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Appendix I List of Abbreviations a.b. as before a.b.d. as before described abut. abutment adj. adjoining or adjustment a.f. after fixing or angle fillet agg. aggregate agst. against alice. allowance alt. alternate alum. aluminium appvd. approved air all round archve. architrave ard. around asp. asphalt assctd. associated art. artificial av. average bast. basement bd. board bdd. boarded bdg. boarding bdy. boundary b.e. bossed end or both ends bearg. bearing benchg. benching b. f. before fixing b.i. build in or built in b.i.g. back inlet gully bit. bitumen b. & j. bed and joint bk. brick bkg. breaking bkt. bracket bldg. building blk. block b.m.s. both measured separately b.n. bullnose bott. bottom b. & p. bed and point br. branch breakg. breaking brr. bearer b.s. both sides BS British Standard b.s.m. both sides measured bwk. brickwork cal. plumb. calcium plumbate calkg. caulking cant. cantilever cap. capacity or capillary cappg. capping casg. casing cast. casement cat. catalogue cav. cavity C.C. curved cutting C.C.N. close copper nailing ccs. centres c. & f. cut and fit chan. channel chfd. chamfered chnlk. chain link chr. chromium chy. chimney c. i. cast iron eire. circular cistn. cistern 263

Appendix I List of Abbreviations

a.b. as before a.b.d. as before described abut. abutment adj. adjoining or adjustment a.f. after fixing or angle fillet agg. aggregate agst. against alice. allowance alt. alternate alum. aluminium appvd. approved air all round archve. architrave ard. around asp. asphalt assctd. associated art. artificial av. average

bast. basement bd. board bdd. boarded bdg. boarding bdy. boundary b.e. bossed end or both ends bearg. bearing benchg. benching b. f. before fixing b.i. build in or built in b.i.g. back inlet gully bit. bitumen b. & j. bed and joint bk. brick bkg. breaking bkt. bracket

bldg. building blk. block b.m.s. both measured separately b.n. bullnose bott. bottom b. & p. bed and point br. branch breakg. breaking brr. bearer b.s. both sides BS British Standard b.s.m. both sides measured bwk. brickwork

cal. plumb. calcium plumbate calkg. caulking cant. cantilever cap. capacity or capillary cappg. capping casg. casing cast. casement cat. catalogue cav. cavity C.C. curved cutting C.C.N. close copper nailing ccs. centres c. & f. cut and fit chan. channel chfd. chamfered chnlk. chain link chr. chromium chy. chimney c. i. cast iron eire. circular cistn. cistern


264 Building Quantities Explained

c.j. close jointed clg. ceiling cln. clean else bdd. close boarded c. m. cement mortar col. colour comb. combined comm. commencing comms. commons commsng. commissioning comp. compression compactn. compaction compo. composition cone. concrete concld. concealed conn. connection constn. construction cont. continuous contd. continued cop. copper copg. coping cos. course covd. covered coverg. covering c.p. chromium plated cplg. coupling c. & p .. cut and pin crnr. corner c.s.a. cross sectional area csd. coursed c.s.g. clear sheet glass c'sk. countersunk ct. coat or cement cu cubic cultvd. cultivated cupd. cupboard curv. curved cuttg. cutting c. w. cold water

dble. double ddt. deduct delvd. delivered dep. deposit

dia. or diam. diameter diag. diagonally diagrm. diagram diff. difference dimnsd. dimensioned disch. discharge dist. distance or distemper ditto. or do. that which

has been said before div. divided dp. deep d.p.c. damp-proof course dr. door or drain dwg. drawing

ea. each earthwk. earthwork edgg. edging e.g. eaves gutter emulsn. emulsion enam. enamel eng. engineering Eng. English e.o. extra over ex. exceeding or extra exc. excavate excavn. excavation exp. exposed ext. external

facewk. facework fast. fastener fcg. facing f/cly. fireclay fdn. foundation f.e. fair end f. f. fair face fillg. filling fin. finish or finished firrg. firring fittg. fitting

fl. flush Flem. Flemish flex. flexible fig. flooring flgd. flanged fir. floor fltd. floated F.O. fix only follg. following fr. frame frmg. framing ft. feet furn. furniture fwd. forward fwk. formwork fxd. fixed fxg. fixing

galvd. galvanised g.b.d.p. gas barrel distance pieces gen. general g.i. galvanised iron g. 1 . ground level glzd. glazed glzg. glazing g.m. gauged mortar gradg. grading grassld. grassland grd.(s) ground(s) grtd. grouted grtg. grouting grve. groove g.s. general surfaces gtg. grating gth. girth g.w.i. galvanised wrought iron gyp. gypsum

H.A. highway authority h.b. half-brick h.b.s. herringbone strutting hd. hard or head hd/rl. handrail

Appendix I - Abbreviations 265

h.c. or hdcore. hardcore hdd. headed hdg. heading herrgbone. herringbone hg. hung hi. high h.j. heading joint hkd. hooked holl. hollow hor. horizontal h.p. high pressure hsd. housed h.r. half round ht. height hth. hearth hwd. hardwood

inc. including indvdl. individual insulatn. insulation inter. intermediate int. internal invt. invert irreg irregular isoltd. isolated

jb. jamb jst. joist jt. joint jtd. jointed jtg. jointing junctn. junction

kg kilogram(s) km kilometre(s) k.p.s. knot, prime and stop

Ia. large L.A. local authority lapd. lapped layg. laying ld. lead len. length lev. level lg. long

266 Building Quantities Explained

lin. linear ling. lining l.m. lime mortar l.o. linseed oil l.p. large pipe

m metre(s) m2 square metre(s) m3 cubic metre(s) mach. machine mat. material max. maximum mech. mechanical med. medium memb. membrane membr. member mesd. measured met. metal m/gd. make good m.h. manhole mi. mitre min. minimum mldd. moulded mm millimetre(s) mo. moulded or mortar mors. mortice m.s. mild steel m/s measured separately mull. mullion multi-col. multi- coloured

n.e. not exceeding nee. necessary nr number nld. nailed nom. nominal nsg. nosing nt. neat

o/a. overall o.e. one end or other end o/fl. overflow

o'hg. overhang o/let. outlet o'll. overall (alternative to o/a.) opg. opening optd. operated O.Q. ordinary glazing quality ord. ordinary o.s. one side oslg. oversailing G) three oils

pan. panel patt. pattern/patterned pavg. paving p.c. prime cost p.d.p. plastic distance pieces ped. pedestal or pedestrian perf. perforation perm. permanent picrl. picture rail pia. plaster pl. blk. plinth block pltd. plated plugd. plugged p.m. purpose made p.o. planted on pol. polish/polished polyth. polythene polyst. polystyrene posn. position ppt. parapet pr. pair prep. prepare preservn. preservation proj. projecting/projection provsn. provision provsnl. provisional p.s. pressed steel P. St. Portland stone p. & s. plugged and screwed pt. point, paint or part ptg. pointing ptn. partition

Appendix I - Abbreviations 267

q.t. quarry tile sel. selected qual. quality serv. service

S. F. stepped flashing s.j. soldered joint

rad. radius sk. sunk/sink rakg. raking sktg. skirting R.C. raking cutting shelvg. shelving r. cone. reinforced concrete s.l. short length rd. round or road slopg. sloping rdd. rounded sm. small rdwy. roadway smth. smooth reb. rebated sn. sawn rec. receive s.n. swanneck rect. rectangular soc. socket red. reduced soff. soffit or soffite ref. reference s.p. small pipe reg. regular spec. special rf. roof spld. splayed reinfd. reinforced sprd. spread reinft. reinforcement sq. square rendg. rendering s. & s. spigot and socket retn. return st. stone or straight rg. ring stackg. stacking r. & g. rubbed and gauged stand. standard rl. rail stl. steel r.l. red lead stret. stretcher r.l.j. red lead joint stripd. stripped ro. rough strng. straining r.o.j. rake out joints strt. straight r.s. rolled steel struct. structure r. & s. render and set sty. storey r.s.j. rolled steel joist suppt. support rt. root surf. surface r. w. rainwater surrd. surround r.w.p. rainwater pipe susp. suspended

S. & V. P. soil and vent pipe s. v. stop valve or sluice valve

san. sanitary swd .. softwood s.c. stop cock scrd. screwed or screed scrdn. screw down tankg. tanking sd. sand tarmac. tarmacadam s.e. stopped end tbr. timber sec. or sectn. section temp. temporary

268 Building Quantities Explained

t.c. terra cotta ten. tenon t. & g. tongued and grooved tgd. tongued th. thick thermp. thermoplastic thro. throated or through thsd. thousand tiltg. tilting tk. tank tog. together tr. trench triang. triangular t. & r. tread and riser trav. traversed trd. tread trimg. trimming trowld. trowelled

u/c undercoat u/grd. underground uncsd. uncoursed underclk. undercloak upstd. upstand u/s. underside

vert. vertical vit. vitreous

wd. wood wdw. window wethd. weathered w.g. white glazed w. with w. i. wrought iron wk. work wkg. sp. working space w.p. wax polish or waterproof W. P. waste pipe wrot. wrought w/s working space (alternative to wkg. sp.) wt. weight

x-reb. cross rebated xtg. existing x-tgd. cross tongued

Y. st. York stone

Note: the abbreviations SMM and SMMl have been used extensively throughout this book and refer to the Standard Method of Measure­ment of Building Works: Seventh Edition.

Appendix Formulae

Figure Area

Square (side)2

II Mensuration

Rectangle length x breadth

Triangle ~ x base x height or V[s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)] where s = ~ X sum of the three sides and a, b and c are the lengths of the three sides.

Hexagon 2.6 x (side)2

Octagon 4.83 x (side)2

Trapezoid height x ~(base + top)

Circle (22/7) x radius2 or (22/7) x ~ diameter2

(1rr> (1To2t4> circumference = 2 x (22/7) x radius or

(21Tr) (22/7) x diameter


Sector of Circle ~ length of arc x radius

Segment of Circle area of sector - area of triangle


270 Building Quantities Explained

Figure Prism




Segment of Sphere



Frustum of Pyramid

Frustum of Cone

Volume area of base x height


(22/7) x radius2 x length (7T,-2h)

(4/3) x (22/7) x radius3


(22/7) X (height/6) X

(3 radius2 + height2)

((7Th/6) X (3,-2 + h2)]

~ area of base x height

~ x (22/7) x radius2 x height (~7T,-2h)

~height [A+ B + V(AB)J where A is area of large end and B is area of small end. (22/7) X ~ height (R2 + r2 + Rr) where R is radius of large end and r is radius of small end. H 1rh(R2 + r2 + Rr)]

Surface Area circumference of base x height

6 x (side)2

2 x (22/7) x radius x (length + radius)

[27Tr(h + r)]

4 x (22/7) x radius2


curved sur­face= 2 x (22/7) x radius x height ( h) (27Trh)

~ circumference of base x slant height

(22/7) x radius x slant height (/) (7Tr/)

~ mean circumfe­rence x slant height

(22/7) x slant height (R + r) [1ri(R + r)] where I is slant height

For Simpson's rule and prismoidal formula see chapter 3.

Appendix III Metric Conversion Table







1 in. = 25.44 mm [approximately 25 mm, then (mm/ 100) x 4 = in.]

1 ft = 304.8 mm (approximately 300 mm) 1 yd = 0.914 m (approximately 910 mm)

1 mile = 1.609 km (approximately 1 ~ km) 1 m = 3.281 ft = 1.094 yd (approximately 1.1 yd)

(1 0 m = 11 yd approximately) 1 km = 0.621 mile(~ mile approximately)

1 ft2 = 0.093 m2

1 yd2 = 0.836 m2

1 acre = 0.405 ha [1 ha (hectare) = 10 000 m2]

1 mile2 = 2.590 km2

1 m2 = 10.764 ft2 = 1.196 yd2 (approximately 1.2 yd2)

1 ha = 2.471 acres (approximately 2 ~ acres) 1 km2 = 0.386 mile2

1 ttl = 0.028 m3

1 yd3 = 0.765 m3

1 m3 = 35.315 ft3 = 1.308 yd3 (approximately 1.3 yd3)

1 ft3 = 28.32 litres (1 000 litres = 1 m3)

1 gal = 4.546 litres 1 litre = 0.220 gal (approximately 4 ~ litres to the gallon)

1 lb = 0.454 kg (kilogram) 1 cwt = 50.80 kg (approximately 50 kg) 1 ton = 1 .016 t (1 tonne = 1 000 kg = 0. 984 ton) 1 kg = 2.205 lb (approximately 2 ~ lb)

1 lb/ft3 = 16.019 kg!m3

1 kg!m3 = 0.062 lb/ft3

1 ft/s = 0.305 m/s 1 mile/h = 1.609 km/h


272 Building Quantities Explained

Energy 1 therm = 1 05.506 MJ 1 Btu = 1.055 kj

Thermal Btu/ft2h°F = 5.678 W/m2°C conductivity

Temperature x°F = ~ (x - 32tC X°C = ~x + 32°F 0°C = 32°F (freezing) soc = 41 oF (cold)

1 0°C = 50°F (rather cold) 15°C = 59°F (fairly warm) 20°C = 68°F (warm) 25°C = 77°F (hot) 30°C = 86°F (very hot)

Pressure 1 lbf/in. 2 = 0.0069 N/mm2 = 6894.8 N/m2

(1 MN/m2 = 1 N/mm2)

1 lbf/ft2 = 47.88 N/m2

1 tonf/in. 2 = 15.44 MN/m2

1 tonf/ft2 = 1 07.3 kN/m2

For speedy but approximate conversions

kN/m2 1 lbf/ft2 = -- hence 40 lbf/ft2 = 2 kN/m2

20 '

and tonf/ft2 = kN/m2 X 10, hence 2 tonf/ft2 = 20 kN/m2

Floor loadings office floors- general usage: 50 lbf/ft2 = 2.50 kN/m2

office floors- data-processing equipment: 70 lbf/ft2 = 3.50 kN/m2

factory floors: 100 lbf/ft2 = 5.00 kN/m2

Safe bearing 1 tonf/ ft2 = 107.25 kN/m2

capacity 2 tonf/ft2 = 214.50 kN/m2

of soil 4 tonf/ft2 = 429.00 kN/m2

Stresses in concrete

100 lbf/in. 2 = 0.70 MN/m2

1000 lbf/in2 = 7.00 MN/m2

3000 lbf/in. 2 = 21.00 MN/m2

6000 lbf/in. 2 = 41.00 MN/m2

Costs £11m2 = £0.092/ft2

1 shilling (5p)/ft2 = £0.538/m2

Appendix III- Metric Conversion Table 273

£11ft2 = £10.7641m2 (approximately £111m2)

£51ft2 = £541m2

£101ft2 = £1081m2

£201ft2 = £216/m2

£30/ft2 = £323/m2















n B


h C





s D




































l Le









e S



e N





~ 1


X 4


1 /2B


e 25









0 10

0 s


0 11




e ba


c 15

0 th




6 P


st r



r sl





2 79

8 X












0 1.



c 2/



ll co





n to




. 61

0 X




7 ch


ls 3


X 6




e 23









0 15

0 ST




0 S





C =





5 T



r S






r 75

0 de

ep a

t 30

0 cc



Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Building Employers Confederation. Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works: Seventh Edition (SMM7) (1988) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Building Employers Confederation. Code of Practice for Measurement of Building Works (1988) Building Project Information Committtee. Common Arrangement of Work Sections for Building Works (1987) Building Project Information Committee. Project Specification: A Code of Procedure for Building Works (1987) Building Project Information Committee. Production Drawings: A Code of Procedure for Building Works (1987) Co-ordinating Committee for Project Information. Co-ordinated Project Information for Building Works, a guide with examples (1987) Property Services Agency, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Building Employers Confederation. SMM7 Library of Standard Descriptions (1988) Fletcher, Moore, Monk and Dunstone. Shorter Bills of Quantities: The Concise Standard Phraseology and Library of Descriptions. Builder Group (1986) I. H. Seeley. Advanced Building Measurement. Macmillan (1989) I. H. Seeley. Building Technology. Macmillan (1986) I. H. Seeley. Quantity Surveying Practice. Macmillan (1984) I. H. Seeley. Building Economics. Macmillan (1983) Society of Chief Quantity Surveyors in Local Government. Life Cycle Cost Planning (1984) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Guide to Life Cycle Costing for Construction (1986) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Life Cycle Costing: A Worked Example (1987) W. James. Why the quantity surveyor? Chartered Surveyor (1960) pp. 602-6 R. C. Smith. Estimating and Tendering for Building Work. Longman (1986) S. Geddes. Estimating for Building and Civil Engineering Works. Butterworths (1986) Chartered Institute of Building. Code of Estimating Practice (1984) Institution of Civil Engineers and Federation of Civil Engineering


276 Building Quantities Explained

Contractors. Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement: Second Edition. Telford (1985) I. H. Seeley. Civil Engineering Quantities. Macmillan (1987) joint Contracts Tribunal. Standard Form of Building Contract with Quantities (1980) The Aqua Group. Pre-contract Practice for Architects and Quantity Surveyors. Collins (1986) Society of Chief Quantity Surveyors in Local Government. The Presentation and Format of Standard Preliminaries for use with }CT Form of Building Contract with Quantities 1980 Edition (1981) Greater London Council. Preambles to Bills of Quantities. Architectural Press (1980) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Definition of Prime Cost of Daywork carried out under a Building Contract (1981) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Schedule of Basic Plant Charges for use in connection with Dayworks under a Building Contract (1975) Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Quantity Surveyors Division. The Future Role of the Chartered Quantity Surveyor (1983)


Abbreviations 19, 263-8 Abstract 225-9, 235-7

general rules 226-9 sub-divisions 225-6 transfer of dimensions 225 typical sheets 235-7

Accuracy in measurement 14, 27 Activity bills 261 Additions 233-4, 242-5 Adjustment of openings

chimney stacks 123-5 doors 166, 170, 174-6 windows 147,151-4,155,157-8,

163 Adjustment of soil disposal 40-2, 47,

50, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 75, 77-8 Air bricks 83 Annotated bills 261-2 Approximate quantities 14 Aprons 124 Arches

brick-on-edge 157 brick-on-end 151

Architect 1 Architraves 138, 166, 169

plinth blocks 169 Asphalt

angle fillet 63 damp-proof course 62, 64 flat roofs 112, 126-9 rounded edge 128 skirting 128 tanking 62, 64

Attendance 29, 187, 233

Background 30 Bands of brickwork 69

brick-on-end 73 ornamental flush 7 4 projecting plain 87, 88


Bar reinforcement 50-1, 63, 95, 105 Basement

excavation 49, 59, 61 working space 61

Bearers 99, 123 to shelving 183 to tank 193

Bed, concrete 62, 92, 95, 100 Bedding frame 149,155,173 Bellmouth-area 38 Bibliography 275-6 Bill of quantities

activity 261 addenda 233 annotated 261-2 descriptions 24-5 elemental 12-13, 259-60 entering quantities 259-60 formats 12-13, 259-62 general rules 230-2 method of preparation 14-15 operational 13, 260-1 preambles 28, 247-8 preliminaries 232-3 preparation 11-1 2 purposes 2-3 reduction 234, 242-5 referencing of items 229-30 ruling 3, 229 sectionalised trade 260 specialist 250 summary 246-7 typical sheets 238-41 units of measurement 230

Billing 229-34, 238-41 Billing-direct 223-4 Bitumen-felt roofs 112 Blockwork 66-7, 74 Boarded floor 94, 97-9, 102-3 Boreholes 45 Boundary wall 75-81

278 Index

Brickwork bands 69, 73, 74, 87, 88 cavity 57, 72, 73, 74 classifications 66-7 curved wall 75-81 deductions for string courses 69 eaves filling 68 external walls 56, 67, 71-4, 78-81 facework 52, 63, 69, 72-4, 79-81 fair face 66 fender walls 89 footings 51-2 hollow walls 51, 55-8, 71-4 honeycombed sleeper wall 97 in chimney breasts 81, 85-7 in chimney stacks 81-2, 88 in piers 79, 81 internal walls 67-8 lining wall 64 projections 68, 73, 79, 81, 85, 87 quoins 69 raking out joints for key 68 rough cutting 68

Builder's work in connection with plumbing installations 187

Carcass 23 Casements 1 46

build in metal 159 bullseye 155-8 fittings 149 metal 159 painting 147, 150, 155, 159 wood 149-54

Cavity walls see Hollow walls Ceiling finishings 135 Ceiling joists 116 Centering 163 Cesspits 203 Channels 213, 217 Chimney breasts 82 Chimney stacks 82-3, 88

adjustment to roofs 123-5 Circle, area of 21 Civil engineering quantities 4, 25 Classification tables 15-16 Closing cavity of hollow wall 152,

175 Code of Procedure for Measurement of

Building Works 9, 139, 202 Coding of items 230, 258

Cold water storage tank 186, 193 insulation 194

Collars 116 Common Arrangement of Work

Sections 7 Compaction of excavation and filling

48, 56, 61, 77, 90, 100, 215, 217, 218

Component drawings 178, 181 Composite items 30, 1 77 Computers, use of 257-9 Concrete

beams 95, 1 OS bed 62, 91, 95, 100 benching 210 blockwork 7 4 classifications 49 covering to pipes 202-3, 207, 208 edging 213, 218 filling to base of hollow wall 57 floors 95, 100, 104-6 formwork 63, 91 foundations 49-51, 56, 61, 78, 85 lintels 89, 152, 170, 174 paving slabs 218 protection to drain pipes 202-3,

207, 208 reinforcement so-1' 63, 95, 104,

105 roads 212 shelving 183 surface treatment 48, 63, 91, 104 suspended slabs 95, 1 04-6, 211 tube manholes 204

Conditions of contract 4, 232 Connection to sewer 204, 211 Connection to water main 184, 189 Contract documents 4 Contract sum 3 Contractor's general costs 232 Co-ordinated project information 6--1 0 Cornices 138 Cost planning 2 Coverage rules 16 Coves 138, 142 Cultivation of soil 213, 219 Cupboards 178-9 Curved brickwork 78-81 Cut and shuffle 25G-5 Cuttings, measurement of volume

4G-2 Cylinder, volume of 21

Dado rails 138 Damp-proof courses 24, 52, 57, 80,

87, 88, 89, 97 cavity trays 52, 152, 174 curved horizontal 79 curved stepped 158 curved vertical 158 horizontal 52, 57, 80, 87, 88, 89,

97 membrane 1 00 stepped over boot lintel 174 stepped tanking to basement 62,

64 Daywork 248-50 Daywork schedule 249 Decorative papers 1 39, 143 Deductions 20 Deemed to be included items 27 Definition rules 15, 30 Descriptions 24-6 Dimensioned diagrams 146, 155,

164, 171 Dimensions

accuracy in 14, 27 alterations to 21 deductions of 20 entering 17-21 figured 22 grouping of 19-20 numbering and titles of sheets 22 order of 18 spacing of 17 squaring 223, 224-5 timesing 1 7-18 waste 17-18

Dimensions paper 16-17 Discharge pipe 184, 197-9 Disposal of excavated material 47-8,

55, 59, 75 Disposal of surface water 58, 65, 80 Dividing strips 101, 145 Door 164-6

adjustment of openings 166, 170, 174-6

architrave 166, 169 flush 167 frame sets 165-6, 173 glazed 171 ironmongery 167, 171, 173 lining sets 165-6, 167 order of measurement 164 painting 165, 167

panelled 165, 171 schedule 164

Index 279

Double bill 234, 244-5 Double hung sash window 146 Down pipes 111, 121

fittings 121 painting 121

Drain accessories 203, 208 bends 208 building in end 203, 210 branch 201, 207-8 clay 202, 207, 208 concrete protection 202-3, 207,

208 connection to sewer 204, 211 excavation 201-2, 205, 207, 208 gullies 203, 208 manholes 203-4 order of taking off 201 pitch fibre 202, 205, 208 sewer connection 204 testing 204

Drawings 8, 1 5 Drip 11 2, 1 31 Drives 212

Earthwork measurement 38-42 support 49, 56, 61, 77-8, 85

Eaves filling 68 Edging 213, 218 Elemental bills 12-13,259-60 Embankments

measurement of volume 40-2 Employer's requirements 232-3 Estimating 4 Excavation

basement 49, 59-61 below groundwater level 47 cuttings 4Q-2 disposal of excavated material

47-8, 55, 59, 75 foundation trenches 46-8, 77, 85 in rock 46 pipe trench 189 reduce levels 42, 46 sloping site 39-40 stepped foundations 50-1 surface treatments 48 topsoil 46, 55, 59, 75, 215, 218

Extra over items 26

280 Index

Fabric reinforcement 50-1, 63, 95, 104

Facework curved brick wall 78-81 faced brickwork 52, 58, 63 ornamental bands 69

Fair cutting 68 Fair face to brickwork 66 Fascia boards 111, 119, 129

painting 119-20, 129 Fencing 213-14

chain link 220-1 close boarded 221

Fertilise soil 219 Filling to excavations 47-8, 58, 65,

8~ 85, 9~ 10~ 215, 218 Finishings 23

schedule 1 36-7, 140 Fireplaces 83, 91 Firrings 127, 131 Fittings 1 78-9 Flashings 124, 129

stepped 125 with damp-proof course (combined)

133 Fletcher and Moore 1 3 Floors

block 1 01, 145 boarding 94, 99, 103 concrete 95, 100, 104-6 construction 93-6, 97-106 dividing strips 101 finishings 95-6, 138 flooring in openings 94, 99 hollow 93-4 joist strutting 94, 102 joists 94, 97 margins 103 members 97, 99, 102 order of measurement 91 plastics 145 plates 93, 97 screeds 96, 100 solid 94-5 strutting 94, 102 suspended concrete 95, 104-6 thermoplastic tiles 137, 145 trimmers 1 02 trimming joists 102

Flues 82-3 linings 82-3, 89 terminals 83, 88

Footings 51-2

Formwork beams 105, 106 edges of beds 63, 91 edges of roads 21 2 soffits of slabs 104, 1 OS

Foundations concrete 56, 61, 77 excavation 46-8, 55-6, 77, 85 measurement 54-8, 77-8 order of taking off 53 reinforcement 50-1

Fresh air inlet 201, 203 Frieze 137, 143

border 143

Gates 214, 221-2 painting 222

General attendance 29 General items 45 General provisional sum 29 General rules of measurement 14-16 General summary 246-7 Girth of buildings 32-5

irregular 34-5 rectangular 32-4

Glass 146-7 float 159 irregular panes 155, 159 pane classification 146-7, 1 50 sheet 150 to door 171 to windows 150

Glazing beads 165, 171 Grassed areas 213 Grounds 169 Groundwater 45, 248 Groundwork 45-9 Group system of measurement 3 Gullies 201, 203, 208 Gusset ends 124 Gutter 111 , 1 20

board 123, 124, 132 cast iron eaves 120 fittings 1 21 lead lining 124 painting 120

Handrail 177, 181 brackets 1 81 painting 181

Hangers 117 Hardcore 248 Head, rainwater 122

Hedges planting 213, 220 removal 46

Herringbone strutting 94, 1 02 Hip 110, 111

calculation of length 43-4 iron 119 rafter 117 tiles 119

Historical background 1-2 Holderbats 197 Holes for pipes 186, 191, 192, 194,

196, 197, 198 Hollow ground floor 97-9 Hollow walls

closing cavity 57-8, 66, 71-4 outer skin in facing bricks 58, 72-4

Information technology 257 Inspection chambers 203, 204 Institute of Quantity Surveyors 1 Insulation

pipes 190 roof 118 tank 194

Internal finishings 134-45 schedule 136-7, 140

lronmongery 147, 149, 165, 167, 170, 171

Irregular figures, measurement of areas 20-1, 36-8 buildings 34-5

JCT Form of Contract 4 joinery fittings 178-9 joists, ceiling 116

flat roof 127 floor 94, 97, 99, 101 strutting 94, 102, 127 trimming 1 02

Kerbs 213 Kitchen fitments 178

Landings 177 Lead apron 124 Lead flashings 124, 125, 129 Lead flat roof 112-13,131-3 Lead slates 194, 198 Lead soakers 125 Library of standard descriptions 10,

24, 257

Index 281

Lintels concrete 89, 152, 170, 174 stone 162

Location drawings 15

Manhole 203-4 benching 204, 210 brick walls 204, 210 channels 204, 210 concrete base 204, 209 covers 204, 211 excavation 204, 209 schedule 203, 274

Margins brick 154 oak 103

Marking position of holes 200 Mat frame 145 Measurement rules 15 Mensuration formulae 269-70

use of 32-44 Metric conversion table 271-3 Microcomputers 257-9 Multi-coloured paintwork 138-9

Negotiated tendering 262 Newels 177, 178 Nominated sub-contractors 187 Nominated suppliers 233 Number of units 25-6, 165-6

Omissions 233, 242-5 Open tendering 262 Operational bills 13, 260-1 Overheads 1 5 Oversailing courses 88

Painting ceilings 138, 141, 143, 182 cornices 138 doors 165, 167 gates 222 glazed doors 173 handrails 181, 182 metal casements 159 picture rails 144 pipes 121, 197 skirtings 144 staircases 138, 178 steelwork 152 strings 181 walls 138, 155, 158, 159 windows 147

282 Index

Painting cont'd wood casements 150, 153, 159 wood frames 150, 169, 173, 174

Partitions blockwork 7 4 timber 109

Paths 218 paving slabs 218

Picture rails 138, 144 painting 144

Pier cap 81 Pipe 185-6,189,190,191,192,

193, 194, 196, 197 bends 189, 190, 191, 192, 193,

197, 199 casing 199 connections 189, 192, 193, 194 copper 196, 197, 198, 199 fittings 185-6,191,192,196,197,

199 holes 186, 191, 192, 194, 196,

197, 198 insulation 190 lead service 189, 190, 198 overflow 194 painting 121, 197 pipework ancillaries 185, 190, 191,

192, 196, 198 testing 200 trench excavation 1 89 waste 196-7

Plant items 31 Planting 213, 219, 220 Plaster

concrete soffit 152, 175 cornices 138 coves 138, 142 curved reveal 158 making good around obstructions

135 rounded angles 135, 142, 153,

158, 175 skim coat 141, 182 to ceilings 135, 141, 182 to reveals 152, 175 to walls 135, 138, 142, 143

Plasterboard 135, 136, 141, 182 Plates 93, 97, 115, 127, 131, 132 Plinth block 169 Plumbing installation 184-200

builder's work in connection with 187

connection to water main 185

drawings 184-5 order of measurement 184

Pointing in flashings 124, 125 Polishing wood surfaces 101, 145,

181 Posts 214, 220

gate 214, 220 holesfor 214,220 straining 214, 220

Preambles 28, 247-8 Precast concrete

channel 217 coping 81 lintels 89,152,170,174 pier cap 81

Preliminaries bill 6, 29, 30-1, 232-3 Preliminary investigations 45 Prime cost items 28-9, 149, 159,

179,186,194 Prismoidal formula 42 Production drawings 8 Project specification 8 Projections to brickwork 68, 73, 79,

81' 85, 87 Provisional sums 29, 189, 249 Purlins 110

Quantity surveying functions 10-11 processes 3-4 techniques 11-13

Quantity surveyor client's 10 contractor's 11

Quarry tile sill 154 Query sheets 27-8

Rafters 11 0, 11 6 calculation of length 43

Rake out joints of brickwork as key 68

Random rubble 24, 92 Reduce level excavation 42, 46 Reduction and addenda bills 233-4 Referencing of bill items 229-30 Reinforcement

bar 50-1,63,95,105 fabric 50-1, 63, 95, 104

Reinstatement of highway 185, 189, 204, 211

Rendering 89, 91 reveals 152, 175

Ridge board 117

tiles 111 , 119 Roads 212

tarmacadam 21 7 Roof

area of covering 44 adjustment for chimney stack

123-5 asphalt 112 battens 111, 118 boarding 128, 131 boundary items 111 built-up felt 112 construction 115-17, 131-2 coverings 111,118-19 eaves and rainwater goods 111-12 flat 112-13,126-33 lead 132-3 members 116-17,123,127,131 pitched 110-12, 115-22 sheet metal 112-13 slating 111 ti I i ng 111 , 11 8-1 9 timbers 110 trusses 110 underfelting 118

Rough cutting 68 Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

1, 255, 257 Rubble walling 84, 92

coping 92

Sanitary appliances 186, 194-5 Schedules

daywork 249 doors 164 internal finishings 136-7 manholes 203, 274 use of 27 windows 147

Screeds 96, 100, 145, 154 Sectionalised trade bill 260 Seeding 213,219 Segment of circle, area 37-8 Selective tendering 262 Semi-circle, circumference of 21 Septic tank 201, 203 Sheet metal roofs 11 2-1 3 Shelving 179, 183

bearers 183 concrete 1 83 painting edge of 183 softwood 183

Shrubs 213, 219

Index 283

Sills stone 153,161,176 tile 154

Simpson's rule 41-2 Site

investigations 45 preparation 45-6

Skirtings 138, 144 painting 144 timber 144

Sloping site excavation 39-40 Soakaways 201, 203 Soakers 125 Soffit boarding 111, 120

painting 111-12,120 Solid ground floor 94-5, 100-1 Special attendance 233 Special types of work 29-30 Specialist bills 250 Specification 8 Spot items 45 Squaring dimensions 223, 224-5 Staircases 177-8, 181-2

handrails 177-8, 181 landings 177 newels 177 strings 177, 181

Standard descriptions 255-7 Standard Method of Measurement of

Building Works 4-6 Standard Phraseology 13, 256-7 Statutory undertakers 185, 189 Steel reinforcement so-1, 63, 95,

104, 105 Steelwork 1 06

angles 151 Stepped, flashing 125 Stepped foundation 50 Stock items 146, 165, 179 Stone

arch 162 jamb 161 lintel 162 mullion 162 sill 153,161, 176 threshold 176

Stoolings 153 Stop valve 185-6, 190 Strings 177, 178, 181 Strutting 94, 102

herringbone 94, 102 Stud partitions 1 09

noggings 109

284 Index

Substructure 53 Supplementary rules 15 Supports 120, 127, 193, 195, 199,

200 Suspended slabs 95, 104-6 Symbols 19, 25

Tabulated rules 15-16 Taking off 3

basic principles 14-15 order of 22-3 similar items 26

Tanking 62, 64 Temporary spoil heaps 46, 55, 59,

75 Tendering 262 Testing

cold water supply 200 drainage 204, 211 foul drainage above ground 200

Thermal insulation 118, 190, 194 Threshold 1 76 Timesing 17-18 Topsoil excavation 46, 55, 59, 75 Trade by trade system of

measurement 3 Trapezoid, area 36-7 Traps 196 Trees

guards 220 planting 213, 220 removal 45-6

Triangle, area 21, 36 Trimming 102, 116, 123 Trowelling surface of concrete 63,

91' 104 Turf, preservation and re-use 46 Turfing 213

Undercloak 119

Unit of billing 3, 230

Valley 111 calculation of length 43-4 rafters 116 tiles 119

Vent pipes 184, 197 Vents 83 Verges 119 Void allowances 15

Wall finishings 135, 138 tiling 135, 136

Wall intersections 47, 48 Wall plate 110,115 Wallpapering 139, 143 Waste 17-18 Waste pipes 196-7 Water bar 149, 171 Water service 189, 190

copper 190-4, 196-7 lead 189, 190

Water storage tanks 186, 193 Waterproof membrane 1 00 Wax polish, block flooring 101, 145 Window 146-7

adjustment of openings 147, 151-4, 155, 157-8, 163

bullseye 155-8 metal 159 order of measurement 146 schedules 147 sill 146, 153 wood casements 146, 149-54

Work in special conditions 29-30 Work tops 1 79 Working space 49, 61 Working up 223 Writing short 231
