components of the ITNE before the mission command application capability. The following is a high level list of capability priorities during ITNE UTR planning and execution operations.

Priority 1: Local Transport: (Radio Platforms: SINCGARS, SRW, and Mid Tier waveforms)

Priority 2: Mission Command Applications (JBC-P, Nett Warrior) capable of running on the local transport only.

Priority 3: Wide Area Transport (Ancillary Devices: Tier III routers, cross domain solutions, and gateways) to link together the local transport.

Priority 4: Mission Command Applications (JBC-P, Nett Warrior) to run data services across the wide are transport.

Note: Voice capability is always the first priority over mission command data.

There are two types of UTRs in the United States Army. There are pre-planned UTRs and unplanned UTRs. By definition, the planned UTR is instantaneous upon execution as a preset on a radio platform or networked ancillary device. The time involved in executing the ITNE Planning Process for a pre-planned UTR is done before mission time and is therefore inconsequential to the S-6 and their staff during mission operations. However, the need to follow the INTE Planning Process from beginning to end is essential to ensure the pre-planned network is functional and meets all of the pre-planned UTR task organization information flow requirements. Failure to ensure this before loading that pre-planned UTR for a mission could cause an unforeseen failure during mission operations and result in catastrophic loss of communications and

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network capability. The S-6 must ensure they complete the Verify OPNET process between the ITNE Planning Process and the ITNE Management Process for all pre-planned UTRs.

Unplanned UTRs are much more difficult due to the need to execute the ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET process during mission time. In order to properly handle the risk associated with the time requirements for unplanned UTRs, the S-6 must be able to conduct a quick estimate on the time required to complete the ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET process for their commander in order to ensure there is sufficient time to execute the task organization specified. An inability to estimate the UTR time during the Signal Analysis Phase could result in a failure to complete the ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET Process in time for mission execution thus jeopardizing the entire mission and command.

The S-6 mitigates the risk associated with UTR time estimation and mission execution time requirements by determining the level of complexity for the particular UTR as a measure of soldier tasks required. This is a subjective assessment to help the S-6 organize their staff. Secondly, the S-6 actually calculates an estimated time factor based on a formula designed to equate system ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET time with UTR time. The UTR categories of complexity are noted in Table K1 below. The UTR completion time calculation is discussed in paragraph 4.2.

4.1 UTR Complexity Categorization: Table K1 below illustrates the complexity categorizations for UTRs along with the narrative definitions for each complexity factor.

UTR (Category 1) Organizational Modification Network Tiers ITNE and/or UTI

1A1 All T/A/C Both

1A2 B/I T/A/C Both

1A3 B T/A/C Both

1B1 All T/A Both

1B2 B/I T/A Both

1B3 B T/A Both

1C1 All T Both

1C2 B/I T Both

1C3 B T Both

UTR (Category 2) Organizational Modification Network Tiers ITNE and/or UTI

2A1 All T/A/C ITNE



2B1 All T/A ITNE



2C1 All T ITNE



Table K1

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4.1.1 Organizational Modification: This UTR complexity factor measures the relative complexity of the task organization structure deviation from the unit’s specific MTOE. Basic Task Organization (TO): This is defined as a task organization that includes only the movement of pure Army formations with no alteration to the existing MTOE structure of those units. These units are pre-planned based on Army wide lessons learned for task organization. This includes squads within platoons, platoons within companies, companies within battalions, battalions within BCTs, BCTs within Divisions, and Divisions within Corps. This can include the movement of an element at two to three command levels higher but never higher to lower (e.g. company to Division or battalion to Corps). Intermediate Task Organization (TO): This is defined as a task organization that includes the Basic TO plus those pre-planned task organizational structures the unit sees fit to satisfy planned METT-TC requirements. These pre-planned unit task organization templates include both pure as well as modified unit structure that involves the addition and/or deletion of capability as defined in the MTOE. These variations can result in unit structures such as company teams (additions of platoons, squads, and special teams) and battalion task forces (additions of companies, platoons, squads, and special teams). Modified configurations at BCT, Division, and Corps level are included in this definition so long as they meet the anticipated METT-TC requirements of a unit. Advanced Task Organization (TO): This is defined as a task organization that includes both the Basic and Intermediation TOs as well as required un-planned task organizations based on unforeseen METT-TC requirements. These un-planned missions include any combination and/or variety of unit composition as required by METT-TC and available units to the command.

4.1.2 Network Tiers: This UTR complexity factor measures the relative complexity of the volume of network systems based on the number of required network tiers affected by the UTR. Terrestrial Tier: This is defined as a task organization that requires the addition, deletion, and/or modification of only terrestrial based communications and networking systems. This includes all systems required or dependent upon ITNE lower and mid tier networks.. Aerial Tier: This is defined as a task organization that requires the addition, deletion, and/or modification of aerial based communications and network systems. This includes all systems required or dependent upon ITNE lower tier and mid tier networks that access the aerial tier. Celestial Tier: This is defined as a task organization that requires the addition, deletion, and/or modification of celestial based communications and network systems. This includes all systems required or dependent upon ITNE lower tier and mid tier networks that access the celestial tier.

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4.1.3 Network Levels: This UTR complexity factor measures the relative complexity of the interconnectivity planning required between the Upper Tactical Internet (UTI) network and systems and the ITNE network and systems based on the amount of interconnection and crossbanding points required for the particular UTR. ITNE: This is defined as all the components of the ITNE capability required for the designated UTR. Although the scale and volume of systems is highly variable based on the type of UTR, the focus is on the need to focus on internal routing and configuration for ITNE or the interoperable connectivity to the UTI. UTI: This is defined as all the components of the UTI capability required for the designated UTR. Although the scale and volume of systems is highly variable based on the type of UTR, the focus is on the need to focus on amount of interoperable connectivity points with the ITNE.

4.2 UTR Completion Time Calculation: The S-6 and their staff can quickly estimate the amount of time it takes to plan, configure, load, initialize, and validate a set of networks to match a UTR by applying the following formula.

This equation provides the estimated time required to complete a specified UTR. This is accomplished through the summation of all of the ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET times associated with all the systems of all the networks requiring modification and or creation to support the published task organization.

The Xi variable represents the total number of a specific network and the Ti variable represents the ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET time required for that specific network as a function of the summation of all the system ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET times required for the systems within that network. The simply identifies the need to calculate the total time (summation) of all the specified networks (Xi) and their corresponding ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET times (Ti) required for the UTR.

As already stated, the Ti variable is based on an estimated time to complete the ITNE Planning and Verify OPNET Processes for each system within a particular network. Networks are defined for purposes of this CONOPS based on waveform and all their corresponding networked systems with applicable ITNE planning process and Verify OPNET estimated times. The planning times assigned to these networks are identified in Table K2 below along with the description of the network. It is well understood that there are literally an infinite number of network combinations a unit could design for a UTR. However, in the interest of establishing some means to measure UTR planning times, this CONOPS establishes a default set of network definitions. Over time, this list

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can easily be modified, updated, or changed to meet the needs of any unit based on their specific planning times for the defined networks.

The planning times documented in this CONOPS are averages of information collected to date from Capability Set Fielding’s, Network Integration Exercises (NIEs), and analysis performed by Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology (ASA(ALT)), Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Capability Managers, and science and research centers. The times listed in Table K2 below are only estimates, do not represent exact times, and are subjective in nature based on expert opinion and some observed fact. In the mid to long term (CS 15 and beyond), it is best if each unit develop their own ITNE planning process estimates and place them in their own UTR ITNE Planning Process Time Table.

4.3 Calculating the TUTR: There are a few steps the S-6 and there staff should follow in leading up to the calculation for the TUTR. They are as follows:

Step 1: The S-6 must determine the organizations that need to be modified (e.g. platoons, companies, etc) based on the mission.

Step 2: The S-6 must calculate the number of networks that need to be created or modified based on Step 1.

NNET = number of networks that need to be created or modified


such that NSINC = number of SINCGARS networks

such that NSRW = number of SRW networks

such that NMUOS = number of MUOS networks

such that NSATCOM = number of SATCOM networks

such that NANW2 = number of ANW2 networks

such that NWNW = number of WNW networks

such that NHF = number of narrowband HF networks

Step 3: Using Table K2 below, the S-6 is able to estimate the time completion required for a particular UTR based on the ITNE Planning Process and Verify OPNET time frames.

Each time estimate from the table below = for each network type

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Lower Tier:

Network Type

Network Description Network

Complexity Systems (minutes)

SINC Terrestrial Basic

SRW Terrestrial Basic

MUOS Celestial Basic

SATCOM Celestial Basic

SINC SRW Terrestrial Intermediate

SINC SRW Terrestrial Aerial Intermediate


Terrestrial Celestial Intermediate


Terrestrial Celestial Intermediate


Terrestrial Celestial Intermediate


Terrestrial Celestial Intermediate


Celestial Intermediate


Terrestrial Celestial Advanced


Terrestrial Aerial Celestial



Terrestrial Celestial Advanced


Terrestrial Aerial Celestial





Terrestrial Aerial

Celestial Complex

Mid Tier

Network Type

Network Description Network Complexity

Systems (minutes)

ANW2 Terrestrial Basic

WNW Terrestrial Basic

HF Terrestrial Basic

ANW2 Terrestrial Intermediate

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Terrestrial Aerial Intermediate

ANW2 HF Terrestrial Intermediate

ANW2 HF Terrestrial Aerial Intermediate

WNW HF Terrestrial Intermediate

WNW HF Terrestrial Aerial Intermediate


Terrestrial Celestial Advanced

Table K2

5.0 Planning Considerations: UTR NPs, NDs, and MCFs can be planned and loaded as a preset on ITNE component devices expected to utilize that network design for a particular set of missions. These UTRs range across all categories listed under paragraph 4.0 above and are only limited to the imagination of the commander and their staff in preparing for contingencies. There is a limitation on the number of loadable preset space available on particular radios. This is based on the radio design and hardware and software limitations. This will change with time and vary by radio design. For example, the Rifleman Radio (PRC-154) can hold up to fifty presets while the Manpack Radio (PRC-155) can hold up to 100 presets operating with two simultaneous channels.

Preset space is a precious resource for the S-6. There is always a need to use a percentage of preset space for high probability task organization scenarios. In effect, these should be baked in doctrinal presets for the movement or pure fleeted units as discussed earlier in this appendix. However, there is also a need for each unit to develop their own planned task organizations that go beyond pure fleeted organizational movements and include more CAT1 and CAT 2 A/B type organizational structures to meet their unique mission requirements. A good S-6 always leaves room on a radio for these kinds of mission specific pre-planned presets.

In the near term (CS 13/14), the S-6 will receive their preset design, the RPPA, from their ASA (ALT) new equipment fielding (NEF) process. This baseline is formed on the latest considerations between the unit and the ASA (ALT) network design developers to facilitate the mission specific and doctrinal level requirements for planned missions. Over time, this responsibility will migrate directly to the unit rather than the program managers. Once this occurs, the unit will have the responsibility and control over the design of their RPPA in the Signal Analysis Phase of the ITNE Planning Process.

Capability Set 13 Detailed Planning Procedures are included under Appendix O of this CONOPS for use by the S-6 in executing an internal battalion movement of a pure platoon across companies and an internal BCT movement of a pure company across battalions. These are CAT2C3 UTRs.

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Appendix L (Help Desk Operations)

The help desk provides support for Active Army, Reserve Components and National Guard as well as support for joint service users, civil agencies and DoD contractor personnel. The help desk is operational 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and is reachable via both a domestic and international toll free number as well as by a dedicated e-mail address. Currently two lines are active during duty hours: 0800-1700 EST five days per week. After hours and on weekends, help desks are forwarded to a cell phone attended by a member of the help desk team to provide 24 hour accessibility. If it becomes necessary for the on-call help desk designee to gain access to the CSS facility to troubleshoot technical problems, 24 hour access is made available. The CSS facility is equipped with supporting equipment including LCMS Workstations, SKLs loaded with various iterations of the UAS, DTDs loaded with Common Tier 3 (CT3), ACES Workstations, J-TNT platforms, STEs and selected ECUs. This facilitates the replication and potential resolution of problems identified during trouble calls which may involve any combination of the interfaces between this suite of equipment. On occasions, unclassified Plan databases including key assignment data, SOI or Frequency Resource information is transmitted from field users so that CSS SMEs can perform detailed analysis and provide assistance and guidance where needed. CSS subject matter experts supporting the Help Desk are drawn from the on-hand AKMS staffs who also are involved in supporting PD COMSEC in training, technical documentation, testing, logistics issues, training development, TM development, and conference support. This insures that our SMEs retain recurring and frequent contact with policy developments, current field operations and can take advantage of face to face interface with warfighters in the field. Our AKMS support staff collectively have over ninety (90) years of experience in AKMS operations, tactical communications deployments and hands-on radio and ECU involvement.

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Appendix M (Tactics, Techniques & Procedures (TTP)

ITNE Format

1. Which ITNE Process is affected by the recommendation?


Planning Management Analysis

2. Which Phase is affected by the recommendation

Phases Steps

Signal Analysis Receive Mission Analyze Mission Analyze Terrain

Analyze Asset Aval Analyze CDR Support Requirements

Network Plan SAA RPPA

Data Collection Request Frequencies Request COMSEC Request IP Range

Request URNs Request RNs Request NB SATCOM

Request Map Data

Network Design Formulate IP Scheme Formulate NRA ND

Network Build Radio Network Configuration File

Application Configuration File

Mission Configuration File

Mission Configuration Simulation

Network Load/Verification

Load Device Initialize Network Conduct Communication Check

3. Give a brief synopsis of what is currently done:

4. Give a detailed synopsis of the recommendation (use of a separate document may

be required):

5. Is the recommendation one of the following by definition:

a. Tactic: An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.

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b. Technique: A way of carrying out a particular task.

c. Procedure: An established or official way of doing something.

6. Summary of procedure and improvement listed step by step 7. Person submitting information: Name: Unit: email: Phone number: Submit all information to: Kevin Searcy Fielding and Training Manager, JANUS Research Group TCM-Tactical Radios/JTRS US Army Signal Center of Excellence, Ft Gordon, GA COM: 706-791-5048 CELL: 904-378-6088 [email protected]

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Appendix N (Vignette Detailed Information)

1.0 Background: In support of ITNE CONOPS two vignettes Initial Entry Operation and High Intense Conflict were developed. The vignettes were used to assist in the development of Signal Operations portion of the CONOPS.

2.0 Initial Entry Operations Vignette: A forcible entry is the seizing and holding of a military lodgment in the face of armed opposition (JP 3-18). Once the assault force seizes the lodgment, it normally defends to retain it while the joint force commander rapidly deploys additional combat power by air and sea. When conditions are favorable, joint force commanders may combine a forcible entry with other offensive operations in a coup de main. This action can achieve the strategic objectives in a simultaneous major operation.

A forcible entry operation can be by parachute, air, or amphibious assault. The Army’s parachute assault and air assault forces provide a formidable forcible entry capability. Marine forces specialize in amphibious assault; they also conduct air assaults as part of amphibious operations. Special operations forces play an important role in forcible entry; they conduct shaping operations in support of conventional forces while executing their own missions. These capabilities permit joint force commanders to overwhelm enemy anti-access measures and quickly insert combat power. The entry force either resolves the situation or secures a lodgment for delivery of larger forces by aircraft or ships. The three forms of forcible entry produce complementary and reinforcing effects that help joint force commanders to seize the initiative early in a campaign.

2.1 Assumptions: In development of this vignette the following assumption were developed to complete the task.

Air superiority is completed

Lodgment will be used as a base of operation

Lodgment will coordinate with Air force close air support

Ground Force is US Army Air Assault Infantry Battalion

Ground Force operating with Capability Set 15-16

Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield (IPB) o Found no enemy present on landing zone (LZ). o Nearest enemy unit (mounted Infantry company) response time 45 min o Enemy Infantry Battalion size element response time 3 hours o Enemy air dense limited to man-portable air defense missiles o Weather favorable for air mobile operations will not be a factor. o LZ remote location limited contact with local civilians (farmers). Unknown sympathies with enemy forces o Terrain: Area around landing zone is wooded, dotted with small farms. Access to LZ is by two small dirt roads one road entering from east side of LZ

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and the second dirt road entering from the south. South road intersects a major paved two lane highway that runs east to west 3 mile south of LZ. East dirt road spans Small River flowing north to south utilizing a bridge constructed of wood which seems in poor condition.

2.2 Air Assault Taskforce: Infantry battalions share the same table of organization and equipment (TOE) and can conduct air assault operations. However, some Infantry battalions receive regular, intense, and specialized training in air assault and airborne operations.

Figure N1 Air Assault Task Force

2.3 Air Assault Stages of Operation: The five basic plans that constitute an air assault operation are the ground tactical plan, the landing plan, the air movement plan, the loading plan, and the staging plan (Figure X). In operations involving units with organic combat vehicles, the ground tactical plan must also include a linkup plan.

The planning process is very important to the S-6 staff. Once the operation begins it is very difficult to adjust the communication plan until you complete the full air assault process at the completion of ground tactical operations and all the management systems are on the ground and the tactical environment is stable for communication changes. S-6 planning must account for all stages of the operation and account for radio nets required, C2, SA, and COP requirement during each phase that the air assault unit requires, the necessary batteries required to sustain the ITNE and mission command applications for the length of the air assault operation required to be accounted for in loading plans.

Infantry Battalion




•Towed 105 •MAINT








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Figure N2 Air Assault Planning Process

2.4. Staging Operations: In staging operation coordinates the order of movement of personnel, equipment load plans, aircraft requirements and order of movement to a designated pickup zone (PZ) to be performed. The loads must be ready before the aircraft arrive at the PZ. During mission planning, the pickup zone commander (PZCO) will determine the time required for setting up the PZ, and selects times the PZ will be established (based upon the air assault H-hour). ITNE Communication scheme in support of Staging Operations: In the planning stages before starting the staging operation the S-6 Staff and CO Communication Maintainers must plan, configure, install and test each of the networks addressed below before execution of the air assault operation. All SOIs, frequencies, COMSEC keys, IP addresses, Presets, Call Groups, computers/servers and ancillary equipment that must be reconfigured due to task force organization changes to meet the commander intent must be loaded and tested before movement to staging area. Loading plans must account for batteries required to operate the ITNE during the full movements of air assault operation until supply chains can be reestablished must be accounted for in the loading plans and priority of movement to PZ.

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ITNE Infantry BN Nets during Staging Operations

Unit may still be engaged in current operations. Networks will begin transition to staging operations and nets will reduce membership or turned off for load plan loading. Nets with * will remain operational

Network Radio Descriptions


PZ Commander coordination net between staging area, PZ points, aircraft to coordinate movement from staging areas to PZ to meet time sequence of aircraft movement.

*BDE CMD TACSAT/MUOS BDE CDR, AATF CDR, Air Mission CDR (C2) and (SA) coordinating stages of operation



BN CDR (AATF CDR) BN Staff, Air Mission CDR, CO CDRs coordinate stages of operation

*AVN OPS FM/TACSAT Coordination of all aviation assets


Direction FM

Coordinate ARTY FDC, to Howitzers

*Tactical Air

Direction UHF (LOS)

All FOs, TACP, USAF CAS, FSO to coordinate air support (fast movers)

*MEDVAC FM Coordinate medical evacuation

BN O&I FM BN Staff & CO’s coordinate operations and intelligence

BN ADLOG FM S1/S4 Staff & CO’s coordinate HR and Supply

BN FIRES FM/MUOS BN FSO, BN FSE, CO FSO, BN Mortars, Follow on ARTY, ATK AVN coordinate fires

BN FIRES Direction


BFT L Band SATCOM Network to support JBC-P mobile users

WIN-T KU/KA WIN-T TCN/PoP/SNE Upper Tier interface

*BN Tier 2

Data WNW

BN Staff, CO HQ provides high speed MANET for IP voice, data & video



HHC Voice, Data PLI supports (Net Warrior)


(S) X3 SRW

CO LDRs and Staff CO, 1SG, PL, PSG, FSO, MEDIC support voice, data PLI (Nett Warrior)


(S) X9 SRW

PLT LDR and Staff PL, PSG, SQUAD LDR, TM LDR FO, MEDIC support voice, data, PLI (Nett Warrior)


SRW SQUAD LDRs, TM LDRs, and Teams support voice and PLI

Table N3 ITNE Networks during Staging Operation 2.5 Pickup Zone (PZ) Operation: The AATFC bases the loading plan on the air movement and ground tactical plans. The loading plan ensures troops, equipment, and supplies are loaded on the correct aircraft. It establishes the priority of loads, the bump plan, and the cross loading of equipment and personnel. Detailed load planning ensures the battalion arrives at the loading zone (LZ) configured to support the ground tactical

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operation. A bump plan that ensures essential troops and equipment are loaded ahead of less critical loads. Planning for the loading plan must include the organization and operation of the pickup zone (PZ), the loading of aircraft, and the bump plan. ITNE Communication scheme in support of Loading Operations: In the planning stage the following communication networks must be addressed. Communications must use the most secure means available. PZ operations may be conducted under radio listening silence to avoid electronic detection. This requires detailed planning. If under radio listening silence, it is imperative that aircrews remain on schedule to allow the PZCO to keep a smooth flow of troops from the PZ. PZ communications are on the established FM PZ control net, with transmissions kept to a minimum.

ITNE Infantry BN Nets during Loading Operations

Unit will reduce nets to support loading plans. Networks will begin transition to PZ operations and nets will reduce membership or turned off for load plan loading. Nets with * will remain operational until boarding aircraft. Aircraft configured to support C2 operation will be configured to support Nets

Network Radio Descriptions


Net FM

PZ Commander coordination net between staging area, PZ points, aircraft to coordinate movement from staging areas to PZ to meet time sequence of aircraft movement.

*BDE CMD TACSAT/MUOS BDE CDR, AATF CDR, Air Mission CDR (C2) and (SA) coordinating stages of operation



BN CDR (AATF CDR) BN Staff, Air Mission CDR, CO CDRs coordinate stages of operation

*AVN OPS FM/TACSAT Coordination of all aviation assets


Direction FM

Coordinate ARTY FDC, to Howitzers

*Tactical Air

Direction UHF (LOS)

All FOs, TACP, USAF CAS, FSO to coordinate air support (fast movers)

*MEDVAC FM Coordinate medical evacuation



HHC Voice, Data PLI supports (Net Warrior)



CO LDRs and Staff CO, 1SG, PL,PSG, FSO, MEDIC support voice, data PLI (Nett Warrior)


(S) X9 SRW

PLT LDR and Staff PL, PSG, SQUAD LDR, TM LDR FO, MEDIC support voice, data, PLI (Nett Warrior)




SQUAD LDRs, TM LDRs, and Teams support voice and PLI

Table N4 ITNE Networks during Pickup Zone Operations

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2.6 Air Movement Operation: The air movement plan is based on the ground tactical and landing plans. It specifies the schedule and provides instructions for the movement of troops, equipment, and supplies from the PZ to the LZ. It provides coordinating instructions regarding air route, air control points (ACPs), aircraft speeds, altitudes, formations, and fire support. The AATFC develops the air movement plan in conjunction with the air mission command (AMC) and flight lead. ITNE Communication scheme in support of Air Movement Operations: S-6 staff

coordinates * nets in C2 aircraft.

ITNE Infantry BN Nets during Air Movement Operations

Networks will be turned off. Nets with * will remain operational until boarding aircraft. Aircraft

configured to support C2 operation will be configured to support Nets

Network Radio Descriptions


PZ Commander coordination net between staging area, PZ points, aircraft to coordinate movement from staging areas to PZ to meet time sequence of aircraft movement.

*BDE CMD TACSAT/MUOS BDE CDR, AATF CDR, Air Mission CDR (C2) and (SA) coordinating stages of operation



BN CDR (AATF CDR) BN Staff, Air Mission CDR, CO CDRs coordinate stages of operation

*AVN OPS FM/TACSAT Coordination of all aviation assets


Direction FM

Coordinate ARTY FDC, to Howitzers

*Tactical Air

Direction UHF (LOS)

All FOs, TACP, USAF CAS, FSO to coordinate air support (fast movers)

*MEDVAC FM Coordinate medical evacuation

Table N5 ITNE Networks during Movement Operations 2.7 Landing Zone (LZ) Operations: The scheme of maneuver and ground tactical plan directly affects the selection of LZs, the landing formation, and the amount of combat power air assaulted into the LZ. The landing plan is planned in conjunction with the development of the ground tactical plan and supports the assault force commander's intent and scheme of maneuver he distribution, timing, and sequencing of aircraft into the LZ. During execution of the landing plan, attack helicopters can provide over-watch of the LZs, conduct a reconnaissance of the egress flight routes, call for fire (if designated to do so), and set up a screen for supporting the assault force commander during the ground tactical plan. The AMC must ensure that the missions of the attack aircraft are synchronized with the assault helicopters. ITNE Communication scheme in support of LZ Operations: S-6 and staff coordinate the activation of key networks upon leaving the aircrafts. RTOs and dismounted soldiers will turn on radios and reestablish communication systems. Vehicle mounted communication system (WIN-T, BFT, & WNW) will be establish depending on priority of flights.

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ITNE Infantry BN Nets during LZ Operations

Networks will be turned on. C2 Aircraft will still be required to end of LZ operations and ground C2 SA and COP is established

Network Radio Descriptions

BDE CMD TACSAT/MUOS BDE CDR, AATF CDR, Air Mission CDR (C2) and (SA) coordinating stages of operation


FM/TACSAT/MUOS BN CDR (AATF CDR) BN Staff, Air Mission CDR, CO CDRs coordinate stages of operation

AVN OPS FM/TACSAT Coordination of all aviation assets

Fires Direction FM Coordinate ARTY FDC, to Howitzers

Tactical Air Direction

UHF (LOS) All FOs, TACP, USAF CAS, FSO to coordinate air support (fast movers)

MEDVAC FM Coordinate medical evacuation

BN O&I FM BN Staff & CO’s coordinate operations and intelligence

BN ADLOG FM S1/S4 Staff & CO’s coordinate HR and Supply

BN FIRES FM/MUOS BN FSO, BN FSE, CO FSO, BN Mortars, Follow on ARTY, ATK AVN coordinate fires

BN FIRES Direction


BFT L Band SATCOM Network to support JBC-P mobile users

WIN-T KU/KA WIN-T TCN/PoP/SNE Upper Tier interface

BN Tier 2 Data WNW BN Staff, CO HQ provides high speed MANET for IP voice, data & video

HHC SRW (S) SRW HHC Voice, Data PLI supports (Net Warrior)

CO SRW (S) X3 SRW CO LDRs and Staff CO, 1SG, PL,PSG, FSO, MEDIC support voice, data PLI (Nett Warrior)

*PLT SRW (S) X9 SRW PLT LDR and Staff PL, PSG, SQUAD LDR, TM LDR FO, MEDIC support voice, data, PLI (Nett Warrior)


SRW SQUAD LDRs, TM LDRs, and Teams support voice and PLI

Table N6 ITNE Networks during Landing Zone Operations 2.8 Ground Tactical Operations: The Air Assault Task Force Commander (AATFC) develops a scheme of maneuver to accomplish his mission and seize assigned objectives. In this vignette the objective is a lodgment to establish a base of operation. Units will deploy from LZ point and setup security zones around the lodgment until base is established and additional forces arrive to relieve in place. Figure XX illustrates a INF BN deployed in security zones on a LZ ITNE Communication scheme in support of Ground Tactical Operations: In the ground operations the S-6 Staff and CO communication maintainers must react to changes in the networks health. Enemy Jamming or compromises in SOI, COMSEC and frequencies will affect network ability to provide C2, SA and COP.

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Figure N7 INF BN Ground Operation

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3.0 Phase III High Intense Combat (HIC) Vignette: Ground Forces execute simultaneous attacks utilizing any forms of maneuver (envelopment, turning movement, infiltration, penetration, and frontal attack) against multiple objectives to destroy enemy combat and sustainment power, and continue to shape respective engagement areas in order to maintain continuous pressure on enemy forces. Units in contact continue to isolate and reduce segments of enemy combat power and destroy identifiable high priority targets (HPTs). Units isolate objective areas with lethal and nonlethal fires and maneuver to mitigate the effects of enemy centers of gravity. Units continue to deny the enemy of SA. Long-range and persistent engagements shift to isolate selected assault areas, enabling the assault units to conduct maneuver directly onto their objectives. Force protection assets quickly secure friendly lines of communications and network nodes. The BCT’s synchronized and integrate efforts with reconnaissance elements and supporting assets to enable maneuver and maintain force protection. RSTA elements and ARH work with UAVs to support R&S in order to observe gaps and dead space, providing early warning of enemy movement, and detect toxic industrial chemical or chemical warfare agent (CWA) releases and minefields. BCTs conduct BDA estimates and detect enemy reaction to commander’s effects and decisive actions. 3.1 Maneuver Frontal Attack Maneuver using an IBCT. A frontal attack is a form of maneuver in which an attacking force seeks to destroy a weaker enemy force or fix a larger enemy force in place over a broad front. The BCT can conduct a frontal attack against a stationary enemy or a moving enemy force (Figure 4.4). Depending upon the terrain and enemy, this may not be enough force to execute across a wide front. The IBCT and Heavy Brigade Combat Team (HBCT) must be judicious when deciding to conduct a frontal attack, because they have only two maneuver/combined arms battalions to execute this maneuver

Figure N8 Frontal Attack Maneuver

Frontal Attack Maneuver

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3.2 Sequence of Offensive Operations: The commander maneuvers his forces to gain positional advantage so he can seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. He avoids the enemy’s defensive strength. He employs tactics that defeat the enemy by attacking through a point of relative weakness, such as a flank, a gap between units, or the rear. Offensive operations typically follow this sequence: 3.2.1 Moving from the assembly area to the line of departure (LD). The tactical situation and the order in which the commander wants his subordinate units to arrive at their attack positions govern the march formation.

3.2.2 Maneuvering from the line of departure to the probable line of deployment (PLD). Units move rapidly through their attack positions and across the LD, which should be controlled by friendly forces. The commander considers the mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations (METT-TC) when choosing the combat formation that best balances firepower, tempo, security, and control.

3.2.3 Actions at the PLD, assault position. The attacking unit splits into one or more assault and support forces as it reaches the PLD, if not already accomplished. All forces supporting the assault should be set in their support by fire position before the assault force crosses the LD. The assault force maneuvers against or around the enemy to take advantage of the support force’s efforts to suppress targeted enemy positions.

3.2.4 Conducting the breach. As necessary, the BCT conducts combined arms breaching operations. The preferred method of fighting through a defended obstacle is to employ an in-stride breach. However, the commander must be prepared to conduct deliberate breaching operations.

3.2.5 Assaulting the objective. The commander employs all means of fire support to destroy and suppress the enemy, and sustain the momentum of the attack. Attacking units move as quickly as possible onto and through the objective. Depending on the size and preparation of enemy forces, it may be necessary to isolate and destroy portions of the enemy in sequence.

3.2.6 Consolidating on the objective. Immediately after a successful assault, the attacking unit seeks to exploit its success. It may be necessary, though, to consolidate its gains. Consolidation can vary from repositioning force and security elements on the objective, to a reorganization of the attacking force, to the organization and detailed improvement of the position for defense.

3.2.7 Transition. After seizing the objective, the unit transitions to some other type of military operation. This operation could be the exploitation or pursuit, or perhaps a defense. Transitions (through branches and sequels) are addressed and planned prior to the offensive operation being undertaken.

3.3 Assumptions: In development of this vignette the following assumption were used to complete the task.

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Air superiority is completed

Ground Force is US Army Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT)

Ground Force operating with Capability Set 15-16

Intelligence Preparation of Battlefield (IPB) o Enemy light infantry company present on both AXIS (New Jersey and New York) and into Objective Giant and Jets. o CAB 1 & CAB 2 will engage enemy infantry platoon size element before

crossing phase line (PL) Mark o Enemy air dense limited to man-portable air defense missiles o Weather is favorable for night operations. o Terrain: Open terrain with small hills. A large hill with a saddle is between

OBJ Giants and Jets.

3.4 Vignette Taskforce Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT): The IBCT is the Army’s lightest BCT, and is organized around dismounted Infantry, capable of airborne or air assault operations (Figure x). Each of the three types of IBCT (light Infantry, air assault, or airborne) have the same basic organization. IBCTs require less strategic lift and logistical support than other BCTs. When supported with intra-theater airlift, IBCTs have theater-wide operational reach. Organic antitank, military intelligence, artillery, signal, engineer, reconnaissance, and sustainment elements enable the IBCT commander to employ the force in combined arms formations. IBCTs are optimized for operations in close terrain, such as swamps, woods, hilly and mountainous areas, and densely populated areas.

Figure N9 Infantry Brigade Combat Team


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3.5 IBCT ITNE Networks and Services:

IBCT Networks Following Network within IBCT HQ and Battalions

Network Radio Descriptions

Div Upper Tier Connect to the GIG


Communication Network to the GIG supporting Voice, Data, Video and network services at a TOC and OTM CDR vehicles

Upper Echelon CNR(Division Nets) Monitored by BDE





BDE Upper Tier Connect to the GIG


Communication Network to the GIG supporting Voice, Data, Video and network services at a TOC and OTM CDR vehicles

BDE CNR Net Monitored by all BNs





Fires Direction SINCGARS Coordinate ARTY FDC, to Howitzers

Tactical Air Direction

UHF (LOS) All FOs, TACP, USAF CAS, FSO to coordinate air support (fast movers)

MEDVAC SINCGARS Coordinate Medical Evacuation

BDE Mid-Tier

BFT 2 L Band SATCOM SATCOM Network to support JBC-P mobile users

BDE Tier 2 Data WNW BDE Staff provides high speed MANET for IP voice, data

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BN Upper Tier (BSTB, INF, RSTA, FA, BSB) Connect to the GIG


Communication Network to the GIG supporting Voice, Data, Video and network services at a TOC and OTM CDR vehicles

BN CNR Nets (BSTB, INF, RSTA, FA, BSB) Monitored by all Companies


BN O&I SINCGARS/TACSAT/MUOS BN S2/S3 Staff & CO’s coordinate operations and intelligence

BN ADLOG SINCGARS/TACSAT/MUOS BN S1/S4 Staff & CO’s coordinate HR and Supply


BN FIRES Direction



BFT 2 L Band SATCOM SATCOM Network to support JBC-P mobile users

BN Tier 2 Data WNW BN Staff, CO HQ provides high speed MANET for IP voice, data & video

Company Upper Tier (BSTB, INF, RSTA, FA, BSB) Connect to the GIG


Communication Network to the GIG supporting Voice, Data, Video and network services on OTM CDR Vehicles

Company Mid-Tier (BSTB, INF, RSTA, FA, BSB)

BFT 2 L Band SATCOM SATCOM Network to support JBC-P mobile users

BN Tier 2 Data WNW BN Staff, CO HQ provides high speed MANET for IP voice, data & video

Company Lower Tier (BSTB, INF, RSTA, FA, BSB) Voice Call Groups, Data, PLI

HHC SRW (S) SRW HHC Staff Voice, Data PLI supports (Net Warrior)

CO SRW (S) SRW CO LDRs and Staff CO, 1SG, PL,PSG, FSO support voice, data PLI (Nett Warrior)

*PLT SRW (S) SRW PL, PSG, SQUAD LDR, TM LDR FO, support voice, data, PLI (Nett Warrior)


SRW SQUAD LDRs, TM LDRs, and Teams support voice and PLI

N10 ITNE Networks and Services

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3.6 Phases of the Operate: 3.6.1 Phase 1 Moving from the assembly area to the line of departure (LD). The tactical situation and the order in which the commander wants his subordinate units to arrive at their attack positions govern the march formation. ITNE: During planning process before moving to LD all network configurations must be completed and tested (Radios, Mission Command Apps, Frequencies, COMSEC, IP Schema, Presets, Call Groups, and Hop Sets). 1 CAB is transferring OPCON control of A Company over to 2 CAB for the Frontal maneuver all gateway and Mission Command App changes must be completed before entering Phase 1

Figure N11 Phase 1 Move to Line of Departure





















Line of Departure LD

Phase Line PL


































Phase 1

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3.6.2 Phase 2 Maneuvering from the line of departure to the probable line of deployment (PLD). Units move rapidly through their attack positions and across the LD, which should be controlled by friendly forces. The commander considers the mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations (METT-TC) when choosing the combat formation that best balances firepower, tempo, security, and control. Intelligence report has identified small pockets of enemy forces in both New Jersey and New York Axis’s. Recon companies will scout forward and determine size of enemy force. Mission Command Apps (JBC-P & Nett Warrior) devices working off Mid Tier and Lower Tier networks start updating with Recon SA on enemy positions. Leaders develop COP and determine attack plans.

Figure N12 Phase 2 Probable Line of Deployment





















Line of Departure LD

Phase Line PL


































Phase 2

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3.6.3 Phase 3 Actions at the PLD: The attacking unit splits into one or more assault and support forces as it reaches the PLD, if not already accomplished. All forces supporting the assault should be set in their support by fire position before the assault force crosses the LD. The assault force maneuvers against or around the enemy to take advantage of the support force’s efforts to suppress targeted enemy positions. With the use of Mission Command Apps (JBC-P and Nett Warrior) IBCT was able to coordinate Fires batteries and destroy enemy position on the PLD.

Figure N13 Phase 3 Action at Probable Line of Deployment





















Line of Departure LD

Phase Line PL






Phase 3































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3.6.4 Phase 4 Assaulting the Objective: The commander employs all means of fire support to destroy and suppress the enemy, and sustain the momentum of the attack. Attacking units move as quickly as possible onto and through the objective. Depending on the size and preparation of enemy forces, it may be necessary to isolate and destroy portions of the enemy in sequence. Fires BNs will move up to range of objective targets and IBCT units move to positions to support attack on OBJ Giant & Jets. Recon teams will scout weakness and report SITREPS on Mission Command Apps (JBC-P and Nett Warrior). Leaders will maintain COP and SA throughout the Phase.

Figure N14 Phase 4 Assaulting the Objective





















Line of Departure LD

Phase Line PL







































Phase 4

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3.6.5 Phase 5 Consolidating on the Objective. Immediately after a successful assault, the attacking unit seeks to exploit its success. It may be necessary, though, to consolidate its gains. Consolidation can vary from repositioning force and security elements on the objective, to a reorganization of the attacking force, to the organization and detailed improvement of the position for defense.

Figure N15 Phase 5 Consolidating on the Objective

3.6.6 Phase 6 Transition: After seizing the objective, the unit transitions to some other type of military operation. This operation could be the exploitation or pursuit, or perhaps a defense. Transitions (through branches and sequels) are addressed and planned prior to the offensive operation being undertaken.





















Line of Departure LD

Phase Line PL







Phase 5































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Appendix O (Capability Set 13 UTR Detailed Technical Procedures (DTPs))

1.0 Summary: This Appendix covers the DTPs associated with Capability Set 13 unit task reorganization (UTR). These DTPs deal with the movement of a pure Army platoon within the same maneuver battalion and a pure company within the same BCT. The force design for the units involved in this UTR is the modified CS 13 Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) Design. 2.0 Movement of a Pure Platoon in the CS 13 Modified IBCT Design DTP: The task organization of a pure infantry platoon across companies within the same battalion is a UTR Category 2C3. As stated in Appendix K, a UTR CAT2C3 includes only ITNE systems (no UTI), terrestrial operational tier systems only, and only basic task organization mission (BTOM) (i.e. pure fleeted unit). At the platoon level, the primary ITNE tiers affected are only the lower tier waveforms and radio platforms as specified in the ITNE CONOPS. This DTP deals only with the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) network. 2.1 DTP for the SRW Network (Platoon transfer between Companies within the same battalion): The following DTP should be applied after receiving orders for a platoon to be OPCON to another Company within the same battalion. The S-6 must ensure the Platoon knows which Presets are currently programmed on their radios. 2.2 Procedure Summary: The following steps are to be followed to properly plan for and execute the UTR for the selected platoon. These steps are required when utilizing the J-TNT and only include the Network Design Phase and Load/Verification Phase of the ITNE Planning Process. The first three phases are already complete and the S-6 is utilizing the pre-planned NP, ND, and MCF stored in the assigned presets to execute this UTR. 2.3 Procedure: 2.3.1: Identify if the gaining company’s CMD Net is a preset set in the PLT Leader / PLT SGT Classified Radios. No reprogramming should take place if the gaining Company’s presets have been configured on the PLT LDR / PLT SGT Radios. This task is accomplished by setting the radio to the gaining company’s preset. If the preset is not in the radio, proceed to the next step. 2.3.2: Program the PLT Leader / PLT SGT Classified Radios using the JENM tool. Ensure that the newly programmed preset has a Node ID that is unique in the gaining unit’s CMD NET. Do not reprogram unclassified radios operating on PLT CMD NET. 2.3.3: If the Radio being programmed has no presets available, write over least mission critical presets that are currently stored - Update the Radio Mission Data Set (RMDS) and preset spreadsheet with the changes made to the radio. 2.3.4: Conduct radio checks on newly programmed presets as well as Company CMD NET on original preset. Platoon should remain on original Company CMD NET until in the SRW range of the gaining company; communicate via BFT or other means when outside of SRW range. 2.3.5: Program original presets upon return to organic company. 3.0 Movement of a pure company in the CS 13 Modified IBCT Design DTP: The

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task organization of a pure infantry company across battalions within the same BCT is a UTR Category 1C3. As stated in Appendix K, a UTR CAT1C3 includes UTI and ITNE systems, terrestrial operational tier systems only, and only basic task organization mission (BTOM) (i.e. pure fleeted unit). At the company level, the primary ITNE tiers affected are the lower and mid tier waveforms and radio platforms as specified in the ITNE CONOPS. This DTP deals with the Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2) and the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) networks. 3.1 DTP for the ANW2 Network (Company transfer between battalions within the same BCT): The following DTP should be applied after receiving orders for a company to be OPCON to another battalion within the same BCT. The S-6 must ensure the Platoon knows which Presets are currently programmed on their radios and which Command Nets on which they can talk. The PLT Leader / PLT SGT / FDO Classified Radios are preset with. 3.2. Procedure Summary: Each Brigade will receive a FRAGO that contains all of the data for the UTR. The configuration files for the ANW2 networks are included in this package. They are the “*.hcpa” files used by the J-TNT which houses the Harris CPA Tool. The HCPA files contain all the data you will need to reconfigure radios to join other ANW2 networks. In addition any person performing the reconfiguration must have attended J-TNT Net training or be proficient in the use of the Harris CPA tool v1.4.1.26 + Harris Falcon III CPA v1998 add-on. 3.3 Procedure: 3.3.1: Obtain the HCPA file for both battalion networks. 3.3.2: For each radio being moved collect the following information from the losing unit’s HCPA file (Example: 2-87BN_ANW2_NET.hcpa). Name: (example: CDR1A287X1214810); Description: (example: RCDR1-11766-A-2BN87IN); Notes: (example: 2BN87IN SNE CDR); Red Ethernet Address: (example:; Red Ethernet Netmask: (example: 3.3.3: Open the gaining unit HCPA file (Example: 1-32BN_ANW2_NET.hcpa). Check for available IP addresses and assign a new IP address for each radio being moved. Click on any radio in the gaining Battalion’s ANW2 NET topology file and look at the following fields: Red INE Address; Red INE Mask; Lookup SNMP information from Row 35-37 in the Figure O1 below; Determine the Red INE subnet range (use an IP calculator if available); assign an IP address for each radio being added to the Red INE Address field; Ensure the IP address is not being used by an existing radio; check the current assigned IP addresses by opening the Peer Enclave Prefix (PEP) Table and select IP addresses from the Red INE subnet that are not present; <add navigation to PEP>; red INE Mask will stay the same for each radio. 3.3.4: The following information for every radio that is being moved into the Battalion Net File. These include: Name; Description; Notes; Red Ethernet Address; Red Ethernet Netmask; Red INE Address; Red INE Mask. 3.3.5: Perform the following for each radio being added: From the tool bar on the left, drag and drop a new AN/PRC-117G. Then click on the Expand All button in the Properties window. Ensure this radio is highlighted. Press the Control (CTRL) button and click the ANW2C cloud. Then click the Connect button. Configure each radio to match these settings for the ANW2 Global settings for Cloud: Item 5. Always set to 5000KHz. Increased bandwidth will support faster data pass through; Item 6. Slot and

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Month must always match. (example; Dec would be Slot 012, Jan-01); Item 7. Key Chain Configuration is always BATON; Item 8. For CS-13, guidance is for “No Voice”. To Activate “Voice”, Hops must be set to one number from 1-9; Items 9-26 (Station, Global). Every Radio Node is set to the default settings (bolded); Items 27-37 (Individual, Global); Item 32 Red INE Mode always set to MANUAL; Item 35, SNMP User Table. Use the following Default settings: Name: USER001; AuthType: SHA1; Auth String: hello123; Privacy Encryption Type: AES; Privacy Encryption Key: hello123.

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Figure O1

Item Description Details

ANW2 Global

1. Name No periods or slashes, only underlines

2. Black Subnet Set Black Subnet. Network Information/Preset

3. Black Mask Set Black Netmask

4. Frequency Set Frequency in MHz. Network Information/Preset/General

5. Bandwidth Bandwidth = 5000KHz. Network Information/Preset/General

6. Key Chain Config. Global Key Chain Configuration, Key Chain 1, For each Monthly slot, choose the corresponding TEK key. For example.; slot DEC 2012, choose TEK012, for July 2013 choose TEK007.

7. Key Chain Config. Configure BATON Key.

8. No Voice – For CS-13. //Network Information/Presets/General/Epoch/Configuration/Digital

Voice Relay [hops] set to ‘zero’. This disables voice.

Station Global

9. HAIPE Dynamic Discovery ENABLE dynamic discovery, ensure valid/correct key chain, don’t change MC address, and don’t put address in MC table.

10. Default SPD Setting ENABLE Baton DISABLE Medley. From /HAIPE/advanced/Default

SPD Settings/Encryption

11. HAIPE Dynamic PEPT ENABLE Dynamic PEPT from / HAIPE


13. HAIPE PDUN static ENABLE PDUN static

14. Admin Routing Cost Ensure the following set in /Red IP Networking/Red Routes; Static admin cost = 30; RIP admin cost=20; OSPF Admin cost = 10

15. SNMP Set Configure SNMP to ENABLED

16. Red ICMP Processing Set Red ICMP Processing to ENABLED/Station Configuration/Red IP Networking

17. Red Ping Processing Set Red Ping Processing to ENABLED.

18. RIP ENABLERIP;/Station Configuration/ Red IP Networking/Routing Information Protocol

19. RIP, Advertise Default Set Advertise Default to ALLOW

20. RIP, SA Reach ability Set SA Reach ability to ENABLED

21. RIP, SA Reach ability Metric Mode

Set SA reach ability metric to AUTO

22. RIP Interface, Ethernet Set Ethernet to ENABLED

23. RIP Interface, Ethernet Mode Set Ethernet Mode to RX and TX

24. RIP Interface, Ethernet Metric Set Ethernet metric to 1

25. RIP Interface, INE Set INE to ENABLED

26. RIP Interface, INE Metric Set INE Metric to 1

Station, Individual

27. Name Set Name using data obtained from old plan

28. Description Obtained from old plan (optional)

29. Notes Obtained from old plan (Optional)
