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Applicants Brochure

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Apply for JADE Exbo!!!!!!!!!!!!
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JADE - European Confederation of Junior Enterprises - JADE ExBo 2012 Applicants brochure
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JADE- European Confederation of Junior Enterprises -

JADE ExBo 2012

Applicants brochure

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"Being part of the JADE ExBo is the biggest stroke of luck of your life. You will have a steep learning curve throughout the year, and will suffer from withdrawal symptoms after this period. You will want more JADE, as I did. For the job, it is handy to have JE experience at local and/or National level, as this will make easier to speak the same 'language' than your fellow junior entrepreneurs in other countries. Work hard, party hard (which is another way of working, as you will get the chance to mingle with extraordinary human beings from the network and beyond). A great headstart to your professional career, whether it is in industry, consultancy, self-employed or academia. I couldn't recommend it more“

Carmen Torres, Vice President, JADE ExBo 2003

“Through my time in JADE's Executive Board I have gained a lot: several kilos, but mainly priceless experience and friends for life. Working and living together with people from all over the network bears challenges -the best preparation possible for working in an international environment later on. Given the task to manage a huge network allows broadening ones horizon in many ways. It also is a unique opportunity to make a difference on a high level: bringing forward the network and at the same time growing with it. Failure is likely, success is granted. Joining has been the best and most fruitful decision in my life”

Nico Thom, Secretary Genral, JADE ExBo 2003Contact: [email protected]

The year as JADE ExBo in Brussels is still the year of my live that most strongly shaped how I work, where I am and how I am. I am happy to have had the chance to lead our network and gather a lot of experiences. Experiences that shape my professional and personal life still today: - Working and living with a team for a year allowed me to experience the best and worst of team work. Not only did I make friends for life, but I discovered how I can work best in diverse teams. Appreciating every team member personally, sharing good laughs and being unemotionally in factual discussions still describes my team work today. - Not every 23-year-old has the chance to speak up in a room of senior managers...

and being taken serious. It felt amazing representing our strong network and I still benefit from the confidence I build through it.- Not every day in JADE House was a fun day, but the tough days strengthened my problem solving and my stress resistance. Describing the tough days and why I believe so strongly in JADE to go through them, were the parts of my job interviews that set me apart from other candidates and got me my dream job

Monika Oswald, President, JADE ExBo 2005Contact: [email protected]

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Boostyour personal

and professional


Take the big challenge

and apply for JADE Executive

Board 2012!

Profile of applicants for JADE ExBo 2012:

o JADE member (at Junior Enterprise or Confederation level)

o Student or fresh graduate with ability to relocate to Brussels for one year

o Good command of English and desire to improve professional use of foreign languages

o Identifies his/ her values with those of a Junior Entrepreneur

o Passionate about JADE concept and spirit

Are you a Junior Entrepreneur, whowants to:

Gain Top Management experience atEuropean level?

Improve soft and technical skills; getbetter in resource and strategicmanagement, team work andpresentation?

Work and live in a multiculturalenvironment that reveals endless diverseideas, opportunities and challenges?

Travel across Europe and beyondseeking for new opportunities?

Promote the Junior Enterprise conceptand spirit; feel important when doing so?

Develop and expand an internationalnetwork of contacts: meet the decision-makers of the world, and potential futurefriends?

If yes, then think about taking theopportunity JADE offers you to achieve allthese at a very fresh age by becoming amember of JADE Executive Board 2012!

Read the following pages for more info!

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Internal Responsibilities of An ExBo Member:

• Head of a few departmentsaccording to personalknowledge, experience andpassion (see also the currentJADE HQ departments)

• Responsible for 2-3 membercountries: communicating toNational Boards andexchanging best practice

• Project Manager of a fewinternal Projects (since JADEHQ operations are project-driven, not department-driven)

•Good and social housemate,who takes care of the Houseand contributes to the Team

Headquarters Departments

•Public Affairs – Developing contacts within political institutions and similar networks to foster youth entrepreneurship

•Public Relations – Managing the media contacts, writing press releases, managing website content

•Private Cooperation – Developing new and looking after the existing contacts of JADE with private companies

•Civil Cooperation – developing relations with foundations and other NGOs; looking after EC Grant

•Events – Organising or supervising the organisation of local and international events

•Internal Communication – Integrating members and providing them with a direct communication opportunities to ExBoand to each other; looking after the Confederation communication line

•Inner Enhancement – ensuring the monitoring of Quality in the HQ and across the Network, thus identifying solutions for better development and stronger results

•Enlargement – supporting the spread of Junior Enterprise Concept beyond JADE countries

•Human Resources – Recruitment of Project Managers and future ExBo, looking after ExBo skills development

•Alumni Management – Communicating to and Managing the JADUS (ExBo Alumni)

•IT – ensuring all technical matters within the HQ are running smoothly

•Finance – managing the financial resources, forecasting and budgeting

•Legal – ensuring the legalisation of needed documentation; consulting with JADE legal advisor: Baker and McKinsey

JADE ExBo (min 3, max 6 people)

- Promotes JADE and Junior Enterprise concept to third parties (companies, media)

- Represents JADE and Junior Enterprise movement before European and other international institutions

- Fosters closer links between Junior Enterprises, Confederations

- Coordinates Members‘ international activities

- Leads all the departments and projects in the Headquarters


Coordinates the team and looks after their well-being

Monitors the Annual Strategy

Convokes and moderates Assemblies


Can be more than one if decided by the Team

Is primarily externally-focused when representing JADE

Secretary General

Communicates to Members on behalf of ExBo

Administers the Assembly and legalises the Minutes

Holds the Members’ Book


Administers the financial matters

Holds a signature on the Bank Account

Prepares budgets and accounts

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ExBo 2011

President Lorenzo Uberti

Private Cooperation


Alumni Management

Civil Cooperation


Strategy Control

Secretary General Tzoanna


Internal Communication

Public Affairs

Public Relations

Civil Cooperation

Treasurer Michael Jamros




Inner Enhancement

Origin: ItalianJADE Member: ItalyBorn in: 1987

Personal Profile

Lorenzo UbertiPresident, JADE ExBo 2011

JE Experience:JEL- Castellanza: Treasurer,Project ManagerEducation:Management Engineering,LIUC;MSC International Business, Robert Gordon University;

Despite being only 23, Lorenzo is a citizen of the world, having lived in 5 different countries until now. The international experience has always been important to him, and he discovered it through JADE.His first touch with JADE and the global Junior Enterprise Movement occurred back in 2009, when Lorenzo was challenged to join the Italian Junior JEL. At JEL, the team was facing the goal of making their JE competitive and sustainable, and in only one year, the Junior became very successful. In the meantime, the team became much more than co-workers, and Lorenzo today realises how important the Movement is in bringing like-minded friends together.

As Lorenzo says, the JE experience completely changed his life: he started to live again within an international environment, and meet people that motivate and encourage him to do more. After less than 6 months in the JE, Lorenzo had the great opportunity to meet JADE ExBo and be fascinated by their work and great passion. By talking with them and further attending the General Assembly in the JADE Winter Meeting, he started thinking that he could still give and take a lot from the Network. On European level, the impact of the Junior Enterprises multiplies, and its good will can be transmitted while engaging the most proactive and inspirational young people.

This feeling was what had its final say in Lorenzo’s decision to apply for the European Board, and be elected as President at the Junior Enterprise World Conference in July 2010. Having been in the position for a while now, Lorenzo discovered many challenges and creative solutions, working together with fellow Junior Entrepreneurs from Europe, Brazil, and recently – the rest of the world.

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Working and living in JADE House

During the ExBo term of service(August 2011 – August 2012), the electedmembers move to JADE House inBrussels, Belgium.JADE House has one floor with officesand the rest of the floors are set up forliving (bedrooms, bathrooms, livingroom, kitchen etc.)

During the stay in JADE House,the ExBo members have to share thespace with other people who also workand live there (Senior Project Managersand Project Managers), as well as withguests from the Network.

The work of JADE ExBo isvoluntary, so unpaid. However, the ExBomembers don‘t have to pay from theirpersonal money for: the accommodationand utilities in JADE House, daily food,fees and transport to attendinternational and national events (theamount though depends on the budgetthat can vary from year to year).

Working and living in Brussels

Brussels is an old European city

with lovely parks and secret little streets.

You can find a wide variety of cultural

activities and many international people.

The HQ in Brussels, the capital

of Europe, helps JADE to be closer to the

European Institutions and some other

international Headquarters of companies

that support our Network.

The geographic location makes

travelling really easy around Europe.

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ExBo 2011 Term of Service:

1 st August 2011 – 1st August 2012- full-time* working and living in JADE Headquarters in Brussels, Blegium- mandatory Handover from the 15th ofJune until 15th July 2011)

* To be able to work full-time for one year, previous JADE ExBo either took a gap year in their studies, or continued studies and took JADE ExBo as an internship approved by the university, or they were recent Bachelors graduates (going to Masters after the JADE year)

Description of election process:

After submitting the applicationthere is no selection , so everybody whoapplied needs to be present at theAssessment Center and teambuildingweekend. The teambuilding is veryimportant since it gives the chance toapplicants to meet all in the same placeand see how well they interact on personaland professional level.

After the two stages, the currentExBo evaluates each candidate and writestheir profile folders that will be sent toConfederations and Consultative Membersto get to know the candidates better.

The elections take place duringthe JEWC‘10 in Milano. Here the GeneralAssembly (formed by Confederations andConsultative Members) are able to voteyes or no for the proposed ExBo 2011team. They are not able to vote yes or nofor individuals.

It is only up to the candidates to formExBo 2012 as they want, with whom theywant and under what positions anddepartments they want.

Milestones of recruitment process and required availability (mandatory for all applicants):

• Deadline to submit the application – 20th March 2011

-CV, Letter of Motivation and Letter of Recommendation from the JE and/ or Confederation

• Assessment Center and teambuilding weekend – 26th and 27th March 2011

• Elections during JADE May Meeting 11‘-15th – 16th April 2011

JADE ExBo 2012

Presentation during JADE

May Meeting 11’ General Assembly

Assessment center &


Submitted application

20h Mar -Deadline for application

26th & 27th Mar –Assessment

center & teambuilding

15th -16th April –Elections

(JADE May Meeting 11’)

15th June -Beginning of


1st August –Beginning of

ExBo 2012 Term

1st Aug – End of ExBo 2012 Term

For questions and submitting applications:

Lorenzo UbertiHead of HR, JADE ExBo 2011Email: [email protected]: uilo1987

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