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第 四 紀 研 究(The Quaternary Research)41(16)p.485-493 Dec. 2002

Application of the Crystallinity Ratio of Free Iron Oxides for Dating

Soils Developed on the Raised Coral Reef Terraces of Kikai

and Minami-Daito Islands, Southwest Japan

Yuji Maejima*1, Shizuo Nagatsuka*2 and Teruo Higashi*3

Absolute ages of soils developed on the raised coral reef terraces in Kikai Island in the Ryukyus, Southwest Japan were estimated by using the mean rate of tectonic up-lift and glacio-eustatic curve during late Quaternary in the previous paper. In order to estimate the soil age of other areas where the similar soils as those existed in Kikai Island were formed by using the index of soil age, which was highly correlated with some physico-chemical properties of soil itself, total iron (Fet), iron and aluminum extractable by dithionite-citrate (Fed, Ald) and by acid ammonium oxalate (Feo, Alo) were determined for all horizons of the six profiles in Kikai Island. The results obtained are as follows:

The crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides [(Fed-Feo)/Fet] gradually increased with the stage of soil development, while the activity ratio (Feo/Fed) decreased. There was a highly positive correlation between the soil age and (Fed-Feo)/Fet. By using this relationship, the ages of Minami-Daito Island soils, Lateritic Red soil and Lateritic Yellow soil whose age had not been determined, were estimated from the mean valuesof (Fed-Feo)/Fet, as 500±60 ka and 630±110ka, respectively. Therefore, it was

concluded that the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides could be a good index of the

degree of soil development and age of Red-colored soils.

Key Words: Iron oxides, crystallinity ratio, Kikai Island, Soil age, Red-colored soil

I. Introduction

In the previous paper (Nagatsuka and Nlae-

jima, 2001), the authors studied the absolute ages of soils developed on the raised coral reef terraces of Kikai Island in the Ryukyus, South-west Japan by using a combined method of the mean rate of tectonic uplift and the glacio-eustatic curve during late Quaternary. The soils on the raised coral reef terraces of Kikai Island showed a series of chronosequence in their development in the order of Coral Lime-

stone Lithosols (ca. 3.0 ka), Initial Rendzina-like soils (3.5-3.9 ka), Rendzina-like soils (35-40 ka), Brown Rendzina-like soils (50-55 ka), Terra f usca-like soils (70-80 ka), Terra rossa-like soils (95 -100 ka), and finally Intergrade between Terra rossa-like soils and Red-Yellow soils (120-125 ka). The years in the paren-theses indicate the absolute ages of the soils. Consequently, it was concluded that ca. 125 ka would be needed for Red-Yellow soils (Acrisols, Hapludults) to develop on coral limestone under the humid subtropical rain forest cli-

Received February 13, 2002. Accepted July 27, 2002.

*1 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science . Institute of Applied Biochemistry, Uni-

versity of Tsukuba. 1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba, 305-0006, Japan. (Present address: Research Center of Nuclear

Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. 2-11-16 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-0032, Japan .) E-mail:

*2 Japan Soil Research Institute Inc . Hibarigaoka, Takano Bd. 7F, 2-5-11 Yato-cho, Nishi-Tokyo, 188-0001, Japan.

*3 Institute of Applied Biochemistry , University of Tsukuba. 1-1-1 Tennoudai, Tsukuba, 305-0006, Japan.

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486 Y. Maejima, S. Nagatsuka and T. Higashi Dec. 2002

mate condition.

However, the mean rate of tectonic uplift is

not applicable for the area where the actual

uplift process in the past is not understood. So,

as an alternative, we tried to estimate the soil

age of other areas where the similar soils as

those existed in Kikai Island are formed by

using the index of soil age, which is highly

correlated with some physico-chemical prop-

erties of soil itself.

In the present paper, the authors examined

the applicability of the crystallinity ratio of

free iron oxides of soils for the estimation of

soil age, and tried to estimate the absolute age

of the soils derived from coral limestone in

Minami-Daito Island under the comparison

with other methodology.

II. Materials and methods

1. Soil samples The soil-sampling sites are shown in Figure

1. Soil samples were used from six soil profiles consisting of Initial Rendzina-like soil (Rendzic Leptosol according to WRB (FAQ, ISRIC and ISSS, 1998), Lithic Rendoll according to Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1994)), Rendzina-like soil (Rendzic Leptosol, Lithic Rendoll) Brown Rendzina-like soil (Mollic Leptosol, Eu-tropeptic Rendoll), Terra fusca-like soil (Haplic Luvisol, Typic Hapludalf), Terra rossa-like soil

(Chromic Luvisol, Typic Hapludalf), Terra ros-

Fig. 1 Schematic location map of the soil-sampling


sa-like soil and Red-Yellow soil (Haplic Lixisol, Typic Hapludalf) developed on the raised coral reef terraces in Kikai Island. Furthermore, soil samples from two soil profiles consisting of Lateritic Red soil (Typic Rhodudalf, Haplic Lixisol) and Lateritic Yellow soil (Typic Kandi-udult, Haplic Acrisol) developed on the raised coral reef terraces in Minami-Daito Island were also used for comparison. The profile descrip-tions, general physico-chemical and mineralog-ical properties of these soil samples have al-ready been reported in the previous paper

(Maejima et al., 1997 a, b; Nagatsuka and Mae-jima, 2001).

2. Iron and aluminum oxides and total iron Analyses were performed on the fine earth

fractions (≦2mm) and results are expressed on

an oven dry basis (% R2O3 per dry soil). The contents of total iron (Fet), iron and alu-

minum extractable by dithionite-citrate (Fed, Ald) and by acid ammonium oxalate (Feo, Alo) were determined for all horizons of the six

profiles. Fet was determined by the method described by Nagatsuka (1994). Fed, Feo, Aid and Alo were determined by the method of Blakemore et al. (1987).

III. Results and discussion

1. Distribution of iron and aluminum oxides in soil profile

The contents of total iron (Fet), dithionite-citrate-extractable iron (Fed) and aluminum

(Ald), and oxalate-extractable iron (Feo) and alu-minum (Alo) are shown in Table 1.

The contents of Fed and Fet increased with the degree of soil development and soil age. The distribution pattern of Fed in each profile, except the case of Initial Rendzina-like soil, showed the increase from the surface horizon to the lower horizon, and almost constant at the depths below second horizon. The distribu-tion pattern of Fet was similar to that of Fed. On the other hand, Feo was very low (0.3-1.3% Fe2O3) in each soil profile, and it was almost constant throughout the profile. There was no appreciable difference among soils and horizons studied.

The contents of Ald gradually increased with the degree of soil development and soil age. The contents of Alo as well as Feo indicated no

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Table 1 Iron, aluminum and clay contents of the soils in Kikai Island*

*Oven dry basis .

**cf Nagatsuka and Maejima (2001) ***The terrace No . of Kikai Island, accroding to Konishi et al. (1974) and Ota et al. (1978)

appreciable difference among all soils and hori-


Figure 2 shows the nearly constant Fed/clay and Ald/clay ratios (r=0.93** and r=0.94**, respectively, **indicates significant at 1% level). This indicates the presence of clay mi-

gration (Schlichting and Blume, 1962) or co-illuviation of iron and aluminum oxides and clay minerals (Zainol, 1985). Since clay migra-tion and accumulation are very important proc-esses for soil development in longer pedo-

genetic time (>50 ka as Brown Rendzina-like soil in this study), it is very rational to incorpo-rate Fed and Ald for the estimation of soil age.

2. Activity and crystallinity ratios of free iron oxides

Figure 3 shows the values of activity ratio of free iron oxides (Feo/Fed) (Blume and Schwert-

Fig. 2 Relationship between contents of clay and

dithionite-citrate-extractable iron or alumi-

num in Kikai Island soils ** Significant at 1% level .

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488 Y. Maejima, S. Nagatsuka and T. Higashi Dec. 2002

Fig. 3 Activity and crystallinity ratios of free iron oxides of the soils in Kikai Island

R: Red soil, YB: Yellow-Brown Forest soil

mann, 1969) and the crystallinity ratio [(Fed-Feo)/Fet] (Nagatsuka, 1972) of the studied soils. In Figure 3, the values of these ratios obtained from Minami-Daito Island soils derived from coral limestone are also shown for comparison.

In Kikai Island, activity ratio of free iron oxides ranged from 0.09 to 0.36, and the crys-tallinity ratio from 0.28 to 0.64. (Fed-Feo)/Fet

gradually increases from the youngest to the oldest soils, and Feo/Fed decreases in the same order (Fig. 3 and Table 1). Urushibara-Yoshino

(1988, 1992) also showed the increase of (Fed-Feo)/Fet in the B-horizon of the soils in Kikai Island associated with the decrease of Feo/Fed that was in accordance with the estimated age of the raised coral reef terraces. McFadden and Hendricks (1985) showed that the activity ratio

(Fea/Fed) in the chronosequence of southern California was moderately high to very high

(0.22-0.58) in middle Holocene to latest Pleis-tocene soils and progressively decreased to less than 0.10 in older soils. In Kikai Island, Feo/Fea of Initial Rendzina-like soil developed on the Holocene terrace was also moderately high

(0.32-0.36) and those of other soils developed on the Pleistocene terraces were less than 0.20 except A-horizon of Terra rossa-like soil. Arduino et al. (1984) showed that (Fed-Feo)/Fe, of the soils in the western Po Valley of north-ern Italy increased gradually with ages of the terraces, which range from early Middle Pleis-

tocene to Upper Pleistocene-Holocene. In addi-tion, Arduino et al. (1986) suggested that the ratios Fed/Fet and (Fed - Feo)/Fet were closely related to the ages of the terraces in northern Italy. Bech et al. (1997) also obtained similar results that the crystallinity ratio [(Fed-Feo)/ Fe] of Red Mediterranean soils was very close-ly related to the degree of weathering and/or age. Therefore, it is expected that the crystal-linity ratio of free iron oxides will be a good index of ages of Red-colored soils in Southwest

Japan. In general, the crystallinity ratios of free iron

oxides of Red-Yellow soils of Southwest Japan range from 0.5 to 0.7 (Nagatsuka and Urushi-bara-Yoshino, 1988). The (Fed-Feo)/Fet values of profile No. 6 in the present study range from 0.54 to 0.64. This fact agrees with our view that the profile No. 6 is an intergraded soil type that develops from Terra rossa-like soil to Red-Yellow soil.

According to Nagatsuka et al. (1983), the ac-tivity and crystallinity ratios of the soils derived from coral limestone in Ishigaki and Okinawa Islands ranged from 0.05 to 0.14, and from 0.53 to 0.75, respectively. The activity and crystallinity ratios of these soils were all distributed within the range of Red soil-region


1972). These soils have the morphological and

physico-chemical properties similar to those of

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Rendzina, Terra fusca and Terra rossa, respec-tively, but the nature of free iron oxides is similar to that of Red soils. For this reason, these soils were designated tentatively as Rendzina-like, Terra fusca-like and Terra rossa-like soils, respectively. In Kikai Island, the activity and crystallinity ratios of soils were also distributed within the range of Red soil-region except Initial Rendzina-like and Rendzina-like soils. It is probable that the high content of organic carbon (84-129, 21-32g kg-1, respectively) in Initial Rendzina-like and Rendzina-like soils, of which activity ratios were relatively high and crystallinity ratios were low, prevented the crystallization of iron.

On the other hand, the crystallinity ratios of

the soils of Minami-Daito Island (Red soil and Yellow soil) also derived from coral limestone ranged from 0.77 to 0.81, and were similar to the Lateritic Red and Yellow soils which widely distributed in subtropical South China. The soil forming age as well as the develop-ment of these soils is considered to be in more advanced stage than the Red-Yellow soils

(Udults) in Southwest Japan (Maejima et al., 1997 a). However, the estimated age of these soils from Minami-Daito Island is not eluci-dated.

3. Estimation of soil age of Minami-Daito Island

The time-dependent trend of Feo, Fed, Fe, Feo/Fed, (Fed-Feo)/Fet, Alo, and Ald are shown

Fig. 4 Relationship between soil age and several soil properties in Kikai

Island soils

a) Oxalate-extractable (Feo), dithionite-citrate-extractable (Fed), and total iron (Fe)

b) Activity ratio (Feo/Fed) and crystallinity ratios [(Fed-Feo)/Fet]

c) Oxalate-extractable (Alo) and dithionite-citrate-extractable aluminum (Ald)

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in Figure 4. There was no correlation between Feo (Fig. 4-a), Alo (Fig. 4-c) and the absolute soil age. However, it was clear that Fed and Fet

(Fig. 4-a), (Fed-Feo)/Fet (Fig. 4-b), and Ald (Fig. 4-c) were positively related to the absolute ages of Kikai Island soils. While, there was a negative correlation between Feo/Fed and soil ages (Fig. 4-b). Among these correlations, there was the highest and positive correlation between the soil age and (Fed-Feo)/Fet (y= 0.0687x0.1857, r=0.91). By using this relation-ship, the ages of Lateritic Red soil and Lateritic Yellow soil in Minami-Daito Island were es-timated as 500±60ka and 630±110ka, respec-

tively, by the extrapolation of this correlation.

The years indicate mean±standard deviation

(n=5 and 6, respectively). Makino (1983) re-ported the age of surface corals in Minami-

0 Daito Island measured by the use of electron spin resonance method as 550ka to 1,200ka, and ca. 250ka for the oldest and the younger ridges, respectively. From this fact, it is also suggested that the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides might be a good index of the degree of soil development and soil age on the raised coral reef terraces.

On the other hand, Araki and Kyuma (1985)

proposed lithology index (LI) and weathering index (WI) based on chemical and mechanical compositions and quartz content of red and/or

yellow colored soil materials in the southwest-ern part of Japan, using a multivariate statisti-cal method. Araki (1993) mentioned that al-though WI and crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides are efficient to evaluate the degree of weathering for the restricted studied area under similar weathering conditions, they are not used universally. So, Araki (1993) extracted two independent factors that have no correla-tion with each other, based on the factor analy-sis using the five variables consisting of activ-ity and crystallinity ratios of free iron oxides, CEC of clay fraction, sum of exchangeable bases and clay contents. The primary factor was related with the degree of weathering and the second one with clay contents. He designated the former as index of weathering degree (WIc) and deduced on the basis of multi-

ple regression analysis a formula for calculat-ing WIc from the original variables. The for-

mula is as follows:

WIc=1.89 [(Fed-Feo)/Fet]-0 .02 CEC of clay-4 .79 (Feo/Fed)-0 .14 sum of bases-0.33

When WIc was calculated from the data of

physico-chemical properties of the soils in Kikai Island (Nagatsuka and Maejima, 2001) and Minami-Daito Island (Maejima et al., 1997 a) by using this formula, we obtained the re-sults as shown in Figure 5. WIc of Minami-

Fig. 5 Relationship between weathering index

based on chemical properties (WIc) and

CEC of clay fraction

WIc was calculated from the equation

proposed by Araki (1993).

Fig. 6 Relationship between soil age and weather-

ing index based on chemical properties

(WIc) in Kikai Island soils

WIc was calculated from the equation

proposed by Araki (1993).

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Daito Island soils are apparently higher than those of Kikai Island soils. It is suggested that Minami-Daito Island soils are in the state of much more advanced development stage than Kikai Island soils.

As shown in Figure 6, there is a high and

positive correlation between the absolute ages of Kikai Island soils and W Ic (y=-33.92+6.01 log x, r=0.84). The ages of Lateritic Red soil and Lateritic Yellow soil of Minami-Daito Island estimated by the extrapolation of thiscorrelation were estimated as 250±130ka and

450±140ka, respectively. The difference in the

estimated ages between by WIc and by crys-tallinity ratios alone, particularly in Lateritic Red soils, may be due to the difference in the nature of the soil parent materials, since non-calcareous soil samples were used for WIc. Judging from the correlation coefficients, 0.91 (crystallinity ratios in Fig. 4-b) and 0.84 (WIc by Araki (1993) in Fig. 6), the estimated ages of Lateritic Red soil and Lateritic Yellow soil of Minami-Daito Island would be more plausible,being 500±60ka and 630±110ka. respectivel

which are obtained from by the regression curve of the crystallinity ratios.

As mentioned above, the soil samples used in this study were calcareous soils, and the appli-cation of the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides to other soils derived from other parent materials is not known. However, Arduino et al. (1986) also reported that the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides was closely related to the ages of fluvial terraces in northern Italy. Moreover, according to Araki (1993), there was a high correlation between the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides and the weathering index (WI) by Araki and Kyuma (1985), it may be also possible to evaluate the soil age from WI for the restricted studied area under similar weathering conditions.

IV. Conclusions

Following conclusions can be deduced about the soil age and the characteristics of status of free iron oxides of soils from Kikai and Minami-Daito Islands:

1. In Kikai Island, the crystallinity ratios of free iron oxides [(Fed-Feo)/Fet] gradually in-creased with the stage of soil development,

while the activity ratios (Feo/Fed) decreased. 2. There was a highly positive correlation

between the absolute ages of Kikai Island soils

(Nagatsuka and Maejima, 2001) and crystal-linity ratios of free iron oxides. Therefore, it is concluded that the crystallinity ratio of free iron oxides could be a good index of the ages of Red-colored soils.

3. The ages of Lateritic Red soils and Lateri-tic Yellow soils of Minami-Daito Island were estimated by the extrapolation of the correla-tion shown in Figure 4-b, and are 500±60ka

and 630±110ka, respectively.


We thank Dr. A. Tomikawa of Tsukuba Uni-

versity for his advise in the iron analysis and

for his helpful suggestions. This study was financially supported by the Grants-in-Aid for

Scientific Research, No. 04660067 from the Min-

istry of Education, Science and Culture of



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喜界島および南大東島の離水サンゴ礁段丘上に発達 した


前 島 勇 治*1・ 永 塚 鎮 男*2・ 東 照 雄*3

〔要 旨〕

前報(Nagatsuka and Maejima,2001)で は,喜 界 島

の離水 サ ンゴ礁段丘上 の土壌生成が石灰岩岩屑土→初生

レンジナ様土→ レンジナ様土→褐色 レンジナ様土→ テラ

フスカ様土→ テ ラロッサ様土→ テ ラロ ッサ様土 と赤黄色

土 の 中間型 の順 に段 階的 に進 行す る ことを明 らかに し

た.そ して,平 均 隆起速度 直線 と氷河性海面変動 曲線 を

用いて,各 土壌 型の絶対年代 を測定 し,さ らに湿潤亜熱

帯気候条件下でサ ンゴ石灰岩 か ら赤黄色土 が生成 するた

めに は,約12.5万 年 の年 月を必要 とする と推定 した.

本報で は,土 壌 の絶対年代 と相 関の高 い指標 を土壌 自

体の理化学的性 質か ら得 ることを目的 として,年 代 の明

らかな喜界島の各土壌 中の全鉄(Fet),ジ チオナイ トーク

エ ン酸塩可 溶鉄(Fed)お よ びアル ミニ ウム(Ald),酸 性

シュウ酸塩可溶鉄(Feo)お よびアル ミニウム(Alo)を 定

量 し,遊 離酸化鉄およびアル ミニ ウムの形態 について検

討 した.そ の結果,土 壌 の絶対年代(x)と 遊離酸化鉄 の

結 晶 化 指 数(y)と の 間 に高 い 相 関 関 係(y=0.0687

x0.1857,r=0.91)が あることが明 らかにな った.さ らに,

得 られ た回帰式 に年代不詳の南大東島土壌 の結 晶化指数

を外挿 したところ,南 大東島の離 水サ ンゴ礁段丘上 の ラ

テライ ト性赤色土 は50±6万 年,ラ テ ライ ト性黄色土 は

63±11万 年 とい う推 定生成年代 を得 る ことに成功 した.

これ らの年代 は,南 大東 島のサ ンゴ化石 のESR年 代値

と非常 に近 い値で あることか ら,遊 離酸 化鉄 の結 晶化指

数 は赤色系土壌 の絶対年代の指標 として有効 であ ると考

え られる.

*1 日本 学 術振 興会 特 別研 究員 筑 波 大学 応用 生物 化 学系 〒305-0006つ くば市天 王 台1-1-1 .(現 住所:東 京 大学 原子 力

研 究 総 合 セ ン タ ー タ ン デ ム加 速 器 研 究部 門 〒113-0032文 京 区 弥 生2-11-16).E-mail:

*2 (有)日 本土壌 研究 所 〒188 -0001西 東京市 谷戸 町2-15-11ひ ば り ヶ丘高 野 ビル7F .

*3 筑波 大学 応 用生物 化学 系 〒305-0006つ くば市 天王 台1-1-1 .
