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Applications of Resting State Functional MR Imaging to Traumatic Brain Injury Thomas J. ONeill, MD, Elizabeth M. Davenport, PhD, Gowtham Murugesan, MS, Albert Montillo, PhD, Joseph A. Maldjian, MD* INTRODUCTION A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head. TBIs can also be caused by penetrating, or open, head injuries. In the United States, approximately 1.7 million TBIs occur each year. More than 1.3 million result in an emergency department visit, 275,000 result in hospitalizations, and 52,000 result in deaths. On average, the most common cause of TBI is falls, and the rates are highest among very young chil- dren and adults older than the age of 75. 1 Most TBI cases are closed-head injuries, but some are open-head injuries, which occur when the skull is fractured or penetrated. TBI encompasses a spectrum of brain abnor- mality with many variables affecting the type and severity of injury. Mechanism of injury plays a prominent role; however, the distribution of local forces sustained by the brain parenchyma during injury, and patient factors, including individual anatomic differences, age, gender, medications/ substance use, and medical history, can also dramatically affect the severity of injury and subse- quent patient outcome. 2–4 Multiple factors are used to classify the severity of the TBI. The most common include the Glasgow Coma Scale and the Abbreviated Injury Scale–Head. 5 The severity of the injury is often classified from mild to severe. The effects of mild TBI (mTBI) are often not visible on conventional imaging, whereas severe TBI can manifest as an obvious finding, such as an open- head injury or hematoma. Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclose. Radiology, University of Texas Southwestern, 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75390, USA * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] KEYWORDS Resting state BOLD fMR imaging TBI Graph theory Machine learning Magnetoencephalography KEY POINTS Resting state functional MR imaging (rs-fMR imaging) is typically not applicable to the individual in a clinical setting. Graph theory and machine learning methods are beginning to identify traumatic brain injury–spe- cific features in rs-fMR imaging for group studies and starting to show promise as assistive tools for individual diagnoses. Resting state magnetoencephalography has a higher temporal resolution and may be able to sup- plement rs-fMR imaging findings. Moving rs-fMR imaging into the clinic should be approached with cautious optimism. Neuroimag Clin N Am 27 (2017) 685–696 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nic.2017.06.006 1052-5149/17/Ó 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. neuroimaging.theclinics.com
Page 1: Applications of Resting State Functional MR Imaging to ...Neill, Davenport... · Applications of Resting State Functional MR Imaging to Traumatic Brain Injury Thomas J. O’Neill,

Applications of RestingState Functional MR

Imaging to Traumatic BrainInjury Thomas J. O’Neill, MD, Elizabeth M. Davenport, PhD,Gowtham Murugesan, MS, Albert Montillo, PhD,Joseph A. Maldjian, MD*


� Resting state � BOLD � fMR imaging � TBI � Graph theory � Machine learning� Magnetoencephalography


� Resting state functional MR imaging (rs-fMR imaging) is typically not applicable to the individual in aclinical setting.

� Graph theory and machine learning methods are beginning to identify traumatic brain injury–spe-cific features in rs-fMR imaging for group studies and starting to show promise as assistive toolsfor individual diagnoses.

� Resting state magnetoencephalography has a higher temporal resolution and may be able to sup-plement rs-fMR imaging findings.

� Moving rs-fMR imaging into the clinic should be approached with cautious optimism.



A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be caused by abump, blow, or jolt to the head. TBIs can also becaused by penetrating, or open, head injuries. Inthe United States, approximately 1.7 million TBIsoccur each year. More than 1.3 million result inan emergency department visit, 275,000 result inhospitalizations, and 52,000 result in deaths. Onaverage, the most common cause of TBI is falls,and the rates are highest among very young chil-dren and adults older than the age of 75.1 MostTBI cases are closed-head injuries, but some areopen-head injuries, which occur when the skull isfractured or penetrated.

TBI encompasses a spectrum of brain abnor-mality with many variables affecting the type and

Disclosure Statement: The authors have nothing to disclRadiology, University of Texas Southwestern, 5323 Harry* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected]

Neuroimag Clin N Am 27 (2017) 685–696http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nic.2017.06.0061052-5149/17/� 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

severity of injury. Mechanism of injury plays aprominent role; however, the distribution of localforces sustained by the brain parenchyma duringinjury, and patient factors, including individualanatomic differences, age, gender, medications/substance use, and medical history, can alsodramatically affect the severity of injury and subse-quent patient outcome.2–4 Multiple factors areused to classify the severity of the TBI. The mostcommon include the Glasgow Coma Scale andthe Abbreviated Injury Scale–Head.5 The severityof the injury is often classified from mild to severe.The effects of mild TBI (mTBI) are often not visibleon conventional imaging, whereas severe TBI canmanifest as an obvious finding, such as an open-head injury or hematoma.

ose.Hines Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75390, USA


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Primary injuries occur from tissue damage dur-ing the time of impact from mechanical forcesthat produce tissue strains and stresses.6,7 Headimpact generates both contact and inertial forcesand can result in extra-axial and/or intra-axialintracranial tissue damage. Some head injuriesmay be acutely life threatening and require emer-gent neurosurgical interventions, while othersequelae of traumatic head injury are more subtlewith little or no evidence of tissue damage on con-ventional anatomic imaging and only result in evi-dence of dysfunction of functional connectivityusing advanced techniques, including restingstate functional MR imaging (rs-fMR imaging) ormagnetoencephalography (MEG).Extra-axial tissue damage commonly results in

epidural hematoma, subdural hematoma, sub-arachnoid hemorrhage, and/or subdural hygroma.Associated secondary complications of extra-axial injury often requiring emergent interventioninclude cerebral herniation, edema, hydrocepha-lus, or ischemia. Focal primary TBIs of intra-axialtissue also occur with closed head trauma andresult from both direct impact of the brain withthe cranial vault and transmitted linear and rota-tional forces on the brain. The rigid cranial vaultand skull base provide a non-deformable internalsurface of contact with the relatively soft, deform-able, and mobile brain. Secondary effects of intra-axial hemorrhage include hypoxic-ischemic dam-age, oxidative stress from reactive oxygen spe-cies, neuroexcitatory response, cerebral edema,neuronal cell death, blood-brain barrier perme-ability, and autonomic dysfunction.8–11 Cortical/subcortical contusions may also be associatedwith subarachnoid hemorrhage as a result ofextension of parenchymal hemorrhage beyondthe pia.Diffuse traumatic axonal injury (DAI) typically in-

volves a wide distribution with regional involve-ment of white matter axons, which are vulnerableto shearing strains owing to their long, highly struc-tured architecture. Using the word diffuse is some-what of a misnomer because the pattern is moremultifocal with affected areas interposed with non-affected areas. White matter axons are particularlyvulnerable to rapid shearing strains. Classically, ahistologic grading scheme of diffuse axonal injurybased on region of involvement is often used todescribe the severity of DAI. Grade 1 involves thecerebral hemispheres, corpus callosum, brain-stem, or cerebellum; grade 2 involves thecorpus callosum, whereas grade 3 involvesthe brainstem.12 These sites, particularly cortical/subcortical white matter, splenium of thecorpus callosum, and brainstem, are also theareas frequently demonstrating abnormalities on

conventional neuroimaging studies. Primary axot-omy at the time of impact is considered rare.Instead, it is thought that mechanical forces pro-duce axonal deformation and cytoskeletal disrup-tion, which results in accumulation of transportedmaterials appearing as multiple axonal swellings,“axonal varicosities,” or a single swelling referredto as “axonal bulb.”13 These findings correlatewith axonal disconnection. Although contusionalmicrohemorrhage, apoptosis, and necrotic celldeath cascades likely occur with diffuse axonalinjury, there has also been demonstration ofneuronal plasmalemmal poration and disruption,leading to either necrosis or reactive changewithout cell death.14,15 The progression fromdisruption in axonal transport leading to axonaldisconnection, apoptosis, and Wallerian degener-ation has been traditionally thought to occur overthe acute and subacute period following trauma;however, axonal degeneration may occur for yearsfollowing injury. For these reasons, DAI is consid-ered a disease of disconnection, which hasmade it an ideal candidate for study of functionalconnectivity using tools such as rs-fMR imaging.This review covers rs-MR imaging and resting

state magnetoencephalography (rs-MEG) acquisi-tion, processing, and findings. A specific focus isgiven to machine learning and graph theory giventhe multiple applications of these methods in theliterature and the potential for automated detec-tion and diagnoses in the future.


Conventional noncontrast head computed to-mography (CT) and MR sequences remain thestandard of care in clinical neuroimaging in thesetting of TBI. Noncontrast head CT is rapid,accessible, and safe for all patients, plus it isvery sensitive for detection of hemorrhage andother potentially life-threatening sequela of closedhead injuries. These features make CT an idealtool in the acute/hyperacute setting and for serialfollow-up imaging when there are changes in clin-ical status. In the acute or early subacute setting,conventional MR imaging is typically reserved forpatients with clinical/neurologic symptoms thatare discordant with CT findings or when the injuryextent may be better assessed by MR imaging. Aconventional brain MR imaging protocol typicallyincludes T1-weighted spin-echo or 3-dimensional(3D) T1, T2-weighted fast-spin-echo, T2 fluidattenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), and echoplanar diffusion-weighted imaging.Susceptibility-sensitive sequences, including T2*gradient recalled echo or 3D susceptibility-

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weighted imaging (SWI), which are sensitive toblood products and can reveal microhemorrhagesassociated with DAI, are frequently included in theroutine posttrauma MR imaging protocols. Exam-ples of mild and severe DAI are shown in Figs. 1and 2, respectively. Additional advanced MRtechniques include evaluation with diffusiontensor imaging, arterial spin labeling perfusion,dynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion, andMR spectroscopy, but are beyond the scope ofthis article. Typical imaging findings of TBI onCT or conventional MR sequences range fromfrank intracranial hemorrhages to petechial fociof hemorrhage, as are often seen in diffuse axonalinjury. However, these techniques may appearnormal and often are insensitive to sequela ofmTBIs.


fMR imaging relies on coupling of cerebralblood flow with neuronal activity (hemodynamicresponse) and most commonly uses an MRimaging technique sensitive to changes in bloodhemoglobin oxygenation (BOLD, blood oxygena-tion-level–dependent signal). As neuronal activityincreases in an area of the brain, hemodynamicresponses cause an overcompensation of bloodflow to the region, resulting in increased signalfrom a local change in the deoxy:oxyhemoglobinratio. BOLD-sensitive sequences rely on suscep-tibility differences in oxyhemoglobin and deoxy-hemoglobin. Even in optimal situations, signalchange from active and inactive areas is relativelysmall, and this technique suffers from low signal-to-noise ratio. Understanding the physical mech-anism of fMR imaging acquisition is important toconsider in patients with TBI because there areunique features of these patients that may affect

Fig. 1. Conventional MR findings of mild diffuse axonal indemonstrate only petechial foci of susceptibility at the gralobes. No other imaging findings are demonstrated on co

analysis techniques and interpretation of fMR im-aging results in these patients. Patients with TBImay have dysregulation in the coupling of hemo-dynamic response with neuronal activity, whichmay complicate whether abnormalities are dueto actual decreased neuronal activity or alter-ations in hemodynamic response. Also, becausefMR imaging relies on changes in susceptibility,intracranial blood products can cause artifactsthat obscure true neuronal activation. fMR imag-ing can be acquired with a task (task-basedfMR imaging), such as attending to a visual stim-ulus, or while the subject is at rest (rs-fMR imag-ing). rs-fMR imaging relies on low-frequency,spontaneous fluctuations in the BOLD signalthat are present even in the absence of a stimulusor task.16 No consensus exists on the optimalacquisition techniques for rs-fMR imaging. How-ever, typically, acquisition entails an ultrafastsingle-shot, whole-head, gradient-echo echoplanar imaging sequence with a TR w2 to 3 sec-onds, over a period anywhere from 2 to 30 mi-nutes.17 Shorter acquisition times are lesssusceptible to patient motion, but fewer datapoints are available for analysis. Acquisition mayoccur with the patient’s eyes open or closed.18

Spatially discrete brain regions that exhibit stronginterregional correlation, after excluding nonphy-siologic sources of correlation, are assumed tobe functionally connected. A suggested MRacquisition protocol for TBI patients is detailedin Table 1 and should complement the existingclinical examination. A 3-T scanner would bepreferred, and adjustments to the protocols opti-mized for particular scanners with techniques likeparallel imaging can achieve data with betterspatial or temporal resolution. Findings on fMRimaging in TBI patients reported in the literatureare discussed later. Although this technique holdspromise for further investigation in TBI patients,

jury. Axial T1 (A), axial T2 FLAIR (B), and axial SWI (C)y-white interfaces of bilateral frontal, and left parietalnventional sequences.

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Fig. 2. Conventional MR findings of severe diffuse axonal injury. Sagittal T1 (A) demonstrates a petechial focus ofT1 shortening compatible with subacute blood products in themidbrain. Axial T2 (B), axial diffusion-weighted im-ages (D), and apparent diffusion coefficientmap (E) demonstrate a focus ofmild restricted diffusion in the spleniumof the corpus callosum as well as foci of increased T2 signal in the periventricular white matter, right internalcapsule, and right thalamus.Axial and coronal SWI (C and F) demonstrate numerous foci of susceptibility, consistentwith foci of hemorrhage, in the brainstem, temporal lobes, periventricular white matter, and corpus callosum.

O’Neill et al688

existing evidence is insufficient for routine clinicalTBI diagnosis and/or prognostication at the indi-vidual patient level.19 However, research isongoing to determine the appropriate methodsof application and interpretation in the clinicalsetting of TBI.

Table 1Suggested resting state functional MR imaging prot

Sequence Sequence Parameters

Sagittal 3D T1 MPRAGE TR 2500/TE 3

Axial thin T2/FLAIR orsagittal 3D T2/FLAIR

TR 8000/TE 80

Axial 3D SWI TR 30/TE 20

BOLD rs-fMRI, axialGE-EPI

TR 5 2000–3000 ms,TE 5 30–40 ms,a 5 80�–90�

Diffusion tensorimaging, axialGE-EPI

TR 5 4500/TE 5 100, b 5 0and b 5 1000 � 6–30directions


Subjects suffering from TBI tend to show impair-ment in high-level cognitive functions such asattention, memory, and executive function.20,21

ocol for traumatic brain injury

Acquisition Parameters Acquisition Time

Isotropic, 1 � 1 � 1 mm w5–8 min

0.5 � 0.5 � 3 mm orisotropic 3D(1 � 1 � 1 mm)

w4–5 min

0.5 � 0.5 � 2 mm w3–4 min

Near isotropic,3 � 3 � 3 mm to4 � 4 � 4 mm/matrix64 � 64

w5–10 min

1.5 � 1.5 � 3–5 mm/matrix128 � 128

w10 min (withparallelimaging)

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Applications of rs-fMRI to Traumatic Brain Injury 689

Because the integration of information acrossvarious regions of the brain is required for thesehigh-level functions, researchers have oftenchosen to transform rs-fMR imaging data into agraph-based representation, also called a networkrepresentation. These graphs, or networks,consist of nodes connected by edges. The nodescan be brain regions, subnetworks, or individualvoxels. Brain regions are determined by parcellat-ing anatomic MR imaging and transferring thesebrain regions to the rs-fMR imaging through core-gistration, whereas brain subnetworks are defineddirectly on the rs-fMR imaging data through amultivariate decomposition method, such as inde-pendent component analysis (ICA). For all of theparcellation schemes, the graph edges charac-terize a measure of connectivity between nodepairs.

Graph Theoretic Measures

To make graphs amenable for quantitative anal-ysis, graph theory is often used to convert thediscrete graph into a set of descriptive numericalmeasures. Graph theoretic methods enable thestudy of functional integration through variousmetrics such as small-worldness, which measuresthe balance between network segregation andintegration, and network efficiency, which isinversely proportional to the path length and thusstrongest with the shortest path length. Functionalsegregation of the network can be studied throughother metrics, such as the clustering coefficient,which quantifies how well connected the neigh-bors of a node are to one another. Thesenetwork-based characterizations of the brainmay provide insight into the dysfunction of inter-acting nodes in patients with TBI.21 For example,it has recently been shown that network-based an-alyses offer the potential to understand subtlechanges in cognitive function and the effects ofrehabilitation.22 It is important to bear in mindthat these metrics provide sensitive but nonspe-cific markers of brain function.

Mounting Evidence for Connectivity Changesin Traumatic Brain Injury

In a graph analysis study by Pandit and col-leagues,23 TBI subjects exhibited a reduction inoverall functional connectivity as evidenced by areduction in the total number of connections pre-sent within the entire network. Longer averagepath lengths and reduced network efficiency inTBI patients particularly in a major network hubsuch as the posterior cingulate cortex were alsofound. However, the network segregation wasnot affected significantly. These findings suggest

patients suffering from TBI may show a significantdeviation from the healthy brain’s small worldnetwork. Overall, the patterns of network dysfunc-tion caused by TBI are complex, but some unifyingprinciples are emerging, such as the abnormal in-teractions between the sensory network and thedefault mode network (DMN) after TBI. Highly con-nected hub regions, such as the precuneus, areparticularly susceptible to alterations in functionalconnectivity following TBI.21

Recently, Murugesan and colleagues24 havedeveloped a machine learning approach thatcan automatically distinguish between youth (9–13 years) athletes who have experienced varyinglevels of head impact exposure in the course of asingle season of play. The levels include no orminimal exposure for control athletes and low-and high-impact exposure for football players.The method achieves high labeling accuracyusing just features from the intrinsic networksextracted from rs-fMR imaging. The majorcomponents of their approach are shown inFig. 3.

Evidence for Hypoconnectivity in TraumaticBrain Injury

Multiple studies have shown evidence ofhypoconnectivity following TBI using seed-based analysis. Xiong and colleagues25 founddecreased functional connectivity in the thal-amus, caudate nucleus, and right hippocampusin mTBI patients. Johnson and colleagues26

found the DMN to have a reduced number ofconnections and a reduction in the detectableconnection strengths. A decreased number ofconnections and decreased strength of connec-tions were found in the posterior cingulate andlateral parietal cortices, and an increased num-ber of connections were found in the medial pre-frontal cortex even in less severe subconcussivehead impacts, a milder injury which typicallyexhibits no clinical symptoms. Rigon and col-leagues27 investigated the differences in inter-hemispheric functional connectivity of restingstate networks between chronic mild to severeTBI patients and normal controls by selectingcomponents such as the DMN, frontoparietal,executive, and sensory motor areas. Their resultssuggest decreased interhemispheric connectivityfor externally oriented networks, such asthe frontoparietal and executive networks, butincreased interhemispheric connectivity for theDMN following TBI.

Other studies using ICA also demonstrate hy-poconnectivity following TBI. Stevens and col-leagues28 used ICA to extract 12 distinct resting

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Fig. 3. Process flow for the training and application of amachine learning classifier that predicts head impact expo-sure using rs-fMR imaging. Left column highlights themain processing steps frompreprocessing through classifica-tion. Right column provides details of each step presented by Murugesan and colleagues,24 which automaticallydistinguishes athletes who, over the course of a single season of play, have experienced: no impact exposure,low-impact exposure, and high-impact exposure. ADABOOST, adaptive boosting; GRADBOOST, gradient boosting;ICASSO, software package for investigating ICA; KNN, k-nearest neighbors; SVM, support vector machine.

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state networks from 30 mTBI patients andextended their study to all the extracted compo-nents. Diminished connectivity of the posteriorcingulate cortex in the DMN was reported inmTBI. Iraji and colleagues29 performed ICA anal-ysis in 12 mTBI patients and reported reducedfunctional connectivity in the DMN and precuneusregions compared with controls. Palacios and col-leagues30 also used ICA on 75 mTBI patients, whoalso had CT within 2 to 3 hours of injury. The mTBIpatients had significantly decreased connectivityin the frontal brain areas when conventional struc-tural imaging (CT/MR) demonstrated evidence ofTBI, and significantly decreased connectivity inthe orbitofrontal network and the DMN when theconventional imaging was negative for evidenceof TBI.

Evidence for Hyperconnectivity in TraumaticBrain Injury

There is also evidence for hyperconnectivity in TBI,and it is considered to be a common response toTBI. Shumskaya and colleagues20 studied therelationship between functional connectivity pat-terns and cognitive abnormalities using restingstate networks extracted from group ICA of 43moderate/severe TBI patients and found thatattention abnormalities in TBI were associatedwith increased connectivity in the sensorimotornetworks. In addition, longitudinal studies haveshown that despite decreasing functional connec-tivity during recovery, connectivity remainedhigher in moderate to severe TBI relative tohealthy controls.31,32 This work suggests that

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hyperconnectivity in moderate and severe TBI pa-tients may be present regardless of recoveryphase (acute, subacute, or chronic phase) anddoes not represent a transient process as foundin other mTBI studies. Thus, hyperconnectivitymight become a useful prognostic tool to predictoutcomes in moderate and severe TBI.33 Differ-ences in the results between studies may be attrib-uted to differences in severity of TBI of the studiedcohorts, region selection methods, time frominjury, graph metrics used, the nature of connec-tivity studied, and extent of gray and white matterdamage.

Automating Diagnosis with Machine Learning

Conventional neuroimaging techniques havelimited ability to detect functional connectivity ab-normalities, which underlie TBI-related neurocog-nitive deficits. Advanced neuroimaging, includingrs-fMR imaging, can provide increased sensitivityto measure such deficits; however, these deficitscan be subtle and diffuse and vary from patientto patient, whichmakes them hard to identify usingstandard statistical techniques. Therefore, it isimportant to develop tools that help automate clin-ical mTBI diagnostics using rs-fMR imaging.Promising machine learning methods have beendeveloped for rs-fMR imaging interpretation thatidentify important diagnostic network features topredict mTBI severity, aim to automate mTBI diag-nosis, and determine whether patients with TBIhave similar functional network changes as pa-tients with Alzheimer disease (AD).

Ravishankar and colleagues34 used a machinelearning framework to identify functional connec-tivity features associated with symptom severityin mTBI. In this study, 78 mTBI patients wereimaged at 4 time points (3 days, 7 days, 21 days,and 3months) after injury with 6-minute rs-fMR im-aging. The investigators found that changes in theexecutive control and visual networks were moststrongly associated with symptom scores. Inparticular, decreased connectivity between left ex-ecutive control network and higher visual networkswere found, which may correspond to sometypical mTBI symptoms, including memory andvisual deficits. This study suggests that rs-fMR im-aging network features may be useful for predict-ing effects of mTBI and recovery trajectories.

Another machine learning approach developedby Iraji and colleagues35 combines structural andfunctional network connectivity changes to predictwhether a subject was a healthy control or anmTBI patient. In this study, 40 mTBI patients atthe acute stage and 50 healthy controlswere recruited. Sixty signatures were found that

distinguish patients from controls with 100%specificity and 93.75% sensitivity. Specifically,the emotion network demonstrated decreasedintranetwork connectivity, whereas perceptionnetworks demonstrated increased interactionsamong action-emotion and action-cognitionregions.

Machine learning is also being used to charac-terize a putative association between TBI andAD. Previously, Van Den Heuvel and col-leagues36 suggested TBI may be a risk factorfor developing AD. More recently, Vanderweyenand colleagues37 hypothesized that there is acommon network abnormality between the func-tional connectome of TBI and AD, and a machinelearning-based model was developed to test thisassociation. The model, when trained on AD andhealthy control subjects, achieved 82% accuracyin distinguishing AD from healthy controls.Notably, the same classifier also achieves an ac-curacy of 80% distinguishing TBI from healthycontrols without any retraining on TBI, indicatingthat there are common network abnormality as-pects in the connectomes of AD and TBI. More-over, these results suggest that existing large,longitudinal Alzheimer datasets may be able tojump start the machine learning process,perhaps obviating gathering as much longitudi-nal TBI imaging data in order to develop a diag-nostic tool for TBI.

Longitudinal Recovery Monitoring andOutcome Prediction

Complementary to the development of machinelearning-based methods has been the concurrentdevelopment of statistical methods that predictTBI outcomes from subacute and longitudinal rs-fMR imaging functional connectivity measures.These methods may be able to predict the futurerecovery profile and determine which patientswill require the most aggressive cognitive therapyand careful monitoring and which patients maydo well with simply palliative care.

In a study of the DMN using rs-fMR imaging byZhu and colleagues,38 there is evidence that lon-gitudinal changes in functional and structuralconnectivity of the default-mode network (DMN)can serve as a potential biomarker to monitorsports-related concussion recovery. This studytracked 11 control subjects and the recovery of8 concussed collegiate football players overthe course of 30 days after injury. Restingstate and diffusion MR imaging (DTI) were ac-quired from each subject within 24 hours,7 days, and 30 days after concussion. Inboth cohorts, DTI-based structural connectivity

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remained unchanged throughout the study; how-ever, the cohorts differed significantly in the pro-gression of overall DMN functional connectivity.Compared with the control group, the concussedgroup exhibited increased functional connectivityon day 1, significantly decreased functional con-nectivity on day 7, and partial recovery to that ofthe normal group by day 30. These results indi-cate rs-fMR imaging holds potential as abiomarker to monitor recovery in the concussedathlete.Banks and colleagues39 studied rs-fMR imag-

ing differences between mTBI patients andhealthy controls using a different set of functionalconnections, namely the functional connectivityof the thalamus with other regions and brain net-works. This work examined longitudinal func-tional connectivity changes over a 4-monthperiod in 13 mTBI subjects (mean age 39.3,31% women) and 11 age- and gender-matchedcontrols without mTBI (mean age 37.6, 36%women). Compared with controls, mTBI patientsexhibited an increased functional connectivitybetween the thalamus and the DMN, whereasexhibiting a decreased functional connectivitybetween the thalamus and the dorsal attentionnetwork (DAN) and between thalamus andthe frontoparietal control network. From 6 weeksto 4 months after injury, increased functionalconnectivity was identified between the thalamusand the DAN that was associated with decreasedpain on the Brief Pain Inventory, and decreasedpostconcussive symptoms on the River-mead Post-Concussion Symptoms Question-naire. These findings suggest that thalamicconnectivity may serve as a quantitative measureof recovery extent following mTBI.


MEG is a noninvasive form of brain imaging.40

Clinically, MEG is used to identify seizure foci inpatients with epilepsy.41 Recent studies haveshown MEG to be a useful tool in TBI research.One such study by Huang and colleagues42

demonstrated changes in functional connectivityduring rs-MEG in Veterans diagnosed with mTBIdue to a blast. In this study, Veterans with blast-induced mTBI had increased functional connectiv-ity in all frequency bands but the alpha band.Another study by Tarapore and colleagues43

showed decreased functional connectivity in thealpha band in a group of civilian patients withmild, moderate, and severe TBI. A study byAlhourani and colleagues44 found decreased localefficiency in different brain regions of patients withmTBI.


The high temporal resolution and wider dynamicrange of MEG complements and extends standardrs-fMR imaging acquisition. Typical MEG scannersuse between 250 and 300 sensors to measure themagnetic signals from the brain. These sensorsare located within a dewar and do not come indirect contact with the subject’s scalp. The acqui-sition is completely passive, and head position in-dicator coils are applied to track any headmotion.45 rs-MEG acquisition is similar to rs-fMRimaging from the subject’s perspective. The sub-ject is asked to keep their eyes open, closed, orlook at a cross-hair displayed on a projector for 6to 10 minutes. However, in MEG, the subject isoften seated rather than in a supine position.

Reconstruction Techniques

The sources of these signals can be mappedfrom sensor space to source space (eg, brainspace) using a variety of source localizationalgorithms. These algorithms are often simpler,yet more accurate, than those used in electroen-cephalography because the magnetic fields arerelatively unaffected by the conductivity of thevarious tissues in and surrounding the brain, trav-eling seamlessly through the brain and skull. Onesource localization approach is beamforming,whichbuilds a spatial filter andwas originally devel-oped for radar technology.46 Beamformingmethods used for MEG source reconstruction areoften designated as source “scanning” methodsbecause they search a grid for the best solution,usually by minimizing the noise in the output orsource variance.47 Compared with other methods,one benefit of the beamforming methods is thatthese methods do not limit the spatial solution topredetermined anatomic locations or regions of in-terest. Such data-driven solutions can minimizemodel bias for resting state analyses.


MEG data can also be analyzed in the frequencydomain. The frequencies are primarily dividedinto functional categories, or spectral bands, ofdelta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. Changes inthe magnitude and location of these frequenciesduring resting state scans may be informative ofdisease states. TBI literature often focuses onthe delta band. Delta rhythms (0.5–4 Hz) are nor-mally present during deep sleep but are alsoseen in pathologic states in adults. Pathologicdelta waves originate in different locationsdepending on the disease. Predominantly, delta

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waves arise in areas of the cortex overlying whitematter lesions.48 Research on these rhythms andtheir causes is still ongoing.

Of particular interest to TBI is work byHuang andcolleagues49 showing increased delta waves afterTBI. This work describes an automated algorithmfor deltawavequantification applied to 45mTBI pa-tients and 10 moderate TBI patients with rs-MEG.Abnormalities were detected in the delta waves of87% of the mTBI patients and 100% of the moder-ate TBI patients. In addition, the number of corticalregions with abnormal delta waves correlatedsignificantly with the post–concussive symptomscores.49–52 Preliminary data from another studyalso showed coup contrecoup injury patterns.

Automating Diagnosis with Machine Learning

Manual analysis of theMEGdata is typically used asa cursory inspection to ensure that the data havebeen collected properly, whereas quantitative sta-tisticalanalysesandautomatedmachine learning in-terpretations are important to bringing rs-MEG intoroutine clinical use. Recently, several machinelearning methods have been developed for rs-MEG interpretation that help identify important diag-nosticnetwork features toautomatemTBIdiagnosisand help predict mTBI severity. An approach thatcan automate individual diagnosis would overcomesubjectivity in concussion diagnosis commonlybased on clinical judgment from self-reported mea-sures and behavioral assessments.

Vakorin and colleagues53 investigated the type ofalterations that occur in resting state oscillatorynetwork phase synchrony in adults with mTBI andwhether machine learning can accurately detectmTBI in individual subjects. rs-MEG was recordedand structuralMR imagingwasacquired from20pa-tients with mTBI and 21 age-, gender-, andhandedness-matched healthy controls. mTBI wasassociated with reduced network connectivity inthe delta and gamma frequency range (>30 Hz) andincreased connectivity in the slower alpha band (8–12 Hz). Themost discriminatory featureswere foundin the alpha band (8–12 Hz). Classification confi-dencewas found to be correlatedwith clinical symp-tomseverity scores.Overall, the results demonstratethat combining MEG network connectivity and ma-chine learning is a promising approach to diagnosemTBI and may also help estimate mTBI severity.

Antonakakis and colleagues54 investigated theutility of a different set of features extracted fromrs-MEG for discriminating mTBI from healthycontrols. This study analyzed cross-frequencycoupling from rs-MEG in 30 mTBI patients and50 controls. A classification accuracy of greaterthan 90% was achieved in distinguishing mTBI

patients from controls across many frequencyband pairs. A maximum of 96% accuracy wasachieved across the delta and low gamma bands,and this same coupling demonstrated 100%sensitivity and 93% specificity. Their findingsshowed that compared with mTBI patients,healthy controls formed a dense network of stron-ger local and global connections characteristic ofhigher functional integration. These results under-score the critical role development of machinelearning tools for studying brain networkscomputed from rs-MEG serves and suggest thatphase-to-amplitude coupling and tensorial repre-sentation of connectivity profiles may yield valu-able biomarkers for the clinical diagnosis of mTBI.


There is significant heterogeneity in the currentliterature that may hinder direct translation to pa-tient care. Imaging of patients with TBI facesmany clinical challenges limiting its application.Timing of acquisition of rs-fMR imaging in patientswith TBI, in relation to the patient’s injury, providesseveral unique challenges.

First, it is difficult to image these patients in thehyperacute or acute setting because MR imagingis a relatively lengthy process that can precludeadministration of critical resuscitative measures.Patients with TBI should only be sent to MR imag-ing if they are hemodynamically stable. Scanningpatients under critical care who are intubated re-quires a team effort by technologists, nursing, res-piratory therapists, and physicians to safely andeffectively perform an MR imaging in the clinicallycritical patient. Frequently, a routine noncontrasthead CT can be safely performed and willadequately answer the clinical question in theacute setting. Furthermore, when MR imaging isnecessary, rs-fMR imaging acquisition is not typi-cally included as part of an expedient brain MR im-aging protocol, because it has not yet been provenclinically useful in these patients.

Second, in the acute setting, TBI patients havebeen demonstrated to have alterations in hemody-namic response that may confound rs-fMR imaginganalysis and interpretation, if not properlyaccounted for in the analysis. Finally, hemorrhageand contusions may alter the BOLD signal or pro-duce artifact that limits evaluation. Timing acquisi-tion to minimize the effects of noninterest, whilemaximizing the effects of interest, is important;however, how to reliably establish this timing is yetto be defined because there is no clear consensuson the best time or times to perform rs-fMR imagingon TBI patients. Because the injury and subsequenthealing process are dynamic, imaging only provides

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a single snapshot in time of that process. Longitudi-nal studies with consistent imaging and analysistechniques need to be performed to understandthe most useful time or times for performing rs-fMR imaging before it will be accepted as a usefulbiomarker for diagnosis and prognosis in TBI.Translation of research to individual clinical pa-

tients poses many difficulties. Translation of post-processing methods proposed in the literaturemay be difficult without the proper detailed docu-mentation and computing resources. Applicationof group analyses to individual patients risksextrapolation from outside of the specific charac-teristics of the studied patient cohort and maylead to inaccurate interpretation of the results foran individual patient. Training machine learningmethods to make individual diagnoses and prog-noses is one step toward remedying this limitation.Given the complex biomechanics of closed headinjuries and many additional variables involved inTBI, including patient characteristics, traumamechanism, and post–trauma management,each individual injury is truly unique.

Pearls, Pitfalls, Variants

� Acquisition of rs-fMR imaging is difficult inthe acute setting because of more pressingclinical needs.

� Hemorrhage and contusions may alter BOLDsignal.

� Translation of research methods to individualclinical patients is difficult.

� Postprocessing methods may not bereproducible.

� Group analyses applied to an individualmay be inaccurate.

- Training machine learning methods maymake individual diagnoses and progno-ses possible.


Respecting the aforementioned limitations, rs-fMRimaging is a leading imaging candidate for transla-tion to the clinic. Assignment of diagnosis andprog-nosis to patients carries serious ethical andmedicolegal implications that must be considered;providing an inaccurate diagnosis or prognosisbased on new techniques without adequate sup-portiveevidence in theexisting literature is unethicalandmaybenegligent. Inaddition,because the topicof TBI has been recently in the news and social me-dia, the interested public, including potentialjudges, jurors, and lawyers,mayhavepreconceived

ideas and biases. Furthermore, new and complextechniques, such as rs-fMR imaging, carry implicitrisks of oversimplifying the pathophysiology, tech-nique of acquisition, method of analysis, and inter-pretation for the lay public. In summary, care mustbe taken to ensure there is adequate evidence sup-porting the clinical utility of these techniques beforeincorporating them into routine clinical care.In the future, themethods discussed in this review

should be tested on large data sets to determineclinical relevance. Comorbidities such as depres-sion and posttraumatic stress disorder should beincluded to determine their effects on the algo-rithms. In addition, the methods should be auto-mated so that they can be easily reproducible in aclinical routine. One of the more promising avenuesfor rs-fMR imaging and rs-MEGmay be the ability topredict recovery time and evaluate therapies. Bothmodalities allow us to study the healing process ina quantitative way that has not been available previ-ously. In conclusion, there are many promising ave-nues for rs-fMR imaging and rs-MEG in TBIdiagnosisand treatment.Moving these into theclinicshould be approached with cautious optimism.


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