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Appendix: A Field Study of Multi-Device Workflows in ...dwigdor/research/uc13.pdf · Sample...

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Id* M/F Age Profession Stake- holders # Artifacts # Digital Artifacts # Digital Computing # Laptops # PC/ Remote PC # Net-books # Smart- phones # Tablets # eReaders # CP1 F 32 Architect 6 14 9 5 1 1 0 1 1 1 CP2 M 45 Design Consultant 5 12 10 9 2 1 0 3 3 0 CP3 M 32 Photographer 3 9 7 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 CP4 M 33 Illustrator 6 8 6 5 3 0 0 1 1 0 CP5 M 38 Motion designer, Film Maker, Interior Des. 3 9 8 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 CP6 M 52 Architect, Theatre Consultant 4 9 6 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 BP1 M 30 Business Consultant 4 9 9 5 1 2 0 1 1 0 BP2 F 36 Marketing Manager 5 11 9 5 1 1 0 1 1 1 BP3 M 33 Startup Entrepreneur; DJ 4 9 6 4 1 0 0 2 1 0 BP4 F 43 Production Manager; Artist 7 8 6 5 2 1 0 1 1 0 BP5 M 37 Management Consultant 4 13 12 9 3 1 0 1 4 0 BP6 M 34 Sales Manager 4 10 9 6 1 1 1 1 2 0 BP7 F 29 Marketing Coordinator 5 10 8 6 1 2 0 1 1 0 IP1 M 22 Computer Science Researcher 3 9 6 5 3 0 0 1 1 0 IP2 F 28 Computer Science Researcher 3 9 6 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 IP3 M 27 Computer Science Researcher 3 8 4 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 IP4 M 28 Computer Science Researcher 3 12 9 6 0 3 0 1 1 0 HP1 M 35 Pharmacist 6 12 8 5 1 1 0 1 2 0 HP2 F 33 Dietician/Nutritionist 7 16 8 4 1 1 0 1 1 0 HP3 F 42 Neurophysiologist 9 10 8 6 2 2 0 1 1 0 EP1 M 32 Engineer 5 13 12 8 3 1 0 1 2 1 EP2 M 31 Geospatial Data Manager 4 16 15 10 5 2 1 1 1 1 *CP: Creative Workers, BP: Business/Marketing, IP: Information Technologist, HP: Health Science, EP: Engineers Appendix: A Field Study of Multi-Device Workflows in Distributed Workspaces Stephanie Santosa and Daniel Wigdor, University of Toronto Participant Demographics

Id* M/F Age Profession


# Artifacts


Digital Artifacts


Digital Computing




PC/ Remote PC


Net-books #





eReaders #

CP1 F 32 Architect 6 14 9 5 1 1 0 1 1 1

CP2 M 45 Design Consultant 5 12 10 9 2 1 0 3 3 0

CP3 M 32 Photographer 3 9 7 4 1 1 0 1 1 0

CP4 M 33 Illustrator 6 8 6 5 3 0 0 1 1 0

CP5 M 38 Motion designer, Film Maker, Interior Des. 3 9 8 4 1 1 0 1 1 0

CP6 M 52 Architect, Theatre Consultant 4 9 6 4 1 1 0 1 1 0

BP1 M 30 Business Consultant 4 9 9 5 1 2 0 1 1 0

BP2 F 36 Marketing Manager 5 11 9 5 1 1 0 1 1 1

BP3 M 33 Startup Entrepreneur; DJ 4 9 6 4 1 0 0 2 1 0

BP4 F 43 Production Manager; Artist 7 8 6 5 2 1 0 1 1 0

BP5 M 37 Management Consultant 4 13 12 9 3 1 0 1 4 0

BP6 M 34 Sales Manager 4 10 9 6 1 1 1 1 2 0

BP7 F 29 Marketing Coordinator 5 10 8 6 1 2 0 1 1 0

IP1 M 22 Computer Science Researcher 3 9 6 5 3 0 0 1 1 0

IP2 F 28 Computer Science Researcher 3 9 6 4 1 1 0 1 1 0

IP3 M 27 Computer Science Researcher 3 8 4 4 1 1 0 1 1 0

IP4 M 28 Computer Science Researcher 3 12 9 6 0 3 0 1 1 0

HP1 M 35 Pharmacist 6 12 8 5 1 1 0 1 2 0

HP2 F 33 Dietician/Nutritionist 7 16 8 4 1 1 0 1 1 0

HP3 F 42 Neurophysiologist 9 10 8 6 2 2 0 1 1 0

EP1 M 32 Engineer 5 13 12 8 3 1 0 1 2 1

EP2 M 31 Geospatial Data Manager 4 16 15 10 5 2 1 1 1 1

*CP: Creative Workers, BP: Business/Marketing, IP: Information Technologist, HP: Health Science, EP: Engineers

Appendix: A Field Study of Multi-Device Workflows in Distributed Workspaces Stephanie Santosa and Daniel Wigdor, University of Toronto

Participant Demographics

Interview Steps and Base Questions

Note participant information:

1a. Profession

1b. Age

1c. Gender

2a. Note physical configurations at workspace. Take pictures if permitted.

2b. What devices are present in current workspace?

2c. Note open windows/current state.

3a. What other devices (+brands) do you use? Which are employer provided?

3b. What other media do you use for work?

4. For each item:

a. Where do you use it?

b. What tasks do you use it for? Why?

c. What applications do you use to perform your tasks?

d. What information is contained?

e. How to you get information in and out of it?

5a. What tasks do you perform across devices?

5b. What information is shared/transferred across devices? How?

6. Describe typical high level work tasks. Walkthrough each aspect: application/devices/tools used

7. Describe device interactions in a typical day.

8. Do you access and interact with any devices remotely?

9. What are your biggest pain points in your workflows? What functionalities, interactions, or technologies do you wish for?

Sample Analysis (EP1)

Data Analysis Process 1. Data is collected during the interview: notes, audio and video recordings, and photos of workspace where applicable 2. Artifact analysis matrix is created from data; interesting points and quotes are noted 4. The participant’s distributed workspace is modeled in device landscape diagram based on artifact analysis 5. Multi-device workflow patterns are extracted from workflow walkthroughs in interview data and highlighted on device landscape diagrams. 6. Cloud service usage and experience is itemized 7. Bottle-necks and pain points as described by participant and observed in workflows are also noted

EP1 Workflow Patterns

Workflow Walkthrough for typical task: writing a technical report. Search for information on laptop, saved to Dropbox and re-opened on tablet. Read documents and use as reference while writing pieces of the report on the PC. Use notebook with smartphone for quick equation lookup and performing calculations (or dig out calculator if the equation more complex) for pen and paper computations for values in report. Keep track of project information and to-do’s using Evernote app. [Producer-Consumer; Performer-Informer] Other Pattern Fragments: Search for documents on laptop, save in Dropbox, re-open in tablet to read [Producer-Consumer] Create reports on laptop, save in Dropbox, re-open in tablet for review [Producer-Consumer] Take notes on notepad, retype to laptop; save in Dropbox, re-open in tablet as reference for writing report on laptop [Producer-Consumer; Performer-Informer] Read reference documents on tablet while using stormwater software on laptop, with phone for quick lookup [Performer-Informer-Helper] Perform email triage (delete and flag) with smartphone as secondary task; re-open in laptop to reply [Parallel Primary-Secondary, Consumer-Producer]



Work Server



Google Drive







Kindle eReader

External Hard Drives

External Hard Drive

Google Music

Corporate Email

10" Android Tablet

Keyboard dock

Work Windows Laptop



Social Media

Media Player

Macbook Laptop

Windows Laptop

7" Android


SLR Camera

EP1 Artifact Analysis Matrix

Artifact Stake-holder

(who) Tasks (what) Applications


Info transfer

out (how)

Info transfer in

(how) Input

Local Info (what + where)

External Info (what + where) Where

Context of use (when) Why/Notes

work provided

Laptop (Dell Inspiron, Windows), Work provided

User, Collaborator, Client

Preparing reports, research, data processing, browsing the web, running models

Microsoft Office, Chrome Browser, pdf reader, Engineering modelling software

To tablet/ phone: Dropbox; email or USB to others

From tablet/ phone: Dropbox; USB from others

Mouse, Keyboard

(below) Current docs temporarily on Dropbox for transfer only (doesn't leave on Dropbox permanently for security)

Work (always), Home (sometimes)

Primary device for work

Content production; production is on the laptop and reading is on the tablet (not much back and forth). The laptop is easier to edit with. Editing applications are better (tablet is too slow). Some docs benefit from more screen space.


Task details User, Collaborator, Client

Preparing reports

Microsoft Word To tablet/ phone: Dropbox; email to others

From tablet/ phone: Dropbox; email from others

Documents (e.g. reports)

Docs to be transferred (Dropbox)

User Preparing presentations

Microsoft ppt To tablet/ phone: Dropbox

From tablet/ phone: Dropbox

Slide presentations

Docs to be transferred (Dropbox)

User, Client, Collaborator

Data processing

Microsoft excel Email to others

From tablet/ phone: Dropbox; from others: USB or email

Spreadsheets Docs to be transferred (Dropbox)

User Research Chrome Browser, pdf reader

Pocket, Dropbox

Documents Docs to be transferred (Dropbox)

User, Collaborator/Boss

Reading reference documentation

Pdf reader, Word Dropbox Dropbox Reference ebooks and papers

Reference ebooks and papers frequently used

User Browsing the web

Chrome Browser, g+, cricinfo

Google plus to share

Bookmarks Internet sites Home, Work Many sites blocked at work

User Running water resource models

Engineering modelling software (SWMHYMO, HEC-RAS, SWMM, Cormix)

USB for data from external source

Model data

User Calendar Google calendar web app

Google Calendar (Web App Sync)

Google Calendar (Web App Sync)

Appointments (Google Account)

User, Client, Collaborator

Email Outlook Email on server Contacts on work server

Laptop (Apple MacBook), personal

User, Collaborators, Family

Reading personal documents and making minor edits

Google docs PDF reader

Google drive, Dropbox

Google drive

Mouse, Keyboard

Word and pdf documents, photos

Google docs on Google drive, shared docs and others on Dropbox

Home Light personal computing

For personal document generation, where tablet cannot be used easily


HP Tablet Laptop, personal

User, Family Creating graphics; occasional streaming of movies/music

Photoshop, VLC, Google Music

Dropbox Dropbox, USB

Mouse, KeyboardStylus

Image files shared files and others on Dropbox and Box.net, Music on Google Music

Home Personal design projects

Stylus input for generating drawings; Infrequent usage


Task details User, Family Creating graphics

Photoshop Dropbox Dropbox Image files (source images, photoshop)

Shared image files on Dropbox

Home Personal design projects

Stylus input for generating drawings

User, Family occasional streaming of movies/music

VLC, Google Music

Dropbox, USB

Movies Music Home (basement)

Used as media player when exercising in basement

Connected to bigger monitor

SmartPhone (HTC Nexus One, Android)

User, Family (below) (below) Dropbox Dropbox Multi-touch, Camera

(below) (below) Taken everywhere

Monitoring and utilities etc at any time, anywhere

Phone is always present and on. Convenient for quick updates and alerts; Used for communication, browsing or reading when no other devices are available


Task details Entertainment (games)

Quell Reflect, Words Up, Scrabble, etc

Media (stream music, video)

YouTube, Netflix, TuneIn Radio, Crackle, TED, Google music

Google music

Music files Music files (Google Music)

Reading blogs Browser, Google Currents

Email or Google Plus to share

Saved blogs Heavily used

Browse social networks

Facebook, Google Plus

Reading books eBook reader app

Dropbox eBooks

Perform calculations

Calculator app Re-type to laptop or copy to notepad

Type in numbers

Capture and process photos (personal and on-site)

Camera, Vignette Dropbox (automatic) Google Plus

Camera Recent photos (cleared regularly)

All photos (automatic sync with Dropbox)

Capture information from paper

Scanner App Scan from paper

Camera Photos, pdf files

Communication (phone, text)

Dialer Contacts data (Google)

Chat GChat Recent chat history

Email Gmail app Emails on Gmail server, Contacts with Google Account

User, Family Reading personal or household documents; minor edits

Google docs, pdf reader

Google drive, Dropbox

Google drive, Dropbox

Extracted selection of Dropbox docs

Docs stored on Google drive or Dropbox

Calendar Android calendar Google Calendar (Web App Sync)

Google Calendar (Web App Sync)

Monitoring info updates for stocks, sport scores, weather, news

Stock widget, ESPN, weather network, News app

Re-type url on tablet

Saved sites

Quick information lookup, textbook reference

PDF reader Re-type Reference sheet PDF’s with values and equations

Dropbox for textbooks

Travel references

Google maps, Lonely planet app

Cached map data

GMap URL’s

Map Navigation

Google maps Locally cache map data when no 3G available

Google map data

Tablet (Asus Transformer Prime, Android)

User, Family Reading reference material, Reading project reports

(below) Dropbox (work docs), Box net (media), Google Drive (personal docs), re-type

Dropbox Dockable Keyboard Multi-touch

Temporarily extracted docs from Dropbox

[Dropbox] eBook References, contains info e.g. model input values, Music on Google Music

Home, work (sometimes), travel

Heavy use at home for browsing, Moderate use at work (not always taken)

Tried to use remote desktop to log in to windows machine (to avoid carrying laptop), but found it inefficient; Android is restrictive in terms of app availability. Android is customizable for personal workflow patterns, interest in tech makes customizing enjoyable


Task details Reading reference material

Pdf reader re-type info pieces for small items. Otherwise, open on laptop to copy-paste (via Dropbox)

Dropbox Temporarily extracted docs from Dropbox

[Dropbox] eBook References, contains info e.g. model input values

Reading project reports and work docs and making minor edits

CloudOn app (access to all sync tools), pdf reader

Dropbox Dropbox Temporarily extracted docs from Dropbox

Incoming documents on Dropbox

Quickly check something (turns on faster). As reference to read during doc creation on laptop; CloudOn can open microsoft docs, but is still laggy. Touch features are not well incorporated in documents;

Reading personal or household documents; minor edits

CloudOn, Google docs, pdf reader

Google drive, Dropbox

Google drive, Dropbox

Temporarily extracted docs from Dropbox

Incoming documents on Dropbox

Organize tasks Google Tasks app Tasks saved in Google Account

Calendar Android calendar Appointments saved in Google Account

Email Gmail app Emails on Gmail server, Contacts with Google Account

Media (stream music, video)

YouTube, Netflix, TuneIn Radio, Crackle, TED, Google Music

Music Files in Google Music, Other media from external sites

Drilldown on monitored information from phone

Stock widget, espn, weather network,news app

Re-type or email url

Screen size makes it easier to read more details about information initially notified about from phone, easy to access since apps are same

Hard drives User,

Collaborators One to backup work laptop, other personal

n/a USB USB, manual selection

n/a All digital files n/a Home, Work Regular backup

Cheaper than cloud options given capacity. Faster than cloud storage for full backups

yes (1)

Kindle User Read novels eBook Reader n/a USB,

WhisperNet Touch eBooks n/a Home, Travel Personal


Form factor and display good for reading


Notepad User, Co-

worker, Client Note-taking, brainstorming, performing calculations, formulating work plans

n/a Re-type to laptop, scan to phone

n/a Pen Notes n/a Work, Client meetings

Collaborative environ-ments, discussions, Quick notes in workplace

Writing is faster on paper; easier to flip pages and come back to them, all same resolution (no zooming required); tablet /laptop do not provide same experience


Task details User Calculations Re-type Write values from laptop or phone


User, co-worker

Brainstorming with others

Re-type Notes

User, client Note taking in client meetings

Re-type Notes

User Formulating work plans

Re-type or scan to phone


Android Media Player

User, Family Photo viewing, Watching Movies and Video Clips

XBMC, YouTube, Chrome

n/a USB (from connected Hard Drive)

Remote control, Mouse

App cache data

Photos and Music from USB

Home (living room)

Personal entertainment

Movies and Photos (Hard Drive), Video clips online; Always connected to TV


Camera User, Family Taking personal photos

n/a USB, SD card (to laptop)

n/a n/a Camera settings

Pictures on SD card

Travel, Special events

Good quality pictures for memories


Nexus 7 tablet User Web surfing, Photo viewing, Skype, Email

Chrome, Gmail app, Skype app

n/a Dropbox n/a n/a Dropbox pictures exported to SD card, Emails on Gmail

Home, Travel Communication, Entertainment

Convenient form factor for leisurely tasks


Wii User, Family,

Friends Gaming Wii games CD n/a Remote

controls User data Games on CDs Home Entertainme

nt Fun, social activity no

Work Server User,

Collaborators Storing shared documents for collaboration; running models

n/a LAN LAN n/a Documents n/a Work Work Safe place for data yes

EP1 Cloud Usage

EP1 Additional Notes

Dropbox is main solution for synchronizing current or recent documents across all devices and is used for transfer across devices

Dropbox or Google drive used for current personal docs; a bit of Box.net Work docs on laptop only, put on Dropbox as required (security concern limits placement of work documents)

Generally, production is on laptop, and reading is on tablet (turns on faster and easier to flip pages)

On tablet, dock keyboard for document editing/emailing, otherwise, hold in landscape mode and control with thumbs

Smartphone monitors news, sports, stocks, etc; if something is interesting, switch to tablet for richer info

Pain points: Word processing not good across all devices, Wish for transfer without Dropbox and folders, No copy-paste across devices (requires re-typing)

Wishes for seamless movement of docs from one place to another, and either instantaneous syncing or to see status

“Having that extra step and putting it in another box after creating is a pain”

“The tablet is more portable but things are not always compatible with touch”

Tried logging in to Windows laptop at work from tablet “because I wanted to just carry tablet on site, but it was not efficient”: slow/laggy, UI was not suited to tablet display

Cloud Solution Usage Access+Issues

Dropbox Temp storage for transfer to self, current and recent documents

Access on all devices with desktop application or mobile app. Limited capacity; No local copies in mobile devices; Would like to see progress status, does not know how to get document history; Not sure how robust it is with collaboration.

Box.net Temp storage when Dropbox is full Access with Mobile app- had some bugs, and at the time desktop version was not available for Mac.

Google Account Contacts, Calendar Use everywhere – most heavily with phone, Linked to Gmail account

Google Drive Personal notes and personal and household docs Access on tablet, smartphone (with app) and laptops (through browser). Limited capacity and cannot keep data on mobile devices locally.

Google Email Transfer files Transfer docs to collaborators and occasional device transfer
