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  • 51-1-10079-028




  • 51-1-10079-028 AC/wp/ADY 51-1-10079-028 C-i






    C.1. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................C-1

    C.2. ACOUSTIC TELEVIEWER SURVEY ..........................................................................C-1

    C.3. NATURAL GAMMA RAY LOGGING .........................................................................C-1

    C.4. INDUCTION LOGGING ................................................................................................C-2


    Televiewer and Natural Gamma Ray Surveys by GeoVision (63 pages)

  • 51-1-10079-028 AC/wp/ADY 51-1-10079-028 C-1




    C.1. GENERAL

    GEOVision of Corona, California performed acoustic televiewer and natural gamma logging in boring B-12. Their report is attached to this appendix. Borehole televiewer surveys are down hole logging techniques that provide an image of the borehole surface. Geologic features such as sedimentary bedding and fractures commonly can be imaged in borehole televiewer surveys. These images include the boring depth, inclination and size. With this information the orientation can be calculated. Bedding and discontinuity attitudes obtained from the borehole televiewer surveys are also included on the B-12 boring log in Appendix B.

    Previously, GEOVision performed acoustic and televiewer logging of boreholes B-1 and B-7 (August 15, 2012) and induction and natural gamma logging in borings B-1, B-3, and B-4 through B-11, optical and acoustic televiewer logging in boring B-10, and acoustic televiewer logging in boring B-11 (December 19, 2012).


    The GEOVision borehole televiewer survey was performed using a RG Borehole Televiewer, or equivalent. The borehole acoustic televiewer utilizes acoustic waves to image the internal surface of the borehole. Because it is acoustic, and not optical, it does not require clear water to operate. The resulting images can be laid out vertically almost like a physical core. The instrument has a built-in fluxgate magnetometer to maintain orientation accuracy throughout the

    be mapped, but oriented in space to provide an orientation angle relative to north, and a dip angle at a measured depth. This analysis is done after the data collection using specialized software tools. The acoustic televiewer requires a stable, fluid filled, uncased borehole between 67 and 150 mm diameter.


    GEOVision performed natural gamma ray logging for boring B-12. Natural gamma ray logging is a method of measuring naturally occurring gamma radiation to characterize the rock in a borehole. Natural gamma radiation in rock typically increases with increasing clay content;

  • 51-1-10079-028 AC/wp/ADY 51-1-10079-028 C-2

    therefore, it can be used to identify lithology and stratigraphy in boreholes or wells. In particular, shale usually emits more gamma rays than other sedimentary rocks, such as sandstone, because radioactive potassium is a common component in their clay content. This difference in radioactivity allows the gamma tool to distinguish between shale and non-shale rock types. The gamma ray log, like other types of well logging, is done by lowering an instrument down the hole and recording gamma radiation variation with depth. The resultant logging allows for the selection of contacts between geologic units. Because gamma radiation can penetrate steel, plastic and fluids, the logging can be done in cased holes, and uncased holes with or without drilling fluid.


    GEOVision performed induction logging in boring B-12. Induction logging is a method of well logging measures electrical conductivity. Most rock materials are essentially insulators, while their enclosed fluids are conductors. The results can be used to characterize rock porosity and permeability.


    ASTM International (ASTM), 2006, Annual Book of Standards-Construction, v. 4.08, soil and rock, (I): D 420 D 5611: West Conshohocken, Pa

    Ulusay, Resat and Hudson, J. A., eds., 2007, The complete ISRM suggested methods for rock characterization, testing and monitoring: 1974-2006: Ankara, Commission on Testing Methods, International Society of Rock Mechanics, 628 p.

    Shannon & Wilson, Inc., 2012a, Final Geotechnical Report, White Point Landslide: Report prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Glendale, Calif., W. O. E1907483, for City of Los Angeles Geotechnical Engineering Group, Los Angeles, Calif., August, 467 p.

    Shannon & Wilson, Inc., 2012b, Final Addendum Geotechnical Report No. 1, White Point Landslide: Report prepared by Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Glendale, Calif., W. O. E1907483, for City of Los Angeles Geotechnical Engineering Group, Los Angeles, Calif., August, 500 p.


    BORING B-12


    April 19, 2013 Report 13120-01 rev 0

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 1 of 63


    BORING B-12


    Prepared for

    Shannon & Wilson, Inc. 664 West Broadway

    Glendale, California 91204 (818) 543-4560

    Prepared by

    GEOVision Geophysical Services 1124 Olympic Drive

    Corona, California 92881 (951) 549-1234 Project 13120

    April 19, 2013 Report 13120-01 rev 0

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 2 of 63


    TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... 3

    TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................... 4

    TABLE OF TABLES..................................................................................................................................... 4

    TABLE OF APPENDICIES........................................................................................................................... 4

    INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................... 5

    SCOPE OF WORK ....................................................................................................................................... 5

    INSTRUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................... 6

    ACOUSTIC TELEVIEWER INSTRUMENTATION ...................................................................................................... 6

    INDUCTION / NATURAL GAMMA INSTRUMENTATION ............................................................................................ 8

    MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................. 10

    ACOUSTIC TELEVIEWER MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES ................................................................................... 10

    INDUCTION / NATURAL GAMMA MEASUREMENT PROCEDURES.......................................................................... 10

    DATA ANALYSIS....................................................................................................................................... 12

    ACOUSTIC TELEVIEWER ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................. 12

    INDUCTION / NATURAL GAMMA ANALYSIS........................................................................................................ 13

    RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 13

    ACOUSTIC TELEVIEWER RESULTS .................................................................................................................. 13

    INDUCTION / NATURAL GAMMA RESULTS......................................................................................................... 13

    SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................. 14

    DISCUSSION OF TELEVIEWER RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 14

    DISCUSSION OF INDUCTION / NATURAL GAMMA RESULTS ................................................................................ 14

    QUALITY ASSURANCE .................................................................................................................................... 15

    TELEVIEWER DATA RELIABILITY...................................................................................................................... 15

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 3 of 63

  • Table of Figures Figure 1: Concept illustration of televiewer probe......................................................................................17

    Figure 2. Boring B-12, Acoustic Deviation Projection................................................................................21

    Figure 3. Boring B-12, Induction and natural gamma logs ........................................................................22

    Table of Tables Table 1. Boring locations and logging dates..............................................................................................16

    Table 2. Logging dates and depth ranges .................................................................................................16

    Table 3. Televiewer Deviation Data Summary ..........................................................................................16

    Table 4. Boring B-12, Acoustic Structure depth, dip azimuth, dip and description....................................18






    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 4 of 63


    Acoustic televiewer images, induction data and natural gamma data were collected in one

    uncased rock boring at the White Point Landslide in San Pedro, California. Data acquisition was

    performed on April 12, 2013 by Victor Gonzalez of GEOVision. Analysis and report

    preparation was performed by Victor Gonzalez and Emily Feldman and reviewed by Robert

    Steller of GEOVision. The work was performed under subcontract with Shannon & Wilson,

    Inc., with Steven Diem serving as the point of contact for Shannon & Wilson.

    This report describes the field measurements, data analysis, and results of this work.


    This report presents the results of induction, natural gamma and acoustic televiewer logs

    collected in one uncased nominal 3.86 inch diameter boring, as detailed in Table 1. The purpose

    of these studies was to supplement open fracture location information obtained during Shannon

    & Wilsons rock coring program and to acquire fracture and bedding depths, azimuths and dips

    as an aid in locating potential landslide failure planes.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 5 of 63


    Acoustic Televiewer Instrumentation

    Acoustic televiewer data were collected using a Robertson high resolution acoustic televiewer

    probe (HiRAT), controlled by Robertsons HiRAT program, version 11. The total length of the

    probe as used in this survey is 5.2 feet, with the sensor head located 0.5 feet above the bottom

    end of the probe, as illustrated in Figure 1. The probe receives control signals from, and sends

    data to, instrumentation on the surface via a 4-conductor armored cable. The cable is wound

    onto the drum of a winch and is used to support the probe. Cable travel is measured to provide

    probe depth data, using a sheave of known circumference fitted with a digital rotary encoder.

    The probe and depth data are transmitted by USB link from the Micrologger unit to a laptop

    computer where it is displayed and stored on hard disk. The probe is centered in the boring by

    two sets of flat spring centralizers.

    In this application, this probe is useful in the following studies:

    Measurement of boring inclination and deviation from vertical

    Determination of need to correct soil and geophysical log depths to true vertical depths

    Acoustic imaging of the boring wall to identify fractures, dikes, and weathered zones,

    and determine dip and azimuth of these features

    This system produces images of the boring wall based upon the amplitude and travel time of an

    ultrasonic beam reflected from the formation wall. The ultrasonic energy is generated by a

    piezoelectric transducer at a frequency of 1.4 MHz. A periodic acoustic energy wave is emitted

    by the transducer and travels through the acoustic head and boring fluid until it reaches the

    interface between the boring fluid and the boring wall. Here a portion of the energy is reflected

    back to the transducer, the remainder continuing on into the formation. By careful time

    sequencing, the piezoelectric transducer acts as both the transmitter of the ultrasonic pulse and

    receiver of the reflected wave. The travel time of the energy wave is the period between

    transmission of the source energy pulse and the return of the reflected wave measured at the

    point of maximum wave amplitude. The magnitude of the wave energy is measured in dB, a

    unit-less ratio of the detected echo wave amplitude divided by the amplitude of the transmitted

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 6 of 63

  • wave. The strength of the reflected signal depends primarily upon the impedance contrast of the

    boring fluid and the boring wall formation. In these rock borings, the contrast between the water

    filling the boring and the rock formation generally provides high contrast. The changes in

    reflectance between rock types provide imaging of healed fractures in the parent rock.

    The acoustic wave propagates along the axis of the probe and then is reflected perpendicular to

    this axis by a reflector that focuses the beam to a 0.1-inch diameter spot about 2 inches from the

    central axis of the probe. This reflector is mounted on the shaft of a stepper motor enabling the

    position of the measurement to be rotated through 360 . Sampling rates of 90, 180 and 360

    measured points per revolution are available. During these surveys, data were collected at 360

    samples per revolution, providing an equivalent horizontal pixel size of approximately 0.052

    inches on the boring wall. It should be noted that during logging the probe is moving vertically

    in the boring, so that the measured points describe a very fine pitch spiral.

    The probe contains a fluxgate magnetometer to monitor magnetic north, and all raw televiewer

    data is referenced to magnetic north. The processed data is referenced to true north, using a

    declination of 12.5 degrees east for this site and dates, obtained from the NOAA declination web

    site (http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag-web/#declination). Also, a three axis accelerometer is

    enclosed in the probe, and boring deviation data is recorded during the logging runs, to permit

    correction of structure dip angle from apparent dip, (referenced to boring axis), to true dip

    (referenced to a vertical axis) in non-vertical borings. The probe is centered in the boring by two

    sets of flat spring centralizers.

    The data are presented on a computer screen for operator review during the logging run, and

    stored on hard disk for later processing.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 7 of 63

  • Induction / Natural Gamma Instrumentation

    Formation conductivity and natural gamma data were collected using a DUIN model dual

    induction probe, manufactured by Robertson Geologging, Ltd. The probe is 7.5 feet long, and

    1.5 inches in diameter.

    This probe is useful in the following studies:

    Bed boundary identification

    Strata correlation between borings

    Strata geometry and type (shale indication)

    The probe receives control signals from, and sends the digitized measurement values to, a

    Robertson Micrologger II on the surface via an armored 4 conductor cable. The cable is wound

    onto the drum of a winch and is used to support the probe. Cable travel is measured to provide

    probe depth data, using a sheave of known circumference fitted with a digital rotary encoder.

    The probe and depth data are transmitted by USB link from the Micrologger unit to a laptop

    computer where it is displayed and stored on hard disk.

    An Electro-Magnetic (EM) induction probe consists of transmitter and receiver coils. An

    alternating current is applied to the transmitter coil, causing the coil to radiate a primary EM

    field. This primary EM field generates eddy currents in subsurface materials, which give rise to a

    secondary EM field. The secondary EM field is measured as an alternating current in the receiver

    coils, which is proportional to formation conductivity. The probe coil spacing is optimized to

    achieve high vertical resolution, minimal borehole influence and large radius of investigation.

    The Robertson focused dual induction probe has effective coil spacings of 1.6 and 2.6 feet,

    operates at a frequency of 39 kHz, has 1 millisiemens/meter resolution, and operates over a 5 to

    3000 millisiemens/meter conductivity range.

    Natural gamma measurements rely upon small quantities of radioactive material contained in soil

    and rocks to emit gamma radiation as they decay. Trace amounts of uranium and thorium are

    present in a few minerals, where potassium-bearing minerals such as feldspar, mica and clays

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 8 of 63

  • will include traces of a radioactive isotope of potassium. These emit gamma radiation as they

    decay with an extremely long half-life. This radiation is detected by scintillation - the production

    of a tiny flash of light when gamma rays strike a crystal of sodium iodide. The light is converted

    into an electrical pulse by a photomultiplier tube. Pulses above a threshold value of 60 KeV are

    counted by the probe's microprocessor. The measurement is useful because the radioactive

    elements are concentrated in certain soil and rock types e.g. clay or shale, and depleted in others

    e.g. sandstone or coal.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 9 of 63


    Acoustic Televiewer Measurement Procedures

    Boring B-12 was logged with the acoustic televiewer below water level. In accordance with the

    manufacturers recommended procedures, the probe was inspected and tested prior to entering

    the boring. The probe was then positioned with the collar of the probe positioned at grade, and

    the electronic depth counter was set to 4.72 feet, corresponding to the offset between collar and

    imaging unit. The probe was lowered to the bottom of the boring, where data acquisition was

    started on the laptop computer. The rotational scan resolution was set to 360 samples per

    revolution, giving a horizontal pixel size of 0.035 inches. The probe was then raised at a

    nominal rate of 3 feet per minute to static water level with an acquisition rate of 250

    samples/foot, giving an equivalent vertical pixel size of 0.004 feet (approximately 0.05 inches).

    This file was then closed and reviewed on the computer screen. Upon completion of the

    measurements, the probe zero depth indication at grade was verified prior to removal from the


    Induction / Natural Gamma Measurement Procedures

    Boring B-12 was logged with the DUIN probe, which is not sensitive to the presence of water or

    non-conductive casing. The probe was positioned with the top of the probe at ground surface,

    and the electronic depth counter was set to the specified length of the probe. The probe was

    lowered to the bottom of the boring where data acquisition was begun, and the probe was

    returned to the surface at 10 feet/sec, collecting data continuously at 0.05-foot spacing, as

    summarized in Table 2. Measurements followed ASTM D6726-01 (Re-approved 2007)

    Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging Electromagnetic Induction. This probe was not

    calibrated in the field, as it is used to provide qualitative measurements, not quantitative values,

    and is used only to assist in picking transitions between stratigraphic units, as described in

    ASTM D5753-05 (Reapproved 2010), Planning and Conducting Borehole Geophysical

    Logging. A functional test was performed prior to the logging run by placing a coil with an

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 10 of 63

  • effective conductivity value over the probe, and recording the resultant output of the system at

    each conductivity value.

    Natural gamma was not calibrated in the field, as it is a qualitative measurement, not a

    quantitative value, and is used only to assist in picking transitions between stratigraphic units, as

    described in ASTM D6274-10, Conducting Borehole Geophysical Logging Gamma.

    Upon completion of the measurements, the probe zero depth indication at the depth reference

    point was verified prior to removal from the boring.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 11 of 63


    Acoustic Televiewer Analysis

    The acoustic televiewer data were processed using Robertsons RGLDIP software, version 6.2.

    Sinusoidal projections of fractures in the boring walls were interactively picked on the un-

    wrapped televiewer image, and are presented on the logs as blue sinusoids superimposed over

    the televiewer image. Bedding features, where identifiable, were picked on the same images,

    and are presented on the logs as green sinusoids. The sinusoidal projections were processed

    using the standard boring gauge of 3.86 inches to calculate apparent dip angle. True dip was

    calculated, correcting for the plunge of the borings using the recorded data from the

    accelerometers located in the probes, and presented in arrow format, with true dip indicated by

    the arrow position across the plot. Azimuth of dip (not strike), is indicated by the direction of

    the arrow tail, with true north being up. These values are presented with the comments to the

    right of the arrow plots, as dip azimuth followed by dip angle.

    The televiewer images were also processed to create a simulated core image of the borings. It

    must be noted that the simulated core image represents a core that would have the full 3.86 inch

    diameter of the boring, not the diameter of any cores removed during drilling, so that direct

    comparison between the two is not possible. Also, the unwrapped image is viewed from the

    perspective of an observer in the center of the boring looking outward. The simulated core

    image is viewed form the outside of the boring looking inward, so there is a reversal of the

    position of east and west relative to north between the two images.

    The acoustic televiewer data were also processed to extract the deviation data and produce an

    ASCII file and plots of boring deviation, as well as a 4-arm caliper log, derived from the acoustic

    travel time data.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 12 of 63

  • Induction / Natural Gamma Analysis

    No analysis is required with the induction and natural gamma data; however depths to

    identifiable boring features were compared to verify compatible depth readings on all logs.

    Using WellCAD software version 4.3, these data were converted to LAS and PDF formats for

    transmittal to the client.


    Acoustic Televiewer Results

    Acoustic televiewer images and dip data are presented in Appendix A. Acoustic Televiewer

    based caliper logs are presented in Appendix B. Both are provided in PDF format as well.

    Fracture and bedding depth, dip and azimuth of dip data are provided on the multi-page log

    sheets in Appendix A, in Table 4 and in Microsoft Excel® format for input into stereonet analysis


    Acoustic boring deviation data for B-12 are presented graphically in Figure 2, and summarized

    in Table 3. Deviation data plots in Acrobat format and deviation data at 1.0-foot stations are

    presented in ASCII format.

    Induction / Natural Gamma Results

    Induction data are presented in a combined log plot with natural gamma data as a single page log

    in Figure 2. The multi-page, 1in:10ft scale, log is presented in Appendix C and on the disk (CD-

    R) that accompanies this report.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 13 of 63


    Discussion of Televiewer Results

    Boring B-12 was drilled in soft fractured rock with a rotary mud diamond core bit, and produced

    good televiewer images. The upper portion of the boring is intensely fractured. Many hairline

    and healed fractures are present. The use of the acoustic televiewer data for the location of open

    fractures is recommended, as the travel time function of the acoustic televiewer clearly

    delineates areas where there is material absent from the boring wall. This is visible on the

    acoustic televiewer derived caliper plots contained in Appendix B.

    The boring exhibits a deviation of 0.8 degrees, deviating a horizontal distance of 1.75 feet over

    the 129.5 foot depth boring, as summarized in Table 3. This corresponds to a maximum depth

    error of 0.01 percent, which does not warrant adjustment of depth values on the logs.

    Discussion of Induction / Natural Gamma Results

    Conductivity and natural gamma profiles suggest interbedding of varying materials, and

    correspond with changes in the televiewer logs.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 14 of 63

  • Quality Assurance

    These televiewer measurements were performed using industry-standard or better methods for

    both measurements and analyses. All work was performed under GEOVision quality assurance

    procedures, which include:

    Use of NIST-traceable calibrations, where applicable, for field and laboratory


    Use of standard field data logs;

    Use of independent verification of orientation and plunge by comparison of measured values

    to as built information and reference structures, such as casing shoe or water surface, when


    Televiewer Data Reliability

    Depth indications are very reliable with estimated precision of +/- 0.2 feet. Estimated precision

    of dip and azimuth of dip is +/- 5 degrees. Standardized field procedures and quality assurance

    checks add to the reliability of these data.

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 15 of 63



    B-12 4/12/2013 (1) Coordinates provided by Shannon & Wilson

    Table 1. Boring locations and logging dates









    B-12 INDUCTION/GAMMA 01 129.8 2.5 130 3 0.05 4/12/2013B-12 ACOUSTIC TELEVIEWER 01 1.9 129.5 130 3 0.004 4/12/2013


    Table 2. Logging dates and depth ranges







    B-12 0.8 N178.9 129.46 129.44 0.02 1.75

    Table 3. Televiewer Deviation Data Summary

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 16 of 63

  • Figure 1: Concept illustration of televiewer probe

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 17 of 63

  • Table 4. Boring B-12, Acoustic Structure depth, dip azimuth, dip and description

    Depth Dip Structure

    (feet) azimuth Dip


    11.1 N335 37 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    13.2 N019 10 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    18.9 N165 46 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    19.2 N043 73 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    19.8 N098 38 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    21.2 N107 78 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    21.3 N350 31 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    22.2 N036 37 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    22.5 N021 42 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    24.4 N360 49 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    25.2 N020 67 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    27.1 N234 6 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    27.5 N147 5 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    27.9 N162 6 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    28.6 N157 22 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    29.1 N099 84 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    29.7 N141 20 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    30.9 N196 14 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    31.6 N202 11 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    32.1 N193 14 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    32.5 N185 15 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    33.2 N080 52 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    35.5 N185 16 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    40.9 N173 17 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    43.4 N106 57 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    53.0 N270 81 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    53.2 N092 81 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    55.0 N000 25 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    55.2 N169 25 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    55.5 N172 18 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    55.7 N033 76 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    56.2 N136 13 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    57.8 N087 63 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    58.4 N110 67 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    62.0 N090 62 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    62.2 N107 80 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 18 of 63

  • Depth Dip Structure

    (feet) azimuth Dip


    62.9 N023 21 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    63.3 N116 37 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    65.3 N253 15 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    67.5 N300 14 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    67.7 N256 61 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    67.9 N026 84 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    68.2 N113 11 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    68.4 N097 6 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    68.6 N091 6 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    68.9 N078 3 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    71.6 N113 43 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    78.3 N131 41 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    79.2 N152 11 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    79.3 N266 75 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    79.3 N146 21 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    80.1 N097 64 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    80.9 N094 1 Fracture Planar Open-fracture

    81.1 N213 5 Fracture Planar Open-fracture

    82.8 N044 83 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    85.4 N086 81 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    91.7 N108 68 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    92.8 N064 55 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    94.1 N110 46 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    96.9 N301 57 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    97.8 N114 63 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    98.6 N122 4 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    99.8 N202 8 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    100.1 N071 1 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    101.0 N097 36 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    101.9 N313 56 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    101.9 N253 85 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    103.3 N140 4 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    104.2 N108 7 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    105.3 N134 35 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    105.3 N086 80 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    105.7 N141 13 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    106.2 N097 3 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    106.7 N104 7 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    107.2 N114 83 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    GEOVision Report 13120-01 White Point Boring B-12 Surveys rev 0 April 19, 2013 Page 19 of 63

  • Depth Dip Structure

    (feet) azimuth Dip


    108.7 N143 2 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    109.2 N105 55 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    109.5 N092 4 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    110.2 N220 72 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    110.6 N063 18 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    110.7 N121 78 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    111.0 N255 64 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    111.8 N095 9 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    112.2 N165 57 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    112.9 N120 6 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    113.1 N159 7 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    113.3 N118 77 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    113.4 N278 61 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    113.7 N070 46 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    114.9 N101 77 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    116.4 N110 6 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    117.3 N102 6 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    117.4 N096 62 Fracture Planar Open-fracture

    118.3 N114 46 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    118.9 N141 64 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    120.6 N062 43 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    120.9 N064 36 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    123.5 N093 66 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    123.9 N121 52 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    125.1 N194 11 Primary-structure Planar Bedding

    126.2 N265 25 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    126.3 N120 36 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    127.1 N196 39 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    127.5 N227 68 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    127.5 N133 44 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

    128.6 N230 44 Fracture Planar Hairline-fracture

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  • Figure 2. Boring B-12, Acoustic Deviation Projection

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  • Figure 3. Boring B-12, Induction and natural gamma logs

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  • White Point Landslide Boring B-12 Acoustic Televiewer Derived Caliper rev 1 Sheet 1 of 18

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  • Depth



    Natural Gamma


    0 200CPS

    Conductivity (short-spacing)

    0 400mS/m

    Conductivity (long-spacing)

    0 400mS/m









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  • Depth



    Natural Gamma


    0 200CPS

    Conductivity (short-spacing)

    0 400mS/m

    Conductivity (long-spacing)

    0 400mS/m






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