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Appendix K Water Quality - Green Airport | PVD | Rhode Island€¦ · Green Airport Improvement...

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T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation Appendix K Water Quality T.F. Green Airport Warwick, Rhode Island Prepared for Federal Aviation Administration Prepared by July 2011
  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    Appendix K

    Water Quality

    T.F. Green Airport Warwick, Rhode Island

    Prepared for Federal Aviation Administration

    Prepared by

    July 2011

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

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  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program FEIS Appendix

    Appendix K, Water Quality, of this Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) provides updated and new technical information since the publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) in July 2010. The DEIS, provided on the enclosed DVD, contained a corresponding technical report, Water Quality Technical Report, describing significant technical information pertaining to the water quality analysis. It is intended that this FEIS appendix provide an update to the DEIS technical report. Reviewers should consult both the DEIS and FEIS for full documentation.

    Table of Contents

    K.1 HydroCAD Calculations ......................................................................... K-1

    K.2 Pond Sizing Analysis .......................................................................... K-15

    K.3 Water Quality Monitoring Data ............................................................. K-21

    Appendix K Water Quality K-i July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

    eheacockSticky NoteMarked set by eheacock

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

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    Appendix K Water Quality K-ii July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    K.1 HydroCAD Calculations

    The following sections provide the results of the HydroCAD Calculations for the 2004 Baseline Condition and the proposed T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Preferred Alternative (Alternative B4).

    Appendix K Water Quality K-1 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

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    Appendix K Water Quality K-2 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • EX1BBN DP1

    BuckeyeBrookNorth ToBuckeyeBrookNorth

    EX2WP DP2

    WarwickPond ToWarwickPond

    EX3BBS DP3

    BuckeyeBrookSouth ToBuckeyeBrookSouth

    EX4TB DP4

    TuscatucketBrook ToTuscatucketBrook

    EX5CB DP5

    CallahanBrook ToCallahanBrook

    DrainageDiagramfor0922806ExistingConditionsSubcat Reach Pond Link PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc., Printed2/2/2011

    HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC


  • 0922806ExistingConditions TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page2

    Timespan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs,301points RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS

    ReachroutingbyStorInd+Transmethod PondroutingbyStorIndmethod

    SubcatchmentEX1BBN:BuckeyeBrookRunoffArea=598.000ac 39.98%Impervious RunoffDepth>4.21"FlowLength=8,175' Tc=47.8min CN=66 Runoff=1,436.88cfs 209.596af

    SubcatchmentEX2WP:WarwickPond RunoffArea=23.900ac 48.95%Impervious RunoffDepth>4.48"FlowLength=1,213' Tc=23.8min CN=68 Runoff=84.51cfs 8.916af

    SubcatchmentEX3BBS:BuckeyeBrookRunoffArea=458.500ac 33.13%Impervious RunoffDepth>3.75"FlowLength=4,962' Tc=44.1min CN=62 Runoff=1,025.46cfs 143.269af

    SubcatchmentEX4TB:Tuscatucket RunoffArea=145.600ac 24.04%Impervious RunoffDepth>2.73"FlowLength=2,031' Tc=44.7min CN=53 Runoff=230.28cfs 33.143af

    SubcatchmentEX5CB:CallahanBrook RunoffArea=132.900ac 19.49%Impervious RunoffDepth>2.87"FlowLength=1,566' Tc=26.6min CN=54 Runoff=281.90cfs 31.738af

    LinkDP1:ToBuckeyeBrookNorth Inflow=1,436.88cfs 209.596af Primary=1,436.88cfs 209.596af

    LinkDP2:ToWarwickPond Inflow=84.51cfs 8.916af Primary=84.51cfs 8.916af

    LinkDP3:ToBuckeyeBrookSouth Inflow=1,025.46cfs 143.269af Primary=1,025.46cfs 143.269af

    LinkDP4:ToTuscatucketBrook Inflow=230.28cfs 33.143af Primary=230.28cfs 33.143af

    LinkDP5:ToCallahanBrook Inflow=281.90cfs 31.738af Primary=281.90cfs 31.738af

    TotalRunoffArea=1,358.900ac RunoffVolume=426.662af AverageRunoffDepth=3.77" 65.88%Pervious=895.300ac 34.12%Impervious=463.600ac



  • 0922806ExistingConditions TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page3


    Runoff = 1,436.88cfs@ 12.67hrs,Volume= 209.596af,Depth> 4.21"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 239.100 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 180.600 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA

    8.500 76 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGC 11.500 82 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGD

    158.300 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA 598.000 66 WeightedAverage 358.900 60.02%PerviousArea 239.100 39.98%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs)

    9.6 50 0.0050 0.09 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30"

    1.5 194 0.0110 2.13 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Paved Kv=20.3fps

    36.7 7,931 0.0025 3.60 11.31 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    47.8 8,175 Total


    Runoff = 84.51cfs@ 12.33hrs,Volume= 8.916af,Depth> 4.48"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 11.700 98 Pavedparking,HSGA

    0.400 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA * 11.800 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA(assumed)

    23.900 68 WeightedAverage 12.200 51.05%PerviousArea 11.700 48.95%ImperviousArea



  • 0922806ExistingConditions TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page4

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.6 100 0.0030 0.08 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 0.3 50 0.0340 2.97 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Unpaved Kv=16.1fps 2.9 1,063 0.0070 6.02 18.93 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    23.8 1,213 Total


    Runoff = 1,025.46cfs@ 12.62hrs,Volume= 143.269af,Depth> 3.75"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 151.900 98 Pavedparking,HSGA

    47.000 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA 9.200 61 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGB

    35.800 74 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGC 5.400 80 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGD

    209.200 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA 458.500 62 WeightedAverage 306.600 66.87%PerviousArea 151.900 33.13%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 11.1 100 0.0140 0.15 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 15.7 1,126 0.0055 1.19 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Unpaved Kv=16.1fps 17.3 3,736 0.0025 3.60 11.31 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    44.1 4,962 Total


    Runoff = 230.28cfs@ 12.66hrs,Volume= 33.143af,Depth> 2.73"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"



  • 0922806ExistingConditions TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page5

    Area(ac) CN Description 35.000 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 29.300 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA 81.300 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA

    145.600 53 WeightedAverage 110.600 75.96%PerviousArea

    35.000 24.04%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.6 100 0.0030 0.08 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 22.9 1,498 0.0046 1.09 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Unpaved Kv=16.1fps 1.2 433 0.0067 5.89 18.52 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    44.7 2,031 Total


    Runoff = 281.90cfs@ 12.40hrs,Volume= 31.738af,Depth> 2.87"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 25.900 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 91.100 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA

    0.800 65 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGB 15.100 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA

    132.900 54 WeightedAverage 107.000 80.51%PerviousArea

    25.900 19.49%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 15.6 100 0.0060 0.11 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 7.8 585 0.0038 1.25 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Paved Kv=20.3fps 3.2 881 0.0040 4.55 14.31 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    26.6 1,566 Total



  • 0922806ExistingConditions TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page6


    InflowArea= 598.000ac, 39.98%Impervious,InflowDepth> 4.21" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 1,436.88cfs@ 12.67hrs,Volume= 209.596af Primary = 1,436.88cfs@ 12.67hrs,Volume= 209.596af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 23.900ac, 48.95%Impervious,InflowDepth> 4.48" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 84.51cfs@ 12.33hrs,Volume= 8.916af Primary = 84.51cfs@ 12.33hrs,Volume= 8.916af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 458.500ac, 33.13%Impervious,InflowDepth> 3.75" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 1,025.46cfs@ 12.62hrs,Volume= 143.269af Primary = 1,025.46cfs@ 12.62hrs,Volume= 143.269af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 145.600ac, 24.04%Impervious,InflowDepth> 2.73" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 230.28cfs@ 12.66hrs,Volume= 33.143af Primary = 230.28cfs@ 12.66hrs,Volume= 33.143af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 132.900ac, 19.49%Impervious,InflowDepth> 2.87" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 281.90cfs@ 12.40hrs,Volume= 31.738af Primary = 281.90cfs@ 12.40hrs,Volume= 31.738af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min




  • 1BBN





















    DrainageDiagramfor0922806ProposedConditionsALTB4Subcat Reach Pond Link PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc., Printed2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC


  • 0922806ProposedConditionsALTB4 TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page2

    Timespan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs,301points RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS

    ReachroutingbyStorInd+Transmethod PondroutingbyStorIndmethod

    Subcatchment1BBN:BuckeyeBrook RunoffArea=597.900ac 43.30%Impervious RunoffDepth>4.44"FlowLength=8,175' Tc=47.8min CN=68 Runoff=1,514.28cfs 221.151af

    Subcatchment2WP:WarwickPond RunoffArea=27.200ac 47.43%Impervious RunoffDepth>4.36"FlowLength=1,213' Tc=23.8min CN=67 Runoff=93.73cfs 9.882af

    Subcatchment3BBS:BuckeyeBrook RunoffArea=458.200ac 42.89%Impervious RunoffDepth>4.44"FlowLength=4,962' Tc=44.1min CN=68 Runoff=1,214.47cfs 169.708af

    Subcatchment4TB:TuscatucketBrook RunoffArea=160.500ac 30.90%Impervious RunoffDepth>3.18"FlowLength=2,031' Tc=44.7min CN=57 Runoff=299.58cfs 42.520af

    Subcatchment5CB:CallahanBrook RunoffArea=115.600ac 18.94%Impervious RunoffDepth>2.87"FlowLength=1,566' Tc=26.6min CN=54 Runoff=245.21cfs 27.607af

    LinkDP1:ToBuckeyeBrookNorth Inflow=1,514.28cfs 221.151af Primary=1,514.28cfs 221.151af

    LinkDP2:ToWarwickPond Inflow=93.73cfs 9.882af Primary=93.73cfs 9.882af

    LinkDP3:ToBuckeyeBrookSouth Inflow=1,214.47cfs 169.708af Primary=1,214.47cfs 169.708af

    LinkDP4:ToTuscatucketBrook Inflow=299.58cfs 42.520af Primary=299.58cfs 42.520af

    LinkDP5:ToCallahanBrook Inflow=245.21cfs 27.607af Primary=245.21cfs 27.607af

    TotalRunoffArea=1,359.400ac RunoffVolume=470.869af AverageRunoffDepth=4.16" 60.29%Pervious=819.600ac 39.71%Impervious=539.800ac



  • 0922806ProposedConditionsALTB4 TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page3


    Runoff = 1,514.28cfs@ 12.66hrs,Volume= 221.151af,Depth> 4.44"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 258.900 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 182.200 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA 8.500 76 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGC 11.500 82 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGD 136.800 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA 597.900 68 WeightedAverage 339.000 56.70%PerviousArea 258.900 43.30%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.6 50 0.0050 0.09 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 1.5 194 0.0110 2.13 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Paved Kv=20.3fps 36.7 7,931 0.0025 3.60 11.31 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    47.8 8,175 Total


    Runoff = 93.73cfs@ 12.33hrs,Volume= 9.882af,Depth> 4.36"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 12.900 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 0.400 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA

    * 13.900 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA(assumed) 27.200 67 WeightedAverage 14.300 52.57%PerviousArea 12.900 47.43%ImperviousArea



  • 0922806ProposedConditionsALTB4 TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page4

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.6 100 0.0030 0.08 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 0.3 50 0.0340 2.97 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Unpaved Kv=16.1fps 2.9 1,063 0.0070 6.02 18.93 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    23.8 1,213 Total


    Runoff = 1,214.47cfs@ 12.61hrs,Volume= 169.708af,Depth> 4.44"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 196.500 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 41.900 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA 8.500 61 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGB 33.900 74 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGC 5.400 80 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGD

    172.000 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA 458.200 68 WeightedAverage 261.700 57.11%PerviousArea 196.500 42.89%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 11.1 100 0.0140 0.15 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 15.7 1,126 0.0055 1.19 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Unpaved Kv=16.1fps 17.3 3,736 0.0025 3.60 11.31 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    44.1 4,962 Total


    Runoff = 299.58cfs@ 12.64hrs,Volume= 42.520af,Depth> 3.18"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"



  • 0922806ProposedConditionsALTB4 TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page5

    Area(ac) CN Description 49.600 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 34.600 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA 0.100 61 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGB

    * 76.200 39 >75%Grasscover,Good,HSGA(assumed) 160.500 57 WeightedAverage 110.900 69.10%PerviousArea 49.600 30.90%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 20.6 100 0.0030 0.08 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 22.9 1,498 0.0046 1.09 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Unpaved Kv=16.1fps 1.2 433 0.0067 5.89 18.52 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    44.7 2,031 Total


    Runoff = 245.21cfs@ 12.40hrs,Volume= 27.607af,Depth> 2.87"

    RunoffbySCSTR20method,UH=SCS,TimeSpan=5.0020.00hrs,dt=0.05hrs TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70"

    Area(ac) CN Description 21.900 98 Pavedparking,HSGA 88.200 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA 0.800 65 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGB 4.700 43 Woods/grasscomb.,Fair,HSGA

    115.600 54 WeightedAverage 93.700 81.06%PerviousArea 21.900 18.94%ImperviousArea

    Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 15.6 100 0.0060 0.11 SheetFlow,

    Grass:Short n=0.150 P2=3.30" 7.8 585 0.0038 1.25 ShallowConcentratedFlow,

    Paved Kv=20.3fps 3.2 881 0.0040 4.55 14.31 PipeChannel,

    24.0" Round Area=3.1sf Perim=6.3' r=0.50' n=0.013 Concretepipe,bends&connections

    26.6 1,566 Total



  • 0922806ProposedConditionsALTB4 TypeIII24hr100Year Rainfall=8.70" PreparedbyVanasseHangenBrustlin,Inc. Printed 2/2/2011 HydroCAD9.00 s/n01237 2009HydroCADSoftwareSolutionsLLC Page6


    InflowArea= 597.900ac, 43.30%Impervious,InflowDepth> 4.44" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 1,514.28cfs@ 12.66hrs,Volume= 221.151af Primary = 1,514.28cfs@ 12.66hrs,Volume= 221.151af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 27.200ac, 47.43%Impervious,InflowDepth> 4.36" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 93.73cfs@ 12.33hrs,Volume= 9.882af Primary = 93.73cfs@ 12.33hrs,Volume= 9.882af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 458.200ac, 42.89%Impervious,InflowDepth> 4.44" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 1,214.47cfs@ 12.61hrs,Volume= 169.708af Primary = 1,214.47cfs@ 12.61hrs,Volume= 169.708af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 160.500ac, 30.90%Impervious,InflowDepth> 3.18" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 299.58cfs@ 12.64hrs,Volume= 42.520af Primary = 299.58cfs@ 12.64hrs,Volume= 42.520af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min



    InflowArea= 115.600ac, 18.94%Impervious,InflowDepth> 2.87" for 100Yearevent Inflow = 245.21cfs@ 12.40hrs,Volume= 27.607af Primary = 245.21cfs@ 12.40hrs,Volume= 27.607af,Atten=0%,Lag=0.0min




  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    K.2 Pond Sizing Analysis

    The following graphs provide the pond sizing analysis for the Preferred Alternative (Alternative B4). Included are the Buckeye Brook North drainage area, the Buckeye Brook South drainage area, the Warwick Pond drainage area, and the Tuscatucket Brook drainage area.

    Appendix K Water Quality K-15 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    Buckeye Brook North Drainage Area - Pond Sizing

    Source: HydroCAD TR-20 Pond Sizing Analysis

    Appendix K Water Quality K-16 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    Buckeye Brook South Drainage Area Pond Sizing

    Source: HydroCAD TR-20 Pond Sizing Analysis

    Appendix K Water Quality K-17 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    Warwick Pond Drainage Area Pond Sizing

    Source: HydroCAD TR-20 Pond Sizing Analysis

    Appendix K Water Quality K-18 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    Tuscatucket Brook Drainage Area Pond Sizing

    Source: HydroCAD TR-20 Pond Sizing Analysis

    Appendix K Water Quality K-19 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    This Page Intentionally Left Blank

    Appendix K Water Quality K-20 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    K.3 Water Quality Monitoring Data

    The following tables provide water quality monitoring data for Outfalls 10A and 11A/12A from 2006 to 2010. According to RIAC, data from 2004 and 2005 are not available for these outfalls. Dissolved oxygen (DO) is also not available during this time period.

    Appendix K Water Quality K-21 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    Table K.3-1 Water Quality at T.F. Green Airport Outfall 10A1,2,3

    Oil & Propylene TSS2 BOD2 COD2 Grease glycol Iron

    Date1 (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) VOCs (g/L) (mg/L) 9/14/2006 59

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

    Table K.3-2 Water Quality at T.F. Green Airport Outfall 11A/12A1,2,3

    Oil & Propylene TSS2 BOD2 COD2 Grease glycol Iron

    Date1 (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) VOCs (g/L) (mg/L) 9/14/2006

  • T.F. Green Airport Improvement Program Environmental Impact Statement and Final Section 4(f) Evaluation

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    Appendix K Water Quality K-24 July 2011 \\Mawatr\ev\09228.00\reports\FEIS_Final_July_2011\PVD_App_K_WQ\PVD_Appendix_K_WQ_JUL_2011.doc

    Appendix K: Water QualityTable of ContentsK.1 HydroCAD CalculationsK.2 Pond Sizing AnalysisK.3 Water Quality Monitoring Data
