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c NASA Technical Memorandum 89608 Microgravity Science and Applications Bibliography 1986 Revisiolz JANUARY 1987 https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19870008501 2018-06-16T22:33:04+00:00Z


NASA Technical Memorandum 89608

Microgravity Science and Applications Bibliography

1986 Revisiolz


https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19870008501 2018-06-16T22:33:04+00:00Z

NASA Technical Memorandum 89608

Microgravity Science and Applications Bibliography

1986 Revisiolz

NASA Ofice of Space Science and Applications Wasbington, D.C.

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Scientific and Technical Information Branch



I This edition of the Microgravity Science and Applications (MSA) Bibliography is a comprehensive compilation of government reports, contractor reports, conference and symposia proceedings, and journal articles dealing with flight experiments utilizing a low-gravity environment to elucidate and control various processes, and with ground-based activities that provide supporting research. It encompasses literature published but not cited in the 1985 Revision, and literature published during the past year.

All papers are on file and copies can be made available to workers in the field on request to the bibliographer.

Any omissions that might have occurred are sincerely regretted. Investigators are encouraged to submit to the bibliographer, information on any work that was inadvertently omitted, or any new work, for inclusion in next year's edition of the Bibliography. All correspondence concerning corrections, additions, or deletions to the Microgravity Science and Applications Bibliography should be directed to: Ms. Elizabeth Pentecost, USRA, Suite 201, 600 Maryland Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20024.


I ~

Kathryn Schmoll, Acting Director Microgravity Science and Applications Program





A . U.S. PROGRAM .................................. Electronic Materials .......................... Metals. Alloys and Composites ................. Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena ........ Biotechnology ................................. Glasses and Ceramics .......................... Combustion Science ............................ Experimental Technology ....................... General Studies and Surveys ...................

B . European Program ............................... Electronic Materials .......................... Metals, Alloys and Composites ................. Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena ........ Glasses and Ceramics .......................... Experimental Technology ....................... General Studies and Surveys ...................

C . Soviet Program ................................. General Studies and Surveys ...................

I1 . Patents ............................................

APPENDIX A: Cross Reference Index ......................

.......... C. --n.'*: . . . d. ...... Ti," ..Tt !K NOT FILMED




5 13 21 26 35 39 41 43


47 49 51 55 56 57








Electronic Materials

Adornato, P. M. and Brown, R. A., IIThe Effect of Ampoule on Convection and Segregation During Vertical Bridgman Growth of Dilute and Non-dilute Binary Alloys,Il J. Crvst. Growth, 1986 (submitted)

Adornato, P. M. and Brown, R. A. , "Petrov-Galerkin Methods for Natural Convection in Directional Solidification of Binary Alloys," J. Commt. Phvs., 1986 (submitted).

Bachmann, K. J., Abid, B., Lay, K. Y., Goslowsky, H., Neff, H., and Lange, P., llII-VI and I-III-VI2 Alloy Crystals for Photovoltaic Applications,Il Solar Cells, 1986 (submitted)

Barber, P. G., "A Clarification Gel for Crystal Growth," J. Crvst. Growth 73, 400 (1985).

Barber, P. and Crouch, R. K., I'Electrochemical Etchina of a -

the Semiconductor Lead-Tin Telluride, ll J. Electrochem. SOC. 131, 2803 (1984).

Barber, P., Crouch, R. K., Fripp, A. L., Debnam, W. J.! Berry, R. F., and Simchick, R., "A Procedure to Visualize the Melt-Solid Interface in Bridgman Grown Crystals,Il J. Crvst. Growth 74, 228 (1986).

Barber, P., Crouch, R. K., Fripp, A. L., Debnam, W. J:, and Simchick, R., "Experimental Techniques for the Analysis of Oscillatory Flow in Thermally Unstable Bridgman Grown Compound Semiconductors, m, 1986 (accepted) . Beyerle, A., Gerrish, V., and Hull, K., ItParallel Pulse Processing for Mercuric Iodide Gamma-Ray Detectors,Il Nucl. Inst. & Meth. A242, 443 (1986).

Beyerle, A. and Hull, K., IINeutron Detection with Mercuric Iodide Detectors,l! Nucl. Inst. & Meth., 1986 (submitted).

Bourret, E. D., Derby, J. J., and Brown, R. A:, IlOne- Dimensional Modelling of Transients in Directional Solidification of Non-Dilute Binary Alloys,I' J. Crvst. Growth 7 l , 587 (1985).

Brown, R. A., IIConvection and Species Transport,Il in Materials Sciences in Space (B. Feuerbacher, H. Hamacher, and R.J. Naumann, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1986, pp. 55-94.


Brown, R. A . , "Modelling of Transport Processes in Melt Crystal Growth,Il in Proceedinss of First International Conference on the Processins of Electronic Materials (C. Law, ed.), Spring-Verlag, 1986 (in press).

Brown, R. A . , IITransport Processes in Melt Crystal Growth,*' in Crystal Growth (K. Dryburgh, ed.), 1986 (in press).

Brown, R. A . and Ungar, L. H., "Pattern Formation in Directional Solidification: The Nonlinear Evolution of Cellular Melt/Solid Interface Morphologies,Il in Modellins of Patterns in Space and Time (W. Jager, ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1984, pp. 30-42.

Buchan, N. I. and Rosenberger, F., #!Mass Spectroscopic Characterization of the GeSe:Ge14 Vapor Transport,Il J. Crvst. Growth, 1986 (submitted).

Carlson, F. M., Fripp, A . L., and Crouch, R. K., "Thermal Convection During Bridgman Crystal Growth, J. Crvst. Growth - 68, 747 (1984).

Crouch, R. K., Fripp, A . L., Debnam, W. J., Clark, I. O., and Barber, P., "Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Gravity on Thermosolutal Convection and Compositional Homogeneity in Bridgman Grown, Compound Semiconductors,Il Acta Astron. l2, 923 (1985).

Crouch, R. K., Schuszler, A., Debnam, W. J., Simchick, R. T., and Barber, P. G., IICorrespondence of the Composition of the Compound Semiconductor PbSnTe and Its Etch Pattern, J. Electrochem. SOC. (submitted) . Derby, J. J. and Brown, R. A., "Thermal-capillary Analysis of Czochralski and Liquid-Encapsulated Czochralski Crystal Growth: I. Stead-Steady Simulation,Il J. Crvst. Growth 74, 605 (1986).

Derby, J. J. and Brown, R. A . , llThermal-capillary Analysis of Czochralski and Liquid-Encapsulated Czochralski Crystal Growth: 11. Processing Strategies,Il J. Crvst. Growth 75, 227 (1986) . Derby, J. J. and Brown, R. A . , I I A Fully Implicit Method for Simulation of the One-Dimensional Solidification of a Non- dilute Binary Alloy,Il Chem. Enar. Sci. 4 l , 37-46 (1986).

Derby, J. J. and Brown, R. A . , "On the Dynamics of Czochralski Crystal Growth," J. Crvst. Growth, 1986 (submitted) .


Duranceau, J. L. and Brown, R. A,, "A Thermal-Capillary Model for the Floating Zone Crystal Growth Process,11 J. Cryst. Growth 75, 367 (1986).

Fripp, A. L., Crouch, R. J., Debnam, W. J., Clark, I. O., and Wagner, J. B., "Effects of Supercooling in the Initial

Growth 73, 304 (1985). 1 Solidification of PbTe-SnTe Solid Solutions,Il J. Crvst.

I Gatos, H. C., Skowronski, M., Pawlowicz, L., and L Lagowski, J. , IIOxygen in GaAs : Direct and Indirect Effects ,

Inst. Phvs. Conf. Ser. No. 74, Chapter 2, Adam Hilger, Ltd., 1985, p. 41.

I Egbert, W. C., Gerbi, D. J., Ender, D. A., and Cook, E. L., I IINonlinear Optical Crystal Growth in Microgravity,It in

Proceedinss of Symposium on Nonlinear Optical Materials, MRS, Boston, 1985 (abstract). I Ejim, T. I., Jesser, W. A., and Fripp, A. L., "Solidifica- tion of Low and High Thermal Conductivity Materials in a Bridgman-Stockbarger Furnace,!! J. Crvst. Growth 69, 509 (1984) .

Gatos, H. C., Lagowski, J., Pawlowicz, L. M., Dabkowski, F., and Li, C-J., "Crystal Growth of GaAs in Space, in Proceedinss of 5th European Svmosium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, p. 221.

Gerbi, D. J., Egbert, W. C., and Cook, E. L., IIGrowth of Organic Crystals in a Microgravity Environment,Il J. Crvst. Growth, 1985 (submitted).

Holland, L. R., VLS Growth to Puridy Elements of Groups I1 and VI,t1 J. Crvst. Growth 70 (1984).

Hume, E. C., Deen, W. M., and Brown, R. A., IIComparison of Boundary and Finite Element Methods for Solution of Moving Boundary Problems Governed by a Potentia1,Il Int. J. Num. Meth. Ensr. 2 l , 1295 (1985).

Jackson, K. A. and Witt, A. F., IISilicon: Properties and Defects," in Encyclopedia of Materials Science and Ensineerinq (R.A. Laudise, ed.), Pergamon Press, 1986.

Jasinski, T. and Witt, A. F., "On Control of the Crystal- Melt Interface Shape during Growth in a Vertical Bridgman Configuration,tt J. Crvst. Growth 71, 295 (1985).

Lagowski, J. and Gatos, H. C., IINonstoichiometric Defects in GaAs,'! 17th Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Tokyo, 1985, p. 401.


Lagowski, J. , Lin, D. G., Chen, T-P., Skowronski, M., and Gatos, H. C., "Native Hole Trap in Bulk GaAs and Its Association with the Double-Charge State of the Arsenic Antisite Defect," A P D ~ . Phvs. Lett. 47, 929 ( 1 9 8 5 ) .

Lagowski, J. and Gatos, H. C., IINonstoichiometric Defects in GaAs and the EL2 Bandwagon,l! in Thirteenth International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors (L.C. Kimerling and J.M. Parsey, eds.), AIME, 1 9 8 5 , p. 7 3 .

Lagowski, J., Gatos, H. C., Aoyama, T. , and Lin, D. G., IIOn the Dislocation Density in Melt-Grown GaAs," in Semi- Insulatins 111-V Materials; Ka-nee-ta 1984 (D.C. Look and J . S . Blakemore, eds.), Shiva Publishing, 1984 .

Lagowski, J., Gatos, H. C., and Dabkowski, F. P., IIPartially Confined Configuration for the Growth of Semiconductor Crystals from the Melt in Zero-Gravity Environment,Il J. Crvst. Growth 72, 595-598 ( 1 9 8 5 ) .


Lagowski, J., Lin, D. G., Chen, T. P., Showronski, M., and

Association with the Double-Charge State of the Arsenic Antisite Defect,Il APD~. Phvs. Lett. 47, 929 ( 1 9 8 5 ) .


Gatos, H. C., "Native Hole Trap in Bulk GaAs and Its 1 I I

Lagowski, J. , Skowranski, M., and Gatos, H. C., IIComment on Intracenter Transition in EL2 Observed in Photocurrent I

Spectrum,If Jpn. J. ApD1. Phvs. 2 5 , 194 ( 1 9 8 6 ) . I

Lay, K. Y., Giles-Taylor, N. C., Schetzina, J. F., and Bachmann, K. J., "Growth and Characterization of CdTe, Cdl, Mn,Te, Zn,Cdl,,Te and CdSe Tel-y Crystals," J.



Electrochem. SOC. 133, 1049 ( 1 9 8 6 ) . I

Lay, K. Y., Neff, H., and Bachmann, K. J., IIPhotoreflectance and Photoluminescence Studies of Cd Mn Te: Broadening Effects,Il Phvs. Stat. Sol. 92, 567 t 3 8 5 Y .

Lehoczky, S. L. and Szofran, F. R., "Futher Comments on Segregation During Bridgman Growth of Hgl,,Cd,TefV1 J. Crvst. Growth 6!3, 2 0 1 ( 1 9 8 4 ) .

Levi, A., Burger, A., Nissenbaum, J., Schieber, M., and Burshtein, Z., IlSearch for Improved Treatment Procedures in Fabrication of HgI X-Ray Spectrometersfgt Nucl. Inst. & Meth. 213 , 35 ( 1 9 8 3 ) .

Li, C-J., Sun, Q., Lagowski, J., and Gatos, H. C., IIEBIC Spectroscopy - A New Approach to Microscale Characterization of Deep Levels in Semi-Insulating GaAs,Il in MicroscoPic Indentification of Electronic Defects in Semiconductors (N.M. Johnson, S.G. Bishop, and G.D. Watkins, eds.), MRS, 1985, p. 441.


Matthiesen, D. H., Wargo, M. J., and Witt, A., IICrystal Growth,Il in Opportunities for Academic Research in Low Gravity Environment, AIAA, 1986 (in press).

Motakef, S. and Witt, A. F., "Thennoelastic Analysis of GaAs in LEC Growth Configuration, Part I: Effect of Liquid Encapsulation on Thermal Stresses,@I J. Crvst. Growth, 1986 (submitted) .

Potts, H. and Wilcox, W. R., I'Thermal Fields in the Bridgman-Stockbarger Technique,Il J. Crvst. Growth 73, 350 (1986) . Potts, H. and Wilcox, W. R., '*Chaotic Asymmetric Convection

I I in the Bridgman-Stockbarger Technique," J. Crvst. Growth 2, ~ 443 (1986).

Neff, H., Lay. K. Y., Abid, B. I Lange, P., and Bachmann, K. J., "Sputtering and Native Oxide Formation on (110) Surfaces of Cdl,$nXTe," J. Aml. Phvs., 1986 (in press).

Neff, H., Lay, K. Y., and Bachmann, K. J., IITemperature Dependent Photoconductivity and Photoluminescence of Cdl,,$4nxTe,11 J. Lumin. , 1985 (submitted). Nissenbaum, J., Shilo, I., Burger, A., Levi, A . , Schieber, M., Keller, L., and Wagner, C. J., IINuclear Response and Phase Transformation of Melt Grown, SbI3-Doped HgI2,)I Nucl. Inst. & Meth. 213, 27 (1983).

Patt, B. E., Del Duca, A., Dolin, R., and Ortale, C.! IIMercuric Iodide X-Ray Camera,Il IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-33, (1986) .


Rajendran, S., Wilcox, W. R., and Ravishankar, P. S., "Solidification Behavior in Casting of Silicon,Il J. Crvst. Growth 75, 353 (1986).

Ravishankar, P. S., Dismukes, J. P., and Wilcox, W. R., "Influence of ACRT on Interface Stability and Particle Trapping Behavior in Directional Solidification of Silicon," J. Crvst. Growth 7 l , 579 (1985).

Rosenberger, F., IIInorganic and Protein Crystal Growth, Similarities and Differences,Il J. Crvst. Growth, 1986 (in press).

Sen, R. and Wilcox, W. R., "Twinning of Dodecanedicarboxylic Acid," J. Crvst. Growth 7 5 , 323 (1986).

Sen, R. and Wilcox, W. R., "Behavior of a Non-Wetting Melt in a Free Fall: Experimental," J. Crvst. Growth 74, 591 (1986).


Sen, R. and Wilcox, W. R., "Behavior of a Non-Wetting Melt in Free Fall: Theoretica1,Il J. Crvst. Growth, 1985 (in press).

Skowronski, M., Lagowski, J., and Gatos, H. C., "Meta- stability of the Midgap Level EL2 in GaAs: Relationship with the As Antisite Defect," Phys. Rev. B 32, 4264 (1985).

Skowronski, M., Lin, D. G., Lagowski, J . , Pawlowicz, L. M., KO, K. Y., and Gatos, H. C., "High Resolution Optical Study of the Antisite Defect AsGa in GaAs: Correlation with Midgap Level EL2,11 in Microscopic Indentification of Electronic Defects in Semiconductors (N.M. Johnson, S.G. Bishop, and G.D. Watkins, eds.), MRS, 1985, p. 207.

Skowronski, M., Lagowski, J., and Gatos, H. C., flOptical and Transient Capacitance Study of EL2 in the Absence and Presence of Other Midgap Levels,Il J. Am1. Phvs. 59, 2451 (1986).

Stinespring, C. D.,Annen, K . D., and Voltin, G. E., IIModeling Free Convective and Chemical Effects in CVD,'! J. Electrochem. SOC., 1985 (submitted).

Su, C-H., "Heat Capacity, Enthalpy of Mixing and Thermal Conductivity of Hg Cd Te Pseudobinary Melts,Il J. Crvst. Growth, 198 5 ( submi8!edr.

Su, C-H., Lehoczky, S. L., and Szofran, F. R., "A Method to Eliminate Wetting During the Homogenization of HgCdTe," J. Am1. Phys., 1985 (submitted).

Szofran, F. R. and Lehoczky, S. L., "A Method for Interface Shape Control During Bridgman Type Crystal Growth of HgCdTe Alloys,~~ J. Crvst. Growth 70, 349 (1984).

Szofran, F. R., Chandra, D., Wang, J-C., Cothran, E. K . , and Lehoczky, S. L., IIEffects of Growth Parameters on Compositional Variations in Directionally Solidified HgCdTe Alloys,l# J. Crvst. Growth 70, 343 (1984).

Szymczyk, W. M., Dabrowksi, A. J., Iwanczyk, J. W., Kusmiss, J. H., Huth, G. C., Hull, K . , Beyerle, A., and Markakis, J., IIGamma Ray Spectrometry with Solid-state Detectors by Current Pulse Height Analysis,Il Nucl. Inst. & Meth. 213, 115 (1983).

Taylor, R. E., Holland, L. R., and Crouch, R. K . , l1Thermal Diffusivity Measurements on Some Molten Semiconductors,I@ Hish Temp.-Hish Press. l7, 47-52 (1985).


Ungar, L. H., Bennett, M. B:, and Brown, R. A., IICellular Interface Morphologies in Directional Solidification. 3. The Effect of Coupled Heat Transfer," Phvs. Rev. B 3l, 5923-5930 (1985) . Ungar, L. H. and Brown, R. A., ItCellular Interface Morphologies in Directional Solidification. 4. The Formation of Deep Cells,Il Phvs. Rev. B 3l, 5931 (1985).

Ungar, L. H. and Brown, R. A., IIFully Implicit Method for Calculating Time-Dependent Evolution of Melt/Solid Interface Morphologies, J. Comput. Phvs., 1986 (in press) . Ungar, L. H. and Brown, R. A., "Finite Element Methods for Unsteady Solidification, Problems Arising in the Prediction of Morphological Structure,Il J. Comput. Phvs., 1986 (in press).

Walukiewicz, W., Wang, L., Pawlowicz, L. M., Lagowski, J., and Gatos, H. C., ''Effects of Macroscopic Inhomogeneities on Electron Mobility in Semi-insulating GaAs," Ap~l. Phys. Lett., 1985 (submitted),

Warbureton, W. K., Iwanczyk, J. S., Dabrowski, A. J., Hedman, B., Penner-Hahn, J. E., Roe, A. L., Hodgson, K. O., and Beyerle, A., IIDevelopment of Mercuric Iodide Detectors for XAS and XRD Measurement,n Nucl. Inst. & Meth. A246, 558 (1986) . Wiedemeier, H., Wapor Transport Processes of Metal Chalcogenide-Halide Systems under Normal and Reduced Gravity Conditions,Il in Proceedinss of Symposium on Science and Technolosv of Hish Temperature Lisht Sources, TES, VOl. 85-2, 1985, p. 38.

Wiedemeier, H., Trivedi, S. B., Zhong, X. R., and Whiteside, R. C., IICrystal Growth and Transport Rates of the GeSe-Xenon System under Microgravity Conditions,l# J. Electrochem. SOC. 133, 1015 (1986).

Wiedemeier, H. and Goldman, H., "Mass Transport and Crystal Growth of the Mixed ZrS2-ZrSe2 System," J. Less-Common Metals 116, 389 (1986).

Wiedemeier, H. and Trivedi, S. B., Whiteside, R. C., and Palosz, W., "The Heat of Formation of Mercury Vacancies in Hgo.8Cd0.2Te," J. Electrochem. SOC., 1986 (in press).


Wiedemeier, H. and Trivedi, S . B., I'Initial Observations of GeSe-Xenon Transport Experiments Performed on the D-1 Space Flight, Naturwissenschaften, 1986 (in press) . Wiederneier, H. and Chandra, D., IIA Thermodynamic Model of the Hgo.gCd012Te-Iodine Transport System. I. Te-Saturated Source Material, 1986 (submitted) . Wiedemeier, H. and Chandra, D., "A Thermodynamic Model of the Hgo 8Cd0,2Te-Iodine Transport System. 11. Source Material Composition within the Homogeneity Range,", 1986 (submitted) . Witt, A. F. and Motakef, S . , "Defect Formation and Control During LEC Growth of Compound Semiconductors,Il in Proceedinss of Osaka Technolosv Seminar '85, 1986.

1 2

Metals, Alloys, and Composites

Bahrami, P. A. and Wang, T. G., IIAnalysis of Gravity and Conduction Driven Melting in a Sphere,!! J. Heat Transfer, 1986 (submitted).

Baskaran, V. and Wilcox, W. R., "Influence of Convection on Lamellar Spacing of Eutectics," J. Crvst. Growth 6 7 , 343 (1985).

Bethin, J., Larson, D. J. and Dressler, B. S., IIOrbital Processing of Aligned Magnetic Composites,Il in Annual Report of Francis Bitter National Masnet Laboratory, MIT Press (in press).

Boettinger, W. J. and Perepezko, J. H., IIFundamentals of Rapid Solidification in Rapidly Solidified Crystallizing Alloys,Il (C. Adams, S. Das, and B. Kear, eds. ) , AIME (in press).

Bonnell, D. W., "Measurements of High Temperature Thermophysical Propetties,Il in NBS: Materials Measurements (J. R. Manning, ed.), NBSIR 85-3217, 1985.

Bonnell, D. W., Montgomery, R. L., Stephenson, B., Sundareswaran, P. C., and Margrave, J. L., '!Levitation Calorimetry,Ir in Specific Heat of Solids, Chapter 7 (A. Cezairliyan, ed.), McGraw-Hill, 1985.

Chandrasakhar, Wisa, G. F., and Wilcox, W. R., "Influence of Convection on Lamellar Spacing of Eutectics,#' J. Crvst. Growth, 1985 (in press).

Coriell, S. R., McFadden, G. B., Boisvert, R. F., Glicksman, M. E., and Fang, Q. T., IICoupled Convective Instabilities at Crystal-Melt Interfaces," J. Crvst. Growth - I 66 514 (1984).

Coriell, S. R., McFadden, G. B., Boisvert, R. F., and Sekerka, R. F., !!Effect of a Forced Flow on Coupled Convective and Morphological Instabilities during Unidirectional Solidification,Il J. Cryst. Growth 69, 15 (1984) . Coriell, S. R., McFadden, G. B : , and Sekerka, R. F., IICellular Growth during Directional Solidification,Il Ann. Rev. Mat. Sci. l5, 119 (1985).

Dadyburjor, D. B., Marsh, S. P. and Glicksman, M. E., !!The Role of Multiparticle-Adatom Interactions on the Sintering of Supported Metal Catalysts," J. Catalysts 9 9 , 358 (1986).


Eisa, G. F., "Effect of Convection on the Microstructure of MnBi/Bi Eutectic Solidified from the Melt," J. Cryst. Growth, 1986 (in press).

Ethridge, E. C. and Kaukler, W. F., "Surface Film Effects on Drop Tube Undercooling Studies,I' NASA TM-86547, April 1986.

Evans, N. D., Hofmeister, W. H., Bayuzick, R. J., and Robinson, M. B., IISolidification of Nb Alloys in Long Drop Tubes," Met. Trans. A. m, 973-981 (1986). Evans, N. D., Bayuzick, R. J., and Kenik, E. A., "Metastable Phases Formed in Rapidly Solidified Nb-Ge Alloys,Il in Proceedings of 44th Annual Meeting of ESMA (C.W. Bailey, ed.), San Francisco Press, 1986, pp. 554-555.

Evans, N. D:, Bayuzick, R. J., and Kenik, E. A., "Metastable Structures in Drop Tube Processed Niobium Alloys,Il Adv. Space Res., 1986 (accepted).

Facemire, B. R. and Frazier, D. O., IISeparation Processes in Monotectic Systems,Il Res. Mechan., 1986 (submitted).

Fang, Q. T., Glicksman, M. E., Coriell, S. R., McFadden, G. B., and Boisvert, R. F., I'Convective Influence on the Stability of a Cylindrical Solid-Liquid Interface," J. Fluid Mech. 151, 121 (1985).

Flemings, M. C., Shiohara, Y., and Wu, Y., !!Dendritic Growth of an Undercooled Nickel-Tin Alloy,Il in Proceedings of TMS- AIME Symposium on The Hume-Rothery Memorial Symposium on Undercooled Alloy Phases (E.W. Collings and C.C. Koch, eds.), TMS-AIME, 1986 (in press).

Frazier, D. O., Facemire, B. R., and Fanning, U. S., IISurface Effects on Phase Distributions of a Fast-Quenched Miscibility Gap Type System: Succinonitrile-Water,I@ Acta - Met. - I 34 63-72 (1986).

Glicksman, M. E., IIFundamentals of Dendritic Growth, in Crystal Growth of Electronic Materials, Chapter 5 (E. Kaldis, ed.), Elsevier, 1985, pp. 57-69.

Glicksman, M. E., McFadden, G. B., Coriell, S. R., Boisvert, R. F., and Fang, Q. T., !!Morphological Stability in the Presence of Fluid Flow in the Melt," Met. Trans. m, 2117 (1984).

Glicksman, M. E., Coriell, S. R., and McFadden, G. B., "Interaction of Flows with the Crystal-Melt Interface,Il Ann. Rev. Fluids Mech. l8, 307-335 (1986).


Glicksman, M. E. and Singh, N. B., "Microstructural Scaling Laws for Dendritically Solidified Aluminum Alloys,Il in Rapidly Solidified Powder Aluminum Alloys ASTM-STP890 (M. E. Fine and E. A. Starke, eds.), ASTM, in press.

Glicksman, M. E. and Voorhees, P. W., IIThermal Measurements of Ostwald Ripening Kinetics in Partially Crystallized Mixtures,Il J. Crvst. Growth 72, 599-615 (1985).

Graves, J. A., Wndercooling and Solidification Behavior in the InSb-Sb System, If NASA CR-175013 (1985) . Graves, J. A. and Perepezko, J. H., TJndercooling and Crystallization Behavior of Antimony Droplets,Ir J. Mat. Sci. , 1985 (in press). Hellawell, A., "The Mechanisms of Formation and Prevention of Channel Segregation during Alloy Solidification,Il in Proceedinss of International Steel Foundry Conqress, Chicago, 1985, pp. 295-306.

Hofmeister, W. H., Evans, N. D., Bayuzick, R. J.! and Robinson, M. B., Wndercooling of Niobium-Germanium Alloys in a 100 Meter Drop Tube," in Rapidly Quenched Metals (S. Steeb and H. Warlimont, eds.), Elsevier, 1985, pp. 59-63.

Hofmeister, W. H., Evans, N. D., Bayuzick, R. J., and Robinson, M. B., IfMicrostructures of Niobium-Germanium Alloys Processed in Insert Gases in the 100 Meter Drop Tube,Il Met. Trans. m, 1421-1428 (1986). Hofmeister, W. H., Robinson, M. B., and Bayuzick, R. J., YJndercooling of Pure Metals in a Containerless Microgravity Environment, Appl. Phys. Lett. , 1986 (accepted). Jayaraman, N., Tewari, S . N., Hemker, K. J., and Glasgow, T. K., IIMicrostructures in Rapidly Solidified Ni-Mo Alloys,Il in Proceedinqs of ASM International Conference on Rapidly Solidified Materials, 1985 (accepted).

Jayaraman, N. and Tewari, S . N., IIFault Structures in Rapidly Quenched Ni-Mo Binary Alloys," Met. Trans., 1986 (submitted) . Johnston, M. H., Curreri, P. A., Parr, R. A., and Alter, W. S . , nSuperalloy Microstructural Variations Induced by Gravity Level during Directional Solidification," Met. Trans. m, 1683 (1985).


Kaukler, W. F. and Frazier, D. O., IIObservations of a Monotectic Solidification Interface Morphology,Il J. Cryst. Growth 7 l , 340-345 (1985).

Kaukler, W. F. and Frazier, D. O., IICrystallization Microstructure in Transparent Monotectic Alloys,l! Nature, 1986 (in press).

Kendall, J. M., IIExperiments of Annular Liquid Jet Instability and on the Formation of Liquid Shells,Il Phvs. Fluids, 1986 (in press).

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Combustion Science

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Experimental Technology

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Sudol, E. D., El-Aasser, M. S., and Micale, F. J., IIDevelopment and Testing of a Space Flight Dilatometer/ Reactor,Il Rev. Sci. Instrum., 1986 (in press).

Szofran, F. R. and Espy, P. N., IIAutomated ac Galvano- magnetic Measurement System,'! Rev. Sci. Instrum. 5 6 , 1363 (1985) .


Trinh, E. H., IICompact Acoustic Levitation Device for Studies in Fluid Dynamics and Materials Science in the Laboratory and Microgravity,n Rev. Sci. Instrum. 56, 2059 (1985) . Trinh, E. H., IIApplication of Acoustic Levitation to the Investigation of Melting and Freezing Phenomena,Il J. Acoust. SOC. Am. 79, S4 ( 1 9 8 6 ) . Abstract

Trinh, E. H., lfAcoustic Levitation Methods for Density Measurements,Il J. Acoust. SOC. Am., 1986 (in press).

Wang, T. G., Trinh, E. H., Rhim, W. K., Kerrisk, D., Barmatz, M., and Elleman, D. D., tfContainerless Processing Technology at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory,Il Acta Astron. - 11, 233 ( 1 9 8 4 ) .

Witherow, W. K., IIReconstruction Techniques of Holograms from Spacelab 3 , I l Ami. Opt., 1986 (submitted).

Witherow, W. K. and Facemire, B. R., IIOptical Studies of a Binary Miscibility Gap System,Il J. Colloid & Interface Sci. 104, 185-192 ( 1 9 8 5 ) .


General Studies and Surveys

Debe, M. K., "Industrial Material Processing Experiments Onboard the Space Shuttle Orbiter," J. Vac. Sci. Techn., 1986 (in press).

Executive Summary, Space Shuttle Experiment and Environment Workshop, August 1984

Microqravity and Materials Processins Facility (MMPF) Study Workshop, September 1985.

Microqravity Materials Science Laboratory, Laboratory Description and Scientist and Ensheer's Application Procedures for Its Use, NASA/LeRC, September 1985.

NASA Advisory Council Report of the Task Force for the Commercial Use of Space, August 1985.

Microqravity Science and Applications Proqram, Summary of Accomplishments 1985, NASA/LeRC, 1986.

Materials Research Base for the Materials Processins Center, MITA Annual Report, 1986.




Electronic Materials

Billia, B., Camel, D., and Favier, J. J., IIMorphological Instabilities during Unidirectional Solidification of PbT1: Influence of the Gravity Field Orientation,Il Adv. Space Res. 4, (1984)

Bourret, E., Favier, J. J., 32d Bourrel, O., IIMeasurement of the Diffusion Coefficient Ga in Molten Germanium in the Vicinity of the Melting Point,Il J. Electrochem. SOC. 128, 2437 (1981).

Camel, D. and Favier, J. J., llThermal Convection and Longitudinal Macrosegregation in Horizontal Bridgman Crystal Growth: Order of Magnitude Analysis,@I J. Crvst. Growth 67, 42 (1984).

Camel, D. and Favier, J. J., IIThermal Convection and Longitudinal Macrosegregation in Horizontal Bridgman Crystal Growth: Practical Laws," J. Crvst. Growth 67, 57 (1984).

Dupouy, M. D. , Camel, D., and Favier, J. J., IIOrder of Magnitude Analysis of Convective Effects in Dendritic Solidification,n Acta Astron. l2, 257 (1985).

Favier, J. J., IISolid-Liquid Interface Stability in Normal and Microgravity Conditions: The ELMA 01 Experiments,Il Acta Astron. 9, 255 (1982).

Favier, J. J. and de Goer, J., "Directional Solidification of Eutectic Alloys,lI in Proceedinqs of 5th European Symposium on Material Sciences under Microqravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, pp. 127-133.

Eyer, A. and Leiste, H., "Striation-Free Silicon Crvstalls by Float-Zoning with Surface-Coated Melt, Ir J. Crvst: Growth - 71, 249-252 (1985).

Eyer, A., Leiste, H. , and Nitsche, R., IIFloating Zone Growth of Silicon under Microgravity in a Sounding Rocket,Il J. Crvst. Growth 7l, 173-182 (1985).

Eyer, A., Leiste, H., and Nitsche, R., IICrystal Growth of Silicon in Spacelab-1: Experiment ES-231,1v in Proceedinqs of 5th European Symposium on Materials Sciences under Microqravity, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, pp. 173-182.

Eyer, A., Kolbesen, B. O., and Nitsche, R., IIFloating Zone Growth of Silicon Single Crystals in a Double-Ellipsoid Mirror Furnace,!! J. Crvst. Growth 57, 145-154 (1982).


Eyer, A., Nitsche, R., and Zimmermann, H., IfA Double- Ellipsoid Mirror Furnace for Zone Crystallization Experi ments in Spacelab,Il J. Crvst. Growth 47, 219-229 (1979).

Eyer, A. and Nitsche, R., "Preparatory Experiments for the Growth of Silicon Single Crystals in the Mirror Heating Facility of Spacelab," in Proceedinss of 3rd European Symposium on Materials Science in Space, Grenoble, 1979, ESA SP-142, pp. 75-79.

Favier, J. J.! IISolid-Liquid Interface Stability in Normal and Microgravity Conditions: The ELMA 01 Experiments,Il Acta Astron. 9, 255 (1982).

Favier, J. J. and de Goer, J., "Directional Solidification of Eutectic Alloys," in Proceedings of 5th European Symposium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, pp. 127-133.

Hermanns, J., Hahne, A., Merkens, W., and Richter, J., "Interdiffusion in Binasen Salzschmelzen unter Schwerelosigkeit,Il Forschungsbericht BMFT-FB-W85-017, 1985.

Malmejac, Y. and Praizey, J. P., IIThermomigration of Cobalt in Liquid Tin,11 in Proceedinss of 5th European Symposium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, pp. 147-152.

Richter, J. and Fuchs, B. , VJltrasonic Absorption and Relaxation Phenomena in Molten Nitrate Mixtures," Z. Naturforsch. m, 535 (1986). Rouzaud, A., Camel, D., and Favier, J. J., IIA Comparative Study of Thermal and Thermosolutal Convective Effects in Vertical Bridgman Crystal Growth,Il J. Crvst. Growth 73, 149 (1985) . Schonholz, R., Dian, R., and Nitsche, R., IISolution Growth of Cadmium-Telluride - Experiment ES 322," in Proceedinss of 5th European Symposium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, pp. 163-167.


Metals, Alloys, and Composites

Ahlborn, H. and Lohberg, K., "Separation of Immiscible under Reduced Gravity,ll Naturwissen. 73, 378 (1986).


Froyen, L. and Deruyttere, A., IIMelting and Solidifica-ion of Metallic Composite Materials," Naturwissen. 73, 384 (1986).

Hug, W., Kallien, L., and Sahm, P. R., IIBehalterlose Erstarrung diskreter Pd77 5Si16 5Cu6-Teilschen im Fallschacht,Il Gei erei-Fofischun4 38, 73-76 (1986).

Jansen, R. and Sahm, P. R., IIWissenschaftliche Ziele der Deutschen Spacelab Mission D 1,Il DFCLR-Nachrichten 45, 1-6 (1985) . Kallien, L. and Sahm, P. R., IISolidification of Amorphous pdz71!jsi16, TCu6 in a Drop Tube," in Horizons of Powder Me a ursv W.A. Kaysser and W.J. Huppmann, eds.), 1986.

Kneissler, G., Ratke, L., and Thierinser, W. K.. "The Section Preparation of Monotectic Pract. Metall. - 1 23 363 (1986).

Kneissl, A. and Fischmeister, H., IIParticle Coarsening in Immiscible Zinc-Lead Alloys under Microgravity,lI in Proceedinss of 5th European Symposium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, p. 63.

Nieswaag, H., Malinowska, M., and Sprenger, H. F., "Skin Casting of Gray Cast Iron," Naturwissen. 73, 396-399 (1986).

Potschke, J., "On the Behavior of Foreign Particles at an Advancing Solid-Liquid Interface,!# J. Crvst. Growth, 1986 (submitted) . Potschke, J. and Rogge, V., "Das Verhalten Suspendierter Teilschen an der Erstarrungsfront von Kupfer,I' Naturwissen. 73, 381-383 (1986).

Ratke, L., IISimultaneous Coarsening of Dispersons by Growth and Coagulation," J. Colloid 61 Interface Sci., 1986 (submitted) . Ratke, L. and Thieringer, W. K.! IIThe Influence of Particle Motion on Ostwald Ripening in Liquids,It Acta Met. 33, 1793 (1985).


Ratke, L., Thieringer, W. K., and Fischmeister, H., "Coarsening of Immiscible Liquid Alloys by Ostwald Ripening," in Proceedinss of Spacelab-Mission D1 Symposium, Norderney, 1986 (in press).

Sahm, P. R. and Sturm, J. C., gfSolidification,tl in Materials Sciences in Space (B. Feuerbacher, H. Hamacher, and R.J. Naumann, eds.), Springer Verlag, 1986.

Sprenger, H. J., IIIndustrial Possibilities for Directional Solidification of Alloys and Composites in Space,lI in Proceedinss of Symposium on Industrial Activity in Space, Stresa, Italy, 1984, pp. 205-236.

Sprenger, H. J., "Skin Casting of Alloys and Composites - Results of SL-1 and TEXUS Experiments,Il in Proceedinss of 5th European Symposium on Materials Sciences in MicroqravitY,tl Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, pp. 87-94.

Sprenger, H. J., IIIndustrielle Moglichkeiten der Werkstofforschung unter Mikrogravitation - dargestrllt am Beispiel der Turbinenschaufel," Welttraumtech. in Berlin 2 (1986) . Sprenger, H. J., "Skin Technology - Directional Solidifica- tion of a Eutectic High Temperature Alloy,Il Naturwissen. 73, 390-395 (1986).

Sprenger, H. J., "Skin Technology - Directional Solidifica- tion of Multiphase Alloys,l! in Proceedinqs of Symposium on Scientific Results of German Spacelab Mission D-1," Norderney, 1986 (accepted).

Fluid Dynamics and Transport Phenomena

Bauer, H. F., "Surface- and Interface Oscillations in an Immiscible Spherical Visco-elastic System,*I Acta Mech. 55, 127-149 (1985).

Bauer, H. F., "Induced Free Liquid Surface Oscillations in a Visco-elastic Liquid Column due to Angular Temperature Fluctuations,Il Forsch. Ins. Wes. 51, 133-140 (1985).

Bauer, H. F., IICombined Themnocapillary and Natural Convection and G-jitter in a Constant Microgravity Field,Il Forsch. Ins. Wes. 50, 169-200 (1985).

Bauer, H. F., "Bei Fabrilationsprozessen in Zylindrischen Flussigkeitsbrucken unter Mikrogravitation auftretende Storeffekte,Il Ins. Arch. 55, 244-257 (1985).

Bauer, H. F., Wber die Storeffekte die bei Fabrikationsprozessen unter Mikrogravitation in Flussigkeitskugeln auftreten,Il Forsch. Ins. Wes. 52, 1-7 (1986) . Bauer, H. F., IICombined Residual Natural and Marangoni Convection in a Liquid Sphere Subjected to a Constant and Variable Microgravity Field," ZAMM 65, 461-470 (1985).

Bauer, H. F., "Free Surface- and Interface Oscillations of an Infinitely Long Visco-elastic Liquid Column,Il Acta Astron. l3, 9-22 (1986).

Bauer, H. F., IIInduced Free Surface Oscillations in a Freely Floating Visco-elastic Liquid Sphere Imposed to an Oscillatory Temperature Gradient,!# Forsch. Ins. Wes. 52, 81- 88 (1986).

Bauer, H. F., IIThermocapillary Induced Axisymmetric Free Liquid Surface Oscillations in a Visco-elastic Liquid Column,l# ZAMM 66, 283-295 (1986).

Bauer, H. F., @'Coupled Frequencies of a Hydroelastic Viscous Liquid System," Int. J. Solids & Struct., 1986 (in press).

Bauer, H. F., IISurface and Interface Oscillations of a Rotating Visco-elastic Liquid Column of Immiscible Liquids,Il ZAMP, 1986 (in press).

Bauer, H. F., "Coupled Frequencies of a Hydroelastic System Consiting of an Elastic Shell and Frictionless Liquid," J. Sound & Vibr., 1986 (in press).


Bauer, H. F:, IIThermocapillary and Residual Natural Convection in an Orbiting Spherical Liquid System,f1 Forsch. Ins. Wes., 1986 (in press).

Bauer, H. F., "Bauer, H. F. and Eidel, W., IINonlinear Liquid Oscillations in Spherical Systems under Zero-Gravity,*l Acta Mech., 1986 (in press).

Bauer, H. F. and Offenbach, D., IIThermocapillary Convection in a Semi-spherical Drop," 2. Flus. Welt. Bd 10, 92-96 (1986).

Bewersdorff, A., Muller, G., Oertel, H., Sahm, P. R., Sell, P. J., and Siekmann, J., "Grenzflachen- und Transportphanomene unter Weltraumbedingungen, Teil 11: Oberflachen und Benetzung,Il 2. Flus. Welt. 2, 1 (1983).

Chun, C-H., IgThermocapillary Flow in Surroundings of a Bubble under a Heated Wall," in Proceedinss of the 15th International Symposium on Space Technolosv and Science, Tokyo, 1986 (in press).

Da Riva, I. and Martinez, I., IIFloating Liquid Zones," Naturwissen. 73, 345 (1986).

Durr, H. M. and Siekmann, J., IINumerical Studies of Fluid Oscillation Problems by Boundary Integral Techniques," Acta Astron., 1986 (in press).

Eidel, W., IIFreie und Erzwungene Nichtlineare Schwingungen eines Reibungsfreien Flussigkeitstropfens unter Schwerelosigkeit,Il Ins. Arch. 56, 1986 (in press).

Nahle, R., Neuhaus, D., Siekmann, J., Srulijes, J., and Wozniak, G., I'Separation of Fluid Phases and Bubble Dynamics in a Temperature Gradient,Il Naturwissen. 73, 387 (1986).

Nitsche, K., Straub, J., and Lange, R., "Isochore Specific Heat of Sulphur Hexafluoride at the Critical Point - a Spacelab Experiment for the German D1-Mission in 1985," in Proceedinss of 5th European Symposium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222.

Nitsche, K. and Straub, J., nIsochoric Heat Capacity at the Critical Point Under Reduced Gravity," Naturwissen. 73, 370 (1986) . Petre, G. and Wozniak, G., IIMeasurement of the Variation of Interfacial Tension with Temperature Between Immiscible Liquids of Equal Density," Acta Astron., 1986 (in press).

Sarma, G.S.R:, "On Oscillatory Modes of Thermocapillary Instability in a Liquid Layer Rotating about a Transverse Axis," Physicochem. Hvdrodvn. 2, 143-151 (1981)


Sarma, G.S.R., IIEffects of Rotating and Magnetic Field on the Onset of Convective Instability in a Liquid Layer due to Buoyancy and Surface Tension,Il in Proceedinas of Second International Colloquium on Drow and Bubbles (D.H. Le Croissette, ed.), JPL, 1982, pp. 366-373.

Sarma, G.S.R., IIBenard-Marangoni Instability in a Rotating Liquid Layer Subjected to a Transverse Magnetic Field,'! Adv. Space Res. 3, 33-36 (1983).

Sarma, G.S.R., "Interaction of the Buoyancy and Surface Tension Mechanisms in a Rotating Liquid Layer Subjected to a Transverse Magnetic Field,!! Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 404, 45-47 (1983) . Sarma, G.S.R., IIEffects of Interfacial Curvature and Gravity Waves on the Onset of Thermocapillary Convective Instability in a Rotating Liquid Layer Subjected to a Transverse Magnetic Field," Phvsicochem. Hvdrodvnam. 6, 283-300 (1985).

Sarma, G.S.R., "Interaction of the Surface Tension Buoyancy Mechanisms in a Horizontal Liqyid Layer,lI A I M J., 1986 (in press).

Schlling, U. and Siekmann, J., "On the Use of Boundary Element Methods for the Calculation of the Free and Translational Forced Oscillations of a Liquid in Axisymmetric Vessels,I@ in Boundary Elements, Volume I1 (C.A. Brebbia and G. Maier, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1985, pp. 61-70.


5 3

Sell, P. J., Maisch, E., and Siekmann, J., IIExperimental Study of Fluid Transport in Capillary Systems," Acta Astron. - 13, 87-93 (1986).

Sell, P. J., Maisch, E., and Siekmann, J.! Wber den Anstieg von Flussigkeiten in Vertikalen Makroskopischen Modellrohren unter Weltraumbedingungen, Ins. Arch. 56, 281-294 (1986) . Siekmann, J. and Szymczyk, J., "On the Thermocapillary Motion of a Bubble in a Low Gravitational Environment,Il in Proceedinqs of the 15th International Symposium on Space Technoloqv and Science, Tokyo, 1986 (in press).

Straub, J., Lange, R., Nitsche, K., and Kemmerle, K., IIIsochoric Specific Heat of Sulfur Hexafluoride at the Critical Point: Laboratory Results and Outline of a Spacelab Experiment for the D1-Mission in 1985," Int. J. Thermophvs. - 1 7 1986.

Zell, M.! Weinzierl, A., and Straub, J., "Nucleate Pool Boiling in Subcooled Liquid under Microgravity - Results of TEXUS Experimental Investigations," in Proceedinqs of 5th European Svmposium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222.

Zell, M. and Straub, J., "Microgravity Pool Boiling - T E N S and Parabolic Experiments," in Proceedinss of XI11 Heat Transfer Conference, 1986 (accepted)

5 4

Glass and Ceramics

Braetsch, V. and Frischat, G. H., tlHomogeneity of Li20-Si02 Glasses as Prepared under g and lg Melting Conditions,t1 Naturwissen. 73, 368-369 (1986).

1 Frischat, G. H., IIMicrogravity Research in Glasses and I Ceramics,t1 J. Brit. Interplan. SOC. 39, 90-91 (1986).

Jeschke, V. and Frischat, G. H., "Gas Bubbles in Glass Melts under Microgravity, Part 11: Helium Diffusion,#* Phvs. Chem. Glasses, 1986 (submitted).


Kirninami, C. S. and Sahm, P. R., IIKinetics of Crystal Nucleation and Growth in Pd77,5Si16,5 Cu 6 Glass,Il Acta Met., 1986 (in press).

Rosenkranz, V., Braetsch, V., and Frischat, G. H., "Gas Bubbles in Glass Melts under Microgravity,-Part I: Apparatus for Photographic Observation,Il Phvs. Chem. Glasses 2 6 , 123- 145 (1985).


Experimental Technology

Hamacher, H. and Merbold, U., "The Microgravity Environment of the Material Science Double Rack during Spacelab-l,Il in Proceedinss of AIAA Shuttle Environment and Operations I1 Conference, 1985, Paper 85-7026, pp. 228-238.

Hamacher, H., Feuerbacher, B., and Jilg, R., IIAnalysis of Microgravity Measurements in Spacelab,Il in Proceedinss of 15th ISTS Symposium, Tokyo, 1986 (in press).

Hamacher, H. and Merbold, U., "The Microgravity Environment of the Material Science Double Rack during Spacelab-l,Il J. Spacecraft 61 Rockets, 1987 (accepted).

Hamacher, H., Merbold, U., and Jilg, R.! "Analysis of Microgravity Measurements Performed during D1,Il in Proceedinss of Spacelab Mission-D1 Symposium, Norderney, 1986 (in press).

Nitsche, R., "The Mirror Heating Facility: Performance and Experiences,Il in Proceedinss of 5th European Symposium on Material Sciences under Microsravitv, Schloss Elmau, 1984, ESA SP-222, pp. 155-156.


General Studies

Bauer, H. F., IIMotion Trajectories of Particles Inside and Outside an Orbiting Space Shuttle,Il Z. Flus. Welt. 10, 22-33 (1986).

Feuerbacher, B., Hamacher, H., and Naumann, R. J., Materials Sciences in Space - A Contribution to the Scientific Basis of SDace Processinq, Springer-Verlag, 1986.

Sprenger, H. J., IIMaterials Research Experiments in the D-1 Space Mission,Il l7, 30-35 (1986).

5 7



General Studies and Surveys

Avduyevsky, V. S., Grishin, S. D., Leskov, L. V:, Polezhayev, V. I., Savitschev, V. V., tlScientific Founda- tions of Space Manufacturing,lI in Advances in Science and Technolosv in the USSR (V. S. Avduyevsky, ed.), MIR Publishers, 1984.


6 3


Debnam, W. J., Fripp, A. L., and Crouch, R. K., IIReusable Thermal Cycling Clamp,'I U.S. Patent #4,491,427, January 1985.

Hellawell, A . , 'IMethod of Reducing Macro-segregation in Alloys,Ii U.S. Patent #4,462,454, July 1984.




Abid, B.

Adornato, P. M.

Aggarwal, S. K.

Agosta, C.

Ahlborn, H.

Alter, W. S.

Altenkirch, R. A.

Angel, P.

Angeline, M.

Antaki, P.

Aoyama, T.

Annen, K. D.

Arn, D.

Arp, V. D.


I Annamalai, P.

Avduyevsky, V. S.

Aylward, L.

Barberm P. G.

Babu, Y.

Bachmann, K. J.

Bahadori, M. Y.

Bahrami, P. A.





















13,17, 36

B a i r d , J. K. 21,26, 29

B a m b e r g e r , S . B a n s a l , N . P.

B a s k a r a n , V.

B a r l o w , G. H.

B a r - o r , D.

B a r m a t z , M.

B a u e r , H. F.

B a y u z i c k , R. J.

B e n n e t t , M. B.

B e r r y , R. F.

B e t h i n , J.

B e r g , R. F.

B e r l a d , A . L.

B e w e r s d o r f f , A .

B e y e r l e , A.

B i a n c h i , B o s i s i o , A .

B i e r , M.

B i g g e r s t a f f , M. I.

B i l l i a , B.

B i x l e r , J. W.

B l a i s d e l l , S. J.

B o e t t i n g e r , W. J.

B o i s v e r t , R. F.

26,27, 29



26,30, 33


35,36, 41,42

51,52 57

14,15, 41




1 21


52 1 5,10,11


26,30, 31,32





13 1

13 , 14 1


Bond, A. M.

Bonnell, D. W.

Bontoux, P.

Bourrel, 0.

Bourret, E. D.

Bradner, T.

Braetsch, V.

Brooks, D. E.

Broom, M. B.

Brown, J. A.

Brown, R. A.

Buchan, N. I.

Bugg, C. E.

Burger, A.

Burshtein, Z.

Camel, D.

Carlson, F. M.

Carson, M.

Carter, D.

Carter, W. I.

Chai, A. T.

Chakraborty, I. N.

Chandra, D.

Chang, M.

7 1









26,27, 27,29, 33 , 34 27


5,6, 7, 11,22, 23 , 24 6,21

27 , 28 31,32


47 , 48 6


27 , 28 38





C h e n , J. S .

C h e n , S.

C h e n , T . P.

C h e r r y , R. S.

C h u , M.

C h u i , B.

C h u n , C. H.

C h u n g , S. K.

C l a r k , I. 0.

C l e v e l a n d , C.

C o h e n , L. H.

C o l e , R.

C o t h r a n , E. K.

C o l v i n , M.

C o n c u s , P.

C o o k , E . L.

C o o k , W. J .

C o r i e l l , S . R.

C o u a s n o n , P.

C r a w l e y , R. L.

C r o o n q u i s t , A . P.

C r o u c h , R. K.

C u r r e r i , P. A .

D a b k o w s k i , F.

D a b r o w s k i , A . J .


















13,14, 17,20




5,617, 10,65

15,19, 27,36




Dadyburjor, D. B.

Dalton, C.

I Day, D. E.

De Lucas, L. J.

Deruyttere, A.

DeVahl-Davis, G.

Devaud, G.

de Goer, J.

Dian, R.

Dismukes, J. P.

Dolin, R.

Donnelly, R. J.

Doremus, R. H.

Dosanjh, S. S.

Douglas, C.

Downs, R. L.

Dressler, B. S.

Dintenfass, L.

Dunn, B.

I Durr, H. M.

Dunning, J. D.


Da Riva, I.

Debe, M. K.

Deen, W. M.

Del Duca, A.

Debnam, W. J.


35,36 37


4 3



5,6,7, 65










39 , 40



13 , 18 27,28





Dupouy, M. D.

Duranceau, J. L.

Ealick, S. E.

Ebner, C.

Edelson, R. B.

Egen, N. B.

Edwards, D.K.G.

Egbert, W. C .

Eidel , W.

Eisa , G. F.

E j i m , T. I .

E l - A a s s e r , M. S .

El-Kaddah, N .

Ellernan, D. D.

Ender, D. A.

Engelman, M. S.

Espy, P. N.

Ethridge, E. C.

Evans, N. D.

Eyer, A.

Facemire, B. R.

Fang, Q. T.

Fanning, U. S.

Fau t re l l e , Y.

Farrel l , P. V.

Farrington, M.






26,28, 30,31






24,25, 41

19,21 41



22 , 24 41


14 , 15 47 , 48 14 , 42 13 , 14 14




Favier, J. J.

Fernandez-Pello, A. C.

Feldmeier, M.

Feuerbacher , B. Finn, R.

Fischmeister, H.

Fiske, M. R.

Fleischmann, M.

Flemings, M. C.

t Frischat, G. H.

Fast, T.

Frazier, D. 0.

L Gatos, H. C.

Frost, R. T.

Froyen, L.

Fuchs, B.

Fripp, A. L.

Garrett, S. L.

Gerbi, D. J.

Gerrish, V.

Giarratano, P. J.

Giles-Taylor, N.

Glasgow, T. K.

Glicksman, M. E.


47 , 48 39 , 40 30



49 , 50 19


14,18, 20,41


14,16, 17



4 8

5,6, 7, 65








13,14, 15,17, 18 , 19

Goslowsky, H.

Graham, A .

Graves, J. A .

Goldman, H.

Greenbrough, T.

Greer, A . L.

Gregory-Dwyer, V. M.

Grieg, R . G.

Grindeland, R.

Grishin, S . D.

Habash , J.

Hahne, A .

Hamacher, H.

Hamins, A .

Harkness, J. W.

H a r r i o t t , G. M.

Har r i s , J. M.

Hat f ie ld , J. M.

Hayes, C.

Hedman, B.

Hellawell , A .

Hel l iwel l , J.

Henker, K. J .

Herren, B.









28,29, 30








26,29, 31,32, 33




15,18, 65



27,28, 29 I 32


Herrmann, J.

Hibbard, E.

Hirata, A.

Hirth, J. P.

Hodgson, K. 0.

Hofmeister, W. H.

Holland, L. R.

Homsy, G. M.

Horngak, E. J.

Howard, S. B.

HSU, E. J.

Huang, W.

Hug, W.

Hull, K.

Hurford, A.

Hume, E. C.

Huth, G. C.

Hymer, W. C.

Hyson, M. T.

Iwanczyk, J.

Iyengar, J.

Jackson, K.


Jankowski, T. H.

Jansen, R.

Jasinski, T.

Jayaraman, N.

7 1






14,15, 41












28,29, 30









Jedrzejczyk, B.

Jedrzejczyk, H.

Jeschke, V.

Jesser, W. A.

Jeter, W. S.

Jilg, R.

Johnston, M. H.

Jolly, G. D.

Kailasanath, K.

Kallien, L.

Kamotani, Y.

Karr, L. J.

Kaukler, W. F.

Kayser, R. F.

Keller, L.

Kemmerle, K.

Kendall, J. M.

Kenik, E. A.

Kerrisk, D.

Kheyrandish, K.

Kiminami, C. S.

Kneissl, A.

Kneissler, G.

Knisley, K.

KO, K. Y.

Koch, C. C.

Kolbesen, B. 0.


















16,17 I 36











Kornfeld, D. M.

Koshmieder, E. L.

Koziol, J. K.

Kovacs, K.

Krishna, N. R.

Kroes, R. L.

Kui, W.

Kumakawa, A.

Kusmiss, J. H.

Kunze, M. E.

Kurz, W.

Lagowski, J.

Lai, C. L.

Lanham , W.

Lange, P.

Lange, R.

Lanier, A. B.

Lapp, J. C.

Larson, D. J.

Laxmanan, V.

Lay, K. Y.

Lay, P. A.

Lee, C. P.

Lee, M. C.

Lee, Y. G.



2 2








32 , 33 17


29,30, 33


52 , 53 38


13,16, 18





17,35 36


Lehoczky , S. L.

L e i s t e , H.

Leskov , L. V.

L e v i , A.

Lewis , M. L.

L i t C. J.

L i b b y , P. A.

L i e n h a r d , J . H.

L i n t D. G.

L i n t J. K.

L i p t o n , J.

Loo, B. H.

L o f g r e n , G. E .

L o h b e r g , K.

L y e l l , M. J .

M a g u i r e , B.

Maisch, E.

Malinowska , M.

Malmejac, Y .

Mann, R. V.

Mansur, G.

Markakis , J.

Markham, B.

M a r k l a n d , F. S.

Marsh, S. P.

Marston, P. L.





26,30, 33




















13 , 17 36

Martinez, I.

Mastro, A.

Matthisen, D. H.

McElhaney, R. N.

McFadden , G. B .

McNeil, T. J.

McPherson, A.

Meitor, M.

Meehan, E. J.

Merbold, U.

Merkens , W. Meyer, H.

Meyyappan , M. Micale, F. J.

Miller, T. Y.

Ming, N. B.

Moldover, M. R.

Montgomery, R. L.

Moore, G. S.

Morrison, D. R.

Mosher, R. A.

Motakef, S.

Motter, K.





13,14, 17,20, 24









25,32, 41



21,22, 23 , 24 13


26,29, 30,33

26,30, 31,32, 33


28 ,


M u l l e r , G.

Murphy, D.

Murthy, A .

Nahle, R.

Nataraj an , R.

N a u m a n n , R. J.

N e f f , H.

N e i t z e l , G. P.

Nelson, B.

Neilson, G. F.

Neuhaus, D.

N e t t e s h e i m , D. G.

N i e s w a a g , H.

N i s s e n b a u m , J.

Nitsche, K.

Nitsche, R.

Noe, R. A .

Nordine, P. C.

O e r t e l , H.

Offenbach, D.

Olack, B. J.

O m e n y i , S .

Oran , E. S .

Oreper , G.

O r t a l e , C.

O s m a n , P.




17 , 23 52


27,31, 41




36,37, 38





47,4a, 1












Ostrach, S.

Owen, R. B.

Pagni, P. J.

Parr, R. A.

Paley, M. S.

Palosz, W.

Palusinski, 0. A.

Papoutsakis, E. T.

Parks, R.

Parsons, J.

Patel, L.

Patniak, S.

Patt, B. E.

Pawlowicz, L.

Penner-Hahn, J. E.

Perepezko, J. H.

Peters, B. D.

Peters, N.

Peterson, J.

Petre, G.

Phelps, C.

Plank, L. D.

Pline, D.

Polezhayev, V. I.

Pons, B. S.

Popov, D.

Poste, G.





























Poteet , W. M.

Potschke, J.

Pot t s , H.

Praizey, J. P.

Piccone, T. J.

Pusey, M.

R a j endran, S . Ratke, L.

Ravishankar, P. S.

Ray, C. S.

Rembaum, A.

Rhim, W. K.

Rhodes, P.

Richman, D. W.

R ich ter , J.

Robey, J.

Robinson, M. B.

Rodkey, L. S.

R o e , A. L.

Rogge, V.

R o s e , J.

Rosenberger , F . Rosenkranz, V.


Rouzaud, A.









49 , 50 9

35,36, 37







14,15, 41








Roylance, D.

Righetti, P. G.

Rule, S.

Russell, F. E.

Rutz, H.

Sackinger, P.

Sadoway, D. R.

Seaman, G.V.F .

Sahm, P. R.

Sammons, D.

Sample, A. K.

Sani, R. L.

Saritschev, V. V.

Sarma, G.S.R.

Sarnoff, B. E.

Saville, D. A.

Scharp, D. W.

Schieber, M.

Schiffman, R. A.

Schiroky, G. H.

Schetzina, J.

Schmidt, J. W.

Schonholz, R.

Schumacher, E.

Schuszler, A.

Sekerka, R. F.



26,28, 30






26,27, 28 , 32





52 , 53 32





22 , 24 48



Sell , P. J. 52,53, 55

Selleck, M. E.

Simchick, R.

Sen, R.

Shafer , S . C.

Shankar, N.

Sharp, K. A.

Shelby, J. E .

Shen, Y. H.

Sh ih , W. H.

Shi lo , I.

Shiohara, Y .

Showronski, M.

Siekmann, J.

S ignore l l a , A .

Silwanowicz , A .

S i l b e r s t e i n , R.

Simpson, M.

Singh, N . B.

Sirignano, W. A .

Skowronski , M.

Smi th , G. L.

Snyder, R. S .

Smutek, C.






26,27, 32 , 33 35




14,18, 20,41


52 , 53 29








27,28, 29,30, 31,33


Sorrenson, P. B.

I Sprenger, H. J.

Squire, T. H.

Srukij es , J. Stefanescu, D. M.

Stephenson, B.

Stinespring, C. D.

Stoeckler, J. D.

Strehlow, R. A.

Stroud, D.

Sturm, J. C.

Straub, J.

Su, C. H.

Subramanian, R. S.

Suddath, F. L.

Sudol, E. D.

Sullivan, J. B.

Sun, Q.

Sundareswaran, P. C.

Swanson, C. A.

Szekely, J.

Szofran, F. R.

Szymczyk, J.

Szymczyk, W. M.


33 , 34 49,50, 57










52,53, 54


23,24, 36


24,25 41





17,19, 21,23, 41




Taber le t , E .

Tamblyn, C. H.

Taylor, R. E.

Taylor, W.

T e w a r i , S. N .

Thier inger , W. F.

Thormann, W.

Thorner, M.

Todd, P.

Trivedi , S . B.

T r i n h , E . H.

T rus t , T. J.

Tsampoulous, J. A .

Tseng, C. M.

Turnbul l , D.

Twitty, G. E .

Uhlmann, D. R.

Ungar, L. H.

Van A l s t i n e , J. M.

van der Bosch, P.

Vasques, M.

Vanderhof f , J . W.

Vedha-Nayagam, M.

V i c e n t e , F.







26,30, 32,33


26,30, 32,33


19,20, 21,24, 41,42








26,29, 32,33, 34







Voltin, G. E.

Voorhees, P. W.

Wagner, C. J.

Wagner, J. B.

Walter, H.

Walukiewicz, W.

Wang, J. C.

Wang, L.

Wang, T. G.

Warbureton, W. K.

Wargo, M. J.

Watt, D. D.

Webber, T. J.

Weinberg, M. C.

Weinzierl, A.

Wherley, B. L.

Whiteside, R. C.


t Wiedemeier, H.

Wilcox, W. R.

, 1 Wilfinger, W. I



Willard, A.

Williams, F. A.

Williams, G. 0.

Williams, R. J.











13,17, 21,23 , 24,36, 42





36,37, 38







39 I 40



Wingert, W. A .

Wisa, G. F.

Witherow, W. K.

W i t t , A. F.

Worden, P. W.

Wozniak, G.

wu, Y.

Xidis , A . L.

Yalpani, M.

Yamamoto, M.

Yerebakar, M.

Yoshinaga, K.

Ydst, v. Z e l l , M.

Zhong, X. R.

Z immermann , H . Zukoski, C. F.





14,18, 20












Report Documentation Page

. Report No.

NASA TM-89608

2. Government Accession No.

Microgravity Science and Applications Bibliography - 1986 Revision

17. Key Words (Suggested by Authork)) microgravity science and applications

7. Authork)

18. Distribution Statement

9. Performing Organization Name and Address

NASA Office of Space Science and Applications Microgravity Science and Applications Division Washington, DC 20546

19. Security Classif. (of this report) 20. Security Classif. (of this page)

Unclassified Unc las si f ied

2. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, DC 20546

21. No. of pages 22. Price

93 A05

5. Supplementary Notes

3. Recipient’s Catalog No.

5. Report Date

January 1987 6. Performing Organization Code

8. Performing Organization Report No.

10. Work Unit No.

11. Contract or Grant No.

13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Technical Memorandum 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

16. Abstract

This edition of the Microgravity Science and Applications (MSA) Bibliography is a compilation of Government reports, contractor reports, conference proceedings, and journal articles dealing with flight experiments utilizing a low-gravity environment to elucidate and control various processes or with ground-based activities that provide supporting research. It encompasses literature published in FY86 and part of FY87 but not cited in the 1985 Revision, pending publications, and those submitted for publication during this time period. Subdivisions of the bibliography include six major categories: Electronic Materials; Metals, Alloys, and Composites; Fluid Dynamics and Transports; Biotechnology; Glasses and Ceramics; and Combustion Science. Other categories include Experimental Technology and General Studies. Included are publications from the European and Soviet programs. In addition, there is a list of patents and a cross reference index.

flight experiments electronic materials metals, alloys and composites

Unclassified-Unlimited Subject Category 29
