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APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY BTEC Pearson / Edexcel Course …

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APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY BTEC Pearson / Edexcel Course Leader: Mr Paul Ebsworth BTECs embody a fundamentally learner-centred approach to the curriculum, with a flexible, unit-based structure and knowledge applied in project-based assessments. They focus on the holistic development of the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills required to be able to succeed in employment and higher education. In studying BTECH Applied Psychology you will develop knowledge and understanding of key approaches and theories in psychology and apply these to issues relevant to contemporary society, for example lifestyle choices and unhealthy behaviours such as addiction. You will learn about the types and characteristics of mental disorders, approaches to treatment, and the role of professionals in supporting and promoting mental health. In addition to exploring the scientific process in psychological research methodology through conducting your own psychological research project The BTEC units are: Unit 1: Psychological Approaches and Applications: Psychological approaches and assumptions. Key concepts: Cognitive Approach, Social Approach, Learning Approach and Biological Approach. Application of Approaches. (Assessed externally)) Unit 2: Conducting Psychological Research: Understanding research methods and their importance in psychological inquiry. Plan research to investigate psychological questions. Carry out a pilot study to explore current issues in psychology. Review implications of research into psychological inquiry (Assessed internally) Unit 3: Health Psychology: Lifestyle choice and health-related behaviour. Stress, behavioural addiction and physiological addiction. Promotion of positive behavioural change. (Assessed externally) Unit 6: Criminal and Forensic Psychology: Understand different psychological approaches to explaining criminal behaviour. Investigate punishment strategies and behaviour modification of criminal behaviour. Apply different methods to create an offender profile. (Assessed internally) The qualifications prepare learners for a range of higher education courses and job roles related to a particular sector for example, the health sector. BTECH combines well with a number of different subjects including Biology, Physical Education, Sociology and Business. Coursework offers the opportunity to plan, carry out and analyse a unique piece of research. Why study this subject? What do I study and how will I be assessed? What can I go on to after studying this subject? What will it combine with? What special opportunities are there? Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.
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Pearson / Edexcel

Course Leader: Mr Paul Ebsworth

BTECs embody a fundamentally learner-centred approach to the curriculum, with a flexible, unit-based structure and knowledge applied in project-based assessments. They focus on the holistic development of the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills required to be able to succeed in employment and higher education. In studying BTECH Applied Psychology you will develop knowledge and understanding of key approaches and theories in psychology and apply these to issues relevant to contemporary society, for example lifestyle choices and unhealthy behaviours such as addiction. You will learn about the types and characteristics of mental disorders, approaches to treatment, and the role of professionals in supporting and promoting mental health. In addition to exploring the scientific process in psychological research methodology through conducting your own psychological research project

The BTEC units are: Unit 1: Psychological Approaches and Applications: Psychological approaches and assumptions. Key concepts: Cognitive Approach, Social Approach,

Learning Approach and Biological Approach. Application of Approaches. (Assessed externally))

Unit 2: Conducting Psychological Research:

Understanding research methods and their importance in psychological inquiry. Plan research to investigate psychological questions. Carry out a pilot study to explore current issues in psychology. Review implications of research into psychological inquiry

(Assessed internally) Unit 3: Health Psychology: Lifestyle choice and health-related behaviour. Stress, behavioural addiction and

physiological addiction. Promotion of positive behavioural change.

(Assessed externally)

Unit 6: Criminal and Forensic Psychology: Understand different psychological approaches to explaining criminal behaviour. Investigate punishment strategies and behaviour modification of criminal behaviour. Apply different methods to create an offender profile. (Assessed internally)

The qualifications prepare learners for a range of higher education courses and job roles related to a

particular sector for example, the health sector.

BTECH combines well with a number of different subjects including Biology, Physical Education, Sociology and Business. Coursework offers the opportunity to plan, carry out and analyse a unique piece of research.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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EDEXCEL 9AD0 Course Leader: Miss Colette Carroll

To develop skills in a wide range of media, including drawing, painting, sculpture and textiles. Also to widen your knowledge of artists and their work, progressing towards a personal style of work. This course will give you the skills to enjoy, engage with and produce visual arts throughout your life. Component 1 is a Personal Investigation worth 60% of your total marks - You will choose your own Theme to explore in depth and produce supporting studies and practical work, including a written personal Study (worth 12% of total marks) and personal resolved final pieces. Component 2 is an Externally Set Assignment worth 40% of your total marks and comprises preparation time from February followed by a 15 hour examination.

Art and Design is a diverse field with wide opportunities in the creative industries. Students go on to work in architecture, graphic design, fashion and textiles, animation, interior design, illustration, special effects, theatre design and many more. Many of our students go on to Art Foundation courses or directly to a great variety of Art degrees. Art combines well with all subjects. It is recognised as an academic subject for most university courses. If you know you want to follow an Art course after 18, you could consider choosing Design or Textiles as well and/or combining with Dance, Drama or Music. Many students find that Art is an enriching and creative experience which complements their other, more academic, subjects.

There are lots of special opportunities for workshops with visiting Artists, visits to galleries and figure drawing classes in both Year 12 and Year 13. We also organise regular residential study trips in this country and abroad. In the past we have visited The Gambia, New York, Paris and Barcelona and there are also opportunities to work with younger students in a leadership capacity. You will experience curating and exhibiting your work at the end of the course.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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OCR H420 Course Leader: Mrs Maxine Bullock

This subject is a popular choice for students who wish to study sciences or who wish to include a science to complement their other subjects. The course we offer provides a broad range of topics and we believe in providing as many practical opportunities as we can. Biology at A Level provides an excellent grounding for all biological university courses and, whilst medicine does not demand Biology as an entry requirement, we are yet to find a medical student who has not been very glad they did study the subject. The Year 12 modules are:

Module 1: Development of practical skills Module 2: Foundations in Biology; cell structure, biological molecules, enzymes, cell division. Module 3: Exchange and transport: gaseous exchange, transport in animals and plants. Module 4: Biodiversity, evolution and disease; diseases, preventing and the immune system.

Biodiversity, classification and evolution. The Year 13 modules are: Modules 1 2 3 4 as above and

Module 5: Communication, homeostasis and energy; excretion, neurones and hormone communication,

animal and plant responses. Photosynthesis and respiration. Module 6: Genetics, evolution and ecosystems; cellular control, inheritance, genetic engineering, cloning

and biotechnology, ecosystems, populations and sustainability.

• Paper 1 (2hrs 15mins, 100 marks): Biological Processes (theory from the last two years, modules 1, 2, 3, 5) • Paper 2 (2hrs 15mins, 100 marks): Biological Diversity (theory from the last two years, modules 1, 2, 4, 6)

Practical Skills in Biology (PAGS): There are 12 basic skills to be covered over the two years, which will be tested in the examination papers. In addition, students will gain a pass or fail certificate of Practical Endorsement. This can be shown to universities but does not affect their A Level grade directly. • Paper 3 (1hr 30mins, 70 marks): Unified paper - tests all modules over the two years.

Anything to do with medical or veterinary science, environmental science, neuroscience, agriculture, marine biology, forestry, genetics, conservation, industry, teaching, chiropractor and lots of others. The Arts and Social Sciences. Chemistry is often necessary for anyone wishing to study Biology at university or as a career. Chemistry, Physics and/or Mathematics are essential for those considering medicine or veterinary science. There are careers that combine Biology with artistic and humanities skills.

There is a compulsory Biology Field trip which covers a PAG and theory from the syllabus that we are unable to carry out at school. The cost will be around £270. There are also lectures and visits to research establishments.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales,

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AQA 7132 Course Leader: Ms Claire Mackenzie

It is a natural choice for anyone hoping one day to help run an enterprise and/or wishing to develop an all-round awareness of business functions and affairs. Year 1:

Topics include: What is business, managers, leadership and decision making, decision making to improve marketing performance, operational performance, financial performance and human resource performance. Progression exams in the summer term include: Business 1: 1hr 30mins. 10 multiple choice questions, short answer questions and 2 extended response questions based on a case study.

Business 2 – 1hr 30mins. One case study with approximately 7 questions. These 2 examinations are internal exams during exam week. Year 2:

Includes the topics from Year 1 and analysing the strategic position of a business, choosing strategic direction, strategic methods and managing strategic change. Business 1: 15 multiple choice questions, short answer questions and 2 essay questions. 2hrs. (1/3 of A Level). Business 2: Three data response questions (these each will be made up of three or four questions). 2hrs. (1/3 of A Level). Business 3: One compulsory case study followed by approx. 6 questions. 2hrs. (1/3 of marks).

The course develops the awareness and skills necessary to move into such work with confidence and ability. Many students go onto university to study business management, and/or combining this with one of the functional areas of business. Business Studies combines well with any other subjects.

There are trips to local businesses and visitors come into school for educational talks.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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BUSINESS BTEC National Diploma Level 3

Course Leader: Ms Claire Mackenzie

With the Pearson BTEC you will follow a more vocational approach to developing your understanding of the business world, its theory and its practice. You will handle economic data and develop creative and analytical thinking. You will develop a working ethos through work experience and develop a creative approach to business marketing. In the National Diploma course you study – 8 units This is a two year course and is the equivalent of 2 A Levels (8 lessons per week) Year 1 Units: 1 Exploring business Portfolio 2 Developing a marketing campaign Set task 3 Personal and business finance Examination 4 Managing an event Portfolio Year 2 Units: 5 International business Portfolio 6 Principles of management Set task 7 Work experience in business Portfolio 8 Recruitment and selection process Portfolio

Units are assessed by either an examination, set task or portfolio. The portfolio of evidence is based on the assignments completed in lessons and for homework. The set task is given by the examination board with a theme and questions to answer, you then get time to research and prepare your answers to send to the examination board for assessment. Grades are awarded as a double award (therefore gaining two grades) from Pass Pass through to Distinction * Distinction *.

The course offers an ideal route into higher education in any related field of study. It also offers an excellent starting point for a career in any area of business. This course covers many disciplines, so it will mix well with many subjects. It could form the core of your study time or it might be completely different from your other subjects e.g. Geography and the Sciences. Alternatively you could mix it with Physical Education if you are thinking of a career in leisure management.

You can go on trips to local businesses and listen to guest speakers. Most students also develop very good computer skills. Students will go on work experience in the second year in order to complete one of the modules, this has provided the opportunity for students to get summer jobs before university or full time employment once the course is complete.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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OCR Chemistry A (H432) Course Leader: Mrs Julie Rook

Chemistry is involved in all of our lives from the materials around us to the medicines we take to keep us healthy. Chemists work in research and analysis in a wide range of industries including fuels, fashion and pharmaceuticals. Studying Chemistry will give you the opportunity to advance your GCSE Science skills by completing challenging practical and theoretical problems. This course consists of the following 6 modules: 01 Development of Practical Skills Chemistry is a practical subject and students will complete a range of experiments in preparation for the written examinations. In addition, completing the 12 skills will gain a Certificate of Practical Endorsement. 02 Foundations in Chemistry Provides an essential bridge between the different GCSE Science courses and A-Level. Topics included are atomic structure, the mole and bonding. 03 Periodic Table and Energy Gives students a knowledge and understanding of the important chemical ideas which underpin physical and inorganic Chemistry such as enthalpy changes, rates of reaction and the groups of the Periodic Table. 04 Core Organic Chemistry

Students study the analysis and chemistry of organic molecules with different functional groups. There are opportunities to develop important practical techniques such as the use of Quickfit apparatus. 05 Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements Students study the colourful transition elements and take a more detailed look at energy and rates of reaction. 06 Organic Chemistry and Analysis An opportunity to study the Chemistry of benzene and new functional groups with an emphasis on organic synthesis. Students gain an understanding of NMR spectroscopy which is used in forensic science. Assessment:

Paper Weighting Marks and Duration

Periodic Table, Elements and Physical Chemistry 37% 100 marks 2hrs 15mins

Synthesis and Analytical Techniques 37% 100 marks 2hrs 15mins

Unified Chemistry 26% 70 marks 1hr 30mins

A wide range of degree courses and careers including medicine and veterinary science, agriculture, biology, forensic science, engineering, pharmacology and food science. The logic and problem solving skills developed are also ideal for careers not directly linked to chemistry. As well as the obvious combinations with Biology, Physics and Maths many students combine Chemistry with Economics, Art, Government and Politics Geography or a Language.

There are opportunities to take part in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge, Chemistry Olympiad and attend career and STEM lectures

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

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OCR H446 Course Leader: Miss Debbie Keith

How we use computers and computer programs has changed the world we live in today and at the heart of these changes are the computer scientists who shape and create the products that we use every day. Computer Science spans hardware and software engineering across all industries and is a discipline that offers excellent prospects. It is a practical subject where students can apply the academic principles learned in the classroom to real world systems. This course aims to help students develop the skills to solve problems, design systems and understand the power and limits of human and machine intelligence.

This course consists of the following 3 elements: C01 Computer Systems This unit covers the internal workings of the CPU, data exchange, software development, data types and legal and ethical issues. C02 Algorithms and Programming This unit covers the elements of computational thinking that forms the basis of problem solving as well as algorithm design and software development methodologies. C03 Programming Project Students are expected to apply the principles of computational thinking to a practical coding programming project. They will analyse, design, develop, test, evaluate and document a program written in a suitable programming language. The project is designed to be independently chosen by the student and provides them with the flexibility to investigate projects within the diverse field of computer science. Assessment:

Component Assessment Weighting Marks and Duration

C01 Computer Systems External examination 40% 140 marks / 2hrs 30mins

C02 Algorithms and Programming External examination 40% 140 marks / 2hrs 30mins

C03 Programming Project Internally assessed, Externally moderated

20% 70 marks

Computer Science is relevant to every industry and can lead to further study in Computer Science, Mathematics, Science, Engineering as well as any other subject area that values computational thinking and analytical skills. Apprenticeship opportunities are growing and can offer another pathway into a career in IT. Computer Science is a diverse subject that aims to develop problem solving skills that can be applied to a variety of A Level subjects. STEM subjects combine particularly well with Computer Science. Art, Government and Politics, Geography or a Language are also good combinations. You will have the opportunity to take part in competitions such as UK Bebras Computational Thinking Challenge and Cyber Centurion - Cyber Security Challenge UK. Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and

Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

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Pearson / Edexcel

Course Leader: Mr Milo Downs

Unlike Media Studies, the BTEC builds on the ability to study and analyse, and progresses to practical, real-world skills for the Creative Industries. This extends beyond the obvious training of filming and editing; our students will learn every skill required to produce a piece of media, from initial ideas meetings and project management, through to the reviewing and re-editing stage. At all times, students are guided by the assignment briefs, which act as schemes of work throughout the course.

The BTEC units are: Unit 1: Media Representation:

2 hrs computer–based examination (25% of the final mark, externally marked)

Unit 8: Responding to a Commission

6hr art-style examination (33% of the final mark, externally marked)

Unit 4: Pre-Production

Textual analysis project Group project – submission of a full pre-production portfolio (individually assessed)

(25% of the final mark, internally marked)

Unit 10: Film Production (17%) Independent research project & analysis Group project – full production of a short film (individually assessed) Individual edit & reshoot (17% of the final mark, internally marked)

Creative Media Production is an ideal vehicle to study Media, Film or Communications at University, or to start apprenticeships. Students can then progress into work in one of the many media industries; ranging from marketing and advertising to film and television production. Creative Media Production combines well with any other subject but has strong links with aspects of English, Drama, Psychology, Computer Science, Business Studies, Art, Product Design and Sociology. Coursework offers the opportunity to make your own media texts and develop a portfolio of practical work. There are also opportunities for visits and hearing outside speakers. Students frequently take a leading role in producing films for the school.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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BTEC Pearson / Edexcel

Course Leader: Mr Milo Downs

We prepare our students for the real world. They are taught to develop skills in independent research, self-management and project planning, and are judged on their innovation and creativity within challenging time frames. Students also learn technical skills in photography/cinematography, photo manipulation and digital image effects, as well as business skills such as communication, organisation and team leadership.

Please note: This is a one-year subject and is worth 3 GCSE grades; it will therefore limit the availability of other options.

The Core BTEC units:

Unit 1: Digital Media Sectors and Audiences 1-hour examination

Unit 2: Planning and Pitching a Digital Media Product (internally marked) The Mandatory BTEC units:

Unit 8: Media Industry in Context 1-hour examination

The optional, internally marked units include:

Digital Moving Image Production Digital Publishing Website Production Digital Editing Digital Photography Animation

Creative Digital Media Production is an ideal vehicle to progress to our new Level 3 BTEC in the subject, or to start apprenticeships at the end of the academic year. Students can then progress into work in one of the many media industries; ranging from marketing and advertising to film and television production. Creative Digital Media Production combines well with any other subject but has strong links with aspects of Drama, Computer Science, Business Studies, Art, and Product Design Coursework offers the opportunity to make your own media texts and develop a portfolio of practical work. There are also opportunities for visits and hearing outside speakers. Students frequently take a leading role in producing films for the school.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AQA 7237 Course Leader: Mrs Jenny Monro

To develop your own talent but also your overall appreciation of the whole concept of Dance by studying performance, choreography, history and appreciation. Dance is a dynamic qualification which encourages you to develop your creative and intellectual capacity, alongside transferable skills such as team working, communication and problem solving. All of these are sought after skills by higher education and employers and will help you stand out in the workplace whatever your choice of career. A-level Dance reflects both historical and current dance practices, making it more relevant, and inspires a lifelong passion and appreciation for dance. We recognise the role of dance in young people’s lives and study a range of dance styles, set relevant and exciting choreographic challenges and study a broad areas of theoretical study. You can perform and choreograph in a style of your choice for the group work (providing it meets the assessment criteria) giving all abilities the chance to excel. Assessments are clear, well-structured and easy to understand. Exam questions take a variety of styles; this helps to build your confidence and gives you the opportunity to be accurately and fairly awarded marks. The A Level Components are: Component 1 Performance and Choreography

Group choreography from investigation and research of ideas through to outcome

Solo performance skills in relation to a specific practitioner within a specific area of dance study

Performance in a quartet External Practical Examination: 80 marks (50% of the total A Level marks) Component 2 Critical Engagement

Knowledge, understanding and critical appreciation of two set works

One compulsory set work and its location within a corresponding area of study

One optional set work and its location within a corresponding area of study Written Examination: 2 hours and 30 minutes - 100 marks (50% of A Level mark) Questions (two sections):

Section A: short answer questions (25 marks) and one essay question (25 marks) on the compulsory set work/area of study

Section B: two essay questions on the second set work/area of study (25 marks for each essay)

It is a good preparation for studying dance or performing arts at degree or diploma level or for studying areas such as dance teaching and movement therapy. It is also useful for other careers in the arts such as arts administration or arts related journalism. Dance combines well with Theatre Studies, Music, Physical Education, Art or English.

You will be expected to play a key part in the school’s annual Dance productions, to participate in workshops and to attend trips to Dance performances. Involvement in extra-curricular sport is a must for practical development.

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

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Course Leader: Ms Aldyth Thompson

Drama and Theatre Studies is an exciting and challenging subject. It develops the creative process, giving a prospective employer or university an insight into a large number of desirable skills that you will have developed. It shows that you can work effectively in a team, have focus and commitment and can maintain high energy levels during work on developmental projects. It also shows that you have an interest in culture and the world around you which is more than purely academic. Drama and Theatre Studies is a creative outlet and contrasts with many other subjects keeping your week varied and exciting. The majority of our A Level students describe it as their favourite lesson of the week. Component 1 – Devising (40% of qualification)

• Devise an original performance piece • Portfolio which can be written or recorded (or a combination of the two) • Use of key extract from a performance text and a practitioner as stimuli • Centre choice of text and practitioner

Component 2 – Text in Performance (20% of qualification)

• A group performance of a key extract from a performance text • A monologue or duologue performance from one key extract of a different performance text • Centre choice of texts • Visiting examiner

Component 3 – Theatre Makers in Practice (40% of qualification)

• Written examination in 3 sections (2 ½ hours) • Live Theatre Evaluation – centre choice • Practical exploration and study of a complete performance text – how it can be realised in performance • Practical exploration and interpretation of another complete performance text in the light of a chosen practitioner – focusing on how a performance could be reimagined for a contemporary audience

Most degrees and jobs will appreciate the skills gained through the course such as presentation skills, independent study and team work. This A Level can lead you to work in the industry of theatre whether as an actor, director, writer, producer etc. It can also assist you in careers that involve presenting to people such as Teaching, Media, PR or Politics. Drama and Theatre Studies combines well with any subjects. It can add contrast to an otherwise purely academic timetable in giving a more creative element to your education, in turn developing a greater sense of balance and perspective. However, it can also compliment and be complemented by Media, English Literature/Language, Dance, History, Philosophy and Music.

At least two theatre visits are required for the course; however, there are many more opportunities outside of core lessons. All students get the opportunity to expand their own interests in this subject encouraging them to take responsibility to develop outside and beyond the remit of the syllabus. We have fantastic opportunities for our students to engage with professionals from the industry through workshops and performance.

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

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AQA 7136 Course Leader: Mr Stephen Petty

Economics is at the centre of everyone’s lives. This topical, news-based subject helps us to understand ourselves, firms, governments and the world in general. Unit 1: Individuals, Firms and Markets – firms, pay, equality and inequality, how firms are

influenced by government, by Europe and by global factors.

Unit 2: The National and International Economy – controlling the UK economy, inflation and unemployment, financial markets and the world economy.

Unit 3: Economic principles and issues – applying a combination of economic ideas learned in

units 1 and 2 to particular topical issues

Assessment: In Units 1 and 2 students will tackle questions based on recent reports and data on a topical issue. They also choose one essay from a choice of three. Unit 3 has multiple choice section and a case study. Each examination is 2 hours. There is no coursework.

Economics is a good basis for any business or finance-related degree courses, or for careers in many other areas including History, Politics, Law or Sociology. Economics combines well with all other subjects. Popular combinations are with History, Geography or Mathematics but it combines successfully elsewhere too. Some students take both Business Studies and Economics but such students should be reasonably certain of their chosen course or career.

There are opportunities to join a Young Enterprise team. Economics students, along with Business Studies students, have also enjoyed trips locally to BMW and to other nearby enterprises and have also attended lectures in London given by leading political and economic figures.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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PEARSON EDEXCEL : 9ENO Course Leader: Mrs Janice Smith

English Language A Level is the systematic study of your own language; the course will develop your response to a wide variety of language – from short stories to text messaging – and your ability to communicate clearly in logical and creative ways. English Language teaches you to use language cleverly. The 4 A Level components are: COMPONENT 1: LANGUAGE VARIATION You will explore how language varies according to context and how it can create personal identities. The period covered will be English from c1550 (the beginnings of Early Modern English) to the present day. (Externally assessed –2hr 15mins examination – 35% of total A Level) COMPONENT 2: CHILD LANGUAGE You will explore spoken and written language acquisition of children between the ages of 0 and 8 years, using appropriate theories to support your studies. You will also study the relationship between spoken language acquisition and literacy skills that children are taught, including the beginnings of reading. (Externally assessed – 1hr 15mins. examination - 20% of the total qualification) COMPONENT 3: INVESTIGATING LANGUAGE You will be researching and investigating language topics such as Language and Gender or Language and Power, one of which will be pre-released in the January before the examination. This will provide a steer for your research and investigation enabling you to prepare in advance for this examination. (Externally assessed - 1hr 45mins. examination - 25% total qualification)

The above are all examinable topics within the 3 examinations that comprise the A Level Components 1, 2 and 3. COMPONENT 4: CRAFTING LANGUAGE - COURSEWORK 2 Pieces of Original writing from the same genre, differentiated by function and/or audience. The genres include Journalistic writing, Dramatic Monologue, Narrative Writing and Children’s stories (2500-3000 words) (Internally assessed/externally moderated -20% total qualification) The language skills you demonstrate by passing this course will make you an attractive candidate for places in further education and with employers A Level English Language will be particularly useful if you intend a career in journalism, advertising, law, business, education or other areas of the media. English Language will complement or contrast with the skills you need in any other A Level subject. Whether you are a scientist or your career lies in business studies, you need to be a competent writer. The course can be taken alongside English Literature.

There are conferences and opportunities to work outside school, for example on story writing projects and at local Primary Schools when studying children’s language. We regularly have visiting speakers or writers working with us to enhance our Creative Writing Coursework. In the past these have included local novelists and young professional actors.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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EDEXCEL: 9ET01 Course Leader: Ms Ellie Jenkins

English Literature offers you the opportunity to examine, discuss and appreciate some of the most stimulating texts in our language. The course fosters vital skills of analysis and discussion and should appeal to all who enjoy reading, sharing ideas and developing writing skills. The A Level course is based on 3 examination components and a coursework component covering the 3 literary genres of Poetry, Prose and Drama. Students will be assessed through the production of an extended piece of coursework submitted in Year 13 and by external examination on their A Level texts for the 3 other components - both those studied in Year 12 and in Year 13 - at the end of the second year of the course. A Level components are: Component 1: Drama 2 hours 15 minutes external examination (30% of total A Level) Open book/ clean copy. 2 sections: A: Shakespeare play & critical reading: Othello

B: Other drama: A Streetcar Named Desire, Tennessee Williams Component 2: Prose 1 hour 15 minutes external examination (20%of total A Level) Open book/clean copy. 1 question comparing 2 novels, one being pre-1900: Hard Times,

Charles Dickens; Atonement, Ian McEwan Component 3: Poetry 2 hours 15 minutes external examination (30% of total A Level) Open book/clean copy. 2 sections: A: Contemporary poetry: students compare an unseen poem with one

from their studied contemporary text. B: Poetry Collection: a collection of poems from a range of Rossetti’s poems

Coursework: (20% of full A-Level) Comparative essay on 2 texts not studied elsewhere on the course: 2500 - 3000 words. Texts studied: The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald; Passing, Nella Larsen

Studying English Literature opens up a variety of career opportunities, including those within journalism, law, teaching, the creative arts and publishing but it is also a suitable preparation for many unrelated occupations. Studying English Literature nurtures your skills of analysis, evaluation and eloquent expression. It therefore complements a wide range of other A Levels from within the Arts, Humanities and Sciences. English Literature can be studied alongside English Language.

There are often trips to the theatre, cinema or to literary conferences to support and extend students knowledge and understanding. We are also lucky in being so close to Oxford; in the last few years we have developed good contacts with both Oxford Brookes University and Oxford University, welcoming academics in to school to speak to students about their A Level texts.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AQA 7651 + 7652 Course Leader: Mrs Clare Bray

A good working knowledge of another language and culture is increasingly important in every area of life, and France is our nearest neighbour. French is spoken increasingly widely around the world, for example across large parts of Africa. The need for another language continues to grow in the world of work. AS Level:

Aspects of French-speaking society – current trends and issues

Artistic culture in French-speaking society

Grammar And you will: Listen to and read information and opinions about the topics and express your own ideas and opinions orally. Study one film from a prescribed list. Examinations: 2 written papers (1hr 45mins, 1hr 15mins) and one speaking examination (12-14mins). A Level: You will study the AS course content plus:

Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues

Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world

Grammar And you will: Research a topic of your own choice for discussion in the speaking examination. Study one literary text from a prescribed list. Examinations: 2 written papers (2hrs 30mins, 2hrs) and one speaking examination (17-18mins).

Studying French leads on to a wide range of opportunities, including business, sales, travel & tourism, Civil or Foreign Service, teaching, interpreting and law. French combines well with almost all other subjects to give a well-rounded course. The AS is also particularly attractive to keep your language ability going and to provide breadth to your A Level programme of study.

There will be a visit to France in both Year 12 and Year 13. The course is interactive, with a dedicated website and you will have your own login. Some homework will be sent electronically. There will be a French ‘Assistant’ who will be in lessons and will provide additional support in speaking and examination preparation. In Year 13 you will have individual time with the Assistant to further develop your speaking skills. You will watch French films and develop a greater awareness of French culture, past and present. You will have the opportunity to help in lessons at Lower School and teach a Year 7 class in the summer term of Year 12.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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EDEXCEL Course Leader: Ms Claire Sharratt

This A Level offers an issues-based approach to studying Geography, enabling you to explore and evaluate contemporary geographical questions and issues such as the consequences of globalisation, responses to hazards, water insecurity and climate change. You will have the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of physical and human Geography, the complexity of people and environment questions and issues and to become critical, reflective and independent learners. We will encourage you to make links between different geographical themes, ideas and concepts through synoptic themes embedded in the compulsory content. The course is assessed through 3 external assessments and 1 non-examined assessment Paper 1 – 2 hours (30% of qualification) Areas of study: Topic 1: Tectonic Processes and Hazards ● Topic 2: Landscape Systems, Processes and Change – Coastal landscapes and change ● Topic 5: The Water Cycle and Water Insecurity ● Topic 6: The Carbon Cycle and Energy Security ● Topic 7: Climate Change Futures Paper 2 – 2 hours (30% of qualification) Areas of study: Topic 3: Globalisation ● Topic 4: Shaping Places – regenerating places ● Topic 8: Superpowers ● Topic 9: Global Development and Connections – health, human rights and intervention. Paper 3 – 1 hour 45mins (20% of qualification) This is a written examination involving a resource booklet that contains information about a geographical issue. Coursework – (20% of qualification) You will define a question or issue for investigation, relating to the compulsory or optional content. The topic may relate to any aspect of geography contained within the specification. It will incorporate fieldwork data (collected individually or as part of a group) and your own research and/or secondary data. A-Level students will have to complete a minimum of 4 days compulsory fieldwork.

(Topics in italics will be taught in Year 12)

You will gain the skills to enter a wide range of careers, particularly business, planning, management, the social sciences, environmental studies or science. Geography sits across the curriculum and so combines well with most other subjects.

You will go on two different fieldtrips. One overnight to Bristol where we will be studying city regeneration, and one two night trip to Weymouth and the south coast where we will be making links to the coastal landscapes and change section of the course. There may be an opportunity to visit The Gambia in Year 13, if there is sufficient interest in the study tour.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AQA 7661 + 7662 Course Leader: Mrs Anna Keith

German is the most widely spoken (first) language in Europe. You will gain a valuable skill for any future career but also derive great personal satisfaction and enjoyment from developing a close knowledge of another language and culture. Learning a language to this level will greatly enhance your Curriculum Vitae. AS Level:

Aspects of German-speaking society: current trends

Artistic culture in German-speaking society

Grammar And you will:

Listen to and read information and opinions about the topics and express your own ideas and opinions orally

Study one literary text or one film from a prescribed list Examinations: 2 written papers (1hr 45mins, 1hr 15mins) and one speaking examination (12-14mins) A Level: You will study the AS course content plus:

Aspects of German-speaking society: multiculturalism

Aspects of political life in the German-speaking world

Grammar And you will:

Research a topic of your own choice for discussion in the speaking examination

Study one literary text from a prescribed list Examinations: 2 written papers (2hrs 30mins, 2hrs) and one speaking examination (17-18mins)

You can go into a wide range of careers, including international business, law, tourism, manufacturing, banking and management. Given the importance of language skills in the present world of work, it combines well with any A Levels. There is a wide range of degree courses combining a language with another discipline.

There will be the opportunity to visit Germany on a residential trip to Berlin and/or Munich. The course is interactive, with a dedicated website and you will have your own login. There will also be the opportunity to watch German films and TV programmes and to practise your conversation skills with a native-speaking assistant. In Year 13 you will have individual time with the Assistant to further develop your speaking skills. You will have the opportunity to help in lessons at Lower School and teach a Year 7 class in the summer term of Year 12.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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Cambridge Technical Diploma Course Leader: Mrs Jo Downing

The Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care has been developed for students who want to develop and apply skills, knowledge and understanding in health, social care and childcare. This subject is equivalent to 2 A Levels You will take a total of 12 units. The mandatory units studied are:

• Building positive relationships in Health and Social Care • Equality, diversity and rights in Health and Social Care • Health, safety and security in Health and Social Care • Anatomy and physiology for Health and Social Care • Infection control • Personalisation and a person-centred approach to care • Safeguarding • The impact of long-term physiological conditions

These units will give you an understanding of Health and Social Care within the wider contexts of different environments and settings where care takes place, the importance of effective communication in Health and Social Care, the importance of legislation in Health and Social Care and the principles behind the person-centred approach to care and how this is applied in the workplace. You will also develop transferable skills such as communication skills as well as research, planning and organisation. Assessment: The course is comprised of a combination of externally assessed examined units and internally assessed units which involve the completion of assignments carried out in school.

The course provides an excellent grounding for proceeding directly to a job in the social care sector. It will also allow you to progress onto Higher Education on a Health and Social Care-related programme such as Health and Social Care, Nursing, Social Work or Early Childhood Studies. This may depend on your career choice but it combines well with A Level subjects, in particular Psychology, Sociology, Physical Education and Biology.

There is an opportunity to experience working in a Health or Social Care setting. This includes working in Early Years environments such as nurseries, playgroups and primary schools as well as care homes for the elderly and special schools catering for a range of needs. Students will also be able to benefit from a range of visiting speakers from a variety of occupations in the Health and Care profession.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AQA Course Leader: Mr David Rogerson

This subject is a very popular choice for students at A Level. The course we offer provides a broad range of topics from all around the world and from a variety of different periods. History is a highly respected subject both by universities and by employers. A Level History provides a grounding in a range of skills, including analysis, handling evidence and constructing an argument. The results of the students studying History are consistently very strong. The units are:

Unit 1 The Tudors 1485 - 1603 2 hour 30 minute examination (40%) Topics include all of the Tudor monarchs, the main foreign policy events, the main rebellions and the main religious changes.

Unit 2 The Cold War 1945-1991

2 hour 30 minute examination (40%) Topics include the causes of the Cold War, the main clashes of the Cold War [including the Berlin Blockade, the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis], the main wars [Korean and Vietnam] and the reasons why the Cold War came to an end.

Unit 3 Individual Coursework

Coursework assignment of 4000 words on a topic from either: Civil Rights in the USA 1865-1968 – examining the main factors behind the improvements in the rights of African Americans [including War, protestors, the Federal government and leaders like King.] OR the Ottoman Empire 1520-1640 (20%) – examining the role of the Harem as a political force or the decline in the military strength of the Ottomans

Any Humanities or Social Science course, Law and a very wide range of careers – History is a highly respected A Level and is recognised as a training for the mind.

The research, analytical and essay writing skills that you develop in History combine with, and support, the full range of Arts and Science subjects. The course covers a very diverse and fascinating range of topics so works well with lots of other subjects.

There is a trip to Berlin to look at the sites of the Holocaust and The Cold War. There is an extremely well-resourced library and department. Lessons will be taught using role-plays, videos, discussions, debates and note-taking.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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Pearson / Edexcel

Course Leader: Miss Debbie Keith

This is the ideal course for students who have an interest in technology and want to develop up-to-date IT skills and knowledge in an applied way. We do not learn any programming languages in this course, although we do learn useful mark-up languages such as HTML and CSS and how they are used in digital marketing. BTEC IT is equivalent to one A level and offers you a combination of coursework and externally assessed units that will enable you to develop your IT knowledge and ability and produce a comprehensive range of transferable skills. The BTEC units are: Unit 1: Information Technology Systems:

Learners will be assessed on their understanding of computer systems and the implications of their use. (2hr written exam, externally marked)

Unit 2: Creating Systems to Manage Information

Learners study the design, creation, testing and evaluation of a relational database system to manage information. (Practical task completed in 5 hours over 2 days, externally set and marked)

Unit 3: Using Social Media in Business

Learners explore how businesses use social media to promote their products and services. Learners also implement social media activities in a business to meet requirements. (Coursework Unit)

Unit 6: Website Development Learners investigate website development principles. They will design and develop a website using scripting languages. (Coursework Unit)

This course is ideal for students who have a strong interest in IT and Computing. This course will give students the required skills and knowledge to move into any aspect of IT and Computing and ensure they are well prepared for industry and able to access a future career in a more specialist field. This well-balanced course will enable you to progress to University or directly into employment via the apprenticeship route.

Information Technology combines well with a number of different subjects including Computer Science, Business, Media, English, Art and Psychology. This qualification will help you develop IT skills that will complement any combination of subjects that you choose to study. Coursework offers the opportunity to make your own website and develop a portfolio of practical work. There are also opportunities for visits and hearing outside speakers.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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Pearson Edexcel 9MA0 Course Leaders: Mrs Arnold & Miss Etherton

If you like logical thinking and problem solving, then Mathematics is an enjoyable context for challenging your mind. It will give a solid foundation for Science and Financial subjects or offer a balance to Art subjects. The course comprises of a mixture of pure mathematics, statistics and mechanics. The course is assessed by three externally examined papers. They will all be taken in May/June 2022. Each examination is 2 hours long.

Mathematicians are employed in all sectors of the economy and tend to enjoy high salaries and high job satisfaction. You could work in finance, commerce, industry, research or education. Many degree courses have a significant mathematical content and having an A2 level qualification is really beneficial to many undergraduates. Mathematics is very versatile and it can be combined with any other subject. However, it is particularly beneficial if you plan to study Chemistry or Physics. Other popular subjects to combine with are Psychology, Biology, Geography, Economics, Design and Music.

There are opportunities to take part in the UK Senior Mathematics Challenge and attend special lectures/conferences. We encourage Mathematics students to get involved in the Mathematics lessons and ACE Week at Lower School, in a supportive role. We also have a student mentor system where year 12 students can volunteer to become involved in mentoring Year 11 students.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

What do I need?

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AQA 7367 Course Leaders: Mrs Arnold & Miss Etherton

If you like Mathematics, this is the course for you! Further Mathematics is a broad introduction to new and varied areas of mathematics, it is substantially harder than A Level Mathematics. Most students do it as a fourth subject. Even though it is more specialised it still supports the study of science, particularly if you are planning to take a Science or Engineering degree. The course comprises of a mixture of pure mathematics, discrete and mechanics. The course is assessed by three externally examined papers. They will all be taken in May/June 2022. Each examination is 2 hours long.

It is particularly useful if you plan to do a degree in Mathematics, Science, Engineering, Operational Analysis or Computer Science. If you plan to study Mathematics at University, you will benefit from having taken Further Mathematics. Further Mathematics can be combined with any other subject. You must do Mathematics A Level to be able to study Further Mathematics A Level.

You can attend mathematics days, work with younger students, enter competitions, do the Mathematics Olympiad and attend conferences and lectures on interesting areas of mathematics. You will be taught in a group consisting of confident mathematicians who are keen to support one another and progress at a fast pace. There is the opportunity to study for the Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP) required for entry into Cambridge and Warwick universities.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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MUSIC A Level Eduqas

Course Leader: Carol Brooks

You will develop your skills in composing, performing and listening while gaining a deeper understanding of the historical context of music evolution. There are two routes through A Level, one specialising in performing, the other in composing. The decision about which to pursue for each student will be made towards the end of Year 12.

The A Level Units are:

Component 1: Performing - Externally assessed by visiting examiner Option A: A performance lasting 10-12 minutes (35%)

or Option B: A performance lasting 6-8 minutes (25%)

Component 2: Composing - Externally assessed by Eduqas Option A: Two compositions totalling 4-6 minutes in duration. The first must reflect the musical techniques and conventions of the Western Classical Tradition. The second is a free composition. (25%)

or Option B: Three compositions totalling 8-10 minutes in duration. The first must reflect the musical techniques and conventions of the Western Classical Tradition. The second is a free composition. The third must reflect the musical characteristics of one different area of study (Popular Music, Jazz, Musical Theatre, 20th century, 21st century) (35%) Component 3: Appraising - a written examination lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes including aural extracts, questions on prescribed works, comparison questions and a contextual essay (40%).

You can be a professional composer, arranger or performer or you can go on to further study. Music teachers, music publishers, music therapists, arts journalists, TV/sound/theatre technicians and arts administrators all require some knowledge of music. Music combines well with a wide range of subjects, including Mathematics, Physics, English, Dance, Drama and Theatre Studies or any Humanities subject.

You will be expected to take part fully in the Music Department’s activities: choir, orchestra, concerts, recitals and carol services, as well as contribute to activities at Lower School from time to time. There is a special award called the Willie Howe Scholarship that you can apply to for help to fund your musical studies. We try to go to live performances of the pieces of music you are studying.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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OCR H555 Course Leader: Mr Richard Beerling

To appreciate and understand the skills and knowledge relating to the scientific, socio-cultural and practical elements of Physical Education. It is a broad A Level that encompasses many A Level subjects through the medium of sport and physical activity. The content covers theoretical components that underpin activity and sport and how we use this understanding to develop performance:

how physiological and psychological states affect performance

understand the main socio-cultural factors that impact someone’s participation

analyse and understand the role of technology in today’s sporting environment

understand the role of sport and activity in relation to health and fitness

develop their ability to analyse and evaluate in order to enhance performance

demonstrate their skills, techniques and use of tactics and strategies to refine their own performance

You will also be assessed in the following areas:

You will have the opportunity to take on the practical role of either a performer or coach in one activity from the specified list. (Video evidence should be gathered to support the practical assessment).

You will complete the Evaluation and Analysis of Performance for Improvement (EAPI). This is an oral response piece of coursework. The practical and EAPI complete the Performance in physical education component – 60 Marks (30%).

Students will undertake three written examination papers. Physiological Factors Affecting performance – 90 Marks (30%). Psychological factors affecting performance – 60 Marks (20%). Socio-cultural issues in physical activity and sport – 60 Marks (20%).

The subject is widely accepted by universities and is especially useful if you intend to teach Physical Education; for sports management; physiotherapy; coaching science and coaching; sports centre administration or professional sport to highlight some examples. The course has broad subject content and is popular for those students wanting to keep future options open. Physical Education will fit with any combination of subjects, including other Sciences.

Increased access to sporting facilities, including off-site opportunities. You may be able to work with younger students and external clubs. You may be able to access high level coaching in your chosen activity. Involvement in extra curricular sport is a must for practical development.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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PHYSICS AQA A Level 7408

Course Leader: Mr John Griffiths

Physics is a fascinating, challenging, practical, creative and thought-provoking subject. We look at all aspects of our universe from distant galaxies to sub-atomic particles. If you have ever wondered ‘How do they do that?’ then Physics can provide the answers – which often lead to deeper questions.

1 Measurements and their errors 2 Particles and radiation 3 Waves 4 Mechanics and materials 5 Electricity 6 Further mechanics and thermal physics 7 Fields and their consequences 8 Nuclear physics

We also have to choose one of the following options, so have picked Astrophysics, although we could teach one of the other options to keen students on request.

9 Astrophysics 10 Medical physics 11 Engineering physics 12 Turning points in physics 13 Electronics

You will be assessed by three 2 hour examinations at the end of Year 13. The first two examinations cover all the Physics theory content and the last examination covers practical techniques and the optional unit. There are also twelve practical experiments that need to be completed over the two year course.

Employers today actively seek out people who can prove their ability to think logically, understand complex ideas and apply them to the real world. Physics can give you the edge in science, the media, education, business or a host of other fields. Physics is a highly valued A Level by universities and employers. It is essential for most engineering degrees. Obviously it combines well with Mathematics, Chemistry and Product Design but Physics could be used to “balance out” an Arts/Humanities bias in your subject choices.

We invite in university speakers and attend external lectures. There is the opportunity to carry out practical investigations and a weekly physics support session

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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Course Leader: Rebecca Lay

Politics is all around us; everything from the rises in tuition fees to the age of sexual consent is determined by politicians. Study politics to ensure you know how the UK works and who really has the power in your country. Find out about why politics is too important to be left just to politicians, and why we need engaged and active citizens to hold our politicians to account. Move on to learn about some of the most important ideas ever to have shaped human existence and decide which political ideology you most believe in or oppose. Discover how global politics operates to shape our world, examining ideas such as the ‘anarchy’ of the international state system, world conflicts, the role of the UN, and modern crises such as those involving refugees and terrorism.

Some examples of recent examination success from LWS students in politics:


43% achieved their Upper Quartile or above

24% achieved an A or higher 2017

33% of students gained an A grade or higher

45% of students achieved above their median grade 2016

Over 50% of A2 students achieved results above their expected median grades

A* rate 3x above the UK national average and 2x above the rate of selective Grammar and Private Schools

Overall grades in top 12% nationally


22% of A2 students achieved an A* grade


LWS politics results ranked 9th out of all schools in the UK

Higher number of A* & A grades than national selective Grammar school average


AS grades ranked in the top 2% of the country

2011 & 2012

A Level grades ranked in the top 10% of the country

The 3 course elements are: UK Politics – studying democracy, participation, pressure groups, elections, political parties, devolution, the media and voting behaviour. Studying the three mainstream

ideologies of Liberalism, Conservatism & Socialism. (33.5%)

UK Government – studying the role & powers of the prime minister, cabinet and government, the UK parliament, the constitution & Supreme Court. Examining one ‘alternative’ ideology. (33.5%)

Global Politics – studying international state power, sovereignty, economic & political globalisation, human rights, environmental issues, trans-national organisations & the use of international aid to gain political influence. (33.5%)

The course is examined at the end of 2 years with three 2 hour examination papers. There will be an internal examination at the end of year 1 to check on progress.

This course is a good preparation for Law, Politics, History, Social Sciences and most other Arts and Humanities degrees. Careers include Industry, Law, the Civil Service, Media, Journalism, Publishing and Local Government. Nearly every year students studying Politics apply to study PPE or similar at Oxford or Cambridge universities.

The course combines particularly well with History, Geography, Economics, Sociology and Philosophy.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AQA 7552 Course Leader: Mr Ian Ridgway

To learn about the specialist knowledge and skills that are used in the designing and making of products that solve real problems that face individuals, societies and our environment, while at the same time enjoying opportunities to put the learning in to practice by creatively developing prototypes of your choice. You will learn about the properties and characteristics of a wide range of materials and components and how they can be used to manufacture products using a wide range of modern and traditional processes and finishes. Through the analysis of existing products your understanding of the issues affecting the designer will be developed, including the issues of sustainability, ergonomics, inclusion, marketing and consumer safety. You will look at how digital resources such as software and hardware can be used to support computer aided design, manufacturing and meeting quality standards. Paper 1 ‘Core’ technical principles and core designing and making principles. 2 hour examination (25% of the overall mark) A mixture of short answer, multiple choice and extended response questions.

Paper 2 ‘Specialist knowledge’, technical and designing and making principles Section A: Product Analysis using up to 6 short answer questions based on visual stimulus of product(s). Section B: Mixture of short and extended response questions covering understanding of commercial production. (25% of the overall mark) Mixture of short answer, multiple choice and extended response questions. Non Examination Assessment (NEA) Design and Making in Practice This is a substantial design and make task where your knowledge will be applied to the design and manufacture of a product of your choice. You will be required to identify a problem/need and develop a solution that satisfies the design brief. Through this unit you will gain real insight into the design process. 50% of the final Marks (45 Hours)

This is an excellent subject for going on to Product Design, Mechanical Engineering, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Civil Engineering, Interior Design, Architecture and any other design-related areas. Sponsorship for future study is often available. It will fit with virtually any combination but Art, Physics and Chemistry make good choices. If you are aiming for Engineering then you should also consider including the subject with Mathematics and Physics. There are opportunities to work with design clients and may be the opportunity to go on trips to better understand how designers and manufacturers work.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AQA 7181, 7182 Course Leader: Mr Paul Ebsworth

If you have an interest in ‘what makes people tick’ and a spirit of scientific enquiry you will find it fascinating. Studying psychology provides an insight into people and their thought processes and behaviour patterns. A Level Paper 1 – Introductory Topics in Psychology

33.3% of A Level Subject content: Social Influence*, Memory*, Attachment*, Psychopathology*

Paper 2 – Psychology in Context

33.3% of A Level Subject Content: Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology, Research Methods*

Paper 3 – Issues and Options in Psychology

33.3% of A Level Subject Content: Issues and debates in Psychology, Gender, Schizophrenia and Forensic Psychology

* indicates first year content

Psychology is applied to all areas of business, personnel management, marketing, education, sport, crime, and many more. Any company dealing with people makes use of psychology!

With a psychology degree, you are well placed to pursue careers in both arts and scientific fields, depending on your personal interests. There are many options within public and private healthcare, education, mental health support, social work, therapy and counselling. The roles may be advisory, research-led, treatment-led or therapeutic. There are also a number of less typical roles for psychology graduates, including jobs in media and creative industries

It combines well with arts and science subjects - Biology, Sociology, Business Studies, Physical Education, English and Religious Studies all have some overlap with Psychology.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

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Course Leader: Miss Naomi Lemmon

If you have ever questioned the reasons we are here, the nature of truth, the reasons people make decisions, or whether there is an afterlife, then this subject is for you. We value open minded critical thinking, encourage heated debate, as well as foster a deep respect for the different philosophical and religious systems which have and do influence society today. Philosophy of Religion and Ethics: A foundation in Religious Philosophy. Many famous Philosophers have had something (negative and positive) to say about religion and religious belief, so you’ll be exploring many famous philosophers, both ancient and modern. These include, Kant, Descartes and Hume, as well as Richard Dawkins. Topics include the arguments for the existence of God, criticisms of religious belief, and the challenge of science. The study of Ethics highlight that philosophy and religion are not just ‘thinking’ subjects. They have real impacts in the way in which decisions are made throughout life. As well as learning key Philosophers views, you’ll understand how these ethical theories are developed and you’ll apply them to real life situations such as abortion, euthanasia and genetic engineering. Study of Religion (Christianity): Students study the religious beliefs, teachings, values and practices of Christianity and the different ways in which these are expressed in the lives of individuals, communities and societies. Alongside a study of ethical theories, students will consider not just the foundations of Christian belief but how this impacts on the day to day lives Christians of different denominations. You will be assessed via two terminal examinations in 2020, as well as in school assessment.

Most degree and career areas will value the skills of analysis and argument that you develop, but particularly in personnel, management, the caring professions and law. You will be able to write excellent argumentative responses to questions and will reach an undergraduate level of argument, analysis and independent thinking, valuable in nearly all degree subjects. Religious Studies combines well with anything but particularly well with Sociology, Psychology, Politics, English and History.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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Course Leader: Miss Naomi Lemmon

Sociology is the study of how people live together in social groups. Sociology will give you insights into the ways people live and into the complexity and diversity of social life today. It will broaden your interests and help you make sense of the world and to think clearly and critically. Families and Households - Topics include how families and the roles and relationships associated with them have changed, how laws and policies affect families and demographic changes. Education - Topics include recent changes in education, different types of schools and why different groups achieve differently in British education. Global Development - Topics include the gap between rich and poor countries, the range of problems and issues facing developing countries, the role of aid and trade and the nature of globalization. Crime and Deviance - Topics include sociological explanations of crime and deviance and reasons why different groups are more or less likely to be victims or offenders. Sociological Methods and Theory and Methods - Topics include the range of methods sociologists use to investigate social issues and theoretical perspectives and issues faced in sociology such as value freedom and objectivity. In year 1, students will study Education, Families and Households and Research Methods. In year 2, students will study Crime and Deviance, Global Development and Theory and Methods. Paper 1: Education and Research Methods (2 hours) Paper 2: Topics in Sociology: Families and Households, Global Development (2 hours) Paper 3: Crime and Deviance with Theory and Methods (2 hours)

Studying Sociology can lead on to a wide range of careers including media, marketing, health & social care and with voluntary organisations. Sociology combines well with any other subjects but especially other Social Sciences such as Geography, Government & Politics, Economics and Media Studies.

There will be opportunities to attend conferences and to hear visiting speakers. If there is sufficient interest, in December of Year 13, there is a study tour of The Gambia, West Africa, to support your study of Global Development, this includes a visit to Lord Williams’s partner school, Brikama Upper Basic School.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

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AS (7691) A Level (7692)

Course Leader: Mrs Deborah Peake

A good working knowledge of another language and culture is increasingly important in every area of life and will certainly enhance your curriculum vitae. By choosing to study Spanish you will gain a valuable skill for any future academic or professional career. Spanish is the second most spoken language by number of native speakers in the world. The need for another language continues to grow in the world of work. AS Level: Aspects of Hispanic society:

Current trends

Artistic culture in the Hispanic world

Grammar And you will:

Listen to and read information and opinions about the topics and express your own ideas and opinions orally.

Study one literary text or one film from a prescribed list.

Examinations: 2 written papers (1hr 45mins, 1hr 15mins) and one speaking examination (12-14mins) A Level - you will study the AS course content plus:

Aspects of Hispanic society: multiculturalism

Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world

Grammar And you will:

Research a topic of your own choice for discussion in the speaking examination.

Study one literary text from a prescribed list.

Examinations: 2 written papers (2hrs 30mins, 2hrs) and one speaking examination (17-18mins)

You can go into a wide range of careers, including International Business, Travel and Tourism, Sales, Teaching, Interpreting, Civil or Foreign Service and Law.

Given the importance of language skills in the present world of work, Spanish combines well with all other subjects. At work, employers are increasingly interested in candidates who are able to offer a second language. At university, many courses combine a language with another discipline, such as Modern Languages with Business.

You will benefit from individual and small group work with a native Spanish speaker and in class there will be opportunities to access a wide variety of media and resources. In Year 13 you will have individual time with the Assistant to further develop your speaking skills. The course is interactive, with a dedicated website and you will have your own login. Some homework will be sent electronically. You will be encouraged to find enjoyable ways of studying outside of lessons, for example through Spanish films, TV programmes, music, magazine subscriptions, e-mail communication and extensive use of the internet. We also have the opportunity of a study trip to Spain which usually takes place both during Year 12 and Year 13.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.

What special opportunities are there?

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A Level 9TE0 Course Leaders: Mrs Amy Hackett Miss Kirsten Shephard

By studying Textiles, you will develop a body of work that will include experimenting with a wide range of fibres and fabrics, improving technical skills including garment-making and 3D textile sculpture. Through drawing, designing and manipulating materials you will explore issues in depth and find ways in which to express your ideas visually. Component 1 is a Personal Investigation worth 60% of your total marks – You will choose your own theme to explore in depth and produce supporting studies and practical work, including a written personal study (worth 12% of total marks) and personal resolved final pieces. Component 2 is an Externally Set Assignment worth 40% of your total marks and comprises preparation time from February followed by a 15-hour examination.

Textiles is a diverse field with wide and ever more popular opportunities in the creative industries. Students go on to work in fashion and textiles, interior design, surface design, costume, upholstery, illustration and advertising, special effects, theatre design and many more.

Textiles combines well with all subjects. For an art and/or design career you could consider doing Textiles alongside Art. However, to complete both courses successfully we would strongly recommend you develop time management skills. Many students find that Textiles is an enriching and creative experience which complements their other, more academic, subjects.

There are lots of special opportunities for workshops with visiting artists, visits to galleries and figure drawing classes. We also organise regular residential study trips in this country and abroad. In the past we have visited The Gambia, New York, Paris and Barcelona and there are also opportunities to work with younger students. You will curate an exhibition of your work at the end of the course.

Why study this subject?

What do I study and how will I be assessed?

What can I go on to after studying this subject?

What will it combine with?

What special opportunities are there?

Lord Williams’s School is an academy managed by Thame Partnership Academy Trust, which is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with registered company number 8154932 and its registered address at Lord Williams’s School, Oxford Road, Thame, Oxon. OX9 2AQ.
