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Applications Elevators

Date post: 23-Feb-2018
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  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    Dupline 3-wire bus for Elevators

    The signals and powerFor all the pushbuttonPanels and PositionIndicators run on the

    Same 3 wires

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    I/-board with ! inputs and ! outputsI/-board with ! inputs and ! outputs

    "sed for the pushbuttons and lamps atthe landing stationsSmall dimension for eas# integration in

    $%tures! contact inputs with built-in pulseprolongation that ensures that even shortbutton activations are captured b# the P&'! P(P transistor outputs for driving thelamps

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    I/-boards with ) inputs* ) outputs or + In / + utI/-boards with ) inputs* ) outputs or + In / + ut

    "sed for the pushbuttons and lamps inthe car,uilt-in pulse prolongation ensures thateven short button activations are capturedb# the P&') output board is used for control of the

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    The aster oduleThe aster odule

    'hannel .enerator FunctionSerial Interface for the P&' to

    e%change Dupline I/-dataS#nchronies the Power Suppl# onthe 30rd wire with the Duplinesignalling

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    Interfacing ptions

    The aster odules read

    1nd write directl# into theP&' memor#

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    a% Power &oada% Power &oad

    2ule no 4Total 'urrent on the 30rd wire 5 36 1

    2ule no !

    Total 'urrent % 2esistance in 'ommon 7ire5 36 8

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    a% Power &oada% Power &oad

    E%ample7hat is the ma% current on 499m 46 s:mm'able ;

    499m of 46 s:mm 'able has a resistanceof app 43 hmsa% current load < 368 / 43 hms < !=1

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    a% Power &oada% Power &oad

    >ow to increase ma% current ;

    Install an additional Power Suppl# and aDupline Power Suppl# 'oupler in the other

    end of the cableThis increases the ma% current with afactor of +* because each power suppl#supplies half the current in half the wire


  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    Installation 2ulesInstallation 2ules

    Do not connect Dupline'ommon to .round

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    Eas# to use

    2obust and reliableEas# to interface to P&'0sFle%ible'ost-e?ective

    Dupline Elevator ,us- Features

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    2educed installation time @up to )9-A9

    BC2educed cable costne-sie-$ts-all control panelIf a P&' is used* the cost of the Duplinemodules is to some e%tend compensatedb# the savings on P&' I/ e%pansionmodules and cable

    Dupline Elevator ,us- ,ene$ts

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    T#picall# middle-sied independent

    elevator companies without ownelectronics 2D'ompanies using P&' for controls

    ur customers until now

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    The big companies* maing completeelevators or elevator controls s#stems*have developed their own solutionsbased on '1( or &(

    ur competitors

    '1( and &( are too e%pensivesolutions especiall# for the smallelevators'1( and &( er comple% buss#stems that seem to be overill forthe simple elevatorsThe big companies are looing for a

    'ost-e?ective bus solution for the

    - 1nd their problems

  • 7/24/2019 Applications Elevators


    Dupline 3-wire Bus for ElevatorsDupline 3-wire Bus for Elevators

    Elevator control s#stems without bussolution are to a higher and highere%tend considered as old-fashioned

    The trend

    Dupline combined with '1(* &( or

    Ethernet as upper level bus could bean opportunit# to wor with the bigcompanies

    The future
